Commercial uses of growth regulators
1. Rooting and plant propagation
a) Auxin compound like IBA NAA, 2,4-D, 2, 4,5-T
b) IBA produces strong fibrous root system
2. Germination and dormancy
a) Gibberellin is a potent germination promoter
b) Abscissic acid – germination inhibitor (Anti – Gibberellin)
c) Induce Dormancy - ABA
d) Breaking of dormancy - Auxins and Gibberellin
3. Fruit set and Development
a) Fruit setting 2, 4, 5 – T
b) Fruit size increment in grapes Gibberellic acid
c) Shelf life increment in fruits and flowers Cytokinin
d) Good fruit shape ------ Gibberellic acid + Cytokinin
e) Parthenocarpic fruit – Gibberellins, IAA and PAA
4. Sex expression
Production of male flowers Gibberellins (cucumber)
Production of female flowers Auxins and Gibberellins
Cucumber maize
5. Abiscission
Control of abscission NAA and IAA
Induce Abscission Ethrel
6. Morphogenesis
Auxin and Cytokinin
7. Weed control
2, 4-D and 2, 4, 5-T
8. Plant organ size
Increases plant height GA
Shorten the plant height TIBA
Tri iodo benzoic acid
Increases Tillering Cytokinin
Ex: BAP (Benzyl amino purine) and TIBA
9. Antitranspirants ABA and PMA
Phenyl mercury acetate
10. Papaya Later flow Ethephon
11. Rubber latex flow 2, 4 – D and 2, 4,5 – T
12. Fruit ripening Ethrel
13. Sugarcane ripeners Glyphosphate and CCC