A Useful Pocket Guide
Introduction 1
Preparations Before Umrah 2
Remember to take with you 4
Before leaving home 5
Ahraam 6
Prohibited acts in Ahraam 7
Permitted Acts in Ahraam 8
Meeqat 9
Makkah Mukarramah
Virtues 10
Entering the Holy City 10
Entering the Haram 11
Tawaf 12
Saee 16
Halaq/Qasar 18
Virtues of Madinah 19
The Etiquette of Madinah 20
Don‟t Miss out 21
All praise is due to Allah, and peace and blessings upon His
messenger Muhammad (saw).
This brief but comprehensive pocket guide is presented to you to
outline the rituals of Umrah. It contains all the necessary
information regarding the methods, rights and formalities of
Strict care must be taken to perform Umrah with Ikhlaas (sincerity)
- solely to please Allah (swt), adhering to the Sunnah of his
Prophet (saw). An Umrah is considered a minor pilgrimage as
compared to Hajj. It is a recommended Sunnah which is not
obligatory. Umrah can be done any time of the year except for
the 5 days of Hajj (which is Makruh). One who steps out to perform
the Umrah is considered a pilgrim till he returns home.
“One Umrah is an expiation of sins committed between it and the
next Umrah.” (Bukhari, Muslim). This hadith implies that one should
strive to perform Umrah multiple times as it cleanses one of past
Do Hajj and Umrah one after the other, as they remove poverty
and sins just as fire separates impurities from iron, gold and silver.
The reward of performing Umrah during Ramadan is equal to that
of performing Hajj with the Prophet (saw). (Abu Dawud)
May Allah pardon me for any errors in this booklet, and
abundantly reward all those who have made this publication
Pre Hajj / Umrah Preparations
-Make the intention to perform Hajj/Umrah with sincerity.
-Repent for your past sins and make an intention to abstain from
them in the future.
-Make sure you have halal earnings for Hajj/Umrah purposes.
-Resolve to make up past unperformed prayers, fasting and Zakat.
-Seek forgiveness of parents, relatives, acquaintances you may
have hurt.
-Make a will in writing, signed by two adult witnesses. Hand over to
your lawyer or close relative.
-Prepare to embark on a journey with a feeling of disconnection
from the world.
-Learn about Hajj/Umrah and how to perform it.
-Get in the spirit of Hajj/Umrah - an act of love and submission to
-Get physically fit. Eat a balanced diet. Get used to sleeping early
and waking up early.
-Start learning the Duas and Zikr necessary for the Hajj/Umrah.
-Make arrangements for your dependants left behind.
-Make arrangements for any debts to be paid off.
-Get vaccinated for meningitis, polio and flu (as per Saudi
-Check your passport. Passport should have 6 months validity from
the departure date.
-Photocopy all your essential documents.
-Get your medicines sealed from a Hajji Camp with prescription
-Make sure you carry a required amount of Saudi Riyals plus credit
cards etc.
Passport ticket
and visa
Universal Adaptor
Soap, shampoo
Tablet for
nausea, vertigo
Alarm clock/phone
Brush, comb
Pain relief
contact numbers
Nail cutter,
Throat lozenges,
Eye mask
Small Quran and
Dua book
Pocket tissues,
wet wipes
Cold &Flu relief
Small mirror
Mobile phone
and charger
Snacks, biscuits etc
Vaseline, lotion
Zip lock bags
Sleeping bag or
Safety pins
-Remove unwanted hair from private areas, armpits. Trim nails.
-Make ghusl (full body wash) and apply perfume on your body.
-Wear your Ahraam garments now if you will find it difficult to don
them later on.
- Read two rakaats of traveling.
Followed by the dua for ease and acceptance.
-Tell yourself to mentally relax. Condition yourself to take one thing at a
time otherwise it will be difficult to cope.
-Leave your ego and temper behind. Exercise humility.
-Set daily goals for Quran recitation, nafl salah, duas, meditation,
reflection, tasbeehat, etc.
-Stay light. Keep baggage to the essentials.
