Washington, D.C. 20549
Form 10-K
For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022 Commission File Number: 001-14965
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
Delaware 13-4019460
(State or other jurisdiction of
incorporation or organization)
(I.R.S. Employer
Identification No.)
200 West Street, New York, NY 10282
(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)
(212) 902-1000
(Registrant’s telephone number, including area code)
Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:
Title of each class
on which
Common stock, par value $.01 per share GS NYSE
Depositary Shares, Each Representing 1/1,000th Interest in a Share of Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock, Series A GS PrA NYSE
Depositary Shares, Each Representing 1/1,000th Interest in a Share of Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock, Series C GS PrC NYSE
Depositary Shares, Each Representing 1/1,000th Interest in a Share of Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock, Series D GS PrD NYSE
Depositary Shares, Each Representing 1/1,000th Interest in a Share of 5.50% Fixed-to-Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock, Series J GS PrJ NYSE
Depositary Shares, Each Representing 1/1,000th Interest in a Share of 6.375% Fixed-to-Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock, Series K GS PrK NYSE
5.793% Fixed-to-Floating Rate Normal Automatic Preferred Enhanced Capital Securities of Goldman Sachs Capital II GS/43PE NYSE
Floating Rate Normal Automatic Preferred Enhanced Capital Securities of Goldman Sachs Capital III GS/43PF NYSE
Medium-Term Notes, Series F, Callable Fixed and Floating Rate Notes due March 2031 of GS Finance Corp. GS/31B NYSE
Medium-Term Notes, Series F, Callable Fixed and Floating Rate Notes due May 2031 of GS Finance Corp. GS/31X NYSE
Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act: None
Indicate by check mark if the registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act. Yes No
Indicate by check mark if the registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Act. Yes No
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the
preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90
days. Yes No
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted electronically every Interactive Data File required to be submitted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T
(§232.405 of this chapter) during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit such files). Yes No
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, a smaller reporting company, or an emerging growth
company. See the definitions of “large accelerated filer,” “accelerated filer,” “smaller reporting company,” and “emerging growth company” in Rule 12b-2 of the
Exchange Act.
Large accelerated filer
Accelerated filer
Non-accelerated filer
Smaller reporting company
Emerging growth company
If an emerging growth company, indicate by check mark if the registrant has elected not to use the extended transition period for complying with any new or revised
financial accounting standards provided pursuant to Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act.
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has filed a report on and attestation to its management’s assessment of the effectiveness of its internal control over financial
reporting under Section 404(b) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (15 U.S.C. 7262(b)) by the registered public accounting firm that prepared or issued its audit report.
If securities are registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act, indicate by check mark whether the financial statements of the registrant included in the filing reflect the
correction of an error to previously issued financial statements. Indicate by check mark whether any of those error corrections are restatements that required a recovery
analysis of incentive-based compensation received by any of the registrant’s executive officers during the relevant recovery period pursuant to § 240.10D-1(b).
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act). Yes No
As of June 30, 2022, the aggregate market value of the common stock of the registrant held by non-affiliates of the registrant was approximately $101.1billion.
As of February10, 2023, there were 335,423,289 shares of the registrant’s common stock outstanding.
Documents incorporated by reference: Portions of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.’s Proxy Statement for its 2023 Annual Meeting of Shareholders are incorporated by
reference in the Annual Report on Form 10-K in response to Part III, Items 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14.
Form 10-K Item Number Page No.
Item 1
Introduction 1
Our Business Segments 1
Global Banking & Markets 2
Asset & Wealth Management 4
Platform Solutions 5
Business Continuity and Information Security 5
Human Capital Management 6
Sustainability 8
Competition 9
Regulation 10
Information about our Executive Officers 24
Available Information 25
Forward-Looking Statements 25
Item 1A
Risk Factors 28
Item 1B
Unresolved Staff Comments 55
Item 2
Properties 55
Item 3
Legal Proceedings 55
Item 4
Mine Safety Disclosures 55
Item 5
Market for Registrant's Common Equity, Related Stockholder
Matters and Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities 56
Page No.
Item 7
Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
and Results of Operations
Executive Overview
Business Environment
Critical Accounting Policies
Use of Estimates
Recent Accounting Developments
Results of Operations
Balance Sheet and Funding Sources
Capital Management and Regulatory Capital
Regulatory and Other Matters
Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements
Risk Management
Overview and Structure of Risk Management
Liquidity Risk Management
Market Risk Management
Credit Risk Management
Operational Risk Management
Model Risk Management
Other Risk Management
Item 7A
Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk 119
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Page No.
Item 8
Financial Statements and Supplementary Data 119
Management’s Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting 119
Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm 120
Consolidated Financial Statements 123
Consolidated Statements of Earnings 123
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income 123
Consolidated Balance Sheets 124
Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity 125
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows 126
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 127
Note 1. Description of Business 127
Note 2. Basis of Presentation 127
Note 3. Significant Accounting Policies 128
Note 4. Fair Value Measurements 133
Note 5. Fair Value Hierarchy 138
Note 6. Trading Assets and Liabilities 151
Note 7. Derivatives and Hedging Activities 152
Note 8. Investments 158
Note 9. Loans 161
Note 10. Fair Value Option 170
Note 11. Collateralized Agreements and Financings 172
Note 12. Other Assets 176
Note 13. Deposits 179
Note 14. Unsecured Borrowings 180
Note 15. Other Liabilities 182
Note 16. Securitization Activities 183
Note 17. Variable Interest Entities 185
Note 18. Commitments, Contingencies and Guarantees 188
Note 19. Shareholders’ Equity 192
Note 20. Regulation and Capital Adequacy 195
Note 21. Earnings Per Common Share 204
Note 22. Transactions with Affiliated Funds 204
Note 23. Interest Income and Interest Expense 205
Note 24. Income Taxes 205
Note 25. Business Segments 208
Note 26. Credit Concentrations 210
Note 27. Legal Proceedings 210
Note 28. Employee Benefit Plans 223
Note 29. Employee Incentive Plans 224
Note 30. Parent Company 226
Page No.
Supplemental Financial Information 228
Common Stock Performance 228
Statistical Disclosures 228
Item 9
Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting
and Financial Disclosure 232
Item 9A
Controls and Procedures
Item 9B
Other Information 232
Item 9C
Disclosure Regarding Foreign Jurisdictions that Prevent Inspections 232
Item 10
Directors, Executive Officers and Corporate Governance
Item 11
Executive Compensation
Item 12
Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and
Management and Related Stockholder Matters 233
Item 13
Certain Relationships and Related Transactions, and Director
Independence 233
Item 14
Principal Accountant Fees and Services 233
Item 15
Exhibit and Financial Statement Schedules 233
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Item 1. Business
Goldman Sachs is a leading global financial institution that
delivers a broad range of financial services to a large and
diversified client base that includes corporations, financial
institutions, governments and individuals. Our purpose is to
advance sustainable economic growth and financial
opportunity. Our goal, reflected in our One Goldman Sachs
initiative, is to deliver the full range of our services and
expertise to support our clients in a more accessible,
comprehensive and efficient manner, across businesses and
product areas.
When we use the terms “Goldman Sachs,” “we,” “us” and
“our,” we mean The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (Group Inc.
or parent company), a Delaware corporation, and its
consolidated subsidiaries. When we use the term “our
subsidiaries,” we mean the consolidated subsidiaries of
Group Inc. References to “this Form 10-K” are to our Annual
Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2022.
All references to 2022, 2021 and 2020 refer to our years
ended, or the dates, as the context requires, December 31,
2022, December 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020,
Group Inc. is a bank holding company (BHC) and a financial
holding company (FHC) regulated by the Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System (FRB). Our U.S. depository
institution subsidiary, Goldman Sachs Bank USA (GS Bank
USA), is a New York State-chartered bank.
Our Business Segments
We manage and report our activities in three business
segments: Global Banking & Markets, Asset & Wealth
Management and Platform Solutions. Global Banking &
Markets generates revenues from investment banking fees,
including advisory, and equity and debt underwriting fees,
Fixed Income, Currency and Commodities (FICC)
intermediation and financing activities and Equities
intermediation and financing activities, as well as
relationship lending and acquisition financing (and related
hedges) and investing activities related to our Global Banking
& Markets activities. Asset & Wealth Management generates
revenues from management and other fees, incentive fees,
private banking and lending, equity investments and debt
investments. Platform Solutions generates revenues from
consumer platforms, and transaction banking and other
platform businesses.
The chart below presents our three business segments and
their revenue sources.
Prior to the fourth quarter of 2022, we managed and reported
our activities in the following four business segments:
Investment Banking, Global Markets, Asset Management
and Consumer & Wealth Management. Beginning with the
fourth quarter of 2022, consistent with our previously
announced organizational changes, we began managing and
reporting our activities in three new segments: Global
Banking & Markets, Asset & Wealth Management and
Platform Solutions. Our new segments reflect the following
primary changes:
Global Banking & Markets is a new segment that includes
the results previously reported in Investment Banking and
Global Markets, and additionally includes the results from
equity and debt investments related to our Global Banking
& Markets activities, previously reported in Asset
Asset & Wealth Management is a new segment that
includes the results previously reported in Asset
Management and Wealth Management (previously
included in Consumer & Wealth Management), and
additionally includes the results from our direct-to-
consumer banking business, which includes lending,
deposit-taking and investing, previously reported in
Consumer & Wealth Management, as well as the results
from middle-market lending related to our asset
management activities, previously reported in Investment
Platform Solutions is a new segment that includes the
results from our consumer platforms, such as partnerships
offering credit cards and point-of-sale financing, previously
reported in Consumer & Wealth Management, and the
results from our transaction banking business, previously
reported in Investment Banking.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 1
Global Banking & Markets
Global Banking & Markets serves public and private sector
clients and we seek to develop and maintain long-term
relationships with a diverse global group of institutional
clients, including corporations, governments, states and
municipalities. Our goal is to deliver to our institutional
clients all of our resources in a seamless fashion, with our
advisory and underwriting activities serving as the main
initial point of contact. We make markets and facilitate client
transactions in fixed income, currency, commodity and
equity products and offer market expertise on a global basis.
In addition, we make markets in, and clear client transactions
on, major stock, options and futures exchanges worldwide.
Our clients include companies that raise capital and funding
to grow and strengthen their businesses, and engage in
mergers and acquisitions, divestitures, corporate defense,
restructurings and spin-offs, as well as companies that are
professional market participants, who buy and sell financial
products and manage risk, and investment entities whose
ultimate clients include individual investors investing for
their retirement, buying insurance or saving surplus cash.
As a market maker, we provide prices to clients globally
across thousands of products in all major asset classes and
markets. At times, we take the other side of transactions
ourselves if a buyer or seller is not readily available, and at
other times we connect our clients to other parties who want
to transact. Our willingness to make markets, commit capital
and take risk in a broad range of products is crucial to our
client relationships. Market makers provide liquidity and
play a critical role in price discovery, which contributes to the
overall efficiency of the capital markets. In connection with
our market-making activities, we maintain (i) market-making
positions, typically for a short period of time, in response to,
or in anticipation of, client demand, and (ii) positions to
actively manage our risk exposures that arise from these
market-making activities (collectively, inventory).
We execute a high volume of transactions for our clients in
large, highly liquid markets (such as markets for U.S.
Treasury securities, stocks and certain agency mortgage pass-
through securities). We also execute transactions for our
clients in less liquid markets (such as mid-cap corporate
bonds, emerging market currencies and certain non-agency
mortgage-backed securities) for spreads and fees that are
generally somewhat larger than those charged in more liquid
markets. Additionally, we structure and execute transactions
involving customized or tailor-made products that address
our clients’ risk exposures, investment objectives or other
complex needs, as well as derivative transactions related to
client advisory and underwriting activities.
Through our global sales force, we maintain relationships
with our clients, receiving orders and distributing investment
research, trading ideas, market information and analysis.
Much of this connectivity between us and our clients is
maintained on technology platforms, including Marquee, and
operates globally where markets are open for trading.
Marquee provides institutional investors with market
intelligence, risk analytics, proprietary datasets and trade
execution across multiple asset classes.
Our businesses are supported by our Global Investment
Research business, which, as of December 2022, provided
fundamental research on approximately 3,000 companies
worldwide and on approximately 50 national economies, as
well as on industries, currencies and commodities.
Our activities are organized by asset class and include both
“cash” and “derivative” instruments. “Cash” refers to trading
the underlying instrument (such as a stock, bond or barrel of
oil). “Derivative” refers to instruments that derive their value
from underlying asset prices, indices, reference rates and
other inputs, or a combination of these factors (such as an
option, which is the right or obligation to buy or sell a certain
bond, stock or other asset on a specified date in the future at
a certain price, or an interest rate swap, which is the
agreement to convert a fixed rate of interest into a floating
rate or vice versa).
Global Banking & Markets generates revenues from the
Investment banking fees. We provide advisory and
underwriting services to our clients.
Investment banking fees includes the following:
Advisory. We have been a leader for many years in
providing advisory services, including strategic advisory
assignments with respect to mergers and acquisitions,
divestitures, corporate defense activities, restructurings and
spin-offs. In particular, we help clients execute large,
complex transactions for which we provide multiple
services, including cross-border structuring expertise. We
also assist our clients in managing their asset and liability
exposures and their capital.
Underwriting. We help companies raise capital to fund
their businesses. As a financial intermediary, our job is to
match the capital of our investing clients, who aim to grow
the savings of millions of people, with the needs of our
public and private sector clients, who need financing to
generate growth, create jobs and deliver products and
services. Our underwriting activities include public
offerings and private placements of a wide range of
securities and other financial instruments, including local
and cross-border transactions and acquisition financing.
Underwriting consists of the following:
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Equity underwriting. We underwrite common stock,
preferred stock, convertible securities and exchangeable
securities. We regularly receive mandates for large,
complex transactions and have held a leading position in
worldwide public common stock offerings and worldwide
initial public offerings for many years.
Debt underwriting. We originate and underwrite various
types of debt instruments, including investment-grade and
high-yield debt, bank and bridge loans, including in
connection with acquisition financing, and emerging- and
growth-market debt, which may be issued by, among
others, corporate, sovereign, municipal and agency issuers.
In addition, we underwrite and originate structured
securities, which include mortgage-related securities and
other asset-backed securities.
FICC. FICC generates revenues from intermediation and
financing activities.
FICC intermediation. Includes client execution activities
related to making markets in both cash and derivative
instruments, as detailed below.
Interest Rate Products. Government bonds (including
inflation-linked securities) across maturities, other
government-backed securities, and interest rate swaps,
options and other derivatives.
Credit Products. Investment-grade and high-yield
corporate securities, credit derivatives, exchange-traded
funds (ETFs), bank and bridge loans, municipal securities,
distressed debt and trade claims.
Mortgages. Commercial mortgage-related securities,
loans and derivatives, residential mortgage-related
securities, loans and derivatives (including U.S. government
agency-issued collateralized mortgage obligations and
other securities and loans), and other asset-backed
securities, loans and derivatives.
Currencies. Currency options, spot/forwards and other
derivatives on G-10 currencies and emerging-market
Commodities. Commodity derivatives and, to a lesser
extent, physical commodities, involving crude oil and
petroleum products, natural gas, agricultural, base,
precious and other metals, electricity, including renewable
power, environmental products and other commodity
FICC financing. Includes secured lending to our clients
through structured credit and asset-backed lending,
including warehouse loans backed by mortgages (including
residential and commercial mortgage loans), corporate
loans and consumer loans (including auto loans and private
student loans). We also provide financing to clients
through securities purchased under agreements to resell
(resale agreements).
Equities. Equities generates revenues from intermediation
and financing activities.
Equities intermediation. We make markets in equity
securities and equity-related products, including ETFs,
convertible securities, options, futures and over-the-
counter (OTC) derivative instruments. As a principal, we
facilitate client transactions by providing liquidity to our
clients, including by transacting in large blocks of stocks or
derivatives, requiring the commitment of our capital.
We also structure and make markets in derivatives on
indices, industry sectors, financial measures and individual
company stocks. We develop strategies and provide
information about portfolio hedging and restructuring and
asset allocation transactions for our clients. We also work
with our clients to create specially tailored instruments to
enable sophisticated investors to establish or liquidate
investment positions or undertake hedging strategies. We
are one of the leading participants in the trading and
development of equity derivative instruments.
Our exchange-based market-making activities include
making markets in stocks and ETFs, futures and options on
major exchanges worldwide.
We generate commissions and fees from executing and
clearing institutional client transactions on major stock,
options and futures exchanges worldwide, as well as OTC
transactions. We provide our clients with access to a broad
spectrum of equity execution services, including electronic
“low-touch” access and more complex “high-touch”
execution through both traditional and electronic
platforms, including Marquee.
Equities financing. Includes prime brokerage and other
equities financing activities, including securities lending,
margin lending and swaps.
We earn fees by providing clearing, settlement and custody
services globally. In addition, we provide our hedge fund
and other clients with a technology platform and reporting
that enables them to monitor their security portfolios and
manage risk exposures.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 3
We provide services that principally involve borrowing and
lending securities to cover institutional clients’ short sales
and borrowing securities to cover our short sales and to
make deliveries into the market. In addition, we are an
active participant in broker-to-broker securities lending
and third-party agency lending activities.
We provide financing to our clients for their securities
trading activities through margin loans that are
collateralized by securities, cash or other acceptable
collateral. We earn a spread equal to the difference between
the amount we pay for funds and the amount we receive
from our client.
We execute swap transactions to provide our clients with
exposure to securities and indices.
We also provide securities-based loans to individuals.
Other. We lend to corporate clients, including through
relationship lending and acquisition financing. The hedges
related to this lending and financing activity are also reported
as part of Other. Other also includes equity and debt
investing activities related to our Global Banking & Markets
Asset & Wealth Management
Asset & Wealth Management provides investment services to
help clients preserve and grow their financial assets and
achieve their financial goals. We provide these services to our
clients, both institutional and individuals, including investors
who primarily access our products through a network of
third-party distributors around the world.
We manage client assets across a broad range of investment
strategies and asset classes, including equity, fixed income
and alternative investments. Alternative investments
primarily includes hedge funds, credit funds, private equity,
real estate, currencies, commodities and asset allocation
strategies. Our investment offerings include those managed
on a fiduciary basis by our portfolio managers, as well as
those managed by third-party managers. We offer our
investment solutions in a variety of structures, including
separately managed accounts, mutual funds, private
partnerships and other commingled vehicles.
We also provide customized investment advisory solutions
designed to address our clients’ investment needs. These
solutions begin with identifying clients’ objectives and
continue through portfolio construction, ongoing asset
allocation and risk management and investment realization.
We draw from a variety of third-party managers, as well as
our proprietary offerings, to implement solutions for clients.
We provide tailored wealth advisory services to clients across
the wealth spectrum. We operate globally serving individuals,
families, family offices, and foundations and endowments.
Our relationships are established directly or introduced
through companies that sponsor financial wellness programs
for their employees.
We offer personalized financial planning to individuals
inclusive of income and liability management, compensation
and benefits analysis, trust and estate structuring, tax
optimization, philanthropic giving, and asset protection. We
also provide customized investment advisory solutions, and
offer structuring and execution capabilities in securities and
derivative products across all major global markets. We
leverage a broad, open-architecture investment platform and
our global execution capabilities to help clients achieve their
investment goals. In addition, we offer clients a full range of
private banking services, including a variety of deposit
alternatives and loans that our clients use to finance
investments in both financial and nonfinancial assets, bridge
cash flow timing gaps or provide liquidity and flexibility for
other needs.
In addition to managing client assets, we invest in alternative
investments across a range of asset classes that seek to deliver
long-term accretive risk-adjusted returns. Our investing
activities, which are typically longer-term, include
investments in corporate equity, credit, real estate and
infrastructure assets.
We also raise deposits and have issued unsecured loans to
consumers through Marcus by Goldman Sachs (Marcus). We
have started a process to cease offering new loans through
Asset & Wealth Management generates revenues from the
Management and other fees. We receive fees related to
managing assets for institutional and individual clients,
providing investing and wealth advisory solutions,
providing financial planning and counseling services via
Ayco Personal Financial Management, and executing
brokerage transactions for wealth management clients. The
fees that we charge vary by asset class, client channel and
the types of services provided, and are affected by
investment performance, as well as asset inflows and
Incentive fees. In certain circumstances, we also receive
incentive fees based on a percentage of a fund’s or a
separately managed account's return, or when the return
exceeds a specified benchmark or other performance
targets. Such fees include overrides, which consist of the
increased share of the income and gains derived primarily
from our private equity and credit funds when the return
on a fund’s investments over the life of the fund exceeds
certain threshold returns.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Private banking and lending. Our private banking and
lending activities include issuing loans to our wealth
management clients. Such loans are generally secured by
commercial and residential real estate, securities and other
assets. We also accept deposits (including savings and time
deposits) from wealth management clients, including
through Marcus, in GS Bank USA and Goldman Sachs
International Bank (GSIB). We have also issued unsecured
loans to consumers through Marcus and have started a
process to cease offering new loans. Additionally, we
provide investing services through Marcus Invest to U.S.
customers. Private banking and lending revenues include
net interest income allocated to deposits and net interest
income earned on loans to individual clients.
Equity investments. Includes investing activities related
to our asset management activities primarily related to
public and private equity investments in corporate, real
estate and infrastructure assets. We also make investments
through consolidated investment entities, substantially all
of which are engaged in real estate investment activities.
Debt investments. Includes lending activities related to
our asset management activities, including investing in
corporate debt, lending to middle-market clients, and
providing financing for real estate and other assets. These
activities include investments in mezzanine debt, senior
debt and distressed debt securities.
Platform Solutions
Platform Solutions includes our consumer platforms, such as
partnerships offering credit cards and point-of-sale financing,
and transaction banking and other platform businesses.
Platform Solutions generates revenues from the following:
Consumer platforms. Our Consumer platforms business
issues credit cards and provides point-of-sale financing to
consumers to finance the purchases of goods or services.
Consumer platforms revenues primarily includes net interest
income earned on credit card lending and point-of-sale
financing activities.
Transaction banking and other. We provide transaction
banking and other services, including cash management
services, such as deposit-taking and payment solutions for
corporate and institutional clients. Transaction banking
revenues include net interest income attributed to transaction
banking deposits.
Business Continuity and Information Security
Business continuity and information security, including
cybersecurity, are high priorities for us. Their importance has
been highlighted by (i) the coronavirus (COVID-19)
pandemic and the work-from-home arrangements
implemented by companies worldwide in response, including
us, (ii) numerous highly publicized events in recent years,
including cyber attacks against financial institutions,
governmental agencies, large consumer-based companies,
software and information technology service providers and
other organizations, some of which have resulted in the
unauthorized access to or disclosure of personal information
and other sensitive or confidential information, the theft and
destruction of corporate information and requests for ransom
payments, and (iii) extreme weather events.
Our Business Continuity & Technology Resilience Program
has been developed to provide reasonable assurance of
business continuity in the event of disruptions at our critical
facilities or of our systems, and to comply with regulatory
requirements, including those of FINRA. Because we are a
BHC, our Business Continuity & Technology Resilience
Program is also subject to review by the FRB. The key
elements of the program are crisis management, business
continuity, technology resilience, business recovery,
assurance and verification, and process improvement. In the
area of information security, we have developed and
implemented a framework of principles, policies and
technology designed to protect the information provided to
us by our clients and our own information from cyber attacks
and other misappropriation, corruption or loss. Safeguards
are designed to maintain the confidentiality, integrity and
availability of information.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 5
Human Capital Management
Our people are our greatest asset. We believe that a major
strength and principal reason for our success is the quality,
dedication, determination and collaboration of our people,
which enables us to serve our clients, generate long-term
value for our shareholders and contribute to the broader
community. We invest heavily in developing and supporting
our people throughout their careers, and we strive to
maintain a work environment that fosters professionalism,
excellence, high standards of business ethics, diversity,
teamwork and cooperation among our employees worldwide.
Diversity and Inclusion
The strength of our culture, our ability to execute our
strategy, and our relationships with clients all depend on a
diverse workforce and an inclusive work environment that
encourages a wide range of perspectives. We believe that
diversity at all levels of our organization, from entry-level
analysts to senior management, as well as the Board of
Directors of Group Inc. (Board) is essential to our
sustainability. As of December 2022, approximately 57% of
our Board was diverse by race, gender or sexual orientation.
Our management team works closely with our Global
Inclusion and Diversity Committee to continue to increase
diversity of our global workforce at all levels. In addition, we
have Inclusion and Diversity Committees across regions,
which promote an environment that values different
perspectives, challenges conventional thinking and maximizes
the potential of all our people.
We believe that increased diversity, including diversity of
experience, gender identity, race, ethnicity, sexual
orientation, disability and veteran status, in addition to being
a social imperative, is vital to our commercial success
through the creativity that it fosters. For this reason, we have
established a comprehensive action plan with aspirational
diversity hiring and representation goals which are set forth
below and are focused on cultivating an inclusive
environment for all our colleagues.
Diverse leadership is crucial to our long-term success and to
driving innovation, and we have implemented and expanded
outreach and career advancement programs for rising diverse
executive talent. For example, we are focused on providing
diverse vice presidents the necessary coaching, sponsorship
and advocacy to support their career trajectories and
strengthen their leadership platforms, including through
programs, such as our Vice President Sponsorship Initiative
focused on high-performing women, Black, Hispanic/Latinx,
Asian and LGBTQ+ vice presidents across the globe. Many
other career development initiatives are aimed at fostering
diverse talent at the analyst and associate level, including the
Black Analyst and Associate Initiative, the Hispanic/Latinx
Analyst Initiative and the Women’s Career Strategies
Initiative. Our global and regional Inclusion Networks and
Interest Forums are open to all professionals at Goldman
Sachs to promote and advance connectivity, understanding,
inclusion and diversity.
Progress Toward Aspirational Goals. Reflecting our
efforts to increase diversity, the composition of our most
recent partnership class was 29% women professionals, 24%
Asian professionals, 9% Black professionals, 3% Hispanic/
Latinx professionals, 3% LGBTQ+ professionals and 3%
professionals who are military/veterans. The composition of
our most recent managing director class was 30% women
professionals, 28% Asian professionals, 5% Black
professionals, 5% Hispanic/Latinx professionals, 3%
LGBTQ+ professionals and 3% professionals who are
We have also set forth the following aspirational goals:
We aim for analyst and associate hiring (which accounts
for over 70% of our annual hiring) to achieve
representation of 50% women professionals, 11% Black
professionals and 14% Hispanic/Latinx professionals in the
Americas, and 9% Black professionals in the U.K. In 2022,
our analyst and associate hires included 44% women
professionals, 10% Black professionals and 13% Hispanic/
Latinx professionals in the Americas, and 17% Black
professionals in the U.K.
We aim for women professionals to represent 40% of our
vice presidents globally by 2025 and 30% of senior talent
(vice presidents and above) in the U.K. by 2023, while also
endeavoring for women employees to comprise 50% of all
of our employees globally over time. As of December 2022,
women professionals represented 33% of our vice president
population globally and 31% of senior talent (vice
presidents and above) in the U.K., and women employees
represented 41% of all of our employees globally.
We aim for Black professionals to represent 7% of our vice
president population in the Americas and in the U.K., and
for Hispanic/Latinx professionals to represent 9% of our
vice president population in the Americas, both by 2025. As
of December 2022, Black professionals represented 4% of
our vice president population in the Americas and 5% in
the U.K., and Hispanic/Latinx professionals represented
6% of our vice president population in the Americas.
We aim to double the number of campus hires in the U.S.
recruited from Historically Black Colleges and Universities
(HBCUs) by 2025 relative to 2020.
The metrics above are based on self-identification.
Talent Development and Retention
We seek to help our people achieve their full potential by
investing in them and supporting a culture of continuous
development. Our goals are to maximize individual
capabilities, increase commercial effectiveness and
innovation, reinforce our culture, expand professional
opportunities, and help our people contribute positively to
their communities.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Instilling our culture in all employees is a continuous process,
in which training plays an important part. We offer our
employees the opportunity to participate in ongoing
educational offerings and periodic seminars facilitated by our
Learning & Engagement team. To accelerate their integration
into the firm and our culture, new hires have the opportunity
to receive training before they start working and orientation
programs with an emphasis on culture and networking, and
nearly all employees participate in at least one training event
each year. For our more senior employees, we provide
guidance and training on how to manage people and projects
effectively, exhibit strong leadership and exemplify our
culture. We are also focused on developing a high
performing, diverse leadership pipeline and career planning
for our next generation of leaders. We maintain a variety of
programs aimed at employees’ professional growth and
leadership development, including initiatives, such as our
Vice President and Managing Director Leadership
Acceleration Initiatives and Partner Development Initiative.
Enhancing our people’s experience of internal mobility is a
key focus, as we believe that this will inspire employees, help
retain top talent and create diverse experiences to build
future leaders.
Another important part of instilling our culture is our
employee performance review process. Employees are
reviewed by supervisors, co-workers and employees whom
they supervise in a 360-degree review process that is integral
to our team approach and includes an evaluation of an
employee’s performance with respect to risk management,
protecting our reputation, adherence to our code of conduct,
compliance, and diversity and inclusion principles. Our
approach to evaluating employee performance centers on
providing robust, timely and actionable feedback that
facilitates professional development. We have directed our
managers, as leaders at the firm, to take an active coaching
role with their teams. We have also implemented “The Three
Conversations at GS” through which managers establish
goals with their team members at the start of the year, check
in mid-year on progress and then close out the year with a
conversation on performance against goals.
We believe that our people value opportunities to contribute
to their communities and that these opportunities enhance
their job satisfaction. We also believe that being able to
volunteer together with colleagues and support community
organizations through completing local service projects
strengthens our people’s bond with us. Community
TeamWorks, our signature volunteering initiative, enables
our people to participate in high-impact, team-based
volunteer opportunities, including projects coordinated with
hundreds of nonprofit partner organizations worldwide.
During 2022, our people volunteered approximately 86,000
hours of service globally through Community TeamWorks,
with approximately 17,000 employees partnering with
approximately 500 nonprofit organizations on approximately
1,200 community projects.
We recognize that for our people to be successful in the
workplace they need support in their personal, as well as
their professional, lives. We have created a strong support
framework for wellness, which is intended to enable
employees to better balance their roles at work and their
responsibilities at home. We provide a number of policies for
our employees that support taking time away from the office
when needed, including 20 weeks of parental leave, family
care leave and bereavement leave. In 2022, we also enhanced
our vacation policies for our employees, allowing managing
directors to take time off, when needed, without a fixed
vacation day entitlement and adding a minimum of two
additional vacation days for all other employees, as well as
setting a minimum annual expected vacation usage of 15
days. For longer-tenured employees, we offer an unpaid
sabbatical leave. We also continue to advance our resilience
programs, offering our people a range of counseling,
coaching, medical advisory and personal wellness services.
We increased the availability of these resources during the
COVID-19 pandemic, and continued to evolve and
strengthen virtual offerings to enhance access to support,
with the aim of maintaining the physical and mental well-
being of our people, and enhancing their effectiveness and
In addition, to support the financial wellness of our
employees, we offer a variety of resources that help them
manage their personal financial health and decision-making,
including financial education information sessions, live and
on-demand webinars, articles and interactive digital tools.
Global Reach and Strategic Locations
As a firm with a global client base, we take a strategic
approach to attracting, developing and managing a global
workforce. Our clients are located worldwide and we are an
active participant in financial markets around the world. As
of December 2022, we had headcount of 48,500, offices in
over 35 countries and 52% of our headcount was based in the
Americas, 19% in EMEA and 29% in Asia. Our employees
come from over 180 countries and speak more than 150
languages as of December 2022.
In addition to maintaining offices in major financial centers
around the world, we have established key strategic
locations, including in Bengaluru, Salt Lake City, Dallas,
Singapore, Warsaw and Hyderabad. We continue to evaluate
the expanded use of strategic locations, including cities in
which we do not currently have a presence.
As of December 2022, 41% of our employees were working
in strategic locations. We believe our investment in these
strategic locations enables us to build centers of excellence
around specific capabilities that support our business
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 7
We have a long-standing commitment to sustainability. Our
two priorities in this area are helping clients across industries
decarbonize their businesses to support their transition to a
low-carbon economy (Climate Transition) and to advance
solutions that expand access, increase affordability, and drive
outcomes to support sustainable economic growth (Inclusive
Growth). Our strategy is to advance these two priorities
through our work with our clients, and with strategic
partners whose strengths and areas of focus complement our
own, as well as through our supply chain.
We have established a Sustainable Finance Group, which
serves as the centralized group that drives climate strategy
and sustainability efforts across our firm, including
commercial efforts alongside our businesses, to advance
Climate Transition and Inclusive Growth. We have also
created the role of Global Head of Sustainability and
Inclusive Growth, which, like our One Goldman Sachs
initiative, is intended to facilitate the application of our full
capabilities across both Climate Transition and Inclusive
Growth. Our sustainable finance-related efforts continue to
evolve. For example, we recently launched the Sustainable
Banking Group, a group focused on supporting our corporate
clients in reducing their direct and indirect carbon emissions.
Our activities relating to sustainability present both financial
and nonfinancial risks, and we have processes for managing
these risks, similar to the other risks we face. We have
integrated oversight of climate-related risks into our risk
management governance structure, from senior management
to our Board and its committees, including the Risk and
Public Responsibilities committees. The Risk Committee of
the Board oversees firmwide financial and nonfinancial risks,
which include climate risk, and, as part of its oversight,
receives updates on our risk management approach to climate
risk. The Public Responsibilities Committee of the Board
assists the Board in its oversight of our firmwide
sustainability strategy and sustainability risks affecting us,
including with respect to climate change. As part of its
oversight, the Public Responsibilities Committee receives
periodic updates on our sustainability strategy, and also
periodically reviews our governance and related policies and
processes for sustainability and climate change-related risks.
We have also implemented an Environmental Policy
Framework to guide our overall approach to sustainability
issues. We apply this Framework when evaluating
transactions for environmental and social risks and impacts.
Our employees also receive training with respect to
environmental and social risks, including for sectors and
industries that we believe have higher potential for these
risks. See “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of
Financial Condition and Results of Operations Risk
Management Other Risk Management Climate Risk
Management” in Part II, Item 7 of this Form 10-K for further
information about our climate risk management.
As a leading financial institution, we acknowledge the
importance of Climate Transition and Inclusive Growth for
our business. In February 2021, we issued our inaugural
sustainability bond of $800 million, and in June 2022 we
issued our second benchmark sustainability bond of $700
million. These issuances align with our sustainable finance
framework for future issuances and fund a range of on-
balance sheet sustainable finance activity. We believe we can
advance sustainability by partnering with our clients across
our businesses, including by developing new sustainability-
linked financing solutions, offering strategic advice, or
coinvesting alongside our clients in clean energy companies.
We have announced a target to deploy $750 billion in
sustainable financing, investing and advisory activity by the
beginning of 2030. As of December 2022, we achieved
approximately 55% of that goal, with the majority dedicated
to Climate Transition.
With respect to Climate Transition, we have announced our
commitment to align our financing activities with a net-zero-
by-2050 pathway. In that context, we have set an initial set of
targets for 2030 focused on three sectors power, oil and
gas, and auto manufacturing where we see an opportunity
to proactively engage our clients and investors, deploy capital
required for transition, and invest in new commercial
solutions to drive decarbonization in the real economy.
Carbon neutrality is also a priority for the operation of our
firm and our supply chain. In 2015, we achieved carbon
neutrality in our operations and business travel, ahead of our
2020 goal announced in 2009. We have expanded our
operational carbon commitment to include our supply chain,
targeting net-zero carbon emissions by 2030.
In addition to Climate Transition, our approach to
sustainability also centers on Inclusive Growth where we seek
to drive solutions that expand access, increase affordability,
and drive outcomes to advance sustainable economic growth.
We have sponsored initiatives, such as One Million Black
Women, Launch With GS, the Urban Investment Group,
10,000 Women and 10,000 Small Businesses. An overarching
theme of our sustainability strategy is promoting diversity
and inclusion as an imperative for us, as well as for our
clients and their boards. These efforts are further
strengthened by strategic partnerships that we have
established in areas where we have identified gaps or believe
we are able to drive even greater impact through
collaboration. We believe our ability to achieve our
sustainability objectives is critically dependent on the
strengths and talents of our people, and we recognize that our
people are able to maximize their impact by collaborating in
a diverse and inclusive work environment. See “Business
Human Capital Management” for information about our
human capital management goals, programs and policies.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
The financial services industry and all of our businesses are
intensely competitive, and we expect them to remain so. Our
competitors provide investment banking, market-making and
asset management services, private banking and lending,
commercial lending, point-of-sale financing, credit cards,
transaction banking, deposit-taking and other banking
products and services, and make investments in securities,
commodities, derivatives, real estate, loans and other
financial assets. Our competitors include brokers and dealers,
investment banking firms, commercial banks, credit card
issuers, insurance companies, investment advisers, mutual
funds, hedge funds, private equity funds, merchant banks,
consumer finance companies and financial technology and
other internet-based companies. Some of our competitors
operate globally and others regionally, and we compete based
on a number of factors, including transaction execution,
client experience, products and services, innovation,
reputation and price.
We have faced, and expect to continue to face, pressure to
retain market share by committing capital to businesses or
transactions on terms that offer returns that may not be
commensurate with their risks. In particular, corporate
clients seek such commitments (such as agreements to
participate in their loan facilities) from financial services
firms in connection with investment banking and other
Consolidation and convergence have significantly increased
the capital base and geographic reach of some of our
competitors and have also hastened the globalization of the
securities and other financial services markets. As a result, we
have had to commit capital to support our international
operations and to execute large global transactions. To
capitalize on some of our most significant opportunities, we
will have to compete successfully with financial institutions
that are larger and have more capital and that may have a
stronger local presence and longer operating history outside
the U.S.
We also compete with smaller institutions that offer more
targeted services, such as independent advisory firms. Some
clients may perceive these firms to be less susceptible to
potential conflicts of interest than we are, and, as described
below, our ability to effectively compete with them could be
affected by regulations and limitations on activities that
apply to us but may not apply to them.
A number of our businesses are subject to intense price
competition. Efforts by our competitors to gain market share
have resulted in pricing pressure in our investment banking,
market-making, consumer, wealth management and asset
management businesses. For example, the increasing volume
of trades executed electronically, through the internet and
through alternative trading systems, has increased the
pressure on trading commissions, in that commissions for
electronic trading are generally lower than those for non-
electronic trading. It appears that this trend toward low-
commission trading will continue. Price competition has also
led to compression in the difference between the price at
which a market participant is willing to sell an instrument
and the price at which another market participant is willing
to buy it (i.e., bid/offer spread), which has affected our
market-making businesses. The increasing prevalence of
passive investment strategies that typically have lower fees
than other strategies we offer has affected the competitive
and pricing dynamics for our asset management products and
services. In addition, we believe that we will continue to
experience competitive pressures in these and other areas in
the future as some of our competitors seek to obtain market
share by further reducing prices, and as we enter into or
expand our presence in markets that rely more heavily on
electronic trading and execution. We and other banks also
compete for deposits on the basis of the rates we offer.
Increases in short-term interest rates have resulted in and are
expected to continue to result in more intense competition in
deposit pricing.
We also compete on the basis of the types of financial
products and client experiences that we and our competitors
offer. In some circumstances, our competitors may offer
financial products that we do not offer and that our clients
may prefer, including cryptocurrencies and other digital
assets that we cannot or may choose not to provide. Our
competitors may also develop technology platforms that
provide a better client experience.
The provisions of the U.S. Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform
and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act), the
requirements promulgated by the Basel Committee on
Banking Supervision (Basel Committee) and other financial
regulations could affect our competitive position to the
extent that limitations on activities, increased fees and
compliance costs or other regulatory requirements do not
apply, or do not apply equally, to all of our competitors or
are not implemented uniformly across different jurisdictions.
For example, the provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act that
prohibit proprietary trading and restrict investments in
certain hedge and private equity funds differentiate between
U.S.-based and non-U.S.-based banking organizations and
give non-U.S.-based banking organizations greater flexibility
to trade outside of the U.S. and to form and invest in funds
outside the U.S.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 9
Likewise, the obligations with respect to derivative
transactions under Title VII of the Dodd-Frank Act depend,
in part, on the location of the counterparties to the
transaction. The impact of regulatory developments on our
competitive position has depended and will continue to
depend to a large extent on the manner in which the required
rulemaking and regulatory guidance evolve, the extent of
international convergence, and the development of market
practice and structures under the evolving regulatory regimes,
as described further in “Regulation” below.
We also face intense competition in attracting and retaining
qualified employees. Our ability to continue to compete
effectively has depended and will continue to depend upon
our ability to attract new employees, retain and motivate our
existing employees and to continue to compensate employees
competitively amid intense public and regulatory scrutiny on
the compensation practices of large financial institutions.
Our pay practices and those of certain of our competitors are
subject to review by, and the standards of, the FRB and other
regulators inside and outside the U.S., including the
Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and the Financial
Conduct Authority (FCA) in the U.K. We also compete for
employees with institutions whose pay practices are not
subject to regulatory oversight. See “Regulation
Compensation Practices” and “Risk Factors Competition
Our businesses would be adversely affected if we are
unable to hire and retain qualified employees” in Part I, Item
1A of this Form 10-K for further information about such
As a participant in the global financial services industry, we
are subject to extensive regulation and supervision
worldwide. The regulatory regimes applicable to our
operations have been, and continue to be, subject to
significant changes.
New regulations have been adopted or are being considered
by regulators and policy makers worldwide, as described
below. The impacts of any changes to the regulations
affecting our businesses, including as a result of the proposals
described below, are uncertain and will not be known until
such changes are finalized and market practices and
structures develop under the revised regulations.
Group Inc. is a BHC under the U.S. Bank Holding Company
Act of 1956 (BHC Act) and an FHC under amendments to the
BHC Act effected by the U.S. Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of
1999 (GLB Act), and is subject to supervision and
examination by the FRB, which is our primary regulator.
Under the system of “functional regulation” established
under the GLB Act, the primary regulators of our U.S. non-
bank subsidiaries directly regulate the activities of those
subsidiaries, with the FRB exercising a supervisory role. Such
“functionally regulated” subsidiaries include broker-dealers
and security-based swap dealers registered with the SEC,
such as our principal U.S. broker-dealer, entities registered
with or regulated by the CFTC with respect to futures-related
and swaps-related activities and investment advisers
registered with the SEC with respect to their investment
advisory activities.
Our principal subsidiaries operating in the U.S. include GS
Bank USA, Goldman Sachs & Co., LLC (GS&Co.), J. Aron
& Company LLC (J. Aron) and Goldman Sachs Asset
Management, L.P.
GS Bank USA is our principal U.S. bank subsidiary and is
supervised and regulated by the FRB, the FDIC, the New
York State Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) and
the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). GS Bank
USA also has a London branch, which is regulated by the
FCA and PRA, and a Tokyo branch, which is regulated by
the Japan Financial Services Agency. We conduct a number
of our activities partially or entirely through GS Bank USA
and its subsidiaries, including: corporate loans (including
leveraged lending); securities-based and collateralized loans;
consumer loans (including installment loans, such as point-
of-sale loans, and credit card loans); small business loans
(including installment, lines of credit and credit cards);
residential mortgages; transaction banking; deposit-taking;
interest rate, credit, currency and other derivatives; and
agency lending.
GS&Co. is our principal U.S. broker-dealer and is registered
as a broker-dealer, a securities-based swap dealer, a
municipal advisor and an investment adviser with the SEC
and as a broker-dealer in all 50 states and the District of
Columbia. U.S. self-regulatory organizations, such as FINRA
and the NYSE, have adopted rules that apply to, and
examine, broker-dealers such as GS&Co.
Our principal subsidiaries operating in Europe include:
Goldman Sachs International (GSI), GSIB and Goldman
Sachs Asset Management International (GSAMI); Goldman
Sachs Bank Europe SE (GSBE); and Goldman Sachs Paris Inc.
et Cie (GSPIC).
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Our E.U. subsidiaries are subject to various E.U. regulations,
as well as national laws, including those implementing
European directives. GSBE is directly supervised by the
European Central Bank (ECB) and additionally by BaFin and
Deutsche Bundesbank in the context of the E.U. Single
Supervisory Mechanism (SSM). GSBE’s London branch is
regulated by the FCA. GSBE engages in certain activities
primarily in the E.U., including underwriting and market
making in debt and equity securities and derivatives,
investment, asset and wealth management services, deposit-
taking, lending (including securities lending), and financial
advisory services. GSBE is also a primary dealer for
government bonds issued by E.U. sovereigns. As a foreign
bank subsidiary of GS Bank USA, GSBE is subject to limits
on the nature and scope of its activities under the FRB’s
Regulation K, including limits on its underwriting and
market making in equity securities based on GSBE’s and/or
GS Bank USA’s capital.
GSPIC is an investment firm regulated by the French
Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority (ACPR)
and the French Financial Markets Authority. GSPIC’s
activities include certain activities that GSBE is prevented
from undertaking. GSPIC's application to ACPR in October
2021 to become a credit institution remains pending.
GSI is a U.K. broker-dealer and a designated investment firm,
and GSIB is a U.K. bank. Both GSI and GSIB are regulated by
the PRA and the FCA. As an investment firm, GSI is subject
to prudential requirements applicable to banks, including
capital and liquidity requirements. GSI provides broker-
dealer services in and from the U.K. and is registered with the
CFTC as a swap dealer and with the SEC as a securities-
based swap dealer. GSIB engages in lending (including
securities lending) and deposit-taking activities and is a
primary dealer for U.K. government bonds. GSI and GSIB
maintain branches outside of the U.K. and are subject to the
laws and regulations of the jurisdictions where they are
Our principal subsidiary operating in Asia is Goldman Sachs
Japan Co., Ltd. (GSJCL). GSJCL is our regulated Japanese
broker-dealer subsidiary and is regulated by Japan’s
Financial Services Agency, the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the
Bank of Japan and the Ministry of Finance, among others.
Banking Supervision and Regulation
The Basel Committee is the primary global standard setter
for prudential bank regulation. However, the Basel
Committee’s standards do not become effective in a
jurisdiction until the relevant regulators have adopted rules
to implement its standards. The implications of Basel
Committee standards and related regulations for our
businesses depend to a large extent on their implementation
by the relevant regulators globally, and the market practices
and structures that develop.
Capital and Liquidity Requirements. We and GS Bank
USA are subject to regulatory risk-based capital and leverage
requirements that are calculated in accordance with the
regulations of the FRB (Capital Framework). The Capital
Framework is largely based on the Basel Committee’s
framework for strengthening the regulation, supervision and
risk management of banks (Basel III) and also implements
certain provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act. Under the U.S.
federal bank regulatory agencies’ tailoring framework, we
and GS Bank USA are subject to “Category I” standards
because we have been designated as a global systemically
important bank (G-SIB). Accordingly, we and GS Bank USA
are “Advanced approach” banking organizations. Under the
Capital Framework, we and GS Bank USA must meet specific
regulatory capital requirements that involve quantitative
measures of assets, liabilities and certain off-balance sheet
items. The sufficiency of our capital levels is also subject to
qualitative judgments by regulators. We and GS Bank USA
are also subject to liquidity requirements established by the
U.S. federal bank regulatory agencies.
GSBE is subject to capital and liquidity requirements
prescribed in the E.U. Capital Requirements Regulation, as
amended (CRR), and the E.U. Capital Requirements
Directive, as amended (CRD), which are largely based on
Basel III. The most recent amendments to the CRR and CRD
(respectively, CRR II and CRD V) include changes to the
liquidity, market risk, counterparty credit risk, large
exposures and leverage ratio frameworks. These changes
have been applicable in the E.U. since June 2021. From June
2022, the CRR requires large institutions with securities
traded on a regulated market of a member state to make
qualitative and quantitative disclosures relating to
environmental, social and governance risks on an annual
basis. Under an E.U. proposal, these requirements would
apply to our E.U.-regulated entities beginning in January
GSI and GSIB are subject to the U.K. capital and liquidity
frameworks, which are also largely based on Basel III and are
predominantly aligned with the E.U. capital and liquidity
frameworks. The most recent amendments to the U.K.
frameworks include changes to the liquidity, counterparty
credit risk, large exposures and leverage ratio frameworks.
The changes have been applicable in the U.K. since January
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 11
Risk-Based Capital Ratios. As Advanced approach
banking organizations, we and GS Bank USA calculate risk-
based capital ratios in accordance with both the Standardized
and Advanced Capital Rules. Both the Advanced Capital
Rules and the Standardized Capital Rules include minimum
risk-based capital requirements and additional capital
conservation buffer requirements that must be satisfied solely
with Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital. Failure to
satisfy a buffer requirement in full would result in constraints
on capital distributions and discretionary executive
compensation. The severity of the constraints would depend
on the amount of the shortfall and the organization’s
“eligible retained income,” defined as the greater of (i) net
income for the four preceding quarters, net of distributions
and associated tax effects not reflected in net income; and (ii)
the average of net income over the preceding four quarters.
For Group Inc., the capital conservation buffer requirements
consist of a 2.5% buffer (under the Advanced Capital Rules),
a stress capital buffer (SCB) (under the Standardized Capital
Rules), and both a countercyclical buffer and the G-SIB
surcharge (under both Capital Rules). For GS Bank USA, the
capital conservation buffer requirements consist of a 2.5%
buffer and the countercyclical capital buffer.
The SCB is based on the results of the Federal Reserve’s
supervisory stress tests and our planned common stock
dividends and is likely to change over time based on the
results of the annual supervisory stress tests. See “Stress Tests
and Capital Planning” below. The countercyclical capital
buffer is designed to counteract systemic vulnerabilities and
currently applies only to banking organizations subject to
Category I, II or III standards, including us and GS Bank
USA. Several other national supervisors also require
countercyclical capital buffers. The G-SIB surcharge and
countercyclical capital buffer applicable to us may change in
the future, including due to additional guidance from our
regulators and/or positional changes. As a result, the
minimum capital ratios to which we are subject are likely to
change over time.
The U.S. federal bank regulatory agencies have a rule that
implements the Basel Committee’s standardized approach for
measuring counterparty credit risk exposures in connection
with derivative contracts (SA-CCR). Under the rule,
“Advanced approach” banking organizations are required to
use SA-CCR for calculating their standardized risk-weighted
assets (RWAs) and, with some adjustments, for purposes of
determining their supplementary leverage ratios (SLRs)
discussed below.
The capital requirements applicable to GSBE, GSI and GSIB
include both minimum requirements and buffers. See
“Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operations Capital
Management and Regulatory Capital” in Part II, Item 7 of
this Form 10-K and Note 20 to the consolidated financial
statements in Part II, Item 8 of this Form 10-K for
information about our capital ratios and those of GS Bank
The Basel Committee standards include guidelines for
calculating incremental capital ratio requirements for
banking institutions that are systemically significant from a
domestic but not global perspective (D-SIBs). Depending on
how these guidelines are implemented by national regulators,
they may apply, among others, to certain subsidiaries of G-
SIBs. These guidelines are in addition to the framework for
G-SIBs, but are more principles-based. The U.S. federal bank
regulatory agencies have not designated any D-SIBs. The
CRD and CRR provide that institutions that are systemically
important at the E.U. or member state level, known as other
systemically important institutions (O-SIIs), may be subject
to additional capital ratio requirements, according to their
degree of systemic importance (O-SII buffers). BaFin has
identified GSBE as an O-SII in Germany and set an O-SII
In the U.K., the PRA has identified Goldman Sachs Group
UK Limited (GSG UK), the parent company of GSI and GSIB,
as an O-SII but has not applied an O-SII buffer.
The Basel Committee has finalized revisions to the
framework for calculating capital requirements for market
risk as part of its Fundamental Review of the Trading Book
(FRTB). These revisions are expected to increase market risk
capital requirements for most banking organizations and
large broker-dealers subject to bank capital requirements.
The revised framework, among other things, revises the
standardized and internal model-based approaches used to
calculate market risk requirements and clarifies the scope of
positions subject to market risk capital requirements. The
Basel Committee framework contemplates that national
regulators will have implemented the revised framework by
January 1, 2023. The U.S. federal bank regulatory agencies
have not yet proposed rules implementing the revised
framework. Under the CRR, E.U. financial institutions,
including GSBE, commenced reporting their market risk
calculations under the revised framework in the third quarter
of 2021. In November 2022, the PRA issued a consultation
paper to implement this framework.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
The Basel Committee published standards that it described as
the finalization of the Basel III post-crisis regulatory reforms
(Basel III Revisions). These standards set a floor on internally
modeled capital requirements at a percentage of the capital
requirements under the standardized approach. They also
revise the Basel Committee’s standardized and internal
model-based approaches for credit risk, provide a new
standardized approach for operational risk capital and revise
the frameworks for credit valuation adjustment (CVA) risk.
The Basel Committee framework contemplates that national
regulators will have implemented these standards and that
the new floor will be phased in through January 1, 2028. The
U.S. federal bank regulatory authorities have not yet
proposed rules implementing the Basel III Revisions for
purposes of their risk-based capital ratios. The European
Commission proposed rules to implement the Basel III
Revisions in October 2021 and in November 2022, the
Council of the E.U. adopted its general approach on
implementing the Basel III revisions. The proposed E.U. rules
contemplate amendments to the CRR and the CRD, referred
to as CRR III and CRD VI, generally taking effect in January
2025. In November 2022, the PRA issued a consultation on
the implementation of the Basel III Revisions, with a
proposed January 2025 effective date. Under the PRA
consultation, our U.K. subsidiaries are not expected to be
subject to a floor on internally modeled capital requirements.
The Basel Committee has published an updated securitization
framework and a revised G-SIB assessment methodology, but
the U.S. federal bank regulatory agencies have not yet
proposed rules implementing them. The updated
securitization framework has been implemented in the E.U.
and U.K.
In December 2022, the Basel Committee published a final
standard on the prudential treatment of cryptoasset
exposures. The Basel Committee contemplates that national
regulators will have incorporated the standard into local
capital requirements by January 1, 2025. U.S. federal bank
regulatory agencies and E.U. and U.K. authorities have not
yet proposed rules implementing the standards.
Leverage Ratios. Under the Capital Framework, we and GS
Bank USA are subject to Tier 1 leverage ratios and SLRs
established by the FRB. As a G-SIB, the SLR requirements
applicable to us include both a minimum requirement and a
buffer requirement, which operates in the same manner as the
risk-based buffer requirements described above. In April
2018, the FRB and the OCC issued a proposed rule which
would (i) replace the current 2% SLR buffer for G-SIBs,
including us, with a buffer equal to 50% of their G-SIB
surcharge and (ii) revise the 6% SLR requirement for
Category I banks, such as GS Bank USA, to be “well
capitalized” with a requirement equal to 3% plus 50% of
their parent’s G-SIB surcharge. This proposal, together with
the adopted rule requiring use of SA-CCR for purposes of
calculating the SLR, would implement certain of the revisions
to the leverage ratio framework published by the Basel
Committee in December 2017.
GSBE and certain of our U.K. entities are also subject to
requirements relating to leverage ratios, which are generally
based on the Basel Committee leverage ratio standards.
See “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operations Capital
Management and Regulatory Capital” in Part II, Item 7 of
this Form 10-K and Note 20 to the consolidated financial
statements in Part II, Item 8 of this Form 10-K for
information about our and GS Bank USA’s Tier 1 leverage
ratios and SLRs, and GSI’s leverage ratio.
Liquidity Ratios. The Basel Committee’s framework for
liquidity risk measurement, standards and monitoring
requires banking organizations to measure their liquidity
against two specific liquidity tests: the Liquidity Coverage
Ratio (LCR) and the Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR).
The LCR rule issued by the U.S. federal bank regulatory
agencies and applicable to both us and GS Bank USA is
generally consistent with the Basel Committee’s framework
and is designed to ensure that a banking organization
maintains an adequate level of unencumbered, high-quality
liquid assets equal to or greater than the expected net cash
outflows under an acute short-term liquidity stress scenario.
We and GS Bank USA are required to maintain a minimum
LCR of 100%. See “Available Information” below and
“Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operations Risk Management
Liquidity Risk Management Liquidity Regulatory
Framework” in Part II, Item 7 of this Form 10-K for
information about our average daily LCR.
GSBE is subject to the LCR rule approved by the European
Parliament and Council, and GSI and GSIB are subject to the
rules approved by the U.K. regulatory authorities' LCR rules.
These rules are generally consistent with the Basel
Committee’s framework.
The NSFR is designed to promote medium- and long-term
stable funding of the assets and off-balance sheet activities of
banking organizations over a one-year time horizon. The
Basel Committee’s NSFR framework requires banking
organizations to maintain a minimum NSFR of 100%.
We are subject to the U.S. NSFR rule and we will be required
to publicly disclose our quarterly average daily NSFR semi-
annually. We will begin doing so in August 2023. The CRR
implements the NSFR for certain E.U. financial institutions,
including GSBE. The NSFR requirement implemented in the
U.K. is applicable to both GSI and GSIB.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 13
The FRB’s enhanced prudential standards require BHCs with
$100 billion or more in total consolidated assets to comply
with enhanced liquidity and overall risk management
standards, which include maintaining a level of highly liquid
assets based on projected funding needs for 30 days, and
increased involvement by boards of directors in liquidity and
overall risk management. Although the liquidity requirement
under these rules has some similarities to the LCR, it is a
separate requirement. GSBE also has its own liquidity
planning process, which incorporates internally designed
stress tests and those required under German regulatory
requirements and the ECB Guide to Internal Liquidity
Adequacy Assessment Process (ILAAP). GSI and GSIB have
their own liquidity planning processes, which incorporate
internally designed stress tests developed in accordance with
the guidelines of the PRA’s ILAAP.
See “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operations Risk Management
Overview and Structure of Risk Management” and “—
Liquidity Risk Management Liquidity Regulatory
Framework” in Part II, Item 7 of this Form 10-K for
information about the LCR and NSFR, as well as our risk
management practices and liquidity.
Stress Tests and Capital Planning. The FRB’s
Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR) is
designed to ensure that large BHCs, including us, have
sufficient capital to permit continued operations during times
of economic and financial stress. As required by the FRB, we
perform an annual capital stress test and incorporate the
results into an annual capital plan, which we submit to the
FRB for review. See “Management’s Discussion and Analysis
of Financial Condition and Results of Operations Capital
Management and Regulatory Capital Capital Planning
and Stress Testing Process” in Part II, Item 7 of this Form 10-
K for further information about our annual capital plan. As
described in “Available Information” below, summary results
of the annual stress test are published on our website.
As part of the CCAR process, the FRB evaluates our plan to
make capital distributions across a range of macroeconomic
and company-specific assumptions, based on our and the
FRB’s own stress tests.
The FRB’s rule applicable to BHCs with $100 billion or more
in total consolidated assets, including us, replaced the static
2.5% component of the capital conservation buffer required
under the Standardized Capital Rules with the SCB. The SCB
reflects stressed losses estimated under the supervisory
severely adverse scenario of the CCAR stress tests, as
calculated by the FRB, and includes four quarters of planned
common stock dividends. The SCB, which is subject to a
2.5% floor, is generally effective on October 1 of each year
and remains in effect until October 1 of the following year,
unless it is reset in connection with the resubmission of a
capital plan. See “Available Information” below and
“Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operations Capital
Management and Regulatory Capital” in Part II, Item 7 of
this Form 10-K for information about our SCB requirement.
The SCB rule requires a BHC to receive the FRB’s approval
for any dividend, stock repurchase or other capital
distribution, other than a capital distribution on a newly
issued capital instrument, if the BHC is required to resubmit
its capital plan, which may occur if the BHC determines there
has been or will be a “material change” in its risk profile,
financial condition or corporate structure since the plan was
last submitted, or if the FRB directs the BHC to revise and
resubmit its capital plan.
U.S. depository institutions with total consolidated assets of
$250 billion or more that are subsidiaries of U.S. G-SIBs, such
as GS Bank USA, are required to submit annual company-run
stress test results to the FRB. GSBE also has its own capital
and stress testing process, which incorporates internally
designed stress tests and those required under German
regulatory requirements and the ECB Guide to Internal
Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP). In addition,
GSI and GSIB have their own capital planning and stress
testing processes, which incorporate internally designed stress
tests developed in accordance with the PRA’s ICAAP
Limitations on the Payment of Dividends. U.S. federal
and state laws impose limitations on the payment of
dividends by U.S. depository institutions, such as GS Bank
USA. In general, the amount of dividends that may be paid by
GS Bank USA is limited to the lesser of the amounts
calculated under a recent earnings test and an undivided
profits test. Under the recent earnings test, a dividend may
not be paid if the total of all dividends declared by the entity
in any calendar year is in excess of the current year’s net
income combined with the retained net income of the two
preceding years, unless the entity obtains regulatory
approval. Under the undivided profits test, a dividend may
not be paid in excess of the entity’s undivided profits
(generally, accumulated net profits that have not been paid
out as dividends or transferred to surplus), unless the entity
receives regulatory and stockholder approval. As a result of
dividend payments from GS Bank USA to Group Inc. in
connection with the acquisition of GSBE in July 2021, GS
Bank USA cannot currently declare any dividends without
regulatory approval.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
The applicable U.S. banking regulators have authority to
prohibit or limit the payment of dividends if, in the banking
regulator’s opinion, payment of a dividend would constitute
an unsafe or unsound practice in light of the financial
condition of the banking organization.
Source of Strength. The Dodd-Frank Act requires BHCs to
act as a source of strength to their U.S. bank subsidiaries and
to commit capital and financial resources to support those
subsidiaries. This support may be required by the FRB at
times when BHCs might otherwise determine not to provide
it. Capital loans by a BHC to a U.S. subsidiary bank are
subordinate in right of payment to deposits and to certain
other indebtedness of the subsidiary bank. In addition, if a
BHC commits to a U.S. federal banking agency that it will
maintain the capital of its bank subsidiary, whether in
response to the FRB’s invoking its source-of-strength
authority or in response to other regulatory measures, that
commitment will be assumed by the bankruptcy trustee for
the BHC and the bank will be entitled to priority payment in
respect of that commitment, ahead of other creditors of the
Transactions Between Affiliates. Transactions between
GS Bank USA or its subsidiaries, including GSBE, and Group
Inc. or its other subsidiaries and affiliates are subject to
restrictions under the Federal Reserve Act and regulations
issued by the FRB. These laws and regulations generally limit
the types and amounts of transactions (such as loans and
other credit extensions, including credit exposure arising
from resale agreements, securities borrowing and derivative
transactions, from GS Bank USA or its subsidiaries to Group
Inc. or its other subsidiaries and affiliates and purchases of
assets by GS Bank USA or its subsidiaries from Group Inc. or
its other subsidiaries and affiliates) that may take place and
generally require those transactions, to the extent permitted,
to be on market terms or better to GS Bank USA or its
subsidiaries. These laws and regulations generally do not
apply to transactions between GS Bank USA and its
subsidiaries. Similarly, German regulatory requirements
provide that certain transactions between GSBE and GS Bank
USA or its other affiliates, including Group Inc., must be on
market terms and are subject to special internal approval
requirements. PRA rules provide similar requirements for
transactions between GSI and GSIB and their respective
Resolution and Recovery Plans. We are required by the
FRB and the FDIC to submit a periodic plan for our rapid
and orderly resolution in the event of material financial
distress or failure (resolution plan). If these regulators jointly
determine that an institution has failed to remediate
identified shortcomings in its resolution plan or that its
resolution plan, after any permitted resubmission, is not
credible or would not facilitate an orderly resolution under
the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, they may jointly impose more
stringent capital, leverage or liquidity requirements or
restrictions on growth, activities or operations, or may jointly
order the institution to divest assets or operations, in order to
facilitate orderly resolution in the event of failure. The FRB
and FDIC require U.S. G-SIBs to submit resolution plans
every two years (alternating between submissions of full
plans and targeted plans that include only select
information). We submitted our 2021 resolution plan, which
was a targeted submission, in June 2021, and the FRB and
FDIC did not identify any deficiencies or shortcomings. Our
next required submission is a full submission by July 1, 2023.
See “Risk Factors — Legal and Regulatory —The application
of Group Inc.’s proposed resolution strategy could result in
greater losses for Group Inc.’s security holders” in Part I,
Item 1A of this Form 10-K and “Available Information” in
Part I, Item 1 of this Form 10-K for further information about
our resolution plan.
We are also required by the FRB to submit, on a periodic
basis, a global recovery plan that outlines the steps that we
could take to reduce risk, maintain sufficient liquidity and
conserve capital in times of prolonged stress. Certain of our
subsidiaries are also subject to similar recovery plan
GS Bank USA is required to provide a resolution plan to the
FDIC that must, among other things, demonstrate that it is
adequately protected from risks arising from our other
entities. GS Bank USA’s most recent resolution plan was
submitted in June 2018. In June 2021, the FDIC provided
guidance on insured depository institution (IDI) resolution
plans and divided IDIs with $100 billion or more in assets,
including GS Bank USA, into two groups for purposes of the
timing of resolution plan submissions. GS Bank USA is in the
second group with a later submission date.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 15
The U.S. federal bank regulatory agencies have adopted rules
imposing restrictions on qualified financial contracts (QFCs)
entered into by G-SIBs. The rules are intended to facilitate
the orderly resolution of a failed G-SIB by limiting the ability
of the G-SIB to enter into a QFC unless (i) the counterparty
waives certain default rights in such contract arising upon the
entry of the G-SIB or one of its affiliates into resolution, (ii)
the contract does not contain enumerated prohibitions on the
transfer of such contract and/or any related credit
enhancement, and (iii) the counterparty agrees that the
contract will be subject to the special resolution regimes set
forth in the Dodd-Frank Act orderly liquidation authority
(OLA) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Act of 1950 (FDIA),
described below. GS Bank USA has achieved compliance by
adhering to the International Swaps and Derivatives
Association Universal Resolution Stay Protocol (ISDA
Universal Protocol) and International Swaps and Derivatives
Association 2018 U.S. Resolution Stay Protocol (U.S. ISDA
Protocol) described below.
Certain of our other subsidiaries also adhere to these
protocols. The ISDA Universal Protocol imposes a stay on
certain cross-default and early termination rights within
standard ISDA derivative contracts and securities financing
transactions between adhering parties in the event that one of
them is subject to resolution in its home jurisdiction,
including a resolution under OLA or the FDIA in the U.S.
The U.S. ISDA Protocol, which was based on the ISDA
Universal Protocol, was created to allow market participants
to comply with the final QFC rules adopted by the federal
bank regulatory agencies.
The E.U. Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD),
as amended by the BRRD II, establishes a framework for the
recovery and resolution of financial institutions in the E.U.,
such as GSBE. The BRRD provides national supervisory
authorities with tools and powers to pre-emptively address
potential financial crises in order to promote financial
stability and minimize taxpayers’ exposure to losses. The
BRRD requires E.U. member states to grant certain
resolution powers to national and, where relevant, E.U.
resolution authorities, including the power to impose a
temporary stay and to recapitalize a failing entity by writing
down its unsecured debt or converting its unsecured debt into
equity. Financial institutions in the E.U. must provide that
contracts governed by non-E.U. law recognize those
temporary stay and bail-in powers unless doing so would be
impracticable. GSBE is under the direct authority of the
Single Resolution Board for resolution planning. Regulatory
authorities in the E.U. may require financial institutions in
the E.U., including subsidiaries of non-E.U. groups, to submit
recovery plans and to assist the relevant resolution authority
in constructing resolution plans for the E.U. entities. GSBE’s
primary regulator with respect to recovery planning is the
ECB, and it is also regulated by BaFin and Deutsche
The U.K. Special Resolution Regime confers substantially the
same powers on the Bank of England, as the U.K. resolution
authority, and substantially the same requirements on U.K.
financial institutions. Further, certain U.K. financial
institutions, including GSI and GSIB, are required to meet the
Bank of England’s expectations contained in the U.K.
Resolution Assessment Framework, including with respect to
loss absorbency, contractual stays, operational continuity
and funding in resolution. They are also required by the PRA
to submit solvent wind-down plans on how they could be
wound down in a stressed environment. The PRA is also the
regulatory authority in the U.K. that supervises recovery
planning, and GSI and GSIB are each required to submit
recovery plans to the PRA.
Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity (TLAC). The FRB's rule
addresses U.S. implementation of the Financial Stability
Board’s (FSB’s) TLAC principles and term sheet on minimum
TLAC requirements for G-SIBs. The rule, among other
things, establishes minimum TLAC requirements, establishes
minimum requirements for “eligible long-term debt” (i.e.,
debt that is unsecured, has a maturity of at least one year
from issuance and satisfies certain additional criteria) and
caps the amount of parent company liabilities that are not
eligible long-term debt.
The rule also prohibits a BHC that has been designated as a
U.S. G-SIB from (i) guaranteeing subsidiaries’ liabilities that
are subject to early termination provisions if the BHC enters
into an insolvency or receivership proceeding, subject to an
exception for guarantees permitted by rules of the U.S.
federal banking agencies imposing restrictions on QFCs; (ii)
incurring liabilities guaranteed by subsidiaries; (iii) issuing
short-term debt to third parties; or (iv) entering into
derivatives and certain other financial contracts with external
Additionally, the rule caps, at 5% of the value of the parent
company’s eligible TLAC, the amount of unsecured non-
contingent third-party liabilities that are not eligible long-
term debt that could rank equally with or junior to eligible
long-term debt.
The CRR, the BRRD and U.K. financial services regime are
designed to, among other things, implement the FSB’s
minimum TLAC requirement for G-SIBs. For example, the
CRR requires E.U. subsidiaries of a non-E.U. G-SIB that
exceed the threshold of 5% of the G-SIB’s RWAs, operating
income or leverage exposure, such as GSBE, to meet internal
TLAC requirements. Under the U.K. financial services
regime, GSG UK exceeds the applicable thresholds and
therefore, it is subject to internal TLAC requirements.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
The CRD requires a non-E.U. group with more than €40
billion of assets in the E.U., such as us, to establish an E.U.
intermediate holding company (E.U. IHC) by December 30,
2023 if it has, as in our case, two or more of certain types of
E.U. financial institution subsidiaries, including broker-
dealers and banks. A non-E.U. group may have two E.U.
IHCs if a request for a second is approved. GSBE and GSPIC
will be subject to the single E.U. IHC requirement unless an
exemption is granted. The CRR requires E.U. IHCs to satisfy
capital and liquidity requirements, a minimum requirement
for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL), and certain
other prudential requirements at a consolidated level. The
U.K. has not implemented a similar requirement to establish
an IHC; however, the PRA has introduced a requirement that
certain U.K. financial holding companies or a designated
U.K. group entity be responsible for the U.K. group’s
regulatory compliance. We have designated GSI for that
The BRRD II and the U.K. resolution regime subject
institutions to an MREL, which is generally consistent with
the FSB’s TLAC standard. GSI is required to maintain a
minimum level of internal MREL and provide the Bank of
England the right to exercise bail-in triggers over certain
intercompany regulatory capital and senior debt instruments
issued by GSI. These triggers enable the Bank of England to
write down such instruments or convert such instruments to
equity. The triggers can be exercised by the Bank of England
if it determines that GSI has reached the point of non-
viability and the FRB and the FDIC have not objected to the
bail-in or if Group Inc. enters bankruptcy or similar
proceedings. The Single Resolution Board’s internal MREL
requirements applicable to GSBE are required to be phased in
through January 2024.
Insolvency of a BHC or IDI. The Dodd-Frank Act created a
resolution regime, OLA, for BHCs and their affiliates that are
systemically important. Under OLA, the FDIC may be
appointed as receiver for the systemically important
institution and its failed non-bank subsidiaries if, upon the
recommendation of applicable regulators, the U.S. Secretary
of the Treasury determines, among other things, that the
institution is in default or in danger of default, that the
institution’s failure would have serious adverse effects on the
U.S. financial system and that resolution under OLA would
avoid or mitigate those effects.
If the FDIC is appointed as receiver under OLA, then the
powers of the receiver, and the rights and obligations of
creditors and other parties who have dealt with the
institution, would be determined under OLA, and not under
the bankruptcy or insolvency law that would otherwise
apply. The powers of the receiver under OLA are generally
based on the powers of the FDIC as receiver for depository
institutions under the FDIA, described below.
Substantial differences in the rights of creditors exist between
OLA and the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, including the right of
the FDIC under OLA to disregard the strict priority of
creditor claims in some circumstances, the use of an
administrative claims procedure to determine creditors’
claims (as opposed to the judicial procedure utilized in
bankruptcy proceedings), and the right of the FDIC to
transfer claims to a “bridge” entity. In addition, OLA limits
the ability of creditors to enforce certain contractual cross-
defaults against affiliates of the institution in receivership.
The FDIC has issued a notice that it would likely resolve a
failed FHC by transferring its assets to a “bridge” holding
company under its “single point of entry” or “SPOE” strategy
pursuant to OLA.
Under the FDIA, if the FDIC is appointed as conservator or
receiver for an IDI such as GS Bank USA, upon its insolvency
or in certain other events, the FDIC has broad powers,
including the power:
To transfer any of the IDI’s assets and liabilities to a new
obligor, including a newly formed “bridge” bank, without
the approval of the depository institution’s creditors;
To enforce the IDI’s contracts pursuant to their terms
without regard to any provisions triggered by the
appointment of the FDIC in that capacity; or
To repudiate or disaffirm any contract or lease to which
the IDI is a party, the performance of which is determined
by the FDIC to be burdensome and the repudiation or
disaffirmance of which is determined by the FDIC to
promote the orderly administration of the IDI.
