domiciled multinational rms pay U.S.
income taxes on foreign earnings when
such earnings are repatriated. Deferral of U.S.
taxation until repatriation creates an incentive for
U.S. multinational rms to postpone, temporarily
or permanently, repatriating their foreign earnings
from low-tax countries. This incentive is com-
monly referred to as the “lock-out effect.” We
investigate the lock-out effect in the context of
the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 (the Act).
The Act became law on October 22, 2004, and
there were two primary rationales for its passage.
The first was the repeal of the extraterritorial
income exclusion that had been ruled an illegal
export subsidy by the World Trade Organization.
The second policy rationale for the Act was to
provide a general economic stimulus. The fol-
lowing quotes capture the proponents’ logic for
supporting the Act as a means of stimulating the
U.S. economy:
“Multiple studies show my repatriation provision
could bring $400 billion back into our economy
and create upward of 600,000 jobs in America in
2005,” U.S. Representative Phil English (R-PA), a
member of the House Ways and Means Committee,
who drafted the bill.
“Today more than at any time in our history, we
operate in a global economy. This vote for the Act is
about xing our international tax law and providing
much needed tax relief for businesses to help cre-
ate jobs,” U.S. Representative David Wu (D-OR).
“This bill provides tax relief for American busi-
nesses to further fuel economic growth and job
creation,” U.S. Representative Jo Bonner (R-AL).
Most signi cant among the economic stimulus
provisions of the Act were a deduction for U.S.
domestic production income and a 1-year tax
holiday for repatriations of foreign earnings. This
study evaluates effects of the repatriation tax holi-
day on the lock-out effect of the U.S. worldwide
tax system.
The tax holiday provides an interesting setting
to test the lock-out effect as the Act permits rms
to exempt (for one taxable year) 85 percent of the
income that would have otherwise been recognized
on the repatriation of eligible foreign earnings (U.S.
Treasury Department, 2005). The 1-year window
to repatriate under the Act is de ned either as the
year of the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 or
the year following the Act (e.g., for calendar year
taxpayers, the eligible year is either 2004 or 2005).
There is also a nancial reporting consequence
associated with the lock-out effect. For nancial
reporting purposes, Accounting Principles Board
Opinion No. 23 (APB 23) provides an opportunity
to avoid booking U.S. taxes on foreign earnings that
are not anticipated to be repatriated. Speci cally,
if the foreign earnings are reinvested in a foreign
subsidiary inde nitely, the earnings may be desig-
nated as permanently reinvested offshore (PRE).
Because the PRE classification is a necessary
condition to defer the recognition of U.S. taxes on
foreign earnings for nancial reporting purposes,
we use PRE as a proxy for the amount of foreign
earnings subject to the lock-out effect.
To investigate the lock-out effect, we develop
and test three sets of hypotheses around the imple-
mentation of the Act. First, we expect that the
cash holdings and the repatriation tax savings are
positively associated with the rms’ level of PRE
in the year prior to the tax holiday. We nd that the
level of PRE is positively associated with the tax
savings associated with the deferral of repatriation.
We also expect and nd that the cash holdings are
positively associated with the level of PRE prior
to the tax holiday.
Regarding our second set of hypotheses, we
expect and nd that the change in PRE is posi-
tively associated with the rm-speci c change in
repatriation tax rate during the holiday. This result
supports the existence of a lock-out effect induced
by the U.S. tax system. We also nd that the change
in PRE is positively associated with the change in
Roy Clemons, Florida Atlantic University
Michael R. Kinney, Texas A&M University
cash holdings. This result is consistent with De
Waegenaere and Sansing’s (2008) theoretical pre-
diction that rms that have reached their optimal
level of investment in foreign operating assets
accumulate foreign earnings as nancial assets until
they can be repatriated at a more advantageous tax
rate (e.g., during a tax holiday).
Regarding our third set of hypotheses, we expect
and nd that the change in a rm’s PRE following
the holiday period is positively associated with the
change in the rm’s repatriation tax rate from the
holiday to the post-holiday period. Firms in our
sample increased PRE in the aggregate by approxi-
mately $88 billion in the year following the tax hol-
iday. This nding suggests that the lock-out effect
immediately reappears in the year following the
tax holiday. However, contrary to expectations, the
change in PRE is not associated with the change in
cash holdings in the year following the tax holiday.
One potential explanation for this result is that our
proxy for cash holdings is based on multinational
rms’ worldwide cash holdings. Therefore even if
rms are increasing their foreign cash holdings in
the year following the Act, the increases may be
offset by decreases in their domestic cash holdings
in the year following the Act. More speci cally,
spending the repatriated cash may extend into the
year following repatriation.
This study makes several contributions to exist-
ing literature. First, it documents the existence of
a lock-out effect for U.S. multinational rms. Sec-
ond, it provides empirical support for De Waegen-
aere and Sansing’s (2008) theoretical model which
predicts that rms with mature foreign operations
accumulate foreign earnings offshore in nancial
assets until those earnings can be repatriated at
a more advantageous tax rate (e.g., during a tax
holiday). Third, it documents a positive relationship
between the magnitude of the lock-out effect and
the tax cost associated with repatriation.
The ndings of this study provide information
useful to academic researchers, regulators, and
policy makers. Academic researchers will nd
this study useful in discerning how global rms’
cash holdings are associated with their worldwide
taxation. This study links the theoretical predic-
tions of De Waegenaere and Sansing (2008) with
the empirical ndings of Foley et al. (2007) to
suggest that rms operating in low tax countries
will accumulate their foreign earnings as cash once
they have reached their optimal level of investment
in foreign operating assets. Regulators will also
nd this study helpful in assessing the responses
of U.S. multinational rms to the U.S. worldwide
tax structure and possible remedies to economic
distortions caused by the lock-out effect.
The next section discusses background research
and motivates our hypotheses. The third section
explains our sample selection and research design.
The fourth section discusses descriptive statistics
and results and the fth section concludes.
