crop science and production
Int. J. Agric. Nat. Resour. 48(2):70-82. 2021
research paper
Accumulation of macronutrients and productivity of potato with foliar
application of biofertilizer
Lucas Pinheiro Araújo
, Roberta Camargos de Oliveira
, Regina Maria
Quintao Lana
, Jose Magno Queiroz Luz
, João Paulo Apolirio
, and Erlani de Oliveira Alves
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia/UFU, Instituto de Ciências Agrias. BR 050 km 78, Campus Glória,
38410-337 Uberlândia, MG, Brasil.
Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina-UDESC-CAV. Av. Luiz de Camões, 2090 - Conta Dinheiro -
Lages – SC, Brasil.
L.P. Araújo, R.C. Oliveira, R.M.Q. Lana, J.M.Q. Luz, J.P.A. Guimarães, and E.O. Alves.
2020. Accumulation of macronutrients and productivity of potato with foliar application
of biofertilizer. Int. J. Agric. Nat. Resour. 70-82. The addition of organic compounds to
fertilizers has shown positive effects on plant metabolism. This study aimed to evaluate the
macronutrient accumulation and productivity of potato with the use of biofertilizer (BF) applied
to the leaves. A 2×7 factorial plot with a plot subdivided in time and ten replications used
two forms of fertilization: a chemical fertilizer with conventional NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus
and potassium: control) and conventional fertilizer plus biofertilizers (BF); evaluations were
performed 31, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81 and 91 days after planting (DAP) using the Jelly cultivar. The
BF increased the maximum N, K, Ca and Mg accumulations in the leaves, especially N and K,
with the period of greatest accumulation occurring between 62 and 66 DAP. The accumulations
of N, P, K, Ca and Mg in the tubers accelerated from 71 DAP. At the end of the cycle (e.g., 91
DAP), the increases in the nutrient accumulations of N, P, K and Ca were between 30 and 64%
higher for the BF application, the Mg accumulations doubled and the S accumulations exhibited
no differences between the evaluation periods. For the leaves, the following decreasing sequence
of maximum accumulation was observed: K>N>Ca>Mg>S>P. For the tubers, the following
decreasing sequence was obtained: K>N>P>Ca>Mg>S. The use of biofertilizers caused higher
productivity of tubers of greater caliber and soluble solids contents in the cv. Jelly potato tubers.
Keywords: Jelly cultivar, nutrient absorption curves, organomineral fertilizers, Solanum
Received Jun 22, 2020. Accepted Aug 03, 2021
Corresponding author: [email protected]
DOI 10.7764/ijanr.v48i2.2269
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is considered to be
of great nutritional importance since it provides
carbohydrates, salts, vitamins, proteins with
nonallergic properties and antioxidants with high
biological value (Hussain et al., 2021). In Brazil,
the average potato productivity is 30.4 t ha
2020). The relatively short cycle and high yields
per area cause potato crops to be very demanding
with respect to nutrients, especially for nutrients
that in readily available forms in soil solutions
(Fernandes et al., 2011; Almeida et al., 2018).
However, the intensive use of chemicals creates
long-term adverse effects on both ecosystems and
soil health, which lead to environmental problems
and increased production costs (Pradhan et al.,
2018; Nyawade et al., 2019).
Organic sources, which have traditionally been
underutilized, are therefore of interest because
they improve the physical, chemical and biological
properties of the soil and improve the production
quality of potato (Tian et al., 2017; Thomas et al.,
2019). Hattab et al. (2019) observed higher nutrient
concentrations for vegetables grown on organic
farms than those grown on conventional farms.
A combination of organic elements with minerals
can reduce inorganic fertilization and can also
provide positive inuences for environmental
protection and waste management without com-
promising the production of foods in terms of
both quantity and quality, as observed by Czekała
et al. (2019). Thus, the search for efcient fertil-
izer alternatives has led to the development of a
class of products that are enriched with organic
matter, namely, biofertilizer (BF). Crops that are
treated by BF have the highest or similar values
of leaf areas and yields (Kominko & Gorazda,
2017). BF use has become widespread in Brazil
and has the potential for its use to expand other
localities, since organic sources are abundant,
especially in regions near factories (Magela et
al., 2019).
When using methods such as fertigation or foliar
fertilization, BF products in liquid form can be
used. However, because the practice is still recent
in horticulture, how these products act and inu-
ence plant growth, productivity, vegetable quality
and the absorption dynamics (Souza et al., 2017)
is not clear. Therefore, the objective of this study
was to determine the nutrient accumulations and
productivity of potato, cv. Jelly, under the use
of liquid biofertilizers (BF), that were applied
to the leaves.
