Incoming 8th grade
Being a part of ASB at Rancho Starbuck is great fun, but with that comes great responsibility. ASB students are
expected to work extra hours at school and district functions, including before and after school, and even some
Saturdays and late evenings. ASB students are required to attend a number of after school events. Before applying
to be a part of ASB at Rancho, students and their parents need to take into consideration the tremendous time
commitment that will be required of the chosen students. ASB is not an elective. It is a Zero Period. We meet
M-W-F mornings from 7:30am sharp to the beginning of school. Please note this commitment to arriving at
school those three days a week on time.
In addition to an extra workload, ASB students are held to a high standard of behavior and leadership that can be
viewed as a positive example for other students to follow. Students interested in ASB need to be exemplary
students with excellent leadership and citizenship habits, and have no N’s or U’s in citizenship or work habits on
their report card. Successful ASB students are able to follow directions, they are self-motivated, and do not
require constant guidance from adults. These students can be trusted to be out of class, unsupervised at times, and
still make good decisions.
ASB students must maintain a 2.5 grade point average to be chosen and to remain in ASB. It is important to know
that ASB students are often called upon to miss class to plan and set-up for events and to complete projects. Class
work is still required to be finished and turned in on time. Students who might fall behind or struggle in their
academic subjects by missing class should factor this in their decision when considering applying for ASB.
1. Applicants are required to submit 1) this completed application and 2) the essay to the front
office at Rancho no later than Friday, April 8, 2022 by 4:00 p.m.
2. The required teacher recommendation is to be returned separately by the teacher to Mrs.
Irving at Rancho Starbuck no later than Friday, April 8, 2022 by 4:00 p.m.
3. Applicants will also need to attend an interview/evaluation at Rancho on either Monday, May 9
2:30-4:30 or Tuesday, May 10
from 3:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m.
Applicants will be assigned to a date and time after all applications have been collected and processed.
4. No incomplete or late packets will be considered.
Thank you for your interest in ASB,
Mrs. Irving
ASB Advisor
Incoming 8th grade
Rancho Starbuck
“If it is to be, It is up to me!”
I. Required Signature-Student: (please sign on attached page)
I have read and understand the time commitment that ASB requires. I also understand that I must maintain a 2.5
GPA and satisfactory citizenship grades. I understand that participation in another Rancho Starbuck club or
activity does not dismiss me from my responsibility to ASB. I understand that I will be held to a high standard of
behavior if I am chosen for ASB. Finally, I understand that all completed paperwork is due in the Rancho
Starbuck front office no later than Friday, April 8, 2022 by the end of the school day.
Required Signature-Parent: (please sign on attached page)
I understand the ASB requirements as stated above and on the previous page. I believe that my student possesses
the behavior, academic, and citizenship traits necessary to be successful in ASB. I am aware of the time
commitment that ASB requires, and of the possibility that grades may be lowered due to absences from ASB
events for any reason other than illness. I understand that my student will occasionally miss other classes to
prepare for school events and that all classwork missed while participating in ASB events will need to be
completed and turned in.
II. Essay
On a separate piece of paper, please compose an essay that explains why you want to be part of ASB at Rancho
and what qualities you possess that will make you an asset to our ASB team. This essay is to be typed, double-
spaced and no longer than one page.
III. Teacher Recommendation Form
Please give the attached Teacher Recommendation Form to your teacher. The teacher will complete the form and
return it to Rancho via district mail or email no later than Friday, April 8, 2022 by 4:00 p.m. The completed
recommendation form is NOT to be delivered, opened, or seen by the student. It is the applicant’s responsibility to
give the teacher the recommendation form in a timely manner so that it can be completed and returned to Rancho.
IV. Interview
Finally, once you have turned-in a completed application you will need to attend an interview/evaluation on either
Monday, May 9th 2:30-4:30pm or on Tuesday, May 10th 2022 from 3:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. You will receive a
confirmation that we have received your completed application and a reminder of the interview/evaluation by
April 16th 2022.
Incoming 8th grade
Rancho Starbuck
“If it is to be, It is up to me!”
Application Form
2022-2023 School Year
Please Print
Return attached to Essay
Applicant’s Name
Home Address
Home/Cell Phone ___________________________________
Student Signature
I have read and understand the ASB application and class requirements.
___________________________________ __________________
Student Signature Date
Parent Signature
I have read and understand the requirements for my child’s ASB application and class.
___________________________________ __________________
Parent Signature Date
Incoming 8th grade
Rancho Starbuck Intermediate School
ASB 2022-2023
Teachers: After completing this form, please SEAL it in the attached envelope and return it to Tamara Irving at
Rancho Starbuck via email, drop-off, a mail service or district mail no later than Friday, April 8, 2022 by 4:00
These teacher recommendations are COMPLETELY confidential and will only be seen by Mrs. Irving and the
selection committee of teachers at Rancho Starbuck.
Please review each question carefully as it pertains to each student. ASB students are expected to be exemplary
students and citizens. They must be self-starters, independent workers, and totally trustworthy. I ask you to please
respond honestly and accurately with regards to each applicant.
Student Name _____________________________________________________________
Teacher Name ____________________________________ School__________________
Give the applicant a 1, 3, or 5 in each area. (1 being the lowest, 5 the highest)
Student enthusiastically participates in classroom activities. _____
Student takes initiative and shows self-motivation. _____
Student shows respect for both adults and peers. _____
Student demonstrates emotional responsibility. _____
Student is on time to class and turns assignments in on time. _____
Student is trustworthy and honest. _____
Student is kind and caring to others in both words and actions. _____
Student works well as a member of a team. _____
Student is a positive leader in class. _____
Student’s overall leadership potential. _____
Comments: _________________________________________________________________________________