Guidance for Industry
PAT — A Framework for
Innovative Pharmaceutical
Development, Manufacturing,
and Quality Assurance
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM)
Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA)
Pharmaceutical CGMPs
September 2004
Guidance for Industry
PAT — A Framework for
Innovative Pharmaceutical
Development, Manufacturing,
and Quality Assurance
Additional copies are available from:
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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM)
Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA)
September 2004
Pharmaceutical CGMPs
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
I. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................1
II. GUIDANCE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS AND SCOPE ............................................... 2
III. BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................... 2
IV. PAT FRAMEWORK............................................................................................................ 4
A. Process Understanding .................................................................................................................. 6
B. Principles and Tools....................................................................................................................... 6
1. PAT Tools ........................................................................................................................................ 7
3. Risk-Based Approach..................................................................................................................... 11
4. Integrated Systems Approach ........................................................................................................12
5. Real Time Release..........................................................................................................................
C. Strategy for Implementation
....................................................................................................... 12
V. PAT REGULATORY APPROACH ................................................................................. 14
BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................................... 16
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Guidance for Industry
PAT — A Framework for Innovative
Pharmaceutical Development, Manufacturing,
and Quality Assurance
This guidance represents the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) current thinking on this topic. It
does not create or confer any rights for or on any person and does not operate to bind FDA or the public.
You can use an alternative approach if the approach satisfies the requirements of the applicable statutes
and regulations. If you want to discuss an alternative approach, contact the FDA staff responsible for
implementing this guidance. If you cannot identify the appropriate FDA staff, call the appropriate
number listed on the title page of this guidance.
This guidance is intended to describe a regulatory framework (Process Analytical Technology,
PAT) that will encourage the voluntary development and implementation of innovative
pharmaceutical development, manufacturing, and quality assurance. Working with existing
regulations, the Agency has developed an innovative approach for helping the pharmaceutical
industry address anticipated technical and regulatory issues and questions.
This guidance is written for a broad industry audience in different organizational units and
scientific disciplines. To a large extent, the guidance discusses principles with the goal of
highlighting opportunities and developing regulatory processes that encourage innovation. In
this regard, it is not a typical Agency guidance.
FDA's guidance documents, including this guidance, do not establish legally enforceable
responsibilities. Instead, guidances describe the Agency's current thinking on a topic and should
be viewed only as recommendations, unless specific regulatory or statutory requirements are
cited. The use of the word should in Agency guidances means that something is suggested or
recommended, but not required.
This guidance was prepared by the Office of Pharmaceutical Science in the Center for Drug Evaluation and
Research (CDER) under the direction of Food and Drug Administration's Process Analytical Technology (PAT)
Steering Committee with membership from CDER, Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM), and Office of
Regulatory Affairs (ORA).
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
The scientific, risk-based framework outlined in this guidance, Process Analytical Technology or
PAT, is intended to support innovation and efficiency in pharmaceutical development,
manufacturing, and quality assurance. The framework is founded on process understanding to
facilitate innovation and risk-based regulatory decisions by industry and the Agency. The
framework has two components: (1) a set of scientific principles and tools supporting innovation
and (2) a strategy for regulatory implementation that will accommodate innovation. The
regulatory implementation strategy includes creation of a PAT Team approach to chemistry
manufacturing and control (CMC) review and current good manufacturing practice (CGMP)
inspections as well as joint training and certification of PAT review and inspection staff.
Together with the recommendations in this guidance, our new strategy is intended to alleviate
concern among manufacturers that innovation in manufacturing and quality assurance will result
in regulatory impasse. The Agency is encouraging manufacturers to use the PAT framework
described here to develop and implement effective and efficient innovative approaches in
pharmaceutical development, manufacturing and quality assurance.
This guidance addresses new and abbreviated new (human and veterinary) drug application
products and specified biologics regulated by CDER and CVM as well as nonapplication drug
products. Within this scope, the guidance is applicable to all manufacturers of drug substances,
drug products, and specified biologics (including intermediate and drug product components)
over the life cycle of the products (references to 21 CFR part 211 are merely examples of related
regulation). Within the context of this guidance, the term manufacturers includes human drug,
veterinary drug, and specified biologic sponsors and applicants (21 CFR 99.3(f)).
