Vol. 128 May 2013 Issue 2
Alberto Alesina
Paola Giuliano
Nathan Nunn
The study examines the historical origins of existing cross-cultural differ-
ences in beliefs and values regarding the appropriate role of women in society.
We test the hypothesis that traditional agricultural practices influenced the
historical gender division of labor and the evolution of gender norms. We find
that, consistent with existing hypotheses, the descendants of societies that trad-
itionally practiced plough agriculture today have less equal gender norms, mea-
sured using reported gender-role attitudes and female participation in the
workplace, politics, and entrepreneurial activities. Our results hold looking
across countries, across districts within countries, and across ethnicities
within districts. To test for the importance of cultural persistence, we examine
the children of immigrants living in Europe and the United States. We find that
even among these individuals, all born and raised in the same country, those
with a heritage of traditional plough use exhibit less equal beliefs about gender
roles today. JEL Codes: D03, J16, N30.
* We thank Larry Katz, Elhanan Helpman, and five anonymous referees for
comments that substantially improved the paper. We also thank Samuel Bowles,
David Clingingsmith, Matthias Doepke, Esther Duflo, Raquel Fernandez, Nicole
Fortin, Oded Galor, Claudia Goldin, Pauline Grosjean, Judith Hellerstein, Vivian
Hoffman, Edward Miguel, Rohini Pande, Louis Putterman, John Wallis, as well
as participants at various conferences and seminars. We also thank Eva Ng,
Matthias Baeuml, Ellora Derenoncourt, Lauren Morris, and Benjamin Schoefer
for excellent research assistance. Paola Giuliano gratefully acknowledges support
from the UCLA Senate and thanks the Russell Sage Foundation for its wonderful
! The Author(s) 2013. Published by Oxford University Press, on behalf of President and
Fellows of Harvard College. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: journals
The Quarterly Journal of Economics (2013), 469–530. doi:10.1093/qje/qjt005.
Advance Access publication on February 19, 2013.
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This study examines an important deeply held belief that
varies widely across societies: the appropriate or natural role of
women in society. In some societies, the dominant belief is that
women should be allowed to participate freely, and equally to
males, in employment outside the home. In others, there is the
very different view that the appropriate place for women is within
the home, and they are discouraged from participating in activ-
ities outside the domestic sphere. These differences can be most
clearly seen in surveys that report attitudes about gender roles.
For example, the proportion of respondents in the World Values
Survey that ‘‘agree’’ with the statement that ‘‘when jobs are
scarce, men should have more right to a job than women’’
varies widely across countries, ranging from 3.6% (in Iceland)
to 99.6% (in Egypt).
Our interest is in explaining the origins of these cultural
differences. Specifically, we test the hypothesis, put forth by
Ester Boserup (1970), that differences in gender roles have
their origins in the form of agriculture traditionally practiced in
the pre-industrial period. Boserup identifies important differ-
ences between shifting cultivation and plough cultivation.
Shifting cultivation is labor intensive and uses handheld tools
like the hoe and the digging stick. Plough cultivation, by contrast,
is much more capital intensive, using the plough to prepare the
soil. Unlike the hoe or digging stick, the plough requires signifi-
cant upper body strength, grip strength, and bursts of power,
which are needed to either pull the plough or control the
animal that pulls it. Because of these requirements, when
plough agriculture is practiced, men have an advantage in farm-
ing relative to women.
Given the important role of soil preparation in agriculture,
which accounts for about one-third of the total time spent in
agricultural tasks, societies that traditionally practiced plough
agriculture—rather than shifting cultivation—developed a spe-
cialization of production along gender lines. Men tended to work
outside the home in the fields, while women specialized in
1. The figures are based on the 4th wave of the World Values Survey, which
includes information from 62 countries surveyed between 1999 and 2004. Objective
outcomes, like female labor force participation (FLFP), also exhibit significant vari-
ation (Antecol 2000; Fortin 2005; Fernandez 2007; Fernandez and Fogli 2009). In
2000, the FLFP rate ranged from 16.1% (Pakistan) to 90.5% (Burundi).
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activities within the home. This division of labor then generated
norms about the appropriate role of women in society. Societies
characterized by plough agriculture, and the resulting gender-
based division of labor, developed the belief that the natural
place for women is within the home. These cultural beliefs tend
to persist even if the economy moves out of agriculture, affecting
the participation of women in activities performed outside the
home, such as market employment, entrepreneurship, or partici-
pation in politics.
To test Boserup’s hypothesis, we combine pre-industrial
ethnographic data, reporting whether societies traditionally
practiced plough agriculture, with contemporary measures of in-
dividuals’ views about gender roles, as well as measures of female
participation in activities outside the home. Our analysis exam-
ines variation across countries, ethnic groups, and individuals.
Consistent with Boserup’s hypothesis, we find a strong and
robust positive relationship between historical plough use and
unequal gender roles today. Traditional plough use is positively
correlated with attitudes reflecting gender inequality and nega-
tively correlated with female labor force participation, female
firm ownership, and female participation in politics.
Although these findings support Boserup’s hypothesis, they
are also consistent with other interpretations. For example, we
would observe the same relationships if societies with attitudes
favoring gender inequality were more likely to adopt the plough
historically, and these attitudes persist today. To better under-
stand whether traditional plough use has a causal impact on sub-
sequent cultural norms, we control for an exhaustive set of
observable characteristics.
In our baseline set of covariates, we include controls for a
number of historical characteristics of ethnic groups, such as
the suitability of their environment for agriculture, whether
they had domesticated animals, the extent to which they lived
in tropical climates, their level of political development, and
their level of economic development. We also flexibly control for
current country-level per capita GDP. We show that the results
2. Our analysis is concerned with a very specific aspect of gender equality:
whether it is believed to be appropriate for women to work outside the home as it
is for men. There are many other gender differences that contribute to gender in-
equality more broadly defined. However, throughout the paper when we refer to
gender equality (or inequality), we are referring specifically to gender differences in
employment outside the home.
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are robust to controlling for additional historical characteristics
of ethnic groups and contemporary characteristics of countries
that are potentially correlated with traditional plough use and
beliefs about gender roles today.
Motivated by the possibility that our cross-national results
may be biased by other characteristics of countries, we move to a
more micro-level analysis, examining cross-individual variation
in female labor force participation and beliefs about gender equal-
ity. With this strategy, we are able to restrict the analysis to
variation within countries and even variation within districts
within countries. We find similar impacts when we examine
this finer variation.
We then turn to an analysis of the importance of ancestral
differences in specific geo-climatic characteristics that impacted
what types of crops could be cultivated in the historical locations.
This analysis is motivated by Pryor (1985), who argues that the
benefit of using the plough differed depending on the types of
crops cultivated. The plough is more beneficial for crops that re-
quire large tracts of land to be prepared in a short period of time
(e.g., due to multiple-cropping), and that can be grown only in
soils that are not shallow, not sloped, and not rocky.
crops, which Pryor refers to as ‘‘plough-positive’’, include teff,
wheat, barley, rye, and wet rice. These can be contrasted to
‘‘plough-negative’’ crops, such as maize, sorghum, millet, and
various types of root and tree crops, which require less land to
be prepared over a longer period of time, and/or can be cultivated
on thin, sloped, or rocky soils, where using the plough is difficult.
Unlike plough-positive crops, plough-negative crops benefit much
less from the adoption of the plough.
Using data from the Food and Agriculture Organization
(FAO), we identify the geo-climatic suitability of finely defined
locations for growing plough-positive cereals (wheat, barley,
and rye) and plough-negative cereals (sorghum, foxtail millet,
and pearl millet). Except for their benefit from plough use, the
two sets of cereals are otherwise similar. Both have been culti-
vated in the Eastern Hemisphere since the Neolithic revolution;
3. For a recent study documenting the link between soil type and plough use in
modern India, see Carranza (2010). In particular, she shows that in contemporary
India, plough technology is more likely to be adopted with deep loamy soils rather
than shallow clay soils, and that it is associated with less participation of women in
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require similar preparations for consumption, all being used for
flour, porridge, bread, or in beverages; and produce similar yields
and therefore are able to support similar population densities.
We show that, consistent with Pryor (1985), the suitability of
a location for cultivating plough-positive vs. plough-negative
crops predicts whether the plough was adopted. We also show
that they predict gender norms today. Finally, we use ethnic
groups’ geo-climatic conditions for growing plough-positive and
plough-negative cereals as instruments for historical plough use.
Motivated by concerns that our instruments may be correlated
with other geographic characteristics, we check that the esti-
mates are robust to flexibly controlling for geographic covariates,
including overall agricultural suitability, temperature, precipita-
tion, soil depth, and slope. We find that the IV procedure gener-
ates estimates that are consistent with the OLS estimates.
Our analysis then turns to underlying mechanisms. It is pos-
sible that the long-term impact of the plough reflects persistent
cultural beliefs. However, it is also possible that part of the
long-term impact arises because historical plough use promoted
the development of institutions, policies, and markets that are
less conducive to the participation of women in activities outside
the home. To distinguish these two channels, we exploit the fact
that cultural norms and beliefs—unlike institutions, policies, and
markets—are internal to the individual. Therefore, when individ-
uals move, their beliefs and values move with them, but their
external environment remains behind. Exploiting this fact, we
examine variation in cultural heritage among children of immi-
grants living in either the United States or Europe. All individ-
uals born and raised abroad have been exposed to the same
institutions and markets. In effect, the analysis holds external
factors constant, while examining variation in individuals’ in-
ternal beliefs and values. We find that individuals from cultures
that historically used the plough have less equal gender norms
and that women from cultures that used the plough participate
less in the workforce. These results provide evidence that part of
the importance of the plough arises through its impact on in-
ternal beliefs and values.
Our findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the ori-
gins of cultural norms and beliefs. Studies have documented the
continuity of cultural norms over remarkably long periods of time
(e.g., Voigtlander and Voth 2012). Others show that historical
factors influence the evolution of culture over time by affecting
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the relative costs and benefits of different cultural traits. Guiso et
al. (2008) provide evidence that the formation of medieval com-
munes had a long-term impact on the level of social capital within
Northern Italy. Similarly, Becker et al. (2010) and Grosjean
(2011b) provide evidence of historical state boundaries having
lasting cultural impacts. Nunn and Wantchekon (2011) show
that Africa’s slave trade generated a culture of distrust that con-
tinues to persist today. Nisbett and Cohen (1996) and Grosjean
(2011a) show that the culture of honor in the US South has its
origins in a tradition of herding among the Scots-Irish. The find-
ings of our paper add to this line of enquiry by providing add-
itional evidence that shows that historical factors—namely,
differences in traditional farming practices—have shaped the
evolution of norms and beliefs about the appropriate role of
women in society.
Our focus on a historical determinant of gender roles is not
meant to imply that other short-run factors are unimportant. A
number of existing studies have shown the importance of deter-
minants like economic development, medical improvements,
technological change, and the production structure of the econ-
omy (e.g., Goldin 2006; Ross 2008; Albanesi and Olivetti 2007;
2009; Doepke and Tertilt 2009; Iversen and Rosenbluth 2010).
As we show, accounting for these important factors, there re-
mains a strong persistent impact of traditional plough use on
gender norms today.
The paper is organized as follows. We begin, in Section II, by
describing the conceptual framework underlying the hypothesis
tested in the paper. Section III then documents that in societies
that traditionally used plough agriculture, women did in fact par-
ticipate less in farmwork and other activities outside domestic
sphere. In Section IV, we then explain the procedure used to
link traditional plough use, which is measured at the ethnicity
level, to contemporary data on gender norms and female partici-
pation outside the home. Sections V and VI report OLS estimates
of the relationship between traditional plough use and gender
outcomes today, examining variation across individuals and
countries. Section VII turns to the issue of causality, reporting
OLS estimates that control for an extensive set of observable
characteristics, as well as the IV estimates. In Section VIII, we
then turn to mechanisms, using the children of immigrants in the
United States and Europe to test for cultural transmission as a
potential channel. Section IX offers concluding thoughts.
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The possibility that modern gender roles have their origins in
the form of agriculture practiced traditionally has long been
recognized. Baumann’s (1928) early study examined the relation-
ship between matriarchy and the use of the hoe in Africa. Ester
Boserup (1970) further developed the observation, identifying im-
portant differences between shifting cultivation and plough cul-
tivation. Unlike shifting cultivation, which is labor intensive and
uses handheld tools like the hoe and digging stick, plough agri-
culture requires significant upper body strength, needed to either
pull the plough or control the animal that pulls it. Because of
these physical requirements, when plough agriculture is prac-
ticed, men have an advantage relative to women. This advantage
is also reinforced by the fact that when the plough is used, there is
less need for weeding, a task typically undertaken by women and
children. In addition, child care, a task almost universally per-
formed by women, is most compatible with activities that can be
stopped and resumed easily and that do not put children in
danger; characteristics that are satisfied for hoe agriculture,
but not for plough agriculture, especially when animals are
used to pull the plough.
