1. Chapter I Definition, purpose, interpretation and application
Definitions: Section 1
(a) Designated groups mean black people, women and people with disabilities who are citizens of
the Republic of South Africa by birth or descent, or became citizens of the Republic of South
Africa by naturalisation: before 27 April 1994 or after 26 April 1994 and who would have been
entitled to acquire citizenship by naturalization prior to that date but were precluded by
apartheid policies.
(b) Designated employer means an employer who employs 50 or more employees, or an employer
who employs fewer than 50 employees, but has a total annual turnover as reflected in
Schedule 4 of the Act; municipalities and organs of State. Employers can also volunteer to
become designated employers.
(c) Temporary employees are employees who are employed for less than three months.
Purpose of the Act: Section 2
The purpose of this act is to achieve equity in the workplace by-
(a) Promoting equal opportunity and fair treatment in employment through the elimination of unfair
discrimination; and
(b) Implementing affirmative action measures to redress the disadvantages in employment
experienced by designated groups to ensure their equitable representation in all occupational
levels in the workforce.
Application of the Act: Section 4
(a) Chapter II applies to all employers and employees. Chapter III applies to designated employers
and people from designated groups.
(b) The South African National Defence Force, National Intelligence Agency, and South African
Secrete Services are excluded from this Act.
2. Chapter II prohibition of unfair discrimination
(a) No person may unfairly discriminate, directly or indirectly, against an employee in any
employment policy or practice, on one or more grounds including race, gender, sex, pregnancy,
marital status, family responsibility, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age,
disability, religion, HIV status, conscience, belief, political opinion, culture, language, birth or on
any other arbitrary ground.
(b) It is not unfair discrimination to promote affirmative action consistent with the Act or to prefer or
exclude any person on the basis of an inherent job requirement.
2.1. Equal pay for work of equal value: Section 6(4)
(a) Employers may not unfairly discriminate against employees by providing different terms and
conditions of employment between employees of the same employer performing the same or
substantially the same work or work of equal value that is directly or indirectly based on any
one or more grounds listed in subsection 6(1) or on any other arbitrary ground.
2.1. Medical testing: Section 7
(a) Medical testing of an employee is permissible only when legislation requires testing or when
this is justifiable for various reasons.
(b) HIV testing is prohibited unless such testing is determined to be justifiable by the Labour Court.
2.2. Psychometric testing: Section 8
Psychometric testing and other similar assessments of an employee are prohibited unless the test or
assessment being used has been scientifically shown to be valid and reliable, can be applied fairly to
all employees, is not biased against any employee; and has been certified by the Health Professions
Council of South Africa (HPCSA) established under the Health Professions Act, 56 of 1974 or any
other body which may be authorized by law to certify such tests or assessments.
2.3. Disputes concerning Chapter 2: Section 10
(a) An employee, or applicant for employment, may refer a dispute concerning alleged unfair
discrimination, medical or psychological testing to the CCMA for conciliation. This must be done
within six months of the alleged discrimination or testing.
(b) If a dispute is not resolved after conciliation, any party to the dispute may refer it to the Labour
Court for adjudication. The parties to a dispute may also agree to refer the dispute for
(c) Unfair dismissal disputes in which unfair discrimination is alleged must be dealt with in terms of
the Labour Relations Act. The dismissal must be referred to the CCMA within 30 days.
(d) An employee may refer a dispute to the CCMA for arbitration if :
(i) the employee alleges sexual harassment; and
(ii) in any other case, where the employee earns less than the amount prescribed by the
Minister in terms of section 6(3) of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act; or
(e) Any party may refer the dispute to the CCMA for arbitration.
3. Chapter III Affirmative Action
3.1 Duties of a designated employer: Section 13
(a) A designated employer must implement affirmative action measures for designated groups to
achieve employment equity.
(b) In order to implement affirmative action measures, a designated employer must-
(i) Consult with employees;
(ii) Conduct analysis;
(iii) Prepare an Employment Equity Plan; and
(iv) Report to the Director-General on progress made in the implementation of the plan.
3.2 Affirmative action measures: Section 15
(a) Affirmative action measures are measures intended to ensure that suitably qualified employees
from designated groups have equal employment opportunities and are equitably represented in
all occupational levels of the workforce.
(b) Such measures must include:
(i) Identification and elimination of barriers with an adverse impact on designated groups;
(ii) Measures which promote diversity;
(iii) Making reasonable accommodation for people from designated groups;
(iv) Retention, development and training of designated groups (including skills development);
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(v) Preferential treatment and numerical goals to ensure equitable representation, which
exclude quotas.
(c) Designated employers are not required to take any decision regarding an employment policy or
practice that would establish an absolute barrier to prospective or continued employment or
advancement of people not from designated groups.
