ANZ may change the contact details below from time to time.
If we do, we will not notify you of the change (unless required
by law or industry code) but these details will be published on
our website
For all enquiries about your facility go to or
call us on 1800 032 481
Hearing and speech impaired customers can utilise the
TTY (telephone typewriter) service by calling 1300 366 255
For lost or stolen card details, suspected unauthorised use
or lost or divulged passwords (other than online passwords)
please contact us straight away on the following numbers:
If you are in Australia – ANZ Cards 1800 033 844 (24 hours a day)
If you are overseas – +61 3 8699 6955 (24 hours a day)
For lost or divulged online passwords please contact us
straight away on 13 33 50
Phone: 1800 805 154 (8am – 7pm AEST/AEDT weekdays
excluding national public holidays)
Email: yourf[email protected]
Online: Visit
(Select ‘Complaints and compliments under
‘Find out more, Select ‘Lodge your feedback online’)
Mail: ANZ Complaint Resolution Centre Locked Bag 4050,
South Melbourne, VIC 3205
Phone: 1800 931 678
Mail: Australian Financial Complaints Authority GPO Box 3,
Melbourne, VIC 3001
Part A
Travel Account Terms 5
1. Definitions and Interpretation 5
2. Using Travel Accounts and Travel Cards 10
3. Account Credit Limits and exceeding your limit 11
4. Spend Caps and other limits and controls 12
5. Transaction Balances on a Travel Account 14
6. Debits and credits to a Travel Account 15
7. Transactions on a Travel Account 16
8. Statements of account 21
9. Amounts you must pay on a Travel Account 21
10. How to make payments to a Travel Account 21
11. How we apply payments and other credits 22
12. Fees and charges you must pay 23
13. How we calculate and charge interest 24
14. Changes to your Commercial Card Contract 24
15. When can ANZ adjust a Travel Account? 29
16. Amounts that may be included in a purchase 30
17. Exchange rates used for Foreign Currency Transactions 30
18. Keeping your Travel Card details secure 30
19. Reporting unauthorised transactions and lost or stolen
Travel Card details 31
20. Disputing Transactions and your liability 32
21. What are ANZ's complaint procedures? 34
22. Cancellation and Termination 34
23. Default 38
24. Communication with Authorised Users and TMCs 41
25. Joint and Several Liability 41
26. Privacy and Confidentiality 41
27. Banking Code of Practice 45
28. Financial Difficulty 45
29. Inactive Accounts 45
30. Governing Laws 45
31. General Matters 45
32. Transaction Query Management 47
Part AA
Enhanced Data Terms 48
Part B
ANZ Travel Account –
Unauthorised Transaction Insurance 50
Section A - Eligibility for cover 57
Section B - Period of Cover 57
Section C - Benefit Limits 57
Section D - Excess and Exclusions 58
Section E - The cover available 58
Part A (the Travel Account Terms) and Part AA (the Enhanced
Data Terms) of this document contain terms for your travel
account. These terms apply to you and all Authorised Users.
You should read the Travel Account Terms and the Enhanced
Data Terms with the other documents that are part of your
Commercial Card Contract with us.
Part B of this document does not form part of your Commercial
Card Contract with us. This part sets out important information
about complimentary insurance benefits that may be available.
1.1 Definitions
The following definitions apply to your Commercial Card
Contract unless the context requires otherwise.
Account means any account (including any travel account,
commercial card account or virtual card account) opened
by us for the purpose of recording transactions and which is
subject to the terms of your Commercial Card Contract.
Account Credit Limit has the meaning given to it in clause
Annual Interest Rate means the annual percentage rate that
applies to a Transaction Balance on a Travel Account at the
relevant time.
ANZ’, ‘ we’ or ‘us means Australia and New Zealand Banking
Group Limited (ABN 11 005 357 522 and Australian credit
licence number 234527) and its successors and assigns, and
our has a corresponding meaning.
ANZ Business Day means a day that is not a Saturday, Sunday
or an Australian national public holiday.
Authorised Signatory’ or ‘Authorised Person means a person
designated by the Principal with authority to act on its behalf
in connection with the operation of a Travel Account (including
but not limited to changing Spend Caps or other restrictions or
limits and adding or removing Authorised Users).
Authorised User means:
a person designated by the Principal with authority to use
Travel Card details and to transact on a Travel Account; or
an Individual Cardholder.
Cardholder means the Principal or an Individual Cardholder.
Cash Advance means any of the following:
use of Travel Card details or a Travel Account for obtaining
cash in any currency;
paying for things that are equivalent to or capable of being
used as a substitute for cash or money or a medium of
exchange, including travellers cheques, cheques, drafts
or money orders, international money transfers, crypto-
currency or stored value cards;
transferring money, including (if available) through ANZ
Internet Banking, ANZ Phone Banking or ANZ Mobile
paying a bill (unless it’s through BPAY® and the biller accepts
a credit card as a payment method);
paying for lottery or gambling goods or services; or
any transaction that a merchant, Visa or another person
involved in accepting or processing the transaction treats as
a cash advance, or tells us is a cash advance.
Depending on the circumstances, we may treat any of these
things as a Purchase instead of a Cash Advance.
In determining whether a transaction is a Cash Advance we
rely on information provided by the merchant, Visa or another
person involved. This includes information we are given about
the type of business carried on by the person accepting it.
In that case, we will treat all transactions with those types of
businesses as a Cash Advance, even if it isn’t something listed
above (for example, transactions with businesses that sell
lottery tickets).
Cash Advances Balance has the meaning given to it in clause
Closing Balance means, in relation to a Travel Account, the
Travel Account Balance, calculated on the day we issue a
statement as the balance for the end of the statement period
for that account.
Commercial Card Contract means these Travel Account
Terms, your Letter of Offer and any other document identified
®Registered to BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518
in your Letter of Offer as comprising part of your commercial
card contract.
Daily Interest Amount means the Cash Advances Balance (as
at the end of each day) multiplied by the applicable Annual
Interest Rate divided by 365.
Default Rights has the meaning given in clause 23.3.
Due Date’ or ‘Payment Due Date means the date by which a
payment must be made, as shown on a statement of account.
Electronic Banking Conditions of Use means the conditions as amended or replaced by us
from time to time.
Enhanced Data means detailed line item information in
relation to a transaction. Detailed line item information for a
transaction can include invoice number, transaction reference
number, transaction date, supplier name, merchant category
code amount, GST amount, booking reference, credit card
name, credit card number, passenger name, quantity and item
facility means an ANZ commercial card facility offered by ANZ
to the Principal or any other facility offered by ANZ where the
terms of our offer state that these Travel Account Terms apply
to that facility or to a product offered under that facility.
Facility Limit means, in relation to a facility, the amount that
is notified to you (for example in a Limit Letter or any other
similar offer documentation) at the time ANZ offers the facility
to you or such other amount as ANZ authorises.
GST means GST as defined in the GST Act.
GST Act means the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax)
Act 1999 (Cth).
Individual Cardholder means a person to whom Travel Card
details are issued in accordance with these Travel Account
Interest Charge has the meaning given to it in clause 13(c).
Letter of Offer means the letter we send you offering a facility.
Limit Letter means a letter under which ANZ sets out the
Facility Limit for a facility.
overlimit amount means the amount by which, at any time, a
Travel Account Balance exceeds the applicable Account Credit
Principal means the entity who has been offered a facility and
in whose name a Travel Account is opened.
Purchase means:
a purchase of goods or services that is not a Cash Advance;
any other use of Travel Card details or Travel Account that
we treat as a purchase.
Purchases Balance has the meaning given to it in clause 5.2(a).
Spend Cap means the limit on the aggregate value of all
Transactions that may be made using the same Travel Card
details during the period referred to in clause 4.1(b).
statement period has the meaning given to it in clause 8.
tax’ or ‘taxes include:
any tax, levy, impost, deduction, charge, rate, withholding or
duty by whatever name called levied, imposed or assessed
(including, without limitation, withholding tax, employment
taxes, land tax, property tax, excise duties, customs
duties, goods and services tax, value added tax, sales tax,
consumption tax, stamp duty and transaction duties or any
similar impost imposed or levied); and
any interest, penalty, charge, fine or fee or other amount of
any kind assessed, charged or imposed on or in respect of
the above.
TMC means the Travel Management Company designated by
the Principal.
Transaction means a Purchase or Cash Advance.
Transaction Balance means:
a Purchases Balance; or
a Cash Advances Balance.
Transaction Query means a query by the Principal , an
Authorised User or an Authorised Signatory regarding a
transaction processed to a Travel Account for which the
relevant statement contains incomplete Enhanced Data.
Travel Cardor ‘Travel Card details mean collectively the card
number, name on the card, Card Verification Value (CVV) and
expiry date.
Travel Account means any account opened by us for the
purpose of recording transactions under your Commercial Card
Contract and which is subject to these Travel Account Terms.
Travel Account Balance means, in relation to a Travel Account,
the total of your Transaction Balances at any time for that
Travel Account Terms means Part A of this document.
Travel Card Letter means a letter issued by ANZ to the
Principal setting out the Travel Card details.
you means the Principal and ‘your has a corresponding
1.2 Interpretation
Headings are for convenience only and do not affect
interpretation. The following interpretation rules apply unless a
different rule is specified in your Commercial Card Contract.
(a) A reference to something being in ‘writing’ or written
means in a written form acceptable to ANZ.
(b) The singular includes the plural and vice versa.
(c) A reference to an agreement or document includes it as
amended, assigned, transferred or replaced from time to
(d) A reference to electronic methods’ includes (but is
not limited to) sending a document to your electronic
address, or publishing the document on our website or in
ANZ Internet Banking or ANZ Mobile Banking and giving
you notice personally, or by sending the notice to you by
mail or to your electronic address, when a document is
(e) A reference to ANZ Mobile Banking means the ANZ App
or any ANZ mobile banking application that succeeds or
replaces that application.
1.3 Electronic Banking Conditions of Use
(a) The use of Travel Card details, and where relevant, the
use of Travel Card details in conjunction with ANZ Phone
Banking, ANZ Internet Banking or BPAY® to access a Travel
Account is subject to the Electronic Banking Conditions
of Use.
(b) The terms of the Electronic Banking Conditions of Use are
incorporated by reference into this document. You can
get a copy at
(c) Where there is a conflict between these Travel Account
Terms and the Electronic Banking Conditions of Use, the
Travel Account Terms will prevail.