Due to the importance of soil preparation, societies that trad-
itionally practiced plough agriculture—rather than shifting hoe
cultivation—tended to develop a specialization of production
along gender lines. Men tended to work outside the home in the
fields, while women specialized in activities within the home.
This division of labor then generated norms about the appropri-
ate role of women in society. Societies characterized by plough
agriculture, and the resulting gender-based division of labor, de-
veloped a cultural belief that the natural place for women is
within the home.
We view cultural beliefs as decision-making heuristics or
‘‘rules-of-thumb’’ that are employed in uncertain or complex en-
vironments. Using theoretical models, Boyd and Richerson (1985)
show that if information acquisition is either costly or imperfect,
it can be optimal for individuals to develop heuristics or
rules-of-thumb in decision making. By relying on general beliefs
about the right thing to do in different situations, individuals may
not behave in a manner that is precisely optimal in every in-
stance, but they save on the costs of obtaining the information
necessary to always behave optimally. It is increasingly
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understood that many important aspects of human behavior are
guided by decision-making heuristics, which manifest themselves
as values, beliefs, or gut feelings about the appropriate action in
certain situations (Gigerenzer 2007; Kahneman 2011). In prac-
tice, these heuristics often take the form of deeply held traditional
values or religious beliefs.
In standard models of cultural evolution (e.g., Boyd and
Richerson 1985), the distribution of cultural beliefs in the popu-
lation evolves through a natural-selection-like process deter-
mined by relative payoffs. Within this framework, Boserup’s
hypothesis suggests that in societies that engaged in plough agri-
culture, cultural beliefs about gender inequality were relatively
beneficial. Therefore, these norms may have evolved in
plough-agriculture societies but not hoe-agriculture societies.
Because of the persistent nature of cultural beliefs, norms of
gender inequality may persist even after the economy moves
out of agriculture or industrializes, affecting the participation of
women in activities performed outside the home, such as market
employment, entrepreneurship, or participation in politics.
There are a number of reasons why we may observe persist-
ence. First, the underlying cultural traits may be reinforced by
policies, laws, and institutions, which affect the benefit of beliefs
about gender inequality. A society with traditional beliefs about
gender inequality may perpetuate these beliefs by institutionaliz-
ing unequal property rights, voting rights, parental leave
policies, etc. Another source of persistence can arise from a com-
plementarity between cultural beliefs and industrial structure.
Beliefs of gender inequality may cause a society to specialize in
the production of capital- or brawn-intensive industries, which in
turn decreases the relative costs of norms about gender inequal-
ity, thereby perpetuating this trait.
A third explanation that does not rely on these forms of com-
plementarity is that cultural beliefs, by definition, are inherently
sticky. The benefit of decision-making rules-of-thumb is that they
can be applied widely in a number of environments, saving on the
need to acquire and process information with each decision. The
focus of our analysis is on testing whether there is any evidence
for the persistence of cultural beliefs independent of external fac-
tors that generate complementarities that cause persistence. Our
subnational analysis, with either country fixed effects or subna-
tional district fixed effects, speaks to this by accounting for exter-
nal factors such as industrial structure and domestic policies and
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institutions. More directly, our analysis of the children of immi-
grants living in the United States and Europe tests for a relation-
ship between traditional plough agriculture and cultural beliefs
while holding constant the external environment.
At first blush, some aspects of Boserup’s hypothesis likely
have intuitive appeal, while others may not. If one is seeking to
explain differences in female participation in activities outside
the home, then it is natural to examine the activity that histor-
ically has been the most important, namely, agriculture. Within
agriculture, the two traditional forms are slash-and-burn hoe
agriculture and intensive plough agriculture. It is possible that
this important distinction had long-term impacts.
One aspect of Boserup’s theory that may initially appear un-
appealing is that Western societies, namely Europe and its off-
shoots, have long practiced plough agriculture, and these
societies also have extremely equal gender roles today. This ob-
servation seems to directly contradict Boserup’s hypothesis that
links a tradition of plough agriculture to unequal gender roles.
However, the presumption that Europe and its offshoots are the
most gender equal today is to a large extent a slightly misplaced
Western-centric view of gender norms. Although it is true that
progress has been made due to changes in the second half of the
twentieth century, even today, Europe and its offshoots, although
above average, are not among the most gender-equal countries.
For example, the share of national political positions held by
women in the United States in 2000 was 13%, which places it
50th out of the 156 countries for which data are available. The
female labor force participation rate in the United States in the
same year was 59.5, ranking it 47th of the 181 with available
data. In addition, these statistics appear even less equal when
one takes into account the high per capita income of Western
We begin by first confirming that societies that traditionally
used plough agriculture had lower female participation in agri-
cultural activities. We also check whether plough use was asso-
ciated with differences in other activities within and outside the
domestic sphere.
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Our analysis uses information on pre-industrial plough use
from the Ethnographic Atlas, a worldwide ethnicity-level data-
base constructed by George Peter Murdock that contains ethno-
graphic information for 1,265 ethnic groups. Information for
societies in the sample has been coded for the earliest period for
which satisfactory ethnographic data are available or can be re-
constructed. The earliest observation dates are for groups in the
Old World where early written evidence is available. For the
parts of the world without a written history, the information is
from the earliest observers of these cultures. For some cultures,
the first recorded information is from the 20th century, but even
for these cultures, the data capture as much as possible the char-
acteristics of the ethnic group prior to European contact. For all
groups in the data set, the variables are taken from the societies
prior to industrialization.
The database provides information on whether societies trad-
itionally used the plough. Ethnicities are classified into one of three
mutually exclusive categories: (1) the plough was absent, (2) the
plough existed at the time the group was observed, but it was not
aboriginal, and (3) the plough was aboriginal and found in the so-
ciety prior to contact.
There is no evidence of groups switching
from one form of agriculture to another and then back again. In
other words, the use of the plough, once adopted, remains stable
over time. Using this categorization, we construct an indicator vari-
able for traditional plough agriculture that equals one if the plough
was present (whether aboriginal or not) and zero otherwise.
It is possible that the plough had a larger impact on gender
norms if it was adopted early. However, because of data
4. In total, 23 ethnicities are observed during the 17th century or earlier, 16
during the 18th century, 310 during the 19th century, 876 between 1900 and 1950,
and 31 after 1950. For nine ethnicities, an exact year is not provided. Appendix
Table A2 (see the supplementary material online) reports the number of the ethni-
cities present in the Ethnographic Atlas by continent, and Figure A1 maps their
locations. The majority of the ethnicities sampled are in Africa, followed by North
America and then Asia. Fewer observations are present within the European con-
tinent, in part, because researchers felt that analysis of European cultures was
history rather than ethnography (since written records existed for these cultures).
5. Of the 1,156 ethnicities for which information exists, for 997 the plough was
absent, for 141 the plough was adopted and aboriginal, and for 18 it was adopted,
but following European contact.
6. All of the results reported in the paper are robust to an alternative definition
of traditional plough use that does not include the 18 ethnic groups that adopted the
plough after European contact. See Appendix Table A7.
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limitations, we are unable to test for this. From the database, we
know the approximate date of adoption only if it occurred after
European contact. For the others, we do not have any information
on the timing of adoption. Given this, our estimates should be in-
terpreted as the average effect of having adopted the plough
among all ethnic groups that did so prior to industrialization.
There may be heterogeneity within the group of adopters (e.g.,
based on date of adoption), but we are able to estimate only an
average effect.
We measure traditional female participation in agriculture
using information on the gender-based division of labor in agri-
culture reported in the Ethnographic Atlas. Ethnicities are
grouped into one of the following five categories measuring
relative participation in agriculture by gender: (1) males only,
(2) males appreciably more, (3) equal participation, (4) females
appreciably more, and (5) females only.
Using this information,
we construct a variable that takes on integer values ranging from
1 to 5 and increases with female specialization in agriculture.
When examining the relationship between the gender-based
division of labor in agriculture and plough use, we control for a
number of characteristics of ethnic groups that may be correlated
with plough use and gender roles. We control for the presence of
large domesticated animals, a measure of economic development,
and a measure of political complexity, all taken from the Ethno-
graphic Atlas. The presence of domesticated animals is measured
with an indicator variable that equals one if large domestic ani-
mals were present in the society. Economic development is mea-
sured using the density of ethnic groups’ settlements. Ethnicities
are grouped into the following categories: (1) nomadic or fully
migratory, (2) semi-nomadic, (3) semi-sedentary, (4) compact
but not permanent settlements, (5) neighborhoods of dispersed
family homesteads, (6) separate hamlets forming a single com-
munity, (7) compact and relatively permanent settlements, and
(8) complex settlements. With this information, we construct a
variable that takes on integer values, ranging from 1 to 8 and
7. The original classification in the Ethnographic Atlas distinguishes ‘‘differ-
entiated but equal participation’’ from ‘‘equal participation’’. Since this distinction
is not relevant for our purposes, we combine the two categories into a single cat-
egory of equal participation. In addition, for 232 ethnic groups, agriculture was not
practiced and therefore there is no measure of female participation in agriculture.
For an additional 315 ethnic groups, information for the variable is missing. These
ethnic groups (547 in total) are omitted from the analysis.
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increasing with settlement density. Political complexity is mea-
sured by the levels of jurisdictional hierarchies in the society.
We also control for two measures of the geographic conditions
of the traditional location of each ethnic group. For each ethni-
city, we know the geographic coordinates of the centroid of the
group historically. Using this information, we calculate the frac-
tion of land within a 200-kilometer radius of the centroid that is
defined as suitable for the cultivation of crops. The crop suitabil-
ity data are from the FAO’s Global Agro-Ecological Zones (GAEZ)
2002 database (Fischer et al. 2002), which reports suitability
measures for 5 arc-minute by 5 arc-minute (approximately
56 km by 56 km) grid cells globally. We also use the same proced-
ure to control for the proportion of land within a 200-kilometer
radius that is defined as being tropical or subtropical.
OLS estimates examining the historical relationship be-
tween traditional plough use and female participation in agricul-
ture are reported in column 1 of Table I. The specification
reported includes the five control variables. The estimates iden-
tify a negative relationship between plough use and participation
of women in agriculture. The use of the plough is associated with
a reduction in the female participation in agriculture variable of
0.88, which is large given that its mean is 3.0 and its standard
deviation is 1.0.
This is consistent with the analysis of Boserup
(1970), as well as the observations of anthropologists like Bau-
mann (1928) and Whyte (1978).
A natural question that arises is the exact nature of this de-
cline in female participation in agriculture; specifically, whether
the decline is in all agricultural tasks or if it is focused in only a
few (such as soil preparation). Unfortunately, the Ethnographic
Atlas does not provide information on specific tasks within agri-
culture. We therefore complement our analysis by using Murdock
and White’s (1969) Standard Cross-Cultural Sample (SCCS),
which does contain this information. The SCCS contains ethno-
graphic information on 186 societies, intentionally chosen to be
8. As we report in Appendix Table A13, traditional plough use is positively
associated with all three variables, and most robustly with political complexity.
9. Descriptive statistics are reported in Table A1 of the appendix.
10. Ideally, we would also like to observe the absolute participation of women in
agriculture, not just their participation relative to men. Unfortunately, such ethno-
graphic data are not widely available. In Section V, where we examine contempor-
ary outcomes, the measures of female participation in the labor force, firm
ownership, and politics are absolute measures and are not relative to men.
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(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Dependent variable: Traditional participation of females relative to males in the following tasks:
Overall agriculture Land clearance Soil preparation Planting Crop tending Harvesting
Mean of dep. var. 3.04 2.83 1.45 2.15 2.86 3.16 3.23
Traditional plough agriculture 0.883*** 1.136*** 0.434** 1.182*** 1.290*** 1.188*** 0.954***
(0.225) (0.240) (0.197) (0.320) (0.306) (0.351) (0.271)
Ethnographic controls yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Observations 660 124 129 124 131 122 131
Adjusted R-squared 0.13 0.19 0.14 0.10 0.09 0.13 0.16
R-squared 0.14 0.23 0.18 0.14 0.13 0.18 0.20
Notes. The unit of observation is an ethnic group. In column 1, ethnic groups are from the Ethnographic Atlas, and in columns 2–7, they are from the Standard Cross-Cultural
Sample. The dependent variable measures traditional female participation in a particular agricultural activity in the pre-industrial period. The variables take on integer values
between 1 and 5 and are increasing in female participation. ‘‘Traditional plough use’’ is an indicator variable that equals one if the plough was traditionally used in pre-industrial
agriculture. For the Ethnographic Atlas, the mean (and standard deviation) of the traditional plough agriculture variable is 0.186 (0.390), and for the SCCS it is 0.234 (0.425); these
correspond to the samples from columns 1 and 2, respectively. The same statistics for the other columns are slightly different. ‘‘Ethnographic controls’’ include: the suitability of the
local environment for agriculture, the presence of large domesticated animals, the proportion of the local environment that is tropical or subtropical, an index of settlement density,
and an index of political development. Finer details about variable construction are provided in the text and appendix. Coefficients are reported with robust standard errors in
brackets. Column 1 reports Conley standard errors adjusted for spatial correlation. ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels.
