Department of Human Resources
Special Payroll Manual
Department of Human Resources
University of Connecticut
Last Updated October 2022
Department of Human Resources
Table of Contents
Statutory Language ................................................................................................................................................................ 3
PageUp .................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Compensation & Deadlines .................................................................................................................................................... 3
Special Payroll Employee Benefits ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Type of Work Definitions ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Type of Request Definitions ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Titles, Definitions and Uses of Special Payroll Titles ............................................................................................................. 5
General Payroll Titles .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Rehired Retiree Special Payroll Titles ............................................................................................................................... 17
Unclassified Retirees, Time Reporter ............................................................................................................................ 17
Unclassified Retirees, Non-Time Reporters .................................................................................................................. 17
Classified Retirees ......................................................................................................................................................... 17
Graduate Special Payroll Titles ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Gratis Only Special Payroll Titles ....................................................................................................................................... 22
Contact Information ............................................................................................................................................................. 24
Commonly Used Forms ........................................................................................................................................................ 24
Department of Human Resources
Statutory Language
The regulations governing the Special Payroll are based on two statutory sources:
CGS10a-20 and CGS10a-108(a) governing the appointment of professional staff at the University.
Under these statutes, the University uses the Special Payroll for certain types of short term, temporary,
seasonal, and part-time professional staffing needs. Temporary services typically involve less than six months
of continuous employment. For more details, please reference Special Payroll Policy.
Human Resources utilizes PageUp People, a cloud-based applicant tracking system with recruitment and
onboarding modules, for Special Payroll. This new system has replaced UConn’s Special Payroll Authorization
Request system (SPAR).
Access to PageUp and Quick Step guides can be found on HR’s website.
Special Payroll offer letters can be found within the PageUp requests or on HR’s website.
Compensation & Deadlines
Each academic year beginning August 23, compensation for Adjunct Faculty and Graduate Special Payroll
appointments are subject to change dependent upon their corresponding contractual agreements. For up-to-
date compensation rates please visit our website.
Due to the high volume of payroll authorizations preceding academic semesters and intersessions, HR and
Payroll provide processing deadline dates. It is important that departments abide by these deadlines since late
submissions may risk a delayed first paycheck, expose the University to non-compliance with federal law as no
employee should begin working without a completed I-9 on file, and some first-time temporary employees
(i.e., Adjuncts) must make an irrevocable retirement election by end of their first day of employment, in
compliance with state requirements. To view these deadlines please visit our website.
Special Payroll Employee Benefits
Individuals hired on Special Payroll do not receive benefits, although they may purchase medical coverage at
group rates by contacting Human Resources, Employment Benefits at 860-486-3034 or
More information can be found on the HR website.
Department of Human Resources
Type of Work Definitions
Administrative: Provides administrative support to an office or program. The individual must have some level
of discretion to carry out duties (otherwise, it is a clerical appointment and should not be employed on Special
Course Support: Provides academic support to the instructor of a UConn credit course or degree program (e.g.
advising, grading, tutoring, etc.) or supervises a non-traditional course (e.g. independent study, clinical,
Non‐Credit Instruction: Instructs or provides support to a non-credit course. The audience is typically non-
UConn students.
Research: Studies or assists with the study of a particular topic or field.
Service: Provides instruction or outreach to benefit the external community.
Teaching: Instructs (as Instructor of Record) a traditional UConn credit course, which typically includes a
regular lecture component, to UConn students.
Type of Request Definitions
New Hire: Initial appointment within a specific job search.
Rehire: Subsequent appointment within the same job search as the initial appointment. This appointment will
have a new start date and will activate a new appointment in Core-CT.
Data Change: Request used to make updates to current appointment, such as extending end dates for up to a
total of 1 year and updating total allotments/stipends, etc. The data change request should have the same
start date as the current appointment and the record should already be active in Core-CT. This type of request
will replace the original request in its entirety.
