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Zonal Application of Plant Growth Regulator in Cotton to Reduce Zonal Application of Plant Growth Regulator in Cotton to Reduce
Variability and Increase Yield in a Highly Variable Field Variability and Increase Yield in a Highly Variable Field
Carlos M.P. Vaz
Júlio C. Franchini
Eduardo A. Speranza
Ricardo Y. Inamasu
Lúcio A. de C. Jorge
See next page for additional authors
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Authors Authors
Carlos M.P. Vaz, Júlio C. Franchini, Eduardo A. Speranza, Ricardo Y. Inamasu, Lúcio A. de C. Jorge,
Ladislau M. Rabello, Ivani de O.N. Lopes, Sérgio das Chagas, Jefferson L.R. de Souza, Márcio de Souza,
Amandio Pires, and James Schepers
The Journal of Cotton Science 27:60–73 (2023), © The Cotton Foundation 2023
Zonal Application of Plant Growth Regulator in Cotton to Reduce Variability
and Increase Yield in a Highly Variable Field
Carlos M.P. Vaz*, Júlio C. Franchini, Eduardo A. Speranza, Ricardo Y. Inamasu,
Lúcio A. de C. Jorge, Ladislau M. Rabello, Ivani de O.N. Lopes, Sérgio das Chagas,
Jeerson L.R. de Souza, Márcio de Souza, Amandio Pires, and James Schepers
C.M.P. Vaz*, R.Y. Inamasu, C. Jorge, and L.M. Rabello,
Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, Embrapa
Instrumentation, São Carlos, SP, Brazil; J.C. Franchini and I.
de O.N. Lopes, Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation,
Embrapa Soybean, Londrina, PR, Brazil; E.A. Speranza,
Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, Embrapa Digital
Agriculture, Campinas, SP, Brazil; S. das Chagas and J.L.R. de
Souza, Amaggi Group, Sapezal, MT, Brazil; M. de Souza and
A. Pires, Mato Grosso Cotton Institute, Cuiabá, MT, Brazil;
and J. Schepers, University of Nebraska, Agronomy and
Horticulture Department, Lincoln, NE.
*Corresponding author: [email protected]
Variable-rate application has great potential
to reduce variability and increase yield by spa-
tially optimizing agricultural inputs. In cotton,
plant growth regulators (PGRs) control exces-
sive growth and provide suitable plant height for
harvest operations. This study evaluates the eect
of variable-rate PGR application compared to
constant-rate application to reduce yield spatial
variability and increase yield. The variable-rate
approach was carried out in 2020 based on zonal
applications dened by clustering analysis using
soil electrical conductivity, vegetation indexes,
and yield maps. Application doses and timings
were determined by integrating plant height
measurements for the whole eld in 2019 and by
zone in 2020. To compare the two procedures, cul-
tivar and plant populations were kept constant;
fertilization and accumulated rain were similar
in both seasons. A reduction in yield spatial vari-
ability due to the zonal application was observed,
with yield coecient of variation (CV) decreasing
from 18% in 2019 to 12% in 2020. Spatial and
temporal analysis of Normalized Dierence Veg-
etation Index satellite images showed higher CV
values in 2019 (constant-rate) reaching 30% at the
end of the season, whereas in 2020 (variable-rate)
CV was constant (approximately 10%). Cotton
yield increased from 3.5 to 4.3 t ha
2019 and 2020, which can be partially attributed
to the variable-rate approach. The variable-rate
approach based on application zones and plant
height measurements was a viable strategy for
reducing yield spatial variability and likely in-
creasing yield in a highly variable cotton eld.
razil is an important world cotton producer,
ranking fourth in cotton lint yield and second in
exports in the 2021/2022 season (USDA, 2023). The
major production areas are the Brazilian savanna-like
Cerrado, which can be characterized as having highly
weathered and acidic soils, low cation exchange
capacity, low natural fertility, flat landscape, and
average annual precipitation of 800 to 2,000 mm (rainy
season from October to March). The most common
production system on large farms is rainfed, double-
crop cotton after soybean with intensive high-input
management. In general, large commercial eld units of
approximately 100 to 400 ha are individually managed
to maximize their production potential for the specic
soil type, topography, climate, and cultivar. At this
scale, eld units exhibit large natural variability (soil
texture, organic matter, topography, climatic variables,
etc.), causing large in-field yield variations when
treated as homogeneous units. In this scenario, variable-
rate application (VRA) technology has potential
for reducing variability on the production units and
increasing yield and protability by spatially optimizing
the agricultural input applications, considering both
natural and anthropic spatial variations.