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representative of the full sample, and to be historically and cul-
turally independent from the other ethnic groups in the sample.
The database was constructed by first grouping the 1,265 socie-
ties from the Ethnographic Atlas into 186 clusters of closely
related cultures. A particularly well-documented and representa-
tive ethnic group was then chosen for each cluster, and these
constitute the observations in the SCCS.
Using the SCCS data, we first replicate the regression re-
ported in column 1. As shown in column 2, we find a similar
result: plough use is associated with a decline in female partici-
pation in agriculture of 1.14, which is roughly equal to a
one-standard-deviation change in the dependent variable. In col-
umns 3–7, we estimate the association between plough use and
female participation in the following agricultural tasks: land
clearance, soil preparation, planting, crop tending, and harvest-
ing. The estimates show that plough use is associated with less
female participation in all agricultural tasks, with the largest
declines in soil preparation, planting, and crop tending.
In columns 1–9 of Table II, we consider the relationship be-
tween plough use and female participation in the following
non-agricultural activities: caring for small animals, caring for
large animals, milking, cooking, fuel gathering, water fetching,
burden carrying, handicraft production, and trading.
We find
that the plough tends not to be significantly correlated with
female participation in other activities. The exception is that
plough use is associated with significantly less female participation
in burden carrying. We find some evidence of more female partici-
pation in caring for large animals, caring for small animals, and
milking, although none of the coefficients is statistically significant.
These results are consistent with women working less in
societies that traditionally used the plough. This interpretation
of the correlations is fully consistent with Boserup’s hypothesis.
What is important for her argument is that when plough
11. Table A2 in the appendix reports the distribution of ethnicities in the
Ethnographic Atlas and SCCS by continent, while Table A3 lists the names of all
ethnic groups in the SCCS.
12. If an activity is not present in a society, then the dependent variable is coded
as missing. This is the reason for the different number of observations in each
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Dependent variable: Traditional participation of females relative to males in the following tasks:
for small
for large
animals Milking Cooking
carrying Handicrafts Trading
Mean of dep. var. 3.53 1.73 3.25 4.65 3.90 4.64 3.47 2.78 2.47
Traditional plough use 0.14 0.064 0.63 0.019 0.638 0.052 0.962** 0.157 0.155
(0.517) (0.254) (0.697) (0.108) (0.403) (0.205) (0.378) (0.274) (0.542)
Ethnographic controls yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Observations 88 95 48 173 159 154 135 74 59
Adjusted R-squared 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.001 0.01 0.12 0.07 0.01
R-squared 0.05 0.04 0.14 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.16 0.15 0.10
Notes. The unit of observation is an ethnic group from the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample. The dependent variable measures traditional female participation in a particular
activity in the pre-industrial period. The variables take on integer values between 1 and 5 and are increasing in female participation. ‘‘Traditional plough use’’ is an indicator
variable that equals one if the plough was traditionally used in pre-industrial agriculture. The mean (and standard deviation) of this variable is 0.239 (0.429); this corresponds to
the sample from column 1. ‘‘Ethnographic controls’’ include: the suitability of the local environment for agriculture, the presence of large domesticated animals, the proportion of the
local environment that is tropical or subtropical, an index of settlement density, and an index of political development. Finer details about variable construction are provided in the
text and appendix. Coefficients are reported with robust standard errors in brackets. ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels.
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agriculture is used, women participate less in work outside the
home than when hoe agriculture is practiced. Whether women
work more or less hours under one form than under the other
has no direct effect on her argument. In addition, her hypothesis
makes no claims about whether women are better or worse off
under one agricultural system than under the other.
We next turn to an examination of the long-term impact of
traditional plough use. To do this, we link historical plough use,
measured at the ethnicity level, with current outcomes of inter-
est, measured at the location level (either countries or districts
within countries) today. This requires an estimate of the geo-
graphic distribution of ethnicities across the globe today. We con-
struct this information using the 15th edition of Ethnologue:
Languages of the World (Gordon 2005), a data source that maps
the current geographic distribution of 7,612 different languages,
each of which we manually matched to one of the 1,265 ethnic
groups from the Ethnographic Atlas. The Ethnologue provides a
shape file that divides the world’s land into polygons, with each
polygon indicating the location of a specific language as of 2003.
We also use the Landscan 2000 database, which reports esti-
mates of the world’s population in 2000 for 30 arc-second by 30
arc-second (roughly 1 km by 1 km) grid cells globally. We combine
the Ethnologue shape file with the Landscan raster data to obtain
an estimate of the distribution of language groups across the
globe today. This information is used to link the historical
ethnicity-level data to our current outcomes of interest, measured
at the location level.
We illustrate our procedure with the example of Ethiopia.
Figure Ia shows a map of the land inhabited by different ethnic
groups, i.e., groups speaking different languages. Each polygon
represents the approximate borders of a group (from Ethnologue).
One should not think of the borders as precisely defined bound-
aries, but rather as rough measures indicating the approximate
locations of different language groups. The map also shows the
Landscan estimate of the population of each cell within the coun-
try. A darker shade indicates greater population.
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Population density and language groups
Population density, language groups, and their traditional plough use
Populations, Language Groups, and Historical Plough Use within Ethiopia
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From the Ethnographic Atlas, we know whether each ethnic
group used the plough historically. We define I
to be a vari-
able equal to one if ethnic group e engaged in plough agriculture
and zero otherwise. By matching each of the 7,612 Ethnologue
language groups to one of the 1,265 Ethnographic Atlas ethnic
groups, we can determine whether the ancestors of each language
group engaged in plough agriculture. This information is shown
in Figure Ib. We thus have an estimate of ancestral plough use
among individuals across the world, observed at a level of 1 km by
1 km. We then combine this with information on modern bound-
aries to construct district- and country-level averages of ancestral
plough use. This provides an estimate of the fraction of the popu-
lation currently living in a district (or country) with ancestors
that traditionally engaged in plough agriculture.
To be more precise, let N
e, i, d, c
denote the number of individ-
uals of ethnicity e living in grid-cell i located in district d in coun-
try c. We construct a population-weighted average of I
for all
ethnic groups living in a district d. The district-level measure of
the fraction of the population with ancestors that traditionally
used the plough, Plough
d, c
, is given by
d, c
e, i, d, c
d, c
where N
d, c
is the total number of people living in district d in
country c. The same procedure is also used to construct a
country-level measure Plough
, except that the average is taken
over all grid-cells in country c.
Figure II shows the global distribution of languages based on
the Ethnologue data, as well as the historical plough use for each
group (i.e., the global version of Figure Ib). Uninhabited land is
shown as dark gray.
The map highlights a number of potential concerns that we
address in our empirical analysis. First, there is little variation
within Europe and within sub-Saharan Africa. Therefore, there is
the concern that our estimates are simply driven by broad differ-
ences between regions like Europe and Africa. Motivated by this
concern, we also estimate a number of different specifications
identified from within-country variation. These are reported in
Section VI. We also report cross-country estimates omitting
Europe and sub-Saharan Africa. These are reported in Section V.
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Traditional Plough Use among the Ethnic/Language Groups Globally
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As well, the lack of variation in traditional plough use within
Europe implies that Boserup’s hypothesis and our empirical ana-
lysis cannot explain existing differences in gender role beliefs
within Western Europe (and its offshoots).
Second, most of the variation appears to be at the macro level
with much less variation across smaller geographic units.
Although this is true in part, there is significant micro-level vari-
ation in many parts of the world, much of which cannot easily be
seen at the global scale presented in Figure II. In Section VI, we
show that our results are robust to examining within-country
variation across ethnic groups and districts.
A third concern with the Ethnologue data is that information
is missing for some parts of the world. This is due to uncertainty
or a lack of information about the boundaries of some language
groups. As is apparent from Figure II, this occurs primarily in
Latin America.
We undertake a number of strategies to assess whether the
missing data are systematically biasing our estimates. The first is
to check the robustness of the results to omitting countries that
have a significant proportion of their language data coded as
missing. Another strategy is to construct alternative measures
where we make assumptions regarding the missing language
data. The first assumption we employ is to assume that all inhab-
itants in unclassified territories speak the official national lan-
guage of the country. The second strategy is to impute the
missing data using information on the spatial distribution of
ethnic groups from the Geo-Referencing of Ethnic Groups
(GREG) database (Weidmann et al. 2010). Like the Ethnologue,
the GREG database provides a shape file that divides the world’s
land into polygons, with each polygon indicating the location of a
specific ethnicity. The shortcoming of the GREG database is that
ethnic groups are much less finely identified relative to the
Ethnologue database. The GREG database identifies 1,364
ethnic groups, while the Ethnologue identifies 7,612 language
groups. The spatial distribution of traditional plough agriculture
globally using these alternative procedures is reported in
Appendix Figures A2a and A2b.
The traditional plough use variables, constructed using
either imputation method, are highly correlated with the baseline
measure. At the country level, the correlation between: (1) our
baseline variable and the measure with missing languages
imputed using the country’s national language is 0.89, (2) our
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baseline measure and the measure imputed using ethnic groups
from the GREG database is 0.91, and (3) the two variables with
imputed values is 0.98.
Having constructed country- and district-level measures of
traditional plough use, we are able to examine the relationship
between historical plough use and the role of women in societies
today. We begin by examining variation at the country level. Our
country-level estimates examine three outcomes of interest, all of
which are intended to reflect cultural attitudes and beliefs about
the role of women in society. The first measure we consider is each
country’s female labor force participation rate (FLFP) in 2000. We
also examine women’s participation in more narrowly specified
activities outside the domestic sphere: entrepreneurship (mea-
sured by the share of firms with a woman among its principal
owners) and national politics (measured by the proportion of
seats held by women in national parliament).
We first examine the unconditional relationship between
each outcome and our measure of traditional plough agriculture.
These are reported in Figure III. For two of the three outcomes
of interest, we find that the relationship is in the hypothesized
direction and statistically significant. Traditional plough use is
associated with less female labor force participation and less
female firm ownership. Both relationships are statistically sig-
nificant. However, the bivariate relationship between female par-
ticipation in politics and traditional plough use is insignificant
and positive.
13. Appendix Figures A3a–A3c report maps showing the country-level aver-
ages for each of the three plough variables.
14. Female labor force participation is taken from the World Bank’s World
Development Indicators. The variable is measured as the percentage of women
aged 15 to 64 that are in the labor force; it ranges from 0 to 100. The share of a
country’s firms with some female ownership is measured as the percentage of sur-
veyed firms with a woman among the principal owners. The measures are from the
World Bank Enterprise Surveys, which were undertaken between 2005 and 2011,
depending on the country. The proportion of seats in national parliament is mea-
sured as the percent of parliamentary seats, in a single or lower chamber, held by
women. The variable, measured in 2000, is taken from the United Nations’ Women’s
Indicators and Statistics Database. The sample of countries for each variable is
reported in Table A4 of the appendix.
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Bivariate Correlations with Traditional Plough Use
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In Appendix Figure A4, we show that the relationships are
similar if we condition on continent fixed effects (North America,
South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceania). The one dif-
ference is that the relationship between traditional plough use
and female participation in politics is now negative—consistent
with Boserup’s hypothesis—although it remains statistically
We test Boserup’s hypothesis by estimating the following
¼ þ Plough
þ X
! þ X
& þ "
where y
is an outcome of interest, c denotes countries, and
is our measure of the traditional use of the plough
among the ancestors of the citizens in country c. X
and X
vectors of historical ethnographic and contemporary control vari-
ables, each measured at the country level.
