State Contract C3A2FN9-18
Issued by:
State of California
California Department of Technology
P.O. Box 1810, MS-Y14
Rancho Cordova, CA 95741
A. SCOPE AND OVERVIEW .................................................................................... 2
B. ELIGIBILITY ......................................................................................................... 2
C. CONTRACT TERM .............................................................................................. 3
D. CONTRACT MANAGEMENT .............................................................................. 3
E. EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES ............................................................................ 3
F. AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ............................................................................... 3
G. ORDERING GUIDELINES ................................................................................... 3
H. SERVICE AND ORDERING REQUIREMENTS ................................................... 4
I. PURCHASING FORMS AND SIGNING AUTHORITY ......................................... 5
J. ORDERING EXECUTION .................................................................................... 5
K. INVOICING AND PAYMENT................................................................................ 5
ATTACHMENT 1, AT&T FIRSTNET ORDERING INFORMATION ................................ 7
A. Scope and Overview
The purpose of the AT&T FirstNet Solution is to provide Authorized Public Safety
Entities (PSE) cellular services with priority and preemption. These services include
wireless voice, texting and data service plans with ancillary equipment, features and
B. Eligibility
FirstNet services provided under the CALNET Contract are for specific PSE identified
by Cal OES. Some of those entities listed by the FirstNet Authority may not be eligible
to use the CALNET contract. Refer to Cal OES eligibility list located at CALNET
Service Offering webpage Category 9.1:
PSE eligible to use the contract are as follows:
1. State PSE that have an approved CALNET Chief Authorized Telecommunications
Representative (CATR) or Authorized Telecommunications Representative (ATR)
on file with the California Department of Technology (CDT).
2. Non-State 100% tax supported PSE with one of the following:
a. An approved CALNET Authorization to Order (ATO); or,
b. An approved FirstNet ATO from California Governor’s Office of Emergency
Services (Cal OES).
3. Other Cal OES approved PSE.
For PSE not included in the Cal OES eligibility list contact Cal OES at (916) 657-9466
or email
C. Contract Term
The initial contract term shall be from 10/22/2018 for five (5) years. In addition, the
contract includes two (2), one (1) year options to extend the contract term.
D. Contract Management
For questions specifically regarding use or Terms and Conditions of the Contract
contact the Department of Technology, CALNET Program Branch customer service line
(916) 657-9150 or email to reach a CALNET representative.
E. Equipment and Services
For questions, regarding Equipment and Services contact AT&T Customer Support at
(800) 574-7000.
F. Authorized Personnel
Only PSE that meet Cal OES eligibility requirements may order Equipment and
Services. Such entities may order Equipment and/or Services upon receipt of an
authorized and properly executed purchase document and/or service order by
Authorized Personnel, as defined in the FirstNet ATO.
The Contractor will accept orders and make changes to Customer accounts only from
Authorized Personnel.
G. Ordering Guidelines
Ordering Entities must follow all applicable State mandated guidelines, e.g., STMM,
State Contracting Manual, Government Code (GC), Management Memos, and any
Entity Directives.
1. State Departments
a. Prior to placing orders against this contract, the State Departments must
have telecom purchasing authority. The State department’s current
purchasing authority number must be entered in the appropriate location on
each purchase document.
b. State departments that do not have purchasing authority by the
Department of General Services’ Procurement Division (DGS/PD) for the
use of the State’s statewide contracts may access the Purchasing Authority
Application at Purchasing Authority Application or may email DGS/PD's
Purchasing Authority Management Section.
c. State departments are required to have a designated CATR and may have
multiple ATR. Both the CATR and ATR(s) are authorized state
representatives who may order services from CALNET Contract. ATRs are
identified and maintained by the entity’s CATR.
2. Local Government Entities
Local Government Entities are required to have on file an approved Non-State Entity
Policy Agreement (NESPA) and a CALNET or Cal OES Authorization to Order (ATO),
which identifies the Emergency Services Agency contact.
3. Emergencies
A PSE meeting the eligibility criteria listed in Section B Eligibility may order services
without an ATO during an emergency, as defined in the Contract. The PSE is required
to submit an ATO as soon as feasible after services are provided.
H. Service and Ordering Requirements
An order shall incorporate the following documents:
1. State Entities (CATR/ATR) are required to use the following if applicable:
a. Ordering Services- Requires a Telecommunications Service Request
Form (STD. 20)
b. Ordering Equipment; Purchasing Authority Purchase Order Form
(STD. 65)
2. Non-State Entities
a. Non-State Entities are encouraged to utilize the STD. 20 or STD. 65,
but may use their own purchasing document.
The service request shall describe the specific requirements of the ordering entity.
While there is no need to duplicate the contract language, ordering entities should
include details and Product Identifiers specific to the Equipment and/or Services being
ordered as identified within the Contractor’s Service Catalog.
I. Purchasing Forms and Signing Authority
The STD. 20 and STD. 65 forms for CALNET Equipment and/or Service orders must be
complete, printed and signed by the PSE prior to submitting to the CALNET Contractor.
J. Ordering Execution
Ordering entities must submit an executed service request form, which may include the
STD. 20 or a Local Entity equivalent contract form as follows:
Contractor Copies - The ordering entity shall provide an original signed copy of the
executed order form (STD. 20 or a Local Entity equivalent purchase form) to the
K. Invoicing and Payment
1. Payee Data Record (State Departments Only)
Each State accounting office must have a copy of the Contractor’s Payee Data
Record (STD. 204) in order to process payment of invoices. State Entities
should forward a copy of the STD. 204 to their accounting office(s). Without the
STD. 204, payment may be unnecessarily delayed. State departments may
request a copy of the completed STD. 204 from the Contractor.
2. Payment Terms
Payment for Equipment and/or Services will be made in accordance with the
provisions of the California Prompt Payment Act, GC Section 927 et seq. Unless
expressly exempted by statute, the Act requires State Entities to pay properly
submitted, undisputed invoices not more than 45 days after (i) the date of
acceptance of goods or performance of services; or (ii) receipt of an undisputed
invoice, whichever is later. Non-State Customers shall be subject to a late
payment fee if payment is issued after the late payment date.
The State Contracting Manual, Volume 3 for Information Technology provides additional
information in Chapter 9, Disbursements, Financing, and Payment Programs, including
the prohibition of advance payments and the necessity of properly executed documents.
L. Problem Resolution / Contractor Performance
Ordering entities should first attempt to resolve complaints, issues, or disputes
informally with the Contractor. The State will not facilitate, intervene, advocate or
escalate any disputes between the Non-State PSE and the Contractor or represent the
Non-State PSE in resolution of litigated disputes between the parties.
ATTACHMENT 1, AT&T FIRSTNET Ordering Information
CONTRACT AWARD DATE: October 22, 2018
CONTRACT END DATE: October 21, 2023
CONTRACT EXTENSIONS: Two (2), one (1) year options to extend
ORDERING ADDRESS: 2700 Watt Ave., Ste. 422 (A. Rollins) Sacramento,
CA 95821
ORDERING PHONE NUMBER: (800) 575-7000, (800)999-5445