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The questions were featured from all the nine sections of the syllabus. The marks
allocation was also done strictly in accordance with the syllabus weighting as reflected
in the chart below.
The solutions were very detailed and responded adequately to the requirements of the
questions. The marking scheme was structured fairly to the advantage of candidates.
Performance in the paper fell far below expectation. Candidates demonstrated that they
did not prepare adequately and therefore lacked required knowledge to answer the
questions correctly. Answers provided did not respond to the requirements of the
questions. While many candidates wrote ‘auditing’, they did not answer the questions.
However, the approach to the questions, the style of writing and use of language
indicated that candidates did individual work and there was no sign of copy work
among candidates.
Many candidates resorted to defining terms as preamble to their answers when no
definition was called for. Such efforts resulted in no reward to the candidates. Some
candidates also did not know the difference between the memorandum and letter forms
for presenting reports.
Page 2 of 17
a) Everclean Water Limited processes and packages portable water for local
consumption. The factory is situated in a valley in a first-class residential area of
the city. A major road used by most residents runs in front of the factory. Often
this road is flooded with spill-over of water from the factory thus hindering
vehicular and pedestrian movement. Management of the company on such
occasions uses the services of a contractor to pump out the water from the road.
This situation contravenes the provisions of the Factories, Offices and Shops Act
1970, Act 328.Everclean Water Limited has engaged Nadab and Associates as the
auditors. In their preliminary tour of the factory the senior partners became
aware of the flooding situation in the area. Back in the office the senior partners
consulted ISA 250 Consideration of laws and regulations in an audit of
financial statements” for guidance on the auditor’s responsibility to consider
laws and regulations in an audit of financial statements before carrying out the
audit assignment.
i) State examples of the possible type of information that might have come to the
auditors’ attention that might indicate non-compliance with the Factories, Offices
and Shops Act. (5 marks)
ii) Evaluate the possible effect on the financial statements for non-compliance
with the law according to ISA 250. (5 marks)
a) Dibidibi & Co., an audit and assurance firm, has been engaged as auditors for the
BCG Bank Ltd, a public limited liability company for some time now. BCG Bank
has sixty branches throughout the country and branches in Togo, Burkina Faso
and Cote d’Ivoire. The Bank is one of the Banks in the country which can boast
of large landed properties. Dibidibi & Co. receives about 20% of its income from
this particular client. Before last year’s audit, the bank engaged the audit firm to
value its Land and Buildings in all its branches and headquarters. This work was
executed by the audit firm and a report has been issued to management. The
report has been incorporated in this year’s financial statements to be audited
soon. Dibidibi & Co. sees BCG Bank Ltd. as a very important client whose works
are always executed with dispatch.
i) Identify and evaluate the significance of any threats to the Code of Ethics
for Professional Accountants raised in the case. (4 marks)
ii) Recommend safeguards to eliminate the threats (mentioned in (i) above)
or reduce them to an acceptable level. (6 marks)
(Total: 20 marks)
Page 3 of 17
a) Papa Nii and Papa Nana who just qualified as Professional Accountants have
decided to enter into professional practice under a firm name Nana Nii &
Associates. These two have been trainee accountants of an Audit and Assurance
firm for three years before qualifying.
For their first engagement, the CEO of Mberdane Ltd. has nominated Nana Nii &
Associates for appointment as auditors of his company though Mberdane Ltd was a
former client of their former firm, Papa Nii and Papa Nana were never on the
engagement team of Mberdane Ltd.
As beginners Papa Nii and Papa Nana have intended to follow best practice as
required by ISQC 1 “Quality control for firms that perform audits and reviews of
financial statements, and other assurance related services”. However they are not
clear of the matters that they have to consider in their acceptance decision according
to the standard. They have approached you, a senior partner of their former firm
for advice.
Advise Papa Nii and Papa Nana on the matters that they may have to consider in
relation to the acceptance decision on their nomination. (10 marks)
b) Adepa Ltd, a fruit processing company has been in operation for many years. It has
managed to grow the business over the years and now has eight branches, four in
rural areas and four in urban towns in addition to the head office. The management
and those charged with governance are looking forward to the company adopting
the latest technology in production Advanced Technology Manufacturing (ATM)
and marketing and sales though the internet.
