Get Approved
August 2022
Introduction 3
About the Security Industry Authority (SIA) 3
About the Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS) 4
Benefits of approval 4
Which businesses are eligible to seek approval? 5
Getting approved 6
Application process 7
Category of approval 9
Fees 10
Annual return 11
Change of legal entity 12
Cancellation 12
Fit and proper conditions 13
A. Identity 13
B. Criminality 14
C. Financial probity 16
D. Integrity 19
The ACS standard 21
Conformance to the ACS standard 25
Approval conditions 26
Additional conditions 28
When the SIA may impose an additional condition 28
Notification process 29
Appeal process for additional conditions 29
Renewing your approval 30
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Refusing approval 31
Factual errors 31
Mitigation 32
Withdrawing approval 33
Withdrawal process 33
Reapplication 33
Appealing an SIA decision 34
Compliance and enforcement 35
Administrative sanctions 35
Criminal offences 37
General limitations 38
Contact us 39
About the Security Industry Authority (SIA)
The Security Industry Authority (SIA) is a public body sponsored by the Home Office.
security industry.
Our primary function is to raise standards in the private security industry and protect the
public. We support the key priorities of the Home Office by contributing to the reduction
business growth.
We license individual security operatives. Licensing covers manned guarding (including
and qualified to do their job.
We set and approve standards of conduct and training - We do this by
specifying the learning and qualifications required for individual licensing.
Whilst it is the role of qualifications regulators to oversee the probity of
out the rules that we expect awarding organisations to follow.
We maintain a register of approved providers of security
industry services - the voluntary Approved Contractor
Scheme (ACS).
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About the Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS)
The SIA Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS) ensures that a business is fit and proper
(which includes criminality checks) and has been assessed as meeting the specified quality
Businesses may apply on a voluntary basis to become approved contractors and be
business may then market itself as being part of the ACS.
Approval to the ACS provides purchasers of private security services with independent proof
documents such as the ACS Terms & Conditions.
Benefits of approval
The ACS gives your organisation the opportunity to distinguish itself as one of
the best providers of private security services in the UK.
the authority to deploy a small proportion of staff whose licence applications
certain approved contractors can benefit from our licence assist and licence
Inclusion in the register of approved contractors published on the SIA website.
issued according to the size of the accredited organisation).
Which businesses are
eligible to seek approval?
Most businesses that provide licensable individuals
undera contract to supply security industry services
inthe United Kingdom will be eligible to join the ACS.
1. Supply security industry services in the United Kingdom
2. Supply security industry services under contract. In-house security providers are not
eligible to join the ACS
3. Supply licensable individuals under a contract for security industry services. Labour
 
