e Journal of Undergraduate Research
Volume 12 Journal of Undergraduate Research,
Volume 12: 2014
Article 2
A Lile Goes a Long Way: Pressure for College
Students to Succeed
Jennifer R. Davis
South Dakota State University
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Davis, Jennifer R. (2014) "A Li9le Goes a Long Way: Pressure for College Students to Succeed," !e Journal of Undergraduate Research:
Vol. 12, Article 2.
Available at: h9p://openprairie.sdstate.edu/jur/vol12/iss1/2
A Little Goes a Long Way: Pressure for College
Students to Succeed
Author: Jennifer R. Davis
Faculty Sponsor: Tyler M. Miller, Ph. D.
Department: Psychology
When college students begin college they experience pressure from multiple sources. For
example, they experience pressure from their parents to succeed, from their professors, and
pressure from themselves to do well in classes. This pressure could lead to high anxiety and
possibly even poor performance in classes. Prior research that has examined the impact of
anxiety on performance includes the Yerkes-Dodson law and the Processing Efficiency
Theory. Both argue that anxiety increases the performance to a point, but then performance
decreases again with too much pressure. The Processing Efficiency Theory also includes
motivation. This motivation increases the drive to succeed and perform at a higher level. In
the current study I manipulated the pressure participants felt as they completed a memory
test to examine pressure as an influence on memory performance. Furthermore, I also
analyzed how trait-anxiety interacts with pressure (as measured by the State Trait Anxiety
Inventory). College students (n = 67) were separated into either a no pressure condition or a
pressure condition and completed a memory test. Results showed a trend for participants
with low trait-anxiety to have increased memory performance in the pressure condition.
These results follow the Processing Efficiency Theory and the Yerkes-Dodson law. In other
words, perhaps participants had better memory in the pressure condition because they were
motivated to do well. Future research identifying the optimal amount of pressure for the
best performance is suggested.
Keywords: anxiety, pressure, memory, processing-efficiency theory, performance.
College students experience pressure in school every day by their parents, professors and
even from themselves to succeed in their classes. That pressure may lead to anxiety.
Anxiety is the most common mental illness in the United States, with the onset occurring
most often between the ages of 18 and 22 years old (Andrews & Wilding, 2004). Anxiety is
especially high amongst college freshman (Vye & Welch, 2007). For college students,
pressure from peers to socialize, parents to succeed in school, and an internal drive to
succeed, along with being in a new environment, could lead to high anxiety and poor
performance in classes (Cassady and Johnson, 2002). Research that has examined the
effects of anxiety on performance has used the State Trait Anxiety Inventory (Spielberger,
1983). This standardized assessment splits anxiety into state-anxiety and trait-anxiety.
State-anxiety is feelings of nervousness that can be attributed to the present situation. Trait-
anxiety is feelings of nervousness that can be attributed to a person’s personality
characteristics (Spielberger, 1983).
According to Eysenck (2013), performance is based on one’s level of state-anxiety. The
STAI contains a total of 40 items, 20 items to measure state-anxiety and 20 items to
measure trait-anxiety. A typical item to measure state-anxiety is “I feel nervous and
restless,” and the participant answers on a four-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (almost
never) to 4 (almost always). The STAI has a Cronbach alpha coefficient of .90
(Spielberger, 1983). State-anxiety could be brought on by experience of pressure such as
the type of pressure college students experience to do well in classes. This type of anxiety
could be associated with the autonomic nervous system response to stress, also known as
the “fight or flight” response (Viljoen, Claassen & Mare, 2013).
Furthermore, Sarason (1984) states that participants who feel anxiety also experience
cognitive interference in the form of preoccupying and concerning ideas, known as “task-
irrelevant thoughts.” For example, these intrusive thoughts take cognitive resources away
from the task and the participant is left with fewer available cognitive resources to
complete the task. Conversely, those who report lower anxiety levels have fewer “task-
irrelevant thoughts” (Derakshan & Eysenck, 2009). A concept known as stereotype threat
could explain why people have these thoughts. Stereotype threat is when someone has a
negative belief about themselves and they are worried that they will confirm this negative
stereotype about themselves or their own group (Steele & Aronson, 1995). In other words,
if participants begin an experiment thinking that they are going to fail, they are more likely
to perform poorly (Chung, B. G., Ehrhart, M. G., Ehrhart, K. H., Hattrup, K. & Solamon,
J., 2005). The negative stereotypes that participants have of themselves are the task-
irrelevant thoughts.