We would like to emphasize that any decision on the part of a manufacturer to work with the
Agency to develop and implement PAT is a voluntary one. In addition, developing and
implementing an innovative PAT system for a particular product does not mean that a similar
system must be developed and implemented for other products.
Conventional pharmaceutical manufacturing is generally accomplished using batch processing
with laboratory testing conducted on collected samples to evaluate quality. This conventional
approach has been successful in providing quality pharmaceuticals to the public. However,
today significant opportunities exist for improving pharmaceutical development, manufacturing,
and quality assurance through innovation in product and process development, process analysis,
and process control.
Unfortunately, the pharmaceutical industry generally has been hesitant to introduce innovative
systems into the manufacturing sector for a number of reasons. One reason often cited is
regulatory uncertainty, which may result from the perception that our existing regulatory system
is rigid and unfavorable to the introduction of innovative systems. For example, many
manufacturing procedures are treated as being frozen and many process changes are managed
through regulatory submissions. In addition, other scientific and technical issues have been
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
raised as possible reasons for this hesitancy. Nonetheless, industry's hesitancy to broadly
embrace innovation in pharmaceutical manufacturing is undesirable from a public health
perspective. Efficient pharmaceutical manufacturing is a critical part of an effective U.S. health
care system. The health of our citizens (and animals in their care) depends on the availability of
safe, effective, and affordable medicines.
Pharmaceuticals continue to have an increasingly prominent role in health care. Therefore
pharmaceutical manufacturing will need to employ innovation, cutting edge scientific and
engineering knowledge, along with the best principles of quality management to respond to the
challenges of new discoveries (e.g., novel drugs and nanotechnology) and ways of doing
business (e.g., individualized therapy, genetically tailored treatment). Regulatory policies must
also rise to the challenge.
In August 2002, recognizing the need to eliminate the hesitancy to innovate, the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) launched a new initiative entitled “Pharmaceutical CGMPs for the 21
Century: A Risk-Based Approach.” This initiative has several important goals, which ultimately
will help improve the American public's access to quality health care services. The goals are
intended to ensure that:
The most up-to-date concepts of risk management and quality systems approaches are
incorporated into the manufacture of pharmaceuticals while maintaining product quality
Manufacturers are encouraged to use the latest scientific advances in pharmaceutical
manufacturing and technology
The Agency's submission review and inspection programs operate in a coordinated and
synergistic manner
Regulations and manufacturing standards are applied consistently by the Agency and the
Management of the Agency's Risk-Based Approach encourages innovation in the
pharmaceutical manufacturing sector
Agency resources are used effectively and efficiently to address the most significant
health risks
Pharmaceutical manufacturing continues to evolve with increased emphasis on science and
engineering principles. Effective use of the most current pharmaceutical science and engineering
principles and knowledge — throughout the life cycle of a product — can improve the
efficiencies of both the manufacturing and regulatory processes. This FDA initiative is designed
to do just that by using an integrated systems approach to regulating pharmaceutical product
quality. The approach is based on science and engineering principles for assessing and
mitigating risks related to poor product and process quality. In this regard, the desired state of
pharmaceutical manufacturing and regulation may be characterized as follows:
Product quality and performance are ensured through the design of effective and efficient
manufacturing processes
Product and process specifications are based on a mechanistic understanding of how
formulation and process factors affect product performance
Continuous real time quality assurance
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Relevant regulatory policies and procedures are tailored to accommodate the most current
level of scientific knowledge
Risk-based regulatory approaches recognize
– the level of scientific understanding of how formulation and manufacturing process
factors affect product quality and performance
– the capability of process control strategies to prevent or mitigate the risk of producing a
poor quality product
This guidance, which is consistent with the Agency's August 2002 initiative, is intended to
facilitate progress to this desired state.
