A programme leading to the grant of Immigration Permission
Ministers of Religion who wish to work in Ireland
1. A new preclearance procedure to facilitate and streamline
entry to the State of Ministers of Religion
from non-EEA states applies from 30 April 2018. The procedure
applies to both visa and non-visa required non-EEA nationals.
It will be reviewed after three years’ operation. A separate
procedure applies to persons who wish to serve as religious
volunteers, under a new Volunteering in Ireland Programme.
2. Under the Minister of Religion Permission, qualifying religious
personnel will be permitted to enter and remain in the State
for up to three years, where there is a demonstrated need for
their services and subject to compliance with all other
immigration requirements that apply in individual cases.
3. All non-EEA nationals who have been offered a job with a
religious body or faith community as a Minister of Religion in
Ireland must seek prior approval to work in that capacity from
the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service (INIS) of the
Department of Justice and Equality, before travelling to the
4. For the purposes of this immigration procedure “Minister of
Religion” means a person who is a:
4.1 qualified, ordained or professed member* of a
religious or faith community already established in
the State, and has at least three verifiable years’
previous service as a Minister of Religion (evidence
will be sought)
A professed member is a baptized
person who has taken vows declaring the Christian
faith. Professing members include all people who
have come into membership by profession of faith.)
4.2 where the work for which the person is seeking
permission to enter the State includes all or most of
the following:
4.2.1 conducting spiritual worship and or
ceremonies to an established congregation
in Ireland;
4.2.2 giving pastoral care to members of an
established congregation or faith
community through preaching;
4.2.3 conducting classes based on a religious
ethos, supervising prayer meetings, etc.;
4.2.4 providing spiritual leadership to an
established faith community in Ireland; an
established church is defined as a church
supported by the government as a national
4.2.5 ministering to the spiritual needs of an
4.2.6 pastoral visitation;
4.2.7 providing senior administration support of
a substantially full-time nature to a
religious institution / order / church where
the work would not qualify for an
employment permit issued by the
Department of Business, Enterprise and
4.2.8 being a member of a religious community
that takes public vows of poverty, chastity
and obedience.
4.3 A person entering a “closed” religious order may be
admitted under this procedure without meeting the
requirements at 4.2 above, apart from 4.2.8.
5. You can apply for permission to enter and remain in the
State as a Minister of Religion if:
(a) you have been sponsored for the position by a
religious body or faith community already
established in Ireland,
(b) you are from outside the European Economic
Area (EEA) and Switzerland,
(c) you satisfy the definition of ‘What is a Minister of
Religion in section 4 above.
6. A Minister of Religion can only be sponsored by an eligible
body, which must be a religious body or faith community
already established in Ireland and having an active
membership and congregation in the State, including serving
full-time Ministers of Religion, and *dedicated premises
serving that religious body or faith community and whose
annual audited accounts are available as required by the
immigration authorities. A sponsor must be a body, it cannot
be an individual.
*Dedicated Premises means a premises that is set aside for the purpose
of religious observation
7. Sponsorship means that the application made by a Minister
of Religion under this Programme arises from an invitation
from the sponsor in Ireland to the applicant to serve as a
Minister of Religion.
8. Sponsorship also means that the sponsor cooperates with
State authorities to ensure that the Minister of Religion
leaves the State on the expiry of his or her permission, or if
directed to do so by those authorities. Failure to cooperate
with State authorities in this regard will impact on future
sponsorship by that religious body or faith community.
