Department of Health, Office of Health Care Quality
Licensure Term
Assisted Living Programs
An assisted living program is a residential- or facility-based
program that provides housing and supportive services,
supervision, personalized assistance, health
-related services, or
a combination that meets the needs of residents who are unable
to perfor
m, or who need assistance in performing activities of
daily living (ADLs) or instrumental activities of daily living in a
way that promotes optimum dignity and independence for the
During the last regulatory update, two assisted living program
definitions were removed from what is not considered an
assisted living program:
(1) emergency, transitional, and permanent housing
arrangements for the homeless, where no assistance with ADLs
is provided; and
(2) emergency, transitional, and permanent housing
arrangements for the victims of domestic violence.
The following definition for what is not considered an assisted
living program was added: a Certified Adult Residential
Environment Program that is certified by the Department of
Human Resource
s under Article 88A, §140, Annotated Code of
Regulatory and Legislative
The Maryland Department of Health (MDH), Office of Health
Care Quality (OHCQ) licenses assisted living programs based on
levels of care provided. The regulations do not specify a
minimum number of residents for licensure. However, assisted
living facilities are considered a related institution in Maryland.
Related institutions are defined as having two or more residents.
An assist
ed living facility which is contemplating adding an
Alzheimer’s special care unit is required to notify OHCQ.
There have
been no recent regulatory or legislative updates this
last legislative session.
Facility Scope of Care
Facilities may provide one of three levels of care: low, moderate,
or high. The levels of care are defined by varying service
requirements pertaining to health and wellness; assistance with
functioning; assistance with medication and treatment;
management of behavioral issues; management of psychological
or psychiatric conditions; and social and recreational concerns.
Under low and moderate levels of care, staff must assist with two
or more A
If a facility wishes to continue to serve a resident requiring a
higher level of care than that for which the facility is licensed for
more than 30 days, the facility must obtain a resident
waiver. A waiver requires a showing that the facility can meet the
needs of the resident and not jeopardize other residents. The
licensee shall submit a waiver application as soon as program
staff determine that the increased level of care of the condition
requiring the waiver is likely to exceed 30 days.
Waivers to care
for residents at the moderate and high levels are limited to 50
percent of licensed beds. Waivers to exceed the high level are
limited to 20 percent of licensed beds or up to 20 beds,
whichever is less. If, at any time, a licensee wants to
provide a
higher level of care than that for which it is licensed, the licensee
shall request authority from the department to change its
licensure authority.
Limitations of Services
Facilities may not admit individuals who require more than
intermittent nursing care; treatment of stage III or IV skin ulcers;
ventilator services; skilled monitoring, testing, and aggressive
adjustment of medications and treatments where there is the
sence of, or risk for, a fluctuating acute condition; monitoring
of a chronic medical condition that is not controllable through
readily available medications and treatment; treatment for an
active, reportable communicable disease; or treatment for a
se or condition that requires more than contact isolation. In
addition to these seven conditions, individuals may not be
admitted if they are dangerous to self or others and are at high
risk for health and safety complications that cannot be
adequately man
aged. Facilities may request a resident-specific
waiver for existing residents presenting with one of these
Move-in Requirements
Including Required
All assisted living providers are required to complete an Assisted
Living Disclosure Form, which must be included in all marketing
materials and made available to consumers upon request. The
form is reviewed during facility surveys, and providers must
fy and file an amendment with the OHCQ within 30 days of
changes in services. Written disclosure also must be made to the
MDH and consumers by assisted living programs offering
Alzheimer's special care units or programs.
Resident Assessment
Requirements and Frequency
A resident’s service plan must be based on assessments of
his/her health, function, and psychosocial status using the
Resident Assessment Tool. Within 30 days before admission,
the assisted living program must collect information about the
potential reside
nt's physical condition and medical status.
A full assessment must also be completed within 48 hours, but
not later than required by the nurse practice act, after a
significant change of condition and each non
hospitalization. "Significant chang
e of condition" means: a
resident has demonstrated major changes in status that are not
-limiting or which cannot be resolved within 30 days; a
change in one or more areas of the resident’s health condition
that could demonstrate an improvement or decl
ine in the
resident’s status; and the need for interdisciplinary review or
revision to the service plan. A significant change of condition
does not include any ordinary, day
-to-day fluctuations in health
status, function, or behavior, or an acute short
-term illness such
as a cold, unless these fluctuations continue to recur.
When the delegating nurse determines in the nurse's clinical
judgment that the resident does not require a full assessment
within 48 hours, the delegating nurse shall:
(1) document the determination and the reasons for the
determination in the resident's record; and
(2) ensure that a full assessment of the resident is conducted
within seven calendar days.