Department of Human Resources
Titles, Definitions and Uses of Special Payroll Titles
General Payroll Titles
Compensation Type: Stipend
Compensation Type: Hourly
Job Code: 6001UP
Job Code: 6001UH
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Type of Work: Course Support
Type of Work: Course Support
To be used for those who support teaching functions and/or perform duties such as: grading papers, exams or
labs, proctoring, tutoring, advising, developing course curriculum and giving guest lectures
Appointment dates should coincide with the semester dates (fall, spring, summer, and intersession)
CBC required
Offer Letter: Non-Faculty (Stipend) or Non-Faculty (Hourly)
Compensation Type: Stipend
Job Code: 5004UP
Bargaining Unit: AAUP
Type of Work: Teaching
To be used for individuals employed by the University part-time as Instructor of Record during the academic
year, winter session, May term and summer session for credit courses, up to a maximum of eight (8) credits
per semester. UCPEA employees and rehired retirees hired to teach as Instructor of Record also use this title.
Must complete “Teaching” section for the hire request in PageUp and indicate in the comments if teacher of
record or team teaching.
Appointment dates should coincide with the semester dates (fall, spring, summer, and intersession)
Paid at current AAUP contractual credit rate. Please reference our website.
CBC required
Online Orientation required
Offer Letter: Corresponding Adjunct Template listed under Special Payroll: Teaching Appointments
Department of Human Resources
Compensation Type: Stipend
Job Code: 2001UP
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Type of Work: Research
To be used for temporary, non-tenure track faculty appointments paralleling regular faculty ranks. Faculty
members in these titles are primarily responsible for research and may serve as Principal Investigator on a
grant. These positions carry no formal teaching obligations, although qualified individuals may on occasion be
requested to teach courses in a department.
No set dates
Must be less than 50%
Offer Letter: Non-Faculty (Stipend)
Compensation Type: Stipend
Job Code: 8002UP
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Type of Work: Research
To be used for an outside appointee who is working on a grant as a principal investigator. Research credentials
should be consistent with research credentials equivalent to this faculty rank. Appointee is generally not
expected to have formal responsibility for training students.
Note: The work of the Research Scientist and the Research Scholar is similar. The choice of whether to use
“Scientist” or “Scholar” depends on which is the more commonly used term for the discipline. “Scientist” is
usually preferred in the physical or biological sciences and “Scholar” in the humanities.
No set dates
Must be less than 50%
Offer Letter: Non-Faculty (Stipend)
Department of Human Resources
Compensation Type: Stipend
Job Code: 8008UP
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Type of Work: Research
To be used for an outside appointee associated with the conduct of self-supported research. Individuals
holding these titles are expected to apply for grants as Principal Investigators and support their own research
activities through such grants. The title applies to individuals with research credentials equivalent to those of
faculty but who are not expected to have formal responsibility for the training of students.
Note: The work of the Research Scientist and the Research Scholar is similar. The choice of whether
to use “Scientist” or “Scholar” depends on which is the more commonly used term for the
discipline. “Scientist” is usually preferred in the physical or biological sciences and “Scholar” in the
No set dates
Must be less than 50%
Offer Letter: Non-Faculty (Stipend)
Compensation Type: Stipend
Job Code: 3001UP
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Type of Work: Research
To be used for temporary, non-tenure track faculty appointments paralleling regular faculty ranks. Faculty
members in these titles are primarily responsible for research and may serve as Principal Investigators on a
grant. For the most part, these positions carry no formal teaching obligations, although qualified individuals
may on occasion be requested to teach courses in a department.
No set dates
Must be less than 50%
Offer Letter: Non-Faculty (Stipend)
Department of Human Resources
Compensation Type: Stipend
Job Code: 8001UP
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Type of Work: Research
To be used for an outside appointee associated with the conduct of self-supported research. Individuals
holding these titles are expected to apply for grants as Principal Investigators and support their own research
activities through such grants. The title applies to individuals with research credentials equivalent to those of
faculty but who are not expected to have formal responsibility for the training of students.
Note: The work of the Research Scientist and the Research Scholar is similar. The choice of whether to use
“Scientist” or “Scholar” depends on which is the more commonly used term for the discipline. “Scientist” is
usually preferred in the physical or biological sciences and “Scholar” in the humanities.
No set dates
Must be less than 50%
Offer Letter: Non-Faculty (Stipend)
Compensation Type: Stipend
Job Code: 8009UP
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Type of Work: Research
To be used for an outside appointee who is working on a grant as a principal investigator. Research credentials
should be consistent with research credentials equivalent to this faculty rank. Appointee is generally not
expected to have formal responsibility for training students.
