PJAEE, 17 (9) (2020)
Deepjyoti Baruah,
Student, Gauhati University
ASSAMESE LITERATURE -- Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology 17 (9), ISSN
Assam has a rich tradition of culture and as well as literature. Though it is the inhabitant of
various cast and tribes there is a specific unity among all the diversities. The people from various casts,
tribes and traditions are basically connected with one main language called Assamese. The language
Assamese is a developed and distinct branch of MagadhiPrakrita which is originated from Indo-Aryan
Language groups. The language has its Rich trading of written literature from 10
century. The first
instance the written Assamese language form is on the Sarjyapada of Buddha religion. After that the
PrahladCharitra was written by HemSaraswati which is purely in Assamese form. In such way the
Assamese language were grown up with the help of many Baishnav saint like Sankardeva,Madhabdeva
etc. In 1826 the East India Company occupied Assam by the help of the treaty of Yandabo. In 1846 the
Chirstian missionaries were published a magazine named “Arunodoi”. Arunodoi made a Drastic change
on the Assamese literature. It has a great value on the basis of the modernization of Assamese language
and its people. Actually at first Arunodoiopen the door of western knowledge and thoughts to the
Assamese people. In this article we want to analyze those contribution of Arunodoi to the Assamese
language and as well as the Assamese society.
In this Article We will used the descriptive method
and analytical method where it needed. As a reference we
PJAEE, 17 (9) (2020)
used the printed version of the Arunodoi and some
secondary sources like books, article research papers etc.
Arunodoiis the first Assamese magazine. This was printed
from the Baptist Missionary printing press situated on the
bank of Dikhowriver in Sibsagar District. Arunodoi was
first published in 1846(January). "The Arunodoi, Monthly
Paper, devoted to religion, science and general
intelligence"- was the the punch line of the magazine. It
continued to be published till 1879. First editor ofthis paper
was Dr. Nathan Brown and then A.H. Den forth, Ms. Ward,
Miles Bronson, A.K Gurney, Rev. Clerketc. took over the
charge respectively. ThoughChristianity was the main aim
of the paper, it also included various news related to current
affairs, Science, astrology, history and also trivia. This
paper created a new era to the Assamese literary world.
Assamese people got to know about the western world, its
civilization and the western thought through this paper for
the first time. Arunodoi gave a new confidence to the
Assamese literates to carry forward with Assamese
dictionary , grammar and other essential parts of the
language. This paper gave birth to some prominent
Assamese authors like AnandaramDhekialPhukan,
HemchandraBaruah and NidhiLibaiPharowal. The
Arunodoiused a simple approach instead of borrowing
words from other languages, removing complexity among
various alphabets, mainly pronunciation oriented word
construction etc. Though this effort was not accepted in the
long run, but the Arunodoi opened the gate to the modern
literacy in the Assam.
Arunodoi was mainly a product of Christianity
movement. But the officials of American Baptist Mission
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know that language and literature is the main thing to get
connected with the indigenous Assamese people. Therefore
firstly they focused to learnt the Assamese Language and
then broadcast their religion to them. Language and
literature is the most essential element to connect with
people and convey their ideology. Apart from this it is to be
said that most of the officials of American Baptist Missions
were originally interested to the Language and culture.
They wrote many books, articles and language skill related
books like grammar, dictionary etc. The name of such
missionaries are Nathan Brown, Miles Bronson, A K
Gurney, Elija Brown, NidhiLibai Farwell etc. Here is a
brief description about the mentioned authors of Arunodoi-
Nathan Brown- in 1836 Nathan Brown came to the Assam
from America. At first he lived in Sadiya and by writing
some useful textbooks he used to teach the children there.
But for some reasons he get back to Joypur and in 1843 he
moved back to Assam, Sibsagar Again. He published the
Assamese translated version of New Testament” As
NatunNiom in 1849 and KhristarBiboronAruHuvjatra in
1848.Brown also
wroteJoseforKahiniAndJikhukhristorJiboni. He also
translatedJohn Banion’s book Prillgrim’s Progress
AsJatrikorJatra. Apart from this he had a great
contribution on collecting and publishing some valuable
Assamese books. He collected and published the
AsomBuronji of KashinathTamuliPhukan and
BakulKayaosth’sGonitorPuthi. The Most Crucial
contribution of Nathan Brown is a book about Assamese
grammar named Grammatical Notices of the Assamese
Miles Bronson- Miles Bronson(18121883) was one of the
first American Baptist missionaries who came to Sadiya
and Jaipur in Assam, India. His mission was to preach
about Christianity in these parts of the world. Since there
were too many tribal people who knows only Assamese, he
learnt Assamese and spent a lot of time among the tribal
people. He also wrote number of books on those tribal
people and their lives. The groundbreaking contribution of
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Miles Bronson to the Assamese community is the
Dictionary of Assamese. In 1867 he published the book and
it contained 14000 of Assamese words. Since the dictionary
is the key element of any Language so it is to be said that
he made the pillar of the Assamese Language. Apart from
this he translated many chapters from the holy Bible and
wrote some other Articles.
