OntoNotes Release 5.0
with OntoNotes DB Tool v0.999 beta
Ralph Weischedel, Sameer Pradhan, Lance Ramshaw, Jeff
Kaufman, Michelle Franchini, Mohammed El-Bachouti
Nianwen Xue
Martha Palmer, Jena D. Hwang, Claire Bonial, Jinho Choi,
Aous Mansouri, Maha Foster and Abdel-aati Hawwary
Mitchell Marcus, Ann Taylor, Craig Greenberg
Eduard Hovy, Robert Belvin, Ann Houston (from
OntoNotes Release 5.0
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Summary Description of the OntoNotes Project ....................................................... 4
1.2 Corpus and GALE Project Plans................................................................................ 5
2 Annotation Layers .................................................................................................... 10
2.1 Treebank ..................................................................................................................... 10
2.2 PropBank .................................................................................................................... 11
2.3 Word Sense Annotation ............................................................................................. 12
Nouns .....................................................................................................................................14
Nominalizations and Eventive Noun Senses .........................................................................15
2.4 Ontology ...................................................................................................................... 19
2.5 Coreference ................................................................................................................. 20
2.6 Entity Names Annotation .......................................................................................... 21
3 English Release Notes .............................................................................................. 23
3.1 English Corpora ......................................................................................................... 23
3.2 English Treebank Notes ............................................................................................. 23
3.3 English PropBank Notes ............................................................................................ 24
3.4 English Treebank/Propbank Merge Notes .............................................................. 24
Treebank Changes .................................................................................................................24
Propbank changes ..................................................................................................................25
3.5 English Word Sense Notes ......................................................................................... 25
3.6 English Coreference Notes ........................................................................................ 25
3.7 English Name Annotation Notes ............................................................................... 26
4 Chinese Release Notes ............................................................................................. 27
4.1 Chinese Corpora ....................................................................................................... 27
4.2 Chinese Treebank Notes ............................................................................................ 27
4.3 Chinese PropBank Notes ........................................................................................... 28
4.4 Chinese Word Sense Notes ........................................................................................ 28
4.5 Chinese Coreference Notes ........................................................................................ 28
4.6 Chinese Name Annotation Notes .............................................................................. 29
5 Arabic Release Notes ............................................................................................... 30
5.1 Arabic Corpora .......................................................................................................... 30
5.2 Arabic Treebank Notes .............................................................................................. 30
5.3 Arabic Word Sense Notes .......................................................................................... 31
5.4 Arabic Coreference Notes ......................................................................................... 31
OntoNotes Release 5.0
5.5 Arabic Name Annotation Notes ................................................................................ 31
6 Database, Views, Supplementary Data, and Data Access Guide ........................... 32
6.1 How the OntoNotes Data is Organized .................................................................... 32
6.2 OntoNotes Annotation Database .............................................................................. 33
6.3 OntoNotes Normal Form (ONF) View ..................................................................... 35
6.4 The Treebank View .................................................................................................... 39
6.5 Proposition Bank View .............................................................................................. 39
6.6 Word Sense View ....................................................................................................... 44
6.7 Coreference View ....................................................................................................... 45
6.8 Entity Names View ..................................................................................................... 47
6.9 Parallel View ............................................................................................................... 47
6.10 Speaker View .............................................................................................................. 48
6.11 Ontology View ............................................................................................................ 48
6.12 Supplementary Data .................................................................................................. 50
PropBank Frame Files.......................................................................................................50
Sense Inventory Files ........................................................................................................50
6.13 Access Script Documentation .................................................................................... 51
7 References ................................................................................................................ 52
OntoNotes Release 5.0
1 Introduction
This document describes the final release (v5.0) of OntoNotes, an annotated corpus
whose development was supported under the GALE program of the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency, Contract No. HR0011-06-C-0022. The annotation is provided
both in separate text files for each annotation layer (Treebank, PropBank, word sense,
etc.) and in the form of an integrated relational database with a Python API to provide
convenient cross-layer access. More detailed documents (referred to at various points
below) that describe the annotation guidelines and document the routines for deriving
various views of the data from the database are included in the documentation directory
of the distribution.
1.1 Summary Description of the OntoNotes Project
Natural language applications like machine translation, question answering, and
summarization currently are forced to depend on impoverished text models like bags of
words or n-grams, while the decisions that they are making ought to be based on the
meanings of those words in context. That lack of semantics causes problems throughout
the applications. Misinterpreting the meaning of an ambiguous word results in failing to
extract data, incorrect alignments for translation, and ambiguous language models.
Incorrect coreference resolution results in missed information (because a connection is
not made) or incorrectly conflated information (due to false connections). Some richer
semantic representation is badly needed.
The OntoNotes project was a collaborative effort between BBN Technologies, Brandeis
University, the University of Colorado, the University of Pennsylvania, and the
University of Southern California's Information Sciences. The goal was to annotate a
large corpus comprising various genres (news, broadcast, talk shows, weblogs, usenet
newsgroups, and conversational telephone speech) in three languages (English, Chinese,
and Arabic) with structural information (syntax and predicate argument structure) and
shallow semantics (word sense linked to an ontology and coreference). OntoNotes builds
on two time-tested resources, following the Penn Treebank for syntax and the Penn
PropBank for predicate-argument structure. Its semantic representation adds coreference
to PropBank, and includes partial word sense disambiguation for some nouns and verbs,
with the word senses connected to an ontology. OntoNotes includes roughly 1.5 million
words of English, 800 K of Chinese, and 300 K of Arabic. More details are provided in
Weischedel et al. (2011)
This resource is being made available to the natural language research community so that
decoders for these phenomena can be trained to generate the same structure in new
documents. Lessons learned over the years have shown that the quality of annotation is
crucial if it is going to be used for training machine learning algorithms. Taking this cue,
we strove to ensure that each layer of annotation in OntoNotes have at least 90% inter-
annotator agreement..
This level of semantic representation goes far beyond the entity and relation types
targeted in the ACE program, since every concept in the text is indexed, not just 100 pre-
specified types. For example, consider this sentence: “The founder of Pakistan's nuclear
program, Abdul Qadeer Khan, has admitted that he transferred nuclear technology to
OntoNotes Release 5.0
Iran, Libya, and North Korea”. In addition to the names, each of the nouns “founder”,
“program”, and “technology” would be assigned a word sense and linked to an
appropriate ontology node. The propositional connection signaled by “founder” between
Khan and the program would also be marked. The verbs “admit” and “transfer” would
have their word sense and argument structures identified and be linked to their equivalent
ontology nodes. One argument of “admit” is “he”, which would be connected by
coreference to Khan, and the other is the entire transfer clause. The verb “transfer”, in
turn, has “he/Khan” as the agent, the technology as the item transferred, and the three
nations Iran, Libya, and North Korea as the destination of the transfer. A graphical view
of the representation is shown below:
Significant breakthroughs that change large sections of the field occur from time to time
in Human Language Technology. The Penn Treebank in the late 1980s transformed
parsing, and the statistical paradigm similarly transformed MT and other applications in
the early 1990s. We believe that OntoNotes has the potential for being a breakthrough of
this magnitude, since it is the first semantic resource of this substantial size ever
produced. As demonstrated with the Treebank and WordNet, a publicly available
resource can unleash an enormous amount of work internationally on algorithms and on
the automated creation of semantic resources in numerous other domains and genres. We
hope that this new level of semantic modeling will empower semantics-enabled
applications to break the current accuracy barriers in transcription, translation, and
question answering, fundamentally changing the nature of human language processing
1.2 Corpus and GALE Project Plans
The goal for OntoNotes was to achieve substantial coverage in various genres and in all
three GALE languages. The current 5.0 release covers newswire, broadcast news,
broadcast conversation, and web data in English and Chinese, a pivot corpus in English,
and newswire data in Arabic
For simplicity, the numbers in this table are rounded to the nearest 50k
OntoNotes Release 5.0
English Chinese Arabic
Newswire 625 K 250 K 300 K
Broadcast News 200 K 250 K
Broadcast Conversation 200 K 150 K
Web text 300 K 150 K
Telephone conversation 120 K 100 K
Pivot Corpus (NT, OT) 300 K -
The English newswire portion includes 300K of English Wall St. Journal newswire and
325K of the English side of the English-Chinese Parallel Treebank (ECTB)
There is 200K of English broadcast news data (a part of the TDT-4 collection), and 200K
of English broadcast conversation data, half of which is Chinese parallel data, with 50K
being English translated from Chinese and 50K Chinese translated from English. There
is 200K English web data, 55K of which is translated from Arabic and 75K translated
from Chinese. There is 145K English P2.5 data, of which 80K is translated from Chinese
and the rest is translated from Arabic. There is approximately 35K P2.5 data for each of
Newswire, Broadcast News, Broadcast Conversation, and Web. There is also 85K of
English web data consisting of single sentences selected to improve sense coverage.
Ontonotes v. 5.0 also included two new English subcorpora: i) A pivot corpus comprising
250K English translation of the New Testament annotated with parse, proposition, name
and coreference; and about 100K parses for a portion of the Old Testament; and ii) A
telephone conversation corpus (CallHome) comprising about 100K words and annotated
with parse, propositions and coreference.
For Chinese, the newswire portion includes 254K of the Chinese side of the English-
Chinese Parallel Treebank (ECTB), broadcast news includes 269K of TDT-4 Chinese
data, and broadcast conversation includes 169K of data from the LDC’s GALE
collection. There is also 110K Web data, 40K P2.5 data, and 55K Dev09. Along with
the ECTB data and the P2.5 data, 105K of the broadcast conversation data is also parallel,
with 50K of the originally-Chinese data having been translated into English and another
55K of the Chinese data have been translated from originally-English data. Further, the
110K of Web data consists of 40K parallel Chinese origin data and 70K parallel English
origin data. OntoNotes 5.0 also includes a 100K corpus of telephone conversations
(CallHome) annotated with parse, proposition and coreference.
For Arabic, the current release includes 300K of Arabic An-Nahar newswire, with
Treebank, word sense, proposition, coreference, and named entity annotation layers. The
word sense layer covers only the first 200K, coreference and named entity annotation the
first 300K, and Treebank and proposition annotation the full 400K. In OntoNotes 5.0,
coverage was extended to verbs with fewer examples in the OntoNotes corpus, and
framesets were also created for some verbs that have no instances in the OntoNotes
In the actual distribution we have split the ECTB into the newswire genre
which includes Xinhua
and the magazine genre
for the Sinorama magazine.
OntoNotes Release 5.0
Annotation priorities during the final two years of OntoNotes focused particularly on
extending PropBank coverage in all three languages and word sense coverage particularly
for verbs in English, as well as on providing parallel Treebank and PropBank data for
training Machine Translation and Distillation models.
The following tables show the verb proposition coverage and the word sense coverage for
nouns and verbs and in all three languages. A couple things to note:
i) In Chinese, words with part of speech other than noun or verb in the Treebank
have also been sense tagged since they behave like verbs or nouns in the data.
We have not counted those in this table.
ii) In computing word sense coverage we include monosemous words. To determine
whether a word is monosemous, we check the number of senses in the OntoNotes
inventory files. If the word does not have a sense inventory file, then, for English
we use the sense information from WordNet 3.0. (A word that is monosemous in
WordNet 3.0 is quite likely to be so in OntoNotes as well, since OntoNotes word
senses are generally derived by merging WordNet senses instead of splitting
them.) Note that the cells where no noun annotation was performed have been
left blank, although for consistency’s sake, they could have been filled in based
on the number of monosemous nouns at the initial stage of annotation.