Note: The work of the Research Scientist and the Research Scholar is similar. The choice of whether to use
“Scientist” or “Scholar” depends on which is the more commonly used term for the discipline. “Scientist” is
usually preferred in the physical or biological sciences and “Scholar” in the humanities.
No set dates
Must be less than 50%
Offer Letter: Non-Faculty (Stipend)
Department of Human Resources
Compensation Type: Stipend
Job Code: 7002UP
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Type of Work: Teaching or Course Support
To be used for inside appointees, with or without a terminal degree, who supervise clinical practica. This title
is to acknowledge individuals who teach or supervise students in clinical programs at the University.
No set dates
CBC required
Offer Letter: Non-Faculty (Stipend)
Compensation Type: Stipend
Job Code: 6003UP
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Type of Work: Course Support
To be used for instructors during the academic year, winter intersession, May term, and summer session, who
are not the teacher of record but who have related responsibilities and/or work under the supervision of an
instructor for credit courses. The primary example is lab and/or discussion section instruction, and supervising
non-traditional courses such as independent studies, practica, etc. Due of the nature of the work,
appointment dates should coincide with the semester dates. Instructional Specialists have no restrictions on
credit limit per semester.
Must complete “Teaching” section for the hire request in PageUp.
This title is not eligible for use by graduate students (if performing these duties during winter
intersession/summer session then please see Graduate Instructional Specialist).
Appointment dates should coincide with the semester dates (fall, spring, summer, and intersession)
Course information is required
CBC required
Offer letter: Instructional Specialist
Department of Human Resources
Compensation Type: Stipend
Job Code: 5005UP
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Type of Work: Service
To be used by faculty members engaged in University sanctioned activity that involves consulting at remote
operations including corporate sites. Such activities must be approved by the dean of the school/college, and
the Provost as described in the Policy on Extra Compensation for full-time Faculty in AAUP.
No set dates
Must be a current full-time faculty member
Offer Letter can be found in PageUp (All_SP_Titles_Faculty)
Compensation Type: Stipend
Compensation Type: Hourly
Job Code: 6010UP
Job Code: 6010UH
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Type of Work: Administrative*
Type of Work: Administrative*
To be used for those who perform or support performances at the University, such as actors, stage managers,
directors, music directors, choreographers, costume/set designers, carpenters, and costume technicians, etc.
This title will predominately be used by the School of Fine Arts, but can be used by other Schools/Colleges
when hiring musicians for events, e.g., graduation, etc. This title is not to be used for accompanists that
support a credit course nor for graduate students performing these duties.
No set dates
Offer Letter: Non-Faculty (Stipend) or Non-Faculty (Hourly)
Department of Human Resources
Compensation Type: Stipend
Job Code: 4006UP
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Type of Work: Service*
To be used to appoint someone who has achieved exceptional distinction as a practitioner or performer in a
specialized field. Professors in the Field share their expertise as guest lecturers, collaborate in laboratory
research, mentor and advise students or faculty, contribute to creativity and innovation initiatives, foster
greater cultural/global awareness, assist in new curriculum development, or other activities intended to
enhance the educational, research, and outreach mission of their unit. These employees must show evidence
through past achievement or credential that they will advance the practice and understanding of their field at
the University. These appointments are expected to be rare and used only for fields of study that are
connected to highly specialized practice or skill. This internal title is used for temporary, non-tenure track
faculty appointments.
Offer Letter: Non-Faculty (Stipend)
Compensation Type: Stipend
Job Code: 6009UP
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Type of Work: Administrative*
To be used for those who provide temporary administrative work by directing or coordinating a major
University function, program, or project. The hourly version of this title is Temporary University Specialist.
No set dates
Offer Letter: Non-Faculty (Stipend)
Department of Human Resources
Compensation Type: Stipend
Compensation Type: Hourly
Job Code: 6005UP
Job Code: 6005UH
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Type of Work: Service*
Type of Work: Service*
To be used for individuals who provide temporary assistance directed toward the benefit of the community or
organizations and individuals external to the University, such as grant projects for social services, seminars,
non-credit courses, professional workshops, etc.