 
6. Have been supplying security industry services for at least 12 months at the time of
application will not be accepted (other than in exceptional circumstances where you can
demonstrate to us why it is in the public interest that your business should be an approved
you that your application is no longer accepted.
non-refundable and our decision not to accept an application is final.
contact us through your online business account to discuss your circumstances before
submitting an application.
Approval for an additional sector
We may by exception accept applications where there is less than 12 months history of
you to have been delivering services in that additional sector for at least 3 months prior
to application to ensure they you have sufficient evidence to demonstrate conformance
at your assessment. We will make our final decision on the additional sector following a
successful assessment for that sector.
5Get Approved August 2022
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Your business must apply for approval for each of the sectors
vehicle immobilising (Northern Ireland only).
Approval lasts for three years from the date it is granted.
Getting approved
Is a fit and proper
business to be
Conforms to the
7Get Approved August 2022
Application process
Submitting an application
Your application for approval does not necessarily need to be completed by a controlling
management of the business must sign the application declaration on behalf of
A decision will not be made on your application until all information we have requested
has been provided. If you do not provide information within the timescales associated
Standard route
Your pre-approval interview may be conducted over the phone or a member of our staff
may visit your premises. The interview will cover questions to inform our assessment
instructions that we give to the assessing body that undertakes your assessment against
the ACS standard.
We will then assess whether your business meets the fit and proper conditions. This
assessment is based on the information you have provided on your application form
and verify wider information held by the SIA in respect of suitability under the fit and
proper conditions.
notified of the reason and provided with an indicative timescale as to when we anticipate
being in a position to make a decision on your application. Applications placed on hold
information relevant to the application must be provided to the SIA as soon as possible and
in any case within 21 days of the change.
You must not seek to mislead the SIA either by providing or by not providing information.
Any intention to mislead may lead to refusal.
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Once we have taken a decision as to whether your business meets the fit and proper
If you do not meet the fit and proper conditions you will be advised that we are
minded to refuse your application. We will provide the basis for our decision and
invite you to supply us with further information to consider before we take a
decision whether to refuse your application.
If you meet the fit and proper conditions we will advise you to book an assessment
against the ACS standard with an authorised assessing body within a specified
time frame. You will have a period of not more than six months from the date of
for your assessing body to confirm your conformance to the ACS standard. Any
verification visit must be paid for by the applicant.
consider that the number and scope of the improvement needs are such that they present
We will then make a decision on your application and write to you to advise you of our
refuse your approval.
approved contractors published on our website.
Passport route
we will follow the same process as
outlined in relation to the standard
to submit your passport certificate.
A valid passport certificate will be
recognised as meeting quality
requirements equivalent to the
ACS standard route.
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Category of approval
Businesses are granted approval to operate as an approved contractor and will pay fees
according to the number of individuals they provide on licensable activity.
Business size Licensable individuals
Micro ACS business 0-10
Small ACS business 11-25
Medium ACS business 26-250
Large ACS business 251+
How to calculate the size of your business
The size of your business depends on your head count of licensable individuals who carry
out licensable conduct on behalf of or under the direction of your business.
Head count = the total number of licensable individuals who carry out licensable
conduct on behalf of or under the direction of your business.
managers and persons with controlling mind.
1 This head count of licensable individuals should be calculated based on the actual head count at the point you complete your
Get Approved August 202210
The size of your business will determine the amount of your application and annual
Application fee
An application fee must be paid when you apply for approval. This fee covers assessment
of your application against the approval conditions and costs associated with your pre-
approval visit.
Business size Application fee (£)
Micro business (0-10 licensable individuals) £400
Small business (11-25 licensable individuals) £800
Medium business (26-250 licensable individuals) 
Large business (251+ licensable individuals) 
This is a one off fixed fee. You will not be required to pay another application fee if you apply
to submit another application fee to have your new approval application considered.
new approval application and submit an application fee.
application will not commence until cleared payment has been received.
This fee is payable whether your approval is granted or refused. You can withdraw your
exceptional circumstances.
Annual registration fee
approval. This covers our operational costs of maintaining the ACS.
Your first annual registration fee is payable on approval. Your subsequent registration fee
will be due each year on the anniversary of the date you were granted approval.
The registration fee is £15 per licensable individual supplied.
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Payment can be made using a variety of payment methods, including by telephone.
Failure to pay your registration fee by its due date may result in withdrawal of your approval.
You can cancel your approval at any time; however no part of any registration fee paid
Other costs
Please note that fees payable for assessment against the ACS standard or a passport
accreditation scheme should be paid directly to the assessing body. If you do not pay
yourassessment fee, wemay refuse your application or withdraw your approval.
Annual return
Once approved, you are required to supply an annual return evidencing your continued
compliance with the ACS.
Your annual return should be submitted through your online business account, together
with any specified supporting documentation, and should include:
any updates or changes to the information provided with your original application
or previous annual returns;
a declaration as to continued compliance with all conditions of your approval;
any additional information requested by us to support the assessment of your
approval; and
organisations using the licence management service need to provide additional
documents, for example, Code of Connection.
We will review your approval based on your submission, and we may choose to inspect
certain businesses based on the outcome of that review.
Due date
Your annual return is due two weeks prior to your annual registration fee payment.
You will be able to upload your annual return to our online portal eight weeks prior to the
Failure to submit an annual return in good time may result in your approval being put at
risk, and we may withdraw your approval.
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Change of legal entity
Approval is granted to a particular legal entity. If you start providing services as a different
for a new approval. This applies even if the key individuals remain the same and the new
business is providing the same services as the old one.
You are not required to apply for a new approval if the controlling minds or name of your
You can cancel your approval at any time if you no longer wish to be an approved
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This section explains the conditions that must be satisfied
and the information that is required to be supplied with
We will determine whether you are fit and proper with
reference to information relating to the four elements
You must remain fit and proper for the duration of your
approval. Breaches of the fit and proper conditions may
A. Identity
We will take into consideration who controls your business and the licensable
individuals you supply.
 