This guidance was developed through a collaborative effort involving CDER, the Center for
Veterinary Medicine (CVM), and the Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA).
activities included public discussions, PAT team building activities, joint training and
certification, and research. An integral part of this process was the extensive public discussions
at the FDA Science Board, the Advisory Committee for Pharmaceutical Science (ACPS), the
PAT-Subcommittee of ACPS, and several scientific workshops. Discussions covered a wide
range of topics including opportunities for improving pharmaceutical manufacturing, existing
barriers to innovation, possible approaches for removing both real and perceived barriers, and
many of the principles described in this guidance.
The Agency considers PAT to be a system for designing, analyzing, and controlling
manufacturing through timely measurements (i.e., during processing) of critical quality and
performance attributes of raw and in-process materials and processes, with the goal of ensuring
final product quality. It is important to note that the term analytical in PAT is viewed broadly to
include chemical, physical, microbiological, mathematical, and risk analysis conducted in an
integrated manner. The goal of PAT is to enhance understanding and control the manufacturing
process, which is consistent with our current drug quality system: quality cannot be tested into
products; it should be built-in or should be by design. Consequently, the tools and principles
described in this guidance should be used for gaining process understanding and can also be used
to meet the regulatory requirements for validating and controlling the manufacturing process.
Quality is built into pharmaceutical products through a comprehensive understanding of:
The intended therapeutic objectives; patient population; route of administration; and
pharmacological, toxicological, and pharmacokinetic characteristics of a drug
The chemical, physical, and biopharmaceutic characteristics of a drug
For products regulated by the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), manufacturers should
contact CBER to discuss applicability of Process Analytical Technology.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Design of a product and selection of product components and packaging based on drug
attributes listed above
The design of manufacturing processes using principles of engineering, material science,
and quality assurance to ensure acceptable and reproducible product quality and
performance throughout a product's shelf life
Using this approach of building quality into products, this guidance highlights the necessity for
process understanding and opportunities for improving manufacturing efficiencies through
innovation and enhanced scientific communication between manufacturers and the Agency.
Increased emphasis on building quality into products allows more focus to be placed on relevant
multi-factorial relationships among material, manufacturing process, environmental variables,
and their effects on quality. This enhanced focus provides a basis for identifying and
understanding relationships among various critical formulation and process factors and for
developing effective risk mitigation strategies (e.g., product specifications, process controls,
training). The data and information to help understand these relationships can be leveraged
through preformulation programs, development and scale-up studies, as well as from improved
analysis of manufacturing data collected over the life of a product.
Effective innovation in development, manufacturing and quality assurance would be expected to
better answer questions such as the following:
What are the mechanisms of degradation, drug release, and absorption?
What are the effects of product components on quality?
What sources of variability are critical?
How does the process manage variability?
A desired goal of the PAT framework is to design and develop well understood processes that
will consistently ensure a predefined quality at the end of the manufacturing process. Such
procedures would be consistent with the basic tenet of quality by design and could reduce risks
to quality and regulatory concerns while improving efficiency. Gains in quality, safety and/or
efficiency will vary depending on the process and the product, and are likely to come from:
Reducing production cycle times by using on-, in-, and/or at-line measurements and
Preventing rejects, scrap, and re-processing
Real time release
Increasing automation to improve operator safety and reduce human errors
Improving energy and material use and increasing capacity
Facilitating continuous processing to improve efficiency and manage variability
For example, use of dedicated small-scale equipment (to eliminate certain scale-
up issues)
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
This guidance facilitates innovation in development, manufacturing and quality assurance by
focusing on process understanding. These concepts are applicable to all manufacturing
A. Process Understanding
A process is generally considered well understood when (1) all critical sources of variability are
identified and explained; (2) variability is managed by the process; and, (3) product quality
attributes can be accurately and reliably predicted over the design space established for materials
used, process parameters, manufacturing, environmental, and other conditions. The ability to
predict reflects a high degree of process understanding. Although retrospective process
capability data are indicative of a state of control, these alone may be insufficient to gauge or
communicate process understanding.
A focus on process understanding can reduce the burden for validating systems by providing
more options for justifying and qualifying systems intended to monitor and control biological,
physical, and/or chemical attributes of materials and processes. In the absence of process
knowledge, when proposing a new process analyzer, the test-to-test comparison between an on-
line process analyzer and a conventional test method on collected samples may be the only
available validation option. In some cases, this approach may be too burdensome and may
discourage the use of some new technologies.