The Yerkes-Dodson law (1908) has been used to examine the relationship between anxiety
and performance. In concordance with the Yerkes-Dodson law, an individual’s
performance levels will follow a standard bell curve in relation to the amount of pressure
applied. Therefore, performance on a difficult task is low with slight amount of pressure,
high with an intermediate amount of pressure, and low with a high amount of pressure. The
results of Yerkes’ and Dodson’s experiment showed that there was an optimal amount of
pressure that increased performance in rats (Yerkes & Dodson, 1908). The results found by
Yerkes and Dodson that lead to the development of the Yerkes-Dodson law have been
examined and replicated many times over the past century (Diamond, 2005; Dodson, 1915;
Salehi, Cordero & Sandi, 2010). However, the Yerkes-Dodson law does not include a
motivational element, where the drive to succeed effects performance level. The processing
efficiency theory (PET), which does include a motivational element, could help explain
why participants perform better under medium pressure conditions. The processing
efficiency theory states that the more pressure a participant experiences, the more effort the
participant will exert to perform well up to an optimal amount of pressure (Eysenck and
Calvo, 1992).
Since the Yerkes-Dodson law states that performance levels follow a bell curve pattern as
the level of stress increases than an excessive amount of stress leads to performance
detriments. The idea that performance decreases with pressure has been illustrated and
replicated many times. For example, a study by Horikawa and Yagi (2012) identified 59
college soccer players that had high or low anxiety group based on their responses on the
STAI. Next, they had them take penalty kicks while their coach pressured them to shoot
better or did not give any instruction. The results indicated that both high and low anxiety
groups’ performance deteriorated under pressure.
In contrast, a study by Walkenhorst and Crowe (2009) showed that a little pressure can
actually increase performance. They tested 60 participants that were either high or low
anxiety groups based on their STAI responses. They then randomly assigned each
participant to a high or low worry group. The high worry condition participants were
instructed to sit for fifteen minutes and worry about any topic of their choice and then take
a visual patterns test, whereas the low worry group just took the memory test. Results found
that low trait-anxiety participants performed best when they were in the high worry
condition. This pattern of results is noteworthy because it does not fit with the Yerkes-
Dodson law that participants’ performance on a task decreases with pressure. Furthermore,
participants in the high worry condition would have had task-irrelevant thoughts, which
then would have taken away cognitive resources from doing well on the task (Sarason,
1984; Derakshan & Eysenck, 2009). However, the Processing Efficiency Theory could
explain this pattern of data because it argues that the participant’s motivation to succeed
would increase with some pressure resulting in improved performance (Eysenck & Calvo,
The purpose of this study is to examine whether manipulated pressure on college students
will affect their memory performance on a cued-recall test. I hypothesized that overall,
participants with high trait-anxiety will have worse memory performance compared to
participants with low trait-anxiety. Furthermore, I hypothesized that pressure will
negatively affect all participant memory performance, with pressure having the most
deleterious effects for participants with high trait-anxiety.
There was 67 participants selected from the South Dakota State University Psychology
Department research participation pool (50 female, M age = 18.76). This experiment used a
2 Condition (no pressure and pressure) x 2 Anxiety (high trait-anxiety and low trait-
anxiety) between subjects analysis of variance (ANOVA) design. Participants were
randomly assigned to Condition and completed the trait portion of the State Trait Anxiety
Inventory (Spielberger, 1983). Based on participants’ responses, I created a low trait-
anxiety group and a high trait-anxiety group using a median split. I selected the memory
test items from a norming study completed by Grimaldi, Pyc and Rawson (2010) based on
the probability they were recalled during Trial 1 of the norming study. The average
probability of recall on trial one was .23, but items from the entire range were selected (.04-
.49 probability of recall).
Participants were first given an information sheet about the study and agreed to participate.
Immediately after agreeing to participate, all participants completed the trait portion of the
State Trait Anxiety (STAI). After completing the trait-anxiety portion of the STAI,
participants in the no pressure condition heard, “You are about to study some easy word
pairs, try to the best of your abilities.” Participants in the pressure condition heard, “You
are about to study some very difficult word pairs and your performance on the memory test
will be indicative of your other abilities such as performance in classes, overall GPA, and
expected earnings in the workplace.” The participants were then shown 40 Lithuanian-
English word pairs each for 10 seconds (e.g., durys-door) using Superlab (Cedrus, 2013).
