Do Robotic Tutors Compromise the
Social-Emotional Development of
Matthijs H. J. Smakman
*, Elly A. Konijn
and Paul A. Vogt
Department of Communication Science, VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands,
Institute for Information and
Communication Technology, HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht , Utrecht, Netherlands,
School of Communication,
Media and IT, Research Group Digital Transformation, Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
Social robots are reported to hold great potential for education. However, both scholars
and key stakeholders worry about childrens social-emotional development being
compromised. In aiming to provid e new insights into the impact that social robots can
have on the social-emotional development of children, the current study interv iewed
teachers who use social robots in their day-to-day educational practice. The results of our
interviews with these experienced teachers indicate that the social robots currently used in
education pose little threat to the social-emotional development of children. Children with
special needs seem to be more sensitive to social-affec tive bonding with a robot compared
to regular children. This bond seems to have positive effects in enabling them to more
easily connect with their human peers and teachers. However, when robots are being
introduced more regularly, daily, without the involvement of a human teacher, new issues
could arise. For now, given the current state of technology and the way social robots are
being applied, other (ethical) issues seem to be more urgent, such as priva cy, security and
the workload of teachers. Future studies should focus on these issues rst, to ensure a safe
and effective educational environment for both children and teachers.
Keywords: social robots, child-robot interaction, education, social development, primary school, social skills,
bonding, friendship
Social robots are gradually being introduced in primary education. They provide new opportunities
for improving cognitive outcomes, such as learning a second language (Vogt et al., 2019; Konijn et al.,
2021), rehearsing the times tables (Konijn and Hoorn, 2020), learning sign language (Luccio and
Gaspari, 2020) and training handwriting (Aktar Mispa and Sojib, 2020). In addition, social robots are
used to support motivational and affective elements of learning (e.g., the learner being attentive,
receptive, responsive, reective, or inquisitive) (Belpaeme et al., 2018). Although social robots show
potential as learning or teaching companions for children, according to a recent literature review
(Johal, 2020), other studies on the use of social robots in education have reported that it is too early to
conclude that robots are, for instance, effective as language tutors (van den Berghe et al., 2019), or
more effective than human teachers or other types of technology (Woo et al., 2021). Furthermore,
both scholars (Sharkey, 2016; Woo et al., 2021) and stakeholders (Smakman et al., 2021a) have voiced
concerns related to social robots potentially harming childrens social-emotional development.
Social robots differ from other types of robots used in education, such as STEM robots. Other than
STEM robots, social robots are designed to take on social roles such as that of a tutor or peer that
Edited by:
Mohamed Chetouani,
Université Pierre et Marie Curie,
Reviewed by:
Konstantinos Tsiakas,
Delft University of Technology,
Hatice Kose,
Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Matthijs H. J. Smakman
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Human-Robot Interaction,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Robotics and AI
Received: 01 July 2021
Accepted: 07 January 2022
Published: 21 January 2022
Smakman MHJ, Konijn EA and
Vogt PA (2022) Do Robotic Tutors
Compromise the Social-Emotional
Development of Children?
Front. Robot. AI 9:734955.
doi: 10.3389/frobt.2022.734955
Frontiers in Robotics and AI | January 2022 | Volume 9 | Article 7349551
published: 21 January 2022
doi: 10.3389/frobt.2022.734955
assists children during their learning process. Having physical
embodiment, the option to act (semi-) autonomously, and the
capability to interact with humans by following social norms, can
be considered as the three dening capacities for social robots
(Hegel et al., 2009). Using these capacities, a robot can act as a
social entity, such as in the role of a tutor, a peer, or that of a naïve
learner (Hood et al., 2015). The feeling that users are socially
connected with robots is central to the eld of social robotics
(Belpaeme et al., 2013).
Childrens social-emotional development is not only
important during childhood, but also for adulthood and public
health, because it is associated with academic performance,
substance abuse, mental health, workplace and academic
performance (Cherniss, 2000; Denham, 2006 ; Tremblay, 2020).
Childrens social-emotional development can be characterized by
ve domains: 1) social competence, 2) attachment, 3) emotional
competence, 4) self-perceived competence, and 5) temperament/
personality (Denham et al., 2009). Milestones in social-emotional
development domains differ per developmental period of
children. For the purpose of this study, we will focus on the
milestones associated with the primary school period. The rst
domain, social competence, can be dened as a childs ability and
effectiveness in social interaction (Rose-Krasnor, 1997).
Childrens general developmental tasks related to social
competence that should be assessed in primary school are the
formation of dyadic friendships, solidication of peer status, and
general diminution of physical aggression. Related to attachment,
children in primary school should begin to balance the
connection to parents and peers. The milestones for children
in primary school related to emotional competence are the ability
to understand complex emotions, such as unique perspective and
ambivalence, and to be able to apply cognitive strategies to
regulate emotions. Childrens self-perception of competence
can be dened as ones evaluations of ones own abilities,
including the childs own assessment of his/her cognitive,
physical and social abilities, especially in comparison with those
of others (Denham et al., 2009, p. 44). During primary school,
childrens views of their own competence become more complex,
earlier notions of self-perceived competence are solidied and
social evaluations by peers and teachers become more important
(Denham et al., 2009). Lastly, for the domain temperament/
personality, childrens personality attributes become
increasingly differentiated during primary school. In earlier
research, social robots have been reported to potentially
inuence several aspects of the social-emotional development
domains, such as social competence (Peter et al., 2021) and
attachment (Coeckelbergh et al., 2016).