OntoNotes Release 5.0
Table 1: Sense Inventory and Frame counts
English Chinese Arabic
Verb Noun All Verb Noun
Frames 5672 1335 20134 2743 532
Sense Inventories 2702 2194 763 150 111
Table 2: Sense and Proposition coverage
Proposition Sense
(verb) (verb) (noun)
Newswire 93.17% 49.39% 38.60%
(WSJ) 96430 51116 71983
103501 103501 186505
Newswire 93.30% 86.20% 69.60%
(English Chinese
Treebank) 33611 31053 47706
36007 36007 68541
Broadcast News 94.50% 93.80% 70.00%
28277 28046 27647
29911 29911 39511
Broadcast Conversation 98.40% 89.60% 55.20%
30718 27964 16872
31205 31205 30559
Weblogs 76.50% 72.80% 18.30%
19587 18638 6592
25597 25597 36097
Weblogs 10.70% 47.80% 18.00%
(Selected documents) 2093 9354 3030
19550 19550 16873
Telephone Conversation 98.00% 1.80% 16.00%
21251 383 1751
21686 21686 10961
Pivot Corpus 99.10% 4.10% 13.80%
(New Testament and 40505 1675 4226
Old Testament) 40876 40876 30710
P2.5 89.20% 81.30% 17.80%
(Evaluation data) 14856 13552 4687
16663 16663 26330
TOTAL 88% 56% 41%
287328 181781 184494
324996 324996 446087
Proposition Sense
OntoNotes Release 5.0
(verb) (verb) (noun)
Newswire 90.00% 70.90% 20.40%
(English Chinese
Treebank) 40051 31533 14822
44478 44478 72591
Broadcast News 87.80% 75.20% 15.70%
44865 38449 11691
51123 51123 74347
Broadcast Conversation 83.30% 66.30% 12.80%
25805 20544 3539
30976 30976 27699
Weblogs 73.70% 28.20% 9.60%
15426 5911 2227
20927 20927 23130
Telephone Conversation 78.60% 18.10% 9.80%
16148 3714 888
20539 20539 9060
P2.5 63.20% 33.40% 9.10%
(Evaluation data) 6101 3226 1172
9659 9659 12882
TOTAL 76% 56% 15%
148396 107901 36150
194405 194405 240533
Proposition Sense
(verb) (verb) (noun)
Newswire 87.80% 54.80% 16.80%
32271 20142 21620
36743 36743 128392
OntoNotes Release 5.0
2 Annotation Layers
2.1 Treebank
The first level of OntoNotes analysis captures the syntactic structure of the text,
following the approach taken in the Penn Treebank.
The Penn Treebank project, which began in 1989, has produced over three million words
of skeletally parsed text from various genres. Among many other uses, the one million
word corpus of English Wall Street Journal text included in Treebank-2 has fueled
widespread and productive research efforts to improve the performance of statistical
parsing engines. Treebanking efforts following the same general approach have also more
recently been applied to other languages, including Chinese and Arabic.
While statistical parsers have often been evaluated on a reduced version of the Penn
Treebank's structure, the OntoNotes goal of capturing literal semantics provides exactly
the kind of context for which the full version of Treebank was initially designed. The
function tags and trace information that are part of a full Treebank analysis provide
crucial links to the proposition and coreference annotation in the OntoNotes analysis.
The English Treebank (http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~treebank/) is being developed at the
University of Pennsylvania under the supervision of Prof. Mitchell Marcus. Within the
OntoNotes project, the University of Pennsylvania does Treebank annotation for the new
genres of English text, while also contributing towards improving statistical parsing
In the months leading up to this OntoNotes 5.0 release, work has been underway to make
the different English Treebank corpora that are available from OntoNotes and from the
LDC more consistent. As part of that effort, the LDC has revised their trees for the
English side of the English Chinese Treebank (ECTB), which OntoNotes (gratefully)
uses as the foundation for our later layers of annotation for those corpora. The changes
included ones related to the “Treebank/PropBank merge”, a set of modifications that
were made a while back in both the Treebank and PropBank guidelines to make the two
levels of annotation more consistent, as well as consistency changes recommended by the
GALE program’s Banks Advisory Committee.
The Chinese Treebank (http://verbs.colorado.edu/chinese/ctb.html) is being developed
under the supervision of Prof. Martha Palmer at the University of Colorado and Nianwen
Xue at Brandeis University, who also provide the Chinese Treebank annotation for
The Arabic Treebank is being developed by the Linguistic Data Consortium
(http://www.ldc.upenn.edu/). While additional Arabic Treebanking is not part of
OntoNotes, our OntoNotes annotation layers for Arabic depend on the parses supplied by
the Linguistic Data Consortium at LDC (http://ldc.upenn.edu) under the supervision of
Mohamed Maamouri.
OntoNotes Release 5.0
2.2 PropBank
The propositional level of analysis is layered on top of the parse trees and identifies
predicate constituents and their arguments in OntoNotes. This level of analysis is
supplied by PropBank which is described below:
Robust syntactic parsers, made possible by new statistical techniques (Ratnaparkhi, 1997;
Collins, 1998; Collins, 2000; Bangalore and Joshi, 1999; Charniak, 2000) and by the
availability of large, hand-annotated training corpora (Marcus, Santorini, and
Marcinkiewicz, 1993; Abeille, 2003), have had a major impact on the field of natural
language processing in recent years. However, the syntactic analyses produced by these
parsers are a long way from representing the full meaning of the sentence. As a simple
example, consider the sentences:
John broke the window.
The window broke.
A syntactic analysis will represent the window as the verb's direct object in the first
sentence and its subject in the second, but does not indicate that it plays the same
underlying semantic role in both cases. Note that both sentences are in the active voice,
and that this alternation between transitive and intransitive uses of the verb does not
always occur, for example, in the sentences:
The sergeant played taps.
The sergeant played.
The subject has the same semantic role in both uses. The same verb can also undergo
syntactic alternation, as in:
Taps played quietly in the background.
and even in transitive uses, the role of the verb's direct object can differ:
The sergeant played taps.
The sergeant played a beat-up old bugle.
Alternation in the syntactic realization of semantic arguments is widespread, affecting
most English verbs in some way, and the patterns exhibited by specific verbs vary widely
(Levin, 1993). The syntactic annotation of the Penn Treebank makes it possible to
identify the subjects and objects of verbs in sentences such as the above examples. While
the Treebank provides semantic function tags such as temporal and locative for certain
constituents (generally syntactic adjuncts), it does not distinguish the different roles
played by a verb's grammatical subject or object in the above examples. Because the
same verb used with the same syntactic subcategorization can assign different semantic
roles, roles cannot be deterministically added to the Treebank by an automatic conversion
process with 100% accuracy. Our semantic role annotation process begins with a rule-
based automatic tagger, the output of which is then hand-corrected (see Section 4 for
The Proposition Bank aims to provide a broad-coverage hand annotated corpus of such
phenomena, enabling the development of better domain-independent language
understanding systems, and the quantitative study of how and why these syntactic
OntoNotes Release 5.0
alternations take place. We define a set of underlying semantic roles for each verb, and
annotate each occurrence in the text of the original Penn Treebank. Each verb's roles are
numbered, as in the following occurrences of the verb offer from our data:
the company] to ... offer [
a 15% to 20% stake] [
to the public]. (wsj
... [
Sotheby's] ... offered [
the Dorrance heirs] [
a money-back
guarantee] (wsj 1928)
... [
an amendment] offered [
by Rep. Peter DeFazio] ... (wsj 0107)
... [
Subcontractors] will be offered [
a settlement] ... (wsj 0187)
We believe that providing this level of semantic representation is important for
applications including information extraction, question answering, and machine
translation. Over the past decade, most work in the field of information extraction has
shifted from complex rule-based systems designed to handle a wide variety of semantic
phenomena including quantification, anaphora, aspect and modality (e.g. Alshawi, 1992),
to more robust finite-state or statistical systems (Hobbs et al., 1997; Miller et al., 2000).
These newer systems rely on a shallower level of semantic representation, similar to the
level we adopt for the Proposition Bank, but have also tended to be very domain specific.
The systems are trained and evaluated on corpora annotated for semantic relations
pertaining to, for example, corporate acquisitions or terrorist events. The Proposition
Bank (PropBank) takes a similar approach in that we annotate predicates' semantic roles,
while steering clear of the issues involved in quantification and discourse-level structure.
By annotating semantic roles for every verb in our corpus, we provide a more domain-
independent resource, which we hope will lead to more robust and broad-coverage
natural language understanding systems.
The Proposition Bank focuses on the argument structure of verbs, and provides a
complete corpus annotated with semantic roles, including roles traditionally viewed as
arguments and as adjuncts. The Proposition Bank allows us for the first time to determine
the frequency of syntactic variations in practice, the problems they pose for natural
language understanding, and the strategies to which they may be susceptible.
The English PropBank (http://verbs.colorado.edu/~mpalmer/projects/ace.html) has been
developed at the University of Colorado under the supervision of Prof. Martha Palmer.
The Chinese PropBank (http://verbs.colorado.edu/chinese/cpb) has been developed under
the supervision of Prof. Nianwen Xue at Brandeis University and Prof. Martha Palmer at
the University of Colorado. Arabic PropBank annotation has also been done under the
supervision of Prof. Martha Palmer..
2.3 Word Sense Annotation
Word sense ambiguity is a continuing major obstacle to accurate information extraction,
summarization and machine translation. While WordNet has been an important resource
in this area, the subtle fine-grained sense distinctions in it have not lent themselves to
high agreement between human annotators or high automatic tagging performance.
Building on results in grouping fine-grained WordNet senses into more coarse-grained
OntoNotes Release 5.0
senses that led to improved inter-annotator agreement (ITA) and system performance
(Palmer et al., 2004; Palmer et al., 2006), we have developed a process for rapid sense
inventory creation and annotation that also provides critical links between the grouped
word senses and the Omega ontology (Philpot et al., 2005).
This process is based on recognizing that sense distinctions can be represented by
linguists in a hierarchical structure, similar to a decision tree, that is rooted in very
coarse-grained distinctions which become increasingly fine-grained until reaching
WordNet (or similar) senses at the leaves. Sets of senses under specific nodes of the tree
are grouped together into single entries, along with the syntactic and semantic criteria for
their groupings, to be presented to the annotators.
As shown in the following figure, a 50-sentence sample of instances is annotated and
immediately checked for inter-annotator agreement. ITA scores below 90% lead to a
revision and clarification of the groupings by the linguist. It is only after the groupings
have passed the ITA hurdle that each individual group is combined with others with the
same meaning and specified as a conceptual node in the ontology. In addition to higher
accuracy, we find at least a three-fold increase in annotator productivity.
The word sense annotations for verbs was carried out at the University of Colorado,
under the supervision of Prof. Martha Palmer, and the same for nouns was carried out at
Information Sciences Institute, under the supervision of Prof. Eduard Hovy.
2.3.1 Verbs
Subcategorization frames and semantic classes of arguments play major roles in
determining the groupings for verbs, as illustrated by the grouping for the 22 WN 2.1
senses for drive in Table 1. In addition to improved annotator productivity and accuracy,
we predict a corresponding improvement in system performance. Training on this new
OntoNotes Release 5.0
data, Chen et al (2006) report 86.7% accuracy for verbs using a smoothed maximum
entropy model and rich linguistic features. They also report state-of-the-art performance
on fine-grained senses, but the results are more than 16% lower.
GI: operating or traveling via a
(Agent) drive NP, NP drive PP
WN1: “Can you drive a truck?”
WN2: “drive to school”
WN3: “drive her to school
WN12: “this truck drives well”
WN13: “he drives a taxi”
WN14: “the car drove around the corner”
WN:16: “drive the turnpike to work”
G2: force to a position or stance
NP drive NP/PP/infinitival
WN4: “he drives me mad”
WN5: “She is driven by her passion”
WN6: “drive back the invaders”
WN7: “she finally drove him to change
WN15: “drive the herd”
WN22: “drive the game”
G3: to exert energy on behalf of
NP drive NP/infinitival
WN11: “What are you driving at?”
