1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Summary of Changes
USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25, October 1, 2010
Civilian and Military Personnel
USMEPCOM Awards Program (UAP)
Minor policy and administrative revisions have been made to this regulation. Policy revisions are
identified below; administrative revisions are not identified below. It is highly recommended that
this regulation be reviewed in its entirety to have a clear understanding of all revisions. Revisions
made to this regulation are as follows:
Incorporating changes effective January 10, 2018.
Paragraph 2-5: Added complete rewrite of 2-5
Incorporating changes effective April 18, 2013.
Table 2-1: Updates JSCM and JSAM due dates to HQ/J-1
Table 2-1: Updates reference for MOVSM
Paragraph 2-2c(4): Adds requirement to submit a Late Letter
Paragraph 2-2c(5): Adds requirement to submit Retirement/Separation Orders
Figures 2-1 thru 2-5: Updates sample formats
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
USMEPCOM Regulation
October 1, 2010
No. 600-25
Incorporating changes effective April 18, 2013
Effective: October 1, 2010
Civilian and Military Personnel
Deputy Commander/Chief of Staff
J.M. Davis
USMEPCOM Publications Officer
A (Electronic only publication)
Summary. This regulation establishes policies and procedures for the United States Military Entrance
Processing Command (USMEPCOM) Awards Program (UAP).
Applicability. This regulation applies to all elements of USMEPCOM.
Supplementation. Supplementation to this regulation is prohibited without prior approval from
Headquarters, United States Military Entrance Processing Command (HQ USMEPCOM), Human
Resources Directorate, (HQ USMEPCOM, ATTN: J-1/MEHR, 2834 Green Bay Road, North Chicago, IL
Suggested improvements. The proponent agency of this regulation is the HQ USMEPCOM, Human
Resources Directorate (J-1/MEHR). Users may send comments and suggested improvements by
memorandum or Department of the Army (DA) Form 2028
(Recommended Changes to Publications and
Blank Forms) to HQ USMEPCOM, ATTN: J-1/MEHR, 2834 Green Bay Road, North Chicago, Illinois
Internal control process. This regulation contains internal control provisions and provides an internal
control evaluation checklist (appendix C
) evaluating internal controls.
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
*This regulation supersedes USMEPCOM Regulation 600-23, chapter 6, April 29, 2010; USMEPCOM
Regulation 608-1, paragraph 4-6, October 4, 2006; and USMEPCOM Regulation 690-13, chapter 4,
March 16, 2005.
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Table of Contents (TOC)
Paragraph Page
Chapter 1
Purpose ` 1-1 1
References 1-2 1
Abbreviations and Terms 1-3 1
Responsibilities 1-4 1
Objective 1-5 2
Nonmonetary spending limitations 1-6 2
Unit coins 1-7 2
Internal Control Evaluation Checklist 1-8 2
Chapter 2
Military Awards, Decorations, and Special Recognition Programs
Overview 2-1 3
Department of Defense (DoD) Decorations and Service medals 2-2 3
Service-Specific Decorations 2-3 5
Service-Specific Special Awards and Recognition 2-4 5
USMEPCOM-Specific Special Awards and Recognition 2-5 5
Chapter 3
Civilian Awards, Decorations, and Special Recognition
Section I
Purpose 3-1 26
Administration 3-2 26
USMEPCOM Incentive Awards review process 3-3 26
Section II
Superior Accomplishment Awards
Types of awards 3-4 26
Nomination criteria 3-5 26
Approval levels 3-6 27
Nomination procedures 3-7 27
Section III
Performance Awards
Purpose of award 3-8 28
Eligibility 3-9 28
Approval authority 3-10 28
Amount of award 3-11 28
Nominations for Performance Awards 3-12 28
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Paragraph Page
Section IV
Purpose of award 3-13 28
Procedures 3-14 29
QSI authorizations 3-15 29
Eligibility criteria 3-16 29
Section V
Honorary Awards
General 3-17 29
Type of awards 3-18 30
Approval levels 3-19 30
Nomination procedures 3-20 30
Section VI
Miscellaneous Awards
Coins 3-21 35
General 3-22 35
Retirement certificates 3-23 35
Career service certificates and pins 3-24 37
Section VII
Various Annual Awards Competitions – Federal Government
General 3-25 37
Section VIII
USMEPCOM Outstanding Civilian Employees of the Quarter
Purpose 3-26 37
Competing categories 3-27 38
Criteria for award 3-28 38
Nomination procedures 3-29 38
Selection board procedures 3-30 38
Recognition 3-31 38
Section IX
USMEPCOM Outstanding Civilian Employees of the Year
Purpose 3-32 39
Competing categories 3-33 39
Award Criteria 3-34 39
Nomination procedures 3-35 39
Selection board procedures 3-36 39
Recognition 3-37 39
Section X
USMEPCOM Certificates
Purpose 3-38 40
Approval of certificates 3-39 40
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Paragraph Page
Chapter 4
Volunteer Service Awards
Section I
Purpose 4-1 41
Eligibility 4-2 41
Administration 4-3 41
Volunteer Service Award 4-4 41
Types of awards 4-5 41
Approval authority 4-6 41
Award criteria 4-7 42
Procedures for processing awards 4-8 43
Certificate preparation 4-9 43
Chapter 5
Public Service Awards
Section 1
Purpose 5-1 44
Eligibility 5-2 44
Nomination procedures 5-3 44
Approval authority 5-4 44
. Common DoD Decorations and Service Medals Awarded in
. Approval Levels for Superior Accomplishment Awards 27
3-2. QSI Authorizations 29
3-3. Honorary Awards Approval Levels 30
3-4. Quarterly Award Timelines 38
4-1. Approval Authority for Volunteer Service Awards 42
5-1. Public Service Awards Approval Authority 44
. Format for an award recommendation memorandum 7
2-2. Sample JSAM Award recommendation package 9
2-3. Sample JSCM Award recommendation package 13
2-4. Sample DMSM Award recommendation package 17
2-5. Sample wording for award citations 21
2-6. Sample of a completed USMEPCOM Form 600-25-1-E 22
3-1. Sample of a completed DA Form 1256 (for USMEPCOM Certificate of
Achievement) 31
. Sample of a completed DA Form 1256 (for an Army Certificate of
Achievement) 32
. Sample written justification (for a USMEPCOM and Army Certificate 33
of Achievement)
. Sample draft citation (for a USMEPCOM and Army Certificate of Achievement) 34
3-5. Sample request for a White House Letter of Appreciation 36
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
. References 45
B. Sample Citations 50
C. Internal Control Evaluation Checklist USMEPCOM Awards Program 52
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Chapter 1
1-1. Purpose
This regulation establishes USMEPCOM Awards Program (UAP) policies and procedures in the United
States Military Entrance Processing Command (USMEPCOM).
1-2. References
References are listed in appendix A
1-3. Abbreviations and terms
Abbreviations and terms used in this regulation are explained in the glossary
1-4. Responsibilities
a. Commander, USMEPCOM, will—
(1) Delegate authority for the UAP to each level of command as appropriate.
(2) Implement an awards management program according to appropriate Service policies.
(3) Ensure civilian and military awards are in compliance with other program areas of the civilian
personnel and military personnel management programs.
b. Sector commanders will
(1) Administer the UAP and use the servicing Civilian Personnel Office (CPO) for technical advice
and assistance.
(2) Appoint a sector point of contact for administrative coordination, statistical and program status
reporting, and information dissemination among sectors.
Note: Administrative coordination does not include assuming authority for individual commanders/
supervisors or providing technical advice for the CPO.
(3) Monitor the execution of the UAP.
(4) Recommend program adjustment and development as necessary to enhance mission
(5) Forward local recommendations and requests to HQ USMEPCOM.
(6) At their discretion, develop policies and procedures for sector recognition programs.
c. Battalion and Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) commanders will
(1) Rely on the supervisor of the nearest or most practicable CPO for day-to-day servicing
(2) Implement and support personnel awards programs developed at higher levels.
(3) Forward recommendations and requests through channels to the proponent section at HQ
USMEPCOM for command-unique workforce management needs.
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
d. The Director, J-1/MEHR, USMEPCOM, will
(1) Serve as the USMEPCOM Awards Program Manager (UAPM).
(2) Monitor the effectiveness of the UAP.
e. The Director, J-8/MERM, USMEPCOM, will
(1) At the beginning of each fiscal year, review and establish award funding targets, in conjunction
with sector and HQ USMEPCOM staff elements, to support monetary and nonmonetary recognition
1-5. Objective
The objective of the UAP is to provide recognition for acts of exceptional service or achievement.
1-6. Nonmonetary spending limitations
Nonmonetary recognition items will not exceed $200 per individual award. Recognition items will be
clearly identified with insignia or appropriate verbiage as an award.
1-7. Unit coins
Unit coins are used by the Commander, USMEPCOM, and sector commanders to reward performance
excellence. This recognition must be on a one-time basis where the accomplishment is unique and clearly
contributes to increased effectiveness or efficiency; this includes competitions. Coins will not be used as
mementos for tours of service or given to individuals as a contribution to a personal coin collection.
Commanders will use prudence in the presentation of coins. Guidance on purchasing coins is located in
USMEPCOM Regulation 710-2 (Requisition and Issue of Supplies and Equipment)
, paragraph 2-9.
1-8. Internal Control Evaluation Checklist
Commanders and supervisors will use the internal control evaluation checklist in appendix C
to evaluate
key internal controls. Commanders and supervisors will use DA Form 11-2 (Internal Control Evaluation
Certification) to document internal control evaluations.
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Chapter 2
Military Awards, Decorations, and Special Recognition
2-1. Overview
USMEPCOM recognizes the contributions of our military personnel with Joint Military Awards,
decorations, and other forms of special recognition. Levels of awards must be commensurate with the
contribution for both impact awards (for specific event or achievement) and sustained superior performance
awards (tour awards). Award recommendations must also be commensurate with the member’s degree of
responsibility. As USMEPCOM is a jointly staffed Command, Joint Military Awards will be considered
before Service-specific awards. This does not preclude a recommendation for a Service-specific award
(e.g., Meritorious Service Medal). As an exception, Service-specific awards may be considered for
retirement awards. File award documentation under ARIMS record number (RN) 600-8-22b3; see
disposition instructions in appendix A
, section VI.
2-2. Department of Defense (DoD) Decorations and Service Medals
a. See table 2-1, below, for common DoD decorations and Service medals awarded in USMEPCOM.
Table 2-1
Common DoD Decorations and Service Medals Awarded in USMEPCOM
Decoration/Medal Approval Authority
Defense Distinguished Service Medal (DDSM) Secretary of Defense
120 days
Defense Superior Service Medal (DSSM)
Director, Joint Staff, Chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Defense Meritorious Service Medal (DMSM)
Commander, U.S. Army
Accessions Command
90 days
Joint Service Commendation Medal (JSCM) Commander USMEPCOM 60 days
Joint Service Achievement Medal (JSAM)
Commander USMEPCOM/Sector
60 days
Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal
(See DoD Manual 1348.33-V2, Section 13, for award
eligibility/criteria and sample submission format)
Commander USMEPCOM/Sector
30 days
Service-specific decorations See Service regulation 120 days
*The number of days reflected is the number of days prior to the proposed presentation date that the
recommendation must be submitted to HQ/J-1.
b. Recommending official. Any individual can recommend a decoration for another individual.