2.1 Contract acceptance and liability
(a) You are taken to have accepted the terms of your Letter
of Offer when (whichever occurs first):
you accept in writing;
Travel Card details are used by an Authorised User for
the first time; or
a transaction is made on a Travel Account for the first
We may also allow you to accept the terms of your Letter
of Offer in other ways.
(b) You must ensure that each Authorised User complies
with the Commercial Card Contract and you will be
responsible for any breach if they don’t.
(c) Subject to the Electronic Banking Conditions of Use, you
are responsible for all transactions on a Travel Account
except any transaction attributable to the negligence,
fraud or wilful misconduct of ANZ.
2.2 Issuance of Travel Card details
(a) Travel Card details will be contained in a Travel Card
Letter. No physical cards (i.e. with a chip or magstripe) will
be issued by us.
(b) A request for the issue of Travel Card details must be
made by you or an Authorised Signatory, in writing or
in any other form (electronic or otherwise) approved by
ANZ. A request must also specify the Spend Cap and, if
applicable, any other limits or restrictions. See clause 4 for
more details.
(c) We may reissue Travel Card details at any time unless
you or an Authorised Signatory have asked us not to.
You, an Authorised Signatory or an Individual Cardholder
may request ANZ to reissue Travel Card details (for
example if the Travel Card details have been lost, stolen or
(d) ANZ reserves the right, acting reasonably, not to issue or
reissue Travel Card details.
2.3 Identification requirements
(a) ANZ may need to verify your identity. We may also need
to verify the identity of each Individual Cardholder,
Authorised Signatory or any other person who is
authorised to use or have access to a Travel Account. If
we do, then each such person must meet our customer
identification process to our satisfaction (acting
reasonably) before they can use Travel Card details or
a Travel Account (as applicable). We may also need to
repeat the identification process and/or update any
details from time to time if ANZ believes such information
is reasonably necessary.
(b) We may, acting reasonably, allow you to appoint an
‘identification officer’ to complete identification checks
for Individual Cardholders. You must contact us first if you
wish to do this.
2.4 Using Travel Accounts and Travel Card details
(a) A Travel Account and Travel Card details must:
be used wholly or predominantly for business
purposes and not for private or domestic purposes;
not be used for any unlawful purpose, including the
purchase of goods or services prohibited by the laws
of the jurisdiction you are in.
(b) Travel Card details are only valid and must only be used
by an Authorised User on or before the applicable expiry
date. For further details on card expiry see clause 18.
(c) We cannot guarantee any financial institution or
merchant displaying a credit card symbol will always
accept or honour Travel Card details.
(a) The Account Credit Limit for a Travel Account will be the
amount authorised by ANZ at the time the account is
opened or such other amount as ANZ authorises from
time to time.
(b) If you have more than one Account open under the
facility then the aggregate limit for all Accounts must not
exceed the Facility Limit.
(c) If a debit to a Travel Account would result in the
outstanding Travel Account Balance exceeding the
Account Credit Limit for that account, you will be taken to
have made a request for an overlimit amount. Examples
of when this may occur are:
if a Transaction is made at a time when electronic
authorisation systems are not available (for example,
manual transactions or when systems are off-line’ for
any reason); or
if any interest or fees and charges are payable by you
in accordance with these Travel Account Terms.
(d) If we allow the debit to proceed, we will be taken to have
agreed to your request and the overlimit amount will
form part of the Closing Balance of the relevant Travel
Account. We may, in our absolute discretion, decline any
further Transactions until any overlimit amount has been
(e) If we don’t allow the debit to proceed and you have
any unused Facility Limit available, you or an Authorised
Signatory can request us to increase an Account Credit
Limit at any time. If we do agree to increase an Account
Credit Limit we will notify you of our approval, the
effective date of the approval and of any change to the
fees or charges and/or the Annual Interest Rate payable
by you as a result of our approval. If you do not have any
unused Facility Limit, then you or an Authorised Signatory
must ask us to increase your Facility Limit.
(f ) If you ask us to increase your Facility Limit in accordance
with paragraph (e) above, we don’t have to agree to
increase the limit and any request to increase your Facility
Limit will be subject to our usual credit assessment
(g) If we have approved an increase to your Facility Limit, you
or an Authorised Signatory may then ask us to apply that
additional credit to increase an Account Credit Limit.
4.1 Spend Caps
(a) A Spend Cap must be set at the time you request us
to issue Travel Card details. If you do not nominate the
amount of a Spend Cap, we will set a default amount for
the Spend Cap.
(b) The Spend Cap period will commence on the day we
issue a statement of account and will be reset (ie the
full Spend Cap will be available to use again) on the day
before the next statement is issued.
(c) The amount of credit available to use with the same
Travel Card details at any time will be limited to the
available credit on the relevant Travel Account or the
amount of credit that is available to use with the same
Travel Card details at that time, whichever is lower.
Subject to clause 4.5, this may result in Transactions being
declined even though the Spend Cap for an individual
Travel Card is not fully utilised.
4.2 Other restrictions or limits
(a) You or an Authorised Signatory may ask us to place a
restriction or a limit on the types of Transactions that
may be made using Travel Card details. These include
if we have agreed that a Travel Account can be used
to make Cash Advances, the availability of Cash
the amount of a Transaction; or
the type of merchant that Purchases can be made from.
(b) The restrictions or limits referred to in clause 4.2(a)
are only applied to individual cards unless we agree
(c) If we have agreed that a Travel Account can be used to
make Cash Advances, then we may impose conditions,
that are reasonably necessary to protect ANZ and you (for
example producing suitable identification), which must
be met before a Cash Advance request can be made.
4.3 Restrictions or limits set by merchants and other
Other merchants or service providers may also impose
minimum amounts or limits on the amount of Cash Advances
available. These may vary between providers.
4.4 Changing an existing limit or restriction
You or an Authorised Signatory may ask us to change a Spend
Cap or any other limit or restriction applied to the use of any
Travel Card details or to a Travel Account (other than one
applied by a merchant or other service provider).
If we agree to the request, the change will only be effective
once it has been processed by us.
4.5 When will a restriction or limit not apply?
(a) There may be times when a limit or restriction on the
use of any Travel Card details or to a Travel Card Account
will not be effective. This may occur when electronic
authorisation systems are not available (for example,
manual transactions or when systems are offline’ for
any reason) or in the case of a merchant restriction it
may occur if the merchant category code requested is
different to the code assigned to a merchant.
(b) If this happens, the Principal agrees that it is liable for the
full Transaction amount. The Principal will not be liable
for the full Transaction amount if a limit or restriction
is not effective due to the negligence, fraud or wilful
misconduct of ANZ. For the avoidance of doubt ANZ will
not be liable for losses arising from the conduct of TMCs,
merchants or other third parties involved in processing
5.1 What is a Transaction Balance?
(a) A Travel Account can be used for Purchases and, if we
agree, Cash Advances. You have a separate Transaction
Balance for each of these Transaction types and together
they make up a Travel Account Balance.
(b) Debits (for example Transactions, fees and charges and
interest) and credits (for example payments, refunds and
reversals) are allocated to these Transaction Balances.
(c) Different rates of interest may apply to each Transaction
5.2 What amounts are included in a Transaction Balance?
(a) The Purchases Balance on a Travel Account includes:
Purchase amounts;
fees and other charges and other amounts we debit
under clause 12, other than any that we reasonably
consider relate to another Transaction Balance;
any other amount we are entitled to debit under the
Commercial Card Contract; and
interest debited in respect of those amounts, and on
interest we have already debited.
(b) The Cash Advances Balance on a Travel Account includes:
Cash Advance amounts;
fees and other charges and other amounts we debit
under clause 12 that we reasonably consider relate to
the Cash Advances Balance; and
interest debited in respect of those amounts, and on
interest we have already debited.
6.1 When debits and credits will be processed to a Travel
(a) We process each debit or credit to a Travel Account on
the day determined by our business processes, acting
(b) There may be a difference between the time and day a
transaction is made and the time and day a transaction is
(c) Timing may be affected by cut-off or processing times
(including cut-off and processing times of other parties
involved), weekends and public holidays, different time
zones or mail delivery times, and third party system
requirements (such as Visas). Cut-off times can vary, for
example different times can apply to different payment
methods. We, or someone else involved, might also need
more information from you before we can process a debit
or credit.
6.2 Dating debits and credits
(a) We will record each debit and credit as having a
‘transaction date’, and a ‘processing date. The processing
date may be different from the transaction date.
(b) There may be times when we may debit an amount (for
example interest or fees) before the date recorded on
a statement of account as the transaction date or the
processing date (for example because the date we would
have debited it is not an ANZ Business Day). This may
affect the amounts available for you to use. However, we
won’t begin to calculate interest on that amount until the
transaction date.
6.3 When payments and other credits are effective
Payments and other credits do not form part of a Travel
Account Balance until they are processed. This means that
payments and other credits that have not been processed
may not be taken into account for the purposes of calculating
interest, satisfying payments, or working out if an account is
overlimit. This applies even if they are available for you to use
before then.
6.4 When debits are effective and when we charge
interest from
(a) We calculate interest on each debit from the transaction
date but we may not always debit that interest charge to
a Travel Account. See clause 13 for more details.
(b) If the transaction date and the processing date for
a debit are in the same statement period and the
processing date is after the transaction date, we may
make adjustments to the relevant Transaction Balance, for
example to account for interest between those dates.
(c) If the transaction date and the processing date for a debit
are not in the same statement period, then we will only
calculate interest on the relevant debit from the first day
of the statement period in which the processing date falls
and not from the transaction date (which is in the earlier
statement period).
6.5 Processing order
(a) Our business processes also determine the order in which
we process debits and credits on any given day. This
means for example that they may not be processed in
the order they were made.
(b) The processing order can affect the amount available for
you to use (see clause 7.3) and the way any excess credit
is applied (see clause 11.3).
7.1 Authorising amounts
(a) When an Authorised User authorises any Transaction,
including by using or providing the Travel Card details,
you agree that we can debit the Transaction amount to
the relevant Travel Account.
(b) For each Transaction that is authorised, you are agreeing
that the amount of the Transaction is correct.
(c) We may rely on information from other parties involved
when we debit or credit amounts to a Travel Account.
(d) You should ensure that Authorised Users carefully check
amounts and other details at the time the Travel Card
details are used or provided (for example before the
Authorised User authorises an amount), and any receipts,
and tell the person accepting the Travel Card details if
something isn’t correct.
7.2 Authorisations by ANZ
(a) Before any Transaction is made, the TMC, merchant or
other person involved in the Transaction may obtain an
authorisation from us for the Transaction.