WN10: “he is driving away at his thesis”
G4: cause object to move rapidly by
striking it
NP drive NP
WN9: “drive the ball into the outfield”
WN17 “drive a golf ball”
WN18 “drive a ball”
G5: excavate horizontally, as in
WN8: “Drive a nail into the wall”
WN19: “drive a tunnel through the
G6: cause to function or operate
WN20: “steam drives the engine”
G7: search for a game, hunting WN21: “drive the forest”
2.3.2 Nouns
We follow a similar procedure for the annotation of nouns. The same individual who
groups WordNet verb senses also creates noun senses, starting with WordNet and other
Certain nouns carry predicate structure; these include nominalizations (whose structure
obviously is derived from their verbal form) and various types of relational nouns (like
father, President, and believer, that express relations between entities, often stated using
of). We have identified a limited set of these whose structural relations can be semi-
automatically annotated with high accuracy.
OntoNotes Release 5.0
2.3.3 Nominalizations and Eventive Noun Senses
In this section we present the definitions and possible uses of noun senses with the
special designations nominalization and eventive. We have created lists of noun senses
which are either nominalizations or eventives (or both), which are included in the
OntoNotes word sense database. Noun senses on these lists largely correspond to noun
senses in the sense definition files that include a nominalization or eventive feature,
however, the lists are more restrictive and adhere to the criteria and definitions given
below more rigorously.
Nominalizations have been identified so that the argument structures that they license can
be correctly associated with elements of a nominal clause in which the nominalization
appears. For example, in the sentence:
Achilles’ killing of Hector foreshadows the fall of Troy.
the nominal clause based on killing is Achilles’ killing of Hector. The NP Achilles is
associated with arg0 and the NP Hector is associated with arg1. Although the
nominalization senses have been identified, in the current release the arguments have not
yet been associated with the appropriate syntactic constituents; this will be done in a
future version of OntoNotes.
The rationale for identifying some noun senses as eventives is somewhat different than it
is for nominalizations. Eventive nouns often are also nominalizations, but not always. If
a noun sense is eventive, it has a strong implication of a change of state in the situation it
refers to, as well as a distinct and bounded time-frame. For example, in the sentence:
We’ve just had a major fire.
the word fire is eventive, although there may be other non-eventive senses that appear in
other contexts. The implication of the eventive sense of fire is that there was a prior
state, an event onset, a state change, and a resulting state. Other modifiers may bring
some aspect of the whole event process into focus, or remove some aspect from focus,
but the basic aktionsart of the relevant word sense of fire is a temporally bounded event
that results in a state change. By giving some noun senses this special designation, a
given application (e.g. distillation) may be able to benefit, for example by employing
temporal and causal reasoning. If it is known that there has been a fire event, subsequent
references in the same text to $50 million in property damage may be determined to be,
or be closely related to, the result state of the fire event.
The definitions and criteria for both nominalizations and eventive noun senses are given
in more detail and with more examples in the following subsections.
Nominalization Senses of Nouns
Although it is traditional to speak of words (specifically nouns) as nominalizations, given
the goals of the project, we find it more precise and useful to speak of particular senses of
nouns as being nominalization senses. For example, it is imprecise to speak of the word
building as a nominalization since only one sense of the word building is a
nominalization sense. While the sense of the word invoked in the following sentence:
The building was made mostly of concrete and glass.
is not a nominalization sense, the sense invoked in:
OntoNotes Release 5.0
The building of the Golden Gate Bridge was overseen by Joseph Strauss.
is a nominalization sense. The criteria we apply for identifying a sense of a noun as a
nominalization sense are as follows:
(1) The noun must relate transparently to a verb, and typically displays one of a
set of nominalizing morphemes such as –ment (govern/government) and –ion
(contribute/contribution) (see list below for others), though there are also many
zero-derived nouns, such as kill, the noun, derived from kill the verb.
(2) The noun must be able to be used in a clausal noun phrase, with its core verbal
arguments related by semantically empty or very “light” licensers, such as
genitive markers (as in “The Roman's destruction of the city...”) or with the verb's
usual particle or prepositional satellites (as in “John's longing for fame and
The majority of the morphemes referred to in (1) above (mostly segmental suffixes) are
as follows:
V -> N
(govern vs. government)
V -> N
(trade vs. trading)
V -> N
(contribute vs. contribution)
V -> N
(e.g. pack vs. package)
V -> N
(complain vs. complaint)
V -> N
(fail vs. failure)
-ence, ance
V -> N
(perform vs. performance)
(propose vs. proposal)
V -> N
(recover vs. recovery)
stop [s]
V -> N
(succeed vs. success)
-ity, ty V -> N
(prosper vs. prosperity)
+voice = V,
-voice = N
(relieve vs. relief)
stress-shift word-final=V,
(rebél vs. rébel )
Discussion and Examples As noted in (1), in the case of zero-derived noun-verb pairs in
which the noun has a nominalization sense (as in “the platoon's capture of the enemy
scout”) this noun must be related to a verb. What is more, the relation should be
sufficiently transparent to enable speakers to access knowledge about the argument
structure of the related verb. For example, although the noun device is related to the verb
devise, it is difficult for native speakers to use the noun device naturally with the
arguments associated with the verb. Thus, the following sentence sounds odd:
OntoNotes Release 5.0
??Joe's device of the plan worried Mary.
One needs the form devising in order to obtain a natural-sounding construction, as in:
Joe's devising of the plan worried Mary.
Therefore, we exclude this sense of device from our list of nominalizations, but would
include the relevant sense of the noun devising.
For the most part, the words we have identified as nominalizations conform with the
traditional (linguistic) understanding of what a nominalization is. However, the
following qualifications should be stated explicitly:
(i) Although we recognize that nominalizations may be based on verbs as well as
other parts of speech (such as adjectives, as in divinity), we have included only
nominalizations based on verbs.
(ii) We have omitted all nouns related to verbs with the agentive -er/-or marker
(e.g. baker and hunter), as well as the majority of those with agentive/actor -ist or
-ant/-ent (e.g. antagonist and assistant). The vast majority of words with these
suffixes that we have identified have been kept in a separate list. The rationale
behind this lies in the intended use of the nominalization sense status, which is to
facilitate association of semantic arguments in nominal clauses with the syntactic
elements within those nominal clauses. Since these agentive “nominalization”
senses do not usually serve as a noun clause head, there will be no argument
linking to facilitate.
Lastly, we note that the set of nominalization senses is fuzzy. Numerous cases of
nominalization senses are not clearly good or bad, as in “the army's equipment of the
troops” or “the recession of the river to its normal level”. These sound more natural as
“the army's equipping of the troops”, and “the receding of the river to its normal level”
but are certainly NOT on a par with (i.e. are not as bad as) the use of device in the
sentence discussed earlier, “John's device of the plan worried Mary”.
Eventive Senses of Nouns
Just as is the case for nominalizations, our view is that it is not strictly accurate to speak
of eventive nouns, but rather to speak of eventive noun senses. For example, the sense of
party accessed in a sentence like:
John had a wild party last Friday
is eventive, but the sense accessed in a sentence like
John is a member of the Republican party
is not. Also just as for nominalization senses, the set of eventive noun senses is fuzzy.
We give the following definitional criteria (1-2) and a diagnostic test (3) for determining
if a given noun sense is eventive.
(1) Activity causing a change of state
OntoNotes Release 5.0
A noun sense is eventive when it refers to a single unbroken activity or process,
occurring during a specific (though perhaps unknown) time period, that effects a
change in the world of the discourse.
(2) Reference to Activity proper
The noun must refer to the actual activity or process, not merely to the result of
the activity process.
(3) The noun patterns with eventive predicates in the 'have' test
A lexico-syntactic diagnostic test can be applied to many nouns to determine if
they are eventive, as described by the following heuristic (Belvin, 1993):
(i) Create as natural sounding a sentence as possible using the construction X had
<NP>, where <NP> is a noun phrase headed by the noun in question; for example
if our noun is “party”, we start with the sentence template “X had a party”. Then:
(ii) Check if the sentence can be used in a present progressive construction, such
John is having a party.
If this sounds felicitous, it adds evidence to the noun being eventive. If it sounds
odd, it adds evidence that the noun is stative.
(iii) Check if the sentence can be used in a pseudo cleft construction, such as:
What John did was have a party.
If this sounds felicitous, it adds evidence to the noun being eventive. If it sounds
odd, it adds evidence that the noun is stative.
(iv) Check if the sentence suggests iterative/habitual action using the simple
present tense, such as:
?John has a party.
If so (as in this case, e.g., “John has a party every Friday”), it adds evidence that
the noun is eventive. If the sentence suggests that the situation is taking place at
the very moment that it is uttered, it adds evidence that the noun is stative (as for
example in “John has a cold”).
Discussion and Examples Notice that one of the criteria for being an eventive noun
sense is that the noun does NOT have to be transparently related to a verb, and it does
NOT have to license arguments in a clausal NP structure. Eventive noun senses
frequently do show these characteristics, but it is not a requirement; this often
distinguishes this noun sense type from nominalizations, for which these two criteria are
required. However, there is a very significant intersection of eventive senses and
nominalization senses.
Returning to the definitional criteria of eventive noun senses above, we briefly consider
the characteristics of the “change within the world of discourse”. The noun sense in
question is less eventive to the extent that this change is not singular, homogeneous, or
occurring over a short period, but instead is a collection of changes of different kinds, and
possibly over a longer period of time. Where exactly an event ceases to be a change and
OntoNotes Release 5.0
becomes a gradually changing state is a matter of choice, depending on the timescale of
the perspective being taken in the discourse. Thus “war” may be (weakly) eventive in the
phrase “WW II” , if it is seen as a point 'event' within the span of a century of more,
whereas it is very unlikely to be so in “the 100-years' War” over the same time span.
Similarly, the weathering of the Sphinx over centuries is not a canonical event, even
though it is a rather homogeneous and continuous process.
Additional evidence for a noun sense being eventive is: (i) the existence of a
corresponding verb form; (ii) the noun sense occurring with similar patterns of
complements (their hope for peace, they hoped for peace); and (iii) the presence in the
noun of a recognized nominalization suffix. However, as noted earlier not all
nominalization senses are eventive (e.g. an understanding of the issues...) and not all
eventive nouns are nominalizations (e.g. party).
To further clarify the intended meaning of the term eventive nouns senses, we here
provide some examples of eventive and stative nouns illustrating aspects of the
“cake” in “he baked a cake” is clearly not eventive, being the result of some
“auction” in “there was an auction last night” is eventive, despite consisting of
several smaller events—the whole thing is contiguous and does effect a change, in
the world, namely the change(s) of ownership
“trouble” in “don't go to a lot of trouble with John's dinner tonight”, and “I had
some trouble with my car today” is eventive
“attitude” in “he assumed a convincing attitude of a despotic king in the school
play” is not eventive since the attitude is the result of the assumption of a stance
and is therefore a state
“record” in “his record is impressive” is not eventive since it is merely the record
of the change
seasonal or weather nouns such as “spring”, “winter”, “freeze”, “drought” can be
eventive depending on the time scale involved relative to the current (typical,
default) perspective scale. Thus in “the freeze of Dec 15, 1903 was the worst of
a decade” is eventive, being one night in ten years and with a clear change of state
2.4 Ontology
During the first three years of the GALE OntoNotes effort, we worked to link our word
sense annotation to the Omega ontology (in particular, Omega 5). Each Ontology node
represents a conceptualization. Word senses in OntoNotes are pooled into groups with
(near-) identical meanings (similar to synsets in WorldNet), and these pools, treated as
concepts, become ontology nodes in Omega. Each pool will be linked into Omega,
allowing its parent and sibling nodes to provide semantic generalizations of the concept
conveyed by the word(s) whose senses are contained in the pool. Ultimately, the pools
also furnish a place to store additional information such as features, axioms to help in
OntoNotes Release 5.0
interpreting the entities and relations conveyed, domain tags, and part-of and other
Omega 5 consists of two parts: an Upper Model of approximately 200 nodes and the
ontology body. Upper Model nodes are hand-build to represent high-level important
generalizations that help organize the remaining nodes. The Upper Model is currently
organized into two primary branches: Objects and Eventualities. (In later versions,
Omega will also contain a branch for Qualities/Properties). The Object nodes
taxonomize all objects/entities (typically, pools of noun senses) into approximately 35
classes, and the Eventuality nodes define approximately 20 classes for processes/events
(typically, pools of verb senses). Upper Model nodes introduce definitional features—
atomic terms like +concrete, -concrete, +animate, etc.—that specify aspects of the
concepts they govern.