Key stakeholders, such as teachers, parents, and policymakers,
have also voiced concerns related to the potential social-affective
bond that children may develop with a robot (Serholt et al., 2017;
Smakman et al., 2020a, Smakman et al., 2020b
). They report
worries in the eld that such a bond could harm childrens social-
emotional development (Smakman et al., 2021b). Children
bonding with robots could lead to children preferring the
interaction with robots over that of their human friends and
teachers, potentially resulting in the loss of human contact
(Sharkey, 2016; Pandey and Gelin, 2017), social isolation
(Kennedy et al., 2016), and dehumanization (Serholt et al.,
2017). Children could also start to expect too much from
robots, which could lead to children ending up feeling
deceived or feeling anxious when the robot is absent (Sharkey,
2016). These potential risks related to the social-affective bond
that children may develop with a robot might harm the childrens
social-emotional development. According to a recent study
(Pashevich, 2021), it is still unclear what kind of effect social
robots might have on the social-emotional development of
Children have been reported to perceive social robots as
entities with whom they will likely form social relationships
(van Straten et al., 2020). What kind of relationships children
form with robots is still unclear. For example, children are
reported to perceive social robots as potential private tutors
(Shin and Kim, 2007), possible rivals (Shin and Kim, 2007),
and even friends (Lin et al., 2009). Various scholars argue that this
newly perceived bond with technology might inuence childrens
behavior, both positively and negatively. Researchers have found
that robots seem able to elicit socially desirable behavior among
children, such as sharing, but they may also elicit socially
undesirable behavior, such as aggressive behavior (Peter et al.,
2021). Children have also been recorded to express bullying
behavior towards an educational robot ( Kanda et al., 2012)
and others have expressed concerns related to the robot
becoming a bully or becoming subject to bullying (Diep et al.,
2015). What type of children are more susceptible to the inuence
of the robot on social-emotional domains, however, is still
unclear. According to a recent study (Tolksdorf et al., 2021),
the in uence of individual variables, such as shyness, are still
understudied in the eld of child-robot interaction (CRI).
Measuring social-emotional development is complex. For each
domain of childrens social-emotional development, there exist
multiple measurement instruments such as the Rothbart Child
Behavior Questionnaire for emotional competence (Putnam and
Rothbart, 2006), and the Social Skills Rating System for social
competence (Van der Oord et al., 2005). Furthermore, these
scales differ per developmental period and pose challenges in
their use in longitudinal studies (Denham et al., 2009). Child-
robot interaction studies in education are often short-term
studies and rarely deploy robots for more than a few days,
according to reviews on social robots in classrooms (Rosanda
and Starčič, 2019; Woo et al., 2021). Systematic, long-term
evaluation of the potential negative impact of social robots
potential on childrens social-emotional development is
lacking. This might be explained by social robots still being a
nascent technology. An accepted approach to evaluate the
potential long term (negative) impact of nascent technology is
to include stakeholders into the design and evaluation of
technology (Friedman et al., 2008).
Teachers are one of the most important stakeholders when
implementing social robots in education. They are not only
responsible for the learning process in a classroom, but they
also play a key role in childrens social-emotional development
(Denham et al., 2009). They could therefore provide insights into
the potential compromising role of social robots. However, in the
extant literature on teachers perspectives on social robots,
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Smakman et al. Compromised Social-Emotional Development
teachers have had little experience with robots (Van Ewijk et al.,
2020; Xia and LeTendre, 2020; Chootongchai et al., 2021).
Additionally, researchers have pointed out that the level of
experience with robots could inuence stakeholders
perspectives (Serholt et al., 2014). People with experience to
working with robots are signicantly more likely to have a
positive attitude towards social robots, compared to people
with little to no experience (Smakman et al., 2021a). This
makes it hard to evaluate the potential harms and benets
voiced by teachers in earlier studies.
The lack of experience of stakeholders combined with the
limited empirical data, make it hard to evaluate the reported
potential risks related to childrens social-emotional
development. Given that studies are often short-term and
stakeholders worries are hard to evaluate, there is a need to
examine the impact that social robots have on childrens social-
emotional development now that social robots are entering day-
to-day education for longer periods of time. Therefore, this study
aims to assess the impact of social robots in primary education on
the social-emotional development of children. To this aim, we
conducted in-depth interviews with teachers who have applied
social robots in their day-to-day education. These primary school
teachers all have a thorough knowledge of the social-emotional
development of the children in their classroom, as this is part of
their daily job. Therefore, in our opinion, they are most
appropriate persons to assess the impact of social robots on
children. Besides the impact on childrens social-emotional
development, we examined which children, according to the
teachers, would be more susceptive to social robots, and what
the teachers would consider best practices for using social robots
responsibly. In the next section, we will rst describe our
methodology, followed by our results. Thereafter, we will
discuss our main ndings in light of earlier research and
discuss our conclusions.