No set dates
CBC required based on exposure
Offer Letter: Non-Faculty (Stipend) or Non-Faculty (Hourly)
Compensation Type: Stipend
Job Code: 4003UP
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Type of Work: Research*
To be used for temporary, non-tenure track faculty appointments paralleling regular faculty ranks. Faculty
members in these titles are primarily responsible for research and may serve as Principal Investigator on a
grant. For the most part, these positions carry no formal teaching obligations, although qualified individuals
may on occasion be requested to teach courses in a department.
No set dates
Must be less than 50%
Offer Letter: Non-Faculty (Stipend)
Department of Human Resources
Compensation Type: Stipend
Job Code: 8003UP
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Type of Work: Research
To be used for an outside appointee, with or without a terminal degree, who is working on a grant as a
Principal Investigator. It applies to individuals with research credentials equivalent to those of faculty but who
are not expected to have any formal responsibility for the training of students.
Note: The work of the Research Scientist and the Research Scholar is similar. The choice of whether to use
“Scientist” or “Scholar” depends on which is the more commonly used term for the discipline. “Scientist” is
usually preferred in the physical or biological sciences and “Scholar” in the humanities.
No set dates
Must be less than 50%
Offer Letter: Non-Faculty (Stipend)
Compensation Type: Stipend
Job Code: 8004UP
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Type of Work: Research
To be used for an outside appointee, with or without a terminal degree, who is working on a grant as a Principal
Investigator. It applies to individuals with research credentials equivalent to those of faculty but who are not
expected to have any formal responsibility for the training of students.
Note: The work of the Research Scientist and the Research Scholar is similar. The choice of whether to use
“Scientist” or “Scholar” depends on which is the more commonly used term for the discipline. “Scientist” is
usually preferred in the physical or biological sciences and “Scholar” in the humanities.
No set dates
Must be less than 50%
Offer Letter: Non-Faculty (Stipend)
Department of Human Resources
Compensation Type: Stipend
Compensation Type: Hourly
Job Code: 8005UP
Job Code: 8005UH
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Type of Work: Research
Type of Work: Research
To be used for appointees who provide temporary assistance for the research function under grant funding.
No set dates
Not for Graduate Students (See Graduate Student Technician)
Maximum compensation for faculty working within this title is calculated using annual
salary and appointment terms (i.e. 9, 10, or 11 month)
Offer Letter: Non-Faculty (Stipend) or Non-Faculty (Hourly)
o For Faculty Members: Faculty Summer Research Certificate
Compensation Type: Stipend
Job Code: 8006UP
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Type of Work: Research
To be used for an outside appointee, with or without a terminal degree, who is working on a grant as a
Principal Investigator. It applies to individuals with research credentials equivalent to those of faculty but who
are not expected to have any formal responsibility for the training of students.
Note: The work of the Senior Research Scientist and the Senior Research Scholar is similar. The choice of
whether to use “Scientist” or “Scholar” depends on which is the more commonly used term for the discipline.
“Scientist” is usually preferred in the physical or biological sciences and “Scholar” in the humanities.
No set dates
Must be less than 50%
Offer Letter: Non-Faculty (Stipend)
Department of Human Resources
Compensation Type: Stipend
Job Code: 8007UP
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Type of Work: Research
To be used for an outside appointee, with or without a terminal degree, who is working on a grant as a
Principal Investigator. It applies to individuals with research credentials equivalent to those of faculty but who
are not expected to have any formal responsibility for the training of students.
Note: The work of the Senior Research Scientist and the Senior Research Scholar is similar. The choice of whether
to use “Scientist” or “Scholar” depends on which is the more commonly used term for the discipline. “Scientist”
is usually preferred in the physical or biological sciences and “Scholar” in the humanities.
No set dates
Must be less than 50%
Offer Letter: Non-Faculty (Stipend)
Compensation Type: Stipend
Job Code: 5003UP
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Type of Work: Teaching
To be used for University faculty hired as the teacher of record to teach part-time. Also used for individuals
hired as Instructor of Record to teach at the Law School. These appointments must not exceed eight (8) credits
per semester.
Must complete “Teaching” section for the hire request in PageUp and indicate in the comments if teacher of
record or team teaching. Special Payroll Lecturers in the School of Law are not represented by AAUP, and
therefore do not pay dues.