Variable-rate application technology has been gain-
ing prominence in the last few decades. Advances in the
agricultural machinery industry have provided methods
for site-specic application of liquid and granular fer-
tilizers, lime, pesticides, seed, plant growth regulators
(PGRs), defoliants, and ripeners based on predened
georeferenced application maps (Martins et al., 2020;
Nawar et al., 2017) or by on-the-go approaches us-
ing sensors (Stamatiadis et al., 2020; Yu et al., 2019).
However, compared to other precision agriculture tools
such as Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
guidance, sprayer boom control, and planter row or
section shuto, VRA technology is less popular among
farmers (Fountas et al., 2005; Lowenberg-DeBoer
and Erickson, 2019; Zhou et al., 2017). This is prob-
ably because farmers like the idea of using VRA in
general, but they are not completely convinced of its
value (Lowenberg-DeBoer and Erickson, 2019). One
important challenge is establishing inexpensive and
technically ecient protocols to generate prescription
maps and create application strategies to deliver the
right doses varying spatially and timely, for specic
crops, regions, and production systems (Campanella,
2000; Jin et al., 2019; Nawar et al., 2017).
Plant growth regulators are commonly applied
in cotton to restrict excessive vegetative growth, re-
directing photosynthates to reproductive growth, and
providing benets as early owering and increasing
boll retention lower on the plant and setting plant ar-
chitecture favorable for mechanized harvesting (Fang et
al., 2019; Samples et al., 2015). Some studies indicate
that PGR also can provide yield increments (Leal et al.,
2020; Sawan, 2018; Tung et al., 2020), whereas others
report negative or no eects on cotton yield and ber
quality (O’Berry et al., 2009; Vistro et al., 2017).
Several studies have evaluated the agronomic
and economic benets of VRA of PGR in cotton to
control excessive vegetative growth (Sawan, 2018;
Tung et al., 2020). These applications reduced spatial
variability in plant height and yield and increased total
cotton lint yield and protability. Spatial and temporal
variability of cotton plant height, height-to-node ratio
(HNR) and length of top ve internodes, were evalu-
ated by Thurman and Heiniger (1999b) who showed
that uniform application of PGR on highly variable
elds increased plant height and HNR variability. The
study concluded that spatial analysis of plant growth
improved the eectiveness of PGR application, and
that large eld variability justies VRA of PGR. A
procedure for VRA of PGR based on plant height
using a tractor-mounted infrared light sensor, a crop
simulation model, and relationships between plant
height and total plant weight for eight cotton cultivars
was developed by Landivar et al. (1999). Results
showed a reduction in the plant height coecient of
variation (CV) (from 12.6% before the VRA to 7.6%
after two PGR applications). However, yield incre-
ments due to the VRA of PGR were negligible and
the lack of response was mainly attributed to the dry
season experienced during the reproductive period,
thus masking possible yield benets of the VRA.
Baio et al. (2018) applied PGR and fruit ripener
at variable rates in a large commercial cotton eld
based on vegetation index (VI) maps acquired with an
optical canopy sensor and phenological measurements.
Three homogeneous application zones were dened
according to VI variability, delineating low, average,
and high VI zones. Plant height and growth rate were
then monitored during the growing seasons for each
zone to support PGR application decisions (timing and
doses). The VRA procedure increased the uniformity
of plant height and fruit opening among application
zones, resulting in seed cotton yield and net revenue
increments of 265 kg ha
and $152 USD ha
, respec-
tively (averaged over two growing seasons).
Trevisan et al. (2018) evaluated two optical
canopy and ultrasound sensors to detect spatial
variability of plant height and generated prescrip-
tion maps for VRA of PGR. The applied procedure
reduced PGR cost by 17% but had no eect on cotton
yield. Similarly, Bethel et al. (2003) obtained PGR
application rate reductions varying from 10 to 53%
using a variable-rate procedure based on Normal-
ized Dierence Vegetation Index (NDVI) maps to
establish application zones.