Transfer of laboratory methods to on-, in-, or at-line methods may not necessarily be PAT.
Existing regulatory guidance documents and compendial approaches on analytical method
validation should be considered.
Structured product and process development on a small scale, using experimental design and on-
or in-line process analyzers to collect data in real time, can provide increased insight and
understanding for process development, optimization, scale-up, technology transfer, and control.
Process understanding then continues in the production phase when other variables (e.g.,
environmental and supplier changes) may possibly be encountered. Therefore, continuous
learning over the life cycle of a product is important.
B. Principles and Tools
Pharmaceutical manufacturing processes often consist of a series of unit operations, each
intended to modulate certain properties of the materials being processed. To ensure acceptable
and reproducible modulation, consideration should be given to the quality attributes of incoming
materials and their process-ability for each unit operation. During the last 3 decades, significant
progress has been made in developing analytical methods for chemical attributes (e.g., identity
and purity). However, certain physical and mechanical attributes of pharmaceutical ingredients
are not necessarily well understood. Consequently, the inherent, undetected variability of raw
materials may be manifested in the final product. Establishing effective processes for managing
physical attributes of raw and in-process materials requires a fundamental understanding of
attributes that are critical to product quality. Such attributes (e.g., particle size and shape
variations within a sample) of raw and in-process materials may pose a significant challenge
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
because of their complexities and difficulties related to collecting representative samples. For
example, it is well known that powder sampling procedures can be erroneous.
Formulation design strategies exist that provide robust processes that are not adversely affected
by minor differences in physical attributes of raw materials. Because these strategies are not
generalized and are often based on the experience of a particular formulator, the quality of these
formulations can be evaluated only by testing samples of in-process materials and end products.
Currently, these tests are performed off line after preparing collected samples for analysis.
Different tests, each for a particular quality attribute, are needed because such tests only address
one attribute of the active ingredient following sample preparation (e.g., chemical separation to
isolate it from other components). During sample preparation, other valuable information
pertaining to the formulation matrix is often lost. Several new technologies are now available
that can acquire information on multiple attributes with minimal or no sample preparation. These
technologies provide an opportunity to assess multiple attributes, often nondestructively.
Currently, most pharmaceutical processes are based on time-defined end points (e.g., blend for
10 minutes). However, in some cases, these time-defined end points do not consider the effects
of physical differences in raw materials. Processing difficulties can arise that result in the failure
of a product to meet specifications, even if certain raw materials conform to established
pharmacopeial specifications, which generally address only chemical identity and purity.
Appropriate use of PAT tools and principles, described below can provide relevant information
relating to physical, chemical, and biological attributes. The process understanding gained from
this information will enable process control and optimization, address the limitation of the time-
defined end points discussed above, and improve efficiency.
1. PAT Tools
There are many tools available that enable process understanding for scientific, risk-managed
pharmaceutical development, manufacture, and quality assurance. These tools, when used within
a system, can provide effective and efficient means for acquiring information to facilitate process
understanding, continuous improvement, and development of risk-mitigation strategies. In the
PAT framework, these tools can be categorized according to the following:
Multivariate tools for design, data acquisition and analysis
Process analyzers
Process control tools
Continuous improvement and knowledge management tools
An appropriate combination of some, or all, of these tools may be applicable to a single-unit
operation, or to an entire manufacturing process and its quality assurance.
a. Multivariate Tools for Design, Data Acquisition and Analysis
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
From a physical, chemical, or biological perspective, pharmaceutical products and
processes are complex multi-factorial systems. There are many development strategies
that can be used to identify optimal formulations and processes. The knowledge acquired
in these development programs is the foundation for product and process design.
This knowledge base can help to support and justify flexible regulatory paths for
innovation in manufacturing and postapproval changes. A knowledge base can be of
most benefit when it consists of scientific understanding of the relevant multi-factorial
relationships (e.g., between formulation, process, and quality attributes), as well as a
means to evaluate the applicability of this knowledge in different scenarios (i.e.,
generalization). This benefit can be achieved through the use of multivariate
mathematical approaches, such as statistical design of experiments, response surface
methodologies, process simulation, and pattern recognition tools, in conjunction with
knowledge management systems. The applicability and reliability of knowledge in the
form of mathematical relationships and models can be assessed by statistical evaluation
of model predictions.