However, the minimum level of authority for further processing the recommendation is as follows:
(1) To Commander, USMEPCOM, for approval. Must be submitted by sector commanders,
directors, or special staff officers.
(2) To sector commanders for approval. Must be submitted through chain of command.
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
c. Preparation of decoration recommendation package. To ensure eligibility and standardization
command wide, use the following documentation in (1) through (3), below, to recommend decorations.
For memorandum format and sample packages, see figures 2-1 through 2-4
(1) Recommendation memorandum. For the JSAM, the recommendation memorandum will be
addressed to the sector commander. For the JSCM and higher level decorations the recommendation
memorandum will be addressed to the Commander, USMEPCOM, ATTN: J-1/MEHR, through the sector
commander. Each recommendation memorandum will be endorsed by the MEPS commander, battalion
commander, sector commander, and Commander, USMEPCOM (as applicable) recommending approval,
disapproval, downgrade, or upgrade of the decoration.
(2) Narrative. The narrative for the DDSM and DSSM will not exceed three single-spaced pages.
The narrative for the DMSM, JSCM, and JSAM will not exceed one single-spaced page. The narrative will
be written in paragraph form using Times New Roman and 13-pitch font. The narrative should be specific
and factual, giving concrete examples of the military member’s accomplishments (what was accomplished,
how it was accomplished, what benefits/results were realized as a result of the member’s actions, and how
such benefits/results significantly exceeded superior performance of duty).
(3) Citation. The citation will not exceed 16 single-spaced typed lines for the body. Citations will
be landscaped and will be written using 14-pitch font with left and right margins set at 1 inch. See
2-5 for sample wording for award citations.
(4) Late Letter. Any award recommendation package not submitted in accordance with the
timelines established in table 2-1
must include a late letter with justification detailing the reason(s) the
award recommendation package is being submitted late. Late letters must be signed by a Commander,
Director, or Special Staff Officer as appropriate.
(5) Retirement/Separation Orders. Any award recommendation package being submitted as a
result of an approved retirement/separation must include a copy of the retirement/separation orders.
d. Submission procedures. For the JSAM, scan and send a signed recommendation memorandum,
narrative, and citation via e-mail to the sector commander for approval/disapproval. For the JSCM and
higher-level awards, send a signed recommendation memorandum (scanned), narrative, and citation to the
sector commander for review/endorsement. Upon completion of sector commander’s review, he or she will
endorse the recommendation and recommend approval, disapproval, upgrade, or downgrade and forward
the recommendation package, via e-mail to HQ USMEPCOM, Chief, Mission Support Division, (J-
1/MEHR-MS) for further processing.
e. Approval authority. The USMEPCOM Commander has the authority to award the JSCM and the
JSAM. The USMEPCOM Commander has delegated authority to award the JSAM to sector commanders.
Award authority will not be delegated any further. Any commander may recommend a downgrade of the
JSCM recommendation; however, the USMEPCOM Commander retains the final authority to award the
JSCM or a lesser award. Further delegation is prohibited. Higher level decorations will be processed
through the USMEPCOM Commander to the appropriate approval authority.
f. Orders distribution and decoration elements. Upon final approval of a decoration, decoration
elements (orders, citation, and decoration) will be provided to the military member. Every effort will be
made to ensure the decoration is presented and decoration elements are provided to the member prior to
departure from the MEPS. It is the military member’s responsibility to engage their respective Service’s
personnel office to ensure the decoration is updated in their military records.
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
2-3. Service-Specific decorations
Contact USMEPCOM Service liaisons, for Service-specific decoration submission and processing
2-4. Service-Specific special awards and recognition
Contact USMEPCOM Service liaisons for Service-specific special awards and recognition programs (i.e.,
Air Force Personnel Manager of the Year, Air Force Company Grade Officer of the Year, etc., and/or
Service equivalent special awards and recognition).
2-5. Military Member Selection Boards
In order to recognize top performing military members throughout the Command, USMEPCOM
will conduct periodic Military Member Selection Boards. Military members may be nominated in each of
the categories identified in paragraph 2-5a in order to compete for quarterly, semiannual (HQ
USMEPCOM-level only) and annual awards.
a. Categories
(1) Junior Enlisted (E-1 through E-6)
(2) Senior Enlisted (E-7 and E-8 non-Senior Enlisted Advisor)
(3) Junior Officer (O-1 through O-3)
b. Quarterly/Semiannual awards program
(1) Sectors will establish policy and procedures for conducting a quarterly awards program; Military
Member of the Quarter (MMOQ). Sector policy and procedures will specify guidance for soliciting
nominations, conduct of boards, and selection of military members for Sector award recognition. In
addition to the categories identified in paragraph 2-5a, Sectors may establish a fifth category to recognize
top performing field grade officers (O-4 and O-5).
(2) Headquarters and Headquarters Company (HHC) will establish policy and procedures for
conducting a semiannual military member awards program. HHC policy will specify guidance for
soliciting nominations, conduct of boards, and selection of military members for HHC award recognition
in categories identified in paragraph 2-5a.
c. Annual awards program
(1) The USMEPCOM Military Member of the Year (MMOY) awards program will be for the period
of July 1
through June 30
each year. Nominations will be submitted in accordance with procedural
guidelines established annually in a Command Internal Tasker Message. HHC USMEPCOM, and Sector’s
may nominate one military member in each of the categories identified in paragraph 2-5a to compete for
the USMEPCOM MMOY award. Nominations are open to all military members and will not be restricted
to only those who were selected as MMOQ/Semiannual winners.
(2) The USMEPCOM Commander will approve and present annual award winners with a Joint
Service Commendation Medal (JSCM) and 4-day pass.
(3) Sector Commanders will approve and present their respective MMOY board nominees with a
Joint Service Achievement Medal (JSAM) and 3-day pass. For HHC military members only, the HHC
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Commander will prepare and submit a recommendation for award of the JSAM for their respective
nominees through J-1/Mission Support Branch to the USMEPCOM Commander.
d. Preparation and submission of nomination packages
(1) Quarterly/Semiannual nomination packages will be submitted through the military chain of
command in accordance with procedural guidance established by Sector/HHC USMEPCOM using
USMEPCOM Form 600-25-1-E, (USMEPCOM Award Nomination) (see sample at figure 2-6
(2) Annual nomination packages will be submitted through the military chain of command in
accordance with procedural guidance established in a Command Internal Tasker Message using
USMEPCOM Form 600-25-1-E (see sample at figure 2-6
(3) USMEPCOM Form 600-25-1-E
, section III, must be completed using the three category headings
as shown below and in bullet format. Section III may not exceed 39 lines, including category headings.
The number of bullets within each category can be divided among the three categories in any manner. The
three category headers to be used, in order, are as follows (see sample at
figure 2-4):
(a) Leadership and job performance.
(b) Significant self-improvement and personal achievements.
(c) Contributions to the community and/or USMEPCOM.
(4) USMEPCOM Form 600-25-1-E
must be signed by the nominee’s immediate Commander
(Director, or Special Staff Officer for Headquarters-level) as the recommending official.
e. Additional requirements
Military members must also meet the following criteria in order to compete for any boards:
(1) Be assigned or attached to USMEPCOM for the entire period of consideration.
(2) Nominees may be active duty, Reserve, or National Guard members.
(3) Military members with pending, or recent (within last 12 months) administrative corrective action
and/or non-judicial action, are ineligible for competition. Military members must not have an active flag
on file or be barred from reenlistment. If questions exist as to a member’s eligibility, contact the appropriate
service liaison in J-1/Human Resources Directorate.
(4) Meet their Service’s physical fitness, height and weight standards, and present a professional
military appearance.
(5) Maintain exemplary financial responsibility and personal integrity.
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Figure 2-1. Format for an award recommendation memorandum TOC
SUBJECT: Recommendation for Award of the (as applicable)
Under the provisions of DoDM 1348.33, the following military member is recommended for award of
the (as applicable):
a. Rank/grade:
b. Name:
c. Service:
d. Organization of assignment:
e. Duty title:
f. Inclusive dates for which recommended:
g. Reason for the submission: (i.e., PCS on _____, Separation on _____, or Retirement on _____.)
If award recommended is for meritorious achievement, indicate "Impact Award."
h. Requested date of presentation:
i. POC/telephone number:
j. Previous Defense awards and inclusive dates: (See DoDM 1348.33, Appendix 1 to Enclosure 3
for a listing of Defense/Joint Decorations and Awards to be included)
k. No other award for this military member for this action is pending, and no previous award has
been made for the act or service described herein. (It is the responsibility of the recommending official to
ensure compliance with this policy.)
(Signature block of recommending official)
1. Narrative
2. Citation
3. Supporting documentation (if appropriate)
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Figure 2-1. Format for an award recommendation memorandum (endorsements) - continued
SUBJECT: Recommendation for Award of the (as applicable) (military member’s name)
End, MEPS Commander (as applicable) (if MEPS Commander is not the recommending official)
Recommend approval / disapproval / downgrade / upgrade
(MEPS Commander’s signature block)
End, Battalion Commander (as applicable)
Recommend approval / disapproval / downgrade / upgrade
(Battalion Commander’s signature block)
End, Sector Commander (as applicable)
Approved / Disapproved. (For JSAM only)
Recommend approval / disapproval / downgrade / upgrade (for JSCM or higher)
(Sector Commander’s signature block)
End, Commander USMEPCOM (as applicable; WILL BE INPUT BY J-1)
Approved / Disapproved (for JSAM or JSCM)
Recommend approval / disapproval / downgrade / upgrade (for DMSM or higher)
(USMEPCOM Commander signature block)
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Figure 2-2. Sample JSAM award recommendation package (page 1 recommendation memo)
(Appropriate Letterhead)
MEES-SIM August 11, 2010
SUBJECT: Recommendation for Award of the Joint Service Achievement Medal
Under the provisions of DoDM 1348.33, the following military member is recommended for
award of the Joint Service Achievement Medal:
a. Rank/grade: Staff Sergeant/E-6
b. Name: Benjamin F. Pierce
c. Service: Army
d. Organization of assignment: Milwaukee MEPS
e. Duty title: Medical Noncommissioned Officer
f. Inclusive dates for which recommended: October 3, 2007 - October 19, 2010
g. Reason for submission: Retirement on October 19, 2010
h. Requested date of presentation: October 19, 2010
i. POC name/telephone number: CPT Doe John/123-456-7890, ext. 555
j. Previous Defense awards and inclusive dates: JSAM, July 1, 1999-June 30, 2002
k. No other award for this military member for this action is pending, and no previous award has
been made for the act or service described herein. (It is the responsibility of the recommending official to
ensure compliance with this policy.)