Appointment dates should coincide with the semester dates (fall, spring, summer, and intersession)
University faculty must be paid in accordance with Article 38.1 of the AAUP contract. See the HR
website for specific Winter/Intersession compensation information
CBC required for Law School SPLs
Orientation required for Law School SPLs
Offer Letter for Law School SPLs: Law School Teaching Appointments
Offer Letter for Faculty: Faculty Summer and Intersession Teaching Appointments
Department of Human Resources
Compensation Type: Hourly
Job Code: 6006UH
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Type of Work: Administrative*
To be used for temporary professional employment work, such as work related to Student Services, Athletics,
Theater Productions, Registration, Counselor, Web/Graphic Design, and Interviewers, etc. The stipend version
of this title is Project/Program Specialist.
No set dates
Job duties must be above and beyond general clerical work
Offer Letter: Non-Faculty (Hourly)
To be used to appoint a professional from industry to support the teaching function for credit courses that are
entrepreneurial in nature, typically in cross-disciplinary courses on innovation. These employees are typically
industry leaders who provide expertise on entrepreneurship and innovation in partnership with a UConn
faculty member. These employees perform duties such as: grading papers, exams or labs, proctoring, tutoring,
developing course curriculum, or giving guest lectures. The use of “visiting” in the title indicates the temporary
nature of the title or that the appointment is funded by a grant or contract.
Appointment dates should coincide with the semester dates
Offer Letter: Non-Faculty (Stipend)
To be used for temporary student visitors from other institutions who come to UConn who conduct supervised
research with or for a UConn department. This research is typically connected to meeting an academic
objective for the home institution where they are enrolled or affiliated.
No set dates
Offer Letter: Non-Faculty (Stipend)
Compensation Type: Stipend
Job Code: 9145UP
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Type of Work: Course Support
Compensation Type: Stipend
Job Code: 9199UP
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Type of Work: Research
Department of Human Resources
Rehired Retiree Special Payroll Titles
Per UConn’s Policy on Re-Employed Retirees, the University may re-employ retirees when operational,
administrative, and/or financial benefits dictate, or when needed to maintain continuing operations. The
University re-employs retirees who have particular expertise necessary to meet a variety of academic, clinical,
research, programmatic, and/or administrative needs at a cost savings or benefit to the University and state of
Connecticut. Re-employed retirees may not be re-employed for more than three calendar years unless an
exception is approved by the President, Provost, or their designee, and shall not work more than 120 days/960
hours during any one calendar year. For any rehired retiree who works as Adjunct Faculty, they will be limited
to teaching a maximum of 12 credits per calendar year.
Appointments of re-employed retirees shall be reviewed by the President, Provost, or their designee, and
Human Resources to assess the continued operational needs and to ensure conformance with the Policy.
For all Rehired Retirees, please use the following offer letters:
Retiree Non-Teaching (Hourly)
Retiree Non-Teaching (Stipend)
Retiree Adjunct Appointment
Unclassified Retirees, Time Reporter
An employee who retired from a time reporting Unclassified State Service appointment (e.g., UCPEA,
management/confidential) may work under any hourly-paid Special Payroll title, except the Temporary
Worker Retiree title or Graduate Student titles. The hourly compensation rate for individuals rehired into the
same position from which the individual just retired shall generally not exceed 75% of the hourly rate paid to
such employee in the last pay period immediately prior to his or her retirement for 120 days of work. For any
rehired retiree who works as Adjunct Faculty, they will be limited to teaching a maximum of 12 credits per
calendar year as 12 equates to 120 days of work. Rehired retiree appointments may not cross calendar years.
Unclassified Retirees, Non-Time Reporters
An employee who retired from a non-time reporting Unclassified State Service appointment (e.g., AAUP) may
work under any Special Payroll title, except the Temporary Worker Retiree title or Graduate Student titles.
Faculty and other employees that are non-time reporters prior to retirement, and therefore do not have a pre-
retirement hourly rate, shall be restricted to post-retirement compensation not to exceed 75% of their pre-
retirement annual salary for 120 days of work. For any rehired retiree who works as Adjunct Faculty, they will
be limited to teaching a maximum of 12 credits per calendar year as 12 equates to 120 days of work. Rehired
retiree appointments may not cross calendar years.
Classified Retirees
An employee who retired from a Classified State Service appointment may only work under the Temporary
Worker Retiree title, unless they are working as an Adjunct Faculty. Classified retirees may be compensated up
to 75% of their hourly rate at the time of retirement.
