Example #1
References Page Citation
In-text Citations
Example #2
References Page Citation
In-text citations
In the text it may be necessary to cite specific subsections, as in the following example:
S o u r c e s C o nsu l t e d
Am erican P sy c h o l o g i c a l Associaon. (2009 ). P u b li c aon m an u al o f t h e Ame r ican P s yc h o l gical A s s oc iao n (6 t h ed.) . W a s h i n g t o n , D C :
Author .
C alvin T . R y a n L i b r a ry, Univ e r s i t y o f N eb raska Kearn y. ( 2 0 0 8 , M a r c h 2 5 ). C in g go v e rn m e nt d o c ume nts. Retrieved f rom h p ://
www.un k.e d u / a c a d e m i c s / li brary.aspx? id = 8 9 3 6
E velyn S . F i e l d L ib rary, Ra r i t a n V a l l e y C ommunity College . (200 9 , A u g u s t 31). A P A styl e : L e gal s ou r c e s. Re t r i e v e d f ro m hp : / /
librar y . r a r i t a n v a l . e d u/resear c h/ c i t a o n / a p a .asp
APA Style:
Citing Codes of Ethics in Marriage and Family Therapy
Schools of Graduate & Professional Programs
Contact The Writing Center @ 612-728-5154 or tcwrite@smumn.edu
American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. (2001, Jul y 1). A A M FT code of ethics.
Retrieved from http://www.aamft.org/resources/lrm_plan/ethics/ethicscode2001.asp
American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (2001) . . .
. . . (American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, 2001).
Board of Marriage and Family Therapy Code of Ethics. Minnesota Administrative Rules § 5300 -
0359 (2009). Retrieved from https:// www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/rules/?id=5300.0350
Board of Marriage and Family Therapy Code of Ethics (2009). . .
. . . Board of Marriage and Family Therapy Code of Ethics, 2009).
The Minnesota Board of Marriage and Family Therapy Code of Ethics (2009), subpart 6B, re-
quires a therapist to explain to clients the limits of confidentialit y. Subpart 6K(3) gives clients
right of access to their own data record. (BMFT Code of Ethics, 2009).
Note: If a b breviao n i s already e st a blished, u se abbreviao n in the c itao n.
No te: R u l e s f o r c i ng statu te s an d l e g a l d e ci sions di er i n r u l e f o r c in g o th er k i n d s o f m e d ia . See the ap p e n d i x t o C hapt e r 7 of
th e 6 th ed . A P A m a n ual .
Note: If a b breviao n i s already e st a blished, u se abbreviao n in the c itao n.
The symbol § stands for
secon. To nd the symbol
in Word 2007, click the
Insert tab, click the symbol
icon (far right), search for
the symbol, click Insert.