The ethnographic control variables X
are intended to cap-
ture historical differences between societies that had adopted
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Dependent variable:
Female labor force
participation in 2000
Share of firms with female
ownership, 2003–2010
Share of political positions
held by women in 2000
effect size (AES)
Mean of dep. var. 51.03 34.77 12.11 2.31
Traditional plough use 14.895*** 15.962*** 16.243*** 17.806*** 2.522 2.303 0.736*** 0.920***
(3.318) (3.881) (3.854) (4.475) (1.967) (2.353) (0.084) (0.100)
Historical controls:
Agricultural suitability 9.407** 9.017** 1.514 4.619 1.009 0.687 0.312** 0.325**
(3.885) (4.236) (5.358) (5.836) (2.799) (2.925) (0.129) (0.133)
Tropical climate 8.644*** 12.389*** 11.091*** 3.974 7.671*** 5.618** 0.322*** 0.004
(2.698) (3.302) (3.608) (5.542) (2.370) (2.265) (0.083) (0.102)
Presence of large animals 10.903** 2.35 0.649 4.475 9.152** 7.338 0.174 0.296**
(5.032) (5.956) (9.130) (10.034) (4.052) (4.774) (0.111) (0.145)
Political hierarchies 0.787 0.447 1.502 0.52 0.906 0.699 0.080** 0.062
(1.622) (1.624) (1.845) (1.773) (0.740) (0.777) (0.040) (0.043)
Economic complexity 0.170 1.157 1.810* 0.517 1.082** 0.727 0.048** 0.018
(0.849) (0.859) (1.023) (1.351) (0.491) (0.510) (0.021) (0.026)
Continent fixed effects no yes no yes no yes no yes
Observations 177 177 128 128 153 153 153 153
Adjusted R-squared 0.20 0.24 0.14 0.16 0.14 0.14 0.24 0.27
R-squared 0.22 0.28 0.18 0.23 0.17 0.20 0.25 0.30
Notes. OLS estimates are reported with robust standard errors in brackets. The unit of observation is a country. ‘‘Traditional plough use’’ is the estimated proportion of citizens
with ancestors that used the plough in pre-industrial agriculture. The variable ranges from 0 to 1. The mean (and standard deviation) for this variable is 0.522 (0.473); this
corresponds to the sample from columns 1 and 2. ‘‘Female labor force participation’’ is the percentage of women in the labor force, measured in 2000. The variable ranges from 0 to
100. ‘‘Share of firms with female ownership’’ is the percentage of firms in the World Bank Enterprise Surveys with some female ownership. The surveys were conducted between
2003 and 2010, depending on the country. The variable ranges from 0 to 100. ‘‘Share of political positions held by women’’ is the proportion of seats in parliament held by women,
measured in 2000. The variable ranges from 0 to 100. The number of observations reported for the AES is the average number of observations in the regressions for the three
outcomes. ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels.
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plough agriculture and those that had not. They include the pres-
ence of large domesticated animals, economic development mea-
sured by the density of settlement, levels of political authority in
the society, agricultural suitability, and the presence of a tropical
climate. These are the same set of historical controls as in the
regressions reported in Tables I and II. We construct country-
level measures of each variable using the same procedure that
is used to construct the historical plough use variable. Thus, the
ethnographic controls capture the historical characteristics of a
country’s ancestors. OLS estimates of equation (2) controlling for
historical control variables X
are reported in Table III. The
even-numbered columns also include controls for continent
fixed effects.
The contemporary control variables X
include the natural
log of a country’s real per capita GDP measured in 2000, as well
as the variable squared. Allowing for a non-linear relationship is
motivated by the observed U-shaped bivariate relationship be-
tween economic development and female labor force participation
(Goldin 1995). Estimates of equation (2) including the contempor-
ary controls are reported in Table IV.
The estimates show that in countries with a tradition of
plough use, women are less likely to participate in the labor
market, are less likely to own firms, and are less likely to partici-
pate in national politics.
Although the estimated relationships
between traditional plough use and either female labor force par-
ticipation or female firm ownership are similar with or without
the contemporaneous income controls, this is not true for female
participation in politics. Once we control for per capita income,
the magnitude of the relationship between traditional plough use
and female participation in politics roughly doubles and becomes
statistically significant. This can be explained by the fact that
there is a positive relationship between per capita income and
female participation in politics ( ¼ 0:44) and between plough
15. One concern with the reported estimates is that many of the control vari-
ables are potentially endogenous to traditional plough use. The results are similar if
we control only for the geographically determined historical covariates, namely,
agricultural suitability and the presence of a tropical climate. Estimates with only
these controls are reported in Appendix Table A5.
16. Many countries have introduced quotas to increase the participation of
women in politics. We have checked the robustness of our results excluding coun-
tries with gender quotas. For the restricted sample of 104 countries, the estimated
coefficient is –5.91 with a standard error of 1.97.
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Dependent variable:
Female labor force
participation in 2000
Share of firms with female
ownership, 2003–2010
Share of political positions
held by women in 2000
Average effect
size (AES)
Mean of dep. var. 51.35 35.17 11.83 2.31
Traditional plough use 12.401*** 12.930*** 15.241*** 16.587*** 4.821*** 5.129** 0.743*** 0.845***
(2.964) (3.537) (4.060) (4.960) (1.782) (2.061) (0.080) (0.091)
Historical controls:
Agricultural suitability 6.073 7.181* 0.803 4.322 2.198 1.081 0.262* 0.342**
(3.696) (4.175) (5.447) (6.071) (2.605) (2.548) (0.139) (0.139)
Tropical climate 9.718*** 10.906*** 10.432*** 3.712 6.086*** 4.169* 0.362*** 0.06
(2.487) (3.070) (3.762) (5.711) (2.094) (2.396) (0.084) (0.101)
Presence of large animals 2.015 2.166 2.707 5.610 5.718 4.688 0.005 0.201
(5.372) (6.072) (9.745) (10.417) (3.565) (4.132) (0.121) (0.146)
Political hierarchies 0.779 1.181 1.128 0.207 0.744 0.656 0.102** 0.070*
(1.515) (1.482) (1.941) (1.878) (0.822) (0.807) (0.040) (0.042)
Economic complexity 1.157 1.411* 1.693 0.764 0.454 0.333 0.063*** 0.027
(0.793) (0.815) (1.129) (1.382) (0.487) (0.502) (0.023) (0.026)
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Dependent variable:
Female labor force
participation in 2000
Share of firms with female
ownership, 2003–2010
Share of political positions
held by women in 2000
Average effect
size (AES)
Contemporary controls:
ln income in 2000 34.612*** 32.685*** 10.766 6.385 6.530 6.616 0.776*** 0.815***
(6.528) (7.023) (9.986) (10.482) (4.071) (4.335) (0.221) (0.231)
ln income in 2000 squared 2.038*** 1.936*** 0.707 0.523 0.539** 0.535* 0.051*** 0.051***
(0.406) (0.431) (0.688) (0.706) (0.271) (0.281) (0.015) (0.015)
Continent fixed effects no yes no yes no yes no yes
Observations 165 165 123 123 144 144 144 144
Adjusted R-squared 0.37 0.36 0.11 0.13 0.27 0.27 0.26 0.30
R-squared 0.40 0.41 0.16 0.22 0.31 0.34 0.28 0.33
Notes. OLS estimates are reported with robust standard errors in brackets. The unit of observation is a country. ‘‘Traditional plough use’’ is the estimated proportion of citizens
with ancestors that used the plough in pre-industrial agriculture. The variable ranges from 0 to 1. The mean (and standard deviation) of this variable is 0.525 (0.472); this
corresponds to the sample from columns 1 and 2. ‘‘Female labor force participation’’ is the percentage of women in the labor force, measured in 2000. The variable ranges from 0 to
100. ‘‘Share of firms with female ownership’’ is the percentage of firms in the World Bank Enterprise Surveys with some female ownership. The surveys were conducted between
2003 and 2010, depending on the country. The variable ranges from 0 to 100. ‘‘Share of political positions held by women’’ is the proportion of seats in parliament held by women,
measured in 2000. The variable ranges from 0 to 100. The number of observations reported for the AES is the average number of observations in the regressions for the three
outcomes. ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels.
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
use and per capita income ( ¼ 0:35). In other words, even if trad-
itional plough use has a negative impact on female participation
in politics, countries with a tradition of plough use also tend to be
richer, and therefore, all else equal, have more female participa-
tion in politics. Therefore, the strength of the coefficient for
plough use depends on whether we control for contemporary
The reason that the estimates for the two other outcomes of
interest—female firm ownership and female labor force partici-
pation—are not sensitive to conditioning on per capita income is
due to the fact that the relationship between per capita income
and the other outcomes is either zero (i.e., female firm ownership)
or U-shaped (FLFP), both of which result in a zero correlation
between the dependent variable and per capita income.
The partial correlation plots for traditional plough use are
shown in Figures IVa–IVc (for columns 1, 3, and 5 of Table IV).
From the figures it is clear that the coefficients for traditional
plough use are not being influenced by a small number of coun-
tries. The plots also show that the coefficient estimates are not
identified only from broad differences across regions, but from
finer within-region variation. For example, we observe African
countries in the Northwest corner (e.g., Rwanda, Madagascar)
and in the Southeast corner (e.g., Eritrea, Mauritania, Ethiopia,
etc.). This is confirmed by the fact that the point estimates con-
trolling for continent fixed effects are essentially identical to the
estimates without the fixed effects (comparing the odd-numbered
columns to the even-numbered columns in Tables III and IV).
Not only are the coefficient estimates statistically significant,
but they are also economically meaningful. Based on the esti-
mates from column 1, a one-standard-deviation increase in trad-
itional plough use (0.472) is associated with a reduction of female
labor force participation (FLFP) of 5.85 percentage points
(12:401 0:472), which is equal to 11.4% of the sample mean
for FLFP and 38% of its standard deviation. The impact of the
same increase in traditional plough use on the share of firms with
some female ownership (based on the column 3 estimate) is a
reduction of 7.19 percentage points, which is 20% of the outcome’s
mean and 48% of its standard deviation. The reduction on the
participation of women in politics (using the column 5 estimate)
is 2.28 percentage points, which is 19% of the outcome’s mean and
25% of its standard deviation.
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Partial Correlation Plots
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An alternative way to assess the magnitude of the estimates
is to calculate the proportion of the total variation that they ex-
plain. By this metric, traditional plough use also explains a siz-
able proportion of differences in gender roles across countries.
When female labor force participation is the dependent variable
(column 1 of Table IV), the inclusion of the historical plough use
variable increases the R-squared by 0.06 (from 0.34 to 0.40).
Therefore, a tradition of plough agriculture accounts for 6% of
the total variation in FLFP and 9.1% of the residual variation
left unexplained by the control variables.
For the share of
firms with female ownership, traditional plough use accounts
for 11% of the total variation and 11.6% of the residual variation.
For women’s participation in politics, historical plough use ex-
plains 3% of the total variation and 4.2% of the residual variation.
Columns 9 and 10 of Tables III and IV report the estimated
average effect size (AES) for the three outcomes of interest
(Kling et al. 2007).
The AES estimates are very similar to
the OLS estimates. According to the estimate from column 7, a
one-standard-deviation increase in traditional plough use is asso-
ciated with an average decrease (across the three outcomes) equal
to approximately 0:472 0:743 ¼ 0:351 standard deviations.
V.A. The Persistence of Female Labor Force Participation
Up to this point, we have shown that historical plough use is
associated with less female participation in agriculture historic-
ally and with less female participation in the labor force today.
These two correlations suggest long-term persistence in female
participation in activities outside the home. To confirm this, we
regress female labor force participation today on the measure of
women’s historical participation in agriculture constructed from
the Ethnographic Atlas. The regression also controls for our full
set of covariates from equation (2). The partial correlation plot
illustrating the relationship between the two variables is shown
in Figure IVd. As is apparent from the figure, there is strong
persistence over time. Female labor force participation today
17. This is calculated as ð0:40 0:34Þ=ð1 0:34Þ¼0:091 or 9.1%.
18. In implementation, we follow Kling et al. (2007) and Clingingsmith et al.
(2009) and calculate the AES as
, where K is the total number of outcome
is the estimated plough use coefficient for outcome variable k, and
the standard deviation of outcome k. To properly calculate the sample variance of
the AES, the coefficients
are jointly estimated in a seemingly unrelated regres-
sion framework.
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
and female participation in agriculture in the past are very
strongly correlated.
Despite the evidence of persistence over time on average, it is
important to recognize that there are well-documented excep-
tions to this rule. For example, Goldin and Sokoloff (1984) docu-
ment that within the northeastern United States, the low relative
productivity of women and children in agriculture (and their low
participation in this sector) allowed them to actively participate
in the manufacturing sector. In this setting, initial female
labor force participation in agriculture is inversely related to sub-
sequent participation in manufacturing, showing a lack of
continuity of female labor force participation over time as indus-
trialization occurred.
V.B. Robustness Checks
We first consider the robustness of our results to the use of
alternative plough measures. Using either of the two methods
described above for imputing missing language data—either offi-
cial language or GREG ethnicity—yields estimates that are quali-
tatively identical to the estimates using our baseline variable. As
reported in Appendix Table A6, the alternative measures yield
nearly identical point estimates that are highly significant. We
also test the robustness of our results to defining traditional
plough use in a slightly different manner. Our baseline variable
equals one if an ethnic group traditionally used the plough in
pre-industrial agriculture, whether or not adoption occurred
prior to European contact. We alternatively code the indicator
variable to equal one only if adoption occurred prior to
European contact. The estimates using this alternative defin-
ition, reported in Appendix Table A7, are virtually identical to
our baseline estimates.
We also check the robustness of our results to the use of dif-
ferent samples. First, to ensure that our findings are not being
driven by measurement error, we omit 17 countries that have a
significant proportion of missing language data. The countries
include Australia, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia,
Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, New
Zealand, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, and Venezuela.
The estimates reported in panel A of Appendix Table A8 show
that the estimated impact of the plough remains robust.
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Motivated by the fact that there is little variation in plough
use within Europe, we also test the robustness of our results to
the omission of European countries and neo-European countries
(United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand) from the
sample. As reported in panel B of Appendix Table A8, the results
remain robust.