During the last audit of the financial statements of the company, the Managing
Director suggested to the Senior Partner an assessment of the need for an internal
audit department in the company. You were the audit manager which led the
engagement team to do the audit. The Senior Partner has therefore asked you to
carry out the assignment to assess the need for an internal audit in Adepa Ltd.
Draft a report to the Senior Partner on the assessment of the need for an internal
audit department for Adepa Ltd., highlighting the factors to be considered in such
assessment. (10 marks)
(Total: 20 marks)
Page 4 of 17
a) Your audit and assurance firm has just accepted a financial statement audit
engagement from Lunch Special Ltd. a restaurant that prepares lunch for the general
public and on special orders. The company operates at a number of sales points in
the city.
The company uses a computerised system that has networked all the Sales Points to
its Head Office. Your firm is planning the new audit and has received the draft
financial statements for the year. As the audit senior to lead the engagement team,
you are examining the financial statements, an extract of which is shown below:
Statement of Profit or Loss (Extract) Draft Audited
2015 2014
(GH¢ ‘000) (GH¢ ‘000)
Turnover 16,346 11,300
Cost of Sales 12,912 8,596
Gross Profit 3,434 2,704
Net Profit 1,962 1,130
Statement of Financial Position (Extract)
Non-current Assets 5,598 5,232
Other Current Assets 3,492 2,254
Account Receivables 3,964 2,872
Inventories 1,291 860
Account Payables 1,028 920
i) Using analytical procedures at the planning stage, state your observations
drawn from the extracts from the draft financial statements and how they
may impact on your audit of the Accounts Receivables. (10 marks)
ii) Demonstrate how you will review the opening balances in the draft
financial statements. (10 marks)
(Total: 20 marks)
a) Dr. Kofi Mensah has been appointed the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) of
Kyekyewere Municipal Assembly. He has assumed duty early last month and
has carried out familiarisation tour of all the departments of the Assembly.
You are the Internal Auditor of the Assembly and has worked there for the past
two years. During your turn of briefing the MCE, you mentioned to him that the
Internal Audit Agency (IAA) exists as an apex oversight body of internal audit
units working within MDAs and MMDAs. It was established by the Internal
Page 5 of 17
Audit Agency Act (2003) with the object to co-ordinate, facilitate and provide
quality assurance for internal audit activities within the MDAs and MMDAs.
At the end of your briefing the MCE requested for more information on the IAA
especially its functions. You were pleased with the MCE and formerly welcomed
him to the Assembly.
Communicate to the MCE in the appropriate form detailing out the functions of
the Internal Audit Agency according to the Internal Audit Agency Act (2003).
(10 marks)
b) Dabiasem Insurance Company Ltd. prepares its annual financial statements to
31st December each year. Due to the magnitude of the transactions, interim
financial statements for each half year are prepared at the end of June every year.
This is done to facilitate the early completion and audit of the annual financial
statements. Nhwehwem & Associates are the independent financial statement
auditors of Dabiasem Insurance Co. Ltd. This year’s interim financial
information have been prepared and are ready for review.
You are the audit senior of the auditing firm and the head of the audit team to
carry out the review of the interim financial information.
Suggest the procedures you would use to carry out the review of the interim
financial information. (10 marks)
(Total: 20marks)
a) Broni & Co. have audited the annual financial statements of Bibini Co. Ltd., a
public limited liability company, for the year ended 31
December, 2014. The
accounting system of the company is partially computerised.
During the audit it was detected that just two members of staff out of one
hundred and fifty workers, were entirely and equally responsible for the
maintenance of personnel records and preparation of the payroll. The chief
accountant only confirms that the amount of the wages and salaries cheque
agrees with the total of the net wages column in the payroll, then he signs
without any reasonableness check of the amount of the total wages cheque. This
situation is a serious deficiency in the control system which can have serious
implications. As audit senior you are considering communicating this situation
to the management showing the deficiency, implications and recommendations.
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Prepare an appropriate report to management on the deficiency noted in the
internal control system for payroll. (10 marks)
b) Audit Quality has been a topical issue for discussion in the accountancy
profession in recent times. The International Auditing and Assurance Standards
Board (IAASB) has recently issued a publication on the Framework for Audit
Quality. The objectives of this publication are to raise awareness of the key
elements of audit quality; to encourage key stakeholders to explore ways to
improve audit quality; and to facilitate greater dialogue between key
stakeholders on the topic. Although audit quality is principally the responsibility
of auditors, there are many factors that contribute to it. The IAASB describes
these other factors as contextual, inputs, outputs and key interactions.
