arXiv:0712.2150v1 [stat.AP] 13 Dec 2007
The Annals of Applied Statistics
2007, Vol. 1, No. 2, 287–301
Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2007
By Cliff Spiegelman, William A. Tobin, William D. James,
Simon J. Sheather, Stuart Wexler and D. Max Roundhill
Texas A&M University, Forensic Engineering International,
Texas A&M University, Texas A&M University,
Hightstown High School and Chem Consulting
The assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK)
traumatized the nation. In t his paper we show that evidence used
to rule out a second assassin is fundamentally flawed. This paper
discusses new compositional analyses of bullets reportedly to have
been derived from the same batch as those used in the assassination.
The new analyses show that the bullet fragments involved in the
assassination are not nearly as rare as previously reported. In par-
ticular, the new test results are compared to key bullet composition
testimony presented before the House Select Committee on Assassi-
nations (HSCA). Matches of bullets within the same box of bullets
are shown to be much more likely than indicated in the House Select
Committee on Assassinations’ testimony. Additionally, we show that
one of the ten test bullets is considered a match to one or more assassi-
nation fragments. This finding means that the bullet fragments from
the assassination that match could have come from three or more
separate bullets. Finally, this paper presents a case for reanalyzing
the assassination bullet fragments and conducting the necessary sup-
porting scientific studies. These analyses will shed light on whether
the five bullet fragments constitute three or more separate bullets.
If the assassination fragments are derived from three or more sepa-
rate bullets, then a second assassin is likely, as the additional bullet
would not easily be attributable to the main suspect, Mr. Oswald,
under widely accepted shooting scenarios [see Posner (1993), Case
Closed, Bantam, New York].
1. Introduction. The assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy
(JFK) was arguably the most traumatic event to the nation in the early
Received October 2006; revised May 2007.
Supplementary material available at
Key words and phrases. Forensic, CABL, heterogeneity, bullet.
This is an electronic reprint of the original article published by the
Institute of Mathematica l Sta tistics in The Annals of Applied Statistics,
2007, Vol. 1, No. 2, 287 –301. This reprint differs from the original in pagination
and typographic detail.
1960s. The assassination precipitated much scientific investigation and con-
sequent testimony before Congressional subcommittees. The scientific inves-
tigations included a National Academy of Science Committee on Ballistic
Acoustics report, forensic evidence on bullet fr agment matching by the FBI
crime lab and by Dr. Vincent P. Guinn, as well as more typical forensic evi-
dence such as fingerprints, ballistic evaluations and simulations, crime scene
investigations and reconstructions, and autopsy. The House Select Commit-
tee on Assassinations [U.S. Cong. House (
1979)] concluded that there was
a probable conspiracy, but one in which an additional shooter (likely ring
from the Grassy Knoll) missed all limousine occup ants. The evidentiary an-
chor for the second part of that conclusion—that any additional shot must
have missed—was Dr. Vincent P. Guinn’s comparative bullet lead analy-
sis [U.S. Cong. House (
1979)]. It demonstrated to the Committee, with the
added insights from ballistics testing, that all of the recovered ballistics ma-
terial had only one common origin, Mannlicher–Carcano rounds fired from
Oswald’s rifle.
The +/ numbers in Table
1 represent standard deviations based upon a
single observation using Poisson counting statistics. The exception is th e last
row of the table where 3 fragments constitute sample CE 840, and Dr. Guinn
1979) analyzed all of them. In that case, the standard deviation measure-
ment was constructed from 3 replicate measurements. Dr. Guinn grouped
the bullet fragments listed in Table
1 [Guinn (1979)] into two groups. Frag-
ments CE 399 and CE 842 form ed one group and fragments CE 567, CE
843 and CE 840 formed the second group. Guinn testified [U.S. Cong. House
(1979)] that only two bullets represented the sources of those fragments.