9. The sponsor must confirm in writing that:
i. there is a verifiable need for the person applying
under this Programme;
ii. the applicant is suitably qualified to discharge the
duties and responsibilities of the position;
the applicant has a clean police record (documentary
evidence, including a current - not more than 3
months old - criminal records check and police
clearance certificate, or certified English language
translation of a criminal records check and police
clearance certificate, will be required of the
child protection policies and procedures in line with
the Children First Guidance are in place in the
religious body or faith community;
the applicant is cleared to work with children and
vulnerable adults (verification will be required. This
must be sourced locally in Ireland from An Garda
Síochána by the sponsor, the person must not be
permitted to work with children and vulnerable
adults until such clearance is received;
the applicant (and his or her immediate family) will
be supported through the provision from the sponsor
of funds and/or accommodation that are sufficient to
maintain the applicant throughout the period of his
or her permission to remain in the State, under the
Programme. (Evidence of finance/accommodation,
for example, the address where the applicant will
reside, bank statements of both parties i.e., the
sponsor and applicant must be provided with the
application.) This can be achieved through the
provision of a traditional salary, a stipend combined
with board and lodgings or a combination of these
10. As a Minister of Religion, you may:
i. work for your sponsor in the job described in your
ii. do additional voluntary work, as long as it does not
interfere with your primary purpose for being in the
iii. study as long as it does not interfere with your
primary purpose for being in the State;
iv. travel abroad for short periods (e.g. holidays and
attending conferences) and return to Ireland,
subject to any re-entry visa requirements;
v. bring immediate family members (dependants) with
you, meaning in this case spouse and minor
children under 18 years of age. The permission
granted to the spouse/partner under this
Programme will be dependent on the continued
residence status of the Minister of Religion. In
cases where the Minister of Religion leaves the
country, the accompanying spouse/partner and
dependants, if applicable must also depart.
11. As a Minister of Religion you may not:
change sponsors while in the State under this
Programme – you must be outside the State to apply
to change your sponsor;
engage in any paid work in any capacity while in the
State other than in the capacity for which you were
originally allowed entry, that is, to exercise your
functions as a Minister of Religion;
iii. claim any State benefits, or rely on public funds for
services, including health, or other state supports,
for yourself or your dependants;
iv. bring any other family members, apart from those
referred to above, with you;
v. apply to change your immigration status while in
the State.
12. The following conditions must also be observed:
You and any permitted family member(s) must be
covered by private medical insurance, from a
company authorised by the Health Insurance
Authority for the duration of your time in the State.
This could be as part of the group medical scheme of
your sponsor. In addition, it is advisable that
applicants have insurance to cover repatriation in the
event of serious illness or unforeseen events.
Travel insurance may suffice but only during the first
year of the applicants stay, provided that the
insurance provides coverage:
for the full period before you arrange medical
at a minimum of €25,000 for accident and
€25,000 for illness or disease, and
for any period of hospitalisation.
The minimum permitted period of residence under
this Programme is one (1) year and the maximum is
three (3) years. This means that any period up to
one year will reckon as a full year for the purpose of
the Programme. You may spend three full
consecutive years in Ireland (renewable annually) or
break the period into separate lots of one or two
years, provided the overall period does not exceed
three years.
In the normal course, as a Minister of Religion you
may be eligible for one extension of this three-year
period of a further three years. This application for
an extension must be made before your current
permission expires. It can only be for service with
your then current sponsor and will be considered
only if your sponsor can demonstrate a genuine
need. A non-refundable fee of €50 applies to an
application for an extension.
You may not, having spent a period in the State as
a Minister of Religion, subsequently, avail of the
Volunteering in Ireland Programme.
A non-refundable fee of €100 applies to this
application, and must be paid at time of application.
Other fees, including a fee in respect of a visa if
applicable to you, and a registration fee will also
If it is your first time applying for immigration
permission to work as a Minister of Religion in
Ireland, you must make your application from
outside the State.
A letter of approval under this Programme will
remain valid for six months after the date of issue.
If not used within that time a fresh application will
be required.
You can only apply for this Programme if not
currently in Ireland as a Minister of Religion. If
currently in the State as a Minister of Religion,
transitional arrangements will apply.
13. If you wish to make a permitted change of sponsor, please
A change of sponsor (in respect of the initial three
years only), is permitted, but only if a separate
application is made under the Programme from
outside the State
A change of sponsor, if accepted, does not alter the
overall maximum period of time for which permission
under the Programme is given.
A non-refundable fee of €50 applies to an application
for change of sponsor.
14. An application under this scheme must be made from outside
the State unless you are seeking an extension to an existing
permission with the same sponsor. For those who currently
have permission as a Minister of Religion under the previous
scheme and wish to seek an extension to that permission
please see the transitional arrangements below.
15. Applications must be made online. You need to click the
application link on the INIS website and then fill in the Minister
of Religion application form.