In summary, these studies have shown benets
of using VRA of PGR, which include control of plant
growth for harvesting and decrease of in-eld yield
variability (Baio et al., 2018; Landivar et al., 1999;
Thurman and Heiniger, 1999a), reduction in the
amount of applied PGR (Bethel et al., 2003; Trevisan
et al., 2018), and improved yields (Baio et al., 2018;
Thurman and Heiniger, 1999b) when compared to
PGR applied at constant-rates. However, although
some studies of VRA of PGR have shown positive ef-
fects on reducing in-eld variability, the total amount
of PGR applied, yield, and revenues; in some experi-
ments, no improvements were observed in yield or
in the reduction of production costs (Bethel et al.,
2003; Landivar et al., 1999; Nelson, 2006; Trevisan
et al., 2018). Additional studies are needed to evaluate
the agronomic and economic gains of VRA of PGR,
understand soil, topography, climate and plant vari-
ability eects on the VRA performance, and establish
eective protocols for VRA of PGR at the farm level,
considering regional and local specicities and dier-
ent production systems. Contributing to the diculty,
the present study evaluates the performance of zonal
application of PGR in a highly variable cotton eld
unit (soil clay content varying from 7 to 37%) at farm
level. Spatial variability was assessed by soil apparent
electrical conductivity maps, VI images, and cotton
JOURNAL OF COTTON SCIENCE, Volume 27, Issue 2, 2023
yield maps to establish the application zones. The
performance of the variable-rate approach applied
to three dierent zones was compared to uniform
PGR application.
The study was conducted in a commercial cot-
ton eld of 169 ha (13
35’ S, 58
53’ W) located in
Sapezal, Mato Grosso State, Brazil (Tucunaré Farm,
Amaggi Group) during two growing seasons (2019
and 2020). In the 2019 season, PGR was applied at
constant rate according to the procedure adopted by
the farm technical team that included plant height
measurements and the historical management of the
area. In 2020, PGR was applied with dierent doses
in three delineated zones based on soil, crop imagery,
and yield maps acquired in the 2019 season. Doses
and application dates of PGR in 2019 and 2020 are
presented in Tables 1 and 2.
Application zones in 2020 were established
based on cluster analysis, considering soil ap-
parent electrical conductivity (EC
) maps, VI
images (NDVI and Normalized Dierence Red
Edge [NDRE]), and the 2019 cotton yield map. In
2019, plant height was measured at nine locations
(Fig. 1c shows geographic locations) for seven
dates (44, 61, 67, 80, 88, 102, and 123 days after
sowing [DAS]) and averaged for the whole eld
on the dierent dates. In 2020, cotton plant height
was measured and averaged by zone, approxi-
mately every 5 d (19 dates from 35 to 135 DAS)
at locations shown in Fig. 1d (approximately 40
points by zone). One plant height was determined
for each point and date in both cases (2019 and
2020). Plant growth regulator (Mepiquat chloride,
Sponsor 250 g L
) (FMC Química do Brasil Ltda,
Brazil) was applied 94 DAS in 2019, and 57 and
65 DAS in 2020 (Table 2), when plant heights
were approximately 80 to 90 cm.
Table 1. Cotton management and production parameters for the 2019 and 2020 seasons in the experimental eld
Parameter Unit 2019 2020
Cultivar - TMG 81 WS
Row spacing m 0.9
Plant population plant m
Post-planting Nitrogen kg ha
202 248
Number of N applications - 6 7
Post-planting Potassium kg ha
246 245
Number of K applications - 3 3
Total PGR applied
g ai ha
12.5 42.5
Number of PGR applications - 1
Cumulative precipitation
mm 1,070 1,171
Sowing date - 21 Jan 2019 27 Dec 2019
Harvesting date - 06 Aug 2019 13 July 2020
Cotton Yield kg ha
3,399 4,152
Mepiquat chloride, Sponsor (250 g active ingredient L
Uniform application
Variable-rate application
For the whole crop season
Table 2. Mepiquat chloride (Sponsor, 250 g L
) doses and application data for the two growing seasons. Z1, Z2, and Z3 are
the application zones dened by clustering analysis (Fig. 2)
PGR Applications
Dose (g ai ha
Type Date Z1 Z2 Z3
2019 uniform 24 April 2019 94 12.5 12.5 12.5
variable 21 Feb 2020 57 20 25 12.5
variable 29 Feb 2020 65 20 30 20
Cotton cultivar, linear seed density, and row
spacing were kept the same for the two growing
seasons to allow comparisons between the constant-
rate and variable-rate PGR approaches. In-season
potassium application and accumulated precipitation
for both seasons were similar, whereas in-season
nitrogen application was 23% higher in 2020 than
in 2019 (Table 1).