We compare data from our studies of other JFK assassination-related
batch bullets to selected contextual excerpts of Dr. Gu inn’s House Select
Committee on Assassinations’ testimony [U.S. Cong. House (
1979)] to the
recent National Research Coun cil (NRC) report Forensic Analysis: Weighing
Bullet Lead Evidence (
2004) and, also, to author experience in compositional
analysis of bullet lead. We will show that Dr. Guinn’s most important testi-
mony to the House Select Committee on Assassinations [U.S. Cong. House
Table 1
Guinns NAA results for silver and antimony in bullets and fragments
Specimen Description Silver, ppm Antimony, ppm
CE 339 (Q1) Bullet from stretcher 8.8 ± 0.5 833 ± 9
CE 842 (Q9) Largest metal fragment from Connally’s arm 9.8 ± 0.5 797 ± 7
CE 567 (Q2) Bullet fragment from front seat cushion 8.1 ± 0.6 602 ± 4
CE 843 (Q4) Larger metal fragment from the 7.9 ± 0.3 621 ± 4
President’s head
CE 840 (Q14) Metal fragments from rear floorboard carpet 8.2 ± 0.4 642 ± 6
(1979)] is unlikely justified. In particular, we shall show that random matches
to assassination fragments of bullets from the same box are not as rare as
Dr. Guinn testified. Most importantly, our studies and analyses of in divid-
ual bullet compositions, bullet lead source compositions and compositional
mixtures in packaged retail boxes show that Dr. Guinn ’s statements about
the uniquen ess of individu al bullets from the brand of bullets believed to be
used in the assassination are seriously flawed.
2. Forensic issues.
2.1. Deciding whether bullets match. Before describing the experimen-
tal technique used for our study, we first explain how bullet compositions
are associated as forensic “matches.” A match criterion establishes a rule
for declaring bullet compositions close enough to be considered analytically
indistinguishable. Typically, a “match” criterion is established, such as confi-
dence interval overlap between mean analyte levels (chemical element levels
in the lead matrix) measured in two different specimens. The confidence
intervals are typically based upon multiples of estimated standard devia-
tions from replicate measurements (called a multiple of sigmas method ).
Since 1993, the analytes of two or more b ullet specimens were compared
as described below. A typical analysis, which we consider here, compares
the “questioned” or crime scene evidence of “unknown origin with samples
“known to have been in the suspect’s possession. Th e chemical elements
present in bullet lead that were most frequently analyzed after approxi-
mately 1989 and used for forensic comparisons were antimony, copper, ar-
senic, bismuth, silver, tin and cadmiu m. In earlier years (roughly from the
1960s to 1993), only antimony, copper, arsenic and sometimes silver were
characterized. The fewer elements that are used to declare a match the
more likely that matches, including coincidental ones, will occur [see NRC
report (
2004)]. When an analyte concentration in bullets from a crime scene
specimen and in those from a suspect bullet were compared and the concen-
trations fell within the established “match” criterion range, that p articular
elemental comparison was declared a “match.” If all the remaining elemental
comparisons between th e crime scene specimen and “known” specimen also
fell within the established “match” criterion, the two bullet specimens were
then declared to be analytically “indistinguishab le.”
2.2. The brand of bullets believed to be used in the Kennedy assassination.
In the House Select Committee on Assassinations hearing [U.S. C on g. House
(1979)], Dr. Guinn testified about the brand of bullets believed to be used,
namely, Winchester Cartridge Company Mannlicher–Carcano bu llets, and
about the five bullet fragments of forensic interest in the assassination. In
particular, he concluded that “This great variation from bullet to bullet f rom
the same box thus indicated that, for this unusual kind of ammun ition, it
would be possible to distinguish one bullet (or bullet fragment) from another,
even though they both came from the same box of Mannlicher–Carcano
cartridges” [U.S. C ong. House (
The authors purchased 2.5 boxes of Winchester Cartridge Company Mannli-
cher–Carcano bullets from 2 of the only 4 separate lots ever produced. One
box came from lot 6000, and one and a half from lot 6003.
We then ana-
lyzed 10 bullets from each box. Th e measurement approach was similar to
that used by Dr. Guinn except that we used more appropriate standards,
a known quality control procedure, and analyzed physical samples having
a known geometry. One of the bullets analyzed matched an assassination
fragment. We also found that many bullets in the same box have match ing
antimony and silver levels; this discovery is contrary to Dr. Guinn’s testi-
mony that based on these two elements virtually every bullet of this type is
unique. Peele et al. (1991) found similar supporting evidence of many bullets
matching within boxes of bullets, in cluding those of other large US b ullet
manufacturers. Further, we have found th at about 14 percent of b ullets
in the “1837” bullet FBI empirical compilation reported in Spiegelman and
Kafadar (2006) from murder cases have antimony concentrations at or below
those of the assassination fragments. Approximately the same percentage of
bullets is at or below the antimony concentrations of the Western Cartridge
Company bullets measured by Dr. Guinn. The percentages vary somewhat
with different FBI empirical compilations. For the other (non-“1837”) FBI
bullet compilations, it is not clear which case entries (samples) correspond
to bullets rather than buckshot, other irrelevant entries and/or null cell val-
ues. Regardless of assumptions used to interpret various FBI bullet datasets,
low antimony bullets are not rare. Our find ings also call into question other
aspects of Dr. Guinn’s testimony [U.S. Cong. House (
1979)], such as the
following exchange that followed Dr. Guinn’s testimony about the low anti-
mony content of Western Cartridge Company Mannlicher–Carcano bullets:
Mr. Wolf: In your p rofessional opinion, Dr. Guinn, is the fragment removed
from General Walker’s house a fragment from a Western Cartridge Company
Mannlicher–Carcano bullet?