Methodological experiments based on statistical principles of orthogonality, reference
distribution, and randomization, provide effective means for identifying and studying the
effect and interaction of product and process variables. Traditional one-factor-at-a-time
experiments do not address interactions among product and process variables.
Experiments conducted during product and process development can serve as building
blocks of knowledge that grow to accommodate a higher degree of complexity
throughout the life of a product. Information from such structured experiments supports
development of a knowledge system for a particular product and its processes. This
information, along with information from other development projects, can then become
part of an overall institutional knowledge base. As this institutional knowledge base
grows in coverage (range of variables and scenarios) and data density, it can be mined to
determine useful patterns for future development projects. These experimental databases
can also support the development of process simulation models, which can contribute to
continuous learning and help to reduce overall development time.
When used appropriately, these tools enable the identification and evaluation of product
and process variables that may be critical to product quality and performance. The tools
may also identify potential failure modes and mechanisms and quantify their effects on
product quality.
b. Process Analyzers
Process analysis has advanced significantly during the past several decades, due to an
increasing appreciation for the value of collecting process data. Industrial drivers of
productivity, quality, and environmental impact have supported major advancements in
this area. Available tools have evolved from those that predominantly take univariate
process measurements, such as pH, temperature, and pressure, to those that measure
biological, chemical, and physical attributes. Indeed some process analyzers provide
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
nondestructive measurements that contain information related to biological, physical, and
chemical attributes of the materials being processed. These measurements can be:
at-line: Measurement where the sample is removed, isolated from, and analyzed
in close proximity to the process stream.
on-line: Measurement where the sample is diverted from the manufacturing
process, and may be returned to the process stream.
in-line: Measurement where the sample is not removed from the process stream
and can be invasive or noninvasive
Process analyzers typically generate large volumes of data. Certain data are likely to be
relevant for routine quality assurance and regulatory decisions. In a PAT environment,
batch records should include scientific and procedural information indicative of high
process quality and product conformance. For example, batch records could include a
series of charts depicting acceptance ranges, confidence intervals, and distribution plots
(inter- and intrabatch) showing measurement results. Ease of secure access to these data
is important for real time manufacturing control and quality assurance. Installed
information technology systems should accommodate such functions.
Measurements collected from these process analyzers need not be absolute values of the
attribute of interest. The ability to measure relative differences in materials before (e.g.,
within a lot, lot-to-lot, different suppliers) and during processing will provide useful
information for process control. A flexible process may be designed to manage variability
of the materials being processed. Such an approach can be established and justified when
differences in quality attributes and other process information are used to control (e.g.,
feed-forward and/or feed-back) the process.
Advances in process analyzers make real time control and quality assurance during
manufacturing feasible. However, multivariate methodologies are often necessary to
extract critical process knowledge for real time control and quality assurance.
Comprehensive statistical and risk analyses of the process are generally necessary to
assess the reliability of predictive mathematical relationships. Based on the estimated
risk, a simple correlation function may need further support or justification, such as a
mechanistic explanation of causal links among the process, material measurements, and
target quality specifications. For certain applications, sensor-based measurements can
provide a useful process signature that may be related to the underlying process steps or
transformations. Based on the level of process understanding, these signatures may also
be useful for process monitoring, control, and end point determination when these
patterns or signatures relate to product and process quality.
Design and construction of the process equipment, the analyzer, and their interfaces are
critical to ensure that collected data are relevant and representative of process and
product attributes. Robust design, reliability, and ease of operation are important
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Installation of process analyzers on existing process equipment in production should be
done after risk analysis to ensure this installation does not adversely affect process or
product quality.