-Carry a light backpack for essential belongings like cash, a small Quran, a
small dua book, lightweight jaanamaz (prayer mat), tissues, a small
umrah/hajj guide, snacks, etc.
-Ahraam means to enter into a state in which certain conditions
apply- it becomes unlawful to use certain halal things. When a
person pronounces the Talbiyah (labbaik…) certain halal things
become haram upon him.
-The two unstitched garments that a male pilgrim wears are also
called Ahraam but the real Ahraam are Niyyah (intention) and
Talbiyah. Without the latter, one does not enter the state of
-A woman‟s Ahraam consists of her normal clothes that cover her
Awrah. Nothing should be seen except her face, hands and feet.
In presence of Non-mahrams, the face should be concealed in a
manner that nothing touches the face itself (for those who wear a
-A pilgrim should trim the nails, shave the armpits and pubic hair,
take a bath, comb the hair and perfume the body before
donning Ahraam garments.
-Male pilgrims should wear sandals or slippers so that the central
bone of the foot is left uncovered.
-These prohibitions apply as soon as the pilgrim makes the
intention for Hajj or Umrah and starts reciting Talbiyah.
-The intention for Hajj or Umrah should be made at Meeqat or
-The two Nafils of Ahraam can be prayed at home, or at the
airport, or in the airplane. It is Sunnah to recite Surah-e-Kafiroon in
the first Rakat, and Surah-e-Ikhlaas in the second Rakat.
Prohibitions in Ahraam
-A pilgrim may not apply perfume, or use any item which contains
fragrance, or consume fragrant raw food.
-He must not cut nails, cut or pluck hair.
-Must not marry nor propose.
-Must not indulge in intimate talk with sexual undertones or have
conjugal relations.
-Must not hurt or kill animals.
-Must not commit a sin.
-Must not get involved in arguments or quarrels.
-Must not remove dirt from the body or cause the hair to fall.
-Male pilgrims must not wear stitched clothes.
-Men must not wear footwear covering the central bone of the
-Men must not cover their head and face.
-Women must not cover their faces. In presence of men, they
must ensure a covering that does not touch the face.
-A pilgrim should not wipe the face with a towel or cloth.
Permitted Acts in Ahraam
-To take a bath without rubbing off dirt from the body
-To wear a ring, watch, sunglasses, money belt, hearing aid, etc
-To use an umbrella
-To use a miswaak
-To file a broken nail
-To apply non-fragrant Kajal
-To tie a bandage
-To place head or cheek on the pillow
-To kill a dangerous animal
-To change Ahraam garments
-To use a blanket while sleeping (head and face uncovered)
-To pull out a tooth where necessary
-The Meeqat are designated places which a pilgrim can only
cross in a state of Ahraam.
-The Meeqat were defined by the Prophet (saw).
Dhul Hulaifa for the people of Madinah.
Al Juhfa for the people of Syria, Egypt etc
Qarn ul Manazil for the people of Najd.
Yalamlam for the people of Yemen.
Dhat ul Irq for the people of Iran, Iraq.
-A pilgrim must don his Ahraam at Meeqat or before.
-The Niyyah for Ahraam must be made at Meeqat (or earlier)-The
pilgrim should offer 2 Rakats before making Niyyah.
-If a pilgrim is flying to Jeddah airport the Meeqat boundary is
crossed 15 minutes prior to landing.
-Intention for Umrah
“O Allah! I intend to perform Umrah and Hajj. Make them both
easy for me and accept them from me."
-The state of Ahraam starts after reciting Talbiyah.
-Talbiyah should be recited every now and then, while sleeping,
waking, ascending, descending, after prayers, etc
Virtues of Makkah Mukarramah
-There is not in the world a land as sacred as Makkah.
-Allah (swt) has sworn by the city of Makkah in the Quran.
-It has been referred to as Ummul Quraa in the Quran which means Mother
of all Towns”.
-The first House of Allah (Qiblah) appointed for mankind was at Makkah.
-Allah made it a Haram (sanctuary) where it is not permitted to shed blood,
cut a tree, to kill, hunting animals, to pick up a lost item not belonging to you.
-The prayer in Masjid-ul-Haram is 100,000 times superior to a prayer in any
other place.