Dr. Guinn: I would say that it is extremely likely that it is, because there are
very few, very few other ammunitions that would be in this range. I don’t know
of any that are specifically this close as these numbers indicate, but somewhere
near them there are a few others, but essentially th is is in the range that
is rather characteristic of Western Cartridge Company Mannlicher–Carcano
bullet lead.
Preliminary background investigation revealed some uncertainty as to the source of
10 of the bullets that were purchased as a half box. After additional investigation and
information from the bullet supplier (including photos), it is concluded likely that the 10
originated from lot 6003, and we den ote this lot as 6003P.
There has never been a comprehensive or forensically meaningful statisti-
cally based sampling study of bullet composition by manufacturer, location
or epoch.
Assuredly, the passage of time has allowed a more sophisticated analysis
of the data obtained by Dr. Guinn. Our final point will be that it may
be possible to provide substantial evidence of a third assassination bullet
by following the guidelines in the NRC report (2004) and reanalyzing the
assassination fragments. In any case, we believe that there is no scientific
basis from the fragment matching performed by Dr. Guinn to conclude that
only two bullets were the sources of the assassination fragments [U.S. Cong.
House (1979)]:
Mr. Wolf: What is t he number of bullets, in your opinion?
Dr. Guinn: These numbers correspond to two bullets. Two of the samples
have indistinguishable compositions, indicating that they came from the same
bullet, and the other three particles are evidently samples from another bullet.
Mr. Wolf: So it is your opinion that the evidence specimens represent only
evidence of two bullets, is that correct?
Dr. Guinn: Yes, sir, there is no evidence for three bullets, four bullets, or
anything more than two, but there is clear evid ence that there are two.
Dr. Guinn may have been correct or incorrect about the number of bullets
originating from the J FK fragments; the state of knowledge even today, but
definitely about 30 years ago, remains too uncertain.
Finally, we note that much has been written about the JFK assassina-
tion, but most of the results such as th ose in Rahn and Sturdivan (
2004) and
Sturdivan and Rahn (
2004), are based upon historical data using what we
feel are inadequate models for bullet distribution and sample sizes that are
too small. It is our belief that the lognormal model used by these authors
to model antimony concentrations is one of a large set of reasonable models
that might have been used. For example, the “distfit” command from the
Toolbox for MATLAB ranks best-fitting distributions to the data us-
ing p-values from a chi-squared goodness-of-fit test. For the 14 data values
that were used by Stur divan and Rahn (2004), the exponential, Weibull,
gamma, triangular an d chi-squared distributions had p-values that were
0.71,0.71,0.70,0.58 and 0.54, respectively, while the lognormal distribution
had a p-value of 0.54. Many other distributions, as well, are realistic possibil-
ities f or modeling th e data, including Gumbel (p = 0.45) distributions. Based
on the lognormal d istribution, Sturdivan and Rahn (
2004) concluded that
there was a 2%–3% chance of a coincidental match. This result is clearly
dependent on distributional assumptions and, hence, we believe that the
2%–3% figure is questionable. Stur divan and Rahn (
2004) are f ocused on
chance matches within th e whole population of Western Cartridge Com-
pany Mannlicher–Carcano bullets. We think a more relevant population for
consideration is that consisting of bullets within the same box of Western
Cartridge Company Mannlich er–Carcano bullets. Comparing the composi-
tion of different bullet fragments is based on the assumption that different
fragments from the same bullet are compositionally similar at all levels of
sample size. With this issue in mind, Rahn and Sturdivan (
2004) discuss
fragment h eterogeneity, based upon historical data from both Dr. Guinn
and the FBI. Based on the FBI data, Rahn and Sturdivan (
2004) found
little heterogeneity between bullet fragments.
In our compositional analysis of 30 bullets, we found marginally detectable
heterogeneity, which can be taken into account when matching b ullets. We
believe we have struck a good balance between the considerations adversely
affecting compositional accuracy and precision relating to specimen size.
Specimens that are too large result in s elf-absorption problems during anal-
ysis by NAA; specimens that are too small can result in analyses that may
not be r ep resentative of the overall (bulk) composition, as demonstrated by
Randich and Grant (2006).