In addition, the claims of holders of domestic deposit
liabilities and certain claims for administrative expenses
against an IDI would be afforded a priority over other
general unsecured claims, including deposits at non-U.S.
branches and claims of debtholders of the IDI, in the
“liquidation or other resolution” of such an institution by
any receiver. As a result, whether or not the FDIC ever
sought to repudiate any debt obligations of GS Bank USA,
the debtholders (other than depositors at U.S. branches)
would be treated differently from, and could receive, if
anything, substantially less than, the depositors at U.S.
branches of GS Bank USA.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 17
Deposit Insurance. Deposits at GS Bank USA have the
benefit of FDIC insurance up to the applicable limits. The
FDIC’s Deposit Insurance Fund is funded by assessments on
IDIs. GS Bank USA’s assessment (subject to adjustment by
the FDIC) is currently based on its average total consolidated
assets less its average tangible equity during the assessment
period, its supervisory ratings and specified forward-looking
financial measures used to calculate the assessment rate. The
deposits of GSBE are covered by the German statutory
deposit protection program to the extent provided by law. In
addition, GSBE has elected to participate in the German
voluntary deposit protection program which provides
insurance for certain eligible deposits not covered by the
German statutory deposit program. Eligible deposits at GSIB
and the London branch of GS Bank USA are covered by the
U.K. Financial Services Compensation Scheme up to the
applicable limits.
In October 2022, the FDIC adopted a rule applicable to all
FDIC-insured banks that increased initial base deposit
insurance assessment rates by 2 basis points, beginning with
the first quarterly assessment period of 2023.
Prompt Corrective Action. The U.S. Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991 (FDICIA)
requires the U.S. federal bank regulatory agencies to take
“prompt corrective action” in respect of depository
institutions that do not meet specified capital requirements.
FDICIA establishes five capital categories for FDIC-insured
banks, such as GS Bank USA: well-capitalized, adequately
capitalized, undercapitalized, significantly undercapitalized
and critically undercapitalized.
An institution may be downgraded to, or deemed to be in, a
capital category that is lower than is indicated by its capital
ratios if it is determined to be in an unsafe or unsound
condition or if it receives an unsatisfactory examination
rating with respect to certain matters. FDICIA imposes
progressively more restrictive constraints on operations,
management and capital distributions, as the capital category
of an institution declines. Failure to meet the capital
requirements could also require a depository institution to
raise capital. Ultimately, critically undercapitalized
institutions are subject to the appointment of a receiver or
conservator, as described in “Insolvency of an IDI or a BHC”
The prompt corrective action regulations do not apply to
BHCs. However, the FRB is authorized to take appropriate
action at the BHC level, based upon the undercapitalized
status of the BHC’s depository institution subsidiaries. In
certain instances, relating to an undercapitalized depository
institution subsidiary, the BHC would be required to
guarantee the performance of the undercapitalized
subsidiary’s capital restoration plan and might be liable for
civil money damages for failure to fulfill its commitments on
that guarantee. Furthermore, in the event of the bankruptcy
of the BHC, the guarantee would take priority over the
BHC’s general unsecured creditors, as described in “Source of
Strength” above.
Volcker Rule and Other Restrictions on Activities. As a
BHC, we are subject to limitations on the types of business
activities in which we may engage.
Volcker Rule. The Volcker Rule prohibits “proprietary
trading,” but permits activities such as underwriting, market
making and risk-mitigation hedging, requires an extensive
compliance program and includes additional reporting and
record-keeping requirements.
In addition, the Volcker Rule limits the sponsorship of, and
investment in, “covered funds” (as defined in the rule) by
banking entities, including us. It also limits certain types of
transactions between us and our sponsored and advised
funds, similar to the limitations on transactions between
depository institutions and their affiliates. Covered funds
include our private equity funds, certain of our credit and real
estate funds, our hedge funds and certain other investment
structures. The limitation on investments in covered funds
requires us to limit our investment in each such fund to 3%
or less of the fund’s net asset value, and to limit our aggregate
investment in all such funds to 3% or less of our Tier 1
The FRB has granted our request for additional time until
July 2023 to conform our investments in, and relationships
with, certain legacy “illiquid funds” (as defined in the
Volcker Rule) that were in place prior to December 2013. See
Note 8 to the consolidated financial statements in Part II,
Item 8 of this Form 10-K for further information about our
investments in such funds.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Other Restrictions. FHCs generally can engage in a broader
range of financial and related activities than are otherwise
permissible for BHCs as long as they continue to meet the
eligibility requirements for FHCs. The broader range of
permissible activities for FHCs includes underwriting, dealing
and making markets in securities and making investments in
non-FHCs (merchant banking activities). In addition, certain
FHCs, including us, are permitted to engage in certain
commodities activities in the U.S. that may otherwise be
impermissible for BHCs, so long as the assets held pursuant
to these activities do not equal 5% or more of their
consolidated assets.
The FRB, however, has the authority to limit an FHC’s
ability to conduct activities that would otherwise be
permissible, and will likely do so if the FHC does not
satisfactorily meet certain requirements of the FRB. For
example, if an FHC or any of its U.S. depository institution
subsidiaries ceases to maintain its status as well-capitalized or
well-managed, the FRB may impose corrective capital and/or
managerial requirements, as well as additional limitations or
conditions. If the deficiencies persist, the FHC may be
required to divest its U.S. depository institution subsidiaries
or to cease engaging in activities other than the business of
banking and certain closely related activities.
If any IDI subsidiary of an FHC fails to maintain at least a
“satisfactory” rating under the Community Reinvestment Act
(CRA), the FHC would be subject to restrictions on certain
new activities and acquisitions.
In addition, we are required to obtain prior FRB approval
before certain acquisitions and before engaging in certain
banking and other financial activities both within and outside
the U.S.
U.S. G-SIBs, like us, are also required to comply with a rule
regarding single counterparty credit limits, which imposes
more stringent requirements for credit exposures among
major financial institutions.
The New York State banking law imposes lending limits
(which take into account credit exposure from derivative
transactions) and other requirements that could impact the
manner and scope of GS Bank USA’s activities.
The U.S. federal bank regulatory agencies have issued
guidance that focuses on transaction structures and risk
management frameworks and that outlines high-level
principles for safe-and-sound leveraged lending, including
underwriting standards, valuation and stress testing. This
guidance has, among other things, limited the percentage
amount of debt that can be included in certain transactions.
As a German credit institution, GSBE will become subject to
Volcker Rule-type prohibitions under German banking law
and regulations on December 31, 2023 because its financial
assets exceeded certain thresholds. Prohibited activities
include (i) proprietary trading, (ii) high-frequency trading at
a German trading venue, and (iii) lending and guarantee
businesses with German hedge funds, German funds of hedge
funds or any non-German substantially leveraged alternative
investment funds, unless an exclusion or an exemption
applies. See “Volcker Rule” above for further information.
U.K. banks that have over £25 billion of core retail deposits
are required to separate their retail banking services from
their investment and international banking activities,
commonly known as “ring-fencing.” GSIB is not currently
subject to the ring-fencing requirement.
Broker-Dealer and Securities Regulation
Our broker-dealer subsidiaries, including GS&Co., are
subject to regulations that cover all aspects of the securities
business, including sales methods, trade practices, the use and
safekeeping of clients’ funds and securities, capital structure,
record-keeping, the financing of clients’ purchases, and the
conduct of directors, officers and employees. In the U.S., the
SEC is the federal agency responsible for the administration
of the federal securities laws.
U.S. state securities and other U.S. regulators also have
regulatory or oversight authority over GS&Co. For a
description of net capital requirements applicable to
GS&Co., see “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of
Financial Condition and Results of Operations — Capital
Management and Regulatory Capital U.S. Regulated
Broker-Dealer Subsidiaries” in Part II, Item 7 of this Form 10-
The SEC issued a proposed rule in November 2021 which, if
adopted, would require lenders of securities to provide the
material terms of securities lending transactions to a
registered national securities association, such as FINRA.
The SEC requires broker-dealers to act in the best interest of
their customers. SEC rules require broker-dealers to provide
a standardized, short-form disclosure highlighting services
offered, applicable standards of conduct, fees and costs, the
differences between brokerage and advisory services, and any
conflicts of interest. In addition, several states have adopted
or proposed adopting uniform fiduciary duty standards
applicable to broker-dealers.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 19
In December 2022, the SEC issued four proposals to reform
the U.S. equity market structure. The SEC proposed
establishing a broker-dealer best execution standard, which
would require broker-dealers to use reasonable diligence to
ascertain the best market for a customer order so that the
resultant price to the customer is as favorable as possible
under prevailing market conditions. The best execution
standard applies to all securities and supplements, but does
not replace, the existing FINRA and Municipal Securities
Rulemaking Board (MSRB) best execution rules. The SEC
also proposed, among other things, to require that individual
investor orders routed through broker-dealers be exposed to
order-by-order competition in qualified auctions; to update
the minimum pricing increments, with variable price
increments based on the trading characteristics of stocks; and
to revise and expand reporting and disclosure requirements
relating to execution quality.
In January 2023, the SEC proposed a rule that would prohibit
participants involved in the creation of asset-backed
securities, including any underwriter, placement agent, initial
purchaser or sponsor of an asset-backed security (or any
affiliate or subsidiary), from engaging in any transaction that
would involve or result in a material conflict of interest
between the securitization participant and an investor in an
asset-backed security, including reducing its exposure to the
asset-backed securities, subject to certain exceptions.
The SEC, FINRA and regulators in various non-U.S.
jurisdictions have imposed both conduct-based and
disclosure-based requirements with respect to research
reports and research analysts and may impose additional
GS&Co. and other U.S. subsidiaries are also subject to rules
adopted by U.S. federal agencies pursuant to the Dodd-Frank
Act that require any person who organizes or initiates certain
asset-backed securities transactions to retain a portion
(generally, at least five percent) of any credit risk that the
person conveys to a third party. For certain securitization
transactions, retention by third-party purchasers may satisfy
this requirement.
In Europe, we provide broker-dealer services, including
through GSBE, GSPIC and GSI, that are subject to oversight
by European and national regulators. These services are
regulated in accordance with E.U., U.K. and other national
laws and regulations. These laws require, among other
things, compliance with certain capital adequacy and
liquidity standards, customer protection requirements and
market conduct and trade reporting rules. Certain of our
European subsidiaries are also regulated by the securities,
derivatives and commodities exchanges of which they are
In the E.U. and the U.K., the European Markets in Financial
Instruments Directive (MiFID II) established trading venue
categories for the purposes of discharging the obligation to
trade OTC derivatives on a trading platform, enhanced pre-
and post-trade transparency covering a wide range of
financial instruments, placed volume caps on non-transparent
liquidity trading for equities trading venues, limited the use
of broker-dealer equities crossing networks and created a
regime for systematic internalizers, which are investment
firms that execute client equity transactions outside a trading
venue. Additional control requirements apply to algorithmic
trading, high frequency trading and direct electronic access.
Commodities trading firms are required to calculate their
positions and adhere to specific position limits. MiFID II also
requires enhanced transaction reporting, the publication of
best execution data by investment firms and trading venues,
transparency on costs and charges of service to investors,
restrictions on the way investment managers can pay for the
receipt of investment research, rules limiting the payment and
receipt of soft commissions and other forms of inducements,
and mandatory unbundling for broker-dealers between
execution and other major services. Certain of our non-U.S.
subsidiaries, including GSBE and GSI, are subject to risk
retention requirements in connection with securitization
GSJCL, our regulated Japanese broker-dealer, is subject to
capital requirements imposed by Japan’s Financial Services
Agency. GSJCL is also regulated by the Tokyo Stock
Exchange, the Bank of Japan and the Ministry of Finance,
among others.
The Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong, the
China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Reserve Bank
of India, the Securities and Exchange Board of India, the
Australian Securities and Investments Commission, the
Australian Securities Exchange, the Monetary Authority of
Singapore, the Korean Financial Supervisory Service and the
Central Bank of Brazil, among others, regulate various of our
subsidiaries and also have capital standards and other
requirements comparable to the rules of the U.S. regulators.
Our exchange-based market-making activities are subject to
extensive regulation by a number of securities exchanges. As
a market maker on exchanges, we are required to maintain
orderly markets in the securities to which we are assigned.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Swaps, Derivatives and Commodities Regulation
The commodity futures, commodity options and swaps
industry in the U.S. is subject to regulation under the U.S.
Commodity Exchange Act (CEA). The CFTC is the U.S.
federal agency charged with the administration of the CEA.
In addition, the SEC is the U.S. federal agency charged with
the regulation of security-based swaps. The rules and
regulations of various self-regulatory organizations, such as
the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, other futures exchanges
and the National Futures Association, also govern
commodity futures, commodity options and swaps activities.
The terms “swaps” and “security-based swaps” include a
wide variety of derivative instruments in addition to those
conventionally referred to as swaps (including certain
forward contracts and options), and relate to a wide variety
of underlying assets or obligations, including currencies,
commodities, interest or other monetary rates, yields, indices,
securities, credit events, loans and other financial obligations.
CFTC rules require registration of swap dealers, mandatory
clearing and execution of interest rate and credit default
swaps and real-time public reporting and adherence to
business conduct standards for all in-scope swaps. A number
of these requirements, particularly those regarding
recordkeeping and reporting, also apply to transactions that
do not involve a registered swap dealer. GS&Co. and other
subsidiaries, including GS Bank USA, GSBE, GSI and J.
Aron, are registered with the CFTC as swap dealers. The
CFTC has rules establishing capital requirements for swap
dealers that are not subject to the capital rules of a prudential
regulator, such as the FRB. The CFTC also has financial
reporting requirements for covered swap entities and capital
rules for CFTC-registered futures commission merchants that
provide explicit capital requirements for proprietary
positions in swaps and security-based swaps that are not
cleared by a clearing organization. Certain of our registered
swap dealers, including J. Aron, are subject to the CFTC’s
capital requirements.
Our affiliates registered as swap dealers are subject to the
margin rules issued by the CFTC (in the case of our non-bank
swap dealers) and the FRB (in the case of GS Bank USA and
GSBE). Inter-affiliate transactions under the CFTC and FRB
margin rules are generally exempt from initial margin
SEC rules govern the registration and regulation of security-
based swap dealers. Security-based swaps are defined as
swaps on single securities, single loans or narrow-based
baskets or indices of securities. The SEC has adopted a
number of rules for security-based swap dealers, including (i)
capital, margin and segregation requirements; (ii) record-
keeping, financial reporting and notification requirements;
(iii) business conduct standards; (iv) regulatory and public
trade reporting; and (v) the application of risk mitigation
techniques to uncleared portfolios of security-based swaps.
Certain of our subsidiaries, including GS&Co., GS Bank USA
and GSBE, are registered with the SEC as security-based
swap dealers and subject to the SEC’s regulations regarding
security-based swaps. The SEC has proposed additional
regulations regarding security-based swaps that would,
among other things, require public reporting of large
positions in security-based swaps.
GS Bank USA is also subject to the FRB’s swaps margin rules.
These rules require the exchange of initial and variation
margin in connection with transactions in swaps and
security-based swaps that are not cleared through a registered
or exempt clearinghouse. GS Bank USA is required to post
and collect margin in connection with transactions with swap
dealers, security-based swap dealers, major swap participants
and major security-based swap participants, or financial end
The CFTC and the SEC have adopted rules relating to cross-
border regulation of swaps and securities-based swaps, and
business conduct and registration requirements. The CFTC
and the SEC have entered into agreements with certain non-
U.S. regulators regarding the cross-border regulation of
derivatives and the mutual recognition of cross-border
execution facilities and clearinghouses, and have approved
substituted compliance with certain non-U.S. regulations
related to certain business conduct requirements and margin
rules. The U.S. prudential regulators have not yet made a
determination with respect to substituted compliance for
transactions subject to non-U.S. margin rules.
Similar types of regulation have been proposed or adopted in
jurisdictions outside the U.S., including in the E.U. and
Japan. Under the European Market Infrastructure Regulation
(EMIR), for example, the E.U. and the U.K. have established
regulatory requirements relating to portfolio reconciliation
and reporting, clearing certain OTC derivatives and
margining for uncleared derivatives activities. In addition,
under the European Markets in Financial Instruments
Directive and Regulation, transactions in certain types of
derivatives are required to be executed on regulated
platforms or exchanges.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 21
The CFTC has adopted rules that limit the size of positions
in physical commodity derivatives that can be held by any
entity, or any group of affiliates or other parties trading
under common ownership or control. The CFTC position
limits apply to futures on physical commodities and options
on such futures, apply to both physically and cash settled
positions and to swaps that are economically equivalent to
such futures and options. The position limit rules initially
impose limits in the spot month only (i.e., during the delivery
period for the physical commodities, which is typically a
period of several days). CFTC spot and non-spot month
limits will continue to apply to futures on certain legacy
agricultural commodities, and it is possible that non-spot
month limits will at some point be adopted for futures,
options on futures and swaps on other categories of physical
J. Aron is authorized by the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission (FERC) to sell wholesale physical power at
market-based rates. As a FERC-authorized power marketer,
J. Aron is subject to regulation under the U.S. Federal Power
Act and FERC regulations and to the oversight of FERC. As a
result of our investing activities, Group Inc. is also an
“exempt holding company” under the U.S. Public Utility
Holding Company Act of 2005 and applicable FERC rules.
In addition, as a result of our power-related and commodities
activities, we are subject to energy, environmental and other
governmental laws and regulations, as described in “Risk
Factors Legal and Regulatory Our commodities
activities, particularly our physical commodities activities,
subject us to extensive regulation and involve certain
potential risks, including environmental, reputational and
other risks that may expose us to significant liabilities and
costs” in Part I, Item 1A of this Form 10-K.
GS&Co. is registered with the CFTC as a futures commission
merchant, and several of our subsidiaries, including GS&Co.,
are registered with the CFTC and act as commodity pool
operators and commodity trading advisors. Goldman Sachs
Financial Markets, L.P. is registered with the SEC as an OTC
derivatives dealer.
Asset Management and Wealth Management
Our asset management and wealth management businesses
are subject to extensive oversight by regulators around the
world relating to, among other things, the fair treatment of
clients, safeguarding of client assets, offerings of funds,
marketing activities, transactions among affiliates and our
management of client funds.
The federal securities laws impose fiduciary duties on
investment advisers, including GS&Co., Goldman Sachs
Asset Management, L.P. and our other U.S. registered
investment adviser subsidiaries. Additionally, SEC rules
require investment advisers to provide a standardized, short-
form disclosure highlighting services offered, applicable
standards of conduct, fees and costs, the differences between
brokerage and advisory services, and any conflicts of interest.
Several states have adopted or proposed adopting uniform
fiduciary duty standards applicable to advisers.
Certain of our European subsidiaries, including GSBE in the
E.U. and GSAMI in the U.K., are subject to MiFID II and/or
related regulations (including the U.K. legislation making
such regulations part of U.K. law), which govern the
approval, organizational, marketing and reporting
requirements of E.U. or U.K.-based investment managers and
the ability of investment fund managers located outside the
E.U. or the U.K. to access those markets. NNIP B.V. is
subject to similar requirements as a management company
licensed under the E.U. Undertakings for Collective
Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) Directive and
the E.U. Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFM)
Directive with additional authorizations for certain activities
regulated under MiFID II. Our asset management business in
the E.U. and the U.K. significantly depends on our ability to
delegate parts of our activities to other affiliates.
GSAMI is also subject to the prudential regime for U.K.
investment firms, the Investment Firms Prudential Regime
(IFPR), which governs the prudential requirements for U.K.
investment firms prudentially regulated by the FCA.
Consumer Regulation
Our U.S. consumer-oriented activities are subject to
supervision and regulation by the CFPB with respect to
federal consumer protection laws, including laws relating to
fair lending and the prohibition of unfair, deceptive or
abusive acts or practices in connection with the offer, sale or
provision of consumer financial products and services. Our
consumer-oriented activities are also subject to various state
and local consumer protection laws, rules and regulations,
which, among other things, impose obligations relating to
marketing, origination, servicing and collections activities in
our consumer businesses. Many of these laws, rules and
regulations also apply to our small business lending activities,
which are also subject to supervision and regulation by
federal and state regulators. In addition, our U.K. consumer
deposit-taking activities are subject to U.K. consumer
protection laws and regulations.
Compensation Practices
Our compensation practices are subject to oversight by the
FRB and, with respect to some of our subsidiaries and
employees, by other regulatory bodies worldwide.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
The FSB has released standards for implementation by local
regulators that are designed to encourage sound
compensation practices at banks and other financial
companies. The U.S. federal bank regulatory agencies have
also provided guidance designed to ensure that incentive
compensation arrangements at banking organizations take
into account risk and are consistent with safe and sound
practices. The guidance sets forth the following three key
principles with respect to incentive compensation
arrangements: (i) the arrangements should provide employees
with incentives that appropriately balance risk and financial
results in a manner that does not encourage employees to
expose their organizations to imprudent risk; (ii) the
arrangements should be compatible with effective controls
and risk management; and (iii) the arrangements should be
supported by strong corporate governance. The guidance
provides that supervisory findings with respect to incentive
compensation will be incorporated, as appropriate, into the
organization’s supervisory ratings, which can affect its ability
to make acquisitions or perform other actions. The guidance
also notes that enforcement actions may be taken against a
banking organization if its incentive compensation
arrangements or related risk management, control or
governance processes pose a risk to the organization’s safety
and soundness.
The Dodd-Frank Act requires U.S. financial regulators,
including the FRB and SEC, to adopt rules on incentive-based
payment arrangements at specified regulated entities having
at least $1 billion in total assets. The U.S. financial regulators
proposed revised rules in 2016, which have not been finalized.
In October 2022, the SEC adopted a final rule requiring
securities exchanges to adopt rules mandating, in the case of
a restatement, the recovery or “clawback” of excess
incentive-based compensation paid to current or former
executive officers and requiring listed issuers to disclose any
recovery analysis where recovery is triggered by a
The NYDFS’ guidance emphasizes that any incentive
compensation arrangements tied to employee performance
indicators at banking institutions regulated by the NYDFS,
including GS Bank USA, must be subject to effective risk
management, oversight and control.
In the E.U., certain provisions in the CRR and CRD are
designed to meet the FSB’s compensation standards. These
provisions limit the ratio of variable to fixed compensation of
all employees at GSBE and of certain employees at our other
operating subsidiaries in the E.U., including those employees
identified as having a material impact on the risk profile of
regulated entities. CRR II and CRD V amended certain
aspects of these rules, including, by increasing minimum
variable compensation deferral periods. Substantially similar
requirements apply in the U.K. in relation to GSI and GSIB.
The E.U. and the U.K. have each also introduced investment
firm regimes, including rules regulating compensation for
certain persons providing services to certain investment
Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Bribery Rules and
The U.S. Bank Secrecy Act, as amended (BSA), including by
the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001, contains anti-money
laundering and financial transparency laws and authorizes or
mandates the promulgation of various regulations applicable
to financial institutions, including standards for verifying
client identification at account opening, and obligations to
monitor client transactions and report suspicious activities.
Through these and other provisions, the BSA seeks, among
other things, to promote the identification of parties that may
be involved in terrorism, money laundering or other
suspicious activities.
The Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020 (AMLA), which
amends the BSA, is intended to comprehensively reform and
modernize U.S. anti-money laundering laws. Among other
things, the AMLA codifies a risk-based approach to anti-
money laundering compliance for financial institutions;
requires the U.S. Department of the Treasury to promulgate
priorities for anti-money laundering and countering the
financing of terrorism policy; requires the development of
standards by the U.S. Department of the Treasury for testing
technology and internal processes for BSA compliance;
expands enforcement- and investigation-related authority,
including a significant expansion in the available sanctions
for certain BSA violations; and expands BSA whistleblower
incentives and protections. Many of the statutory provisions
in the AMLA will require additional rulemakings, reports
and other measures, and the impact of the AMLA will
depend on, among other things, rulemaking and
implementation guidance. The Financial Crimes Enforcement
Network (FinCEN), a bureau of the U.S. Department of
Treasury has issued the priorities for anti-money laundering
and countering the financing of terrorism policy, as required
under the AMLA. The priorities include: corruption,
cybercrime, terrorist financing, fraud, transnational crime,
drug trafficking, human trafficking and proliferation
We are subject to other laws and regulations worldwide
relating to anti-money laundering and financial transparency,
including the E.U. Anti-Money Laundering Directives. In
addition, we are subject to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices
Act (FCPA), the U.K. Bribery Act and other laws and
regulations worldwide regarding corrupt and illegal
payments, or providing anything of value, for the benefit of
government officials and others. The scope of the types of
payments or other benefits covered by these laws is very
broad. These laws and regulations include requirements
relating to the identification of clients, monitoring for and
reporting suspicious transactions, monitoring direct and
indirect payments to politically exposed persons, providing
information to regulatory authorities and law enforcement
agencies, and sharing information with other financial
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 23
Privacy and Cybersecurity Regulation
Our businesses are subject to numerous laws and regulations
relating to the privacy of information regarding clients,
employees and others. These include, but are not limited to,
the GLB Act, the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018,
as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020
(CCPA), the E.U.’s General Data Protection Regulation
(GDPR), the U.K.’s Data Protection Act 2018, the Japanese
Personal Information Protection Act, the Personal
Information Protection Law of the People’s Republic of
China (PIPL), and the Hong Kong Personal Data (Privacy)
Ordinance. Among other things, the CCPA imposes
compliance obligations with regard to the collection, use and
disclosure of personal information. In addition, several other
states and non-U.S. jurisdictions have enacted, or are
proposing, privacy and data protection laws similar to the
GDPR and the CCPA. Furthermore, the GDPR has
heightened our privacy compliance obligations, impacted
certain of our businesses’ collection, processing and retention
of personal data and imposed strict standards for reporting
data breaches. The GDPR also provides for significant
penalties for non-compliance. The PIPL limits the legal bases
for processing personal information, contains heightened
notice and consent requirements for the handling of certain
types of personal information and imposes special cross-
border data transfer rules under certain circumstances.
Our businesses are also subject to laws and regulations
governing cybersecurity and related risks, and which require
regulatory disclosures of certain security incidents. The
NYDFS also requires financial institutions regulated by the
NYDFS, including GS Bank USA, to, among other things, (i)
establish and maintain a cybersecurity program designed to
ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of their
information systems; (ii) implement and maintain a written
cybersecurity policy setting forth policies and procedures for
the protection of their information systems and nonpublic
information; and (iii) designate a Chief Information Security
In January 2023, the E.U. Digital Operational Resilience Act
(DORA) became effective, and will apply from January 2025.
DORA requires E.U. financial entities, such as GSBE, to have
a comprehensive governance and control framework for the
management of information and communications technology
(ICT) risk.
In addition, in March 2022, the SEC proposed new rules that
would require disclosures about material cybersecurity
incidents on Form 8-K and updated disclosures about
previously disclosed cybersecurity incidents on Forms 10-Q
and 10-K.
Information about our Executive Officers
Set forth below are the name, age, present title, principal
occupation and certain biographical information for the
executive officers who have been appointed by, and serve at
the pleasure of, Group Inc.’s Board.
Philip R. Berlinski, 46
Mr. Berlinski has been Global Treasurer since October 2021;
he also serves as Chief Executive Officer of Goldman Sachs
Bank USA. He had previously served as Chief Operating
Officer of Global Equities from May 2019. Prior to that, he
was Co-Head of Global Equities Trading and Execution
Services from September 2016 to May 2019.
Denis P. Coleman III, 49
Mr. Coleman has been Chief Financial Officer since January
2022. He had previously served as Deputy Chief Financial
Officer from September 2021 and, prior to that, Co-Head of
the Global Financing Group from June 2018 to September
2021. From 2016 to June 2018, he was Head of the EMEA
Financing Group, and from 2009 to 2016 he was Head of
EMEA Credit Finance in London.
Sheara J. Fredman, 47
Ms. Fredman has been Controller and Chief Accounting
Officer since November 2019. She had previously served as
Head of Regulatory Controllers from September 2017 and,
prior to that, she had served as Global Product Controller.
Brian J. Lee, 56
Mr. Lee has been Chief Risk Officer since November 2019.
He had previously served as Controller and Chief Accounting
Officer from March 2017 and, prior to that, he had served as
Deputy Controller from 2014.
Ericka T. Leslie, 52
Ms. Leslie has been Chief Administrative Officer since
February 2022. She had previously served as Global Head of
Operations and Platform Engineering for the Global Markets
Division from March 2020, as Global Head of Operations for
the Securities Division from January 2019 and as Head of
Global Operations for the Commodities business from
September 2008.
John F.W. Rogers, 66
Mr. Rogers has been an Executive Vice President since April
2011 and Chief of Staff and Secretary to the Board since
December 2001.
Kathryn H. Ruemmler, 51
Ms. Ruemmler has been the Chief Legal Officer, General
Counsel and Secretary since March 2021, and was previously
Global Head of Regulatory Affairs from April 2020. From
June 2014 to April 2020, Ms. Ruemmler was a Litigation
Partner at Latham & Watkins LLP, a global law firm, where
she was Global Chair of the White Collar Defense and
Investigations practice.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
David Solomon, 61
Mr. Solomon has been Chairman of the Board since January
2019 and Chief Executive Officer and a director since
October 2018. He had previously served as President and
Chief or Co-Chief Operating Officer from January 2017 and
Co-Head of the Investment Banking Division from July 2006
to December 2016.
John E. Waldron, 53
Mr. Waldron has been President and Chief Operating Officer
since October 2018. He had previously served as Co-Head of
the Investment Banking Division from December 2014. Prior
to that he was Global Head of Investment Banking Services/
Client Coverage for the Investment Banking Division and had
oversight of the Investment Banking Services Leadership
Group, and from 2007 to 2009 was Global Co-Head of the
Financial Sponsors Group.
Available Information
Our internet address is www.goldmansachs.com and the
investor relations section of our website is located at
www.goldmansachs.com/investor-relations, where we make
available, free of charge, our annual reports on Form 10-K,
quarterly reports on Form 10-Q and current reports on Form
8-K and amendments to those reports filed or furnished
pursuant to Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Exchange Act, as
well as proxy statements, as soon as reasonably practicable
after we electronically file such material with, or furnish it to,
the SEC. Also posted on our website, and available in print
upon request of any shareholder to our Investor Relations
Department (Investor Relations), are our certificate of
incorporation and by-laws, charters for our Audit, Risk,
Compensation, Corporate Governance and Nominating, and
Public Responsibilities Committees, our Policy Regarding
Director Independence Determinations, our Policy on
Reporting of Concerns Regarding Accounting and Other
Matters, our Corporate Governance Guidelines and our
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics governing our
directors, officers and employees. Within the time period
required by the SEC, we will post on our website any
amendment to the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and
any waiver applicable to any executive officer, director or
senior financial officer.
Our website also includes information about (i) purchases
and sales of our equity securities by our executive officers and
directors; (ii) disclosure relating to certain non-GAAP
financial measures (as defined in the SEC’s Regulation G)
that we may make public orally, telephonically, by webcast,
by broadcast or by other means; (iii) our U.S. Dodd-Frank
Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act Stress
Tests results; (iv) the public portion of our resolution plan
submission; (v) our Pillar 3 disclosure; (vi) our average daily
LCR; (vii) our People Strategy Report; (viii) our
Sustainability Report; and (ix) our Task Force on Climate-
Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Report.
Investor Relations can be contacted at The Goldman Sachs
Group, Inc., 200 West Street, 29th Floor, New York, New
York 10282, Attn: Investor Relations, telephone:
212-902-0300, e-mail: [email protected]. We use
the following, as well as other social media channels, to
disclose public information to investors, the media and
Our website (www.goldmansachs.com);
Our Twitter account (twitter.com/GoldmanSachs); and
Our Instagram account (instagram.com/GoldmanSachs).
Our officers may use similar social media channels to disclose
public information. It is possible that certain information we
or our officers post on our website and on social media could
be deemed material, and we encourage investors, the media
and others interested in Goldman Sachs to review the
business and financial information we or our officers post on
our website and on the social media channels identified
above. The information on our website and those social
media channels is not incorporated by reference into this
Form 10-K.
Forward-Looking Statements
We have included in this Form 10-K, and our management
may make, statements that may constitute “forward-looking
statements” within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions
of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
Forward-looking statements are not historical facts or
statements of current conditions, but instead represent only
our beliefs regarding future events, many of which, by their
nature, are inherently uncertain and outside our control.
By identifying these statements for you in this manner, we are
alerting you to the possibility that our actual results, financial
condition, liquidity and capital actions may differ, possibly
materially, from the anticipated results, financial condition,
liquidity and capital actions in these forward-looking
statements. Important factors that could cause our results,
financial condition, liquidity and capital actions to differ
from those in these statements include, among others, those
described below and in “Risk Factors” in Part I, Item 1A of
this Form 10-K.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 25
These statements may relate to, among other things, (i) our
future plans and results, including our target ROE, ROTE,
efficiency ratio, CET1 capital ratio and firmwide assets under
supervision (AUS) inflows, and how they can be achieved, (ii)
trends in or growth opportunities for our businesses,
including the timing, costs, profitability, benefits and other
aspects of business and strategic initiatives and their impact
on our efficiency ratio, (iii) our level of future compensation
expense, including as a percentage of both operating expenses
and revenues, net of provision for credit losses, (iv) our
Investment banking fees backlog and future results, (v) our
expected interest income and interest expense, (vi) our
expense savings and strategic locations initiatives, (vii)
expenses we may incur, including future litigation expense
and expenses from investing in our platform solutions
business, (viii) the projected growth of our deposits and other
funding, asset liability management and funding strategies
and related interest expense savings, (ix) our business
initiatives, including transaction banking and new products
in our consumer platforms business, (x) our planned 2023
benchmark debt issuances, (xi) the amount, composition and
location of global core liquid assets (GCLA) we expect to
hold, (xii) our credit exposures, (xiii) our expected provisions
for credit losses, (xiv) the adequacy of our allowance for
credit losses, (xv) the projected growth of our platform
solutions business, (xvi) the objectives and effectiveness of
our business continuity planning, information security
program, risk management and liquidity policies, (xvii) our
resolution plan and strategy and their implications for
stakeholders, (xviii) the design and effectiveness of our
resolution capital and liquidity models and triggers and alerts
framework, (xix) the results of stress tests, the effect of
changes to regulations, and our future status, activities or
reporting under banking and financial regulation, (xx) our
expected tax rate, (xxi) the future state of our liquidity and
regulatory capital ratios, and our prospective capital
distributions (including dividends and repurchases), (xxii)
our expected SCB and G-SIB surcharge, (xxiii) legal
proceedings, governmental investigations or other
contingencies, (xxiv) the asset recovery guarantee and our
remediation activities related to our 1Malaysia Development
Berhad (1MDB) settlements, (xxv) the replacement of
Interbank Offered Rates and our transition to alternative
risk-free reference rates, (xxvi) the impact of the COVID-19
pandemic on our business, results, financial position and
liquidity, (xxvii) the effectiveness of our management of our
human capital, including our diversity goals, (xxviii) our
sustainability and carbon neutrality targets and goals, (xxix)
future inflation and (xxx) the impact of Russia’s invasion of
Ukraine and related sanctions and other developments on our
business, results and financial position.
Statements about our target return on average common
shareholders’ equity (ROE), return on average tangible
common shareholders’ equity (ROTE), efficiency ratio and
expense savings, and how they can be achieved, are based on
our current expectations regarding our business prospects
and are subject to the risk that we may be unable to achieve
our targets due to, among other things, changes in our
business mix, lower profitability of new business initiatives,
increases in technology and other costs to launch and bring
new business initiatives to scale, and increases in liquidity
Statements about our target ROE, ROTE and CET1 capital
ratio, and how they can be achieved, are based on our current
expectations regarding the capital requirements applicable to
us and are subject to the risk that our actual capital
requirements may be higher than currently anticipated
because of, among other factors, changes in the regulatory
capital requirements applicable to us resulting from changes
in regulations or the interpretation or application of existing
regulations or changes in the nature and composition of our
activities. Statements about our firmwide AUS inflows targets
are based on our current expectations regarding our
fundraising prospects and are subject to the risk that actual
inflows may be lower than expected due to, among other
factors, competition from other asset managers, changes in
investment preferences and changes in economic or market
Statements about the timing, costs, profitability, benefits and
other aspects of business and expense savings initiatives, the
level and composition of more durable revenues and increases
in market share are based on our current expectations
regarding our ability to implement these initiatives and actual
results may differ, possibly materially, from current
expectations due to, among other things, a delay in the timing
of these initiatives, increased competition and an inability to
reduce expenses and grow businesses with durable revenues.
Statements about the level of future compensation expense,
including as a percentage of both operating expenses and
revenues, net of provision for credit losses, and our efficiency
ratio as our platform solutions business reaches scale are
subject to the risks that the compensation and other costs to
operate our businesses, including platform initiatives, may be
greater than currently expected.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Statements about our Investment banking fees backlog and
future results are subject to the risk that such transactions
may be modified or may not be completed at all, and related
net revenues may not be realized or may be materially less
than expected. Important factors that could have such a
result include, for underwriting transactions, a decline or
weakness in general economic conditions, an outbreak or
worsening of hostilities, including the escalation or
continuation of the war between Russia and Ukraine,
continuing volatility in the securities markets or an adverse
development with respect to the issuer of the securities and,
for advisory transactions, a decline in the securities markets,
an inability to obtain adequate financing, an adverse
development with respect to a party to the transaction or a
failure to obtain a required regulatory approval. For
information about other important factors that could
adversely affect our Investment banking fees, see “Risk
Factors” in Part I, Item 1A of this Form 10-K.
Statements about the projected growth of our deposits and
other funding, asset liability management and funding
strategies and related interest expense savings, and our
platform solutions business, are subject to the risk that actual
growth and savings may differ, possibly materially, from that
currently anticipated due to, among other things, changes in
interest rates and competition from other similar products.
Statements about planned 2023 benchmark debt issuances
and the amount, composition and location of GCLA we
expect to hold are subject to the risk that actual issuances and
GCLA levels may differ, possibly materially, from that
currently expected due to changes in market conditions,
business opportunities or our funding and projected liquidity
Statements about our expected provisions for credit losses are
subject to the risk that actual credit losses may differ and our
expectations may change, possibly materially, from that
currently anticipated due to, among other things, changes to
the composition of our loan portfolio and changes in the
economic environment in future periods and our forecasts of
future economic conditions, as well as changes in our models,
policies and other management judgments.
Statements about our future effective income tax rate are
subject to the risk that it may differ from the anticipated rate
indicated in such statements, possibly materially, due to,
among other things, changes in the tax rates applicable to us,
changes in our earnings mix, our profitability and entities in
which we generate profits, the assumptions we have made in
forecasting our expected tax rate, the interpretation or
application of existing tax statutes and regulations, as well as
any corporate tax legislation that may be enacted or any
guidance that may be issued by the U.S. Internal Revenue
Statements about the future state of our liquidity and
regulatory capital ratios (including our SCB and G-SIB
surcharge), and our prospective capital distributions (including
dividends and repurchases), are subject to the risk that our
actual liquidity, regulatory capital ratios and capital
distributions may differ, possibly materially, from what is
currently expected due to, among other things, the need to use
capital to support clients, increased regulatory requirements
resulting from changes in regulations or the interpretation or
application of existing regulations, results of applicable
supervisory stress tests, changes to the composition of our
balance sheet and the impact of taxes on share repurchases.
Statements about the risk exposure related to the asset recovery
guarantee provided to the Government of Malaysia are subject
to the risk that the actual value of, or credit received for, assets
and proceeds from assets seized and returned to the
Government of Malaysia may be less than currently
anticipated. Statements about the progress or the status of
remediation activities relating to 1MDB are based on our
expectations regarding our current remediation plans.
Accordingly, our ability to complete the remediation activities
may change, possibly materially, from what is currently
Statements about our objectives in management of our human
capital, including our diversity goals, are based on our current
expectations and are subject to the risk that we may not
achieve these objectives and goals due to, among other things,
competition in recruiting and attracting diverse candidates and
unsuccessful efforts in retaining diverse employees.
Statements about our sustainability and carbon neutrality
targets and goals are based on our current expectations and are
subject to the risk that we may not achieve these targets and
goals due to, among other things, global socio-demographic
and economic trends, energy prices, lack of technological
innovations, climate-related conditions and weather events,
legislative and regulatory changes, consumer behavior and
demand, and other unforeseen events or conditions.
Statements about future inflation are subject to the risk that
actual inflation may differ, possibly materially, due to, among
other things, changes in economic growth, unemployment or
consumer demand.
Statements about the impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
and related sanctions and other developments on our business,
results and financial position are subject to the risks that
hostilities may escalate and expand, that sanctions may
increase and that the actual impact may differ, possibly
materially, from what is currently expected.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 27
Item 1A. Risk Factors
We face a variety of risks that are substantial and inherent in
our businesses.
The following is a summary of some of the more important
factors that could affect our businesses:
Our businesses have been and may in the future be
adversely affected by conditions in the global financial
markets and broader economic conditions.
Our businesses have been and may in the future be
adversely affected by declining asset values, particularly
where we have net “long” positions, receive fees based on
the value of assets managed, or receive or post collateral.
Our market-making activities have been and may in the
future be affected by changes in the levels of market
Our investment banking, client intermediation, asset
management and wealth management businesses have been
adversely affected and may in the future be adversely
affected by market uncertainty or lack of confidence
among investors and CEOs due to declines in economic
activity and other unfavorable economic, geopolitical or
market conditions.
Our asset management and wealth management businesses
have been and may in the future be adversely affected by
the poor investment performance of our investment
products or a client preference for products other than
those which we offer or for products that generate lower
Inflation has had, and could continue to have, a negative
effect on our business, results of operations and financial
Our liquidity, profitability and businesses may be adversely
affected by an inability to access the debt capital markets
or to sell assets.
Our businesses have been and may in the future be
adversely affected by disruptions or lack of liquidity in the
credit markets, including reduced access to credit and
higher costs of obtaining credit.
Reductions in our credit ratings or an increase in our credit
spreads may adversely affect our liquidity and cost of
Group Inc. is a holding company and its liquidity depends
on payments and loans from its subsidiaries, many of
which are subject to legal, regulatory and other restrictions
on providing funds or assets to Group Inc.
Our businesses, profitability and liquidity may be adversely
affected by deterioration in the credit quality of or defaults
by third parties.
Concentration of risk increases the potential for significant
losses in our market-making, underwriting, investing and
financing activities.
Derivative transactions and delayed documentation or
settlements may expose us to credit risk, unexpected risks
and potential losses.
A failure in our operational systems or human error,
malfeasance or other misconduct, could impair our
liquidity, disrupt our businesses, result in the disclosure of
confidential information, damage our reputation and cause
A failure or disruption in our infrastructure, or in the
operational systems or infrastructure of third parties, could
impair our liquidity, disrupt our businesses, damage our
reputation and cause losses.
A failure to protect our computer systems, networks and
information, and our clients’ information, against cyber
attacks and similar threats could impair our ability to
conduct our businesses, result in the disclosure, theft or
destruction of confidential information, damage our
reputation and cause losses.
We may incur losses as a result of ineffective risk
management processes and strategies.
Legal and Regulatory
Our businesses and those of our clients are subject to
extensive and pervasive regulation around the world.
A failure to appropriately identify and address potential
conflicts of interest could adversely affect our businesses.
We may be adversely affected by increased governmental
and regulatory scrutiny or negative publicity.
Substantial civil or criminal liability or significant
regulatory action against us could have material adverse
financial effects or cause us significant reputational harm,
which in turn could seriously harm our business prospects.
In conducting our businesses around the world, we are
subject to political, legal, regulatory and other risks that
are inherent in operating in many countries.
The application of regulatory strategies and requirements
in the U.S. and non-U.S. jurisdictions to facilitate the
orderly resolution of large financial institutions could
create greater risk of loss for Group Inc.’s security holders.
The application of Group Inc.’s proposed resolution
strategy could result in greater losses for Group Inc.’s
security holders.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Our commodities activities, particularly our physical
commodities activities, subject us to extensive regulation
and involve certain potential risks, including
environmental, reputational and other risks that may
expose us to significant liabilities and costs.
Our results have been and may in the future be adversely
affected by the composition of our client base.
The financial services industry is highly competitive.
The growth of electronic trading and the introduction of
new products and technologies, including trading and
distributed ledger technologies, including cryptocurrencies,
has increased competition.
Our businesses would be adversely affected if we are
unable to hire and retain qualified employees.
Market Developments and General Business
Our businesses, financial condition, liquidity and results of
operations have been and may in the future be adversely
affected by unforeseen or catastrophic events, including
pandemics, terrorist attacks, extreme weather events or
other natural disasters.
Climate change could disrupt our businesses and adversely
affect client activity levels and the creditworthiness of our
clients and counterparties, and our efforts to address
concerns relating to climate change could result in damage
to our reputation.
Our business, financial condition, liquidity and results of
operations may be adversely affected by disruptions in the
global economy caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
and related sanctions and other developments.
Certain of our businesses, our funding instruments and
financial products may be adversely affected by changes in
or the discontinuance of Interbank Offered Rates (IBORs),
in particular USD LIBOR.
Certain of our businesses and our funding instruments may
be adversely affected by changes in other reference rates,
currencies, indexes, baskets or ETFs to which products we
offer or funding that we raise are linked.
Our business, financial condition, liquidity and results of
operations may be adversely affected by disruptions in the
global economy caused by escalating tensions between the
U.S. and China.
We face enhanced risks as new business initiatives and
acquisitions lead us to engage in new activities, operate in
new locations, transact with a broader array of clients and
counterparties and expose us to new asset classes and
We may not be able to fully realize the expected benefits or
synergies from acquisitions or other business initiatives in
the time frames we expect, or at all.
The following are detailed descriptions of our Risk Factors
summarized above:
Our businesses have been and may in the future be
adversely affected by conditions in the global financial
markets and broader economic conditions.
Many of our businesses, by their nature, do not produce
predictable earnings, and all of our businesses are materially
affected by conditions in the global financial markets and
economic conditions generally, both directly and through
their impact on client activity levels and creditworthiness.
These conditions can change suddenly and negatively.
Our financial performance is highly dependent on the
environment in which our businesses operate. A favorable
business environment is generally characterized by, among
other factors, high global gross domestic product growth,
regulatory and market conditions that result in transparent,
liquid and efficient capital markets, low inflation, business,
consumer and investor confidence, stable geopolitical
conditions and strong business earnings.
Unfavorable or uncertain economic and market conditions
can be caused by: low levels of or declines in economic
growth, business activity or investor, business or consumer
confidence; concerns over a potential recession; changes in
consumer spending or borrowing patterns; pandemics;
limitations on the availability or increases in the cost of credit
and capital; illiquid markets; increases in inflation, interest
rates, exchange rate or basic commodity price volatility or
default rates; high levels of inflation or stagflation; concerns
about sovereign defaults; uncertainty concerning fiscal or
monetary policy, government shutdowns, debt ceilings or
funding; the extent of and uncertainty about potential
increases in tax rates and other regulatory changes;
limitations on international trade and travel; laws and
regulations that limit trading in, or the issuance of, securities
of issuers outside their domestic markets; outbreaks of
domestic or international tensions or hostilities, terrorism,
nuclear proliferation, cybersecurity threats or attacks and
other forms of disruption to or curtailment of global
communication, energy transmission or transportation
networks or other geopolitical instability or uncertainty;
corporate, political or other scandals that reduce investor
confidence in capital markets; extreme weather events or
other natural disasters; or a combination of these or other
The financial services industry and the securities and other
financial markets have been materially and adversely affected
in the past by significant declines in the values of nearly all
asset classes, by a serious lack of liquidity and by high levels
of borrower defaults. In addition, concerns about actual or
potential increases in interest rates, inflation and other
borrowing costs, a resurgence of COVID-19 cases, European
sovereign debt risk and its impact on the European banking
system, and limitations on international trade, have, at times,
negatively impacted the levels of client activity.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 29
General uncertainty about economic, political and market
activities, and the scope, timing and impact of regulatory
reform, as well as weak consumer, investor and CEO
confidence resulting in large part from such uncertainty, has
in the past negatively impacted client activity, which can
adversely affect many of our businesses. Periods of low
volatility and periods of high volatility combined with a lack
of liquidity, have at times had an unfavorable impact on our
market-making businesses.
Changes, or proposed changes, to U.S. international trade
and investment policies, particularly with important trading
partners, have in recent years negatively impacted financial
markets. Continued or escalating tensions may result in
further actions taken by the U.S. or other countries that could
disrupt international trade and investment and adversely
affect financial markets. Those actions could include, among
others, the implementation of sanctions, tariffs or foreign
exchange measures, the large-scale sale of U.S. Treasury
securities or other restrictions on cross-border trade,
investment, or transfer of information or technology. Any
such developments could adversely affect our or our clients’
Financial institution returns may be negatively impacted by
increased funding costs due in part to the lack of perceived
government support of such institutions in the event of future
financial crises relative to financial institutions in countries in
which governmental support is maintained. In addition,
liquidity in the financial markets has in the past been, and
could in the future be, negatively impacted as market
participants and market practices and structures adjust to
evolving regulatory frameworks.
In January 2023, the outstanding debt of the U.S. reached its
statutory limit and the U.S. Treasury Department
commenced taking extraordinary measures to prevent the
U.S. from defaulting on its obligations. If Congress does not
raise the debt ceiling, the U.S. could default on its
obligations, including Treasury securities that play an
integral role in financial markets. A default by the U.S. could
result in unprecedented market volatility and illiquidity,
heightened operational risks relating to the clearance and
settlement of transactions, margin and other disputes with
clients and counterparties, an adverse impact to investors
including money market funds that invest in U.S. Treasuries,
downgrades in the U.S. credit rating, further increases in
interest rates and borrowing costs and a recession in the U.S.
or other economies. Even if the U.S. does not default,
continued uncertainty relating to the debt ceiling could result
in downgrades of the U.S. credit rating, which could
adversely affect market conditions, lead to margin disputes,
further increases in interest rates and borrowing costs and
necessitate significant operational changes among market
participants, including us. A downgrade of the federal
government’s credit rating could also materially and
adversely affect the market for repurchase agreements,
securities borrowing and lending, and other financings
typically collateralized by U.S. Treasury or agency
obligations. Further, the fair value, liquidity and credit
ratings of securities issued by, or other obligations of,
agencies of the U.S. government or related to the U.S.
government or its agencies, as well as municipal bonds could
be similarly adversely affected.
Our businesses have been and may in the future be
adversely affected by declining asset values,
particularly where we have net “long” positions,
receive fees based on the value of assets managed, or
receive or post collateral.
Many of our businesses have net “long” positions in debt
securities, loans, derivatives, mortgages, equities (including
private equity and real estate) and most other asset classes.
These include positions we take when we act as a principal to
facilitate our clients’ activities, including our exchange-based
market-making activities, or commit large amounts of capital
to maintain positions in interest rate and credit products, as
well as through our currencies, commodities, equities and
mortgage-related activities. In addition, we invest in similar
asset classes. Substantially all of our investing and market-
making positions and a portion of our loans are marked-to-
market on a daily or other periodic basis and declines in asset
values directly and promptly impact our earnings, unless we
have effectively “hedged” our exposures to those declines.
In certain circumstances (particularly in the case of credit
products, including leveraged loans, and private equities or
other securities that are not freely tradable or lack established
and liquid trading markets), it may not be possible or
economic to hedge our exposures and to the extent that we
do so the hedge may be ineffective or may greatly reduce our
ability to profit from increases in the values of the assets.
Sudden declines and significant volatility in the prices of
assets have in the past substantially curtailed or eliminated,
and may in the future substantially curtail or eliminate, the
trading markets for certain assets, which may make it
difficult to sell, hedge or value such assets. We may incur
losses from time to time as trading markets deteriorate or
cease to function, including with respect to loan
commitments we have made or securities offerings we have
underwritten. The inability to sell or effectively hedge assets
reduces our ability to limit losses in such positions and the
difficulty in valuing assets has in the past negatively affected,
and may in the future negatively affect, our capital, liquidity
or leverage ratios, our funding costs and our ability to deploy
In our exchange-based market-making activities, we are
obligated by stock exchange rules to maintain an orderly
market, including by purchasing securities in a declining
market. In markets where asset values are declining and in
volatile markets, this results in losses and an increased need
for liquidity.
We receive asset-based management fees based on the value
of our clients’ portfolios or investment in funds managed by
us and, in some cases, we also receive incentive fees based on
increases in the value of such investments. Declines in asset
values would ordinarily reduce the value of our clients’
portfolios or fund assets, which in turn would typically
reduce the fees we earn for managing such assets.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
We post collateral to support our obligations and receive
collateral that supports the obligations of our clients and
counterparties. When the value of the assets posted as
collateral or the credit ratings of the party posting collateral
decline, the party posting the collateral may need to provide
additional collateral or, if possible, reduce its trading
position. An example of such a situation is a “margin call” in
connection with a brokerage account. Therefore, declines in
the value of asset classes used as collateral mean that either
the cost of funding positions is increased or the size of
positions is decreased. If we are the party providing
collateral, this can increase our costs and reduce our
profitability and if we are the party receiving collateral, this
can also reduce our profitability by reducing the level of
business done with our clients and counterparties.
In addition, volatile or less liquid markets increase the
difficulty of valuing assets, which can lead to costly and time-
consuming disputes over asset values and the level of required
collateral, as well as increased credit risk to the recipient of
the collateral due to delays in receiving adequate collateral. In
cases where we foreclose on collateral, sudden declines in the
value or liquidity of the collateral have in the past resulted in
and may in the future, despite credit monitoring, over-
collateralization, the ability to call for additional collateral or
the ability to force repayment of the underlying obligation,
result in significant losses to us, especially where there is a
single type of collateral supporting the obligation. In
addition, we have been and may in the future be subject to
claims that the foreclosure was not permitted under the legal
documents, was conducted in an improper manner, including
in violation of law, or caused a client or counterparty to go
out of business.
Our market-making activities have been and may in
the future be affected by changes in the levels of
market volatility.
Certain of our market-making activities depend on market
volatility to provide trading and arbitrage opportunities to
our clients, and decreases in volatility have reduced and may
in the future reduce these opportunities and the level of client
activity associated with them and adversely affect the results
of these activities. Increased volatility, while it can increase
trading volumes and spreads, also increases risk as measured
by Value-at-Risk (VaR) and may expose us to increased risks
in connection with our market-making activities or may
cause us to reduce our inventory in order to avoid increasing
our VaR. Limiting the size of our market-making positions
can adversely affect our profitability. In periods when
volatility is increasing, but asset values are declining
significantly, it may not be possible to sell assets at all or it
may only be possible to do so at steep discounts. In those
circumstances, we have been and may in the future be forced
to either take on additional risk or to realize losses in order to
decrease our VaR. In addition, increases in volatility increase
the level of our RWAs, which increases our capital
Our investment banking, client intermediation, asset
management and wealth management businesses
have been adversely affected and may in the future be
adversely affected by market uncertainty or lack of
confidence among investors and CEOs due to
declines in economic activity and other unfavorable
economic, geopolitical or market conditions.
Our investment banking business has been and may in the
future be adversely affected by market conditions. Poor
economic conditions and other uncertain geopolitical
conditions may adversely affect and have in the past
adversely affected investor and CEO confidence, resulting in
significant industry-wide declines in the size and number of
underwritings and of advisory transactions, which would
likely have an adverse effect on our revenues and our profit
margins. In particular, because a significant portion of our
investment banking revenues is derived from our
participation in large transactions, a decline in the number of
large transactions has in the past and would in the future
adversely affect our investment banking business. Similarly,
in recent years, cross-border initial public offerings and other
securities offerings have accounted for a significant
proportion of new issuance activity. Legislative, regulatory or
other changes that limit trading in, or the issuance of,
securities outside the issuers’ domestic markets, that result in
or could result in the delisting or removal of securities from
exchanges or indices, have in the past adversely affected and
would in the future adversely affect our underwriting and
client intermediation businesses. Furthermore, changes, or
proposed changes, to international trade and investment
policies of the U.S. and other countries could negatively affect
market activity levels and our revenues.
In certain circumstances, market uncertainty or general
declines in market or economic activity may adversely affect
our client intermediation businesses by decreasing levels of
overall activity or by decreasing volatility, but at other times
market uncertainty and even declining economic activity may
result in higher trading volumes or higher spreads or both.
Market uncertainty, volatility and adverse economic
conditions, as well as declines in asset values, may cause our
clients to transfer their assets out of our funds or other
products or their brokerage accounts and result in reduced
net revenues, principally in our asset management and wealth
management businesses. Even if clients do not withdraw their
funds, they may invest them in products that generate less fee
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 31
Our asset management and wealth management
businesses have been and may in the future be
adversely affected by the poor investment
performance of our investment products or a client
preference for products other than those which we
offer or for products that generate lower fees.
Poor investment returns in our asset management and wealth
management businesses, due to either general market
conditions or underperformance (relative to our competitors
or to benchmarks) by funds or accounts that we manage or
investment products that we design or sell, affect our ability
to retain existing assets and to attract new clients or
additional assets from existing clients. This could affect the
management and incentive fees that we earn on AUS or the
commissions and net spreads that we earn for selling other
investment products, such as structured notes or derivatives.
To the extent that our clients choose to invest in products
that we do not currently offer, we will suffer outflows and a
loss of management fees. Further, if, due to changes in
investor sentiment or the relative performance of certain asset
classes or otherwise, clients continue to invest in products
that generate lower fees (e.g., passively managed or fixed
income products), our average effective management fee
would continue to decline and our asset management and
wealth management businesses could be adversely affected.
Inflation has had, and could continue to have, a
negative effect on our business, results of operations
and financial condition.
Inflationary pressures have affected economies, financial
markets and market participants worldwide. Inflationary
pressures have increased certain of our operating expenses,
and have adversely affected consumer sentiment and CEO
confidence. Central bank responses to inflationary pressures
have also resulted in higher market interest rates, which, in
turn, have contributed to lower activity levels across financial
markets, in particular for debt underwriting transactions and
mortgage originations, and resulted in lower values for
certain financial assets which have adversely affected our
equity and debt investments. Higher interest rates increase
our borrowing costs and have required us to increase interest
paid on our deposits. If inflationary pressures persist, our
expenses may increase further; we may be unable to achieve
our efficiency ratio target; activity levels for certain of our
businesses, in particular debt underwriting and mortgages,
may remain at low levels or decline further; our interest
expense could increase faster than our interest income,
reducing our net interest income and net interest margin;
certain of our investments could continue to incur losses or
generally low levels of returns; AUS could decline, reducing
management and other fees; economies worldwide could
experience recessions; and we could continue to operate in a
generally unfavorable economic and market environment.
Our liquidity, profitability and businesses may be
adversely affected by an inability to access the debt
capital markets or to sell assets.
Liquidity is essential to our businesses. It is of critical
importance to us, as most of the failures of financial
institutions have occurred in large part due to insufficient
liquidity. Our liquidity may be impaired by an inability to
access secured and/or unsecured debt markets, an inability to
raise or retain deposits, an inability to access funds from our
subsidiaries or otherwise allocate liquidity optimally, an
inability to sell assets or redeem our investments, lack of
timely settlement of transactions, unusual deposit outflows,
or other unforeseen outflows of cash or collateral, such as in
March 2020, when corporate clients drew on revolving credit
facilities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This
situation may arise due to circumstances that we may be
unable to control, such as a general market or economic
disruption or an operational problem that affects third
parties or us, or even by the perception among market
participants that we, or other market participants, are
experiencing greater liquidity risk.
We employ structured products to benefit our clients and
hedge our own risks. The financial instruments that we hold
and the contracts to which we are a party are often complex,
and these complex structured products often do not have
readily available markets to access in times of liquidity stress.
Our investing and financing activities may lead to situations
where the holdings from these activities represent a
significant portion of specific markets, which could restrict
liquidity for our positions.
Further, our ability to sell assets may be impaired if there is
not generally a liquid market for such assets, as well as in
circumstances where other market participants are seeking to
sell similar otherwise generally liquid assets at the same time,
as is likely to occur in a liquidity or other market crisis or in
response to changes to rules or regulations. For example, in
2021, an investment management firm with large positions
with several financial institutions defaulted, resulting in
rapidly declining prices in the securities underlying those
positions. In addition, clearinghouses, exchanges and other
financial institutions with which we interact may exercise set-
off rights or the right to require additional collateral,
including in difficult market conditions, which could further
impair our liquidity.
Numerous regulations have been adopted that impose more
stringent liquidity requirements on large financial
institutions, including us. These regulations require us to
hold large amounts of highly liquid assets and reduce our
flexibility to source and deploy funding. In addition, our need
to manage our operations in light of certain regulatory
requirements when applicable thresholds are met has in the
past limited and may in the future limit our ability to raise
deposits in GSIB or other funding, which could adversely
affect our liquidity or ability to respond efficiently to
liquidity stress.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Our businesses have been and may in the future be
adversely affected by disruptions or lack of liquidity in
the credit markets, including reduced access to credit
and higher costs of obtaining credit.
Widening credit spreads, as well as significant declines in the
availability of credit, have in the past adversely affected our
ability to borrow on a secured and unsecured basis and may
do so in the future. We fund ourselves on an unsecured basis
by issuing long-term debt and commercial paper, by raising
deposits at our bank subsidiaries, by issuing hybrid financial
instruments and by obtaining loans or lines of credit from
commercial or other banking entities. We seek to finance
many of our assets on a secured basis. Any disruptions in the
credit markets may make it harder and more expensive to
obtain funding for our businesses. If our available funding is
limited or we are forced to fund our operations at a higher
cost, these conditions may require us to curtail our business
activities and increase our cost of funding, both of which
could reduce our profitability, particularly in our businesses
that involve investing, lending and market making.
Our clients engaging in mergers, acquisitions and other types
of strategic transactions often rely on access to the secured
and unsecured credit markets to finance their transactions. A
lack of available credit or an increased cost of credit can
adversely affect the size, volume and timing of our clients’
merger and acquisition transactions, particularly large
transactions, and adversely affect our advisory and
underwriting businesses.
Our credit businesses have been and may in the future be
negatively affected by a lack of liquidity in credit markets. A
lack of liquidity reduces price transparency, increases price
volatility and decreases transaction volumes and size, all of
which can increase transaction risk or decrease the
profitability of these businesses.
Reductions in our credit ratings or an increase in our
credit spreads may adversely affect our liquidity and
cost of funding.
Our credit ratings are important to our liquidity. A reduction
in our credit ratings could adversely affect our liquidity and
competitive position, increase our borrowing costs, limit our
access to the capital markets or trigger our obligations under
certain provisions in some of our trading and collateralized
financing contracts. Under these provisions, counterparties
could be permitted to terminate contracts with us or require
us to post additional collateral. Termination of our trading
and collateralized financing contracts could cause us to
sustain losses and impair our liquidity by requiring us to find
other sources of financing or to make significant cash
payments or securities movements.
As of December 2022, our counterparties could have called
for additional collateral or termination payments related to
our net derivative liabilities under bilateral agreements in an
aggregate amount of $343 million in the event of a one-notch
downgrade of our credit ratings and $1.12 billion in the event
of a two-notch downgrade of our credit ratings. A
downgrade by any one rating agency, depending on the
agency’s relative ratings of us at the time of the downgrade,
may have an impact which is comparable to the impact of a
downgrade by all rating agencies. For further information
about our credit ratings, see “Management’s Discussion and
Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations —
Risk Management Liquidity Risk Management Credit
Ratings” in Part II, Item 7 of this Form 10-K.
Our cost of obtaining long-term unsecured funding is directly
related to our credit spreads (the amount in excess of the
interest rate of benchmark securities that we need to pay).
Increases in our credit spreads can significantly increase our
cost of this funding. Changes in credit spreads are
continuous, market-driven, and subject at times to
unpredictable and highly volatile movements. Our credit
spreads are also influenced by market perceptions of our
creditworthiness and movements in the costs to purchasers of
credit default swaps referenced to our long-term debt. The
market for credit default swaps has proven to be extremely
volatile and at times has lacked a high degree of transparency
or liquidity.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 33
Group Inc. is a holding company and its liquidity
depends on payments and loans from its subsidiaries,
many of which are subject to legal, regulatory and
other restrictions on providing funds or assets to
Group Inc.
Group Inc. is a holding company and, therefore, depends on
dividends, distributions, loans and other payments from its
subsidiaries to fund share repurchases and dividend payments
and to fund payments on its obligations, including debt
obligations. Many of our subsidiaries, including our broker-
dealer and bank subsidiaries, are subject to laws that restrict
dividend payments or authorize regulatory bodies to block or
reduce the flow of funds from those subsidiaries to Group
In addition, our broker-dealer and bank entities and their
subsidiaries are subject to restrictions on their ability to lend
or transact with affiliates and to minimum regulatory capital
and other requirements, as well as restrictions on their ability
to use funds deposited with them in brokerage or bank
accounts to fund their businesses. Additional restrictions on
related-party transactions, increased capital and liquidity
requirements and additional limitations on the use of funds
on deposit in bank or brokerage accounts, as well as lower
earnings, can reduce the amount of funds available to meet
the obligations of Group Inc., including under the FRB’s
source of strength requirement, and even require Group Inc.
to provide additional funding to such subsidiaries.
Restrictions or regulatory action of that kind could impede
access to funds that Group Inc. needs to make payments on
its obligations, including debt obligations, or dividend
payments. In addition, Group Inc.’s right to participate in a
distribution of assets upon a subsidiary’s liquidation or
reorganization is subject to the prior claims of the
subsidiary’s creditors.
There has been a trend towards increased regulation and
supervision of our subsidiaries by the governments and
regulators in the countries in which those subsidiaries are
located or do business. Concerns about protecting clients and
creditors of financial institutions that are controlled by
persons or entities located outside of the country in which
such entities are located or do business have caused or may
cause a number of governments and regulators to take
additional steps to “ring fence” or require internal total loss-
absorbing capacity (which may also be subject to “bail-in”
powers, as described below) at those entities in order to
protect clients and creditors of those entities in the event of
financial difficulties involving those entities. The result has
been and may continue to be additional limitations on our
ability to efficiently move capital and liquidity among our
affiliated entities, or to Group Inc., including in times of
stress, thereby increasing the overall level of capital and
liquidity required by us on a consolidated basis.
Furthermore, Group Inc. has guaranteed the payment
obligations of certain of its subsidiaries, including GS&Co.
and GS Bank USA, subject to certain exceptions. In addition,
Group Inc. guarantees many of the obligations of its other
consolidated subsidiaries on a transaction-by-transaction
basis, as negotiated with counterparties. These guarantees
may require Group Inc. to provide substantial funds or assets
to its subsidiaries or their creditors or counterparties at a
time when Group Inc. is in need of liquidity to fund its own
The requirements for us and certain of our subsidiaries to
develop and submit recovery and resolution plans to
regulators, and the incorporation of feedback received from
regulators, may require us to increase capital or liquidity
levels or issue additional long-term debt at Group Inc. or
particular subsidiaries or otherwise incur additional or
duplicative operational or other costs at multiple entities, and
may reduce our ability to provide Group Inc. guarantees of
the obligations of our subsidiaries or raise debt at Group Inc.
Resolution planning may also impair our ability to structure
our intercompany and external activities in a manner that we
may otherwise deem most operationally efficient.
Furthermore, arrangements to facilitate our resolution
planning may cause us to be subject to additional taxes. Any
such limitations or requirements would be in addition to the
legal and regulatory restrictions described above on our
ability to engage in capital actions or make intercompany
dividends or payments.
See “Business Regulation” in Part I, Item 1 of this Form
10-K for further information about regulatory restrictions.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Our businesses, profitability and liquidity may be
adversely affected by deterioration in the credit quality
of or defaults by third parties.
We are exposed to the risk that third parties that owe us
money, securities or other assets will not perform their
obligations. These parties may default on their obligations to
us due to bankruptcy, lack of liquidity, operational failure or
other reasons. A failure of a significant market participant, or
even concerns about a default by such an institution, could
lead to significant liquidity problems, losses or defaults by
other institutions, which in turn could adversely affect us.
We are also subject to the risk that our rights against third
parties may not be enforceable in all circumstances. In
addition, deterioration in the credit quality of third parties
whose securities or obligations we hold, including a
deterioration in the value of collateral posted by third parties
to secure their obligations to us under derivative contracts
and loan agreements, could result in losses and/or adversely
affect our ability to rehypothecate or otherwise use those
securities or obligations for liquidity purposes.
A significant downgrade in the credit ratings of our
counterparties could also have a negative impact on our
results. While in many cases we are permitted to require
additional collateral from counterparties that experience
financial difficulty, disputes may arise as to the amount of
collateral we are entitled to receive and the value of pledged
assets. The termination of contracts and the foreclosure on
collateral may subject us to claims for the improper exercise
of our rights. Default rates, downgrades and disputes with
counterparties as to the valuation of collateral typically
increase significantly in times of market stress, increased
volatility and illiquidity.
As part of our clearing and prime brokerage activities, we
finance our clients’ positions, and we could be held
responsible for the defaults or misconduct of our clients.
Although we have limits and regularly review credit
exposures to specific clients and counterparties and to
specific industries, countries and regions that we believe may
present credit concerns, default risk may arise from events or
circumstances that are difficult to detect or foresee.
Concentration of risk increases the potential for
significant losses in our market-making, underwriting,
investing and financing activities.
Concentration of risk increases the potential for significant
losses in our market-making, underwriting, investing and
financing activities. The number and size of these
transactions has affected and may in the future affect our
results of operations in a given period. Moreover, because of
concentrated risk, we may suffer losses even when economic
and market conditions are generally favorable for our
competitors. Disruptions in the credit markets can make it
difficult to hedge these credit exposures effectively or
economically. In addition, we extend large commitments as
part of our credit origination activities. Disruptions in the
credit markets have in the past substantially curtailed or
eliminated, and may in the future substantially curtail or
eliminate, the trading markets for loans we originate. These
disruptions may make it difficult for us to sell or value such
assets, which may result in losses for us from time to time.
Rules adopted under the Dodd-Frank Act, and similar rules
adopted in other jurisdictions, require issuers of certain asset-
backed securities and any person who organizes and initiates
certain asset-backed securities transactions to retain
economic exposure to the asset, which has affected the cost of
and structures used in connection with these securitization
activities. Our inability to reduce our credit risk by selling,
syndicating or securitizing these positions, including during
periods of market stress, could negatively affect our results of
operations due to a decrease in the fair value of the positions,
including due to the insolvency or bankruptcy of borrowers,
as well as the loss of revenues associated with selling such
securities or loans.
In the ordinary course of business, we may be subject to a
concentration of credit risk to a particular counterparty,
borrower, issuer (including sovereign issuers) or geographic
area or group of related countries, such as the E.U., and a
failure or downgrade of, or default by, such entity could
negatively impact our businesses, perhaps materially, and the
systems by which we set limits and monitor the level of our
credit exposure to individual entities, industries, countries
and regions may not function as we have anticipated.
Regulatory reform, including the Dodd-Frank Act, has led to
increased centralization of trading activity through particular
clearinghouses, central agents or exchanges, which has
significantly increased our concentration of risk with respect
to these entities. While our activities expose us to many
different industries, counterparties and countries, we
routinely execute a high volume of transactions with
counterparties engaged in financial services activities,
including brokers and dealers, commercial banks,
clearinghouses, exchanges and investment funds. This has
resulted in significant credit concentration with respect to
these counterparties.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 35
Derivative transactions and delayed documentation or
settlements may expose us to credit risk, unexpected
risks and potential losses.
We are party to a large number of derivative transactions,
including credit derivatives. Many of these derivative
instruments are individually negotiated and non-
standardized, which can make exiting, transferring or settling
positions difficult. Many credit derivatives require that we
deliver to the counterparty the underlying security, loan or
other obligation in order to receive payment. In a number of
cases, we do not hold the underlying security, loan or other
obligation and may not be able to obtain the underlying
security, loan or other obligation. This could cause us to
forfeit the payments due to us under these contracts or result
in settlement delays with the attendant credit and operational
risk, as well as increased costs to us.
Derivative transactions also involve the risk that
documentation has not been properly executed, that executed
agreements may not be enforceable against the counterparty,
or that obligations under such agreements may not be able to
be “netted” against other obligations with such counterparty.
In addition, counterparties may claim that such transactions
were not appropriate or authorized.
As a signatory to the ISDA Universal Protocol or U.S. ISDA
Protocol (ISDA Protocols) and being subject to the FRB’s and
FDIC’s rules on QFCs and similar rules in other jurisdictions,
we may not be able to exercise remedies against
counterparties and, as this regime has not yet been tested, we
may suffer risks or losses that we would not have expected to
suffer if we could immediately close out transactions upon a
termination event. The ISDA Protocols and these rules and
regulations extend to repurchase agreements and other
instruments that are not derivative contracts.
Derivative contracts and other transactions, including
secondary bank loan purchases and sales, entered into with
third parties are not always confirmed by the counterparties
or settled on a timely basis. While the transaction remains
unconfirmed or during any delay in settlement, we are subject
to heightened credit and operational risk and in the event of a
default may find it more difficult to enforce our rights.
In addition, as new complex derivative products are created,
covering a wider array of underlying credit and other
instruments, disputes about the terms of the underlying
contracts could arise, which could impair our ability to
effectively manage our risk exposures from these products
and subject us to increased costs. The provisions of the
Dodd-Frank Act requiring central clearing of credit
derivatives and other OTC derivatives, or a market shift
toward standardized derivatives, could reduce the risk
associated with these transactions, but under certain
circumstances could also limit our ability to develop
derivatives that best suit the needs of our clients and to hedge
our own risks, and could adversely affect our profitability. In
addition, these provisions have increased our credit exposure
to central clearing platforms.
