ERAS FAQs and Helpful Hints
ERAS has a helpful FAQ section that is outlined below and can be found in entirety here: https://students-
Getting Started
When does the ERAS season open?
How do I find out which specialties and programs will be participating with ERAS for the season?
How do I apply to a specialty or program that is not participating with ERAS?
How do I gain access to MyERAS?
Who is my Designated Dean’s Office?
When can I get my ERAS Token for the season?
What do I need to know before I register with MyERAS?
When I register with MyERAS, am I automatically registered to participate in NRMP or any other matching service?
What are the fees associated with using MyERAS?
What methods of payment can I use to pay for fees in MyERAS?
MyERAS Application
Who should I contact if I need advice on how to fill out my application?
When can I certify and submit my application?
Are there any parts of the application that can be changed or updated after I certify and submit my application?
When can I begin applying to programs?
When will programs be able to view my application?
Do all my supporting documents have to be uploaded to ERAS before I can apply to programs?
What is the deadline to apply to programs?
MyERAS Documents
What supporting documents can be included as part of my application when applying to programs?
How do I get my supporting documents to ERAS so that they can be included as part of my application?
Can I edit my Personal Statement after I apply to programs?
How many LoRs can be uploaded per season? How many LoRs can I assign to any given program?
How will I know when a LoR is uploaded so that I can assign it to programs?
Should Standardized Forms/Letters of Evaluations be handled differently than narrative LoRs?
Does the “Dean’s Letter”, better known as the MSPE, count as one of my four (4) LoRs?
Does the PTAL/California Letter count as one of my four (4) LoRs? (IMGs Only)
Is there a fee associated with sending my USMLE transcript to programs via MyERAS?
Is there a fee associated with sending my COMLEX-USA transcript to programs via MyERAS? (DOs Only)
When will ERAS send my exam (USMLE or COMLEX-USA) transcript request to the NBME, ECFMG (for IMGs), or NBOME
for processing?
How long does it take to process my exam (USMLE or COMLEX-USA) transcript request?
Can I change my document assignments after applying to programs?
Additional Helpful Hints
It is a good idea to write a few hobbies/interests in the “Hobbies and Interests” section. Sometimes activities
from this section will come up during an interview.
If you have training that doesn’t fit in another section (e.g. FEMA training) you can put it in the “Other
Awards/Accomplishments” section.
You do not have to fill in the fields “Supervisor” and “Reason for Leaving” in the Experience section, you can
leave those blank.
You can use bullet points in your descriptions of your experience.
Be consistent! If you use a period at the end of one bullet, use a period at the end of every bulleted line.
Spell check and have someone else read your application.
Once you Certify and Submit, you CANNOT go back into your application to make changes. Do not submit
without thoroughly editing.
You should submit your application by October 20 as programs will begin reviewing applications when they are
first available on October 21.
For Letter of Recommendation (LoR) writer titles:
o Prioritize in this order:
§ First, list a program leadership title if the LoR writer has one e.g. Assistant/Associate Program
Director, Program Director
§ Second, list a department leadership title e.g. chair, vice-chair
§ Third, list faculty title
o There is a short character limit for this field, if you can’t fit everything, that’s ok.
o If you don’t know your LoR writer’s title, email him/her to ask or look on the Northwell website.
Additional Tools and Resources
If you have logistical questions, please email
If you have questions about the content of your application or questions about who should write your letters of
recommendation, please contact your Career Advisor.