For qualitative research, such as this interview study, participants
can best be selected based on their understanding of the
phenomenon (Kuper et al., 2008; Creswell and Creswell,
2009). Therefore, via purposeful sampling, participants were
selected. The criterion for participants to be included in our
study was: being a primary school teacher in the Netherlands with
rst-hand experience in using social robots in a real-life
educational setting. Participants were recruited through
newsletters of robotic companies, messages on social media,
snowballing (Ghaljaie et al., 2017) and direct e-mails. Nine
experienced teachers agreed to participate in our research
(Mean age = 36 SD = 10, 8 Female, 1 Male). On average, they
had 12 years of working experience, ranging from 1.5 to 35 years.
The participants ranked their own experience with robots on a
15-point rating scale (1 = having very little experience and 5 =
having very much experience). The mean score for the experience
with robots was 3.66 (SD = 0.82). In total, the participants
supervised/facilitated the child-robot interaction of 2,660
primary school children from all primary school levels/grades.
General information about the teachers who participated in the
interviews is shown in Table 1.
Materials and Measures
In setting up our interview guidelines (Taylor, 2005), we followed
the ve phases of the framework for the development of a
qualitative semi-structured interview guide created by Kallio
et al. (2016). First, we established that a semi-structured
interview would be a rigorous data collection method in
relation to our research question, because it allows the
interviewer to improvise follow-up questions based on the
teachers answers and it allows room for participants verbal
expressions. Second, we created an initial set of questions
targeting teachers perspectives on the robotsinuence on
childrens social-emotional development based on existing
literature. These questions included four main themes. The
rst questions were related to the social demographic data of
the participant, such as age and gender, because these are shown
to inuence peoples perception of robots (European
Commission, Directorate-General for Communication, 2017).
The second type of questions was about how the teachers
applied the robots in their classroom. These included which
robot they used, but also what role the robot was given in the
classroom. Earlier research has shown that children react
differently to, for example, a robot as a peer, compared to that
of a robot as a teacher (Zaga et al., 2015). Furthermore, role
switching has also been shown to have potential as a motivational
strategy (Ros et al., 2016). The third and fourth themes were
related to the possible perceived social-affective bond of children
with the robot and its potential inuence on childrens social-
emotional development. After setting up the initial interview
protocol, two expert scholars in social robotics reviewed the
interview guide to validate the coverage and relevance of the
content. Furthermore, as prescribed by Kallio et al. (2016), the
feedback of the experts was used to reformulate the questions and
to test the implementation. This resulted in the nal list of
interview questions, which can be found online (
Procedure and Analysis
Over a span of 2 months, from February to April 2021, the data
for this study were collected. Due to the COVID19 pandemic, all
interviews were conducted online via Microsoft Teams. The
interviews started with a short introduction about the purpose
of the study, after which the questions started. As mentioned, the
interviews were semi-structured (Kallio et al., 2016 ), which
allowed us to deviate somewhat from the formal set of
interview questions when needed, and to explore the thoughts
and beliefs of participants in more detail. In general, each
interview lasted between 45 min and 1 h. At the end of the
interview, we inquired whether participants would like to
voice any other potentially relevant information related to
child development and robots in education. Lastly, we asked
participants if they could provide us with names of other teachers
who had applied social robots in their education and might be
willing to participate in this study. All interviews were recorded,
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for which all participants provided active verbal consent.
Afterwards, the recordings were transcribed. All transcriptions
were then analyzed using an inductive and deductive coding
process through a qualitative data analysis application (ATLAS.ti,
version 9). To identify patterns within and across the data, we
used a thematic analysis method (Braun and Clarke, 2012). First,
we coded the text based on the main themes of the interview
questions (participant data, use of robots, social-affective bond,
and social-emotional development). Thereafter, we randomly
read samples of the data and created thematic codes, shown in
Table 1. We then applied the codes onto new sample texts derived
from our interview transcriptions. Using this iterative process, we
created our nal coding scheme which we applied to all data
collected. The themes were coded by a scholar with considerable
experience in conducting qualitative studies in social robotics and
education. The nal coding scheme can be found online (https:// Lastly, the effects of the robots on children derived
from the thematic analysis were linked to the appropriate
domains of childrens social-emotional development reported
in the literature (Denham et al., 2009). This was done during
a mapping workshop by the rst author and two undergraduate
All participants had experience with applying humanoid robots
in their education, being either with the Nao robot (SoftBank
Robotics, 2020) or the Alpha mini-robot (Ubtech, 2021). One
participant also had experience with other types of robots, such as
the Innobot, Probot, Bluebot, Microbot, and Ozobot. Experience
with applying robots ranged from 6 years to a couple of months.
The participants had applied the robots in their day-to-day
education for teaching children arithmetic, language,
geography, presentation skills, physical education, and
computational thinking. Eight participants had used the robots
as a social entity (as a tutor or peer), sometimes combined with
using the robot purely as a tool, such as for learning
programming. One participant had used the robot just as a
tool for teaching programming. The number of interactions
with the robot per child ranged from just one to sixteen times
per period of 10 weeks. The time children had spent working with
the robot ranged from 15 min to 1 hour per interaction. None of
the participants systematically measured the effect of the robot
during their lectures. The teachers used robots in all classes of the
primary school, which included children from age 4 up to
12 years.
