Arisaema brinchangense Y.W. Low, Scherberich &
Gusman (Araceae), a New Threatened Species Endemic
to the Cameron Highlands (Peninsular Malaysia)
Authors: Low, Yee Wen, Scherberich, David, and Gusman, Guy
Source: Candollea, 71(1) : 83-89
Published By: The Conservatory and Botanical Garden of the City of
Geneva (CJBG)
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Addresses of the authors :
YWL : Singapore Botanic Gardens, National Parks Board, 1 Cluny Road, Singapore 259569.
E-mail : low_yee_w[email protected].sg
DS : Jardin Botanique de Lyon, Mairie de Lyon, 69205 Lyon cedex 01, France.
GG : Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium.
Submitted on January 26, 2016. Accepted on March 2, 2016. First published online on March 31, 2016.
ISSN : 0373-2967 Online ISSN : 2235-3658 Candollea 71(1) : 83-89 (2016)
Arisaema brinchangense Y.W. Low, Scherberich
& Gusman (Araceae), a new threatened
species endemic to the Cameron Highlands
(Peninsular Malaysia)
Yee Wen Low, David Scherberich & Guy Gusman
LOW, Y.W., D. SCHERBERICH & G. GUSMAN. Arisaema brinchangense Y.W. Low, Scherberich & Gusman (Araceae), a new
threatened species endemic to the Cameron Highlands (Peninsular Malaysia). Candollea 71 : 83-89. In English, English abstract.
DOI : http ://
Arisaema brinchangense Y.W. Low, Scherberich & Gusman (Araceae) is described as new and illustrated. e new species
is similar to Arisaema anomalum Hemsl. but diers by the morphology of its spathe. It is placed under Arisaema sect.
Anomalum Gusman & L. Gusman based on morphological and growth characters, the latter observed in the eld
and unique to that section. Arisaema brinchangense is endemic to the Cameron Highlands, Pahang, Peninsular Malay-
sia, and is assessed as “Critically Endangered following IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria due to habitat loss.
ARACEAEArisaema – Peninsular Malaysia – Cameron Highlands – Taxonomy – New species
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84 – A new Arisaema (Araceae) from Peninsular Malaysia Candollea 71, 2016
Arisaema Mart. (Araceae), otherwise known as cobra-lily or
jack-in-the-pulpit is a widespread group of herbaceous plants
occurring in North America, East Africa, the Arabian Penin-
sula, Southwest India to Sri Lanka, the Sino-Himalayas through
to the Sino-Japanese regions, Indochina and Malesia, with the
Sino-Himalayan and Sino-Japanese regions being the centre
of its diversity. At present, between 170-200 species are esti-
mated occurring worldwide (M et al., 1997 ; G &
G, 2006 ; M, 2008 ; B & W, 2015 ;
G et al., 2016). The Peninsular Malaysian Arisaema
were rst reviewed by R (1925) and updated recently by
M et al. (2011). Presently, only seven taxa are enume-
rated for Peninsular Malaysia, namely, A. anomalum Hemsl.,
A. filiforme (Reinw.) Blume, A. fimbriatum Mast. subsp. fim-
briatum, A. laminatum Blume, A. roxburghii Kunth, A. scortechi-
nii Hook.f. and A. wrayi Hemsl., of which two, A. anomalum
and A. scortechinii are endemic (R 1907, 1925 ; H et
al., 1995 ; G & G, 2006 ; M et al., 2011).
Furthermore, these seven taxa were grouped into two sections,
namely Arisaema sect. Anomalum Gusman & L. Gusman, and
Arisaema sect. Fimbriata (Engl.) J. Murata. The latter consists
of A. fimbriatum subsp. fimbriatum, A. laminatum and A. rox-
burghii ; while the former includes A. anomalum, A. filiforme,
A. scortechinii and A. wrayi (G & G, 2006).
One of the oldest hill stations in Peninsular Malaysia is the
Cameron Highlands, and it is located on the northwestern part
of Pahang between 1000-2091 m (A, 1994). e Cameron
Highlands is a popular tourist destination famed for its cool
weather, picturesque tea estates, and highland produce. Owing to
its popularity for tourism and the importance for agriculture and
oriculture industries in Malaysia, the pristine cloud forest of the
Cameron Highlands is under immense pressure for exploitation.