-Makkah is a Qiblah for all the people on Earth.
-Allah chose Makkah for the rites of Hajj.
-It is a place of return for people and a place of security. That is why the
heart keeps desiring to return to it.
Entering Makkah Mukarramah
-Pilgrims should learn and observe etiquette (Adab) before entering the Holy
-Enter the holy city in a state of wudhu, with humility and overwhelming love.
-Recite talbiya frequently, along with durood, tahleel, takbeer, and other
-Refrain from meaningless conversation or useless activities.
-One should be mindful of hurting or pushing others in a crowded situation.
-Likewise we should immediately forgive those who hurt us.
-Like good deeds, sins are also multiplied in Makkah so avoid sin.
Entering the Haram
-While entering the Masjid ul Haram, step in with your right foot and make this
O Allah! Forgive me my sins and open for me the doors of your mercy.
-Whenever you enter the Haram (or any other masjid) make an intention of
Aitikaaf (spiritual retreat). Aitikaaf earns more merit.
-On seeing the Kaabah, raise your hands and say
Allahu Akbar
Recite durud
Make dua for as long as you can.
Duas are accepted at the first glance of the Kaabah.
-Tawaf is the greeting for this Masjid. If you can't make tawaf, pray 2 circuits
Tahiyyatul Masjid (provided it is not a Makruh time).
-Women cannot enter the Masjid in a state of menstruation.
-When you step out, recite
O Allah I ask you from your bounty
-Do not eat smelly foods like raw onions, garlic etc before coming to the
-Switch off/mute your cell phone so as not to disturb other believers.
-Avoid worldly talk, discussions, business transactions, games in the Haram.
-Do not disturb others by raising your voice during recitation or dua.
-It is a grave sin to take home property of the Haram like books, chairs, etc
-Do not pick up an item someone may have dropped. Leave it where it is.
-Tawaf involves going around the Kaabah anti-clockwise 7 times
beginning from the Black Stone (Hajr-e-Aswad).
-Pass the upper sheet of ahraam from underneath the right arm
and drape it on the left shoulder. This act bares the right shoulder
and is called Iditiba.
-Tawaf is done in a state of wudhu.
-Recitation of talbiyah is stopped when you reach The Black
Intention (Niyyah)
-Intention is an essential part of Tawaf.
-Stand in front of the Kaabah facing The Black Stone (Hajr-e -
Aswad). Then without raising your hands, make intention for
“Oh Allah I intend to perform Tawaaf of Umrah to please you. Accept
it from me and make it easy for me.”
-Go towards Hajr e Aswad and kiss it if possible, or touch it with a
stick and kiss the stick. If that is not possible then raise your hands
to your ears keeping your palms open towards Hajr e Aswad and
Bismillahi Allahu Akbar WaLila Hil Hamd
-Drop your hands down.
-Point your palms again towards Hajr-e-Aswad and kiss them.
-This act is called Istilam.
Start of Tawaf
-Start the Tawaf around the Kaabah anti-clockwise.
-The Hateem (semi-circle) must be encircled during the Tawaf
because it is part of the Kaabah.
-During the Tawaf, the person must not face the Kaabah (except
when starting the Tawaf at the Black Stone).
-For the first three circuits men are required to walk briskly. This is a
Sunnah act called Ramal.In the other four circuits they should
walk at a normal pace. If brisk walking is not possible due to
heavy crowds, they can walk normally. Ramal and Idtiba are only
performed in a Tawaf followed by Saee.
Supplications During Tawaaf.
-There are no fixed supplications for Tawaaf. Once can recite the
Quran, Names of Allah, do Zikr, make personal duas etc. Duas
don‟t have to be necessarily in Arabic. One can make
supplications in any language, as long as the heart is engaged.
Between the Rukn-e-Yemeni (The Yemeni or the Fourth Corner)
and the Black stone, it is Sunnah to recite the following prayer
O Allah Grant us the best in this world and in the next world and save us from
the torment of the fire
It is Sunnah to touch Rukn-e-Yamani with both hands or with one
hand as you pass it. But if you cannot due to heavy crowds, you
pass by without motioning towards it.