Place in Education
Eight out of nine teachers mentioned that social robots (should)
have a place in primary education. They considered the robot a
good educational tool, mainly because it can enrich the lessons.
Some children learn more easily from books, another child learns
more easily from a screen with interactivity, and a robot gives an
extra dimension to education [...] it is one of the means by which
you prepare children for a future as one teacher indicated. The
teachers overall stated that they viewed the robots as additional
support for the teacher, or to provide help for solving problems
(such as knowledge gaps) by means of targeted help. Teachers had
applied the robot in small groups and in one-to-one interaction
settings. Most teachers indicated that the robot has a clear novelty
effect and that children are fascinated and amazed by the robot.
Most of the teachers stated that the children are enthusiastic
about the robot and are (more) motivated to work and learn with
the robot.
One teacher did not consider social robots to have a place in
primary education, for two reasons: 1) because of the high cost
and 2) because of a lack of impact in primary education. Although
the teacher stated that the robot does create a deeper kind of
learning, because of the social interaction, she considered the
robot best for special education. In special education, the teaching
methods would be more open-minded for using robots and not so
restricted and formalized as in regular primary education,
according to this teacher. Three other teachers also indicated
that the high cost of the NAO robot was an issue. Especially for
teaching programming skills, they considered nonsocial or non-
humanlike robots cheaper and therefore more appropriate.
Overall, the teachers indicated that the current social robots
require a lot of work from the teacher. As one teacher explained:
It is really labour-intensive for the person who sets up and
prepares the robot, and this is still an impeding factor.
Teachers also indicated that it will take some time before
other teachers are acquainted with robots because the
educational methods change rapidly every few years, which
TABLE 1 | Data on participants in the interviews.
Interview # Gender Age Experience as
a teacher
Experience with
robots (15 scale)
# Children
interacting with
a robot
1 F 39 14 4 600
2 F 25 3 3 57
3 F 36 13 2 20
4 F 42 10 5 700
5 F 57 35 4 540
6 F 28 7 3 200
7 M 39 12 4 500
8 F 25 1,5 4 25
9 F 35 14 4 18
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also takes time to implement. Furthermore, the lack of evidence
that robots are (more) effective makes it hard to convince school
management to invest in the implementation of social robots,
according to one teacher.
Impact on Social-Emotional Development?
It should rst be noted that none of the teachers systematically
measured the robots effect on the childrens social-emotional
development. Due to the relatively broad age range of the children
that interacted with the robot (412 years), which covers both the
primary school period and the preschool/early childhood period,
and because the general developmental tasks that should be
assessed in each dimension of social-emotional development
differs for each developmental period, we decided to describe
the perceived impact based on the themes derived from our
thematic analysis (Braun and Clarke, 2012).
All teachers indicated that social robots can have a positive
impact on the social-emotional development of children. They
reported several examples of how childrens social-emotional
development could be affected by social robots, such as by
boosting childrens self-condence and by increasing childrens
ability to express themselves. All reported impact was considered
positive. Only a few occasions were reported where some (mainly
young) children were afraid of the robot. Based on the thematic
analysis, we were able to distinguish ve positive effects which
were reported by the teachers, being: 1) Self-condence, 2)
helping other children, 3) ability to express oneself, 4) ability
to be patient and listen to others, and 5) curiosity stimulation.
Thereafter, we linked the themes to the appropriate domains of
childrens social-emotional development, shown in Figure 1.In
the next sections, we will present the results based on the derived
themes and discuss their potential effect on the theoretical
domains of childrens social-emotional development.
Almost half of the teachers reported higher self-condence as a
positive result of child-robot interaction. Children who were shy
to talk in public or in groups could give presentations together
with the robot, which could bolster the self-condence of the
children. One teacher explained: Giving presentations causes a lot
of stress in children. I think it is good if you give them a choice, that
they can give the presentation, in the rst instance, completely by
the robot, and then for example together, so that children, perhaps
unconsciously, are presenting in front of groups. This way they will
get used to it, in a very safe manner [...] you actually take away a
lot of stress. Also, teachers indicated that children who are a bit
shy or socially less capable, could become the robot expert of the
class, which would boost their self-condence: I could put
children who are socially not very strong in the spotlight so that
they would become a robot expert. They were then able to teach
other children or help the teacher, so they grew in their whole being
because of this ... , this changed their [social] position and place in
the group, as one teacher explained. Furthermore, teachers
reported that children more easily practice subjects they nd
FIGURE 1 | Overview of themes based on the interviews and the linked theoretical constructs of social-emotional development, based on the literature.
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difcult with the robot because a robot does not judge or laugh at
them when they give a wrong answer. This is also reported to
create more social interaction between children, as one teacher
who used the robots for extra support in language learning
described: We have a school where several children come from
a different culture. They have difculty speaking Dutch, and they
dont speak Dutch at home. They nd it difcult to speak in public,
and a robot helps them with this and thus helps with their own
language development, which also makes it easier for them to make
contact with peers. That is what we have seen, it absolutely had an
impact. None of the teachers reported negative outcomes related
to the self-condence of children. Although, some teachers
reported practical issues related to the speech of the robot that
sometimes lacks the proper pronunciation, especially with
longer words.