The description of our measurement experiment can be found in the
3. Statistical analysis of Dr. Guinn’s data. Dr. Guinn grouped the bul-
let fragments show n in Table
1 into two groups. Fragments CE 399 and CE
842 formed one group and fragments CE 567, CE 843 and CE 840 formed
the second group. Guinn testified [U.S. Cong. House (
1979)] that only two
bullets represented the sources of th ose fragments. It is clear that CE 567
and CE 840 antimony measurements are ±4 estimated stand ard errors (of
the mean) apart. Thus, we consider here a ±4 standard error method in or-
der to remain consistent with Dr. Guinn’s testimony. [A r ecent NRC report
(2004) found that the stand ard procedure used by the FBI to match bullet
fragments or bullets was based on ±2 standard deviations. When there are 4
replicate measurements the ±4 standard error matching method is the same
as that used by the FBI.] Later in this paper we also consider a ±2 stan-
dard error matching criteria for matching our bullet measurements to Dr.
Guinn’s bullet fragment measurements. As Rahn and Sturdivan (2004) indi-
cate, with the exception of C E 840, Dr. Guinn’s measurements involved only
one measurement of each specimen, so the estimated standard deviations and
estimated standard errors are the same and are based upon Poisson counting
statistics. The NRC report (
2004) also discusses other matching techniques
such as the equivalence t-test and a multivariate Hotelling’s T
Bias associated with any measurement system changes with time. To min-
imize this bias, it was common for th e FBI crime lab to measure bullets or
bullet fragments obtained from the crime scene and from a suspect within
a short time frame. Dr. Guinn’s measurements were made over a short time
period and, hence, bias is not an issue for grouping h is measurements. In
Fig. 1. ( a) Boxplots for silver and antimony measurements for lot 6000; ( b) boxplots
for silver and antimony measurements for lot 6003P; ( c) boxplots of silver and antimony
measurements for lot 6003.
this report we included a bias correction for time as an additional com-
ponent to the bullet comparisons. Based upon measurements on our three
“standards,” we have a mean offset from the certified values between 2%
and 5.4%. Therefore, a bias correction to the antimony measurements that
adds 2% to 5.4% is appropriate. This results in a match with one of our
bullets with CE 567 that we will describe below. For the same reasons for
silver, we added 5.5% to our measurements. As a result, th e same bullet
matches CE 567 at ±2 standard errors. Alternative approaches based on
components of error adjustments are problematic, since Guinn’s standard
error estimates do not h ave traditional degrees of freedom associated with
them. Dr. Guinn’s uncertainty estimates do not take into account many
sources of error, such as repositioning of samples, biases or instrument ab-
normalities. We invite readers who wish to u s e a different method for bias
correction to consult our measurements on standards available in the online
supporting material. Given the overlap in the boxplots in Figure
1 below, it
is clear that many fragments corresponding to different Western Cartridge
Company Mannlicher–Carcano bullets match on the two elements antimony
and silver.
The NRC report (2004) recommends that seven elements be us ed for
matching, and it is clear that many fragments that match on two elements
may not match on th ree or more elements.
Of particular note is ou r bullet number one from lot 6003. We compare the
outer, middle and inner fragments as well as the combined measurements to
Guinn’s measured fragment CE 567 (see Table
2), where means and standard
errors are given.
Applying the criterion of ±4 standard err ors , both the identified f rag-
ments and combined measurements from bu llet 1 in lot 6003 would belong
to Group 2 of Guinn’s classification of fragments. The ±2-standard error
match criterion fails, but that ignores the fact that there likely are biases in
both Guinn’s measurements and ours. As previously discussed, our biases
are assessed to be approximately 5% to a positive 9.8% relative bias for
silver and from 5.4% to 2% r elative bias for antimony (data available
within the online supporting documents). Once the adjustment for bias is
performed, we can see that all fragments, labeled or not, have a ± two stan-
dard error match for antimony, but only the fragments labeled by position
have a two standard error match for silver.
If every bullet ever manufactured, or if every bullet in a local geographic
area, was of the same composition, there would be little or no forensic value
of a claimed “match or “nonmatch.” As discussed in Tobin and Thompson
Assuming you are satisfied that . . . specimens were properly characterized
as indistinguishable ( therefore a “match” or “inclusion”), the next step for
assessment of forensic significance involves estimation of probabilities for de-
termination of probative value. . . . there are two crucial questions: (1) how
likely are the observed results if the samples had a common source; and (2)
how likely are the observed results if the samples did not have a common
source? Without valid answers to both questions, there is no way to assess the
probative value of the forensic evidence for proving that the “matching” items
had a common source.