Hatim is a semi-circular half-built wall which was originally a part of
the Kaabah but it got left out due to lack of funds when the
Kaabah was being rebuilt by the Quraish. It is obligatory to
encircle the Hatim during Tawaaf.
End of Tawaf
-When you complete 7 rounds do istilam of Hajr e Aswad for the
eight time, saying
Bismillahi Allahu Akbar Wa Lillah Hil Hamd
Your Tawaf is now complete. Cover both shoulders now.
Two units of prayer
Next offer two units of prayer behind or close to Maqam-e-Ibrahim
without covering your head. If it is Makruh time you have to wait
until the time you can offer this Nafil. If there are heavy crowds,
the prayer can be offered anywhere in the haram.
It is Sunnah to recite Surah-e-Kafiroon in the first Rakat and Surah-e
-Ikhas in the second Rakat.
Now proceed to drink Zamzam water. Face the Kaabah and drink
it while standing. Whatever intention is made while drinking
Zamzam is fulfilled.
-Dua while drinking Zamzam
-During Tawaf, do not indulge in useless or worldly talk.
-Do not recite or make Duas in a loud voice - it is very disturbing for
-After completing Tawaf, it is preferable to go to the Multazim (wall
between the Black Stone and the door of the Kaabah). Cling to this
wall and make fervent Duas. Supplications made here are accepted.
Nowadays the cloth of the Kaabah is heavily perfumed so don't touch
it if you are in a state of Ahraam.
-Women should avoid going near the Kaabah if it is very crowded.
Remember, touching the Hajj e Aswad or the Multazim is a Sunnah, but
non- Mahram men touching women is a sin.
-Women cannot perform Tawaf in their period. They are not supposed
to bare their shoulders or walk briskly in Tawaf like men. If the ground
floor is crowded heavily, they should make use of upper floors for
-During the Tawaaf, a pilgrim may not face the Kaabah or look at it,
except at the starting point.
-A pilgrim should perform Wudhu again if it is broken during Tawaaf. If it
breaks before the completion of first four rounds, he has to start the
Tawaaf again. But if it breaks after the completion of four rounds, he
may resume Tawaaf from where he had left off.
-Sa‟ee literally means to walk and to run. In Shariah, it means
covering the difference between Safa and Marwah seven times.
-Niyyah (intention) is not a prerequisite for Saee.
-Saee must be performed after a Tawaf.
-Wudhu is not a requirement for Saee.
-Women can perform Saee during their period.
-Saee must be performed on foot unless there is a valid reason.
-It is Makrooh to indulge in vain talk during Saee.
-It is Makrooh to take intervals between the seven rounds without
a valid excuse.
Istilam of Hajr-e-Aswad
-Prior to performing Sa‟ee it is a Sunnah to perform Istilam. You will
be performing Istilam for the ninth time, following the eight times
during Tawaf. This Istilam is applicable if you are going to perform
Sa‟ee immediately after the Tawaaf.
Start of Sa’ee
-Proceed towards the Mount of Safa reciting the following
Indeed Safa and Marwah are among the signs of Allah
-Make the intention to perform Sa‟ee (not a prerequisite)
-Climb the hill of Safa and face the Kaabah, raise your hands in
dua and recite
-You may make other supplications as well.
. Sayyidna Abdullah bin Umrah (ra) and Sayyidna Abdullah bin
Masood (ra) would recite
“Rabbighfir warham wa antal a’azul akram”
Oh Allah forgive me and have mercy upon me, for You are
the most Mighty andHonourable.
Proceed towards Marwah
-Climb down from Safa and start walking towards Marwah. You
may make supplications in any language, do dhikr, recite durud,
etc. There is no prescribed supplication during Sa‟ee.
-Men have to jog or walk briskly between the green lights.
At Marwah
When you reach the top of Marwah, praise Allah facing the
Kaabah repeating the same words that were recited at Safa.
-Safa to Marwah is one round.
-Seven such rounds have to be made.
End of Sa’ee
-The seventh round will end at Marwah.
