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Statewide Assessment of Professional Development Needs Statewide Assessment of Professional Development Needs
Related to Educating Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder Related to Educating Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Matthew E. Brock
Heartley B. Hubbard
Erik W. Carter
A. Pablo Juarez
Zachary E. Warren
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Brock, M. E., Hubbard, H. B., Carter, E. W., Juarez, A. P., & Warren, Z. E. (2014). Statewide Assessment of
Professional Development Needs Related to Educating Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder.
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Statewide Assessment of Professional Development Needs Related to
Educating Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder
ArticleinFocus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities · May 2014
DOI: 10.1177/1088357614522290
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Matthew Brock
The Ohio State University
Heartley Huber
Vanderbilt University
Erik Carter
Vanderbilt University
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Focus on Autism and Other
Developmental Disabilities
2014, Vol. 29(2) 67 –79
© Hammill Institute on Disabilities 2014
Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/1088357614522290
Over the past two decades, the field of special education has
encountered two important trends: the increasing presence
of students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in schools
and the proliferation of research focused on meeting the
multifaceted needs of this group of students. The estimated
prevalence of ASD increased 78% between 2002 and 2012
and as many as 1 in 88 children have now been diagnosed
with ASD (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
2012). The more than 400,000 students with ASD who are
currently enrolled in schools in the United States possess a
wide range of social, academic, behavioral, and other needs.
Meeting the diverse instructional and support needs of this
growing population of students presents unique challenges
for educators.
To identify instructional practices and educational sup-
ports effective for this growing number of students with
ASD, many systematic reviews of the intervention literature
have been completed. Although most of these reviews have
focused on individual interventions or specific educational
domains (e.g., Hendricks & Wehman, 2009; Pennington &
Delano, 2012), two broader efforts have served to map the
range of educational practices currently considered to have
compelling research support. In 2009, the National Autism
Center published a review of 775 research articles in which
they identified 11 established treatments and 22 emerging
treatments for use with students with ASD. More recently,
Odom, Collet-Klingenberg, Rogers, and Hatton (2010) con-
ducted a systematic review of the literature and identified 24
evidence-based practices or strategies practitioners could
use to teach specific educational targets (e.g., skills and con-
cepts) to students with ASD. Collectively, these reviews pro-
vide the field with important guidance on the array of
research-based practices that hold particular promise for use
with students with ASD.
Despite growing understanding in the field about which
educational practices may be effective for students, the in-
and post-school outcomes for students with ASD continue
to be less than optimal. Descriptive studies indicate large
numbers of children and youth with ASD struggle in areas
such as academic performance, social relationships, com-
munication, challenging behavior, and self-determination
(e.g., Carter et al., 2013; Sanford, Levine, & Blackorby,
XXX10.1177/1088357614522290Focus on Autism and Other Developmental DisabilitiesBrock et al.
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA
Corresponding Author:
Matthew E. Brock, Department of Special Education, Vanderbilt
University, 230 Appleton Place, PMB 228, Nashville, TN 37203, USA.
Statewide Assessment of Professional
Development Needs Related to Educating
Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Matthew E. Brock, MA
, Heartley B. Huber, MEd
, Erik W. Carter, PhD
A. Pablo Juarez, MEd
, and Zachary E. Warren, PhD
Preparing teachers to implement evidence-based practices for students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a pressing
need. We surveyed 456 teachers and administrators in a southern state about professional development related to
educating students with ASD. Specifically, we were interested in confidence in implementation of evidence-based practices,
interest in accessing training on these topics, perceived benefit of different avenues of professional development, and
interest in accessing these avenues. Overall, teachers were not very confident in their ability to implement evidence-
based practices and address important issues for students with ASD. Surprisingly, lower confidence was not related to
increased interest in training. In addition, teachers and administrators perceived workshops to be a more beneficial and
attractive avenue of professional development compared with coaching, despite empirical evidence to the contrary. We
offer possible explanations for these findings and share implications for administrators, technical assistance providers, and
policy makers who make decisions about professional development opportunities.
professional development, training needs, training methods, autism spectrum disorder
68 Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 29(2)
2008). Longitudinal and follow-up studies further suggest
many young adults with ASD are leaving school without the
skills they need for adulthood. For example, relatively small
percentages of young people with ASD are employed,
attend college, or live independently in the early years after
leaving high school (Shattuck et al., 2012; Wagner,
Newman, Cameto, Garza, & Levine, 2005).
One factor that may contribute to these outcomes is the
extent to which practices known to be effective for students
with ASD are actually implemented in schools. The field’s
expanding efforts to identify evidence-based educational
practices do not, by themselves, ensure educators are pre-
pared to accurately implement these practices. Indeed, the
enduring gap between research and practice continues to be
highlighted in the literature (e.g., Cook & Odom, 2013).
Unfortunately, evidence suggests prevailing approaches
for training and professional development may be insuffi-
cient for preparing practitioners to implement evidence-
based practices for students with ASD. Many teachers leave
their pre-service training poorly prepared to meet the com-
plex needs of students with ASD. In their survey of practic-
ing teachers, Morrier, Hess, and Heflin (2011) found that
most educators reported not having received instruction on
evidence-based practices for students with ASD during
their pre-service preparation. Although increasing numbers
of teacher preparation programs now offer coursework
related to students with ASD, the quality of these efforts and
the extent to which classes address evidence-based prac-
tices appear to be quite variable (Barnhill, Polloway, &
Sumutka, 2011; Barnhill, Sumutka, Polloway, & Lee,
2013). Widely used professional development approaches
may also have limited impact on the capacity of practicing
teachers to implement evidence-based practices for students
with ASD. For example, one of the most common avenues
of professional development—stand-alone workshops
without follow-up training and support—has been shown to
have limited impact on improving accurate implementation
of evidence-based practice (e.g., Hall, Grundon, Pope, &
Romero, 2010; Smith, Parker, Taubman, & Lovaas, 1992).
However, more effective models of professional develop-
ment (e.g., individualized coaching and mentoring; Kretlow
& Bartholomew, 2010) are not used widely in schools
(Russo, 2004). Given the shortcomings of pre-service and
in-service teacher training, it remains unclear how well pre-
pared teachers feel they are to implement evidence-based
practices for students with ASD.