Table 2
Bullet # 1 lot 6003 measurements by radial location and combined giving summary statistics for antimony and silver
Degrees Degrees
of freedom Silver, ppm of freedom Antimony, ppm Antimony
Location (silver) (Mean ± standard error) Silver bias range (antimony) (Mean ± standard error) bias range
Outer fragment 3 6.30 ± 0.13 5.5% t o + 9.8% 3 578 ± 9.75 5.4% to 2%
Middle fragment 2 6.66 ± 0.05 5.5% t o + 9.8% 2 585 ± 6.97 5.4% to 2%
Inner fragment 3 6.35 ± 0.14 5.5% t o + 9.8% 3 581 ± 7.56 5.4% to 2%
All measurements 19 6.30 ± 0.06 5.5% t o + 9.8% 17 576 ± 3.47 5.4% to 2%
for this bullet
Table 3
Summary statistics for bullets 1, 8, 9 and 10 from lot 6003 by radial location for
antimony and silver
Outer N Middle N Inner N Whole bullet N
Antimony (Sb)
1 578 ± 19.5 4 585 ± 12.1 3 581 ± 15.1 4 576 ± 3.47 18
8 957 ± 4.86 3 952 ± 17.4 3 963 ± 16.3 3 966 ± 7.32 12
9 1829 ± 61.4 3 1806 ± 18.1 3 1869 ± 13.4 3 1834 ± 14.3 9
10 260 ± 10.0 3 262 ± 0.180 3 258 ± 4.69 3 260 ± 1.93 9
Silver (Ag)
1 6.30 ± 0.26 4 6.66 ± 0.09 3 6.35 ± 0.27 4 6.30 ± 0.06 20
8 6.90 ± 0.14 3 6.79 ± 0.16 3 6.73 ± 0.18 3 6.81 ± 0.04 18
9 8.71 ± 0.38 3 8.51 ± 0.28 3 8.68 ± 0.42 3 8.66 ± 0.08 18
10 5.04 ± 0.25 3 5.21 ± 0.09 3 5.14 ± 0.16 3 5.04 ± 0.05 18
Some of the information needed to properly assess the value of Dr. Guinn’s
data an d testimony r elate to both compositional homogeneity and compo-
sitional uniqueness (individuality) of the Mannlicher–Carcano bullets. For
example, how compositionally homogeneous (uniform) was each batch of
bullets made by Mannlicher–Carcano (homogeneity), how compositionally
homogeneous are the individual bullets d erived from each batch (homogene-
ity), and how f requently do Mannlicher–Carcano bullets and bullets from
other manufacturers “match in composition (uniqueness).
Dr. Guinn testified about the homogeneity of Western Cartridge Company
bullets to the House Select Committee on Assassinations [U.S. Cong. House
(1979)], “One can only show what information we do have, and that is that
you simply do not find a wide variation in composition within individual
Western Cartridge Company Mannlicher–Carcano bullets, but you do find
wide composition differences from bullet to bullet for this kind of bullet
lead.” This section further investigates this claim with regard to our study.
4. Bullet homogeneity. In our study we sampled the outer, middle and
inner radial regions of each of four bullets. The four bullets were chosen
based on preliminary measurements that best matched the assassination
fragments. Table
3 gives the means and standard errors of antimony and
silver measurements for the four bullets. Results in Table
3 are given at
the radial portion of the bullet at which measurements were recorded. In
addition, summaries for the entire bullet (which include measurements both
labeled and unlabeled in terms of radial position) are reported in Table
The differences in composition within a bullet are m arginally detectable
even with the small sample sizes used in our study. Our working hypothesis
for this study is that bullets can be m odeled as reasonably homogeneous
in composition. However, in part because of variations in fabrication prac-
tices, and in light of the recent findings of Randich and Grant (
2006), some
bullets may not be homogeneous, disallowing homogeneity as a universal as-
sumption. For example, when we compare silver from the middle and outer
fragments of our bullet one from lot 6003, the p-value for comparing means
using a pooled t-test (Fisher’s LSD) is just less th an 0.08 and when com-
paring arsenic f or the middle and inner fragments for arsenic from the same
bullet, the p-value is about 0.06. (Log-transformed data analysis produce
similar p-values.) When a two-way multivariate analysis of variance on log
silver and log arsenic with interaction term (factors “bullet” and “location”)
test is run using the three bullets from lot 6003, with replicates for both log
silver and log arsenic, the p-value for bullet homogeneity is 0.04 (using Wilk’s
lambda; it is slightly lower using Hotelling–Lawley). These tests should be
considered exploratory because of the small sample sizes and because other
hypotheses were evaluated that did not show extraordinarily s tr ong differ-
ences in homogeneity.