A failure in our operational systems or human error,
malfeasance or other misconduct, could impair our
liquidity, disrupt our businesses, result in the
disclosure of confidential information, damage our
reputation and cause losses.
Our businesses are highly dependent on our ability to process
and monitor, on a daily basis, a very large number of
transactions, many of which are highly complex and occur at
high volumes and frequencies, across numerous and diverse
markets in many currencies. These transactions, as well as
the information technology services we provide to clients,
often must adhere to client-specific guidelines, as well as legal
and regulatory standards.
Many rules and regulations worldwide govern our
obligations to execute transactions and report such
transactions and other information to regulators, exchanges
and investors. Compliance with these legal and reporting
requirements can be challenging, and we have been and may
in the future be subject to regulatory fines and penalties for
failing to follow these rules or to report timely, accurate and
complete information in accordance with these rules. As
reporting requirements expand, compliance with these rules
and regulations has become more challenging.
As our client base, including through our consumer
businesses, and our geographical reach expand and the
volume, speed, frequency and complexity of transactions,
especially electronic transactions (as well as the requirements
to report such transactions on a real-time basis to clients,
regulators and exchanges) increase, developing and
maintaining our operational systems and infrastructure has
become more challenging, and the risk of systems or human
error in connection with such transactions has increased, as
have the potential consequences of such errors due to the
speed and volume of transactions involved and the potential
difficulty associated with discovering errors quickly enough
to limit the resulting consequences. These risks are
exacerbated in times of increased volatility. As with other
similarly situated institutions, we utilize credit underwriting
models in connection with our businesses, including our
consumer-oriented activities. Allegations or publicity,
whether or not accurate, that our underwriting decisions do
not treat consumers or clients fairly, or comply with the
applicable law or regulation, can result in negative publicity,
reputational damage and governmental and regulatory
scrutiny, investigations and enforcement actions.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Our financial, accounting, data processing or other
operational systems and facilities may fail to operate properly
or become disabled as a result of events that are wholly or
partially beyond our control, such as a spike in transaction
volume, adversely affecting our ability to process these
transactions or provide these services. We must continuously
update these systems to support our operations and growth
and to respond to changes in regulations and markets, and
invest heavily in systemic controls and training to pursue our
objective of ensuring that such transactions do not violate
applicable rules and regulations or, due to errors in
processing such transactions, adversely affect markets, our
clients and counterparties or us. Enhancements and updates
to systems, as well as the requisite training, including in
connection with the integration of new businesses, entail
significant costs and create risks associated with
implementing new systems and integrating them with
existing ones.
The use of computing devices and phones is critical to the
work done by our employees and the operation of our
systems and businesses and those of our clients and our third-
party service providers and vendors. Their importance has
continued to increase, in particular in light of work-from-
home arrangements. Computers and computer networks are
subject to various risks, including, among others, cyber
attacks, inherent technological defects, system failures and
human error. For example, fundamental security flaws in
computer chips found in many types of these computing
devices and phones have been reported in the past and may
occur in the future. The use of personal devices by our
employees or by our vendors for work-related activities also
presents risks related to potential violations of record
retention and other requirements. Cloud technologies are
also critical to the operation of our systems and platforms
and our reliance on cloud technologies is growing. Service
disruptions have resulted, and may result in the future, in
delays in accessing, or the loss of, data that is important to
our businesses and may hinder our clients’ access to our
platforms. There have been a number of widely publicized
cases of outages in connection with access to cloud
computing providers. Addressing these and similar issues
could be costly and affect the performance of these businesses
and systems. Operational risks may be incurred in applying
fixes and there may still be residual security risks.
Notwithstanding the proliferation of technology and
technology-based risk and control systems, our businesses
ultimately rely on people as our greatest resource, and, from
time to time, they have in the past and may in the future
make mistakes or engage in violations of applicable policies,
laws, rules or procedures that are not always caught
immediately by our technological processes or by our
controls and other procedures, which are intended to prevent
and detect such errors or violations. These have in the past
and may in the future include calculation errors, mistakes in
addressing emails, errors in software or model development
or implementation, or simple errors in judgment, as well as
intentional efforts to ignore or circumvent applicable policies,
laws, rules or procedures. Human errors, malfeasance and
other misconduct, including the intentional misuse of client
information in connection with insider trading or for other
purposes, even if promptly discovered and remediated, has in
the past resulted and may in the future result in reputational
damage and losses and liabilities for us.
The majority of the employees in our primary locations,
including the New York metropolitan area, London,
Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Salt Lake City
and Dallas, work in close proximity to one another. Our
headquarters is located in the New York metropolitan area,
and we have our largest employee concentration occupying
two principal office buildings near the Hudson River
waterfront. They are subject to potential catastrophic events,
including, but not limited to, terrorist attacks, extreme
weather, or other hostile events that could negatively affect
our business. Notwithstanding our efforts to maintain
business continuity, business disruptions impacting our
offices and employees could lead to our employees’ inability
to occupy the offices, communicate with or travel to other
office locations or work remotely. As a result, our ability to
service and interact with clients may be adversely impacted,
due to our failure or inability to successfully implement
business contingency plans.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 37
A failure or disruption in our infrastructure, or in the
operational systems or infrastructure of third parties,
could impair our liquidity, disrupt our businesses,
damage our reputation and cause losses.
We face the risk of operational failure or significant
operational delay, termination or capacity constraints of any
of the clearing agents, exchanges, clearinghouses or other
financial intermediaries we use to facilitate our securities and
derivatives transactions, and as our interconnectivity with
our clients grows, we increasingly face the risk of operational
failure or significant operational delay with respect to our
clients’ systems.
There has been significant consolidation among clearing
agents, exchanges and clearinghouses and an increasing
number of derivative transactions are cleared on exchanges,
which has increased our exposure to operational failure or
significant operational delay, termination or capacity
constraints of the particular financial intermediaries that we
use and could affect our ability to find adequate and cost-
effective alternatives in the event of any such failure, delay,
termination or constraint. Industry consolidation, whether
among market participants or financial intermediaries,
increases the risk of operational failure or significant
operational delay as disparate complex systems need to be
integrated, often on an accelerated basis.
The interconnectivity of multiple financial institutions with
central agents, exchanges and clearinghouses, and the
increased centrality of these entities, increases the risk that an
operational failure at one institution or entity may cause an
industry-wide operational failure that could materially
impact our ability to conduct business. Interconnectivity of
financial institutions with other companies through, among
other things, application programming interfaces or APIs
presents similar risks. Any such failure, termination or
constraint could adversely affect our ability to effect
transactions, service our clients, manage our exposure to risk
or expand our businesses or result in financial loss or liability
to our clients, impairment of our liquidity, disruption of our
businesses, regulatory intervention or reputational damage.
Despite our resiliency plans and facilities, our ability to
conduct business may be adversely impacted by a disruption
in the infrastructure that supports our businesses and the
communities where we are located. This may include a
disruption involving electrical, satellite, undersea cable or
other communications, internet, transportation or other
facilities used by us, our employees or third parties with
which we conduct business, including cloud service
providers. These disruptions may occur as a result of events
that affect only our buildings or systems or those of such
third parties, or as a result of events with a broader impact
globally, regionally or in the cities where those buildings or
systems are located, including, but not limited to, natural
disasters, war, civil unrest, terrorism, economic or political
developments, pandemics and weather events.
In addition, although we seek to diversify our third-party
vendors to increase our resiliency, we are exposed to risks if
our vendors operate in the same area and are also exposed to
the risk that a disruption or other information technology
event at a common service provider to our vendors could
impede their ability to provide products or services to us. We
may not be able to effectively monitor or mitigate operational
risks relating to our vendors’ use of common service
Additionally, although the prevalence and scope of
applications of distributed ledger technology, cryptocurrency
and similar technologies is growing, the technology is nascent
and may be vulnerable to cyber attacks or have other
inherent weaknesses. We are exposed to risks, and may
become exposed to additional risks, related to distributed
ledger technology, including through our facilitation of
clients’ activities involving financial products that use
distributed ledger technology, such as blockchain,
cryptocurrencies or other digital assets, our investments in
companies that seek to develop platforms based on
distributed ledger technology, the use of distributed ledger
technology by third-party vendors, clients, counterparties,
clearinghouses and other financial intermediaries, and the
receipt of cryptocurrencies or other digital assets as
collateral. The market volatility that financial products using
distributed ledger technology have recently experienced may
increase these risks.
A failure to protect our computer systems, networks
and information, and our clients’ information, against
cyber attacks and similar threats could impair our
ability to conduct our businesses, result in the
disclosure, theft or destruction of confidential
information, damage our reputation and cause losses.
Our operations rely on the secure processing, storage and
transmission of confidential and other information in our
computer systems and networks and those of our vendors.
There have been a number of highly publicized cases
involving financial services companies, consumer-based
companies, software and information technology service
providers, governmental agencies and other organizations
reporting the unauthorized access or disclosure of client,
customer or other confidential information in recent years, as
well as cyber attacks involving the dissemination, theft and
destruction of corporate information or other assets, as a
result of inadequate procedures or the failure to follow
procedures by employees or contractors or as a result of
actions by third parties, including actions by foreign
governments. There have also been several highly publicized
cases where hackers have requested “ransom” payments in
exchange for not disclosing customer information or for
restoring access to information or systems.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
We are regularly the target of attempted cyber attacks,
including denial-of-service attacks, and must continuously
monitor and develop our systems to protect the integrity and
functionality of our technology infrastructure and access to
and the security of our data. We have faced a high volume of
cyber attacks as we expand our mobile- and other internet-
based products and services, as well as our usage of mobile
and cloud technologies, and as we provide more of these
services to a greater number of individual consumers. The
migration of our communication from devices we provide to
employee-owned devices presents additional risks of cyber
attacks, as do work-from-home arrangements . In addition,
due to our interconnectivity with third-party vendors (and
their respective service providers), central agents, exchanges,
clearinghouses and other financial institutions, we could be
adversely impacted if any of them is subject to a successful
cyber attack or other information security event. These
impacts could include the loss of access to information or
services from the third party subject to the cyber attack or
other information security event or could result in
unauthorized access to or disclosure of client, customer or
other confidential information, which could, in turn,
interrupt certain of our businesses or adversely affect our
results of operations and reputation.
Despite our efforts to ensure the integrity of our systems and
information, we may not be able to anticipate, detect or
implement effective preventive measures against all cyber
threats, including because the techniques used are
increasingly sophisticated, change frequently and are often
not recognized until launched. Cyber attacks can originate
from a variety of sources, including third parties who are
affiliated with or sponsored by foreign governments or are
involved with organized crime or terrorist organizations.
Third parties may also attempt to place individuals in our
offices or induce employees, clients or other users of our
systems to disclose sensitive information or provide access to
our data or that of our clients, and these types of risks may be
difficult to detect or prevent.
Although we take protective measures proactively and
endeavor to modify them as circumstances warrant, our
computer systems, software and networks may be vulnerable
to unauthorized access, misuse, computer viruses or other
malicious code, cyber attacks on our vendors and other
events that could have a security impact. Risks relating to
cyber attacks on our vendors have been increasing given the
greater frequency and severity in recent years of supply chain
attacks affecting software and information technology service
providers. Due to the complexity and interconnectedness of
our systems, the process of enhancing our protective
measures can itself create a risk of systems disruptions and
security issues. In addition, protective measures that we
employ to compartmentalize our data may reduce our
visibility into, and adversely affect our ability to respond to,
cyber threats and issues with our systems.
If one or more of these types of events occur, it potentially
could jeopardize our, our clients’, our counterparties’ or third
parties' confidential and other information processed, stored
in, or transmitted through our computer systems and
networks, or otherwise cause interruptions or malfunctions
in our operations or those of our clients, counterparties or
third parties, which could impact their ability to transact
with us or otherwise result in legal or regulatory action,
significant losses or reputational damage. In addition, such
an event could persist for an extended period of time before
being properly detected or escalated, and, following detection
or escalation, it could take considerable time for us to obtain
full and reliable information about the extent, amount and
type of information compromised. During the course of an
investigation, we may not know the full impact of the event
and how to remediate it, and actions, decisions and mistakes
that are taken or made may further increase the negative
effects of the event on our business, results of operations and
reputation. Moreover, potential new regulations may require
us to disclose information about a material cybersecurity
incident before it has been resolved or fully investigated.
We have expended, and expect to continue to expend,
significant resources on an ongoing basis to modify our
protective measures and to investigate and remediate
vulnerabilities or other exposures, but these measures may be
ineffective and we may be subject to legal or regulatory
action, as well as financial losses that are either not insured
against or not fully covered through any insurance
maintained by us.
Our clients’ confidential information may also be at risk
from the compromise of clients’ personal electronic devices
or as a result of a data security breach at an unrelated
company. Losses due to unauthorized account activity could
harm our reputation and may have adverse effects on our
business, financial condition and results of operations.
The increased use of mobile and cloud technologies can
heighten these and other operational risks, as can work-from-
home arrangements. Certain aspects of the security of such
technologies are unpredictable or beyond our control, and
the failure by mobile technology and cloud service providers
to adequately safeguard their systems and prevent cyber
attacks could disrupt our operations and result in
misappropriation, corruption or loss of confidential and
other information. In addition, there is a risk that encryption
and other protective measures, despite their sophistication,
may be defeated, particularly to the extent that new
computing technologies vastly increase the speed and
computing power available.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 39
We routinely transmit and receive personal, confidential and
proprietary information by email and other electronic means.
We have discussed and worked with clients, vendors, service
providers, counterparties and other third parties to develop
secure transmission capabilities and protect against cyber
attacks, but we do not have, and may be unable to put in
place, secure capabilities with all of our clients, vendors,
service providers, counterparties and other third parties and
we may not be able to ensure that these third parties have
appropriate controls in place to protect the confidentiality of
the information. An interception, misuse or mishandling of
personal, confidential or proprietary information being sent
to or received from a client, vendor, service provider,
counterparty or other third party could result in legal
liability, regulatory action and reputational harm.
We may incur losses as a result of ineffective risk
management processes and strategies.
We seek to monitor and control our risk exposure through a
risk and control framework encompassing a variety of
separate but complementary financial, credit, operational,
compliance and legal reporting systems, internal controls,
management review processes and other mechanisms. Our
risk management process seeks to balance our ability to
profit from market-making, investing or lending positions,
and underwriting activities, with our exposure to potential
losses. While we employ a broad and diversified set of risk
monitoring and risk mitigation techniques, those techniques
and the judgments that accompany their application cannot
anticipate every economic and financial outcome or the
specifics and timing of such outcomes. Thus, in the course of
our activities, we have incurred and may in the future incur
losses. Market conditions in recent years have involved
unprecedented dislocations and highlight the limitations
inherent in using historical data to manage risk.
The models that we use to assess and control our risk
exposures reflect assumptions about the degrees of
correlation or lack thereof among prices of various asset
classes or other market indicators. In times of market stress
or other unforeseen circumstances, previously uncorrelated
indicators may become correlated, or conversely previously
correlated indicators may move in different directions. These
types of market movements have at times limited the
effectiveness of our hedging strategies and have caused us to
incur significant losses, and they may do so in the future.
These changes in correlation have been and may in the future
be exacerbated where other market participants are using risk
or trading models with assumptions or algorithms that are
similar to ours. In these and other cases, it may be difficult to
reduce our risk positions due to the activity of other market
participants or widespread market dislocations, including
circumstances where asset values are declining significantly
or no market exists for certain assets.
In addition, the use of models in connection with risk
management and numerous other critical activities presents
risks that the models may be ineffective, either because of
poor design, ineffective testing, or improper or flawed inputs,
as well as unpermitted access to the models resulting in
unapproved or malicious changes to the model or its inputs.
To the extent that we have positions through our market-
making or origination activities or we make investments
directly through our investing activities, including private
equity, that do not have an established liquid trading market
or are otherwise subject to restrictions on sale or hedging, we
may not be able to reduce our positions and therefore reduce
our risk associated with those positions. In addition, to the
extent permitted by applicable law and regulation, we invest
our own capital in private equity, credit, real estate and
hedge funds that we manage and limitations on our ability to
withdraw some or all of our investments in these funds,
whether for legal, reputational or other reasons, may make it
more difficult for us to control the risk exposures relating to
these investments.
Prudent risk management, as well as regulatory restrictions,
may cause us to limit our exposure to counterparties,
geographic areas or markets, which may limit our business
opportunities and increase the cost of our funding or hedging
As we have expanded and intend to continue to expand the
product and geographic scope of our offerings of credit and
investment products to consumers, we are presented with
different risks and must expand and adapt our risk
monitoring and mitigation activities to account for these
business activities. A failure to adequately assess and control
such risk exposures could result in losses to us.
For further information about our risk management policies
and procedures, see “Management’s Discussion and Analysis
of Financial Condition and Results of Operations Risk
Management” in Part II, Item 7 of this Form 10-K.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Legal and Regulatory
Our businesses and those of our clients are subject to
extensive and pervasive regulation around the world.
As a participant in the financial services industry and a
systemically important financial institution, we are subject to
extensive regulation in jurisdictions around the world. We
face the risk of significant intervention by law enforcement,
regulatory and taxing authorities, as well as private litigation,
in all jurisdictions in which we conduct our businesses. In
many cases, our activities have been and may continue to be
subject to overlapping and divergent regulation in different
jurisdictions. Among other things, as a result of law
enforcement authorities, regulators or private parties
challenging our compliance with existing laws and
regulations, we or our employees have been, and could be,
fined, criminally charged or sanctioned; prohibited from
engaging in some of our business activities; subjected to
limitations or conditions on our business activities, including
higher capital requirements; or subjected to new or
substantially higher taxes or other governmental charges in
connection with the conduct of our businesses or with respect
to our employees. These limitations or conditions may limit
our business activities and negatively impact our
In addition to the impact on the scope and profitability of our
business activities, day-to-day compliance with existing laws
and regulations has involved and will continue to involve
significant amounts of time, including that of our senior
leaders and that of a large number of dedicated compliance
and other reporting and operational personnel, all of which
may negatively impact our profitability.
Our revenues and profitability and those of our competitors
have been and will continue to be impacted by requirements
relating to capital, leverage, minimum liquidity and long-
term funding levels, requirements related to resolution and
recovery planning, derivatives clearing and margin rules and
levels of regulatory oversight, as well as limitations on which
and, if permitted, how certain business activities may be
carried out by financial institutions. The laws and regulations
that apply to our businesses are often complex and, in many
cases, we must make interpretive decisions regarding the
application of those laws and regulations to our business
activities. Changes in interpretations, whether in response to
regulatory guidance, industry conventions, our own
reassessments or otherwise, could adversely affect our
businesses, results of operations or ability to satisfy
applicable regulatory requirements, such as capital or
liquidity requirements.
If there are new laws or regulations or changes in the
interpretation or enforcement of existing laws or regulations
applicable to our businesses or those of our clients, including
capital, liquidity, leverage, long-term debt, total loss-
absorbing capacity and margin requirements, restrictions on
leveraged lending or other business practices, reporting
requirements, requirements relating to recovery and
resolution planning, tax burdens and compensation
restrictions, that are imposed on a limited subset of financial
institutions (whether based on size, method of funding,
activities, geography or other criteria), compliance with these
new laws or regulations, or changes in the enforcement of
existing laws or regulations, could adversely affect our ability
to compete effectively with other institutions that are not
affected in the same way. In addition, regulation imposed on
financial institutions or market participants generally, such
as taxes on stock transfers, share repurchases and other
financial transactions, could adversely impact levels of
market activity more broadly, and thus impact our
businesses. Changes to laws or regulations, such as tax laws,
could also have a disproportionate impact on us, based on
the way those laws or regulations are applied to financial
services and financial firms or due to our corporate structure
or where these services are provided.
These developments could impact our profitability in the
affected jurisdictions, or even make it uneconomic for us to
continue to conduct all or certain of our businesses in those
jurisdictions, or could cause us to incur significant costs
associated with changing our business practices, restructuring
our businesses, moving all or certain of our businesses and
our employees to other locations or complying with
applicable capital requirements, including reducing dividends
or share repurchases, liquidating assets or raising capital in a
manner that adversely increases our funding costs or
otherwise adversely affects our shareholders and creditors.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 41
U.S. and non-U.S. regulatory developments, in particular the
Dodd-Frank Act and Basel III, have significantly altered the
regulatory framework within which we operate and have
adversely affected and may in the future adversely affect our
profitability. Among the aspects of the Dodd-Frank Act that
have affected or may in the future affect our businesses are:
increased capital, liquidity and reporting requirements;
limitations on activities in which we may engage; increased
regulation of and restrictions on OTC derivatives markets
and transactions; limitations on incentive compensation;
limitations on affiliate transactions; requirements to
reorganize or limit activities in connection with recovery and
resolution planning; increased deposit insurance assessments;
and increased standards of care for broker-dealers and
investment advisers in dealing with clients. The
implementation of higher capital requirements, more
stringent requirements relating to liquidity, long-term debt
and total loss-absorbing capacity and the prohibition on
proprietary trading and the sponsorship of, or investment in,
covered funds by the Volcker Rule may continue to adversely
affect our profitability and competitive position, particularly
if these requirements do not apply equally to our competitors
or are not implemented uniformly across jurisdictions. We
may also become subject to higher and more stringent capital
and other regulatory requirements as a result of the
implementation of Basel Committee standards, including the
credit and operational risk capital standards published in
December 2017 and the market risk capital standard
published in January 2019.
As described in “Business Regulation Banking
Supervision and Regulation” in Part I, Item 1 of this Form 10-
K, the SCB has replaced the capital conservation buffer under
the Standardized Capital Rules and resulted in higher
Standardized capital ratio requirements. Failure to comply
with these requirements could limit our ability to, among
other things, repurchase shares, pay dividends and make
certain discretionary compensation payments. In addition, if,
as in 2020, we are required to resubmit our capital plan, we
generally may not make capital distributions, such as share
repurchases or dividends, without the prior approval of the
FRB. Dividends and repurchases are also subject to oversight
by the FRB, which can result in limitations. Limitations on
our ability to make capital distributions could, among other
things, prevent us from returning capital to our shareholders
and impact our return on equity. Additionally, as a G-SIB, we
are subject to the G-SIB surcharge. Our G-SIB surcharge is
updated annually based on financial data from the prior year.
Expansion of our businesses, growth in our balance sheet and
increased reliance on short-term wholesale funding have
resulted in increases and in the future may result in further
increases in our G-SIB surcharge and a corresponding
increase in our capital requirements.
We are also subject to laws and regulations, such as the
GDPR and the California Consumer Privacy Act, relating to
the privacy of the information of clients, employees or others,
and any failure to comply with these laws and regulations
could expose us to liability and/or reputational damage. As
new privacy-related laws and regulations are implemented,
the time and resources needed for us to comply with such
laws and regulations, as well as our potential liability for
non-compliance and reporting obligations in the case of data
breaches, may significantly increase.
Further, the CRD requires certain non-E.U. groups with
more than €40 billion of assets in the E.U., such as us, to
establish an E.U. IHC by December 30, 2023. A non-E.U.
group may have two E.U. IHCs if a request for a second is
approved. If we are unable to obtain approval to have two
E.U. IHCs, we would be required to limit our European
subsidiary activities to those that are permissible for GSBE.
In addition, our businesses are increasingly subject to laws
and regulations relating to surveillance, encryption and data
on-shoring in the jurisdictions in which we operate.
Compliance with these laws and regulations may require us
to change our policies, procedures and technology for
information security, which could, among other things, make
us more vulnerable to cyber attacks and misappropriation,
corruption or loss of information or technology.
We have entered into consumer-oriented deposit-taking,
lending and credit card businesses, and we may expand the
product and geographic scope of our offerings. Entering into
these businesses subjects us to numerous additional
regulations in the jurisdictions in which these businesses
operate. Not only are these regulations extensive, but they
involve types of regulations and supervision, as well as
regulatory compliance risks, that have not historically
applied to us. The level of regulatory scrutiny and the scope
of regulations affecting financial interactions with consumers
is often much greater than that associated with doing
business with institutions and high-net-worth individuals.
Complying with these regulations is time-consuming, costly
and presents new and increased risks.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Our expansion into consumer-oriented activities will result in
a change to GS Bank USA's CRA requirements later in 2023,
such that GS Bank USA will no longer be assessed as a
“wholesale bank” for CRA compliance purposes and,
instead, will be assessed pursuant to the framework
applicable to large commercial banks or pursuant to an
approved strategic plan. Any failure to comply with different
or expanded CRA requirements as a result of this change in
assessment methods could negatively impact GS Bank USA's
CRA ratings, cause reputational harm and result in limits on
our ability to make future acquisitions or engage in certain
new activities.
Increasingly, regulators and courts have sought to hold
financial institutions liable for the misconduct of their clients
where they have determined that the financial institution
should have detected that the client was engaged in
wrongdoing, even though the financial institution had no
direct knowledge of the activities engaged in by its client.
Regulators and courts have also increasingly found liability
as a “control person” for activities of entities in which
financial institutions or funds controlled by financial
institutions have an investment, but which they do not
actively manage. In addition, regulators and courts continue
to seek to establish “fiduciary” obligations to counterparties
to which no such duty had been assumed to exist. To the
extent that such efforts are successful, the cost of, and
liabilities associated with, engaging in brokerage, clearing,
market-making, prime brokerage, investing and other similar
activities could increase significantly. To the extent that we
have fiduciary obligations in connection with acting as a
financial adviser or investment adviser or in other roles for
individual, institutional, sovereign or investment fund clients,
any breach, or even an alleged breach, of such obligations
could have materially negative legal, regulatory and
reputational consequences.
For information about the extensive regulation to which our
businesses are subject, see “Business Regulation” in Part I,
Item 1 of this Form 10-K.
A failure to appropriately identify and address
potential conflicts of interest could adversely affect
our businesses.
Due to the broad scope of our businesses and our client base,
we regularly address potential conflicts of interest, including
situations where our services to a particular client or our own
investments or other interests conflict, or are perceived to
conflict, with the interests of that client or another client, as
well as situations where one or more of our businesses have
access to material non-public information that may not be
shared with our other businesses and situations where we
may be a creditor of an entity with which we also have an
advisory or other relationship.
In addition, our status as a BHC subjects us to heightened
regulation and increased regulatory scrutiny by the FRB with
respect to transactions between GS Bank USA and its
subsidiaries and entities that are or could be viewed as
affiliates of ours and, under the Volcker Rule, transactions
between us and covered funds.
We have extensive procedures and controls that are designed
to identify and address conflicts of interest, including those
designed to prevent the improper sharing of information
among our businesses. However, appropriately identifying
and dealing with conflicts of interest is complex and difficult,
and our reputation, which is one of our most important
assets, could be damaged and the willingness of clients to
enter into transactions with us may be adversely affected if
we fail, or appear to fail, to identify, disclose and deal
appropriately with conflicts of interest. In addition, potential
or perceived conflicts could give rise to litigation or
regulatory enforcement actions. Additionally, our One
Goldman Sachs initiative aims to increase collaboration
among our businesses, which may increase the potential for
actual or perceived conflicts of interest and improper
information sharing. The realignment of our businesses,
reflected in our new segments beginning with the fourth
quarter of 2022, presents similar risks.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 43
We may be adversely affected by increased
governmental and regulatory scrutiny or negative
Governmental scrutiny from regulators, legislative bodies
and law enforcement agencies with respect to matters relating
to compensation, our business practices, our past actions and
other matters remains at high levels. Political and public
sentiment regarding financial institutions has in the past
resulted and may in the future result in a significant amount
of adverse press coverage, as well as adverse statements or
charges by regulators or other government officials. Press
coverage and other public statements that assert some form
of wrongdoing (including, in some cases, press coverage and
public statements that do not directly involve us) often result
in some type of investigation by regulators, legislators and
law enforcement officials or in lawsuits.
Responding to these investigations and lawsuits, regardless of
the ultimate outcome of the proceeding, is time-consuming
and expensive and can divert the time and effort of our senior
management from our business. Penalties and fines sought by
regulatory authorities have increased substantially and
certain regulators have been more likely in recent years to
commence enforcement actions or to support legislation
targeted at the financial services industry. Governmental
authorities may also be more likely to pursue criminal or
other actions, including seeking admissions of wrongdoing or
guilty pleas, in connection with the resolution of an inquiry
or investigation to the extent a company is viewed as having
previously engaged in criminal, regulatory or other
misconduct. Adverse publicity, governmental scrutiny and
legal and enforcement proceedings can also have a negative
impact on our reputation and on the morale and performance
of our employees, which could adversely affect our businesses
and results of operations. Further, we are subject to
regulatory settlements, orders and feedback that require
significant remediation activities, which require us to commit
significant resources, including hiring, as well as testing the
operation and effectiveness of new controls, policies and
The financial services industry generally and our businesses
in particular have been subject to negative publicity. Our
reputation and businesses may be adversely affected by
negative publicity or information regarding our businesses
and personnel, whether or not accurate or true, that may be
posted on social media or other internet forums or published
by news organizations. Postings on these types of forums may
also adversely impact risk positions of our clients and other
parties that owe us money, securities or other assets and
increase the chance that they will not perform their
obligations to us or reduce the revenues we receive from their
use of our services. The speed and pervasiveness with which
information can be disseminated through these channels, in
particular social media, may magnify risks relating to
negative publicity.
Substantial civil or criminal liability or significant
regulatory action against us could have material
adverse financial effects or cause us significant
reputational harm, which in turn could seriously harm
our business prospects.
We face significant legal risks in our businesses, and the
volume of claims and amount of damages and penalties
claimed in litigation and regulatory proceedings against
financial institutions remain high. See Notes 18 and 27 to the
consolidated financial statements in Part II, Item 8 of this
Form 10-K for information about certain of our legal and
regulatory proceedings and investigations. We have seen legal
claims by consumers and clients increase in a market
downturn and employment-related claims increase following
periods in which we have reduced our headcount.
Additionally, governmental entities have been plaintiffs and
are parties in certain of our legal proceedings, and we may
face future civil or criminal actions or claims by the same or
other governmental entities, as well as follow-on civil
litigation that is often commenced after regulatory
Significant settlements by several large financial institutions,
including, in some cases, us, with governmental entities have
been publicly announced. The trend of large settlements with
governmental entities may adversely affect the outcomes for
other financial institutions, including, in some cases, us, in
similar actions, especially where governmental officials have
announced that the large settlements will be used as the basis
or a template for other settlements. The uncertain regulatory
enforcement environment makes it difficult to estimate
probable losses, which can lead to substantial disparities
between legal reserves and subsequent actual settlements or
Claims of collusion or anti-competitive conduct have become
more common. Financial institutions (including us) have been
subject to civil cases and investigatory demands relating to
alleged bid-rigging, group boycotts or other anti-competitive
practices. Antitrust laws generally provide for joint and
several liability and treble damages. These claims have
resulted in significant settlements and fines in the past and
may do so in the future.
We are subject to laws and regulations worldwide, including
the FCPA and the U.K. Bribery Act, relating to corrupt and
illegal payments to, and hiring practices with regard to,
government officials and others. Violation of these or similar
laws and regulations have in the past resulted in and could in
the future result in significant monetary penalties. Such
violations could also result in severe restrictions on our
activities and damage to our reputation.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Certain law enforcement authorities have recently required
admissions of wrongdoing, and, in some cases, criminal
pleas, as part of the resolutions of matters brought against
financial institutions or their employees. See for example,
“1MDB-Related Matters” in Note 27 to the consolidated
financial statements in Part II, Item 8 of this Form 10-K. Any
such resolution of a criminal matter involving us or our
employees could lead to increased exposure to civil litigation,
could adversely affect our reputation, could result in
penalties or limitations on our ability to conduct our
activities generally or in certain circumstances and could have
other negative effects. Further, as a result of this type of
settlement, we are no longer a “well-known seasoned issuer,”
which places limitations on the manner in which we can
market our securities.
In conducting our businesses around the world, we
are subject to political, legal, regulatory and other
risks that are inherent in operating in many countries.
In conducting our businesses and supporting our global
operations, we are subject to risks of possible nationalization,
expropriation, price controls, capital controls, exchange
controls, communications and other content restrictions, and
other restrictive governmental actions. For example,
sanctions have been imposed by the U.S. and the E.U. on
certain individuals and companies in Russia and Venezuela.
In many countries, the laws and regulations applicable to the
securities and financial services industries and many of the
transactions in which we are involved are uncertain and
evolving, and it may be difficult for us to determine the exact
requirements of local laws in every market. We have been in
some cases subject to divergent and conflicting laws and
regulations across markets, and we are increasingly subject to
the risk that the jurisdictions in which we operate have
implemented or may implement laws and regulations that
directly conflict with those of another jurisdiction. Any
determination by local regulators that we have not acted in
compliance with the application of local laws in a particular
market or our failure to develop effective working
relationships with local regulators could have a significant
and negative effect not only on our businesses in that market,
but also on our reputation generally. Further, in some
jurisdictions a failure, or alleged failure, to comply with laws
and regulations has subjected and may in the future subject
us and our personnel not only to civil actions, but also
criminal actions and other sanctions. We are also subject to
the enhanced risk that transactions we structure might not be
legally enforceable in all cases.
While business and other practices throughout the world
differ, our principal entities are subject in their operations
worldwide to rules and regulations relating to corrupt and
illegal payments, hiring practices and money laundering, as
well as laws relating to doing business with certain
individuals, groups and countries, such as the FCPA, the BSA
and the U.K. Bribery Act. While we have invested and
continue to invest significant resources in training and in
compliance monitoring, the geographical diversity of our
operations, employees, clients and consumers, as well as the
vendors and other third parties that we deal with, greatly
increases the risk that we may be found in violation of such
rules or regulations and any such violation could subject us to
significant penalties or adversely affect our reputation. See
for example, “1MDB-Related Matters” in Note 27 to the
consolidated financial statements in Part II, Item 8 of this
Form 10-K.
In addition, there have been a number of highly publicized
cases around the world, involving actual or alleged fraud or
other misconduct by employees in the financial services
industry, and we have had and may in the future have
employee misconduct. This misconduct has included and
may also in the future include intentional efforts to ignore or
circumvent applicable policies, rules or procedures or
misappropriation of funds and the theft of proprietary
information, including proprietary software. It is not always
possible to deter or prevent employee misconduct and the
precautions we take to prevent and detect this activity have
not been and may not be effective in all cases, as reflected by
the settlements relating to 1MDB.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 45
The application of regulatory strategies and
requirements in the U.S. and non-U.S. jurisdictions to
facilitate the orderly resolution of large financial
institutions could create greater risk of loss for Group
Inc.’s security holders.
As described in “Business Regulation Banking
Supervision and Regulation — Insolvency of an IDI or a
BHC,” if the FDIC is appointed as receiver under OLA, the
rights of Group Inc.’s creditors would be determined under
OLA, and substantial differences exist in the rights of
creditors between OLA and the U.S. Bankruptcy Code,
including the right of the FDIC under OLA to disregard the
strict priority of creditor claims in some circumstances, which
could have a material adverse effect on our debtholders.
The FDIC has announced that a single point of entry strategy
may be a desirable strategy under OLA to resolve a large
financial institution in a manner that would, among other
things, impose losses on shareholders, debtholders and other
creditors of the top-tier BHC (in our case, Group Inc.), while
the BHC’s subsidiaries may continue to operate. It is possible
that the application of the single point of entry strategy under
OLA, in which Group Inc. would be the only entity to enter
resolution proceedings (and its material broker-dealer, bank
and other operating entities would not enter resolution
proceedings), would result in greater losses to Group Inc.’s
security holders (including holders of our fixed rate, floating
rate and indexed debt securities), than the losses that would
result from the application of a bankruptcy proceeding or a
different resolution strategy, such as a multiple point of entry
resolution strategy for Group Inc. and certain of its material
Assuming Group Inc. entered resolution proceedings and that
support from Group Inc. or other available resources to its
subsidiaries was sufficient to enable the subsidiaries to
remain solvent, losses at the subsidiary level would be
transferred to Group Inc. and ultimately borne by Group
Inc.’s security holders, third-party creditors of Group Inc.’s
subsidiaries would receive full recoveries on their claims, and
Group Inc.’s security holders (including our shareholders,
debtholders and other unsecured creditors) could face
significant and possibly complete losses. In that case, Group
Inc.’s security holders would face losses while the third-party
creditors of Group Inc.’s subsidiaries would incur no losses
because the subsidiaries would continue to operate and
would not enter resolution or bankruptcy proceedings. In
addition, holders of Group Inc.’s eligible long-term debt and
holders of Group Inc.’s other debt securities could face losses
ahead of its other similarly situated creditors in a resolution
under OLA if the FDIC exercised its right, described above,
to disregard the priority of creditor claims.
OLA also provides the FDIC with authority to cause
creditors and shareholders of the financial company in
receivership to bear losses before taxpayers are exposed to
such losses, and amounts owed to the U.S. government would
generally receive a statutory payment priority over the claims
of private creditors, including senior creditors.
In addition, under OLA, claims of creditors (including
debtholders) could be satisfied through the issuance of equity
or other securities in a bridge entity to which Group Inc.’s
assets are transferred. If such a securities-for-claims exchange
were implemented, there can be no assurance that the value
of the securities of the bridge entity would be sufficient to
repay or satisfy all or any part of the creditor claims for
which the securities were exchanged. While the FDIC has
issued regulations to implement OLA, not all aspects of how
the FDIC might exercise this authority are known and
additional rulemaking is possible.
In addition, certain jurisdictions, including the U.K. and the
E.U., have implemented resolution regimes to provide
resolution authorities with the ability to recapitalize a failing
entity by writing down its unsecured debt or converting its
unsecured debt into equity. Such “bail-in” powers are
intended to enable the recapitalization of a failing institution
by allocating losses to its shareholders and unsecured
debtholders. For example, the Bank of England requires a
certain amount of intercompany funding that we provide to
our material U.K. subsidiaries to contain a contractual trigger
to expressly permit the Bank of England to exercise such
“bail-in” powers in certain circumstances. If the
intercompany funding we provide to our subsidiaries is
“bailed in,” Group Inc.’s claims on its subsidiaries would be
subordinated to the claims of the subsidiaries’ third-party
creditors or written down. U.S. regulators are considering
and non-U.S. authorities have adopted requirements that
certain subsidiaries of large financial institutions maintain
minimum amounts of total loss-absorbing capacity that
would pass losses up from the subsidiaries to the top-tier
BHC and, ultimately, to security holders of the top-tier BHC
in the event of failure.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
The application of Group Inc.’s proposed resolution
strategy could result in greater losses for Group Inc.’s
security holders.
In our resolution plan, Group Inc. would be resolved under
the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. The strategy described in our
resolution plan is a variant of the single point of entry
strategy: Group Inc. and Goldman Sachs Funding LLC
(Funding IHC), a wholly-owned, direct subsidiary of Group
Inc., would recapitalize and provide liquidity to certain major
subsidiaries, including through the forgiveness of
intercompany indebtedness, the extension of the maturities of
intercompany indebtedness and the extension of additional
intercompany loans. If this strategy were successful, creditors
of some or all of Group Inc.’s major subsidiaries would
receive full recoveries on their claims, while Group Inc.’s
security holders could face significant and possibly complete
To facilitate the execution of our resolution plan, we formed
Funding IHC. In exchange for an unsecured subordinated
funding note and equity interest, Group Inc. transferred
certain intercompany receivables and substantially all of its
GCLA to Funding IHC, and agreed to transfer additional
GCLA above prescribed thresholds.
We also put in place a Capital and Liquidity Support
Agreement (CLSA) among Group Inc., Funding IHC and our
major subsidiaries. Under the CLSA, Funding IHC has
provided Group Inc. with a committed line of credit that
allows Group Inc. to draw sufficient funds to meet its cash
needs during the ordinary course of business. In addition, if
our financial resources deteriorate so severely that resolution
may be imminent, (i) the committed line of credit will
automatically terminate and the unsecured subordinated
funding note will automatically be forgiven, (ii) all
intercompany receivables owed by the major subsidiaries to
Group Inc. will be transferred to Funding IHC or their
maturities will be extended to five years, (iii) Group Inc. will
be obligated to transfer substantially all of its remaining
intercompany receivables and GCLA (other than an amount
to fund anticipated bankruptcy expenses) to Funding IHC,
and (iv) Funding IHC will be obligated to provide capital and
liquidity support to the major subsidiaries. Group Inc.’s and
Funding IHC’s obligations under the CLSA are secured
pursuant to a related security agreement. Such actions would
materially and adversely affect Group Inc.’s liquidity. As a
result, during a period of severe stress, Group Inc. might
commence bankruptcy proceedings at an earlier time than it
otherwise would if the CLSA and related security agreement
had not been implemented.
If Group Inc.’s proposed resolution strategy were successful,
Group Inc.’s security holders could face losses while the
third-party creditors of Group Inc.’s major subsidiaries
would incur no losses because those subsidiaries would
continue to operate and not enter resolution or bankruptcy
proceedings. As part of the strategy, Group Inc. could also
seek to elevate the priority of its guarantee obligations
relating to its major subsidiaries’ derivative contracts or
transfer them to another entity so that cross-default and early
termination rights would be stayed under the ISDA
Protocols, as applicable, which would result in holders of
Group Inc.’s eligible long-term debt and holders of Group
Inc.’s other debt securities incurring losses ahead of the
beneficiaries of those guarantee obligations. It is also possible
that holders of Group Inc.’s eligible long-term debt and other
debt securities could incur losses ahead of other similarly
situated creditors of Group Inc.’s major subsidiaries.
If Group Inc.’s proposed resolution strategy were not
successful, Group Inc.’s financial condition would be
adversely impacted and Group Inc.’s security holders,
including debtholders, may as a consequence be in a worse
position than if the strategy had not been implemented. In all
cases, any payments to debtholders are dependent on our
ability to make such payments and are therefore subject to
our credit risk.
As a result of our recovery and resolution planning processes,
including incorporating feedback from our regulators, we
may incur increased operational, funding or other costs and
face limitations on our ability to structure our internal
organization or engage in internal or external activities in a
manner that we may otherwise deem most operationally
Our commodities activities, particularly our physical
commodities activities, subject us to extensive
regulation and involve certain potential risks,
including environmental, reputational and other risks
that may expose us to significant liabilities and costs.
As part of our commodities business, we purchase and sell
certain physical commodities, arrange for their storage and
transport, and engage in market making of commodities. The
commodities involved in these activities may include crude
oil, refined oil products, natural gas, liquefied natural gas,
electric power, agricultural products, metals (base and
precious), minerals (including unenriched uranium), emission
credits, coal, freight and related products and indices.
We make investments in and finance entities that engage in
the production, storage and transportation of numerous
commodities, including many of the commodities referenced
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 47
These activities subject us and/or the entities in which we
invest to extensive and evolving federal, state and local
energy, environmental, antitrust and other governmental
laws and regulations worldwide, including environmental
laws and regulations relating to, among others, air quality,
water quality, waste management, transportation of
hazardous substances, natural resources, site remediation and
health and safety. Additionally, rising climate change
concerns have led to additional regulation that could increase
the operating costs and adversely affect the profitability of
certain of our investments.
There may be substantial costs in complying with current or
future laws and regulations relating to our commodities-
related activities and investments. Compliance with these
laws and regulations could require significant commitments
of capital toward environmental monitoring, renovation of
storage facilities or transport vessels, payment of emission
fees and carbon or other taxes, and application for, and
holding of, permits and licenses.
Commodities involved in our intermediation activities and
investments are also subject to the risk of unforeseen or
catastrophic events, which are likely to be outside of our
control, including those arising from the breakdown or
failure of transport vessels, storage facilities or other
equipment or processes or other mechanical malfunctions,
fires, leaks, spills or release of hazardous substances,
performance below expected levels of output or efficiency,
terrorist attacks, extreme weather events or other natural
disasters or other hostile or catastrophic events. In addition,
we rely on third-party suppliers or service providers to
perform their contractual obligations and any failure on their
part, including the failure to obtain raw materials at
reasonable prices or to safely transport or store commodities,
could expose us to costs or losses. Also, while we seek to
insure against potential risks, we may not be able to obtain
insurance to cover some of these risks and the insurance that
we have may be inadequate to cover our losses.
The occurrence of any of such events may prevent us from
performing under our agreements with clients, may impair
our operations or financial results and may result in
litigation, regulatory action, negative publicity or other
reputational harm.
We may also be required to divest or discontinue certain of
these activities for regulatory or legal reasons or due to the
transition to a less carbon-dependent economy in response to
climate change.
Our results have been and may in the future be
adversely affected by the composition of our client
Our client base is not the same as that of our major
competitors. Our businesses may have a higher or lower
percentage of clients in certain industries or markets than
some or all of our competitors. Therefore, unfavorable
industry developments or market conditions affecting certain
industries or markets have resulted in the past and may result
in the future in our businesses underperforming relative to
similar businesses of a competitor if our businesses have a
higher concentration of clients in such industries or markets.
For example, our market-making businesses have a higher
percentage of clients with actively managed assets than some
of our competitors and such clients have in the past been and
may in the future be disproportionately affected by low
Correspondingly, favorable or simply less adverse
developments or market conditions involving industries or
markets in a business where we have a lower concentration
of clients in such industry or market have also resulted in the
past and may result in the future in our underperforming
relative to a similar business of a competitor that has a higher
concentration of clients in such industry or market. For
example, we have a smaller corporate client base in our
market-making businesses than some of our peers and
therefore those competitors may benefit more from increased
activity by corporate clients. Similarly, we have not
historically engaged in retail equities intermediation to the
same extent as other financial institutions, which has in the
past affected and could in the future adversely affect our
market share in equities execution.
The financial services industry is highly competitive.
The financial services industry and all of our businesses are
intensely competitive, and we expect them to remain so. We
compete on the basis of a number of factors, including
transaction execution, our products and services, innovation,
reputation, creditworthiness and price. There has been
substantial consolidation and convergence among companies
in the financial services industry. This has hastened the
globalization of the securities and other financial services
markets. As a result, we have had to commit capital to
support our international operations and to execute large
global transactions. As we have expanded into new business
areas and new geographic regions, we have faced competitors
with more experience and more established relationships
with clients, regulators and industry participants in the
relevant market, which could adversely affect our ability to
expand our businesses.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Governments and regulators have adopted regulations,
imposed taxes, adopted compensation restrictions or
otherwise put forward various proposals that have impacted
or may impact our ability to conduct certain of our
businesses in a cost-effective manner or at all in certain or all
jurisdictions, including proposals relating to restrictions on
the type of activities in which financial institutions are
permitted to engage. These or other similar rules, many of
which do not apply to all our U.S. or non-U.S. competitors,
could impact our ability to compete effectively.
Pricing and other competitive pressures in our businesses
have continued to increase, particularly in situations where
some of our competitors may seek to increase market share
by reducing prices. For example, in connection with
investment banking and other assignments, in response to
competitive pressure we have experienced, we have extended
and priced credit at levels that in some cases have not fully
compensated us for the risks we undertook.
The financial services industry is highly interrelated in that a
significant volume of transactions occur among a limited
number of members of that industry. Many transactions are
syndicated to other financial institutions, and financial
institutions are often counterparties in transactions. This has
led to claims by other market participants and regulators that
such institutions have colluded in order to manipulate
markets or market prices, including allegations that antitrust
laws have been violated. While we have extensive procedures
and controls that are designed to identify and prevent such
activities, they may not be effective. Allegations of such
activities, particularly by regulators, can have a negative
reputational impact and can subject us to large fines and
settlements, and potentially significant penalties, including
treble damages.
The growth of electronic trading and the introduction
of new products and technologies, including trading
and distributed ledger technologies, including
cryptocurrencies, has increased competition.
Technology is fundamental to our business and our industry.
The growth of electronic trading and the introduction of new
technologies is changing our businesses and presenting us
with new challenges. Securities, futures and options
transactions are increasingly occurring electronically, both on
our own systems and through other alternative trading
systems, and it appears that the trend toward alternative
trading systems will continue. Some of these alternative
trading systems compete with us, particularly our exchange-
based market-making activities, and we may experience
continued competitive pressures in these and other areas. In
addition, the increased use by our clients of low-cost
electronic trading systems and direct electronic access to
trading markets could cause a reduction in commissions and
spreads. As our clients increasingly use our systems to trade
directly in the markets, we may incur liabilities as a result of
their use of our order routing and execution infrastructure.
We have invested significant resources into the development
of electronic trading systems and expect to continue to do so,
but there is no assurance that the revenues generated by these
systems will yield an adequate return, particularly given the
generally lower commissions arising from electronic trades.
In addition, the emergence, adoption and evolution of new
technologies, including distributed ledgers, such as digital
assets and blockchain, have required us to invest resources to
adapt our existing products and services, and we expect to
continue to make such investments, which could be material.
The adoption and evolution of such new technologies may
also increase our compliance and regulatory costs. Further,
technologies, such as those based on distributed ledgers, that
do not require intermediation could also significantly disrupt
payments processing and other financial services. Regulatory
limitations on our involvement in products and platforms
involving digital assets and distributed ledger technologies
may not apply equally or in some cases at all to certain of our
competitors. We may not be as timely or successful in
developing or integrating, or even able to develop or
integrate, new products and technologies, such as those built
on distributed ledgers, into our existing products and
services, adapting to changes in consumer preferences or
achieving market acceptance of our products and services,
any of which could affect our ability to attract or retain
clients, cause us to lose market share or result in service
disruptions and in turn reduce our revenues or otherwise
adversely affect us.
Our businesses would be adversely affected if we are
unable to hire and retain qualified employees.
Our performance is largely dependent on the talents and
efforts of highly skilled people; therefore, our continued
ability to compete effectively in our businesses, to manage
our businesses effectively and to expand into new businesses
and geographic areas depends on our ability to attract new
talented and diverse employees and to retain and motivate
our existing employees. Factors that affect our ability to
attract and retain such employees include the level and
composition of our compensation and benefits, and our
reputation as a successful business with a culture of fairly
hiring, training and promoting qualified employees. As a
significant portion of the compensation that we pay to our
employees is in the form of year-end discretionary
compensation, a significant portion of which is in the form of
deferred equity-related awards, declines in our profitability,
or in the outlook for our future profitability, as well as
regulatory limitations on compensation levels and terms, can
negatively impact our ability to hire and retain highly
qualified employees.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 49
Competition from within the financial services industry and
from businesses outside the financial services industry,
including the technology industry, for qualified employees
has often been intense. We have experienced increased
competition in hiring and retaining employees to address the
demands of our expanding consumer-oriented businesses and
our technology initiatives. This is also the case in emerging
and growth markets, where we are often competing for
qualified employees with entities that have a significantly
greater presence or more extensive experience in the region.
Laws or regulations in jurisdictions in which our operations
are located that affect taxes on our employees’ income or the
amount or composition of compensation, or that require us
to disclose our or our competitors’ compensation practices,
may also adversely affect our ability to hire and retain
qualified employees in those jurisdictions.
As described further in “Business Regulation
Compensation Practices” in Part I, Item 1 of this Form 10-K,
our compensation practices are subject to review by, and the
standards of, the FRB. As a large global financial and
banking institution, we are subject to limitations on
compensation practices (which may or may not affect the
companies with which we compete for talent) by the FRB, the
PRA, the FCA, the FDIC and other regulators worldwide.
These limitations have shaped our compensation practices,
which has, in some cases, adversely affected our ability to
attract and retain talented employees, in particular in relation
to companies not subject to these limitations, and future
legislation or regulation may have similar adverse effects.
Our operating expenses and efficiency ratio depend, in part,
on our overall headcount and the proportion of our
employees located in strategic locations. Our future human
capital resource requirements and the benefits provided by
strategic locations are uncertain, and we may not realize the
benefits we anticipate.
Market Developments and General Business
Our businesses, financial condition, liquidity and
results of operations have been and may in the future
be adversely affected by unforeseen or catastrophic
events, including pandemics, terrorist attacks,
extreme weather events or other natural disasters.
The occurrence of unforeseen or catastrophic events,
including pandemics, such as COVID-19, or other
widespread health emergencies (or concerns over the
possibility of such an emergency), terrorist attacks, extreme
weather events, solar events or other natural disasters, could
adversely affect our business, financial condition, liquidity
and results of operations. These events could have such
effects through economic or financial market disruptions or
challenging economic or market conditions more generally,
the deterioration of our creditworthiness or that of our
counterparties, changes in consumer sentiment and consumer
borrowing, spending and savings patterns, liquidity stress, or
operational difficulties (such as travel limitations and
limitations on occupancy in our offices) that impair our
ability to manage our businesses.
The COVID-19 pandemic created economic and financial
disruptions that have in the past adversely affected and may
in the future adversely affect our business, financial
condition, liquidity and results of operations. The extent to
which the COVID-19 pandemic will negatively affect our
businesses, financial condition, liquidity and results of
operations will depend on, among other things, future
developments, including any resurgence of COVID-19 cases,
the emergence of new variants of COVID-19 and the
effectiveness of vaccines and treatments over the long term
and against new variants, which are highly uncertain and
cannot be predicted.
Climate change could disrupt our businesses and
adversely affect client activity levels and the
creditworthiness of our clients and counterparties,
and our efforts to address concerns relating to climate
change could result in damage to our reputation.
Climate change may cause extreme weather events that
disrupt operations at one or more of our primary locations,
which may negatively affect our ability to service and interact
with our clients, adversely affect the value of our
investments, including our real estate investments, and reduce
the availability or increase the cost of insurance. Climate
change and the transition to a less carbon-dependent
economy may also have a negative impact on the operations
or financial condition of our clients and counterparties,
which may decrease revenues from those clients and
counterparties and increase the credit risk associated with
loans and other credit exposures to those clients and
counterparties. In addition, climate change may impact the
broader economy.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
We are also exposed to risks resulting from changes in public
policy, laws and regulations, or market and public
perceptions and preferences in connection with the transition
to a less carbon-dependent economy. These changes could
adversely affect our business, results of operations and
reputation. For example, our reputation and client
relationships may be damaged as a result of our or our
clients’ involvement in, or decision not to participate in,
certain industries or projects associated with causing or
exacerbating climate change, as well as any decisions we
make to continue to conduct or change our activities in
response to considerations relating to climate change. If we
are unable to achieve our objectives relating to climate
change or our response to climate change is perceived to be
ineffective, insufficient or otherwise inappropriate, our
business, reputation and efforts to recruit and retain
employees may suffer.
New regulations or guidance relating to climate change, as
well as the perspectives of government officials, regulators,
shareholders, employees and other stakeholders regarding
climate change, may affect whether and on what terms and
conditions we engage in certain activities or offer certain
products. Federal and state, and non-U.S. banking regulators
and supervisory authorities, shareholders and other
stakeholders have increasingly viewed financial institutions
as playing an important role in helping to address risks
related to climate change, both directly and with respect to
their clients, which may result in financial institutions coming
under increased requirements and expectations regarding the
disclosure and management of their climate risks and related
lending, investment and advisory activities. The FRB has
announced that we are among the six U.S. financial
institutions participating in a pilot climate scenario analysis
exercise in 2023, and we also are subject to new or heightened
regulatory requirements relating to climate change, such as
requirements relating to operational resiliency or stress
testing for various climate stress scenarios. Any such new or
heightened requirements could result in increased regulatory,
compliance or other costs or higher capital requirements. The
risks associated with, and the perspective of regulators,
shareholders, employees and other stakeholders regarding,
climate change are continuing to evolve rapidly, which can
make it difficult to assess the ultimate impact on us of climate
change-related risks and uncertainties, and we expect that
climate change-related risks will increase over time.
Our business, financial condition, liquidity and results
of operations may be adversely affected by
disruptions in the global economy caused by Russia’s
invasion of Ukraine and related sanctions and other
The war between Russia and Ukraine has negatively affected
the global economy. Governments around the world have
responded to Russia’s invasion by imposing economic
sanctions and export controls on certain industry sectors,
including price caps on Russian oil, and parties in Russia.
Compliance with economic sanctions and restrictions
imposed by governments has increased our costs and
otherwise adversely affected our business and may continue
to do so. Russia has responded with its own restrictions
against investors and countries outside Russia and has
proposed additional measures aimed at non-Russia owned
businesses. Businesses in the U.S. and globally have
experienced shortages in materials and increased costs for
transportation, energy, and raw materials due in part to the
negative effects of the war on the global economy. The
escalation or continuation of the war between Russia and
Ukraine or other hostilities could result in, among other
things, further increased risk of cyber attacks, an increased
frequency and volume of failures to settle securities
transactions, supply chain disruptions, higher inflation, lower
consumer demand and increased volatility in commodity,
currency and other financial markets.
The extent and duration of the war, sanctions and resulting
market disruptions are impossible to predict, and the
consequences for our business could be significant. See
“Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operations Risk Management
Credit Risk Management Selected Exposures
Country Exposures” for further information about our credit
exposure to Russia and Ukraine.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 51
Certain of our businesses, our funding instruments
and financial products may be adversely affected by
changes in or the discontinuance of Interbank Offered
Rates (IBORs), in particular USD LIBOR.
On January 1, 2022, the publication of all EUR, CHF, JPY
and GBP LIBOR (non-USD LIBOR) settings along with
certain USD LIBOR settings ceased. The publication of the
most commonly used USD LIBOR settings as representative
rates will cease after June 2023. The FCA proposed that
certain of those USD LIBOR settings continue to be
published on a synthetic basis through September 2024. The
FCA has allowed the publication and use of synthetic rates
for certain GBP LIBOR settings in legacy GBP LIBOR-based
derivative contracts through March 2024.
The International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA)
2020 IBOR Fallbacks Protocol (IBOR Protocol) has provided
derivatives market participants with amended fallbacks for
legacy and new derivative contracts to mitigate legal or
economic uncertainty. Both counterparties have to adhere to
the IBOR Protocol or engage in bilateral amendments for the
terms to be effective for derivative contracts. ISDA has
confirmed that the FCA’s formal announcement to cease both
non-USD and USD LIBOR settings fixed the spread
adjustment for all LIBOR rates and as a result fallbacks
applied automatically for non-USD LIBOR settings following
December 31, 2021 and will apply automatically for USD
LIBOR settings following June 30, 2023. The Adjustable
Interest Rate (LIBOR) Act (LIBOR Act), that was enacted in
March 2022, provides a statutory framework to replace USD
LIBOR with a benchmark rate based on the Secured
Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) for contracts governed by
U.S. law that have no fallbacks or fallbacks that would
require the use of a poll or LIBOR-based rate. In December
2022, the FRB adopted a final rule that implements the
LIBOR Act, which will become effective on February 27,
2023. The final rule identifies different SOFR-based
replacement rates for derivative contracts, for cash
instruments such as floating-rate notes and preferred stock,
for consumer contracts, for certain government-sponsored
enterprise contracts and for certain student loan
securitizations that lack a fallback to an alternative rate when
USD LIBOR ceases to be published on June 30, 2023. As the
transition from LIBOR is ongoing, there continues to be
uncertainty as to the ultimate effect of the transition on the
financial markets for LIBOR-linked financial instruments.
Similar developments have occurred with respect to other
The language in our contracts and financial instruments that
define IBORs, in particular LIBOR, have developed over time
and have various events that trigger when a successor rate to
the designated rate would be selected. Once a trigger is
satisfied, contracts and financial instruments often give the
calculation agent (which may be us) discretion over the
successor rate or benchmark to be selected. Although the
LIBOR Act includes safe harbors if the FRB-identified SOFR-
based replacement rate is selected, these safe harbors are
untested. As a result, and despite the enactment of the LIBOR
Act, for the most commonly used USD LIBOR settings, the
selection of a successor rate could result in client disputes and
litigation surrounding the proper interpretation of our IBOR-
based contracts and financial instruments. Discretionary
actions taken in connection with the implementation of
fallback provisions could also result in client disputes and
litigation particularly for derivatives and other synthetic
Changes in, the discontinuation of, or changes in market
acceptance of any IBOR, particularly USD LIBOR, as a
reference rate may adversely affect certain of our businesses,
our funding instruments and financial products.
Certain of our businesses and our funding
instruments may be adversely affected by changes in
other reference rates, currencies, indexes, baskets or
ETFs to which products we offer or funding that we
raise are linked.
Many of the products that we own or that we offer, such as
structured notes, warrants, swaps or security-based swaps,
pay interest or determine the principal amount to be paid at
maturity or in the event of default by reference to rates or by
reference to an index, currency, basket, ETF or other
financial metric (the underlier). In the event that the
composition of the underlier is significantly changed, by
reference to rules governing such underlier or otherwise, the
underlier ceases to exist (for example, in the event that a
country withdraws from the Euro or links its currency to or
delinks its currency from another currency or benchmark, an
index or ETF sponsor materially alters the composition of an
index or ETF, or stocks in a basket are delisted or become
impermissible to be included in the index or ETF), the
underlier ceases to be recognized as an acceptable market
benchmark or there are legal or regulatory constraints on
linking a financial instrument to the underlier, we may
experience adverse effects.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Our business, financial condition, liquidity and results
of operations may be adversely affected by
disruptions in the global economy caused by
escalating tensions between the U.S. and China.
Continued or escalating tensions between the U.S. and China
have resulted in and may result in additional changes to U.S.
international trade and investment policies, which could
disrupt international trade and investment, adversely affect
financial markets, including market activity levels, and
adversely impact our revenues. Continued or escalating
tensions may also lead to the U.S., China or other countries
taking other actions, which could include the implementation
of sanctions, tariffs or foreign exchange measures, the large-
scale sale of U.S. Treasury securities or restrictions on cross-
border trade, investment or transfer of information or
technology. Any such developments could adversely affect
our or our clients’ businesses, as well as our financial
condition, liquidity and results of operations, possibly
A conflict, or concerns about a potential conflict, involving
China and Taiwan, the U.S. or other countries could
negatively impact financial markets and our or our clients’
businesses. Trade restrictions by the U.S. or other countries
in response to a conflict or potential conflict involving China,
including financial and economic sanctions and export
controls against certain organizations or individuals, or
actions taken by China in response to trade restrictions,
could negatively impact our or our clients’ ability to conduct
business in certain countries or with certain counterparties
and could negatively impact regional and global financial
markets and economic conditions. Any of the foregoing could
adversely affect our business, financial condition, liquidity
and results of operations, possibly materially.
We face enhanced risks as new business initiatives
and acquisitions lead us to engage in new activities,
operate in new locations, transact with a broader array
of clients and counterparties and expose us to new
asset classes and new markets.
A number of our recent and planned business initiatives and
expansions of existing businesses, including through
acquisitions and partnership arrangements, could continue to
bring us into contact, directly or indirectly, with individuals
and entities that are not within our traditional client and
counterparty base, expose us to new asset classes and new
markets, and present us with integration challenges. For
example, we continue to transact business and invest in new
regions, including a wide range of emerging and growth
markets, and we expect this trend to continue. Various
emerging and growth market countries have experienced
severe economic and financial disruptions, including
significant devaluations of their currencies, defaults or
threatened defaults on sovereign debt, capital and currency
exchange controls, and low or negative growth rates in their
economies. The possible effects of any of these conditions
include an adverse impact on our businesses and increased
volatility in financial markets generally.
Furthermore, in a number of our businesses, including where
we make markets, invest and lend, we own interests in, or
otherwise become affiliated with the ownership and
operation of, public services, such as airports, toll roads and
shipping ports, as well as physical commodities and
commodities infrastructure components, both within and
outside the U.S.
We have increased our consumer-oriented deposit-taking and
lending activities. For example, we now issue credit cards to
consumers and through our acquisition of GreenSky, Inc.
(GreenSky), we expanded our offering of point-of-sale
financing. To the extent we engage in those and other
consumer-oriented activities, we have faced, and would
continue to face, additional compliance, legal and regulatory
risk, increased reputational risk and increased operational
risk due to, among other things, higher transaction volumes
and significantly increased retention and transmission of
consumer and client information. Acquisitions and new
products can also expose us to new or different types of risks.
For example, providing point-of-sale financing through
GreenSky also subjects us to risks relating to retaining and
attracting merchants and servicing loans for other banks, as
well as potential liability for remediation costs if merchants
fail to fulfill their obligations to consumers. We are also
subject to additional legal requirements, including with
respect to suitability and consumer protection (for example,
Regulation Best Interest, fair lending laws and regulations
and privacy laws and regulations). Further, identity fraud
may increase and credit reporting practices may change in a
manner that makes it more difficult for financial institutions,
such as us, to evaluate the creditworthiness of consumers.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 53
We have increased and intend to further increase our
transaction banking activities. As a result, we expect to face
additional compliance, legal and regulatory risk, including
with respect to know-your-customer, anti-money laundering
and reporting requirements and prohibitions on transfers of
property belonging to countries, entities and individuals
subject to sanctions by U.S. or other governmental
New business initiatives expose us to new and enhanced
risks, including risks associated with dealing with
governmental entities, reputational concerns arising from
dealing with different types of clients, business partners,
counterparties and investors, greater regulatory scrutiny of
these activities, increased credit-related, market, sovereign
and operational risks, risks arising from accidents or acts of
terrorism, and reputational concerns with the manner in
which certain assets are being operated or held or in which
we interact with these clients, business partners,
counterparties and investors. Legal, regulatory and
reputational risks may also exist in connection with activities
and transactions involving new products or markets where
there is regulatory uncertainty or where there are different or
conflicting regulations depending on the regulator or the
jurisdiction involved, particularly where transactions in such
products may involve multiple jurisdictions.
We have developed and pursued new business and strategic
initiatives, including acquisitions, and expect to continue to
do so. If and to the extent we are unable to successfully
execute those initiatives, we may incur unanticipated costs
and losses, and face other adverse consequences, such as
negative reputational effects. In addition, the actual effects of
pursuing those initiatives may differ, possibly materially,
from the benefits that we expect to realize from them, such as
generating additional revenues, achieving expense savings,
reducing operational risk exposures or using capital and
funding more efficiently. Engaging in new activities exposes
us to a variety of risks, including that we may be unable to
successfully develop new, competitive, efficient and effective
systems and processes, and hire and retain the necessary
personnel. Due to our lack of historical experience with
unsecured consumer lending, our loan loss assumptions may
prove to be incorrect and we may incur losses significantly
above those which we originally anticipated in entering the
business or in expanding the product offerings for the
In recent years, we have invested, and may continue to invest,
more in businesses that we expect will generate a higher level
of more consistent revenues. In order to develop and be able
to offer consumer financial products that compete effectively,
we have made and may continue to make significant
investments in technology and human capital resources in
connection with our consumer-oriented activities. Such
investments and acquisitions may not be successful or have
returns similar to our other businesses.
We may not be able to fully realize the expected
benefits or synergies from acquisitions or other
business initiatives in the time frames we expect, or at
We have engaged in selective acquisitions and may continue
to do so in the future and these acquisitions may, individually
or in the aggregate, be material to us. Any future acquisitions
could involve the issuance of common stock and/or the
payment of cash as consideration. The success of our
acquisitions will depend, in part, on our ability to integrate
the acquired businesses and realize anticipated synergies, cost
savings and growth opportunities. We may face numerous
risks and uncertainties in combining and integrating the
relevant businesses and systems, including the need to
combine or separate accounting and data processing systems
and management controls and to integrate relationships with
clients, counterparties, regulators and others in connection
with acquisitions. Integration of acquired businesses is time-
consuming and could disrupt our ongoing businesses,
produce unforeseen regulatory or operating difficulties, cause
us to incur incremental expenses or require incremental
financial, management and other resources. It is also possible
that an acquisition, once announced, may not close due to the
failure to satisfy applicable closing conditions, such as the
receipt of necessary shareholder or regulatory approvals.
There is no assurance that any of our acquisitions will be
successfully integrated or yield all of the expected benefits
and synergies in the time frames that we expect, or at all. If
we are not able to integrate our acquisitions successfully, our
results of operations, financial condition and cash flows
could be adversely affected.
There is no assurance that the reorganization of our business
segments will yield all of the expected benefits in the time
frames that we expect, or at all.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Item 1B. Unresolved Staff Comments
There are no material unresolved written comments that
were received from the SEC staff 180 days or more before the
end of our fiscal year relating to our periodic or current
reports under the Exchange Act.
Item 2. Properties
In the U.S. and elsewhere in the Americas, we have offices
consisting of approximately 6.7 million square feet of leased
and owned space. Our principal executive offices are located
at 200 West Street, New York, New York and consist of
approximately 2.1 million square feet. The building is located
on a parcel leased from Battery Park City Authority pursuant
to a ground lease. Under the lease, Battery Park City
Authority holds title to all improvements, including the office
building, subject to our right of exclusive possession and use
until June 2069, the expiration date of the lease. Under the
terms of the ground lease, we made a lump sum ground rent
payment in June 2007 of $161 million for rent through the
term of the lease.
In Europe, the Middle East and Africa, we have offices
consisting of approximately 1.8 million square feet of leased
and owned space. Our European headquarters is located in
London at Plumtree Court, consisting of approximately
826,000 square feet under a lease which can be terminated in
In Asia, Australia and New Zealand, we have offices
consisting of approximately 2.8 million square feet, including
our offices in India, and regional headquarters in Tokyo and
Hong Kong. In India, we have offices with approximately 1.7
million square feet, the majority of which have leases that
will expire in 2028.
In the preceding paragraphs, square footage figures are
provided only for properties that are used in the operation of
our businesses. We regularly evaluate our space capacity in
relation to current and projected headcount. We may incur
exit costs in the future if we (i) reduce our space capacity or
(ii) commit to, or occupy, new properties in locations in
which we operate and dispose of existing space that had been
held for potential growth. These costs may be material to our
operating results in a given period.
Item 3. Legal Proceedings
We are involved in a number of judicial, regulatory and
arbitration proceedings concerning matters arising in
connection with the conduct of our businesses. Many of these
proceedings are in early stages, and many of these cases seek
an indeterminate amount of damages. We have estimated the
upper end of the range of reasonably possible aggregate loss
for matters where we have been able to estimate a range and
we believe, based on currently available information, that the
results of matters where we have not been able to estimate a
range of reasonably possible loss, in the aggregate, will not
have a material adverse effect on our financial condition, but
may be material to our operating results in a given period.
Given the range of litigation and investigations presently
under way, our litigation expenses may remain high. See
“Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operations Use of Estimates” in
Part II, Item 7 of this Form 10-K. See Notes 18 and 27 to the
consolidated financial statements in Part II, Item 8 of this
Form 10-K for information about our reasonably possible
aggregate loss estimate and judicial, regulatory and legal
Item 4. Mine Safety Disclosures
Not applicable.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 55
Item 5. Market for Registrant’s
Common Equity, Related Stockholder
Matters and Issuer Purchases of Equity
The principal market on which our common stock is traded
is the NYSE under the symbol “GS.” Information relating to
the performance of our common stock from December 31,
2017 through December 31, 2022 is set forth in
“Supplemental Financial Information Common Stock
Performance” in Part II, Item 8 of this Form 10-K. As of
February10, 2023, there were 5,750 holders of record of our
common stock.
The table below presents purchases made by or on behalf of
Group Inc. or any “affiliated purchaser” (as defined in Rule
10b-18(a)(3) under the Exchange Act) of our common stock
during the fourth quarter of 2022.
Price Paid
Per Share
Total Shares
Purchased as
Part of a Publicly
Maximum Shares
That May Yet Be
Purchased Under
the Program
1,368,286 $ 328.88 1,368,286 27,092,986
2,816,047 $ 372.86 2,816,047 24,276,939
4,184,333 4,184,333
Since March 2000, our Board had approved a repurchase
program authorizing repurchases of up to 605 million shares
of our common stock. In February 2023, our Board approved
a new share repurchase program authorizing repurchases of
up to $30 billion (in aggregate value and inclusive of shares
repurchased in 2023) of our common stock. This program
replaces our existing share repurchase program. The
repurchase program is effected primarily through regular
open-market purchases (which may include repurchase plans
designed to comply with Rule 10b5-1 and accelerated share
repurchases), the amounts and timing of which are
determined primarily by our current and projected capital
position, but which may also be influenced by general market
conditions and the prevailing price and trading volumes of
our common stock. The repurchase program has no set
expiration or termination date.
Information relating to compensation plans under which our
equity securities are authorized for issuance is presented in
Part III, Item 12 of this Form 10-K.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Item 7. Management’s Discussion and
Analysis of Financial Condition and
Results of Operations
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (Group Inc. or parent
company), a Delaware corporation, together with its
consolidated subsidiaries, is a leading global financial
institution that delivers a broad range of financial services to
a large and diversified client base that includes corporations,
financial institutions, governments and individuals. Founded
in 1869, we are headquartered in New York and maintain
offices in all major financial centers around the world. We
manage and report our activities in three business segments:
Global Banking & Markets, Asset & Wealth Management
and Platform Solutions. See “Results of Operations” for
further information about our business segments.
When we use the terms “we,” “us” and “our,” we mean
Group Inc. and its consolidated subsidiaries. When we use
the term “our subsidiaries,” we mean the consolidated
subsidiaries of Group Inc. References to “this Form 10-K” are
to our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended
December 31, 2022. All references to “the consolidated
financial statements” or “Supplemental Financial
Information” are to Part II, Item 8 of this Form 10-K. All
references to 2022, 2021 and 2020 refer to our years ended, or
the dates, as the context requires, December 31, 2022,
December 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020, respectively. Any
reference to a future year refers to a year ending on December
31 of that year.
Group Inc. is a bank holding company (BHC) and a financial
holding company regulated by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System (FRB).