The capability of the robot to contribute to childrensself-
condence can be (in)directly linked to three of the ve social-
emotional domains. F irst, the increased social interaction
between children, caused by the increased self-condence of
shy children, could lead to the formation of dyadic f riendships,
which is linked to the social-emotional domain of social
competence. Furthermore, this could lead to a more
balanced connection with their peers, which is related to
the social-emotional domain of attachment. Lastly, the
robot could contribute to the domain of self-perceived
competence, because it could resu lt in a childsincreased
ability to assess ones own social abilities in comparison
with those of others.
Helping Other Children
Several teachers indicated that they applied the robot to
enhance social interaction between children. For example,
by giving some children the role of robot expert, they created a
new role in the group. According to teachers, this did not only
increase children self-condence (cf. Self-Condence), but it
also allowed the robot experts (often the socially weaker
children) to more easily interact with other classmates.
Also, by letting children work with the robot in small
groups, the interaction between children in the groups was
stimulated. Furthermore, when the robot was used by multiple
groups in sequence, the last group could help the next group
when they encountered difculties. One teacher expressed
concerns about when the robot would be used for one-on-one
tutoring, which could potentially lower the contact w ith other
children. The teacher considered this as part of the broader
trend of (smart)phone use and time spent on a computer,
which seems to lower personal, face-to-face contact. However,
the teacher could not tell whether t he robot caused children to
interact less with each other. Likewise, this was not reported
by any of the other interviewed teachers.
The option to apply a social robot to stimulate helping
behavior can be (in)directly linked to two of the ve social-
emotional domains. The introduction of social robots, which
allows for the creation of new roles in the classroom as indicated
by the teachers to stimulate interaction, and can be linked to the
domains of social competence and attachment.
Ability to Express Oneself
Some teachers reported on children who, before the introduction
of the robot, would not be willing to talk to the teacher, or did not
want to learn. However, after the robot was introduced in the
classroom, these children started to talk. First to the robot, and
thereafter to the teacher. Teachers said that they expected that
children would more easily express certain things to robots than
to their teachers. I think that a robot could denitely be used for
that [emotional support] as well [...] because it is something that is
a bit further away from you and a bit less personal, so I think it is
easier to discuss more difcult things [...] and certainly in the
social, emotional area, as voiced by one of the teachers. Some
teachers used the robot as a means to let children talk about their
feelings by letting the robot express emotions. This has led to the
opportunity to talk about emotional feelings. One teacher
compared this to hand puppets that are currently used in the
Dutch educational system to start conrmations on difcult
subjects, which the teacher considered a similar tool.
Children opening up to a robot about their feelings relates to
two of the ve social-emotional domains. First, it could allow
children to cope with negative emotions, learn about emotions
and emotional expressiveness, which is linked to emotional
competence. Second, it allows for the possibility for children to
get more insight into their own social competence, which is
related to the domain of self-perceived competence.
Ability to be Patient and Listen to Others
Two of the teachers reported on the robots ability to teach
children to be patient and listen more carefully to others. This
was mainly caused by the robots script that did not allow a child
to go any faster, according to the teachers. You have to keep calm
and you also have to keep your impulses in check [...] you also
have to be careful, children are normally rumbling everywhere, in a
manner of speaking, but that is really not possible. So yes, there is
really something being asked of them, as one teacher reported.
The teachers indicated that the robot made children listen more
to others and wait their turn. However, they also indicated that
the robot would need to be in the classroom for longer periods to
make a lasting impact on these skills.
The ability to be patient and more carefully listen to others
could, in theory, contribute to understanding the unique
perspective of others, which can be linked to emotional
Curiosity Stimulation
Several teachers indicated that they have seen how robots can
stimulate childrens curiosity. Most teachers reported on the
robot being something magical or special. This made
children curious to learn about and from the robot, also for
subjects they would otherwise dislike or even avoid. One teacher
experienced the following: I had one child at that time, who did
not want to learn. That does not happen often, but he really did not
want to, he had no interest at all in reading or in letters or in math
or something else, but that robot that was really it. Once that robot
was there, he did everything. That was so special, he did everything
he had to do, but not with me, but with the robot. With me, he just
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closed down, but with the robot, he did it all. The teacher
indicated that she did not encounter this behavior often.
Other teachers mentioned that they had also experienced how
robots stimulated and motivated children, although they voiced
that they did not consider the currently limited interactions
enough to have a long-lasting effect on childrens curiosity.
The ability of the robot to stimulate curiosity can contribute to
the social-emotional domain of temperament/personality. By
stimulating childrens curiosity, they could become more
encouraged to follow and experience aspects that suit their
personality, which can be linked to the temperament/
personality domain.
In summary, the teachers expressed ve ways by which social
robots can impact the theoretical domains of childrens social-
emotional development, which is illustrated in Figure 1. Children
potentially getting attached to the robot was a topic that came up
regularly during the interviews. Therefore, we decided to discuss
attachment as a topic separately in the next section.