To date, relatively little research has focused on the
training needs of teachers responsible for educating stu-
dents with ASD. In her study of 498 special educators,
Hendricks (2011) found that teachers reported very modest
levels of knowledge and implementation of skill competen-
cies (e.g., characteristics of autism, social skills, behavior,
etc.) related to ASD. Morrier and colleagues (2011) sur-
veyed 90 teachers of students with ASD and found that
neither past training experiences nor teacher characteristics
predicted self-reported use of assorted teaching strategies
(e.g., social stories, cognitive behavioral modification,
auditory integration training, etc.) for students with ASD. In
addition, results indicated that less than 5% of teachers sur-
veyed used evidence-based practices in their classrooms.
Additional survey studies have explored the types of inter-
ventions and treatments used by teachers (Hess, Morrier,
Heflin, & Ivey, 2008), attitudes of teachers toward inclusion
(Hart & Malian, 2013), and perspectives on teacher prepa-
ration and professional development programs as well as
ASD-related topics (Segall & Campbell, 2012).
Collectively, these initial survey studies indicate profes-
sional development needs may be both substantial and
highly variable across practitioners who educate students
with ASD. However, several important questions about the
focus and format of professional development related to
educating students with ASD remain unanswered. First,
prior studies have not examined the professional develop-
ment needs of educators in relation to those focused inter-
vention practices identified as evidence-based for students
with ASD (Odom et al., 2010). Knowing the extent to which
educators feel confident implementing each of these
practices—as well as their interest in receiving additional
training—could inform the work of districts, state agencies,
and other entities charged with designing professional
development for teachers. Adopting a more data-driven
approach for discerning the training needs of educators
could increase the relevance of training opportunities in a
particular district or state.
Second, it is unclear whether different professionals
working within schools share similar or divergent views
about which training topics should be prioritized for educa-
tors who work with students with ASD. School- and
district-level administrators typically play a prominent role
in determining which educational interventions and strate-
gies receive primary attention within ongoing professional
development. The extent to which the training priorities of
administrators and educators align has not been examined.
Third, little is known about the factors that may influ-
ence teachers’ desire for additional training on evidence-
based practices. The confidence teachers possess related to
implementing specific practices may be one salient factor.
For example, a teacher who already feels certain of her abil-
ity to effectively implement time delay procedures may be
less likely to seek out additional training on this practice.
The specific roles staff members assume within their
schools may be another influence on professional develop-
ment preferences. For example, a general education teacher
who has students with ASD enrolled in his classroom may
be more interested in professional development on inclu-
sive practices than a special educator working within a self-
contained setting. In addition, the educational experiences
of teachers may also impact their desire for additional
Brock et al. 69
training. For example, prior access to related trainings, or
extensive experience working with students with ASD may
influence interest in further professional development.
Fourth, the avenues through which professional devel-
opment is offered is as important to consider as the content
addressed within those trainings. Although certain training
avenues (e.g., one-to-one coaching) have more research
support than others (e.g., “one-shot” workshops), it is
unclear whether these avenues are viewed by practitioners
as either beneficial or ones they would be likely to access.
Preferences regarding professional development avenues
may be further influenced by the format, length, and scope
of the training, as well as the ease with which trainings can
be accessed. For example, the availability of certain types
of training may be more limited in rural areas. Furthermore,
the needs of educators in rural areas and the ability of
administrators in those rural areas to respond to educator
needs may vary significantly due to availability of resources.
Purpose and Research Hypotheses
The purpose of this project was to examine the perspectives
of a statewide sample of teachers and administrators on the
professional development needs of staff working with stu-
dents with ASD. Specifically, we explored four related
aspects of professional development for teachers. First, we
asked teachers and administrators about (a) their (or their
staffs) confidence implementing evidence-based practices
for students with ASD and (b) their desire for additional
training related to these topics. We hypothesized teachers
and administrators would be most interested in training
focused on those practices for which teachers expressed the
lowest levels of implementation confidence. Second, we
examined whether teacher role (i.e., general educator vs.
special educator) and years of experience were associated
with confidence in implementation and desire to access
training related to evidence-based practices for students
with ASD. We anticipated special educators, whose initial
training and daily responsibilities may be more directly
related to educating students with ASD, would report
greater confidence, and desire more training in implement-
ing and addressing ASD-related training topics compared
with general educators. In addition, we predicted teachers
with more experience would express more confidence
related to practice implementation and would thus be less
interested in professional development.
Third, we queried teachers and administrators about the
potential benefits of different avenues of professional
development and the likelihood teachers would access these
various training possibilities. Expecting administrators and
teachers would desire high-quality training, we hypothe-
sized that the avenues each rated as most beneficial would
be the same avenues that each said would most likely be
accessed. Fourth, we were interested in whether interest in
different avenues of professional development would differ
by geographic region. Because centralized trainings often
require disproportionately more travel for teachers in rural
areas, we anticipated these teachers might be more inter-
ested in online or in-district avenues of training requiring
little or no travel.
Participants and Recruitment
We sought to recruit a representative sample of teachers,
special education supervisors, and school administrators
working with students with ASD in the state of Tennessee.
Using a comprehensive list of school principals in the state
and a Department of Education database of all school-based
special education supervisors, we e-mailed a survey descrip-
tion and electronic survey link to everyone on these two
lists. We indicated the purpose of the survey was to gather
input from teachers, administrators, and related service pro-
viders so The Treatment and Research Institute for Autism
Spectrum Disorders (TRIAD), a state-funded autism tech-
nical assistance provider, could more closely align their
support with the needs identified by practitioners. We
invited principals to complete the survey themselves as well
as to forward the link to teachers and related service provid-
ers who work with students with ASD. Similarly, we asked
special education supervisors to complete the survey and to
forward it to other district- or school-level personnel who
work with students with ASD. Our initial dissemination of
survey information resulted in 1,577 successful emails (200
emails were returned as undeliverable). A follow-up email
was sent to the same list of potential respondents approxi-
mately 3 weeks later. We provided no financial incentives
for participation.
Our sample included 456 participants who completed
the survey and identified themselves as teachers or admin-
istrators, including 241 special education teachers, 33 gen-
eral education teachers, 126 school administrators (e.g.,
principal, assistant principal), 10 school-level special edu-
cation supervisors, and 36 district-level special education
administrators responsible for overseeing services for stu-
dents with ASD. Demographics for each group are dis-
played in Table 1. We aggregated these respondents into
two groups: teachers (n = 274) and administrators (n = 172).
We excluded from this analysis related service providers
and paraprofessionals who responded to the survey.