5. Using the compositional bullet evidence. To decide whether the com-
positional bullet lead evidence sup ports one shooter or more than one shooter,
it is useful to use the ratio of pr ob abilities
Pr(T |E)
T |E)
, where T den otes two bul-
lets used in the assassination,
T denotes its complement (in this case three
or more bullets since at least two bullets were involved in the assassination),
and E s tands for evidence. As in Carriquiry (
2006), Bayes theorem can be
used to obtain the equation
Pr(T |E)
T |E)
Pr(E|T )
T )
Pr(T )
T )
The ratio on the left-hand side of th e equation is a ratio of the probabilities
for two bullets as the sou rce for the five JFK fragments in question versu s
more than two bullets being the source for the five JFK fragments. The
first ratio on the right-hand side is the ratio of probabilities f or th e evidence
given two bullets versus having more than two bullets. This ratio allows us
to decide whether, given the evidence, two bullets or more than two bullets
is more likely.
Supporters of the lone-assassin interpretation, including Gerald Posner
1993), insist that Oswald missed the limousine occupants entirely with one
of three shots, leaving only two of Oswald’s bullets to wound President
Kennedy and Governor Connally; therefore, a third shot s tr iking both vic-
tims would require an additional shooter. Under this scenario, the second
ratio on the right-hand side of the equation represents a ratio of the prior
probabilities that we believe that there was a single shooter versus the fact
that there are multiple shooters. This ratio is assessed independently of the
compositional bullet measurements. In assessing the value of the evidence,
characterizing the number of distinct compositional bullet groups in a box
is important. To illustrate this point, we consider a situation similar to the
outcome of our measurements from the ten bullet measurements fr om lot
6000. (These measurements are provided in the online supplemental materi-
als.) To keep calculations as simple as possible and to emphasize that what is
assumed about the number of m atching bullets in a box matters, we assume
no measurement error and no heterogeneity issues in the following calcula-
tion. We illustrate the calculation of the probability ratio by considering that
the evidence of two bullets making up the five assassination fragments came
from two or three bullets. We assume that there are two distinct groups of
bullets from among ten measured bullets. This is similar to the groupings
obtained for lot 6000 bullets using the ± four s tandard error criteria. We
assume that there are six bullets in one group and four bullets in the other
group. The hypergeometric distribution is an appropriate model distribution
to use. If only two bullets were chosen, from our 10 b ullets then there would
be a 53.3% chance that two of them would come from two different groups .
If three bullets were chosen, then there would be an 80% chan ce that they
came from two groups. Thus, the critical ratio
Pr(E|T )
T )
. Since this ratio
is less th an 1, Dr. Guinn’s testimony that the evidence supports two and
only two bullets making up the five JFK fragments is fundamentally flawed,
unless one places a very strong prior probability on T .
Dr. Guinn testified that essentially every bullet in a box of Mannlicher–
Carcano bullets is unique and un der that assumption, his conclusions are
more logical. Our measurements on three different boxes of these bullets in-
dicate a great many bullets have two element matches within a box. If more
elements are measured and then compared for each bullet, there may be
fewer within box matches. Also, if m ore elements are chemically analyzed,
the JFK fragments may reasonably be placed into more th an two groups.
It is not known whether or not there was a second shooter. However, if
there was a second shooter, the possibility exits that the bullets came from
different boxes. The calculations above show that it is n ot possible from
the compositional bullet lead analysis to conclude that there were only two
bullets as the source of the five assassination fragments as Dr. Guinn tes-
tified. The answer could change dramatically depending upon assumptions.
By r eanalyzing the JFK bullet fragments to measure more elements, it may
be possible to provide substantial evidence of more than two bullets as the
source of the assassination fragments if there were, in fact, more than two
bullets used. However, if bullets came from the same box, clear evidence of
more than two bullets may not be present because many bullets in the same
box typically have similar chemical compositions.