Regarding the ontology body, nodes are formed out of OntoNotes senses as follows.
Each sense of a word in the OntoNotes corpus is combined (pooled) with senses of other
OntoNotes words that carry the same meaning and is verified independently by two or
more ‘sense poolers’. An automated verification process is described in (Yu et al. 2007).
Also associated with each pool can be one or more additional features—atomic terms like
the features of the Upper Model—that specify some aspects of the concept, and help
differentiate it from its nearly similar pools. At time of writing, over 4000 features have
been defined, but are not yet finalized or complete.
We created and connected to the Upper Model approximately 2000 pools representing
5000 English noun and verb senses. In almost all cases, pools are connected directly to
Upper Model leaf nodes; popular leaf nodes like Artifact govern several hundred pools,
while many leaf nodes govern only one or two. This process was performed by between 4
and 7 poolers, operating independently. Only pooling or merging decisions exceeding a
cutoff level of agreement have been included.
The Omega (http://omega.isi.edu/) ontology (Philpot et al., 2005) is being developed at
the Information Sciences Institute under the supervision of Prof. Eduard Hovy.
2.5 Coreference
The coreference annotation project was carried out at BBN Technologies under the
supervision of Ralph Weischedel and Lance Ramshaw
The goal of OntoNotes coreference annotation and modeling is to fill in the coreference
portion of the shallow semantic understanding of the text that OntoNotes is targeting. For
example, in “She had a good suggestion and it was unanimously accepted”, we mark a
case of IDENT coreference (identical reference) between “a good suggestion” and “it”,
which then allows correct interpretation of the subject argument of the “accepted”
Names, nominal mentions, and pronouns can be marked as coreferent. Verbs that are
coreferenced with a noun phrase can also be marked as IDENT; for example “grew” and
“the strong growth” would be linked in the following case: “Sales of passenger cars grew
22%. The strong growth followed year-to-year increases.” In addition, in 'pro-drop'
languages like Chinese and Arabic, coreference annotation can be applied to a “*pro*” or
OntoNotes Release 5.0
“*” element taken from the Treebank parse which serves as a placeholder for the missing
In order to keep the annotation feasible at high agreement levels, only intra-document
anaphoric coreference is being marked. Furthermore, while annotation is not limited to
any fixed list of target entity types, noun phrases that are generic, underspecified, or
abstract are not annotated.
Attributive NPs are not annotated as coreference because the meaning in such cases can
be more appropriately taken from other elements in the text. For example, in “New York
is a large city”, the connection between New York and the attributive NP “a large city”
comes from the meaning of the copula “is”. Similarly, in “Mary calls New York heaven”,
the connection comes from the meaning of the verb “call”. Thus these cases are not
marked as IDENT coreference.
Appositive constructions are marked with special labels. For example, in “Washington,
the capital city, is on the East coast”, we annotate an appositive link between Washington
(marked as HEAD) and “the capital city” (marked as ATTRIBUTE). The intended
semantic connection can then be filled in by supplying the implicit copula.
While annotating the broadcast conversation data, we realized that the length of these
documents, typically recordings of entire shows covering various topics, was prohibitive
for full-document coreference annotation. We therefore chose to break the documents
into multiple parts, breaking along story boundaries as much as possible, and to annotate
coreference within those parts independently. The different parts of each document thus
currently behave as independent documents, and the coreference chains do not carry any
information across parts. This required some changes to the document format, as
described in a later section. In the future, we hope to be able to fill in the coreference
links that cross part boundaries, so as to create fully-coherent document-level annotation.
2.6 Entity Names Annotation
Names (often referred to as “Named Entities”) are annotated according to the following
set of types:
PERSON People, including fictional
NORP Nationalities or religious or political groups
FACILITY Buildings, airports, highways, bridges, etc.
Companies, agencies, institutions, etc.
GPE Countries, cities, states
LOCATION Non-GPE locations, mountain ranges, bodies of water
PRODUCT Vehicles, weapons, foods, etc. (Not services)
EVENT Named hurricanes, battles, wars, sports events, etc.
WORK OF ART Titles of books, songs, etc.
LAW Named documents made into laws
OntoNotes Release 5.0
LANGUAGE Any named language
The following values are also annotated in a style similar to names:
DATE Absolute or relative dates or periods
TIME Times smaller than a day
PERCENT Percentage (including “%”)
MONEY Monetary values, including unit
Measurements, as of weight or distance
ORDINAL “first”, “second”
Numerals that do not fall under another type
OntoNotes Release 5.0
3 English Release Notes
3.1 English Corpora
The English OntoNotes corpus includes 300K of newswire 200K of broadcast news,
200K of broadcast conversation, and 145K of P2.5 data and 200K of Web data.
The newswire corpus is a 300K portion of the Penn Treebank 2 Wall Street Journal
corpus. Documents were selected so as to try to avoid stories that were strictly financial
such as daily market reports. Parse and proposition data is also included for 546k of
additional Wall St. Journal data from the Penn Treebank 2.
The broadcast news data is a 200K portion selected from the TDT4 corpus, using
documents that had previously been annotated by the LDC as part of the ACE (Automatic
Content Extraction) program.
The broadcast conversation data is 200K of LDC data, transcriptions of talk shows that
include speaker and turn information as metadata. 100K of this data is parallel data,
including 50K of English translated from Chinese and 50K of English translated into
Chinese. For some of the parallel data (the Broadcast Conversation genre), tree-to-tree
mapping information between the two versions is also provided. For other parallel data
(the ECTB data), we only have document level parallelism.
The English web data is about 200K English out of which 55K of which is translated
from Arabic and 75K translated from Chinese. There is 145K English P2.5 data, of
which 80K is translated from Chinese and the rest is translated from Arabic. There is
approximately 35K P2.5 data for each of Newswire, Broadcast News, Broadcast
Conversation, and Web. There is also 85K of English web data consisting of single
sentences selected to improve sense coverage
The telephone conversation corpus comprises about 100K of English CallHome data
annotated with parse, proposition, name and coreference information
The pivot corpus comprises English translations of the 250K New Testament (NT) and a
100K portion of the Old Testament (OT). The NT is tagged with parse, proposition and
coreference information whereas the OT is only treebanked.
3.2 English Treebank Notes
The annotation of syntactic structure trees in our English newswire data is taken with few
changes straight from Penn Treebank 2. The syntactic structure for the broadcast news
data was annotated from scratch as part of this project. The accompanying documentation
directory includes the following documents that describe the guidelines used in this
english-treebank-postags.ps: Part of Speech tagging guidelines.
english-treebank2-bracketing.ps: Syntactic structure guidelines for Treebank 2.
english-treebank-guidelines-addendum.pdf: Modifications in the syntactic
structure guidelines since Treebank 2.
OntoNotes Release 5.0
english-translation-treebank-guidelines.pdf: This is a supplement to the other
guidelines -- specifically dealing with parallel treebanks, webtext, etc.
A number of revisions in the tree structures that were made to align them more closely
with the PropBank annotation are also described further in Section 3.4 below.
3.3 English PropBank Notes
The PropBank annotation of propositions and arguments in our English newswire corpus
is largely taken from the previously released “PropBank 1”, though some changes were
made to align the propositions more closely with the Treebank annotation. The PropBank
annotation for the broadcast news data was done as part of this project.
In the entire WSJ corpus, 85,348 propositions are annotated, covering almost all verbs
The total number of verb types annotated is 3,101. The YR2 release involves the 200K
English Broadcast News corpus, consisting of 33,800 propositions for 1,626 verb types
which were double-annotated and adjudicated, including the “be” verb instances. Each
annotation includes a link to the relevant frameset entry. For a detailed description of the
PropBank data fields and formats, see Section 6.5 below. The annotation guidelines are
included in the documentation directory: This release adds 1862 lemmas annotated from
the Sinorama magazine, 888 lemmas from the Xinhua newswire and 1453 lemmas from
the Broadcast conversation genre making a total of 59,013 propositions. The total
number of frame files stand at 4072.
For a detailed description of the PropBank data fields and formats, see Section 6.5 below.
english-propbank.pdf: English PropBank annotation guidelines
3.4 English Treebank/Propbank Merge Notes
In the initial Propbank 1.0, annotators often made choices that do not conform with the
Treebank parses. The discrepancies between the two sources obstruct the study of the
syntax and semantic interfaces and pose immediate problems to an automatic semantic
role labeling system. Some changes were necessary in both the Treebank and PropBank
as part of OntoNotes to address this issue. More details about the Treebank/PropBank
discrepancies and their reconciliation can be found in Babko-Malaya et al (2006), which
can also be found in the file “treebank-propbank-merge.pdf” in the documentation
directory of this distribution.
3.4.1 Treebank Changes
The changes that were made on the Treebank side to help enable the Treebank/PropBank
merge included a reorganization of verbal complementation and control that
distinguished subject control from raising, a redrawing of the boundary between verbs
that take small clauses and those that take secondary predicates, and a revised treatment
of parentheticals, among others. A more detailed description of these changes can be
The Non-Financial, originally Non-OntoNotes portion of the WSJ does not have “be” verb propositions
OntoNotes Release 5.0
found in the file “treebank-propbank-merge-treebank-changes.pdf” in the documentation
directory of this distribution.
Note that certain of these Treebank guideline changes turned out to be too costly to
update in the existing Treebank data. In particular, the revised guidelines call for using
NML (“nominal”) constituents as additional substructure within NP premodifiers. While
this has been done in the newly-parsed broadcast news data, that change has not yet been
made in the parse trees for the 300K of newswire data.
3.4.2 Propbank changes
After the changes are made to the Treebank, the Propbank annotation was realigned with
the Treebank. Mostly this involves shifting the Propbank pointers to match the
appropriate constituents in the parse tree. As a result of the Treebank changes with regard
to small clauses, the frame files for certain verbs that typically take small clauses as their
complements were changed as well. There are also stylistic changes with regard to how
the trace chains are represented in the Propbank. In particular, in the previous version of
the propbank, the head of a relative clause is chained together with the relative pronoun
as well as the trace that is co-indexed with the relative pronoun in the Treebank. This
chain as a whole was assigned a semantic role label. In the current release of the revised
propbank, the trace is only chained to the relative pronoun and they are assigned an
argument label. The semantic relation between the relative pronoun and the head of the
relative clause is annotated as a separate link, LINK-SLC (for SeLectional Constraint
link). The second stylistic change is that certain PROs in the Treebank are now annotated
as LINK-PCR, for Pragmatic Coreference Link.
3.5 English Word Sense Notes
There are a total of 264,622 words in the combined NW, BN, BC, WB and Sinorama
corpora tagged with word sense information. These cover 1,338 noun and 2,011 verb
types. A total of 6,147 word senses have been pooled and connected to the Ontology in
about 2,732 pools.
Our internal quality control tests are applied separately to the instances of each word in
each corpora. Thus words can have adjudicated word sense data in some of the corpora
but not in others.