Teachers. On average, teachers reported having 8.7 (SD =
7.6) years of experience in their current position, 15.4 (SD =
9.8) years of total experience in the field of education, and
10.0 (SD = 7.7) years of experience working with students
with ASD. Teachers had an average of 2.8 (SD = 2.6) stu-
dents with ASD on their current caseload. In terms of
70 Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 29(2)
school level, 13.6% primarily served preschool students,
49.3% elementary students, 23.0% middle school students,
13.5% high school students, and 1.1% served students
across multiple levels. Most teachers (58.4%) held a mas-
ters degree as their highest level of education, while 39.8%
held a bachelors degree and 1.8% held a doctoral degree.
On average, they reported having attended 3.9 (SD = 1.4)
total hours of professional development over the past year.
More than one third (37.4%) reported having attended a
training by the state’s ASD technical assistance provider in
the past year.
Administrators. On average, administrators had 7.7 (SD =
6.6) years of experience in their current position, 24.6 (SD =
9.2) years of total experience in the field of education, and
14.9 (SD = 8.7) years of experience working with students
with ASD. In terms of school level, 4.1% primarily served
preschool students, 54.4% elementary students, 12.2% mid-
dle school students, 8.7% high school students, and 18.6%
served students across multiple levels. The highest level of
education for 78.5% of administrators was a masters
degree, while 1.2% held a bachelors degree and 20.3%
held a doctoral degree.
Schools. Teachers and administrators came from 89 public
school districts and one private school, representing 65% of
all districts in the state. These school districts were diverse
in size, with 7 serving fewer than 1,000 students; 46 serving
1,000 to 2,000 students; 18 serving 5,000 to 10,000 stu-
dents; 15 serving 10,000 to 50,000 students; and 3 districts
serving more than 50,000 students. Student demographics
also were diverse across these districts. The percentage of
students identified as European American ranged from
7.3% to 99.3% (M = 81.7%; SD = 18.0% across schools). In
4 districts, the majority of students were African American.
The percentage of students qualifying for free and reduced-
price meals ranged from 12.4% to 85.1% (M = 60.6%; SD =
11.7%); in 86.5% of these districts, more than half of stu-
dents were economically disadvantaged. The percentage of
students with disabilities ranged from 9.8% to 25.0% across
districts (M = 15.8%; SD = 3.0%). Based on metro-centric
locale codes assigned by the National Center for Education
Table 1. Respondent Demographics by Stakeholder Group.
Special education
teacher (n = 241)
General education
teacher (n = 33)
School administrator
(n = 126)
School-level special ed.
supervisor (n = 10)
District-level special ed.
administrator (n = 36)
M SD % M SD % M SD % M SD % M SD %
Years of experience
In current position 8.79 7.74 7.73 6.43 7.16 6.10 8.50 8.92 9.56 7.18
In field of education 15.45 9.99 4.85 8.70 23.81 9.13 26.80 8.04 26.92 9.58
Working with students
with ASD
10.63 7.65 5.03 6.62 13.11 7.87 21.00 9.83 19.28 8.83
Students with ASD on
current caseload
3.90 1.36 3.61 1.54 NA NA NA NA NA NA
Professional development
hours in past year
2.97 2.67 1.67 2.09 NA NA NA NA NA NA
Level of students with ASD served
Pre-K 14.1 6.1 4.0 10.0 2.8
Elementary 48.5 54.5 70.6 40.0 11.1
Middle 21.2 36.4 13.5 10.0 8.3
High 14.9 3.0 11.9 0.0 0.0
Across levels 1.2 0.0 0.0 40.0 77.8
Highest level of education
Bachelor’s degree 40.7 33.3 0.0 20.0 0.0
Master’s degree 57.7 63.6 79.4 70.0 77.8
Doctoral degree 1.7 3.0 20.6 10.0 22.2
School district locale
Urban 14.5 12.2 26.4 11.1 22.2
Urban fringe 54.3 39.4 32.8 33.3 19.5
Town 5.4 24.2 8.8 22.2 11.1
Rural 25.7 24.3 32.0 33.3 47.2
Attended state-funded training provided by TRIAD in past year
Yes 23.7 6.1 NA NA NA
No 70.1 90.9 NA NA NA
Not sure 6.2 3.0 NA NA NA
Note. NA = not applicable; TRIAD = Treatment and Research Institute for Autism Spectrum Disorders, a state-funded technical assistance provider.
Based on metro-centric locale codes assigned by the National Center for Education Statistics (Institute of Educational Sciences, 2012).
Brock et al. 71
Statistics (Institute of Educational Sciences, 2012), respon-
dents came from a diversity of geographic regions that gen-
erally mirrored the distribution of teachers working in these
regions. Specifically, 18.2% of respondents worked in dis-
tricts in urban areas (vs. 31.2% of educators statewide),
43.9% worked in districts in urban fringes (vs. 24.8%),
8.6% worked in districts located in towns (vs. 10.9%), and
29.2% worked in districts in rural areas (vs. 33.2%).
Survey Instrument
Teachers and administrators were asked to complete a 129-
item web-based survey using the REDCap platform (Harris
et al., 2009). The survey included four major topics: (a)
respondent demographics, (b) confidence implementing
evidence-based practices and related topics, (c) desire for
training on these practices, and (d) views on professional
development avenues related to identified training needs.
Although we designed two separate versions of the survey
for teachers and administrators, questions on each version
mirrored the other and wording differences are noted below.
Confidence implementing practices. We presented respon-
dents with 36 different evidence-based practices and train-
ing topics related to educating students with ASD (see
Table 2 for a complete list). The first 24 items were
evidence-based intervention practices for students with ASD,
as identified by the National Professional Development Cen-
ter on Autism Spectrum Disorders (Odom et al., 2010). Each
of these interventions was accompanied by a brief, one- to
two-sentence description to ensure respondents held a com-
mon understanding of what each meant. For example, “Task
analysis” included the description, “The process of breaking
a skill into smaller, more manageable steps in order to teach
the skill.” The remaining 12 items were additional topics fre-
quently addressed as part of professional development
efforts. For each item, we asked teachers to rate their level of
confidence implementing or addressing each topic for stu-
dents with ASD. Administrators rated their confidence in
how well their staff implements or addresses each topic for
students with ASD. Teacher and administrators rated each
item using a 5-point, Likert-type scale (1 = not at all confi-
dent, 2 = a little confident, 3 = somewhat confident, 4 = quite
confident, 5 = very confident).