The Dividend Repatriation Tax Holiday
Internal Revenue Code section 965, part of the
American Jobs Creation Act of 2004, allowed U.S.
multinational rms to temporarily repatriate earn-
ings from their foreign subsidiaries at a reduced
effective tax rate. For one taxable year, rms could
deduct 85 percent of the repatriations of eligible
foreign earnings -- thereby incurring a maximum
effective tax rate of 5.25 percent (i.e., 15 percent
of 35 percent) on qualifying repatriations (U.S.
Treasury Department, 2005). Firms could elect the
1-year holiday period as the last tax year beginning
before the date of the enactment of AJCA (October
22, 2004) or the rst taxable year beginning after
that date. Therefore, all repatriations under the
tax holiday were completed by October 2006.
The following sections discuss the lock-out effect
and the incentives created by the Act in greater
The U.S. Tax Treatment of Foreign Earnings
and the Lock-Out Effect
Under the U.S. worldwide tax system, U.S.
multinational corporations defer paying U.S. taxes
on the earnings of their foreign subsidiaries until
those earnings are repatriated to the United States.
Upon repatriation, the U.S. parent is allowed a
credit against U.S. taxes for foreign taxes paid on
the repatriated earnings; and, as the foreign tax
rate decreases, the U.S. tax due upon repatriation
increases. Thus, when the subsidiary is located in a
low-tax jurisdiction, the U.S. tax savings associated
with a non-repatriation strategy are substantial. As
long as the foreign earnings of U.S. multination-
als are not repatriated, no U.S. tax is assessed
on such earnings. Firms effectively make their
foreign earnings exempt from U.S. taxes by hold-
ing them offshore permanently. This opportunity
for inde nite deferral of the incremental U.S. tax
assessed on repatriation of foreign earnings creates
the lock-out effect.
Prior Literature and Hypotheses
Prior empirical literature provides evidence that
the U.S. tax system creates a lock-out effect and
suggests that repatriation decisions are very sensi-
tive to the taxes that are due when foreign earnings
are repatriated. Altshuler and Newlon (1993) evalu-
ate tax return data and conclude that a 1 percent
higher repatriation tax burden is associated with
a 1.5 percent reduction in amount repatriated. To
isolate the effect of taxes on repatriation decisions,
Desai et al. (2001), examine both af liates that
face U.S. repatriation taxes and branches that do
not face U.S. repatriation taxes. Using Bureau of
Economic Analysis data from 1982 to 1997, they
nd that when af liates face a 1 percent increase
in repatriation taxes they decrease dividend repa-
triations by 1 percent, whereas branches do not
exhibit this pattern. Desai et al. (2001) conclude
that repatriation taxes reduce dividend repatriations
by approximately 13 percent noting that “these
effects would disappear if the U.S. were to exempt
foreign income from taxation.” (p. 829)
The statutory U.S. tax rate assessed on repatria-
tion is reduced by the tax rate assessed by foreign
tax authorities in jurisdictions from which the
repatriations originate. Thus, ceteris paribus, the
lower the tax rate in the foreign jurisdictions, the
greater is the net tax rate applied to the repatria-
tions. Logically, the magnitude of the lock-out is
positively associated with the magnitude of the
rm-speci c net tax rate applied to repatriations.
We state our expectations formally in our rst
hypothesis expressed in the alternative form:
Hypothesis 1a: The level of foreign earnings
designated as permanently reinvested (PRE) is
positively associated with the net repatriation
tax rate existing prior to the tax holiday for rms
repatriating under the Act.
Hartman (1985) argues that the strength of the
lock-out effect is a function of the rates of return
that can be earned on new investment in the United
States versus the foreign country. To develop his
theoretical model, Hartman assumes that the U.S.
taxation of income earned in low-tax foreign
countries is inevitable and that repatriation taxes
will not in uence the decision of when to repatriate
the earnings. Hartman demonstrates that an after-
foreign-tax dollar in repatriated earnings generates
cash ows for the parent rm of
where t is the U.S. tax rate, and is assumed to be
larger than the foreign tax rate, t*. In deciding
between reinvesting foreign earnings abroad and
repatriating, the rm will compare the after-tax
return associated with each option. If a firm
reinvests its foreign earnings for n years, it will
accumulate the following:
where r* is the pre-tax return in the foreign country
and is taxed by the foreign jurisdiction each period
at t*. Eventually, the funds will be repatriated to the
United States and taxed at the U.S. rate, t.
Alternatively, if the foreign earnings are repatri-
ated immediately, the rm will earn:
where r is the pre-tax return in the United States.
Comparing equations (2) and (3) reveals that the
level of U.S. taxation of foreign earnings will not
affect the decision between foreign reinvestment
and repatriation. The U.S. tax costs associated with
repatriations in equation (1) are incurred regardless
of whether one reinvests the earnings abroad or
repatriates them. Hartman’s (1985) model shows
that earnings should be reinvested in the location
that provides the greatest expected after-local-tax
rate of return, irrespective of the taxes owed upon
repatriation to the United States.
Hartman’s (1985) ndings hold if foreign earn-
ings are reinvested in operating assets, but Scholes
et al. (2008) suggest that if the foreign income
generated from operating assets is reinvested in
nancial assets, then the length of deferral of U.S.
repatriation taxes does matter. Foreign subsidiaries
that have reached their optimal level of investment
in operating assets may inde nitely defer repatria-
tion to avoid the U.S. tax liability. These rms will
likely accumulate excessive amounts of nancial
assets, such as cash and marketable securities, in
their foreign subsidiaries.
Consistent with Scholes et al. (2008), Foley et
al. (2007) argue that rms’ cash holdings increase
when their foreign tax rates are less than U.S. tax
rates. The authors’ ndings suggest that foreign
subsidiaries in relatively lower tax jurisdictions
hold higher levels of cash than other foreign sub-
sidiaries of the same rm.
