Syncing Google Classroom
and Infinite Campus Gradebook
First, you must make some changes to your IC gradebook.
You MUST do this step in each of your classes in Innite
> Select a class in you IC gradebook.
>Select the Sengs Box.
>Select Non Campus Assignment Defaults.
>In the pop up window, you will have two pull down boxes.
For Default Category, select Assignments.
For Default/Standard Grading, select Course Grade.
Click SAVE (boom right of the pop box) to save your
Aer you complete the items on the le, you are ready
to work in Google Classroom.
You must do the next 4 steps for each of your Google
1—Click to open a class.
2—Click the GEAR in the upper right corner.
3—Under the General Secon, you should see a buon
to LINK a class.
4—Select Course Number. Be sure you select the cor-
rect course number in this step as this is were you are
telling your Google Classroom which class to send
grades to in Innite Campus. Note: As you link classes,
your opons for Course Number will decrease. CLICK
Remember: Do this for each of your classes.
You will only do the steps
on this page one time.
Export Grades from Google Classroom to Innite Campus
You will do these steps every me you have grades to transfer from Google
Classroom to your Grade book.
**You can only do these steps aer you have completed the set up steps in Google Class-
room and Innite Campus.
>Go to GRADES tab on the class in your Google Classroom from where you will export grades.
> Click SIS Export.
>A pop up will appear, and you will select any (or all) assignment(s) that you want to export to
Innite Campus.
> Click SIS Export. *You will have to do this step for each Google classroom.
NOTE: If you have ZERO in the column indicang
number of grades to export this probably means:
> Assignments created in Google Classroom do not
have a due date.
> The grades for the assignment were not returned
to the students in Google classroom.
When you create assignments in Google Classroom, you must include a due date.
If you export an assignment but do not have a due date or you have not returned grades,
the assignment will be created in Innite Campus, but there will not be any grades in
Innite Campus.
If a student turns in an assignment late, you can add the grade in Google Classroom, but
you must do another export for that assignment.
If you are giving a student a zero for an assignment, you must enter a 0 in the Google
Classroom grades in order for it to export to IC.
You can enter assignments and grades directly into Innite Classroom if the assignment
does not lend itself to Google Classroom.