Desire for training. We were also interested in gauging the
extent to which training was desired in relation to each of
these 36 topics. We asked teachers how interested they were
in participating in training on each topic. Similarly, we
asked administrators how interested they were in having
their staff participate in training. Both respondents rated
each item using a 5-point Likert-type scale (1 = not at all
interested, 2 = a little interested, 3 = somewhat interested,
4 = quite interested, 5 = very interested). In addition, we
asked respondents to identify the top three items for which
they most desired training for themselves (teachers) or their
staff (administrators). Only three could be selected, and an
option for “other topics” was offered.
Professional development avenues. We were interested in learn-
ing how school staff viewed each of 11 different avenues of
professional development (see Table 3). These avenues were
drawn from our review of the common avenues described in
the literature (e.g., Garet, Porter, Desimone, Birman, & Yoon,
2001; Penuel, Fishman, Yamaguchi, & Gallagher, 2007).
First, we asked teachers to indicate how likely each avenue of
training would be to benefit them; administrators were asked
the extent to which each avenue would benefit their staff.
Ratings were provided on a 5-point Likert-type scale (1 = not
at all, 2 = a little, 3 = somewhat likely, 4 = quite likely, 5 =
very likely). Second, we asked teachers how likely they
would be to access each avenue of training (assuming its
availability) in the current year. We asked administrators to
provide ratings in reference to their staff. Ratings were pro-
vided on a 5-point Likert-type scale (1 = not at all, 2 = a little,
3 = somewhat likely, 4 = quite likely, 5 = very likely).
Data Analysis
We used descriptive statistics (i.e., means, standard devia-
tions) to summarize all teacher and administrator ratings.
To summarize overall perspectives on evidence-based prac-
tice, we calculated average ratings of overall confidence
and overall training interest across only the 24 evidence-
based practices. We used Pearson’s product–moment cor-
relations to quantify relations among (a) ratings of
confidence and training interest, (b) perceived benefits of
and interest in various professional development avenues,
(c) educational experience and overall training interest, and
(d) geographic locale code and interest in professional
development avenues. To gauge alignment among partici-
pants’ perspectives, we used one-way ANOVA to compare
ratings between teachers and administrators.
Confidence Implementing Evidence-Based and
Related Topics
Overall, teachers expressed only moderate levels of confi-
dence implementing the 24 evidence-based practices (over-
all M = 3.07; individual item means ranged from 2.12-3.54;
see Table 2). The evidence-based practices for which the
highest percentage of teachers said they had no or little con-
fidence implementing were pivotal response training
(64.2%), speech-generating devices (64.2%), parent-
implemented intervention (51.8%), time delay (51.8%), and
peer-mediated interventions (51.5%). The percentage of
72 Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 29(2)
Table 2. Teacher and Administrator Ratings of Interest in Training and Confidence in Teachers Addressing Training Topics.
Teacher ratings (n = 274) Administrator ratings (n = 172)
ANOVA of teacher/
administrator ratings
Interest in
Interest in
Interest in
Items M SD M SD M SD M SD F(1, 444) F(1, 444)
Evidence-based practices
Computer-aided instruction 3.62 1.10 2.81 1.06 .04 3.47 1.09 3.22 1.10 −.13 1.87 14.68**
Functional communication
3.57 1.15 2.80 1.11 .06 3.71 0.97 2.93 0.96 −.15* 1.86 1.54
3.55 1.12 3.14 0.99 −.09 3.81 0.89 3.02 0.82 −.16* 6.30* 1.91
Self-management 3.54 1.14 2.71 0.99 .09 3.72 1.02 2.72 1.05 .02 2.80 .00
Differential reinforcement 3.46 1.10 3.07 1.08 .00 3.54 1.02 3.01 1.02 −.06 .60 .36
Task analysis 3.45 1.12 3.41 0.96 −.05 3.60 0.93 3.27 0.91 −.23** 2.32 2.08
Naturalistic interventions 3.43 1.21 2.56 1.11 .10 3.43 1.07 2.56 1.06 .11 .00 .00
3.41 1.22 2.19 1.12 .09 3.55 1.18 2.15 1.09 .10 1.46 .13
Extinction 3.40 1.20 2.77 1.08 .10 3.50 1.01 2.67 1.02 −.01 .80 .87
Pivotal response training 3.39 1.23 2.12 1.05 .09 3.45 1.17 2.21 1.03 .17* .21 .70
Peer-mediated intervention 3.38 1.21 2.51 1.07 .09 3.35 1.20 2.49 1.12 .05 .09 .02
Reinforcement 3.38 1.13 3.54 0.99 −.08 3.71 0.95 3.40 0.85 −.26** 9.86** 2.21
Response interruption/
3.37 1.20 2.66 1.11 .00 3.44 1.14 2.99 1.06 −.06 .37 9.60**
Social stories 3.36 1.17 3.09 1.08 −.01 3.53 1.10 3.14 1.08 −.14 2.27 .21
Social skills training groups 3.32 1.22 2.74 1.17 .07 3.47 1.17 2.95 1.14 −.16* 2.68 3.68
Functional behavior
3.31 1.22 3.01 1.14 −.10 3.55 1.16 3.24 1.09 −.28** 4.46* 4.76*
Video modeling 3.30 1.21 2.40 1.12 .06 3.45 1.06 2.03 1.07 .07 1.67 11.73**
Structured work systems 3.24 1.18 2.72 1.15 .04 3.48 1.07 2.70 1.04 .02 4.38* .02
Prompting 3.22 1.19 3.39 1.06 −.06 3.41 1.04 3.19 1.06 −.14 3.21 3.93*
Discrete trial training 3.19 1.26 2.97 1.20 .12* 3.51 1.09 2.86 1.12 −.05 7.13** .88
Time delay 3.03 1.21 2.43 1.16 .06 3.19 1.10 2.44 1.08 .11 2.14 .00
Visual supports 3.00 1.26 3.21 1.18 .06 3.37 1.12 3.28 1.05 −.04 9.48** .42
Speech-generating devices 2.97 1.32 2.19 1.16 .20* 3.05 1.21 2.37 1.23 .04 .39 2.50
Picture exchange
communication system
2.95 1.29 2.91 1.27 .08 3.22 1.20 2.88 1.25 .06 4.76* .05
Average evidence-based
practice rating
3.33 0.93 3.07 1.35 .14* 3.48 0.86 2.82 0.74 −.01 2.98 .04
Other training topics
Inclusive practices 3.57 1.20 2.97 1.08 −.02 3.58 1.10 3.40 1.02 −.24** .00 17.28**
Technological supports/
3.47 1.15 2.73 1.00 .02 3.52 1.12 3.06 0.98 −.06 .18 12.00**
Assessment for instructional
3.43 1.20 2.73 1.11 −.01 3.52 1.19 2.97 1.01 −.29** .56 5.18*
Alternate Assessment 3.34 1.25 2.47 1.16 .01 3.37 1.22 3.01 1.11
−.08 .07 23.03**
Special education laws,
regulations, and policies
3.28 1.26 2.89 1.08 −.01 3.40 1.17 3.47 1.04 −.21** 1.02 31.04**
ASD diagnostic methods 3.24 1.31 2.14 1.10 .19** 3.17 1.24 2.82 1.24 −.07 .28 36.44**
Transition planning strategies 3.07 1.35 2.28 1.10 .20** 3.41 1.19 2.85 1.00 .05 9.81** 29.64**
Program evaluation 3.05 1.25 2.31 1.07 .24** 3.38 1.15 2.76 0.97 .06 7.69** 19.84**
Characteristic of ASD 3.01 1.31 3.10 1.17 −.11 3.49 1.12 3.16 1.00 −.15* 15.85** .32
Community-based instruction 2.96 1.34 2.23 1.20 .39** 3.05 1.22 2.38 1.14 .12 .50 1.89
Career development
2.79 1.39 1.99 1.11 .44** 2.98 1.36 2.19 1.09 .25** 1.91 3.51
Note. r = Pearson’s product−moment correlation.