(b) We can refuse to authorise a Transaction where:
you do not have sufficient credit available on the
applicable Travel Account;
cash advance or transaction limits apply to the
Travel Card details have been cancelled or suspended
or the account has been blocked;
we reasonably suspect fraud has or may occur on a
Travel Account; or
we reasonably consider it necessary to reduce the risk
of loss to you or to ANZ.
(c) An authorisation may reduce the amount of credit
available on a Travel Account (and the Transaction may be
shown as ‘pending’). If the Transaction is not completed,
the amount of credit may continue to be reduced for a
period of time, usually for around six ANZ Business Days.
(d) The amount we debit to a Travel Account may be
different from the amount we authorise. For example, if
a merchant has obtained authorisation for an estimated
amount it can settle for a higher amount without getting
another authorisation from us, or if the transaction is in
a foreign currency the exchange rate can change before
the transaction is settled. This means you could exceed
the applicable Account Credit Limit when the amount is
7.3 Indicative amounts shown
(a) An Authorised User may be shown amounts, for example
on a receipt or transaction summary, which are indicative
the amount the Authorised User is able to use (which
might, for example, be referred to as ‘funds’, or just a ‘$’
figure) – this amount may reflect some, but possibly
not all, debits and credits that have been made but
not yet processed; or
the amount owing on a Travel Account (which might,
for example, be referred to as ‘balance’) – this amount
only reflects the debits and credits which have actually
been processed by us as at a specific point in time.
(b) This means for example that:
it may appear that there is a positive Travel Account
Balance when another transaction is made, but
there may not be a positive balance when that later
transaction is processed, and you may have to pay
interest and applicable fees; or
it may appear that there is sufficient credit available
to use for another transaction but it may be declined,
or there may not be sufficient credit at the time it is
processed and your account may go overlimit.
This might be because credits are still pending, or
another debit has arisen and/or been processed first.
(c) See clause 3 for further details about exceeding an
Account Credit Limit and clause 6 for more information
about how we process debits and credits.
7.4 Standing authorities to debit your account
(a) An Authorised User can give the TMC, a merchant or
other party standing authority to debit a Travel Account.
This includes for recurring transactions where the TMC,
merchant or other party may debit a Travel Account
without getting your authorisation each time, and for
future transactions where the TMC, merchant or other
party uses stored card details. They do this by providing
their Travel Card details to the TMC, merchant or other
(b) If you or an Authorised User want to cancel the standing
authority, this must be done directly with the TMC,
merchant or other party. We will generally keep debiting
the relevant amounts from the relevant Travel Account
until the arrangement is cancelled.
(c) If the TMC, merchant or other party does not cancel the
standing authority after they have been asked to then
you can ask us to help you resolve the dispute under
clause 20 (you should keep evidence of the request).
(d) If we issue replacement Travel Card details (for example if
Travel Card details expire or are lost or stolen and in either
case replacement details are issued), existing standing
authorities should be cancelled and set up with the
replacement Travel Card details, or your details updated
as appropriate, if you want the standing authorities to
continue. In some cases an existing standing authority
may automatically continue (for example, under Visas
arrangements with some merchants, there may be
circumstances where credit card details are automatically
updated when replacement card details are issued). If
you don’t want that to happen then you must cancel the
standing authority.
(e) If:
(i) An event of default has occurred under clause 23; or
(ii) Travel Card details have been cancelled or suspended
or a Travel Account has been blocked or closed in
accordance with these terms,
then ANZ may stop processing recurring or other relevant
transactions even if the relevant standing authority has
not been cancelled.
7.5 Related charges
(a) The TMC, merchant or other party involved in accepting
or processing a Transaction, or the recipient of any
money, may impose additional related charges when
Travel Card details are used. These include, for example
merchant surcharges or branch fees.
(b) These charges are outside our control and generally we
are not able to identify them on a statement of account.
(c) They will (where applicable) form part of the Transaction
amount (including for the purposes of calculating any fee
we are entitled to charge for a Transaction).
7.6 Anti-Money Laundering and Sanctions
(a) You agree that we may, without providing you with any
notice and without incurring any liability delay, block or
refuse to process any transaction, or close your account,
if we reasonably consider or suspect that processing the
transaction or keeping your account open:
may break any law or regulation in Australia or any
other country;
involves any person (natural, corporate or
governmental) that is itself sanctioned or is
connected, directly or indirectly, to any person that
is sanctioned under economic and trade sanctions
imposed by the United Nations, the European Union
or any country;
may directly or indirectly involve the proceeds of, or
be applied for the purposes of, unlawful conduct; or
may be inconsistent with or prohibited by our anti-
money laundering and counter-terrorism financing or
sanctions policies.
(b) Such policies, which can change, are designed to help
ANZ comply with legal obligations and to identify,
manage and mitigate money laundering, terrorism
financing and sanctions risks. These policies cover matters
such as ANZ’s approach to:
customer due diligence;
monitoring transactions for indicators of unusual
behaviour and reporting suspicious activities to
appropriate authorities; and
transactions that may be connected, directly or
indirectly, with sanctioned parties, jurisdictions,
products or sectors of economies in certain
(c) A summary of our anti-money laundering and counter-
terrorism financing policy and our sanctions policy is
available on and includes, for example, a current
list of relevant jurisdictions.
(d) You must give us all the information we reasonably need
to manage anti-money laundering, counter-terrorism
financing and/or economic and trade sanctions risk or
to comply with any law in Australia or any other country.
You agree that we may give any information about you
any law enforcement agency, regulatory agency or
court if we must do this under any law or regulation in
Australia or elsewhere; and
any correspondent (or agent) bank we use to make
the payment for the purpose of compliance with any
law or regulation.
(e) Unless you have told us that you are a trustee of the
account or are acting on behalf of someone else, you
warrant that you are acting on your own behalf in
entering into this agreement.
(f ) You declare and undertake to us that the processing
of any transaction by us in accordance with your
instructions will not breach any law or regulation in
Australia or any other country.
(a) We will issue a statement of account to you for each
Travel Account on or before the end of each statement
period unless we decide not to because it is not required
by law. Your statement periods will generally be around
30 days, ending on or around the same day each month
(taking into account weekends and public holidays).
(b) Your statements will show amounts that have been
debited or credited to the applicable Travel Account
during the statement period. Amounts stated on a
statement of account will always be expressed in
Australian currency.
(c) It is your responsibility to check your statements, and
to contact us (using the contact details at the front of
the booklet) if something doesn’t look right, or if you
have any questions about an entry on your statement of
(d) Depending on the circumstances, we may be able to
reverse a transaction if it isn’t correct, but you must raise a
dispute with us under clause 20 first.
You must pay the Closing Balance by the Due Date shown on
the statement of account.
(a) You can make payments to a Travel Account in any
way we allow. See your statement of account for more
information about the payment methods available.
(b) All payments must be settled with Australian dollars.
(c) A payment won’t be treated as made to a Travel Account
until we have received and processed it. You should
make sure you allow time for the payment to reach us,
especially if you are paying from another bank or by mail.
See clause 6 for more information about processing.
(d) Cheques and other non-cash payments will generally not
be processed to a Travel Account, or available for you to
use, until they have cleared (around three ANZ Business
(e) When we make adjustments to Transaction Balances to
account for refunds and reversals, we don’t treat them
in the same way as payments to a Travel Account for the
purposes of seeing whether you have paid your Closing
Balance under clause 9. That means you could be in default
under the Commercial Card Contract and/or be charged
a late payment fee even though a refund or reversal has
been processed to your account by the Due Date.
(f ) In some circumstances payments can be rejected (for
example, because there is an error with them). If they are
subsequently processed, we will make adjustments to
your Transaction Balances, but they may not be treated
as a payment for the purposes of clause 9. This means
you could be in default, be charged a late payment fee
or overlimit fee and/or be charged interest (unless the
rejection is due to ANZ’s fraud, wilful misconduct or error).
(g) If a payment made to a Travel Account is dishonoured
or reversed (for example because it was paid in error,
or because we have agreed in our discretion, acting
reasonably, to reverse it) then we will debit the
Transaction Balance that the original payment was
credited to accordingly. We may also make adjustments
under clause 15. The amount of credit available on
the applicable Travel Account will also be reduced
accordingly. This may also mean that you incur a late
payment fee and/or exceed an Account Credit Limit.
11.1 Application of payments
(a) Once a payment has been processed by us we will
generally apply it in the following order:
(i) First, to pay any unpaid interest (whether the amount
has appeared on a statement of account yet or not)
(ii) Secondly, to pay any unpaid fees and charges
(whether the amount has appeared on a statement
yet or not)
(iii) Thirdly, to pay all Transactions (that were included in
the Closing Balance shown on your last statement
(iv)Lastly, to pay any other Transactions,
in each case, in order from those that have the highest
Annual Interest Rate to those that have the lowest.
(b) If the same Annual Interest Rate applies to all of the
relevant amounts, we will apply the payment towards
paying off those amounts in the order determined by our
business processes, acting reasonably.
11.2 How we apply credit from a refund or reversal
After a refund (for example where you have returned goods
or cancelled services) or a reversal (for example where the
Transaction was made in error or a dispute has been resolved
in your favour) has been processed we will generally apply any
credit from that refund or reversal to reduce amounts forming
part of the Transaction Balance which the relevant Transaction
(to which the refund/reversal relates) was originally debited
from (based on, if applicable, information provided to us).
11.3 How we treat excess credit
If there is any excess credit remaining after we have applied a
payment or other credit, then we will apply it to subsequent
debits in the order determined by our business processes,
acting reasonably. This will generally be based on the order
those debits are processed, or the dates on which your
Transaction Balances were set up.
See clause 6 for more information about processing.
(a) You must pay:
the fees and other charges set out or referred to in
your Letter of Offer;
any enforcement expenses we may charge you under
clause 23.3; and
any additional fees and charges we tell you about or
agree with you under clause 14.
(b) We may debit those fees and other charges to the
applicable Travel Account (or, subject to our agreement, to
any other ANZ account nominated by you for this purpose)
at any time after we become entitled to charge them.
(c) You must also pay any GST or other government duties,
taxes or charges that are payable in relation to a Travel
Account or any amounts debited or credited to a Travel
Account. We may also debit those amounts to the
relevant Travel Account.