At present the highland is facing numerous environmental issues
such as severe soil erosion, landslides, siltation and pollution of
highland streams, and oods (M et al., 1996 ; F,
1999 ; T S, 2012 ; T S D, 2014).
In 2008, a peculiar Arisaema with a pale-coloured inflo-
rescence and distinctive markings on the spathe-limb was
encountered at about 2000 m in the mossy forest of Mount
Brinchang, Cameron Highlands by the second author while
on a botanical excursion organised by the Universiti Kebang-
saan Malaysia. In 2010, a flowering specimen of the same
Arisaema species was examined by the first author beside
the road leading towards the summit of Mount Brinchang.
This unusual Arisaema was subsequently encountered again
by the first author in 2012 and 2014 around the same loca-
lity, prompting a formal investigation into its identity. The
Mount Brinchang Arisaema is closely similar to A. anomalum,
but diering by a suite of morphological characteristics that dis-
tinguish these two taxa apart. Hence, we consider this taxon from
Mount Brinchang to be distinct and formally described here as
new. So far, this new species is only known from the Cameron
Highlands, and is assessed as “Critically Endangered” following
the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria (IUCN, 2012).
Materials and Methods
A review of all the Malayan Arisaema species was conduc-
ted based on herbarium specimens preserved in KLU and
SING. Conventional methods of herbarium taxonomy were
applied. Type materials present at SING were examined, as
well as type images of all Malayan Arisaema species available
at JSTOR Global Plants website [http ://].
Botanical terms used in this study largely follows B
(2012), while technical terms pertinent to Arisaema description
follows G & G (2006).
A preliminary risk of extinction assessment was made
using IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria (IUCN, 2012).
e extent of occurrence (EOO) and the area of occupancy
(AOO) were calculated using GeoCAT (B et al.,
2011). Data used for the assessment were based on herbarium
records at KLU and SING.
Key to Arisaema taxa of Peninsular Malaysia
1. Subterranean stem a subglobose tuber (up to 3.5 cm in
length, 1-5 cm wide) [sect. Fimbriata] ............. 2
1a. Subterranean stem an elongated rhizome (up to 15 cm
long) [sect. Anomalum] ........................ 4
2. Spadix-appendix long and whip-like (8-15 cm long)
exceeding the spathe-limb .......................
................. A. mbriatum subsp. mbriatum
2a. Spadix-appendix short (3-5 cm long) not exceeding the
spathe-limb ................................. 3
3. Spathe-limb inside white at base, vivid green from the
apex to the basal white portion with a thin dark purple
band separating the vivid green and white zones ......
................................. A. laminatum
3a. Spathe-limb inside pale yellow or pale green, sometimes
suused with purple ................. A. roxburghii
4. Spadix-appendix short (2-5 cm long) ............. 5
4a. Spadix-appendix long (10-35 cm long) ........... 7
5. Leaf pedate, with 5-7 leaets .......... A. scortechinii
5a. Leaf trifoliolate .............................. 6
6. Spathe-tube mouth margin strongly recurved (auriculate ;
auricles 5-10 mm wide) .............. A. anomalum
6a. Spathe-tube mouth margin straight and hardly recurved
(not auriculate) .................. A. brinchangense
7. Leaf with 3-5 leaets, leaets linear-elliptic .... A. liforme
7a. Leaf with 7-9 leaets, leaets elliptic ........ A. wrayi
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Candollea 71 2016 A new Arisaema (Araceae) from Peninsular Malaysia– 85
Arisaema brinchangense Y.W. Low, Scherberich &
Gusman, spec. nova (Fig. 1 ; 2A, B).