Almost half of the teachers indicated that children can feel
emotionally attached to a robot. Some indicated that this
attachment would not be different from how children attach
to other objects children like, such as video games and toys. One
teacher saw a child with bonding problems getting emotionally
attached to the robot, but did not encounter this with other
(typically developing) children. Some teachers indicated that
while young children could feel attached to the robot, older
children, around the age of 11-12, would consider the robots
merely as a tool.
Another teacher reported on a child talking about the robot as
his best friend, while other participants indicated that they have
seen children interact with the robot as if it were their buddy. In
several interviews, teachers indicated that children showed a kind
of empathy and affection towards the robot. As one teacher
experienced: They [children] also immediately asked when he [the
robot] would come back, and everyone wanted to take care of it,
you really noticed that the care aspect really came up there. Such
that it had actually become a kind of a buddy. Another teacher
indicated to be concerned that children would view the robot as a
best friend, however, this teacher did not encounter this in her
own classroom. Furthermore, several teachers indicated that for
children to become attached to a robot, the robot would have to
be present much more often than is possible in the current
educational system.
What Would be Considered Too Attached?
When asked for signals that would indicate that children are too
attached to the robot, teachers expressed two main indicators: 1)
when it results in less contact with their human peers, and 2)
when children would get upset when the robot was not around.
However, four teachers indicated explicitly that they have not
encountered this in their classes, and that the way robots are being
applied nowadays poses little risk for children to become too
attached. In the current education you dont get it [attachment
issues] very quickly, only if you always have a robot in class and I
see few risks in the way in which we now use robots as explained
by two other teachers. The other ve teachers did mention
encountering attachment issues in their classes.
Although the teachers did not encounter children becoming
too attached to the social robots, this might be due to the short
interaction time and the limited number of interactions children
had with the robot. Therefore, we continued to further ask the
teachers on what type of children would be more susceptible to
getting attached to social robots.
Children who are More Susceptible to Getting
Attached to Social Robots
The current literature does not provide a solid basis for
deriving insights into what kind of children would be more
susceptive to getting attached to social robots. To gain more
insight into which children might be at risk to become too
attached to a social robot, we conducted a thematic analysis to
differentiate between types of children based on the interview
transcripts (Braun and Clar ke, 2012). The teachers expressed
four types of children who would be m ore susceptible to
getting attached to social robots.
The rst type, indicated by seven of the nine teachers, is
timid, socially less strong, and could have an autism
spectrum disorder (ASD). However, regarding ASD, it
should be noted that one teacher explicitly stated that
these usually are children of which the teachers think
they have ASD because it is mostly not yet diagnosed at
this young age. Indeed, a number of studies reported
successful interactions of social robots specically
focusing on children with ASD (e.g., Huijnen et al., 2016;
Di Nuovo et al., 2020).
The second type of children concerns children who are
interested in science and engineering. The children who are
just very interested in robots and programming, as one
teacher explained. This is in line with common applications
of robots for STEM education (e.g., Ahmad et al., 2020).
The third type of children that can be considered more
sensitive for the robots interaction, as indicated by two
teachers, are children who are underachievers on a certain
subject, such as language learning or math. Studies indeed
reported good results for language learning (Vogt et al.,
2019; Konijn et al., 2021) or rehearsing the times tables
(Konijn and Hoorn, 2020).
The fourth and nal type of children who are more sensitive
to social robots are children with special needs, such as
children with attention decit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD), highly sensitive children, highly gifted children,
and children sensitive to game addiction. Seven teachers
indicated that these children can be considered more
sensitive for child-robot interaction in education: The
children who have a certain need [...] children with
ADHD, or just children who are highly gifted, they could
be attracted in a certain way if it suits them, and then there
are many possibilities to work with this, as explained by one
teacher. In earlier studies the potential for children with
ADHD have been discussed before (e.g., Fridin and
Yaakobi, 2011)
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The teachers expressed several best practices to ensure that
these types of children would not get too attached to the robot.
The best practices expressed also included general remarks on
how social robots could be implemented in a responsible way,
according to these experienced teachers. In the next section, we
present these ndings.
Best Practices and Success Factors for
Child-Robot Interaction in Education
The interviewed teachers reported about what they considered
best practices and success factors when applying social robots in
primary education. In total, they reported eight best practices and
success factors for applying social robots in primary education.
To provide an overview of these best practices and their
description we present them in Table 2.
The main goal of this interview study was to examine whether
social robots in primary education compromise the social-
emotional development of children. Therefore, we interviewed
primary school teachers who supervised the child-robot
interaction of more than 2,600 unique children in a real-life
school environment. Nearly all child-robot interactions reported
by our interviewees were one-on-one or small group interactions
in which a humanoid robot took the role of a tutor or peer. Each
robot was used for teaching children a specic subject or skill in a
school environment.