John Doe
John Doe
Captain, USA
Operations Officer
1. Narrative
2. Citation
3. Supporting documentation (if appropriate)
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Figure 2-2. Sample JSAM award recommendation package (page 2 – endorsements) continued
Subject: Recommendation for Award of the Joint Service Achievement Medal (Benjamin F. Pierce)
End, Commander, Milwaukee MEPS August 13, 2010
Recommend approval / disapproval / downgrade / upgrade.
Clifford Claven
Clifford Claven
Major, USMC
End, Commander, 6
Battalion August 23, 2010
Recommend approval / disapproval / downgrade / upgrade.
Alexander Rieger
Alexander Rieger
Lieutenant Colonel, USA
End, Commander, Eastern Sector September 13, 2010
Approve / Disapprove
Frederick Sanford
Frederick Sanford
Colonel, USA
Note: For the purpose of this sample only, the gray highlighted text represents the response. Users will
circle the appropriate response.
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Figure 2-2. Sample JSAM award recommendation package (page 3 - narrative) – continued
Staff Sergeant Benjamin F. Pierce, United States Army, distinguished himself by exceptional meritorious
service as Medical Noncommissioned Officer. Milwaukee Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS),
from 3 October 2007 to 19 October 2010. Sergeant Pierce’s performance and leadership contributed to the
successful medical processing of over 9,000 applicants from all branches of the Armed Forces during his
tenure. He was an active participant in the day-to-day screening of all applicants in every aspect of the
medical processing procedure.
Sergeant Pierce’s selfless service, dedication, professionalism and outstanding duty performance at the
Milwaukee MEPS marks a culmination of more than 20 years of faithful service to his country. His
knowledge of medical operations helped him tactically and delicately process issues with recruiting Service
Sergeant Pierce flawlessly managed the requisition and training of all Fee Basis Physicians, which was
crucial to the day-to-day accomplishment of the mission. He ensured Fee Basis Physicians’ credentialing
was met and maintained on file.
Sergeant Pierce oversaw the scheduling and billing process of all consults, ensured all appointments were
made and all visits to outside sources were met. He also ensured all funds were distributed to proper
agencies in a timely manner.
Sergeant Pierce’s outstanding performance and leadership are most deserving of the recognition attained
by the awarding of the Joint Service Achievement Medal.
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Figure 2-2. Sample JSAM award recommendation package (page 4 - citation) continued
Staff Sergeant Benjamin F. Pierce, United States Army, distinguished himself by exceptional meritorious
achievement as Medical Noncommissioned Officer. Milwaukee Military Entrance Processing Station
(MEPS), from 3 October 2007 to 19 October 2010. Sergeant Pierce’s performance and leadership
contributed to the successful medical processing of over 9,000 applicants from all branches of the Armed
Forces. His knowledge of medical operations helped him tactically and delicately process issues with
Recruiting Services Liaisons. He flawlessly managed the requisition and training of all Fee Basis
Physicians, which was crucial to the day-to-day accomplishment of the mission. Sergeant Pierce oversaw
the scheduling and billing process of all consults, ensuring all appointments were made, and all visits to
outside sources were met. Sergeant Pierce’s distinctive accomplishments, perseverance, and steadfast
devotion to duty culminate a distinguished career in the service of his country and reflect great credit upon
him, the United States Military Entrance Processing Command, the United States Army, and the
Department of Defense.
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Figure 2-3. Sample JSCM award recommendation package (page 1 – recommendation memo)
(Appropriate Letterhead)
MEES-SII September 1, 2010
SUBJECT: Recommendation for Award of the Joint Service Commendation Medal
Under the provisions of DoDM 1348.33, the following military member is recommended for
award of the Joint Service Commendation Medal:
a. Rank/grade: Captain/O-3
b. Name: Johnny B. Good
c. Service: Air Force
d. Organization of assignment: Indianapolis MEPS
e. Duty title: Assistant Operations Officer
f. Inclusive dates for which recommended: September 20, 2007 - October 31, 2010
g. Reason for submission: PCS on October 31, 2010
h. Requested date of presentation: October 31, 2010
i. POC name/telephone number: CPT Jane E. Doe/123-456-7890, ext. 555
j. Previous Defense awards and inclusive dates: JSAM, July 1, 2002-June 30, 2005
k. No other award for this military member for this action is pending, and no previous award has
been made for the act or service described herein. (It is the responsibility of the recommending official to
ensure compliance with this policy.)
Jane E.Doe
Jane E.Doe
Captain, USA
Operations Officer
1. Narrative
2. Citation
3. Supporting documentation (if appropriate)
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Figure 2-3. Sample JSCM award recommendation package (page 2 - endorsements) continued
Subject: Recommendation for Award of the Joint Service Commendation Medal (Johnny B. Good)
End, Commander, Indianapolis MEPS September 1, 2010
Recommend approval / disapproval / downgrade / upgrade
George Costanza
Major, USMC
End, Commander, 6
Battalion September 12, 2010
Recommend approval / disapproval / downgrade / upgrade
Arthur Spooner
Lieutenant Colonel, USA
End, Commander, Eastern Sector September 24, 2010
Recommend approval / disapproval / downgrade / upgrade
James Ignatowski
Colonel, USA
End, Commander, USMEPCOM October 1, 2010
Approve / Disapprove
Samuel Malone
Colonel, USAF
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Figure 2-3. Sample JSCM award recommendation package (page 3 - narrative) – continued
Captain Johnny B. Good, United States Air Force, distinguished himself by exceptional meritorious service
as Assistant Operations Officer, Indianapolis Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) from 20
September 2007 to 31 October 2010. Captain Good’s performance and leadership contributed to the
successful processing of over 16,000 physical examinations, 12,000 physical inspections, administration of
over 24,000 ASVAB tests, and the contracting of over 11,000 future warfighters to 10 basic training centers
nationwide with zero incidents.
Captain Good was an active member in the day-to-day screening of all applicants in every aspect of the
MEPS processing procedures. His selfless service, dedication, professionalism and outstanding duty
performance at the Indianapolis MEPS resulted in all five Recruiting Services meeting or exceeding new
contract and shipping goals for 2 fiscal years. His in-depth knowledge of MEPS operations helped him to
tactically and delicately resolve issues with recruiting Service Liaisons.
Captain Good’s action and leadership were instrumental in the Indianapolis MEPS achieving the “MEPS
of Excellence” Award for the 2
Quarter, FY 2009. Captain Good managed the HIV/DAT Verification
Program, ensuring the accurate submission of over 19,000 medical samples with an error rate of less than
0.1 percent for FY 09. Additionally, he oversaw the Command Inspection Program which received a
favorable rating during the most recent USMEPCOM IG inspection.
Captain Good supervised the implementation of the e-Security Biometric System designed to securely
enroll applicants into the Armed Forces. He ensured that over 90 MEPS employees, Service Liaisons and
counselors were properly trained prior to system activation, resulting in a flawless transition to the new
Captain Good’s outstanding performance and leadership are most deserving of the recognition attained by
the awarding of the Joint Service Commendation Medal.
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Figure 2-3. Sample JSCM award recommendation package (page 4 – citation)
Captain Johnny B. Good, United States Air Force, distinguished himself by exceptional meritorious service
as Assistant Operations Officer, Indianapolis Military Entrance Processing Station, from 20 September
2007 to 31 October 2010. Under his supervision, the Indianapolis Military Entrance Processing Station
flawlessly processed over 16,000 physical examinations, administered over 24,000 Armed Services
Vocational Aptitude Battery tests, contracted over 11,000 applicants into the Delayed Entry Program,
accessed over 12,000 applicants and shipped over 11,000 future warfighters to 10 basic training centers
nationwide with zero incidents. Captain Good expertly supervised the implementation of the e-Security
Biometric Enrollment System and ensured over 90 employees, Service Liaisons, and counselors were
properly trained prior to system activation. He managed the Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Drug and
Alcohol Test Verification Program, ensuring the accurate submission of over 19,000 medical samples with
an error rate of less than 0.1 percent. Captain Good’s distinctive accomplishments, perseverance, and
steadfast devotion to duty reflected credit upon him and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the
United States Military Entrance Processing Command, the United States Air Force, and the Department of
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Figure 2-4. Sample DMSM award recommendation package (page 1 – recommendation memo)
(Appropriate Letterhead)
MEWS-TH March 8, 2010
SUBJECT: Recommendation for Award of the Defense Meritorious Service Medal
Under the provisions of DoDM 1348.33, the following military member is recommended for
award of the Defense Meritorious Service Medal:
a. Rank/Grade: Major/O-4
b. Name: Elaine M. Bennis
c. Service: Air Force
d. Organization of assignment: Boise MEPS
e. Duty Title: Commander
f. Inclusive dates for which recommended: July 10, 2007 - July 31, 2010
g. Reason for submission: PCS on July 8, 2010
h. Requested date of presentation: July 8, 2010
i. POC name/telephone number: CPT Shirley Temple/123-456-7890, ext. 555
j. Previous Defense awards and inclusive dates: JSCM, January 15, 1996-January 31, 1999
k. No other award for this military member for this action is pending, and no previous award has
been made for the act or service described herein. (It is the responsibility of the recommending official to
ensure compliance with this policy.)
Benjamin Hill
Benjamin Hill
Lieutenant Colonel, USA
1. Narrative
2. Citation
3. Supporting documentation (if appropriate)
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Figure 2-4. Sample DMSM award recommendation package (page 2 - endorsements) continued
Subject: Recommendation for Award of the Defense Meritorious Service Medal (Elaine Bennis)
End, Commander, Western Sector March 31, 2010
Recommend approval / disapproval / downgrade / upgrade
James Ignatowski
Captain, USN
End, Commander, USMEPCOM April 6, 2010
Recommend approval / disapproval / downgrade / upgrade
Samuel Malone
Colonel, USAF
End, Commander, TRADOC June 5, 2010
Approve / Disapprove
Frasier Crane
General, USA
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Figure 2-4. Sample DMSM award recommendation package (page 3 - narrative) - continued
Major Elaine M. Bennis, United States Air Force, distinguished herself by exceptional meritorious service
as Commander, Boise Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS), from 10 July 2007 to 31 July 2010.
Major Bennis directly contributed to the warfighter effort for DoD by overseeing the processing of over
9,000 applicants, 5,000 of which accessed into one of the five branches of service. She oversaw a $969,000
Centrally Billed Accounts for recruit travel, and operational and medical budget worth over $161,000, a
supply inventory worth over $500,000, and a Meals and Lodging contract worth $230,000. Each were
soundly managed and executed.