Materials and Methods
The experiment was conducted between March
and July 2012 in the municipality of Perdizes
(12110” S and 47°17’34” W) in the state of
Minas Gerais. The climate of the region has two
well-dened seasons, with cold and dry winters
with annual average temperatures of 20.4 °C (Aw,
according to the KÖPPEN classication). During
the experiment, a total precipitation of 119.8 mm
was recorded.
A 2×6 factorial plot in a banded design, with
plots subdivided in time and with ten replica-
tions, used two forms of fertilization: a chemical
fertilizer with conventional NPK (control) and a
conventional fertilizer plus biofertilizers (BF) and
totaled 20 plots. Each plot consisted of six lines,
with spacings of 0.8 m and lengths of 10 meters,
which had a total area of 48 m
Soil preparation was performed based on the rec-
ommendations for potato cultivation that involved
plowing followed by trenching/levelling and
subsequent opening of the grooves. Fertilization
was performed mechanically and was placed in
the planting grooves, where potatoes from type
I seeds (e.g., tubers with diameters of 50 to 60
mm) were planted. The nutrient amounts (e.g., N,
P and K) that were applied to the soil were based
on a soil analysis and on the recommendations of
the Soil Fertility Commission of Minas Gerais.
The physical and chemical analysis of the 0–20
cm layer showed the following: pH H
O = 5.8, P
= 14.6 mg dm
, K = 54.5 mg dm
, Ca = 4 cmol
, Mg = 1.1 cmol
, Al = 0.0 cmol
M.O. = 1.9%, and SB= 5.24.
The control treatment consisted of an application
of 1000 kg ha
of agricultural gypsum, 1950 kg
of the formulated 02–3004 fertilizer in the
plantation, 260 kg ha
of 000060 fertilizer in
the rst coverage at 24 DAP and 125 kg ha
330001 fertilizer in the second coverage at
31 DAP. The N, P and K sources used were as
follows: the phosphorus source (P
) was in the
InternatIonal Journal of agrIculture and natural resources72
form of single superphosphate, with 17% P
(N) was in the form of urea, with 43% N and the
potassium source (K) was in the form of potas-
sium chloride, with 57% K
The BF treatment complemented the control
treatment with commercial biofertilizer products
at different levels at different times of the plant
cycle (Table 1). The BF was applied at the time
of planting and at 31, 41, 51, 61, 71 and 81 days
after planting at levels of 3.7 L ha
and 4, 4, 2,
4, 4 and 3 L ha
, respectively.
For the biofertilizer applications, a self-propelled
sprayer, Case Patriot 350, which used a fan-type
jet, Jet Model XR 11004, was used. After 31 days,
two plants (leaves, stems and tubers) per plot
were collected every ten days, which totaled six
collections by the end of the experiment.
The plants were conditioned in plastic bags and
sent to the laboratory for analysis. The fresh
masses of the shoots (leaves and stems) and fresh
masses of the tubers were weighed by using an
electronic weighing device. At this stage, the
materials were subjected to a washing process,
and after removing the excess water, the samples
were placed in paper bags and dried in an oven
with forced air circulation (65 °C ± 5 °C) for 96
hours. The tubers were cross-sectioned to facilitate
drying. After drying, the samples were weighed
again, and the dry masses present in the samples
were obtained. Part of the material was sent to the
soil analysis laboratory, where the contents and
quantities of the macronutrients were determined,
which included the nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P),
potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg)
and sulfur (S) that were contained in the leaf and
tuber samples.
The samples were disintegrated in a plant mill with
mesh number 20, and the ground material was
submitted for nutrient content analyses accord-
ing to the methodology described by EMBRAPA
(1999). The accumulations were obtained by
multiplying the dry mass by the content, which
resulted in the mass in grams per plant.
At 105 DAP, manual harvesting of the tubers of
all plants that were contained in the 2 central lines
was performed, and those plants that were within
one meter of each end of the plots were omitted.
The harvested tubers were classied, and the
yields per useful area of the plot (12.8 m
) were
Table 1. Dosages and days of application of the liquid biofertilizers that were applied in the cultivation of the potato
cultivar, Jelly.