Discuss with examples what factors affect Audit Quality according to the recent
publication of the IAASB on Audit Quality. (10 marks)
(Total: 20 marks)
Page 7 of 17
(a) (i) Examples of the possible type of information that might have come to the
auditors’ attention that might indicate non-compliance with the Factories Act include:
Physical observation of the flooding by the Senior Partners on their visit to the
Tip-off from residents of the area, likely.
Investigation by a regulatory organisation or government department such as the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Payment of fines or penalties, if any.
Adverse media comments, likely. (5 Marks)
(ii) The auditors should consider the following, when evaluating the possible effect on
the financial statements for non-compliance with the law:
Going Concern applicability
The potential financial consequences, such as fines, damages, penalties, litigation,
threat of expropriation of assets and enforced discontinuation of operations.
Whether the potential financial consequences require disclosure like enforced
discontinuation of operations.
Whether the potential financial consequences are so serious as to call into
question the fair presentation given by the financial statements, or otherwise
make the financial statements misleading.
Provisions to be made in the accounts and contingencies. (5 Marks)
(b) (i) As the audit firm receives about 20% of its income from just one audit client, there
is a self-interest or intimidation threat. This is because the firm will be concerned about
losing the client.
The self-interest and intimidation threats are significant considering the nature and
duration of the breach that is the high percentage of income from a single client
received for some time now; and the knowledge of the audit firm of such interest.
Secondly, the valuation services provided by the audit firm. If an audit firm performs a
valuation which will be included in financial statements audited by that firm, a self-
review threat arises. This threat is significant as the valuation of Land and Buildings of
all branches of the bank including the head office is material to the financial statement
to be audited. (4 Marks)
(ii) The possible safeguards for the self-interest or intimidation threats include:
Reducing the dependence on the client
Implementing external quality control reviews; or
Consulting a third party, such as a professional regulatory body or a professional
accountant, on key audit judgments.
Page 8 of 17
Internal quality control reviews.
As the bank is a public interest entity and the firm’s total fees has been that high for two
consecutive years, the Code of Ethics provides that the firm shall:
Disclose this to those charged with governance;
Conduct a review, either by an external professional accountant or by a
regulatory body.
Since the total fees significantly exceed 15%, a pre-issuance review shall be required.
That is a review before the audit opinion on the second year’s financial statements.
The safeguards for the self-review threat from the valuation services will include:
Second partner review
Confirming that the client understands the valuation and the assumptions used
Ensuring that the client acknowledges responsibility for the valuation
Using separate personnel for the valuation and the audit.
(6 Marks)
(Total: 20 Marks)
Candidates were required in question (a) to state the types of information that will
come to the auditor’s attention that might indicate that a client has not complied with
the provisions of the factories, offices and shops Act. Many candidates repeated the
information given in the preamble without relating it to the question. Other candidates
were able to provide the right answers.
Candidates were asked in the other part to evaluate the possible effects on the financial
statements for non-compliance with law according to ISA 250. Some candidates gave
the right answers but other candidates wrote about the effect of the non-compliance on
the business, such as bad publicity and boycott of products, rather than the effects on
the financial statements, namely, provisions and contingencies and going concern
applicability etc.
Question 1 (b)
This question on ethics demanded identification and evaluation of the significance of
any threats to objectivity and safeguards to deal with them.
(i) Receipt of about 20% of practice income from one client
(ii) Valuation of land and building for an audit client. Many candidates were able to
identify the threats to together with the required safeguards. Some candidates
missed the right answers and wrote about advocacy and familiarity threats
instead of self-interest and self-review threats.
Page 9 of 17
(a) The standard, ISQC 1 provides three main issues to be considered for acceptance of
nomination. These are the integrity of the client, the competence of the firm and ethical
requirements. The matters to consider on the integrity of a client include the following:
The identity and business reputation of the client’s principal owners, key
management, related parties and those charged with governance.
The nature of the client’s operations, including its business practices
Information concerning the attitude of the client’s principal owners, key
management, and those charged with governance towards matters such as
aggressive interpretation of accounting standards / internal control environment
Whether the client is aggressive with fixing and maintaining the firm’s fees as
low as possible
Any indication of an inappropriate limitation on the scope of work
Any indication that the client might be involved in money laundering or other
criminal activities
The reasons for the proposed appointment of the firm and non-reappointment of
the previous firm.