Typus : Malaysia. Pahang (Peninsular Malaysia) :
Cameron Highlands, Mt. Brinchang, beside road leading
towards the observation tower, c. 2000 m, 10.XI.2012, Low
& Low-Edwin LYW 520 (holo- : SING [SING0166277
including spirit material, SING0202906]! ; iso- : BR!, G!,
Arisaema brinchangense Y.W. Low, Scherberich &
Gusman is morphologically close to A. anomalum Hemsl. but
differs by having spathe-tube mouth margin straight and
hardly recurved (not auriculate) (vs. strongly recurved (auri-
culate) in A. anomalum), and a distinctive white or pale cream
coloured marking somewhat resembling a trident (with 3-6
pointed tips) around the mid-portion of the spathe-limb (vs.
9-10 longitudinal stripes parallel along the spathe-tube).
Terrestrial perennial evergreen herb, to 40(-60) cm tall.
Rhizome to 7 cm long and 0.7-1.7 cm wide, carmine ; roots
numerous, 1-3 mm wide, cream to apricot. Pseudostem absent.
Cataphylls to 3, c. 1-9 cm long, carmine with longitudinal darker
stripes. Leaf 1(-2). Petiole cylindrical, c. 19-29 cm long, c. 3-5
mm wide at the base, dull carmine to claret, without any mar-
kings. Leaf blade trifoliolate ; leaets glossy apple green on both
sides, paler below, membranaceous ; apex acuminate ending in
an arista about 0.7-1 cm long ; base cuneate to obtuse ; margin
entire ; midrib prominent and glabrous on both sides ; secondary
veins 9-12 pairs, making an angle of 30-50° with the midrib
and joining to form a distinct marginal vein, slightly sunken
and glabrous on upper side, slightly raised to prominent and
glabrous on lower side ; marginal vein approximately 2-5 mm
from margin ; tertiary venation at on both sides. Central leaet
elliptic-ovate, 9-17 cm long, 3-6.6 cm wide, petiolulate ; petio-
lule c. 1.8-2.7 cm long ; blade symmetrical. Lateral leaets ovate
to elliptic-ovate, 10.5-15.7 cm long, 3.5-5 cm wide, petiolulate ;
petiolule c. 0.5-1.8 cm long ; blade asymmetrical. Inorescence
overtopping the leaves. Peduncle 23.5-35 cm long, similar in
colour to petiole from the base upwards, fading gradually to
white towards the inflorescence. Spathe-tube cylindrical or
slightly funnel-shaped, 3.7-5.5 cm long, 0.4-0.9 cm wide at
base, widening to 1-2.5 cm at the mouth, green to pale dull
green with a thick white band on outer and inner dorsal side,
white-waxy outside, white at base ; mouth-margins straight
and hardly recurved (not auriculate). Spathe-limb horizontal,
lanceolate, c. 4.5-6.5 cm long and 1.3-2.5 cm wide, similar
in colour to the tube, but darker. Spathe-tip caudate, ending
with a thread c. 0.5-1.3 cm long. Spadix-appendix c. 3-4.8 cm
long, c. 2-3.2 cm exserted from the tube, but not exceeding the
spathe-limb, sessile, protruding portion bent forward to slightly
down-curved, blunt at apex, 2-4 mm wide at base tapering gra-
dually towards the apex, green to carmine, glabrous above the
fertile portion or with a few upcurved neuters. Spadix fertile
zone male or bisexual. Male fertile zone cylindrical, c. 4.2 cm
long and c. 3-4 mm across ; synandria loosely arranged, pale
pink to carmine, 4-6-androus, thecae dehiscent by an elongated
pore, borne on a pale pink to carmine stalk, pollen white. Female
fertile zone c. 2.5 cm long and c. 3-4 mm across ; pistils densely
arranged ; ovaries ovoid, vivid green, c. 2.5-4 mm wide, with a
whitish stigma on a short green style.
Etymology.The species epithet refers to Mount
Brinchang (2031 m), where the type specimen was collected.
Distribution and Habitat. – Arisaema brinchangense is so far
known only from around the summit of Mount Brinchang,
Cameron Highlands (Fig. 3) where it grows in the montane
forest c. 2000 m on moist forest floor covered with thick
organic litter under deep to semi-shaded condition.
Phenology.is species has been collected in ower in
September and November. However, this may not neces-
sary reect a clear owering period as climate of Cameron
Highlands is quite constant throughout the year. Fruiting
period unknown.