Level TOM
L ha
g L
Planting 3.7 540.5 310.5 241.5 23 - - - - - - -
31 and 41 4 356.5 207 115 11.5 104 30.5 78 6.5 17.2 5.7 6.5
51 2 356.5 207 115 11.5 104 24 - - 17.2 5.7 -
61 4 - - 45 450 104 24 62 49.6 - - -
71 4 356.5 207 160 461.5 104 24 - - 17.2 5.7 -
81 3 - - 45 450 - - 62 49.6 - - -
Total organic matter;
Total organic carbon;
Soluble in water.
obtained by electronic weighing. Subsequently,
the following mathematical model was used to
estimate the productivity per hectare (kg ha
10.000 m
* quantity of tubers harvested in the
useful area (kg)/useful area (m
The classication of the tubers used two sieves
with mesh sizes of 45 and 36 mm. Four param-
eters were established for the tubers: 1 = upper
(diameter> 45 mm), 2 = medium (45 ≤ diameter
<36 mm), 3 = lollipop (≥36 mm) and 5 = discard
(damaged by impacts or diseases).
The analyses of the soluble solids contents were
conducted using the densimeter technique, which
consisted of removing 3.63-kg samples of tubers
from each plot. These samples were immersed
in a tank with a capacity of 100 liters of water,
in which the tubers were submerged. From the
estimates, the specic mass of each sample relative
to the content of soluble solids was expressed as
a percentage. Due to the normality, homogeneity
and additivity assumptions for the parametric
tests, some of the variables used throughout this
work were subjected to a data transformation to
the root of x by using SPSS Statistics software.
The data were submitted for analyses of variance
by the 5% signicance test with the aid of the
Sisvar program. Tukey’s test at 5% was used to
detect the differences between the two treatments
(e.g., control and biofertilizer), while polynomial
regressions were used for the evaluation times
during the cycle (Ferreira, 2014).
Results and Discussion
Nitrogen (N)
The N accumulations in the leaves exhibited a
better t to the quadratic model, whose maximum
points were 1.32 and 0.96 g plant
at 62 and 63
days after planting (DAP), for the BF treatment and
control, respectively (Fig. 1A). For the tubers, the
growth amounts were linear and reached maximum
values of 3.84 and 2.85 g plant
at 91 DAP (Fig.
1B). Yorinori (2003), who used with the Atlantic
cultivar in the dry season, obtained values of 0.28
and 2.73 g plant
at the critical points of 52 and
90 DAP for the leaves and tubers, respectively.
In addition, Fernandes et al. (2011), who used the
Ágata, Asterix, Markies and Mondial cultivars,
found maximum N accumulations that ranged
from 0.68 to 1.17 g plant
from 70 to 76 DAP for
the leaves. In the tubers, the authors estimated
values between 2.12 and 2.21 g plant
at the end
of the cycle.
The values obtained by Fernandes et al. (2011)
were close to those found in this study, and
highlight the variations that exist in the physi-
ology of each cultivar, which result in distinct
accumulation potentials. When we consider the
accumulations, we also need to pay attention to
the climatic conditions of the growing regions
because these also determine the N levels in plants.
The plants that received BF foliar applications
showed superior accumulations in the leaves and
tubers. This was due to the N contents of the BF.
The foliar supplies were responsible since N is a
component of chlorophyll, which is the molecule
that is responsible for photosynthesis. Thus, the
N levels increased the potential for dry matter
production, which, together with its wide redis-
tribution in the plants, causes N to be the element
of greatest impact on the production and quality
of tubers (Koch et al., 2020).
In the study of the treatments at each collection
date, the N accumulations in the leaves that re-
ceived BF were higher than those of the control
treatment at 51 and 61 DAP but were lower at 81
DAP (Fig. 1A). In the tubers, there were differ-
ences only for the last collection where the BF
treatment showed 64% higher N levels (Fig. 1B),
which demonstrated the effect of this treatment on
the N accumulations in these organs. Mohamed
et al. (2017) found that the response to green ma-
nure was greater than that of mineral fertilizers,
with higher N accumulations in potato at higher
sun hemp doses, which were related to the rapid
InternatIonal Journal of agrIculture and natural resources74
mineralization and N release of the green manure
tissues (Watthier et al., 2020).
Phosphorus (P)
The maximum phosphorus accumulation in the
leaves was 0.39 g plant
at 56 DAP (Fig. 1A).
In the tubers, the accumulations were linear, as
shown in Fig. 1B, with maximum values of 1.56
and 1.22 g plant
for the BF application and control
treatments, respectively. The application of BF
increased the P accumulations in the tubers by
27.8% at the end of the cycle. The N and P uptakes
were synergistic, which indicated interactions and
balance between the nutrients. The effects of the
N and P nutrients are more relevant to the produc-
tion when they are together, and the presence of
adequate levels of these two is fundamental for
plant growth (Silva & Trevizam, 2015).