16. Applicants must provide a valid email address with their
application as all communications with regard to the
application will be by email. Applicants should monitor their
email account as this is the email address to which all updates
are sent. You will receive a decision on your application via
your account.
Non-EEA nationals requiring an Entry Visa
17. If you are a non-EEA national requiring an entry visa you must
have prior approval from the Department of Justice and
Equality, Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service (INIS)
under this Programme before making an online visa
application seeking entry to the State as a Minister of Religion.
18. You must include in your supporting documentation the letter
of approval under the Programme, quoting the application
approval number.
19. Travel to the State as a Minister of Religion may only be
undertaken when an entry visa stating this reason for seeking
entry has been entered into your passport. You will not be
allowed entry to the State as a Minister of Religion if you do
not have such prior approval. Visa required persons approved
for the Programme must apply for and have been granted a
“D” reside (long stay) entry visa before entering the State.
Non-EEA nationals not requiring an Entry Visa
20. Non-EEA nationals not requiring an entry visa must have prior
approval from the Department of Justice and Equality, Irish
Naturalisation and Immigration Service (INIS) under this
procedure to enter the State as a Minister of Religion.
21. If your application is successful, you will be granted a letter of
approval. This letter of approval must be presented to the
Immigration Officer at the port of entry on arrival in the State,
who will verify its contents by reference to the applications
system. You will not be permitted entry to the State for the
purpose of working as a Minister of Religion and/or will not be
registered by INIS/GNIB as a Minister of Religion, without
prior approval obtained under this procedure before travel to
the State.
22. Your application under this Programme must be made from
outside the State unless you are seeking an extension to an
existing permission with the same sponsor. For those who
currently have permission as a Minister of Religion under the
previous scheme and wish to seek an extension to that
permission please see the transitional arrangements below.
Registration with the INIS Registration Office /Garda National
Immigration Bureau (GNIB) (applies to both visa required and
non visa required nationals)
23. All non EEA nationals remaining in the State for more than 90
consecutive days must register with INIS Registration
Office or /GNIB and be issued with a Certificate of
Registration (IRP card). Please note an annual registration fee
24. A Certificate of Registration (IRP card) will be granted for an
initial 12-month period. A Minister of Religion may seek
further yearly permission(s) without further reference to this
office, by applying for further permission from the Registration
authorities (GNIB/INIS Registration Office as applicable) up to
a maximum of three (3) years in total, subject to the person
meeting all the necessary qualifying criteria under this
25. If an applicant is unhappy with the outcome of his or her
application, an appeal may be submitted at no additional cost
within 6 weeks from the date of refusal letter, addressing the
specific grounds on which the initial application was refused.
No further correspondence will be entered into in respect of
an application.
Data Protection
26. “HowweuseinformationandtheLegalBasis
1. The Department of Justice & Equality, INIS, treats
personal information provided by applicants carefully
and will not disclose personal data to third parties
except in accordance with the law.
2. Therefore, the processing of personal information
provided by you in this application will be carried out in
compliance with the law on data protection and under
the executive power of the Government.
3. In furtherance of an application under this immigration
procedure we will take into account all known
information and relevant factors including your
previous immigration history, and may;
3.1. request further information or documentation,
from you or from third parties as evidence of the
bona fides of your particular case;
3.2. disclose personal information provided by you in
your application to third parties for the purpose
of establishing your bona fides in connection
with your application; and
3.3. use information provided by third parties in
arriving at a decision on your application.
4. Such third parties would include; other Government
Departments, An Garda Síochána (the Irish national
police force), UK immigration authorities, your sponsor
(or previous sponsors if applicable) and other
organisations or persons referenced by you in your
27. These arrangements apply to persons who have served as a
Minister of Religion in Ireland in the past, or who are
currently working in that capacity in the State, and have not
spent in the aggregate more than 3 years in the State in that
28. If you are currently active in the State as a Minister of Religion
under the previous Minister of Religion Programme and your
aggregate time in the State at the expiry of your current
registration is less than three years, you may be granted a
further year, if your application is successful under this
procedure. Applications should be made to Unit 2 Residency,
INIS, Burgh Quay, Dublin 2”.
The Department of Justice and Equality reserves the right to amend
or suspend this Programme at any stage.