In this discussion and analysis of our financial condition and
results of operations, we have included information that may
constitute “forward-looking statements” within the meaning
of the safe harbor provisions of the U.S. Private Securities
Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements
are not historical facts or statements of current conditions,
but instead represent only our beliefs regarding future events,
many of which, by their nature, are inherently uncertain and
outside our control.
By identifying these statements for you in this manner, we are
alerting you to the possibility that our actual results, financial
condition, liquidity and capital actions may differ, possibly
materially, from the anticipated results, financial condition,
liquidity and capital actions in these forward-looking
statements. Important factors that could cause our results,
financial condition, liquidity and capital actions to differ
from those in these statements include, among others, those
described in “Risk Factors” in Part I, Item 1A of this Form
10-K and “Forward-Looking Statements” in Part I, Item 1 of
this Form 10-K.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 57
These statements may relate to, among other things, (i) our
future plans and results, including our target ROE, ROTE,
efficiency ratio, Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital ratio
and firmwide assets under supervision (AUS) inflows, and
how they can be achieved, (ii) trends in or growth
opportunities for our businesses, including the timing, costs,
profitability, benefits and other aspects of business and
strategic initiatives and their impact on our efficiency ratio,
(iii) our level of future compensation expense, including as a
percentage of both operating expenses and revenues, net of
provision for credit losses, (iv) our Investment banking fees
backlog and future results, (v) our expected interest income
and interest expense, (vi) our expense savings and strategic
locations initiatives, (vii) expenses we may incur, including
future litigation expense and expenses from investing in our
platform solutions business, (viii) the projected growth of our
deposits and other funding, asset liability management and
funding strategies and related interest expense savings, (ix)
our business initiatives, including transaction banking and
new products in our consumer platforms business, (x) our
planned 2023 benchmark debt issuances, (xi) the amount,
composition and location of global core liquid assets (GCLA)
we expect to hold, (xii) our credit exposures, (xiii) our
expected provisions for credit losses, (xiv) the adequacy of
our allowance for credit losses, (xv) the projected growth of
our platform solutions business, (xvi) the objectives and
effectiveness of our business continuity planning (BCP),
information security program, risk management and liquidity
policies, (xvii) our resolution plan and strategy and their
implications for stakeholders, (xviii) the design and
effectiveness of our resolution capital and liquidity models
and triggers and alerts framework, (xix) the results of stress
tests, the effect of changes to regulations, and our future
status, activities or reporting under banking and financial
regulation, (xx) our expected tax rate, (xxi) the future state
of our liquidity and regulatory capital ratios, and our
prospective capital distributions (including dividends and
repurchases), (xxii) our expected SCB and global systemically
important bank (G-SIB) surcharge, (xxiii) legal proceedings,
governmental investigations or other contingencies, (xxiv)
the asset recovery guarantee and our remediation activities
related to our 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB)
settlements, (xxv) the replacement of IBORs and our
transition to alternative risk-free reference rates, (xxvi) the
impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on our
business, results, financial position and liquidity, (xxvii) the
effectiveness of our management of our human capital,
including our diversity goals, (xxviii) our sustainability and
carbon neutrality targets and goals, (xxix) future inflation
and (xxx) the impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and
related sanctions and other developments on our business,
results and financial position.
Executive Overview
We generated net earnings of $11.26 billion for 2022,
compared with $21.64 billion for 2021. Diluted earnings per
common share (EPS) was $30.06 for 2022, compared with
$59.45 for 2021. Return on average common shareholders’
equity (ROE) was 10.2% for 2022, compared with 23.0% for
2021. Book value per common share was $303.55 as of
December 2022, 6.7% higher compared with December 2021.
Net revenues were $47.37 billion for 2022, 20% lower than a
strong 2021, reflecting significantly lower net revenues in
Asset & Wealth Management and lower net revenues in
Global Banking & Markets, partially offset by significantly
higher net revenues in Platform Solutions. Net revenues in
Asset & Wealth Management primarily reflected significantly
lower net revenues in Equity investments and Debt
investments. Net revenues in Global Banking & Markets
primarily reflected significantly lower Investment banking
fees compared with a strong prior year, partially offset by
significantly higher net revenues in Fixed Income, Currency,
and Commodities (FICC). Net revenues in Platform Solutions
were significantly higher, primarily reflecting significantly
higher net revenues in Consumer platforms.
Provision for credit losses was $2.72 billion for 2022,
compared with $357 million for 2021. Provisions for 2022
primarily reflected growth in the credit card portfolio, the
impact of macroeconomic and geopolitical concerns and net
charge-offs. Provisions for 2021 reflected growth in the credit
card and wholesale portfolios, largely offset by reserve
reductions as the broader economic environment continued
to improve following the initial impact of the COVID-19
Operating expenses were $31.16 billion for 2022, 2% lower
than 2021, primarily due to lower compensation and benefits
expenses (reflecting a decline in operating performance
compared with a strong prior year). This decrease was
partially offset by higher non-compensation expenses,
reflecting the inclusion of NN Investment Partners (NNIP)
and GreenSky, Inc. (GreenSky) and increases in transaction
based expenses and technology expenses. Our efficiency ratio
(total operating expenses divided by total net revenues) was
65.8% for 2022, compared with 53.8% for 2021.
During 2022, we returned a total of $6.70 billion to
shareholders, including common stock repurchases of $3.50
billion and common stock dividends of $3.20 billion. As of
December 2022, our CET1 capital ratio was 15.1% under the
Standardized Capital Rules and 14.4% under the Advanced
Capital Rules. See Note 20 to the consolidated financial
statements for further information about our capital ratios.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Business Environment
In 2022, the global economy was impacted by persistent
broad macroeconomic and geopolitical concerns, including
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the ongoing war, and
inflationary and labor market pressures. Governments
around the world responded to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
by imposing economic sanctions, and global central banks
sought to address inflation by increasing policy interest rates
several times over the course of the year. These factors
contributed to increased market volatility during the year, as
well as a decrease in global equity and bond prices and wider
corporate credit spreads compared with the end of 2021.
The economic outlook remains uncertain, reflecting concerns
about the continuation or escalation of the war between
Russia and Ukraine and other geopolitical risks, inflation,
and supply chain complications. See “Results of Operations
Segment Assets and Operating Results Segment
Operating Results” for further information about the
operating environment for each of our business segments.
Critical Accounting Policies
Fair Value
Fair Value Hierarchy. Trading assets and liabilities, certain
investments and loans, and certain other financial assets and
liabilities, are included in our consolidated balance sheets at
fair value (i.e., marked-to-market), with related gains or
losses generally recognized in our consolidated statements of
earnings. The use of fair value to measure financial
instruments is fundamental to our risk management practices
and is our most critical accounting policy.
The fair value of a financial instrument is the amount that
would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a
liability in an orderly transaction between market
participants at the measurement date. We measure certain
financial assets and liabilities as a portfolio (i.e., based on its
net exposure to market and/or credit risks). In determining
fair value, the hierarchy under U.S. generally accepted
accounting principles (U.S. GAAP) gives (i) the highest
priority to unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for
identical, unrestricted assets or liabilities (level 1 inputs), (ii)
the next priority to inputs other than level 1 inputs that are
observable, either directly or indirectly (level 2 inputs), and
(iii) the lowest priority to inputs that cannot be observed in
market activity (level 3 inputs). In evaluating the significance
of a valuation input, we consider, among other factors, a
portfolio’s net risk exposure to that input. Assets and
liabilities are classified in their entirety based on the lowest
level of input that is significant to their fair value
The fair values for substantially all of our financial assets and
liabilities are based on observable prices and inputs and are
classified in levels 1 and 2 of the fair value hierarchy. Certain
level 2 and level 3 financial assets and liabilities may require
appropriate valuation adjustments that a market participant
would require to arrive at fair value for factors, such as
counterparty and our credit quality, funding risk, transfer
restrictions, liquidity and bid/offer spreads.
Instruments classified in level 3 of the fair value hierarchy are
those which require one or more significant inputs that are
not observable. Level 3 financial assets represented 1.8% as
of December 2022 and 1.6% as of December 2021 of our total
assets. See Notes 4 and 5 to the consolidated financial
statements for further information about level 3 financial
assets, including changes in level 3 financial assets and related
fair value measurements. Absent evidence to the contrary,
instruments classified in level 3 of the fair value hierarchy are
initially valued at transaction price, which is considered to be
the best initial estimate of fair value. Subsequent to the
transaction date, we use other methodologies to determine
fair value, which vary based on the type of instrument.
Estimating the fair value of level 3 financial instruments
requires judgments to be made. These judgments include:
Determining the appropriate valuation methodology and/
or model for each type of level 3 financial instrument;
Determining model inputs based on an evaluation of all
relevant empirical market data, including prices evidenced
by market transactions, interest rates, credit spreads,
volatilities and correlations; and
Determining appropriate valuation adjustments, including
those related to illiquidity or counterparty credit quality.
Regardless of the methodology, valuation inputs and
assumptions are only changed when corroborated by
substantive evidence.
Controls Over Valuation of Financial Instruments.
Market makers and investment professionals in our revenue-
producing units are responsible for pricing our financial
instruments. Our control infrastructure is independent of the
revenue-producing units and is fundamental to ensuring that
all of our financial instruments are appropriately valued at
market-clearing levels. In the event that there is a difference
of opinion in situations where estimating the fair value of
financial instruments requires judgment (e.g., calibration to
market comparables or trade comparison, as described
below), the final valuation decision is made by senior
managers in independent risk oversight and control
functions. This independent price verification is critical to
ensuring that our financial instruments are properly valued.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 59
Price Verification. All financial instruments at fair value
classified in levels 1, 2 and 3 of the fair value hierarchy are
subject to our independent price verification process. The
objective of price verification is to have an informed and
independent opinion with regard to the valuation of financial
instruments under review. Instruments that have one or more
significant inputs which cannot be corroborated by external
market data are classified in level 3 of the fair value
hierarchy. Price verification strategies utilized by our
independent risk oversight and control functions include:
Trade Comparison. Analysis of trade data (both internal
and external, where available) is used to determine the
most relevant pricing inputs and valuations.
External Price Comparison. Valuations and prices are
compared to pricing data obtained from third parties (e.g.,
brokers or dealers, S&P Global Services, Bloomberg, ICE
Data Services, Pricing Direct, TRACE). Data obtained
from various sources is compared to ensure consistency
and validity. When broker or dealer quotations or third-
party pricing vendors are used for valuation or price
verification, greater priority is generally given to executable
Calibration to Market Comparables. Market-based
transactions are used to corroborate the valuation of
positions with similar characteristics, risks and
Relative Value Analyses. Market-based transactions are
analyzed to determine the similarity, measured in terms of
risk, liquidity and return, of one instrument relative to
another or, for a given instrument, of one maturity relative
to another.
Collateral Analyses. Margin calls on derivatives are
analyzed to determine implied values, which are used to
corroborate our valuations.
Execution of Trades. Where appropriate, market-making
desks are instructed to execute trades in order to provide
evidence of market-clearing levels.
Backtesting. Valuations are corroborated by comparison
to values realized upon sales.
See Note 4 to the consolidated financial statements for
further information about fair value measurements.
Review of Net Revenues. Independent risk oversight and
control functions ensure adherence to our pricing policy
through a combination of daily procedures, including the
explanation and attribution of net revenues based on the
underlying factors. Through this process, we independently
validate net revenues, identify and resolve potential fair value
or trade booking issues on a timely basis and seek to ensure
that risks are being properly categorized and quantified.
Review of Valuation Models. Our independent model risk
management group (Model Risk), consisting of quantitative
professionals who are separate from model developers,
performs an independent model review and validation
process of our valuation models. New or changed models are
reviewed and approved prior to implementation. Models are
reviewed annually to assess the impact of any changes in the
product or market and any market developments in pricing
theories. See “Risk Management Model Risk
Management” for further information about the review and
validation of our valuation models.
Allowance for Credit Losses
We estimate and record an allowance for credit losses related
to our loans held for investment that are accounted for at
amortized cost. To determine the allowance for credit losses,
we classify our loans accounted for at amortized cost into
wholesale and consumer portfolios. These portfolios
represent the level at which we have developed and
documented our methodology to determine the allowance for
credit losses. The allowance for credit losses is measured on a
collective basis for loans that exhibit similar risk
characteristics using a modeled approach and on an asset-
specific basis for loans that do not share similar risk
The allowance for credit losses takes into account the
weighted average of a range of forecasts of future economic
conditions over the expected life of the loans and lending
commitments. The expected life of each loan or lending
commitment is determined based on the contractual term
adjusted for extension options or demand features, or is
modeled in the case of revolving credit card loans. The
forecasts include baseline, favorable and adverse economic
scenarios over a three-year period. For loans with expected
lives beyond three years, the model reverts to historical loss
information based on a non-linear modeled approach. We
apply judgment in weighting individual scenarios each
quarter based on a variety of factors, including our internally
derived economic outlook, market consensus, recent
macroeconomic conditions and industry trends. The
forecasted economic scenarios consider a number of risk
factors relevant to the wholesale and consumer portfolios.
Risk factors for wholesale loans include internal credit
ratings, industry default and loss data, expected life,
macroeconomic indicators (e.g., unemployment rates and
GDP), the borrower’s capacity to meet its financial
obligations, the borrower’s country of risk and industry, loan
seniority and collateral type. In addition, for loans backed by
real estate, risk factors include loan-to-value ratio, debt
service ratio and home price index. Risk factors for
installment and credit card loans include Fair Isaac
Corporation (FICO) credit scores, delinquency status, loan
vintage and macroeconomic indicators.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
The allowance for credit losses also includes qualitative
components which allow management to reflect the uncertain
nature of economic forecasting, capture uncertainty
regarding model inputs, and account for model imprecision
and concentration risk.
Our estimate of credit losses entails judgment about
collectability at the reporting dates, and there are
uncertainties inherent in those judgments. The allowance for
credit losses is subject to a governance process that involves
review and approval by senior management within our
independent risk oversight and control functions. Personnel
within our independent risk oversight and control functions
are responsible for forecasting the economic variables that
underlie the economic scenarios that are used in the modeling
of expected credit losses. While we use the best information
available to determine this estimate, future adjustments to the
allowance may be necessary based on, among other things,
changes in the economic environment or variances between
actual results and the original assumptions used. Loans are
charged off against the allowance for loan losses when
deemed to be uncollectible.
We also record an allowance for credit losses on lending
commitments which are held for investment that are
accounted for at amortized cost. Such allowance is
determined using the same methodology as the allowance for
loan losses, while also taking into consideration the
probability of drawdowns or funding, and whether such
commitments are cancellable by us.
To estimate the potential impact of an adverse
macroeconomic environment on our allowance for credit
losses, we, among other things, compared the expected credit
losses under the weighted average forecast used in the
calculation of allowance for credit losses as of December
2022 (which was weighted towards the baseline and adverse
economic scenarios) to the expected credit losses under a
100% weighted adverse economic scenario. The adverse
economic scenario of the forecast model reflects a global
recession in 2023 and a more aggressive tightening of
monetary policy by central banks, resulting in an economic
contraction and rising unemployment rates. A 100%
weighting to the adverse economic scenario would have
resulted in an approximate $1.0 billion increase in our
allowance for credit losses as of December 2022. This
hypothetical increase does not take into consideration any
potential adjustments to qualitative reserves. The forecasts of
macroeconomic conditions are inherently uncertain and do
not take into account any other offsetting or correlated
effects. The actual credit loss in an adverse macroeconomic
environment may differ significantly from this estimate. See
Note 9 to the consolidated financial statements for further
information about the allowance for credit losses.
Use of Estimates
U.S. GAAP requires us to make certain estimates and
assumptions. In addition to the estimates we make in
connection with fair value measurements and the allowance
for credit losses on loans and lending commitments held for
investment and accounted for at amortized cost, the use of
estimates and assumptions is also important in determining
the accounting for goodwill and identifiable intangible assets,
provisions for losses that may arise from litigation and
regulatory proceedings (including governmental
investigations), and accounting for income taxes.
Goodwill is assessed for impairment annually in the fourth
quarter or more frequently if events occur or circumstances
change that indicate an impairment may exist. When
assessing goodwill for impairment, first, a qualitative
assessment can be made to determine whether it is more
likely than not that the estimated fair value of a reporting
unit is less than its carrying value. If the results of the
qualitative assessment are not conclusive, a quantitative
goodwill test is performed. Alternatively, a quantitative
goodwill test can be performed without performing a
qualitative assessment. Estimating the fair value of our
reporting units requires judgment. Critical inputs to the fair
value estimates include projected earnings and allocated
equity. There is inherent uncertainty in the projected
earnings. The carrying value of each reporting unit reflects an
allocation of total shareholders’ equity and represents the
estimated amount of total shareholders’ equity required to
support the activities of the reporting unit under currently
applicable regulatory capital requirements. The estimated
fair value of our Consumer platforms reporting unit, which
represents approximately 7.5% of our goodwill, was not
substantially in excess of its carrying value. This reporting
unit has been adversely impacted by the recent operating
environment generally characterized by broad
macroeconomic concerns. We will continue to closely
monitor it to determine whether an impairment is required in
the future. As of December 2022, the goodwill related to the
Consumer platforms reporting unit was $482 million. See
Note 12 to the consolidated financial statements for further
information about goodwill. If we experience a prolonged or
severe period of weakness in the business environment,
financial markets, the performance of one or more of our
reporting units or our common stock price, or additional
increases in capital requirements, our goodwill could be
impaired in the future.
Identifiable intangible assets are tested for impairment when
events or changes in circumstances suggest that an asset’s or
asset group’s carrying value may not be fully recoverable.
Judgment is required to evaluate whether indications of
potential impairment have occurred, and to test identifiable
intangible assets for impairment, if required. An impairment
is recognized if the estimated undiscounted cash flows
relating to the asset or asset group is less than the
corresponding carrying value. See Note 12 to the
consolidated financial statements for further information
about identifiable intangible assets.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 61
We also estimate and provide for potential losses that may
arise out of litigation and regulatory proceedings to the
extent that such losses are probable and can be reasonably
estimated. In addition, we estimate the upper end of the
range of reasonably possible aggregate loss in excess of the
related reserves for litigation and regulatory proceedings
where we believe the risk of loss is more than slight. See
Notes 18 and 27 to the consolidated financial statements for
information about certain judicial, litigation and regulatory
proceedings. Significant judgment is required in making these
estimates and our final liabilities may ultimately be
materially different. Our total estimated liability in respect of
litigation and regulatory proceedings is determined on a case-
by-case basis and represents an estimate of probable losses
after considering, among other factors, the progress of each
case, proceeding or investigation, our experience and the
experience of others in similar cases, proceedings or
investigations, and the opinions and views of legal counsel.
In accounting for income taxes, we recognize tax positions in
the financial statements only when it is more likely than not
that the position will be sustained on examination by the
relevant taxing authority based on the technical merits of the
position. As of December 2022, our net liability for
unrecognized tax benefits was $1.22 billion. We use estimates
to recognize current and deferred income taxes in the U.S.
federal, state and local and non-U.S. jurisdictions in which
we operate. The income tax laws in these jurisdictions are
complex and can be subject to different interpretations
between taxpayers and taxing authorities. Disputes may arise
over these interpretations and can be settled by audit,
administrative appeals or judicial proceedings. Our
interpretations are reevaluated quarterly based on guidance
currently available, tax examination experience and the
opinions of legal counsel, among other factors. We recognize
deferred taxes based on the amount that will more likely than
not be realized in the future based on enacted income tax
laws. As of December 2022, we had $8.93 billion of deferred
tax assets with a related valuation allowance of $1.57 billion.
Our estimate for deferred taxes includes estimates for future
taxable earnings, including the level and character of those
earnings, and various tax planning strategies. See Note 24 to
the consolidated financial statements for further information
about income taxes.
Recent Accounting Developments
See Note 3 to the consolidated financial statements for
information about Recent Accounting Developments.
Results of Operations
The composition of our net revenues has varied over time as
financial markets and the scope of our operations have
changed. The composition of net revenues can also vary over
the shorter term due to fluctuations in U.S. and global
economic and market conditions. See “Risk Factors” in Part
I, Item 1A of this Form 10-K for further information about
the impact of economic and market conditions on our results
of operations.
Financial Overview
The table below presents an overview of our financial results
and selected financial ratios.
Year Ended December
$ in millions, except per share amounts
2022 2021 2020
Net revenues $ 47,365 $ 59,339 $ 44,560
Pre-tax earnings $ 13,486 $ 27,044 $ 12,479
Net earnings $ 11,261 $ 21,635 $ 9,459
Net earnings to common $ 10,764 $ 21,151 $ 8,915
Diluted EPS $ 30.06 $ 59.45 $ 24.74
ROE 10.2% 23.0% 11.1%
ROTE 11.0% 24.3% 11.8%
Net earnings to average assets 0.7% 1.6% 0.8%
Return on shareholders’ equity 9.7% 21.3% 10.3%
Average equity to average assets 7.5% 7.4% 8.2%
Dividend payout ratio 29.9% 10.9% 20.2%
In the table above:
Net earnings to common represents net earnings applicable
to common shareholders, which is calculated as net
earnings less preferred stock dividends.
ROE is calculated by dividing net earnings to common by
average monthly common shareholders’ equity. Tangible
common shareholders’ equity is calculated as total
shareholders’ equity less preferred stock, goodwill and
identifiable intangible assets.
Return on average tangible common shareholders' equity
(ROTE) is calculated by dividing net earnings to common
by average monthly tangible common shareholders’ equity.
We believe that tangible common shareholders’ equity is
meaningful because it is a measure that we and investors
use to assess capital adequacy and that ROTE is
meaningful because it measures the performance of
businesses consistently, whether they were acquired or
developed internally. Tangible common shareholders’
equity and ROTE are non-GAAP measures and may not be
comparable to similar non-GAAP measures used by other
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
The table below presents our average equity and the
reconciliation of average common shareholders’ equity to
average tangible common shareholders’ equity.
Average for the Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
Total shareholders’ equity $ 115,990 $ 101,705 $ 91,779
Preferred stock (10,703) (9,876) (11,203)
Common shareholders’ equity 105,287 91,829 80,576
Goodwill (5,726) (4,327) (4,238)
Identifiable intangible assets (1,583) (536) (617)
Tangible common shareholders’ equity
$ 97,978 $ 86,966 $ 75,721
Net earnings to average assets is calculated by dividing net
earnings by average total assets.
Return on shareholders’ equity is calculated by dividing net
earnings by average monthly shareholders’ equity.
Average equity to average assets is calculated by dividing
average total shareholders’ equity by average total assets.
Dividend payout ratio is calculated by dividing dividends
declared per common share by diluted EPS.
Net Revenues
The table below presents our net revenues by line item.
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
Investment banking $ 7,360 $ 14,136 $ 9,100
Investment management 9,005 8,171 6,986
Commissions and fees 4,034 3,590 3,539
Market making 18,634 15,357 15,428
Other principal transactions 654 11,615 4,756
Total non-interest revenues 39,687 52,869 39,809
Interest income 29,024 12,120 13,689
Interest expense 21,346 5,650 8,938
Net interest income 7,678 6,470 4,751
Total net revenues $ 47,365 $ 59,339 $ 44,560
In the table above:
Investment banking consists of revenues (excluding net
interest) from financial advisory and underwriting
assignments. These activities are included in Global
Banking & Markets.
Investment management consists of revenues (excluding net
interest) from providing asset management and wealth
advisory services across all major asset classes to a diverse
set of clients. These activities are included in Asset &
Wealth Management.
Commissions and fees consists of revenues from executing
and clearing client transactions on major stock, options
and futures exchanges worldwide, as well as over-the-
counter (OTC) transactions. Substantially all of these
activities are included in Global Banking & Markets.
Market making consists of revenues (excluding net interest)
from client execution activities related to making markets
in interest rate products, credit products, mortgages,
currencies, commodities and equity products. These
activities are included in Global Banking & Markets.
Other principal transactions consists of revenues
(excluding net interest) from our equity investing activities,
including revenues related to our consolidated investments
(included in Asset & Wealth Management), and debt
investing and lending activities (included across our three
Operating Environment. During 2022, the operating
environment was characterized by broad macroeconomic and
geopolitical concerns and market volatility, which
contributed to a decrease in global equity and bond prices
and wider corporate credit spreads compared with the end of
2021. These factors contributed to solid market-making
activity levels and a decline in industry-wide investment
banking activity, particularly for underwriting. In the U.S.,
the rate of unemployment remained low and consumer
spending increased slightly compared with 2021.
If concerns about the economic outlook grow, including
those about the continuation or escalation of geopolitical
concerns, inflation and supply chain complications, and the
persistence of COVID-19-related effects, it may lead to a
continued decline in asset prices, or a decline in market-
making activity levels, or a continued decline in investment
banking activity levels, and net revenues and provision for
credit losses would likely be negatively impacted. See
“Segment Assets and Operating Results Segment
Operating Results” for information about the operating
environment and material trends and uncertainties that may
impact our results of operations.
2022 versus 2021
Net revenues in the consolidated statements of earnings were
$47.37 billion for 2022, 20% lower than a strong 2021,
primarily reflecting significantly lower other principal
transactions revenues and investment banking revenues,
partially offset by significantly higher market making
Non-Interest Revenues. Investment banking revenues in
the consolidated statements of earnings were $7.36 billion for
2022, 48% lower than a strong 2021, due to significantly
lower revenues in both equity and debt underwriting,
reflecting a significant decline in industry-wide volumes, and
lower revenues in advisory, reflecting a decline in industry-
wide completed mergers and acquisitions transactions from
elevated activity levels in the prior year.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 63
Investment management revenues in the consolidated
statements of earnings were $9.01 billion for 2022, 10%
higher than 2021, due to higher management and other fees,
reflecting the inclusion of NNIP and a reduction in fee
waivers on money market funds.
Commissions and fees in the consolidated statements of
earnings were $4.03 billion for 2022, 12% higher than 2021,
primarily due to higher commissions and fees in Equities,
reflecting generally higher volumes.
Market making revenues in the consolidated statements of
earnings were $18.63 billion for 2022, 21% higher than 2021,
primarily reflecting significantly higher revenues in interest
rate products, currencies and commodities, partially offset by
lower revenues in equity products.
Other principal transactions revenues in the consolidated
statements of earnings were $654 million for 2022, compared
with $11.62 billion for 2021, primarily reflecting significantly
lower net gains from investments in private equities,
significant mark-to-market net losses from investments in
public equities and net mark-downs in debt investments
compared with net mark-ups in 2021.
Net Interest Income. Net interest income in the
consolidated statements of earnings was $7.68 billion for
2022, 19% higher than 2021, reflecting an increase in interest
income primarily related to collateralized agreements, other
interest-earning assets and deposits with banks, each
reflecting the impact of higher average interest rates, and
loans, reflecting the impact of higher average balances and
higher average interest rates. The increase in interest income
was partially offset by an increase in interest expense
primarily related to other interest-bearing liabilities,
collateralized financings, and borrowings, each reflecting the
impact of higher average interest rates, and deposits,
reflecting the impact of higher average interest rates and
higher average balances. See “Statistical Disclosures
Distribution of Assets, Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity”
for further information about our sources of net interest
2021 versus 2020
Net revenues in the consolidated statements of earnings were
$59.34 billion for 2021, 33% higher than 2020, reflecting
significantly higher other principal transactions revenues,
investment banking revenues and net interest income, and
higher investment management revenues.
Non-Interest Revenues. Investment banking revenues in
the consolidated statements of earnings were $14.14 billion
for 2021, 55% higher than 2020, due to significantly higher
revenues in advisory, reflecting a significant increase in
completed mergers and acquisitions volumes, in equity
underwriting, primarily driven by strong industry-wide initial
public offerings activity, and in debt underwriting, primarily
reflecting elevated industry-wide leveraged finance activity.
Investment management revenues in the consolidated
statements of earnings were $8.17 billion for 2021, 17%
higher than 2020, primarily due to higher management and
other fees, reflecting the impact of higher average assets
under supervision, partially offset by higher fee waivers on
money market funds. In addition, incentive fees were
significantly higher, primarily driven by harvesting.
Commissions and fees in the consolidated statements of
earnings were $3.59 billion for 2021, essentially unchanged
compared with 2020.
Market making revenues in the consolidated statements of
earnings were $15.36 billion for 2021, essentially unchanged
compared with 2020, as significantly lower revenues in
interest rate products and credit products were largely offset
by significantly higher revenues in equity products (primarily
in derivatives) and commodities, and improved results in
Other principal transactions revenues in the consolidated
statements of earnings were $11.62 billion for 2021,
compared with $4.76 billion for 2020, primarily reflecting
significantly higher net gains from investments in private
equities and in debt instruments, partially offset by net losses
from investments in public equities compared with significant
net gains in 2020.
Net Interest Income. Net interest income in the
consolidated statements of earnings was $6.47 billion for
2021, 36% higher than 2020, reflecting a decrease in interest
expense, partially offset by a decrease in interest income. The
decrease in interest expense is primarily related to other
interest-bearing liabilities, deposits and long-term
borrowings, each reflecting the impact of lower interest rates.
The decrease in interest income primarily related to
collateralized agreements and trading assets, both reflecting
the impact of lower interest rates, partially offset by the
impact of higher average balances for loans. See
“Supplemental Financial Information Statistical
Disclosures Distribution of Assets, Liabilities and
Shareholders’ Equity” for further information about our
sources of net interest income.
Provision for Credit Losses
Provision for credit losses consists of provision for credit
losses on loans and lending commitments held for investment
and accounted for at amortized cost. See Note 9 to the
consolidated financial statements for further information
about the provision for credit losses.
The table below presents our provision for credit losses.
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
Provision for credit losses $ 2,715 $ 357 $ 3,098
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
2022 versus 2021. Provision for credit losses in the
consolidated statements of earnings was $2.72 billion for
2022, compared with $357 million for 2021. Provisions for
2022 primarily reflected growth in the credit card portfolio,
the impact of macroeconomic and geopolitical concerns and
net charge-offs. Provisions for 2021 reflected portfolio
growth in the credit card and wholesale portfolios, largely
offset by reserve reductions as the broader economic
environment continued to improve following the initial
impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
2021 versus 2020. Provision for credit losses in the
consolidated statements of earnings was $357 million for
2021, compared with $3.10 billion for 2020. Provisions for
2021 reflected portfolio growth (primarily in credit cards,
including approximately $185 million of provisions related to
the commitment to acquire the General Motors co-branded
credit card portfolio), largely offset by reserve reductions on
wholesale and consumer loans reflecting continued
improvement in the broader economic environment. This
followed challenging conditions in the prior year as a result
of the COVID-19 pandemic, which contributed to significant
provisions in 2020.
Operating Expenses
Our operating expenses are primarily influenced by
compensation, headcount and levels of business activity.
Compensation and benefits includes salaries, year-end
discretionary compensation, amortization of equity awards
and other items such as benefits. Discretionary compensation
is significantly impacted by, among other factors, the level of
net revenues, net of provision for credit losses, overall
financial performance, prevailing labor markets, business
mix, the structure of our share-based compensation programs
and the external environment.
The table below presents our operating expenses by line item
and headcount.
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
Compensation and benefits $ 15,148 $ 17,719 $ 13,309
Transaction based 5,312 4,710 4,141
Market development 812 553 401
Communications and technology 1,808 1,573 1,347
Depreciation and amortization 2,455 2,015 1,902
Occupancy 1,026 981 960
Professional fees 1,887 1,648 1,306
Other expenses 2,716 2,739 5,617
Total operating expenses $ 31,164 $ 31,938 $ 28,983
Headcount at period-end 48,500 43,900 40,500
2022 versus 2021. Operating expenses in the consolidated
statements of earnings were $31.16 billion for 2022, 2% lower
than 2021. Our efficiency ratio was 65.8% for 2022,
compared with our medium-term target efficiency ratio of
approximately 60%. Our efficiency ratio was 53.8% for
The decrease in operating expenses compared with 2021 was
primarily due to lower compensation and benefits expenses
(reflecting a decline in operating performance compared with
a strong prior year). This decrease was partially offset by
higher non-compensation expenses, reflecting the inclusion of
NNIP and GreenSky and increases in transaction based
expenses and technology expenses. While certain expenses
(e.g., compensation and benefits, occupancy and market
development) were impacted by inflationary pressures, the
overall impact of higher inflation was not material to our
operating expenses for 2022.
Net provisions for litigation and regulatory proceedings were
$576 million for 2022 compared with $534 million for 2021.
Headcount increased 10% during 2022, primarily reflecting
investments in growth initiatives and the acquisitions of
NNIP and GreenSky.
2021 versus 2020. Operating expenses in the consolidated
statements of earnings were $31.94 billion for 2021, 10%
higher than 2020. Our efficiency ratio was 53.8% for 2021,
compared with 65.0% for 2020. In 2020, net provisions for
litigation and regulatory proceedings increased our efficiency
ratio by 7.6 percentage points.
The increase in operating expenses compared with 2020
primarily reflected significantly higher compensation and
benefits expenses (reflecting strong performance). In
addition, technology expenses and professional fees were
significantly higher and transaction based expenses were
higher. These increases were partially offset by significantly
lower net provisions for litigation and regulatory proceedings
and lower expenses related to consolidated investments
(including impairments).
Net provisions for litigation and regulatory proceedings were
$534 million for 2021 compared with $3.42 billion for 2020.
Charitable contributions to Goldman Sachs Gives were
approximately $250 million for 2021.
Headcount increased 8% during 2021, reflecting investments
in growth initiatives and an increase in technology
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 65
Provision for Taxes
The effective income tax rate for 2022 was 16.5%, down
from the full year income tax rate of 20.0% for 2021,
primarily due to an increase in the impact of permanent tax
benefits, partially offset by changes in the geographic mix of
earnings in 2022 compared with 2021.
The U.K. Finance Act 2021 increased the corporate income
tax rate by six percent and the Finance Act 2022 decreased
the U.K. bank surcharge tax rate by five percent effective
from April 1, 2023. As a result, beginning April 1, 2023, the
U.K. tax rate for our U.K. regulated broker-dealer and bank
subsidiaries and branches, including Goldman Sachs
International (GSI) and Goldman Sachs International Bank
(GSIB), will increase by one percent and the U.K. tax rate for
all other U.K. subsidiaries and branches will increase by six
percent. During 2022, following Royal Assent of Finance Act
2022, certain U.K. deferred tax assets and liabilities were
remeasured and a net reduction in deferred tax assets of
approximately $50 million was recognized.
In August 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 was
signed into law. The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 includes
income tax incentives to encourage investments in clean
energy and a new 15% corporate alternative minimum tax
(CAMT). The CAMT applies to corporations with average
annual profits over $1 billion and is calculated on their
financial statement income, with certain adjustments, for
years beginning after December 31, 2022. The legislation had
no impact on our 2022 annual effective tax rate and based on
our current understanding of the CAMT, is not expected to
have a material impact on our 2023 annual effective tax rate.
Segment Assets and Operating Results
Segment Assets. The table below presents assets by
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Global Banking & Markets $ 1,169,539 $ 1,201,996
Asset & Wealth Management 214,970 221,150
Platform Solutions
57,290 40,842
Total $ 1,441,799 $ 1,463,988
The allocation process for segment assets is based on the
activities of these segments. The allocation of assets includes
allocation of GCLA (which consists of unencumbered, highly
liquid securities and cash), which is generally included within
cash and cash equivalents, collateralized agreements and
trading assets on our balance sheet. Due to the integrated
nature of these segments, estimates and judgments are made
in allocating these assets. See “Risk Management
Liquidity Risk Management” for further information about
our GCLA.
Segment Operating Results. The table below presents our
segment operating results.
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
Global Banking & Markets
Net revenues $ 32,487 $ 36,734 $ 30,469
Provision for credit losses 468 (171) 1,216
Operating expenses 17,851 19,542 18,884
Pre-tax earnings $ 14,168 $ 17,363 $ 10,369
Net earnings to common $ 11,458 $ 13,535 $ 7,428
Average common equity $ 69,951 $ 60,064 $ 54,749
Return on average common equity
16.4% 22.5% 13.6%
Asset & Wealth Management
Net revenues $ 13,376 $ 21,965 $ 13,757
Provision for credit losses 519 (169) 1,395
Operating expenses 11,550 11,406 9,469
Pre-tax earnings $ 1,307 $ 10,728 $ 2,893
Net earnings to common $ 979 $ 8,459 $ 2,083
Average common equity $ 31,762 $ 29,988 $ 24,963
Return on average common equity
3.1% 28.2% 8.3%
Platform Solutions
Net revenues
$ 1,502
$ 640
$ 334
Provision for credit losses
Operating expenses
Pre-tax earnings/(loss)
$ (1,989)
$ (1,047)
$ (783)
Net earnings/(loss) to common
$ (1,673)
$ (843)
$ (596)
Average common equity
$ 3,574
$ 1,777
$ 864
Return on average common equity
(46.8) %
(47.4) %
(69.0) %
Net revenues $ 47,365 $ 59,339 $ 44,560
Provision for credit losses 2,715 357 3,098
Operating expenses 31,164 31,938 28,983
Pre-tax earnings $ 13,486 $ 27,044 $ 12,479
Net earnings to common $ 10,764 $ 21,151 $ 8,915
Average common equity $ 105,287 $ 91,829 $ 80,576
Return on average common equity
10.2% 23.0% 11.1%
Net revenues in our segments include allocations of interest
income and expense to specific positions in relation to the
cash generated by, or funding requirements of, such
positions. See Note 25 to the consolidated financial
statements for further information about our business
The allocation of common shareholders’ equity and preferred
stock dividends to each segment is based on the estimated
amount of equity required to support the activities of the
segment under relevant regulatory capital requirements. Net
earnings for each segment is calculated by applying the
firmwide tax rate to each segment’s pre-tax earnings.
Compensation and benefits expenses within our segments
reflect, among other factors, our overall performance, as well
as the performance of individual businesses. Consequently,
pre-tax margins in one segment of our business may be
significantly affected by the performance of our other
business segments. A description of segment operating results
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Global Banking & Markets
Global Banking & Markets generates revenues from the
Investment banking fees. We provide advisory and
underwriting services and help companies raise capital to
strengthen and grow their businesses. Investment banking
fees includes the following:
Advisory. Includes strategic advisory assignments with
respect to mergers and acquisitions, divestitures, corporate
defense activities, restructurings and spin-offs.
Underwriting. Includes public offerings and private
placements of a wide range of securities and other financial
instruments, including local and cross-border transactions
and acquisition financing.
FICC. FICC generates revenues from intermediation and
financing activities.
FICC intermediation. Includes client execution activities
related to making markets in both cash and derivative
instruments, as detailed below.
Interest Rate Products. Government bonds (including
inflation-linked securities) across maturities, other
government-backed securities, and interest rate swaps,
options and other derivatives.
Credit Products. Investment-grade and high-yield
corporate securities, credit derivatives, exchange-traded
funds (ETFs), bank and bridge loans, municipal securities,
distressed debt and trade claims.
Mortgages. Commercial mortgage-related securities,
loans and derivatives, residential mortgage-related
securities, loans and derivatives (including U.S. government
agency-issued collateralized mortgage obligations and
other securities and loans), and other asset-backed
securities, loans and derivatives.
Currencies. Currency options, spot/forwards and other
derivatives on G-10 currencies and emerging-market
Commodities. Commodity derivatives and, to a lesser
extent, physical commodities, involving crude oil and
petroleum products, natural gas, agricultural, base,
precious and other metals, electricity, including renewable
power, environmental products and other commodity
FICC financing. Includes secured lending to our clients
through structured credit and asset-backed lending,
including warehouse loans backed by mortgages (including
residential and commercial mortgage loans), corporate
loans and consumer loans (including auto loans and private
student loans). We also provide financing to clients
through securities purchased under agreements to resell
(resale agreements).
Equities. Equities generates revenues from intermediation
and financing activities.
Equities intermediation. We make markets in equity
securities and equity-related products, including ETFs,
convertible securities, options, futures and OTC derivative
instruments. We also structure and make markets in
derivatives on indices, industry sectors, financial measures
and individual company stocks. Our exchange-based
market-making activities include making markets in stocks
and ETFs, futures and options on major exchanges
worldwide. In addition, we generate commissions and fees
from executing and clearing institutional client transactions
on major stock, options and futures exchanges worldwide,
as well as OTC transactions.
Equities financing. Includes prime brokerage and other
equities financing activities, including securities lending,
margin lending and swaps. We earn fees by providing
clearing, settlement and custody services globally. We
provide services that principally involve borrowing and
lending securities to cover institutional clients’ short sales
and borrowing securities to cover our short sales and to
make deliveries into the market. In addition, we are an
active participant in broker-to-broker securities lending
and third-party agency lending activities. We provide
financing to our clients for their securities trading activities
through margin loans that are collateralized by securities,
cash or other acceptable collateral and provide securities-
based loans to individuals. In addition, we execute swap
transactions to provide our clients with exposure to
securities and indices.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 67
Market-Making Activities
As a market maker, we facilitate transactions in both liquid
and less liquid markets, primarily for institutional clients,
such as corporations, financial institutions, investment funds
and governments, to assist clients in meeting their investment
objectives and in managing their risks. In this role, we seek to
earn the difference between the price at which a market
participant is willing to sell an instrument to us and the price
at which another market participant is willing to buy it from
us, and vice versa (i.e., bid/offer spread). In addition, we
maintain (i) market-making positions, typically for a short
period of time, in response to, or in anticipation of, client
demand, and (ii) positions to actively manage our risk
exposures that arise from these market-making activities
(collectively, inventory). Our inventory is recorded in trading
assets (long positions) or trading liabilities (short positions)
in our consolidated balance sheets.
Our results are influenced by a combination of
interconnected drivers, including (i) client activity levels and
transactional bid/offer spreads (collectively, client activity),
and (ii) changes in the fair value of our inventory and interest
income and interest expense related to the holding, hedging
and funding of our inventory (collectively, market-making
inventory changes). Due to the integrated nature of our
market-making activities, disaggregation of net revenues into
client activity and market-making inventory changes is
judgmental and has inherent complexities and limitations.
The amount and composition of our net revenues vary over
time as these drivers are impacted by multiple interrelated
factors affecting economic and market conditions, including
volatility and liquidity in the market, changes in interest
rates, currency exchange rates, credit spreads, equity prices
and commodity prices, investor confidence, and other
macroeconomic concerns and uncertainties.
In general, assuming all other market-making conditions
remain constant, increases in client activity levels or bid/offer
spreads tend to result in increases in net revenues, and
decreases tend to have the opposite effect. However, changes
in market-making conditions can materially impact client
activity levels and bid/offer spreads, as well as the fair value
of our inventory. For example, a decrease in liquidity in the
market could have the impact of (i) increasing our bid/offer
spread, (ii) decreasing investor confidence and thereby
decreasing client activity levels, and (iii) widening of credit
spreads on our inventory positions.
Other. We lend to corporate clients, including through
relationship lending and acquisition financing. The hedges
related to this lending and financing activity are also reported
as part of Other. Other also includes equity and debt
investing activities related to our Global Banking & Markets
The table below presents our Global Banking & Markets
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Cash and cash equivalents $ 167,203 $ 178,359
Collateralized agreements 380,157 359,100
Customer and other receivables 122,037 147,958
Trading assets 272,788 351,920
Investments 103,229 56,228
Loans 107,648 94,597
Other assets 16,477 13,834
Total $ 1,169,539 $ 1,201,996
The table below presents details about our Global Banking &
Markets loans.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Corporate $ 25,776 $ 22,068
Real estate 33,215 34,986
Securities-based 3,857 3,017
Other collateralized 45,407 33,077
Other 561 2,311
Loans, gross 108,816 95,459
Allowance for loan losses (1,168) (862)
Total loans $ 107,648 $ 94,597
Our average Global Banking & Markets gross loans were
$105.11billion for 2022 and $74.34billion for 2021.
The table below presents our Global Banking & Markets
operating results.
Year Ended December
$ in millions
2022 2021 2020
Advisory $ 4,704 $ 5,654 $ 3,064
Equity underwriting 848 4,985 3,376
Debt underwriting 1,808 3,497 2,660
Investment banking fees 7,360 14,136 9,100
FICC intermediation 11,890 8,714 10,106
FICC financing 2,786 1,897 1,347
FICC 14,676 10,611 11,453
Equities intermediation 6,662 7,707 7,069
Equities financing 4,326 4,015 2,815
Equities 10,988 11,722 9,884
Other (537) 265 32
Net revenues 32,487 36,734 30,469
Provision for credit losses 468 (171) 1,216
Operating expenses 17,851 19,542 18,884
Pre-tax earnings 14,168 17,363 10,369
Provision for taxes 2,338 3,473 2,509
Net earnings 11,830 13,890 7,860
Preferred stock dividends 372 355 432
Net earnings to common $ 11,458 $ 13,535 $ 7,428
Average common equity $ 69,951 $ 60,064 $ 54,749
Return on average common equity 16.4% 22.5% 13.6%
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
The table below presents our FICC and Equities net revenues
by line item in the consolidated statements of earnings.
$ in millions FICC Equities
Year Ended December 2022
Market making $ 12,422 $ 6,212
Commissions and fees 3,791
Other principal transactions 377 41
Net interest income 1,877 944
Total $ 14,676 $ 10,988
Year Ended December 2021
Market making $ 7,690 $ 7,667
Commissions and fees 3,514
Other principal transactions 362 72
Net interest income 2,559 469
Total $ 10,611 $ 11,722
Year Ended December 2020
Market making $ 8,941 $ 6,487
Commissions and fees 3,339
Other principal transactions 96 9
Net interest income 2,416 49
Total $ 11,453 $ 9,884
In the table above:
See “Net Revenues” for information about market making
revenues, commissions and fees, other principal
transactions revenues and net interest income. See Note 25
to the consolidated financial statements for net interest
income by segment.
The primary driver of net revenues for FICC
intermediation for all periods was client activity.
The table below presents our unaudited quarterly Global
Banking & Markets operating results.
First Second Third Fourth
$ in millions Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter
Advisory $ 1,127 $ 1,197 $ 972 $ 1,408
Equity underwriting 276 145 244 183
Debt underwriting 741 457 328 282
Investment banking fees 2,144 1,799 1,544 1,873
FICC intermediation 4,099 2,921 2,896 1,974
FICC financing 631 721 721 713
FICC 4,730 3,642 3,617 2,687
Equities intermediation 2,178 1,767 1,608 1,109
Equities financing 1,061 1,177 1,124 964
Equities 3,239 2,944 2,732 2,073
Other (51) (43) (329) (114)
Net revenues 10,062 8,342 7,564 6,519
Provision for credit losses 191 208 63 6
Operating expenses 4,973 4,431 4,224 4,223
Pre-tax earnings $ 4,898 $ 3,703 $ 3,277 $ 2,290
Advisory $ 1,117 $ 1,257 $ 1,649 $ 1,631
Equity underwriting 1,539 1,256 1,167 1,023
Debt underwriting 877 949 724 947
Investment banking fees 3,533 3,462 3,540 3,601
FICC intermediation 3,472 1,922 2,007 1,313
FICC financing 435 395 512 555
FICC 3,907 2,317 2,519 1,868
Equities intermediation 2,620 1,795 1,949 1,343
Equities financing 1,084 887 1,207 837
Equities 3,704 2,682 3,156 2,180
Other 170 239 (85) (59)
Net revenues 11,314 8,700 9,130 7,590
Provision for credit losses (99) (46) (10) (16)
Operating expenses 5,892 5,470 4,090 4,090
Pre-tax earnings $ 5,521 $ 3,276 $ 5,050 $ 3,516
Advisory $ 780 $ 687 $ 506 $ 1,091
Equity underwriting 377 1,050 843 1,106
Debt underwriting 576 988 571 525
Investment banking fees 1,733 2,725 1,920 2,722
FICC intermediation 2,496 3,831 2,232 1,547
FICC financing 435 302 278 332
FICC 2,931 4,133 2,510 1,879
Equities intermediation 1,533 2,217 1,497 1,822
Equities financing 729 900 580 606
Equities 2,262 3,117 2,077 2,428
Other 351 (151) (36) (132)
Net revenues 7,277 9,824 6,471 6,897
Provision for credit losses 564 702 (9) (41)
Operating expenses 4,007 7,777 3,510 3,590
Pre-tax earnings $ 2,706 $ 1,345 $ 2,970 $ 3,348
The table below presents our financial advisory and
underwriting transaction volumes.
Year Ended December
$ in billions
2022 2021 2020
Announced mergers and acquisitions $ 1,237 $ 1,771 $ 904
Completed mergers and acquisitions $ 1,355 $ 1,588 $ 1,037
Equity and equity-related offerings $ 33 $ 140 $ 115
Debt offerings $ 222 $ 341 $ 352
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 69
In the table above:
Volumes are per Dealogic.
Announced and completed mergers and acquisitions
volumes are based on full credit to each of the advisors in a
transaction. Equity and equity-related and debt offerings
are based on full credit for single book managers and equal
credit for joint book managers. Transaction volumes may
not be indicative of net revenues in a given period. In
addition, transaction volumes for prior periods may vary
from amounts previously reported due to the subsequent
withdrawal or a change in the value of a transaction.
Equity and equity-related offerings includes Rule 144A and
public common stock offerings, convertible offerings and
rights offerings.
Debt offerings includes non-convertible preferred stock,
mortgage-backed securities, asset-backed securities and
taxable municipal debt. It also includes publicly registered
and Rule 144A issues and excludes leveraged loans.
Operating Environment. During 2022, Global Banking &
Markets operated in an environment generally characterized
by broad macroeconomic and geopolitical concerns and
market volatility, which negatively affected industry-wide
investment banking activity levels, particularly for
underwriting, but contributed to solid market-making
activity levels.
In investment banking, compared with 2021, industry-wide
equity underwriting volumes were low amid volatile equity
markets and a decline in prices, and industry-wide debt
underwriting volumes declined across leveraged finance and
investment grade issuances amid rising interest rates.
Additionally, industry-wide completed mergers and
acquisitions transactions declined from elevated levels in the
prior year.
For volatility, the average daily VIX was 30% higher
compared with 2021. In equities, the S&P 500 Index
decreased by 19% and the MSCI World Index decreased by
20%, compared with the end of 2021. Additionally, global
central banks sought to address inflation by increasing policy
interest rates several times over the course of the year.
In the future, if market and economic conditions deteriorate
further, and activity levels or volatility decline, or credit
spreads related to hedges on our relationship lending
portfolio tighten, net revenues in Global Banking & Markets
would likely be negatively impacted. In addition, if economic
conditions deteriorate further or if the creditworthiness of
borrowers deteriorates, provision for credit losses would
likely be negatively impacted.
2022 versus 2021. Net revenues in Global Banking &
Markets were $32.49 billion for 2022, 12% lower than a
strong 2021.
Investment banking fees were $7.36 billion, 48% lower than a
strong 2021, due to significantly lower net revenues in both
Equity and Debt underwriting, reflecting a significant decline
in industry-wide volumes, and lower net revenues in
Advisory, reflecting a decline in industry-wide completed
mergers and acquisitions transactions from elevated activity
levels in the prior year.
As of December 2022, our Investment banking fees backlog
decreased significantly compared with the end of 2021,
primarily due to significantly lower estimated net revenues
from both potential advisory transactions and potential debt
underwriting transactions (primarily from leveraged finance
Our backlog represents an estimate of our net revenues from
future transactions where we believe that future revenue
realization is more likely than not. We believe changes in our
backlog may be a useful indicator of client activity levels
which, over the long term, impact our net revenues.
However, the time frame for completion and corresponding
revenue recognition of transactions in our backlog varies
based on the nature of the assignment, as certain transactions
may remain in our backlog for longer periods of time. In
addition, our backlog is subject to certain limitations, such as
assumptions about the likelihood that individual client
transactions will occur in the future. Transactions may be
cancelled or modified, and transactions not included in the
estimate may also occur.
Net revenues in FICC were $14.68 billion, 38% higher than
2021, primarily reflecting significantly higher net revenues in
FICC intermediation, driven by significantly higher net
revenues in interest rate products, currencies and
commodities, partially offset by significantly lower net
revenues in mortgages and lower net revenues in credit
products. In addition, net revenues in FICC financing were
significantly higher, primarily driven by secured lending.
The increase in FICC intermediation net revenues reflected
significantly higher client activity as we supported clients
amid an evolving macroeconomic environment. The
following provides information about our FICC
intermediation net revenues by business, compared with 2021
Net revenues in interest rate products, currencies and
commodities primarily reflected higher client activity.
Net revenues in mortgages and credit products primarily
reflected the impact of challenging market-making
conditions on our inventory.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Net revenues in Equities were $10.99 billion, 6% lower than
2021, due to lower net revenues in Equities intermediation,
reflecting significantly lower net revenues in cash products
and lower net revenues in derivatives. Net revenues in
Equities financing were higher, primarily reflecting increased
client activity.
Net revenues in Other were $(537) million for 2022,
compared with $265 million for 2021, reflecting significantly
lower net gains from investments in equities and net mark-
downs on acquisition financing activities.
Provision for credit losses was $468 million for 2022,
compared with a net benefit of $171 million for 2021.
Provisions for 2022 primarily reflected the impact of broad
macroeconomic and geopolitical concerns, while the net
benefit for 2021 reflected reserve reductions as the broad
economic environment continued to improve following the
initial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, partially offset by
growth in the portfolio.
Operating expenses were $17.85 billion for 2022, 9% lower
than 2021, reflecting lower compensation and benefits
expenses (reflecting a decline in operating performance
compared with a strong prior year). Pre-tax earnings were
$14.17 billion for 2022, 18% lower than 2021.
2021 versus 2020. Net revenues in Global Banking &
Markets were $36.73 billion for 2021, 21% higher than 2020.
Investment banking fees were $14.14 billion, 55% higher than
2020, due to significantly higher net revenues in Advisory,
reflecting a significant increase in completed mergers and
acquisitions volumes, in Equity underwriting, primarily
driven by strong industry-wide initial public offerings
activity, and in Debt underwriting, primarily reflecting
elevated industry-wide leveraged finance activity.
As of December 2021, our Investment banking fees backlog
increased significantly compared with December 2020, due to
significantly higher estimated net revenues from potential
advisory transactions and potential debt underwriting
transactions (particularly from leveraged finance
transactions), and higher estimated net revenues from
potential equity underwriting transactions.
Net revenues in FICC were $10.61 billion, 7% lower than
2020, due to lower net revenues in FICC intermediation,
reflecting significantly lower net revenues in interest rate
products and credit products and slightly lower net revenues
in currencies, partially offset by significantly higher net
revenues in mortgages and higher net revenues in
commodities. Net revenues in FICC financing were
significantly higher, reflecting significantly higher net
revenues from secured lending, partially offset by
significantly lower net revenues from resale agreements.
The decrease in FICC intermediation net revenues reflected
strong but significantly lower client activity compared with
very strong activity levels in the prior year due to high
volatility amid the COVID-19 pandemic. This was partially
offset by the impact of improved market-making conditions
on our inventory compared with challenging conditions in
the prior year. The following provides information about our
FICC intermediation net revenues by business, compared
with 2020 results:
Net revenues in interest rate products primarily reflected
lower client activity.
Net revenues in credit products and currencies reflected
lower client activity, partially offset by the impact of
improved market-making conditions on our inventory.
Net revenues in mortgages reflected the impact of
improved market-making conditions on our inventory.
Net revenues in commodities primarily reflected higher
client activity.
Net revenues in Equities were $11.72 billion, 19% higher than
2020, due to significantly higher net revenues in Equities
financing, primarily reflecting increased activity (including
higher average client balances), and higher net revenues in
Equities intermediation, primarily reflecting higher net
revenues in derivatives.
Net revenues in Other were $265 million for 2021, compared
with $32 million for 2020, primarily reflecting significantly
higher net gains from investments in equities.
Provision for credit losses was a net benefit of $171 million
for 2021, compared with net provisions of $1.22 billion for
2020, primarily due to reserve reductions in the year
reflecting continued improvement in the broad economic
environment following challenging conditions in 2020
resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, partially offset by
portfolio growth.
Operating expenses were $19.54 billion for 2021, 3% higher
than 2020, primarily due to significantly higher compensation
and benefits expenses (reflecting strong performance) and
higher transaction based expenses, largely offset by
significantly lower net provisions for litigation and
regulatory proceedings. Pre-tax earnings were $17.36 billion,
67% higher than 2020. ROE was 22.5% for 2021, compared
with 13.6% for 2020 (which included the impact of net
provisions for litigation and regulatory proceedings that
reduced ROE by 5.4 percentage points).
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 71
Asset & Wealth Management
Asset & Wealth Management provides investment services to
help clients preserve and grow their financial assets and
achieve their financial goals. We provide these services to our
clients, both institutional and individuals, including investors
who primarily access our products through a network of
third-party distributors around the world.
We manage client assets across a broad range of investment
strategies and asset classes, including equity, fixed income
and alternative investments. We provide investment
solutions, including those managed on a fiduciary basis by
our portfolio managers, as well as those managed by third-
party managers. We offer our investment solutions in a
variety of structures, including separately managed accounts,
mutual funds, private partnerships and other commingled
We also provide tailored wealth advisory services to clients
across the wealth spectrum. We operate globally serving
individuals, families, family offices, and foundations and
endowments. Our relationships are established directly or
introduced through companies that sponsor financial
wellness programs for their employees.
We offer personalized financial planning to individuals and
also provide customized investment advisory solutions, and
offer structuring and execution capabilities in securities and
derivative products across all major global markets. In
addition, we offer clients a full range of private banking
services, including a variety of deposit alternatives and loans
that our clients use to finance investments in both financial
and nonfinancial assets, bridge cash flow timing gaps or
provide liquidity and flexibility for other needs.
We invest in alternative investments across a range of asset
classes that seek to deliver long-term accretive risk-adjusted
returns. Our investing activities, which are typically longer-
term, include investments in corporate equity, credit, real
estate and infrastructure assets.
We also raise deposits and have issued unsecured loans to
consumers through Marcus by Goldman Sachs (Marcus). We
have started a process to cease offering new loans through
Asset & Wealth Management generates revenues from the
Management and other fees. We receive fees related to
managing assets for institutional and individual clients,
providing investing and wealth advisory solutions,
providing financial planning and counseling services via
Ayco Personal Financial Management, and executing
brokerage transactions for wealth management clients. The
majority of revenues in management and other fees consists
of asset-based fees on client assets that we manage. For
further information about assets under supervision, see
“Assets Under Supervision” below. The fees that we charge
vary by asset class, client channel and the types of services
provided, and are affected by investment performance, as
well as asset inflows and redemptions.
Incentive fees. In certain circumstances, we also receive
incentive fees based on a percentage of a fund’s or a
separately managed account’s return, or when the return
exceeds a specified benchmark or other performance
targets. Such fees include overrides, which consist of the
increased share of the income and gains derived primarily
from our private equity and credit funds when the return
on a fund’s investments over the life of the fund exceeds
certain threshold returns.
Private banking and lending. Our private banking and
lending activities include issuing loans to our wealth
management clients. We also accept deposits from wealth
management clients, including through Marcus. We have
also issued unsecured loans to consumers through Marcus
and have started a process to cease offering new loans.
Additionally, we provide investing services through Marcus
Invest to U.S. customers. Private banking and lending
revenues include net interest income allocated to deposits
and net interest income earned on loans to individual
Equity investments. Includes investing activities related
to our asset management activities primarily related to
public and private equity investments in corporate, real
estate and infrastructure assets. We also make investments
through consolidated investment entities (CIEs),
substantially all of which are engaged in real estate
investment activities.
Debt investments. Includes lending activities related to
our asset management activities, including investing in
corporate debt, lending to middle-market clients, and
providing financing for real estate and other assets. These
activities include investments in mezzanine debt, senior
debt and distressed debt securities.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
The table below presents our Asset & Wealth Management
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Cash and cash equivalents $ 54,065 $ 62,652
Collateralized agreements 23,723 18,737
Customer and other receivables 13,409 12,712
Trading assets 19,860 17,739
Investments 27,400 32,491
Loans 56,338 56,676
Other assets 20,175 20,143
Total $ 214,970 $ 221,150
The table below presents details about our Asset & Wealth
Management loans.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Corporate $ 14,359 $ 15,575
Real estate 18,699 18,688
Securities-based 12,814 13,635
Other collateralized 6,295 5,186
Installment 4,474 3,646
Other 1,700 1,708
Loans, gross 58,341 58,438
Allowance for loan losses (2,003) (1,762)
Total loans $ 56,338 $ 56,676
The average Asset & Wealth Management gross loans were
$59.35billion for 2022 and $56.85billion for 2021.
The table below presents our Asset & Wealth Management
operating results.
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
Management and other fees $ 8,781 $ 7,750 $ 6,750
Incentive fees 359 616 401
Private banking and lending 2,458 1,661 1,372
Equity investments 610 8,794 3,902
Debt investments 1,168 3,144 1,332
Net revenues 13,376 21,965 13,757
Provision for credit losses 519 (169) 1,395
Operating expenses 11,550 11,406 9,469
Pre-tax earnings 1,307 10,728 2,893
Provision for taxes 215 2,146 700
Net earnings 1,092 8,582 2,193
Preferred stock dividends 113 123 110
Net earnings to common $ 979 $ 8,459 $ 2,083
Average common equity $ 31,762 $ 29,988 $ 24,963
Return on average common equity 3.1% 28.2% 8.3%
The table below presents our Asset management and Wealth
management net revenues by line item in Asset & Wealth
$ in millions
Asset & Wealth
Year Ended December 2022
Management and other fees $ 3,817 $ 4,964 $ 8,781
Incentive fees 359 359
Private banking and lending 2,458 2,458
Equity investments 610 610
Debt investments 1,168 1,168
Total $ 5,954 $ 7,422 $ 13,376
Year Ended December 2021
Management and other fees $ 2,918 $ 4,832 $ 7,750
Incentive fees 616 616
Private banking and lending 1,661 1,661
Equity investments 8,794 8,794
Debt investments 3,144 3,144
Total $ 15,472 $ 6,493 $ 21,965
Year Ended December 2020
Management and other fees $ 2,782 $ 3,968 $ 6,750
Incentive fees 401 401
Private banking and lending 1,372 1,372
Equity investments 3,902 3,902
Debt investments 1,332 1,332
Total $ 8,417 $ 5,340 $ 13,757
In the table above, incentive fees previously included in
Wealth management have been reclassified to Asset
management to better reflect the activities of the reporting
unit that generated the underlying revenues. Previously,
incentive fees related to wealth management clients were
reflected in Wealth management. Prior periods have been
conformed to the current presentation.
The table below presents our Equity investments net revenues
by equity type and asset class.
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
Equity Type
Private equity $ 2,078 $ 8,826 $ 2,329
Public equity (1,468) (32) 1,573
Total $ 610 $ 8,794 $ 3,902
Asset Class
Real estate $ 1,482 $ 2,489 $ 1,621
Corporate (872) 6,305 2,281
Total $ 610 $ 8,794 $ 3,902
The table below presents details about our Debt investments
net revenues.
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
Fair value net gains/(losses) $ (415) $ 1,216 $ (268)
Net interest income 1,583 1,928 1,600
Total $ 1,168 $ 3,144 $ 1,332
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 73
The table below presents our unaudited quarterly Asset &
Wealth Management operating results.
First Second Third Fourth
$ in millions Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter
Management and other fees $ 2,035 $ 2,243 $ 2,255 $ 2,248
Incentive fees
79 185 56 39
Private banking and lending
492 538 675 753
Equity investments
(294) (104) 721 287
Debt investments
291 317 326 234
Net revenues 2,603 3,179 4,033 3,561
Provision for credit losses 203 149 (13) 180
Operating expenses 2,409 2,823 2,955 3,363
Pre-tax earnings/(loss) $ (9) $ 207 $ 1,091 $ 18
Management and other fees $ 1,839 $ 1,879 $ 1,985 $ 2,047
Incentive fees 68 93 220 235
Private banking and lending 416 387 432 426
Equity investments 2,965 3,425 957 1,447
Debt investments 963 765 711 705
Net revenues 6,251 6,549 4,305 4,860
Provision for credit losses (140) (159) 58 72
Operating expenses 3,315 2,983 2,232 2,876
Pre-tax earnings $ 3,076 $ 3,725 $ 2,015 $ 1,912
Management and other fees $ 1,603 $ 1,642 $ 1,708 $ 1,797
Incentive fees 223 44 35 99
Private banking and lending 377 245 341 409
Equity investments (56) 896 1,377 1,685
Debt investments (710) 557 728 757
Net revenues 1,437 3,384 4,189 4,747
Provision for credit losses 281 781 203 130
Operating expenses 2,307 2,471 2,550 2,141
Pre-tax earnings/(loss) $ (1,151) $ 132 $ 1,436 $ 2,476
Operating Environment. During 2022, Asset & Wealth
Management operated in an environment generally
characterized by broad macroeconomic and geopolitical
concerns and market volatility, which contributed to a
decrease in asset prices compared to the end of 2021,
negatively affecting assets under supervision and investments.
Additionally, global central banks sought to address inflation
by increasing policy interest rates several times over the
course of the year.
In the future, if market and economic conditions deteriorate
further, it may lead to a continued decline in asset prices, or
investors transitioning to asset classes that typically generate
lower fees or withdrawing their assets or deposits, and net
revenues in Asset & Wealth Management would likely
continue to be negatively impacted.
2022 versus 2021. Net revenues in Asset & Wealth
Management were $13.38 billion for 2022, 39% lower than
2021, primarily reflecting significantly lower net revenues in
Equity investments and Debt investments.
Broad macroeconomic and geopolitical concerns during the
year led to a decline in global equity prices and wider credit
spreads. As a result, net revenues in Equity investments
reflected significantly lower net gains from investments in
private equities and significant mark-to-market net losses
from investments in public equities. The decrease in Debt
investments net revenues reflected net mark-downs compared
with net mark-ups in the prior year and lower net interest
income. Incentive fees were significantly lower, primarily
driven by harvesting in the prior year. Management and
other fees were higher, reflecting the inclusion of NNIP and a
reduction in fee waivers on money market funds. Private
banking and lending net revenues were significantly higher,
primarily reflecting higher deposit spreads, as well as higher
loan and deposit balances.
Provision for credit losses was $519 million for 2022,
compared with a net benefit of $169 million for 2021.
Provisions for 2022 primarily reflected the impact of
macroeconomic and geopolitical concerns, while the net
benefit for 2021 reflected reserve reductions as the broad
economic environment continued to improve following the
initial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Operating expenses were $11.55 billion for 2022, essentially
unchanged compared with 2021, reflecting the inclusion of
operating expenses related to NNIP, largely offset by lower
compensation and benefits expenses. Pre-tax earnings were
$1.31 billion for 2022, compared with $10.73 billion for 2021.
2021 versus 2020. Net revenues in Asset & Wealth
Management were $21.97 billion for 2021, 60% higher than
2020, primarily reflecting significantly higher net revenues in
Equity investments and Debt investments, and higher
Management and other fees.
The increase in Equity investments net revenues reflected
significantly higher net gains from investments in private
equities, driven by company-specific events and improved
corporate performance compared with 2020, partially offset
by net losses from investments in public equities compared
with significant net gains in the prior year. The increase in
Debt investments net revenues reflected net mark-ups
compared with net mark-downs in the prior year, and
significantly higher net interest income. The increase in
management and other fees reflected the impact of higher
average assets under supervision, partially offset by higher fee
waivers on money market funds. Private banking and lending
net revenues were higher, primarily reflecting higher deposit
balances. Incentive fees were significantly higher, primarily
driven by harvesting.
Provision for credit losses was a net benefit of $169 million
for 2021, compared with net provisions of $1.40 billion for
2020, primarily due to reserve reductions in the year
reflecting continued improvement in the broad economic
environment following challenging conditions in 2020
resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Operating expenses were $11.41 billion for 2021, 20% higher
than 2020, primarily due to significantly higher compensation
and benefits expenses (reflecting strong performance). Pre-
tax earnings were $10.73 billion for 2021, compared with
$2.89 billion for 2020.
Assets Under Supervision. AUS includes our institutional
clients’ assets, assets sourced through third-party distributors
and high-net-worth clients’ assets where we earn a fee for
managing assets on a discretionary basis. This includes net
assets in our mutual funds, hedge funds, credit funds, private
equity funds, real estate funds, and separately managed
accounts for institutional and individual investors. AUS also
includes client assets invested with third-party managers,
private bank deposits and advisory relationships where we
earn a fee for advisory and other services, but do not have
investment discretion. AUS does not include the self-directed
brokerage assets of our clients.
The table below presents information about our firmwide
period-end AUS by asset class, client channel, region and
As of December
$ in billions 2022 2021 2020
Asset Class
Alternative investments $ 263 $ 236 $ 191
Equity 563 613 475
Fixed income 1,010 940 896
Total long-term AUS 1,836 1,789 1,562
Liquidity products 711 681 583
Total AUS $ 2,547 $ 2,470 $ 2,145
Client Channel
Institutional $ 905 $ 824 $ 761
Wealth management 712 751 615
Third-party distributed 930 895 769
Total AUS $ 2,547 $ 2,470 $ 2,145
Americas $ 1,806 $ 1,930 $ 1,656
EMEA 548 354 318
Asia 193 186 171
Total AUS $ 2,547 $ 2,470 $ 2,145
Separate accounts $ 1,388 $ 1,347 $ 1,186
Public funds 862 811 707
Private funds and other 297 312 252
Total AUS $ 2,547 $ 2,470 $ 2,145
In the table above:
Liquidity products includes money market funds and
private bank deposits.
EMEA represents Europe, Middle East and Africa.
The table below presents changes in our AUS.
Year Ended December
$ in billions 2022 2021 2020
Beginning balance $ 2,470 $ 2,145 $ 1,859
Net inflows/(outflows):
Alternative investments 19 33 (1)
Equity 13 41 (4)
Fixed income 18 56 47
Total long-term AUS net inflows/(outflows) 50 130 42
Liquidity products 16 98 121
Total AUS net inflows/(outflows) 66 228 163
Acquisitions 316
Net market appreciation/(depreciation) (305) 97 123
Ending balance $ 2,547 $ 2,470 $ 2,145
In the table above, acquisitions for 2022 included inflows
from the acquisitions of NNIP and NextCapital Group, Inc.,
and from the acquisition of the assets of Bombardier Global
Pension Asset Management Inc. For each, substantially all of
the inflows were in fixed income and equity assets.
The table below presents information about our average
monthly firmwide AUS by asset class.
Average for the
Year Ended December
$ in billions 2022 2021 2020
Asset Class
Alternative investments $ 253 $ 211 $ 183
Equity 581 547 409
Fixed income 992 919 829
Total long-term AUS 1,826 1,677 1,421
Liquidity products 693 625 573
Total AUS $ 2,519 $ 2,302 $ 1,994
In addition to our AUS, we have discretion over alternative
investments where we currently do not earn management fees
(non-fee-earning alternative assets).
We earn management fees on client assets that we manage
and also receive incentive fees based on a percentage of a
fund’s or a separately managed account’s return, or when the
return exceeds a specified benchmark or other performance
targets. These incentive fees are recognized when it is
probable that a significant reversal of such fees will not
occur. Our estimated unrecognized incentive fees were
$3.33 billion as of December 2022, $3.39 billion as of
December 2021 and $1.79 billion as of December 2020. Such
amounts are based on the completion of the funds’ financial
statements, which is generally one quarter in arrears. These
fees will be recognized, assuming no decline in fair value, if
and when it is probable that a significant reversal of such fees
will not occur, which is generally when such fees are no
longer subject to fluctuations in the market value of the
Our target is to achieve annual firmwide management and
other fees of more than $10 billion (including more than $2
billion from alternatives) in 2024.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 75
The table below presents our average effective management
fee (which excludes non-asset-based fees) earned on our
firmwide AUS by asset class.
Year Ended December
Effective fees (bps) 2022 2021 2020
Alternative investments 64 63 61
Equity 57 60 58
Fixed income 17 17 18
Liquidity products 14 5 14
Total average effective fee 31 29 29
In the table above, our average effective management fee for
liquidity products increased during 2022 compared to 2021,
primarily reflecting higher management fee waivers in 2021.
The table below presents details about our monthly average
AUS for alternative investments and the average effective
management fee we earned on such assets.
$ in billions
Fund of
Year Ended December 2022
Average AUS
Corporate equity $ 27 $ 61 $ 88
Credit 36 2 38
Real estate 10 8 18
Hedge funds and other 45 22 67
Funds and discretionary accounts $ 118 $ 93 $ 211
Advisory accounts 42
Total average AUS for alternative investments $ 253
Effective Fees (bps)
Corporate equity 133 61 83
Credit 81 51 80
Real estate 87 50 70
Hedge funds and other 64 49 59
Funds and discretionary accounts 87 57 74
Advisory accounts 16
Total average effective fee 64
Year Ended December 2021
Average AUS
Corporate equity $ 20 $ 59 $ 79
Credit 18 2 20
Real estate 8 7 15
Hedge funds and other 43 19 62
Funds and discretionary accounts $ 89 $ 87 $ 176
Advisory accounts 35
Total average AUS for alternative investments $ 211
Effective Fees (bps)
Corporate equity 118 57 72
Credit 102 53 98
Real estate 94 55 76
Hedge funds and other 65 55 62
Funds and discretionary accounts 87 56 72
Advisory accounts 17
Total average effective fee 63
Year Ended December 2020
Average AUS
Corporate equity $ 15 $ 58 $ 73
Credit 13 2 15
Real estate 7 6 13
Hedge funds and other 37 17 54
Funds and discretionary accounts $ 72 $ 83 $ 155
Advisory accounts 28
Total average AUS for alternative investments $ 183
Effective Fees (bps)
Corporate equity 132 57 73
Credit 95 52 89
Real estate 88 62 75
Hedge funds and other 63 53 60
Funds and discretionary accounts 86 57 70
Advisory accounts 13
Total average effective fee 61
In the table above,
Direct strategies primarily includes our private equity,
growth equity, private credit, liquid alternatives and real
estate strategies. Fund of funds primarily includes our
Alternative Investments & Manager Selection (AIMS)
business. AIMS invests in leading private equity, hedge
fund, real estate and credit third-party managers as a
limited partner, secondary-market investor, co-investor or
management company partner.