Soil and Vegetation Index Maps for Delinea-
tion of Application Zones. The EC
maps (0-30
and 0-90 cm depths) were acquired on 19 January
2019 using the Veris 3100 system (Veris Technol-
ogy, Salina, KS) pulled by a tractor at 10 km h
15-m spaced transects and acquisition intervals of
1 s, georeferenced using a GNSS receiver model
AG114 DGPS (Trimble, Sunnyvale, CA). The soil
clay content map was obtained by collecting and
analyzing 170 georeferenced soil samples (0-20 cm
depth) at a regular grid sampling (100 m x 100 m)
and interpolated by analysis using the software VES-
PER (University of Sydney, Australia). The cotton
canopy spatial variability was assessed by NDVI and
NDRE images acquired by a Matrice 200 drone (DJI,
Shenzhen, China) with a high resolution RedEdge-M
camera (MicaSense, Seattle, WA) on 15 May and 7
June 2019 (end of owering/boll development and
beginning open boll, respectively). The acquired
images were georeferenced by eld-dened ground
control points (six points on the boundary and three
in the middle) using a model AG114 DGPS GNSS
receiver and the orthomosaics were generated in the
pix4DMapper platform (Pix4D S.A., Switzerland).
Cluster analyses were performed with seven ac-
quired maps: two EC
(0-30 and 0-90 cm) maps, two
NDVI (May and June) maps, two NDRE (May and
June) maps, and the 2019 cotton yield map. For this,
the agglomerative hierarchical Ward’s unsupervised
clustering method (Ward-Junior, 1963) was applied,
implemented in the R programming environment, as
illustrated in Fig. 2. Prior to the analysis, the data were
normalized and re-sampled to a regular grid of 10 m x
10 m, because each attribute was mapped with dier-
ent sampling densities. Additionally, data distribution
in a regular spatial grid is a prerequisite for the correct
execution of the clustering algorithm so that it does
not follow a bias focused only on geographic location.
This resolution is sucient to identify spatial vari-
ability and delineate management zones for a 169-ha
plot and compatible with the platform width of the
machinery used by the farmer for PGR interventions.
The Ward’s method provides a tree of clusters, known
as a dendrogram, by fusion of similar groups in each
level, based on the lower increment of the mean
square error. To avoid small area clusters, a hierarchi-
cal clustering initialization method known as initial
tessellation (Ruβ and Kruse, 2011) was applied and
number of clusters was selected using the silhouette
width internal validation criteria (Rousseeuw, 1987).
NDVI Temporal Series from Satellite Images.
NDVI images obtained from Sentinel-2 (10-m spatial
resolution) and Landsat-8 (30-m resolution) satellites
were used to assess the cotton plant growth spatial
variability in the two harvesting seasons, evaluating
and comparing the eect of the two PGR application
methods. The Earth Engine API (Google, Menio Park,
CA) was used to evaluate, select, and download the
NDVI images for the two cotton seasons, providing
NDVI temporal series for the spatial variability evalu-
ations. Only images without clouds were selected for
the analysis. In that region, the rainiest period for the
cotton season is from December to February; there-
fore, few NDVI images without clouds were obtained
in the rst three growing months in both years. In 2019
cotton was sown on 21 January 2019 and harvested
on 6 August 2019; whereas in 2020, cotton was sown
on 27 December 2019 and harvested on 13 July 2020.
Average, standard deviation (SD), and coecient of
variation (CV) of NDVI for the whole eld and for the
application zones were determined and compared in
the two growing seasons to evaluate the eect of the
VRA in reducing plant spatial variability.
Figure 1. Average cotton plant height measured for (a) the
two growing seasons and (b) by zone (Z1, Z2, and Z3) in
the 2020 season. Data tted with polynomial equation of
second degree. DAS: days after sowing. In 2019, plant
height was measured and averaged in (c) the whole eld
for the dierent dates and (d) by zone in 2020. Dots indicate
the coordinates of measured plant height.
JOURNAL OF COTTON SCIENCE, Volume 27, Issue 2, 2023
Cotton Management and Harvesting. The cot-
ton cultivar TMG 81WS (Tropical, Melhoramento &
Genética, Cambé, Brazil) was sowed at 0.9-m spaced
rows with 9 seeds m
density in the two growing
seasons, using a Hercules 10000 distributor (Stara,
Não-Me-Toque, RS, Brazil). Plant growth regulator
was applied at one uniform dose on 24 April 2019
(12.5 g ai ha
) and at two variable doses applied on
21 February and 29 February 2020, in the previously
established application zones (total applied by zone
was 40 g ai ha
in Z1; 55 g ai ha
in Z2; and 32.5 g
ai ha
in Z3), using a self-propelled sprayer PV 4730
(John Deere, Moline, IL) in 2019 and the Uniport
3030 (Jacto, Pompéia, SP, Brazil) in 2020. Granular
fertilizers were applied (Table 1) with the Hercules
10000 distributor. Cotton yield maps were obtained
using the cotton picker model CP690 (John Deere,
Moline, IL) that was properly calibrated before use.