Based on review by Odom, Collet-Klingenberg, Rogers, and Hatton (2010).
*p < .05. **p < .01.
Brock et al. 73
teachers saying they were quite or very confident was high-
est for reinforcement (55.1%), task analysis (49.3%),
prompting (48.5%), visual supports (43.4%), and anteced-
ent-based interventions (37.6%). For other training topics,
teacher ratings reflected the lowest confidence for address-
ing career development and highest confidence related to
the characteristics of students with ASD.
Descriptively, the overall confidence expressed by admin-
istrators in their staff was slightly lower than teachers (over-
all M = 2.82; individual item means ranged from 2.03-3.40;
see Table 2). The evidence-based practices for which the
highest percentage of administrators said they had no or little
confidence their staff could implement well were video mod-
eling (68.0%), parent-implemented interventions (65.1%),
pivotal response training (62.2%), speech-generating devices
(57.0%), and time delay (53.5%). The percentage of adminis-
trators saying they were quite or very confident was highest
for functional behavioral assessment (45.9%), reinforcement
(44.2%), computer-based instruction (44.2%), task analysis
(42.4%), and prompting (41.9%). For other topics, adminis-
trators expressed the lowest confidence in the area of career
development and the highest confidence in addressing spe-
cial education laws, regulations, and policies.
Interest in Professional Development
Overall, interest among teachers in accessing training on
the 24 evidence-based practices was moderate (overall M =
3.33; individual item means ranged from 2.95-3.62; see
Table 2). The interventions for which the highest percent-
age of teachers indicated they were quite or very interested
in participating in training were computer-aided instruction
(58.8%), functional communication training (57.7%),
antecedent-based interventions (56.6%), self-management
(55.8%), and pivotal response training (52.2%). No or little
interest was most often reported for speech-generating
devices (39.8%), Picture Exchange Communication System
(PECS; 38.7%), visual supports (37.6%), time delay
(32.8%), and discrete trial training (29.6%). In terms of
other topics, teachers were most interested in inclusive edu-
cation (55.5% indicated they were quite or very interested)
and least interested in career development (46.0% indicated
no interest or little interest).
Descriptively, overall interest among administrators in
having their staff access training on evidence-based prac-
tices was slightly higher than teachers (overall M = 3.48;
individual item means ranged from 3.05-3.81; see Table 2).
The interventions for which the highest percentage of admin-
istrators indicated they were quite or very interested in hav-
ing their staff receive training were antecedent-based
interventions (65.7%), reinforcement (60.5%), functional
communication training (59.3%), self-management (58.7%),
and task analysis (53.5%). Ratings of no interest or little
interest in staff training were highest for speech-generating
devices (31.4%), PECS (27.3%), time delay (26.7%), peer-
mediated interventions (24.4%), and visual supports
(20.3%). As with teachers, the other topic for which admin-
istrators most wanted staff training was inclusive education
(54.1% indicated they were quite or very interested); the
least interest was related to career development (36.0% indi-
cated no interest or little interest).
When asked to select their top three priorities for train-
ing, the highest percentage of teachers prioritized training
related to self-management (22.3% of teachers ranked in
top three priorities), computer-aided instruction (18.1%),
and social skills groups (15.5%). However, administrators
prioritized training for their staff on functional behavior
assessment (23.6% of administrators ranked in top three
priorities), self-management (23.0%), and response inter-
ruption/redirection (18.6%).
Relations Among Confidence and Training
For teachers, lower confidence in implementing or address-
ing a topic was never associated with significantly higher
interest in training on that topic (see Table 2). For adminis-
trators, however, lower confidence in their staff was associ-
ated with significantly higher interest in professional
development for 10 of the topics, including 6 evidence-
based practices (i.e., antecedent-based interventions, func-
tional behavior assessment, functional communication
training, reinforcement, social skills training groups, and
task analysis) and four other topics (i.e., characteristics of
ASD, inclusive practices, assessment for instructional pro-
gramming, and special education laws and policies). The
unexpected findings of positive correlations among confi-
dence ratings and training interest may be influenced in part
by the fact that some topics are less relevant in younger
grades, leading respondents to have both low confidence
and low interest in training. For example, 18.4% of middle
and high school teachers were quite or very interested in
career development compared with only 8.2% of preschool
and elementary.
Relations Among Teacher and Administrator
Ratings of Topics
For 24 of the 36 evidence-based practices and training topics,
we found no statistically significant differences between
teachers and administrators’ ratings of confidence. For 2
practices (i.e., prompting, video modeling), teachers’ ratings
of their own confidence were higher than the ratings admin-
istrators expressed for their staff. For the remaining 10 topics
(i.e., computer-aided instruction, functional behavior assess-
ment, response interruption/redirection, alternate assessment,
ASD diagnostic methods, inclusive practices, assessment for
instructional programming, special education laws and
74 Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 29(2)
policies, program evaluation, technological supports/accom-
modations, transition planning strategies), administrator rat-
ings were significantly higher.