Examining Figure II, it is apparent that many of the countries
with ancestors that traditionally did not use the plough are located
in sub-Saharan Africa. We also check that our results do not reflect
differences only between sub-Saharan Africa and the rest of the
world by re-estimating equation (2) after omitting all sub-Saharan
African countries (panel C of Appendix Table A8). We obtain very
similar estimates when we omit these countries from the sample.
An alternative strategy is to disaggregate the African continent
indicator variable into an indicator variable for sub-Saharan
Africa and an indicator variable for Northern Africa. The estimates
are also robust to this procedure (panel D of Appendix Table A8).
Today’s industrial countries have witnessed dramatic chan-
ges in gender roles in recent decades. For example, within the
United States, social norms regarding women’s employment out-
side the home began to change dramatically in the late 1960s and
1970s. This is reflected by female labor force participation rates,
which increased from 25 to 46 percent (among women age 35–44)
from 1950 to 1970 (Goldin 2006, 6–8). In light of these recent
changes, it is important to check that we find a similar impact
of the plough on gender norms prior to these changes. We there-
fore also examine female labor force participation and female par-
ticipation in politics in the 1950s and 1960s. We are unable to
examine female firm ownership due to a lack of data prior to the
2000s. As detailed in Section A5 of the online appendix, we obtain
qualitatively and quantitively similar estimates when we exam-
ine this earlier time period.
VI.A. Evidence from the World Values Surveys
We now turn to specifications that examine variation across
individuals, linking them to a tradition of plough agriculture
19. We also obtain similar estimates if we omit all African countries, not just
sub-Saharan African countries.
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
using the district in which they live. The analysis relies on data
from the World Value Survey (WVS), a compilation of national
individual-level surveys on a wide variety of topics, including at-
titudes and preferences. They also include information on stand-
ard demographic characteristics, such as gender, age, education,
labor market status, income, and religion.
Using the WVS, we
construct an indicator variable that equals one if a woman is in
the labor force, which is defined as full-time, part-time, or self-
employment. Women are not in the labor force if they report being
retired, a housewife, or a student.
We also examine two measures of individual (male and
female) attitudes about the appropriate role of women in society.
The first measure is based on each respondent’s view of the fol-
lowing statement: ‘‘When jobs are scarce, men should have more
right to a job than women.’’ The respondents are asked to choose
among ‘‘agree,’’ ‘‘disagree,’’ ‘‘neither,’’ or ‘‘don’t know.’’ We omit
observations for which the respondents answered ‘‘neither’’ or ‘‘I
don’t know,’’ and code ‘‘disagree’’ as 0 and ‘‘agree’’ as 1.
We also consider a second variable derived from survey re-
sponses to the following statement: ‘‘On the whole, men make
better political leaders than women do.’’ Respondents are asked
to choose among ‘‘strongly disagree,’’ ‘‘disagree,’’ ‘‘agree, ‘‘agree
strongly,’’ or ‘‘don’t know.’’ We omit observations in which the
respondent answered ‘‘don’t know’’ and create a variable that
takes the value of 1 for ‘‘strongly disagree,’’ 2 for ‘‘disagree,’’ 3
for ‘‘agree,’’ and 4 for ‘‘agree strongly.’’ By construction, both at-
titude variables are increasing in the extent to which a respond-
ent’s view reflects a belief of gender inequality.
20. Five waves of the WVS were carried out between 1981 and 2007. In our
analysis, we use the four most recent waves of the survey, since the first wave
does not contain information on the districts in which respondents live. Because
regional classifications often vary by wave, we use the wave with the most finely
defined location data. A list of countries for each question is reported in Table A9 of
the appendix.
21. The results are qualitatively identical if we exclude retired women and stu-
dents from the sample.
22. We omit observations for which the respondent answered ‘‘neither’’ since it
is unclear whether this represents an intermediate view, whether they have chosen
not to answer the question, or whether they do not know their answer. If we inter-
pret this response as reflecting an intermediate position and code a variable that
takes the values 0, 1, or 2, we obtain qualitatively identical results to what we report
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
An appealing characteristic of the two WVS variables is that
they measure the values that underlie the objective outcomes
examined in the cross-country analysis. The first question reflects
differences in individual beliefs about whether women should
have equal access to jobs, which is likely an important factor
underlying observed differences in female labor force participa-
tion across countries. The second question reflects values about
the ability of women to take on roles of leadership and responsi-
bility, which likely affects observed differences in female partici-
pation in politics and female firm ownership. Therefore, there is a
close link between the objective measures from the country-level
analysis and the subjective measures in the individual-level
Examining the three outcomes—female participation in the
labor force, attitudes about female employment, and attitudes
about female leadership—we estimate the following individual-
level equation:
i, d, c
þ Plough
þ X
& þ X
( þ "
i, d, c
where i denotes an individual, d a district, and c a country.
is our measure of traditional plough use among the an-
cestors of individuals living in district d.
denotes country fixed
effects. X
includes the same historical ethnographic variables as
in equation (2), but measured at the district level rather than the
country level. X
denotes current individual-level controls: age,
age squared, marital status fixed effects, educational attainment
fixed effects, and gender (for the attitude regressions only).
Standard errors are clustered at the district level.
The odd numbered columns of Table V report OLS estimates
of equation (3), but with continent fixed effects rather than coun-
try fixed effects. In this specification, we include X
, the same
contemporary country-level controls as in equation (2). We find a
negative relationship between traditional plough use and current
female labor force participation, and a positive relationship
between plough use and attitudes reflecting gender inequality.
All three relationships are statistically significant. The estimated
magnitudes of the female labor force participation effects are
similar to the cross-country estimates reported in columns 1
and 2 of Table IV. A one-standard-deviation increase in trad-
itional plough use (0.415) implies a reduction in female labor
force participation of 0.073 or 7.3 percentage points, roughly
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Dependent variable:
Female labor force
participation, 1995–2007
When jobs are
scarce, 1995–2007
Men better political
leaders, 1995–2007
Mean of dep. var. 0.55 0.55 0.46 0.47 2.62 2.64
Traditional plough use 0.177*** 0.002 0.193*** 0.100* 0.224*** 0.304***
(0.035) (0.031) (0.033) (0.059) (0.069) (0.117)
Individual & district controls yes yes yes yes yes yes
Contemporary country controls yes n/a yes n/a yes n/a
Fixed effects continent country continent country continent country
Number of countries 73 78 74 79 50 55
Number of districts 672 698 674 700 453 479
Observations 43,801 47,587 80,303 87,528 64,215 72,152
Adjusted R-squared 0.17 0.27 0.21 0.28 0.19 0.26
R-squared 0.17 0.27 0.21 0.28 0.19 0.26
Notes. The table reports OLS estimates, with standard errors clustered at the district level. The unit of observation is an individual. In columns 1 and 2, the sample includes
women only and the dependent variable is an indicator variable that equals one if she is in the labor force. The estimates in columns 3–6 include men and women. The depedent
variables measure respondents’ self-report attitudes regarding gender roles. A higher value indicates beliefs about greater inequality between men and women. ‘‘When jobs are
scarce’’ takes on the value of zero or one, while ‘‘men better political leaders’’ takes on integer values between 1 and 4. ‘‘Individual controls’’ are: age, age squared, dummies for
primary and secondary education (the excluded group is tertiary education), gender (for gender attitude dependent variables only) and an indicator variable for marital status.
‘‘Traditional plough use’’ is the estimated proportion of individuals living in a district with ancestors that used the plough in pre-industrial agriculture. The mean (and standard
deviation) of this variable is 0.724 (0.425); this corresponds to the sample from column 1. ‘‘District controls’’ include district-level measures of: ancestral suitability for agriculture,
fraction of ancestral land that was tropical or subtropical, ancestral domestication of large animals, ancestral settlement patterns, and ancestral political complexity.
‘‘Contemporary country controls’’ include: the natural log of real per capita GDP, and its square, measured in the same year as the dependent variable. ***, **, and * indicate
significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels.
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
equal to 13% of the sample average. The impact of a
one-standard-deviation increase in the two attitude measures is
0.08 and 0.09 (equal to 17 and 4% of the sample averages of these
In the even-numbered columns of Table V, we control for
country fixed effects. We continue to find a positive and signifi-
cant relationship between traditional plough agriculture and at-
titudes reflecting gender inequality. Although we estimate a
negative relationship between traditional plough use and
female labor force participation, the estimated magnitude is
small and the coefficient is statistically insignificant. For approxi-
mately half of the countries in the sample, there is no subnational
variation in the district-level plough measure. As we report in
Appendix Table A10, we obtain similar estimates when we omit
these countries from the sample or when we restrict the sample
further, additionally dropping countries with the least amount of
subnational variation.
VI.B. Evidence from IPUMS-International
One explanation for the weaker WVS estimates—particu-
larly the insignificant estimates for female labor force participa-
tion—is attenuation bias arising from the imperfectly constructed
plough use variable. Because we do not observe individual ethni-
city, we are forced to use an individual’s district of residence as an
imperfect proxy. We now turn to another data source, IPUMS-
International Census data, that records respondents’ ethnic iden-
tity as well as their employment status. This allows us to examine
female labor force participation using a more accurate measure of
ancestral plough use. Because the IPUMS surveys do not record
information about gender-role beliefs, we are unable to examine
these outcomes.
Our estimating equation is
i, d, e
þ Plough
þ X
& þ X
( þ "
i, d, e
where i denotes an individual, d denotes a district within a coun-
try, and e is ethnicity. Plough
is our measure of traditional plough
use among the ancestors of individuals of ethnicity e.
district fixed effects.
The vector X
includes the same historical
23. For three countries—Mongolia, Uganda, and Malaysia—there are multiple
survey years. For these countries, we also include survey-year fixed effects and
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Dependent variable: Female labor force participation indicator
Bolivia Chile, Cambodia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Philippines, Uganda, All
2001 2002 2008 70, 80, 91, 00 1989, 2000 2001 1990 1991, 2002 countries
Mean of dep. var. 0.44 0.40 0.78 0.40 0.38 0.54 0.39 0.56 0.49
Traditional plough use 0.035*** 0.073*** 0.064** 0.080*** 0.006 0.100** 0.035 0.079*** 0.040**
(0.002) (0.003) (0.027) (0.016) (0.013) (0.043) (0.023) (0.020) (0.019)
Individual & ethnicity
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
District fixed effects 9 26 24 15 23 14 77 4 192
Ethnic groups 6 5 11 21 10 16 21 60 150
Observations 173,804 505,114 432,481 319,580 125,349 710,662 1,266,363 1,003,321 4,536,674
Adjusted R-squared 0.07 0.17 0.19 0.10 0.50 0.19 0.13 0.09 0.15
R-squared 0.07 0.17 0.19 0.10 0.50 0.19 0.13 0.09 0.15
Notes. OLS estimates are reported, with standard errors clustered at the ethnicity level in brackets. The unit of observation is a female individual. The dependent variable is
an indicator variable that equals one if the individual is reported to be in the labor force. The time period differs for each country: Bolivia, 2001; Chile, 2002; Cambodia, 2008;
Malaysia, 1970, 1980, 1991, and 2000; Mongolia, 1989 and 2000; Nepal, 2001; the Philippines, 1990; and Uganda, 1991, 2002. ‘‘Traditional plough use’’ indicates whether the ethnic
group to which each individual belongs used the plough in pre-industrial agriculture. The mean (and standard deviation) of this variable is: for Bolivia, 0.517 (0.500); for Chile,
0.959 (0.197); for Cambodia, 0.989 (0.103); for Malaysia, 0.929 (0.257); for Mongolia, 0.884 (0.320); for Nepal, 0.971 (0.167); for the Philippines, 0.327 (0.469); and for Uganda, 0.065
(0.247). ‘‘Individual controls’’ include: age, age squared, fixed effects for educational attainment, an indicator variable for marital status, and an urban/rural indicator variable.
‘‘Ethnicity controls’’ include: ancestral suitability for agriculture, fraction of ancestral land that was tropical or subtropical, ancestral domestication of large animals, ancestral
settlement patterns, and ancestral political complexity. For countries with data available for more than one wave, we also control for survey-wave fixed effects and district-wave
fixed effects. ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels.
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
ethnographic variables as in equation (2), but measured at the
ethnicity level rather than the country level. X
denotes current
individual-level controls: age, age squared, marital status, educa-
tional attainment fixed effects, and an urban/rural indicator vari-
able. We estimate equation (4) separately for each country,
clustering standard errors at the ethnicity level. We also estimate
a pooled regression that includes all countries. The sample in-
cludes all countries in IPUMS-International that report informa-
tion on respondents ethnicity at a sufficiently fine level and that
have within-country variation in traditional plough use.
Estimation results are reported in Table VI. In total there are
eight countries: ve from Asia, two from Latin America, and one
from Africa. Columns 1–8 report separate estimates for each coun-
try, while column 9 reports the average effect across all countries.