(d) Any annual or other periodic fees are charged for the
relevant year or period or any part of it. This means, unless
we agree otherwise, that we will not refund them once
debited to a Travel Account (or, subject to our agreement,
to any other ANZ account nominated by you), even if
Travel Card details are cancelled or a Travel Account is
(a) Interest is calculated on your Purchases Balance as at the
end of each day but we do not charge that interest to
your account(s).
(b) If we have agreed that a Travel Account can be used to
make Cash Advances, then interest is also calculated on
your Cash Advances Balance as at the end of each day.
(c) If interest is payable by you on your Cash Advances
Balance then we add up the Daily Interest Amount for
each relevant day in the statement period (the Interest
Charge’) and we debit that to your Travel Account as
at the last day of the statement period. If we make any
adjustments to interest under clause 6.4 or clause 15
these adjustments will also be made as at the last day
of a statement period. Your Interest Charge and any
adjustments will be included in your Closing Balance for
the statement of account.
(a) Sometimes ANZ may need to change the terms of your
Commercial Card Contract. The tables in paragraphs (d)
and (e) below set out the changes that ANZ can make.
Each table also sets out how and when ANZ will notify
you of these changes.
(b) Each table is subject to the following:
if any applicable laws or industry codes (such as the
Banking Code of Practice) require a minimum notice
period or a particular delivery method, then ANZ will
use the method and give you at least the notice they
require; and
as long as ANZ is not in conflict with those laws or
industry codes, ANZ may also give you less notice
than specified in the table if it is reasonable for us to
manage a material and immediate risk.
(c) A reference in each table to:
‘in writing’ includes a notice by any notification
method allowed by these Travel Account Terms and,
unless prohibited by law, will include by electronic
methods; and
‘public notice is a notice published in a national
newspaper, or any other public notice as long as the
requirements of any applicable law or industry code
are met.
(d) Changes to fees, interest and payments
The table below sets out changes that can apply to all or a class
of customers for a product, or to a class of customers like you.
Types of changes
ANZ can make
Method of
number of
days notice of
the change
Change an interest
rate, or an index or
base rate forming part
of an interest rate
In writing
or by public
Day of change,
or after day of
change if an
interest rate
is determined
by reference
to an external
reference rate
(for example
the bank bill
swap rate) and
the change is
to that rate
Change a margin
forming part of an
interest rate
In writing
or by public
30 days, or
less if the
change is not
to you
Change how we
calculate interest
In writing 30 days
Change the frequency
with which interest is
debited or credited
In writing 30 days
Types of changes
ANZ can make
Method of
number of
days notice of
the change
Introduce a new fee
or charge (other than
a government fee or
In writing 30 days
Change an existing fee
or charge (other than
a government fee or
In writing
or by public
30 days, or
less if the
change is not
to you
Change how we
calculate your fees
or charges, or the
frequency of, or
payment date for, your
fees or charges (other
than a government
fee or charge)
In writing
or by public
30 days
Change the name of
an index or base rate,
or replace an index
or base rate with a
different index or base
In writing
or by public
30 days
Change our available
payment methods
In writing
or by public
30 days
Change how we
calculate your
repayments, or the
amount of, frequency
of, or payment date
for, your repayments
to ensure that an
amount owing under
your Commercial Card
Contract is repaid
when due
In writing
or by public
30 days
Types of changes
ANZ can make
Method of
number of
days notice of
the change
Introduce or change
a government fee or
In writing
or by public
Day of change
published by
a government,
agency or
The table below sets out changes that can be made for any
individual Principal.
Types of changes ANZ
can make
Method of
number of
days notice of
the change
Change how we
calculate your
repayments, or the
amount of, frequency
of, or payment date
for, your repayments
to ensure that an
amount owing under
your Commercial Card
Contract is repaid
when due
In writing 30 days
Changes that are
administrative or
correct a mistake,
inconsistency or
In writing 30 days
(e) Changes to other terms
The table below sets out changes that can apply to all or a class
of customers for a product, or to a class of customers like you.
Types of changes
ANZ can make
Method of
number of days'
notice of the
Changes reflecting
our business,
communication or
technological systems
or processes
In writing
or by
30 days, or less if:
the change
is not
to you; or
it is
reasonable for
us to manage
a material and
Changes to comply
with any law or
any change in law,
or any decision,
regulatory guidance or
standard of any court,
tribunal, ombudsman
service, regulator, or
any other similar body
Changes that, in our
reasonable opinion,
are required to protect
any person from the
risk of fraudulent or
illegal activity
Changes to add,
change or remove
any of your
discounts, benefits or
Changes to simplify
the terms of your
Commercial Card
Types of changes
ANZ can make
Method of
number of days'
notice of the
Changes to reflect
product changes and/
or improvements or to
ensure that the terms
of your Commercial
Card Contract are
consistent with our
operational processes
In writing
or by
30 days, or less if:
the change
is not
to you; or
it is
for us to
manage a
material and
Changes to
discontinue or replace
a product, and for
this purpose we may
change your product
to a different product
with similar features
to the discontinued or
replaced product
Changes that are
beneficial to you
Changes that reflect
current industry or
market practice or
(f ) If we notify you of a change to the terms of your
Commercial Card Contract which relates to a Travel
Account, you may terminate your Commercial Card
Contract or close all Travel Accounts in accordance with
clause 22 of these Travel Account Terms.
We may adjust a debit or credit made to a Travel Account to
ensure that it accurately records our legal obligations and
yours under your Commercial Card Contract and the law. For
example we may make an adjustment because of:
an error or processing problem;
a payment reversal or dishonour;
a resolution of a dispute; or
you asking us to move amounts between your Transaction
Balances or pay a credit balance to you.
If we do this we may make consequential adjustments to
Transaction Balances, including to interest. The adjustments
may relate to prior statement periods.
Various amounts of commissions, fees and other charges may
be paid to or by ANZ when a Travel Account is used.
These include any amount which may be received by ANZ
from the TMC, a merchant or the TMC or a merchants bank for
ANZ paying debts incurred by the Principal.
(a) All amounts transacted in a currency other than
Australian dollars will be converted into Australian dollars
by Visa. Visa will determine the conversion process and
rate or rates used.
(b) In some cases, the TMC, merchant or other party involved
may set the exchange rate so that you can pay in
Australian dollars (in this case an overseas transaction fee
may still be charged).
(c) If any amount debited to a Travel Account in a foreign
currency is later refunded or reversed, the payment made
in Australian dollars to that Travel Account may differ
from the original Australian dollar amount.
The security of your Travel Card details is very important.
You must:
securely destroy Travel Card details when they expire. All
Travel Card details expire when the ‘until end’ or ‘valid to’
date contained in the Travel Card details has passed;
not let anyone else use or have access to Travel Card details;
take reasonable steps to protect Travel Card details from
loss, theft or misuse;
if Travel Card details are lost or stolen, or there is any
unauthorised use, immediately make a report under clause
19; and
comply with the security and other requirements set out in
the Electronic Banking Conditions of Use.
You are more likely to be liable for unauthorised Transactions if
these things are not done, see clause 20.
19.1 What to do if your Travel Card details are lost or stolen
(a) If you, an Authorised Signatory or an Authorised User are
aware or suspect that Travel Card details have been lost
or stolen, or that the Travel Card details have or may have
been used by someone else without authority, it should
be reported to us immediately.
(b) We will cancel the Travel Card details after the report is
made to us. We may also cancel any other Travel Card
details for the same Travel Account. Any cancelled Travel
Card details must not be used once the report has been
made and, if applicable, must be securely destroyed.
Cancellation may not become effective immediately.
(c) We may issue replacement Travel Card details. Depending
on the circumstances, we may also open a new Travel
Account and transfer the relevant Travel Account Balance
to it. Your existing Commercial Card Contract will apply to
your new Travel Account and/or Travel Card details.
(d) Any standing authority set-up using the Travel Card
details that have been replaced should be cancelled
and set-up using the replacement Travel Card details.
See clause 7.4 for more information about standing
authorities and recurring transactions.
(e) Even if Travel Card details have been cancelled under
this clause, amounts may still be processed to a Travel
Account (including transactions that have not yet been
processed and transactions under a standing authority
(such as recurring transactions) that have not been
cancelled). You may be liable for those amounts, and any
related interest and fees.
(f ) If you want to dispute a Transaction which happened
when Travel Card details have been lost or stolen or
which you or an Authorised User didn’t authorise, you will
need to lodge a dispute under clause 20.
19.2 What to do if a password is lost
If you, an Authorised Signatory or an Authorised User are aware
or suspect that a password has been lost or has or may have
been used by someone else without authority, please refer to
the Electronic Banking Conditions for details on how to make
a report to us. You may also contact us on the numbers at the
front of this booklet.
20.1 How to dispute a transaction
(a) A dispute can be lodged about a transaction. For
example a dispute may be lodged:
because an Authorised User didn’t authorise the
the goods or services weren’t received; or
you or an Authorised User think there has been an
error by us, a TMC, merchant or another party.
For more details about how to dispute a transaction
(including applicable time limits and the information you
will need to provide) you can call us.
(b) To the extent permitted by law, we are not responsible
for incorrect amounts debited or credited to a Travel
Account where we have relied on information from
other parties involved (for example Visa, or the person
accepting your card), except to the extent this arises from
ANZ’s negligence, wilful misconduct or fraud.
20.2 Disputing unauthorised Transactions
(a) If an Authorised User didn’t authorise a Transaction (for
example because the Travel Card details were lost or
stolen) then you may have additional rights. For example
you may be entitled to a reversal under any applicable
law, or under the scheme rules even if the merchant
or other party doesn’t accept responsibility, or we may
otherwise agree to reverse the amount.
(b) See the Electronic Banking Conditions of Use for more
information about liability for unauthorised transactions.
20.3 Resolving your dispute under the scheme rules
(a) Sometimes we may be able to help by referring a
dispute you or an Authorised User may have with a TMC,
merchant or other party who accepted the Travel Card
details under the applicable scheme rules. This depends
on the type of dispute and the circumstances.
(b) If the dispute is successful the transaction may be
reversed(sometimes called a chargeback), and we will
credit any refund to the relevant account.
(c) It is important to lodge a merchant related dispute as
soon as possible, as there are time limits which may apply
under the scheme rules.
(d) ANZ does not control any time limits imposed under the
scheme rules. We are not responsible if you don’t meet
the deadlines or provide sufficient information, including
any extra information we reasonably ask for. If you
unreasonably delay providing the required information
we request, we can treat the dispute as withdrawn.