The main nding of our study is that the participating teachers
experienced no negative effects on the social-emotional
development of children caused by the child-robot interactions
that would have a lasting negative impact. In contrast, teachers
expressed seeing ve positive effects of social robots related to the
social-emotional development of their pupils, being 1) increased
self-condence, 2) helping other children, 3) increased ability to
express oneself, 4) increased ability to be patient and listen to
others, and 5) curiosity stimulation. These ve themes could be
linked to all domains of childrens social development reported in
developmental literature, as discussed in the introduction and
summarized in Figure 1.
The social robots seemed especially useful for introducing the
learning by teaching paradigm (Fiorella and Mayer, 2013). This
allows for some children to take on new roles, such as that of an
expert. This can have a positive effect on childrens social-
emotional development. For example, by giving children an
expert role, or by letting experienced groups help other
groups. Novel technologies, such as social robots, seem
appropriate to support children in such roles. The robots
impact on the childrens ability to be patient and to listen
carefully was reported to be caused mainly by the current state
of technology that does not allow children to respond quickly,
and due to the intonation of the robot which is sometimes
lacking. Given that automatic speech recognition based on
child-robot interaction has been shown to be a complex issue
(Kennedy et al., 2017), it is unlikely that robots will be able to
respond quickly to childrens verbal reactions in the near future.
Therefore, we consider that the robots positive impact on
childrens ability to be patient and to listen will remain for the
foreseeable future. However, teachers indicated that they
wondered whether the effect on childrens ability to be patient
and to listen would impact the children in the long run. The other
three effects, increased self-condence, ability to express oneself,
and curiosity stimulation, seem all specically useful for children
with special needs.
Four types of children were identied by the interviewed
teachers, three of whom could specically benet from social
robots and be receptive to interacting with a social robot. These
children are considered to have special needs, either the timid,
TABLE 2 | Best practices and success factors for applying social robots in primary education.
# Title Description
1 Apply when needed Make sure there is a clear why for applying social robots, robots are means not ends. Social robots are considered to be an
addition to the teacher, not a replacement. When applying the robot every day, the novelty effect can wear off. Use social
robots for a specic aim or goal
2 Teacher stays involved The role of the teachers stays very important, he/she should be present during the child-robot interaction, or at least close
by. Also, the teacher can judge which children potentially get too attached to the robot, and which children would benet
most from the interaction. This might lead to an increase in the number of teaching assistants needed to facilitate the robot
3 Proper introduction Teachers should pay specic attention to the introduction of the robot. Children should rst be told what a robot is, and what
is it going to do, before they start to interact with a robot
4 Small groups Learning with robots is best done in small groups. This not only allows children to continue communicating with their peers,
but it can also stimulate children to interact with each other and not get socially isolated
5 Vertical groups Let children of different age groups work together with the robot, make use of the older, more expe rienced children to
introduce and guide younger children
6 Separate room When a small group of children is working with the robot, this is distracting for the other children in the classroom. Therefore,
the robot should not be in the same room as where other children are who do not work with the robot
7 Team effort and mindset For robots to be sustainably implemented in schools, the technology needs to have the support of the teacher-team
including the school management. A teacher in the role of a robot ambassador can be appointed to introduce the robot to
other teachers, making it easier to implement the robot
8 Parents The parents of the children should be informed pro-actively by the schools when social robots are going to be used. This is
the responsibi lity of the school
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socially less strong children potentially with ASD,
underachievers, or children with other special needs, such as
ADHD or attachment issues. According to the teachers, these
children could potentially benet the most from social robots in
education when it comes to their social-emotional development
and are indeed often addressed in studies (e.g., Fridin and
Yaakobi, 2011; Huijnen et al., 2016; Konijn and Hoorn, 2020).
As a downside, the interviewed teachers reported that these
children might get more attached to the robot in the long run,
which could, in theory, lead to less human contact and children
getting upset when the robot would not be around. However, this
has not been observed by our teachers, and they further indicated
that the robot would need to be present much more for this
to occur.
To ensure that some children will not get too attached to the
robot, teachers have indicated that they should supervise the
child-robot interaction, or at least be close by. The teachers in
our study mentioned that applying social robots in education is
labor-intensive, and requires time and effort to use and
implement. This is in line with another study reporting
about teachers being worried that s ocial robots would
increase the workload of teachers (Reich-Stiebert and
Eyssel, 20 16). A recent review on robots in classrooms came
to similar results, concluding that the current generation of
commercially available robots, like NAO or Pepper, do not
have sufcient p rogramming to be readily integrated into
classrooms without extensive support and resource
mobilization (Woo et al., 2021,p.9).
The comparison of the bond between children and robots to
the bond between children and other humans might not be the
best way forward. Although some children seem to behave as if
they are friends with a robot (Fior et a l., 2010), robots are still a
different entity. When comparing human-robot interaction to
interaction between humans, Black (2019) argues against
developing empathy with robots because children cannot
experience the kind of affect toward robots that they
develop with other humans, such as their human peers and
teachers. However, if we use the robot to simulate human
interaction, by letting children work together, this doesnt
seem to be a big problem. Furthermore, for social robots to
be able to support children in primary education, there seems
to be no need for very humanlike robots with extensive
empathy capabilities; current studie s on the u se of social
robots in education do, most of the time, not use very
humanlike robots with extensive empathy capabilities, and
still show promising results (e.g., Konijn and Hoorn, 2020).