All parameters mapped in the experimental eld
are presented in Fig. 2. Soil clay content correlated
relatively well to EC
(linear determination coecient,
= 0.65 and 0.62 for depths 0-30 and 0-90 cm, respec-
tively). Seed cotton yield, EC
, NDVI, and NDRE maps
displayed similar spatial variability patterns in 2019 and
were selected for clustering analysis to generate the
PGR application zones. Elevation and slope were not
included in the clustering analysis due to low in-eld
variations and low spatial correlation with the other rel-
evant parameters, although clay content was discarded
due to its intimate relation with EC
observed in the
experimental eld, thus avoiding redundancy. Three
application zones were dened using Ward’s method
along with the criteria to select the most appropriate
number of clusters (Fig. 2). The border between ap-
plication zone 3 (Z3) and the others were straightened,
as shown on the map of the delimitated zones in Fig. 2,
to facilitate PGR application in that zone.
The mapped parameters shown in Fig. 3 reveal
large spatial variability of soil and plant features
, clay content, NDVI, and NDRE), which in turn
impacted the cotton yield spatial variability, as also
indicated by frequency distribution graphs (Fig. 4).
Clay content, EC
, and cotton yield histograms present
three peaks (obtained by deconvolution of peaks us-
ing the Multiple Peak Fit tool of the Origin software),
whereas NDVI and NDRE acquired by drone in June
2019 exhibit two peaks, which is in accordance to the
number of clusters selected (three zones).
To complement the zonal application of PGR in
the 2020 season, plant heights were measured in the
three zones up to approximately 140 DAS. Fig. 1a
shows plant height averaged along the entire eld for
each collection dates during the 2020 and 2019 sea-
sons, and Fig. 1b shows the plant height averaged by
collected date for each zone in 2020 (no measurement
was made by zone in the 2019 season). A signicant
dierence (p < 0.001) in plant height was observed
between the two growing seasons (Fig. 1a), according
to the ANOVA test applied to the quadratic model t-
ting data, showing an average plant height dierence
of 0.27 m between the two crop seasons. Dierences
in plant growth and cotton yield were likely inuenced
by the higher dose of post-planting fertilizer N applied,
better rain distribution in the 2020 season (Fig. 5) and
by the zonal application of PGR, contributing to the
improved cotton yield in 2020, which was 22% higher
than in 2019 (Table 1).
Figure 2. Illustration of the clustering procedure employed to generate the application zones (Z1, Z2, and Z3). The border
of Z3 with Z1 and Z2 (dotted line) was rectied (solid line), as shown on the map of the delimitated zones, to facilitate the
zonal application of the plant growth regulator.
Figure 3. Soil parameters maps (apparent electrical conductivity, EC
, at 0-30 and 0-90 cm depths, and clay content),
vegetation indexes images (NDVI and NDRE obtained by drone), topographic parameters (elevation and slope obtained
by drone measurements), and cotton yields maps obtained with a harvesting monitor system in the 2019 and 2020 seasons.
Figure 4. (a) Frequency distribution of cotton yields in the
2019 and 2020 seasons, (b) apparent electrical conductivity,
(c) NDVI and NDRE drone acquired vegetation indexes,
and (d) soil clay content. Peaks 1, 2, and 3 were obtained
by deconvolution of peaks using Origin software.
Figure 5. Monthly accumulated precipitation in the
experimental eld from sowing to harvesting for the two
growing seasons.
JOURNAL OF COTTON SCIENCE, Volume 27, Issue 2, 2023
Mepiquat chloride was applied at 12.5 g ai ha
in 2019 (one uniform application) and an average
of 42.5 g ai ha
in 2020 (two applications, vari-
able by zone, detailed in Table 2). The higher PGR
dose in 2020 was necessary due to larger plants
growing in that year, compared to 2019 (Fig. 1a).
Dierent doses for each zone in 2020 (Table 2)
were dened based on plant height measurements
in the three zones taken between 35 and 60 DAS
(Fig. 6) and on previous experiences in that area
regarding plant growth due to in-season climate
variation, application of fertilizers, and cultivar
following the State of Mato Grosso Best Manage-
ment Practices Manual (Echer et al., 2020), result-
ing in 32.5 g ai ha
for Z3 (lowest dose applied),
55 g ai ha
for Z2 (highest dose applied), and 40
g ai ha
for Z1.