Certain AUS previously reported in Direct Strategies were
reclassified to Fund of Funds to better reflect the nature of
the underlying strategy. Prior periods amounts have been
conformed to the current presentation.
The table below presents information about our period-end
AUS for alternative investments, non-fee-earning alternative
investments and total alternative investments.
$ in billions AUS
As of December 2022
Corporate equity $ 94 $ 76 $ 170
Credit 44 73 117
Real estate 18 36 54
Hedge funds and other 65 2 67
Funds and discretionary accounts 221 187 408
Advisory accounts 42 42
Total alternative investments $ 263 $ 187 $ 450
As of December 2021
Corporate equity $ 87 $ 78 $ 165
Credit 25 79 104
Real estate 16 39 55
Hedge funds and other 70 2 72
Funds and discretionary accounts 198 198 396
Advisory accounts 38 2 40
Total alternative investments $ 236 $ 200 $ 436
As of December 2020
Corporate equity $ 74 $ 50 $ 124
Credit 18 80 98
Real estate 13 43 56
Hedge funds and other 56 2 58
Funds and discretionary accounts 161 175 336
Advisory accounts 30 1 31
Total alternative investments $ 191 $ 176 $ 367
In the table above:
Corporate equity primarily includes private equity.
Total alternative investments included uncalled capital that
is available for future investing of $54 billion as of
December 2022, $42 billion as of December 2021 and $44
billion as of December 2020.
Non-fee-earning alternative investments primarily includes
investments that we hold on our balance sheet, our
unfunded commitments, unfunded commitments of our
clients (where we do not charge fees on commitments),
credit facilities collateralized by fund assets and employee
funds. Our calculation of non-fee-earning alternative
investments may not be comparable to similar calculations
used by other companies.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Non-fee-earning alternative investments primarily includes
our direct investing strategies, including private equity,
growth equity, private credit and real estate strategies.
We have announced a strategic objective of growing our
third-party alternatives business, and have established a
target of achieving gross inflows of $225 billion for
alternative investments from 2020 through the end of 2024.
The table below presents information about third-party
commitments raised in our alternatives business from 2020
through 2022.
As of
$ in billions December 2022
Included in AUS $ 118
Included in non-fee-earning alternative assets 61
Third-party commitments raised $ 179
In the table above, commitments included in non-fee-earning
alternative investments included approximately $44 billion,
which will begin to earn fees (and become AUS) if and when
the commitments are drawn and assets are invested.
The table below presents information about alternative
investments in Asset & Wealth Management that we hold on
our balance sheet.
$ in billions
and other Total
As of December 2022
Corporate equity $ $ $ 10 $ $ 10
Credit 14 11 25
Real estate 5 1 5 12 23
Other 1 1
Total $ 19 $ 12 $ 15 $ 13 $ 59
As of December 2021
Corporate equity $ $ $ 14 $ $ 14
Credit 15 11 26
Real estate 7 2 4 14 27
Other 1 1
Total $ 22 $ 13 $ 18 $ 15 $ 68
As of December 2020
Corporate equity $ $ $ 16 $ $ 16
Credit 16 12 28
Real estate 9 2 3 19 33
Other 1 1
Total $ 25 $ 14 $ 19 $ 20 $ 78
As we continue to grow our third-party alternatives business,
we remain focused on our strategic objective to reduce the
capital intensity of our alternative investments in Asset &
Wealth Management that we hold on our balance sheet.
During 2022, we reduced our on-balance sheet alternative
investments by $9 billion to $59 billion.
Loans and Debt Securities. The table below presents the
concentration of loans and debt securities within our
alternative investments by accounting classification, region
and industry.
As of December
$ in billions 2022 2021
Loans $19 $22
Debt securities 12 13
Total $31 $35
Accounting Classification
Debt securities at fair value 39% 38%
Loans at amortized cost 49% 53%
Loans at fair value 6% 9%
Loans held for sale 6%
Total 100% 100%
Americas 51% 50%
EMEA 35% 34%
Asia 14% 16%
Total 100% 100%
Consumer & Retail 10% 9%
Financial Institutions 7% 6%
Healthcare 13% 12%
Industrials 16% 16%
Natural Resources & Utilities 2% 4%
Real Estate 20% 25%
Technology, Media & Telecommunications 25% 22%
Other 7% 6%
Total 100% 100%
Equity Securities. The table below presents the
concentration of equity securities within our alternative
investments by region and industry.
As of December
$ in billions 2022 2021
Equity securities $15 $18
Americas 67% 57%
EMEA 15% 23%
Asia 18% 20%
Total 100% 100%
Consumer & Retail 6% 8%
Financial Institutions 10% 9%
Healthcare 9% 11%
Industrials 7% 8%
Natural Resources & Utilities 14% 11%
Real Estate 30% 23%
Technology, Media & Telecommunications 23% 29%
Other 1% 1%
Total 100% 100%
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 77
In the table above:
Equity securities included $13billion as of December 2022
and $14 billion as of December 2021 of private equity
positions, and $2 billion as of December 2022 and
$4 billion as of December 2021 of public equity positions
that converted from private equity upon the initial public
offerings of the underlying companies.
The concentrations for real estate equity securities as of
December 2022 were 9% for multifamily (5% as of
December 2021), 5% for office (5% as of December 2021),
8% for mixed use (7% as of December 2021) and 8% for
other real estate equity securities (6% as of December
The table below presents the concentration of equity
securities within our alternative investments by vintage.
As of December 2022
2015 or earlier 26%
2016 - 2018 26%
2019 - thereafter 48%
Total 100%
As of December 2021
2014 or earlier 20%
2015 - 2017 32%
2018 - thereafter 48%
Total 100%
CIE Investments and Other. CIE investments and other
included assets held by CIEs of $12 billion as of December
2022 and $14billion as of December 2021, which were funded
with liabilities of approximately $6 billion as of December
2022 and $7 billion as of December 2021. Substantially all
such liabilities were nonrecourse, thereby reducing our equity
at risk.
The table below presents the concentration of CIE assets, net
of financings, within our alternative investments by region
and asset class.
As of December
$ in billions 2022 2021
CIE assets, net of financings $6 $7
Americas 65% 63%
EMEA 25% 25%
Asia 10% 12%
Total 100% 100%
Asset Class
Hospitality 4% 4%
Industrials 10% 10%
Multifamily 23% 23%
Office 22% 24%
Retail 3% 5%
Senior Housing 14% 16%
Student Housing 7% 6%
Other 17% 12%
Total 100% 100%
The table below presents the concentration of CIE assets, net
of financings, within our alternative investments by vintage.
As of December 2022
2015 or earlier 5%
2016 - 2018 45%
2019 - thereafter 50%
Total 100%
As of December 2021
2014 or earlier 2%
2015 - 2017 29%
2018 - thereafter 69%
Total 100%
Platform Solutions
Platform Solutions includes our consumer platforms, such as
partnerships offering credit cards and point-of-sale financing,
and transaction banking and other platform businesses.
Platform Solutions generates revenues from the following:
Consumer platforms. Our Consumer platforms business
issues credit cards and provides point-of-sale financing to
consumers to finance the purchases of goods or services.
Consumer platforms revenues primarily includes net interest
income earned on credit card lending and point-of-sale
financing activities.
Transaction banking and other. We provide transaction
banking and other services, including cash management
services, such as deposit-taking and payment solutions for
corporate and institutional clients. Transaction banking
revenues include net interest income attributed to transaction
banking deposits.
The table below presents our Platform Solutions assets.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Cash and cash equivalents $ 20,557 $ 20,025
Collateralized agreements 10,278 6,637
Customer and other receivables 2 3
Trading assets 8,597 6,257
Loans 15,300 7,289
Other assets 2,556 631
Total $ 57,290 $ 40,842
The table below presents details about our Platform
Solutions loans.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Installment $ 1,852 $ 26
Credit cards 15,820 8,212
Loans, gross 17,672 8,238
Allowance for loan losses (2,372) (949)
Total loans $ 15,300 $ 7,289
The average Platform Solutions gross loans were
$12.43billion for 2022 and $5.51billion for 2021.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
The table below presents our Platform Solutions operating
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
Consumer platforms $ 1,176 $ 424 $ 188
Transaction banking and other
326 216 146
Net revenues 1,502 640 334
Provision for credit losses 1,728 697 487
Operating expenses 1,763 990 630
Pre-tax earnings/(loss) (1,989) (1,047) (783)
Provision for taxes (328) (210) (189)
Net earnings/(loss) (1,661) (837) (594)
Preferred stock dividends 12 6 2
Net earnings/(loss) to common $ (1,673) $ (843) $ (596)
Average common equity $ 3,574 $ 1,777 $ 864
Return on average common equity (46.8) % (47.4) % (69.0) %
The table below presents our unaudited quarterly Platform
Solutions operating results.
First Second Third Fourth
$ in millions Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter
Consumer platforms $ 201 $ 252 $ 290 $ 433
Transaction banking and other
67 91 88 80
Net revenues 268 343 378 513
Provision for credit losses 167 310 465 786
Operating expenses 334 399 525 505
Pre-tax earnings/(loss) $ (233) $ (366) $ (612) $ (778)
Consumer platforms $ 90 $ 90 $ 119 $ 125
Transaction banking and other 49 49 54 64
Net revenues 139 139 173 189
Provision for credit losses 169 113 127 288
Operating expenses 230 187 269 304
Pre-tax earnings/(loss) $ (260) $ (161) $ (223) $ (403)
Consumer platforms $ 21 $ 50 $ 70 $ 47
Transaction banking and other 8 37 51 50
Net revenues 29 87 121 97
Provision for credit losses 92 107 84 204
Operating expenses 144 166 144 176
Pre-tax earnings/(loss) $ (207) $ (186) $ (107) $ (283)
Operating Environment. During 2022, Platform Solutions
operated in an environment generally characterized by broad
macroeconomic concerns. In the U.S., the rate of
unemployment remained low and consumer spending
increased slightly compared with 2021. Additionally, global
central banks sought to address inflation by increasing policy
interest rates several times over the course of the year.
In the future, if market and economic conditions deteriorate
further, it may lead to a decrease in consumer spending or a
deterioration in consumer credit, and net revenues and
provision for credit losses in Platform Solutions would likely
be negatively impacted.
2022 versus 2021. Net revenues in Platform Solutions were
$1.50 billion for 2022, 135% higher than 2021, reflecting
significantly higher net revenues in both Consumer platforms
and Transaction banking and other.
The increase in Consumer platforms net revenues primarily
reflected significantly higher credit card balances. The
increase in Transaction banking and other net revenues
reflected higher deposit balances.
Provision for credit losses was $1.73 billion for 2022,
compared with $697 million for 2021. Provisions for 2022
primarily reflected growth in the credit card portfolio and net
charge offs, while 2021 primarily reflected growth in the
credit card portfolio, which was partially offset by reserve
reductions as the broad economic environment continued to
improve following the initial impact of the COVID-19
Operating expenses were $1.76 billion for 2022, 78% higher
than 2021, reflecting higher spend on growth initiatives in
Consumer platforms, primarily from the inclusion of
operating expenses related to GreenSky. Pre-tax loss was
$1.99 billion for 2022, compared with $1.05 billion for 2021.
2021 versus 2020. Net revenues in Platform Solutions were
$640 million for 2021, 92% higher than 2020, reflecting
significantly higher net revenues in Consumer platforms and
higher net revenues in Transaction banking and other.
Net revenues in Consumer platforms reflected higher credit
card balances. Net revenues in Transaction banking and
other reflected higher deposit balances.
Provision for credit losses was $697 million for 2021, 43%
higher than 2020, primarily reflecting growth in the credit
card portfolio, including approximately $185 million of the
provisions related to the commitment to acquire the General
Motors co-branded credit card portfolio, partially offset by
reserve reductions in the year reflecting continued
improvement in the broad economic environment following
challenging conditions in 2020 resulting from the COVID-19
Operating expenses were $990 million for 2021, 57% higher
than 2020, primarily reflecting higher spend on growth
initiatives in Consumer platforms. Pre-tax loss was $1.05
billion for 2021, compared with $783 million for 2020.
Geographic Data
See Note 25 to the consolidated financial statements for a
summary of our total net revenues, pre-tax earnings and net
earnings by geographic region.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 79
Balance Sheet and Funding Sources
Balance Sheet Management
One of our risk management disciplines is our ability to
manage the size and composition of our balance sheet. While
our asset base changes due to client activity, market
fluctuations and business opportunities, the size and
composition of our balance sheet also reflects factors,
including (i) our overall risk tolerance, (ii) the amount of
capital we hold and (iii) our funding profile, among other
factors. See “Capital Management and Regulatory Capital
Capital Management” for information about our capital
management process.
Although our balance sheet fluctuates on a day-to-day basis,
our total assets at quarter-end are generally not materially
different from those occurring within our reporting periods.
In order to ensure appropriate risk management, we seek to
maintain a sufficiently liquid balance sheet and have
processes in place to dynamically manage our assets and
liabilities, which include (i) balance sheet planning, (ii)
balance sheet limits, (iii) monitoring of key metrics and (iv)
scenario analyses.
Balance Sheet Planning. We prepare a balance sheet plan
that combines our projected total assets and composition of
assets with our expected funding sources over a three-year
time horizon. This plan is reviewed quarterly and may be
adjusted in response to changing business needs or market
conditions. The objectives of this planning process are:
To develop our balance sheet projections, taking into
account the general state of the financial markets and
expected business activity levels, as well as regulatory
To allow Treasury and our independent risk oversight and
control functions to objectively evaluate balance sheet limit
requests from our revenue-producing units in the context
of our overall balance sheet constraints, including our
liability profile and capital levels, and key metrics; and
To inform the target amount, tenor and type of funding to
raise, based on our projected assets and contractual
Treasury and our independent risk oversight and control
functions, along with our revenue-producing units, review
current and prior period information and expectations for the
year to prepare our balance sheet plan. The specific
information reviewed includes asset and liability size and
composition, limit utilization, risk and performance
measures, and capital usage.
Our consolidated balance sheet plan, including our balance
sheets by business, funding projections and projected key
metrics, is reviewed and approved by the Firmwide Asset
Liability Committee and the Firmwide Risk Appetite
Committee. See “Risk Management Overview and
Structure of Risk Management” for an overview of our risk
management structure.
Balance Sheet Limits. The Firmwide Asset Liability
Committee and the Firmwide Risk Appetite Committee have
the responsibility to review and approve balance sheet limits.
These limits are set at levels which are close to actual
operating levels, rather than at levels which reflect our
maximum risk appetite, in order to ensure prompt escalation
and discussion among our revenue-producing units, Treasury
and our independent risk oversight and control functions on
a routine basis. Requests for changes in limits are evaluated
after giving consideration to their impact on our key metrics.
Compliance with limits is monitored by our revenue-
producing units and Treasury, as well as our independent
risk oversight and control functions.
Monitoring of Key Metrics. We monitor key balance sheet
metrics both by business and on a consolidated basis,
including asset and liability size and composition, limit
utilization and risk measures. We attribute assets to
businesses and review and analyze movements resulting from
new business activity, as well as market fluctuations.
Scenario Analyses. We conduct various scenario analyses,
including as part of the Comprehensive Capital Analysis and
Review (CCAR) and U.S. Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform
and Consumer Protection Act Stress Tests (DFAST), as well
as our resolution and recovery planning. See “Capital
Management and Regulatory Capital Capital
Management” for further information about these scenario
analyses. These scenarios cover short- and long-term time
horizons using various macroeconomic and firm-specific
assumptions, based on a range of economic scenarios. We use
these analyses to assist us in developing our longer-term
balance sheet management strategy, including the level and
composition of assets, funding and capital. Additionally,
these analyses help us develop approaches for maintaining
appropriate funding, liquidity and capital across a variety of
situations, including a severely stressed environment.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Balance Sheet Analysis and Metrics
As of December 2022, total assets in our consolidated balance
sheets were $1.44 trillion, a decrease of $22.19 billion from
December 2021, reflecting decreases in trading assets of
$74.67 billion (primarily due to decreases in equity securities,
corporate debt instruments, reflecting the impact of our and
our clients' activities), customer and other receivables of
$25.23 billion (primarily reflecting client activity), cash and
cash equivalents of $19.21 billion (primarily reflecting our
activity), partially offset by increases in investments of $41.91
billion (primarily due to an increase in U.S. government
obligations accounted for as held-to-maturity), collateralized
agreements of $29.68 billion (primarily reflecting the impact
of our and our clients' activities), and loans of $20.72 billion
(reflecting increases in other collateralized and consumer
As of December 2022, total liabilities in our consolidated
balance sheets were $1.32 trillion, a decrease of $29.45 billion
from December 2021, reflecting decreases in collateralized
financings of $75.91 billion (primarily reflecting the impact of
our and our clients' activities), partially offset by increases in
deposits of $22.44 billion (primarily due to increases in
transaction banking and private bank and consumer deposits,
partially offset by other deposits), customer and other
payables of $10.11 billion (primarily reflecting client activity),
and trading liabilities of $9.90 billion (primarily due to an
increase in equity securities, partially offset by a decrease in
government obligations, both reflecting the impact of our and
our clients' activities).
Our total repurchase agreements, accounted for as
collateralized financings, were $110.35 billion as of December
2022 and $165.88 billion as of December 2021, which were
15% lower as of December 2022 and 3% higher as of
December 2021 than the average daily amount of repurchase
agreements over the respective quarters, and 27% lower as of
December 2022 and 14% higher as of December 2021 than
the average daily amount of repurchase agreements over the
respective years. As of December 2022, the decrease in our
repurchase agreements relative to the average daily amount
of repurchase agreements during the quarter and year
resulted from lower levels of our and our clients’ activities at
the end of the period.
The level of our repurchase agreements fluctuates between
and within periods, primarily due to providing clients with
access to highly liquid collateral, such as certain government
and agency obligations, through collateralized financing
The table below presents information about our balance
sheet and leverage ratios.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Total assets $ 1,441,799 $ 1,463,988
Unsecured long-term borrowings $ 247,138 $ 254,092
Total shareholders’ equity $ 117,189 $ 109,926
Leverage ratio 12.3x 13.3x
Debt-to-equity ratio 2.1x 2.3x
In the table above:
The leverage ratio equals total assets divided by total
shareholders’ equity and measures the proportion of equity
and debt we use to finance assets. This ratio is different
from the leverage ratios included in Note 20 to the
consolidated financial statements.
The debt-to-equity ratio equals unsecured long-term
borrowings divided by total shareholders’ equity.
The table below presents information about our
shareholders’ equity and book value per common share,
including the reconciliation of common shareholders’ equity
to tangible common shareholders’ equity.
As of December
$ in millions, except per share amounts 2022 2021
Total shareholders’ equity $ 117,189 $ 109,926
Preferred stock (10,703) (10,703)
Common shareholders’ equity 106,486 99,223
Goodwill (6,374) (4,285)
Identifiable intangible assets (2,009) (418)
Tangible common shareholders’ equity $ 98,103 $ 94,520
Book value per common share $ 303.55 $ 284.39
Tangible book value per common share $ 279.66 $ 270.91
In the table above:
Tangible common shareholders’ equity is calculated as
total shareholders’ equity less preferred stock, goodwill
and identifiable intangible assets. We believe that tangible
common shareholders’ equity is meaningful because it is a
measure that we and investors use to assess capital
adequacy. Tangible common shareholders’ equity is a non-
GAAP measure and may not be comparable to similar non-
GAAP measures used by other companies.
Book value per common share and tangible book value per
common share are based on common shares outstanding
and restricted stock units granted to employees with no
future service requirements and not subject to performance
or market conditions (collectively, basic shares) of 350.8
million as of December 2022 and 348.9 million as of
December 2021. We believe that tangible book value per
common share (tangible common shareholders’ equity
divided by basic shares) is meaningful because it is a
measure that we and investors use to assess capital
adequacy. Tangible book value per common share is a non-
GAAP measure and may not be comparable to similar non-
GAAP measures used by other companies.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 81
Funding Sources
Our primary sources of funding are deposits, collateralized
financings, unsecured short- and long-term borrowings, and
shareholders’ equity. We seek to maintain broad and
diversified funding sources globally across products,
programs, markets, currencies and creditors to avoid funding
The table below presents information about our funding
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Deposits $ 386,665 40% $ 364,227 36%
Collateralized financings 155,022 16% 230,932 23%
Unsecured short-term borrowings 60,961 6% 46,955 5%
Unsecured long-term borrowings 247,138 26% 254,092 25%
Total shareholders’ equity 117,189 12% 109,926 11%
Total $ 966,975 100% $ 1,006,132 100%
Our funding is primarily raised in U.S. dollar, Euro, British
pound and Japanese yen. We generally distribute our funding
products through our own sales force and third-party
distributors to a large, diverse creditor base in a variety of
markets in the Americas, Europe and Asia. We believe that
our relationships with our creditors are critical to our
liquidity. Our creditors include banks, governments,
securities lenders, corporations, pension funds, insurance
companies, mutual funds and individuals. We have imposed
various internal guidelines to monitor creditor concentration
across our funding programs.
Deposits. Our deposits provide us with a diversified source
of funding and reduce our reliance on wholesale funding. We
raise deposits, including savings, demand and time deposits,
from private bank clients, consumers, transaction banking
clients, other institutional clients, and through internal and
third-party broker-dealers. Substantially all of our deposits
are raised through GS Bank USA, GSIB and Goldman Sachs
Bank Europe SE (GSBE). See Note 13 to the consolidated
financial statements for further information about our
deposits, including a maturity profile of our time deposits.
Secured Funding. We fund a significant amount of
inventory and a portion of investments on a secured basis.
Secured funding includes collateralized financings in the
consolidated balance sheets. See Note 11 to the consolidated
financial statements for further information about our
collateralized financings, including its maturity profile. We
may also pledge our inventory and investments as collateral
for securities borrowed under a securities lending agreement.
We also use our own inventory and investments to cover
transactions in which we or our clients have sold securities
that have not yet been purchased. Secured funding is less
sensitive to changes in our credit quality than unsecured
funding, due to our posting of collateral to our lenders.
Nonetheless, we analyze the refinancing risk of our secured
funding activities, taking into account trade tenors, maturity
profiles, counterparty concentrations, collateral eligibility
and counterparty rollover probabilities. We seek to mitigate
our refinancing risk by executing term trades with staggered
maturities, diversifying counterparties, raising excess secured
funding and pre-funding residual risk through our GCLA.
We seek to raise secured funding with a term appropriate for
the liquidity of the assets that are being financed, and we seek
longer maturities for secured funding collateralized by asset
classes that may be harder to fund on a secured basis,
especially during times of market stress. Our secured funding,
excluding funding collateralized by liquid government and
agency obligations, is primarily executed for tenors of one
month or greater and is primarily executed through term
repurchase agreements and securities loaned contracts.
Assets that may be harder to fund on a secured basis during
times of market stress include certain financial instruments in
the following categories: mortgage- and other asset-backed
loans and securities, non-investment-grade corporate debt
securities, equity securities and emerging market securities.
We also raise financing through other types of collateralized
financings, such as secured loans and notes. GS Bank USA
has access to funding from the Federal Home Loan Bank. We
had no outstanding borrowings from the Federal Home Loan
Bank as of December 2022 and $100million as of December
2021. Additionally, we have access to funding through the
Federal Reserve discount window. However, we do not rely
on this funding in our liquidity planning and stress testing.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Unsecured Short-Term Borrowings. A significant portion
of our unsecured short-term borrowings was originally long-
term debt that is scheduled to mature within one year of the
reporting date. We use unsecured short-term borrowings,
including U.S. and non-U.S. hybrid financial instruments and
commercial paper, to finance liquid assets and for other cash
management purposes. In accordance with regulatory
requirements, Group Inc. does not issue debt with an original
maturity of less than one year, other than to its subsidiaries.
See Note 14 to the consolidated financial statements for
further information about our unsecured short-term
Unsecured Long-Term Borrowings. Unsecured long-term
borrowings, including structured notes, are raised through
syndicated U.S. registered offerings, U.S. registered and Rule
144A medium-term note programs, offshore medium-term
note offerings and other debt offerings. We issue in different
tenors, currencies and products to maximize the
diversification of our investor base.
The table below presents our quarterly unsecured long-term
borrowings maturity profile.
$ in millions
As of December 2022
2024 $ 18,136 $ 11,053 $ 9,964 $ 11,858 $ 51,011
2025 $ 12,131 $ 10,681 $ 6,443 $ 7,887 37,142
2026 $ 5,862 $ 3,835 $ 3,278 $ 9,227 22,202
2027 $ 8,580 $ 3,435 $ 6,568 $ 11,777 30,360
2028 - thereafter 106,423
Total $ 247,138
The weighted average maturity of our unsecured long-term
borrowings as of December 2022 was approximately six
years. To mitigate refinancing risk, we seek to limit the
principal amount of debt maturing over the course of any
monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual time horizon. We
enter into interest rate swaps to convert a portion of our
unsecured long-term borrowings into floating-rate
obligations to manage our exposure to interest rates. See
Note 14 to the consolidated financial statements for further
information about our unsecured long-term borrowings. We
issued approximately $28 billion of benchmark debt during
2022, and we intend to issue significantly less benchmark
debt in 2023 compared to our benchmark debt issuance in
2022, though actual issuances may differ due to business
needs and market opportunities.
Shareholders’ Equity. Shareholders’ equity is a stable and
perpetual source of funding. See Note 19 to the consolidated
financial statements for further information about our
shareholders’ equity.
Capital Management and Regulatory Capital
Capital adequacy is of critical importance to us. We have in
place a comprehensive capital management policy that
provides a framework, defines objectives and establishes
guidelines to assist us in maintaining the appropriate level
and composition of capital in both business-as-usual and
stressed conditions.
Capital Management
We determine the appropriate amount and composition of
our capital by considering multiple factors, including our
current and future regulatory capital requirements, the results
of our capital planning and stress testing process, the results
of resolution capital models and other factors, such as rating
agency guidelines, subsidiary capital requirements, the
business environment and conditions in the financial
We manage our capital requirements and the levels of our
capital usage principally by setting limits on the balance sheet
and/or limits on risk, in each case at both the firmwide and
business levels.
We principally manage the level and composition of our
capital through issuances and repurchases of our common
We may issue, redeem or repurchase our preferred stock and
subordinated debt or other forms of capital as business
conditions warrant. Prior to such redemptions or
repurchases, we must receive approval from the FRB. See
Notes 14 and 19 to the consolidated financial statements for
further information about our preferred stock and
subordinated debt.
Capital Planning and Stress Testing Process. As part of
capital planning, we project sources and uses of capital given
a range of business environments, including stressed
conditions. Our stress testing process is designed to identify
and measure material risks associated with our business
activities, including market risk, credit risk, operational risk
and liquidity risk, as well as our ability to generate revenues.
Our capital planning process incorporates an internal capital
adequacy assessment with the objective of ensuring that we
are appropriately capitalized relative to the risks in our
businesses. We incorporate stress scenarios into our capital
planning process with a goal of holding sufficient capital to
ensure we remain adequately capitalized after experiencing a
severe stress event. Our assessment of capital adequacy is
viewed in tandem with our assessment of liquidity adequacy
and is integrated into our overall risk management structure,
governance and policy framework.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 83
Our stress tests incorporate our internally designed stress
scenarios, including our internally developed severely adverse
scenario, and those required by the FRB, and are designed to
capture our specific vulnerabilities and risks. We provide
further information about our stress test processes and a
summary of the results on our website as described in
“Business Available Information” in Part I, Item 1 of this
Form 10-K.
As required by the FRB’s CCAR rules, we submit an annual
capital plan for review by the FRB. The purpose of the FRB’s
review is to ensure that we have a robust, forward-looking
capital planning process that accounts for our unique risks
and that permits continued operation during times of
economic and financial stress.
The FRB evaluates us based, in part, on whether we have the
capital necessary to continue operating under the baseline
and severely adverse scenarios provided by the FRB and those
developed internally. This evaluation also takes into account
our process for identifying risk, our controls and governance
for capital planning, and our guidelines for making capital
planning decisions. In addition, the FRB evaluates our plan to
make capital distributions (i.e., dividend payments and
repurchases or redemptions of stock, subordinated debt or
other capital securities) and issue capital, across the range of
macroeconomic scenarios and firm-specific assumptions. The
FRB determines the stress capital buffer (SCB) applicable to
us based on its own annual stress test. The SCB under the
Standardized approach is calculated as (i) the difference
between our starting and minimum projected CET1 capital
ratios under the supervisory severely adverse scenario and (ii)
our planned common stock dividends for each of the fourth
through seventh quarters of the planning horizon, expressed
as a percentage of risk-weighted assets (RWAs).
Based on our 2022 CCAR submission, the FRB reduced our
SCB from 6.4% to 6.3% for the period from October 1, 2022
through September 30, 2023. As a result, beginning on
October 1, 2022, our Standardized CET1 capital ratio
requirement was 13.3%. Additionally, effective January 1,
2023, our G-SIB surcharge increased from 2.5% to 3.0%,
resulting in a Standardized CET1 capital ratio requirement of
13.8%. See “Share Repurchase Program” for further
information about common stock repurchases and dividends
and “Consolidated Regulatory Capital” for further
information about the G-SIB surcharge. We published a
summary of our annual DFAST results in June 2022. See
“Business Available Information” in Part I, Item 1 of this
Form 10-K.
GS Bank USA is required to conduct stress tests on an annual
basis and publish a summary of certain results. GS Bank USA
published a summary of its annual DFAST results in June
2022. See “Business Available Information” in Part I, Item
1 of this Form 10-K.
GSI, GSIB and GSBE also have their own capital planning
and stress testing processes, which incorporate internally
designed stress tests developed in accordance with the
guidelines of their respective regulators.
Contingency Capital Plan. As part of our comprehensive
capital management policy, we maintain a contingency
capital plan. Our contingency capital plan provides a
framework for analyzing and responding to a perceived or
actual capital deficiency, including, but not limited to,
identification of drivers of a capital deficiency, as well as
mitigants and potential actions. It outlines the appropriate
communication procedures to follow during a crisis period,
including internal dissemination of information, as well as
timely communication with external stakeholders.
Capital Attribution. We assess the capital usage of each of
our businesses based on our attributed equity framework.
This framework considers many factors, including our
internal assessment of risks as well as the regulatory capital
requirements related to our business activities. These
regulatory capital requirements take into consideration our
most binding capital constraints. Our most binding capital
constraint is our CET1 capital ratio requirement under the
Standardized Capital Rules. This requirement includes the
SCB which is determined by the FRB based on its own annual
stress test.
Share Repurchase Program. We use our share repurchase
program to help maintain the appropriate level of common
equity. The repurchase program is effected primarily through
regular open-market purchases (which may include
repurchase plans designed to comply with Rule 10b5-1 and
accelerated share repurchases), the amounts and timing of
which are determined primarily by our current and projected
capital position and our capital plan submitted to the FRB as
part of CCAR. The amounts and timing of the repurchases
may also be influenced by general market conditions and the
prevailing price and trading volumes of our common stock.
In the third quarter of 2022, the Board of Directors of Group
Inc. (Board) approved an increase in our common stock
dividend from $2.00 to $2.50 per share. During 2022, we
returned a total of $6.70 billion to shareholders, including
common stock repurchases of $3.50 billion and common
stock dividends of $3.20 billion. During the fourth quarter of
2022, we returned a total of $2.38 billion to shareholders,
including common stock repurchases of $1.50 billion and
common stock dividends of $880 million. Consistent with our
capital management philosophy, we will continue prioritizing
deployment of capital for our clients where returns are
attractive and return any excess capital to shareholders
through dividends and share repurchases. During the first
quarter of 2023 through February 23, 2023, our common
stock repurchases were approximately $2.25 billion.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
See “Market for Registrant’s Common Equity, Related
Stockholder Matters and Issuer Purchases of Equity
Securities” in Part II, Item 5 of this Form 10-K and Note 19 to
the consolidated financial statements for further information
about our share repurchase program, and see above for
information about our capital planning and stress testing
In August 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022
introduced a one percent non-deductible excise tax (buyback
tax) on the fair market value of certain corporate share
repurchases after December 31, 2022. The fair market value
of share repurchases subject to the tax is reduced by the fair
market value of any stock issued during the calendar year,
including stock issued to employees. Based on our current
understanding, we do not expect the buyback tax to have a
material impact on our financial condition, results of
operations or cash flows in 2023.
Resolution Capital Models. In connection with our
resolution planning efforts, we have established a Resolution
Capital Adequacy and Positioning framework, which is
designed to ensure that our major subsidiaries (GS Bank
USA, Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC (GS&Co.), GSI, GSIB,
GSBE, Goldman Sachs Japan Co., Ltd. (GSJCL), Goldman
Sachs Asset Management, L.P. and Goldman Sachs Asset
Management International) have access to sufficient loss-
absorbing capacity (in the form of equity, subordinated debt
and unsecured senior debt) so that they are able to wind
down following a Group Inc. bankruptcy filing in accordance
with our preferred resolution strategy.
In addition, we have established a triggers and alerts
framework, which is designed to provide the Board with
information needed to make an informed decision on
whether and when to commence bankruptcy proceedings for
Group Inc.
Rating Agency Guidelines
The credit rating agencies assign credit ratings to the
obligations of Group Inc., which directly issues or guarantees
substantially all of our senior unsecured debt obligations.
GS&Co. and GSI have been assigned long- and short-term
issuer ratings by certain credit rating agencies. GS Bank USA,
GSIB and GSBE have also been assigned long- and short-term
issuer ratings, as well as ratings on their long- and short-term
bank deposits. In addition, credit rating agencies have
assigned ratings to debt obligations of certain other
subsidiaries of Group Inc.
The level and composition of our capital are among the many
factors considered in determining our credit ratings. Each
agency has its own definition of eligible capital and
methodology for evaluating capital adequacy, and
assessments are generally based on a combination of factors
rather than a single calculation. See “Risk Management
Liquidity Risk Management Credit Ratings” for further
information about credit ratings of Group Inc., GS Bank
Consolidated Regulatory Capital
We are subject to consolidated regulatory capital
requirements which are calculated in accordance with the
regulations of the FRB (Capital Framework). Under the
Capital Framework, we are an “Advanced approaches”
banking organization and have been designated as a G-SIB.
The capital requirements calculated under the Capital
Framework include the capital conservation buffer
requirements, which are comprised of a 2.5% buffer (under
the Advanced Capital Rules), the SCB (under the
Standardized Capital Rules), a countercyclical capital buffer
(under both Capital Rules) and the G-SIB surcharge (under
both Capital Rules). Our G-SIB surcharge was 2.5% for 2022
and is 3.0% for 2023 and 2024. The G-SIB surcharge and
countercyclical capital buffer in the future may differ due to
additional guidance from our regulators and/or positional
changes, and our SCB is likely to change from year to year
based on the results of the annual supervisory stress tests.
Our target is to maintain capital ratios equal to the
regulatory requirements plus a buffer of 50 to 100 basis
See Note 20 to the consolidated financial statements for
further information about our risk-based capital ratios and
leverage ratios, and the Capital Framework.
Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity (TLAC)
We are also subject to the FRB’s TLAC and related
requirements. Failure to comply with the TLAC and related
requirements would result in restrictions being imposed by
the FRB and could limit our ability to repurchase shares, pay
dividends and make certain discretionary compensation
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 85
The table below presents TLAC and external long-term debt
TLAC to RWAs 21.5%
TLAC to leverage exposure 9.5%
External long-term debt to RWAs 8.5%
External long-term debt to leverage exposure 4.5%
In the table above:
The TLAC to RWAs requirement included (i) the 18%
minimum, (ii) the 2.5% buffer, (iii) the countercyclical
capital buffer, which the FRB has set to zero percent and
(iv) the 1.0% G-SIB surcharge (Method 1). Beginning in
January 2023, our TLAC to RWAs requirement increased
to 22.0%.
The TLAC to leverage exposure requirement includes (i)
the 7.5% minimum and (ii) the 2.0% leverage exposure
The external long-term debt to RWAs requirement
includes (i) the 6% minimum and (ii) the 2.5% G-SIB
surcharge (Method 2). Beginning in January 2023, our
external long-term debt to RWAs requirement increased to
The external long-term debt to total leverage exposure is
the 4.5% minimum.
The table below presents information about our TLAC and
external long-term debt ratios.
For the Three Months
Ended or as of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
TLAC $ 297,100 $ 297,765
External long-term debt $ 172,845 $ 174,500
RWAs $ 679,450 $ 676,863
Leverage exposure $ 1,867,358 $ 1,910,521
TLAC to RWAs 43.7% 44.0%
TLAC to leverage exposure 15.9% 15.6%
External long-term debt to RWAs 25.4% 25.8%
External long-term debt to leverage exposure 9.3% 9.1%
In the table above:
TLAC includes common and preferred stock, and eligible
long-term debt issued by Group Inc. Eligible long-term
debt represents unsecured debt, which has a remaining
maturity of at least one year and satisfies additional
External long-term debt consists of eligible long-term debt
subject to a haircut if it is due to be paid between one and
two years.
RWAs represent Advanced RWAs as of December 2022
and Standardized RWAs as of December 2021. In
accordance with the TLAC rules, the higher of Advanced
or Standardized RWAs are used in the calculation of TLAC
and external long-term debt ratios and applicable
Leverage exposure consists of average adjusted total assets
and certain off-balance sheet exposures.
In the second half of 2022, based on regulatory feedback, we
revised certain interpretations of the Capital Rules underlying
the calculation of Standardized RWAs. As of December 2021,
this change would have reduced our TLAC to RWAs ratio of
44.0% by 0.8 percentage points and our External long-term
debt to RWAs ratio of 25.8% by 0.5 percentage points.
See “Business Regulation” in Part I, Item 1 of this Form
10-K for further information about TLAC.
Subsidiary Capital Requirements
Many of our subsidiaries, including our bank and broker-
dealer subsidiaries, are subject to separate regulation and
capital requirements of the jurisdictions in which they
Bank Subsidiaries. GS Bank USA is our primary U.S.
banking subsidiary and GSIB and GSBE are our primary non-
U.S. banking subsidiaries. These entities are subject to
regulatory capital requirements. See Note 20 to the
consolidated financial statements for further information
about the regulatory capital requirements of our bank
U.S. Regulated Broker-Dealer Subsidiaries. GS&Co.,
our primary U.S. regulated broker-dealer subsidiary, is also a
registered futures commission merchant and a registered
swap dealer with the CFTC, and a registered security-based
swap dealer with the SEC, and therefore is subject to
regulatory capital requirements imposed by the SEC, the
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc., the CFTC, the
Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the National Futures
Association. Rule 15c3-1 of the SEC and Rules 1.17 and Part
23 Subpart E of the CFTC specify uniform minimum net
capital requirements, as defined, for their registrants, and
also effectively require that a significant part of the
registrants’ assets be kept in relatively liquid form. GS&Co.
has elected to calculate its minimum capital requirements in
accordance with the “Alternative Net Capital Requirement”
as permitted by Rule 15c3-1 of the SEC.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
GS&Co. had regulatory net capital, as defined by Rule
15c3-1, of $22.21 billion as of December 2022 and
$22.18 billion as of December 2021, which exceeded the
amount required by $17.46billion as of December 2022 and
$17.74 billion as of December 2021. In addition to its
alternative minimum net capital requirements, GS&Co. is
also required to hold tentative net capital in excess of
$5billion and net capital in excess of $1billion in accordance
with Rule 15c3-1. GS&Co. is also required to notify the SEC
in the event that its tentative net capital is less than $6billion.
As of both December 2022 and December 2021, GS&Co. had
tentative net capital and net capital in excess of both the
minimum and the notification requirements.
Non-U.S. Regulated Broker-Dealer Subsidiaries. Our
principal non-U.S. regulated broker-dealer subsidiaries
include GSI and GSJCL.
GSI, our U.K. broker-dealer, is regulated by the Prudential
Regulation Authority (PRA) and the Financial Conduct
Authority (FCA). GSI is subject to the U.K. capital
framework, which is largely based on the Basel Committee
on Banking Supervision’s (Basel Committee) capital
framework for strengthening international capital standards
(Basel III).
The table below presents GSI’s risk-based capital
As of December
2022 2021
Risk-based capital requirements
CET1 capital ratio 8.7% 8.1%
Tier 1 capital ratio 10.7% 9.9%
Total capital ratio 13.3% 12.4%
In the table above, the risk-based capital requirements
incorporate capital guidance received from the PRA and
could change in the future.
The table below presents information about GSI’s risk-based
capital ratios.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Risk-based capital and risk-weighted assets
CET1 capital $ 31,780 $ 28,810
Tier 1 capital $ 40,080 $ 37,110
Tier 2 capital $ 5,377 $ 5,377
Total capital $ 45,457 $ 42,487
RWAs $ 247,653 $ 269,762
Risk-based capital ratios
CET1 capital ratio 12.8% 10.7%
Tier 1 capital ratio 16.2% 13.8%
Total capital ratio 18.4% 15.7%
In the table above, the risk-based capital ratios as of
December 2022 reflected profits after foreseeable charges that
are still subject to audit by GSI’s external auditors and
approval by GSI's Board of Directors for inclusion in risk-
based capital. These profits contributed approximately 9
basis points to the CET1 capital ratio as of December 2022.
GSI is also subject to the minimum leverage ratio
requirement of 3.25% established by the PRA, which became
effective in January 2023. GSI had a leverage ratio of 6.1% as
of December 2022. The leverage ratio as of December 2022
reflected profits after foreseeable charges that are still subject
to audit by GSI’s external auditors and approval by GSI's
Board of Directors for inclusion in risk-based capital. These
profits contributed approximately 7 basis points to the
leverage ratio as of December 2022.
GSI is a registered swap dealer with the CFTC and a
registered security-based swap dealer with the SEC. As of
both December 2022 and December 2021, GSI was subject to
and in compliance with applicable capital requirements for
swap dealers and security-based swap dealers.
GSI is also subject to a minimum requirement for own funds
and eligible liabilities issued to affiliates. This requirement is
subject to a transitional period which began to phase in from
January 2019 and became fully effective beginning in January
2022. As of both December 2022 and December 2021, GSI
was in compliance with this requirement.
GSJCL, our Japanese broker-dealer, is regulated by Japan’s
Financial Services Agency. GSJCL and certain other non-U.S.
subsidiaries are also subject to capital requirements
promulgated by authorities of the countries in which they
operate. As of both December 2022 and December 2021,
these subsidiaries were in compliance with their local capital
Regulatory and Other Matters
Regulatory Matters
Our businesses are subject to extensive regulation and
supervision worldwide. Regulations have been adopted or are
being considered by regulators and policy makers worldwide.
Given that many of the new and proposed rules are highly
complex, the full impact of regulatory reform will not be
known until the rules are implemented and market practices
develop under the final regulations.
See “Business Regulation” in Part I, Item 1 of this Form
10-K for further information about the laws, rules and
regulations and proposed laws, rules and regulations that
apply to us and our operations.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 87
Other Matters
Replacement of Interbank Offered Rates (IBORs),
including LIBOR. On January 1, 2022, the publication of all
EUR, CHF, JPY and GBP LIBOR (non-USD LIBOR) settings
along with certain USD LIBOR settings ceased. The
publication of the most commonly used USD LIBOR settings
as representative rates will cease after June 2023. The FCA
has allowed the publication and use of synthetic rates for
certain GBP LIBOR settings in legacy GBP LIBOR-based
derivative contracts through March 2024. The FCA has
proposed to allow the publication and use of synthetic rates
for certain USD LIBOR settings in legacy USD LIBOR-based
derivative contracts through September 2024. The U.S.
federal banking agencies’ guidance strongly encourages
banking organizations to cease using USD LIBOR.
The International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA)
2020 IBOR Fallbacks Protocol (IBOR Protocol) has provided
derivatives market participants with amended fallbacks for
legacy and new derivative contracts to mitigate legal or
economic uncertainty. Both counterparties have to adhere to
the IBOR Protocol or engage in bilateral amendments for the
terms to be effective for derivative contracts. ISDA has
confirmed that the FCA’s formal announcement to cease both
non-USD and USD LIBOR settings fixed the spread
adjustment for all LIBOR rates and as a result fallbacks
applied automatically for non-USD LIBOR settings following
December 31, 2021 and will apply automatically for USD
LIBOR settings following June 30, 2023. The Adjustable
Interest Rate (LIBOR) Act, that was enacted in March 2022,
provides a statutory framework to replace USD LIBOR with
a benchmark rate based on the Secured Overnight Financing
Rate (SOFR) for contracts governed by U.S. law that have no
fallbacks or fallbacks that would require the use of a poll or
LIBOR-based rate. In December 2022, the FRB adopted a
final rule that implements the LIBOR Act, which will become
effective on February 27, 2023. The final rule identifies
different SOFR-based replacement rates for derivative
contracts, for cash instruments such as floating-rate notes
and preferred stock, for consumer contracts, for certain
government-sponsored enterprise contracts and for certain
student loan securitizations that lack a fallback to an
alternative rate when USD LIBOR ceases to be published on
June 30, 2023.
We facilitated an orderly transition from non-USD LIBORs
to alternative risk-free reference rates and synthetic rates for
us and our clients, and continue to make progress on our
transition program as it relates to USD LIBOR.
Our risk exposure to USD LIBOR is primarily in connection
with our derivative contracts and, to a lesser extent, our
unsecured debt, preferred stock and loan portfolio. As of
December 2022, the notional amount of our USD LIBOR-
based derivative contracts was approximately $6 trillion, of
which approximately $5 trillion will mature after June 2023
based on their contractual terms. Substantially all of such
derivative contracts are with counterparties under bilateral
agreements subject to the IBOR Protocol, or with central
clearing counterparties or exchanges which have
incorporated fallbacks consistent with the IBOR Protocol in
their rulebooks and have announced that they plan to convert
USD LIBOR contracts to alternative risk-free reference rates.
Our unsecured benchmark debt and preferred stock with
USD LIBOR exposure was approximately $29.0billion as of
December 2022, of which $26.4 billion will contractually
mature after June 2023 or is perpetual and has no stated
maturity date. Under the FRB’s final rule and the LIBOR Act,
we will replace our USD LIBOR-based unsecured benchmark
debt and preferred stock with term SOFR plus the statutorily
prescribed tenor spread. This transition will take place
following USD LIBOR cessation on June 30, 2023. In
addition, our USD LIBOR-based loans were approximately
$33.1 billion as of December 2022, of which approximately
$30.5 billion will mature after June 2023 based on their
contractual terms. A vast majority of such loans contain
fallback provisions in the related loan agreements and we are
actively engaging with our clients and syndicate partners to
remediate the remaining loans agreements.
We have also issued debt and deposits linked to SOFR and
Sterling Overnight Index Average (SONIA) and executed
SOFR- and SONIA-based derivative contracts to make
markets and facilitate client activities. When appropriate, we
continue to execute transactions in the market to reduce our
USD LIBOR exposures arising from hedges to our fixed-rate
debt issuances and replace them with alternative risk-free
reference rate exposures.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements
In the ordinary course of business, we enter into various types
of off-balance sheet arrangements. Our involvement in these
arrangements can take many different forms, including:
Purchasing or retaining residual and other interests in
special purpose entities, such as mortgage-backed and
other asset-backed securitization vehicles;
Holding senior and subordinated debt, interests in limited
and general partnerships, and preferred and common stock
in other nonconsolidated vehicles;
Entering into interest rate, foreign currency, equity,
commodity and credit derivatives, including total return
swaps; and
Providing guarantees, indemnifications, commitments,
letters of credit and representations and warranties.
We enter into these arrangements for a variety of business
purposes, including securitizations. The securitization
vehicles that purchase mortgages, corporate bonds and other
types of financial assets are critical to the functioning of
several significant investor markets, including the mortgage-
backed and other asset-backed securities markets, since they
offer investors access to specific cash flows and risks created
through the securitization process.
We also enter into these arrangements to underwrite client
securitization transactions; provide secondary market
liquidity; make investments in performing and
nonperforming debt, distressed loans, power-related assets,
equity securities, real estate and other assets; and provide
investors with credit-linked and asset-repackaged notes.
The table below presents where information about our
various off-balance sheet arrangements may be found in this
Form 10-K. In addition, see Note 3 to the consolidated
financial statements for information about our consolidation
Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement Disclosure in Form 10-K
Variable interests and other
obligations, including contingent
obligations, arising from variable
interests in nonconsolidated
variable interest entities (VIEs)
See Note 17 to the consolidated
financial statements.
Guarantees, and lending and other
See Note 18 to the consolidated
financial statements.
See “Risk Management
Credit Risk Management
Credit Exposures OTC
Derivatives” and Notes 4, 5, 7
and 18 to the consolidated
financial statements.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 89
Risk Management
Risks are inherent in our businesses and include liquidity,
market, credit, operational, model, legal, compliance,
conduct, regulatory and reputational risks. For further
information about our risk management processes, see
“Overview and Structure of Risk Management,” and for
information about our areas of risk, see “Liquidity Risk
Management,” “Market Risk Management,” “Credit Risk
Management,” “Operational Risk Management,” “Model
Risk Management” and “Other Risk Management,” as well
as “Risk Factors” in Part I, Item 1A of this Form 10-K.
Overview and Structure of Risk Management
We believe that effective risk management is critical to our
success. Accordingly, we have established an enterprise risk
management framework that employs a comprehensive,
integrated approach to risk management, and is designed to
enable comprehensive risk management processes through
which we identify, assess, monitor and manage the risks we
assume in conducting our activities. Our risk management
structure is built around three core components: governance,
processes and people.
Governance. Risk management governance starts with the
Board, which both directly and through its committees,
including its Risk Committee, oversees our risk management
policies and practices implemented through the enterprise
risk management framework. The Board is also responsible
for the annual review and approval of our risk appetite
statement. The risk appetite statement describes the levels
and types of risk we are willing to accept or to avoid, in order
to achieve our objectives included in our strategic business
plan, while remaining in compliance with regulatory
requirements. The Board reviews our strategic business plan
and is ultimately responsible for overseeing and providing
direction about our strategy and risk appetite.
The Board receives regular briefings on firmwide risks,
including liquidity risk, market risk, credit risk, operational
risk, model risk and climate risk, from our independent risk
oversight and control functions, including the chief risk
officer, and on compliance risk and conduct risk from
Compliance, on legal and regulatory enforcement matters
from the chief legal officer, and on other matters impacting
our reputation from the chair and vice-chairs of our
Firmwide Reputational Risk Committee. The chief risk
officer reports to our chief executive officer and to the Risk
Committee of the Board. As part of the review of the
firmwide risk portfolio, the chief risk officer regularly advises
the Risk Committee of the Board of relevant risk metrics and
material exposures, including risk limits and thresholds
established in our risk appetite statement.
The implementation of our risk governance structure and
core risk management processes is overseen by Enterprise
Risk, which reports to our chief risk officer, and is
responsible for ensuring that our enterprise risk management
framework provides the Board, our risk committees and
senior management with a consistent and integrated
approach to managing our various risks in a manner
consistent with our risk appetite.
Our revenue-producing units, as well as Treasury,
Engineering, Human Capital Management, Operations, and
Corporate and Workplace Solutions, are considered our first
line of defense. They are accountable for the outcomes of our
risk-generating activities, as well as for assessing and
managing those risks within our risk appetite.
Our independent risk oversight and control functions are
considered our second line of defense and provide
independent assessment, oversight and challenge of the risks
taken by our first line of defense, as well as lead and
participate in risk committees. Independent risk oversight
and control functions include Compliance, Conflicts
Resolution, Controllers, Legal, Risk and Tax.
Internal Audit is considered our third line of defense, and our
director of Internal Audit reports to the Audit Committee of
the Board and administratively to our chief executive officer.
Internal Audit includes professionals with a broad range of
audit and industry experience, including risk management
expertise. Internal Audit is responsible for independently
assessing and validating the effectiveness of key controls,
including those within the risk management framework, and
providing timely reporting to the Audit Committee of the
Board, senior management and regulators.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
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The three lines of defense structure promotes the
accountability of first line risk takers, provides a framework
for effective challenge by the second line and empowers
independent review from the third line.
Processes. We maintain various processes that are critical
components of our risk management framework, including
(i) risk identification and control assessment, (ii) risk
appetite, limit and threshold setting, (iii) risk metrics,
reporting and monitoring, and (iv) risk decision-making.
Risk Identification and Control Assessment. We
believe the identification of our risks and related control
assessment is a critical step in providing our Board and
senior management transparency and insight into the range
and materiality of our risks. We have a comprehensive data
collection process, including firmwide policies and
procedures that require all employees to report and escalate
risk events. Our approach for risk identification and
control assessment is comprehensive across all risk types, is
dynamic and forward-looking to reflect and adapt to our
changing risk profile and business environment, leverages
subject matter expertise, and allows for prioritization of
our most critical risks. This approach also encompasses
our control assessment, led by our second line of defense,
to review and challenge the control environment to ensure
it supports our strategic business plan.
To effectively assess our risks, we maintain a daily
discipline of marking substantially all of our inventory to
current market levels. We carry our inventory at fair value,
with changes in valuation reflected immediately in our risk
management systems and in net revenues. We do so
because we believe this discipline is one of the most
effective tools for assessing and managing risk and that it
provides transparent and realistic insight into our inventory
An important part of our risk management process is
firmwide stress testing. It allows us to quantify our
exposure to tail risks, highlight potential loss
concentrations, undertake risk/reward analysis, and assess
and mitigate our risk positions. Firmwide stress tests are
performed on a regular basis and are designed to ensure a
comprehensive analysis of our vulnerabilities and
idiosyncratic risks combining financial and nonfinancial
risks, including, but not limited to, credit, market, liquidity
and funding, operational and compliance, strategic,
systemic and emerging risks into a single combined
scenario. We also perform ad hoc stress tests in
anticipation of market events or conditions. Stress tests are
also used to assess capital adequacy as part of our capital
planning and stress testing process. See “Capital
Management and Regulatory Capital Capital
Management” for further information.
Risk Appetite, Limit and Threshold Setting. We apply
a rigorous framework of limits and thresholds to control
and monitor risk across transactions, products, businesses
and markets. The Board, directly or indirectly through its
Risk Committee, approves limits and thresholds included
in our risk appetite statement at firmwide, business and
product levels. In addition, the Firmwide Risk Appetite
Committee, through delegated authority from the
Firmwide Enterprise Risk Committee, is responsible for
approving our risk limits and thresholds policy, subject to
the overall limits approved by the Risk Committee of the
Board, and monitoring these limits.
The Firmwide Risk Appetite Committee is responsible for
approving limits at firmwide, business and product levels.
Certain limits may be set at levels that will require periodic
adjustment, rather than at levels that reflect our maximum
risk appetite. This fosters an ongoing dialogue about risk
among our first and second lines of defense, committees
and senior management, as well as rapid escalation of risk-
related matters. Additionally, through delegated authority
from the Firmwide Risk Appetite Committee, Market Risk
sets limits at certain product and desk levels, and Credit
Risk sets limits for individual counterparties and their
subsidiaries, industries and countries. Limits are reviewed
regularly and amended on a permanent or temporary basis
to reflect changing market conditions, business conditions
or risk tolerance.
Risk Metrics, Reporting and Monitoring. Effective risk
reporting and risk decision-making depends on our ability
to get the right information to the right people at the right
time. As such, we focus on the rigor and effectiveness of
our risk systems, with the objective of ensuring that our
risk management technology systems provide us with
complete, accurate and timely information. Our risk
metrics, reporting and monitoring processes are designed to
take into account information about both existing and
emerging risks, thereby enabling our risk committees and
senior management to perform their responsibilities with
the appropriate level of insight into risk exposures.
Furthermore, our limit and threshold breach processes
provide means for timely escalation. We evaluate changes
in our risk profile and our businesses, including changes in
business mix or jurisdictions in which we operate, by
monitoring risk factors at a firmwide level.
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Risk Decision-Making. Our governance structure
provides the protocol and responsibility for decision-
making on risk management issues and ensures
implementation of those decisions. We make extensive use
of risk committees that meet regularly and serve as an
important means to facilitate and foster ongoing
discussions to manage and mitigate risks.
We maintain strong and proactive communication about
risk and we have a culture of collaboration in decision-
making among our first and second lines of defense,
committees and senior management. While our first line of
defense is responsible for management of their risk, we
dedicate extensive resources to our second line of defense in
order to ensure a strong oversight structure and an
appropriate segregation of duties. We regularly reinforce
our strong culture of escalation and accountability across
all functions.
People. Even the best technology serves only as a tool for
helping to make informed decisions in real time about the
risks we are taking. Ultimately, effective risk management
requires our people to interpret our risk data on an ongoing
and timely basis and adjust risk positions accordingly. The
experience of our professionals, and their understanding of
the nuances and limitations of each risk measure, guides us in
assessing exposures and maintaining them within prudent
We reinforce a culture of effective risk management,
consistent with our risk appetite, in our training and
development programs, as well as in the way we evaluate
performance, and recognize and reward our people. Our
training and development programs, including certain
sessions led by our most senior leaders, are focused on the
importance of risk management, client relationships and
reputational excellence. As part of our performance review
process, we assess reputational excellence, including how an
employee exercises good risk management and reputational
judgment, and adheres to our code of conduct and
compliance policies. Our review and reward processes are
designed to communicate and reinforce to our professionals
the link between behavior and how people are recognized,
the need to focus on our clients and our reputation, and the
need to always act in accordance with our highest standards.
Ultimate oversight of risk is the responsibility of our Board.
The Board oversees risk both directly and through its
committees, including its Risk Committee. We also have a
series of committees with specific risk management mandates
that have oversight or decision-making responsibilities for
risk management activities. Committee membership generally
consists of senior managers from both our first and second
lines of defense. We have established procedures for these
committees to ensure that appropriate information barriers
are in place. Our primary risk committees, most of which
also have additional sub-committees, councils or working
groups, are described below. In addition to these committees,
we have other risk committees that provide oversight for
different businesses, activities, products, regions and entities.
All of our committees have responsibility for considering the
impact on our reputation of the transactions and activities
that they oversee.
Membership of our risk committees is reviewed regularly and
updated to reflect changes in the responsibilities of the
committee members. Accordingly, the length of time that
members serve on the respective committees varies as
determined by the committee chairs and based on the
responsibilities of the members.
The chart below presents an overview of our risk
management governance structure.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
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Management Committee. The Management Committee
oversees our global activities. It provides this oversight
directly and through authority delegated to committees it has
established. This committee consists of our most senior
leaders, and is chaired by our chief executive officer. Most
members of the Management Committee are also members of
other committees. The following are the committees that are
principally involved in firmwide risk management.
Firmwide Enterprise Risk Committee. The Firmwide
Enterprise Risk Committee is responsible for overseeing all of
our financial and nonfinancial risks. As part of such
oversight, the committee is responsible for the ongoing
review, approval and monitoring of our enterprise risk
management framework, as well as our risk limits and
thresholds policy, through delegated authority to the
Firmwide Risk Appetite Committee. This committee also
reviews new significant strategic business initiatives to
determine whether they are consistent with our risk appetite
and risk management capabilities. Additionally, the
Firmwide Enterprise Risk Committee performs enhanced
reviews of significant risk events, the top residual and
emerging risks, and the overall risk and control environment
in each of our business units in order to propose uplifts,
identify elements that are common to all business units and
analyze the consolidated residual risks that we face. This
committee, which reports to the Management Committee, is
co-chaired by our president and chief operating officer and
our chief risk officer, who are appointed as chairs by our
chief executive officer, and the vice-chair is our chief financial
officer, who is appointed as vice-chair by the chairs of the
Firmwide Enterprise Risk Committee. The following are the
primary committees or councils that report to the Firmwide
Enterprise Risk Committee (unless otherwise noted):
Firmwide Risk Council. The Firmwide Risk Council is
responsible for the ongoing monitoring of relevant
financial risks and related risk limits at the firmwide,
business and product levels. This council is co-chaired by
our chief financial officer and our chief risk officer.
Firmwide New Activity Committee. The Firmwide
New Activity Committee is responsible for reviewing new
activities and for establishing a process to identify and
review previously approved activities that are significant
and that have changed in complexity and/or structure or
present different reputational and suitability concerns over
time to consider whether these activities remain
appropriate. This committee is co-chaired by our controller
and chief accounting officer and our chief operating and
strategy officer for Engineering, who are appointed as
chairs by the chairs of the Firmwide Enterprise Risk
Firmwide Operational Risk and Resilience
Committee. The Firmwide Operational Risk and
Resilience Committee is responsible for overseeing
operational risk, and for ensuring our business and
operational resilience. To assist the Firmwide Operational
Risk and Resilience Committee in carrying out its mandate,
other risk committees with dedicated oversight for
technology-related risks, including cybersecurity matters,
report into the Firmwide Operational Risk and Resilience
Committee. This committee is co-chaired by our chief
administrative officer for EMEA and our head of
Operational Risk, who are appointed as chairs by the
chairs of the Firmwide Enterprise Risk Committee.
Firmwide Conduct Committee. The Firmwide Conduct
Committee is responsible for the ongoing approval and
monitoring of the frameworks and policies which govern
our conduct risks. Conduct risk is the risk that our people
fail to act in a manner consistent with our Business
Principles and related core values, policies or codes, or
applicable laws or regulations, thereby falling short in
fulfilling their responsibilities to us, our clients, colleagues,
other market participants or the broader community. This
committee is chaired by our chief legal officer, who is
appointed as chair by the chairs of the Firmwide Enterprise
Risk Committee.
Firmwide Risk Appetite Committee. The Firmwide
Risk Appetite Committee (through delegated authority
from the Firmwide Enterprise Risk Committee) is
responsible for the ongoing approval and monitoring of
risk frameworks, policies and parameters related to our
core risk management processes, as well as limits and
thresholds, at firmwide, business and product levels. In
addition, this committee is responsible for overseeing our
financial risks and reviews the results of stress tests and
scenario analyses. To assist the Firmwide Risk Appetite
Committee in carrying out its mandate, a number of other
risk committees with dedicated oversight for stress testing,
model risks, Volcker Rule compliance, as well as our
investments or other capital commitments that may give
rise to financial risk, report into the Firmwide Risk
Appetite Committee. This committee is chaired by our
chief risk officer, who is appointed as chair by the chairs of
the Firmwide Enterprise Risk Committee. The Firmwide
Capital Committee and Firmwide Commitments
Committee report to the Firmwide Risk Appetite
Firmwide Capital Committee. The Firmwide Capital
Committee provides approval and oversight of debt-related
transactions, including principal commitments of our
capital. This committee aims to ensure that business,
reputational and suitability standards for underwritings
and capital commitments are maintained on a global basis.
This committee is co-chaired by our head of Credit Risk
and a co-head of our Global Financing Group, who are
appointed as chairs by the chair of the Firmwide Risk
Appetite Committee.
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Firmwide Commitments Committee. The Firmwide
Commitments Committee reviews our underwriting and
distribution activities with respect to equity and equity-
related product offerings, and sets and maintains policies
and procedures designed to ensure that legal, reputational,
regulatory and business standards are maintained on a
global basis. In addition to reviewing specific transactions,
this committee periodically conducts general strategic
reviews of sectors and products and establishes policies in
connection with transaction practices. This committee is
co-chaired by our chief equity underwriting officer for the
Americas, a co-chairman of our Global Financial
Institutions Group and a co-head of our Global Investment
Grade Capital Markets and Risk Management Group in
Global Banking & Markets, who are appointed as chairs
by the chair of the Firmwide Risk Appetite Committee.
Firmwide Reputational Risk Committee. The
Firmwide Reputational Risk Committee is responsible for
assessing reputational risks arising from transactions that
have been identified as having potential heightened
reputational risk pursuant to the criteria established by the
Firmwide Reputational Risk Committee and as determined
by committee leadership. This committee is also
responsible for overseeing client-related business standards
and addressing client-related reputational risk. This
committee is chaired by our president and chief operating
officer, who is appointed as chair by our chief executive
officer, and the vice-chairs are our chief legal officer and
the head of Conflicts Resolution, who are appointed as
vice-chairs by the chair of the Firmwide Reputational Risk
Committee. This committee periodically provides updates
to, and receives guidance from, the Public Responsibilities
Committee of the Board. The Firmwide Suitability
Committee reports to the Firmwide Reputational Risk
Firmwide Suitability Committee. The Firmwide
Suitability Committee is responsible for setting standards
and policies for product, transaction and client suitability
and providing a forum for consistency across functions,
regions and products on suitability assessments. This
committee also reviews suitability matters escalated from
other committees. This committee is co-chaired by our
chief compliance officer, and the head of Net Zero
Transition Solutions in Global Banking & Markets, who
are appointed as chairs by the chair of the Firmwide
Reputational Risk Committee.
Firmwide Asset Liability Committee. The Firmwide
Asset Liability Committee reviews and approves the strategic
direction for our financial resources, including capital,
liquidity, funding and balance sheet. This committee has
oversight responsibility for asset liability management,
including interest rate and currency risk, funds transfer
pricing, capital allocation and incentives, and credit ratings.
This committee makes recommendations as to any
adjustments to asset liability management and financial
resource allocation in light of current events, risks,
exposures, and regulatory requirements and approves related
policies. This committee is co-chaired by our chief financial
officer and our global treasurer, who are appointed as chairs
by our chief executive officer, and reports to the
Management Committee.
Liquidity Risk Management
Liquidity risk is the risk that we will be unable to fund
ourselves or meet our liquidity needs in the event of firm-
specific, broader industry or market liquidity stress events.
We have in place a comprehensive and conservative set of
liquidity and funding policies. Our principal objective is to be
able to fund ourselves and to enable our core businesses to
continue to serve clients and generate revenues, even under
adverse circumstances.
Treasury, which reports to our chief financial officer, has
primary responsibility for developing, managing and
executing our liquidity and funding strategy within our risk
Liquidity Risk, which is independent of our revenue-
producing units and Treasury, and reports to our chief risk
officer, has primary responsibility for identifying, monitoring
and managing our liquidity risk through firmwide oversight
across our global businesses and the establishment of stress
testing and limits frameworks.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
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Liquidity Risk Management Principles
We manage liquidity risk according to three principles: (i)
hold sufficient excess liquidity in the form of GCLA to cover
outflows during a stressed period, (ii) maintain appropriate
Asset-Liability Management and (iii) maintain a viable
Contingency Funding Plan.
GCLA. GCLA is liquidity that we maintain to meet a broad
range of potential cash outflows and collateral needs in a
stressed environment. A primary liquidity principle is to pre-
fund our estimated potential cash and collateral needs during
a liquidity crisis and hold this liquidity in the form of
unencumbered, highly liquid securities and cash. We believe
that the securities held in our GCLA would be readily
convertible to cash in a matter of days, through liquidation,
by entering into repurchase agreements or from maturities of
resale agreements, and that this cash would allow us to meet
immediate obligations without needing to sell other assets or
depend on additional funding from credit-sensitive markets.
Our GCLA reflects the following principles:
The first days or weeks of a liquidity crisis are the most
critical to a company’s survival;
Focus must be maintained on all potential cash and
collateral outflows, not just disruptions to financing flows.
Our businesses are diverse, and our liquidity needs are
determined by many factors, including market movements,
collateral requirements and client commitments, all of
which can change dramatically in a difficult funding
During a liquidity crisis, credit-sensitive funding, including
unsecured debt, certain deposits and some types of secured
financing agreements, may be unavailable, and the terms
(e.g., interest rates, collateral provisions and tenor) or
availability of other types of secured financing may change
and certain deposits may be withdrawn; and
As a result of our policy to pre-fund liquidity that we
estimate may be needed in a crisis, we hold more
unencumbered securities and have larger funding balances
than our businesses would otherwise require. We believe
that our liquidity is stronger with greater balances of highly
liquid unencumbered securities, even though it increases
our total assets and our funding costs.
We maintain our GCLA across Group Inc., Goldman Sachs
Funding LLC (Funding IHC) and Group Inc.’s major broker-
dealer and bank subsidiaries, asset types and clearing agents
to provide us with sufficient operating liquidity to ensure
timely settlement in all major markets, even in a difficult
funding environment. In addition to the GCLA, we maintain
cash balances and securities in several of our other entities,
primarily for use in specific currencies, entities or
jurisdictions where we do not have immediate access to
parent company liquidity.
Asset-Liability Management. Our liquidity risk
management policies are designed to ensure we have a
sufficient amount of financing, even when funding markets
experience persistent stress. We manage the maturities and
diversity of our funding across markets, products and
counterparties, and seek to maintain a diversified funding
profile with an appropriate tenor, taking into consideration
the characteristics and liquidity profile of our assets.
Our approach to asset-liability management includes:
Conservatively managing the overall characteristics of our
funding book, with a focus on maintaining long-term,
diversified sources of funding in excess of our current
requirements. See “Balance Sheet and Funding Sources
Funding Sources” for further information;
Actively managing and monitoring our asset base, with
particular focus on the liquidity, holding period and ability
to fund assets on a secured basis. We assess our funding
requirements and our ability to liquidate assets in a stressed
environment while appropriately managing risk. This
enables us to determine the most appropriate funding
products and tenors. See “Balance Sheet and Funding
Sources Balance Sheet Management” for further
information about our balance sheet management process
and “— Funding Sources Secured Funding” for further
information about asset classes that may be harder to fund
on a secured basis; and
Raising secured and unsecured financing that has a long
tenor relative to the liquidity profile of our assets. This
reduces the risk that our liabilities will come due in
advance of our ability to generate liquidity from the sale of
our assets. Because we maintain a highly liquid balance
sheet, the holding period of certain of our assets may be
materially shorter than their contractual maturity dates.
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Our goal is to ensure that we maintain sufficient liquidity to
fund our assets and meet our contractual and contingent
obligations in normal times, as well as during periods of
market stress. Through our dynamic balance sheet
management process, we use actual and projected asset
balances to determine secured and unsecured funding
requirements. Funding plans are reviewed and approved by
the Firmwide Asset Liability Committee. In addition, our
independent risk oversight and control functions analyze, and
the Firmwide Asset Liability Committee reviews, our
consolidated total capital position (unsecured long-term
borrowings plus total shareholders’ equity) so that we
maintain a level of long-term funding that is sufficient to
meet our long-term financing requirements. In a liquidity
crisis, we would first use our GCLA in order to avoid reliance
on asset sales (other than our GCLA). However, we recognize
that orderly asset sales may be prudent or necessary in a
severe or persistent liquidity crisis.
Subsidiary Funding Policies
The majority of our unsecured funding is raised by Group
Inc., which provides the necessary funds to Funding IHC and
other subsidiaries, some of which are regulated, to meet their
asset financing, liquidity and capital requirements. In
addition, Group Inc. provides its regulated subsidiaries with
the necessary capital to meet their regulatory requirements.
The benefits of this approach to subsidiary funding are
enhanced control and greater flexibility to meet the funding
requirements of our subsidiaries. Funding is also raised at the
subsidiary level through a variety of products, including
deposits, secured funding and unsecured borrowings.
Our intercompany funding policies assume that a subsidiary’s
funds or securities are not freely available to its parent,
Funding IHC or other subsidiaries unless (i) legally provided
for and (ii) there are no additional regulatory, tax or other
restrictions. In particular, many of our subsidiaries are
subject to laws that authorize regulatory bodies to block or
reduce the flow of funds from those subsidiaries to Group
Inc. or Funding IHC. Regulatory action of that kind could
impede access to funds that Group Inc. needs to make
payments on its obligations. Accordingly, we assume that the
capital provided to our regulated subsidiaries is not available
to Group Inc. or other subsidiaries and any other financing
provided to our regulated subsidiaries is not available to
Group Inc. or Funding IHC until the maturity of such
Group Inc. has provided substantial amounts of equity and
subordinated indebtedness, directly or indirectly, to its
regulated subsidiaries. For example, as of December 2022,
Group Inc. had $39.33 billion of equity and subordinated
indebtedness invested in GS&Co., its principal U.S.
registered broker-dealer; $47.74 billion invested in GSI, a
regulated U.K. broker-dealer; $2.62 billion invested in
GSJCL, a regulated Japanese broker-dealer; $52.55 billion
invested in GS Bank USA, a regulated New York State-
chartered bank; and $4.25 billion invested in GSIB, a
regulated U.K. bank. Group Inc. also provides financing,
directly or indirectly, in the form of: $108.14 billion of
unsubordinated loans (including secured loans of
$52.93 billion) and $30.16 billion of collateral and cash
deposits to these entities as of December 2022. In addition, as
of December 2022, Group Inc. had significant amounts of
capital invested in and loans to its other regulated
Contingency Funding Plan. We maintain a contingency
funding plan to provide a framework for analyzing and
responding to a liquidity crisis situation or periods of market
stress. Our contingency funding plan outlines a list of
potential risk factors, key reports and metrics that are
reviewed on an ongoing basis to assist in assessing the
severity of, and managing through, a liquidity crisis and/or
market dislocation. The contingency funding plan also
describes in detail our potential responses if our assessments
indicate that we have entered a liquidity crisis, which include
pre-funding for what we estimate will be our potential cash
and collateral needs, as well as utilizing secondary sources of
liquidity. Mitigants and action items to address specific risks
which may arise are also described and assigned to
individuals responsible for execution.