Department of Human Resources
Compensation Type: Hourly
Job Code: 6007UH
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Type of Work: Administrative*
To be used for rehired retirees that were in the Classified State Service and reemployed to assist with
temporary administrative, seasonal, or project-based work for up to a maximum 960 hours in a calendar year.
No set dates although duration of appointment cannot cross Calendar Years
Department of Human Resources
Graduate Special Payroll Titles
Graduate students may be appointed to extra-compensatory assignments that occur outside the normal
academic year (i.e., Winter Intersession, May Term, Summer Sessions). These titles are to be used by Graduate
students only outside of the normal academic year. Please refer to Article 34 of the GEU Contract for more
Any work that is not teaching, course support, conducting research, or similar/directly related work to the
Graduate student’s assistantship must go on Student Labor as it is not considered bargaining unit work.
Graduate students who complete their degree in May should not be hired under Graduate special payroll titles
during summer sessions and, instead, should be hired under the general special payroll titles.
During winter and May intersessions, Dual Employment forms are required for Graduate Students who hold a
Research Graduate Assistantship during the academic year. This Dual Employment form should include the
academic year GAship, the special payroll appointment, and any other compensated appointments (e.g.,
Student Labor, 2
special payroll appointment, work with other state agencies). Graduate Students who hold
a Teaching Graduate Assistantship during the academic year will only need to complete a Dual Employment
form during winter or May intersession if they are working any other compensated appointments (e.g.,
Student Labor, 2
special payroll appointment, work with other state agencies) outside of their academic year
GAship. To help decrease processing times, please indicate the type of academic year GAship in the comments
of the request.
During the summer sessions, Dual Employment forms are required if the Graduate Student is also working
other compensated appointments (e.g., Student Labor, 2
special payroll appointment, work with other state
Department of Human Resources
Compensation Type: Stipend
Job Code: 7015UP
Bargaining Unit: GEU-UAW
Type of Work: Course Support
To be used by graduate students who are not the teacher of record but who have related responsibilities
and/or work under the supervision of an instructor for credit courses.
Graduate students in this title shall be appointed at an FTE percentage equivalent commensurate with the
nature of the duties performed and paid at least the minimum Graduate Student per credit rate for the credit
equivalent according to the following schedule:
GA FTE Percentage Equivalent Credit Equivalent
1 Credit: This is the most common level and shall include basic support for a course,
including, but not limited to, overseeing a single lab section, overseeing a single
discussion section, acting as a grader for a course, or providing basic support to an
online course.
2 Credit: This is a less common level and shall include support to a course which
exceeds the basic level of support provided at the 1-credit level, including but not
limited to, leading a lab section and grading writing for a Q/W course or providing
support to an online course whose enrollment cap has been increased significantly
from the standard summer class size.
3 Credit: This is the least common level and shall include support to a course which
includes the full range of activities typical of and at the level of an IOR, including, but
not limited to, providing support to an online course whose enrollment has been
intentionally set at least 15 students higher than the standard summer class size.
Compensation must meet the minimum per credit rate agreed upon in the GEU Contract (Article 34,
Section 5)
Appointment dates must match the dates of the course
Dual Employment may be required, please see additional information in Graduate Special Payroll Titles
section above
CBC required
Offer Letters: Grad Instructional Specialist General Instructional Support or Grad Instructional Specialist
Lab Instruction
Department of Human Resources
Compensation Type: Stipend
Job Code: 7014UP
Bargaining Unit: GEU-UAW
Type of Work: Teaching
To be used for graduate students who are hired as the instructor of record to teach part-time. Must complete
“Teaching” section for the hire request in PageUp and indicate in the comments if teacher of record or team
Compensation must meet the minimum per credit rate agreed upon in the GEU Contract (Article 34,
Section 5)
Appointment dates must match the dates of the course
Dual Employment may be required, please see additional information in Graduate Special Payroll
Titles section above
CBC required
Offer Letter: Graduate Special Payroll Lecturer
Compensation Type: Stipend
Job Code: 7013UP
Bargaining Unit: GEU-UAW
Type of Work: Research
To be used for temporary research work by graduate students. It may also be used for those whose
appointments may be related to their graduate assistantship but not specifically considered teaching or
Duration of appointment term must be between 2 and 12 weeks.