De Waegenaere and Sansing (2008) suggest that
rms owning foreign subsidiaries that have reached
their optimal level of investment in operating assets
and that are operating in low-tax countries are more
likely to designate their foreign earnings as PRE
and hold these earnings in the foreign subsidiary
as nancial assets. The following example illus-
trates the argument of De Waegenaere and Sansing
(2008). This example is borrowed from Bryant-
Kutcher et al. (2007). Assume that a foreign sub-
sidiary of a U.S. multinational invests an amount,
K, in foreign operating assets generating pre-tax
cash ows (and earnings) according to the func-
tion f(K) = 0.20(K) – 0.001(K
), so that increased
investment increases earnings, but at a decreasing
rate. Assume that the rm has an after-tax discount
rate equal to 4 percent, that the U.S. corporate tax
rate is 35 percent, and that the after-U.S.-tax risk-
free rate is 3.25 percent, which implies a pretax
risk-free rate of 5 percent. The rm faces a foreign
tax rate,
, which is less than 35 percent. In this
case the rm should continue to reinvest in foreign
operating assets until the optimal investment level,
K*, is reached, where (1 –
)f (K*) = 4 percent.
That is, the rm should keep investing in foreign
operating assets until the marginal after-foreign-
tax return on additional investment is equal to the
rm’s discount rate.
Further assume that two rms, H and L, are
operating in two foreign countries with differing
tax rates. The tax rate of Country H is 25 percent
and the tax rate of country L is 15 percent. Based
on these foreign tax rates and the fact that f (K) =
0.20 – 2(0.001)K, rm H will continue to reinvest
in foreign operating assets until K = 73, since (1
– 25%) f (73) = 4%, rm H’s discount rate. K of
73 will generate a before-tax return each year of
f(73) = 0.20(73) – 0.001(73
) = 9.27. Alternatively,
rm L will continue to reinvest in foreign operating
assets until K = 76, because (1 – 15%) f (76) = 4%,
which is rm Ls discount rate. Operating assets of
76 will generate a before-tax return each year of
f(76) = 0.20(76) – 0.001(76
) = 9.42.
De Waegenaere and Sansing (2008) study the
optimal repatriation strategy for a rm that has
reached investment level K* and will therefore
stop reinvesting future foreign earnings in foreign
operating assets. Firms that have reached K* face
two choices; they can either begin to repatriate all
future earnings as a taxable dividend to the U.S.
parent paying gross U.S. taxes at a 35 percent rate,
or reinvest the after-foreign-tax earnings in foreign
nancial assets that earn the risk free rate.
De Waegenaere and Sansing (2008) suggest that
the optimal repatriation strategy depends on the
relative size of (1) the after-foreign-tax risk-free
rate, and (2) the rm’s discount rate. Let R equal the
risk-free-rate and r equal the rm’s discount rate.
The repatriation decision depends on the relation-
ship between r and R(1 –
). If the discount rate
is greater than the after-foreign-tax risk free rate,
so that r > R(1 –
), the optimal decision is to
repatriate all future earnings as a taxable dividend
to the parent and to incur the 35 percent (gross) U.S.
tax. Using the example of rms H and L, assume
that rm H, with a foreign tax rate of 25 percent,
generates $20 of pretax foreign earnings, resulting
in $15 of after-tax earnings. Repatriations yield $13
to the U.S. parent after U.S. tax. Since the rm has
reached its optimal level of investment in operating
assets, if it retains the $15 abroad, it can reinvest
only at the 3.25 percent after-U.S.-tax risk-free rate.
This investment yields a perpetuity of 0.49 with a
present value of 0.49/0.04 = $12.19, which is less
than $13. Thus, the optimal policy for rm H is to
repatriate all future earnings from foreign operating
assets as a taxable dividend to the U.S. parent.
Alternatively, if the discount rate is less than
the after-foreign-tax risk-free rate,
so that r <
R(1 –
), rm value is maximized if the foreign
earnings are held abroad in nancial assets. This is
the optimal decision despite the fact that the future
earnings from the nancial assets will be subject
to tax at the 35 percent U.S. tax rate. Now, assume
that rm L, with a foreign tax rate of 15 percent,
generates $20 of pretax foreign earnings, resulting
in $17 of after-tax earnings. Repatriation yields $13
after U.S. tax to the U.S. parent. Retaining the $17
abroad and reinvesting at the 3.25 percent after-
U.S.-tax risk-free rate yields an annual perpetuity
of 0.55 with a present value of 0.55/0.04 = $13.81,
which is more than $13. Therefore, the optimal
policy for rm L is to reinvest all future earnings
from foreign operating assets in foreign nancial
assets and not repatriate the foreign operating
earnings until a lower tax rate can be obtained for
Based on the preceding examples, rms will
reinvest foreign earnings in foreign operations
until they reach their optimal level of investment
in foreign operations, K*. All else equal, only after
reaching K* will rms begin to accumulate foreign
earnings in nancial assets. The lock-out effect is
evidenced by accumulation of foreign earnings in
nancial assets. Therefore, as implied by the theo-
retical model from De Waegenaere and Sansing
(2008) and the empirical ndings of Foley et al.
(2007), we hypothesize the following:
Hypothesis 1b: The level of foreign earnings
designated as permanently reinvested is positively
associated with the level of cash holdings ( nancial
assets) prior to the tax holiday for rms repatriating
under the provisions of the Act.
Hartman’s (1985) theoretical model assumes
that the tax costs of repatriations are time invariant;
therefore, his model does not consider effects of a
temporary change in the tax costs of repatriations.
In the presence of the tax holiday provided by the
Act, equations (2) and (3) in Hartman’s (1985)
model, presented earlier, will no longer drop out
(Clausing, 2005). Therefore, whether the tax holi-
day was anticipated or not, rms experiencing the
lock-out effect of the U.S. worldwide tax system
have an incentive to repatriate more funds during
the tax holiday than they would prior to or after
the tax holiday. Therefore, we hypothesize the
Hypothesis 2a: For the year of repatriation, the
change in foreign earnings designated as PRE is
positively associated with the change in the net
repatriation tax rate.
Given the assumptions of Hartman’s (1985)
theoretical model no lock-out effect exists. But, the
theoretical model of De Waegenaere and Sansing
(2007), presented earlier, demonstrates that once
rms reach their optimal level of investment in
foreign operating assets, K*, they may accumu-
late subsequent earnings in financial assets in
their offshore subsidiaries to avoid paying U.S.
repatriation taxes.