For annotated words, an OntoNotes word sense number is listed in the database for each
instance of the word. The accompanying sense inventory file documents the intended
meaning of each numbered OntoNotes sense.
Some of the English word sense annotation has not been fully double annotated and
adjudicated. Single-annotated word senses can be distinguished in the data on the basis of
an “adjudicated” flag stored in the DB record for each word.
3.6 English Coreference Notes
The guidelines for our English coreference annotation can be found in the file “english-
coref.pdf” in the accompanying documentation directory.
Coreference coverage of the ECTB portion is not yet complete. Because even single
annotation data could be useful, it has been included in the release. There is an
OntoNotes Release 5.0
“adjudicated” flag in the DB record for each file, which can be used to separate out fully
double-annotated and adjudicated files from those for which only single annotation is
available. In addition to that, there is a file called “single-annotated-coref-files.txt” in the
metadata directory which contains a list of all files that has only been singly annotated.
3.7 English Name Annotation Notes
The name annotation of the English data follows the 11 entity name types and 7 value
types described in Section 2.6.
OntoNotes Release 5.0
4 Chinese Release Notes
4.1 Chinese Corpora
The Chinese portion of OntoNotes 5.0 includes 250K words of newswire data, 270K
words of broadcast news, and 170K of broadcast conversation.
The newswire data is taken from the Chinese Treebank 5.0. That 250K includes 100K of
Xinhua news data (chtb_001.fid to chtb_325.fid) and 150K of data from the Sinorama
news magazine (chtb_1001.fid to chtb_1078.fid).
The broadcast news data is 274K words taken from TDT4, and selected from data that
was annotated by the LDC for the Automatic Content Extraction (ACE) program. These
files have been assigned numbers chtb_2000.fid to chtb_3145.fid.
The broadcast conversation data is 170K words, taken from LDC’s GALE data. 50K of
the originally-Chinese data has also be annotated in English, and another 55K of the
Chinese data represents translations into Chinese from originally-English broadcast
The Web data includes 215K tokens of which 15K are from the P2.5 evaluation and 86K
are from the Dev09 data. Futher, the 110K of Web data consists of 40K parallel Chinese
origin data and 70K parallel English origin data.
The telephone conversation corpus comprises about 100K of Chinese CallHome data
annotated with parse, proposition, name and coreference information
4.2 Chinese Treebank Notes
The annotation of syntactic structure trees for our Chinese newswire data was taken from
the Chinese Treebank 5.0 and updated with some corrections. Some of the known
problems, like multiple tree nodes at the top level, were fixed. We also fixed some
inconsistent annotations for object control verbs. The residual Traditional Chinese
characters in the Sinorama portion of the data, the result of incomplete automatic
conversion, have been manually normalized to Simplified Chinese characters.
The syntactic structure annotation for the remaining Chinese corpora was done entirely
under the GALE OntoNotes program.
The accompanying documentation directory includes the following documents that
describe the guidelines used in this annotation. More detailed description about the
Chinese Treebank can also be found in Xue et al (2005).
chinese-treebank-postags.pdf: Part of Speech tagging guidelines for the Chinese
chinese-treebank-segmentation.pdf: Word segmentation guidelines for the
Chinese Treebank
chinese-treebank-parses.pdf: Syntactic structure guidelines for the Chinese
OntoNotes Release 5.0
chinese-treebank-parses-bn-addendum.pdf: Addendum for the broadcast news
portion of the data that has noises from the transcription of the spoken language.
chinese-treebank-parses-bc-addendum.txt: Mentions a couple more tags that have
been added to the Chinese treebank to deal with Broadcast Conversation data.
The content used in CTB 5.0 comes from the following newswire sources:
698 articles
Xinhua (1994-1998)
55 articles Information Services Department of HKSAR (1997)
132 articles
Sinorama magazine, Taiwan (1996-1998 & 2000-2001)
4.3 Chinese PropBank Notes
For the Chinese newswire data, the annotation of the verbs in the Xinhua news portion of
the data is taken from Chinese Proposition Bank 1.0, which has already been released
through the LDC, but the annotation of the predicate-argument structure of the nouns,
which are primarily nominalizations, has not been previously released. The Sinorama
portion of the data, both for verbs and nouns, has not been previously released.
The accompanying documentation directory contains the annotation guidelines for the
Chinese Proposition Bank:
chinese-propbank.pdf: annotation guidelines for the Chinese Proposition Bank
This release also contains the frame files for each verb or noun annotated in this corpus,
which specify the argument structure (semantic roles) for each predicate. The frame files
are effectively lexical guidelines for the propbank annotation. The semantic roles
annotated in this data can only be interpreted with respect to these frame files. Detailed
descriptions of the Chinese Proposition Bank can be found in ”Adding Semantic Roles to
the Chinese Treebank” by Xue and Palmer, (Natural Language Engineering, to appear).
4.4 Chinese Word Sense Notes
For annotated words, an OntoNotes word sense number is listed in the database for each
instance of the word. The accompanying sense inventory file documents the intended
meaning of each numbered OntoNotes sense.
Some of the Chinese word sense annotation has not been fully double annotated and
adjudicated. Single-annotated word senses can be distinguished in the data using the
value to the “adjudicated” flag in the DB record for the word.
4.5 Chinese Coreference Notes
The guidelines for our Chinese coreference annotation can be found in the file “chinese-
coref.pdf” in the accompanying documentation directory.
Adjudicated coreference coverage of the broadcast news portion is not complete. Because
even single annotation data could be useful, it has been included in the release. There is
an “adjudicated” flag in the DB record for each file, which can be used to separate out
OntoNotes Release 5.0
fully double-annotated and adjudicated files from those for which only single annotation
is available.
4.6 Chinese Name Annotation Notes
The name annotation of the Chinese data follows the 11 entity name types and 7 value
types described in Section 2.6.
OntoNotes Release 5.0
5 Arabic Release Notes
5.1 Arabic Corpora
The Arabic portion of OntoNotes 5.0 includes 300K words of newswire data. It also
comprises parse and proposition layers on 200K more words.
The newswire data is taken from the 400K Arabic Treebank Part 3. V3.1 (ATB P3 V3.1)
OntoNotes Arabic annotation began using the version 2.0 of the Arabic Treebank (ATB
P3 V2.0), During the GALE program, it was decided to revise the Arabic Treebank to
make it more consistent. We stopped annotating propositions, but continued to annotate
word sense and coreference data on the existing trees, since we anticipated that the
changes made in noun and verb parts of speech and in the NP structures would generally
be localized enough that we could automatically map our existing annotation onto the
new structures. When ATB P3 V3.1 was released, we wrote procedures to map our
existing annotations over to the LDC’s revised trees. However there are potential cases
where the annotation will need to be revised, possibly owing to new NPs introduced in
the revised Treebank, or to changes in tokenizations that would expose new verb and
noun tokens.
5.2 Arabic Treebank Notes
The Arabic parse trees in OntoNotes come from the LDC’s Arabic Treebank effort.
(OntoNotes was not funded to do its own Arabic Treebanking.) The trees in this release
are taken from their Arabic Treebank Part 3 v 3.1 release (LDC2008E22
). (This August
2008 release updated the earlier LDC2005T20.)
Owing to complex morphology in Arabic, each token in the Treebank has an associated
morphological analysis that is distributed with the trees. We have included this
information in the OntoNotes release as .lemma files. The format of this file is as
INPUT_STRING: (utf-8 characters from .sgm file)
IS_TRANS: (Buckwalter transliteration of previous)
COMMENT: (annotator comment about word)
INDEX: (automatically assigned index, based on para. and word)
OFFSETS: (start,end) - pair of integers offset into the .sgm file
UNVOCALIZED: (the unvocalized form of the word)
VOCALIZED: (the vocalized form of the word, taken from the solution)
VOC_STRING: (the Arabic utf-8 of the vocalized form)
POS: (the pos tag, taken from the solution)
GLOSS: (the gloss, taken from the solution)
LEMMA: (the lemma, taken from the solution)
The version 3.1 was released under the same catalog number as version 3.0. There is a newer release v3.2
with LDC catalog LDC2010T08, but the version 3.1 seems to not to be available any more. You can
contact LDC to get the exact version we used in OntoNotes if you need some other information in the
release that we have not included in the general OntoNotes release.
OntoNotes Release 5.0
This information can be used to get morphological information for each token in the
Treebank. Part of the information in the .lemma file pointer to offsets in the source files
that were used for Tree banking. These .sgm files are also part of the release.
We have copied the relevant readme files from the Arabic Treebank release into the
documentation folder which should provide information in interpreting the data. There is
also a mapping from Arabic parts of speech into Penn Treebank parts of speech which is
available as metadata in the Arabic metadata folder as “mapping-to-PennPOS-tags.lisp”
Further information about the modifications to the original Arabic Treebank guidelines
can be found in the following paper:
Mohamed Maamouri, Ann Bies, Seth Kulick . Enhancing the Arabic Treebank: A
Collaborative Effort toward New Annotation Guidelines. 2008. In Proceedings of the
Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2008),
Marrakech, Morocco, May 28-30, 2008. A copy of the paper is included in the
documents directory.
5.3 Arabic Word Sense Notes
The word sense annotation for the Arabic data is closely following the pattern set for
English. For annotated words, an OntoNotes word sense number is listed in the database
for each instance of the word. The accompanying sense inventory file documents the
intended meaning of each numbered OntoNotes sense.
5.4 Arabic Coreference Notes
The guidelines for our Arabic coreference annotation can be found in the file “arabic-
coref.pdf” in the accompanying documentation directory.
5.5 Arabic Name Annotation Notes
The name annotation of the Arabic data follows the 11 entity name types and 7 value
types described in Section 2.6.
OntoNotes Release 5.0
6 Database, Views, Supplementary Data, and Data
Access Guide
This section describes the integrated database in which all of the OntoNotes annotation is
stored, and various ways of accessing the data.
Functions are provided that can output various “views”, text files that encode a single
layer of annotation, usually in a format very similar to that produced by the original
annotation tools. There is also an “OntoNotes Normal Form” view, which combines all of
the levels in a single readable version.
6.1 How the OntoNotes Data is Organized
The normative version of the OntoNotes annotation is a relational database, in which the
various layers of annotation for both the English and Arabic corpora are merged. It was
created by loading the separate Treebank, PropBank, word sense, and coreference sources
and merging them into a set of linked relational database tables. A dump-file image of the
resulting database is included in this distribution (ontonotes-v5.0.sql.gz), along with the
original source files and the code that was used to do the merge.
The source files for each of the layers of annotation are included in the data directory of
the distribution, using separate files for each layer of annotation of each corpus document
file. The following filename extensions are used for each of the five layers:
The .lemma files are specifically for arabic treebank. These contain lemma information
for each token in the treebank – the vocalized, unvocalized and surface forms, along with
lemma information. These are redistributed version of what are .pos files in the Arabic
In addition to these starting from OntoNotes version 3.0 there are two more files:
The .speaker files contain information on speakers for conversational genres and the New
Testament subcorpus`, and the .parallel files contain either document level or
sentence/tree level mapping between files that constitute parallel data.
The input and output versions of the annotation files are substantially identical in content,
differing only in formatting.
In addition to the annotation-level views of the data that can be extracted from the
database, there is also an “OntoNotes Normal Form” (ONF) view, which tries to render
OntoNotes Release 5.0
the merged annotation in human-readable form. The ONF are found in the distribution in
their own OntoNotes-Normal-Form directory.