Departments do not need to match the percentage of appointment during the preceding academic
year. The percentage of appointment may be adjusted depending on the requirements associated
with the position and available funding. Departments are encouraged, but not required, to appoint
Grad Student Techs at the same percentage and length as the preceding academic year.
The biweekly stipend rate must be at least equivalent to the stipend rate received during
the preceding academic year. See Article 21 of the GEU-UAW contract
o To assist in calculations of the adjusted biweekly stipend and the total
allotment please utilize this Intersession and Summer Payroll Calculator for
Graduate Research Appointments
Dual Employment may be required, please see additional information in Graduate Special Payroll
Titles section above
Offer Letter: Graduate Student Technician
Department of Human Resources
Gratis Only Special Payroll Titles
Please note that although the titles below are for Gratis appointments only, all other special payroll titles
excluding Graduate titles and Temporary Worker Retiree may also be used in a Gratis capacity.
For all Gratis appointments, the Gratis Appointment Invitation should be used as the offer letter. There are no
set appointment dates. Gratis appointments that exceed one year will require a new appointment in Core-CT.
For Adjunct Gratis appointments, the Adjunct Gratis Appointment Invitation should be used as the offer letter
and requires course information. Appointment dates should align with the semester. Adjunct Gratis
appointments cannot exceed one semester. All Gratis appointments should be submitted directly into SmartHR.
Compensation Type: Gratis
Job Code: 2003UP
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Type of Work: Research or Teaching
To be used for an outside appointee, with a terminal degree, who is applying for or developing a grant, and is
assessed by the academic department to meet all the criteria for an appointment to the faculty rank. This title
is to acknowledge individuals who teach or supervise students at the University for no compensation (gratis).
Compensation Type: Gratis
Job Code: 3003UH
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Type of Work: Research or Teaching
To be used for an outside appointee, with a terminal degree, who is applying for or developing a grant, and is
assessed by the academic department to meet all the criteria for an appointment to the faculty rank. This title
is to acknowledge individuals who teach or supervise students at the University for no compensation (gratis).
Department of Human Resources
Compensation Type: Gratis
Job Code: 4005UP
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Type of Work: Research or Teaching
To be used for an outside appointee, with a terminal degree, who is a member of the academic community
that expands the University’s educational, research, mentorship and/or entrepreneurial capacity. These
individuals are often renowned experts in their respective fields, working in industrial, government or
commercial sectors, that share their knowledge and expertise with students and other members of the
faculty. Use of this title should be initiated at the college level and requires approval by the Provost and HR.
This title is to acknowledge individuals who teach or supervise students at the University for no compensation
Compensation Type: Gratis
Job Code: 4002UP
Bargaining Unit: Unrepresented
Type of Work: Research or Teaching
To be used for an outside appointee, with a terminal degree, who is applying for or developing a grant, and is
assessed by the academic department to meet all the criteria for an appointment to the faculty rank. This title
is to acknowledge individuals who teach or supervise students at the University for no compensation (gratis).
Department of Human Resources
Contact Information
For more information regarding Special Payroll please refer to our website.
For any Special Payroll inquiries, please reach out to the Special Payroll team at
To stay up to date with Special Payroll communications, join our ListServ: SPECIAL_PAYROLL‐L
Please sign up by following the instructions on the Subscribing and Unsubscribing from a UConn
Listserv webpage.
Commonly Used Forms
Conflict of Interest Form
According to UConn’s Policy on Employment and Contracting for Service of Relatives, when an
applicant has a relative that works at UConn a completed Conflict of Interest form is required.
This form is accessible on the HR & Employee Relations Forms page of HR’s website.
Dual Employment Form
This is a DAS requirement, and a State of CT form (CT-HR 25). If a person is dually employed (multiple
state of Connecticut appointments), we must have a Dual Employment form on file.
This form is accessible on the HR & Employee Relations Forms page of HR’s website.
Flexible Schedule Agreement Form
If a regular payroll employee’s schedule with their primary appointment needs to be altered for the
Special Payroll appointment, a Flexible Work Schedule Agreement will need to be completed by the
primary department.
This form is accessible on the Alternate Work Arrangements page of HR’s website.