De Waegenaere and Sansing (2008) also model
rms’ behavior around tax holidays that occur in a
stochastic fashion. The authors argue that because
operating assets are costly to liquidate, all repa-
triations under a tax holiday must be in the form
of nancial assets. De Waegenaere and Sansing
(2008) demonstrate that rms experiencing the
lock-out effect will accumulate nancial assets in
their low-tax foreign subsidiaries to avoid paying
U.S. repatriation taxes. Furthermore, the authors
argue that only rms that have accumulated nan-
cial assets will have the cash required to repatriate
signi cant amounts of foreign earnings that have
accumulated abroad due to the lock-out effect.
In summary, only rms that have accumulated
nancial assets due to the lock-out effect of the
U.S. tax system will have the ability to repatriate
signi cant amounts of foreign earnings under the
one-time tax holiday. Accordingly, we hypothesize
the following:
Hypothesis 2b: The change in foreign earnings
designated as PRE is positively associated with
the change in cash holdings in the year of the tax
holiday for rms repatriating under the Act.
In the year following the tax holiday, we expect
that the lock-out effect will be reestablished as
the net tax rate for repatriations reverts to the rate
prior to the holiday. Also, as argued by Clausing
(2005), granting one tax holiday will cause rms
to anticipate future tax holidays and they will no
longer view the normal tax rate as permanent; rms
may thus defer repatriations in the hope of future
tax holidays. We expect the strength of the lock-out
effect will be positively associated with the change
in the net tax rate from the holiday to post-holiday
period. Therefore, we hypothesize the following:
Hypothesis 3a: The change in foreign earnings
designated as permanently reinvested is positively
associated with the change in the net repatriation
tax rate in the year following the tax holiday for
rms repatriating under the Act.
De Waegenaere and Sansing (2008) demonstrate
that rms repatriating during the tax holiday accu-
mulated nancial assets in their low-tax foreign
subsidiaries prior to repatriation. They then sug-
gest that, “because at a tax holiday accumulated
nancial assets can be repatriated at the lower
repatriation tax rate, the expectation of a future tax
holiday may affect the rms’ choice to reinvest its
foreign earnings from operating assets in nancial
assets or to repatriate them as a dividend.” (p. 11)
Following this logic, subsequent to the repatriation
tax holiday we expect rms will have an increased
incentive to defer the repatriation of nancial assets
because of their expectations of tax holidays reoc-
curring in the future. Therefore, we hypothesize
the following:
Hypothesis 3b: The change in foreign earnings
designated as permanently reinvested is positively
associated with the change in cash holdings in the
year following the tax holiday for rms repatriating
under the Act.
Sample Selection
We hand collect annual nancial statement data
for U.S. multinational rms that repatriated under
the tax holiday of the Act. We identi ed these rms
through two primary sources. First, we identi ed
rms that disclosed repatriations under the Act in
their nancial statements by searching the EDGAR
database utilizing the following search string [(10Q
or 10K) and (foreign earnings repatriation) w/25
(American Jobs Creation Act of 2004)]. Second,
we identi ed rms that repatriated under the Act
using the Lexis-Nexis Business Wire and News
Wire and Google searches using the key words
“foreign earnings repatriation” and “American Jobs
Creation Act of 2004.” This search identi ed 378
rms that repatriated under the Act.
Fiscal years 2004 through 2006 provide a win-
dow to evaluate repatriation actions during the tax
holiday. For the sample of repatriating rms, we
collect permanently reinvested earnings data (PRE)
for scal years 2004 through 2006 from income tax
footnotes in annual reports. We exclude observa-
tions not disclosing an amount for PRE for years
t – 1, t, t + 1, where t is the year of repatriation;
this information is needed to compute the pre- to
post-Act change in PRE. As previously noted, the
PRE classi cation is a necessary condition to defer
the recognition of U.S. taxes on foreign earnings
for nancial reporting purposes. The level of PRE
may be considered a proxy for the upper-bound
of the amount of earnings locked out due to the
U.S. tax system. To ensure that we are capturing
rms experiencing the lock-out effect, we limit
our sample to rms that have PRE greater than or
equal to the amount of earnings repatriated under
the Act.
Finally, we delete observations lacking
data suf cient for models we use for hypothesis
After imposing all sample screens, there are 213
rms that have the required data to test H1a and
H1b in scal year 2004, 210 rms available to test
H2a and H2b in scal year 2005, and 193 rms
available to test H3a and H3b for scal year 2006.
Research Design – Determinants of PRE
Prior to the One-time Tax Holiday
We test H1a and H1b using the following ordi-
nary least squares regression in Model 1.
Repatriation tax rate
Cash holdings
Foreign Income
U.S. Income
Research & Development
Share Repurchases
PRE equals the level of permanently reinvested
earnings scaled by total assets in the year prior to
repatriation, t – 1. The value of PRE is hand-col-
lected from the rms’ nancial statement footnotes,
and total assets are obtained from the Compustat
annual database (Data 6).
On the right-hand side, Repatriation tax rate
proxies for the net U.S. tax liability associated
with the earnings classi ed as PRE. We obtain
footnote disclosures that provide both the U.S.
tax liability recorded during the tax holiday and
the corresponding amount of foreign earnings
repatriated during the tax holiday. During the tax
holiday, rms received an 85 percent reduction in
the normal U.S. tax liability for repatriated earn-
ings. Therefore, the U.S. tax rate associated with
the repatriations during the tax holiday equaled the
recognized U.S. tax liability divided by the foreign
earnings repatriated under the Act. For example if
a rm recorded a U.S. tax liability of $5.25 associ-
ated with a $100 repatriation, the rm’s repatriation
tax rate is 5.25 percent. Also, the tax recorded for
the holiday repatriation allows us to infer the tax
rate for repatriations in non-holiday years. A rm
recording a 5.25 percent tax rate for the holiday
repatriation would have incurred a 35 percent tax
rate on the repatriation (i.e., 5.25 percent divided by
15 percent) in non-holiday years. H1a predicts that
the level of foreign earnings designated as PRE is
positively associated with the repatriation tax rate
prior to the tax holiday. Thus, we expect a positive
and signi cant coef cient on Repatriation tax rate.