 
 
 
e) the names and licence numbers of all licensable individuals supplied by the
Please note
director and shadow director of any holding or parent company/ies above an
Get Approved 2018
Fit and proper conditions
Get Approved August 202214
whose affairs are managed by its members.
We will assess the information provided in the application form and undertake a
Supporting information to be provided
business and others including any shared services.
If your business relies upon operatives or activities based overseas to deliver licensable
activity in the UK this should also be disclosed..
B. Criminality
We will take into consideration any relevant pending charge or conviction information
regarding your business and/or any of its controlling minds.
Please note:
We may undertake further criminal record checks in relation to all controlling minds
assessed as part of the individual licence application process. In order to facilitate
the importance of upholding proper standards of conduct and competence by
approved businesses.
Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) websiteAccess
Northern Ireland or Disclosure Scotland websites.
Get Approved August 2022 15
have in the United Kingdom or elsewhere.
What pending charge or conviction information is relevant to us?
information that is not considered relevant as to whether the business is fit and
In addition to our list of relevant offences
whether a business is fit and proper to be approved we will also take into account
charges or convictions (in relation to the business itself and/or any of its controlling
labour exploitation.
Supporting information to be provided
If any of the relevant controlling minds do not hold either a front line or non-front
the individual to arrange for the necessary identity and criminality checks to be
If any of the relevant controlling minds have lived or worked overseas or served
Get Approved August 202216
C. Financial probity
We will take into consideration any relevant financial and other circumstances of your
business and any of the controlling minds.
 
 
 
information registered (such as late payments on accounts) in relation to your
 
 
 
than in exceptional circumstances.
Please note
whether any of the controlling minds are subject to individual voluntary
we will take into consideration whether HMRC has any concerns regarding your
 
 
 
(i) was formed and registered under the Companies Act 1985 (c. 6) or the Companies (Northern Ireland) Order 1986
 
formed and registered under this Act).
Get Approved August 2022 17
VAT payments have been made to the HMRC as and when they were due for at
vast majority of licensable individuals supplied by private security businesses should
in relation to benefitting from a contract of employment setting out employment
circumstances where you can evidence that self-employed individuals are being
documentary evidence explaining how you came to a decision to input the
 
 
and national insurance contributions.
Intermediary Report.
Get Approved August 202218
if we are satisfied with the due diligence that you carry out in determining the
investigating these arrangements to determine the reality of the engagement(s).
Supporting information to be provided
a screenshot of HMRC RTI electronic reference.
You may be requested to provide additional information when your application is
status for tax) where you contract with self-employed individuals for the delivery of
security industry services.
Get Approved August 2022 19
D Integrity
We will take into consideration the integrity of your business and its controlling minds.
a. any intelligence held which indicates your business or its controlling minds are not
b. any instance where your business or its controlling minds have misled us or any other
c. whether your business has contravened the requirements and standards of other
 
liquidation or administration
 
concerned in the ownership or management of a business that has gone into
that organisation
 
 
 
i. whether your business or any of its controlling minds have been influenced by a third
j. whether your business or any of its controlling minds are connected to someone who
 
 
 
the integrity of the ACS. This includes website statements or images.
 
within the previous 12 months.
Get Approved August 202220
Please note:
We will assess all relevant information in considering business integrity. We
documentation and any other information available to us from our own
should disclose this information. You will always be given an opportunity to provide
mitigating information before we make a decision on your application. The non-
disclosure of material facts is taken very seriously by us and will be viewed as prima
facie evidence of dishonesty and/or lack of integrity.
we will consider this element satisfied.
How we will determine what information is relevant
The fact that information is obtained which calls into question whether your
business is fit and proper to be approved does not automatically mean that your
whether your business is currently under investigation by any regulatory or
the protection of the public;
the maintenance of public confidence in the SIA and the ACS;
the importance of upholding proper standards of conduct and competence by
approved businesses.
Supporting information to be provided
You are not required to submit any supporting documentation with your application
on our decision. However you may be requested to provide information when
your application is being processed. This information must be provided within the
reasonable timescales provided in order for your application to be progressed.
Get Approved August 2022 21
The ACS standard
conform to the ACS standard.
The ACS standard has been developed with a wide scope
encompassing all aspects of a business. It provides a holistic
view of how well an organisation is being managed and how
well it services its customers and treats its staff. It encompasses
standards such as ISO9001 and other management practices
standard is unique and you are not required to be accredited
to ISO9001 or hold any other accreditation in order to meet the
ACS requirements.
The ACS standard consists of seven criteria, underneath each of which sits a number of
indicators of good practice.
An SIA approved contractor has clear strategic direction enabling it to deliver value to
all stakeholders
 
 
 
 
1.5 measures and improves on performance against key indicators.
Get Approved August 202222
An SIA approved contractor has robust processes in place that ensure service delivery
to its customers and stakeholders.
 