A.K Gurney A.K Gurney gave his first step in Assam in
1874. He edited the magazine Arunodoi for many years,
translated New Testament from Hibru Language to the
Assamese language. He also wrote
RoothAruJoseforKahini(1881) KaniBeheruwarKotha
(1878) ElakeshiBeshyarKotha (1877) and
KaminikantorCharitra (1877). Garney Edited and
published one more magazine named Dipti in 1905.
NidhiLibaiFarwel NidhiLibaifarwell is originally an
Assamese whose name is NidhiramKeot. In 1841 he
baptized in Christian and changed his name to
NidhiLibaifarwell. He was regular writer of Arunodoi
magazine. He wrote many valueable article like Binoy
hindustanorBuronjee etc. In 1855 he published a book
Apart from this EngrajiAsomiyaSabsokoshOf S.R
ward and EngrajiAsomiyaSabdakosh Of Mrs. Katter are
the two most valuable book of this time.Besides this Henri
AruTeorLoguwa, AporimitasarorPorinam, JoseforKahini,
AmerikaAbiskar, PanditAruDharmoprosar, 220 Ta
Stutigeet, BibelorHadhu, RamgotirKahiniDharmikSoha,
MauriSuwali, AfrikarKowar, Krishna AruKhirstorTulona,
ApottiNakhok, SwarupAsroy, HubornorTul, NistarorUpay,
SrirtiAruProloy, Guru AhilAruTomakMatise,
PaapKhemaPoaSuwali, Pabitra Avatar,
DharamPuthirBiboron are the most valuable contribution
of Arunodoi era.
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Apart from American Baptist missionaries there
were many Assamese writer who wrote many valuable
article on ArunodoiMagazine. They were not related the
Arunodoiand Christian Missionaries group directly. Since
there were only one magazine of Assamese language at that
time so they had to write in that magazine. They were not
in support of Arunodois easy spelling system and raised
their voice on it. In spite of that there were a vital role of
non Christian writers to the Arunodoi era. Some renown
writers of that era was-
AnandaramDhekialPhukan :(18291859) was one of the
pioneers of Assamese literature in the Arunodoi. He joined
in the literary revolution initiated by missionaries. He was
remembered for his efforts in promoting Assamese
language. He played a major role in replacing the Bengali
language with the Assamese language as the official
language in Assam.
AnandaramDhekialPhukan started his literary life at the age
of 17.From then until his death his sole aim was the
development of his land and its people. In 1847,
Anandaram published EnglandorBiwaran in Arunodoi. In
1849, he published AsomiyaLorarMitra in two volumes
which contained almost 400 pages. It is considered as one
of the milestone of the Assamese literature. In 1853, when
Moffat Mills came to Assam to review the economic
condition, AnandaramDhekialPhukan presented him with a
report written in lucid English describing the political and
administrative situation of Assam, in-depth analysis of
problems faced by the Assamese language and education
system, and reasons and solutions to the poor economic
condition of the Assamese people. He published another
book, A few remarks on Assamese language, in English in
1855. In this book he discussed the independent criteria of
the language and the grievous outcome of imposing
Bengali as the official language in Assam. This book
mentions about 62 religious books and 40 plays. In
addition, he started working on two dictionaries (Assamese
to English, English to Assamese) and sent some parts of
these to Arunodoi but their fate remains unknown
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GunabhiramBarua (1837-1894) was a nineteenth century
Indian intellectual from Assam who ushered in new ideas
of social reform in the early years of colonial rule in
Assam.He was deeply influenced by the progressive
intellectual currents of the Bengal Renaissance.
The first social drama of Assamese Ramnavami was
written by GunabhiramBarua in 1857 and published as a
book in 1870. Gunabhiram is also remembered as a
historian and biographer. In 1887 he published an Assam
Buranjee,KathinShobdorRohasyhaBakhya is a humorous
work by Barua, published posthumously in 1912.