Our expectation stated in H1b is that the magni-
tude of foreign earnings designated as PRE is posi-
tively associated with the level of cash held prior
to the tax holiday. To test whether the magnitude
of PRE is positively associated with cash holdings,
we calculate cash holdings following Foley et al.
(2007). Cash holdings is the natural logarithm of
the ratio of cash to net assets (de ned as total assets
minus cash). Using Compustat annual data, cash
holdings is calculated as the natural log of (data
item 1/(data item 6 – data item 1)). H1b predicts
the magnitude of foreign earnings designated as
PRE is positively associated with cash holdings
prior to the tax holiday.
Other right-hand side variables are included as
controls. Size is the log of total assets (data item
6) and is included to control for unspeci ed size
effects. Foreign income is equal to pretax foreign
income scaled by total assets (data item 273/data
item 6) and, U.S. income is equal to U.S. pretax
income scaled by total assets (data item 272/data
item 6). These variables are included to control for
the effects of foreign and domestic pro tability
on PRE. Capex is equal to capital expenditures
scaled by total assets (data item 128/data item 6)
and is included in Model 1 as a proxy for current
growth. Research & Development is equal to
R&D expense scaled by total assets (data item 46/
data item 6) and is included as a control for future
growth. Book-to-market is equal to book value
scaled by market value of equity (data item 60/
(data199*data25)) and is also included in Model 1
to control for a rm’s growth opportunities. Finally,
we include Share repurchases, ((data item 115 –
(data item 130 – data item 175))/data item 6), as a
control for the motive to hold cash offshore. More
speci cally, if as shown in prior research (Blouin
and Krull, 2009; Clemons and Kinney, 2008) rms
signi cantly increase share repurchases in the
year of repatriation, it would suggest that the cash
repatriated under the Act was not needed to fund
domestic growth opportunities and that the cash
was held abroad to avoid the associated U.S. tax
liability on those foreign earnings consistent with
arguments of De Waegenaere and Sansing (2008)
and Desai et al. (2001).
Research Design – Determinants of the Change in
PRE in the Year of the One-time Tax Holiday
To test H2a and H2b we estimate Model 2 using
ordinary least squares:
ΔRepatriation tax rate
ΔCash holdings
ΔShare Repurchases
ΔForeign Income
ΔU.S. Income
ΔResearch & Development
where ΔPRE equals the change in permanently
reinvested earnings from the year prior to the
tax holiday (t – 1) to the year of the tax holiday
(t) scaled by total assets. The values of PRE are
hand-collected from the rms’ nancial statement
footnotes, and total assets are obtained from the
Compustat annual database (Data 6).
We investigate whether ΔPRE is associated with
ΔRepatriation tax rate, which is a proxy for the
reduction in the net U.S. tax liability during the
tax holiday. Based on nancial statement footnote
disclosures, we obtain both the U.S. tax liability rec-
ognized under the tax holiday and the corresponding
amount of foreign earnings repatriated under the tax
holiday. The U.S. tax liability recognized by rms
repatriating under the tax holiday is 15 percent (i.e.,
an 85 percent reduction under the Act) of the U.S.
tax liability that would have been recorded by the
rms absent the tax holiday. Because the tax holi-
day liability is 15 percent of the non-holiday tax
liability, our proxy for the non-holiday tax liability
is the recognized holiday tax liability divided by
15 percent. ΔRepatriation tax rate is the difference
between the holiday and non-holiday net tax rates
and represents the tax savings on repatriations
during the tax holiday. H2a predicts that ΔPRE is
positively associated with ΔRepatriation tax rate
in the year of the tax holiday for repatriating rms.
Therefore, we expect a positive and signi cant
coef cient for ΔRepatriation tax rate.
We also investigate whether ΔPRE is associated
with ΔCash holdings in the year of the tax holiday.
ΔCash holdings is the change in cash balance from
the year prior to the tax holiday (t – 1) to the year
of the tax holiday (t) scaled by total assets. H2b pre-
dicts that ΔPRE is positively associated with ΔCash.
Thus, we expect a positive coef cient for ΔCash
holdings. Finally, we expect that ΔPRE is negatively
associated with ΔShare Repurchases. Finding such
a result would further support De Waegenaere and
Sansing’s (2008) prediction that rms accumulate
cash in their foreign subsidiaries because they do
not have domestic investment opportunities that
provide a return superior to the foreign risk free rate.
We also include control variables in Model 2.
Size controls for unspeci ed size effects. ΔForeign
Income and ΔU.S. Income control for the effects
of changes in foreign and domestic pro tability.
ΔCapex, ΔResearch & Development, and Book-to-
market are included in Model 2 to control for rms’
current and future growth opportunities.
Research Design – Determinants of the
Change in PRE in the Year Following the
One-time Tax Holiday
We test H3a and H3b by estimating Model 3
using ordinary least squares regression in the year
following the tax holiday:
ΔRepatriation tax rate
ΔCash holdings
ΔShare Repurchases
+ Β
ΔForeign Income
ΔResearch & Development
ΔPRE is the change in permanently reinvested
earnings from the year of the tax holiday (t) to the
year following the tax holiday (t + 1) scaled by total
assets. We investigate whether ΔPRE is associated
with the return to normal repatriation tax rates in
the year following the tax holiday. We calculate
ΔRepatriation tax rate from the year of the tax
holiday (t) to the year following the tax holiday
(t + 1). H3a predicts that ΔPRE is positively
associated with ΔRepatriation tax rate in the year
following the tax holiday for rms repatriating
under the Act.
We also investigate whether ΔPRE is associated
with ΔCash holdings in the year following the
tax holiday. We calculate ΔCash holdings as the
change in cash from the year of the tax holiday
(t) to the year following the tax holiday (t + 1)
scaled by total assets. H3b predicts that ΔPRE is
positively associated with ΔCash holdings in the
year following the tax holiday. Thus, we expect a
positive coef cient on ΔCash holdings. In addition
to the variables of interest, Model 3 includes the
same control variables as Model 2 to control for
size effects, and growth factors.