One might argue that robots need extensive empathy
capabilities for teaching social skill s to children who cannot
learn thes e with their human peers because of d isorders, such
as ASD. Although humanoid robots with extensive empathy
capabilities might help this specic group of children, there
seems little r eason to equip robots w ith far-reaching h uman
embodiment when it comes to assisting regular children in
their school process.
The social bond between child and robot challenges the
fundamentals of friendship and relationships, according to
Richards and Calvert (2017). However, according to the
teachers in our study, such social bonds are infrequent and
similar to the bond children have with other technologies or
artefacts, such as smartphones and (hand) puppets. Thus, the
negative impact of social robots on the fundamentals of
friendship and relationships, for now, seems limited.
Other researchers have found that robots seem able to elicit
socially desirable behavior among children, such as sharing (Peter
et al., 2021). However, according to the same researchers, this
may also apply to socially undesirable behavior, such as aggressive
behavior (Peter et al., 2021). Children have been recorded to
express bullying behavior towards an educational robot (Kanda
et al., 2012). Others have also expressed concerns related to the
robot becoming a bully or becoming subject to bullying (Diep
et al., 2015). However, following the best practices of the
participants in our study, when teachers stay involved in the
child-robot interaction, this scenario seems unlikely. Teachers or
teaching assistants could intervene when such undesirable
behavior occurs. Nevertheless, the results of other researchers
emphasize the importance to be careful in how robots are
presented to children because robots (in videos) have been
shown to negatively inuence childrens pro-social behavior
and willingness to share resources in an experimental setting
(Nijssen et al., 2021).
The participating teachers did not report major privacy issues
related to the child-robot interaction, except one related to IT
security, and they did not use extensive personalized data
collection by the robot. This might be due to the relatively
simple, not highly personalized child robot interaction
currently used in schools. In other studies, privacy has been
reported to be a major issue related to social robots in education
(Sharkey, 2016; Smakman et al., 2021a). Data collection allows
personalized interaction, which is one of the key benets,
according to scholars (Kanda et al., 2012; Shimada et al., 2012
Jones et al., 2017; Jones and Castellano, 2018; Woo et al., 2021).
Although the teachers in our study did not report on major
privacy issues, given the need for data collection for personalized
learning, we consider the issue crucial for integrating social robots
in education in a responsible way and should therefore be subject
for further research.
One limitation of this study is that, although the participants
had experience with using a social robot in their day-to-day
education and supervised the child-robot interaction of over
2,600 unique children, the total number of participants was
limited. However, given that all participants had experience
with using a social robot in their day-to-day education,
combined with the large number of unique children they
supervised, they still provide valuable insights into the
currently observed effects of social robots on children. The
gender distribution was unequally balanced, with only one
male participating teacher. However, this can be considered a
reection of the gender distribution in Dutch primary education,
where approximately 80% is female (Traag, 2018). It should also
be noted that this study was carried out solely in the Netherlands,
therefore the results may differ in other countries. Furthermore,
none of the teachers systematically measured the robots effect on
the social-emotional development of children. The evaluations in
this study are solely based on the teachers previous experiences
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and observations. The experiences of these teachers could differ
from how children experienced the robot interaction. Further
studies could compare the perceptions of children to the
perceptions of their teachers. Future studies in child-robot
interaction could also include the Social Skills Rating System
(SSRS) or the social Skills Improvement System-Rating Scales
(SSIS-RS) (Gresham et al., 2011), to systematically measure the
impact of social robots in childrens development.
In conclusion, our study indicates that the social robots
currently used in education pose little threat to the social-
emotional development of children according to teachers who
applied these robots in their day-to-day education. Children
with special needs seem to be more sensitive to social bonding
with a robot compared to regular children. However, this
social-affective bond seems to have more positive effects
enabling them to more easily connect with their human
peers and teachers.
Given that the best practices reported in this study a re taken
into account, we consider that social robots pose more benets
than harms concerning the s ocial-emotional development of
children. However, when robots are being introduced more
regularly, daily, without the involvement of a human teacher,
new issues could arise. For now, given the current state of
technology and the way social robots are being applied, other
(ethical) issues seem to be more urgent, such as privacy and
security issues, and the workload of teachers.
The datasets presented in this study can be found in online
repositories. The names of the repository/repositories and
accession number(s) can be found in the article/
Supplementary Material.
The patients/participants provided their written informed
consent to participate in this study.
Conceptualization, MS and PV. EK; data curation, MS; formal
analysis, MS; funding acquisition, MS. EK; investigation, MS;
methodology, MS, EK, and PV; project administration, MS
resources, MS and EK; software, MS; supervision, EK and PV;
validation, EK and PV; visualization, MS; writing original draft,
MS; writing review and editing, EK, PV, and MS.
Research supported by The Dutch Research Council (NWO),
project number 023.010.066.
We thank all participants in our study. We also would like to
thank the robotic companies that included our request to
participate in our study in their newsletter.
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at:
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Frontiers in Robotics and AI | January 2022 | Volume 9 | Article 73495512
Smakman et al. Compromised Social-Emotional Development