After participants viewed all 40 word pairs they began the memory test in which they were
given a sheet of paper with all 40 Lithuanian words and were asked to provide the English
equivalent (e.g., durys - ). Participants attempted to recall the word pairs for 6 minutes.
Finally participants were asked to complete a series of demographic questions. In the
debriefing, participants were informed that the purpose of the study was to find out whether
manipulated pressure on college students affected their memory performance.
I conducted a 2-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Condition (no pressure and
pressure) and Anxiety (high trait-anxiety or low trait-anxiety) as the between subjects
independent variables and memory performance as the dependent variable. The results
revealed that there was no main effect of the Condition, F(1,63) = 1.82, MSE =0.01, p
=0.18, η
= 0.03. In other words, participant memory performance in the no pressure
condition (M = 0.16, SE = 0.02) was no different than participant memory performance in
the pressure condition (M = 0.19, SE = 0.02). Similarly, participant memory performance in
the low trait-anxiety group (M = 0.18, SE = 0.02) was no different than participant memory
performance in the high trait-anxiety group (M = 0.17, SE = 0.01; F(1,63) = 0.31, MSE =
0.01, p = 0.58, η ²
= 0.01. Finally, there was no interaction between the pressure condition
and trait-anxiety, F(1, 63) = 1.44, MSE = 0.01, p = 0.23, η ²
= 0.02. Students who have
high trait-anxiety were no more likely to perform well on a memory test than students with
low trait-anxiety, regardless of condition (see Figure 1).
Figure 1. The percent correct on the memory test, comparing trait-anxiety and pressure
condition. The error bars depict standard error
The goal of this research was to determine whether manipulating pressure on participants
would affect their performance on a memory test. The high trait-anxiety participants had
similar memory performance regardless of the pressure condition. The expectation was that
the memory performance would be higher in the low pressure group; however there was a
slight indication that pressure improved memory performance for people with low trait-
anxiety. As such, it is possible that those with low trait-anxiety needed some pressure to be
motivated to perform at a higher level, which follows the Processing Efficiency Theory and
Yerkes-Dodson law in that the optimal amount of pressure results in increased
performance. If this law was valid for pressure on students in college in real classroom
settings, then one could infer that some pressure would be better than no pressure.
Some potential limitations of this experiment include external validity and the anxiety
measurement. Putting pressure on an individual in a controlled environment is much
Low Trait Anxiety High Trait Anxiety
Proportion Correct
No Pressure
different than applying real life pressure, such as a parent or a professor in a natural
situation, thus reducing external validity. Additionally, the state portion of the State Trait
Anxiety Inventory was not used in this experiment. Future research in this area should use
the state portion of the assessment to check if the pressure manipulations are effective at
increasing state anxiety. It is possible that participants in the current experiment were not
anxious for various reasons including that they were not listening to the instructions that
were intended to cause the anxiety or that participants were not affected by the low severity
of the pressure. Another check of state-anxiety could have been participant’s subjective
reports, but no reports were collected. For example, I could have asked participants how
they perceived the pressure put on them.
Participant’s trait-anxiety level in the current sample was low, which may have skewed the
results. The State Trait Anxiety Inventory (Spielberger, 1983) ranges in scores from 20 to
80, so the mean should be 50, but in this sample both the mean and median were 37, which
is much lower than the ideal mean. Increasing sample size to have a more representative
sample would allow one to make better conclusions about how pressure and anxiety
interact to influence memory performance.
Although some studies concerning anxiety focus on physiological responses to stress or
pressure, this study focused on the cognitive effects of anxiety. Cognitive effects of
anxiety, including task-irrelevant thoughts, affect college students and have deleterious
effects on memory performance and performance on other tasks (Derakshan & Eysenck,
2009). In this study the task-irrelevant thoughts could have been focused on the fact that
results of the memory test were “indicative of performance in classes, overall GPA, and
expected earnings in the workplace.” Although the results were not statistically significant
there was a trend that high pressure led to increased performance on the memory test. This
could be explained by the Processing Efficiency Theory (PET), stating that the more
pressure a participant experiences, the more effort the participant has to exert to perform
Although people may be tempted to decrease anxiety, my results and results from previous
research (Yerkes & Dodson, 1908; Eysenck and Calvo, 1992) suggest that there is an
optimal amount of anxiety, stress or pressure for performance on a given task, including
memory. Future research should identify optimal amount of pressure to increase
performance on a variety of tasks in more naturalist settings such as the college classroom.
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