The matters to consider on the competence of the audit firm include:
Knowledge of the relevant industry by the firm’s personnel
Experience with relevant regulatory or reporting requirements
Personnel with the necessary capabilities and competence
Availability of experts if needed
Ability to complete the engagement within the reporting time.
The ethical issues border on the need for the firm to consider whether acceptance of the
nomination will create any conflict of interest or other ethical issues. The firm must also
ensure that the previous auditors have been properly removed in accordance with the
(10 Marks)
(b). 15th September, 2015.
In assessing the need for an internal audit function in Adepa Ltd., consideration should
be given to the following factors:
The cost of setting up an internal audit department versus the predicted benefits
Predicted savings in external fees where work carried out by consultants will be
carried out by the new internal audit department.
Page 10 of 17
The complexity and scale of the Adepa Ltd.’s activities and the systems
supporting those activities especially with the current growth of the company
and the desire to use the most modern technology in its activities
The ability of existing managers and employees to carry out assignments that
internal audit may be asked to carry out
Management’s perceived need for assessing risk and internal control as
demonstrated by the management of Adepa Ltd.
Whether it will be more cost effective or desirable to outsource the work
The pressure from external stakeholders to establish an internal audit
If the volume of internal audit work required is such that the price differential between
employing an internal audit team and outsourcing the work is small, the company will
need to consider that there are longer term benefits such as:
Establishing an internal audit department will help maintain a group of highly
skilled people which may help the business develop faster that it would
otherwise have been
Working in internal audit can be a route providing training for future senior
executives because internal auditors are likely to obtain knowledge of many
aspects of the business and liaise with personnel at all levels.
If management considers these factors, it will be in a position to take a decision on the
establishment of an internal audit department.
Audit Manager. (10 Marks)
(Total: 20 Marks)
Question 2 (a)
Candidates were asked to advise a newly established firm on matters the partners may
consider in relation to the acceptance of a new client in accordance with the
requirements of ISQC1. Many candidates gave the right answers, namely matters
bothering on the integrity of the client, the competence of the firm and ethical
Question 2 (b)
This question demanded highlighting factors to be considered in assessing the need for
internal audit in a client’s business. Instead of highlighting the relevant factors, many
candidates outlined the functions of internal audit, while others wrote about the
advantages of internal audit.
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(a). The following are the observations made from the draft financial statements and the
impact on the audit of the Account Receivable:
(i) Turnover has gone up by 45% from last year while Account Receivable has increased
by 38%. The impact of this observation on the audit of Account Receivable would be on
the confirmation of the end of year balances through the circularisation of customers
and reconciliation of customer statements. Also management policy on discount should
be checked and ensure proper record of discounts taken by customers.
(ii) Account Receivable payment period has reduced from 93 days last year to 89 days
this year. Information on payment terms with customers must be obtained to establish
payment expectations. Customers’ payments must be reconciled with cash and bank
balances to ensure that there is no risk of unrecorded receipts.
(iii) Account Receivables have increased by 38%, not consistent with the reduction in
the customer payment period from 93 days to 89 days. There is the risk of not properly
accounting for cash received from customers. Watch out for teeming and lading, check
for possible bad debts and ensure appropriate authorisation for them.
(iv) The Gross Profit Margin has reduced from 24% last year to 21% this year. This calls
for the checking of completeness and accuracy of the Turnover and Account Receivable
figures. Ensure that all invoices have been properly accounted for in both Sales Account
and Account Receivable Accounts. (10 Marks)
b) The following procedures could be applied to review the opening balances in the
draft financial statement:
i. Determine whether the closing balances of 2014 have been correctly brought
forward to 2015.
ii. Determine whether the opening balances reflect the application of appropriate
accounting policies.
iii. Review the predecessor auditor’s working papers to obtain evidence regarding the
opening balances.
iv. For the non-current assets obtain audit evidence by examining the accounting
records and other information underlying the opening balances.
v. For the current assets and liabilities obtain some audit evidence from the current
period audit procedures. For example, the collection of account receivable and
payment of account payable during the current period will provide some audit
evidence of their existence, rights and obligations, completeness and valuation at the
beginning of the period.
vi. For the inventories, obtain some audit evidence from the current periods audit
procedures on the closing inventory balance as well as additional audit procedures
such as:
Observing a current physical inventory count and reconciling it back to the
opening inventory quantities.
