Please answer Questions 16.
Circle the number of the response that best describes how you have been during the past week.
1. On average, during the past week, how oen were you woken by your asthma during the night?
0 Never 4 Many times
1 Hardly ever 5 A great many times
2 A few times 6 Unable to sleep because of asthma
3 Several times
2. On average, during the past week, how bad were your asthma symptoms when you woke up in the morning?
0 No symptoms 4 Quite severe symptoms
1 Very mild symptoms 5 Severe symptoms
2 Mild symptoms 6 Very severe symptoms
3 Moderate symptoms
3. In general, during the past week, how limited were you in your activities because of your asthma?
0 Not limited at all 4 Very limited
1 Very slightly limited 5 Extremely limited
2 Slightly limited 6 Totally limited
3 Moderately limited
4. In general, during the past week, how much shortness of breath did you experience because of your asthma?
0 None 4 Quite a lot
1 A very little 5 A great deal
2 A little 6 A very great deal
3 A moderate amount
5. In general, during the past week, how much of the time did you wheeze?
0 Not at all 4 A lot of the time
1 Hardly any of the time 5 Most of the time
2 A little of the time 6 All the time
3 A moderate amount of the time
6. On average, during the past week, how many pus of short-acting bronchodilator have you used each day?
0 None 4 9–12 pus most days
1 1–2 pus most days 5 13–16 pus most days
2 3–4 pus most days 6 More than 16 pus most days
3 5–8 pus most days
To be completed by a member of the clinic sta:
7. FEV
0 > 95% predicted FEV
% predicted:
1 95–90% 4 6960%
% predicted: 5 59–50%
2 89–80% 6 < 50% predicted
3 79–70%
(Record actual values on the dotted lines and score the FEV
% in the next column)
Juniper EF, O’Byrne PM, Guyatt GH, et al. Eur Respir J. 1999;14:902-907.
Asthma Control Questionnaire