 
2.3 identifies and responds appropriately to what customers require of a security
2.4 monitors and manages service delivery to both customers and consumers in a
 
2.6 measures and improves performance against key customer and consumer
An SIA contractor promotes robust and transparent commercial relationships with its
customers, consumers and suppliers founded on mutual trust and respect.
 
3.2 offers professional advice to its to customers and potential customers on
 
 
 
Get Approved August 2022 23
An SIA approved contractor is financially viable with sufficient resources to meet its
current and future obligations.
 
 
4.3 understands the market place and has financial plans to meet or change its
4.4 measures and improves performance against key financial indicators.
An SIA approved contractor has sufficient technical resources to sustain its business
meeting the relevant industry standards.
 
 
5.3 measures and improves performance in the management of resources.
An SIA approved contractor develops and implements plans to ensure its people are
suitably trained, developed and cared for.
 
 
 
 
6.5 measures and improves staff performance and perceptions of the organisation.
Get Approved August 202224
An SIA approved contractor has effective leadership.
 
7.2 the leaders review and continuously improve the effectiveness of their leadership
 
7.4 the leaders develop and implement an effective system for recognising and
7.5 it measures and improves performance of the organisation.
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Conformance to the ACS standard
and you must
continue to meet the ACS standard for the duration of your approval. In order to become
annual assessment to verify that you meet the ACS standard. It is your responsibility to
arrange and pay for an annual independent assessment by an ACS assessing body. If at
any point during your approval we hold information which indicates you may no longer
Failure to conform to the ACS standard may result in withdrawal of your approval.
How to demonstrate conformance
Standard route
If you meet the fit and proper conditions you will be advised to book an assessment against
the ACS standard with an authorised assessing body. For a list of authorised assessing
bodies please see our website.
Typically you will be entitled to select the assessing body that conducts your assessment.
the assessment our self or have a member of our staff present while your assessment is
Passport route
The passport route offers an alternative route to approval. We recognise other standards
and assessment approaches and accredit specific passport schemes that are at least
equivalent or superior to the standard route. To demonstrate conformance you must hold
valid certification to an SIA accredited passport scheme. A list of ACS accredited passport
schemes can be found 
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Approval conditions
This section lists the approval conditions you must comply with
for the duration of your approval.
Breach of an approval condition can result in withdrawal of your approval.
1. Continue to meet the ACS eligibility requirements.
2. Continue to comply with the fit and proper conditions.
3. Continue to conform to the ACS standard.
4. Submit an annual return by its due date.
 
 
 
b. the removal of a controlling mind from your business or the addition of a
 
 
 
 
of your business.
 
 
compliance and enforcement purposes.
 
and premises for verification and assessment purposes.
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9. Notify its customers of any changes to its ACS approval.
10. Comply with all requests from us within the timescale provided.
 
12. Comply with all guidance issued in relation to the approved contractor scheme
 
including ensuring that no more than 15% of operatives are supplied under
b. all requirements associated with the use of our licence management and licence
c. all requirements relating to the use of the ACS accreditation mark.
 