A review of the assessment shall be conducted every six months
for resident
s who do not have a change in condition. Further
evaluation by a health care practitioner is required and changes
shall be made to the resident's service plan, if there is a score
change in any of the following areas:
(1) cognitive and behavioral status;
(2) ability to self
-administer medications; and
(3) behaviors and communication.
If the resident's previous assessment did not indicate the need
for awake overnight staff, each full assessment or review of the
full assessment shall include documenta
tion as to whether
awake overnight staff is required due to a change in the
resident's condition.
Medication Management
The assisted living manager and all staff who administer
medications must have completed the medication administration
course taught by a registered nurse who is approved by the
Board of Nursing.
An assisted living manager must arrange for a licensed
pharmacist to conduct an on-site review of physician
prescriptions, orders, and resident records at least every six
months for any resident receiving nine or more medications,
including over
-the-counter and PRN medications. The regulation
specifies what mu
st be examined during the review and that the
review must be part of the quality assurance review. There is
also a requirement that all schedule II and III narcotics must be
maintained under a double
-lock system and staff must count
controlled drugs before
the close of every shift.
Staffing Requirements
A staffing plan must be submitted to OHCQ which demonstrates
that there will be on
-site staff sufficient in number and
qualifications to meet the 24
-hour scheduled and unscheduled
needs of the residents. When a resident is in the facility, a staff
member s
hall be present. There are no staffing ratios. An
alternate assisted living manager shall be present on site or
available on call when the assisted living manager is unavailable.
An assisted living program shall provide awake overnight staff
when a resi
dent's assessment using the Resident Assessment
Tool indicates that awake overnight staff is required. If a
physician or assessing nurse, in his/her clinical judgment, does
not believe that a resident requires awake overnight staff, the
physician or assess
ing nurse shall document the reasons in the
area provided in the Resident Assessment Tool which shall be
retained in the resident's record.
Upon the written recommendation of the resident's physician or
assessing nurse, the assisted living program may a
pply to the
department for a waiver to use an electronic monitoring system
instead of awake overnight staff.
Education and Training
The assisted living manager must be at least 21 years of age
and possess a high school diploma or equivalent and have
sufficient skills, training, and experience to serve the residents in
a manner that is consistent with the philosophy of assisted living
delineated in regulation). For a high level of care program, an
assisted living manager must have a four
-year, college-level
degree; two years of experience in a health care related field and
one year of experience as an assisted living program manager or
alternate assisted living manager; or two years of experience in a
health care related field and successful completion of an 80
assisted living manager training program. The 80
-hour training
program must be approved by the OHCQ and cover required
ent on aging, cognitive impairment, and dementias.
Direct Care Staff Education
and Training Requirements
Staff other than the manager and alternate manager must be at
least 18 years of age unless licensed as a nurse or the age
requirement is waived by MDH. Staff whose duties include
personal care must complete a state
-approved, five hours of
training on cognitive impairment and mental illness within the first
90 days of employment. Staff whose job duties do not involve the
sion of personal care services shall receive a minimum of
two hours of training on cognitive impairment and mental illness
within the first 90 days of employment. Staff must participate in
an orientation program and ongoing training to ensure that
s receive services consistent with their needs.
Staff shall demonstrate competence to the delegating nurse
before performing personal care services and may work for
seven days before demonstrating such competency to provide
personal care services if the employee is performing tasks
accompanied by a cert
ified nursing assistant, a geriatric nursing
assistant, or an individual who has been approved by the
delegating nurse.
At least two hours of ongoing training must be provided annually
for those involved with the provision of personal care. For those
not involved with the provision of personal care, at least one hour
of training per year is required.
Quality Requirements
The assisted living program must develop and implement a
quality assurance plan. The assisted living manager and the
delegating nurse shall meet at least every 6 months to review the
hange in status of the program's residents; outcomes of
pharmacy reviews;
service plan requirements; and written
recommendations or findings of the consultant pharmacist, as
required by Regulation .29J of this chapter. The assisted living
will document the proceedings of the meeting held.
Infection Control
There are no specific infection control requirements detailed
other than to follow stand precautions related to infection control.
Emergency Preparedness
The assisted living program shall develop an emergency and
disaster plan that includes procedures that shall be followed
before, during, and after an emergency or disaster, including:
(a) Evacuation, transportation, or shelter in
-place of residents;
(b) Notification of families and staff regarding the action that will
be taken concerning the safety and well
-being of the residents;
(c) Staff coverage, organization, and assignment of
responsibilities for ongoing shelter in
-place or evacuation,
including ident
ification of staff members available to report to
work or remain for extended periods; and
(d) The continuity of services, including:
(i) Operations, planning, financial, and logistical arrangements;
(ii) Procuring essential goods, equipment, and services to
sustain operations for at least 72 hours;
(iii) Relocation to alternate facilities or other locations; and
(iv) Reasonable efforts to continue care.