A review of current standard practices (e.g., ASTM International) for process analyzers
can provide useful information and facilitate discussions with the Agency. A few
examples of such standards are listed in the bibliography section. Additionally, standards
forthcoming from the ASTM Technical Committee E55 may provide complimentary
information for implementing the PAT Framework. We recommend that manufacturers
developing a PAT process consider a scientific, risk-based approach relevant to the
intended use of an analyzer for a specific process and its utility for understanding and
controlling the process.
c. Process Control Tools
It is important to emphasize that a strong link between product design and process
development is essential to ensure effective control of all critical quality attributes.
Process monitoring and control strategies are intended to monitor the state of a process
and actively manipulate it to maintain a desired state. Strategies should accommodate the
attributes of input materials, the ability and reliability of process analyzers to measure
critical attributes, and the achievement of process end points to ensure consistent quality
of the output materials and the final product.
Design and optimization of drug formulations and manufacturing processes within the
PAT framework can include the following steps (the sequence of steps can vary):
Identify and measure critical material and process attributes relating to product
Design a process measurement system to allow real time or near real time (e.g.,
on-, in-, or at-line) monitoring of all critical attributes
Design process controls that provide adjustments to ensure control of all critical
Develop mathematical relationships between product quality attributes and
measurements of critical material and process attributes
Within the PAT framework, a process end point is not a fixed time; rather it is the
achievement of the desired material attribute. This, however, does not mean that process
time is not considered. A range of acceptable process times (process window) is likely to
be achieved during the manufacturing phase and should be evaluated, and considerations
for addressing significant deviations from acceptable process times should be developed.
Where PAT spans the entire manufacturing process, the fraction of in-process materials
and final product evaluated during production could be substantially greater than what is
currently achieved using laboratory testing. Thus, an opportunity to use more rigorous
statistical principles for a quality decision is provided. Rigorous statistical principles
should be used for defining acceptance criteria for end point attributes that consider
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
measurement and sampling strategies. Multivariate Statistical Process Control can be
feasible and valuable to realizing the full benefit of real time measurements. Quality
decisions should be based on process understanding and the prediction and control of
relevant process/product attributes. This is one way to be consistent with relevant CGMP
requirements, as such control procedures that validate the performance of the
manufacturing process (21 CFR 211.110(a)).
Systems that promote greater product and process understanding can provide a high
assurance of quality on every batch and provide alternative, effective mechanisms to
demonstrate validation (per 21 CFR 211.100(a), i.e., production and process controls are
designed to ensure quality). In a PAT framework, validation can be demonstrated
through continuous quality assurance where a process is continually monitored,
evaluated, and adjusted using validated in-process measurements, tests, controls, and
process end points.
Risk-based approaches are suggested for validating PAT software systems. The
recommendations provided by other FDA guidances, such as General Principles of
Software Validation
should be considered. Other useful information can be obtained
from consensus standards, such as ASTM.
d. Continuous Improvement and Knowledge Management
Continuous learning through data collection and analysis over the life cycle of a product
is important. These data can contribute to justifying proposals for postapproval changes.
Approaches and information technology systems that support knowledge acquisition
from such databases are valuable for the manufacturers and can also facilitate scientific
communication with the Agency.
Opportunities need to be identified to improve the usefulness of available relevant
product and process knowledge during regulatory decision making. A knowledge base
can be of most benefit when it consists of scientific understanding of the relevant multi-
factorial relationships (e.g., between formulation, process, and quality attributes) as well
as a means to evaluate the applicability of this knowledge in different scenarios (i.e.,
generalization). Today's information technology infrastructure makes the development
and maintenance of this knowledge base practical.
2. Risk-Based Approach
Within an established quality system and for a particular manufacturing process, one would
expect an inverse relationship between the level of process understanding and the risk of
producing a poor quality product. For processes that are well understood, opportunities exist to
develop less restrictive regulatory approaches to manage change (e.g., no need for a regulatory
submission). Thus, a focus on process understanding can facilitate risk-based regulatory
decisions and innovation. Note that risk analysis and management is broader than what is
discussed within the PAT framework and may form a system of its own.