Conservation status. – Arisaema brinchangense is so far
known only from the Cameron Highlands where recent
discoveries were mostly around the summit of Mount Brin-
chang, protected within the Batu Gangan Permanent Forest
Reserve. Otherwise, no further recent observations were made
elsewhere apart from the two historical collections at a much
lower elevation around Sungai Bertam near the golf course.
e extent of occurrence (EOO) of the species is estimated to
be 0.010 km
, whereas its area of occupancy (AOO) is estima-
ted to be 8 km
. Major conservation concern for the species is
habitat loss due to exploitation for agriculture and oriculture
industries that have increased tremendously since its inception
during the colonial times in the early 20th century. Illegal
land clearing for farming activities is a major concern as local
authority estimated about 6000 ha of land were encroached
illegally (NS T, 2014). Arisaema brinchangense
should thus be assigned a preliminary conservation status
of “Critically Endangered” [CR B1ab(iii,iv)+2ab(iii,iv)].
is preliminary conservation status would require reassess-
ment as more botanical surveys in Peninsular Malaysia are
being carried out under the “Flora of Peninsular Malaysia
Notes. – Arisaema brinchangense is an evergreen species
that has rhizomatous underground stem with roots generally
growing out from all over the rhizome. Besides that, it also
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86 – A new Arisaema (Araceae) from Peninsular Malaysia Candollea 71, 2016
Fig. 1. –
Arisaema brinchangense Y.W. Low, Scherberich & Gusman. A. Habit ; B. Details of the lower leaf blade surface ;
C. Rhizome showing numerous offsets and fleshy white roots, inflorescence artificially removed ; D. Front view of an inflorescence
showing spathe-limb with distinctive white trident marking (with three pointed tips) and spadix-appendix slight bent forward ;
E. Spathe-tube of a male inflorescence artificially removed to show the male spadix fertile zone,
note pollen accumulated at the base of the tube.
[Low & Low-Edwin LYW 520, SING] [Photos: Y.W. Low]
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Candollea 71 2016 A new Arisaema (Araceae) from Peninsular Malaysia– 87
Fig. 2. −
Inflorescences of Arisaema brinchangense Y.W. Low, Scherberich & Gusman (A-B) and A. anomalum Hemsl. (C-D). A. Side view of the
inflorescence showing straight and hardly recurved spathe-tube mouth margin ; B. Dorsal view of the inflorescence showing distinct white to pale
cream coloured trident marking (with three pointed tips) on the spathe-limb ; C. Side view of an inflorescence showing strongly recurved (auriculate)
spathe-tube mouth margin ; D. Dorsal view of the inflorescence showing white to pale cream coloured narrow parallel stripes along the spathe-limb.
[Photos: D. Scherberich]
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88 – A new Arisaema (Araceae) from Peninsular Malaysia Candollea 71, 2016
has (i) leaves and inorescences emerging separately from the
rhizome each wrapped in their own cataphylls ; (ii) new leaves
emerge when old leaves are still present ; (iii) spadix-appendix
slightly exserted from the spathe-tube ; (iv) neuters present
above the fertile portion of the spadix ; and (v) free owering.
All these characters possessed by A. brinchangense placed it in
Arisaema sect. Anomalum as dened by G & G
(2006). At present, there are five species of Arisaema sect.
Anomalum recorded for Peninsular Malaysia, namely Arisaema
anomalum, A. brinchangense, A. liforme, A. scortechinii, and
A. wrayi, of which all have strongly recurved (auriculate)
spathe-tube mouth margin except A. brinchangense.
Arisaema brinchangense diers from A. anomalum in having
straight and hardly recurved (not auriculate) spathe-tube
mouth margin, and distinctive white to pale cream coloured
marking somewhat resembling a trident (with 3-6 pointed
tips) around the mid-portion of the spathe-limb (Fig. 2A, B).
In contrast, A. anomalum has strongly recurved (auriculate)
spathe-tube mouth margin, and 9-10 longitudinal stripes
parallel along the spathe-tube (Fig. 2C, D). Besides that,
these two taxa also dier in a suite of morphological characters
largely observed in inorescence that distinguishes them apart
(see Table 1). It is important to note that these two taxa are
dicult to tell apart in the eld or on herbarium sheet when
they are sterile.