The results show that overall there is a negative and statistically
significant relationship between female participation in the labor
force and a tradition of ancestral plough use. This is the case for six
of the eight countries in the country-by-country regressions.
Although there is significant heterogeneity in the magnitude of
the estimated impact of the plough on FLFP, the effect of a
switch from non-plough use to plough use generally ranges from
4 to 10 percentage points (and the average effect from column 9 is 4
percentage points). These magnitudes are approximately half the
size of the effect found in the cross-country analysis.
For two countries, Mongolia and the Philippines, the coeffi-
cient is not statistically different from zero. The lack of a relation-
ship within Mongolia is explained by the fact that agriculture
was relatively unimportant within this region, with animal
husbandry being the primary form of subsistence. For the
ethnic groups that had adopted the plough, only 6–15% of
allow the district fixed effects to vary by survey year. The specific time periods
covered are different for each country. Full details are reported in the appendix.
24. It is also possible to generate estimates for Belarus, although only two ethnic
groups, accounting for 0.2% of the total population, did not use the plough tradition-
ally. Given the imbalance in traditional plough use, we do not report these estimates.
Consistent with Boserup’s hypothesis, the estimated coefficient is negative and stat-
istically significant, although the estimated magnitude is extremely large. The coef-
ficient is –0.522 with a standard error of 0.198. The estimated average effect across all
countries is identical if Belarus is also included (coeff: –0.40; s.e.: 0.019).
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
subsistence consumption was from agriculture. Therefore, al-
though the plough had been adopted, its impact appears to
have been muted because of the relative unimportance of agricul-
ture. In this respect, Mongolia is very different from the rest of
the countries in the sample. Among the other seven countries,
agriculture accounted for at least 46% of each ethnic group’s
food consumption.
The reason for the different relationship within the Philip-
pines remains unclear. However, it is interesting that in terms of
gender relations the Philippines is exceptional in many dimen-
sions. For example, the Philippines (along with Mongolia) are
the only East Asian countries for which educational attainment
is higher for girls than for boys (Estudillo et al. 2001, World
Bank, 2012). In addition, the Philippines consistently ranks
among the top 5–10 most gender-equal countries globally,
which is significantly higher than other Asian countries and
other countries at a similar level of economic development
(Hausman et al. 2012).
VII.A. Controlling for Observable Characteristics
A potential concern with the OLS estimates reported up to
this point is that locations that historically had less equal
gender-role attitudes may have had a higher likelihood of invent-
ing or adopting the plough. This would bias the OLS estimates
away from zero. It is also possible that locations that were eco-
nomically more developed were more likely to have adopted the
plough. Since these areas today tend to be richer and more prone
to equal gender-role attitudes, this would tend to bias the OLS
estimates toward zero. Our first strategy to address these, and
related, concerns is to control for observable characteristics.
Our analysis makes a distinction between traditional plough
agriculture and all other forms of subsistence. In our coding,
non-plough societies include both agricultural societies practicing
shifting hoe agriculture as well as societies not engaged in agri-
culture, such as hunter-and-gatherer and herding societies. It is
possible that the status of women is also affected by the extent to
which a society participates in these non-agricultural activities.
We account for this by constructing two variables that measure
the proportion of ancestors’ subsistence that was provided by
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Dependent variable: Female labor force participation in 2000
Mean of dep. var. 51.35 51.55 51.35 51.48 51.26 52.09 51.48 52.13
Traditional plough use 10.892*** 12.714*** 12.356*** 12.336*** 12.721*** 14.618*** 9.913*** 9.234**
(3.848) (3.255) (2.993) (3.019) (3.364) (3.482) (3.160) (4.301)
Historical controls:
Practices intensive agriculture yes yes
Prop. of subsist. from herding yes yes
Prop. of subsist. from hunting yes yes
Absence of private property yes yes
Patrilocal marriages yes yes
Matrilocal marriages yes yes
Nuclear family structure yes yes
Extended family structure yes yes
Year ethnicity sampled yes yes
Contemporary controls:
Years of civil conflicts (1816–2007) yes yes
Years of interstate conflicts (1816–2007) yes yes
Ruggedness yes yes
Communism indicator yes yes
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Dependent variable: Female labor force participation in 2000
Fraction of European descent yes yes
Oil production per capita yes yes
Agricultural share of GDP yes yes
Manufacturing share of GDP yes yes
Services share of GDP yes yes
Fraction of pop. Catholic yes yes
Fraction of pop. Protestant yes yes
Fraction of pop. Christian (other) yes yes
Fraction of pop. Muslim yes yes
Fraction of pop. Hindu yes yes
Baseline controls yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Observations 165 163 165 163 153 154 163 142
Adjusted R-squared 0.39 0.38 0.36 0.35 0.42 0.35 0.51 0.54
R-squared 0.43 0.43 0.40 0.40 0.46 0.40 0.55 0.64
Notes. OLS estimates are reported with robust standard errors in brackets. The unit of observation is a country. ‘‘Traditional plough use’’ is the estimated proportion of citizens
with ancestors that used the plough in pre-industrial agriculture. The variable ranges from 0 to 1. The mean (and standard deviation) of this variable is 0.548 (0.468); this
corresponds to the sample from columns 1 and 3. ‘‘Female labor force participation’’ is the percentage of women in the labor force. The variable ranges from 0 to 100. Each
regression includes the full set of control variables (historical and contemporary). The historical controls include: ancestral suitability for agriculture, fraction of ancestral land that
was tropical or subtropical, ancestral domestication of large animals, ancestral settlement patterns, and ancestral political complexity. The contemporary controls include the
natural log of real per capita GDP and its square, measured in the same year as the dependent variable. The coefficients and standard errors for the control variables are reported
in the online appendix. ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels.
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
hunting and by the herding of large animals.
In addition, we
also address the possibility that our plough measure is simply
capturing the intensity of agriculture by directly controlling for
agricultural intensity. As shown in column 1 of Table VII, the
inclusion of these three control variables has little impact on
the coefficient of interest.
A prominent determinant of cultural differences in gender-
role attitudes was proposed by Frederick Engels (1902). He
argued that gender inequality arose due to the intensification of
agriculture, which resulted in the emergence of private property,
which was monopolized by men. The control of private property
allowed men to subjugate women and to introduce exclusive pa-
ternity over their children, replacing matriliny with patrilineal
descent, making wives even more dependent on husbands and
their property. As a consequence, women were no longer active
and equal participants in community life. To account for this al-
ternative determinant, we control for the proportion of a coun-
try’s ancestors without land inheritance rules; with patrilocal
post-marital residence rules; and with matrilocal post-marital
rules. We also control for the proportion of a country’s ancestors
with a nuclear family structure and with an extended family
structure. As shown in column 2, the results remain robust to
the inclusion of these additional controls.
In column 3, we control for the fact that in the Ethnographic
Atlas ethnicities are observed at different points in time. In gen-
eral, less-developed ethnic groups, without written records or
with less external contact, tend to have information from more
recent time periods. Although the characteristics of interest
tend to be slow-moving and typically do not change significantly
in short periods of time, this could still introduce some measure-
ment error. Motivated by this concern, we check that the results
remain robust to controlling for the average date of observation of
ancestors in the Ethnographic Atlas. The estimates are very simi-
lar with this additional control.
We next turn to the possibility that warfare may have a sys-
tematic impact on beliefs about gender roles. Theoretically, the
25. The sources and method of construction of all control variables from
Table VII are documented in the online appendix.
26. For brevity, we report only the estimates with female labor force participa-
tion as the dependent variable. In addition, we do not report the coefficient esti-
mates for the control variables. For the interested reader, these are reported in
Table A11 of the appendix.
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
expected direction of the effect is unclear (Whyte 1978). Involve-
ment in warfare may cause societies to become more hierarchical
and male dominated, suggesting a negative relationship between
conflict and female work outside the home. On the other hand,
being involved in warfare can generate a greater need for female
involvement outside the home, which may in turn affect the evo-
lution of beliefs about gender. We control for the potential im-
pacts of warfare, by calculating, for each country, the number of
years since 1816 (the first year data are available) that the coun-
try was involved in either internal or interstate warfare. To con-
trol for the possibility that invasions are easier on the types of flat
ground that could also favor the diffusion of the plough, we also
control for Nunn and Puga’s (2012) terrain ruggedness index. The
results, reported in column 4, show that the impact of traditional
plough use is robust to controlling for a country’s exposure to
warfare during the 19th and 20th centuries.
Communism and large historical migrations (most notably
mass European migrations during the 17th to the 20th centuries)
are other recent historical episodes that may have had a large
impact on beliefs about gender. Communist regimes typically im-
plemented policies to eliminate gender differences in the economy
and promote female participation outside the home. For many
parts of the world, the adoption of the plough may be associated
with the diffusion of other aspects of Western European societies.
In column 5, we include an indicator variable that equals one if
the country was under a communist regime in the post-WWII
period. We also control for the fraction of each country’s popula-
tion in 2000 with ancestors from Western Europe. The estimates
show that the results remain robust. This finding is consistent
with the more brute-force strategy, reported in Table A8 of the
appendix, that omits all European and neo-European countries
(Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the United States) from
the sample.
Ross (2008) argues that a country’s endowment of oil reserves
is an important determinant of beliefs about the role of women in
society. According to his hypothesis, oil causes a country’s domes-
tic currency to strengthen, making exports less competitive and
causing a decline in light manufacturing, a sector particularly
well suited for female employment. We account for the import-
ance of oil by controlling for per capita oil production in 2000. To
capture in a more general way the phenomenon Ross (2008)
argues for—namely, that a country’s economic structure can
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
affect female labor force participation—we also include the share
of a country’s GDP that is in agriculture, in manufacturing, and
in services. As shown in column 6, the impact of the plough re-
mains robust.
The last factor that we consider is religion. For all of our
control variables there is the concern that they may be endogen-
ous to traditional plough agriculture and thus we are in danger of
over-controlling. However, this is particularly true for religion,
which is an important part of Boserup’s (1970) hypothesized
mechanism. She argues that the plough had an impact on reli-
gious practices, in particular women’s wearing of the veil and the
burqa. She explains that plough cultivation ‘‘shows a predomin-
antly male labor force. The land is prepared for sowing by men
using draught animals, and this ...leaves little need for weeding
the crop, which is usually the women’s task ... Because village
women work less in agriculture, a considerable fraction of them
are completely freed from farm work. Sometimes such women
perform purely domestic duties, living in seclusion within their
own homes only appearing in the street wearing a veil, a phenom-
enon associated with plough culture and seemingly unknown in
regions of shifting cultivation where women do most of the agri-
cultural toil’’ (13–14).
Braudel (1998) also argues that, historically, religious beliefs
were endogenous to the practice of plough agriculture. He de-
scribes how the adoption of the plough in Mesopotamia around
the fourth millennium BCE was accompanied not only by a move-
ment of women out of agriculture and a shift from matriarchy to
patriarchy, but also by a change in religious beliefs. There was a
shift away from ‘‘the reign of the all-powerful mother goddesses
and immemorial fertility cults presided over by priestesses’’ and
toward ‘‘male gods and priests’’ (Braudel 1998, 71). More gener-
ally, religious beliefs can be interpreted as one manifestation of a
society’s overall cultural views.
With this caveat in mind, we examine how the inclusion of
religion affects the OLS estimates of the impact of traditional
plough agriculture. In column 7, we control for five variables
that measure the proportion of a country’s population that is
Catholic, Protestant, other Christian, Muslim, and Hindu. Con-
trolling for religion, traditional plough agriculture continues to
have a sizable and statistically significant impact, although the
estimated magnitude decreases to 9.9 (from 12.4), a decline of
20%. This is consistent with religion and its transmission over
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
time being one of the mechanisms underlying the persistent
impact of traditional plough use.
In column 8, we include all covariates in one specification.
Although the plough use coefficient decreases slightly, it remains
highly significant. Overall, the estimated impact of the plough
remains highly robust across the various specifications reported
in Table VII. The coefficient is always negative and statistically
significant, and the point estimates remain fairly stable, ranging
from –9.2 to –14.6.
VII.B. The Importance of Ancestral Geo-Climatic Conditions
It has been hypothesized that an important determinant of
whether the plough was adopted was the characteristics of crops
that could be grown in a particular location (Pryor 1985). The
primary benefit of the plough is that it facilitates the cultivation
of larger amounts of land over a shorter period of time. This cap-
ability is more advantageous for crops that require specific plant-
ing conditions that are met only during narrow windows of time
or for crops that require larger tracts of land to cultivate a given
amount of calories. The benefit of the plough is also reduced
for crops grown in swampy, sloped, rocky, or shallow soils, all of
which make the plough less efficient or impossible to use. Taking
these factors into consideration, Pryor (1985) has classified
crops into those whose cultivation benefits greatly from the adop-
tion of the plough—he calls these plough-positive crops—and
those whose cultivation benefits less—called plough-negative
crops. Plough-positive crops, which include wheat, teff,
barley, and rye—tend to have shorter growing seasons and
tend to be cultivated on relatively large expanses of land (per
calorie of output) that tends to be flat and with deep soil
that is not too rocky or swampy. Plough-negative crops, which
include sorghum, maize, millet, roots, tubers, and tree
crops, tend to yield more calories per acre, have longer growing
seasons, and can be cultivated on more marginal land (Pryor
1985, 732).