See guidance for industry and FDA staff, General Principles of Software Validation.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
3. Integrated Systems Approach
The fast pace of innovation in today's information age necessitates integrated systems thinking
for evaluating and timely application of efficient tools and systems that satisfy the needs of
patients and the industry. Many of the advances that have occurred, and are anticipated to occur,
are bringing the development, manufacturing, quality assurance, and information/knowledge
management functions so closely together that these four areas should be coordinated in an
integrated manner. Therefore, upper management support for these initiatives is critical for
successful implementation.
The Agency recognizes the importance of having an integrated systems approach to the
regulation of PAT. Therefore, the Agency developed a new regulatory strategy that includes a
PAT team approach to joint training, certification, CMC review, and CGMP inspections.
4. Real Time Release
Real time release is the ability to evaluate and ensure the acceptable quality of in-process and/or
final product based on process data. Typically, the PAT component of real time release includes
a valid combination of assessed material attributes and process controls. Material attributes can
be assessed using direct and/or indirect process analytical methods. The combined process
measurements and other test data gathered during the manufacturing process can serve as the
basis for real time release of the final product and would demonstrate that each batch conforms
to established regulatory quality attributes. We consider real time release to be comparable to
alternative analytical procedures for final product release.
Real time release as defined in this guidance builds on parametric release for heat terminally
sterilized drug products, a practice in the United States since 1985. In real time release, material
attributes as well as process parameters are measured and controlled.
The Agency's approval should be obtained prior to implementing real time release for products
that are the subject of market applications or licenses. Process understanding, control strategies,
plus on-, in-, or at-line measurement of critical attributes that relate to product quality provides a
scientific risk-based approach to justify how real time quality assurance is at least equivalent to,
or better than, laboratory-based testing on collected samples. Real time release as defined in this
guidance meets the requirements of testing and release for distribution (21 CFR 211.165).
With real time quality assurance, the desired quality attributes are ensured through continuous
assessment during manufacture. Data from production batches can serve to validate the process
and reflect the total system design concept, essentially supporting validation with each
manufacturing batch.
C. Strategy for Implementation
The Agency understands that to enable successful implementation of PAT, flexibility,
coordination, and communication with manufacturers is critical. The Agency believes that
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
current regulations are sufficiently broad to accommodate these strategies. Regulations can
effectively support innovation when clear, effective, and meaningful communication exists
between the Agency and industry, for example, in the form of meetings or informal
The first component of the PAT framework described above addresses many of the uncertainties
with respect to innovation and outlines broad principles for addressing anticipated scientific and
technical issues. This framework should assist a manufacturer in proposing and adopting
innovative manufacturing and quality assurance. The Agency encourages such proposals and
has developed a regulatory strategy to consider such proposals. The Agency's regulatory
strategy includes the following:
A PAT team approach for CMC review and CGMP inspections
Joint training and certification of PAT review, inspection and compliance staff
Scientific and technical support for the PAT review, inspection and compliance staff
The recommendations provided in this guidance
Ideally, PAT principles and tools should be introduced during the development phase. The
advantage of using these principles and tools during development is to create opportunities to
improve the mechanistic basis for establishing regulatory specifications. Manufacturers are
encouraged to use the PAT framework to develop and discuss approaches for establishing
mechanistic-based regulatory specifications for their products. The recommendations provided in
this guidance are intended to alleviate concerns with approval or inspection when adopting the
PAT framework.
In the course of implementing the PAT framework, manufacturers may want to evaluate the
suitability of a PAT tool on experimental and/or production equipment and processes. For
example, when evaluating experimental on- or in-line process analyzers during production, it is
recommended that risk analysis of the impact on product quality be conducted before
installation. This can be accomplished within the facility's quality system without prior
notification to the Agency. Data collected using an experimental tool should be considered
research data. If research is conducted in a production facility, it should be under the facility's
own quality system.
When using new measurement tools, such as on- or in-line process analyzers, certain data trends,
intrinsic to a currently acceptable process, may be observed. Manufacturers should scientifically
evaluate these data to determine how or if such trends affect quality and implementation of PAT
tools. FDA does not intend to inspect research data collected on an existing product for the
purpose of evaluating the suitability of an experimental process analyzer or other PAT tool.