(2) The licensee shall have a tracking system to locate and
identify residents in the event of displacement, an emergency, or
a disaster that includes at a minimum the:
(a) Resident's name;
(b) Time that the resident was sent to the initial alternative facility
or location; and
(c) Name of the initial alternative facility or location where the
resident was sent.
(3) When the assisted living program
relocates residents, the
program shall send a brief
medical fact sheet with each resident
that includes at a minimum the resident's:
(a) Name;
(b) Medical condition or diagnosis;
(c) Medications;
(d) Allergies;
(e) Special diets or dietary restrictions; and
(f) Family or legal representative contact information.
(4) The brief medical fact sheet for each resident shall be:
(a) Updated upon the occurrence of change in any of the
required information;
(b) Reviewed at least monthly; and
(c) Maintained in a central location readily accessible and
available to a
ccompany residents in case of an emergency
(5) The licensee shall review the emergency and disaster plan at
least annually and update the plan as necessary.
(6) The licensee shall:
(a) Identify a facility, facilities, or alternate location or locations
that have agreed to house the licensee's residents during an
emergency evacuation; and
(b) Document an agreement with each facility or location.
(7) The licensee shall:
(a) Identify a source or sources of transportation that have
agreed to s
afely transport residents during an emergency
evacuation; and
(b) Document an agreement with each transportation source.
(8) Upon request, a licensee shall provide a copy of the facility's
emergency and disaster plan to the local emergency
management organization for the purpose of coordinating local
emergency planning. The licensee shall provide the emergency
and disaster plan in a format that is mutually agreeable to the
local emergency management organization.
(9) The licensee shall identify an emergency and disaster
planning liaison for the facility and shall provide the liaison's
contact information to the local emergency management
(10) The licensee shall prepare an executive summary of its
evacuation procedures to pro
vide to a resident, family member,
or legal representative upon request. The executive summary
shall, at a minimum:
(a) List means of potential transportation to be used in the event
of evacuation;
(b) List potential alternative facilities or locations to be used in
the event of evacuation;
(c) Describe means of communication with family members and
legal representatives;
(d) Describe the role of the resident, family member, or legal
representative in the event of an emergency situation; and
(e) Notify fami
lies that the information provided may change
depending upon the nature or scope of the emergency or
Life Safety Requirements
Facilities must abide by the National Fire Protection Association
Life Safety Code 101 and must have hand extinguishers and an
emergency plan known to all staff. Smoke detectors must be
installed in all sleeping rooms, on each level of the dwelling
ng basements, and outside of each sleeping area, in the
immediate vicinity of the sleeping rooms. The plan for fire
evacuation must be posted on all floors. Fire drills must be
conducted. The plan for fire evacuation must be posted on all
floors. Fire dril
ls must be conducted quarterly on every shift and
documented. A disaster drill must be conducted and written up
annually. Table
-top drills are acceptable if it can be shown that
actually performing the drill would unduly risk the health and
safety of parti
The regulations require emergency preparedness plans to
address the evacuation, transportation, or shelter in place of
residents; notification to families, staff, and the OHCQ regarding
the action that will be taken concerning the safety and wel
of the residents; staff coverage, organization, and assignment of
responsibilities; and the continuity of operation, including
procuring essential goods, equipment, and services, and
relocation to alternative facilities (methods of transportation must
be identified but need not be guaranteed).
Assisted living programs providing services to 50 or more
individuals must have on premises an emergency back
generator in working condition and capable of running for 48
hours. Exemptions are allowed for facilities that can demonstrate
financial hardsh
ip and waivers for facilities connected by a
corridor to a facility with a generator.
Medicaid Policy and
Maryland has a Section 1915(c) home and community-based
services waiver, Home and Community
-Based Options, that
covers services in applicable assisted living programs.
Participants must be assessed to need a nursing facility level of
care based on a unifor
m medical assessment, meet financial
eligibility requirements, and be aged 18 years old or older. They
must be provided with 24
-hour supervision, and facilities must
employ a delegating nurse (a registered nurse) to visit every 45
Code of Maryland Regulations. (2021) Title 10. Maryland
Department of Health, Part 1, Subtitle 07. Hospitals. Chapter
10.07.14. Assisted Living Programs.
Department of Health. (n.d.) Home and Community
HB1034 (2022)
HB0720 (2022)
HB0636 (2022)
SB0531 (2022)