(e) In some cases the TMC, merchant or other party
may not be obliged to reverse the Transaction under
the applicable scheme rules, for example if it was
authenticated using Visa Secure (formerly known as
Verified by Visa). If so, we may accept the merchant’s
refusal to make the reversal.
20.4 Other important information about disputes
(a) We do not accept any liability for goods or services
purchased using Travel Card details, and any complaints
about them must be resolved directly with the TMC,
merchant or other party concerned.
(b) A dispute cannot be lodged with us:
if an Authorised User has made a Transaction that was
outside their authority; or
where a limit or restriction imposed by you on a Travel
Account has not been effective (unless it has not
been effective due to the negligence, fraud or wilful
misconduct of ANZ. In that case, a dispute can be
lodged with us). For more details on when a limit or
restriction may not be effective see clause 4.5.
For these types of ‘unauthorised’ transactions please refer
to Part B of this booklet.
(c) If you raise a dispute under this clause, we may make
adjustments (for example when we calculate interest) to
a Travel Account.
(a) To make a complaint or provide feedback, or if you think
we have made an error, you can talk to staff at your local
ANZ Branch or Business Centre or call ANZ Cards. We will
do our best to help resolve any issue you may have.
(b) If you are not satisfied with our response, or do not want
to talk to the customer service team, you can contact our
Complaint Resolution Centre. Our specialists will work
with you to resolve your complaint quickly and amicably.
(c) If you are not satisfied with our response you may be
eligible to lodge a complaint with the Australian Financial
Complaints Authority (AFCA). AFCA offers free, fair,
independent and accessible financial services dispute
(d) You can find contact details at the front of this booklet.
(e) Time limits may apply to complaints to AFCA. Please act
promptly and consult the AFCA website to find out if or
when the time limit relevant to your circumstance expires.
(f ) The Electronic Banking Conditions of Use contain further
information on what to do in circumstances when
you believe that there has been an error involving an
electronic access process.
22.1 Our rights to cancel or suspend card details, block or
close an account and terminate your contract
(a) In addition to our Default Rights, our rights under clause
7.6 and our rights under clause 15 of the Electronic
Banking Conditions of Use, we may cancel or suspend
Travel Card details or block or close a Travel Account, if:
(i) we suspect on reasonable grounds that there has
been, or we reasonably believe it is necessary to
prevent, fraudulent or unauthorised use of a Travel
Account or any Travel Card details;
(ii) we reasonably believe that use of a Travel Account or
any Travel Card details may cause us loss, or that the
cancellation, suspension, closure or block is necessary
to protect our legitimate interests;
(iii) we reasonably believe that the use of a Travel Account
or Travel Card details may cause you hardship or loss;
(iv) we become aware that you do not meet, or cease
to meet, our eligibility requirements for the Travel
Account product;
(v) a Travel Account has not been used (meaning no
Transactions or payments have been posted to the
account) for 12 months or more;
(vi) the terms of your Letter of Offer (or any other offer
documentation such as a limit letter) give us the right
to do so; or
(vii) we decide not to reissue Travel Card details under
clause 2.2.
(b) Unless required by law, we may not give notice prior to
cancelling or suspending Travel Card details or blocking or
closing a Travel Account under paragraph (a). If we don’t
give notice before we cancel Travel Card details under
paragraph (a), then we will take reasonable steps to tell the
account holder as soon as practicable afterwards.
(c) We can also cancel or suspend Travel Card details, or
block or close a Travel Account, without giving a reason, if
we give you at least three months notice.
(d) If all Travel Cards for a Travel Account are cancelled then
we may close that account.
(e) If all cards subject to the terms of your Commercial Card
Contract are cancelled then we may close all Accounts
and terminate your Commercial Card Contract.
(f ) We may also close a Travel Account if:
we discontinue or replace a product that has been
provided to you and which is subject to these Travel
Account Terms and there is no alternative product
with similar features to the discontinued or replaced
product that we can offer you; and
we give you at least three months notice.
(g) If a Travel Account is closed under this clause or your
Commercial Card Contract is terminated, the Travel
Account Balance for the applicable Travel Account(s) will
become payable to ANZ on a date we tell you. We will
give you a reasonable period of time to repay the Travel
Account Balance, although we may require you to pay
the amount immediately if we reasonably consider this is
necessary to manage a material and immediate risk.
22.2 Your rights to cancel a card, close an account and
terminate your contract
(a) You or an Authorised Signatory can ask us to cancel any
Travel Card details, close any Travel Account or terminate
your Commercial Card Contract.
(b) When we process your request to close a Travel Account
we will also cancel all Travel Card details for that account.
(c) When we process your request to terminate your
Commercial Card Contract we will close all Accounts and
cancel all cards subject to the terms of your Commercial
Card Contract.
(d) Before we close a Travel Account, you will need to pay the
Travel Account Balance.
(e) We will only complete the closure of a Travel Account
and/or terminate your Commercial Card Contract
when we are satisfied, acting reasonably, that all
outstanding amounts have been paid in full and no
further transactions (including, for example, any recurring
transactions or other regular payment arrangements) will
be debited to the account (or to any Account in the case
of termination of your contract).
(f ) Until then, you will still have to pay any amounts required
under the Commercial Card Contract. See clause 22.4.
22.3 What happens after closure or cancellation
(a) If Travel Card details are cancelled under clause 22.1 or
clause 22.2 (as applicable) then the applicable Authorised
Users must not use the cancelled card details and must
securely destroy all card details.
(b) If a Travel Account is blocked or closed under clause 22.1
or clause 22.2 (as applicable) then all Authorised Users for
that account must not use the Travel Card details and you
must not use the account (other than to pay amounts
under clause 22.4). If the account is closed, the Travel Card
details for that account must also be securely destroyed.
(c) If all Travel Card details on an account are cancelled under
clause 22.1 or clause 22.2 (as applicable) and you have a
positive Travel Account Balance when we cancel the card
details, then we will pay you the Travel Account Balance
(unless those funds have been remitted as unclaimed
money in accordance with the law or have been applied
by us in accordance with clause 31.4). In order to pay
the balance to you, we may need you to provide us with
payment details.
22.4 Amounts that can still be payable after closure or
(a) Even if any Travel Card details for an account have been
cancelled or a Travel Account has been blocked or closed,
in each case under clause 22.1 or clause 22.2, debits may
still be processed to that account. For example, this can
happen if:
a Transaction has been made but is not processed
until after cancellation; or
a Transaction is made where authorisation is
not needed, such as a recurring transaction or a
Transaction where systems are off-line.
This may happen even if you paid the Travel Account
Balance to zero. If it happens, you will have to repay those
Transaction amounts, together with any related interest
and fees.
(b) Standing authorities and other regular payment
arrangements may not automatically be cancelled and
you or an Authorised User should cancel them directly
with the TMC, merchant or other party (see clause 7.4).
(c) You must also continue to pay all other amounts required
under the Commercial Card Contract, including fees and
interest. This can include annual or other periodic fees,
which may continue to apply in accordance with your
Commercial Card Contract if you have an outstanding
Commercial Card Account Balance at a relevant time.
22.5 Suspension of Travel Card details
(a) This clause applies if we have suspended use of Travel
Card details under clause 22.1.
(b) If we have suspended Travel Card details because you
haven’t paid an amount due then you may be able to
start using it again once you have made those payments
(unless we have cancelled the card details). In other
circumstances, if appropriate, we will tell you what you
need to do for your Travel Card details to be reinstated.
(c) Even if Travel Card details have been suspended, debits
may still be processed to a Travel Account. This can
include transactions under a standing authority (though
some transactions under a standing authority may not be
processed after suspension, for example if they require
authorisation which we decline). If debits are processed
to a Travel Account, you will have to repay those
amounts, together with any interest, fees and charges
relating to them.
(d) You must also continue to pay all other amounts required
under the Commercial Card Contract.
(e) If we suspend Travel Card details, then in our discretion we
can decide to reinstate them, or we may cancel the card
details in accordance with our rights under clause 22.1.
23.1 What is an event of default?
Each of the following is an event of default.
(a) The Principal fails to pay an amount due under the
Commercial Card Contract within two ANZ Business Days’
of its due date.
(b) ANZ believes on reasonable grounds that an Authorised
User, Authorised Signatory and/or the Principal has been
engaging in fraudulent or illegal activity.
(c) The Principal goes into administration, liquidation,
receivership or commits an act of bankruptcy.
(d) A representation or statement made or any information
given to us, by you, in connection with your Commercial
Card Contract, is materially incorrect or misleading when
made or given.
(e) There is a change in the Principal’s legal status, in the
capacity in which it enters into any arrangement with
ANZ or in its composition (such as a change in the
partners making up a partnership). And, in each case,
ANZ has not given its prior written consent.
(f ) A person repossesses or seizes all or a material part of the
property of the Principal, or obtains a judgment against
the Principal allowing them to repossess or seize such
(g) The Principal or any other person deals with any asset
in breach of the Commercial Card Contract, unless ANZ
provides its prior consent to the proposed dealing.
Examples of deals with are sale of an asset, leasing it,
mortgaging it or lodging a caveat against it.
(h) A material change in the direct or indirect ownership or
control of a Principal occurs and ANZ has not given its
prior written consent (which ANZ will not unreasonably
(i) The Principal loses a licence or permit that it needs to
conduct or operate its business.
(j) The Principal fails to provide any financial information
by the date ANZ asked for it, or fails to maintain any
insurance that is required under the Commercial Card
(k) Travel Card details or a Travel Account is used for an
unlawful purpose.
(l) Anything else that you agree with us is an event of
23.2 What happens following an event of default?
(a) If an event of default occurs under clause 23.1(a) and the
additional requirement in this clause 23.2(a) has been
met, we may exercise our Default Rights.
The additional requirement is that either:
if we demand that you pay all or part of a Travel
Account Balance then the payment date we tell you
will be at least 30 days after we give you the demand;
we will not exercise our Default Rights under clause
23.3(d) or (e) unless we first give you 30 days notice.
In each case we can give you a shorter notice period,
or no notice at all, if it is reasonable for us to do this to
manage a material and immediate risk relating to the
nature of the default, your circumstances or the value
of any security that secures an obligation under the
Commercial Card Contract.
If you fix the failure to pay during the period set out in
our demand or notice, and no other failure to pay has
arisen, then we will not enforce the terms of our demand
or we will not exercise our Default Rights after you fix it.
(b) If an event of default occurs under clause 23.1(b) to (k)
and any additional requirements in this clause 23.2(b)
have been met, we may exercise our Default Rights.