Major Bennis’ outstanding leadership resulted in the flawless execution of e-Security and biometric
procedures. She ensured staff and Service Liaisons were trained and all potential issues were identified
before implementation. She oversaw e-Orders implementation with zero problems associated with this new
process. Major Bennis received highly successful inspection ratings during Inspector General inspections,
clinical laboratory inspections, staff assistance visits, and climate assessments.
Major Bennis and her team garnered the coveted “MEPS of Excellence” award for 4
quarter 2007, 1
Quarter 2008, 2008 Best HIV/Drug” program in Western Sector, Pacesetter” award for the best Student
Testing program in school year 2008/2009. She was USMEPCOM’s nominee to Air Force District of
Washington as the 2008 Force Support Field Grade Officer of the Year” award. Two military members
under her charge garnered acceptance into commissioning programs, once successfully completed.
Major Bennis led the way during a 7 month senior staff meeting shortage when she was the only officer
available to conduct the oath of enlistment. Additionally, she expertly handled personnel conflicts and
disciplinary issues and made preparations for an upcoming Inspector General inspection while single-
handedly inspecting all areas of the MEPS to ensure compliance and readiness. She ensured zero
degradation in mission accomplishment while maintaining high staff morale despite all the challenges of
working without senior staff support.
Major Bennis’ outstanding performance and leadership are most deserving of the recognition attained by
the awarding of the Defense Meritorious Service Medal.
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Figure 2-4. Sample DMSM award recommendation package (page 4 - citation) continued
Major Elaine M. Bennis, United States Air Force, consistently demonstrated sustained meritorious
leadership and outstanding performance while serving as Commander, Boise Military Entrance Processing
Station, from 10 July 2007 to 31 July 2010. Major Bennis directly contributed to the Warfighting effort by
overseeing the processing of more than 9,000 applicants, over 5,000 of which were accessed into each of
the five branches of Service. She led a successful team which garnered the “Military Entrance Processing
Station of Excellence” Award for the 4th Quarter 2007 and 1st Quarter 2008, the 2008 Best Human
Immunodeficiency Virus/Drug Program in Western Sector, and the 2009 Pacesetter Award for the Student
Testing Program in the Command. Major Bennis also oversaw a $969,000 Centrally Billed Account for
recruit travel, an operation and medical budget worth over $161,000, a Supply inventory worth over
$500,000, and a Meals and Lodging contract worth $230,000, each soundly managed and executed. Major
Bennis’ distinctive accomplishments, perseverance, and steadfast devotion to duty reflect great credit upon
her and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Military Entrance Processing
Command, the United States Air Force, and the Department of Defense.
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Figure 2-5. Sample wording for award citations
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Figure 2-6. Sample of a completed USMEPCOM Form 600-25-1-E (page 1 of 3)
Figure 2-6. Sample of a completed USMEPCOM Form 600-25-1-E (page 1 of 3)
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Figure 2-6. Sample of a completed USMEPCOM Form 600-25-1-E (page 2 of 3) – continued
Figure 2-6. Sample of a completed USMEPCOM Form 600-25-1-E (page 2 of 3) – continued
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Figure 2-6. Sample of a completed USMEPCOM Form 600-25-1-E (page 3 of 3) - continued
Figure 2-6. Sample of a completed USMEPCOM Form 600-25-1-E (page 3 of 3) – continued
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Figure 2-6. Sample of a completed USMEPCOM Form 600-25-1-E (notes)-continued
Completing the USMEPCOM Form 600-25-1-E
1. There are a total of 39 lines on this form; the total number of lines to be used will be indicated via a
tasking message.
2. As much “white space” should be used as possible in each bullet; the more information used the
better/stronger the nomination will be.
3. Single line bullets are the preferred format; however, a two-line bullet or a sub-bullet is acceptable.
4. It is not recommended using more than two line bullets or more than one sub-bullet for each main bullet.
5. The nomination is to be written in bullet format (use ACT-FACT-IMPACT format); use upper/lower
case, use past tense. Example:
- Meticulously executed processing of more than 1,200 applicants; ensured 100% of applicants processed
and shipped on time
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Chapter 3
Civilian Awards, Decorations, and Special Recognition
Section I
3-1. Purpose
This chapter prescribes policies and procedures for the UAP. USMEPCOM recognizes the contributions
of our civilian personnel through the presentation of awards, decorations, and special recognition. Levels
of awards must be commensurate with the contribution, performance level, or impact of the special act.
3-2. Administration
Commanders and supervisors will
a. Encourage participation in the program.
b. Initiate appropriate recognition actions for employee achievements.
c. Publicize the program.
d. Ensure program requirements established by Army Regulation (AR) 672-20 (Incentive Awards)
and this regulation are accomplished.
e. Ensure the program is administered on the basis of merit without regard to age, sex, race, color,
religion, national origin, marital status, or physical or mental disability.
3-3. USMEPCOM Incentive Awards review process
The Civilian Awards Program Manager (CAPM), Civilian Personnel Office (J-1/MEHR-CP), will review
all awards submitted for approval by either the Deputy Commander/Chief of Staff or Commander,
USMEPCOM. The CAPM will determine eligibility and will make recommendations in accordance with
AR 672-20
and this regulation.
Section II
Superior Accomplishment Awards
3-4. Types of awards
Awards covered in this chapter include Special Act/Service Award (SASA), On-the-Spot (OTS) Cash
Award, and Time Off Award (TOA).
3-5. Nomination criteria
Nominations for monetary awards must meet the criteria established in AR 672-20
and be approved at the
level authorized in table 3-1.
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
3-6. Approval levels
Approval levels for Superior Accomplishment Awards are as shown in table 3-1.
Table 3-1
Approval Levels for Superior Accomplishment Awards
Type of Award
Approval Amount
Approval Level
Special Act or Service
Award (SASA)
$50 - $500
Commander USMEPCOM, Deputy
Commander/Chief of Staff, Sector/Battalion/
MEPS Commander, Director, Special Staff Officer
Over $500
Commander USMEPCOM, Deputy
Commander/Chief of Staff, Sector Commander
On-the-Spot (OTS)
$50 - $500
Commander USMEPCOM, Deputy
Commander/Chief of Staff, Sector/Battalion/MEPS
Commander, Director, Special Staff Officer
Time Off Award (TOA)
1 - 24 hours
Commander USMEPCOM, Deputy
Commander/Chief of Staff, Sector/Battalion/MEPS
Commander, Director, Special Staff Officer
25 - 40 hours
Commander USMEPCOM, Deputy
Commander/Chief of Staff, Sector/Battalion
Commander, Director, Special Staff Officer
3-7. Nomination procedures
a. DA Form 1256 (Incentive Award Nomination and Approval)
is required for all Superior
Accomplishment Awards (i.e., Superior Act, OTS, and TOA). After approval of the award, a Standard
Form (SF) 52 RPA (Request for Personnel Action) will be initiated in the Defense Civilian Personnel
Database System (DCPDS) to credit an employee’s financial/personnel records for the award. The CAPM
will file Incentive Awards documentation under the Army Records Information Management System
(ARIMS) records number (RN) 672-20a1, see disposition instructions in
appendix A, section VI.
b. It is the responsibility of the nominating and/or approving official to retain DA Form 1256
for 6
years. Once the RPA is complete in DCPDS, individual MEPS servicing CPOs will file the Notification of
Personnel Action in the employee’s Official Personnel File (OPF).
c. Nominations for Superior Accomplishment Awards should be submitted within 30 calendar days
after the act, service, or achievement. The following documentation is required to support the nomination
for the award:
(1) Short description of the employee’s achievement.
(2) Indication of the category of award.
(3) Dollar amount or number of hours of the award.
(4) Value of benefits.
(5) Signatures of the nominating and approving officials.
(6) A proposed citation (see sample citations in appendix B
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
d. If the award requires the approval of the USMEPCOM Deputy Commander/Chief of Staff or the
USMEPCOM Commander, submit the award nomination packet to HQ USMEPCOM, ATTN: J-1/
MEHR-CP, through the appropriate chain of command.
e. The maximum dollar value a Sector/Battalion/MEPS commander, director, or special staff officer
can approve for an OTS Cash Award, Special Act or Service Awards (SASA) is $500; not to exceed $1,000
per employee per fiscal year.
Section III
Performance Awards
3-8. Purpose of award
A Performance Award is normally a monetary award given in recognition of a high-level rating (i.e.,
successful 1, 2, or 3 level rating) on an annual performance rating. This award is used to recognize all
appropriated fund employees.
3-9. Eligibility
a. Eligibility for this award is outlined in AR 672-20
, chapter 5.
b. An employee may not receive a monetary Performance Award and a Quality Step Increase (QSI)
for the same rating period. (For QSI increases, see par. 3-13
3-10. Approval authority
USMEPCOM Commander; Deputy Commander/Chief of Staff; Sector/Battalion/MEPS commanders;
directors, and special staff officers are the approving authorities. When the approval authority is the rating
supervisor, a higher review or approval of the award is not required (unless the dollar amount of the award
exceeds his or her delegated approval authority).
3-11. Amount of award
Performance Awards will be computed as a percentage of pay with a maximum award of 5 percent of the
employee’s base pay.
3-12. Nominations for awards
Complying with current budget guidance, MEPS commanders have the authority to approve Performance
Awards for their employees. After the supervisor has given the employee a copy of his or her approved
performance appraisal, the supervisor will annotate the recommended performance amount on a
DA Form
7223 (Base System Civilian Evaluation Report) or DA Form 7222 (Senior System Civilian Evaluation
Report) and forward for approval through appropriate command channels. After the award amount has
been approved, the supervisor will complete a Standard Form 52 and forward it to the supporting CPO for
processing. File DA form 7222 and DA form 7223 under ARIMS RN 1aa4; see disposition instructions in
appendix A, section VI.
Section IV
3-13. Purpose of award
A QSI recognizes employees for performance of duty in an exceptional manner. A QSI must be based on
a “Successful Level 1” rating. This level of performance is expected to continue in the future. In
USMEPCOM, only General Schedule (GS) employees are eligible to receive a QSI.
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
3-14. Procedures
a. Sector commanders and sector deputy commanders are authorized to approve QSIs. MEPS
commanders will submit, through battalion commanders, a QSI nomination using the front side of the
appropriate Total Army Performance Evaluation System (TAPES) evaluation report. A copy of
DA Form
7223-1 (Base System Civilian Performance Counseling Checklist/Record) and DA Form 7222-1 (Senior
System Civilian Evaluation Report Support Form) must accompany the QSI nomination.
b. The Deputy Commander/Chief of Staff is authorized to approve QSIs for HQ USMEPCOM.
Supervisors will submit, through the appropriate chain of command, a QSI nomination using the appropriate
TAPES evaluation report to J-1/MEHR-CP. A copy of DA Form 7223-1 and DA Form 7222-1
accompany the QSI nomination.
c. QSI submissions must be reviewed by the HQ USMEPCOM, Equal Employment Opportunity
Office (MEEO) personnel, and HQ USMEPCOM, Resource Management Directorate, Programs and
Formulation Branch (J-8/MERM-PP-PF), prior to approval.