Descriptive Statistics
Table 1 summarizes the industry composition
of the repatriating rms in our sample. Firms in
manufacturing industries represent 73 percent of
the sample. Service companies comprise the second
largest group of repatriating rms (8 percent of the
sample), and retail companies and nancial service
companies are the next largest groups of repatriat-
ing rms (representing 5 percent and 6 percent of
the sample respectively).
Table 2 presents descriptive data for those repa-
triating rms having suf cient data available to
Table 1
Industry Distribution of Firms Repatriating under
the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004
SIC Code # of Firms:
1000-1999 Mining and Construction 5
2000-2999 Manufacturing 54
3000-3999 Manufacturing 101
4000-4999 Transportation, Communication, Electric, Gas 6
5000-5999 Wholesale, Retail 12
6000-6999 Financial, Insurance, Real Estate 13
7000-7999 Hotel, Services 18
8000-8999 Services 4
9000-9999 Public Administration 1
calculate each speci c metric.
We do not winsorize
or otherwise transform the raw data reported in
Table 2; hence, some means are heavily in uenced
by outliers. We provide medians, minimum, and
maximum values as well as the standard error for
each variable for the data items so that the in uence
of outliers can be inferred.
The per- rm average amount repatriated under
the Act was approximately $1 billion, and the aver-
age repatriation equaled 9 percent of total assets.
The median repatriation amount was $152 million
and equaled 6 percent of total assets. The sample
rms are large and have substantial foreign opera-
tions. Average total assets were $31.5 billion, and,
on average, foreign income amounted to 5 percent
of the rm’s total assets.
The data in Table 2 show sample rms had a
mean U.S. effective tax rate of 33 percent and a
mean foreign tax rate for repatriated earnings of 7
percent. Absent the tax holiday, rms would have
recognized an average U.S. tax liability of approxi-
mately $264 million on the repatriated earnings
(i.e., (.33 - .07)*1,014), but under the tax holiday
the liability was only $40 million, representing an
average U.S. tax savings of $224 million per rm.
On average, research and development expense
represented 4 percent of total assets, and the aver-
age book-to-market ratio was .41. Consistent with
prior research (De Waegenaere and Sansing 2008;
Foley et al. 2007), the data in Table 2 suggest that
rms were investing some foreign earnings in cash.
On average, rms were holding cash equal to 28
percent of net assets compared to cash holdings
of 10 percent of net assets for all other Compustat
rms — which is consistent with a lock-out effect.
The mean and median ratio of cash to PRE was
2.88 and 0.81 suggesting cash constituted a large
percentage of PRE.
Results – Determinants of PRE
Prior to the Tax Holiday
Table 3 presents the results from estimating
Model 1 which is intended to identify determi-
nants of PRE in the year prior to the tax holiday.
Consistent with H1a, we nd a positive and sig-
ni cant association between the level of PRE and
Repatriation tax rate (p-value < 0.00, one-tailed
test). This result suggests that, as a rm’s U.S. tax
Table 2
2004 Descriptive Statistics
Firms Repatriating under the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004
Variable Mean Std. Dev. Min. Median Max.
Repatriations 1,014 3,210 1 152 37,000
Repatriations/total assets 0.09 0.09 0.00 0.06 0.50
Permanently reinvested earnings (PRE)
PRE 1,802 4,675 4 367 51,600
PRE/total assets 0.17 0.14 0.00 0.13 0.67
Cash/PRE 2.88 10.19 0.01 0.81 120.60
Tax attributes
Effective tax rate (ETR) 0.33 0.78 -1.92 0.30 10.50
Foreign tax rate (FTR) 0.07 0.09 0.00 0.03 0.35
Firm characteristics
Size (total assets) 31,512 145,929 78 3,066 1,484,101
Foreign income/total assets 0.05 0.04 -0.05 0.04 0.17
Research and Development/total assets 0.04 0.04 0.00 0.02 0.19
Book-to-market ratio 0.41 0.21 0.01 0.37 1.11
Cash holdings (cash/net assets) 0.28 0.46 0.00 0.13 2.85
($ amounts in millions)
Table 3
Determinants of the Level of PRE in the Year Prior to the Tax Holiday Estimated Using OLS
Variables Predicted Sign Coef cient t-statistic p-value
Intercept ? 0.173*** 3.28 0.00
Size ? -0.010*** -2.41 0.02
Foreign Income ? 1.766*** 7.87 0.00
U.S. Income ? -0.342*** -2.03 0.04
Capex ? 0.099 0.38 0.70
Research & Development ? 0.061 0.28 0.78
Book-to-market ? 0.040 0.90 0.37
Cash Holdings + 0.025*** 7.31 0.00
Repatriation tax rate + 0.200*** 6.49 0.00
Repurchases ? 0.103 0.71 0.48
Adjusted R-square = 40%
*** indicates signi cance at the 5 percent level or better for a one-tailed test when a prediction is made and a
two-tailed test when no prediction is made.
Model 1: PRE
Foreign Income
U.S. Income
Research &
Cash holdings
Repatriation tax rate
Share Repurchases
Variable de nitions:
PRE = Permanently reinvested earnings scaled by total assets
Size = Log of total assets
Foreign Income = Foreign pretax income scaled by total assets
U.S. Income = U.S. pretax income scaled by total assets
Capex = Capital expenditures scaled by total assets
Research & Development = R&D expense scaled by total assets
Book-to-market = Book value scaled by market value of equity
Cash holdings =
Log of cash scaled by net assets, where net assets = total assets – cash
Repatriation tax rate = Tax rate related to repatriation of foreign earnings
Share Repurchases = Share repurchase scaled by total assets.
liability due upon repatriation of foreign earnings
increases, so does the amount of foreign earnings
classi ed as permanently reinvested offshore. This
result supports H1a and the existence of a lock-out
effect induced by the U.S. tax system.