Performing audit procedures on the valuation of the opening inventory item
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Performing audit procedures on gross profit and cut-off.
vii. Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence about:
Whether the accounting policies reflected in the opening balances have been
applied consistently in the current period’s financial statements; and
Whether changes in the accounting policies have been accounted for properly
and adequately presented and disclosed in accordance with the applicable
financial reporting framework.
viii. Read the most recent financial statement and the predecessor auditor’s report for
information relevant to the opening balances.
(10 Marks)
(Total: 20 Marks)
Question 3a (i)
Candidates were asked to draw observations from preliminary analytical review and
the effect of their observations on the audit of receivables (Statement of profit and loss
extract was provided). Some candidates were able to compute and interpret the
relevant analytical measures, namely increase or decrease in turnover gross profit,
receivables and the receivables collection period. The necessary audit tests were also
given. Many candidates did not know which analytical measures were needed to
answer the question and ended up computing ratios for all the elements of the financial
information extract given. They could also not interpret the results correctly resulting
in wrong auditing procedures being used.
Question 3a (ii)
This question required demonstration of how to review opening balances in draft
financial statements. Some candidates were able to follow the applicable procedures for
review of opening balances. Other candidates did not know that opening balances
involve mainly statement of financial position figures and went the extra mile of
including statement of profit or loss figures in the review
(a) The appropriate form of communicating to a superior in an organisation is through a
Memorandum. The answer should therefore be set out in a Memorandum form.
To: Municipal Chief Executive
From: Internal Auditor
Subject: Functions of the Internal Audit Agency
Date: 15th September, 2015
As requested during our interaction on your familiarisation tour of the Internal Audit
Department, the functions of the Internal Audit Agency (IAA) are detailed below.
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The IAA is required to ensure that:
1) The financial activities and operating information reported internally and
externally is accurate, reliable and timely.
2) The financial activities of MDAs and MMDAs are in compliance with laws,
policies, plans, standards and procedures.
3) National resources are adequately safeguarded.
4) National resources are used economically, effectively and efficiently.
5) Plans, goals and objectives of MDAs and MMDAs are achieved.
6) Risks are adequately managed in the MDAs and MMDAs.
In addition to these, the IAA must:
7) Promote economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the administration of
government programmes and operations.
8) Prepare plans to be approved by the Board for the development and
maintenance of an efficient internal audit for the MDAs and MMDAs.
9) Facilitate the prevention and detection of fraud.
10) Provide a means for keeping the MDAs and MMDAs fully and currently
informed about problems and deficiencies related to the administration of their
programmes and operations and the necessity for appropriate corrective action.
Finally, the IAA is required to monitor, undertake inspections and evaluate the internal
auditing of the MDAs and MMDAs. I shall be available for any further discussion when
Thank you.
Internal Auditor
(10 Marks)
(b) The procedures that could be used to review the interim financial information
i. Reading last year’s audit and previous review files.
ii. Considering any significant risks that were identified in the prior year audit.
iii. Reading the most recent and comparable interim financial information.
iv. Considering materiality.
v. Considering the nature of any corrected or uncorrected misstatement in last
year's financial statements.
vi. Considering significant financial accounting and reporting matters of ongoing
vii. Considering the results of any interim audit work for this year’s audit.
viii. Considering the work of internal audit.
ix. Asking management what their assessment is of the risk that the interim
financial statements might be affected by fraud.
Page 14 of 17
x. Asking management whether there have been any significant changes in
business activity, and if so, what effect they have had.
xi. Asking management about any significant changes in internal controls and the
potential effect on preparing the interim financial information.
xii. Asking how the interim financial information has been prepared and the
reliability of the underlying accounting records.
(10 Marks)
(Total: 20 Marks)
Question 4 (a)
Candidates were asked to communicate to an MCE in an appropriate form, detailing
the functions of the Internal Audit Agency according to the Internal Audit Agency Act
(2003). Since candidates were presumed to be internal auditors of the assembly, the
appropriate form of communication was a memorandum. While some candidates
provided the right answers in the appropriate form of communication-memo-others
just wrote out the functions while some candidates rather gave the functions of internal
Question 4 (b)
Candidates were required to suggest procedures to use to carry out review of interim
financial information. As usual some candidates were able to give the right answers but
others used general auditing tests as answers, while others treated it as review of the
historical financial statement during the annual statutory audit.