3-15. QSI authorizations
QSIs are controlled based on the number of employees authorized. The authorized number of QSIs per
MEPS, sector, directorate, or special staff office per fiscal year is identified in table 3-2.
Table 3-2
QSI Authorizations
(Number of authorized civilian positions)
45 and above
3-16. Eligibility criteria
The employee’s rating of record must be a “Successful Level 1” and must be submitted within 30 days of
approval of the rating. Additional criteria for this award are outlined in AR 672-20
, chapter 6.
Section V
Honorary Awards
3-17. General
Honorary Awards may be given anytime in an employee’s career, including occasions such as
accomplishment of a significant act, retirement, reassignment, transfer, or separation. Supervisors are
expected to exercise judgment in assessing the total contribution of the employee towards mission
accomplishment and in selecting an appropriate award to best recognize the specific accomplishment.
Note: While lower-level Honorary Awards normally will precede receipt of higher-level recognition, this
is not a prerequisite for higher-level recognition. Blank certificates will be obtained from the servicing
Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC). File Honorary Awards documentation under ARIMS RN
600-8-22a; see disposition instructions in appendix A
, section VI.
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
3-18. Type of awards
Nominations for Honorary Awards must meet the criteria established in AR 672-20
, chapter 5, and be
approved by the approval level in table 3-3.
3-19. Approval levels
The CAPM, J-1/MEHR-CP, will review all Honorary Awards submitted for approval/signature by the
Commander, USMEPCOM. For Military equivalent to civilian awards and award approval level, see table
Table 3-3
Honorary Awards Approval Levels
Civilian Award
Civilian Award Approval Level
Equivalent Military Award
Decoration for Exceptional
Civilian Service
(DA Form 7014)
Secretary of the Army
Distinguished Service Medal
Meritorious Civilian Service
(DA Form 7015)
Commander USMEPCOM
Legion of Merit
Superior Civilian Service Award
(DA Form 5655)
Commander USMEPCOM
Meritorious Service Medal
Commander’s Award for Civilian
(DA Form 4689)
Commander USMEPCOM and
Sector Commanders
Service Commendation Medal
Achievement Medal for Civilian
(DA Form 5654)
Commander USMEPCOM and
Sector Commanders
Service Achievement Medal
Certificate of Achievement
(DA Form 2442)
Commander USMEPCOM,
Sector Commanders, and MEPS
Certificate of Achievement
Civilian Award for Humanitarian
(DA Form 5652)
Commander USMEPCOM
Humanitarian Service Medal
3-20. Nomination procedures
Commanders/supervisors will send the award nomination for the USMEPCOM Commander’s approval to
HQ USMEPCOM, ATTN: J-1/MEHR-CP, for processing. The nomination packet will include:
a. DA Form 1256. Commanders/supervisors will complete DA Form 1256
, part I, only (see samples
at figures 3-1 and 3-2).
b. Written justification. A description of the employee’s accomplishments during the award
timeframe, generally at least 1 year (see sample at figure 3-3
c. Draft citation. A citation must be accomplished on plain 8 1/2 X 11 inch bond paper in the format
outlined in appendix B
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Figure 3-1. Sample of a completed DA Form 1256
(for a USMEPCOM Certificate of Achievement)
Figure 3-1. Sample of a completed DA Form 1256
(for a USMEPCOM Certificate of Achievement)
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Figure 3-2. Sample of a completed DA Form 1256
(for an Army Certificate of Achievement)
Figure 3-2. Sample of a completed DA Form 1256
(for an Army Certificate of Achievement)
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Figure 3-3. Sample written justification (for a USMEPCOM and Army Certificate of Achievement)
Accomplishments: of Michael C. Brady:
Led the Desktop team through remediation of workstation vulnerabilities ensuring
USMEPCOM’s network accreditation.
Created USMEPCOM’s first Windows Vista image and the Standard Operating Procedures
(SOP) for future images.
Assisted with the transition of the Help Desk from contractors to Federal employees.
o Provided training to eight new hires including the new branch chief.
o Once a Senior Specialist was picked, he delayed his departure for 2 weeks to
provide continuity and turn over.
Researched and developed various queries to ensure quality of Help Desk reports.
o Reduced weekly reporting time from 8 hours to less than 3 hours, saving over 250 man
hours per year.
Evaluated current Help Desk procedures and has implemented several policy changes that
allowed the Help Desk to spend less man hours following up on old tickets and more time
ensuring attention to detail on new issues that arise.
Personally resolved or reported over 1,200 tickets in addition to tracking several thousands more.
Created 10 SOPs to ensure consistent customer support and growing the knowledge base among
team members.
Figure 3-3. Sample written justification (for a USMEPCOM and Army Certificate of Achievement)
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Figure 3-4. Sample draft citation (for a USMEPCOM and Army Certificate of Achievement)
During the period March 2009 to February 2010, Mr. Brady performed his duties as Information
Technology Specialist, Customer Support Branch, J-6/Information Technology Directorate, United States
Military Entrance Processing Command, in a commendable manner. Mr. Brady led the desktop team
through remediation of workstation vulnerabilities to ensure the Command’s network accreditations and
created the first Windows Vista image and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for future images. His
dedication to duty reflects great credit upon himself, the Command, and the Department of Defense.
Figure 3-4. Sample draft citation (for a USMEPCOM and Army Certificate of Achievement)
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Section VI
Miscellaneous Awards
3-21. Coins
To reward performance excellence, unit coins are given by the Commander, USMEPCOM and sector
commanders. This recognition must be on a one-time basis where the accomplishment is unique and clearly
contributes to increased effectiveness or efficiency; this includes competitions. Coins will not be used as
mementos for tours of service or given to individuals as a contribution to a personal coin collection.
Commanders will use prudence in the presentation of coins. Guidance on purchasing coins is located in
USMEPCOM Regulation 710-2
, paragraph 2-9.
3-22. General
Various types of awards are given to civilian employees during their career when appropriate for retirement,
promotion, and length of service.
3-23. Retirement certificates
a. DA Form 4250 (DA Certificate of Retirement), DA Form 4251 (DA Certificate of Appreciation),
and a retirement pin may be presented at an appropriate ceremony to retiring civilian employees. Blank
certificates will be obtained from the servicing CPAC.
b. Supervisors may request a Letter of Appreciation signed by the President of the United States for
civilian employees retiring with 30 or more years of Federal service (this encompasses those who have
combined military and civilian service as well as those with only civilian service). (This is an informal
policy established by each United States President).
(1) To request a Letter of Appreciation, prepare a memorandum using the format in figure 3-5
. A
lead time of 60-90 days is necessary to ensure timely delivery of the correspondence. For those who make
a last minute decision to retire, the letter can be sent to their home address.
(2) All fields shown on the sample format must be completed. Submit not earlier than 60-90 days
prior to last day of active duty, scheduled retirement ceremony, or start of transition leave.
(3) Submit request to the White House Liaison Office via the following e-mail address:
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Figure 3-5. Sample request for a White House Letter of Appreciation
(Appropriate Letterhead)
White House Liaison Office, Office of the Chief of Staff, Army
Executive Secretary, Office of the Secretary of Defense
FOR Deputy Assistant to the President and Director, White House Military Office,
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC 20502-0001
SUBJECT: Request Presidential Letter of Appreciation (RPLOA) for Civilian Retiree
Salutation/Name: (Ms., Mrs., Mr.) (Last Name, First Name and Middle Initial)
Rank: (Sample: GS-11, GS-12, WG-08, SES)
Service: Department of the Army Civilian
Years of Service: (Must have 30 or more years of service or combined Military and Federal Service)
Retirement Date: Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Ceremony Date: Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Home Address: Home address is required to include City, State and Zip Code
Unit Address: Company/Troop/Battery/Detachment, Fort/Base/Camp, State/Country, Zip Code/APO
Disposition Instructions: (Advise whether to send letter to home or unit address)
POC for this action is: (Complete name, work phone number, and email address)
Retiree: Medal of Honor Recipient Yes/No
Former Prisoner of War Yes/No
Appropriate Signature Block with Signature
(Director/Chief/Transition Specialist)
Figure 3-5. Sample request for a White House Letter of Appreciation
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
3-24. Career Service Certificates and Pins
Certificates and pins are awarded to civilian employees to provide recognition for career Federal service.
Career Federal service includes both military and civilian time. Civilian employees who complete 5 years
of satisfactory service will be awarded an Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Form WPS 101, a
certificate for 5 years of service. Civilian employees completing 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 years
of satisfactory service will be awarded career service certificates and pins. Blank certificates and pins will
be obtained from the servicing CPAC. The following career service certificates are as follows:
a. OPM Form WPS 101 (5 years of service).
b. OPM Form WPS 102 (10 years of service).
c. OPM Form WPS 103 (15 years of service).
d. OPM Form WPS 104 (20 years of service).
e. OPM Form WPS 105 (25 years of service).
f. OPM Form WPS 106 (30 years of service).
g. OPM Form WPS 107 (35 years of service).
h. OPM Form WPS 108 (40 years of service).
i. OPM Form WPS 109 (45 years of service).
j. OPM Form WPS 110 (50 years of service).
Section VII
Various Annual Awards Competitions - Federal Government
3-25. General
Competition is held each year for a variety of awards at various levels of the Federal Government.
Supervisors must send nominations for the awards through the chain of command to HQ USMEPCOM,
ATTN: J-1/MEHR-CP. The CPO will distribute specific guidance as it is received.
Department of the
Army (DA) Pamphlet 672-20 (Incentive Awards Handbook), chapter 2, outlines eligibility and award
submission deadlines for processing awards through the Army’s Incentive Awards Board; chapter 4,
identifies the awards sponsored by non-Federal organizations. File various annual awards competitions
documentation under ARIMS RN 600-8-22c; see disposition instructions in
appendix A, section VI.
Section VIII
USMEPCOM Outstanding Civilian Employees of the Quarter
3-26. Purpose
This award is established to motivate USMEPCOM civilian employees to excel in the performance of their
duties and to recognize their accomplishments. The procedures included in this section are for HQ
USMEPCOM civilian employees only. Sector commanders will establish their own procedures for
selecting an “Outstanding Civilian Employee of the Quarter.” Civilian employees assigned to sectors will
compete with the other civilians assigned to sectors. File award documentation for the USMEPCOM
Outstanding Civilian Employees of the Quarter under ARIMS RN 600-8-22c; see disposition instructions
in appendix A
, section VI.
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
3-27. Competing categories
The competing categories are by grade level.
a. GS-10 and above.
b. GS-07 through GS-09.
c. GS-06 and below including wage grade.
d. USMEPCOM senior-level managers equivalent to GS-14 or higher are not eligible to compete for
this award.
3-28. Criteria for award
The nomination will communicate the nominee’s duty performance and his or her significant
achievement(s). Supervisors will prepare a separate USMEPCOM Form 600-25-1-E
for each candidate.