Consistent with H1b, we nd a positive and
signi cant association in Table 3 between the pre-
holiday level of PRE and Cash holdings (p-value
< 0.00, one-tailed test). This result provides addi-
tional evidence that rms were experiencing the
lock-out effect prior to the tax holiday as some
earnings were held offshore in cash rather than
operating assets, consistent with the predictions
of De Waegenaere and Sansing (2008).
Not surprisingly, we also find that Foreign
Income is signi cantly and positively associated
with PRE (p-value < 0.00, two-tailed test), and U.S.
Income is signi cantly and negatively associated
with PRE (p-value < 0.04, two-tailed test). These
results indicate that rms generating relatively
higher levels of foreign income have a greater
capacity to accumulate earnings offshore.
Results – Determinants of the Change in PRE
in the Year of the Tax Holiday
Table 4 presents the results from estimating
Model 2, in which we identify determinants of
the ΔPRE in the year of repatriation. Consistent
with H2a, we nd a positive and signi cant asso-
ciation between ΔPRE and ΔRepatriation tax rate
(p-value < 0.00, one-tailed test). This result is
consistent with a pre-Act lock-out effect, and the
Act reducing the lock-out incentive. The evidence
in Table 4 strongly suggests that, all else equal,
rms experiencing the lock-out effect repatriated
their earnings when the lock-out incentive was
signi cantly reduced.
Consistent with H2b, we nd a positive and
signi cant association between ΔPRE and ΔCash
holdings in the year of repatriation (p-value < 0.02,
one-tailed test). Consistent with the predictions of
De Waegenaere and Sansing (2008), this nding
suggests that rms released the excess cash from
their foreign subsidiaries during the tax holiday.
Together, these ndings support H2a and H2b
and suggest that rms repatriating under the Act
previously accumulated foreign earnings as cash
offshore to avoid paying U.S. income tax that
would be due upon repatriation of the earnings
(i.e., the lock-out effect). Also, we nd that the
ΔPRE is negatively associated with the ΔShare
Repurchases (p-value < 0.01, one-tailed test) in
the year of repatriation during the tax holiday.
Consistent with the predictions of De Waegenaere
and Sansing (2008), this result suggests that rms
deferred repatriation prior to the tax holiday due
to the lock-out effect; however, the use of the
repatriated cash also suggests a lack of investment
opportunities in the United States.
Results – Determinants of the Change in PRE
in the Year Following the Tax Holiday
Table 5 presents the results from estimating
Model 3 to identify the determinants of ΔPRE in
the year following the holiday. Consistent with
H3a, we nd a positive and signi cant association
between ΔPRE and ΔRepatriation tax rate (p-value
< 0.02, one-tailed test). Consistent with the predic-
tions of prior research (Clausing, 2005; Gravelle,
2005; De Waegenaere and Sansing, 2008) this
result suggests the tax holiday encouraged rms to
subsequently revert to retaining foreign earnings
abroad (i.e., behaving consistent with the lock-out
effect). Post-Act, not only do these rms avoid
current U.S. tax by not repatriating, but the rms
also have an added incentive (i.e., they now attach
a higher probability to additional tax holidays in
the future) to wait for a more favorable repatria-
tion tax rate.
Contrary to H3b, the coefficient on ΔCash
holdings in the year following repatriation is not
signi cantly different from zero (p-value 0.24, one-
tailed test). However, our proxy for cash holdings
is based on multinational rms’ worldwide cash
holdings. Therefore even if foreign cash holdings
increase as expected, such increases may have
been offset by domestic cash holding decreases
in the year following repatriation. For example,
rms may still be spending the cash in year t + 1
repatriated under the Act in year t.
With respect to our other control variables, we
nd that ΔForeign Income is signi cantly and
positively associated with ΔPRE (p-value < 0.00,
two-tailed test). This result indicates that rms
generating higher levels of foreign income have a
greater capacity to accumulate earnings offshore.
We also nd, consistent with the lock-out effect,
that a rm’s Book-to-market ratio is negatively
associated with the ΔPRE in the year following
the Act.
Table 4
Ols Regression of 2004 to 2005 Changes in Permanently Reinvested Earnings (PRE) for Firms
Repatriating under the Tax Holiday on Changes in the Motives for PRE
Variables Predicted Sign Coef cient t-statistic p-value
Intercept ? -0.095*** -3.04 0.00
Size ? 0.005 1.48 0.14
Book-to-market ratio ? 0.047 1.87 0.06
Change in Foreign Income ? 0.393 1.32 0.19
Change in U.S. Income ? 0.281 1.46 0.15
Change in Capex ? 0.596 1.58 0.12
Change in Research & Development ? 1.044*** 2.58 0.01
Change in Cash Holdings + 0.017*** 4.13 0.02
Change in Repatriation tax rate + 0.206*** 7.40 0.00
Change in Share Repurchases - -0.110*** -2.36 0.01
Adjusted R-square = 25%
*** indicates signi cance at the 5 percent level or better for a one-tailed test when a prediction is made and a
two-tailed test when no prediction is made.