Similarly, somewhat few significant differences were
found between teacher and administrator ratings of training
interest. Although teacher ratings never exceeded those of
administrators, administrators had significantly higher rat-
ings for 10 topics (i.e., antecedent-based interventions, dis-
crete trial training, functional behavior assessment, picture
exchange communication system, reinforcement, structured
work systems, visual supports, characteristics of ASD, pro-
gram evaluation, transition planning strategies).
Factors Associated With Teacher Ratings
In terms of overall ratings of evidence-based practices, spe-
cial educators expressed more confidence, r(272) = .27, p <
.001, and more interest in training, r(272) = .22, p < .001,
than did general educators. Although teachers with more
experience in their current positions tended to be less inter-
ested in training on evidence-based practices, r(272) =
−.186, p < .01, they did not have higher ratings of confi-
dence implementing those interventions, r(272) = .04, p =.49.
Benefits of Professional Development Avenues
Overall, teachers reported they were only somewhat likely to
benefit from various professional development avenues
included on the survey (item means ranged from 2.41-3.78;
see Table 3). The avenues of training for which the highest
percentage of teachers indicated they would quite likely or
very likely benefit from accessing were workshops (64.2%),
week-long summer institutes (47.1%), websites (41.6%),
printed materials (40.9%), and state conferences (37.2%). The
training avenues for which the highest percentage of teachers
said they were not at all or only a little likely to benefit from
accessing were on-campus college course (55.1%), national
conferences (47.4%), online college courses (40.5%), study
groups (33.2%), and coaching (32.5%).
Administrator ratings were also modest (item means
ranged from 2.31-3.37). The avenues of training for which
the highest percentage of administrators perceived their
staff would quite likely or very likely benefit from accessing
were workshops (61.6%), coaching (48.8%), summer insti-
tutes (47.7%), webinars (44.2%), and websites (41.9%).
The highest percentage of administrators indicated their
staff were not at all or only a little likely to benefit from
accessing the following training avenues: on-campus col-
lege course (61.0%), national conference (51.7%), online
college course (45.3%), study groups (34.3%), and state
conference (27.3%).
Accessing Professional Development Avenues
Teachers generally reported being only somewhat likely to
access most professional development avenues in the next
year (item means ranged from 1.96-3.46; see Table 3). The
avenues of training for which the highest percentage of
Table 3. Teacher and Administrator Ratings of Training Benefits and Likelihood of Access.
Professional development
Teacher ratings (n = 274) Administrator ratings (n = 172)
ANOVA of teacher/
administrator ratings
Benefit Access
Benefit Access
Benefit Access
M SD M SD M SD M SD F(1, 444) F(1, 444)
On campus college course 2.41 1.32 1.96 1.11 .72** 2.31 1.12 1.97 0.92 .64** .61 .01
One-to-one coaching or
3.07 1.25 2.89 1.22 .84** 3.45 1.19 3.16 1.16 .78** 9.87** 5.11*
National conference 2.58 1.34 2.17 1.21 .75** 2.42 1.25 2.00 1.14 .69** 1.44 2.21
Online college course 2.81 1.37 2.58 1.34 .82** 2.66 1.17 2.42 1.09 .76** 1.41 1.56
Printed materials (books,
practice guides, etc.)
3.23 1.18 3.32 1.20 .87** 3.19 1.03 3.21 1.09 .78** .15 1.04
State conference 3.02 1.26 2.78 1.27 .86** 3.19 1.09 2.99 1.15 .80** 2.22 3.11
Teacher study groups 2.90 1.12 2.76 1.13 .85** 2.97 1.08 2.77 1.10 .78** .35 .00
Summer institute (week
3.25 1.28 2.98 1.31 .80** 3.40 1.03 3.05 1.11 .70** 1.54 .34
Webinar (web-based
3.07 1.21 3.11 1.25 .87** 3.36 1.06 3.36 1.11 .82** 6.70* 4.76*
Website 3.30 1.11 3.38 1.17 .87** 3.35 1.04 3.44 1.11 .84** .22 .26
Workshop 3.78 0.90 3.46 1.07 .71** 3.73 0.89 3.31 1.02 .68** .31 2.21
Note. r = Pearson’s product−moment correlation.
*p < .05. **p < .01.
Brock et al. 75
teachers indicated they were quite likely or very likely to
access this year were workshops (51.8%), printed materials
(47.1%), websites (47.1%), summer institutes (39.4%), and
webinars (39.1%). They were not at all likely or only a little
likely to access on-campus college courses (70.8%),
national conferences (65.7%), online college courses
(48.9%), state conferences (40.1%), and coaching (39.4%).
For most avenues, administrators had fairly low expecta-
tions regarding the likelihood their staff would attend train-
ings. The highest percentage of administrators indicated
their staff would be quite or very likely to access websites
(47.7%), webinars (45.3%), workshops (43.0%), printed
materials (41.3%), and coaching (38.4%) in the next year.
They reported their staff were not at all or a little likely to
access on-campus college courses (75.6%), national confer-
ences (69.2%), online college courses (54.7%), study
groups (41.3%), and state conferences (39.0%).
Relations Among Teacher and Administrator
Views of Professional Development
For 9 of the 11 avenues of training, ratings of potential ben-
efit and the likelihood teachers would access an avenue of
training did not differ between teachers and administrators.
Administrator rated one-to-one mentoring or coaching as
more beneficial, F(1, 444) = 9.87; p < .01, and indicated
teachers would be more likely to access this type of training
relative to teacher ratings, F(1, 444) = 5.11; p = .02.
Similarly, administrators rated webinars as more beneficial,
F(1, 444) = 6.70; p = .01, and more likely to be accessed
compared with teachers, F(1, 444) = 4.76; p = .03.
Relationship between perceived benefit and likelihood to
access. For both teachers and administrators, ratings of the
potential benefit were significantly associated with their
interest in every avenue of training, r = .64 to .87; for all
relationships, see Table 3.
Moderators of Teacher Perspectives on Interest
in Training
Geographic region. Relative to teachers from other geo-
graphic regions, teachers and administrators from urban
areas expressed significantly more interest in accessing
national conferences, r(444) = .24, p < .001, online college
courses, r(444) = .15, p = .001, on-campus college courses,
r(444) = .15, p = .001, state conferences, r(444) = .12, p <
.01, and week-long summer institutes r(444) = .11, p < .02.