The contingency funding plan identifies key groups of
individuals and their responsibilities, which include fostering
effective coordination, control and distribution of
information, implementing liquidity maintenance activities
and managing internal and external communication, all of
which are critical in the management of a crisis or period of
market stress.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
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Stress Tests
In order to determine the appropriate size of our GCLA, we
model liquidity outflows over a range of scenarios and time
horizons. One of our primary internal liquidity risk models,
referred to as the Modeled Liquidity Outflow, quantifies our
liquidity risks over a 30-day stress scenario. We also consider
other factors, including, but not limited to, an assessment of
our potential intraday liquidity needs through an additional
internal liquidity risk model, referred to as the Intraday
Liquidity Model, the results of our long-term stress testing
models, our resolution liquidity models and other applicable
regulatory requirements and a qualitative assessment of our
condition, as well as the financial markets. The results of the
Modeled Liquidity Outflow, the Intraday Liquidity Model,
the long-term stress testing models and the resolution
liquidity models are reported to senior management on a
regular basis. We also perform firmwide stress tests. See
“Overview and Structure of Risk Management” for
information about firmwide stress tests.
Modeled Liquidity Outflow. Our Modeled Liquidity
Outflow is based on conducting multiple scenarios that
include combinations of market-wide and firm-specific stress.
These scenarios are characterized by the following qualitative
Severely challenged market environments, which include
low consumer and corporate confidence, financial and
political instability, and adverse changes in market values,
including potential declines in equity markets and widening
of credit spreads; and
A firm-specific crisis potentially triggered by material
losses, reputational damage, litigation and/or a ratings
The following are key modeling elements of our Modeled
Liquidity Outflow:
Liquidity needs over a 30-day scenario;
A two-notch downgrade of our long-term senior unsecured
credit ratings;
Changing conditions in funding markets, which limit our
access to unsecured and secured funding;
No support from additional government funding facilities.
Although we have access to various central bank funding
programs, we do not assume reliance on additional sources
of funding in a liquidity crisis; and
A combination of contractual outflows and contingent
outflows arising from both our on- and off-balance sheet
arrangements. Contractual outflows include, among other
things, upcoming maturities of unsecured debt, term
deposits and secured funding. Contingent outflows include,
among other things, the withdrawal of customer credit
balances in our prime brokerage business, increase in
variation margin requirements due to adverse changes in
the value of our exchange-traded and OTC-cleared
derivatives, draws on unfunded commitments and
withdrawals of deposits that have no contractual maturity.
See notes to the consolidated financial statements for
further information about contractual outflows, including
Note 11 for collateralized financings, Note 13 for deposits,
Note 14 for unsecured long-term borrowings and Note 15
for operating lease payments, and “Off-Balance Sheet
Arrangements” for further information about our various
types of off-balance sheet arrangements.
Intraday Liquidity Model. Our Intraday Liquidity Model
measures our intraday liquidity needs using a scenario
analysis characterized by the same qualitative elements as our
Modeled Liquidity Outflow. The model assesses the risk of
increased intraday liquidity requirements during a scenario
where access to sources of intraday liquidity may become
Long-Term Stress Testing. We utilize longer-term stress
tests to take a forward view on our liquidity position through
prolonged stress periods in which we experience a severe
liquidity stress and recover in an environment that continues
to be challenging. We are focused on ensuring conservative
asset-liability management to prepare for a prolonged period
of potential stress, seeking to maintain a diversified funding
profile with an appropriate tenor, taking into consideration
the characteristics and liquidity profile of our assets.
Resolution Liquidity Models. In connection with our
resolution planning efforts, we have established our
Resolution Liquidity Adequacy and Positioning framework,
which estimates liquidity needs of our major subsidiaries in a
stressed environment. The liquidity needs are measured using
our Modeled Liquidity Outflow assumptions and include
certain additional inter-affiliate exposures. We have also
established our Resolution Liquidity Execution Need
framework, which measures the liquidity needs of our major
subsidiaries to stabilize and wind down following a Group
Inc. bankruptcy filing in accordance with our preferred
resolution strategy.
In addition, we have established a triggers and alerts
framework, which is designed to provide the Board with
information needed to make an informed decision on
whether and when to commence bankruptcy proceedings for
Group Inc.
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We use liquidity risk limits at various levels and across
liquidity risk types to manage the size of our liquidity
exposures. Limits are measured relative to acceptable levels
of risk given our liquidity risk tolerance. See “Overview and
Structure of Risk Management” for information about the
limit approval process.
Limits are monitored by Treasury and Liquidity Risk.
Liquidity Risk is responsible for identifying and escalating to
senior management and/or the appropriate risk committee,
on a timely basis, instances where limits have been exceeded.
GCLA and Unencumbered Metrics
GCLA. Based on the results of our internal liquidity risk
models, described above, as well as our consideration of
other factors, including, but not limited to, a qualitative
assessment of our condition, as well as the financial markets,
we believe our liquidity position as of both December 2022
and December 2021 was appropriate. We strictly limit our
GCLA to a narrowly defined list of securities and cash
because they are highly liquid, even in a difficult funding
environment. We do not include other potential sources of
excess liquidity in our GCLA, such as less liquid
unencumbered securities or committed credit facilities.
The table below presents information about our GCLA.
Average for the
Three Months Year Ended
Ended December December
$ in millions
2022 2021 2022 2021
U.S. dollar $ 312,414 $ 230,720 $ 281,427 $ 217,797
Non-U.S. dollar 96,404 122,401 116,655 116,723
Total $ 408,818 $ 353,121 $ 398,082 $ 334,520
Asset Class
Overnight cash deposits $ 217,141 $ 188,223 $ 228,203 $ 173,000
U.S. government obligations 149,519 107,898 126,349 108,260
U.S. agency obligations 12,789 13,154 11,007 10,183
Non-U.S. government obligations
29,369 43,846 32,523 43,077
Total $ 408,818 $ 353,121 $ 398,082 $ 334,520
Entity Type
Group Inc. and Funding IHC $ 69,386 $ 54,489 $ 64,579 $ 53,205
Major broker-dealer subsidiaries 109,502 107,279 113,887 104,326
Major bank subsidiaries 229,930 191,353 219,616 176,989
Total $ 408,818 $ 353,121 $ 398,082 $ 334,520
In the table above:
The U.S. dollar-denominated GCLA consists of (i)
unencumbered U.S. government and agency obligations
(including highly liquid U.S. agency mortgage-backed
obligations), all of which are eligible as collateral in Federal
Reserve open market operations and (ii) certain overnight
U.S. dollar cash deposits.
The non-U.S. dollar-denominated GCLA consists of non-
U.S. government obligations (only unencumbered German,
French, Japanese and U.K. government obligations) and
certain overnight cash deposits in highly liquid currencies.
We maintain our GCLA to enable us to meet current and
potential liquidity requirements of our parent company,
Group Inc., and its subsidiaries. Our Modeled Liquidity
Outflow and Intraday Liquidity Model incorporate a
requirement for Group Inc., as well as a standalone
requirement for each of our major broker-dealer and bank
subsidiaries. Funding IHC is required to provide the
necessary liquidity to Group Inc. during the ordinary course
of business, and is also obligated to provide capital and
liquidity support to major subsidiaries in the event of our
material financial distress or failure. Liquidity held directly in
each of our major broker-dealer and bank subsidiaries is
intended for use only by that subsidiary to meet its liquidity
requirements and is assumed not to be available to Group
Inc. or Funding IHC unless (i) legally provided for and (ii)
there are no additional regulatory, tax or other restrictions.
In addition, the Modeled Liquidity Outflow and Intraday
Liquidity Model also incorporate a broader assessment of
standalone liquidity requirements for other subsidiaries and
we hold a portion of our GCLA directly at Group Inc. or
Funding IHC to support such requirements.
Other Unencumbered Assets. In addition to our GCLA,
we have a significant amount of other unencumbered cash
and financial instruments, including other government
obligations, high-grade money market securities, corporate
obligations, marginable equities, loans and cash deposits not
included in our GCLA. The fair value of our unencumbered
assets averaged $273.49 billion for the three months ended
December 2022, $271.65 billion for the three months ended
December 2021, $275.69 billion for the year ended December
2022 and $249.32 billion for the year ended December 2021.
We do not consider these assets liquid enough to be eligible
for our GCLA.
Liquidity Regulatory Framework
As a BHC, we are subject to a minimum Liquidity Coverage
Ratio (LCR) under the LCR rule approved by the U.S. federal
bank regulatory agencies. The LCR rule requires
organizations to maintain an adequate ratio of eligible high-
quality liquid assets (HQLA) to expected net cash outflows
under an acute, short-term liquidity stress scenario. Eligible
HQLA excludes HQLA held by subsidiaries that is in excess
of their minimum requirement and is subject to transfer
restrictions. We are required to maintain a minimum LCR of
100%. We expect that fluctuations in client activity, business
mix and the market environment will impact our LCR.
The table below presents information about our average
daily LCR.
Average for the
Three Months Ended
December September December
$ in millions 2022 2022 2021
Total HQLA $ 401,836 $ 407,969 $ 342,047
Eligible HQLA $ 291,118 $ 279,121 $ 248,570
Net cash outflows $ 226,532 $ 224,408 $ 203,623
LCR 129% 124% 122%
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
As a BHC, we are subject to a net stable funding ratio
(NSFR) requirement established by the U.S. federal bank
regulatory agencies, which requires large U.S. banking
organizations to ensure they have access to stable funding
over a one-year time horizon. The rule also requires
disclosure of our quarterly average daily NSFR on a semi-
annual basis and a description of the banking organization’s
stable funding sources. We will begin doing so in August
2023. Our NSFR as of December 2022 exceeded the minimum
The following provides information about our subsidiary
liquidity regulatory requirements:
GS Bank USA. GS Bank USA is subject to a minimum
LCR of 100% under the LCR rule approved by the U.S.
federal bank regulatory agencies. As of December 2022, GS
Bank USA’s LCR exceeded the minimum requirement. The
NSFR requirement described above also applies to GS
Bank USA. As of December 2022, GS Bank USA’s NSFR
exceeded the minimum requirement.
GSI and GSIB. GSI and GSIB are subject to a minimum
LCR of 100% under the LCR rule approved by the U.K.
regulatory authorities. GSI’s and GSIB’s average monthly
LCR for the trailing twelve-month period ended December
2022 exceeded the minimum requirement. GSI and GSIB
are subject to the applicable NSFR requirement in the U.K.
As of December 2022, both GSI’s and GSIB’s NSFR
exceeded the minimum requirement.
GSBE. GSBE is subject to a minimum LCR of 100% under
the LCR rule approved by the European Parliament and
Council. GSBE’s average monthly LCR for the trailing
twelve-month period ended December 2022 exceeded the
minimum requirement. GSBE is subject to the applicable
NSFR requirement in the E.U. As of December 2022,
GSBE’s NSFR exceeded the minimum requirement.
Other Subsidiaries. We monitor local regulatory
liquidity requirements of our subsidiaries to ensure
compliance. For many of our subsidiaries, these
requirements either have changed or are likely to change in
the future due to the implementation of the Basel
Committee’s framework for liquidity risk measurement,
standards and monitoring, as well as other regulatory
The implementation of these rules and any amendments
adopted by the regulatory authorities could impact our
liquidity and funding requirements and practices in the
Credit Ratings
We rely on the short- and long-term debt capital markets to
fund a significant portion of our day-to-day operations and
the cost and availability of debt financing is influenced by our
credit ratings. Credit ratings are also important when we are
competing in certain markets, such as OTC derivatives, and
when we seek to engage in longer-term transactions. See
“Risk Factors” in Part I, Item 1A of this Form 10-K for
information about the risks associated with a reduction in
our credit ratings.
The table below presents the unsecured credit ratings and
outlook of Group Inc.
As of December 2022
DBRS Fitch Moody’s R&I S&P
Short-term debt R-1 (middle) F1 P-1 a-1 A-2
Long-term debt A (high) A A2 A BBB+
Subordinated debt A BBB+ Baa2 A- BBB
Trust preferred A BBB- Baa3 N/A BB+
Preferred stock BBB (high) BBB- Ba1 N/A BB+
Ratings outlook Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable
In the table above:
The ratings and outlook are by DBRS, Inc. (DBRS), Fitch,
Inc. (Fitch), Moody’s Investors Service (Moody’s), Rating
and Investment Information, Inc. (R&I), and Standard &
Poor’s Ratings Services (S&P).
The ratings for trust preferred relate to the guaranteed
preferred beneficial interests issued by Goldman Sachs
Capital I.
The DBRS, Fitch, Moody’s and S&P ratings for preferred
stock include the APEX issued by Goldman Sachs Capital
II and Goldman Sachs Capital III.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 99
The table below presents the unsecured credit ratings and
outlook of GS Bank USA, GSIB, GSBE, GS&Co. and GSI.
As of December 2022
Fitch Moody’s S&P
Short-term debt F1 P-1 A-1
Long-term debt A+ A1 A+
Short-term bank deposits F1+ P-1 N/A
Long-term bank deposits AA- A1 N/A
Ratings outlook Stable Stable Stable
Short-term debt F1 P-1 A-1
Long-term debt A+ A1 A+
Short-term bank deposits F1 P-1 N/A
Long-term bank deposits A+ A1 N/A
Ratings outlook Stable Stable Stable
Short-term debt F1 P-1 A-1
Long-term debt A+ A1 A+
Short-term bank deposits N/A P-1 N/A
Long-term bank deposits N/A A1 N/A
Ratings outlook Stable Stable Stable
Short-term debt F1 N/A A-1
Long-term debt A+ N/A A+
Ratings outlook Stable N/A Stable
Short-term debt F1 P-1 A-1
Long-term debt A+ A1 A+
Ratings outlook Stable Stable Stable
We believe our credit ratings are primarily based on the
credit rating agencies’ assessment of:
Our liquidity, market, credit and operational risk
management practices;
Our level and variability of earnings;
Our capital base;
Our franchise, reputation and management;
Our corporate governance; and
The external operating and economic environment,
including, in some cases, the assumed level of government
support or other systemic considerations, such as potential
Certain of our derivatives have been transacted under
bilateral agreements with counterparties who may require us
to post collateral or terminate the transactions based on
changes in our credit ratings. We manage our GCLA to
ensure we would, among other potential requirements, be
able to make the additional collateral or termination
payments that may be required in the event of a two-notch
reduction in our long-term credit ratings, as well as collateral
that has not been called by counterparties, but is available to
See Note 7 to the consolidated financial statements for
further information about derivatives with credit-related
contingent features and the additional collateral or
termination payments related to our net derivative liabilities
under bilateral agreements that could have been called by
counterparties in the event of a one- or two-notch downgrade
in our credit ratings.
Cash Flows
As a global financial institution, our cash flows are complex
and bear little relation to our net earnings and net assets.
Consequently, we believe that traditional cash flow analysis
is less meaningful in evaluating our liquidity position than the
liquidity and asset-liability management policies described
above. Cash flow analysis may, however, be helpful in
highlighting certain macro trends and strategic initiatives in
our businesses.
Year Ended December 2022. Our cash and cash
equivalents decreased by $19.21 billion to $241.83 billion at
the end of 2022, primarily due to net cash used for investing
activities, partially offset by net cash provided by financing
activities. The net cash used for investing activities primarily
reflected purchases of investments (primarily U.S.
government obligations accounted for as held-to-maturity)
and an increase in net lending activities (reflecting increases
in other collateralized and consumer loans). The net cash
provided by financing activities primarily reflected cash
inflows from net issuances of unsecured long-term
borrowings and deposits (reflecting increases in transaction
banking and private bank and consumer deposits, partially
offset by a decrease in other deposits). The net cash provided
by operating activities primarily reflected cash inflows from
trading assets and liabilities, customer and other receivables
and payables, net (reflecting both a decrease in customer and
other receivables and an increase in customer and other
payables), net earnings and loans held for sale, net, partially
offset by cash outflows from collateralized transactions
(reflecting both a decrease in collateralized financings and an
increase in collateralized agreements). The decrease in cash
and cash equivalents as a result of changes in foreign
exchange rates was due to the U.S. dollar strengthening
during the year. Such amount was $11.56 billion for 2022
($3.42 billion for the three months ended March 2022, $10.34
billion for the six months ended June 2022 and $18.17 billion
for the nine months ended September 2022).
Year Ended December 2021. Our cash and cash
equivalents increased by $105.19 billion to $261.04 billion at
the end of 2021, primarily due to net cash provided by
financing activities, partially offset by net cash used for
investing activities. The net cash provided by financing
activities primarily reflected an increase in net deposits
(reflecting increases across channels) and net issuances of
unsecured long-term borrowings. The net cash used for
investing activities primarily reflected purchases of
investments and an increase in net lending activities, partially
offset by sales and paydowns of investments.
For an analysis of cash flows for the year ended December
2020, see Part II, Item 7 "Management's Discussion and
Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations"
in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended
December 31, 2021.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Market Risk Management
Market risk is the risk of an adverse impact to our earnings
due to changes in market conditions. Our assets and
liabilities that give rise to market risk primarily include
positions held for market making for our clients and for our
investing and financing activities, and these positions change
based on client demands and our investment opportunities.
We employ a variety of risk measures, each described in the
respective sections below, to monitor market risk. Categories
of market risk include the following:
Interest rate risk: results from exposures to changes in the
level, slope and curvature of yield curves, the volatilities of
interest rates, prepayment speeds and credit spreads;
Equity price risk: results from exposures to changes in
prices and volatilities of individual equities, baskets of
equities and equity indices;
Currency rate risk: results from exposures to changes in
spot prices, forward prices and volatilities of currency
rates; and
Commodity price risk: results from exposures to changes in
spot prices, forward prices and volatilities of commodities,
such as crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas,
electricity, and precious and base metals.
Market Risk, which is independent of our revenue-producing
units and reports to our chief risk officer, has primary
responsibility for assessing, monitoring and managing our
market risk through firmwide oversight across our global
Managers in revenue-producing units, Treasury and Market
Risk discuss market information, positions and estimated
loss scenarios on an ongoing basis. Managers in revenue-
producing units and Treasury are accountable for managing
risk within prescribed limits. These managers have in-depth
knowledge of their positions, markets and the instruments
available to hedge their exposures.
Market Risk Management Process
Our process for managing market risk includes the critical
components of our risk management framework described in
the “Overview and Structure of Risk Management,” as well
as the following:
Monitoring compliance with established market risk limits
and reporting our exposures;
Diversifying exposures;
Controlling position sizes; and
Evaluating mitigants, such as economic hedges in related
securities or derivatives.
Our market risk management systems enable us to perform
an independent calculation of Value-at-Risk (VaR), Earnings-
at-Risk (EaR) and other stress measures, capture risk
measures at individual position levels, attribute risk measures
to individual risk factors of each position, report many
different views of the risk measures (e.g., by desk, business,
product type or entity) and produce ad hoc analyses in a
timely manner.
Risk Measures
We produce risk measures and monitor them against
established market risk limits. These measures reflect an
extensive range of scenarios and the results are aggregated at
product, business and firmwide levels.
We use a variety of risk measures to estimate the size of
potential losses for both moderate and more extreme market
moves over both short- and long-term time horizons. Our
primary risk measures are VaR, EaR and other stress tests.
Our risk reports detail key risks, drivers and changes for each
desk and business, and are distributed daily to senior
management of both our revenue-producing units and our
independent risk oversight and control functions.
Value-at-Risk. VaR is the potential loss in value due to
adverse market movements over a defined time horizon with
a specified confidence level. For assets and liabilities included
in VaR, see “Financial Statement Linkages to Market Risk
Measures.” We typically employ a one-day time horizon with
a 95% confidence level. We use a single VaR model, which
captures risks, including interest rates, equity prices, currency
rates and commodity prices. As such, VaR facilitates
comparison across portfolios of different risk characteristics.
VaR also captures the diversification of aggregated risk at the
firmwide level.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 101
We are aware of the inherent limitations to VaR and
therefore use a variety of risk measures in our market risk
management process. Inherent limitations to VaR include:
VaR does not estimate potential losses over longer time
horizons where moves may be extreme;
VaR does not take account of the relative liquidity of
different risk positions; and
Previous moves in market risk factors may not produce
accurate predictions of all future market moves.
To comprehensively capture our exposures and relevant risks
in our VaR calculation, we use historical simulations with
full valuation of market factors at the position level by
simultaneously shocking the relevant market factors for that
position. These market factors include spot prices, credit
spreads, funding spreads, yield curves, volatility and
correlation, and are updated periodically based on changes in
the composition of positions, as well as variations in market
conditions. We sample from five years of historical data to
generate the scenarios for our VaR calculation. The historical
data is weighted so that the relative importance of the data
reduces over time. This gives greater importance to more
recent observations and reflects current asset volatilities,
which improves the accuracy of our estimates of potential
loss. As a result, even if our positions included in VaR were
unchanged, our VaR would increase with increasing market
volatility and vice versa.
Given its reliance on historical data, VaR is most effective in
estimating risk exposures in markets in which there are no
sudden fundamental changes or shifts in market conditions.
Our VaR measure does not include:
Positions that are not accounted for at fair value, such as
held-to-maturity securities and loans, deposits and
unsecured borrowings that are accounted for at amortized
Available-for-sale securities for which the related
unrealized fair value gains and losses are included in
accumulated other comprehensive income/(loss);
Positions that are best measured and monitored using
sensitivity measures; and
The impact of changes in counterparty and our own credit
spreads on derivatives, as well as changes in our own credit
spreads on financial liabilities for which the fair value
option was elected.
We perform daily backtesting of our VaR model (i.e.,
comparing daily net revenues for positions included in VaR
to the VaR measure calculated as of the prior business day) at
the firmwide level and for each of our businesses and major
regulated subsidiaries.
Earnings-at-Risk. Beginning in the fourth quarter of 2022,
we started managing our interest rate risk using the EaR
metric. EaR measures the estimated impact of changes in
interest rates to our net revenues and preferred stock
dividends over a defined time horizon. EaR complements the
VaR metric, which measures the impact of interest rate
changes that have an immediate impact on the fair values of
our assets and liabilities (i.e., mark-to-market changes). Our
exposure to interest rate risk occurs due to a variety of
factors, including, but not limited to:
Differences in maturity or repricing dates of assets,
liabilities, preferred stock and certain off-balance sheet
Differences in the amounts of assets, liabilities, preferred
stock and certain off-balance sheet instruments with the
same maturity or repricing dates.
Certain interest rate sensitive fees.
Treasury manages the aggregated interest rate risk from all
businesses through our investment securities portfolio and
interest rate derivatives. We measure EaR over a one-year
time horizon following a 100-basis point instantaneous
parallel shock in both short- and long-term interest rates.
This sensitivity is calculated relative to a baseline market
scenario, which takes into consideration, among other things,
the market’s expectation of forward rates, as well as our
expectation of future business activity. This scenario includes
contractual elements of assets, liabilities, preferred stock, and
certain off-balance sheet instruments, such as rates of
interest, principal repayment schedules, maturity and reset
dates, and any interest rate ceilings or floors, as well as
assumptions with respect to our balance sheet size and
composition, deposit repricing and prepayment behavior. We
manage EaR with a goal to reduce potential volatility
resulting from changes in interest rates so it remains within
our EaR risk appetite. Our EaR scenario is regularly
evaluated and updated, if necessary, to reflect changes in our
business plans, market conditions and other macroeconomic
factors. While management uses the best information
available to estimate EaR, actual results may differ materially
as a result of, among other things, changes in the economic
environment or assumptions used in the process.
Risk, which is independent of our revenue-producing units,
and Treasury, have primary responsibility for assessing and
monitoring EaR through firmwide oversight, including
oversight of EaR stress testing and assumptions, and the
establishment of our EaR risk appetite.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Stress Testing. Stress testing is a method of determining the
effect of various hypothetical stress scenarios. In addition to
EaR, we use other stress tests to examine risks of specific
portfolios, as well as the potential impact of our significant
risk exposures. We use a variety of stress testing techniques
to calculate the potential loss from a wide range of market
moves on our portfolios, including firmwide stress tests,
sensitivity analysis and scenario analysis. The results of our
various stress tests are analyzed together for risk
management purposes. See “Overview and Structure of Risk
Management” for information about firmwide stress tests.
Sensitivity analysis is used to quantify the impact of a market
move in a single risk factor across all positions (e.g., equity
prices or credit spreads) using a variety of defined market
shocks, ranging from those that could be expected over a
one-day time horizon up to those that could take many
months to occur. We also use sensitivity analysis to quantify
the impact of the default of any single entity, which captures
the risk of large or concentrated exposures.
Scenario analysis is used to quantify the impact of a specified
event, including how the event impacts multiple risk factors
simultaneously. For example, for sovereign stress testing we
calculate potential direct exposure associated with our
sovereign positions, as well as the corresponding debt, equity
and currency exposures associated with our non-sovereign
positions that may be impacted by the sovereign distress.
When conducting scenario analysis, we often consider a
number of possible outcomes for each scenario, ranging from
moderate to severely adverse market impacts. In addition,
these stress tests are constructed using both historical events
and forward-looking hypothetical scenarios.
Unlike VaR measures, which have an implied probability
because they are calculated at a specified confidence level,
there may not be an implied probability that our stress testing
scenarios will occur. Instead, stress testing is used to model
both moderate and more extreme moves in underlying
market factors. When estimating potential loss, we generally
assume that our positions cannot be reduced or hedged
(although experience demonstrates that we are generally able
to do so).
We use market risk limits at various levels to manage the size
of our market exposures. These limits are set based on VaR,
EaR and on a range of stress tests relevant to our exposures.
See “Overview and Structure of Risk Management” for
information about the limit approval process.
Limits are monitored by Treasury and Risk. Risk is
responsible for identifying and escalating to senior
management and/or the appropriate risk committee, on a
timely basis, instances where limits have been exceeded (e.g.,
due to positional changes or changes in market conditions,
such as increased volatilities or changes in correlations). Such
instances are remediated by a reduction in the positions we
hold and/or a temporary or permanent increase to the limit, if
We analyze VaR at the firmwide level and a variety of more
detailed levels, including by risk category, business and
region. Diversification effect in the tables below represents
the difference between total VaR and the sum of the VaRs for
the four risk categories. This effect arises because the four
market risk categories are not perfectly correlated.
The table below presents our average daily VaR.
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Interest rates $ 97 $ 60
Equity prices 33 43
Currency rates 32 13
Commodity prices 47 25
Diversification effect (95) (55)
Total $ 114 $ 86
Our average daily VaR increased to $114 million in 2022
from $86 million in 2021, due to higher levels of volatility,
partially offset by reduced exposures. The total increase was
driven by increases in the interest rates, commodity prices
and currency rates categories, partially offset by an increase
in the diversification effect and a decrease in the equity prices
The table below presents our period-end VaR.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Interest rates $ 108 $ 69
Equity prices 27 31
Currency rates 35 19
Commodity prices 18 30
Diversification effect (85) (58)
Total $ 103 $ 91
Our period-end VaR increased to $103 million as of
December 2022 from $91 million as of December 2021, due to
higher levels of volatility, partially offset by reduced
exposures. The total increase was primarily driven by
increases in the interest rates and currency rates categories,
partially offset by an increase in the diversification effect and
a decrease in the commodity prices category.
During 2022, the firmwide VaR risk limit was exceeded on
six occasions (all of which occurred during March 2022)
primarily due to higher levels of volatility generally resulting
from broad macroeconomic and geopolitical concerns. These
limit breaches were resolved by temporary increases in the
firmwide VaR risk limit and subsequent risk reductions.
During this period, the firmwide VaR risk limit was also
permanently increased due to higher levels of volatility.
During 2021, the firmwide VaR risk limit was not exceeded
and there were no permanent or temporary changes to the
firmwide VaR risk limit.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 103
The table below presents our high and low VaR.
Year Ended December
2022 2021
$ in millions High Low High Low
Interest rates $ 139 $ 57 $ 74 $ 49
Equity prices $ 48 $ 25 $ 71 $ 30
Currency rates $ 55 $ 16 $ 20 $ 8
Commodity prices $ 82 $ 18 $ 45 $ 14
VaR $ 158 $ 76 $ 105 $ 69
The chart below presents our daily VaR for 2022.
The table below presents, by number of business days, the
frequency distribution of our daily net revenues for positions
included in VaR.
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021
>$100 92 53
$75 – $100 25 45
$50 – $75 29 42
$25 – $50 33 33
$0 – $25 36 45
$(25) – $0 17 24
$(50) – $(25) 13 6
$(75) – $(50) 1 2
$(100) – $(75) 3 1
<$(100) 2 1
Total 251 252
Daily net revenues for positions included in VaR are
compared with VaR calculated as of the end of the prior
business day. Net losses incurred on a single day for such
positions exceeded our 95% one-day VaR (i.e., a VaR
exception) on two occasions during 2022 and on one occasion
during 2021.
During periods in which we have significantly more positive
net revenue days than net revenue loss days, we expect to
have fewer VaR exceptions because, under normal
conditions, our business model generally produces positive
net revenues. In periods in which our franchise revenues are
adversely affected, we generally have more loss days,
resulting in more VaR exceptions. The daily net revenues for
positions included in VaR used to determine VaR exceptions
reflect the impact of any intraday activity, including bid/offer
net revenues, which are more likely than not to be positive by
their nature.
Sensitivity Measures
Certain portfolios and individual positions are not included
in VaR because VaR is not the most appropriate risk
measure. Other sensitivity measures we use to analyze market
risk are described below.
10% Sensitivity Measures. The table below presents our
market risk by asset category for positions accounted for at
fair value, that are not included in VaR.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Equity $ 1,621 $ 1,953
Debt 1,986 2,244
Total $ 3,607 $ 4,197
In the table above:
The market risk of these positions is determined by
estimating the potential reduction in net revenues of a 10%
decline in the value of these positions.
Equity positions relate to private and restricted public
equity securities, including interests in funds that invest in
corporate equities and real estate and interests in hedge
Debt positions include interests in funds that invest in
corporate mezzanine and senior debt instruments, loans
backed by commercial and residential real estate, corporate
bank loans and other corporate debt, including acquired
portfolios of distressed loans.
Funded equity and debt positions are included in our
consolidated balance sheets in investments and loans. See
Note 8 to the consolidated financial statements for further
information about investments and Note 9 to the
consolidated financial statements for further information
about loans.
These measures do not reflect the diversification effect
across asset categories or across other market risk
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Credit and Funding Spread Sensitivity on Derivatives
and Financial Liabilities. VaR excludes the impact of
changes in counterparty credit spreads, our own credit
spreads and unsecured funding spreads on derivatives, as well
as changes in our own credit spreads (debt valuation
adjustment) on financial liabilities for which the fair value
option was elected. The estimated sensitivity to a one basis
point increase in credit spreads (counterparty and our own)
and unsecured funding spreads on derivatives (including
hedges) was a loss of $1 million as of both December 2022
and December 2021. In addition, the estimated sensitivity to a
one basis point increase in our own credit spreads on
financial liabilities for which the fair value option was elected
was a gain of $37 million as of December 2022 and
$33 million as of December 2021. However, the actual net
impact of a change in our own credit spreads is also affected
by the liquidity, duration and convexity (as the sensitivity is
not linear to changes in yields) of those financial liabilities for
which the fair value option was elected, as well as the relative
performance of any hedges undertaken.
Earnings-at-Risk. The table below presents the impact of a
parallel shift in rates on our net revenues and preferred stock
dividends over the next 12 months relative to the baseline
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
+100 basis points parallel shift in rates
$ 104 $ 782
-100 basis points parallel shift in rates
$ (104) N.M.
In the table above:
The EaR metric utilized various assumptions, including,
among other things, balance sheet size and composition,
deposit repricing and prepayment behavior, all of which
have inherent uncertainties. The EaR metric does not
represent a forecast of our net revenues and preferred stock
The change in our sensitivities as of December 2022
compared to December 2021 primarily reflects the impact
of changes in our investment securities portfolio and
interest rate derivatives.
The -100 basis points parallel shift in rates scenario was not
meaningful as of December 2021 given the low interest rate
Other Market Risk Considerations
We make investments in securities that are accounted for as
available-for-sale, held-to-maturity or under the equity
method which are included in investments in the consolidated
balance sheets. See Note 8 to the consolidated financial
statements for further information.
Direct investments in real estate are accounted for at cost less
accumulated depreciation. See Note 12 to the consolidated
financial statements for further information about other
Financial Statement Linkages to Market Risk
We employ a variety of risk measures, each described in the
respective sections above, to monitor market risk across the
consolidated balance sheets and consolidated statements of
earnings. The related gains and losses on these positions are
included in market making, other principal transactions,
interest income and interest expense in the consolidated
statements of earnings, and debt valuation adjustment and
unrealized gains/(losses) on available-for-sale securities in the
consolidated statements of comprehensive income.
The table below presents certain assets and liabilities
accounted for at fair value in our consolidated balance sheets
and the market risk measures used to assess those assets and
Assets or Liabilities Market Risk Measures
Collateralized agreements and financings VaR
Customer and other receivables
10% Sensitivity Measures
Trading assets and liabilities VaR
Credit Spread Sensitivity
Investments VaR
10% Sensitivity Measures
Loans VaR
10% Sensitivity Measures
Other assets and liabilities
Credit Spread Sensitivity
Unsecured borrowings VaR
Credit Spread Sensitivity
In addition to the above, we measure the interest rate risk for
all positions within our consolidated balance sheets using the
EaR metric.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 105
Credit Risk Management
Credit risk represents the potential for loss due to the default
or deterioration in credit quality of a counterparty (e.g., an
OTC derivatives counterparty or a borrower) or an issuer of
securities or other instruments we hold. Our exposure to
credit risk comes mostly from client transactions in OTC
derivatives and loans and lending commitments. Credit risk
also comes from cash placed with banks, securities financing
transactions (i.e., resale and repurchase agreements and
securities borrowing and lending activities) and customer and
other receivables.
Credit Risk, which is independent of our revenue-producing
units and reports to our chief risk officer, has primary
responsibility for assessing, monitoring and managing our
credit risk through firmwide oversight across our global
businesses. In addition, we hold other positions that give rise
to credit risk (e.g., bonds and secondary bank loans). These
credit risks are captured as a component of market risk
measures, which are monitored and managed by Market
Risk. We also enter into derivatives to manage market risk
exposures. Such derivatives also give rise to credit risk, which
is monitored and managed by Credit Risk.
Credit Risk Management Process
Our process for managing credit risk includes the critical
components of our risk management framework described in
the “Overview and Structure of Risk Management,” as well
as the following:
Monitoring compliance with established credit risk limits
and reporting our credit exposures and credit
Establishing or approving underwriting standards;
Assessing the likelihood that a counterparty will default on
its payment obligations;
Measuring our current and potential credit exposure and
losses resulting from a counterparty default;
Using credit risk mitigants, including collateral and
hedging; and
Maximizing recovery through active workout and
restructuring of claims.
We also perform credit analyses, which incorporate initial
and ongoing evaluations of the capacity and willingness of a
counterparty to meet its financial obligations. For
substantially all of our credit exposures, the core of our
process is an annual counterparty credit evaluation or more
frequently if deemed necessary as a result of events or
changes in circumstances. We determine an internal credit
rating for the counterparty by considering the results of the
credit evaluations and assumptions with respect to the nature
of and outlook for the counterparty’s industry and the
economic environment. The internal credit rating does not
take into consideration collateral received or other credit
support arrangements. Senior personnel, with expertise in
specific industries, inspect and approve credit reviews and
internal credit ratings.
Our risk assessment process may also include, where
applicable, reviewing certain key metrics, including, but not
limited to, delinquency status, collateral value, FICO credit
scores and other risk factors.
Our credit risk management systems capture credit exposure
to individual counterparties and on an aggregate basis to
counterparties and their subsidiaries. These systems also
provide management with comprehensive information about
our aggregate credit risk by product, internal credit rating,
industry, country and region.
Risk Measures
We measure our credit risk based on the potential loss in the
event of non-payment by a counterparty using current and
potential exposure. For derivatives and securities financing
transactions, current exposure represents the amount
presently owed to us after taking into account applicable
netting and collateral arrangements, while potential exposure
represents our estimate of the future exposure that could
arise over the life of a transaction based on market
movements within a specified confidence level. Potential
exposure also takes into account netting and collateral
arrangements. For loans and lending commitments, the
primary measure is a function of the notional amount of the
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Stress Tests
We conduct regular stress tests to calculate the credit
exposures, including potential concentrations that would
result from applying shocks to counterparty credit ratings or
credit risk factors (e.g., currency rates, interest rates, equity
prices). These shocks cover a wide range of moderate and
more extreme market movements, including shocks to
multiple risk factors, consistent with the occurrence of a
severe market or economic event. In the case of sovereign
default, we estimate the direct impact of the default on our
sovereign credit exposures, changes to our credit exposures
arising from potential market moves in response to the
default, and the impact of credit market deterioration on
corporate borrowers and counterparties that may result from
the sovereign default. Unlike potential exposure, which is
calculated within a specified confidence level, stress testing
does not generally assume a probability of these events
occurring. We also perform firmwide stress tests. See
“Overview and Structure of Risk Management” for
information about firmwide stress tests.
To supplement these regular stress tests, as described above,
we also conduct tailored stress tests on an ad hoc basis in
response to specific market events that we deem significant.
We also utilize these stress tests to estimate the indirect
impact of certain hypothetical events on our country
exposures, such as the impact of credit market deterioration
on corporate borrowers and counterparties along with the
shocks to the risk factors described above. The parameters of
these shocks vary based on the scenario reflected in each
stress test. We review estimated losses produced by the stress
tests in order to understand their magnitude, highlight
potential loss concentrations, and assess and mitigate our
exposures where necessary.
We use credit risk limits at various levels, as well as
underwriting standards to manage the size and nature of our
credit exposures. Limits for industries and countries are
based on our risk appetite and are designed to allow for
regular monitoring, review, escalation and management of
credit risk concentrations. See “Overview and Structure of
Risk Management” for information about the limit approval
Credit Risk is responsible for monitoring these limits, and
identifying and escalating to senior management and/or the
appropriate risk committee, on a timely basis, instances
where limits have been exceeded.
Risk Mitigants
To reduce our credit exposures on derivatives and securities
financing transactions, we may enter into netting agreements
with counterparties that permit us to offset receivables and
payables with such counterparties. We may also reduce credit
risk with counterparties by entering into agreements that
enable us to obtain collateral from them on an upfront or
contingent basis and/or to terminate transactions if the
counterparty’s credit rating falls below a specified level. We
monitor the fair value of the collateral to ensure that our
credit exposures are appropriately collateralized. We seek to
minimize exposures where there is a significant positive
correlation between the creditworthiness of our
counterparties and the market value of collateral we receive.
For loans and lending commitments, depending on the credit
quality of the borrower and other characteristics of the
transaction, we employ a variety of potential risk mitigants.
Risk mitigants include collateral provisions, guarantees,
covenants, structural seniority of the bank loan claims and,
for certain lending commitments, provisions in the legal
documentation that allow us to adjust loan amounts, pricing,
structure and other terms as market conditions change. The
type and structure of risk mitigants employed can
significantly influence the degree of credit risk involved in a
loan or lending commitment.
When we do not have sufficient visibility into a
counterparty’s financial strength or when we believe a
counterparty requires support from its parent, we may obtain
third-party guarantees of the counterparty’s obligations. We
may also mitigate our credit risk using credit derivatives or
participation agreements.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 107
Credit Exposures
As of December 2022, our aggregate credit exposure
decreased compared with December 2021, primarily
reflecting decreases in receivables from clearing organizations
and cash deposits with central banks, partially offset by an
increase in loans and lending commitments. The percentage
of our credit exposures arising from non-investment-grade
counterparties (based on our internally determined public
rating agency equivalents) decreased compared with
December 2021, primarily reflecting a decrease in non-
investment-grade loans and lending commitments. Our credit
exposures are described further below.
Cash and Cash Equivalents. Our credit exposure on cash
and cash equivalents arises from our unrestricted cash, and
includes both interest-bearing and non-interest-bearing
deposits. To mitigate the risk of credit loss, we place
substantially all of our deposits with highly rated banks and
central banks.
The table below presents our credit exposure from
unrestricted cash and cash equivalents, and the concentration
by industry, region and internally determined public rating
agency equivalents.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Cash and Cash Equivalents $224,889 $236,168
Financial Institutions 6% 5%
Sovereign 94% 95%
Total 100% 100%
Americas 77% 55%
EMEA 19% 36%
Asia 4% 9%
Total 100% 100%
Credit Quality (Credit Rating Equivalent)
AAA 89% 64%
AA 5% 24%
A 6% 11%
BBB 1%
Total 100% 100%
The table above excludes cash segregated for regulatory and
other purposes of $16.94 billion as of December 2022 and
$24.87billion as of December 2021.
OTC Derivatives. Our credit exposure on OTC derivatives
arises primarily from our market-making activities. As a
market maker, we enter into derivative transactions to
provide liquidity to clients and to facilitate the transfer and
hedging of their risks. We also enter into derivatives to
manage market risk exposures. We manage our credit
exposure on OTC derivatives using the credit risk process,
measures, limits and risk mitigants described above.
We generally enter into OTC derivatives transactions under
bilateral collateral arrangements that require the daily
exchange of collateral. As credit risk is an essential
component of fair value, we include a credit valuation
adjustment (CVA) in the fair value of derivatives to reflect
counterparty credit risk, as described in Note 7 to the
consolidated financial statements. CVA is a function of the
present value of expected exposure, the probability of
counterparty default and the assumed recovery upon default.
The table below presents our net credit exposure from OTC
derivatives and the concentration by industry and region.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
OTC derivative assets $53,399 $58,637
Collateral (not netted under U.S. GAAP) (15,823) (17,245)
Net credit exposure $37,576 $41,392
Consumer & Retail 3% 2%
Diversified Industrials 8% 10%
Financial Institutions 20% 15%
Funds 19% 13%
Healthcare 1% 1%
Municipalities & Nonprofit 2% 5%
Natural Resources & Utilities 34% 33%
Sovereign 7% 8%
Technology, Media & Telecommunications 4% 8%
Other (including Special Purpose Vehicles) 2% 5%
Total 100% 100%
Americas 49% 53%
EMEA 43% 37%
Asia 8% 10%
Total 100% 100%
Our credit exposure (before any potential recoveries) to OTC
derivative counterparties that defaulted during 2022 remained
low, representing less than 2% of our total credit exposure
from OTC derivatives.
In the table above:
OTC derivative assets, included in the consolidated
balance sheets, are reported on a net-by-counterparty basis
(i.e., the net receivable for a given counterparty) when a
legal right of setoff exists under an enforceable netting
agreement (counterparty netting) and are accounted for at
fair value, net of cash collateral received under enforceable
credit support agreements (cash collateral netting).
Collateral represents cash collateral and the fair value of
securities collateral, primarily U.S. and non-U.S.
government and agency obligations, received under credit
support agreements, that we consider when determining
credit risk, but such collateral is not eligible for netting
under U.S. GAAP.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
The table below presents the distribution of our net credit
exposure from OTC derivatives by tenor.
$ in millions
Grade / Unrated Total
As of December 2022
Less than 1 year $ 23,112 $ 8,812 $ 31,924
1 – 5 years 26,627 8,355 34,982
Greater than 5 years 58,354 4,342 62,696
Total 108,093 21,509 129,602
Netting (83,531) (8,495) (92,026)
Net credit exposure $ 24,562 $ 13,014 $ 37,576
As of December 2021
Less than 1 year $ 27,668 $ 11,203 $ 38,871
1 – 5 years 21,746 9,515 31,261
Greater than 5 years 64,670 6,590 71,260
Total 114,084 27,308 141,392
Netting (89,244) (10,756) (100,000)
Net credit exposure $ 24,840 $ 16,552 $ 41,392
In the table above:
Tenor is based on remaining contractual maturity.
Netting includes counterparty netting across tenor
categories and collateral that we consider when
determining credit risk (including collateral that is not
eligible for netting under U.S. GAAP). Counterparty
netting within the same tenor category is included within
such tenor category.
The tables below present the distribution of our net credit
exposure from OTC derivatives by tenor and internally
determined public rating agency equivalents.
$ in millions AAA AA A BBB Total
As of December 2022
Less than 1 year $ 521 $ 2,113 $ 10,516 $ 9,962 $ 23,112
1 – 5 years 1,684 5,383 9,057 10,503 26,627
Greater than 5 years 5,594 16,063 21,060 15,637 58,354
Total 7,799 23,559 40,633 36,102 108,093
Netting (5,025) (20,582) (31,956) (25,968) (83,531)
Net credit exposure $ 2,774 $ 2,977 $ 8,677 $ 10,134 $ 24,562
As of December 2021
Less than 1 year $ 1,017 $ 4,926 $ 12,481 $ 9,244 $ 27,668
1 – 5 years 1,150 3,071 8,298 9,227 21,746
Greater than 5 years 13,777 5,421 23,867 21,605 64,670
Total 15,944 13,418 44,646 40,076 114,084
Netting (13,535) (9,501) (36,005) (30,203) (89,244)
Net credit exposure $ 2,409 $ 3,917 $ 8,641 $ 9,873 $ 24,840
Non-Investment-Grade / Unrated
$ in millions BB or lower Unrated Total
As of December 2022
Less than 1 year $ 8,245 $ 567 $ 8,812
1 – 5 years 8,150 205 8,355
Greater than 5 years 4,232 110 4,342
Total 20,627 882 21,509
Netting (8,436) (59) (8,495)
Net credit exposure $ 12,191 $ 823 $ 13,014
As of December 2021
Less than 1 year $ 10,446 $ 757 $ 11,203
1 – 5 years 9,210 305 9,515
Greater than 5 years 6,320 270 6,590
Total 25,976 1,332 27,308
Netting (10,683) (73) (10,756)
Net credit exposure $ 15,293 $ 1,259 $ 16,552
Lending Activities. We manage our lending activities using
the credit risk process, measures, limits and risk mitigants
described above. Other lending positions, including
secondary trading positions, are risk-managed as a
component of market risk. In the fourth quarter of 2022, we
changed the classification of our lending portfolio to better
reflect the nature of the underlying collateral. Loans and
lending commitments types in the table below include the
addition of securities-based and other collateralized, as well
as the removal of wealth management. This also resulted in
reclassifications of certain loans and lending commitments in
corporate and other to other collateralized. Prior periods
have been conformed to the current presentation.
The table below presents our loans and lending
$ in millions
As of December 2022
Corporate $ 40,135 $ 139,718 $ 179,853
Commercial real estate 28,879 4,271 33,150
Residential real estate 23,035 3,192 26,227
Securities-based 16,671 508 17,179
Other collateralized 51,702 14,407 66,109
Installment 6,326 1,882 8,208
Credit cards 15,820 62,216 78,036
Other 2,261 944 3,205
Total $ 184,829 $ 227,138 $ 411,967
Allowance for loan losses $ (5,543) $ (774) $ (6,317)
As of December 2021
Corporate $ 37,643 $ 146,694 $ 184,337
Commercial real estate 29,000 6,736 35,736
Residential real estate 24,674 4,031 28,705
Securities-based 16,652 454 17,106
Other collateralized 38,263 17,253 55,516
Installment 3,672 9 3,681
Credit cards 8,212 35,932 44,144
Other 4,019 443 4,462
Total $ 162,135 $ 211,552 $ 373,687
Allowance for loan losses $ (3,573) $ (776) $ (4,349)
In the table above, lending commitments excluded $4.85
billion as of December 2022 and $4.14 billion as of December
2021 relating to issued letters of credit which are classified as
guarantees in our consolidated financial statements. See Note
18 to the consolidated financial statements for further
information about guarantees.
See Note 9 to the consolidated financial statements for
information about net charge-offs on wholesale and
consumer loans, as well as past due and nonaccrual loans
accounted for at amortized cost.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 109
Corporate. Corporate loans and lending commitments
include term loans, revolving lines of credit, letter of credit
facilities and bridge loans, and are principally used for
operating and general corporate purposes, or in connection
with acquisitions. Corporate loans are secured (typically by a
senior lien on the assets of the borrower) or unsecured,
depending on the loan purpose, the risk profile of the
borrower and other factors.
The table below presents our credit exposure from corporate
loans and lending commitments, and the concentration by
industry, region, internally determined public rating agency
equivalents and other credit metrics.
$ in millions Loans
As of December 2022
Consumer & Retail 10% 13% 12%
Diversified Industrials 18% 18% 18%
Financial Institutions 7% 8% 8%
Funds 3% 4% 4%
Healthcare 10% 12% 12%
Natural Resources & Utilities 9% 18% 16%
Real Estate 11% 5% 7%
Technology, Media & Telecommunications
26% 20% 21%
Other (including Special Purpose Vehicles)
6% 2% 2%
Total 100% 100% 100%
Americas 57% 77% 73%
EMEA 34% 21% 24%
Asia 9% 2% 3%
Total 100% 100% 100%
Credit Quality (Credit Rating Equivalent)
AAA 2% 1%
AA 1% 5% 4%
A 5% 21% 18%
BBB 19% 38% 34%
BB or lower 75% 34% 43%
Total 100% 100% 100%
As of December 2021
Consumer & Retail 11% 14% 13%
Diversified Industrials 17% 17% 17%
Financial Institutions 7% 7% 7%
Funds 2% 3% 3%
Healthcare 10% 10% 10%
Natural Resources & Utilities 13% 17% 16%
Real Estate 10% 5% 6%
Technology, Media & Telecommunications
24% 25% 25%
Other (including Special Purpose Vehicles)
6% 2% 3%
Total 100% 100% 100%
Americas 52% 76% 71%
EMEA 38% 21% 25%
Asia 10% 3% 4%
Total 100% 100% 100%
Credit Quality (Credit Rating Equivalent)
AAA 1% 1%
AA 1% 5% 4%
A 6% 17% 14%
BBB 15% 37% 33%
BB or lower 78% 40% 48%
Total 100% 100% 100%
Commercial Real Estate. Commercial real estate includes
originated loans and lending commitments that are directly
or indirectly secured by hotels, retail stores, multifamily
housing complexes and commercial and industrial properties.
Commercial real estate also includes loans and lending
commitments extended to clients who warehouse assets that
are directly or indirectly backed by commercial real estate. In
addition, commercial real estate includes loans purchased by
The table below presents our credit exposure from
commercial real estate loans and lending commitments, and
the concentration by region, internally determined public
rating agency equivalents and other credit metrics.
$ in millions
Commitments Total
As of December 2022
Commercial Real Estate $28,879 $4,271 $33,150
Americas 79% 74% 78%
EMEA 16% 17% 16%
Asia 5% 9% 6%
Total 100% 100% 100%
Credit Quality (Credit Rating Equivalent)
Investment-grade 18% 27% 19%
Non-investment-grade 82% 72% 80%
Unrated 1% 1%
Total 100% 100% 100%
As of December 2021
Commercial Real Estate $29,000 $6,736 $35,736
Americas 82% 78% 81%
EMEA 13% 10% 13%
Asia 5% 12% 6%
Total 100% 100% 100%
Credit Quality (Credit Rating Equivalent)
Investment-grade 22% 20% 21%
Non-investment-grade 77% 80% 78%
Unrated 1% 1%
Total 100% 100% 100%
In the table above, credit exposure includes loans and lending
commitments of $10.28 billion as of December 2022 and
$11.65 billion as of December 2021 which are extended to
clients who warehouse assets that are directly or indirectly
backed by commercial real estate.
In addition, we also have credit exposure to commercial real
estate loans held for securitization of $119 million as of
December 2022 and $922 million as of December 2021. Such
loans are included in trading assets in our consolidated
balance sheets.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Residential Real Estate. Residential real estate loans and
lending commitments are primarily extended to wealth
management clients and to clients who warehouse assets that
are directly or indirectly secured by residential real estate. In
addition, residential real estate includes loans purchased by
The table below presents our credit exposure from residential
real estate loans and lending commitments, and the
concentration by region, internally determined public rating
agency equivalents and other credit metrics.
$ in millions Loans
Commitments Total
As of December 2022
Residential Real Estate $23,035 $3,192 $26,227
Americas 96% 93% 95%
EMEA 3% 7% 4%
Asia 1% 1%
Total 100% 100% 100%
Credit Quality (Credit Rating Equivalent)
Investment-grade 16% 8% 15%
Non-investment-grade 61% 91% 64%
Other metrics 23% 1% 21%
Total 100% 100% 100%
As of December 2021
Residential Real Estate $24,674 $4,031 $28,705
Americas 96% 82% 94%
EMEA 2% 16% 4%
Asia 2% 2% 2%
Total 100% 100% 100%
Credit Quality (Credit Rating Equivalent)
Investment-grade 13% 21% 14%
Non-investment-grade 65% 70% 66%
Other metrics
Unrated 1% 1%
Total 100% 100% 100%
In the table above:
Credit exposure includes loans and lending commitments
of $14.62 billion as of December 2022 and $16.89 billion as
of December 2021 which are extended to clients who
warehouse assets that are directly or indirectly secured by
residential real estate.
Other metrics category consists of loans where we use
other key metrics to assess the borrower's credit quality,
such as loan-to-value ratio, delinquency status, collateral
value, expected cash flows and other risk factors.
In addition, we also have credit exposure to residential real
estate loans held for securitization of $8.07 billion as of
December 2022 and $11.57 billion as of December 2021. Such
loans are included in trading assets in our consolidated
balance sheets.
Securities-Based. Securities-based includes loans and
lending commitments that are secured by stocks, bonds,
mutual funds, and exchange-traded funds. These loans and
commitments are primarily extended to our wealth
management clients and used for purposes other than
purchasing, carrying or trading margin stocks. Securities-
based loans require borrowers to post additional collateral
based on changes in the underlying collateral's fair value.
The table below presents our credit exposure from securities-
based loans and lending commitments, and the concentration
by region, internally determined public rating agency
equivalents and other credit metrics.
$ in millions
Commitments Total
As of December 2022
Securities-based $16,671 $508 $17,179
Americas 83% 98% 83%
EMEA 15% 2% 15%
Asia 2% 2%
Total 100% 100% 100%
Credit Quality (Credit Rating Equivalent)
Investment-grade 77% 18% 76%
Non-investment-grade 5% 2% 4%
Other metrics 18% 80% 20%
Total 100% 100% 100%
As of December 2021
Securities-based $16,652 $454 $17,106
Americas 77% 100% 78%
EMEA 16% 15%
Asia 7% 7%
Total 100% 100% 100%
Credit Quality (Credit Rating Equivalent)
Investment-grade 83% 46% 82%
Non-investment-grade 3% 3%
Other metrics 14% 54% 15%
Total 100% 100% 100%
In the table above, other metrics category consists of loans
where we use other key metrics to assess the borrower's credit
quality, such as collateral value, loan-to-value ratio and
delinquency status.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 111
Other Collateralized. Other collateralized includes loans
and lending commitments that are backed by specific
collateral (other than securities and real estate). Such loans
and lending commitments are extended to clients who
warehouse assets that are directly or indirectly secured by
corporate loans, consumer loans and other assets. Other
collateralized also includes loans and lending commitments
to investment funds (managed by third parties) that are
collateralized by capital commitments of the funds' investors
or assets held by the fund, as well as other secured loans and
lending commitments extended to our wealth management
The table below presents our credit exposure from other
collateralized loans and lending commitments, and the
concentration by region, internally determined public rating
agency equivalents and other credit metrics.
$ in millions Loans
Commitments Total
As of December 2022
Other Collateralized $51,702 $14,407 $66,109
Americas 86% 93% 87%
EMEA 12% 7% 11%
Asia 2% 2%
Total 100% 100% 100%
Credit Quality (Credit Rating Equivalent)
Investment-grade 64% 66% 65%
Non-investment-grade 35% 31% 34%
Other metrics 1%
Unrated 3% 1%
Total 100% 100% 100%
As of December 2021
Other Collateralized $38,263 $17,253 $55,516
Americas 74% 92% 79%
EMEA 23% 7% 18%
Asia 3% 1% 3%
Total 100% 100% 100%
Credit Quality (Credit Rating Equivalent)
Investment-grade 58% 69% 62%
Non-investment-grade 41% 30% 38%
Other metrics 1%
Unrated 1%
Total 100% 100% 100%
In the table above, credit exposure included loans and
lending commitments extended to clients who warehouse
assets of $16.89 billion as of December 2022 and $13.73
billion as of December 2021.
Installment and Credit Cards. We originate unsecured
installment loans (including point-of-sale loans that we began
to originate through the GreenSky platform in the third
quarter of 2022) and credit card loans (pursuant to revolving
lines of credit) to consumers in the Americas. The credit card
lines are cancellable by us and therefore do not result in
credit exposure.
The tables below present our credit exposure from originated
installment and credit card funded loans, and the
concentration by the five most concentrated U.S. states.
$ in millions Installment
As of December 2022
Loans, gross $6,326
California 10%
Texas 9%
Florida 7%
New York 6%
Illinois 4%
Other 64%
Total 100%
As of December 2021
Loans, gross $3,672
California 11%
Texas 9%
Florida 7%
New York 7%
Illinois 4%
Other 62%
Total 100%
$ in millions Credit Cards
As of December 2022
Loans, gross
California 16%
Texas 9%
New York 8%
Florida 8%
Illinois 4%
Other 55%
Total 100%
As of December 2021
Loans, gross $8,212
California 18%
Texas 9%
New York 8%
Florida 8%
New Jersey 4%
Other 53%
Total 100%
In addition, we had credit exposure of $1.88 billion as of
December 2022 and $9 million as of December 2021 related
to our commitments to provide unsecured installment loans
to consumers.
See Note 9 to the consolidated financial statements for
further information about the credit quality indicators of
installment and credit card loans.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Other. Other includes unsecured loans extended to wealth
management clients and unsecured consumer and credit card
loans purchased by us.
The table below presents our credit exposure from other
loans and lending commitments, and the concentration by
region, internally determined public rating agency
equivalents and other credit metrics.
$ in millions
Commitments Total
As of December 2022
Other $2,261 $944 $3,205
Americas 89% 99% 92%
EMEA 11% 1% 8%
Total 100% 100% 100%
Credit Quality (Credit Rating Equivalent)
Investment-grade 47% 93% 60%
Non-investment-grade 26% 7% 21%
Other metrics 27% 19%
Total 100% 100% 100%
As of December 2021
Other $4,019 $443 $4,462
Americas 89% 100% 90%
EMEA 11% 10%
Total 100% 100% 100%
Credit Quality (Credit Rating Equivalent)
Investment-grade 24% 78% 29%
Non-investment-grade 23% 14% 22%
Other metrics 51% 46%
Unrated 2% 8% 3%
Total 100% 100% 100%
In the table above, other metrics primarily includes consumer
and credit card loans purchased by us. Our risk assessment
process for such loans includes reviewing certain key metrics,
such as expected cash flows, delinquency status and other
risk factors.
In addition, we also have credit exposure to other loans held
for securitization of $1.76 billion as of December 2022 and
$467 million as of December 2021. Such loans are included in
trading assets in our consolidated balance sheets.
Credit Hedges. To mitigate the credit risk associated with
our lending activities, we obtain credit protection on certain
loans and lending commitments through credit default swaps,
both single-name and index-based contracts, and through the
issuance of credit-linked notes.
Securities Financing Transactions. We enter into
securities financing transactions in order to, among other
things, facilitate client activities, invest excess cash, acquire
securities to cover short positions and finance certain
activities. We bear credit risk related to resale agreements
and securities borrowed only to the extent that cash
advanced or the value of securities pledged or delivered to the
counterparty exceeds the value of the collateral received. We
also have credit exposure on repurchase agreements and
securities loaned to the extent that the value of securities
pledged or delivered to the counterparty for these
transactions exceeds the amount of cash or collateral
received. Securities collateral for these transactions primarily
includes U.S. and non-U.S. government and agency
The table below presents our credit exposure from securities
financing transactions and the concentration by industry,
region and internally determined public rating agency
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Securities Financing Transactions $34,762 $34,505
Financial Institutions 43% 34%
Funds 23% 23%
Municipalities & Nonprofit 5% 5%
Sovereign 28% 35%
Other (including Special Purpose Vehicles) 1% 3%
Total 100% 100%
Americas 47% 36%
EMEA 34% 44%
Asia 19% 20%
Total 100% 100%
Credit Quality (Credit Rating Equivalent)
AAA 20% 19%
AA 31% 28%
A 31% 33%
BBB 8% 9%
BB or lower 10% 11%
Total 100% 100%
The table above reflects both netting agreements and
collateral that we consider when determining credit risk.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 113
Other Credit Exposures. We are exposed to credit risk
from our receivables from brokers, dealers and clearing
organizations and customers and counterparties. Receivables
from brokers, dealers and clearing organizations primarily
consist of initial margin placed with clearing organizations
and receivables related to sales of securities which have
traded, but not yet settled. These receivables generally have
minimal credit risk due to the low probability of clearing
organization default and the short-term nature of receivables
related to securities settlements. Receivables from customers
and counterparties generally consist of collateralized
receivables related to customer securities transactions and
generally have minimal credit risk due to both the value of
the collateral received and the short-term nature of these
The table below presents our other credit exposures and the
concentration by industry, region and internally determined
public rating agency equivalents.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Other Credit Exposures $48,916 $61,187
Financial Institutions 80% 86%
Funds 12% 9%
Other (including Special Purpose Vehicles) 8% 5%
Total 100% 100%
Americas 41% 50%
EMEA 49% 43%
Asia 10% 7%
Total 100% 100%
Credit Quality (Credit Rating Equivalent)
AAA 7% 4%
AA 32% 47%
A 33% 29%
BBB 10% 6%
BB or lower 16% 13%
Unrated 2% 1%
Total 100% 100%
The table above reflects collateral that we consider when
determining credit risk.
Selected Exposures
We have credit and market exposures, as described below,
that have had heightened focus given recent events and broad
market concerns. Credit exposure represents the potential for
loss due to the default or deterioration in credit quality of a
counterparty or borrower. Market exposure represents the
potential for loss in value of our long and short positions due
to changes in market prices.
Country Exposures. The Russian invasion of Ukraine
continues to negatively affect the global economy and has
resulted in significant disruptions in financial markets and
increased macroeconomic uncertainty. Governments around
the world have responded to Russia’s invasion by imposing
economic sanctions and export controls on specific industry
sectors, companies and individuals in Russia. Retaliatory
restrictions against investors, non-Russian owned businesses
and other sovereign states have been implemented by Russia.
Businesses in the U.S. and globally continue to experience
shortages in materials and increased costs for transportation,
energy and raw materials due, in part, to the negative effects
of the war on the global economy. The escalation or
continuation of the war between Russia and Ukraine presents
heightened risks relating to cyber attacks, limited ability to
settle securities transactions, third-party and agent bank
dependencies, supply chain disruptions, and inflation, as well
as the potential for increased volatility in commodity,
currency and other financial markets. Complying with
economic sanctions and restrictions imposed by governments
has resulted in increased operational risk. The extent and
duration of the war, sanctions and resulting market
disruptions, as well as the potential adverse consequences for
our business, liquidity and results of operations, are difficult
to predict.
Our senior management, risk committees and the Board
receive regular briefings from our independent risk oversight
and control functions, including our chief risk officer, on
Russian and Ukrainian exposures, as well as other relevant
risk metrics. We have significantly reduced our exposure to
Russia and Ukraine and have curtailed our operations in
Russia to those necessary to meet our legal and regulatory
obligations. The overall direct financial impact to our net
revenues for 2022 from Russian and Ukrainian
counterparties, borrowers, issuers and related instruments
was not material. We have established a firmwide working
group to identify and assess the operational risk associated
with complying with economic sanctions and restrictions as a
result of this invasion. In addition, to mitigate the risk of
increased cyber attacks, we liaise with government agencies
in order to update our monitoring processes with the latest
Our total credit exposure to Russian or Ukrainian
counterparties or borrowers and our total market exposure
relating to Russian or Ukrainian issuers was not material as
of December 2022.
In addition, economic and/or political uncertainties in
Argentina, Ethiopia, Ghana, Lebanon, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
and Venezuela have led to concerns about their financial
stability. Our credit exposure to counterparties or borrowers
and our market exposure to issuers relating to each of these
countries was not material as of December 2022.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
We have a comprehensive framework to monitor, measure
and assess our country exposures and to determine our risk
appetite. We determine the country of risk by the location of
the counterparty, issuer’s assets, where they generate revenue,
the country in which they are headquartered, the jurisdiction
where a claim against them could be enforced, and/or the
government whose policies affect their ability to repay their
obligations. We monitor our credit exposure to a specific
country both at the individual counterparty level, as well as
at the aggregate country level. See “Stress Tests” for
information about stress tests that are designed to estimate
the direct and indirect impact of events involving the above
Operational Risk Management
Operational risk is the risk of an adverse outcome resulting
from inadequate or failed internal processes, people, systems
or from external events. Our exposure to operational risk
arises from routine processing errors, as well as
extraordinary incidents, such as major systems failures or
legal and regulatory matters.
Potential types of loss events related to internal and external
operational risk include:
Execution, delivery and process management;
Business disruption and system failures;
Employment practices and workplace safety;
Clients, products and business practices;
Damage to physical assets;
Internal fraud; and
External fraud.
Operational Risk, which is independent of our revenue-
producing units and reports to our chief risk officer, has
primary responsibility for developing and implementing a
formalized framework for assessing, monitoring and
managing operational risk with the goal of maintaining our
exposure to operational risk at levels that are within our risk
Operational Risk Management Process
Our process for managing operational risk includes the
critical components of our risk management framework
described in the “Overview and Structure of Risk
Management,” including a comprehensive data collection
process, as well as firmwide policies and procedures, for
operational risk events.
We combine top-down and bottom-up approaches to manage
and measure operational risk. From a top-down perspective,
our senior management assesses firmwide and business-level
operational risk profiles. From a bottom-up perspective, our
first and second lines of defense are responsible for risk
identification and risk management on a day-to-day basis,
including escalating operational risks and risk events to
senior management.
We maintain a comprehensive control framework designed to
provide a well-controlled environment to minimize
operational risks. The Firmwide Operational Risk and
Resilience Committee is responsible for overseeing
operational risk, and for ensuring operational resilience of
our business.
Our operational risk management framework is designed to
comply with the operational risk measurement rules under
the Capital Framework and has evolved based on the
changing needs of our businesses and regulatory guidance.
We have established policies that require all employees and
consultants to report and escalate operational risk events.
When operational risk events are identified, our policies
require that the events be documented and analyzed to
determine whether changes are required in our systems and/
or processes to further mitigate the risk of future events.
We use operational risk management applications to capture,
analyze, aggregate and report operational risk event data and
key metrics. One of our key risk identification and control
assessment tools is an operational risk and control self-
assessment process, which is performed by our managers.
This process consists of the identification and rating of
operational risks, on a forward-looking basis, and the related
controls. The results from this process are analyzed to
evaluate operational risk exposures and identify businesses,
activities or products with heightened levels of operational
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 115
Risk Measurement
We measure our operational risk exposure using both
statistical modeling and scenario analyses, which involve
qualitative and quantitative assessments of internal and
external operational risk event data and internal control
factors for each of our businesses. Operational risk
measurement also incorporates an assessment of business
environment factors, including:
Evaluations of the complexity of our business activities;
The degree of automation in our processes;
New activity information;
The legal and regulatory environment; and
Changes in the markets for our products and services,
including the diversity and sophistication of our customers
and counterparties.
The results from these scenario analyses are used to monitor
changes in operational risk and to determine business lines
that may have heightened exposure to operational risk. These
analyses are used in the determination of the appropriate
level of operational risk capital to hold. We also perform
firmwide stress tests. See “Overview and Structure of Risk
Management” for information about firmwide stress tests.
Types of Operational Risks
Increased reliance on technology and third-party
relationships has resulted in increased operational risks, such
as information and cybersecurity risk, third-party risk and
business resilience risk. We manage those risks as follows:
Information and Cybersecurity Risk. Information and
cybersecurity risk is the risk of compromising the
confidentiality, integrity or availability of our data and
systems, leading to an adverse impact to us, our reputation,
our clients and/or the broader financial system. We seek to
minimize the occurrence and impact of unauthorized access,
disruption or use of information and/or information systems.
We deploy and operate preventive and detective controls and
processes to mitigate emerging and evolving information
security and cybersecurity threats, including monitoring our
network for known vulnerabilities and signs of unauthorized
attempts to access our data and systems. There is increased
information risk through diversification of our data across
external service providers, including use of a variety of cloud-
provided or -hosted services and applications. See “Risk
Factors” in Part I, Item 1A of this Form 10-K for further
information about information and cybersecurity risk.
Third-Party Risk. Third-party risk, including vendor risk, is
the risk of an adverse impact due to reliance on third parties
performing services or activities on our behalf. These risks
may include legal, regulatory, information security,
reputational, operational or any other risks inherent in
engaging a third party. We identify, manage and report key
third-party risks and conduct due diligence across multiple
risk domains, including information security and
cybersecurity, resilience and additional supply chain
dependencies. The Third-Party Risk Program monitors,
reviews and reassesses third-party risks on an ongoing basis.
See “Risk Factors” in Part I, Item 1A of this Form 10-K for
further information about third-party risk.
Business Resilience Risk. Business resilience risk is the risk
of disruption to our critical processes. We monitor threats
and assess risks and seek to ensure our state of readiness in
the event of a significant operational disruption to the normal
operations of our critical functions or their dependencies,
such as critical facilities, systems, third parties, data and/or
personnel. Our resilience framework defines the fundamental
principles for BCP and crisis management to ensure that
critical functions can continue to operate in the event of a
disruption. The business continuity program is
comprehensive, consistent on a firmwide basis, and up-to-
date, incorporating new information, including updated
resilience capabilities as and when they become available.
Our resilience assurance program encompasses testing of
response and recovery strategies on a regular basis with the
objective of minimizing and preventing significant
operational disruptions. See “Business — Business Continuity
and Information Security” in Part I, Item 1 of this Form 10-K
for further information about business continuity.
Model Risk Management
Model risk is the potential for adverse consequences from
decisions made based on model outputs that may be incorrect
or used inappropriately. We rely on quantitative models
across our business activities primarily to value certain
financial assets and liabilities, to monitor and manage our
risk, and to measure and monitor our regulatory capital.
Model Risk, which is independent of our revenue-producing
units, model developers, model owners and model users, and
reports to our chief risk officer, has primary responsibility for
assessing, monitoring and managing our model risk through
firmwide oversight across our global businesses, and provides
periodic updates to senior management, risk committees and
the Risk Committee of the Board.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Our model risk management framework is managed through
a governance structure and risk management controls, which
encompass standards designed to ensure we maintain a
comprehensive model inventory, including risk assessment
and classification, sound model development practices,
independent review and model-specific usage controls. The
Firmwide Model Risk Control Committee oversees our
model risk management framework.
Model Review and Validation Process
Model Risk consists of quantitative professionals who
perform an independent review, validation and approval of
our models. This review includes an analysis of the model
documentation, independent testing, an assessment of the
appropriateness of the methodology used, and verification of
compliance with model development and implementation
We regularly refine and enhance our models to reflect
changes in market or economic conditions and our business
mix. All models are reviewed on an annual basis, and new
models or significant changes to existing models and their
assumptions are approved prior to implementation.
The model validation process incorporates a review of
models and trade and risk parameters across a broad range of
scenarios (including extreme conditions) in order to critically
evaluate and verify:
The model’s conceptual soundness, including the
reasonableness of model assumptions, and suitability for
intended use;
The testing strategy utilized by the model developers to
ensure that the models function as intended;
The suitability of the calculation techniques incorporated
in the model;
The model’s accuracy in reflecting the characteristics of the
related product and its significant risks;
The model’s consistency with models for similar products;
The model’s sensitivity to input parameters and
See “Critical Accounting Policies Fair Value Review of
Valuation Models,” “Liquidity Risk Management,” “Market
Risk Management,” “Credit Risk Management” and
“Operational Risk Management” for further information
about our use of models within these areas.
Other Risk Management
In addition to the areas of risks discussed above, we also
manage other risks, including capital, climate, compliance
and conflicts. These areas of risks are discussed below.
Capital Risk Management
Capital risk is the risk that our capital is insufficient to
support our business activities under normal and stressed
market conditions or we face capital reductions or RWA
increases, including from new or revised rules or changes in
interpretations of existing rules, and are therefore unable to
meet our internal capital targets or external regulatory
capital requirements. Capital adequacy is of critical
importance to us. Accordingly, we have in place a
comprehensive capital management policy that provides a
framework, defines objectives and establishes guidelines to
maintain an appropriate level and composition of capital in
both business-as-usual and stressed conditions. Our capital
management framework is designed to provide us with the
information needed to identify and comprehensively manage
risk, and develop and apply projected stress scenarios that
capture idiosyncratic vulnerabilities with a goal of holding
sufficient capital to remain adequately capitalized even after
experiencing a severe stress event. See “Capital Management
and Regulatory Capital” for further information about our
capital management process.