For consistency and convenience of naming, we had to map some originally different and
usually long filenames into a shorter, consistent form. Under each genre directory there
is a file called
which contains the mapping from the existing files to their
original counterparts – which are most likely the LDC filenames. Users who would like
to get to know the original names of the files in an LDC catalog, might want to use this
mapping file. We were careful not to change already existing mapping such as one for the
WSJ data, and the ECTB and CHTB data. We do however provide the original filenames
for the same data. In addition to providing this mapping, the
file also contains
path to files that were used to extract sentences from – in case where we only have
annotations on selected sentences from a document along with the space separated token
offset that would be useful to identify the word that was annotated. The full files provide
more context for the annotation.
Following is a small excerpt from the
eng/00/eng_0013 eng-WL-11-99225-3378401
eng/00/eng_0014 eng-WL-11-99225-3378772
eng/00/eng_0015 eng-WL-11-99225-7482580
eng/00/eng_0016 eng-NG-31-100717-5946776
eng/00/eng_0017 eng-NG-31-107966-6291492
c2e/00/c2e_0000 cmn-NG-31-111117-3439498
c2e/00/c2e_0001 cmn-NG-31-111117-3439501
c2e/00/c2e_0002 cmn-NG-31-111117-3439502
c2e/00/c2e_0003 cmn-NG-31-111212-3441677
sel/00/sel_0021 data/english/metadata/context/wb/sel/eng-NG-31-126965-8241477.sgm 1097
sel/00/sel_0022 data/english/metadata/context/wb/sel/eng-NG-31-130865-8413448.sgm 936
sel/00/sel_0023 data/english/metadata/context/wb/sel/eng-NG-31-135902-9775462.sgm 3066
sel/00/sel_0024 data/english/metadata/context/wb/sel/eng-NG-31-126399-8203661.sgm 1100
sel/00/sel_0025 data/english/metadata/context/wb/sel/eng-NG-31-125826-9078699.sgm 532
sel/00/sel_0026 data/english/metadata/context/wb/sel/eng-WL-11-99222-3404608.sgm 549
We have also tried to provide original source (
) files wherever possible. The
correspondence between the source files and the
files is not necessarily 100% as
some edits had to be made during treebanking.
The following subsections describe the database design, the different annotation views,
and the OntoNotes Normal Form view. There is also a section describing the
supplementary data files in which the PropBank propositional frames and the OntoNotes
word senses are defined. Finally, a section provides pointers to the documentation for the
scripts that have been used to do the merging of the different annotation layers and to
generate the various views, since users may find those routines helpful for writing their
own database queries or views, or for extending the schema.
6.2 OntoNotes Annotation Database
The OntoNotes database schema is shown in Figure 1. Owing to space constraints we
have not displayed all of the tables in the figure. More detailed information is present in
the accompanying API document.
OntoNotes Release 5.0
Figure 1: The OntoNotes Database Schema
The database tables are shown divided into six logical blocks, with one block for the
textual corpus data, and then a block for each type of semantic annotation: Treebank,
Proposition Bank, Word Sense, Coreference, and Name Entities. Each of the annotation
types involves adding additional meta information to the corpus. The basic units of
annotations are the tokens as defined by the tokenization scheme in the Treebank; all of
the annotation layers abide by this constraint. In addition, most of the text spans (with a
few exceptions) are in alignment with the nodes of trees in the Treebank. The
exceptional cases are addressed by using token start and end indices to define the spans.
The directory and file structure of the raw OntoNotes data organization is as shown in
Figures 2 and 3 respectively. Since the smallest coherent piece is a document, we have
created document-specific annotation files. The file extension specifies the annotation
OntoNotes Release 5.0
Figure 2: Directory structure for the raw
OntoNotes Data
Figure 3: File structure of the raw OntoNotes
The database manipulation API that is provided with this release, and which is described
in more detail in the “API Reference” accompanying this document, reads in this
structure and populates the aforementioned database. As part of the API, we have
provided mechanisms to produce the individual views as they are represented in the
respective raw documents, as well as a more human-readable composite view. The
former may seem a bit redundant, but it ensures that the data that it represents has been
tested for consistency, since the database loading routines will not load any data that it
finds to be inconsistent. Furthermore, these views can also be useful for regenerating the
raw data after any possible manipulations on the database. We will take a look at each
such view in the following subsections.
6.3 OntoNotes Normal Form (ONF) View
The OntoNotes Normal Form (ONF) is a textual view that formats the combined layers of
OntoNotes annotation for human review, including the text, the parse, the propositions,
and the coreference chains. Barring a relatively small number of cases, most coreference
links align with the tree nodes. This is less so in case of name entities. The fact that a
name or coreference span does not align with the tree is represented by a preceding
exclamation point (as for the name spanning tokens 2 and 3 in the example OntoNotes
Normal Form below):
Plain sentence:
OntoNotes Release 5.0
Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega may have accomplished over the weekend what
his U.S. antagonists have failed to do : revive a constituency for the Contra
Treebanked sentence:
Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega may have accomplished over the weekend what
his U.S. antagonists have failed *-1 to do *T*-2 : *PRO* revive a constituency
for the Contra rebels .
(TOP (S (NP-SBJ (NML (JJ Nicaraguan)
(NNP President))
(NNP Daniel)
(NNP Ortega))
(VP (MD may)
(VP (VB have)
(VP (VBN accomplished)
(PP-TMP (IN over)
(NP (DT the)
(NN weekend)))
(NP (SBAR-NOM (WHNP-2 (WP what))
(S (NP-SBJ-1 (PRP$ his)
(NNP U.S.)
(NNS antagonists))
(VP (VBP have)
(VP (VBN failed)
(S (NP-SBJ (-NONE- *-1))
(VP (TO to)
(VP (VB do)
(: :)
(S (NP-SBJ (-NONE- *PRO*))
(VP (VB revive)
(NP (NP (DT a)
(NN constituency))
(PP (IN for)
(NP (DT the)
(NNP Contra)
(NNS rebels))))))))))
(. .)))
0 Nicaraguan
coref: IDENT 000-69 0-3 Nicaraguan President Daniel
name: NORP 0-0 Nicaraguan
1 President
2 Daniel
! name: PERSON 2-3 Daniel Ortega
3 Ortega
4 may
5 have
6 accomplished
sense: accomplish-v.1
prop: accomplish.01
v * -> 6:0 accomplished
ARG0 * -> 0:2 Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega
ARGM-MOD * -> 4:0 may
ARGM-TMP * -> 7:1 over the weekend
OntoNotes Release 5.0
ARG1 * -> 10:3 what his U.S. antagonists have failed *-1 to do
*T*-2 : *PRO* revive a constituency for the
Contra rebels
7 over
8 the
coref: IDENT 000-75 8-9 the weekend
name: DATE 8-9 the weekend
9 weekend
10 what
11 his
coref: IDENT 000-69 11-11 his
12 U.S.
name: GPE 12-12 U.S.
13 antagonists
14 have
15 failed
sense: fail-v.1
prop: fail.01
v * -> 15:0 failed
ARG2 * -> 19:0 *T*-2
* -> 10:1 what
ARG1 * -> 11:1 his U.S. antagonists
LINK-SLC * -> 10:1 what
* -> 21:2 *PRO* revive a constituency for the Contra rebels
16 *-1
17 to
18 do
sense: do-v.1
prop: do.02
v * -> 18:0 do
ARG1 * -> 19:0 *T*-2
* -> 10:1 what
ARG0 * -> 16:0 *-1
* -> 11:1 his U.S. antagonists
19 *T*-2
20 :
21 *PRO*
22 revive
sense: revive-v.1
prop: revive.01
v * -> 22:0 revive
ARG0 * -> 0:2 Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega
* -> 21:0 *PRO*
ARG1 * -> 23:2 a constituency for the Contra rebels
23 a
24 constituency
25 for
26 the
coref: IDENT 000-71 26-28 the Contra rebels
27 Contra
coref: IDENT 000-70 27-27 Contra
name: ORG 27-27 Contra
28 rebels
29 .
Coreference chains for section 0:
Chain 000-69 (IDENT)
0.0-3 Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega
0.11-11 his
2.1-3 Mr. Ortega 's
2.25-25 him
OntoNotes Release 5.0
3.24-26 Mr. Ortega 's
6.0-1 Mr. Ortega
6.6-6 he
6.23-23 his
7.2-2 he
7.4-4 his
7.10-10 he
8.0-0 He
9.3-5 Mr. Ortega 's
13.16-18 Mr. Ortega 's
14.27-27 his
14.29-31 Mr. Ortega 's
15.22-24 the Nicaraguan leader
16.27-29 Mr. Ortega 's
20.0-2 Mr. Ortega 's
24.14-16 Mr. Ortega 's
24.33-33 he
25.10-12 Mr. Ortega 's
25.18-18 he
25.29-29 he
25.38-38 his
26.4-5 Mr. Ortega
Chain 000-75 (IDENT)
0.8-9 the weekend
2.6-7 the weekend
Chain 000-71 (IDENT)
0.26-28 the Contra rebels
1.13-14 the Contras
2.19-25 the rebels seeking *PRO* to topple him
2.29-30 the Contras
2.37-37 they
2.44-44 their
7.29-30 the Contras
8.16-17 the rebels
11.12-13 the Contras
19.19-20 the Contras
19.34-35 the Contras
20.18-19 the Contras
20.25-25 themselves
26.11-12 the Contras
27.6-6 they
For each sentence, the ONF form begins with the sentence and the parse tree. Following
the parse tree, each word appears on a line by itself, with its token ID number and its
OntoNotes word sense, if one has been assigned.
For verbs or other predicate words, the line for the word is followed by a block that
specifies the predicate and its arguments. Each argument (ARG0, ARG1, ARGM-MOD,
etc.) is specified in a “word:height” format that specifies the token number of the first
word in the argument and the number of levels up in the tree to go to find the appropriate
node. For example, in the “accomplish” predicate for word 6 in the above example, the
ARG0 is “0:1”, the NP-SBJ node that is one level up from word 0 in the sentence, which
is “Nicaraguan”.
OntoNotes Release 5.0
At the end of each file, the coreference chains are specified, using a
“sentence:word:height” format. In the above example, the chains that include an element
from the example sentence are shown, which link “Ortega”, “Contra”, “the Contra
rebels”, and “the weekend” to later mentions in subsequent sentences in the document.
The ONF for each file also includes a sentence by sentence listing of the entity names in
the document.
6.4 The Treebank View
The Treebank view uses the same parenthesized format at the original Penn Treebank2.
((S (S-ADV (NP-SBJ (-NONE- *PRO*))
(VP (VBG Judging)
(PP-CLR (IN from)
(NP (NP (DT the) (NNS Americana))
(PP-LOC (IN in)
(NP (NP (NNP Haruki) (NNP Murakami) (POS 's))
(`` ``)
(NX-TTL (NP (DT A) (NNP Wild) (NNP Sheep) (NNP Chase)))
('' '')
(NP (-LRB- -LRB-)
(NP (NNP Kodansha))
(, ,)
(NP (CD 320) (NNS pages))
(, ,)
(NP ($ $)
(CD 18.95)
(-NONE- *U*))
(-RRB- -RRB-))))))))
(, ,)
(NP-SBJ (NP (NN baby) (NNS boomers))
(PP-LOC (IN on)
(NP (NP (DT both) (NNS sides))
(PP (IN of)
(NP (DT the) (NNP Pacific))))))
(VP (VBP have)
(NP (NP (DT a) (NN lot))
(PP (IN in)
(NP (NN common)))))
(. .)))