The Directors
Bibini Co. Ltd
10 Wansema Lane, Somewhere City
15th September, 2015.
Dear Sirs,
Following our recent audit of your company, we are writing to advise you of various
matters which came to our attention.
We have set below the areas of significant deficiency which we noted, together with our
recommendations. These recommendations have already been discussed with the
Managing Director and his comments have been included.
As the purpose of the audit is to form an opinion on the company’s financial statements,
you will appreciate that our examination cannot necessarily be expected to disclose all
shortcomings of the system and for this reason, the matters raised may not be the only
ones which exist.
Page 15 of 17
Preparation of payroll and maintenance of personnel records.
Under your present system, just two members of staff are entirely and equally
responsible for the maintenance of personnel records and preparation of the payroll.
Furthermore, the only independent check of any nature on the payroll is that the chief
accountant confirms that the amount of the wages cheque presented to him for
signature agrees with the total of the net wages column in the payroll. This latter check
does not involve any consideration of the reasonableness of the amount of the total net
wages cheque or the monies being shown as due to individual employees.
It is a serious deficiency of your present system, that so much responsibility is vested in
the hands of just two people. This situation is made worse by the fact that there is no
clearly defined division of duties between the two of them. In our opinion, it would be
far too easy for fraud to take place in this area (for example, by inserting the names of
ghost employees into the personnel records and hence on to the payroll) and/or for
clerical errors to go undetected.
i. A person other than the two clerks should be made responsible for
maintaining the personnel records and for periodically (but on surprise basis)
checking them against the details on the payroll.
ii. The two wages clerks should be allocated specific duties in relation to the
preparation of the payroll, with each clerk independently reviewing the work
of the other.
iii. When the payroll is presented in support of the cheque for signature to the
chief accountant, he should be responsible for assessing the reasonableness of
the overall charge for wages that week.
We should appreciate your comments as to how you propose to deal with the matters
raised in this letter. If you require any further information or advice, please contact us.
We have prepared this letter for your use only. It should not be disclosed to a third
party and we can assume no responsibility to any third party to whom it is disclosed
without our written consent.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your staff for your help and
co-operation during the course of our audit.
Yours faithfully,
Broni and Co.
(10 Marks)
Page 16 of 17
(b) The recent publication by the IAASB on audit quality, describes the factors that
contribute to audit quality as contextual factors, input factors, output factors and key
interaction factors.
Contextual factors determining audit quality include:
Business practices and commercial law
Laws and regulation relating to financial reporting
The applicable financial reporting framework
Information systems
Corporate governance
Financial reporting timetable
Broader cultural factors
Audit regulation
Litigation environment
Attracting talent
Inputs into audit quality are factors which may contribute to a high quality audit and
would include the following:
Values, ethics and attitudes of auditors and the audit firm
Knowledge, experience and time allocated to perform the audit.
Outputs from audit quality may flow from:
The auditor
The audit firm
The entity
Audit regulators
Key interactions with regard to audit quality include:
Auditors and management, those charged with governance, users and regulators
Management and those charged with governance, users and regulators
Those charged with governance and regulators and users
Regulators and users.
(10 Marks)
(Total: 20 Marks)
Page 17 of 17
Question 5 (a)
Preparation of an appropriate report to management on deficiencies noted in maternal
control system for payroll was demanded of candidates. Strangely enough many
candidates could not handle the question very well. They did not use the letter form for
the presentation. Some candidates could not identify and describe clearly the
weaknesses in the control system. Few candidates however did the right thing by using
the letter format, spelling out the deficiencies, the implications and recommendations.
Question 5 (b)
This question involved discussing with examples, factors that affect Audit Quality
according to the recent publication of the IAASB on Audit Quality. Many candidates
discussed general factors affecting Audit Quality but could not go beyond the IAASB
classification of the factors under ‘contextual’, ‘inputs’, ‘outputs’ and ‘interactions’.
The standard of the paper reflected attempts to raise the paper to the required level and
this trend must be followed. The full coverage of the syllabus in featuring questions
and the adherence to the syllabus weighting in the allocation of marks to questions
must be maintained. Candidates should be advised to prepare adequately before
requesting to write the examination.