Descriptively, teachers from urban areas expressed more
interest in all avenues of training relative to the mean,
r(444) = .02 to .24. Teachers from rural areas (combined
rural metropolitan and non-metropolitan census area)
expressed significantly less interest in attending national
conferences, r(444) = .11, p = .02. Descriptively, teachers
from rural areas expressed less interest in most (8 of the 11)
avenues of training, r(444) = −.11 to −.01, with the excep-
tion of state conferences, webinars, and websites.
Preparing practitioners to implement evidence-based prac-
tices confidently and effectively requires strategic profes-
sional development. To better understand practitioner
perceptions of professional development needs in the state
of Tennessee, we surveyed 456 administrators and teachers
representing 89 school districts. Specifically, we were inter-
ested in gauging practitioner confidence in implementing
evidence-based practices and addressing related training
topics for school-age children and youth with ASD, deter-
mining their interest in accessing training in these areas,
and identifying the extent to which practitioners would
access various professional development avenues for
receiving this training. To date, relatively little is known
about the preferred focus and format of efforts to prepare
educators to meet the diverse needs of students with ASD.
Several of our findings extend the professional develop-
ment literature in important ways.
First, practitioners were generally not highly confident
in their ability to implement and address many evidence-
based practices and training topics related to students with
ASD. On average, teacher ratings suggested most were only
a little to somewhat confident in their abilities to implement
15 of the 24 evidence-based practices and 10 of the 11 other
training topics. Such findings align with those from a state-
wide survey in Virginia in which special education teachers
self-reported low to intermediate knowledge of skill com-
petencies related to educating students with ASD
(Hendricks, 2011). Low ratings of confidence may stem
from limited opportunities to acquire information about the
implementation of evidence-based practices (Odom, Cox,
Brock, & National Professional Development Center,
2013). In the present study, most teachers had not recently
accessed ASD-related professional development from the
statewide technical assistance center.
Given these findings, modest interest among respon-
dents in accessing additional professional development was
surprising. On average, fewer than half of all teachers in
this study indicated they were quite or very interested in
accessing professional development related to these evi-
dence-based practices. Contrary to our expectations, teach-
ers who expressed less confidence in implementing a
particular evidence-based practice did not express more
interest in professional development related to the practice.
Such findings may be attributable in part to how practitio-
ners think about educational interventions. Cook, Cook,
and Landrum (2013) suggested that for many practitioners,
evidence from scientific research alone might not be a com-
pelling reason to adopt and implement a particular practice.
76 Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 29(2)
For example, findings from teacher focus groups conducted
by Stahmer, Collings, and Palinkas (2005) revealed that
many practitioners do not have a clear understanding of
what makes a practice evidence-based. Instead, teachers
might weigh other factors more heavily in their decisions
about which practices to implement, including the feasibil-
ity of the practice (Cook, Tankersley, Cook, & Landrum,
2008), the ease with which the practice can be adapted to fit
within ongoing classroom routines (Klingner, Boardman, &
McMaster, 2013), and/or whether other teachers endorse
the practice and attribute implementation to positive out-
comes for students (Cook et al., 2013). Alternatively, some
descriptive studies suggest that when educators have low
views of their own self-efficacy, they may actually be less
enthusiastic about pursuing professional development, as
they do not envision additional training as a path to more
effective teaching (Han & Weiss, 2005; Stein & Wang,
1988). Another possible explanation is that teachers con-
sider some interventions to be more useful and important
than others. In a survey of teachers, practitioners, and
administrators, Callahan, Hughes, and Ma (2013) found
that ratings of social validity varied widely across these 24
evidence-based practices. In addition, it is possible that
teachers have sought, and continue to seek, professional
development about specific practices they believe are more
relevant to their work. They may already feel most confi-
dent about implementing these specific practices, but still
desire additional training. It is likely a combination of these
factors—along with others not measured in this study—
might coalesce to explain the patterns of teacher interest in
professional development reflected in this study.
Second, we found key differences in the ratings of teach-
ers and administrators that may suggest they hold different
priorities for training topics. For nearly all of the topics on
our survey (i.e., 32 of 35 topics), administrators expressed
higher levels of interest in their staff accessing training than
reflected in the ratings of teachers themselves. In particular,
administrators in this survey tended to prioritize evidence-
based practices used to address problem behaviors, such as
functional behavioral assessment and response interruption/
redirection. This interest in strategies to address challenging
behavior may stem from the nature of administrator roles,
which often include responding to and managing crises
related to severe behavior problems. In contrast, teachers
tended to prioritize instructional practices for targeting
functional skills, such as computer-aided instruction or
social skill groups.
Third, we found that interest among practitioners in
ASD-related training was different for general and special
education teachers and was associated with years of experi-
ence. As expected, special educators reported greater confi-
dence in their ability to implement evidence-based practices
and were more interested in professional development
related to autism compared with general educators. This is
not surprising, as the work of special educators focuses cen-
trally on students with disabilities and general educators
have many other competing priorities for professional
development beyond disability-specific instructional inter-
ventions. However, a survey from another state found that
similar numbers of general educators and special educators
self-reported implementing evidence-based practices for
students with ASD (Morrier et al., 2011). Taken together,
available research suggests that although general and spe-
cial educators are both taking steps to implement evidence-
based practices for students with ASD, special educators are
more confident in their implementation and consider pro-
fessional development related to ASD to be a higher priority
than general educators.
As we expected, educators with more experience teach-
ing students with ASD were less interested in professional
development. Contrary to our hypothesis, teachers with
more experience did not report greater confidence in their
ability to implement evidence-based practices. This finding
is similar to that of Ruble, Usher, and McGrew (2011) who
found that teachers of students with ASD with more years
of experience did not report higher levels of self-efficacy.
Factors other than teacher confidence must explain why
more experienced teachers are less interested in profes-
sional development. One possibility is that particular school
districts may tend to offer the same kinds of professional
development opportunities over time. Experienced teachers
may quickly exhaust opportunities to access new training
topics and eventually perceive professional development to
be a less productive use of their time.