GunabhiramBarua published and edited the short-lived but
hugely influential literary journal Assam-Bandhu(1885-
Hemchandra Barua was a prominent writer, social activist
of Assam. He was the compiler of the first exhaustive
Assamese dictionary Hemkosha, where spellings based on
Sanskrit were first introduced. It was the second dictionary
of the Assamese language which was published in 1900
after his death.Some of his other works are -
'ÔxômiyaByakôrôn' (1859), 'Adipath' (1873),
'Pathmala'(1882), 'Ôxômiyalôrarbyakôrôn'(1886). These
four books were recognizeas text books for schools at that
time. Besides this he also wrote
'Xasthyôkhyabagabhalêrakhibôrupay' (Way to
health)(translated), 'Assamese Marriage System'
All the above mentioned writers were worth mentioned
person for the growth and development of the Assamese
literature. They all were worked hard to give the Assamese
literature a new dimension. And this all were possible
through Arunodoi magazine mainly. Therefore we have to
be grateful for the literary work published through
Arunodoi. I already mentioned that Arunodoi was the
gateway of all the western thought and culture. Because of
that there were many reforms came to the Assamese
Society and its education system through the Arunodoi
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also. The main Contribution of Arunodoi can be mentioned
as follows-
It can be said that Arunodoi revive the almost ended
Assamese language from a crucial situation. They helped to
re established the Assamese language as a medium of
learning and governance by fighting with the government.
They worked hard to established the peculiarity of the
Assamese language and tried to convinced the importance
of mother language for basic education of Assamese
Grammar and Dictionary which is the key role for any
language, they published that types of books to strengthen
the basic structure of the Assamese language.
They were the first who published a magazine in Assamese
language. And through this they opened the door of western
knowledge and thoughts to the Assamese People.
They collect some very precious Assamese old book and
publish it through their missionary press. Now these are the
most valuable gems of Assamese literature for whom all
Assamese people can be proud.
Arunodoi Enrich the word Stock of Assamese language by
creating some new words with the help of English Word
and some other foreign words. Apart from that some
Assamese word which was going to be defunct, they take it
again and inspire the use of those words.
Arunodoi magazine has created some prominent author of
Assamese language like GunabhiramBarua,
HemchandraBarua, AnandaramDhekialPhukon etc. they are
like a blessings for the growth and development of the
Assamese language and the community also.
Only through Arunodoi Assamese people found a new idea
of wider world. Geography, History, Education, Science
and technology, new invention of science these all were
introduced to Assamese people only through Arunodoi
The learning of English literature has started through the
missionaries for the first time. And through this language
modernity comes to the Assamese society. With the help of
that modern thought the new genre of literature is
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introduced in a basic form for the first time in Assamese
Before Arunodoi starts the main subject of the Assamese
language was religion centric and daily life related. But
from the Arunodoi era Assamese literature has earned the
capacity to express the feelings and desire of common
people through literary works. Of course it has to be accept
that religious thought was also one of the part of Arunodoi
magazine, Yet there were many more for which Assamese
people have to be grateful forever.
In the history of growth and development of
Assamese language and literature there is great impact of
ArunodoiMagazine.This magazine give a new extent to the
people of Assam and its literature. Though their prime aim
was to preaching the Christian religion to the Assamese
people, they knew full well that Language is the main thing
to get connected with people and convey their ideology.
Therefore at first they learnt the Assamese language and
then they try to broadcast their ideology by the help of the
literature. In such way Assamese people and its literature
were mostly benefitted. They gave a new way of thinking
to the Assamese people, new knowledge and new structure
to the literature of Assamese. Only because of Arunodoi,
The Assamese literature was formed in a modern way. In
1813 the first printed book was published in Assamese font
only because of the missionaries related with Arunodoi. For
these whole reasons The First magazine of Assamese
literature Arunodoi be remembered by the each and every
people of Assamese community.
1.Borua, B.K. (1988). ―AsamiyaBhasaaruSangskriti‖,
Journal Amporium.
2.Borgohain, H.(1993). ―AsamiyaSahityarBuranji‖,(Ed.),
Guwahati, ABILAC
3. NeogMaheswar (2008) --- AsamiyaSahityarRuprekha,
Chandra Prakash, Guwahati.
PJAEE, 17 (9) (2020)
4. SarmaDoloiHarinath (2000) ---
AsamiyaSahityarPurnaItihas, Padmapriya Library,
5.Sharma, S. (2006).
―AsamiyaSahityarSamikhyatmakIttibritta‖, Guwahati