6. Summary and conclusions. We presented results from a study where
ten bullets from each of three boxes of Mannlicher–Carcano bullets were
analyzed for chemical composition. Compositional data from the ten bullets
sampled from each box were compared to Dr. Guinn’s testimony before the
House Select Committee on Assassinations [U.S. Cong. House (
1979)] re-
garding assassination bullet f ragment compositions and also to the findings
of the NRC in their report Weighing Bullet Lead Evidence (2004). We
found that many bullets within a box of Mannlicher–Carcano bullets have
similar composition. Further, we found that one of the thirty bullets ana-
lyzed in our study also compositionally matched one of the fragments from
the assassination analyzed by Dr. Guinn [U.S. Cong. House (1979)]. If we
allow for the bias associated with Dr. Guinn’s measurements, it is possible
that there would be even more matches among our bullets with the JFK
fragments. We have shown that two-element chance matches to assassina-
tion fragments are not extraordinarily rare. Further, we have shown that if
bullets come from the same box, they are even less rare. Given the signifi-
cance and impact of the JFK assassination, it is scientifically desirable for
the evidentiary fragments to be reanalyzed. The reanalysis should include
at least the seven elements id entified in the NRC r eport (
2004), should es-
tablish the scientific basis for matching f ragments originating from a single
bullet, and should address the critically important issues of b ullet and source
The analyses performed in this study were designed to be comparable to
the 1977 Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) work of Guinn (1979). Vari-
ations in protocol were made to accommodate differences in reactors and
counting instrumentation used by the different research teams. In the sub-
sequent 30 years, significant advancements in detectors and electronics have
occurred. Modern computing has f acilitated rigorous peak extraction meth-
ods and analytical corrections. Still, the basic method used in both cases
was very similar, and no development discounts the quality of the Guinn
The bullet lead matrix poses special concerns durin g NAA due to its heavy
mass. The neutrons used as the analytical probe in th is method find th e lead
sample to be fairly transparent, but the gamma-ray which is emitted from
the subsequent decaying nuclide of the element of interest is likely to be
attenuated. The issue is to ensure that any s elf-absorption [Knoll (
of the gamma-rays is minimized and, if possible, corrected for. Since the
likelihood of absorption is based on the path length of the emission through
the sample as well as the absorption coefficient in lead, it is b en efi cial to use
small samples.
Guinn used sample masses ranging from 1 to 50 mg, sizes dictated by the
fragments available. The bullet r ecovered f rom Governor Connelly’s stretcher
(the “stretcher” bullet) was drilled and the resulting d rillings/powder ana-
lyzed. In Guinn’s study (
1979), correcting f or sample self-absorption because
of variable geometry was difficult. In our study we used fragment ch ips pre-
pared from the bullet lead m aterial weighing 15 to 20 mg that had maximum
linear dimensions between 0.1 mm and 1.5 mm, averaging 0.4 mm. Loss of
gamma intensity by absorption should average about 2.47% to 3.34% for
the range of gamma energies used at this average distance. Rather than risk
inaccurate adju s tments due to irregular specimen geometries, we included
credible ranges for self-absorption in the calculation of the bias contribution
to our uncertainty estimates.
Sample positioning in the neutron flux and counting positions is critical.
The use of small samples to minimize self-absorption resulted in the n eed
for additional measures to ensure that the sample was held at a precise
location in the sample irradiation package. Sample portions were selected
from the test bullets according to three different protocols. Three samples
were prepared for each of 10 bullets from lot 6000 and a putative 6003 lot,
for a total of 60 samples. We r efer to this later set of bullets as coming from
lot 6003P. Efforts were made to maximize the spread of locations samp led
within a bullet. Additionally, ten bullets known to be fr om lot 6003 were
sampled in a similar fashion, except three samples were removed fr om each
of the three locations chosen for a total of nine samples per bullet, or 90
for the lot. Finally, several bullets (bullet numbers 1, 8, 9 and 10) from lot
6003 were sampled a second time. At each of the three sampling locations
of these bullets, the three samples were taken fr om an interior slice with one
sample representing the radial center of the bullet (inside), one representing
the middle and one near the outside surface of the bullet (outside). Samples
were prepared following Guinn’s procedure (
1979) and packaged into pre-
cleaned polyethylene vials.
Standardization—Commercial plasma solutions were used for comparator
NAA standards.
Standards were prep ared by depositing, and then drying,
weighed portions of liquid solutions of know n concentrations of the elements
of interest into irradiation vials prepared exactly as for the bullet samples.
Silver standards were prepared separately with approximately 2 micrograms
of element deposited into each standard. Composite standards were prepared
for arsenic, antimony and copper by depositing about 6, 19 and 12 micro-
grams respectively.
Quality material selection—Standard Reference Material Bullet Lead,
SRM C2416 produced by the National Institute for Standards and Tech-
Alfa Aesar, Specpure Plasma Standards, Ward Hill, MA.
nology (NIST )
is intended for use as a composition standard for optical
emission spectroscopy (OES). The standard is not sectioned, but rather a
newly exposed surface is presented to the instrumentation for analysis. Al-
though NIST does not certify the homogeneity of the bulk standard nor
provide a “minimum sample mass” as they do with standards intended for
sub-sampling, and since no other reference material of similar matrix to our
samples was available, the C2416 standard was the only feasible selection.