Yorinori (2003) found the maximum P accumula-
tions for the Atlantic cultivar with values of 0.02
and 0.39 g plant
at 39 and 111 DAP for the leaves
and tubers, respectively. The values obtained in
this study were higher, which are probably due
to the cultivars used. In addition, the climatic
conditions and nutrient availabilities in the soil
allow rational determinations to predict additional
fertilizer applications to the plants, since imbal-
ances between nutrients can be found, as well
as luxury consumption, which does not cause
increased productivity in short producers.
The leaves exhibited a large decrease in P con-
tents at the end of the cycle. P was absorbed and
accumulated in the rst stages of development
(Fernandes et al., 2011). In addition, the accumula-
tions decrease in the leaves after the critical points
due to the translocation and natural senescence
of these organs, and greater accumulations in
the tubers were observed in the last evaluations,
which were observed in this study with greater
final maximum accumulations in the tubers.
The BF application generated P accumulations
that were 27.2 and 71.4% higher than the control
(Fig. 1A) in the leaves and tubers, respectively
(Fig. 1B). Yang et al. (2019) suggested that the
constituents of BF, such as humic acids, enable
biomass and P accumulation in plants.
Potassium (K)
The BF treatment reached a maximum of 2.43 g
at 62 DAP and the control treatment reached
a maximum of 1.85 g plant
at 64 DAP (Fig. 1A).
The accumulations in the tubers followed a linear
trend for both treatments, which reached 7.41
and 7.86 g plant
at the end of the evaluations
(91 DAP), respectively (Fig. 1B). Yorinori (2003)
obtained values of 1.10 and 3.20 g plant
at 46 and
90 DAP for the leaves and tubers, respectively.
Fernandes et al. (2011) obtained maximum values
in the leaves that were close to the results of this
research, which were estimated to be between 1.70
and 2.68 plant ha
and reached 74 to 76 DAP. K
is the nutrient that is most absorbed by crops and
is the most abundant cation in plants. However,
the literature notes that excessive potassium use
in the soil can impair the production of tubers
by increasing the K
) ratio due to
antagonism in the uptake of these nutrients (Reis
Júnior & Monnerat, 2001; Mugo et al., 2021).
In the present study, the K accumulations in the
leaves for the BF treatment were superior at 51
and 61 DAP, which coincide with the tuberiza-
tion phase. In the tubers, the control treatment
was superior at 71 and 81 DAP (e.g., 39 and 53%,
respectively) but at 91 DAP, the K accumulations
in the tubers that received the BF treatment were
approximately 30%. The increases from 71 to 91
DAP were 61% and 29.8% in the BF and control
treatments, respectively (Fig. 1A and 1B).
Calcium (Ca)
The maximum Ca accumulation in the leaves
was 1.01 g plant
at 63 DAP in the BF treatment
and 0.93 g plant
at 66 DAP in the control treat-
Figure 1. Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) accumulations in leaves (A) and tubers (B) throughout the cycle
and comparisons of treatments.
InternatIonal Journal of agrIculture and natural resources76
ment (Fig. 2A). In the tubers, the BF treatment
obtained a maximum of 1.49 g plant
at 91 DAP,
while the control that used to the linear model
had a maximum Ca accumulation of 0.58 g plant
at 91 DAP (Fig. 2B). The results obtained by
Yorinori (2003) indicated maximum values of
0.23 and 0.4 g plant
at 51 and 90 DAP for the
leaves and tubers, respectively. Fernandes et al.
(2011) obtained maximum values between 0.74
and 0.99 g plant
at 85 and 90 DAP for the leaves
and 0.11 and 0.19 at 97 DAP for the tubers. This
study found results that were superior to those
published in the literature, especially for those
plots that received the BF treatment, by the con-
centration of Ca present in the foliar fertilizers.
For potato crops, most Ca is commonly supplied
by liming. For Pulz et al. (2008) and Parecido et
al. (2021), the application of limestone to the soil
increased the productivities in the vast majority of
cases. In this sense, because Ca is a component of
the cell walls of plants, the high availability of Ca
in the soil also results in incremental improvements
in crop vegetative development. However, calcium
is an immobile nutrient, with low translocation
levels between plant organs (Koch et al., 2020).