The eect of PGR applied by zone (2020
season) on cotton yield spatial variability reduc-
tion can be evaluated by the yield CV obtained
for the entire eld and for each zone (Table 3). In
the whole eld, yield CV decreased from 17.9%
in 2019 to 12.4% in 2020 (5.5% reduction), but
inside the application zones the dierences be-
tween the two seasons were much lower (about
1% reduction). This is due to the strategy adopted
(dierent PGR doses per zone), which reduced
whole-eld yield variability, but had less eect
on reducing internal zone variability in that PGR
was applied at constant-rate within each zone.
Alternatively, another approach would be to apply
PGR at continuously variable-rate, based on plant
height maps obtained by sensors as a potentially
more eective way to reduce spatial variability
(Bethel et al., 2003). However, this VRA approach
requires special sprayers that were not available
Figure 6. Average plant height measured at the three
application zones at 35-50 and 50-60 DAS in the 2020.
Measurements to subsidize PGR doses in the dierent
zones in 2020.
in this study. The approach adopted here for the
zonal application was implemented by adjusting
PGR doses prior to the applications and turning
the system on when inside and o when outside.
In this case, three sprayer passes were necessary
in the rst PGR application (doses of 12.5, 20, and
25 g ai ha
) and two in the second (doses of 20
and 30 g ai ha
) to accomplish the variable-rate
application by zone in 2020 (Table 2).
Yield is the primary metric used by producers
when evaluating changes in management practices.
However, producers cannot ignore the impact of
soil properties, nutrient availability, water supply,
and climatic interactions. Water typically has a
great inuence on yield, so factors that inuence
soil water holding capacity like clay content and
inltration rate are primary considerations when
comparing yields. Zonal delineation in this study
incorporated many of these considerations in terms
of their absolute values (range across zones) more
so than the variability within zones. Lowest yields
in both years were attained in Z1 and highest in
Z2 (Table 3). Positive correlations with yield were
obtained with clay content, EC
, and the previous
years VIs (NDRE and NDVI).
Data analysis within zones showed that the CV
for yield was larger for Z1 (approximately 17%)
and lower for Z3 (approximately 7%) and Z2 (about
11%) in both years. Lower yields in Z1 can be par-
tially attributed to lower clay content and lower EC
(i.e., contributed to lower water holding capacity
and likely to be less fertile) compared to Z2 and Z3.
Zone 2 was intermediate to Z1 and Z3 in terms of
clay content and EC
but received the largest amount
of PGR and had the highest yields in 2019 and 2020.
The need for the highest dose of PGR in Z2 implies
that plant height had a major role in determining the
PGR rate. Cotton grown in this zone was unique in
that lush plant growth was present in 2020 (taller
plants) that could not be explained by soil clay con-
tent, EC
or any of the other considerations. This
observation illustrates the opportunity for real-time
sensing of crop biomass to help guide the applica-
tion rate of PGR.
The problem with whole-eld research is that
it does not lend itself to replications unless the area
is divided, which can be dicult considering eld
shape, topography, and soil type. To complicate mat-
ters further, this type of research requires a great deal
of background information before one can develop
a management strategy for the next crop.
In addition to the analysis on cotton yield CV
to assess spatial variability reduction due to the
zonal application of PGR, NDVI satellite images,
such as the ones from Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8
platforms, provide a good tool to evaluate plant
vigor dynamics spatially. In the experimental
field, 21 and 13 NDVI images without cloud
interference were obtained in the 2019 and 2020
cotton seasons, respectively (Table 4) and used for
spatial and temporal analysis. Fig. 7 shows NDVI
images (Sentinel-2) in four dierent DAS during
the growing seasons. The internal lines delineate
the application zones. NDVI frequency distribu-
tions for the two seasons are also given in Fig. 7.
A visual analysis of these images indicates larger
NDVI variability in 2019, especially in the 159
and 189 DAS images, which is conrmed by the
presence of two well-dened and spaced peaks
in the frequency distribution graphs in that year
(Figs. 7k and 7l).