The additional requirements are:
Materiality Assessment: we may only exercise our
Default Rights if the event of default is by its nature
material, or we reasonably consider the event has had, or
is likely to have, a material impact on:
the Principal’s ability to meet their financial obligations
to us (or our ability to assess this);
our security risk (or our ability to assess this); or
our legal or reputational risk where an event of default
under clause 23.1(b), (d) or (k) has occurred.
Remedy Period: if the event of default can be fixed, we
will give you a notice setting out the default and how
long you have to fix it. We will usually give you 30 days
to fix it, however we can give you a shorter period if it
is reasonable for us to do this to manage a material and
immediate risk relating to the nature of the default, your
circumstances or the value of any security that secures an
obligation under the Commercial Card Contract.
If you fix the default during the period set out in our
notice, and no other default of the same type has arisen,
then we will not exercise our Default Rights.
(c) If anything else occurs that you have agreed with us
is an event of default, we may exercise our Default
Rights but only if we have given you an opportunity to
fix the default in accordance with the Remedy Period
requirement set out above. If you fix the default during
the period set out in our notice, and no other default of
the same type has arisen, then we will not exercise our
Default Rights.
23.3 What are ANZ’s Default Rights?
When your Commercial Card Contract says we may exercise
our Default Rights, then we can do any one or more of the
following things, called Default Rights.
(a) Demand that you pay all or part of a Travel Account
Balance. If we do this, our demand will tell you the date
by which you must pay. You will be given a reasonable
period of time in which to pay although we may require
you to pay the amount immediately if we reasonably
consider this is necessary to manage a material and
immediate risk.
(b) Change any term of your Commercial Card Contract,
cancel or suspend any Travel Card details or terminate
your Commercial Card Contract.
(c) Suspend or not perform any of our obligations under
your Commercial Card Contract.
(d) Take action under any security that secures an obligation
under the Commercial Card Contract. For example, we
may take possession of any secured property or sell it or
appoint a receiver to do so.
(e) Sue you for all or part of a Travel Account Balance.
(f ) Do anything else that we have agreed with you or that is
allowed under the law.
In some cases the exercise of our Default Rights may be
restricted by law. In addition, when we exercise our Default
Rights, a law or industry code (such as the Banking Code of
Practice) may require a minimum notice period or a particular
delivery method to be given. If they do, then we will use the
method and give you at least the notice they require.
Any amount reasonably incurred or expended by ANZ in
exercising its Default Rights (including expenses reasonably
incurred by ANZ staff and facilities) are enforcement expenses
and become part of a Travel Account Balance. ANZ may debit
a Travel Account for such amounts pursuant to an agreement
with you or following a demand or provision of a default notice
in relation to those enforcement expenses. We can also charge
interest on the amount under clause 13.
(a) ANZ may communicate with Authorised Users, in respect
of any loss, theft or possible unauthorised use of Travel
Card details or any cancellation of Travel Card details or
closure of a Travel Account by ANZ.
(b) ANZ may also communicate with a TMC.
Communications may relate to Enhanced Data, any loss,
theft or possible unauthorised use of Travel Card details
or any cancellation of the Commercial Card Contract by
Where the Principal constitutes more than one party, the
liability of each such party under the Commercial Card
Contract shall be joint and several.
ANZ will collect and use information about you during the
course of your relationship with ANZ. We explain below when
and how ANZ may collect, use and disclose this information.
It is important that the information ANZ holds about you is up
to date. You must let ANZ know when information you have
provided ANZ has changed.
This clause applies to individuals and non-individuals (e.g.
companies) and ‘you’ includes Individual Cardholders.
26.1 Collection, use and disclosure of information
ANZ may use and disclose the information we collect about
you for the following purposes:
to assist in providing information about a product or
to consider your request for a product or service;
to enable ANZ to provide a product or service;
to tell you about other products or services that may be of
interest to you;
to assist in arrangements with other organisations (such as
loyalty partners) in relation to the promotion or provision of
a product or service;
to manage accounts and perform other administrative and
operational tasks (including risk management, systems
development and testing, credit scoring, staff training,
collecting debts and market or customer satisfaction
to consider any concerns or complaints you raise against
ANZ and/or to manage any legal action involving ANZ;
to identify, prevent or investigate any fraud, unlawful
activity or misconduct (or suspected fraud, unlawful activity
or misconduct);
to identify you or establish your tax status under any
Australian or foreign legislation, regulation or treaty or
pursuant to an agreement with any tax authority; and
as required by relevant laws, regulations, codes of practice
and external payment systems.
26.2 Absence of relevant information
If you do not provide some or all of the information requested,
ANZ may be unable to provide you with a product or service.
26.3 Information required by law etc.
ANZ may be required by relevant laws to collect certain
information from you. Details of laws that require us to collect
information about individuals (personal information) and
why these laws require us to collect personal information are
contained in ANZ’s Privacy Policy and at
26.4 Providing your information to others
ANZ may provide your information to:
any related entity of ANZ which may use the information
to: carry out ANZ’s functions and activities; promote its own
products and services; assess your application for one of
its products or services; manage your product or service;
perform administrative and operational tasks (including
debt recovery); or comply with regulatory requirements and
prudential standards;
an organisation that is in an arrangement with ANZ to
jointly offer products and/or has an alliance with ANZ to
share information for marketing purposes (and any of its
outsourced service providers or agents), to enable them
or ANZ to: provide you with products or services; and/or
promote a product or service;
any agent, contractor or service provider ANZ engages to
carry out or assist its functions and activities (for example,
mailing houses or debt collection agencies);
an organisation that assists ANZ to identify, prevent or
investigate fraud, unlawful activity or misconduct;
regulatory bodies, government agencies, law enforcement
bodies and courts;
other parties ANZ is authorised or required by law or court/
tribunal order to disclose information to;
participants in the payments system (including payment
organisations and merchants) and other financial
institutions (such as banks);
other credit providers;
mortgage insurers and any reinsurer of any such mortgage
your guarantors (and intending guarantors) and any person
who has provided security for your loan;
any person who introduces you to ANZ;
your referee(s);
your employer;
your joint borrower(s) or account holder(s); and
your authorised agents; your executor, administrator or
trustee in bankruptcy; your legal representative; your
attorney; or anyone acting for you in connection with your
If you are an individual Principal, director of a Principal or an
Individual Cardholder and do not want us to tell you about
products or services, call us or your ANZ Manager to withdraw
your consent.
ANZ may disclose information to recipients (including service
providers and ANZ’s related entities) which are (1) located
outside Australia and/or (2) not established in or do not carry
on business in Australia. You can find details about the location
of these recipients in ANZ’s Privacy Policy and at
26.5 Credit Reporting
If you are an individual Principal or a director of a Principal,
you agree that ANZ may obtain information about your credit
history and credit worthiness, including credit liabilities,
repayments and defaults, from a credit reporting body
(including a body that provides information on commercial
activity and commercial credit worthiness) and use it to assess
any application for credit, to manage your credit and for the
purposes of debt collection. ANZ may also disclose information
about you to credit reporting bodies.
Information about credit reporting, including the name and
contact details of these credit reporting bodies, when ANZ
may disclose your personal information to them to include in a
report about your credit worthiness, and how you can request
credit reporting bodies not use your information in certain
circumstances, is available at
If you would like a hard copy of this information, please call us
or visit any ANZ branch for a copy of ANZ’s Privacy Policy.
26.6 ANZ Privacy Policy
ANZ’s Privacy Policy ( contains information
the circumstances in which ANZ may collect personal
information from other sources (including from a third
how to access personal information and seek correction of
personal information; and
how you can raise concerns that ANZ has breached the
Privacy Act or an applicable code and how ANZ will deal
with those matters.
26.7 Collecting sensitive information
ANZ will not collect sensitive information about you, such as
information about your health, without your consent.
26.8 Personal information you provide about someone
If you give ANZ personal information about someone else,
please show them a copy of this clause so that they may
understand the manner in which their personal information
may be used or disclosed by ANZ in connection with your
dealings with ANZ.
If you are an individual or small business (as defined in the
Banking Code of Practice) ANZ is bound by the Banking Code
of Practice when it provides its products and services to you.
The Banking Code of Practice means the relevant version of the
industry code published by the Australian Banking Association
as it applies to ANZ.
You should inform us as soon as possible if you are in financial
difficulty. We will, with your agreement, try and help you
overcome any financial difficulties, including for example,
developing a repayment plan.
If a Travel Account is an inactive account (meaning no
Transactions or payments have been posted to the account for
12 months or more) and it has a credit balance, ANZ may, if it
does not close the account in accordance with clause 22, hold
the credit balance for the Principal in a separate account until
such time as the Principal claims those funds or ANZ is required
to remit those funds as unclaimed money in accordance with
the law, whichever occurs first.
These Travel Account Terms are governed by the laws of the
State of Victoria and the Commonwealth of Australia.
31.1 ANZ Business Days
If the Commercial Card Contract requires or allows us to do
something or provides that any of our processes occur on
a day that is not an ANZ Business Day, we may do it or the
process may occur on either the preceding or the following
ANZ Business Day.
31.2 Current rates, fees and charges
Interest rates and fees and other charges may be varied under
clause 14. Information on current standard fees and charges
and any interest rates is available on request.
31.3 Certificate of outstanding amount
If we give you a written notice of how much you owe us that
notice can be used as evidence of the amount owing, unless
you dispute the correctness of the notice including in any
court or tribunal proceeding.
The notice may not include Transactions, interest, fees or
charges, refunds or payments that have not been processed by
us at the time the notice is prepared.
You must check the details in any written notice provided
under this section and, if you believe there are any errors or
you have any other concerns, you must contact ANZ as soon
as possible.
31.4 ANZ’s right to set off or combine accounts
Subject to the Banking Code of Practice, where we reasonably
consider that it is in our legitimate interests to do so, we can
combine the total balance in two or more of your accounts
held with us, or set off an amount in one account against an
amount in another, even if the accounts are not both credit
card accounts or if they are held at different branches. This
means, for example, that the credit in one account can be
used to repay all or part of the outstanding balance in another
account. We do not need to give notice to you before we do
this, but will promptly tell you once it has been completed. You
should not treat your accounts as combined unless we have
agreed to do so.
31.5 Force majeure
To the extent permitted by any applicable law or industry
code, ANZ will not be liable to the Principal or any Authorised
User for any loss or damage (whether direct or consequential),
nor be in default under the Commercial Card Contract, for
failure to observe or perform any of its obligations under the
Commercial Card Contract for any reason or cause which could
not, with reasonable diligence, be controlled or prevented by
This may include, for example, acts of God, acts of nature,
epidemics or pandemics’, acts of government or their agencies,
strikes or other industrial action, fire, flood, storm, riots,
terrorism, power shortages or failures, sudden and unexpected
system failure or disruption by war or sabotage.