Thus, larger accumulations tend to be found in
the leaves and to a lesser extent, in the tubers,
although Ca is an important constituent of these
organs. These proportions were observed in the
plants that did not receive BF.
For the products that were rich in Ca, as was the
case for the applications at 31, 41, 51, 71 and 81
DAP, the aim was to correct any deciencies.
It was observed in this study that there were
signicant differences in the Ca accumulations
in the leaves at 51 and 61 DAP, with the BF
treatment being superior to the control treatment
(Fig. 2A). For the tubers, the difference between
treatments was manifested at 91 DAP, which
may mean that late applications of the product
induce Ca accumulation of in the tubers, with
the accumulation being 2.6 times higher under
BF applications (Fig. 2B).
Magnesium (Mg)
For the Mg accumulations in the leaves, the maxi-
mum value of 0.26 g plant
was obtained at 62
DAP for the BF treatment and 0.22 g plant
at 63
DAP for the control treatment (Fig. 2A). For the
tubers, the treatments followed the linear models,
with the BF treatment providing a maximum
value of 0.79 g plant
, while the control treatment
provided a maximum value of 0.66 g plant
at 91
DAP (Fig. 2B).
In a study carried out by Yorinori (2003), the
leaves exhibited maximum accumulations of
0.06 g plant
, and the tubers exhibited maximum
accumulations of 0.11 g plant
at 46 and 90 DAP,
respectively. In similar research, Fernandes et
al. (2011) stated that the maximum values were
between 0.09 and 0.20 g plant
for the leaves from
73 to 78 DAP and were 0.17 to 0.22 g plant
the tubers at the end of the cycle.
Mg is absorbed in smaller amounts and is sup-
plied mainly by liming, and its absorption may
be impaired by fertilization with heavy levels of
K. When the soil is poor, foliar applications may
complement the need for Mg. Thus, in the case of
Mg, signicant differences were observed in the
leaves at 51 and 61 DAP, and the BF treatment
was superior. For this treatment, fertilizers rich
in Mg were used at 31, 41 and 61 DAP. This is
consistent with the values that are presented by
the accumulation charts at different times. For
the tubers, the BF treatment was signicantly
lower at 81 DAP but doubled at 91 DAP when
compared to the control (Fig. 2).
Sulfur (S)
For the sulfur accumulations, there were no
signicant interactions for the leaves or tubers
(Fig. 2). For the leaves, a quadratic curve was
used with a maximum value of 0.24 g plant
at 63 DAP. The accumulations in the tubers
followed a quadratic equation, and a minimum
Figure 2. Calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and sulfur (S) accumulations in leaves (A) and tubers (B)
throughout the cycle and comparisons of treatments.
InternatIonal Journal of agrIculture and natural resources78
value of 0.42 g plant
was observed at 41 DAP.
Fernandes et al. (2011), who studied ve potato
cultivars, stated that there were maximum S
accumulations between 0.04 and 0.07 g plant
from 77 to 83 DAP. In this work, the results
were higher, possibly due to the contribution
of BF. For the leaves and tubers, there were no
signicant differences when the studied forms
of fertilization were used. The accumulations
were very close, with no specic organ standing
out (Fig. 2A and 2B).
The S concentrations in the BF treatment did
not change the dynamics of S in the Jelly po-
tato cultivar. Braun et al. (2011) also did not
observe any effects on the S contents in the
tubers despite the application of increasing
levels of S (from ammonium sulfate). The BF
treatment increased the maximum accumula-
tions of N, K, Ca and Mg in the leaves, which
were between 8 and 37%, especially for N and
K, with the period of greatest accumulation
occurring between 62 and 66 DAP. In addition
to providing nutrients by increasing plant con-
centrations, the compounds present in BF can
induce changes in the primary and secondary
metabolisms of the plants that are related to
the tolerance to abiotic and biotic stress. BF
use also increases sustainability due to the
cycling of organic residues from many sources
(low production costs) and can improve plant
resilience to various biotic and abiotic stresses
(Malik et al., 2021). Therefore, BF can be used to
provide a mechanism to improve and rationalize
crop management, which makes it possible to
produce tubers with better nutritional balance.