3.3 Consultation: Section 16 and 17
(a) A designated employer must consult with its employees and their representatives on
employment equity matters
(b) Designated employers should consult with employees both from designated and non-
designated groups, and employees representing the interests of individuals from the various
occupational levels.
(c) Matters for consultation must include issues relating to the conducting of an analysis, preparing
and implementing an Employment Equity Plan and preparation and submission of employment
equity reports.
3.4 Disclosure of information: Section 18
To ensure meaningful consultation, the employer must disclose relevant information to the consulting
parties, subject to section 16 of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995.
3.5 Analysis: Section 19
A designated employer must conduct an analysis of employment policies, practices, procedures and
the work environment so as to identify employment barriers that adversely affect members of the
designated groups. The analysis must also include the development of a workforce profile to
determine to what extent designated groups are under-represented in the workplace.
3.6. Employment Equity Plan: Section 20
(a) A designated employer must prepare and implement an Employment Equity Plan, which must
not be shorter than one year and not longer than five years, and should include a timetable for
the achievement of goals and objectives for each year of the plan.
(b) The Director-General may apply to the Labour Court to impose a fine in terms of Schedule 1 for
failure to prepare and implement an Employment Equity Plan.
3.7. Report: Section 21
(a) A designated employer must submit a report to the Director-General annually on the first
working day of October or by 15 January of the following year in the case of electronic
(b) The Labour Court may, on application by the Director-General, impose a fine contemplated in
Schedule 1 of this Act for failure to report.
3.8. Designated employer must assign a manager: Section 24
A designated employer must assign one or more senior managers to ensure implementation and
monitoring of the Employment Equity Plan and must make available necessary resources for this
3.9. Income Differentials: Section 27
(a) A statement of remuneration and benefits received in each occupational level of that
employer’s workforce must be submitted by a designated employer to the Employment
Conditions Commission (ECC).
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(b) Where disproportionate income differentials or unfair discrimination in terms and conditions of
employment as contemplated by section 6(4) of the Act are reflected in the statement
contemplated in sub-regulation (a), a designated employer must take measures to
progressively reduce such differentials subject to guidance as may be given by the Minister as
contemplated in the regulations.
4. Chapter V - Monitoring, Enforcement and Legal Proceedings
4.1 Monitoring: Section 34
Employees or trade union representatives can monitor the implementation of the Act and report any
contraventions to the relevant bodies.
4.2 Powers of the Labour Inspector: Section 35
Labour Inspectors are authorised to conduct an inspection as provided for in section 65 and 66 of the
Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997.
4.3 Undertaking to comply: Section 36
(a) If the inspector has reasonable grounds to believe a designated employer has failed to comply
with its obligations in terms of the Act, the inspector may request and obtain a written
undertaking to comply within a specified period.
(b) If an employer fails to comply with an undertaking, the Director-General may apply to the
Labour Court to make such an undertaking an order of the Labour Court.
4.4 Compliance Order: Section 37
(a) A labour inspector may issue a compliance order to a designated employer if that employer has
failed to comply with sections 16, 17, 19, 22, 24, 25, or 26 of this Act.
(b) If an employer fails to comply with an undertaking, the Director-General may apply to the
Labour Court to make such an undertaking an order of the Labour Court.
4.5 Review by Director-General: Section 43 , 44 and 45
(a) The Director-General may conduct a review to determine whether an employer is complying
with the Act.
(b) The outcome of the review may result in the Director-General approving the designated
employers’ Employment Equity Plan: or may make recommendations to fulfil the requirements
of the Act.
(c) If an employer fails to comply with a request made by the Director-General in terms of section
43(2) or a recommendation made by the Director-General in terms of section 44 (b), the
Director-General may apply to the
Labour Court for an order directing the employer to comply with the request or recommendation
or to impose a fine in terms of Schedule 1 of this Act.
4.6 Powers of the Labour Court: Section 50
The Labour Court has the powers to make any appropriate orders, award compensation or impose
4.7 Protection of employee Rights: Section 51
The Act protects employees who exercise their rights and obligations under the Act against
victimisation, obstruction and undue influence.
5. Chapter VI General Provisions
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5.1 State contracts: Section 53
Designated employers and employers who voluntarily comply with Chapter III, and who seek to do
business with any organ of state, will have to apply for a certificate from the Minister confirming their
compliance with chapter II and III of the Act. Non-designated employers’ compliance certificate will
pertain to chapter II.
5.2 Liability of Employers: Section 60
Should employees contravene any provision of this Act while performing their duties; the employer will
be liable, unless the employer can prove that it did everything in its power to prevent the undesired