FDA's routine inspection of a firm's manufacturing process that incorporates a PAT tool for
research purposes will be based on current regulatory standards (e.g., test results from currently
approved or acceptable regulatory methods). Any FDA decision to inspect research data would
be based on exceptional situations similar to those outlined in Compliance Policy Guide Sec.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Those data used to support validation or regulatory submissions will be subject to
inspection in the usual manner.
One goal of this guidance is to tailor the Agency's usual regulatory scrutiny to meet the needs of
PAT-based innovations that (1) improve the scientific basis for establishing regulatory
specifications, (2) promote continuous improvement, and (3) improve manufacturing while
maintaining or improving the current level of product quality. To be able to do this,
manufacturers should communicate relevant scientific knowledge to the Agency and resolve
related technical issues in a timely manner. Our goal is to facilitate a consistent scientific
regulatory assessment involving multiple Agency offices with varied responsibilities.
This guidance provides a broad perspective on our proposed PAT regulatory approach. Close
communication between the manufacturer and the Agency’s PAT review and inspection staff
will be a key component in this approach. We anticipate that communication between
manufacturers and the Agency may continue over the life cycle of a product and that
communication will be in the form of meetings, telephone conferences, and written
We have posted much of the information you will need on our PAT Web page located at Please refer to the Web page to keep abreast of
important information. We recommend general correspondence related to PAT be directed to the
FDA PAT Team. Manufacturers can contact the PAT Team regarding any PAT questions at:
[email protected]. Address any written correspondence to the address provided on the PAT
Web page. All written correspondence should be identified clearly as PROCESS
All marketing applications, amendments, or supplements to an application should be submitted
to the appropriate CDER or CVM division in the usual manner. When consulting with the
Agency, manufacturers may want to discuss not only specific PAT plans, but also thoughts on a
possible regulatory path. Information generated from research on an existing process, along with
other process knowledge, can be used to formulate and communicate implementation plans to
Agency staff.
In general, PAT implementation plans should be risk based. We are proposing the following
possible implementation plans, where appropriate:
PAT can be implemented under the facility's own quality system. CGMP inspections by
the PAT Team or PAT certified Investigator can precede or follow PAT implementation.
FDA/ORA Compliance Policy Guide, Sec. 130.300, FDA Access to Results of Quality Assurance Program Audits
and Inspections (CPG 7151.02).
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
A supplement (CBE, CBE-30 or PAS) can be submitted to the Agency prior to
implementation, and, if necessary, an inspection can be performed by a PAT Team or
PAT certified Investigator before implementation.
A comparability protocol
can be submitted to the Agency outlining PAT research,
validation and implementation strategies, and time lines. Following approval of this
comparability protocol by the Agency, one or a combination of the above regulatory
pathways can be adopted for implementation.
To facilitate adoption or approval of a PAT process, manufacturers may request a preoperational
review of a PAT manufacturing facility and process by the PAT Team (see ORA Field
Management Directive No.135)
by contacting the FDA Process Analytical Technology Team at
the address given above.
It should be noted that when certain PAT implementation plans neither affect the current process
nor require a change in specifications, several options can be considered. Manufacturers should
evaluate and discuss with the Agency the most appropriate option for their situation.
FDA guidance for industry, Comparability Protocols – Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls Information,
issued February 2003. Once finalized, it will represent the Agency's current thinking on this topic.
FDA Field Management Directive 135.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
A. Useful Standards
1. ASTM Standards
E2363-04: Standard Terminology related to PAT
D 3764 - 01: Standard Practice for Validation of Process Stream Analyzer Systems.
D 4855 - 97: Standard Practice for Comparing Test Methods.
D 6299 - 02: Standard Practice for Applying Statistical Quality Assurance Techniques to
Evaluate Analytical Measurement System Performance.
E 456-02: Standard Terminology Relating to Quality and Statistics
E1325-02: Standard Terminology Relating to Design of Experiments.
2. Parenteral Drug Association
PDA. May/June 2000. Technical Report No. 33: Evaluation, Validation and
Implementation of New Microbiological Testing Methods. PDA Journal of
Pharmaceutical Science and Technology 54(3) Supplement TR33
B. Literature
For additional information, refer to FDA's PAT Web page at