exceptional circumstances where explicit authority is given by us.
14. Uphold the integrity of the scheme.
conditions may be imposed.
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modify an approval by attaching additional specific conditions.
These additional conditions may be imposed at the time the
where specified.
Breach of an approval condition can result in withdrawal of your approval.
When we may impose an additional condition
uphold proper standards of conduct and competence by a controlling mind/s and/or
a business.
a requirement for staff to undertake specified training.
Any additional condition imposed on your approval will be placed on the public register
Additional conditions
Get Approved August 2022 29
Notification process
mitigating information or factual errors in our assessment. You will then have 21 calendar
days to provide a response to our communication.
conditions on your approval will take effect 21 calendar days after the date of the
If you do send in a response within 21 days we will give it due consideration and we will
you will then have 21 calendar days from the date of this notification in which to exercise a
the approval you will not be approved as an approved contractor.
Appeal process for additional conditions
If you appeal against our decision to impose additional conditions on an approval you
during the appeal process.
expired for the remaining duration of the appeal process.
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Renewing your approval
After three years your approval will expire and it will be
necessary to renew your approval.
Renewal applications can be made online via your business account. Renewing your
continue to comply with all conditions associated with your approval.
Renewal applications will be subject to a full review by us.
It is a criminal offence for a business to hold themselves out as approved without holding
approved contractor status. It is therefore important that you renew your approval before
we recommend that you make a renewal application at least eight weeks before it
application will be reviewed before your approval expires. If your approval expires before
Get Approved August 2022 31
We will refuse to grant approval if an applicant fails to
demonstrate that it is fit and proper to be approved or does
are minded to refuse 
You will then have 21 calendar days from the date of our communication to provide a
and we will write to you to inform you of our decision.
days from the date you receive our refusal notification in which to exercise a right of appeal
It is important to ensure any response you provide to us is sent in good time and always
you should write to us within the 21 days to let us know.
Factual errors
submit details of any factual error we may have made within 21 days.
our information on the criminality of your business or its controlling minds is
your passport accreditation is valid for the security industry service in which you
have applied for approval but we have said it is not.
Refusing approval
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be invited to provide us with any mitigation you would like considered in your case. We will
consider your submission in reaching our decision.
In considering your mitigation we may also consider information from other sources which
provided in support of your application.
The number of documents you supply in support of your application will not necessarily
from people of standing in the community will be more persuasive than information from
you can demonstrate that you have taken action to correct the problems we have
you can demonstrate that the problems we have identified are uncharacteristic of
your business and being granted approval is in the best interests of stakeholders
you can provide some other information to challenge our assessment of whether
your business is fit and proper and conforms to the ACS standard.
If we refuse your application you are permitted to re-apply for an approval immediately.
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We may choose to withdraw approval where we consider that
your business is not meeting the conditions of its approval.
Withdrawal process
are minded
to supply information. You will then have 21 calendar days to provide a response to our
Your response may include any factual errors in our assessment or mitigating information
you would like us to consider when reaching our decision. It is important to ensure any
due to difficulty in obtaining evidence.
If we decide to withdraw your approval you will have a further 21 calendar days in which to
continue to hold your approval and can continue to hold yourself out as approved.
Any decision to withdraw an approval will be noted on the public register available on our
If you have had your approval withdrawn you are permitted to re-apply for an approval
 any compliance action
previously taken by us against your business or any of its controlling minds. As a result your
re-apply for approval until you have completed a
Withdrawing approval
Get Approved August 202234
 
 
withdraw an approval.
Any communication advising you of an appealable decision that we make will explain the
process for making an appeal.
considered when we make a final decision.
appeal process.
Appealing an SIA decision
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For the ACS to be a symbol of trusted high quality security
who do not meet the conditions of approval or who bring the
scheme into disrepute. We ensure that our compliance and
and individuals.
exchange information with other enforcement agencies.
Enforcement. What to expect from the SIA.
Administrative sanctions
We have a range of options for dealing with non-compliance that can be effective in quickly
securing compliance and avoids us having to use our statutory powers to take formal
While it is important to remember that any breach of the conditions of approval may
lead to withdrawal of ACS approval
Compliance and
Get Approved August 202236
be achieved without undermining the credibility of scheme.
An administrative sanction will be taken into consideration by us in relation to what action
Verbal warnings
Industry Act 2001 or non-conformance with the ACS. We may choose to issue a verbal
will been taken to remedy or mitigate the breach and it appears unlikely that the breach
Written warnings
Industry Act 2001 or non-conformance with the ACS. We may choose to issue a written
remedy or mitigate the breach and it appears unlikely that the breach will be repeated.
Improvement notices
Industry Act 2001. The notice sets out the improvements required and is discharged when
we are satisfied that the improvements have been made.
conform with the ACS requirements to maintain your approval.
For non-conformance with fit and proper conditions and other conditions
prepare an action plan setting how you will address the non-conformance within
period of time.
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Improvement Needs
where action is necessary in order to meet the requirements of the ACS standard.
preparing an action plan setting how you will address the non-conformance within
within a specified period of time (usually 6 weeks).
We will seek to work with you to obtain conformance but may take formal action in
on your approval or withdrawing your approval.
Criminal offences
provide security industry services without a licence or in breach of the conditions of
intentionally or recklessly make a statement to us that is false (section 22).
business may also be individually liable if it can be shown that the offence was committed
The maximum penalty for these offences ranges from an unlimited fine on summary
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General limitations
liability to approved contractors or to any third party with respect to any business activities
carried out.
Costs incurred in achieving approval or incurred subsequently in maintaining approval
are the responsibility of the organisation seeking or granted approval. The SIA accepts no
responsibility for any such costs incurred.
Get Approved August 2022 39
We also welcome constructive comments and suggestions
Security Industry Authority
security industry authority
Contact us
The SIA logo is owned by the Security Industry
Authority and may not be used without
theexpress permission of the SIA