We have established a comprehensive governance structure to
manage and oversee our day-to-day capital management
activities and to ensure compliance with capital rules and
related policies. Our capital management activities are
overseen by the Board and its committees. The Board is
responsible for approving our annual capital plan and the
Risk Committee of the Board approves our capital
management policy, which details the risk committees and
members of senior management who are responsible for the
ongoing monitoring of our capital adequacy and evaluation
of current and future regulatory capital requirements, the
review of the results of our capital planning and stress tests
processes, and the results of our capital models. In addition,
our risk committees and senior management are responsible
for the review of our contingency capital plan, key capital
adequacy metrics, including regulatory capital ratios, and
capital plan metrics, such as the payout ratio, as well as
monitoring capital targets and potential breaches of capital
Our process for managing capital risk also includes
independent review by Risk that, among other things,
assesses regulatory capital policies and related
interpretations, escalates certain interpretations to senior
management and/or the appropriate risk committee, and
performs calculation testing to corroborate alignment with
applicable capital rules.
Climate Risk Management
We categorize climate risk into physical risk and transition
risk. Physical risk is the risk that asset values may decline or
operations may be disrupted as a result of changes in the
climate, while transition risk is the risk that asset values may
decline because of changes in climate policies or changes in
the underlying economy due to decarbonization.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 117
As a global financial institution, climate-related risks
manifest in different ways across our businesses and we have
continued to make significant enhancements to our climate
risk management framework, including steps to further
integrate climate into our broader risk management
processes. We have integrated oversight of climate-related
risks into our risk management governance structure, from
senior management to our Board and its committees,
including the Risk and Public Responsibilities Committees.
The Risk Committee of the Board oversees firmwide
financial and nonfinancial risks, which include climate risk,
and, as part of its oversight, receives updates on our risk
management approach to climate risk, including our
approaches towards scenario analysis and integration into
existing risk management processes. The Public
Responsibilities Committee of the Board assists the Board in
its oversight of our firmwide sustainability strategy and
sustainability issues affecting us, including with respect to
climate change. As part of its oversight, the Public
Responsibilities Committee receives periodic updates on our
sustainability strategy, and also periodically reviews our
governance and related policies and processes for
sustainability and climate change-related risks. Senior
management within Risk is responsible for the development
of our climate risk program.
We have begun incorporating climate risk into our credit
evaluation and underwriting processes for select industries.
Climate risk factors are now evaluated as part of transaction
due diligence for select loan commitments.
See “Business Sustainability” in Part I, Item 1 and “Risk
Factors” in Part I, Item 1A of this Form 10-K for information
about our sustainability initiatives, including in relation to
climate transition.
Compliance Risk Management
Compliance risk is the risk of legal or regulatory sanctions,
material financial loss or damage to our reputation arising
from our failure to comply with the requirements of
applicable laws, rules and regulations, and our internal
policies and procedures. Compliance risk is inherent in all
activities through which we conduct our businesses. Our
Compliance Risk Management Program, administered by
Compliance, assesses our compliance, regulatory and
reputational risk; monitors for compliance with new or
amended laws, rules and regulations; designs and implements
controls, policies, procedures and training; conducts
independent testing; investigates, surveils and monitors for
compliance risks and breaches; and leads our responses to
regulatory examinations, audits and inquiries. We monitor
and review business practices to assess whether they meet or
exceed minimum regulatory and legal standards in all
markets and jurisdictions in which we conduct business.
Conflicts Management
Conflicts of interest and our approach to dealing with them
are fundamental to our client relationships, our reputation
and our long-term success. The term “conflict of interest”
does not have a universally accepted meaning, and conflicts
can arise in many forms within a business or between
businesses. The responsibility for identifying potential
conflicts, as well as complying with our policies and
procedures, is shared by all of our employees.
We have a multilayered approach to resolving conflicts and
addressing reputational risk. Our senior management
oversees policies related to conflicts resolution and, in
conjunction with Conflicts Resolution, Legal and
Compliance, and internal committees, formulates policies,
standards and principles, and assists in making judgments
regarding the appropriate resolution of particular conflicts.
Resolving potential conflicts necessarily depends on the facts
and circumstances of a particular situation and the
application of experienced and informed judgment.
As a general matter, Conflicts Resolution reviews financing
and advisory assignments in Global Banking & Markets and
certain of our investing, lending and other activities. In
addition, we have various transaction oversight committees,
such as the Firmwide Capital, Commitments and Suitability
Committees and other committees that also review new
underwritings, loans, investments and structured products.
These groups and committees work with internal and
external counsel and Compliance to evaluate and address any
actual or potential conflicts. The head of Conflicts
Resolution reports to our chief legal officer, who reports to
our chief executive officer.
We regularly assess our policies and procedures that address
conflicts of interest in an effort to conduct our business in
accordance with the highest ethical standards and in
compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations.
For further information about our risk management
processes, see “Overview and Structure of Risk
Management” and “Risk Factors” in Part I, Item 1A of this
Form 10-K.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Item 7A. Quantitative and Qualitative
Disclosures About Market Risk
Quantitative and qualitative disclosures about market risk
are set forth in “Management's Discussion and Analysis of
Financial Condition and Results of Operations Risk
Management” in Part II, Item 7 of this Form 10-K.
Item 8. Financial Statements and
Supplementary Data
Management’s Report on Internal Control
over Financial Reporting
Management of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., together
with its consolidated subsidiaries (the firm), is responsible for
establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over
financial reporting. The firm’s internal control over financial
reporting is a process designed under the supervision of the
firm’s principal executive and principal financial officers to
provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of
financial reporting and the preparation of the firm’s financial
statements for external reporting purposes in accordance
with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.
As of December 31, 2022, management conducted an
assessment of the firm’s internal control over financial
reporting based on the framework established in Internal
Control Integrated Framework (2013) issued by the
Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway
Commission (COSO). Based on this assessment, management
has determined that the firm’s internal control over financial
reporting as of December 31, 2022 was effective.
Our internal control over financial reporting includes policies
and procedures that pertain to the maintenance of records
that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect
transactions and dispositions of assets; provide reasonable
assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to
permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with
U.S. generally accepted accounting principles, and that
receipts and expenditures are being made only in accordance
with authorizations of management and the directors of the
firm; and provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention
or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use or
disposition of the firm’s assets that could have a material
effect on our financial statements.
The firm’s internal control over financial reporting as of
December 31, 2022 has been audited by
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PCAOB ID 238), an
independent registered public accounting firm, as stated in
their report appearing on pages 120 to 122, which expresses
an unqualified opinion on the effectiveness of the firm’s
internal control over financial reporting as of December 31,
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 119
To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of The Goldman
Sachs Group, Inc.:
Opinions on the Financial Statements and Internal Control
over Financial Reporting
We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance
sheets of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and its subsidiaries
(the Company) as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, and the
related consolidated statements of earnings, of
comprehensive income, of changes in shareholders’ equity
and of cash flows for each of the three years in the period
ended December 31, 2022, including the related notes
(collectively referred to as the “consolidated financial
statements”). We also have audited the Company’s internal
control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2022,
based on criteria established in Internal Control Integrated
Framework (2013) issued by the Committee of Sponsoring
Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO).
In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred
to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial
position of the Company as of December 31, 2022 and 2021,
and the results of its operations and its cash flows for each of
the three years in the period ended December 31, 2022 in
conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in
the United States of America. Also in our opinion, the
Company maintained, in all material respects, effective
internal control over financial reporting as of December 31,
2022, based on criteria established in Internal Control
Integrated Framework (2013) issued by the COSO.
Change in Accounting Principle
As discussed in Note 9 to the consolidated financial
statements, the Company changed the manner in which it
accounts for credit losses on certain financial instruments in
Basis for Opinions
The Company’s management is responsible for these
consolidated financial statements, for maintaining effective
internal control over financial reporting, and for its
assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over
financial reporting, included in the accompanying
Management’s Report on Internal Control over Financial
Reporting. Our responsibility is to express opinions on the
Company’s consolidated financial statements and on the
Company’s internal control over financial reporting based on
our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with
the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United
States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with
respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal
securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the
Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.
We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of
the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and
perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about
whether the consolidated financial statements are free of
material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud, and
whether effective internal control over financial reporting
was maintained in all material respects.
Our audits of the consolidated financial statements included
performing procedures to assess the risks of material
misstatement of the consolidated financial statements,
whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures
that respond to those risks. Such procedures included
examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts
and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. Our
audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used
and significant estimates made by management, as well as
evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated
financial statements. Our audit of internal control over
financial reporting included obtaining an understanding of
internal control over financial reporting, assessing the risk
that a material weakness exists, and testing and evaluating
the design and operating effectiveness of internal control
based on the assessed risk. Our audits also included
performing such other procedures as we considered necessary
in the circumstances. We believe that our audits provide a
reasonable basis for our opinions.
Report of Independent Registered Public
Accounting Firm
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Definition and Limitations of Internal Control over Financial
A company’s internal control over financial reporting is a
process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding
the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of
financial statements for external purposes in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles. A company’s
internal control over financial reporting includes those
policies and procedures that (i) pertain to the maintenance of
records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect
the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the
company; (ii) provide reasonable assurance that transactions
are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial
statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company
are being made only in accordance with authorizations of
management and directors of the company; and (iii) provide
reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely
detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of
the company’s assets that could have a material effect on the
financial statements.
Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over
financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements.
Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future
periods are subject to the risk that controls may become
inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the
degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may
Critical Audit Matters
The critical audit matters communicated below are matters
arising from the current period audit of the consolidated
financial statements that were communicated or required to
be communicated to the audit committee and that (i) relate to
accounts or disclosures that are material to the consolidated
financial statements and (ii) involved our especially
challenging, subjective, or complex judgments. The
communication of critical audit matters does not alter in any
way our opinion on the consolidated financial statements,
taken as a whole, and we are not, by communicating the
critical audit matters below, providing separate opinions on
the critical audit matters or on the accounts or disclosures to
which they relate.
Valuation of Certain Level 3 Financial Instruments
As described in Notes 4 and 5 to the consolidated financial
statements, as of December 31, 2022, the Company carries
financial instruments at fair value, which includes $26.0
billion of financial assets and $22.8 billion of financial
liabilities classified in Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy, as
one or more inputs to the financial instrument’s valuation
technique are significant and unobservable. Significant
unobservable inputs used by management to value certain of
these Level 3 financial instruments included (i) industry
multiples and public comparables, (ii) credit spreads or (iii)
The principal considerations for our determination that
performing procedures relating to the valuation of these
certain Level 3 financial instruments is a critical audit matter
are (i) the significant judgment by management in valuing the
financial instruments, which in turn led to a high degree of
auditor judgment, subjectivity, and effort in performing
procedures and evaluating audit evidence related to the
aforementioned significant unobservable inputs used in the
valuation of certain Level 3 financial instruments, and (ii) the
audit effort involved the use of professionals with specialized
skill and knowledge.
Addressing the matter involved performing procedures and
evaluating audit evidence in connection with forming our
overall opinion on the consolidated financial statements.
These procedures included testing the effectiveness of
controls relating to the valuation of financial instruments,
including controls over the methods and significant
unobservable inputs used in the valuation of certain Level 3
financial instruments. These procedures also included,
among others, for a sample of financial instruments, the
involvement of professionals with specialized skill and
knowledge to assist in (i) developing an independent estimate
of fair value or (ii) testing management’s process to
determine the fair value of these financial instruments.
Developing the independent estimate involved (i) testing the
completeness and accuracy of data provided by management,
(ii) evaluating and utilizing management’s significant
unobservable inputs or developing independent significant
unobservable inputs, and (iii) comparing management’s
estimate to the independently developed estimate of fair
value. Testing management’s process included evaluating the
reasonableness of the aforementioned significant
unobservable inputs, evaluating the appropriateness of the
techniques used, and testing the completeness and accuracy
of data used by management to determine the fair value of
these instruments.
Report of Independent Registered Public
Accounting Firm
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 121
Allowance for Loan Losses - Wholesale Loan Portfolio
As described in Note 9 to the consolidated financial
statements, the Company’s allowance for loan losses for the
wholesale loan portfolio reflects management’s estimate of
loan losses over the remaining expected life of the loans and
also considers forecasts of future economic conditions. As of
December 31, 2022, $2.6 billion of the allowance for loan
losses and $150.4 billion of the loans accounted for at
amortized cost related to the wholesale loan portfolio. The
allowance for loan losses for the wholesale loan portfolio is
measured on a collective basis for loans that exhibit similar
risk characteristics using a modeled approach and on an
asset-specific basis for loans that do not share similar risk
characteristics. In addition, it includes qualitative
components to reflect the uncertain nature of economic
forecasting, capture uncertainty regarding model inputs, and
account for model imprecision and concentration risk. The
wholesale models determine the probability of default and
loss given default based on various risk factors, including
internal credit ratings, industry default and loss data,
expected life, macroeconomic indicators, the borrower’s
capacity to meet its financial obligations, the borrower’s
country of risk and industry, loan seniority and collateral
type. The most significant inputs to the forecast model for
wholesale loans include forecasted U.S. unemployment rates,
GDP, credit spreads, commercial and industrial delinquency
rates, short- and long-term interest rates, and oil prices.
The principal considerations for our determination that
performing procedures relating to the allowance for loan
losses for the wholesale loan portfolio is a critical audit
matter are (i) the significant judgment and estimation by
management in the determinations of internal credit ratings
and the forecasted U.S. unemployment rates, which in turn
led to a high degree of auditor judgment, subjectivity, and
effort in performing procedures and evaluating audit
evidence related to management’s determinations, and (ii) the
audit effort involved the use of professionals with specialized
skill and knowledge.
Addressing the matter involved performing procedures and
evaluating audit evidence in connection with forming our
overall opinion on the consolidated financial statements.
These procedures included testing the effectiveness of
controls relating to the Company’s allowance for loan losses
for the wholesale loan portfolio, including controls over the
model, certain data, and significant assumptions. These
procedures also included, among others, testing
management’s process for estimating the allowance for loan
losses for the wholesale loan portfolio using a modeled
approach, which involved evaluating the appropriateness of
the methodology and testing the completeness and accuracy
of certain data used in estimating the allowance for loan
losses. The procedures also involved the use of professionals
with specialized skill and knowledge to assist in evaluating (i)
the appropriateness of the model and methodology and (ii)
the reasonableness of the internal credit ratings and the
forecasted U.S. unemployment rates used in estimating the
allowance for loan losses for the wholesale loan portfolio.
/s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
New York, New York
February23, 2023
We have served as the Company’s auditor since 1922.
Report of Independent Registered Public
Accounting Firm
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Year Ended December
in millions, except per share amounts
2022 2021 2020
Investment banking $ 7,360 $ 14,136 $ 9,100
Investment management 9,005 8,171 6,986
Commissions and fees 4,034 3,590 3,539
Market making 18,634 15,357 15,428
Other principal transactions 654 11,615 4,756
Total non-interest revenues 39,687 52,869 39,809
Interest income 29,024 12,120 13,689
Interest expense 21,346 5,650 8,938
Net interest income 7,678 6,470 4,751
Total net revenues 47,365 59,339 44,560
Provision for credit losses 2,715 357 3,098
Operating expenses
Compensation and benefits 15,148 17,719 13,309
Transaction based 5,312 4,710 4,141
Market development 812 553 401
Communications and technology 1,808 1,573 1,347
Depreciation and amortization 2,455 2,015 1,902
Occupancy 1,026 981 960
Professional fees 1,887 1,648 1,306
Other expenses 2,716 2,739 5,617
Total operating expenses 31,164 31,938 28,983
Pre-tax earnings 13,486 27,044 12,479
Provision for taxes 2,225 5,409 3,020
Net earnings 11,261 21,635 9,459
Preferred stock dividends 497 484 544
Net earnings applicable to common shareholders $ 10,764 $ 21,151 $ 8,915
Earnings per common share
Basic $ 30.42 $ 60.25 $ 24.94
Diluted $ 30.06 $ 59.45 $ 24.74
Average common shares
Basic 352.1 350.5 356.4
Diluted 358.1 355.8 360.3
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
Net earnings $ 11,261 $ 21,635 $ 9,459
Other comprehensive income/(loss) adjustments, net of tax:
Currency translation (47) (42) (80)
Debt valuation adjustment 1,403 322 (261)
Pension and postretirement liabilities (172) 41 (26)
Available-for-sale securities (2,126) (955) 417
Other comprehensive income/(loss) (942) (634) 50
Comprehensive income $ 10,319 $ 21,001 $ 9,509
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
Consolidated Statements of Earnings
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 123
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Cash and cash equivalents $ 241,825 $ 261,036
Collateralized agreements:
Securities purchased under agreements to resell (at fair value) 225,117 205,703
Securities borrowed (includes $38,578 and $39,955 at fair value) 189,041 178,771
Customer and other receivables (includes $25 and $42 at fair value) 135,448 160,673
Trading assets (at fair value and includes $40,143 and $68,208 pledged as collateral) 301,245 375,916
Investments (includes $78,201 and $83,427 at fair value, and $9,818 and $12,840 pledged as collateral) 130,629 88,719
Loans (net of allowance of $5,543 and $3,573, and includes $7,655 and $10,769 at fair value) 179,286 158,562
Other assets (includes $145 and $0 at fair value) 39,208 34,608
Total assets $ 1,441,799 $ 1,463,988
Liabilities and shareholders’ equity
Deposits (includes $15,746 and $35,425 at fair value) $ 386,665 $ 364,227
Collateralized financings:
Securities sold under agreements to repurchase (at fair value) 110,349 165,883
Securities loaned (includes $4,372 and $9,170 at fair value) 30,727 46,505
Other secured financings (includes $12,756 and $17,074 at fair value) 13,946 18,544
Customer and other payables 262,045 251,931
Trading liabilities (at fair value) 191,324 181,424
Unsecured short-term borrowings (includes $39,731 and $29,832 at fair value) 60,961 46,955
Unsecured long-term borrowings (includes $73,147 and $52,390 at fair value) 247,138 254,092
Other liabilities (includes $159 and $359 at fair value) 21,455 24,501
Total liabilities 1,324,610 1,354,062
Commitments, contingencies and guarantees
Shareholders’ equity
Preferred stock; aggregate liquidation preference of $10,703 and $10,703 10,703 10,703
Common stock; 917,815,030 and 906,430,314 shares issued, and 334,918,639 and 333,573,254 shares outstanding 9 9
Share-based awards 5,696 4,211
Nonvoting common stock; no shares issued and outstanding
Additional paid-in capital 59,050 56,396
Retained earnings 139,372 131,811
Accumulated other comprehensive loss (3,010) (2,068)
Stock held in treasury, at cost; 582,896,393 and 572,857,062 shares (94,631) (91,136)
Total shareholders’ equity 117,189 109,926
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity $ 1,441,799 $ 1,463,988
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
Consolidated Balance Sheets
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
Preferred stock
Beginning balance $ 10,703 $ 11,203 $ 11,203
Issued 2,175 350
Redeemed (2,675) (350)
Ending balance 10,703 10,703 11,203
Common stock
Beginning balance 9 9 9
Ending balance 9 9 9
Share-based awards
Beginning balance 4,211 3,468 3,195
Issuance and amortization of share-based awards 4,110 2,527 1,967
Delivery of common stock underlying share-based awards (2,468) (1,626) (1,601)
Forfeiture of share-based awards (157) (158) (93)
Ending balance 5,696 4,211 3,468
Additional paid-in capital
Beginning balance 56,396 55,679 54,883
Delivery of common stock underlying share-based awards 2,516 1,678 1,619
Cancellation of share-based awards in satisfaction of withholding tax requirements (1,591) (984) (829)
Issuance costs of redeemed preferred stock 24
Issuance of common stock in connection with acquisition 1,730
Other (1) (1) 6
Ending balance 59,050 56,396 55,679
Retained earnings
Beginning balance, as previously reported 131,811 112,947 106,465
Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle for current expected credit losses, net of tax (638)
Beginning balance, adjusted 131,811 112,947 105,827
Net earnings 11,261 21,635 9,459
Dividends and dividend equivalents declared on common stock and share-based awards (3,203) (2,287) (1,795)
Dividends declared on preferred stock (497) (443) (543)
Preferred stock redemption premium (41) (1)
Ending balance 139,372 131,811 112,947
Accumulated other comprehensive income/(loss)
Beginning balance (2,068) (1,434) (1,484)
Other comprehensive income/(loss) (942) (634) 50
Ending balance (3,010) (2,068) (1,434)
Stock held in treasury, at cost
Beginning balance (91,136) (85,940) (84,006)
Repurchased (3,500) (5,200) (1,928)
Reissued 20 11 11
Other (15) (7) (17)
Ending balance (94,631) (91,136) (85,940)
Total shareholders’ equity $ 117,189 $ 109,926 $ 95,932
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 125
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
Cash flows from operating activities
Net earnings $ 11,261 $ 21,635 $ 9,459
Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to net cash provided by/(used for) operating activities
Depreciation and amortization 2,455 2,015 1,902
Deferred income taxes (2,412) 5 (833)
Share-based compensation 4,083 2,348 1,920
Gain related to extinguishment of unsecured borrowings (1)
Provision for credit losses 2,715 357 3,098
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
Customer and other receivables and payables, net 35,014 21,971 (30,895)
Collateralized transactions (excluding other secured financings), net (100,996) (70,058) (13,007)
Trading assets 45,278 15,232 (33,405)
Trading liabilities 8,062 26,616 44,892
Loans held for sale, net 3,161 (5,556) 1,820
Other, net 87 (8,267) (3,485)
Net cash provided by/(used for) operating activities 8,708 6,298 (18,535)
Cash flows from investing activities
Purchase of property, leasehold improvements and equipment (3,748) (4,667) (6,309)
Proceeds from sales of property, leasehold improvements and equipment 2,706 3,933 2,970
Net cash used for business acquisitions (2,115) (231)
Purchase of investments (60,536) (39,912) (48,670)
Proceeds from sales and paydowns of investments 12,961 45,701 29,057
Loans (excluding loans held for sale), net (25,228) (35,520) (11,173)
Net cash used for investing activities (75,960) (30,465) (34,356)
Cash flows from financing activities
Unsecured short-term borrowings, net 321 2,137 7,707
Other secured financings (short-term), net (2,283) (1,320) 2,861
Proceeds from issuance of other secured financings (long-term) 1,800 4,795 8,073
Repayment of other secured financings (long-term), including the current portion (3,407) (6,590) (4,137)
Purchase of Trust Preferred securities (11)
Proceeds from issuance of unsecured long-term borrowings 84,522 92,717 47,250
Repayment of unsecured long-term borrowings, including the current portion (42,806) (52,608) (55,040)
Derivative contracts with a financing element, net 1,797 1,121 1,037
Deposits, net 28,074 103,538 67,343
Preferred stock redemption (2,675) (350)
Common stock repurchased (3,500) (5,200) (1,928)
Settlement of share-based awards in satisfaction of withholding tax requirements (1,595) (985) (830)
Dividends and dividend equivalents paid on common stock, preferred stock and share-based awards (3,682) (2,725) (2,336)
Proceeds from issuance of preferred stock, net of issuance costs 2,172 349
Other financing, net 361 361 392
Net cash provided by financing activities 59,602 134,738 70,380
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents (11,561) (5,377) 4,807
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (19,211) 105,194 22,296
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning balance 261,036 155,842 133,546
Cash and cash equivalents, ending balance $ 241,825 $ 261,036 $ 155,842
Supplemental disclosures:
Cash payments for interest, net of capitalized interest $ 19,022 $ 5,521 $ 9,091
Cash payments for income taxes, net $ 4,555 $ 6,195 $ 2,754
See Notes 12 and 16 for information about non-cash activities.
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Note 1.
Description of Business
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (Group Inc. or parent
company), a Delaware corporation, together with its
consolidated subsidiaries (collectively, the firm), is a leading
global financial institution that delivers a broad range of
financial services to a large and diversified client base that
includes corporations, financial institutions, governments
and individuals. Founded in 1869, the firm is headquartered
in New York and maintains offices in all major financial
centers around the world.
Commencing with the fourth quarter of 2022, consistent with
the firm's previously announced organizational changes, the
firm began managing and reporting its activities in the
following three business segments: Global Banking &
Markets, Asset & Wealth Management and Platform
Solutions. Prior periods are presented on a comparable basis.
Global Banking & Markets
The firm provides a broad range of services to a diverse
group of corporations, financial institutions, investment
funds and governments. Services include strategic advisory
assignments with respect to mergers and acquisitions,
divestitures, corporate defense activities, restructurings and
spin-offs, and equity and debt underwriting of public
offerings and private placements. The firm facilitates client
transactions and makes markets in fixed income, equity,
currency and commodity products. In addition, the firm
makes markets in and clears institutional client transactions
on major stock, options and futures exchanges worldwide
and provides prime brokerage and other equities financing
activities, including securities lending, margin lending and
swaps. The firm also provides lending to corporate clients,
including through relationship lending and acquisition
financing, and secured lending, through structured credit and
asset-backed lending. In addition, the firm provides financing
through securities purchased under agreements to resell
(resale agreements) and provides securities-based loans to
individuals. The firm also makes equity and debt investments
related to Global Banking & Markets activities.
Asset & Wealth Management
The firm manages assets and offers investment products
across all major asset classes to a diverse set of clients, both
institutional and individuals, including through a network of
third-party distributors around the world. The firm also
provides investing and wealth advisory solutions, including
financial planning and counseling, and executing brokerage
transactions for wealth management clients. The firm issues
loans to wealth management clients, accepts deposits
through its consumer banking digital platform, Marcus by
Goldman Sachs (Marcus), and through its private bank, and
provides investing services through Marcus Invest to U.S.
customers. The firm has also issued unsecured loans to
consumers through Marcus and has started a process to cease
offering new loans. The firm makes equity investments,
which include investing activities related to public and
private equity investments in corporate, real estate and
infrastructure assets, as well as investments through
consolidated investment entities, substantially all of which
are engaged in real estate investment activities. The firm also
invests in debt instruments and engages in lending activities
to middle-market clients, and provides financing for real
estate and other assets.
Platform Solutions
The firm issues credit cards through partnership
arrangements and provides point-of-sale financing through
GreenSky, Inc. (GreenSky) to consumers. The firm also
provides transaction banking and other services, including
cash management services, such as deposit-taking and
payment solutions for corporate and institutional clients.
Note 2.
Basis of Presentation
These consolidated financial statements are prepared in
accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in
the United States (U.S. GAAP) and include the accounts of
Group Inc. and all other entities in which the firm has a
controlling financial interest. Intercompany transactions and
balances have been eliminated.
All references to 2022, 2021 and 2020 refer to the firm’s years
ended, or the dates, as the context requires, December 31,
2022, December 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020,
respectively. Any reference to a future year refers to a year
ending on December 31 of that year. Certain reclassifications
have been made to previously reported amounts to conform
to the current presentation.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 127
Note 3.
Significant Accounting Policies
The firm’s significant accounting policies include when and
how to measure the fair value of assets and liabilities,
measuring the allowance for credit losses on loans and
lending commitments accounted for at amortized cost, and
when to consolidate an entity. See Note 4 for policies on fair
value measurements, Note 9 for policies on the allowance for
credit losses, and below and Note 17 for policies on
consolidation accounting. All other significant accounting
policies are either described below or included in the
following footnotes:
Fair Value Measurements Note 4
Fair Value Hierarchy Note 5
Trading Assets and Liabilities Note 6
Derivatives and Hedging Activities Note 7
Investments Note 8
Loans Note 9
Fair Value Option Note 10
Collateralized Agreements and Financings Note 11
Other Assets Note 12
Deposits Note 13
Unsecured Borrowings Note 14
Other Liabilities Note 15
Securitization Activities Note 16
Variable Interest Entities Note 17
Commitments, Contingencies and Guarantees Note 18
Shareholders’ Equity Note 19
Regulation and Capital Adequacy Note 20
Earnings Per Common Share Note 21
Transactions with Affiliated Funds Note 22
Interest Income and Interest Expense Note 23
Income Taxes Note 24
Business Segments Note 25
Credit Concentrations Note 26
Legal Proceedings Note 27
Employee Benefit Plans Note 28
Employee Incentive Plans Note 29
Parent Company Note 30
The firm consolidates entities in which the firm has a
controlling financial interest. The firm determines whether it
has a controlling financial interest in an entity by first
evaluating whether the entity is a voting interest entity or a
variable interest entity (VIE).
Voting Interest Entities. Voting interest entities are entities
in which (i) the total equity investment at risk is sufficient to
enable the entity to finance its activities independently and
(ii) the equity holders have the power to direct the activities
of the entity that most significantly impact its economic
performance, the obligation to absorb the losses of the entity
and the right to receive the residual returns of the entity. The
usual condition for a controlling financial interest in a voting
interest entity is ownership of a majority voting interest. If
the firm has a controlling majority voting interest in a voting
interest entity, the entity is consolidated.
Variable Interest Entities. A VIE is an entity that lacks one
or more of the characteristics of a voting interest entity. The
firm has a controlling financial interest in a VIE when the
firm has a variable interest or interests that provide it with (i)
the power to direct the activities of the VIE that most
significantly impact the VIE’s economic performance and (ii)
the obligation to absorb losses of the VIE or the right to
receive benefits from the VIE that could potentially be
significant to the VIE. See Note 17 for further information
about VIEs.
Equity-Method Investments. When the firm does not have
a controlling financial interest in an entity but can exert
significant influence over the entity’s operating and financial
policies, the investment is generally accounted for at fair
value by electing the fair value option available under U.S.
GAAP. Significant influence generally exists when the firm
owns 20% to 50% of the entity’s common stock or in-
substance common stock.
In certain cases, the firm applies the equity method of
accounting to new investments that are strategic in nature or
closely related to the firm’s principal business activities,
when the firm has a significant degree of involvement in the
cash flows or operations of the investee or when cost-benefit
considerations are less significant. See Note 8 for further
information about equity-method investments.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Investment Funds. The firm has formed investment funds
with third-party investors. These funds are typically
organized as limited partnerships or limited liability
companies for which the firm acts as general partner or
manager. Generally, the firm does not hold a majority of the
economic interests in these funds. These funds are usually
voting interest entities and generally are not consolidated
because third-party investors typically have rights to
terminate the funds or to remove the firm as general partner
or manager. Investments in these funds are generally
measured at net asset value (NAV) and are included in
investments. See Notes 8, 18 and 22 for further information
about investments in funds.
Use of Estimates
Preparation of these consolidated financial statements
requires management to make certain estimates and
assumptions, the most important of which relate to fair value
measurements, the allowance for credit losses on loans and
lending commitments accounted for at amortized cost,
accounting for goodwill and identifiable intangible assets,
provisions for losses that may arise from litigation and
regulatory proceedings (including governmental
investigations), and accounting for income taxes. These
estimates and assumptions are based on the best available
information, but actual results could be materially different.
Revenue Recognition
Financial Assets and Liabilities at Fair Value. Trading
assets and liabilities and certain investments are carried at
fair value either under the fair value option or in accordance
with other U.S. GAAP. In addition, the firm has elected to
account for certain of its loans and other financial assets and
liabilities at fair value by electing the fair value option. The
fair value of a financial instrument is the amount that would
be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an
orderly transaction between market participants at the
measurement date. Financial assets are marked to bid prices
and financial liabilities are marked to offer prices. Fair value
measurements do not include transaction costs. Fair value
gains or losses are generally included in market making or
other principal transactions. See Note 4 for further
information about fair value measurements.
Revenue from Contracts with Clients. The firm
recognizes revenue earned from contracts with clients for
services, such as investment banking, investment
management, and execution and clearing (contracts with
clients), when the performance obligations related to the
underlying transaction are completed.
Revenues from contracts with clients represent
approximately 50% of total non-interest revenues for 2022
(including approximately 85% of investment banking
revenues, approximately 95% of investment management
revenues and all commissions and fees), approximately 45%
of total non-interest revenues for 2021 (including
approximately 90% of both investment banking revenues
and investment management revenues, and all commissions
and fees), and approximately 45% of total non-interest
revenues for 2020 (including approximately 90% of
investment banking revenues, approximately 95% of
investment management revenues and all commissions and
fees). See Note 25 for information about net revenues by
business segment.
Investment Banking
Advisory. Fees from financial advisory assignments are
recognized in revenues when the services related to the
underlying transaction are completed under the terms of the
assignment. Non-refundable deposits and milestone
payments in connection with financial advisory assignments
are recognized in revenues upon completion of the
underlying transaction or when the assignment is otherwise
Expenses associated with financial advisory assignments are
recognized when incurred and are included in transaction
based expenses. Client reimbursements for such expenses are
included in investment banking revenues.
Underwriting. Fees from underwriting assignments are
recognized in revenues upon completion of the underlying
transaction based on the terms of the assignment.
Expenses associated with underwriting assignments are
generally deferred until the related revenue is recognized or
the assignment is otherwise concluded. Such expenses are
included in transaction based expenses for completed
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 129
Investment Management
The firm earns management fees and incentive fees for
investment management services, which are included in
investment management revenues. The firm makes payments
to brokers and advisors related to the placement of the firm’s
investment funds (distribution fees), which are included in
transaction based expenses.
Management Fees. Management fees for mutual funds are
calculated as a percentage of daily net asset value and are
received monthly. Management fees for hedge funds and
separately managed accounts are calculated as a percentage
of month-end net asset value and are generally received
quarterly. Management fees for private equity funds are
calculated as a percentage of monthly invested capital or
committed capital and are received quarterly, semi-annually
or annually, depending on the fund. Management fees are
recognized over time in the period the services are provided.
Distribution fees paid by the firm are calculated based on
either a percentage of the management fee, the investment
fund’s net asset value or the committed capital. Such fees are
included in transaction based expenses.
Incentive Fees. Incentive fees are calculated as a percentage
of a fund’s or separately managed account’s return, or excess
return above a specified benchmark or other performance
target. Incentive fees are generally based on investment
performance over a twelve-month period or over the life of a
fund. Fees that are based on performance over a twelve-
month period are subject to adjustment prior to the end of
the measurement period. For fees that are based on
investment performance over the life of the fund, future
investment underperformance may require fees previously
distributed to the firm to be returned to the fund.
Incentive fees earned from a fund or separately managed
account are recognized when it is probable that a significant
reversal of such fees will not occur, which is generally when
such fees are no longer subject to fluctuations in the market
value of investments held by the fund or separately managed
account. Therefore, incentive fees recognized during the
period may relate to performance obligations satisfied in
previous periods.
Commissions and Fees
The firm earns substantially all commissions and fees from
executing and clearing client transactions on stock, options
and futures markets, as well as over-the-counter (OTC)
transactions. Commissions and fees are recognized on the
day the trade is executed. The firm also provides third-party
research services to clients in connection with certain soft-
dollar arrangements. Third-party research costs incurred by
the firm in connection with such arrangements are presented
net within commissions and fees.
Remaining Performance Obligations
Remaining performance obligations are services that the firm
has committed to perform in the future in connection with its
contracts with clients. The firm’s remaining performance
obligations are generally related to its financial advisory
assignments and certain investment management activities.
Revenues associated with remaining performance obligations
relating to financial advisory assignments cannot be
determined until the outcome of the transaction. For the
firm’s investment management activities, where fees are
calculated based on the net asset value of the fund or
separately managed account, future revenues associated with
such remaining performance obligations cannot be
determined as such fees are subject to fluctuations in the
market value of investments held by the fund or separately
managed account.
The firm is able to determine the future revenues associated
with management fees calculated based on committed
capital. As of December 2022, substantially all future net
revenues associated with such remaining performance
obligations will be recognized through 2030. Annual
revenues associated with such performance obligations
average less than $300 million through 2030.
Transfers of Financial Assets
Transfers of financial assets are accounted for as sales when
the firm has relinquished control over the assets transferred.
For transfers of financial assets accounted for as sales, any
gains or losses are recognized in net revenues. Assets or
liabilities that arise from the firm’s continuing involvement
with transferred financial assets are initially recognized at
fair value. For transfers of financial assets that are not
accounted for as sales, the assets are generally included in
trading assets and the transfer is accounted for as a
collateralized financing, with the related interest expense
recognized over the life of the transaction. See Note 11 for
further information about transfers of financial assets
accounted for as collateralized financings and Note 16 for
further information about transfers of financial assets
accounted for as sales.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Cash and Cash Equivalents
The firm defines cash equivalents as highly liquid overnight
deposits held in the ordinary course of business. Cash and
cash equivalents included cash and due from banks of $7.87
billion as of December 2022 and $10.14 billion as of
December 2021. Cash and cash equivalents also included
interest-bearing deposits with banks of $233.96 billion as of
December 2022 and $250.90 billion as of December 2021.
The firm segregates cash for regulatory and other purposes
related to client activity. Cash and cash equivalents
segregated for regulatory and other purposes were $16.94
billion as of December 2022 and $24.87 billion as of
December 2021. In addition, the firm segregates securities for
regulatory and other purposes related to client activity. See
Note 11 for further information about segregated securities.
Customer and Other Receivables
Customer and other receivables included receivables from
customers and counterparties of $67.88 billion as of
December 2022 and $103.82 billion as of December 2021, and
receivables from brokers, dealers and clearing organizations
of $67.57 billion as of December 2022 and $56.85 billion as of
December 2021. Such receivables primarily consist of
collateral posted in connection with certain derivative
transactions, customer margin loans and receivables resulting
from unsettled transactions.
Substantially all of these receivables are accounted for at
amortized cost net of any allowance for credit losses, which
generally approximates fair value. As these receivables are
not accounted for at fair value, they are not included in the
firm’s fair value hierarchy in Notes 4 and 5. Had these
receivables been included in the firm’s fair value hierarchy,
substantially all would have been classified in level 2 as of
both December 2022 and December 2021. See Note 10 for
further information about customer and other receivables
accounted for at fair value under the fair value option.
Interest on customer and other receivables is recognized over
the life of the transaction and included in interest income.
Customer and other receivables includes receivables from
contracts with clients and contract assets. Contract assets
represent the firm’s right to receive consideration for services
provided in connection with its contracts with clients for
which collection is conditional and not merely subject to the
passage of time. The firm’s receivables from contracts with
clients were $3.01 billion as of both December 2022 and
December 2021. As of both December 2022 and December
2021, contract assets were not material.
Customer and Other Payables
Customer and other payables included payables to customers
and counterparties of $238.12 billion as of December 2022
and $241.93 billion as of December 2021, and payables to
brokers, dealers and clearing organizations of $23.93 billion
as of December 2022 and $10.00 billion as of December 2021.
Such payables primarily consist of customer credit balances
related to the firm’s prime brokerage activities. Customer
and other payables are accounted for at cost plus accrued
interest, which generally approximates fair value. As these
payables are not accounted for at fair value, they are not
included in the firm’s fair value hierarchy in Notes 4 and 5.
Had these payables been included in the firm’s fair value
hierarchy, substantially all would have been classified in level
2 as of both December 2022 and December 2021. Interest on
customer and other payables is recognized over the life of the
transaction and included in interest expense.
Offsetting Assets and Liabilities
To reduce credit exposures on derivatives and securities
financing transactions, the firm may enter into master netting
agreements or similar arrangements (collectively, netting
agreements) with counterparties that permit it to offset
receivables and payables with such counterparties. A netting
agreement is a contract with a counterparty that permits net
settlement of multiple transactions with that counterparty,
including upon the exercise of termination rights by a non-
defaulting party. Upon exercise of such termination rights,
all transactions governed by the netting agreement are
terminated and a net settlement amount is calculated. In
addition, the firm receives and posts cash and securities
collateral with respect to its derivatives and securities
financing transactions, subject to the terms of the related
credit support agreements or similar arrangements
(collectively, credit support agreements). An enforceable
credit support agreement grants the non-defaulting party
exercising termination rights the right to liquidate the
collateral and apply the proceeds to any amounts owed. In
order to assess enforceability of the firm’s right of setoff
under netting and credit support agreements, the firm
evaluates various factors, including applicable bankruptcy
laws, local statutes and regulatory provisions in the
jurisdiction of the parties to the agreement.
Derivatives are reported on a net-by-counterparty basis (i.e.,
the net payable or receivable for derivative assets and
liabilities for a given counterparty) in the consolidated
balance sheets when a legal right of setoff exists under an
enforceable netting agreement. Resale agreements and
securities sold under agreements to repurchase (repurchase
agreements) and securities borrowed and loaned transactions
with the same settlement date are presented on a net-by-
counterparty basis in the consolidated balance sheets when
such transactions meet certain settlement criteria and are
subject to netting agreements.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 131
In the consolidated balance sheets, derivatives are reported
net of cash collateral received and posted under enforceable
credit support agreements, when transacted under an
enforceable netting agreement. In the consolidated balance
sheets, resale and repurchase agreements, and securities
borrowed and loaned, are not reported net of the related cash
and securities received or posted as collateral. See Note 11 for
further information about collateral received and pledged,
including rights to deliver or repledge collateral. See Notes 7
and 11 for further information about offsetting assets and
Foreign Currency Translation
Assets and liabilities denominated in non-U.S. currencies are
translated at rates of exchange prevailing on the date of the
consolidated balance sheets and revenues and expenses are
translated at average rates of exchange for the period.
Foreign currency remeasurement gains or losses on
transactions in nonfunctional currencies are recognized in
earnings. Gains or losses on translation of the financial
statements of a non-U.S. operation, when the functional
currency is other than the U.S. dollar, are included, net of
hedges and taxes, in the consolidated statements of
comprehensive income.
Recent Accounting Developments
Facilitation of the Effects of Reference Rate Reform on
Financial Reporting (ASC 848). In March 2020, the FASB
issued ASU No. 2020-04, “Reference Rate Reform
Facilitation of the Effects of Reference Rate Reform on
Financial Reporting.” This ASU, as amended in 2022,
provides optional relief from applying generally accepted
accounting principles to contracts, hedging relationships and
other transactions affected by reference rate reform. In
addition, in January 2021 the FASB issued ASU No. 2021-01,
“Reference Rate Reform Scope,” which clarified the scope
of ASC 848 relating to contract modifications. The firm
adopted these ASUs upon issuance and elected to apply the
relief available to certain modified derivatives. The adoption
of these ASUs did not have a material impact on the firm’s
consolidated financial statements.
Troubled Debt Restructurings and Vintage Disclosures
(ASC 326). In March 2022, the FASB issued ASU No.
2022-02, “Financial Instruments Credit Losses (Topic 326)
Troubled Debt Restructurings and Vintage Disclosures.”
This ASU eliminates the recognition and measurement
guidance for troubled debt restructurings (TDRs) and
requires enhanced disclosures about loan modifications for
borrowers experiencing financial difficulty. This ASU also
requires enhanced disclosure for loans that have been
charged off. The ASU became effective in January 2023
under a prospective approach. Adoption of this ASU did not
have a material impact on the firm’s consolidated financial
Accounting for Obligations to Safeguard Crypto-
Assets an Entity Holds for Platform Users (SAB 121).
In March 2022, the SEC staff issued SAB 121 (SAB 121)
“Accounting for obligations to safeguard crypto-assets an
entity holds for platform users.” SAB 121 adds interpretive
guidance requiring an entity to recognize a liability on its
balance sheet to reflect the obligation to safeguard the
crypto-assets held for its platform users, along with a
corresponding asset. The firm adopted SAB 121 in June 2022
under a modified retrospective approach and adoption did
not have a material impact on the firm’s consolidated
financial statements.
Fair Value Measurement of Equity Securities Subject
to Contractual Sale Restrictions (ASC 820). In June
2022, the FASB issued ASU No. 2022-03, “Fair Value
Measurement of Equity Securities Subject to Contractual Sale
Restrictions.” This ASU clarifies that a contractual
restriction on the sale of an equity security should not be
considered in measuring its fair value. In addition, the ASU
requires specific disclosures related to equity securities that
are subject to contractual sale restrictions. The ASU is
effective in January 2024 under a prospective approach. Early
adoption is permitted. Adoption of this ASU is not expected
to have a material impact on the firm’s consolidated financial
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Note 4.
Fair Value Measurements
The fair value of a financial instrument is the amount that
would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a
liability in an orderly transaction between market
participants at the measurement date. Financial assets are
marked to bid prices and financial liabilities are marked to
offer prices. Fair value measurements do not include
transaction costs. The firm measures certain financial assets
and liabilities as a portfolio (i.e., based on its net exposure to
market and/or credit risks).
The best evidence of fair value is a quoted price in an active
market. If quoted prices in active markets are not available,
fair value is determined by reference to prices for similar
instruments, quoted prices or recent transactions in less
active markets, or internally developed models that primarily
use market-based or independently sourced inputs, including,
but not limited to, interest rates, volatilities, equity or debt
prices, foreign exchange rates, commodity prices, credit
spreads and funding spreads (i.e., the spread or difference
between the interest rate at which a borrower could finance a
given financial instrument relative to a benchmark interest
U.S. GAAP has a three-level hierarchy for disclosure of fair
value measurements. This hierarchy prioritizes inputs to the
valuation techniques used to measure fair value, giving the
highest priority to level 1 inputs and the lowest priority to
level 3 inputs. A financial instrument’s level in this hierarchy
is based on the lowest level of input that is significant to its
fair value measurement. In evaluating the significance of a
valuation input, the firm considers, among other factors, a
portfolio’s net risk exposure to that input. The fair value
hierarchy is as follows:
Level 1. Inputs are unadjusted quoted prices in active
markets to which the firm had access at the measurement
date for identical, unrestricted assets or liabilities.
Level 2. Inputs to valuation techniques are observable, either
directly or indirectly.
Level 3. One or more inputs to valuation techniques are
significant and unobservable.
The fair values for substantially all of the firm’s financial
assets and liabilities are based on observable prices and
inputs and are classified in levels 1 and 2 of the fair value
hierarchy. Certain level 2 and level 3 financial assets and
liabilities may require valuation adjustments that a market
participant would require to arrive at fair value for factors,
such as counterparty and the firm’s credit quality, funding
risk, transfer restrictions, liquidity and bid/offer spreads.
Valuation adjustments are generally based on market
The table below presents financial assets and liabilities
carried at fair value.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Total level 1 financial assets $ 194,698 $ 255,774
Total level 2 financial assets 485,134 498,527
Total level 3 financial assets 26,048 24,083
Investments in funds at NAV 2,941 3,469
Counterparty and cash collateral netting (57,855) (66,041)
Total financial assets at fair value $ 650,966 $ 715,812
Total assets $ 1,441,799 $ 1,463,988
Total level 3 financial assets divided by:
Total assets 1.8% 1.6%
Total financial assets at fair value 4.0% 3.4%
Total level 1 financial liabilities $ 119,578 $ 110,030
Total level 2 financial liabilities 353,060 403,627
Total level 3 financial liabilities 22,830 29,169
Counterparty and cash collateral netting (47,884) (51,269)
Total financial liabilities at fair value $ 447,584 $ 491,557
Total liabilities $ 1,324,610 $ 1,354,062
Total level 3 financial liabilities divided by:
Total liabilities 1.7%
Total financial liabilities at fair value 5.1%
In the table above:
Counterparty netting among positions classified in the
same level is included in that level.
Counterparty and cash collateral netting represents the
impact on derivatives of netting across levels.
The table below presents a summary of level 3 financial
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Trading assets:
Trading cash instruments $ 1,734 $ 1,889
Derivatives 5,461 5,938
Investments 16,942 13,902
Loans 1,837 2,354
Other assets 74
Total $ 26,048 $ 24,083
Level 3 financial assets as of December 2022 increased
compared with December 2021, primarily reflecting an
increase in level 3 investments. See Note 5 for further
information about level 3 financial assets (including
information about unrealized gains and losses related to level
3 financial assets and transfers in and out of level 3).
The valuation techniques and nature of significant inputs
used to determine the fair value of the firm’s financial
instruments are described below. See Note 5 for further
information about significant unobservable inputs used to
value level 3 financial instruments.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 133
Valuation Techniques and Significant Inputs for
Trading Cash Instruments, Investments and Loans
Level 1. Level 1 instruments include U.S. government
obligations, most non-U.S. government obligations, certain
agency obligations, certain corporate debt instruments,
certain money market instruments and actively traded listed
equities. These instruments are valued using quoted prices for
identical unrestricted instruments in active markets. The firm
defines active markets for equity instruments based on the
average daily trading volume both in absolute terms and
relative to the market capitalization for the instrument. The
firm defines active markets for debt instruments based on
both the average daily trading volume and the number of
days with trading activity.
Level 2. Level 2 instruments include certain non-U.S.
government obligations, most agency obligations, most
mortgage-backed loans and securities, most corporate debt
instruments, most state and municipal obligations, most
money market instruments, most other debt obligations,
restricted or less liquid listed equities, certain private equities,
commodities and certain lending commitments.
Valuations of level 2 instruments can be verified to quoted
prices, recent trading activity for identical or similar
instruments, broker or dealer quotations or alternative
pricing sources with reasonable levels of price transparency.
Consideration is given to the nature of the quotations (e.g.,
indicative or executable) and the relationship of recent
market activity to the prices provided from alternative
pricing sources.
Valuation adjustments are typically made to level 2
instruments (i) if the instrument is subject to transfer
restrictions and/or (ii) for other premiums and liquidity
discounts that a market participant would require to arrive at
fair value. Valuation adjustments are generally based on
market evidence.
Level 3. Level 3 instruments have one or more significant
valuation inputs that are not observable. Absent evidence to
the contrary, level 3 instruments are initially valued at
transaction price, which is considered to be the best initial
estimate of fair value. Subsequently, the firm uses other
methodologies to determine fair value, which vary based on
the type of instrument. Valuation inputs and assumptions are
changed when corroborated by substantive observable
evidence, including values realized on sales.
Valuation techniques of level 3 instruments vary by
instrument, but are generally based on discounted cash flow
techniques. The valuation techniques and the nature of
significant inputs used to determine the fair values of each
type of level 3 instrument are described below:
Loans and Securities Backed by Commercial Real
Loans and securities backed by commercial real estate are
directly or indirectly collateralized by a single property or a
portfolio of properties, and may include tranches of varying
levels of subordination. Significant inputs are generally
determined based on relative value analyses and include:
Market yields implied by transactions of similar or related
assets and/or current levels and changes in market indices,
such as the CMBX (an index that tracks the performance
of commercial mortgage bonds);
Transaction prices in both the underlying collateral and
instruments with the same or similar underlying collateral;
A measure of expected future cash flows in a default
scenario (recovery rates) implied by the value of the
underlying collateral, which is mainly driven by current
performance of the underlying collateral and capitalization
rates. Recovery rates are expressed as a percentage of
notional or face value of the instrument and reflect the
benefit of credit enhancements on certain instruments; and
Timing of expected future cash flows (duration) which, in
certain cases, may incorporate the impact of any loan
forbearances and other unobservable inputs (e.g.,
prepayment speeds).
Loans and Securities Backed by Residential Real
Loans and securities backed by residential real estate are
directly or indirectly collateralized by portfolios of residential
real estate and may include tranches of varying levels of
subordination. Significant inputs are generally determined
based on relative value analyses, which incorporate
comparisons to instruments with similar collateral and risk
profiles. Significant inputs include:
Market yields implied by transactions of similar or related
Transaction prices in both the underlying collateral and
instruments with the same or similar underlying collateral;
Cumulative loss expectations, driven by default rates,
home price projections, residential property liquidation
timelines, related costs and subsequent recoveries; and
Duration, driven by underlying loan prepayment speeds
and residential property liquidation timelines.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Corporate Debt Instruments
Corporate debt instruments includes corporate loans, debt
securities and convertible debentures. Significant inputs for
corporate debt instruments are generally determined based
on relative value analyses, which incorporate comparisons
both to prices of credit default swaps that reference the same
or similar underlying instrument or entity and to other debt
instruments for the same or similar issuer for which
observable prices or broker quotations are available.
Significant inputs include:
Market yields implied by transactions of similar or related
assets and/or current levels and trends of market indices,
such as the CDX (an index that tracks the performance of
corporate credit);
Current performance and recovery assumptions and, where
the firm uses credit default swaps to value the related
instrument, the cost of borrowing the underlying reference
Duration; and
Market and transaction multiples for corporate debt
instruments with convertibility or participation options.
Equity Securities
Equity securities consists of private equities. Recent third-
party completed or pending transactions (e.g., merger
proposals, debt restructurings, tender offers) are considered
the best evidence for any change in fair value. When these are
not available, the following valuation methodologies are
used, as appropriate:
Industry multiples (primarily EBITDA and revenue
multiples) and public comparables;
Transactions in similar instruments;
Discounted cash flow techniques; and
Third-party appraisals.
The firm also considers changes in the outlook for the
relevant industry and financial performance of the issuer as
compared to projected performance. Significant inputs
Market and transaction multiples;
Discount rates and capitalization rates; and
For equity securities with debt-like features, market yields
implied by transactions of similar or related assets, current
performance and recovery assumptions, and duration.
Other Trading Cash Instruments, Investments and
The significant inputs to the valuation of other instruments,
such as non-U.S. government and agency obligations, state
and municipal obligations, and other loans and debt
obligations are generally determined based on relative value
analyses, which incorporate comparisons both to prices of
credit default swaps that reference the same or similar
underlying instrument or entity and to other debt instruments
for the same issuer for which observable prices or broker
quotations are available. Significant inputs include:
Market yields implied by transactions of similar or related
assets and/or current levels and trends of market indices;
Current performance and recovery assumptions and, where
the firm uses credit default swaps to value the related
instrument, the cost of borrowing the underlying reference
obligation; and
Valuation Techniques and Significant Inputs for
The firm’s level 2 and level 3 derivatives are valued using
derivative pricing models (e.g., discounted cash flow models,
correlation models and models that incorporate option
pricing methodologies, such as Monte Carlo simulations).
Price transparency of derivatives can generally be
characterized by product type, as described below.
Interest Rate. In general, the key inputs used to value
interest rate derivatives are transparent, even for most
long-dated contracts. Interest rate swaps and options
denominated in the currencies of leading industrialized
nations are characterized by high trading volumes and tight
bid/offer spreads. Interest rate derivatives that reference
indices, such as an inflation index, or the shape of the yield
curve (e.g., 10-year swap rate vs. 2-year swap rate) are
more complex, but the key inputs are generally observable.
Credit. Price transparency for credit default swaps,
including both single names and baskets of credits, varies
by market and underlying reference entity or obligation.
Credit default swaps that reference indices, large
corporates and major sovereigns generally exhibit the most
price transparency. For credit default swaps with other
underliers, price transparency varies based on credit rating,
the cost of borrowing the underlying reference obligations,
and the availability of the underlying reference obligations
for delivery upon the default of the issuer. Credit default
swaps that reference loans, asset-backed securities and
emerging market debt instruments tend to have less price
transparency than those that reference corporate bonds. In
addition, more complex credit derivatives, such as those
sensitive to the correlation between two or more
underlying reference obligations, generally have less price
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 135
Currency. Prices for currency derivatives based on the
exchange rates of leading industrialized nations, including
those with longer tenors, are generally transparent. The
primary difference between the price transparency of
developed and emerging market currency derivatives is that
emerging markets tend to be only observable for contracts
with shorter tenors.
Commodity. Commodity derivatives include transactions
referenced to energy (e.g., oil, natural gas and electricity),
metals (e.g., precious and base) and soft commodities (e.g.,
agricultural). Price transparency varies based on the
underlying commodity, delivery location, tenor and
product quality (e.g., diesel fuel compared to unleaded
gasoline). In general, price transparency for commodity
derivatives is greater for contracts with shorter tenors and
contracts that are more closely aligned with major and/or
benchmark commodity indices.
Equity. Price transparency for equity derivatives varies by
market and underlier. Options on indices and the common
stock of corporates included in major equity indices exhibit
the most price transparency. Equity derivatives generally
have observable market prices, except for contracts with
long tenors or reference prices that differ significantly from
current market prices. More complex equity derivatives,
such as those sensitive to the correlation between two or
more individual stocks, generally have less price
Liquidity is essential to the observability of all product types.
If transaction volumes decline, previously transparent prices
and other inputs may become unobservable. Conversely, even
highly structured products may at times have trading
volumes large enough to provide observability of prices and
other inputs.
Level 1. Level 1 derivatives include short-term contracts for
future delivery of securities when the underlying security is a
level 1 instrument, and exchange-traded derivatives if they
are actively traded and are valued at their quoted market
Level 2. Level 2 derivatives include OTC derivatives for
which all significant valuation inputs are corroborated by
market evidence and exchange-traded derivatives that are not
actively traded and/or that are valued using models that
calibrate to market-clearing levels of OTC derivatives.
The selection of a particular model to value a derivative
depends on the contractual terms of and specific risks
inherent in the instrument, as well as the availability of
pricing information in the market. For derivatives that trade
in liquid markets, model selection does not involve significant
management judgment because outputs of models can be
calibrated to market-clearing levels.
Valuation models require a variety of inputs, such as
contractual terms, market prices, yield curves, discount rates
(including those derived from interest rates on collateral
received and posted as specified in credit support agreements
for collateralized derivatives), credit curves, measures of
volatility, prepayment rates, loss severity rates and
correlations of such inputs. Significant inputs to the
valuations of level 2 derivatives can be verified to market
transactions, broker or dealer quotations or other alternative
pricing sources with reasonable levels of price transparency.
Consideration is given to the nature of the quotations (e.g.,
indicative or executable) and the relationship of recent
market activity to the prices provided from alternative
pricing sources.
Level 3. Level 3 derivatives are valued using models which
utilize observable level 1 and/or level 2 inputs, as well as
unobservable level 3 inputs. The significant unobservable
inputs used to value the firm’s level 3 derivatives are
described below.
For level 3 interest rate and currency derivatives, significant
unobservable inputs include correlations of certain
currencies and interest rates (e.g., the correlation between
Euro inflation and Euro interest rates) and specific interest
rate and currency volatilities.
For level 3 credit derivatives, significant unobservable
inputs include illiquid credit spreads and upfront credit
points, which are unique to specific reference obligations
and reference entities, and recovery rates.
For level 3 commodity derivatives, significant unobservable
inputs include volatilities for options with strike prices that
differ significantly from current market prices and prices or
spreads for certain products for which the product quality
or physical location of the commodity is not aligned with
benchmark indices.
For level 3 equity derivatives, significant unobservable
inputs generally include equity volatility inputs for options
that are long-dated and/or have strike prices that differ
significantly from current market prices. In addition, the
valuation of certain structured trades requires the use of
level 3 correlation inputs, such as the correlation of the
price performance of two or more individual stocks or the
correlation of the price performance for a basket of stocks
to another asset class, such as commodities.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Subsequent to the initial valuation of a level 3 derivative, the
firm updates the level 1 and level 2 inputs to reflect
observable market changes and any resulting gains and losses
are classified in level 3. Level 3 inputs are changed when
corroborated by evidence, such as similar market
transactions, third-party pricing services and/or broker or
dealer quotations or other empirical market data. In
circumstances where the firm cannot verify the model value
by reference to market transactions, it is possible that a
different valuation model could produce a materially
different estimate of fair value. See Note 5 for further
information about significant unobservable inputs used in the
valuation of level 3 derivatives.
Valuation Adjustments. Valuation adjustments are
integral to determining the fair value of derivative portfolios
and are used to adjust the mid-market valuations produced
by derivative pricing models to the exit price valuation. These
adjustments incorporate bid/offer spreads, the cost of
liquidity, and credit and funding valuation adjustments,
which account for the credit and funding risk inherent in the
uncollateralized portion of derivative portfolios. The firm
also makes funding valuation adjustments to collateralized
derivatives where the terms of the agreement do not permit
the firm to deliver or repledge collateral received. Market-
based inputs are generally used when calibrating valuation
adjustments to market-clearing levels.
In addition, for derivatives that include significant
unobservable inputs, the firm makes model or exit price
adjustments to account for the valuation uncertainty present
in the transaction.
Valuation Techniques and Significant Inputs for Other
Financial Instruments at Fair Value
In addition to trading cash instruments, derivatives, and
certain investments and loans, the firm accounts for certain
of its other financial assets and liabilities at fair value under
the fair value option. Such instruments include resale and
repurchase agreements; certain securities borrowed and
loaned transactions; certain customer and other receivables,
including certain margin loans; certain time deposits,
including structured certificates of deposit, which are hybrid
financial instruments; substantially all other secured
financings, including transfers of assets accounted for as
financings; certain unsecured short- and long-term
borrowings, substantially all of which are hybrid financial
instruments; and certain other assets and liabilities. These
instruments are generally valued based on discounted cash
flow techniques, which incorporate inputs with reasonable
levels of price transparency, and are generally classified in
level 2 because the inputs are observable. Valuation
adjustments may be made for liquidity and for counterparty
and the firm’s credit quality. The significant inputs used to
value the firm’s other financial instruments are described
Resale and Repurchase Agreements and Securities
Borrowed and Loaned. The significant inputs to the
valuation of resale and repurchase agreements and securities
borrowed and loaned are funding spreads, the amount and
timing of expected future cash flows and interest rates.
Customer and Other Receivables. The significant inputs
to the valuation of receivables are interest rates, the amount
and timing of expected future cash flows and funding
Deposits. The significant inputs to the valuation of time
deposits are interest rates and the amount and timing of
future cash flows. The inputs used to value the embedded
derivative component of hybrid financial instruments are
consistent with the inputs used to value the firm’s other
derivative instruments described above. See Note 7 for
further information about derivatives and Note 13 for further
information about deposits.
Other Secured Financings. The significant inputs to the
valuation of other secured financings are the amount and
timing of expected future cash flows, interest rates, funding
spreads and the fair value of the collateral delivered by the
firm (determined using the amount and timing of expected
future cash flows, market prices, market yields and recovery
assumptions). See Note 11 for further information about
other secured financings.
Unsecured Short- and Long-Term Borrowings. The
significant inputs to the valuation of unsecured short- and
long-term borrowings are the amount and timing of expected
future cash flows, interest rates, the credit spreads of the firm
and commodity prices for prepaid commodity transactions.
The inputs used to value the embedded derivative component
of hybrid financial instruments are consistent with the inputs
used to value the firm’s other derivative instruments
described above. See Note 7 for further information about
derivatives and Note 14 for further information about
Other Assets and Liabilities. The significant inputs to the
valuation of other assets and liabilities are the amount and
timing of expected future cash flows, interest rates, market
yields, volatility and correlation inputs. The inputs used to
value the embedded derivative component of hybrid financial
instruments are consistent with the inputs used to value the
firm’s other derivative instruments described above. See Note
7 for further information about derivatives.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 137
Note 5.
Fair Value Hierarchy
Financial assets and liabilities at fair value includes trading
cash instruments, derivatives, and certain investments, loans
and other financial assets and liabilities at fair value.
Fair Value of Trading Cash Instruments by Level
The table below presents trading cash instruments by level
within the fair value hierarchy.
$ in millions Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
As of December 2022
Government and agency obligations:
U.S. $ 75,598 $ 31,783 $ $ 107,381
Non-U.S. 22,794 15,238 67 38,099
Loans and securities backed by:
Commercial real estate 1,135 66 1,201
Residential real estate 9,706 88 9,794
Corporate debt instruments 249 27,555 1,238 29,042
State and municipal obligations 707 20 727
Other debt obligations 27 2,349 153 2,529
Equity securities 44,909 2,141 100 47,150
Commodities 5,907 2 5,909
Total $ 143,577 $ 96,521 $ 1,734 $ 241,832
Government and agency obligations:
U.S. $ (23,339) $ (36) $ $ (23,375)
Non-U.S. (28,537) (2,172) (30,709)
Loans and securities backed by:
Commercial real estate (30) (30)
Residential real estate (16) (16)
Corporate debt instruments (64) (14,217) (61) (14,342)
Other debt obligations (35) (2) (37)
Equity securities (67,591) (488) (1) (68,080)
Total $ (119,531) $ (16,994) $ (64) $ (136,589)
As of December 2021
Government and agency obligations:
U.S. $ 63,388 $ 27,427 $ $ 90,815
Non-U.S. 35,284 13,511 19 48,814
Loans and securities backed by:
Commercial real estate 1,717 137 1,854
Residential real estate 13,083 152 13,235
Corporate debt instruments 590 36,874 1,318 38,782
State and municipal obligations 568 36 604
Other debt obligations 69 1,564 66 1,699
Equity securities 105,233 2,958 156 108,347
Commodities 7,801 5 7,806
Total $ 204,564 $ 105,503 $ 1,889 $ 311,956
Government and agency obligations:
U.S. $ (21,002) $ (25) $ $ (21,027)
Non-U.S. (39,983) (2,602) (42,585)
Loans and securities backed by:
Commercial real estate (40) (2) (42)
Residential real estate (5) (5)
Corporate debt instruments (23) (15,781) (71) (15,875)
Equity securities (48,991) (915) (31) (49,937)
Total $ (109,999) $ (19,368) $ (104) $ (129,471)
Trading cash instruments consists of instruments held in
connection with the firm’s market-making or risk
management activities. These instruments are carried at fair
value and the related fair value gains and losses are
recognized in the consolidated statements of earnings.
In the table above:
Trading cash instrument assets are shown as positive
amounts and trading cash instrument liabilities are shown
as negative amounts.
Corporate debt instruments includes corporate loans, debt
securities, convertible debentures, prepaid commodity
transactions and transfers of assets accounted for as
secured loans rather than purchases.
Other debt obligations includes other asset-backed
securities and money market instruments.
Equity securities includes public equities and exchange-
traded funds.
See Note 4 for an overview of the firm’s fair value
measurement policies, valuation techniques and significant
inputs used to determine the fair value of trading cash
Significant Unobservable Inputs for Trading Cash
Instrument Assets
The table below presents the amount of level 3 assets, and
ranges and weighted averages of significant unobservable
inputs used to value level 3 trading cash instrument assets.
As of December 2022 As of December 2021
$ in millions
Amount or
Amount or
Loans and securities backed by real estate
Level 3 assets $ 154 $ 289
Yield 3.0% to 36.0% 14.2% 0.4% to 28.5% 9.7%
Recovery rate 35.8% to 76.1% 54.7% 5.1% to 86.5% 55.0%
Cumulative loss rate
3.7% to 29.9% 10.4% 0.1% to 43.4% 17.7%
Duration (years) 0.9 to 12.3 4.6 0.1 to 17.2 4.3
Corporate debt instruments
Level 3 assets $ 1,238 $ 1,318
Yield 1.1% to 34.3% 6.9% 0.0% to 18.0% 7.1%
Recovery rate 11.5% to 77.0% 48.0% 9.0% to 69.9% 52.0%
Duration (years) 0.3 to 20.3 4.5 2.0 to 28.5 4.5
Level 3 assets $ 342 $ 282
Yield 2.8% to 47.8% 10.0% 1.1% to 44.8% 9.4%
Multiples 3.3x to 4.5x 4.3x N/A N/A
Duration (years) 1.2 to 14.4 6.1 0.9 to 5.2 2.4
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
In the table above:
Other includes government and agency obligations, state
and municipal obligations, other debt obligations, equity
securities and commodities. In other, the significant
unobservable inputs for multiples as of December 2021 did
not have a range (and there was no weighted average) as
each pertained to a single position. Therefore, such
unobservable inputs are not included in the table above.
Ranges represent the significant unobservable inputs that
were used in the valuation of each type of trading cash
Weighted averages are calculated by weighting each input
by the relative fair value of the trading cash instruments.
The ranges and weighted averages of these inputs are not
representative of the appropriate inputs to use when
calculating the fair value of any one trading cash
instrument. For example, the highest recovery rate for
corporate debt instruments is appropriate for valuing a
specific corporate debt instrument, but may not be
appropriate for valuing any other corporate debt
instrument. Accordingly, the ranges of inputs do not
represent uncertainty in, or possible ranges of, fair value
measurements of level 3 trading cash instruments.
Increases in yield, duration or cumulative loss rate used in
the valuation of level 3 trading cash instruments would
have resulted in a lower fair value measurement, while
increases in recovery rate or multiples would have resulted
in a higher fair value measurement as of both December
2022 and December 2021. Due to the distinctive nature of
each level 3 trading cash instrument, the interrelationship
of inputs is not necessarily uniform within each product
Trading cash instruments are valued using discounted cash
Level 3 Rollforward for Trading Cash Instruments
The table below presents a summary of the changes in fair
value for level 3 trading cash instruments.
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Beginning balance $ 1,889 $ 1,237
Net realized gains/(losses) 167 80
Net unrealized gains/(losses) (1,889) 52
Purchases 1,271 1,241
Sales (704) (456)
Settlements (345) (273)
Transfers into level 3 1,680 272
Transfers out of level 3 (335) (264)
Ending balance $ 1,734 $ 1,889
Beginning balance $ (104) $ (80)
Net realized gains/(losses) 18 6
Net unrealized gains/(losses) 65 (5)
Purchases 137 36
Sales (106) (64)
Settlements 5 13
Transfers into level 3 (89) (16)
Transfers out of level 3 10 6
Ending balance $ (64) $ (104)
In the table above:
Changes in fair value are presented for all trading cash
instruments that are classified in level 3 as of the end of the
Net unrealized gains/(losses) relates to trading cash
instruments that were still held at period-end.
Transfers between levels of the fair value hierarchy are
reported at the beginning of the reporting period in which
they occur. If a trading cash instrument was transferred to
level 3 during a reporting period, its entire gain or loss for
the period is classified in level 3.
For level 3 trading cash instrument assets, increases are
shown as positive amounts, while decreases are shown as
negative amounts. For level 3 trading cash instrument
liabilities, increases are shown as negative amounts, while
decreases are shown as positive amounts.
Level 3 trading cash instruments are frequently
economically hedged with level 1 and level 2 trading cash
instruments and/or level 1, level 2 or level 3 derivatives.
Accordingly, gains or losses that are classified in level 3 can
be partially offset by gains or losses attributable to level 1
or level 2 trading cash instruments and/or level 1, level 2 or
level 3 derivatives. As a result, gains or losses included in
the level 3 rollforward below do not necessarily represent
the overall impact on the firm’s results of operations,
liquidity or capital resources.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 139
The table below presents information, by product type, for
assets included in the summary table above.
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Loans and securities backed by real estate
Beginning balance $ 289 $ 334
Net realized gains/(losses) 11 12
Net unrealized gains/(losses) (11) 3
Purchases 51 135
Sales (127) (75)
Settlements (26) (53)
Transfers into level 3 19 42
Transfers out of level 3 (52) (109)
Ending balance $ 154 $ 289
Corporate debt instruments
Beginning balance $ 1,318 $ 797
Net realized gains/(losses) 29 57
Net unrealized gains/(losses) (111) 28
Purchases 607 894
Sales (372) (330)
Settlements (247) (182)
Transfers into level 3 278 207
Transfers out of level 3 (264) (153)
Ending balance $ 1,238 $ 1,318
Beginning balance $ 282 $ 106
Net realized gains/(losses) 127 11
Net unrealized gains/(losses) (1,767) 21
Purchases 613 212
Sales (205) (51)
Settlements (72) (38)
Transfers into level 3 1,383 23
Transfers out of level 3 (19) (2)
Ending balance $ 342 $ 282
In the table above, other includes government and agency
obligations, state and municipal obligations, other debt
obligations, equity securities and commodities.
Level 3 Rollforward Commentary for Trading Cash
Year Ended December 2022. The net realized and
unrealized losses on level 3 trading cash instrument assets of
$1.72 billion (reflecting $167 million of net realized gains and
$1.89 billion of net unrealized losses) for 2022 included gains/
(losses) of $(1.77) billion reported in market making and $54
million reported in interest income.
The net unrealized losses on level 3 trading cash instrument
assets for 2022 primarily reflected losses on certain equity
securities (included in other cash instruments), principally
driven by broad macroeconomic and geopolitical concerns.
Transfers into level 3 trading cash instrument assets during
2022 primarily reflected transfers of certain equity securities
(included in other cash instruments) and corporate debt
instruments from both level 1 and level 2 (in each case,
principally due to reduced price transparency as a result of a
lack of market evidence, including fewer market transactions
in these instruments).
Transfers out of level 3 trading cash instrument assets during
2022 primarily reflected transfers of certain corporate debt
instruments to level 2 (principally due to increased price
transparency as a result of market evidence, including market
transactions in these instruments).
Year Ended December 2021. The net realized and
unrealized gains on level 3 trading cash instrument assets of
$132million (reflecting $80million of net realized gains and
$52million of net unrealized gains) for 2021 included gains of
$45 million reported in market making and $87 million
reported in interest income.
The drivers of the net unrealized gains on level 3 trading cash
instrument assets for 2021 were not material.
Transfers into level 3 trading cash instrument assets during
2021 primarily reflected transfers of certain corporate debt
instruments from level 2 (principally due to certain
unobservable yield and duration inputs becoming significant
to the valuation of these instruments, and reduced price
transparency as a result of a lack of market evidence,
including fewer market transactions in these instruments).
Transfers out of level 3 trading cash instrument assets during
2021 primarily reflected transfers of certain corporate debt
instruments, and loans and securities backed by real estate to
level 2 (in each case, principally due to increased price
transparency as a result of market evidence, including market
transactions in these instruments, and certain unobservable
yield and duration inputs no longer being significant to the
valuation of these instruments).
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Fair Value of Derivatives by Level
The table below presents derivatives on a gross basis by level
and product type, as well as the impact of netting.