6.5 Proposition Bank View
In the PropBank view, each line of data contains information about the predicate
argument structures of a particular verb instance. The elements are represented using
space-separated columns, as follows:
filename sentence terminal tagger frameset ------- proplabel proplabel
The content of each column is described in detail below, with both English and Chinese
examples given.
filename: the name of the parse file in English or Chinese .
sentence: the number of the sentence in the file (starting with 0)
terminal: the number of the terminal in the sentence that is the location of the
verb. Note that the terminal number counts empty constituents as terminals and
starts with 0. This will hold for all references to terminal number in this
OntoNotes Release 5.0
In the English example:
(NP-1 (NN John) (VP (VB wants) (S (NP (-NONE- *-1)) (VP (TO to)
(V swim)))))
the terminal numbers are: John 0; wants 1; *-1 2; to 3; swim 4
In the Chinese example:
(IP (NP-SBJ (DNP (NP (NN )(NN ))(DEG ))(NP (NN )))(PU
(NP (DP (DT ))
(NP (NN )))(NP (NN ))))))(VP (VV )(AS )(NP-OBJ (NN
)))) (PU ))
the terminal numbers are:
0 1 2 3 4 5 *PRO* 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14
tagger: the name of the annotator, or "gold" if it's been double annotated and
Frameset: The frameset identifier from the frames file of the verb. For example,
'dial.01' refers to the frames file for 'dial', (frames/dial.xml) and the roleset
element in that frames file whose attribute 'id' is 'dial.01'.
There are some instances which have yet to be disambiguated, these are marked
as 'lemma.XX'.
For Chinese, the names of the frame files are composed of numerical id, plus the
pinyin of the verb. The numerical ids can be found in the enclosed verb list
proplabel (a.k.a. “arglabel”): A string representing the annotation associated with
a particular argument or adjunct of the proposition. Each proplabel is dash '-'
delimited and has columns for (1) the syntactic relation, (2) the label, and (3)
optional argument features. The contents of these columns are described in detail
in the following paragraphs.
Element (1) of the proplabel for each proposition specifies the syntactic relation. This
can be in one of 4 forms:
form 1:
<terminal number>:<height>
A single node in the syntax tree of the sentence in question, identified by the first
terminal the node spans together with the height from that terminal to the syntax
node (a height of 0 represents a terminal).
For example, in the sentence
(S (NP-1 (NN John) (VP (VB wants) (S (NP (-NONE- *-1)) (VP (TO
to) (V swim)))))
A syntactic relation of "
" represents the NP immediately dominating the
"(-NONE- *-1)"
and a syntactic relation of "0:2" represents the "S"
In the Chinese sentence
(IP (NP-TPC (DP (DT ))(CP (WHNP-1 (-NONE- *OP*)) (CP (IP (NP-
SBJ (-NONE- *T*-1)) (VP (ADVP (AD ))(VP (VV ))))(DEC
OntoNotes Release 5.0
)))(NP (NN )(NN )(NN ))) (NP-ADV (NN ))(NP-SBJ
(NN )(NN )(NN ))(VP (ADVP (AD )) (VP (VA )))(PU ))
the address of "
" represents the top IP node and
represents the CP node
form 2
: terminal number:height*terminal number:height*
A trace chain identifying coreference within sentence boundaries.
For example in the sentence
((NP-1 (NN John) (VP (VB wants) (S (NP (-NONE- *-1)) (VP (TO to) (V
A syntactic relation of "2:1*0:1" represents the NP immediately dominating (-
NONE- *-1) and the NP immediately dominating "(NN John)".
In the Chinese sentence
(IP (NP-TPC (DP (DT ))(CP (WHNP-1 (-NONE- *OP*)) (CP (IP (NP-
SBJ (-NONE- *T*-1)) (VP (ADVP (AD ))(VP (VV ))))(DEC )))(NP
(NN )(NN )(NN ))) (NP-ADV (NN ))(NP-SBJ (NN
)(NN )(NN ))(VP (ADVP (AD )) (VP (VA )))(PU ))
the address of of "
" represents the fact nodes
'2:0' (-NONE- *T*-
1), '1:0' (-NONE- *OP*)
'6:1' (NP (NN )(NN )(NN ))
form 3:
terminal number:height, terminal number:height,
A split argument, where there is no single node that captures the argument and the
components are not coreferential, e.g. the utterance in "I'm going to", spoke John,
"take it with me". This form is also used to denote phrasal variants of verbs. For
example, in the phrase fragment
(S (NP (NN John)) (VP (VB keeps) (PRT on) (NP ...))
The phrasal verb "keep_on" would be identified with the syntactic relation
form 4:
terminal number:height,terminal number:height*terminal
This form is a combination of forms 2 and 3. When this occurs, the ',' operator is
understood to have precedence over the '*' operator. For example, in the sentence
(NP (DT a) (NN series) )
(PP (IN of)(NP (NNS intrigues) ))
(WHNP-4 (WDT that) )
(NP-SBJ (-NONE- *T*-4) )
(VP (VBZ has)
(NP-SBJ (NN everyone) )
(VP (VBG fearing)
The proplabel
is to be understood as a trace-chain
(form 2), one of whose constituents is a split argument (form 3) - i.e. grouped like
: ((28:1,30:1)*32:1*33:0).
The interpretation of this argument is that the
"causer of action" (
of have.04) is signified by the following trace-chain:
*T*-4 --> that --> ([a series][of intrigues])
form 5:
terminal number:height;terminal number:height
This indicates that either of the two nodes represent an ICH node.
OntoNotes Release 5.0
Element (2) of the proplabel for each proposition specifies the 'label'.The argument label
one of {rel, ARGA, ARGM} + { ARG0, ARG1, ARG2, ... }. The argument labels
correspond to the argument labels in the frames files (see ./frames). ARGA is used for
causative agents, ARGM for adjuncts of various sorts, and 'rel' refers to the surface string
of the verb.
Element (3) of the proplabel for each proposition supplies argument features (optional for
numbered arguments; required for ARGM). Argument features can either be a labeled
feature, or a preposition. For the English data, the labeled features include:
EXT - extent
DIR - direction
LOC - location
TMP - temporal
REC - reciprocal
PRD - predication
NEG - negation
MOD - modal
ADV - adverbial
MNR - manner
CAU - cause
PNC - purpose not cause.
DIS - discourse
Preposition features are attached to argument labels when the argument is tagged on a PP
For the Chinese data, the following functional tags are used for “split” numbered
- possessor
- possessee
- coordinator
- predicate
- quantity
The propositional tags for numbered arguments are: AT, AS, INTO, TOWARDS, TO,
The functional tags in the Chinese data for ARGMs are as follows:
- adverbial, default tag
- beneficiary
- conditional
- directional
- discourse
- degree
- extent
OntoNotes Release 5.0
- frequency
- location
- manner
- negation**
- purpose and reason
- temporal
- topic
In addition to these, a new
tag has been added to the PropBank. Two LINK tags
are introduced to capture two types of connections that provide useful information which
is not grounded in syntax and is therefore absent from the Treebank. These are
(“SeLectional Constraint”) and
(“Pragmatic CoReference”). In the original
PropBank v1.0 release, this distinction was not made, and the nodes were associated with
the respective argument.
Let’s consider an example with a
wsj/00/wsj_0020.mrg@wsj@en@on 0 29 gold watch.01 ----- 24:1*25:0-
LINK-SLC 26:1-ARG0 29:0-rel 30:0*25:0-ARG1 31:1-ARGM-CAU
to the constituent represented by node
in the parse tree.
This link requires one common node shared between the
and the node
). Let's call this the anchor node. The link type is
on the type and syntactic properties of these nodes. For more detailed examples, the
reader can refer to the PropBank guidelines addendum document (
) included in the release. Roughly speaking, relative clauses and
infinitival clauses would be tagged as
, and reduced relative clauses will be
tagged as
OntoNotes Release 5.0
Following are some sample lines of OntoNotes output in the PropBank View:
nw/wsj/04/wsj_0465@0465@wsj@nw@en@on 24 14 gold expect-v expect.01 ----- 14:0-
rel 11:1-ARG0 13:0-ARGM-MOD 15:2-ARG1
nw/wsj/04/wsj_0465@0465@wsj@nw@en@on 24 17 gold develop-v develop.01 -----
17:0-rel 15:0-ARG1 18:1-ARG2
nw/wsj/04/wsj_0465@0465@wsj@nw@en@on 25 11 gold control-v control.01 -----
11:0-rel 10:0-ARG0 12:2-ARG1 7:1*10:0-LINK-SLC
nw/wsj/04/wsj_0465@0465@wsj@nw@en@on 25 22 gold name-v name.01 ----- 22:0-rel
23:0-ARG1 24:2-ARG2 19:1*23:0-LINK-PCR
nw/wsj/04/wsj_0465@0465@wsj@nw@en@on 25 29 gold open-v open.01 ----- 29:0-rel
0:1-ARGM-DIS 3:3-ARG2 30:3-ARG1
nw/wsj/04/wsj_0465@0465@wsj@nw@en@on 25 42 gold explode-v explode.02 -----
42:0-rel 37:0-ARG1 38:1-ARGM-TMP 30:2*37:0-LINK-SLC
nw/wsj/04/wsj_0465@0465@wsj@nw@en@on 26 2 gold turn-v turn.11 ----- 2:0,3:1-rel
nw/wsj/04/wsj_0465@0465@wsj@nw@en@on 26 6 gold study-v study.01 ----- 6:0-rel
5:1-ARG0 7:1-ARG1
nw/wsj/04/wsj_0465@0465@wsj@nw@en@on 26 26 gold say-v say.01 ----- 26:0-rel
27:0-ARG1 28:2-ARG0
Starting from release 5.0, we have modified the PropBank view to eliminate information
that is duplicated in the tree. For example previously the annotation for the arguments of
a predicate contained node IDs for both nodes that were either traces, or co-indexed with
trace nodes, and represented some argument of a predicate. Now, only one of the two
would be present in the PropBank view for that argument. This was done to prevent
inconsistent annotation with respect to the trees.
6.6 Word Sense View
The word sense annotation view is formatted with one line per annotated word instance.
That line specifies the file, sentence number, word number, lemma, and the selected
sense, as defined in the sense inventory file for that lemma. These lines can be of one of
two formats.
(a) wsj/02/wsj_0242@wsj@en@on 0 4 complain-v ?,? 1
(b) wsj/02/wsj_0242@wsj@en@on 0 4 complain-v 1
The form in
indicates that the instance has been adjudicated. The “
” placeholders
fill slots in the format that was used internally by the word sense annotation tool. Form
indicates that the instance was either single or double annotated. In case it was
OntoNotes Release 5.0
double annotated – both the annotators had selected the same sense. All double-
annotated disagreements were either adjudicated or removed from the data.
Here are some sample lines of output in the word sense view:
wsj/02/wsj_0242@wsj@en@on 0 4 complain-v ?,? 1
wsj/02/wsj_0242@wsj@en@on 0 9 push-v 1
wsj/02/wsj_0242@wsj@en@on 0 15 create-v ?,? 1
wsj/02/wsj_0242@wsj@en@on 0 25 affect-v ?,? 1
wsj/02/wsj_0242@wsj@en@on 1 3 pace-n 1
wsj/02/wsj_0242@wsj@en@on 1 11 aim-v ?,? 2
wsj/02/wsj_0242@wsj@en@on 1 24 reduction-n ?,? 1
wsj/02/wsj_0242@wsj@en@on 1 36 register-v ?,? 1
wsj/02/wsj_0242@wsj@en@on 2 3 call-v 3
wsj/02/wsj_0242@wsj@en@on 2 6 agreement-n ?,? 1
6.7 Coreference View
The coreference view is formatted using in-line annotation. COREF tags are used to mark
the beginning and end of constituents that should be linked, with ID number attributes
defining the chains. The TYPE attribute distinguishes the normal IDENT coref from the
special APPOS type used for appostitives.
The text that underlies the coreference view follows the Treebank tokenization, and also
includes the trace and empty category elements (like “*”, “*-2”, and “*U*”) found in the
Treebank analysis, since those can also participate in the coreference chains.
Beginning in version 3.0, owing to the fact that we had to split very long broadcast
conversation documents into multiple parts for coreference annotation, we have changed
the format of the coreference document to make the DOCNO an attribute to the DOC tag,
and add a PARTNO attribute to the TEXT tag to identify the part in the coreference
document. Since coreference chains do not cross part boundaries, we append the
coreference link ids with the part number to avoid potential confusion.