Paratypi.Malaysia. Pahang (Peninsular Malaysia) : Cameron High-
lands, around the Green Cow Tavern (following  S-K,
1950), XI.1939-I.1940, ., Batten Pooll s.n. (SING [2 sheets]) ; Cameron
Highlands, Sg. Uruil, below golf course, 1463 m [4800 ft], 2.IX.1956, .,
Burkill HMB 820 (SING).
We are grateful to the Keeper of SING, Dr David J.
Middleton and Curator of KLU, Dr Noorma Wati Haron for
providing access to herbarium specimens under their care for
this study. Research funding and opportunity provided by the
Singapore Botanic Gardens, National Parks Board, Singapore
to YWL is gratefully acknowledged. Peter C. Boyce provided
initial identication of the new species photographed from
Mount Brinchang, and helped in forming the current research
work group. Dr Kien ai Yong kindly assisted with herba-
rium materials and equipment for closer examination at KLU.
Mrs Susan Hick (SBG volunteer) provided much needed
curatorial support and assistance at SING. Jason Marcus Chin
(Cameron Secrets), Kui Sing Tan and Felicia Edwin-Low
were especially helpful in the numerous eld trips conducted
to hunt for owering specimens of A. brinchangense.
A, R.S. (1994). Imperial Belvederes : e hill stations of Malaya.
Oxford University Press.
B, S., J. M, A.W. H, J.   T & B. S
(2011). Supporting Red List threat assessments with GeoCAT :
Geospatial Conservation Assessment Tool. In : S V. &
L. P (ed.), e-Infrastructures for data publishing in biodiver-
sity science. ZooKeys 150 : 117-126.
B, H. (2012). e Kew plant glossary : an illustrated dictionary of
plant terms. Revised Edition. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
B, P.C. & S.Y. W (2015). Compendium Genera Aracearum
Malesianum. Aroideana 38 : 40-177.
F, D.B. (1999). Hill stations or horticulture ? Conicting
imperial visions of the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia. J. Hist.
Geogr. 25 : 17-35.
G, R., J. B, J. B, P.C. B, B. C,
T. C, E. G, M. G, A. H, W. H-
, S. I, E. L, S. M, J. M, V. D.
N, C. M. S, Y. S, S. T & G. Z
(2016). World checklist of Araceae. Facilitated by the Royal Botanic
Gardens, Kew [http ://].
G, G. & L. G (2006). e genus Arisaema : a monograph
for botanists and nature lovers. 2
ed. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag.
Fig. 3. –
Distribution of Arisaema brinchangense Y.W. Low, Scherberich &
Gusman (black circle) in Peninsular Malaysia.
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Candollea 71 2016 A new Arisaema (Araceae) from Peninsular Malaysia– 89
Rhizome length [cm]
Spathe-limb, surface markings
Spathe-tube, colour
Spathe-tube, mouth margin
Anthers, dehiscence
A. anomalum
c. 15
Spathe-limb with numerous somewhat evenly
spaced white or pale cream coloured narrow stripes
running parallel along the length from around the
apex to the base
Dark carmine
Strongly recurved (auriculate), auricles 5-10 mm
wide and 15 mm long
Rounded pores
Endemic to Peninsular Malaysia. Occurring in Perak
(Bukit Larut [Maxwell Hill]) and Pahang (Cameron
Highlands and Mount Mengkuang Lebar)
Hill to upper dipterocarp forest occurring from
600-1000 m
A. brinchangense
c. 7
Spathe-limb with a distinctive white to pale cream
coloured marking somewhat resembling a trident
(with 3-6 pointed tips) around the mid-portion
Green to pale dull green
Straight and hardly recurved (not auriculate)
Oblong pores
Endemic to Peninsular Malaysia. Known only from
Cameron Highlands, Pahang
Montane forest occurring c. 2000 m
Table 1. –
Comparison of morphological characteristics, distribution and habitat between Arisaema anomalum Hemsl. and A. brinchangense Y.W. Low,
Scherberich & Gusman.
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