Table 3. Mean, standard deviation (SD), and coecient of variation (CV) values in the whole eld (W) and the application
zones (Z1, Z, Z3) for cotton yield, soil clay content, apparent electrical conductivity (EC
), NDVI-drone (June 2019),
NDRE-drone (June 2019), land elevation, and slope
Parameter Zone Mean SD CV
Yield – 2019
W 3.5 0.6 17.9
Z1 2.8 0.05 17.5
Z2 4.0 0.5 12.3
Z3 3.5 0.3 7.4
Yield – 2020
W 4.3 0.5 12.4
Z1 3.9 0.6 16.8
Z2 4.5 0.5 10.1
Z3 4.3 0.3 6.8
Clay Content
W 16.4 5.5 33.5
Z1 11.8 2.1 18.1
Z2 16.2 3.9 24.2
Z3 20.9 5.3 25.5
0-30 cm
(mS m
W 3.2 0.9 29.2
Z1 2.2 0.3 14.1
Z2 3.2 0.8 26.3
Z3 3.7 0.7 19.8
NDVI – Drone
W 0.87 0.04 4.9
Z1 0.82 0.05 6.0
Z2 0.88 0.02 1.8
Z3 0.89 0.01 1.1
NDRE – Drone
W 0.50 0.05 9.5
Z1 0.44 0.03 7.7
Z2 0.51 0.03 5.4
Z3 0.55 0.01 2.2
Land Elevation
W 504 7 1.3
Z1 501 6 1.2
Z2 500 5 1.0
Z3 511 3 0.5
W 2.0 0.6 29.4
Z1 2.1 0.7 31.8
Z2 2.2 0.6 25.6
Z3 1.6 0.2 15.1
JOURNAL OF COTTON SCIENCE, Volume 27, Issue 2, 2023
NDVI variability (SD and CV) with DAS (Fig.
8) was similar in both years up to approximately
130 DAS and deviated signicantly from that point
forward. A sharp increase in CV at the end of the
crop season in 2019 was present, whereas this factor
was nearly constant in 2020. Close to harvesting (189
DAS), CV was approximately 30% in 2019 and 10%
in 2020 (Fig. 8b). The lower NDVI spatial variability
in 2020 was likely caused by the zonal application of
Figure 7. NDVI images from Sentinel-2 along the (a, b, c, d) 2019 and (e, f, g, h) 2020 cotton seasons at dierent days after
sowing (DAS). Internal lines delineate the application zones (Fig. 2). NDVI frequency distributions (i, j, k, l) are compared
at similar DAS for the two seasons.
Table 4. Number of satellite images without cloud interference obtained from Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 at the experimental
eld during the 2019 and 2020 seasons
Season Satellite
Number of NDVI images
0-90 DAS
90-140 DAS 140-190 DAS Total
Sentinel 1 6 9 16
Landsat 0 2 3 5
Sentinel 2 1 6 9
Landsat 1 1 2 4
DAS, days after sowing
PGR in that year. Regarding variations of SD with
DAS (Fig. 8a), a noticeable decrease of SD after ap-
proximately 175 DAS was observed in both years,
likely caused by the application of defoliant and
ripener (applied at 170-175 DAS) that homogenized
cotton maturation. Such decrease was not observed
in the CV graph (Fig. 8b) because CV expresses
the ratio between SD and the mean value and mean
reduction was more intense than SD.
NDVI temporal series for each zone are
presented in Fig. 9, showing larger dierences
among the zones in 2019 (Fig. 9a), as expected,
with Z3 exhibiting the highest NDVI values and
Z1 the lowest. In 2020, dierences were much
lower, having a similar trend in NDVI among
zones, especially later in the growing season, but
slightly larger NDVI for Z3 and lower for Z1
from approximately 120 to 170 DAS. The large
NDVI variations among zones in 2019 and low
variations in 2020 (Fig. 9) agrees with the yield
CV reduction in 2020 (Table 3) and highlights the
eect of the zonal application of PGR on spatial
variability reduction in 2020 as compared to the
uniform PGR application in 2019.
Plant vigor, expressed by NDVI, has been
correlated to yield for several crops (Baio et al.,
2019; Huang et al., 2013; Johnson, 2016). In cot-
ton, an additional aspect that must be considered
is PGR use, due to the indeterminate growth habit
of cotton plants that aects plant height, vigor, and
yield. To evaluate the correlations between plant
vigor and cotton yield spatially and temporally,
yield was plotted against NDVI for dierent DAS
(Fig. 10) in the two seasons. In such analysis, data
were re-sampled to 40-x-40-m pixels, due to the
dierent spatial resolutions of these two variables
and, additionally, pixels in the borders between
two zones were not included to allow a better
evaluation by zone.
Figure 8. (a) Standard deviation and (b) coecient of variation of NDVI from Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 satellite images
determined for the whole eld. DAS: days after sowing.