31.6 Transfer of ANZ’s right
Subject to applicable law and the Banking Code of Practice,
ANZ may, without telling you or obtaining your consent:
assign or transfer any of its rights under your contract to
give effect to:
- a sale of debt (eg to a third party purchaser or debt
- a sale of business, assets or portfolio;
- business restructuring; or
- securitisation or other finance structure; and
give information about your contract and your obligations
under it to any assignee of ANZ’s rights under your contract,
or anyone who is considering becoming an assignee.
31.7 Inconsistency of terms within your Commercial Card
If there is an inconsistency between your Letter of Offer and
another document forming part of your Commercial Card
Contract, then the Letter of Offer will prevail.
32.1 Transaction Query must be directed to TMC
Any Transaction Query should be directed to the relevant TMC.
32.2 Referral of Transaction Query to ANZ
Subject to clause 32.3 below, if, within 7 days of receiving the
Transaction Query, the TMC is unable to answer the Transaction
Query or has not responded then you should contact us
32.3 When a Transaction Query may not be referred to ANZ
A Transaction Query may only be referred to ANZ within 60
days after the date on which the statement containing the
relevant transaction was issued, unless the Transaction Query is
directly related to ANZ services.
Words defined in the Travel Account Terms will have the same
meaning in this Part unless the context requires otherwise and:
Data Feed means an electronic file produced by ANZ
containing Enhanced Data; and
‘Enhanced Data means detailed line item information in
relation to a transaction. Detailed line item information for a
transaction can include invoice number, transaction reference
number, transaction date, supplier name, merchant category
code amount, GST amount, booking reference, credit card
name, credit card number, passenger name, quantity and item
You acknowledge that, in order to be able to provide
Enhanced Data in an accurate format and in a timely manner,
ANZ relies on third parties including you, Authorised Users
and TMCs and that Enhanced Data may, from time to time, be
inaccurate or unavailable due to circumstances beyond the
control of ANZ. ANZ will not be responsible for any claims,
losses, damages, liabilities, costs or expenses incurred by
you arising from provision of inaccurate Enhanced Data or
non-provision or delay in provision of Enhanced Data by a
third party and you are still liable for payment of the “Closing
Balance” shown on a statement where that statement contains
inaccurate or incomplete Enhanced Data.
It is your responsibility to ensure that all information required
by the TMC or ANZ is supplied to the TMC when using any
Travel Card details and that such information is complete
and accurate.
ANZ will issue a tax invoice in the form of a Data Feed 7
business days after the issue of a statement.
In the event that you permit purchases in connection with
accommodation to be billed to a Travel Account, you will be
liable for all charges or amounts billed in connection with that
accommodation to the Travel Account whether or not such
charges or amounts were previously authorised by you. For
the avoidance of doubt, you may not avoid liability under this
clause on the basis that you authorised “room only” charges to
be processed to the account.
This Part describes the complimentary insurance benefits
provided by Allianz, which are available to ANZ Travel
Account Facility accountholders and other eligible
beneficiaries. Cover applies to events occurring on or after
8 November 2023. You are not covered for events occurring
after termination of or the expiry of the period of the Group
Policy. ANZ will provide accountholders with details of any
replacement cover.
This cover is available under a Group Policy issued to Australia
and New Zealand Banking Group Limited, ABN 11 005 357
522, AFSL and Australian credit licence No 234527 (ANZ) of
Level 9, 833 Collins Street, Docklands, Melbourne VIC 3008
(“ANZ”) by AWP Australia Pty Ltd ABN 52 097 227 177, AFSL
245631 trading as Allianz Global Assistance of Level 16, 310
Ann Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000 (“Allianz Global Assistance”)
under a binder from the insurer, Allianz Australia Insurance
Limited ABN 15 000 122 850, AFSL 234708, Level 16, 10
Carrington Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 (Allianz). Allianz Global
Assistance issues and manages the Group Policy on behalf of
Allianz. For general enquiries call Allianz Global Assistance.
The covers described in this Part are available for your benefit
under a Group Policy entered into between Allianz Global
Assistance (on behalf of Allianz) and ANZ. ANZ is the policy
owner. When eligible, you have the benefit of cover as a third
party beneficiary by reason of the statutory operation of
Section 48 of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth).
There is no obligation to accept any of these benefits.
However, if you wish to claim any of these benefits, you will
be bound by the definitions, terms, conditions, exclusions,
limits, applicable sub-limits and claims procedures contained
in this booklet.
Please read this booklet carefully and keep it in a safe place.
Also please keep detailed particulars and proof of any loss
including ANZ card account statements showing any purchases.
ANZ is not the issuer of these covers and neither it nor any of
its related corporations guarantee or are liable to pay any of
the benefits under these covers.
These benefits are available to the beneficiaries upon
meeting the eligibility requirements under these covers.
Neither ANZ nor any of its related corporations are Authorised
Representatives of Allianz, Allianz Global Assistance or any
of their related companies and ANZ does not receive any
commission or remuneration in relation to the insurance set
out in this booklet.
ANZ or Allianz may terminate or agree to vary the terms,
conditions and cover available to accountholders under the
Group Policy as set out in this booklet. If this occurs, ANZ will
give the accountholder at least 30 days written notice before
the termination or change takes effect. ANZ may give less
notice, or publish the notice on ANZ’s website if:
there is a minor change with no effect to the
accountholders’ cover or the eligibility criteria (e.g. a change
of contact details);
the variation is favourable to the accountholder (in which
case ANZ will take reasonable steps to provide written
notice as soon as reasonably possible); or
ANZ and Allianz is reasonably required to act quickly to
change the terms of the Group Policy to manage material
and immediate risks arising from:
(a) a potential or actual breach of any law; or
(b) a proposed change in, or interpretation of, a law or any
decision, recommendation, regulatory guidance or
standard of any court, tribunal, ombudsman service,
regulatory or other similar body.
A risk will be considered material and immediate if to protect
ANZ’s and/or Allianz legitimate business interests, ANZ and/
or Allianz are required to act quickly to change the terms,
conditions and/or cover, or terminate the cover, as set out in
this booklet.
Where there is a termination or change to the terms,
conditions and/or cover as set out in this booklet, the existing
terms, conditions and/or cover will only apply to events
occurring before the date of the change or termination.
Where the Group Policy is terminated, no cover is available
for events occurring after the date of termination. ANZ will
provide accountholders with details of any replacement
cover and its relevant effective date.
If you are entitled to receive a benefit or make a claim
under another insurance policy (Other Policy) (for example,
a comprehensive travel insurance policy for your overseas
journey), in respect of the same loss as your claim under the
Group Policy, then, subject to the provisions of the Insurance
Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) Allianz is not liable to provide
indemnity under the Group Policy until the amount of any
indemnity under that Other Policy is exhausted. In other
words, any cover available under the Group Policy in respect
of the same loss shall only be excess insurance cover over
and above the applicable Other Policy.
If you make a claim under another insurance policy and you
are not paid the full amount of the claim, then, subject to the
provisions of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth), the cover
available to you under the Group Policy will make up the
difference, to the extent of cover that applies, in accordance
with the terms and conditions contained in this booklet.
We may seek contribution from your other insurer. You must
give us any information that we reasonably require to help us
make a claim from the other insurer.
Notwithstanding any other terms, we shall not be deemed
to provide coverage and we will not make any payments nor
provide any service or benefit to any person or other party
to the extent that such cover, payment, service, benefit and/
or any business or activity of the person would violate any
applicable trade or economic sanctions, law, or regulation.
The information in this booklet is subject to change from
time to time and is correct and current as at the date on the
cover. The Termination or Variation of Cover clause sets out
the notice we will provide to you when changes are made
to the terms and conditions related to the insurance cover
available to you or where the policy is terminated. A new policy
booklet reflecting the changes will be available on
To offer or provide you with our insurance services, we,
namely AWP Australia Pty Ltd ABN 52 097 227 177 trading as
Allianz Global Assistance and as agent for the insurer Allianz,
collects, stores, uses, and discloses your personal information
including sensitive information. The insurance cover arises
from a Group Policy taken out between your bank (ANZ)
and Allianz and under which you are entitled to cover as a
beneficiary when you meet the eligibility criteria set out in
the Group Policy wording.
We usually collect your personal information directly from
you, but sometimes from others depending upon the
For example, when you make a claim for cover, we may
collect your personal information from you, the Group Policy
holder to check you have met eligibility requirements, your
family members and travel companions, as well as from third
parties that provide services including doctors, hospitals,
airlines, travel and accommodation providers, your agents
and representatives, our agents, and other service providers.
We are responsible for ensuring your personal information is
used and protected in accordance with applicable laws and
regulations, including the Privacy Act 1988. We collect your
personal information to enable us to properly assess and
manage your insurance claim, and to provide the services we
have agreed to provide under the Group Policy. For example,
we collect your name, address, date of birth, email address,
and sometimes your medical information, bank account
details, as well as other information we collect through
devices like cookies’ when you visit our website such as your
IP address and online preferences.
We use your personal information to offer and provide our
services and to manage your and our rights and obligations
in connection with your claim. For instance, we use it to
check, process, and finalise your insurance claim. We may
also use it for product development, customer data analytics,
research, IT systems maintenance and development, recovery
against third parties, for the detection and investigation of
fraud, and for other purposes with your consent or where
permitted by law.
We do not use your personal or sensitive information for
marketing purposes or provide that information to any third
parties for marketing.
Your personal information may be disclosed to third parties
(some of whom are data processors) who assist us to carry
out the above activities both inside and outside of Australia,
such as claims management providers, travel agents and
intermediaries, insurers, investigators, cost containment
providers, medical and health service providers, overseas
data storage (including cloud’ storage) and data handling
providers, legal and other professional advisers, your agents,
your travel group leader if you travel in a group, your bank
(ANZ) if you are the beneficiary of the banks credit card
insurances, insurance reference bureaux, and our related
and group companies including Allianz. Some of these third
parties may be located in other countries including in Europe,
Asia, Canada, or the USA.
When you provide personal information to us about other
individuals, we rely on you to have first obtained the
individual’s consent, and to have made them aware of the
matters set out in this Privacy Notice.