-Face the Kaabah and make dua.
- Offer two rakats of Nafil in the Haram (optional) if the timing is
not Makrooh.
Halaq or Qasar
-A pilgrim must either get his hair shaved or trimmed after the
Saeeh, (Halaq or Qasr) within the boundaries of the Haram.
-If not shaved, the hair must be trimmed at least an inch or more.
If the hair is shorter than an inch, it has to be shaved.
-The minimum requirement is 1/4th of the head to the length of a
finger joint (or 1 inch). But this is not the preferred option.
-Women may make a ponytail and cut off an inch or more from
the bottom. They are not allowed to shave their hair.
Completion of Umrah
-Umrah is now complete.
-The restrictions of Ahraam are lifted.
-We should thank the Creator for providing us with an opportunity
to perform Umrah.
Virtues of Madinah
Many pilgrims do not understand the importance of Madinah. Nor
do they value the time spent there. Every believer should have the
love of Madinah in his heart. He should hope and pray to meet his
end in the beloved city of the Prophet (saw).
The Prophet (saw) and his Companions loved Makkah and hated
to leave it. But Allah planted the love of Madinah in their hearts.
After the Conquest of Makkah, RasoolAllah (saw) chose to return
to Madinah and made it his final home. He would pray to Allah to
bestow blessings on this sacred city.
Madinah is a sanctuary. Its trees should not be cut and no
innovations should be introduced here, nor any sins committed.
Whoever does so will incur the curse of Allah, the angels and all
the people.
Madinah is also referred to as Madinah al-Munawwara (City of
Light), Madinat-un-Nabi (City of the Prophet) (saw) and Taiba
(pure, pleasant). The old name of the city was Yathrib.
One Salaah in the Masjid-un-Nabi is equal to a thousand salaahs
in any other masjid. The Messenger of Allah (saw) had such
immense love for Madinah that whenever he was returning from a
journey, he would make his horse go faster as soon as he would
draw close to the holy city.
Beneath the sacred soil of Madinah lies the blessed body of the
final Messenger (saw) and the remains of thousands of his
Companions. Whoever has the means to die in Madinah should
do so, for the Prophet (saw) shall intercede on behalf of everyone
who dies here or is buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi.
The Etiquette of Madinah
- To visit Madinah with the right intention, not as a casual
- To be involved in righteous deeds like recitation of the
Quran, Zikr, Dua, Durood, Sadaqah, pursuit of sacred
knowledge, Dawah , assisting others and other such
- To keep oneself away from sin and vain activites.
- To remain in a state of purity (wudhu), and to smell pleasant,
and to wear decent attire.
- To send durood on the Prophet (saw) abundantly.
- To be in a state of humility and submission to the Rabb.
- To be in a state of gratitude for having the opportunity of
being in the blessed city.
- To display the best of manners.
- To speak in a low tone within the Masjid-e-Nabvi.
- To be careful not to waste food, water, etc. Even water, a
precious commodity, should be used sparingly for wudhu
and bathing.
- To be careful not to litter in the sacred city. A misdeed
becomes magnified in this holy place.
- To make sure we don‟t step over people or jump over them
in order to secure a place in the Masjid.
- To ensure we don‟t pray in walkways or pathways.
Don’t Miss out
Every time you enter the Masjid, pray two units called
Tahiyattul-Masjid (unless the time is Makruh).
Visit the grave of the blessed Prophet (saw) and offer
salaam to him and his two Companions.
Visit Masjid-e-Quba and pray nafil salaat there. 2 units of
prayer here earn the reward of one Umrah.
Visit the martyrs of Uhud. Pray for them and offer salutations
to them.
Visit Riyadh-ul-Jannah (piece of Jannah ) situated next to
the grave of the Prophet (saw). Pray two units here. Do not
push, shove, or exhibit rough behavior.
Visit Jannatul-Baqi which is the graveyard outside the
Masjid-e-Nabvi. Here lie buried the remains of the Prophet„s
family and thousands of His Companions. Pray for their
forgiveness and ask Allah to elevate their ranks. Make dua
that we should also join them and be raised with them on
the Day of Judgment