Figure 9. NDVI temporal series from Sentinel-2 satellite images averaged for the three zones (Z1, Z2, and Z3) in the (a) 2019
and (b) 2020 growing seasons. DAS: days after sowing.
JOURNAL OF COTTON SCIENCE, Volume 27, Issue 2, 2023
Figure 10. NDVI (Sentinel-2) at dierent DAS, correlated spatially to cotton yield in (a, c, e, g) 2019 and (b, d, f, h)
2020. Distinct symbols are used for the application zones.
Linear trends between yield and NDVI were
observed for all DAS in 2020 when PGR was applied
at dierent doses by zone, although determination
coecients (r
) decreased in the late season (after
approximately 130 DAS) due to the eects of PGR,
defoliant, and ripener. In 2019 (uniform PGR ap-
plication), the data for Z3 gradually deviated from
the other two zones as DAS increased and NDVI
values in Z3 obtained close to harvest shifted sig-
nicantly from the others. This behavior is probably
an eect of the PGR application at constant-rate. As
Z3 has the highest average soil clay content (Table
3), it likely retained more water leading to higher
plant height comparatively to the other two zones,
demanding larger amounts of PGR compared to
the other zones. Additionally, in a year where rain
distribution was uneven, as it was in 2019 (almost
no rain after 100 DAS, as shown in Fig. 5), such
dierences in plant growth among zones tends to
be exacerbated. Although no plant height measure-
ment was made by zone in 2019, the NDVI satellite
images clearly indicates the larger NDVI values in
Z3, which can be associated with higher vegetative
growth and insucient application of PGR. Average
NDVI values by zone at 189 DAS were 0.46 (Z3),
0.29 (Z2), and 0.25 (Z1) in 2019 and 0.35 (Z3), 0.38
(Z2), and 0.34 (Z1) in 2020.
The zonal application of PGR provided a de-
crease in the yield CV across the eld from 17.9% in
2019 to 12.4% in 2020 (5.5% reduction), although
for each zone reductions were much lower (about
1% CV reduction from 2019 to 2020). This likely
happened because inside the zones PGR was ap-
plied at constant rates. In 2020, Z1 presented the
larger yield CV (approximately 16.8%) compared
to Z2 (10.1%) and Z3 (6.8%), indicating the need to
re-evaluate and re-dene the zones for future VRA
of PGR in this eld, aiming to reduce even further
the cotton yield variability. Cotton yield increased
from approximately 3.5 t ha
in 2019 to 4.3 t ha
in 2020 (increment of 0.764 t ha
or 22%), when
PGR was applied at variable-rate by zone. Inside
the zones, increments were 1.101 t ha
(40%) in Z1,
0.535 t ha
(13%) in Z2, and 0.728 t ha
(21%) in
Z3. These increments cannot be attributed solely to
the PGR variable-rate approach. Although cultivar,
row spacing, and seed density were kept constant,
23% more post-planting N fertilizer was applied
in 2020 and the better precipitation distribution
in that season could have a signicant impact on
cotton yield. Nevertheless, the data and the analy-
sis presented herein suggest that the applied PGR
variable-rate procedure reduced the yield spatial
variability. Satellite images and subsequent NDVI
data oer a powerful tool to evaluate the spatial
variability dynamically, especially for the second
crop in Brazil, which is generally sowed in the
summer (rainy season) and harvested in the winter
(dry season). In this case, a considerable number
of satellite images without cloud interference can
be accessed. In 2019, when PGR was applied at
constant rate, the NDVI coecient of variation
increased signicantly from approximately 130
DAS, reaching 30% close to harvesting; whereas
in 2020 (PGR applied at variable-rate), CV was es-
sentially constant (approximately 10%). Temporal
series NDVI data by zone showed large dierences
among zones in 2019 (highest values for Z2 and
lowest values for Z1), from 130 to 190 DAS and
minor dierences in the 2020 season. The spatial
and temporal analysis performed with the NDVI
satellite images agrees and complements the
spatial variability analysis made with the cotton
yield maps, allowing eective evaluation of the
agronomic impacts and benets of the zonal ap-
plication of PGR compared to uniform application
on a highly variable eld. This study indicates that
VRA of PGR based on application zones and plant
height measurements can be a viable strategy for
reducing spatial variability in highly variable cotton
elds. Nevertheless, more research is necessary to
evaluate the eect of VRA of PGR in agricultural
elds with dierent levels of variability and under
variable climatic conditions among years.
The authors acknowledge the financial and
technical supports from the Brazilian Agricultural
Research Corporation [], the Mato
Grosso Cotton Institute, and the Amaggi Group.
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