Productivity and soluble solids contents
At 105 DAP, the plants that received BF applica-
tions provided total tuber yields of 40.87 t ha
had diameters greater than 45 mm- 35 t ha
3A), which demonstrated that BF inuenced the
plant metabolisms. This possibility can be related
to the N and other compounds present in the BF,
which inuence the formation and absorption of
essential molecules that are important for plant
development (Taiz et al., 2017) and have the
potential to maintain the strong development of
the aerial parts and growth of tubers. The use
of BF promoted increases in the production of
larger diameter tubes, which increased the value
and quality of the nal product. Studies have
reported increases in productivity and improve-
ments in the quality of tubers from the use of BF
applications when compared to the application
of only chemical fertilizers for the Atlantic and
Agata cultivars (Cardoso et al., 2015; Cardoso
et al., 2017). Mohamed et al. (2017) found that
the productivity of potatoes was 24% greater
with green manure than with mineral fertiliza-
tion, which indicated the potential of alternative
fertilizers to provide nitrogen for the growth and
development of potato.
The soluble solids contents (SS) were signicant
with the BF treatment. It is possible that BF re-
leased sulfate ions, which facilitated the forma-
tion of soluble solids in the tubers and roots and
allowed mass accumulations in the tubers of the
Jelly cultivar (Fig. 3C). It is important to highlight
that the specialized horticultural production us-
ing BF permits the reuse of large quantities of
alternative sources of organic mass from waste
that is produced in various industrial processes
(Chew et al., 2019; Soobhany, 2019; Fernández-
Delgado et al., 2020).
The BF treatment increased the maximum ac-
cumulations of N, K, Ca and Mg in the leaves,
especially for N and K, with the period of
greatest accumulation occurring between 62
and 66 DAP. The accumulations of N, P, K, Ca
and Mg in the tubers accelerated from 71 DAP.
At the end of the cycle (91 DAP), the increases
in nutrient accumulations of N, P, K and Ca
were between 30 and 64% higher for the BF
application, the Mg accumulations doubled, and
the S accumulations did not differ between the
evaluation periods.
For the leaves, the following decreasing sequence
of maximum accumulation levels was obtained:
K>N>Ca>Mg>S>P. For the tubers, the follow-
ing sequence was obtained: K>N>P>Ca>Mg>S.
Foliar applications of BF can be an important
tool for nutritional management since the ab-
sorption is efcient and can be applied in the
period of greatest need of the plants. The use
of biofertilizers shows higher tuber productivity
with tubers that are of greater caliber and of the
soluble solids contents in cv. Jelly potato tubers.
The authors wish to thank the Conselho Nacional
de Desenvolvimento Cientíco e Tecnológico
(CNPq), Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado
de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG) for the nancial
support and Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento
de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).
Disclosure statement
No potential conicts of interest were reported
by the authors.
Figure 3. Total productivity (t ha-1) and productivity of larger diameter tubers (>45 mm) (A), productivity of
tubers larger than 36 mm, smaller than 36 mm and discarded (B) and soluble solids contents (%) (C) from different
InternatIonal Journal of agrIculture and natural resources80
L.P. Araújo, R.C. Oliveira, R.M.Q. Lana, J.M.Q. Luz, J.P.A. Guimarães, y E.O. Alves.
2020. Acumulación de macronutrientes y productividad de papa con aplicación foliar de
biofertilizante. Int. J. Agric. Nat. Resour. 70-82. La adición de compuestos orgánicos en
fertilizantes ha mostrado un efecto positivo en el metabolismo de las plantas. El objetivo fue
evaluar la acumulación de macronutrientes en tubérculos de papa con el uso de biofertilizantes
líquidos (BF), aplicados a través de la hoja. El diseño experimental fue factorial 2×7 con una
división en el tiempo y diez repeticiones, consistió en dos formas de fertilización: química con
NPK convencional (control) y convencionales más biofertilizantes (BF) y evaluaciones en 31;
41; 51; 61; 71; 81 y 91 días después de la siembra (DAS), utilizando el cultivar Jelly. BF favorece
las acumulaciones máximas de N, K, Ca y Mg en las hojas, entre 8 y 37%, especialmente para N
y K, con un período de mayor acumulación entre 62 y 66 DAP. La acumulación de N, P, K, Ca
y Mg en los tubérculos se acelera desde 71 DAP. Al nal del ciclo (91 DAP), el aumento en la
acumulación de nutrientes N, P, K y Ca es entre 30 y 64% mayor en la aplicación de BF líquido,
el Mg se acumula el doble y S no diere entre los períodos de evaluación. Para las hojas, se
obtuvo la siguiente secuencia decreciente de acumulación máxima: K>N>Ca>Mg>S>P. Para
los tubérculos, se obtuvo K>N>P>Ca>Mg>S. El sou de biofertilizantes proporciona una mayor
productividad de tubérculos de mayor calibre y contenido de sólidos solubles en el papa cv.
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