The Arabic data is distributed in buckwalter format which contains some non-SGML
friendly tags like “>”, “<”, “&” which we have replaced with “-LAB-“, “-RAB-“ and
“-AMP-“ respectively similar to the way parentheses were dealt with in the Penn
Beginning in version 5.0, we have added a SPEAKER attribute to each coreference link
that is coreferent with a particular speaker in case where this data is available. In the
Web data, SPEAKER can represent the author of the comment or blog, newsgroup, etc.
Another modification do the data was in regards to the way subtoken annotation was
dealt with. Previously entities that were part of a word (defined as sequence of non-space
characters) and which were not spanning the entire treebank token – such as anti-Wal-
Mart would be expanded to include the entire token. This was not quite optimal, so we
modified the coreference markup to include two new attributes S_OFF and E_OFF
representing start and end offsets into the token respectively. These are both inclusive.
Unless specified either of the two attribute values should be assumed to be 0. Usually
OntoNotes Release 5.0
only one of S_OFF or E_OFF is required when there exists a subtoken annotation as the
character span representing an entity either align with the left or the right word boundary.
In some cases however, we have to specify both offsets.
<DOC DOCNO="bc/cnn/00/cnn_0003@0003@cnn@bc@en@on">
<COREF ID="m_5" TYPE="IDENT" SPEAKER="Linda_Hamilton">I</COREF> mean
<COREF ID="m_5" TYPE="IDENT" SPEAKER="Linda_Hamilton">I</COREF> have *-
1 to tell you that when <COREF ID="m_5" TYPE="IDENT"
SPEAKER="Linda_Hamilton">I</COREF> married <COREF ID="122"
ID="m_5" TYPE="IDENT" SPEAKER="Linda_Hamilton">my</COREF> first
husband</COREF> <COREF ID="123" TYPE="APPOS"
SPEAKER="Linda_Hamilton">I</COREF> <COREF ID="m_5" TYPE="IDENT"
SPEAKER="Linda_Hamilton">I</COREF> <COREF ID="138"
TYPE="IDENT">went</COREF> into hiding for the first year /.
<COREF ID="m_5" TYPE="IDENT" SPEAKER="Linda_Hamilton">I</COREF> just
started *-1 reading books /.
<COREF ID="m_5" TYPE="IDENT" SPEAKER="Linda_Hamilton">I</COREF> mean
<COREF ID="122" TYPE="IDENT">the man</COREF> married <COREF ID="m_5"
TYPE="IDENT" SPEAKER="Linda_Hamilton">me</COREF> /.
and <COREF ID="m_5" TYPE="IDENT" SPEAKER="Linda_Hamilton">I</COREF>
<COREF ID="138" TYPE="IDENT">went</COREF> into hiding for a year /.
<COREF ID="m_26" TYPE="IDENT" E_OFF="1" SPEAKER="Linda_Hamilton">I-
SPEAKER="Linda_Hamilton">I</COREF> 'm sure 0 there is *?* /.
Um if <COREF ID="m_26" TYPE="IDENT" SPEAKER="Linda_Hamilton">I</COREF>
were <COREF ID="m_14" TYPE="IDENT" SPEAKER="caller_7">you</COREF> ,
because <COREF ID="m_26" TYPE="IDENT"
SPEAKER="Linda_Hamilton">I</COREF> do n't know <COREF ID="43"
TYPE="IDENT">that number</COREF> off hand um <COREF ID="m_14"
TYPE="IDENT" SPEAKER="caller_7">you</COREF> can call <COREF ID="70"
TYPE="IDENT">the University of Medicine and Dentistry in <COREF ID="50"
TYPE="IDENT">New Jersey</COREF></COREF> /.
Um oh <COREF ID="74" TYPE="IDENT">they</COREF> would have *-1 to know
where in <COREF ID="50" TYPE="IDENT">New Jersey</COREF> then /.
OntoNotes Release 5.0
6.8 Entity Names View
The entity names annotation view is formatted using in-line ENAMEX markup. We also
extended the representation to allow subtoken annotations as in the coreference data.
Here is a portion of a sample document in the entity names view:
<DOC DOCNO=”nw/wsj/02/wsj_0242@all@wsj@nw@en@on">
Some <ENAMEX TYPE="GPE">U.S.</ENAMEX> allies are complaining that
President <ENAMEX TYPE="PERSON">Bush</ENAMEX> is pushing conventional-
arms talks too quickly , creating a risk that negotiators will make
errors that could affect the security of Western Europe for <ENAMEX
TYPE="DATE">years</ENAMEX> .
Concerns about the pace of the <ENAMEX TYPE="GPE">Vienna</ENAMEX> talks
-- which are aimed at the destruction of some 100,000 weapons , as well
as major reductions and realignments of troops in central <ENAMEX
TYPE="LOCATION">Europe</ENAMEX> -- also are being registered at the
Mr. <ENAMEX TYPE="PERSON">Bush</ENAMEX> has called for an agreement by
next September at the latest .
But some <ENAMEX TYPE="NORP">American</ENAMEX> defense officials
believe the North Atlantic Treaty Organization should take more time to
examine the long-term implications of the options being considered .
TYPE="ORGANIZATION">Pentagon</ENAMEX> officials , who asked not to be
identified , worry that the <ENAMEX TYPE="GPE">U.S.</ENAMEX> will have
a much tougher time persuading <ENAMEX TYPE="NORP">Europeans</ENAMEX>
to keep some short-range nuclear weapons on their soil once <ENAMEX
TYPE="NORP">Soviet</ENAMEX> armored forces are thinned out .
6.9 Parallel View
For data that is parallel between two languages, the source language as well as the target
language documents have a associated .parallel file which contains mapping
information. An example from the source is mentioned below. The target side file just
points to the document that it is a translation of along with the tree-to-tree mapping when
available as follows:
Original Document:
original document
translation ch bc/cnn/00/cnn_0003
OntoNotes Release 5.0
Translated Document:
translated document
original en bc/cnn/00/cnn_0004
map 0 0
map 1 1
map 2 2
map 3 3
map 4 4
Note that the ids of the two documents in both languages don’t match. Also, although not
clear in this example, the second and third columns represent the tree index in the original
and the translated document respectively (although the .parallel file that contains the
mapping accompanies the translated document)
6.10 Speaker View
For the Broadcast conversation data, there is a .speaker file associated with each
document which contains speaker metadata such as turn start/end time, gender, nativity,
Excerpt from a speaker file is shown below:
24.5328504688 29.4273350912 Larry_King_#1E male native
29.4273350912 31.8745774024 Larry_King_#1E male native
31.8745774024 34.3218197136 Larry_King_#1E male native
34.3218197136 37.235058654 Larry_King_#1E male native
45.1432311931 53.2784173882 Larry_King_#1E male native
53.2784173882 55.299073294 Larry_King_#1E male native
55.299073294 57.0480594032 Larry_King_#1E male native
Since the .speaker file has space separated values in each row, and some speaker names
have spaces in them, we have converted all the spaces in speaker names to an underscore
as seen in the example above.
6.11 Ontology View
During OntoNotes annotation, the information that connects the word senses with the
ontology is stored as a number of separate XML files, which are the source from which
the ontology information gets loaded into the database. The ontology upper model is
stored as the single large XML file “Upper-model.xml”, which represents the toplevel
concepts with their interconnections. The sense pools created from the word sense
annotation are represented, one-per-file, in XML files in the “sense-pools” sub-directory.
OntoNotes Release 5.0
To enable easier visualization and interpretation, the ontology view that can be generated
from the OntoNotes database comes in the form of source files for an open source
graphics package (Graphviz) which can then display the ontology as an actual tree
structure. that represented as a .dot file. The Graphviz package, available at
www.graphviz.org (we used version 2.14), uses a “.dot” file format to encode the nodes
and arcs of the graph. A portion of the .dot file for the OntoNotes ontology is shown
below, where lines containing “->” encode arcs, and the other encode nodes:
digraph UM {
"Animal" -> "Invertebrate" [label="sub-concept"];
"field.N7" -> "field.n.7" [label="sense"];
"TimeInterval" [id="TimeInterval",
commentary="an amount of timeA t"];
"model.N1" -> "framework.n.1" [label="sense"];
"InterpersonalRelation" -> "Hearer" [label="sub-concept"];
"agency.N4" -> "mean.n.3" [label="sense"];
"SocialObject" -> "SocialIndividual" [label="sub-concept"];
"RoleOf" -> "star.N2" [label="pool"];
"LocationOf*Artifact" [id="LocationOf*Artifact",
commentary="reified relation com"];
"NonPoliticalGrouping" -> "team" [label="sub-concept"];
"KinshipRole" [id="KinshipRole", commentary=""];
"cell.n.5" -> "bullpen.n.2" [label="sense"];
"source.N3" -> "source.n.3" [label="sense"];
"RoleOf*Human" -> "agent.N1" [label="pool"];
"SpatialObject" -> "SpaceInterval" [label="sub-concept"];
"SpatialObject" -> "beginning.N3" [label="pool"];
Graphviz provides several ways of visualizing the graph encoded by a .dot file. One
option is to generate an image file in any of the common image file formats. The
following figure shows a portion of the ontology graph when generated in .png format.
The nodes with numeric suffixes represent word senses or sense pools; nodes without
such suffixes represent concept nodes from the ontology’s upper model.
OntoNotes Release 5.0
6.12 Supplementary Data
The interpretation of certain values in the annotation database is specified in
supplementary data files included in the data directory of the distribution. The PropBank
frames files specify the pattern and meaning of the propositional argument labels, and the
word sense inventory files specify the set of possible meanings for each word.
6.12.1 PropBank Frame Files
The argument numbering used in the PropBank annotation is interpreted in the frames
files. The frames file for each verb specifies one or more frames, and each frame defines
a particular set of arguments with their interpretation. The data directory of this
distribution includes separate Arabic and English directories containing the frames files
for each of the verbs covered.
6.12.2 Sense Inventory Files
The sense inventory files specify the range of possible word senses for each annotated
noun and verb. Each word sense is described with examples, and the meanings are also
characterized in terms of a set of primitive semantic features like “+concrete”,
“+animate”, etc.
OntoNotes Release 5.0
The inventory files are XML documents, with the entry for each lemma organized as a
sequence of senses. Each sense has a number, a name attribute that provides a short
definition, a list of examples, and a set of mappings that relate the sense back to a
WordNet or a PropBank frame, as appropriate.
The sense inventory files are included in the data directory, organized by language and by
part of speech.
6.13 Access Script Documentation
The database contains the merged layers of annotation for both the English and Arabic
corpora. It was created by loading the separate Treebank, PropBank, word sense, and
coreference sources and merging them into a set of linked relational database tables. A
dump-file image of the resulting database is included in this distribution, along with the
original source files and the code that was used to do the merge.
Code is also provided to extract views from the merged database. In particular, each of
the original source-file formats is defined as a view that can be extracted from the
database. (In a couple cases, there are minor formatting differences between the original
source files and the view file; in those cases, both versions are included.) Another
predefined view is the “OntoNotes Normal Form” view, a textual version of the
combined annotation, intended for human review. As an alternative, the OntoViewer
utility, included with this release, can be used to provide a flexible interactive view of the
various annotation layers, including a propositions view that shows the nested structure
of the multiple propositions in a sentence.
Users can also define their own SQL queries to search for particular constructions or
contexts in the combined corpus annotations, or can use the data access primitives
provided to define their own views of the data.
Documentation describing the database schema and API, the loading routines, and the
access scripts can be found in “OntoNotes DB Tool” guide in the documentation
OntoNotes Release 5.0
7 References
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