We examine Pryor’s hypothesis empirically by first measur-
ing the average suitability of the ancestral environment for cul-
tivating plough-positive cereal crops—wheat, barley, and rye and
plough-negative cereals—foxtail millet, pearl millet, and sor-
ghum. We choose these two groups of crops because they are com-
parable in many other dimensions except for the extent to which
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
they benefit from the use of the plough. For example, we are not
comparing cereals to ground crops, which according to Scott
(2009) are important for the practice of ‘‘escape agriculture’’ and
state formation. Both sets of crops are cereals that have been
cultivated in the Eastern Hemisphere since the Neolithic revolu-
tion (Mazoyer and Roudart, 2006, 71–99; Crawford, 2009; Lu
et al. 2009). Both sets of crops require similar preparations for
consumption, all being used for flour, porridge, bread, or in bev-
erages (Recklein 1987). Both sets also produce similar yields, and
therefore neither clearly dominates the other in terms of the
population it can support (Pryor 1985, 732).
Information on the suitability of a location for cultivating
plough-positive and plough-negative cereal crops is taken from
the FAO’s Global Agro-Ecological Zones (GAEZ) 2002 database
(Fischer et al. 2002). The database reports, for 5 arc-minute by 5
arc-minute grid-cells globally, the suitability of the location for
cultivating a variety of different crops. The data are constructed
using information on a location’s precipitation, frequency of wet
days, mean temperature, daily temperature range, vapor pres-
sure, cloud cover, sunshine, ground-frost frequency, wind speed,
soil slope, and soil characteristics. These characteristics are com-
bined with the specific growing requirements of crops to produce
a measure of whether each crop can be grown in each location,
and if so, how productively.
It is important to note that the models of crop growth are
based solely on technical requirements and constraints for crop
growth. The model’s parameters, and the final measures, are not
affected by which crops are actually grown in a particular loca-
tion. The final estimates are not simple functions of the geo-
graphic characteristics used, but are based on precise, highly
non-linear crop-specific models of evapotranspiration, water bal-
ance, temperature profiles, temperature growing periods, length
of growing period, and thermal regimes. This last point is par-
ticularly important as it allows us to check the robustness of our
findings to controlling directly for important geo-climatic charac-
teristics which may differ systematically in plough-positive and
plough-negative environments.
We construct the instruments by first identifying the land
traditionally inhabited by each ethnic group in the Ethnographic
Atlas. We use all land within 200 kilometers of an ethnic group’s
centroid and measure the amount of land within this area that
can grow each of the cereal crops that comprise the
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
Let x
, x
, x
, x
, x
, and x
denote the amount
of land that can cultivate wheat, barley, rye, sorghum, foxtail mil-
let, and pearl millet, respectively. Further, let x
be the amount
of land that could grow any of the crops (i.e., the amount of arable
land). The ethnicity-level measures of suitability for plough-
positive crops is given by: Area
þ x
þ x
; while
the ethnicity-level measure of suitability for plough-negative
crops is Area
þ x
þ x
. Intuitively, the instru-
ments measure the average suitability for each type of crop, nor-
malized by the overall suitability for cultivation in general.
Using the procedure explained by equation (1), we then con-
struct district- and country-level averages of our plough-positive
and plough-negative ancestral suitability. The variables measure
the proportion of the population with ancestors that lived in cli-
mates that could grow plough-positive cereals (wheat, barley, and
rye) and the proportion that lived in climates that could grow
plough-negative cereals (sorghum, foxtail millet, and pearl
We begin by testing Pryor’s (1985) hypothesis that crop type
affected the adoption of the plough. Panel A of Table VIII reports
estimates of the specifications from Table III, but with traditional
plough use as the dependent variable and the two crop suitability
measures as additional explanatory variables. The estimates
show that the adoption of the plough is positively correlated
with an environment suitable for the cultivation of plough-
positive cereals, but not with plough-negative cereals. In all
specifications, the difference between the two coefficients is stat-
istically significant. These estimates provide confirmation for
Pryor’s hypothesis.
Next, we consider the relationship between crop suitabilities
and current gender roles. Panel B of Table VIII reports these
reduced-form estimates. Consistent with their impacts on
plough use shown in Panel A, we find that having an ancestral
environment that was better able to cultivate plough-positive
crops is always associated with less-equal gender roles today.
27. The GAEZ database measures suitability as a proportion of maximum at-
tainable yield. We define locations that obtain at least 40% of the maximum yield as
suitable. The suitability for each crop is shown in Appendix Figures A5 and A6.
28. Our procedure assumes that the GAEZ data provide an unbiased measure of
relative historical suitability. In a different context, Nunn and Qian (2011) provide
evidence of the validity of this assumption, showing that the GAEZ suitability
measure for potatoes is highly correlated with historical potato production.
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Panel A. First stage 2SLS estimates. Dependent variable: Traditional plough use
Mean of dep. var. 0.53 0.44 0.54 0.51
Plough-positive environment 0.744*** 0.629*** 0.861*** 0.673*** 0.820*** 0.685*** 0.874*** 0.717***
(0.084) (0.089) (0.078) (0.103) (0.082) (0.104) (0.089) (0.118)
Plough-negative environment 0.119 0.185 0.100 0.115 0.132 0.187 0.129 0.142
(0.122) (0.133) (0.166) (0.171) (0.130) (0.141) (0.181) (0.188)
Equality of coefficients (p-value) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
F-stat (plough variables) 40.21 25.06 66.80 21.88 51.96 21.88 49.54 18.52
Dependent variable (panels B & C):
Female labor force
participation in 2000
Share of firms with
female ownership,
Share of political
positions held by
women in 2000
Average effect
size (AES)
Mean of dep. var. 51.10 35.04 11.86 2.31
Panel B. Reduced-form estimates
Plough-positive environment 10.644*** 11.299*** 13.164** 12.692** 5.800** 6.840** 0.639*** 0.774***
(3.816) (4.285) (5.610) (6.214) (2.534) (2.790) (0.214) (0.288)
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
Dependent variable (panels B & C):
Female labor force
participation in 2000
Share of firms with
female ownership,
Share of political
positions held by
women in 2000
Average effect
size (AES)
Plough-negative environment 18.928*** 19.571*** 6.072 9.134 2.975 2.868 0.607 0.653*
(6.506) (6.329) (9.926) (10.401) (6.093) (6.258) (0.391) (0.393)
Equality of coefficients (p-value) 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.56 0.47 0.00 0.00
F-stat (plough variables) 14.87 12.49 5.41 4.46 3.44 3.40 9.19 7.11
Panel C. Second-stage 2SLS estimates
Traditional plough use 21.630*** 25.013*** 17.486*** 22.689*** 6.460*** 9.726*** 0.918*** 1.313***
(5.252) (7.513) (5.533) (7.620) (2.334) (3.750) (0.225) (0.388)
Hausman test (p-value) 0.02 0.04 0.56 0.40 0.22 0.10 0.33 0.16
Hansen J 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.31 0.72 0.86 0.05 0.06
Historical & contemporary controls yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Continent FEs no yes no yes no yes no yes
Observations 160 160 122 122 140 140 104 104
Notes. Two-stage least squares estimates are reported with robust standard errors in brackets. The unit of observation is a country. ‘‘Traditional plough use’’ is the estimated
proportion of citizens with ancestors that traditionally used the plough in pre-industrial agriculture. The variable ranges from 0 to 1. The mean (and standard deviation) of this
variable is 0.530 (0.471); this corresponds to the sample from columns 1 and 2. ‘‘Plough-positive environment’’ is the average fraction of ancestral land that was suitable for growing
barley, rye, and wheat divided by the fraction that was suitable for any crops. ‘‘Plough-negative environment’’ is the average fraction of ancestral land that was suitable for growing
foxtail millet, pearl millet, and sorghum divided by the fraction that was suitable for any crops. ‘‘Female labor force participation’’ is the percentage of women in the labor force. The
variable ranges from 0 to 100. ‘‘Share of firms with female ownership’’ is the percentage of firms in the World Bank Enterprise Surveys with some female ownership. The surveys
were conducted between 2005 and 2011, depending on the country. The variable ranges from 0 to 100. ‘‘Share of political positions held by women’’ is the proportion of seats in
parliament held by women. The measure also ranges from 0 to 100. ‘‘Historical controls’’ include: ancestral suitability for agriculture, fraction of ancestral land that was tropical or
subtropical, ancestral domestication of large animals, ancestral settlement patterns, and ancestral political complexity. ‘‘Contemporaneous controls’’ include the natural log of real
per capita GDP and its square, measured in the same year as the dependent variable. The number of observations reported for the AES is the average number of observations in
the regressions for the three outcomes. ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels.
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
A better environment for growing plough-negative crops is gen-
erally associated with more-equal gender roles today.
If one is willing to assume that the difference between ances-
tral suitability for plough-positive and plough-negative crops is
correlated with gender role attitudes today (conditional on cov-
ariates) only through their impact on the plough, then we can use
the two measures to provide IV estimates of the impact of trad-
itional plough use on current gender attitudes. Although this as-
sumption (i.e., the validity of the exclusion restriction) cannot be
taken for granted, we feel that with appropriate caveats, the IV
estimates are informative. Recall that the controls already in-
clude the proportion of land historically inhabited by an ethnic
group that was tropical or subtropical, as well as its overall suit-
ability. In addition, further analysis discussed below flexibly con-
trols for additional geographic characteristics that may be
correlated with the suitability instruments and have an inde-
pendent effect on gender norms today.
One important difference between plough-positive and
plough-negative crops is that in many countries today, sorghum
and millet are often less preferred to rice and wheat (Nadkarni
1986; Kennedy and Reardon 1994). Although the reason for this is
not yet well understood, the inferior status is not due to lower
nutritional value or greater output volatility (Nadkarni 1986,
Panel C of Table VIII reports the IV estimates, which confirm
the OLS estimates. Historical plough use is associated with less
female labor force participation, less female firm ownership, and
less female participation in politics.
The magnitudes of the IV
coefficients are consistently greater than the OLS estimates. A
potential explanation for this is selection arising from the endo-
geneity of plough adoption. All else equal, historically advanced
societies were more likely to adopt the plough.
they are more likely to be advanced today, with higher per
capita income and more female participation in the labor
market. Therefore, selection introduces a positive relationship
29. The results are similar if we do not control for current per capita GDP. See
Appendix Table A12.
30. This fact can be seen in Appendix Table A13, which reports the relationship
between traditional plough use and various ethnicity characteristics. Political de-
velopment, and to some extent economic development, as measured by settlement
complexity, are both positively correlated with a tradition of plough use.
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
between historical plough use and female labor force participa-
tion today, biasing the negative OLS estimates toward zero.
The validity of the IV estimates rests on the assumption that
holding overall agricultural suitability constant, the specific type
of cereal crop that a location could grow only impacts long-term
gender attitudes only through the past adoption of the plough.
The primary concern with this strategy is that the difference be-
tween plough-positive and plough-negative environments may be
correlated with geographic features that affect gender attitudes
today through channels other than the plough. We check the
robustness of our results to this concern by controlling for geo-
graphic characteristics that are potentially correlated with the
suitability of the environment for plough-positive and plough-
negative crops. Our controls include the terrain slope, soil
depth, average temperature, and average precipitation of loca-
tions inhabited by each country’s ancestors. The estimates, re-
ported in Appendix Table A14, show that the IV estimates
remain robust to the inclusion of these geo-climatic characteris-
tics, controlling for the measures linearly, non-linearly, or allow-
ing for interactions between the characteristics.
We now turn to a closer analysis of the causal mechanisms
underlying our results. It is likely that part of the long-term im-
pacts of traditional plough use may not be solely due to the evo-
lution and persistence of cultural norms, but also to the
development of institutions, policies, laws, and markets that
are less conducive to the participation of women in activities out-
side the domestic sphere. Through this channel, the plough
causes less female participation in market activities because it
affects the costs and benefits of these activities, not because it
affects individuals’ beliefs about whether these are appropriate
activities for women. Our individual-level estimates, by control-
ling for country fixed effects (WVS estimates) and even subna-
tional district fixed effects (IPUMS estimates), provide evidence
consistent with a tradition of plough use having some impact on
internal values and beliefs.
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
We undertake an alternative strategy to better isolate the
causal impact of ancestral plough agriculture on cultural beliefs
and values, and examine variation among the children of immi-
grants, a group of individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds
and different histories of ancestral plough use, but facing the
same external environment, including markets, institutions,
laws, and policies.