Fourth, the views of teachers and administrators regard-
ing the relative benefits of various avenues of professional
development were not aligned with evidence from the
research literature. Specifically, both groups of respondents
perceived workshops to be markedly more beneficial than
one-to-one coaching or a college course. Yet, a number of
experimental studies indicate single-event training work-
shops have a very limited impact on practitioner behavior
(e.g., Brock & Carter, 2013; Hall et al., 2010; Smith et al.,
1992). This disconnect may stem in part from the paucity of
high-quality professional development avenues accessible
to most school staff. Teachers report that workshops are the
most readily available venue to access information about
evidence-based practices for students with ASD (Morrier
et al., 2011). Although one-to-one coaching has been shown
to improve the instructional capacity of educators and out-
comes for students with ASD (e.g., Howlin, Gordon, Pasco,
Wade, & Charman, 2007; Odom et al., 2013), this quality
and intensity of professional development is rarely avail-
able to most practitioners. Similarly, high-quality college
courses in instructional strategies for students with ASD are
both scarce and expensive. Less than 15% of teachers report
receiving training to implement evidence-based practices
for students with ASD from a teacher preparation program
Brock et al. 77
or college coursework (Morrier et al., 2011). Even universi-
ties offering ASD-specific training may not emphasize
implementation of evidence-based practice. Less than one
fourth (21.2%) of universities offering ASD-specific train-
ing spend more than six instructional hours addressing the
24 evidence-based practices identified by the National
Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum
Disorders (Barnhill et al., 2013). Training is sometimes lim-
ited to a single-class session or assigned reading, and is not
directly linked to hands-on experiences with students with
ASD (Barnhill et al., 2011). The few practitioners who actu-
ally experience high-quality hands-on training with one-to-
one coaching perceive one-to-one coaching as being more
effective than stand-alone workshops (Brock & Carter,
2013; Odom et al., 2013). Without actual exposure to these
professional development avenues, teachers and adminis-
trators are unlikely to be convinced that these more expen-
sive and time-consuming options are better alternatives to
workshops. Indeed, our findings indicate teachers are most
likely to continue accessing the avenues of professional
development they already perceive to be the most beneficial
based on past experience.
Fifth, geographic region was associated with teacher
interest in different avenues of professional development,
but in a somewhat different way than we anticipated. As
expected, teachers from rural areas were less interested in
avenues of training requiring them to travel long distances
(e.g., on-campus college course; national conference), but
they were also less interested in avenues of training that
required little or no travel (e.g., online college course;
printed materials) relative to teachers from other geographic
regions. Although the underlying reasons for these differ-
ences are unclear, it is apparent that interest in different
avenues of professional development can be varied within
even a single state. For technical assistance providers and
other entities charged with providing professional develop-
ment in states serving geographically diverse communities,
it may be instructive to reflect on whether and how profes-
sional development opportunities may need to be adapted to
meet varied preferences.
Implications for Practice
Findings from this study have implications for administra-
tors, universities, technical assistance providers, and policy
makers who make decisions about the design and delivery
of professional development related to educating students
with ASD. First, professional development related to serv-
ing students with ASD is sorely needed. Although such a
statement could perhaps be made about serving many other
subgroups of students, the relatively low confidence among
teachers for implementing and addressing evidence-based
practices and related topics coupled with the rise in num-
bers of students with ASD served in schools makes this a
particularly pressing area of need. Second, consideration of
ASD-related training needs should occur at the local level.
Our findings suggest professional development needs and
interests may not be uniform across a state. In light of the
high variability we found across teachers, it is prudent to
ask teachers within a particular school or district how they
view their own instructional capacities and which different
professional development opportunities they would most
highly prioritize.
Third, teachers and administrators should carefully
examine professional development priorities by consider-
ing (a) current skill levels of practitioners and (b) how dif-
ferent evidence-based practices might help meet the needs
of specific students. Our survey findings suggest the profes-
sional development interests of teachers may be unrelated
to how they perceive their own confidence in implementing
evidence-based practice and addressing related training top-
ics. Therefore, it remains unclear exactly what factors they
consider when prioritizing professional development top-
ics. Also, administrators may be more likely to focus on
practices that address problem behavior even though teach-
ers are more interested in everyday instructional strategies
to target functional skills. Professional development topics
should not be selected based on personal preference, but
rather should be strategically chosen to enhance practitioner
skills and improve student outcomes. However, it may be
appropriate to consider teacher preference in some cases.
Johnson and colleagues (2013) found that allowing teachers
to choose between training topics, even when the choices
are limited to two evidence-based interventions that address
the same student outcome, may contribute to faster adop-
tion of the practice and higher quality of implementation.
Fourth, both administrators and teachers should learn
about high-quality alternatives to single-event training
workshops. One-to-one coaching and mentoring is a prom-
ising professional development practice that has been
shown to improve teaching and student outcomes (Wilson,
Dykstra, Watson, Boyd, & Crais, 2012). Development and
evaluation of other innovative approaches are also needed
to expand the repertoire of available professional develop-
ment pathways.
Limitations and Future Research
Several limitations to this study raise possibilities for future
research. First, our statewide professional development
needs assessment drew only on the perceptions of practitio-
ners and administrators, which may or may not align well
with more objective measures of training needs. Future
studies should incorporate observational data to document
how well teachers actually implement these practices in the
classroom and how such practices impact student outcomes.
Second, while our survey captured a diverse sample of
teachers and administrators across the state of Tennessee,
78 Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 29(2)
we did not obtain a random sample. Third, although we
obtained data from both administrators and teachers across
the state, we were not able to align the ratings of administra-
tors with those of teachers who worked in the same school
or district. Exploring the alignment of administrator and
teacher views on professional development needs would be
enhanced by directly comparing responses from the same
school teams. Fourth, our intention was not to collect
nationally representative data, but rather to identify training
needs specific to the state of Tennessee. Although we rec-
ommend other states draw on these findings as they seek to
pinpoint their own professional development priorities, we
also stress the importance of replicating these findings in
their own state.
Professional development on evidence-based practice for
students with ASD is a critical need. This study highlights a
concerning gap between research and practice. Although
practitioners indicate they are not very confident imple-
menting evidence-based practices, their interest in pursuing
professional development related to these strategies is
underwhelming. Furthermore, practitioners perceive stand-
alone training workshops as the most effective avenue of
professional development, despite mounting empirical evi-
dence to the contrary. Needs assessments are only a first
step in understanding practitioner views on these issues.
Leaders in special education must take additional steps to
educate practitioners about evidence-based practice and
provide high-quality avenues of professional development
that have the potential to improve educational outcomes for
students with ASD.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support
with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
article: Partial support for this research was provided by a grant
from the Vanderbilt Institute for Clinical and Translational
Research grant support (UL1 TR000445) from NCATS/NIH. The
Treatment and Research Institute for Autism Spectrum Disorders
(TRIAD) is supported in part by grants from the Tennessee
Department of Education.
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