A completed sample of the form is in figure 2-6.
3-29. Nomination procedures
Supervisors will use USMEPCOM Form 600-25-1-E (figure 2-6
) to nominate their candidate and submit
the form to HQ USMEPCOM (J-1/MEHR-CP) by the suspense dates outlined in table 3-4. Civilian
employees may be nominated for the “Employee of the Quarter” competition more than one time during
the fiscal year. Each director or special staff officer may only nominate one person in each of the categories
paragraph 3-27.
Table 3-4
Quarterly Award Timelines
Nominations Due to J-1 NLT
Winners Announced NLT
1st (Jul-Aug-Sep)
October 15th
October 31st
2nd (Oct-Nov-Dec)
January 15th
January 31st
3rd (Jan-Feb-Mar)
April 15th
April 30th
4th (Apr-May-Jun)
July 15th
July 31st
3-30. Selection board procedures
a. Board membership. The MDC/MCS will serve as the President of the USMEPCOM Outstanding
Civilian Employee Board. The President of the Board will appoint a total of three to five board members
from HQ USMEPCOM. Board members will consist of high-level management (civilian and military)
officials. J-1/MEHR-CP will provide a board recorder.
b. Selection procedures. The President of the Board will determine the scoring method before
convening the Board and each nomination package will be scored using the same process. The President
of the Board will only vote in the case of a tie. At the conclusion of the board, the President will recess the
board members until the USMEPCOM Commander approves the board results.
3-31. Recognition
The winner in each category for the USMEPCOM Outstanding Civilian Employee of the Quarter will
receive a USMEPCOM Form 600-25-7-E
(Certificate of Achievement) and a $250 Cash Award.
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Section IX
USMEPCOM Outstanding Civilian Employees of the Year
3-32. Purpose
The purpose of this award is to motivate USMEPCOM civilian employees to excel in the performance of
their duties and to be recognized for their accomplishments. The award is presented to candidates
nominated for the “USMEPCOM Outstanding Civilian Employee of the Year.” All civilian employees in
USMEPCOM are eligible for nomination for this award. File award documentation under ARIMS RN 600-
8-22c; see disposition instructions in appendix A
, section VI.
3-33. Competing categories
The competing categories are by grade level.
a. GS-10 and above.
b. GS-07 through GS-09.
c. GS-06 and below including wage grade.
d. USMEPCOM senior-level managers equivalent to GS-14 or higher are not eligible to compete for
this award.
3-34. Award criteria
The nomination will communicate the nominee’s duty performance and his or her significant achievements.
Supervisors will prepare a separate USMEPCOM Form 600-25-1-E for each candidate (see figure 2-6
). All
candidates will physically appear before the board, which will be held at HQ USMEPCOM.
3-35. Nomination procedures
Each sector commander and the Headquarters, Headquarters Commandant may nominate one civilian
employee, in each category, that had a significant impact on USMEPCOM. Use
USMEPCOM Form 600-
25-1-E to submit nominations to HQ USMEPCOM, J-1/MEHR-CP, ATTN: CAPM. Nominations must
be received by August 15
of each year.
3-36. Selection board procedures
a. Board membership. The Deputy Commander/Chief of Staff will serve as the President of the
USMEPCOM Outstanding Civilian Employee Board. The President of the Board will appoint a total of
five to seven board members from HQ USMEPCOM, Eastern Sector, and Western Sector. Board members
will consist of high level management (civilian and military) officials. J-1/MEHR-CP will provide a
board recorder.
b. Selection procedures. The President of the Board will determine the scoring method before
convening the board and each nomination package will be scored using the same process. The President
of the Board will only vote in the case of a tie.
3-37. Recognition
a. The winner in each of the three categories will receive a DA Form 4689 (Commander’s Award for
Civilian Service) from the USMEPCOM Commander, and a $750 Special Act Award.
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
b. All remaining competitors will receive a DA Form 5654 (Achievement Medal for Civilian Service)
and $500 OTS Cash Award from the nominating organization).
c. All competitors will be recognized for their accomplishment in USMEPCOM’s “Messenger”
Section X
USMEPCOM Certificates
3-38. Purpose
USMEPCOM certificates may be awarded to civilians and civilian activities inside or outside USMEPCOM
who do not meet the requirements for other awards as outlined in AR 672-20
. File a copy of the certificate
under ARIMS RN 600-8-22a; see disposition in instructions in appendix A, section VI.
Note: Users will print USMEPCOM certificates on 8 ½ by 11-inch astroparche natural vellum finish paper.
Users will be responsible for ordering paper through their local supply channels.
3-39. Approval of certificates
The following USMEPCOM certificates may be approved by the USMEPCOM Commander; Deputy
Commander/Chief of Staff; sector/battalion/MEPS commanders; directors; and special staff officers.
(These awards will not be filed in the civilian employee’s official personnel file maintained by their
servicing CPO).
a. USMEPCOM Form 600-25-5-E
(Teamwork Certificate) may be awarded for performance that
promotes the concept of teamwork.
b. USMEPCOM Form 600-25-6-E
(Certificate of Appreciation) may be awarded to show appreciation,
when the threshold for DA Form 7013 (Department of the Army Certificate of Appreciation) is not met. If
requesting approval from the USMEPCOM Commander, commanders/supervisors will send the justification
and proposed citation through their chain of command to HQ USMEPCOM, ATTN: J-1/MEHR-CP.
c. USMEPCOM Form 600-25-7-E
(Certificate of Achievement) may be awarded for meritorious service
or achievement to civilian employees whose performance does not merit an award or an achievement medal or
higher but is worthy of recognition. If requesting approval from the USMEPCOM Commander,
commanders/supervisors will send the justification and proposed citation, through their chain of command to
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Chapter 4
Volunteer Service Awards
Section I
4-1. Purpose
To provide policies and procedures for processing USMEPCOM Volunteer Service Awards. (See
USMEPCOM Regulation 608-1
(USMEPCOM Wellness and Readiness Program, chapter 4). File
Volunteer Service Awards under ARIMS RN 608-1a6; see disposition instructions in appendix A, section
4-2. Eligibility
USMEPCOM Service members, Department of the Army civilians and their family members are eligible
to receive Volunteer Service Awards outlined in this chapter.
4-3. Administration
Commanders and supervisors will -
a. Encourage volunteer participation within the command and in the local community.
b. Initiate appropriate recognition requests for volunteer service.
c. Ensure program requirements established by this regulation are met.
4-4. Volunteer Service Awards
Oversight for Volunteer Service Awards is provided by the J-1/MEHR, Special Programs Division,
Wellness and Readiness Branch (J-1/MEHR-PR-WR). Volunteer Service Awards are provided for
volunteer service within military organizations and local communities. Examples of qualifying volunteer
service include (but are not limited to) Readiness Support Group, organizational events, Big Brothers and
Big Sisters, Habitat for Humanity, Boy and Girl Scouts and volunteer work in local schools, hospitals,
homeless shelters, food pantries, and libraries. To transfer volunteer hours from other organizations or
services, see USMEPCOM Regulation 608-1
, chapter 4.
4-5. Types of awards
Volunteer Service Awards include certificates of volunteer recognition, volunteer service pins and a plaque
for recognizing lifelong volunteer service.
4-6. Approval authority
For Volunteer Service Award approval authority levels, see table 4-1
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Table 4-1
Approval Authority for Volunteer Service Awards
Type of Award
Approval Authority
Spirit Certificate of Volunteer Recognition
HQ Commandant and Sector/Battalion/MEPS
Liberty Certificate of Volunteer Recognition
Commander USMEPCOM; Deputy Commander/Chief of
Staff; or Sector/Battalion Commander
Freedom Certificate of Volunteer
Commander USMEPCOM; Deputy Commander/Chief of
Staff; or Sector Commander
10-, 15-, and 20-Year Volunteer Service Pins
and Commander’s Note
Commander USMEPCOM
Patriot Award for Exceptional Volunteer
Commander USMEPCOM
4-7. Award criteria
Awards will be presented annually, or upon departure of a volunteer from the Command, based on the
number of hours and/or years of volunteer service as indicated. Time spent “on-call” does not qualify as
volunteer hours. Examples of non-qualifying “on-call” time include, but are not limited to, hours spent
“on-call” for a volunteer fire department or as a volunteer chaplain.
a. Volunteer Recognition Certificates:
(1) USMEPCOM Form 600-25-2-E
(Spirit Certificate of Volunteer Recognition), 20 - 49 hours of
annual volunteer service.
(2) USMEPCOM Form 600-25-3-E
(Liberty Certificate of Volunteer Recognition), 50 99 hours of
annual volunteer service.
(3) USMEPCOM Form 600-25-4-E
(Freedom Certificate of Volunteer Recognition), 100 or more
hours of annual volunteer service.
b. Volunteer Service Pins. A minimum of 20 volunteer hours is required, per volunteer year, to
qualify for the pins below.
(1) 10-year pin for 10 years of qualified volunteer service.
(2) 15-year pin for 15 years of qualified volunteer service.
(3) 20-year pin for 20 years of qualified volunteer service.
c. Patriot Award for Exceptional Volunteer Service (Plaque).
(1) 1,500 plus hours or 25 years of volunteer service.
(2) Exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
d. Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Award. See chapter 2
for guidance.
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
4-8. Procedures for processing awards
Volunteer service must be documented by the volunteer and verified by the Army Volunteer Corps
Coordinator (AVCC) in the Volunteer Management Information System (VMIS) prior to awards being
processed (see USMEPCOM Regulation 608-1
, chapter 4).
a. Volunteers must input their volunteer hours for each calendar month, but not later than the 15
calendar day of the month following the volunteer service rendered. Volunteer hours for December must
be entered no later than January 15.
b. VMIS AVCCs have until February 1 to certify volunteer service hours.
c. J-1/MEHR-PRW will provide volunteer names, number of hours volunteered, duty assignment, and
certificate level earned to the appropriate approving authority for preparation and signature no later than
the end of February.
d. J-1/MEHR-PRW will be responsible for processing all awards that require the Commander’s
4-9. Certificate preparation
All volunteer certificates should be prepared using:
a. USMEPCOM Form 600-25-2-E
(Spirit Certificate of Volunteer Recognition).
b. USMEPCOM Form 600-25-3-E
(Liberty Certificate of Volunteer Recognition).
c. USMEPCOM Form 600-25-4-E
(Freedom Certificate of Volunteer Recognition), signed and dated
by the appropriate approving authority.
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Chapter 5
Public Service Awards
Section I
5-1. Purpose
To provide policies and procedures for processing Public Service Awards. File Public Service Awards
documentation under ARIMS RN 600-8-22i; see disposition instructions in appendix A
, section VI.