We included three analyses of NIS T SRM 1571, Orchard Leaves for arsenic,
as well as three analyses of a second independ ent set of plasma standards
(referred to here as Tr ace Element Research Laboratory standard s )
from a
different manufacturer for silver, and six analyses for the other elements.
Irradiations and Counting—All ir radiations were perf ormed at the Texas
A and M University’s Nuclear Science Center 1 MW T.R.I.G.A. research
reactor. The irradiation positions include a pneumatic tube and rotisseries,
both with nominal neutron fluxes of 1 × 10
Silver was determined using the p neumatic facility by sequentially irra-
diating standards, unknowns and quality materials for 60 s (T
), followed
by a 30 s delay (T
) and a 180 s count period (T
). The
Ag(n, γ)
reaction induced by thermal neutrons dur ing the irradiation gave rise to the
657 keV gamma line (E
) from
Ag which decays with a 24 s half-life
). Measurements were taken us ing standard gamma-ray spectrometer
Arsenic, antimony and copper were each determined using longer-lived
isotop es; therefore, a rotisserie irradiation of two hours was employed. Neu-
tron capture reactions were responsible for production of indicator isotopes
As (t
= 26.4 h, E
= 559 keV),
= 2.70 d, E
= 564 keV) and
= 12.7 h, E
= 511 keV). Samples were counted in irradiation
batches with each irradiation can being pr ocessed in consecutive counts on
a single detector system.
Details of quality contr ol material analyses are in supporting material but,
in each case, the standard deviation of measurement distributions overlaps
with the quoted uncertainty of NIST values. NIST specifies that the uncer-
tainties for their certified standard values are not statistically derived mea-
sures of variability but rather are “based on judgment.” Tabulated r esults of
Tr ace Elements Research Lab standards are available in online supporting
National Bureau of Standards, Certificate of Analysis, Standard Reference Material
C2416, Bullet Lead, February 16, 1988, Gaithersburg, MD.
National Bureau of Standards, Certificate of Analysis, Standard Reference Material
1571, Orchard Leaves, January 28, 1971, revised August 15, 1976, Gaithersburg, MD.
Trace Element Research Laboratory Standards (TERL), Inorganic Ventures, Lake-
wood, NJ.
Acknowledgments. The authors are grateful to the Editors and an As-
sociate Editor for many helpful comments that led to an imp roved paper.
Carriquiry, A. (2006). Comment: “Further arguments against CABL as a forensic tool.”
Chance 19 25–26.
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Knoll, G. F. (1979). Radiation Detection and Measurement. Wiley, New York.
National Research Council (2004). Forensic Analysis: Weighing Bullet Lead Evidence.
The National Academies Press, Washington, DC.
Peele, E. R., Havekost, D. G., Halberstam, R. C., Koons, R. D., Peters, C. A.
and Riley, J. P. (1991). Comparison of bullets using the elemental composition of
the lead component. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Forensic
Aspects of Trace Evidence 57–68. US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC.
Posner, G. (1993). Case Closed. Bantam, New York.
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The case of bullet lead data as forensic evidence. Chance 19 17–24.
Sturdivan, L. M. and Rahn, K. A. (2004). Neutron activation and the JFK assassina-
tion. Part II. Exten ded benefits. J. Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 262 215–222.
Tobin, W. A. and Thompson, W. C. (2006). Evaluating and challenging forensic iden-
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U.S. Congress House, Select Committee on Assassinations. (1979). Report of the
Select Commitee on Assassinations of the U.S. House of Representatives. 95th Cong.,
2nd Sess., House Report No. 95-1828, Part 1-b, Washington, GPO.
C. Spiegelman
S. J. Sheather
Department of Statistics
Texas A&M University
3143 TAMU
College Station, Texas 77843-3143
W. A. Tobin
Forensic Engineering International
2708 Little Gunstock Rd.
Lake Anna, Virginia 23024-8882
W. D. James
Center for Chemical Characterization
and Analysis
Texas A&M University
3144 TAMU
College Station, Texas 77843-3144
S. Wexler
Humanities and Advanced
Placement Government
Highstown High School
25 Leshin Lane
Hightstown, New Jersey 08520
D. M. Roundhill
Chem Consulting
13325 Black Canyon Drive
Austin, Texas 78729