Model 2: ΔPRE
1 Size
2 ΔForeign Income
3 ΔU.S. Income
4 ΔCapex
5 ΔResearch & Development
6 Book-to-market
7 ΔCash holdings
8 ΔRepatriation tax rate
9 ΔShare Repurchases
Variable de nitions:
ΔPRE = Change in permanently reinvested earnings scaled by total assets (2005-2004)
Size = Log of total assets
ΔForeign Income = Change in foreign pretax income scaled by total assets (2005-2004)
ΔU.S.Income = Change in U.S. pretax income scaled by total assets (2005-2004)
ΔCapex = Change in Capital expenditures scaled by total assets (2005-2004)
ΔResearch & Dev. = Change in R&D expense scaled by total assets (2005-2004)
Book-to-market = Book value scaled by market value of equity
ΔCash holdings = Change in log of cash scaled by net assets (2005-2004)
ΔRepatriation tax rate = Change in tax rate related to repatriation of foreign earnings (2005-2004)
ΔShare Repurchases = Change in share repurchase scaled by total assets (2005-2004)
Table 5
OLS Regression of 2005 to 2006 Changes in Permanently Reinvested Earnings (PRE) for Firms
Repatriating under the Tax Holiday on Changes in the Motives for PRE
Variables Predicted Sign Coef cient t-statistic p-value
Intercept ? 0.044*** 2.71 0.01
Size ? -0.002 -1.29 0.20
Book-to-market ratio ? -0.017*** -2.18 0.03
Change in Foreign Income ? 0.448*** 3.43 0.00
Change in U.S. Income ? 0.036 0.50 0.62
Change in Capex ? 0.227 1.38 0.17
Change in Research & Development ? 0.478*** 2.33 0.02
Change in Cash Holdings + 0.003 1.41 0.24
Change in Repatriation tax rate + 0.049*** 4.00 0.02
Change in Share Repurchases ? -0.033 -0.92 0.36
Adjusted R-square = 16%
*** indicates signi cance at the 5 percent level or better for a one-tailed test when a prediction is made and a
two-tailed test when no prediction is made.
Model 3: ΔPRE
1 Size
2 ΔForeign Income
3 ΔU.S. Income
4 ΔCapex
5 ΔResearch & Development
6 Book-to-market
7 ΔCash holdings
8 ΔRepatriation tax rate
9 ΔShare Repurchases
Variable de nitions:
ΔPRE = Change in permanently reinvested earnings scaled by total assets (2006-2005)
Size = Log of total assets
ΔForeign Income = Change in foreign pretax income scaled by total assets (2006-2005)
ΔU.S.Income = Change in U.S. pretax income scaled by total assets (2006-2005)
ΔCapex = Change in Capital expenditures scaled by total assets (2006-2005)
ΔResearch & Dev. = Change in R&D expense scaled by total assets (2006-2005)
Book-to-market = Book value scaled by market value of equity
ΔCash holdings = Change in log of cash scaled by net assets (2006-2005)
ΔRepatriation tax rate = Change in tax rate related to repatriation of foreign earnings (2006-2005)
ΔShare Repurchases = Change in share repurchase scaled by total assets (2006-2005).
In this study, we evaluate the lock-out effect
of the U.S. tax system by examining rms that
repatriated under the 1-year tax holiday for repa-
triations provided by the American Jobs Creation
Act of 2004.
Hand-collecting nancial statement data for
a sample of rms repatriating under the Act, we
nd that repatriating rms behaved in a manner
consistent with a lock-out effect. Based on the
expectations from De Waegenaere and Sansing’s
(2008) theoretical model, we predict and nd that
rms change their lock-out behavior around the
tax holiday. To our knowledge this study is the
rst to evaluate the lock-out effect of the U.S.
worldwide tax system around a dramatic and
temporary change in the U.S. tax rate associated
with foreign earnings repatriations. Because theory
predicts that the U.S. worldwide tax system causes
a lock-out effect for foreign earnings, we predict
rms retained foreign earnings offshore and accu-
mulated some of those earnings as cash prior to the
tax holiday. Likewise, we also predicted that during
the tax holiday rms would repatriate that cash to
the United States. Furthermore, we expected that
in the year following the tax holiday rms would
revert to the lock-out behavior.
As predicted, we nd that rms repatriating
under the Act accumulated foreign earnings and
held some of those earnings as cash prior to the tax
holiday. This evidence is consistent with De Wae-
genaere and Sansing’s (2008) theoretical model
which predicts that rms repatriating under the tax
holiday accumulated foreign earnings abroad as
cash as a result of the lock-out effect. These results
are also consistent with a tax executive survey
study by Graham et al. (2008). Firms responding
to this survey indicated 75 percent of the funds
repatriated during the holiday were derived from
cash or other liquid nancial assets.
Also, consistent with lock-out behavior, we nd
that the changes in the rms’ U.S. repatriation tax
rates and cash holdings during the holiday are
positively associated with the change in the level
of PRE in the year of the tax holiday. Furthermore,
consistent with prior research (Blouin and Krull,
2009; Clemons and Kinney, 2008), we nd that
rms repatriating under the tax holiday signi -
cantly increased their share repurchases. This result
is consistent with De Waegenaere and Sansing’s
(2008) prediction that rms accumulating cash due
to the lock-out effect lacked domestic investment
opportunities. Finally, consistent with expectations
we nd that the change in the U.S. repatriation tax
rates were positively associated with the change
in permanently reinvested earnings in the year
following the tax holiday, suggesting that rms
immediately reverted to deferring the repatriation
of their foreign earnings following the holiday.
Contrary to expectations, we nd no signi cant
association between the change in permanently
reinvested foreign earnings and the change in cash
holdings in the period following the tax holiday.
This study makes several contributions to
existing literature. First, it documents the exis-
tence of a lock-out effect for U.S. multinational
rms. Second, it provides empirical support for
De Waegenaere and Sansing’s (2008) theoretical
model that predicts which rms will accumulate
foreign earnings in offshore cash before and after
the tax holiday due to the lock-out effect. Third,
it documents a positive relationship between the
magnitude of the lock-out effect and the tax cost
associated with repatriation.
Once the foreign subsidiary’s Subpart F income has
been subject to U.S. tax, the income may be repatriated
to the U.S. parent without triggering any additional
U.S. tax.
Note that this applies only to operating earnings gener-
ated after the optimal investment level, K*, has been
reached. Prior to that time all operating earnings are
reinvested in additional foreign operating assets.
Although the 4 percent discount rate in the example is
always greater than the after-U.S.-tax risk-free rate of
3.25 percent, the repatriation decision depends on the
after-foreign-tax risk-free rate, which, depending on the
foreign tax rate, can be higher than the discount rate.
Deleting rms with no permanently reinvested earn-
ings reduced our sample size to 307 rms, deleting
rms reporting repatriations exceeding permanently
reinvested earnings reduced the sample to 222 rms.
All variables except Repatriations are measured in the
year prior to the tax holiday. Repatriations are taken
from the year of the tax holiday.
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