5-2. Eligibility
A Public Service Award may be given to a private citizen or technical personnel who served USMEPCOM
in an advisory or consultant capacity. USMEPCOM military members, civilian employees, and contract
personnel are not eligible for this award. Additional criteria are outlined in AR 672-20
5-3. Nomination procedures
Nominations will contain a narrative justification on 8 ½ X 11-inch plain white bond paper. The citation
will be no more than 100 words. Anyone may submit a nomination through their chain of command to HQ
USMEPCOM, ATTN: J-1/MEHR for processing.
5-4. Approval authority
For approval authority for Public Service Awards, see table 5-1
, below.
Table 5-1
Public Service Awards Approval Authority
Approval Authority
Decoration for Distinguished Civilian Service
(DA Form 7016)
Secretary of the Army
Outstanding Civilian Service Award
(DA Form 7017)
Commander USMEPCOM
Commander’s Award for Public Service
(DA Form 5231)
Commander USMEPCOM and Sector
Certificate of Appreciation for Patriotic Civilian
(DA Form 7012)
Commander USMEPCOM and Sector
Certificate of Appreciation
(DA Form 4251)
Commander USMEPCOM
and Sector/Battalion/MEPS Commander
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Appendix A
Users should periodically check the appropriate link to ensure the references, below, are current.
Section I
Required Publications
(The publications needed to comply with this regulation)
AR 672-
Incentive Awards. Cited in paragraphs 3-2d, 3-3, 3-5, 3-9a, 3-16, 3-18, 3-37, and 5-4.
DA Pamphlet 672-20
Incentive Awards Handbook. Cited in paragraph 3-25.
DoD 1348.33-M
Manual of Military Decorations and Awards. Cited in table 2-1 and figure 2-1.
USMEPCOM Regulation 608-1
USMEPCOM Wellness and Readiness Program. Cited in paragraphs 4-1, 4-4, and 4-8.
USMEPCOM Regulation 710-2
Requisition and Issue of Supplies and Equipment. Cited in paragraphs 1-7 and 3-21.
Section II
Related Publications
(These publications are a source of additional information. Users may read them to better understand the
subject, but do not have to read them to comply with this regulation.)
Section III
Prescribed Publications
(Publications prescribed by this regulation)
Section IV
Required Forms
(The forms needed to comply with this regulation.)
DA Form 11-2
Management Control Evaluation Certification Statement. Cited in paragraph 1-8.
1. Army publications/forms: http://www.apd.army.mil/
2. DoD publications/forms: http://www.dod.mil/pubs/index.html#Regulations%20and%20Forms
3. General Services Administration form: http://www.gsa.gov/Portal/gsa/ep/formslibrary.do?formType =SF
4. USMEPCOM publication/forms: http://www.mepcom.army.mil/publications/index.html
5. OPM forms: Order through servicing CPAC.
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
DA Form 1256
Incentive Award Nomination and Approval . Cited in paragraphs 3-7a and 3-20a.
DA Form 2442
1 (hardcopy only)
Certificate of Achievement. Cited in table 3-3 and paragraph B-5
DA Form 2443
1 (hardcopy only)
Commendation Certificate. Cited in paragraph B-6
DA Form 4250
1 (hardcopy only)
DA Certificate of Retirement. Cited in paragraph 3-23
DA Form 4251
1 (hardcopy only)
DA Certificate of Appreciation. Cited in paragraph 3-23a and table 5-1
DA Form 4689
1 (hardcopy only)
Commander's Award for Civilian Service. Cited in paragraph 3-37a , table 3-3, and paragraph B-5
DA Form 5231
1 (hardcopy only)
Commander’s Award for Public Service. Cited in table 5-1 and paragraph B-8
DA Form 5652
1 (hardcopy only)
Civilian Award for Humanitarian Service. Cited in table 3-3 and paragraph B-10
DA Form 5654
1 (hardcopy only)
Achievement Medal for Civilian Service. Cited in table 3-3 and paragraphs 3-37b and B-4
DA Form 5655
1 (hardcopy only)
Superior Civilian Service Award. Cited in table 3-3 and paragraph B-2
DA Form 7015
1 (hardcopy only)
Department of the Army Decoration for Meritorious Civilian Service Certificate. Cited in table 3-3
paragraph B-1.
DA Form 7015
1 (hardcopy only)
Department of the Army Decoration for Meritorious Civilian Service Certificate. Cited in table 3-3
paragraph B-1.
DA Form 7015
1 (hardcopy only)
Department of the Army Decoration for Meritorious Civilian Service Certificate. Cited in table 3-3
paragraph B-1.
DA Form 7222
Senior System Evaluation Report. Cited in paragraph 3-12 and paragraph C-4c(1).
1. Army publication/form: http://www.apd.army.mil/
2. DoD publication/form: http://www.dod.mil/pubs/index.html#Regulations%20and%20Forms
3. General Services Administration form: http://www.gsa.gov/Portal/gsa/ep/formslibrary.do?formType =SF
4. USMEPCOM publication/form: http://www.mepcom.army.mil/publications/index.html
5. OPM forms: Order through servicing CPAC.
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
DA Form 7222-1
Senior System Evaluation Report Support Form. Cited in paragraph 3-14a and b.
DA Form 7223
Base System Civilian Evaluation Report. Cited in paragraphs 3-12 and C-4c(1).
DA Form 7223-1
Base System Civilian Performance Counseling Checklist/Record. Cited in paragraph 3-14a and b.
DA Form 7012
1 (hardcopy only)
Certificate of Appreciation for Patriotic Civilian Service. Cited table 5-1 and paragraph B-9
DA Form 7017
1 (hardcopy only)
Department of the Army Outstanding Civilian Service Certificate. Cited in table 5-1 and paragraph B-7
OPM Form WPS 101
5 (hardcopy only)
Certificate for 5 years of service. Cited in paragraph 3-24
OPM Form WPS 102
5 (hardcopy only)
Certificate for 10 years of service. Cited in paragraph 3-24
OPM Form WPS 103
5 (hardcopy only)
Certificate for 15 years of service. Cited in paragraph 3-24
OPM Form WPS 104
5 (hardcopy only)
Certificate for 20 years of service. Cited in paragraph 3-24
OPM Form WPS 105
5 (hardcopy only)
Certificate for 25 years of service. Cited in paragraph 3-24
OPM Form WPS 106
5 (hardcopy only)
Certificate for 30 years of service. Cited in paragraph 3-24
OPM Form WPS 107
5 (hardcopy only)
Certificate for 35 years of service. Cited in paragraph 3-24
OPM Form WPS 108
5 (hardcopy only)
Certificate for 40 years of service. Cited in paragraph 3-24
OPM Form WPS 109
5 (hardcopy only)
Certificate for 45 years of service. Cited in paragraph 3-24
OPM Form WPS 110
5 (hardcopy only)
Certificate for 50 years of service. Cited in paragraph 3-24
1. Army publication/form: http://www.apd.army.mil/
2. DoD publication/form: http://www.dod.mil/pubs/index.html#Regulations%20and%20Forms
3. General Services Administration form: http://www.gsa.gov/Portal/gsa/ep/formslibrary.do?formType =SF
4. USMEPCOM publication/form: http://www.mepcom.army.mil/publications/index.html
5. OPM forms: Order through servicing CPAC.
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
SF 52
Request for Personnel Action. Cited in paragraph 3-5.
Section V
Prescribed Forms
(The forms prescribed by this regulation.)
USMEPCOM Form 600-25-1-E
USMEPCOM Award Nomination. Cited in paragraphs 2-5d and 3-29.
USMEPCOM Form 600-25-2-E
Spirit Certificate of Volunteer Recognition. Cited in paragraphs 4-7 and 4-9.
USMEPCOM Form 600-25-3-E
Liberty Certificate of Volunteer Recognition. Cited in paragraphs 4-7 and 4-9.
USMEPCOM Form 600-25-4-E
Freedom Certificate of Volunteer Recognition. Cited in paragraphs 4-7 and 4-9.
USMEPCOM Form 600- 25-5-E
Teamwork Certificate. Cited in paragraph 3-38.
USMEPCOM Form 600-25-6-E
Certificate of Appreciation. Cited in paragraph 3-38.
USMEPCOM Form 600-25-7-E
Certificate of Achievement. Cited in paragraphs 3-30 and 3-38.
Section VI
Required Record Numbers (RNs)
(The RNs this regulation requires the user to file specific documents under. ARIMS RNs and disposition
instructions are available at https://www.arims.army.mil/
Office supervisory or manager employee records - Current employee. Cited in paragraph 3-12
Information pertaining to each civilian employee, covering essentially the same actions as those in the
Official Personnel Folder maintained in the civilian personnel office. These records are filed by employee
name and contain complete employee information such as ongoing personnel actions (included are
Form 1435 - COMSEC Maintenance Training and Experience Record), when required, notices of persons
cleared for access to classified material and other personal security documents, reports, information relating
to individual injuries, letters of appreciation and commendation, training records, information showing
assigned responsibilities of individuals, positions held, performance appraisals and
1. Army publication/form: http://www.apd.army.mil/
2. DoD publication/form: http://www.dod.mil/pubs/index.html#Regulations%20and%20Forms
3. General Services Administration form: http://www.gsa.gov/Portal/gsa/ep/formslibrary.do?formType =SF
4. USMEPCOM publication/form: http://www.mepcom.army.mil/publications/index.html
5. OPM forms: Order through servicing CPAC.
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
counseling, as well as other duplicate forms filed in the Official Personnel Folder. DA Form 7222,
Form 7222-1, DA Form 7223, and DA Form 7223-1 when applicable.
Disposition: KEN. Event is when individual documents are superseded or no longer applicable. Review
at end of each year and destroy applicable documents when event occurs.
Decoration and Award Issuances. Cited in paragraphs 3-7 and 3-37
Documents related to providing information about awards given to individuals. Included are announce-
ments, lists, cards, and similar information.
Disposition: KN. Keep in CFA until no longer needed for conducting business, but not longer than 6 years,
and then destroy.
Military Award Cases (offices other than approval and disapproval authority). Cited in
paragraph 2-
Disposition: K2. Keep in CFA until record is 2 years old, and then destroy.
Award Ceremonies. Cited in paragraphs 3-24, 3-25, 3-31
. Information relating to ceremonies arranged
for the presentation of awards. Included are requests for troop support, diagrams, citations, and similar
Disposition: KN. Keep in CFA until no longer needed for conducting business, but not longer than 6 years,
and then destroy.
Public Award Cases - Office exercising approval authority. Cited in paragraph 5-1
. Information
concerning the recommendations, review, and approval or disapproval of awards to members of the public,
non-career Government officials, private institutions, and non-U.S. citizens. Included in each case are
approved or disapproved requests, certificates, and similar information.
Disposition: T56. Keep in CFA until no longer needed for conducting business, then retire to RHA/AEA.
The RHA/AEA will destroy record when the record is 56 years old.
Army Community Service (ACS) Program - Volunteer service records. Cited in paragraph 4-1
Disposition: KEN. Event is upon transfer or separation. Keep in CFA until event occurs and then until
no longer needed for conducting business, then return to volunteer upon transfer or separation.