You may also seek access to your personal data and ask us to
correct and update it. We will delete your personal data when
we no longer need it for a legitimate purpose.
You may not access or correct personal information of others
unless you have been authorised by their express consent, or
unless they are your dependants under 16 years of age.
If you have a request or complaint concerning your personal
information or about data privacy, please contact: The Privacy
Officer, Allianz Global Assistance, PO Box 162, Toowong, QLD
4066, or email
You can also contact the Privacy Commissioner at the Office
of The Australian Information Commissioner, GPO Box 5218,
Sydney, NSW 2001 if you have a complaint.
For more information about our corporate privacy policy and
handling of personal information, including further details
about access, correction and complaints, please visit our
website at and click on the
‘Privacy & Security’ link in the footer.
If you do not agree with the matters set out in our privacy
policy or will not provide us with the personal information we
request, we may not be able to provide you with our services
including the assessment and payment of any claims. In cases
where we cannot comply with your request concerning your
personal information, we will give you reasons why.
Access claim forms 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
1300 135 271 (within Australia)
Monday to Friday 8am to 7pm AEST Saturday 8am to 5pm AEST
Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm AEST
There are some words in this part that have a special
meaning. When the following words and phrases appear in
this part they have the meanings given below. The use of the
singular shall also include the use of the plural and vice versa.
accountholder means an ANZ customer, being an individual,
business entity or company, who has entered into an ANZ
Travel Account Facility, with ANZ and in whose name the ANZ
Travel Account Facility was opened. The accountholder is the
individual, business entity or company that has contractual
obligations with ANZ under the ANZ Travel Account Facility.
Allianz means Allianz Australia Insurance Limited ABN 15 000
122 850, AFSL 234708.
Allianz Global Assistance means AWP Australia Pty Ltd ABN
52 097 227 177, AFSL 245631.
ANZ means Australia and New Zealand Banking Group
Limited, ABN 11 005 357 522, AFSL and Australian credit
licence No 234527.
ANZ Travel Account Facility means:
A current and valid ANZ Travel Account Facility provided
by ANZ to which purchases made by authorised users are
charged; or
the primary account linked to an ANZ Travel Account
Facility to which a transaction is routed by any electronic
funds transfer facility.
authorised user means an Australian or New Zealand
resident (including holders of a visa issued under the
Migration Act 1958 (Cth) which entitles the holder of the visa
to residency) who has been granted access by ANZ to the
accountholders ANZ Travel Account Facility at the request of
the accountholder.
excess means the deduction we will make from the amount
otherwise payable for each claimable incident or event.
Group Policy means an insurance policy on the terms and
conditions set out in this booklet, issued by Allianz Global
Assistance on behalf of the Insurer Allianz to ANZ, under
which the Insurer does, by operation of section 48 of the
Insurance Contracts Act, provide insurance cover benefits
for accountholders of an ANZ issued credit card as third
party beneficiaries (as that term is defined in the Insurance
Contracts Act).
reasonable means having regard to the circumstances.
unauthorised transaction means an ANZ Travel Account
Facility transaction which has been made by an authorised
user but was not authorised in any way by the accountholder
and/or was outside the authorised users authority to
we, our and us means Allianz Australia Insurance Limited,
ABN 15 000 122 850, AFSL 234708 and its agent AWP Australia
Pty Ltd, ABN 52 097 227 177, AFSL 245631 trading as Allianz
Global Assistance.
you, your, yourself means accountholder, if they are eligible
for the cover available.
Who is eligible?
Accountholders of an ANZ Travel Account Facility are eligible
for the benefit of Unauthorised Transaction Insurance.
Unauthorised Transaction Insurance is available for the
duration of the period that the accountholders ANZ Travel
Account Facility is current and valid.
The table below sets out the maximum limits of what we
will pay under each section of Unauthorised Transaction
Insurance. All limits and sub-limits in the table are shown in
Australian dollars.
The cover available is outlined in Section E and is subject
to the applicable terms, conditions, limits, sub-limits and
Up to a maximum total limit of $37,500 per authorised user
in any 12 consecutive month period, up to a maximum
total limit of $200,000 per accountholder in any 12 month
consecutive period.
No excess applies to any claim under Unauthorised
Transaction Insurance.
The exclusions below set out what is not covered. To the
extent permitted by law, we do not cover you for any loss or
expense caused by, arising from, or in any way related to:
(a) any indirect losses or consequential liability of any kind,
(b) any payment which would violate any applicable trade or
economic sanctions, law or regulation;
(c) any illegal act committed by you or any person acting on
your behalf;
(d) any unauthorised transactions incurred by any director,
partner or owner of the accountholder, or any family
members of the said directors, partners or owners of the
(e) any loss caused by an act of terrorism.
What we cover
If during the period of cover available an unauthorised
transaction is incurred on the accountholders ANZ Travel
Account Facility by an authorised user, we will indemnify
the accountholder for the loss they incur up to the limits
specified in Section C - Benefit Limits.
It is a condition of this insurance that you must take all
reasonable steps to ensure your authorised users use the ANZ
Travel Account Facility in accordance with your instructions
and any authority you have given to the authorised user,
including (but not limited to) the following:
you must instruct your authorised users in writing of the
limits of their authority to use the ANZ Travel Account
- you no longer wish an authorised user to use the ANZ
Travel Account Facility; or
- the authorised users employment is terminated or the
authorised user resigns; or
- you become aware or suspect that an unauthorised
transaction had been transacted (e.g. when an
unauthorised transaction shows on a statement) or is
likely to be transacted by the authorised user,
you must:
- immediately communicate with the authorised user
advising the authorised user that they are no longer
authorised to use the ANZ Travel Account Facility; and
- cancel the authorised users authority to use the ANZ
Travel Account Facility.
Subject to the claim being established and admitted by
us, we will make payment to you of any unauthorised
transaction amounts.
How to make a claim
Please do not contact ANZ in the event of a claim.
First check that you are entitled to claim by reading the
appropriate section in this booklet, especially Section D of
this part, to see exactly what is, and is not covered, noting
particularly any conditions, limitations and exclusions.
Allianz Global Assistance administers the benefits available
under the Group Policy. You should give Allianz Global
Assistance notice of your claim as soon as possible.
You are not covered for any claim made after termination
of, or the expiry of the period of insurance specified in,
the Group Policy. ANZ will provide you with details of any
replacement cover.
Access claim forms 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Allianz Global Assistance will consider your claim within
10 business days of receiving a completed claim form
and all necessary documentation. If they need additional
information, a written notification will be sent to you within
10 business days.
If there is a delay in claim notification, or you do not provide
sufficient detail for Allianz Global Assistance to consider your
claim, we can reduce any claim payable by the amount of
prejudice we have suffered because of the delay.
You should give any information Allianz Global Assistance
reasonably asks for to support your claim at your expense,
such as but not limited to police reports and communications
to the accountholder. If required Allianz Global Assistance
may ask you to provide them with translations into English
of any such documents to enable their consideration of your
You should co-operate at all times in relation to providing
supporting evidence and such other information that may
reasonably be required.
How GST may affect your claim
If you are entitled to claim an input tax credit in respect of
a cost for which a claim is made, or would be entitled to an
input tax credit if you were to incur the relevant cost (i.e.
in replacing a lost or stolen item), the amount we would
otherwise pay will be reduced by the amount of that input
tax credit.
Claims are payable in Australian dollars
We will pay all claims in Australian dollars. We will pay you
unless you tell us to pay someone else. The rate of currency
exchange that will apply is the rate at the time you incurred
the expense. Payment will be made by direct credit to a bank
account nominated by you.
If we have a claim against someone in relation to the money
we have to pay or we have paid, you must take reasonable
steps to help us do that in legal proceedings. If you are aware
of any third party that you or we may recover money from,
you should inform us of such third party.
When making a claim you should tell us about any other
insurance under which you are or might be able to claim. If
you can claim from another insurer and we also pay you in
respect of the same insured event, then you will be required
to refund to us the amount we paid if the other insurer also
paid you.
You cannot claim from us and from the other insurer to
obtain an aggregate amount that exceeds your loss.
If during the period of cover made available, you suffer a loss
which is not covered by the Group Policy, we may offer to
attempt to recover your uninsured loss for you.
You may specifically ask us to recover this for you however,
we have no obligation to do so. You will need to give us
documents supporting your loss. Before we include any
uninsured loss in a recovery action we will also ask you to
agree to the basis on which we will handle your uninsured
recovery action. You may need to contribute to legal costs in
some circumstances.
We will apply any money we recover from someone else
under a right of subrogation in the following order:
1. To us, our costs (administration and legal) arising from the
2. To us, an amount equal to the amount that we paid to
you under the Group Policy.
3. To you, your uninsured loss (less your excess).
4. To you, your excess.
Once we pay your total loss (including your uninsured loss
and any excess) we will keep all money left over.
If we have paid your total loss and you receive a payment
from someone else for that loss or damage, you will need to
pay us the amount of that payment up to the amount of the
claim we paid you.
When making a claim you have a responsibility to assist us
and to act in an honest and truthful manner.
If any claim is fraudulent in any way or if you or anyone acting
on your behalf uses fraudulent means to make a claim on
the cover described in this booklet, then no payment will be
made in regard to the claim. Also ANZ will be informed of
the situation and you may no longer be eligible for the cover
described in this part.
If you are dissatisfied with our service in any way, please
contact Allianz Global Assistance and we will attempt to
resolve the matter in accordance with our internal dispute
resolution procedures.
If we do not make a decision within the period that we
tell you we will respond, we will tell you about your right
to lodge a complaint with an external dispute resolution
If you are not happy with our response, you can refer your
complaint to AFCA subject to its terms of reference. AFCA
provides a free and independent dispute resolution service
for consumers who have general insurance disputes falling
within its terms. AFCAs contact details are:
The Australian Financial Complaints Authority
Phone: 1800 931 678
Mail: GPO Box 3 Melbourne VIC 3001
For more information on how we handle complaints you can
request a copy of our procedures, using our contact details
on the inside front cover.
The General Insurance Code of Practice was developed by
the Insurance Council of Australia to further raise standards of
practice and service across the insurance industry. The Code
Governance Committee (CGC) is an independent body that
monitors and enforces insurers compliance with the Code.
You can obtain more information on the Code of Practice
and how it assists you by contacting us. Contact details are
provided on the inside front cover of this booklet. For more
information on the Code Governance Committee (CGC) go to
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited ABN 11 005 357 522. Australian Credit Licence Number 234527. Item No. 60394 11.2023 WZ134432