The benefit of this exercise is that by-and-large we are hold-
ing constant the external environment, while examining individ-
uals from diverse cultural backgrounds. One shortcoming is that
the children of immigrants are not a random sample of the full
population in the home country. Therefore, the results should be
understood with this in mind: they are an average effect of the
sample we consider. Second, if immigrants and their children
tend to live in locations with many co-ethnics, then it is possible
that informal institutions may be recreated in these areas, ex-
plaining some of the persistence of traditional plough use.
Again, the results should be understood with this possibility in
The analysis examines the children of immigrants living in
the United States and Europe. That is, we examine individuals
born in the country, but whose parents were born abroad. An
individual’s ancestry is defined by the country of birth of their
parents. The US data are from the March Supplement of the
Current Population Survey (CPS).
The European data are
from the European Social Survey (ESS).
VIII.A. Evidence from the United States
The sample of children of US immigrants includes women
aged 15 to 64. The outcome of interest is the labor force partici-
pation of women in the sample. Because this decision is likely
very different for married women, we also examine this group
separately. Our estimating equation is given by
i, s, c
þ Plough
þ X
! þ X
& þ X
( þ "
i, s, c
where i denotes the daughter of an immigrant parent (or immi-
grant parents) who currently lives in state s, with country of
31. Because the Census stopped asking questions about parents’ country of
origin in 1970, this source cannot be used for the analysis. Starting in 1994, the
CPS asks individuals about their country of origin and their parents’ country of
origin. We use all the years available since 1994.
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
ancestry c. Country of ancestry is defined using either the
mother’s country of birth or the father’s country of birth. A list
of the countries of ancestry and the number of children of immi-
grants for each country is provided in Appendix Table A16.
The dependent variable, y
i, s, c
, is an indicator variable that
equals one if woman i is in the labor market. As in equation (2),
denotes ancestral plough use of those from country c.
denotes state fixed effects, which control for state-varying differ-
ences in labor markets, laws, regulations, institutions, etc.
and X
denote the same vectors of current and historical controls
as in equation (2). X
indicates a vector of individual-level con-
trols: fixed effects for educational attainment, a quadratic for age,
marital status, fixed effects for whether the person lives in a
metropolitan or rural area, and fixed effects for the year of the
survey. When we examine the sample of married women, we also
include controls for characteristics of the husband: a quadratic of
the husband’s age, the husband’s education, and the natural log
of his wage income. Because our variable of interest, Plough
varies only at the country-of-origin level, standard errors are
clustered at this level.
OLS estimates of equation (5) are reported in Table IX.
Columns 1–3 report estimates using the full sample of women.
Column 1 identifies an individual’s ancestry by her father’s coun-
try of birth, while column 2 uses the mother’s country of birth. In
column 3, we restrict the sample to women whose parents were
both born in the same country. For all three specifications, we es-
timate a negative relationship between a tradition of plough use in
the home country and participation in the labor force. Columns 4–9
report estimates for the sample of married women. Columns 4–6
reproduce the estimates of columns 1–3 with the married sample.
We continue to find a negative impact of traditional plough use on
female labor force participation. For both specifications, we find
that the estimated impact of traditional plough use is stronger
when both parents have the same ancestry.
We also consider the possibility that a wife’s participation in
the labor market may be influenced by her husband’s beliefs and
32. We include state fixed effects to account for the potential selection of immi-
grants (and their children) to different states. As shown in Appendix Table A18, we
obtain similar estimates when we exclude these fixed effects. Our European results
are also similar with or without destination-country fixed effects. See Appendix
Table A20.
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Dependent variable: Labor force participation indicator, 1994–2011
All women Married women
Woman’s ancestry Woman’s ancestry Husband’s ancestry
Mean of dep. var. 0.63 0.63 0.60 0.68 0.69 0.69 0.70 0.71 0.70
Traditional plough use 0.044*** 0.043** 0.062*** 0.094** 0.118*** 0.136** 0.065*** 0.045** 0.058**
(0.015) (0.018) (0.020) (0.046) (0.043) (0.054) (0.024) (0.022) (0.024)
Observations 57,138 55,341 32,776 10,206 9,508 6,835 35,393 35,158 23,124
Adjusted R-squared 0.23 0.23 0.25 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.08 0.08 0.08
R-squared 0.23 0.23 0.26 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.09 0.08 0.09
Notes. OLS estimates are reported with standard errors clustered at the country level. An observation is a daughter of an immigrant to the United States, surveyed between
1994 and 2011. ‘‘Traditional plough use’’ is the fraction of citizens with ancestors that used the plough in pre-industrial agriculture in the father’s country of origin of the children of
immigrants. The mean (and standard deviation) for this variable is 0.570 (0.454); this corresponds to the sample from column 1. All regressions include: state-of-residence fixed
effects, individual controls (age, age squared, educational attainment fixed effects for less than high school, high school, more than high school, an indicator variable for being
single, year of survey fixed effects, and metropolitan fixed effects for within metropolitan central city, outside of metropolitan central city, and not living in a metropolitan area),
historical country controls (ancestral suitability for agriculture, fraction of ancestral land that was tropical or subtropical, ancestral domestication of large animals, ancestral
settlement patterns, and ancestral political complexity), and contemporaneous country controls (the natural log of real per capita GDP and its square, measured in the same year as
the dependent variable). Columns 4–9 also include husband controls (husband’s age, age squared, husband’s educational attainment fixed effects for less than high school, high
school, and more than high school, and husband’s natural log of real wage income). ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels.
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
values, which were transmitted from his parents. Columns 7–9
reproduce the estimates of columns 4–6, but identify ancestry
using the husband’s parents rather than the wife’s parents. The
estimates provide evidence that a tradition of plough use among
the husband’s ancestors also affects the wife’s participation in the
labor market.
By examining the children of immigrants, we are able to es-
timate the impact of traditional plough use on FLFP, while hold-
ing constant external factors that vary at the state level. This
provides increased confidence that the estimated impact more
closely approximates the true impact of the plough working
through cultural transmission. Therefore, a comparison of the
magnitudes of the children-of-immigrant estimates to the
country-level estimates allows us to glean evidence of the import-
ance of cultural transmission, relative to other channels.
impact of the plough on the daughters of immigrants to the
United States is much smaller than the estimated impact from
the country-level regressions. Consider the estimated impact on
female labor force participation from a one-unit increase in his-
torical plough use. Using the country-level OLS estimates
(column 1 of Table IV), this is associated with an increase in
FLFP by 12.4 percentage points. The magnitudes from the
children-of-immigrant estimates are much smaller, generally
ranging from 4.3 to 6.2 (for the sample of all women). Although
one must interpret these findings with appropriate caution, they
suggest that the transmission of internal norms (as identified in
the children-of-immigrant regressions) may account for roughly
35–50 percent of the total effect.
VIII.B. Evidence from Europe
We now turn to the European sample of children of immi-
grants from the ESS. One advantage of the sample is that the
ESS, like the WVS, asks respondents their view about the state-
ment ‘‘When jobs are scarce, men should have more right to a job
than women.’’ The potential responses, however, are slightly
33. As we show in Appendix Table A17, we obtain similar results if we do not
control for origin country contemporaneous per capita income.
34. To facilitate such a comparison, we intentionally construct the country-
level, individual-level, and children-of-immigrants estimating equations to be as
similar as possible. For example, they all include exactly the same country-level
historical and contemporary control variables.
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
different than in the WVS. The respondents are asked to choose
among ‘‘agree strongly,’’ ‘‘agree,’’ ‘‘neither agree nor disagree,’’ ‘‘dis-
agree,’’ and ‘‘disagree strongly.’
From the survey question, we
construct two measures. The first variable takes integer values
from 1 to 5 and is increasing in the strength of agreement with
the statement. The second variable is an indicator that equals one
if the individual agrees or strongly agrees with the statement and
zero if he or she disagrees or strongly disagrees; people who neither
agree nor disagree are excluded from the sample.
The second
variable, although less precise than the first, is constructed in
the same manner as the dependent variable used in the
individual-level analysis, providing the best comparison of the
children-of-immigrant regressions with these estimates.
We estimate the impact of the plough on the children of im-
migrants using the following equation:
i, d, c
þ Plough
þ X
! þ X
& þ X
( þ "
i, d, c
where i denotes the child of an immigrant who is currently living in
destination-country d with country of ancestry c. The dependent
variable, y
i, d, c
is the gender role attitude measure described above.
denotes traditional plough use in country c;
destination-country fixed effects; X
and X
denote the same vec-
tors of current and historical controls as in equation (5); and X
denotes a vector of individual-level control variables that includes
years of education, age, age squared, gender, marital status, fixed
effects for city size, and fixed effects for the year of the survey.
The OLS estimates are reported in Table X. The odd-
numbered columns report estimates using the dependent vari-
able that ranges from one to five, and the even-numbered col-
umns report estimates using the indicator variable. Columns 1–
2 identify a person’s ancestry by their father’s country of birth,
and columns 3–4 use the mother’s country of birth. In columns
5–6, we restrict the sample to individuals for whom both parents
were born in the same country. In all six specifications, we esti-
mate a positive relationship between traditional plough use and
35. The responses in the WVS are ‘‘agree,’’ ‘‘disagree,’’ ‘‘neither,’’ or ‘‘don’t
36. The estimates for the 1-to-5 integer variable are similar if we omit people
who ‘‘neither agree or disagree’’.
37. The origin countries and the number of observations from each are reported
in Appendix Table A16.
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Dependent variables: ‘‘When jobs are scarce ...’’ survey response, 2004–2011
Father’s country Mother’s country Same country
1–5 scale Indicator 1–5 scale Indicator 1–5 scale Indicator
Mean of dep. var. 2.54 0.32 2.53 0.32 2.62 0.35
Traditional plough use 0.219** 0.073** 0.214** 0.070** 0.298*** 0.094**
(0.091) (0.034) (0.086) (0.033) (0.096) (0.038)
Observations 15,545 13,024 15,260 12,788 10,535 8,780
Adjusted R-squared 0.18 0.16 0.17 0.16 0.17 0.16
R-squared 0.18 0.17 0.17 0.16 0.17 0.17
Notes. The table reports OLS estimates, with standard errors clustered at the country level. An observation is the child of an immigrant, reported in three waves of the
European Social Survey (ESS). The three waves include the second (2004–2005), the fourth (2008–2009), and the fifth (2010–2011). ‘‘Traditional plough use’’ is the fraction of
citizens with ancestors that used the plough in pre-industrial agriculture in the father’s country of origin of the children of immigrants. The mean (and standard deviation) for this
variable is 0.891 (0.273); this corresponds to the sample from column 1. All regressions control for 33 country-of-destination fixed effects, two survey-year fixed effects for 3 different
survey waves, individual controls (age, age squared, the number of years of education, a gender indicator variable, an indicator variable for being single, and two city size indicator
variables), historical origin-country controls (ancestral suitability for agriculture, fraction of ancestral land that was tropical or subtropical, ancestral domestication of large
animals, ancestral settlement patterns, and ancestral political complexity), and contemporaneous origin-country controls (the natural log of real per capita GDP and its square,
measured in the same year as the dependent variable). ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels.
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
beliefs about gender inequality. The estimated impact of trad-
itional plough use is stronger when both parents come from the
same country.
As with the US sample, the estimated impact of the plough is
smaller when examining variation across the children of immi-
grants. The immigrant estimates that are most directly compar-
able to the individual-level estimate (i.e., column 3 of Table V)
are the even-numbered columns of Table X. The estimated impact
from the individual-level regression is 0.193, while the impacts
from the children-of-immigrants regressions range from 0.070 to
0.094. This suggests that between 36 and 49 percent of the total
impact identified in Table V may be explained by cultural persist-
ence. This is similar to the figure for female labor force participa-
tion using the US children-of-immigrants sample (35 to 50
It has long been hypothesized that the traditional use of
shifting hoe cultivation vs. plough agriculture was an important
determinant of the evolution and persistence of traditional
gender norms. We formally test this hypothesis by combining
ethnographic data on traditional plough use with contemporary
data, measuring gender norms and female participation outside
the domestic sphere.
Our findings provide evidence that current differences in
gender attitudes and female behavior are indeed shaped by dif-
ferences in traditional agricultural practices. Specifically, we
have shown that individuals, ethnicities, and countries whose
ancestors engaged in plough agriculture have beliefs that exhibit
greater gender inequality today and have less female participa-
tion in non-domestic activities, such as market employment, firm
ownership, and politics. In an effort to better identify a channel of
cultural persistence, we examined the children of immigrants.
We find that among these individuals who face the same labor
markets, institutions, and policies, a heritage of traditional
38. Unlike the US estimates, the European estimates are sensitive to condi-
tioning on origin-country contemporaneous per capita income. As we show in
Appendix Table A19, if we do not control for this variable, the magnitude of the
relationship between traditional plough use and gender attitudes is reduced by
approximately one-half.
at Harvard University Library on April 24, 2013 from
plough agriculture is still associated with more unequal gender
attitudes and less female labor force participation.
Harvard University, IGIER Bocconi, NBER, and CEPR
University of California–Los Angeles, NBER, CEPR,
and IZA
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Supplementary Material
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