Incentive Awards Reports - Offices other than office having Army-wide responsibility. Cited in
paragraph 3-7
. Information used to provide statistical information on participation, approvals, savings, and
other aspects of the incentive awards program. Included are retained copies of reports, report corrections,
and similar information.
Disposition: K2. Keep in CFA until record is 2 years old, and then destroy.
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Appendix B
Sample Citations
B-1. DA Form 7015
(hardcopy only)
(Department of the Army Decoration for Meritorious Civilian
Service Certificate):
“During the period (date to date) (do not abbreviate), (Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss last name) performed his/her
duties as (position title, division/section, MEPS/sector/directorate/special staff office), United States
Military Entrance Processing Command, in an exemplary manner.” (Insert a description of the significant
accomplishment(s) in sentence format.) “His/her dedication to duty reflects great credit upon
himself/herself, the Command, and the Department of Defense.”
Signed by the USMEPCOM Commander.
B-2. DA Form 5655
(hardcopy only)
(Superior Civilian Service Award):
“During the period (date to date) (do not abbreviate), (Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss last name) performed his/her
duties as (position title, division/section, MEPS/sector/directorate/special staff office), United States
Military Entrance Processing Command, in a superior manner.” (Insert a description of the superior service
or achievement in sentence format.) “His/her dedication to duty reflects great credit upon himself/herself,
the Command, and the Department of Defense.”
Signed by the USMEPCOM Commander.
B-3. DA Form 4689
(hardcopy only)
(Commander's Award for Civilian Service):
“For his/her outstanding achievements. During the period (date to date) (do not abbreviate),
(Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss last name) performed his/her duties as (position title, division/section,
MEPS/sector/directorate/special staff office), United States Military Entrance Processing Command, in an
outstanding manner.) (Insert description of the significant outstanding achievements in sentence format.)
His/her dedication to duty reflects great credit upon himself/herself, the Command, and the Department of
Signed by the USMEPCOM Commander, or the sector commander.
B-4. DA Form 5654
(hardcopy only)
(Achievement Medal for Civilian Service):
“For his/her outstanding achievements. During the period (date to date) (do not abbreviate),
(Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss last name) performed his/her duties as (position, title, division/section,
MEPS/sector/directorate/special staff office), United States Military Entrance Processing Command, in an
outstanding manner.” (Insert description of the significant outstanding achievements in sentence format.)
His/her dedication to duty reflects great credit upon himself/herself, the Command, and the Department of
Signed by the USMEPCOM Commander, or the sector commander.
B-5. DA Form 2442
(hardcopy only)
(Certificate of Achievement):
“During the period (date to date) (do not abbreviate), (Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss last name) performed his/her
duties as (position title, division/section, MEPS/sector/directorate/special staff office), United States
Military Entrance Processing Command, in a commendable manner. (Insert description of commendable
achievements in sentence format.) “His/her dedication to duty reflects great credit upon himself/herself, the
Command, and the Department of Defense.”
Signed by the USMEPCOM Commander, or designated approval authority.
B-6. DA Form 2443
(hardcopy only)
(Commendation Certificate):
“Receipt of a (name of monetary award, e.g., QSI) for the period (date to date).”
Signed by the USMEPCOM Commander; the Deputy Commander/Chief of Staff; sector or MEPS
commanders; or by HQ USMEPCOM directors or special staff officers.
Note: This form is not required and is optional at the discretion of the award requester.
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
B-7. DA Form 7017
(hardcopy only)
(Department of the Army Outstanding Civilian Service
“For outstanding civilian service. During the period (date to date) (do not abbreviate), (Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss
last name) performed (insert description of the significant/substantial contribution in sentence format.)
His/her dedication reflects great credit upon himself/herself, the Command, and the Department of
Signed by the USMEPCOM Commander.
B-8. DA Form 5231
(hardcopy only)
(Commander’s Award for Public Service):
“For his/her outstanding public service. During the period (date to date) (do not abbreviate),
(Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss last name) performed his/her duties as (position title, division/section,
MEPS/sector/directorate/special staff office), United States Military Entrance Processing Command, in an
outstanding manner.” (Insert description of the significant outstanding public service in sentence format.)
“His/her dedication to duty reflects great credit upon himself/herself, the Command, and the Department
of Defense.”
Signed by the USMEPCOM Commander.
B-9. DA Form 7012
(hardcopy only)
(Certificate of Appreciation for Patriotic Civilian Service):
“On (date), (Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss last name) (describe the patriotic service performed in sentence format.)
(Mr./Mrs./ Ms./Miss last name) actions reflect great credit upon himself/herself, the Command, and the
Department of Defense.”
Signed by the USMEPCOM Commander, or the Sector commander.
B-10. DA Form 5652
(hardcopy only)
(Civilian Award for Humanitarian Service):
“On (date), (Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss last name) (Describe the humanitarian service performed in sentence
format.) (Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss last name) actions reflect great credit upon himself/herself, the Command, and
the Department of Defense.
Signed by the USMEPCOM Commander.
B-11. USMEPCOM Form 600-25-5-E
(Teamwork Certificate):
“For his/her outstanding achievement(s) during the period (date to date) (do not abbreviate),
(Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss last name) (insert description of the significant outstanding teamwork efforts in
sentence format.) His/her dedication to duty reflects great credit upon himself/herself, the Command, and
the Department of Defense.
Signed by the USMEPCOM Commander, or designated approval authority.
B-12. USMEPCOM Form 600-25-6-E
(Certificate of Appreciation):
“During the period (date to date) (do not abbreviate), (Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss last name) performed his/her
duties as (position title, division/section, MEPS/sector/directorate/special staff office), United States
Military Entrance Processing Command, in an outstanding manner. (Insert description of the significant
events for this award in sentence format.) His/her dedication to duty reflects great credit upon
himself/herself, the Command, and the Department of Defense.”
Signed by the USMEPCOM Commander, or designated approval authority.
B-13. USMEPCOM Form 600-25-7-E
(Certificate of Achievement):
“For his/her outstanding achievements. During the period (date to date) (do not abbreviate),
(Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss last name) performed his/her duties as (position title, division/section,
MEPS/sector/directorate/special staff office), United States Military Entrance Processing Command, in an
outstanding manner. (Insert description of the significant outstanding achievement(s) in sentence format.)
His/her dedication to duty reflects great credit upon himself/herself, the Command, and the Department of
Signed by the USMEPCOM Commander, or designated approval authority.
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Appendix C
Internal Control Evaluation Checklist - USMEPCOM Awards Program
C-1. Function
This checklist pertains to the administration of the USMEPCOM Awards Program.
C-2. Purpose
This checklist will assist USMEPCOM commanders, directors, special staff officers, and supervisors in
evaluating key controls in the management control process. It does not cover all the controls. The desired
outcome is a sound, well-maintained internal control environment.
C-3. Instructions
Answers must be based on the actual testing of key internal controls (for example, document analysis, direct
observation, sampling, simulation, other). Answers that indicate deficiencies must be explained. A
corrective action plan must be indicated in the supporting documentation. The controls must be formally
evaluated every 2 years. Certification that this evaluation has been conducted must be accomplished on
Form 11-2 (Management Control Evaluation Certification Statement).
C-4. Test questions
a. Awards Program.
(1) Does the MEPS/battalion/sector have a program in place for submissions of awards?
(USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25, par. 1-4
b. Military Awards.
(1) Is there an awards program in place to ensure military members receive awards and/or
decorations prior to departure from USMEPCOM? (USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25, par. 2-2
(2) Are decorations and Service medals being processed in accordance with the processing lead
times prescribed in table 2-1? (USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25, table 2-1
(3) Are military members being nominated for quarterly/annual awards? (USMEPCOM Regulation
600-25, pars. 2-5
b(1) and c(1))
(4) Is the JSAM recommendation being addressed/forwarded through the chain of command to the
approving official? (USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25, par. 2-2
(5) Are JSCM and higher recommendations being addressed/forwarded through the chain of
command to the Commander, USMEPCOM, ATTN: J-1/MEHR? (USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25, par.
c. Civilian Awards.
(1) Were Performance Awards properly documented on DA Form 7223
(Senior System Evaluation
Report Support Form) or DA Form 7222 (Senior System Civilian Evaluation Report)? (USMEPCOM
Regulation 600-25, par. 3-12)
(2) Were all Honorary Awards submitted for approval/signature to the USMEPCOM Commander,
reviewed by the Civilian Awards Program Manager (CAPM)? (USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25, par. 3-19
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
(3) Were nominations and approvals for awards documented on DA Form 1256
(Incentive Award
Nomination and Approval) and maintained in accordance with ARIMS? (USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25,
par. 3-7)
(4) Were Time Off Awards approved and documented? (USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25, par. 3-6
d. Volunteer Awards.
(1) Are Volunteer Awards processed annually or upon the volunteer’s departure from the Command?
(USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25, par. 4-7
(2) Did the Army Volunteer Corps Coordinator verify volunteer hours in the Volunteer Management
Information System to ensure all volunteer hours are valid? (USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25, par. 4-8
e. Public Service Awards. Are Public Service Awards approved by the appropriate authority?
(USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25, par. 5-4
C-5. Comments
Users may submit comments to HQ USMEPCOM, ATTN: J-1/MHR, 2834 Green Bay Road, North
Chicago, IL 60064-3094.
C-6. Use of DA Form 11-2-R
Department of the Army Form 11-2
(Internal Control Evaluation Certification) is designed to document
any internal control evaluation. Evaluations of the USMEPCOM Awards Program area must be
documented on this form. Fill in the appropriate blocks, as needed. The assessable unit manager is the
Director, J-1/Human Resources Directorate. The methodology used to conduct the evaluation could be the
internal control evaluation checklist and other methods used to review this area. Block 6 lists who
completed the evaluation and when it was conducted. Block 7 is used to document and explain the methods
used for evaluating this functional area. Block 8 is completed by the assessable unit manager (i.e., the
commander, director, or special staff officer).
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Section I
Army Volunteer Corps Coordinator
Army Regulation
Civilian Personnel Office
Civilian Award Program Manager
Civilian Personnel Advisory Center
Department of the Army
Defense Civilian Personnel Data System
Defense Distinguished Service Medal
Defense Meritorious Service Medal
Department of Defense
Defense Superior Service Medal
General Schedule
Headquarters, United States Military Entrance Processing Command
Joint Service Achievement Medal
Joint Service Commendation Medal
Military Entrance Processing Station
1 October 2010 USMEPCOM Regulation 600-25
Military Member of the Quarter
Military Member of the Year
Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal
Office of Personnel Management
Quality Step Increase
Special Act or Service Award
Total Army Performance Evaluation System
Time Off Award
USMEPCOM Awards Program
USMEPCOM Awards Program Manager
United States Military Entrance Processing Command
Volunteer Management Information System
Section II
*USMEPCOM-unique abbreviation, acronym, and/or term.