$ in millions Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
As of December 2022
Interest rates $ 69 $ 269,590 $ 700 $ 270,359
Credit 9,690 2,577 12,267
Currencies 103,450 494 103,944
Commodities 38,331 1,609 39,940
Equities 113 49,481 967 50,561
Gross fair value 182 470,542 6,347 477,071
Counterparty netting in levels (358,917) (886) (359,803)
Subtotal $ 182 $ 111,625 $ 5,461 $ 117,268
Cross-level counterparty netting (1,079)
Cash collateral netting (56,776)
Net fair value $ 59,413
Interest rates $ (32) $ (247,871) $ (1,159) $ (249,062)
Credit (10,163) (1,117) (11,280)
Currencies (111,840) (332) (112,172)
Commodities (32,435) (690) (33,125)
Equities (15) (55,240) (1,528) (56,783)
Gross fair value (47) (457,549) (4,826) (462,422)
Counterparty netting in levels 358,917 886 359,803
Subtotal $ (47) $ (98,632) $ (3,940) $ (102,619)
Cross-level counterparty netting 1,079
Cash collateral netting 46,805
Net fair value $ (54,735)
As of December 2021
Interest rates $ 2 $ 246,525 $ 1,065 $ 247,592
Credit 12,823 3,433 16,256
Currencies 86,773 237 87,010
Commodities 34,501 1,044 35,545
Equities 33 72,570 963 73,566
Gross fair value 35 453,192 6,742 459,969
Counterparty netting in levels (329,164) (804) (329,968)
Subtotal $ 35 $ 124,028 $ 5,938 $ 130,001
Cross-level counterparty netting (1,924)
Cash collateral netting (64,117)
Net fair value $ 63,960
Interest rates $ (2) $ (217,438) $ (882) $ (218,322)
Credit (14,176) (1,579) (15,755)
Currencies (85,925) (384) (86,309)
Commodities (31,925) (606) (32,531)
Equities (29) (77,393) (2,851) (80,273)
Gross fair value (31) (426,857) (6,302) (433,190)
Counterparty netting in levels 329,164 804 329,968
Subtotal $ (31) $ (97,693) $ (5,498) $ (103,222)
Cross-level counterparty netting
Cash collateral netting
Net fair value $ (51,953)
In the table above:
Gross fair values exclude the effects of both counterparty
netting and collateral netting, and therefore are not
representative of the firm’s exposure.
Counterparty netting is reflected in each level to the extent
that receivable and payable balances are netted within the
same level and is included in counterparty netting in levels.
Where the counterparty netting is across levels, the netting
is included in cross-level counterparty netting.
Derivative assets are shown as positive amounts and
derivative liabilities are shown as negative amounts.
See Note 4 for an overview of the firm’s fair value
measurement policies, valuation techniques and significant
inputs used to determine the fair value of derivatives.
Significant Unobservable Inputs for Derivatives
The table below presents the amount of level 3 derivative
assets (liabilities), and ranges, averages and medians of
significant unobservable inputs used to value level 3
As of December 2022 As of December 2021
$ in millions, except inputs
Amount or
Amount or
Interest rates, net $ (459) $ 183
(10)% to 81%
61%/60% 25% to 81% 63%/62%
Volatility (bps) 31 to 101 60/57 31 to 100 59/54
Credit, net $ 1,460 $ 1,854
Credit spreads (bps) 5 to 935 149/116 1 to 568 136/107
Upfront credit points (1) to 100 29/18 2 to 100 34/26
Recovery rates 20% to 50% 40%/40% 20% to 50% 37%/40%
Currencies, net $ 162 $ (147)
Correlation 20% to 71% 40%/23% 20% to 71% 40%/41%
Volatility 20% to 21% 20%/20% 19% to 19% 19%/19%
Commodities, net $ 919 $ 438
20% to 118%
50%/46% 15% to 93% 32%/29%
Natural gas spread
$(3.21) to
$(1.33) to
Oil spread
$12.68 to
$8.64 to
Electricity price
$3.00 to
$1.50 to
Equities, net $ (561) $ (1,888)
(75)% to 100%
(70)% to 99%
Volatility 2% to 74% 13%/7% 3% to 150% 17%/17%
In the table above:
Derivative assets are shown as positive amounts and
derivative liabilities are shown as negative amounts.
Ranges represent the significant unobservable inputs that
were used in the valuation of each type of derivative.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 141
Averages represent the arithmetic average of the inputs and
are not weighted by the relative fair value or notional
amount of the respective financial instruments. An average
greater than the median indicates that the majority of
inputs are below the average. For example, the difference
between the average and the median for credit spreads
indicates that the majority of the inputs fall in the lower
end of the range.
The ranges, averages and medians of these inputs are not
representative of the appropriate inputs to use when
calculating the fair value of any one derivative. For
example, the highest correlation for interest rate derivatives
is appropriate for valuing a specific interest rate derivative
but may not be appropriate for valuing any other interest
rate derivative. Accordingly, the ranges of inputs do not
represent uncertainty in, or possible ranges of, fair value
measurements of level 3 derivatives.
Interest rates, currencies and equities derivatives are valued
using option pricing models, credit derivatives are valued
using option pricing, correlation and discounted cash flow
models, and commodities derivatives are valued using
option pricing and discounted cash flow models.
The fair value of any one instrument may be determined
using multiple valuation techniques. For example, option
pricing models and discounted cash flow models are
typically used together to determine fair value. Therefore,
the level 3 balance encompasses both of these techniques.
Correlation within currencies and equities includes cross-
product type correlation.
Natural gas spread represents the spread per million British
thermal units of natural gas.
Oil spread represents the spread per barrel of oil and
refined products.
Electricity price represents the price per megawatt hour of
Range of Significant Unobservable Inputs for
The following provides information about the ranges of
significant unobservable inputs used to value the firm’s level
3 derivative instruments:
Correlation. Ranges for correlation cover a variety of
underliers both within one product type (e.g., equity index
and equity single stock names) and across product types
(e.g., correlation of an interest rate and a currency), as well
as across regions. Generally, cross-product type correlation
inputs are used to value more complex instruments and are
lower than correlation inputs on assets within the same
derivative product type.
Volatility. Ranges for volatility cover numerous underliers
across a variety of markets, maturities and strike prices.
For example, volatility of equity indices is generally lower
than volatility of single stocks.
Credit spreads, upfront credit points and recovery
rates. The ranges for credit spreads, upfront credit points
and recovery rates cover a variety of underliers (index and
single names), regions, sectors, maturities and credit
qualities (high-yield and investment-grade). The broad
range of this population gives rise to the width of the
ranges of significant unobservable inputs.
Commodity prices and spreads. The ranges for
commodity prices and spreads cover variability in
products, maturities and delivery locations.
Sensitivity of Fair Value Measurement to Changes in
Significant Unobservable Inputs for Derivatives
The following is a description of the directional sensitivity of
the firm’s level 3 fair value measurements to changes in
significant unobservable inputs, in isolation, as of each
Correlation. In general, for contracts where the holder
benefits from the convergence of the underlying asset or
index prices (e.g., interest rates, credit spreads, foreign
exchange rates, inflation rates and equity prices), an
increase in correlation results in a higher fair value
Volatility. In general, for purchased options, an increase in
volatility results in a higher fair value measurement.
Credit spreads, upfront credit points and recovery
rates. In general, the fair value of purchased credit
protection increases as credit spreads or upfront credit
points increase or recovery rates decrease. Credit spreads,
upfront credit points and recovery rates are strongly related
to distinctive risk factors of the underlying reference
obligations, which include reference entity-specific factors,
such as leverage, volatility and industry, market-based risk
factors, such as borrowing costs or liquidity of the
underlying reference obligation, and macroeconomic
Commodity prices and spreads. In general, for
contracts where the holder is receiving a commodity, an
increase in the spread (price difference from a benchmark
index due to differences in quality or delivery location) or
price results in a higher fair value measurement.
Due to the distinctive nature of each of the firm’s level 3
derivatives, the interrelationship of inputs is not necessarily
uniform within each product type.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Level 3 Rollforward for Derivatives
The table below presents a summary of the changes in fair
value for level 3 derivatives.
Year Ended December
$ in millions
2022 2021
Total level 3 derivatives, net
Beginning balance $ 440 $ 1,175
Net realized gains/(losses) 839 265
Net unrealized gains/(losses) 1,817 452
Purchases 510 501
Sales (1,592) (1,541)
Settlements 100 (59)
Transfers into level 3 (482) (131)
Transfers out of level 3 (111) (222)
Ending balance $ 1,521 $ 440
In the table above:
Changes in fair value are presented for all derivative assets
and liabilities that are classified in level 3 as of the end of
the period.
Net unrealized gains/(losses) relates to instruments that
were still held at period-end.
Transfers between levels of the fair value hierarchy are
reported at the beginning of the reporting period in which
they occur. If a derivative was transferred into level 3
during a reporting period, its entire gain or loss for the
period is classified in level 3.
Positive amounts for transfers into level 3 and negative
amounts for transfers out of level 3 represent net transfers
of derivative assets. Negative amounts for transfers into
level 3 and positive amounts for transfers out of level 3
represent net transfers of derivative liabilities.
A derivative with level 1 and/or level 2 inputs is classified in
level 3 in its entirety if it has at least one significant level 3
If there is one significant level 3 input, the entire gain or
loss from adjusting only observable inputs (i.e., level 1 and
level 2 inputs) is classified in level 3.
Gains or losses that have been classified in level 3 resulting
from changes in level 1 or level 2 inputs are frequently
offset by gains or losses attributable to level 1 or level 2
derivatives and/or level 1, level 2 and level 3 trading cash
instruments. As a result, gains/(losses) included in the level
3 rollforward below do not necessarily represent the overall
impact on the firm’s results of operations, liquidity or
capital resources.
The table below presents information, by product type, for
derivatives included in the summary table above.
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Interest rates, net
Beginning balance $ 183 $ 267
Net realized gains/(losses) 88 72
Net unrealized gains/(losses) 137 316
Purchases 50 124
Sales (585) (341)
Settlements (20) 18
Transfers into level 3 (13) 2
Transfers out of level 3 (299) (275)
Ending balance $ (459) $ 183
Credit, net
Beginning balance $ 1,854 $ 1,778
Net realized gains/(losses) 217 (21)
Net unrealized gains/(losses) (343) 409
Purchases 107 53
Sales (90) (217)
Settlements (27) (77)
Transfers into level 3 (21) (70)
Transfers out of level 3 (237) (1)
Ending balance $ 1,460 $ 1,854
Currencies, net
Beginning balance $ (147) $ (338)
Net realized gains/(losses) 95 9
Net unrealized gains/(losses) 270 155
Purchases 41 7
Sales (36) (10)
Settlements 19 32
Transfers into level 3 (83) (17)
Transfers out of level 3 3 15
Ending balance $ 162 $ (147)
Commodities, net
Beginning balance $ 438 $ 300
Net realized gains/(losses) (59) (80)
Net unrealized gains/(losses) 741 355
Purchases 31 42
Sales (30) (15)
Settlements (245) (149)
Transfers into level 3 182 (3)
Transfers out of level 3 (139) (12)
Ending balance $ 919 $ 438
Equities, net
Beginning balance $ (1,888) $ (832)
Net realized gains/(losses) 498 285
Net unrealized gains/(losses) 1,012 (783)
Purchases 281 275
Sales (851) (958)
Settlements 373 117
Transfers into level 3 (547) (43)
Transfers out of level 3 561 51
Ending balance $ (561) $ (1,888)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 143
Level 3 Rollforward Commentary for Derivatives
Year Ended December 2022. The net realized and
unrealized gains on level 3 derivatives of $2.66 billion
(reflecting $839 million of net realized gains and $1.82 billion
of net unrealized gains) for 2022 included gains of $2.65
billion reported in market making and gains of $3 million
reported in other principal transactions.
The net unrealized gains on level 3 derivatives for 2022 were
attributable to gains on certain equity derivatives (primarily
reflecting the impact of a decrease in equity prices), gains on
certain commodity derivatives (primarily reflecting the
impact of an increase in commodity prices), gains on certain
currency derivatives (primarily reflecting the impact of
changes in foreign exchange rates and an increase in interest
rates), and gains on certain interest rate derivatives (primarily
reflecting the impact of an increase in interest rates), partially
offset by losses on certain credit derivatives (primarily
reflecting the impact of an increase in interest rates).
Transfers into level 3 derivatives during 2022 primarily
reflected transfers of certain equity derivative liabilities from
level 2 (principally due to decreased transparency of certain
unobservable volatility inputs used to value these
derivatives), partially offset by transfers of certain
commodity derivative assets from level 2 (principally due to
certain unobservable electricity price inputs becoming
significant to the valuation of these derivatives).
Transfers out of level 3 derivatives during 2022 primarily
reflected transfers of certain interest rate derivative assets to
level 2 (principally due to certain unobservable volatility
inputs no longer being significant to the valuation of these
derivatives), certain credit derivative assets to level 2
(principally due to certain unobservable credit spread inputs
no longer being significant to the net risk of certain
portfolios), and certain commodity derivative assets to level 2
(principally due to certain unobservable natural gas spread
and electricity price inputs no longer being significant to the
valuation of these derivatives), partially offset by transfers of
certain equity derivative liabilities to level 2 (principally due
to certain unobservable volatility inputs no longer being
significant to the valuation of these derivatives).
Year Ended December 2021. The net realized and
unrealized gains on level 3 derivatives of $717 million
(reflecting $265million of net realized gains and $452million
of net unrealized gains) for 2021 included gains of
$700 million reported in market making and gains of
$17million reported in other principal transactions.
The net unrealized gains on level 3 derivatives for 2021 were
primarily attributable to gains on certain credit and currency
derivatives (in each case, primarily reflecting the impact of
changes in foreign exchange rates), gains on certain
commodity derivatives (primarily reflecting the impact of an
increase in commodity prices) and gains on certain interest
rate derivatives (primarily reflecting the impact of an increase
in interest rates), partially offset by losses on certain equity
derivatives (primarily reflecting the impact of an increase in
equity prices).
The drivers of transfers into level 3 derivatives during 2021
were not material.
Transfers out of level 3 derivatives during 2021 primarily
reflected transfers of certain interest rate derivative assets to
level 2 (principally due to increased transparency of certain
volatility inputs used to value these derivatives).
Fair Value of Investments by Level
The table below presents investments accounted for at fair
value by level within the fair value hierarchy.
$ in millions Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
As of December 2022
Government and agency obligations:
U.S. $ 47,055 $ $ $ 47,055
Non-U.S. 2,169 66 2,235
Corporate debt securities 145 2,950 7,003 10,098
Securities backed by real estate 176 827 1,003
Money market instruments 48 957 1,005
Other debt obligations 3 256 259
Equity securities 1,522 3,227 8,856 13,605
Subtotal $ 50,939 $ 7,379 $ 16,942 $ 75,260
Investments in funds at NAV
Total investments
$ 78,201
As of December 2021
Government and agency obligations:
U.S. $ 46,322 $ $ $ 46,322
Non-U.S. 2,612 2,612
Corporate debt securities 65 5,201 4,527 9,793
Securities backed by real estate 1,202 1,078 2,280
Money market instruments 41 1,355 1,396
Other debt obligations 35 382 417
Equity securities 2,135 7,088 7,915 17,138
Subtotal $ 51,175 $ 14,881 $ 13,902 $ 79,958
Investments in funds at NAV 3,469
Total investments $ 83,427
See Note 4 for an overview of the firm’s fair value
measurement policies, valuation techniques and significant
inputs used to determine the fair value of investments.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Significant Unobservable Inputs for Investments
The table below presents the amount of level 3 investments,
and ranges and weighted averages of significant unobservable
inputs used to value such investments.
As of December 2022 As of December 2021
$ in millions
Amount or
Amount or
Corporate debt securities
Level 3 assets $ 7,003 $ 4,527
Yield 5.0% to 21.8% 11.6% 2.0% to 29.0% 10.8%
Recovery rate 10.0% to 70.0% 55.5% 9.1% to 76.0% 59.1%
Duration (years) 1.3 to 5.7 3.3 1.4 to 6.4 3.8
Multiples 1.8x to 83.4x 8.3x 0.5x to 28.2x 6.9x
Securities backed by real estate
Level 3 assets $ 827 $ 1,078
Yield 8.0% to 20.3% 14.6% 8.3% to 20.3% 13.1%
Recovery rate
55.1% to 61.0%
Duration (years) 0.6 to 4.2 4.1 0.1 to 2.6 1.2
Other debt obligations
Level 3 assets $ 256 $ 382
Yield 5.2% to 8.4% 7.4% 2.3% to 10.6% 3.2%
Duration (years) N/A N/A 0.9 to 9.3 4.8
Equity securities
Level 3 assets $ 8,856 $ 7,915
Multiples 0.5x to 34.3x 8.3x 0.4x to 30.5x 10.1x
Discount rate/yield
5.4% to 38.5% 14.6% 2.0% to 35.0% 14.1%
Capitalization rate 4.0% to 10.8% 5.4% 3.5% to 14.0% 5.7%
In the table above:
Ranges represent the significant unobservable inputs that
were used in the valuation of each type of investment.
Weighted averages are calculated by weighting each input
by the relative fair value of the investment.
The ranges and weighted averages of these inputs are not
representative of the appropriate inputs to use when
calculating the fair value of any one investment. For
example, the highest multiple for private equity securities is
appropriate for valuing a specific private equity security
but may not be appropriate for valuing any other private
equity security. Accordingly, the ranges of inputs do not
represent uncertainty in, or possible ranges of, fair value
measurements of level 3 investments.
Increases in yield, discount rate, capitalization rate or
duration used in the valuation of level 3 investments would
have resulted in a lower fair value measurement, while
increases in recovery rate or multiples would have resulted
in a higher fair value measurement as of both December
2022 and December 2021. Due to the distinctive nature of
each level 3 investment, the interrelationship of inputs is
not necessarily uniform within each product type.
Corporate debt securities, securities backed by real estate
and other debt obligations are valued using discounted cash
flows, and equity securities are valued using market
comparables and discounted cash flows.
The fair value of any one instrument may be determined
using multiple valuation techniques. For example, market
comparables and discounted cash flows may be used
together to determine fair value. Therefore, the level 3
balance encompasses both of these techniques.
The significant unobservable inputs for recovery rate
(related to securities backed by real estate) and for duration
(related to other debt obligations) as of December 2022 did
not have a range (and there was no weighted average) as
each pertained to a single position. Therefore, such
unobservable inputs are not included in the table above.
Level 3 Rollforward for Investments
The table below presents a summary of the changes in fair
value for level 3 investments.
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Beginning balance $ 13,902 $ 16,423
Net realized gains/(losses) 563 449
Net unrealized gains/(losses) (1,649) 1,263
Purchases 2,362 1,600
Sales (1,514) (2,135)
Settlements (1,995) (3,265)
Transfers into level 3 6,345 3,080
Transfers out of level 3 (1,072) (3,513)
Ending balance $ 16,942 $ 13,902
In the table above:
Changes in fair value are presented for all investments that
are classified in level 3 as of the end of the period.
Net unrealized gains/(losses) relates to investments that
were still held at period-end.
Transfers between levels of the fair value hierarchy are
reported at the beginning of the reporting period in which
they occur. If an investment was transferred to level 3
during a reporting period, its entire gain or loss for the
period is classified in level 3.
For level 3 investments, increases are shown as positive
amounts, while decreases are shown as negative amounts.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 145
The table below presents information, by product type, for
investments included in the summary table above.
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Corporate debt securities
Beginning balance $ 4,527 $ 5,286
Net realized gains/(losses) 352 167
Net unrealized gains/(losses) (173) 311
Purchases 1,007 431
Sales (125) (594)
Settlements (1,117) (1,876)
Transfers into level 3 2,790 1,871
Transfers out of level 3 (258) (1,069)
Ending balance $ 7,003 $ 4,527
Securities backed by real estate
Beginning balance $ 1,078 $ 998
Net realized gains/(losses) 42 45
Net unrealized gains/(losses) (338) 6
Purchases 199 182
Sales (169) (44)
Settlements (320) (234)
Transfers into level 3 344 142
Transfers out of level 3 (9) (17)
Ending balance $ 827 $ 1,078
Other debt obligations
Beginning balance $ 382 $ 497
Net realized gains/(losses) 12 12
Net unrealized gains/(losses) (5) 1
Purchases 25 63
Transfers out of level 3 (5) (95)
Ending balance $ 256 $ 382
Equity securities
Beginning balance $ 7,915 $ 9,642
Net realized gains/(losses) 157 225
Net unrealized gains/(losses) (1,133) 945
Purchases 1,131 924
Sales (1,214) (1,497)
Settlements (411) (1,059)
Transfers into level 3 3,211 1,067
Transfers out of level 3 (800) (2,332)
Ending balance $ 8,856 $ 7,915
Level 3 Rollforward Commentary for Investments
Year Ended December 2022. The net realized and
unrealized losses on level 3 investments of $1.09 billion
(reflecting $563 million of net realized gains and $1.65 billion
of net unrealized losses) for 2022 included gains/(losses) of
$(1.52) billion reported in other principal transactions and
$433 million reported in interest income.
The net unrealized losses on level 3 investments for 2022
primarily reflected losses on certain equity securities and
corporate debt securities (in each case, principally driven by
broad macroeconomic and geopolitical concerns) and
securities backed by real estate (principally driven by an
increase in interest rates).
Transfers into level 3 investments during 2022 primarily
reflected transfers of certain equity securities and corporate
debt securities from level 2 (in each case, principally due to
reduced price transparency as a result of a lack of market
evidence, including fewer market transactions in these
instruments), and transfers of certain corporate debt
securities from level 2 (due to certain unobservable yield and
duration inputs becoming significant to the valuation of these
Transfers out of level 3 investments during 2022 primarily
reflected transfers of certain equity securities and corporate
debt securities to level 2 (in each case, principally due to
increased price transparency as a result of market evidence,
including market transactions in these instruments and
certain unobservable yield and duration inputs no longer
being significant to the valuation of these instruments).
Year Ended December 2021. The net realized and
unrealized gains on level 3 investments of $1.71 billion
(reflecting $449million of net realized gains and $1.26billion
of net unrealized gains) for 2021 included gains of
$1.53 billion reported in other principal transactions and
$180million reported in interest income.
The net unrealized gains on level 3 investments for 2021
primarily reflected gains on certain private equity securities
and corporate debt securities (in each case, principally driven
by corporate performance and company-specific events).
Transfers into level 3 investments during 2021 primarily
reflected transfers of certain corporate debt securities from
level 2 (principally due to reduced price transparency as a
result of a lack of market evidence, including fewer market
transactions in these instruments, and certain unobservable
yield and duration inputs becoming significant to the
valuation of these instruments) and transfers of certain
private equity securities from level 2 (principally due to
reduced price transparency as a result of a lack of market
evidence, including fewer market transactions in these
Transfers out of level 3 investments during 2021 primarily
reflected transfers of certain private equity securities to level
2 (principally due to increased price transparency as a result
of market evidence, including market transactions in these
instruments) and transfers of certain corporate debt securities
to level 2 (principally due to certain unobservable yield and
duration inputs no longer being significant to the valuation of
these instruments, and increased price transparency as a
result of market evidence, including market transactions of
these instruments).
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Fair Value of Loans by Level
The table below presents loans held for investment accounted
for at fair value under the fair value option by level within
the fair value hierarchy.
$ in millions Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
As of December 2022
Loan Type
Corporate $ $ 359 $ 637 $ 996
Real estate:
Commercial 435 711 1,146
Residential 4,437 74 4,511
Other collateralized 576 140 716
Other 11 275 286
Total $ $ 5,818 $ 1,837 $ 7,655
As of December 2021
Loan Type
Corporate $ $ 937 $ 672 $ 1,609
Real estate:
Commercial 605 983 1,588
Residential 5,980 205 6,185
Other collateralized 726 229 955
Other 167 265 432
Total $ $ 8,415 $ 2,354 $ 10,769
The gains/(losses) as a result of changes in the fair value of
loans held for investment for which the fair value option was
elected were $(367) million for 2022 and $216 million for
2021. These gains/(losses) were included in other principal
Significant Unobservable Inputs for Loans
The table below presents the amount of level 3 loans, and
ranges and weighted averages of significant unobservable
inputs used to value such loans.
As of December 2022 As of December 2021
$ in millions
Amount or
Amount or
Level 3 assets $ 637 $ 672
Yield 4.1% to 26.9% 9.6% 1.5% to 55.6% 17.8%
Recovery rate 23.1% to 95.0% 66.0%
20.0% to 92.0%
Duration (years) 1.6 to 3.3 2.6 1.0 to 4.3 2.5
Real estate
Level 3 assets $ 785 $ 1,188
Yield 3.0% to 27.0% 16.1% 2.1% to 20.0% 13.2%
Recovery rate 3.6% to 66.2% 54.4% 3.8% to 99.5% 43.7%
Duration (years) 0.6 to 6.7 2.5 0.1 to 4.0 1.7
Other collateralized
Level 3 assets $ 140 $ 229
Yield 5.8% to 12.7% 7.7% 1.8% to 4.3% 3.3%
Duration (years) 2.5 to 2.9 2.7 0.9 to 6.8 3.2
Level 3 assets $ 275 $ 265
Yield 9.4% to 10.0% 9.9% 3.8% to 18.7% 7.9%
Duration (years) N/A N/A 2.9 to 5.5 3.6
In the table above:
Ranges represent the significant unobservable inputs that
were used in the valuation of each type of loan.
Weighted averages are calculated by weighting each input
by the relative fair value of the loan.
The ranges and weighted averages of these inputs are not
representative of the appropriate inputs to use when
calculating the fair value of any one loan. For example, the
highest yield for real estate loans is appropriate for valuing
a specific real estate loan but may not be appropriate for
valuing any other real estate loan. Accordingly, the ranges
of inputs do not represent uncertainty in, or possible ranges
of, fair value measurements of level 3 loans.
Increases in yield or duration used in the valuation of level
3 loans would have resulted in a lower fair value
measurement, while increases in recovery rate would have
resulted in a higher fair value measurement as of both
December 2022 and December 2021. Due to the distinctive
nature of each level 3 loan, the interrelationship of inputs is
not necessarily uniform within each product type.
Loans are valued using discounted cash flows.
The significant unobservable inputs for duration related to
other loans as of December 2022 did not have a range (and
there was no weighted average) as it related to a purchased
portfolio of revolving loans with a single duration.
Level 3 Rollforward for Loans
The table below presents a summary of the changes in fair
value for level 3 loans.
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Beginning balance $ 2,354 $ 2,678
Net realized gains/(losses) 82 99
Net unrealized gains/(losses) (129) (33)
Purchases 113 272
Sales (82) (54)
Settlements (403) (668)
Transfers into level 3 236 369
Transfers out of level 3 (334) (309)
Ending balance $ 1,837 $ 2,354
In the table above:
Changes in fair value are presented for loans that are
classified in level 3 as of the end of the period.
Net unrealized gains/(losses) relates to loans that were still
held at period-end.
Purchases includes originations and secondary purchases.
Transfers between levels of the fair value hierarchy are
reported at the beginning of the reporting period in which
they occur. If a loan was transferred to level 3 during a
reporting period, its entire gain or loss for the period is
classified in level 3.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 147
The table below presents information, by loan type, for loans
included in the summary table above.
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Beginning balance $ 672 $ 896
Net realized gains/(losses) 29 30
Net unrealized gains/(losses) (40) (34)
Purchases 27 81
Sales (74) (17)
Settlements (95) (228)
Transfers into level 3 121 37
Transfers out of level 3 (3) (93)
Ending balance $ 637 $ 672
Real estate
Beginning balance $ 1,188 $ 1,364
Net realized gains/(losses) 45 57
Net unrealized gains/(losses) (108) (62)
Purchases 65 78
Settlements (233) (353)
Transfers into level 3 102 242
Transfers out of level 3 (266) (128)
Ending balance $ 785 $ 1,188
Other collateralized
Beginning balance $ 229 $ 97
Net realized gains/(losses) 3 1
Net unrealized gains/(losses) (2) (1)
Purchases 3 62
Settlements (55) (20)
Transfers into level 3 13 90
Transfers out of level 3 (51)
Ending balance $ 140 $ 229
Beginning balance $ 265 $ 321
Net realized gains/(losses) 5 11
Net unrealized gains/(losses) 21 64
Purchases 18 51
Sales (27)
Settlements (20) (67)
Transfers out of level 3 (14) (88)
Ending balance $ 275 $ 265
Level 3 Rollforward Commentary for Loans
Year Ended December 2022. The net realized and
unrealized losses on level 3 loans of $47 million (reflecting
$82 million of net realized gains and $129 million of net
unrealized losses) for 2022 included gains/(losses) of $(78)
million reported in other principal transactions and $31
million reported in interest income.
The net unrealized losses on level 3 loans for 2022 primarily
reflected losses on certain loans backed by real estate
(principally due to the impact of an increase in interest rates).
Transfers into level 3 loans during 2022 primarily reflected
transfers of certain corporate loans and loans backed by real
estate from level 2 (in each case, principally due to reduced
price transparency as a result of a lack of market evidence,
including fewer market transactions in these instruments).
Transfers out of level 3 loans during 2022 primarily reflected
transfers of certain loans backed by real estate to level 2
(principally due to increased price transparency as a result of
market evidence, including market transactions in these
Year Ended December 2021. The net realized and
unrealized gains on level 3 loans of $66 million (reflecting $99
million of net realized gains and $33 million of net unrealized
losses) for 2021 included gains of $42 million reported in
other principal transactions and $24 million reported in
interest income.
The drivers of net unrealized losses on level 3 loans for 2021
were not material.
Transfers into level 3 loans during 2021 primarily reflected
transfers of certain loans backed by real estate from level 2
(principally due to certain unobservable yield and duration
inputs becoming significant to the valuation of these
instruments) and transfers of certain other collateralized
loans from level 2 (principally due to reduced price
transparency as a result of a lack of market evidence,
including fewer market transactions in these instruments).
Transfers out of level 3 loans during 2021 primarily reflected
transfers of certain loans backed by real estate, corporate
loans and other loans to level 2 (in each case, principally due
to increased price transparency as a result of market
evidence, including market transactions in these instruments).
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Fair Value of Other Financial Assets and Liabilities by
The table below presents, by level within the fair value
hierarchy, other financial assets and liabilities at fair value,
substantially all of which are accounted for at fair value
under the fair value option.
$ in millions Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
As of December 2022
Resale agreements $ $ 225,117 $ $ 225,117
Securities borrowed 38,578 38,578
Customer and other receivables 25 25
Other assets 71 74 145
Total $ $ 263,791 $ 74 $ 263,865
Deposits $ $ (13,003) $ (2,743) $ (15,746)
Repurchase agreements (110,349) (110,349)
Securities loaned (4,372) (4,372)
Other secured financings (10,914) (1,842) (12,756)
Unsecured borrowings:
Short-term (35,641) (4,090) (39,731)
Long-term (63,081) (10,066) (73,147)
Other liabilities (74) (85) (159)
Total $ $ (237,434) $ (18,826) $ (256,260)
As of December 2021
Resale agreements $ $ 205,703 $ $ 205,703
Securities borrowed 39,955 39,955
Customer and other receivables 42 42
Total $ $ 245,700 $ $ 245,700
Deposits $ $ (31,812) $ (3,613) $ (35,425)
Repurchase agreements (165,883) (165,883)
Securities loaned (9,170) (9,170)
Other secured financings (14,508) (2,566) (17,074)
Unsecured borrowings:
Short-term (22,003) (7,829) (29,832)
Long-term (42,977) (9,413) (52,390)
Other liabilities (213) (146) (359)
Total $ $ (286,566) $ (23,567) $ (310,133)
In the table above, other financial assets are shown as
positive amounts and other financial liabilities are shown as
negative amounts.
See Note 4 for an overview of the firm’s fair value
measurement policies, valuation techniques and significant
inputs used to determine the fair value of other financial
assets and liabilities.
Significant Unobservable Inputs for Other Financial
Instruments at Fair Value
See below for information about the significant unobservable
inputs used to value level 3 other financial liabilities at fair
value as of both December 2022 and December 2021.
Other Secured Financings. The ranges and weighted
averages of significant unobservable inputs used to value level
3 other secured financings are presented below. These ranges
and weighted averages exclude unobservable inputs that are
only relevant to a single instrument, and therefore are not
As of December 2022:
Yield: 4.5% to 9.4% (weighted average: 5.9%)
Duration: 0.6 to 5.1 years (weighted average: 2.2 years)
As of December 2021:
Yield: 1.3% to 6.4% (weighted average: 2.1%)
Duration: 0.6 to 7.1 years (weighted average: 3.7 years)
Generally, increases in yield or duration, in isolation, would
have resulted in a lower fair value measurement as of period-
end. Due to the distinctive nature of each of level 3 other
secured financings, the interrelationship of inputs is not
necessarily uniform across such financings. See Note 11 for
further information about other secured financings.
Deposits, Unsecured Borrowings and Other Assets
and Liabilities. Substantially all of the firm’s deposits,
unsecured short- and long-term borrowings, and other assets
and liabilities that are classified in level 3 are hybrid financial
instruments. As the significant unobservable inputs used to
value hybrid financial instruments primarily relate to the
embedded derivative component of these deposits, unsecured
borrowings and other assets and liabilities, these
unobservable inputs are incorporated in the firm’s derivative
disclosures. See Note 12 for further information about other
assets, Note 13 for further information about deposits, Note
14 for further information about unsecured borrowings and
Note 15 for further information about other liabilities.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 149
Level 3 Rollforward for Other Financial Instruments at
Fair Value
The table below presents a summary of the changes in fair
value for level 3 other financial instruments accounted for at
fair value.
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Beginning balance $ $
Net unrealized gains/(losses) 65
Purchases 9
Ending balance $ 74 $
Beginning balance $ (23,567) $ (28,058)
Net realized gains/(losses) (311) (401)
Net unrealized gains/(losses) 4,459 825
Issuances (10,090) (12,632)
Settlements 10,255 14,930
Transfers into level 3 (1,851) (736)
Transfers out of level 3 2,279 2,505
Ending balance $ (18,826) $ (23,567)
In the table above:
Changes in fair value are presented for all other financial
instruments that are classified in level 3 as of the end of the
Net unrealized gains/(losses) relates to other financial
instruments that were still held at period-end.
Transfers between levels of the fair value hierarchy are
reported at the beginning of the reporting period in which
they occur. If a financial instrument was transferred to
level 3 during a reporting period, its entire gain or loss for
the period is classified in level 3.
For level 3 other financial assets, increases are shown as
positive amounts, while decreases are shown as negative
amounts. For level 3 other financial liabilities, increases are
shown as negative amounts, while decreases are shown as
positive amounts.
Level 3 other financial instruments are frequently
economically hedged with trading assets and liabilities.
Accordingly, gains or losses that are classified in level 3 can
be partially offset by gains or losses attributable to level 1,
2 or 3 trading assets and liabilities. As a result, gains or
losses included in the level 3 rollforward below do not
necessarily represent the overall impact on the firm’s
results of operations, liquidity or capital resources.
The table below presents information, by the consolidated
balance sheet line items, for liabilities included in the
summary table above.
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Beginning balance $ (3,613) $ (4,221)
Net realized gains/(losses) (5) (28)
Net unrealized gains/(losses) 391 (110)
Issuances (937) (473)
Settlements 1,264 1,203
Transfers into level 3 (13) (70)
Transfers out of level 3 170 86
Ending balance $ (2,743) $ (3,613)
Repurchase agreements
Beginning balance $ $ (2)
Net unrealized gains/(losses) 1
Settlements 1
Ending balance $ $
Other secured financings
Beginning balance $ (2,566) $ (3,474)
Net realized gains/(losses) (12) (27)
Net unrealized gains/(losses) 31 63
Issuances (621) (145)
Settlements 850 779
Transfers into level 3 (110) (135)
Transfers out of level 3 586 373
Ending balance $ (1,842) $ (2,566)
Unsecured short-term borrowings
Beginning balance $ (7,829) $ (7,523)
Net realized gains/(losses) (112) (134)
Net unrealized gains/(losses) 730 374
Issuances (3,497) (7,878)
Settlements 6,201 7,188
Transfers into level 3 (265) (163)
Transfers out of level 3 682 307
Ending balance $ (4,090) $ (7,829)
Unsecured long-term borrowings
Beginning balance $ (9,413) $ (12,576)
Net realized gains/(losses) (182) (212)
Net unrealized gains/(losses) 3,246 381
Issuances (5,035) (4,136)
Settlements 1,940 5,759
Transfers into level 3 (1,463) (368)
Transfers out of level 3 841 1,739
Ending balance $ (10,066) $ (9,413)
Other liabilities
Beginning balance $ (146) $ (262)
Net unrealized gains/(losses) 61 116
Ending balance $ (85) $ (146)
Level 3 Rollforward Commentary for Other Financial
Instruments at Fair Value
Year Ended December 2022. The net realized and
unrealized gains on level 3 other financial liabilities of $4.15
billion (reflecting $311 million of net realized losses and $4.46
billion of net unrealized gains) for 2022 included gains/
(losses) of $3.60 billion reported in market making, $64
million reported in other principal transactions and $(21)
million reported in interest expense in the consolidated
statements of earnings, and $503 million reported in debt
valuation adjustment in the consolidated statements of
comprehensive income.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
The net unrealized gains on level 3 other financial liabilities
for 2022 primarily reflected gains on certain hybrid financial
instruments included in unsecured long- and short-term
borrowings (principally due to a decrease in global equity
prices and an increase in interest rates).
Transfers into level 3 other financial liabilities during 2022
primarily reflected transfers of certain hybrid financial
instruments included in unsecured long- and short-term
borrowings from level 2 (principally due to reduced
transparency of certain volatility and correlation inputs used
to value these instruments).
Transfers out of level 3 other financial liabilities during 2022
primarily reflected transfers of certain hybrid financial
instruments included in unsecured long- and short-term
borrowings to level 2 (principally due to increased price
transparency of certain volatility and correlation inputs used
to value these instruments) and transfers of certain other
secured financings to level 2 (principally due to certain
unobservable yield and duration inputs no longer being
significant to the valuation of these instruments).
Year Ended December 2021. The net realized and
unrealized gains on level 3 other financial liabilities of $424
million (reflecting $401 million of net realized losses and $825
million of net unrealized gains) for 2021 included gains/
(losses) of $355 million reported in market making, $32
million reported in other principal transactions and $(20)
million reported in interest expense in the consolidated
statements of earnings, and $57 million reported in debt
valuation adjustment in the consolidated statements of
comprehensive income.
The net unrealized gains on level 3 other financial liabilities
for 2021 primarily reflected gains on certain hybrid financial
instruments included in unsecured long- and short-term
borrowings (principally due to an increase in interest rates).
Transfers into level 3 other financial liabilities during 2021
primarily reflected transfers of certain hybrid financial
instruments included in unsecured long- and short-term
borrowings from level 2 (principally due to reduced price
transparency of certain volatility and correlation inputs used
to value these instruments) and certain other secured
financings from level 2 (principally due to reduced price
transparency of certain yield and duration inputs used to
value these instruments).
Transfers out of level 3 other financial liabilities during 2021
primarily reflected transfers of certain hybrid financial
instruments included in unsecured long- and short-term
borrowings to level 2 (principally due to increased price
transparency of certain volatility and correlation inputs used
to value these instruments, and certain unobservable
volatility inputs no longer being significant to the valuation
of these instruments) and certain other secured financings to
level 2 (principally due to increased price transparency of
certain yield and duration inputs used to value these
Note 6.
Trading Assets and Liabilities
Trading assets and liabilities include trading cash instruments
and derivatives held in connection with the firm’s market-
making or risk management activities. These assets and
liabilities are carried at fair value either under the fair value
option or in accordance with other U.S. GAAP, and the
related fair value gains and losses are generally recognized in
the consolidated statements of earnings.
The table below presents a summary of trading assets and
Trading Trading
$ in millions Assets Liabilities
As of December 2022
Trading cash instruments $ 241,832 $ 136,589
Derivatives 59,413 54,735
Total $ 301,245 $ 191,324
As of December 2021
Trading cash instruments $ 311,956 $ 129,471
Derivatives 63,960 51,953
Total $ 375,916 $ 181,424
See Note 5 for further information about trading cash
instruments and Note 7 for further information about
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 151
Gains and Losses from Market Making
The table below presents market making revenues by major
product type.
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
Interest rates $ (4,890) $ (2,664) $ 6,074
Credit 1,095 1,739 3,269
Currencies 11,662 5,627 (3,312)
Equities 7,734 8,459 6,792
Commodities 3,033 2,196 2,605
Total $ 18,634 $ 15,357 $ 15,428
In the table above:
Gains/(losses) include both realized and unrealized gains
and losses. Gains/(losses) exclude related interest income
and interest expense. See Note 23 for further information
about interest income and interest expense.
Gains/(losses) included in market making are primarily
related to the firm’s trading assets and liabilities, including
both derivative and non-derivative financial instruments.
Gains/(losses) are not representative of the manner in
which the firm manages its business activities because
many of the firm’s market-making and client facilitation
strategies utilize financial instruments across various
product types. Accordingly, gains or losses in one product
type frequently offset gains or losses in other product types.
For example, most of the firm’s longer-term derivatives
across product types are sensitive to changes in interest
rates and may be economically hedged with interest rate
swaps. Similarly, a significant portion of the firm’s trading
cash instruments and derivatives across product types has
exposure to foreign currencies and may be economically
hedged with foreign currency contracts.
Note 7.
Derivatives and Hedging Activities
Derivative Activities
Derivatives are instruments that derive their value from
underlying asset prices, indices, reference rates and other
inputs, or a combination of these factors. Derivatives may be
traded on an exchange (exchange-traded) or they may be
privately negotiated contracts, which are usually referred to
as OTC derivatives. Certain of the firm’s OTC derivatives
are cleared and settled through central clearing
counterparties (OTC-cleared), while others are bilateral
contracts between two counterparties (bilateral OTC).
Market Making. As a market maker, the firm enters into
derivative transactions to provide liquidity to clients and to
facilitate the transfer and hedging of their risks. In this role,
the firm typically acts as principal and is required to commit
capital to provide execution, and maintains market-making
positions in response to, or in anticipation of, client demand.
Risk Management. The firm also enters into derivatives to
actively manage risk exposures that arise from its market-
making and investing and financing activities. The firm’s
holdings and exposures are hedged, in many cases, on either a
portfolio or risk-specific basis, as opposed to an instrument-
by-instrument basis. The offsetting impact of this economic
hedging is reflected in the same business segment as the
related revenues. In addition, the firm may enter into
derivatives designated as hedges under U.S. GAAP. These
derivatives are used to manage interest rate exposure of
certain fixed-rate unsecured borrowings and deposits and
certain U.S. government securities classified as available-for-
sale, foreign exchange risk of certain available-for-sale
securities and the net investment in certain non-U.S.
operations, and the price risk of certain commodities.
The firm enters into various types of derivatives, including:
Futures and Forwards. Contracts that commit
counterparties to purchase or sell financial instruments,
commodities or currencies in the future.
Swaps. Contracts that require counterparties to exchange
cash flows, such as currency or interest payment streams.
The amounts exchanged are based on the specific terms of
the contract with reference to specified rates, financial
instruments, commodities, currencies or indices.
Options. Contracts in which the option purchaser has the
right, but not the obligation, to purchase from or sell to the
option writer financial instruments, commodities or
currencies within a defined time period for a specified
Derivatives are reported on a net-by-counterparty basis (i.e.,
the net payable or receivable for derivative assets and
liabilities for a given counterparty) when a legal right of
setoff exists under an enforceable netting agreement
(counterparty netting). Derivatives are accounted for at fair
value, net of cash collateral received or posted under
enforceable credit support agreements (cash collateral
netting). Derivative assets are included in trading assets and
derivative liabilities are included in trading liabilities.
Realized and unrealized gains and losses on derivatives not
designated as hedges are included in market making (for
derivatives included in Fixed Income, Currency and
Commodities (FICC) and Equities within Global Banking &
Markets), and other principal transactions (for derivatives
included in Investment banking fees and Other within Global
Banking & Markets, as well as derivatives in Asset & Wealth
Management) in the consolidated statements of earnings. For
both 2022 and 2021, substantially all of the firm’s derivatives
were included in Global Banking & Markets.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
The tables below present the gross fair value and the notional
amounts of derivative contracts by major product type, the
amounts of counterparty and cash collateral netting in the
consolidated balance sheets, as well as cash and securities
collateral posted and received under enforceable credit
support agreements that do not meet the criteria for netting
under U.S. GAAP.
As of December 2022 As of December 2021
$ in millions
Not accounted for as hedges
Exchange-traded $ 675 $ 1,385 $ 256 $ 557
OTC-cleared 74,297 72,979 13,795 12,692
Bilateral OTC 195,052 174,687 232,595 205,073
Total interest rates 270,024 249,051 246,646 218,322
OTC-cleared 1,516 1,802 3,665 4,053
Bilateral OTC 10,751 9,478 12,591 11,702
Total credit 12,267 11,280 16,256 15,755
Exchange-traded 1,041 22 417 10
OTC-cleared 520 589 423 338
Bilateral OTC 102,301 111,276 86,076 85,795
Total currencies 103,862 111,887 86,916 86,143
Exchange-traded 9,225 9,542 6,534 6,189
OTC-cleared 698 838 652 373
Bilateral OTC 30,017 22,745 28,359 25,969
Total commodities 39,940 33,125 35,545 32,531
Exchange-traded 26,302 26,607 33,840 35,518
OTC-cleared 685 19 8 5
Bilateral OTC 23,574 30,157 39,718 44,750
Total equities 50,561 56,783 73,566 80,273
Subtotal 476,654 462,126 458,929 433,024
Accounted for as hedges
OTC-cleared 1
Bilateral OTC 335 11 945
Total interest rates 335 11 946
OTC-cleared 29 29 34 27
Bilateral OTC 53 256 60 139
Total currencies 82 285 94 166
Subtotal 417 296 1,040 166
Total gross fair value $ 477,071 $ 462,422 $ 459,969 $ 433,190
Offset in the consolidated balance sheets
Exchange-traded $ (31,229) $ (31,229) $ (35,724) $ (35,724)
OTC-cleared (75,349) (75,349) (16,979) (16,979)
Bilateral OTC (254,304) (254,304) (279,189) (279,189)
Counterparty netting (360,882) (360,882) (331,892) (331,892)
OTC-cleared (1,388) (406) (1,033) (361)
Bilateral OTC (55,388) (46,399) (63,084) (48,984)
Cash collateral netting (56,776) (46,805) (64,117) (49,345)
Total amounts offset $ (417,658) $ (407,687) $ (396,009) $ (381,237)
Included in the consolidated balance sheets
Exchange-traded $ 6,014 $ 6,327 $ 5,323 $ 6,550
OTC-cleared 1,008 501 566 148
Bilateral OTC 52,391 47,907 58,071 45,255
Total $ 59,413 $ 54,735 $ 63,960 $ 51,953
Not offset in the consolidated balance sheets
Cash collateral $ (298) $ (1,887) $ (1,008) $ (1,939)
Securities collateral (15,229) (4,329) (15,751) (7,349)
Total $ 43,886 $ 48,519 $ 47,201 $ 42,665
Notional Amounts as of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Not accounted for as hedges
Exchange-traded $ 4,241,937 $ 2,630,915
OTC-cleared 13,104,682 17,874,504
Bilateral OTC 11,137,127 11,122,871
Total interest rates 28,483,746 31,628,290
Exchange-traded 369
OTC-cleared 529,543 463,477
Bilateral OTC 577,542 616,095
Total credit 1,107,454 1,079,572
Exchange-traded 9,012 14,617
OTC-cleared 150,561 194,124
Bilateral OTC 5,304,069 6,606,927
Total currencies 5,463,642 6,815,668
Exchange-traded 341,526 308,917
OTC-cleared 3,188 3,647
Bilateral OTC 255,208 234,322
Total commodities 599,922 546,886
Exchange-traded 1,107,659 1,149,777
OTC-cleared 1,639 198
Bilateral OTC 1,026,736 1,173,103
Total equities 2,136,034 2,323,078
Subtotal 37,790,798 42,393,494
Accounted for as hedges
OTC-cleared 257,739 219,083
Bilateral OTC 3,156 4,499
Total interest rates 260,895 223,582
OTC-cleared 2,048 2,758
Bilateral OTC 7,701 18,658
Total currencies 9,749 21,416
Exchange-traded 1,050
Total commodities 1,050
Subtotal 270,644 246,048
Total notional amounts $ 38,061,442 $ 42,639,542
In the tables above:
Gross fair values exclude the effects of both counterparty
netting and collateral, and therefore are not representative
of the firm’s exposure.
Where the firm has received or posted collateral under
credit support agreements, but has not yet determined such
agreements are enforceable, the related collateral has not
been netted.
Notional amounts, which represent the sum of gross long
and short derivative contracts, provide an indication of the
volume of the firm’s derivative activity and do not
represent anticipated losses.
Total gross fair value of derivatives included derivative
assets of $10.08 billion as of December 2022 and $17.48
billion as of December 2021, and derivative liabilities of
$12.71 billion as of December 2022 and $17.29 billion as of
December 2021, which are not subject to an enforceable
netting agreement or are subject to a netting agreement that
the firm has not yet determined to be enforceable.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 153
OTC Derivatives
The table below presents OTC derivative assets and liabilities
by tenor and major product type.
$ in millions
Less than
1 Year
1 - 5
Greater than
5 Years
As of December 2022
Interest rates $ 5,509 $ 16,963 $ 53,943 $ 76,415
Credit 921 2,622 2,142 5,685
Currencies 12,284 7,819 7,085 27,188
Commodities 10,525 7,513 2,574 20,612
Equities 5,346 4,007 1,782 11,135
Counterparty netting in tenors (2,661) (3,942) (4,830) (11,433)
Subtotal $ 31,924 $ 34,982 $ 62,696 $ 129,602
Cross-tenor counterparty netting
Cash collateral netting
Total OTC derivative assets
$ 53,399
Interest rates $ 9,351 $ 23,589 $ 21,467 $ 54,407
Credit 993 2,635 1,071 4,699
Currencies 18,987 8,736 8,712 36,435
Commodities 6,400 6,135 945 13,480
Equities 7,629 7,249 2,174 17,052
Counterparty netting in tenors (2,661) (3,942) (4,830) (11,433)
Subtotal $ 40,699 $ 44,402 $ 29,539 $ 114,640
Cross-tenor counterparty netting
Cash collateral netting
Total OTC derivative liabilities
$ 48,408
As of December 2021
Interest rates $ 6,076 $ 11,655 $ 61,380 $ 79,111
Credit 1,800 2,381 3,113 7,294
Currencies 13,366 6,642 6,570 26,578
Commodities 10,178 7,348 770 18,296
Equities 11,075 6,592 2,100 19,767
Counterparty netting in tenors (3,624) (3,357) (2,673) (9,654)
Subtotal $ 38,871 $ 31,261 $ 71,260 $ 141,392
Cross-tenor counterparty netting
Cash collateral netting (64,117)
Total OTC derivative assets $ 58,637
Interest rates $ 3,929 $ 10,932 $ 34,676 $ 49,537
Credit 1,695 3,257 1,841 6,793
Currencies 14,122 6,581 5,580 26,283
Commodities 7,591 6,274 1,763 15,628
Equities 8,268 12,944 3,587 24,799
Counterparty netting in tenors (3,624) (3,357) (2,673) (9,654)
Subtotal $ 31,981 $ 36,631 $ 44,774 $ 113,386
Cross-tenor counterparty netting
Cash collateral netting (49,345)
Total OTC derivative liabilities $ 45,403
In the table above:
Tenor is based on remaining contractual maturity.
Counterparty netting within the same product type and
tenor category is included within such product type and
tenor category.
Counterparty netting across product types within the same
tenor category is included in counterparty netting in tenors.
Where the counterparty netting is across tenor categories,
the netting is included in cross-tenor counterparty netting.
See Note 4 for an overview of the firm’s fair value
measurement policies, valuation techniques and significant
inputs used to determine the fair value of derivatives, and
Note 5 for information about derivatives within the fair value
Credit Derivatives
The firm enters into a broad array of credit derivatives to
facilitate client transactions and to manage the credit risk
associated with market-making and investing and financing
activities. Credit derivatives are actively managed based on
the firm’s net risk position. Credit derivatives are generally
individually negotiated contracts and can have various
settlement and payment conventions. Credit events include
failure to pay, bankruptcy, acceleration of indebtedness,
restructuring, repudiation and dissolution of the reference
The firm enters into the following types of credit derivatives:
Credit Default Swaps. Single-name credit default swaps
protect the buyer against the loss of principal on one or
more bonds, loans or mortgages (reference obligations) in
the event the issuer of the reference obligations suffers a
credit event. The buyer of protection pays an initial or
periodic premium to the seller and receives protection for
the period of the contract. If there is no credit event, as
defined in the contract, the seller of protection makes no
payments to the buyer. If a credit event occurs, the seller of
protection is required to make a payment to the buyer,
calculated according to the terms of the contract.
Credit Options. In a credit option, the option writer
assumes the obligation to purchase or sell a reference
obligation at a specified price or credit spread. The option
purchaser buys the right, but does not assume the
obligation, to sell the reference obligation to, or purchase it
from, the option writer. The payments on credit options
depend either on a particular credit spread or the price of
the reference obligation.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Credit Indices, Baskets and Tranches. Credit
derivatives may reference a basket of single-name credit
default swaps or a broad-based index. If a credit event
occurs in one of the underlying reference obligations, the
protection seller pays the protection buyer. The payment is
typically a pro-rata portion of the transaction’s total
notional amount based on the underlying defaulted
reference obligation. In certain transactions, the credit risk
of a basket or index is separated into various portions
(tranches), each having different levels of subordination.
The most junior tranches cover initial defaults and once
losses exceed the notional amount of these junior tranches,
any excess loss is covered by the next most senior tranche.
Total Return Swaps. A total return swap transfers the
risks relating to economic performance of a reference
obligation from the protection buyer to the protection
seller. Typically, the protection buyer receives a floating
rate of interest and protection against any reduction in fair
value of the reference obligation, and the protection seller
receives the cash flows associated with the reference
obligation, plus any increase in the fair value of the
reference obligation.
The firm economically hedges its exposure to written credit
derivatives primarily by entering into offsetting purchased
credit derivatives with identical underliers. Substantially all
of the firm’s purchased credit derivative transactions are with
financial institutions and are subject to stringent collateral
thresholds. In addition, upon the occurrence of a specified
trigger event, the firm may take possession of the reference
obligations underlying a particular written credit derivative,
and consequently may, upon liquidation of the reference
obligations, recover amounts on the underlying reference
obligations in the event of default.
As of December 2022, written credit derivatives had a total
gross notional amount of $528.31 billion and purchased
credit derivatives had a total gross notional amount of
$579.14billion, for total net notional purchased protection of
$50.83 billion. As of December 2021, written credit
derivatives had a total gross notional amount of
$510.24 billion and purchased credit derivatives had a total
gross notional amount of $569.34 billion, for total net
notional purchased protection of $59.10 billion. The firm’s
written and purchased credit derivatives primarily consist of
credit default swaps.
The table below presents information about credit derivatives.
Credit Spread on Underlier (basis points)
$ in millions 0 - 250
251 -
501 -
1,000 Total
As of December 2022
Maximum Payout/Notional Amount of Written Credit Derivatives by Tenor
Less than 1 year $ 108,703 $ 12,166 $ 1,879 $ 4,135 $ 126,883
1 - 5 years 306,484 28,188 13,724 9,092 357,488
Greater than 5 years 39,302 2,916 1,416 305 43,939
Total $ 454,489 $ 43,270 $ 17,019 $ 13,532 $ 528,310
Maximum Payout/Notional Amount of Purchased Credit Derivatives
Offsetting $ 372,360 $ 33,149 $ 14,817 $ 11,757 $ 432,083
Other 128,828 13,211 2,615 2,407 147,061
Fair Value of Written Credit Derivatives
Asset $ 5,405 $ 460 $ 132 $ 84 $ 6,081
Liability 681 1,081 1,027 2,673 5,462
Net asset/(liability) $ 4,724 $ (621) $ (895) $ (2,589) $ 619
As of December 2021
Maximum Payout/Notional Amount of Written Credit Derivatives by Tenor
Less than 1 year $ 120,456 $ 6,173 $ 1,656 $ 4,314 $ 132,599
1 - 5 years 305,255 14,328 12,754 3,814 336,151
Greater than 5 years 35,558 3,087 2,529 311 41,485
Total $ 461,269 $ 23,588 $ 16,939 $ 8,439 $ 510,235
Maximum Payout/Notional Amount of Purchased Credit Derivatives
Offsetting $ 381,715 $ 17,210 $ 12,806 $ 6,714 $ 418,445
Other $ 138,214 $ 7,780 $ 3,576 $ 1,322 $ 150,892
Fair Value of Written Credit Derivatives
Asset $ 9,803 $ 924 $ 318 $ 137 $ 11,182
Liability 941 123 1,666 1,933 4,663
Net asset/(liability) $ 8,862 $ 801 $ (1,348) $ (1,796) $ 6,519
In the table above:
Fair values exclude the effects of both netting of receivable
balances with payable balances under enforceable netting
agreements, and netting of cash received or posted under
enforceable credit support agreements, and therefore are
not representative of the firm’s credit exposure.
Tenor is based on remaining contractual maturity.
The credit spread on the underlier, together with the tenor
of the contract, are indicators of payment/performance
risk. The firm is less likely to pay or otherwise be required
to perform where the credit spread and the tenor are lower.
Offsetting purchased credit derivatives represent the
notional amount of purchased credit derivatives that
economically hedge written credit derivatives with identical
Other purchased credit derivatives represent the notional
amount of all other purchased credit derivatives not
included in offsetting.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 155
Impact of Credit and Funding Spreads on Derivatives
The firm realizes gains or losses on its derivative contracts.
These gains or losses include credit valuation adjustments
(CVA) relating to uncollateralized derivative assets and
liabilities, which represent the gains or losses (including
hedges) attributable to the impact of changes in credit
exposure, counterparty credit spreads, liability funding
spreads (which include the firm’s own credit), probability of
default and assumed recovery. These gains or losses also
include funding valuation adjustments (FVA) relating to
uncollateralized derivative assets, which represent the gains
or losses (including hedges) attributable to the impact of
changes in expected funding exposures and funding spreads.
The table below presents information about CVA and FVA.
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
CVA, net of hedges $ 320 $ 25 $ (143)
FVA, net of hedges (193) 60 173
Total $ 127 $ 85 $ 30
Bifurcated Embedded Derivatives
The table below presents the fair value and the notional
amount of derivatives that have been bifurcated from their
related borrowings.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Fair value of assets $ 288 $ 845
Fair value of liabilities (392) (124)
Net asset/(liability) $ (104) $ 721
Notional amount
$ 8,892 $ 10,743
In the table above, derivatives that have been bifurcated from
their related borrowings are recorded at fair value and
primarily consist of interest rate, equity and commodity
products. These derivatives are included in unsecured short-
and long-term borrowings, as well as other secured
financings, with the related borrowings.
Derivatives with Credit-Related Contingent Features
Certain of the firm’s derivatives have been transacted under
bilateral agreements with counterparties who may require the
firm to post collateral or terminate the transactions based on
changes in the firm’s credit ratings. The firm assesses the
impact of these bilateral agreements by determining the
collateral or termination payments that would occur
assuming a downgrade by all rating agencies. A downgrade
by any one rating agency, depending on the agency’s relative
ratings of the firm at the time of the downgrade, may have an
impact which is comparable to the impact of a downgrade by
all rating agencies.
The table below presents information about net derivative
liabilities under bilateral agreements (excluding collateral
posted), the fair value of collateral posted and additional
collateral or termination payments that could have been
called by counterparties in the event of a one- or two-notch
downgrade in the firm’s credit ratings.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Net derivative liabilities under bilateral agreements $ 33,059 $ 34,315
Collateral posted $ 27,657 $ 29,214
Additional collateral or termination payments:
One-notch downgrade $ 343 $ 345
Two-notch downgrade $ 1,115 $ 1,536
Hedge Accounting
The firm applies hedge accounting for (i) interest rate swaps
used to manage the interest rate exposure of certain fixed-
rate unsecured long- and short-term borrowings, certain
fixed-rate certificates of deposit and certain U.S. government
securities classified as available-for-sale, (ii) foreign currency
forward contracts used to manage the foreign exchange risk
of certain available-for-sale, (iii) foreign currency forward
contracts and foreign currency-denominated debt used to
manage foreign exchange risk on the firm’s net investment in
certain non-U.S. operations and (iv) commodity futures
contracts used to manage the price risk of certain
To qualify for hedge accounting, the hedging instrument
must be highly effective at reducing the risk from the
exposure being hedged. Additionally, the firm must formally
document the hedging relationship at inception and assess the
hedging relationship at least on a quarterly basis to ensure the
hedging instrument continues to be highly effective over the
life of the hedging relationship.
Fair Value Hedges
The firm designates interest rate swaps as fair value hedges of
certain fixed-rate unsecured long- and short-term debt and
fixed-rate certificates of deposit and, beginning in the second
quarter of 2022, of certain U.S. government securities
classified as available-for-sale. These interest rate swaps
hedge changes in fair value attributable to the designated
benchmark interest rate (e.g., London Interbank Offered
Rate (LIBOR), Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) or
Overnight Index Swap Rate), effectively converting a
substantial portion of these fixed-rate financial instruments
into floating-rate financial instruments.
The firm applies a statistical method that utilizes regression
analysis when assessing the effectiveness of these hedging
relationships in achieving offsetting changes in the fair values
of the hedging instrument and the risk being hedged (i.e.,
interest rate risk). An interest rate swap is considered highly
effective in offsetting changes in fair value attributable to
changes in the hedged risk when the regression analysis
results in a coefficient of determination of 80% or greater
and a slope between 80% and 125%.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
For qualifying interest rate fair value hedges, gains or losses
on derivatives are included in interest income/expense. The
change in fair value of the hedged items attributable to the
risk being hedged is reported as an adjustment to its carrying
value (hedging adjustment) and is also included in interest
income/expense. When a derivative is no longer designated as
a hedge, any remaining difference between the carrying value
and par value of the hedged item is amortized in interest
income/expense over the remaining life of the hedged item
using the effective interest method. See Note 23 for further
information about interest income and interest expense.
The table below presents the gains/(losses) from interest rate
derivatives accounted for as hedges and the related hedged
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
Interest rate hedges $ 366 $ $
Hedged investments (350)
Gains/(losses) $ 16 $ $
Borrowings and deposits
Interest rate hedges $ (22,183) $ (6,638) $ 3,862
Hedged borrowings and deposits
21,662 6,085 (4,557)
Gains/(losses) $ (521) $ (553) $ (695)
The table below presents the carrying value of investments,
deposits and unsecured borrowings that are designated in an
interest rate hedging relationship and the related cumulative
hedging adjustment (increase/(decrease)) from current and
prior hedging relationships included in such carrying values.
$ in millions
As of December 2022
Investments $ 10,804 $ (350)
Deposits $ 6,311 $ (280)
Unsecured short-term borrowings $ 7,295 $ (47)
Unsecured long-term borrowings $ 151,215 $ (15,134)
As of December 2021
Deposits $ 14,131 $ 246
Unsecured short-term borrowings $ 2,167 $ 5
Unsecured long-term borrowings $ 144,934 $ 6,169
In the table above:
Cumulative hedging adjustment included $5.09 billion as of
December 2022 and $5.91 billion as of December 2021 of
hedging adjustments from prior hedging relationships that
were de-designated and substantially all were related to
unsecured long-term borrowings.
The amortized cost of investments was $11.49billion as of
December 2022.
In addition, cumulative hedging adjustments for items no
longer designated in a hedging relationship were $111 million
as of December 2022 and $68 million as of December 2021
and were substantially all related to unsecured long-term
The firm designates foreign currency forward contracts as
fair value hedges of the foreign exchange risk of non-U.S.
government securities classified as available-for-sale. See
Note 8 for information about the amortized cost and fair
value of such securities. The effectiveness of such hedges is
assessed based on changes in spot rates. The gains/(losses) on
the hedges (relating to both spot and forward points) and the
foreign exchange gains/(losses) on the related available-for-
sale securities are included in market making. The net gains/
(losses) on hedges and related available-for-sale securities
were $(30) million (reflecting a gain of $266 million related to
hedges and a loss of $296 million on the related hedged
available-for-sale securities) for 2022. The gross and net
gains/(losses) were not material for both 2021 and 2020.
The firm designates commodity futures contracts as fair
value hedges of the price risk of certain precious metals
included in commodities within trading assets. As of
December 2022, there were no such hedges outstanding, and
as of December 2021, the carrying value of such commodities
was $1.05 billion and the amortized cost was $1.02 billion.
Changes in spot rates of such commodities are reflected as an
adjustment to their carrying value, and the related gains/
(losses) on both the commodities and the designated futures
contracts are included in market making. The contractual
forward points on the designated futures contracts are
amortized into earnings ratably over the life of the contract
and other gains/(losses) as a result of changes in the forward
points are included in other comprehensive income/(loss).
The cumulative hedging adjustment was not material as of
both December 2022 and December 2021, and the related
gains/(losses) were not material for both 2022 and 2021.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 157
Net Investment Hedges
The firm seeks to reduce the impact of fluctuations in foreign
exchange rates on its net investments in certain non-U.S.
operations through the use of foreign currency forward
contracts and foreign currency-denominated debt. For
foreign currency forward contracts designated as hedges, the
effectiveness of the hedge is assessed based on the overall
changes in the fair value of the forward contracts (i.e., based
on changes in forward rates). For foreign currency-
denominated debt designated as a hedge, the effectiveness of
the hedge is assessed based on changes in spot rates. For
qualifying net investment hedges, all gains or losses on the
hedging instruments are included in currency translation.
The table below presents the gains/(losses) from net
investment hedging.
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
Foreign currency forward contract $ 1,713 $ 755 $ (126)
Foreign currency-denominated debt
$ (269) $ 386 $ (297)
Gains or losses on individual net investments in non-U.S.
operations are reclassified from accumulated other
comprehensive income/(loss) to other principal transactions
in the consolidated statements of earnings when such net
investments are sold or substantially liquidated. The gross
and net gains and losses on hedges and the related net
investments in non-U.S. operations reclassified to earnings
from accumulated other comprehensive income/(loss) were
not material for both 2022 and 2021, and $61 million
(reflecting a gain of $214million related to hedges and a loss
of $153 million on the related net investments in non-U.S.
operations) for 2020.
The firm had designated $21.46 billion as of December 2022
and $3.71 billion as of December 2021 of foreign currency-
denominated debt, included in unsecured long- and short-
term borrowings, as hedges of net investments in non-U.S.
Note 8.
Investments includes debt instruments and equity securities
that are accounted for at fair value and are generally held by
the firm in connection with its long-term investing activities.
In addition, investments includes debt securities classified as
available-for-sale and held-to-maturity that are generally held
in connection with the firm’s asset-liability management
activities. Investments also consists of equity securities that
are accounted for under the equity method.
The table below presents information about investments.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Equity securities, at fair value $ 14,892 $ 18,937
Debt instruments, at fair value 14,075 15,558
Available-for-sale securities, at fair value 49,234 48,932
Investments, at fair value 78,201 83,427
Held-to-maturity securities 51,662 4,699
Equity method investments 766 593
Total investments $ 130,629 $ 88,719
See Note 4 for an overview of the firm’s fair value
measurement policies, valuation techniques and significant
inputs used to determine the fair value of investments, and
Note 5 for information about investments within the fair
value hierarchy.
Equity Securities and Debt Instruments, at Fair Value
Equity securities and debt instruments, at fair value are
accounted for at fair value either under the fair value option
or in accordance with other U.S. GAAP, and the related fair
value gains and losses are recognized in the consolidated
statements of earnings.
Equity Securities, at Fair Value. Equity securities, at fair
value consists of the firm’s public and private equity
investments in corporate and real estate entities.
The table below presents information about equity securities,
at fair value.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Equity securities, at fair value
$ 14,892 $ 18,937
Equity Type
Public equity 13% 24%
Private equity 87% 76%
Total 100% 100%
Asset Class
Corporate 71% 78%
Real estate 29% 22%
Total 100% 100%
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
In the table above:
Equity securities, at fair value included investments
accounted for at fair value under the fair value option
where the firm would otherwise apply the equity method of
accounting of $5.35 billion as of December 2022 and $5.81
billion as of December 2021. Gains/(losses) recognized as a
result of changes in the fair value of equity securities for
which the fair value option was elected were $(86) million
for 2022 and $2.12billion for 2021. These gains/(losses) are
included in other principal transactions.
Equity securities, at fair value included $1.30 billion as of
December 2022 and $1.80 billion as of December 2021 of
investments in funds that are measured at NAV.
Debt Instruments, at Fair Value. Debt instruments, at fair
value primarily includes mezzanine, senior and distressed
The table below presents information about debt
instruments, at fair value.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Corporate debt securities $ 10,098 $ 9,793
Securities backed by real estate 1,003 2,280
Money market instruments 1,005 1,396
Other 1,969 2,089
Total $ 14,075 $ 15,558
In the table above:
Money market instruments primarily includes time
deposits and investments in money market funds.
Other included $1.64 billion as of December 2022 and $1.67
billion as of December 2021 of investments in credit funds
that are measured at NAV.
Investments in Funds at Net Asset Value Per Share.
Equity securities and debt instruments, at fair value include
investments in funds that are measured at NAV of the
investment fund. The firm uses NAV to measure the fair
value of fund investments when (i) the fund investment does
not have a readily determinable fair value and (ii) the NAV of
the investment fund is calculated in a manner consistent with
the measurement principles of investment company
accounting, including measurement of the investments at fair
Substantially all of the firm’s investments in funds at NAV
consist of investments in firm-sponsored private equity,
credit, real estate and hedge funds where the firm co-invests
with third-party investors.
Private equity funds primarily invest in a broad range of
industries worldwide, including leveraged buyouts,
recapitalizations, growth investments and distressed
investments. Credit funds generally invest in loans and other
fixed income instruments and are focused on providing
private high-yield capital for leveraged and management
buyout transactions, recapitalizations, financings,
refinancings, acquisitions and restructurings for private
equity firms, private family companies and corporate issuers.
Real estate funds invest globally, primarily in real estate
companies, loan portfolios, debt recapitalizations and
property. Private equity, credit and real estate funds are
closed-end funds in which the firm’s investments are
generally not eligible for redemption. Distributions will be
received from these funds as the underlying assets are
liquidated or distributed, the timing of which is uncertain.
The firm also invests in hedge funds, primarily multi-
disciplinary hedge funds that employ a fundamental bottom-
up investment approach across various asset classes and
strategies. The firm’s investments in hedge funds primarily
include interests where the underlying assets are illiquid in
nature, and proceeds from redemptions will not be received
until the underlying assets are liquidated or distributed, the
timing of which is uncertain.
The firm's investments in funds at NAV includes investments
in “covered funds” as defined in the Volcker Rule of the U.S.
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection
Act (Dodd-Frank Act). To achieve conformance with the
covered fund provisions of the Volcker Rule by July 2022, the
firm restructured certain legacy “illiquid funds” (as defined
by the Volcker Rule) to be non-covered funds as liquidating
trusts. However, based on recent interpretations of the
covered fund provisions of the Volcker Rule, the firm was
required to seek an additional extension from the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System (FRB) to bring these
funds into conformance. The FRB granted the firm an
additional extension to July 2023. If the firm does not
conform such funds by July 2023, the firm will be required to
sell such interests. If that occurs, the firm may receive a value
for its interests that is less than the then carrying value as
there could be a limited secondary market for these
investments and the firm may be unable to sell them in
orderly transactions. As of December 2022, the amount by
which the firm’s investment in such funds would need to be
reduced in order to achieve conformance was approximately
$200 million (net of the firm’s pro rata share of cash in the
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 159
The table below presents the fair value of investments in
funds at NAV and the related unfunded commitments.
$ in millions
Fair Value of
As of December 2022
Private equity funds $ 815 $ 647
Credit funds 1,645 303
Hedge funds 68
Real estate funds 413 138
Total $ 2,941 $ 1,088
As of December 2021
Private equity funds $ 1,411 $ 619
Credit funds 1,686 556
Hedge funds 84
Real estate funds 288 147
Total $ 3,469 $ 1,322
Available-for-Sale Securities
Available-for-sale securities are accounted for at fair value,
and the related unrealized fair value gains and losses are
included in accumulated other comprehensive income/(loss)
unless designated in a fair value hedging relationship. See
Note 7 for information about available-for-sale securities
that are designated in a hedging relationship.
The table below presents information about available-for-
sale securities by tenor.
$ in millions
As of December 2022
Less than 1 year $ 8,103 $ 7,861 0.37%
1 year to 5 years 41,479 38,706 0.74%
5 years to 10 years 538 488 1.86%
Total U.S. government obligations 50,120 47,055 0.69%
1 year to 5 years 10 10 0.27%
5 years to 10 years
2,616 2,169 0.40%
Total non-U.S. government obligations 2,626 2,179 0.40%
Total available-for-sale securities $ 52,746 $ 49,234 0.68%
As of December 2021
Less than 1 year $ 25 $ 25 0.12%
1 year to 5 years 41,536 41,066 0.47%
5 years to 10 years 5,337 5,229 0.92%
Greater than 10 years 2 2 2.00%
Total U.S. government obligations 46,900 46,322 0.53%
5 years to 10 years 2,693 2,610 0.33%
Total non-U.S. government obligations 2,693 2,610 0.33%
Total available-for-sale securities $ 49,593 $ 48,932 0.52%
In the table above:
Available-for-sale securities were classified in level 1 of the
fair value hierarchy as of both December 2022 and
December 2021.
The weighted average yield for available-for-sale securities
is presented on a pre-tax basis and computed using the
effective interest rate of each security at the end of the
period, weighted based on the fair value of each security.
The gross unrealized gains included in accumulated other
comprehensive income/(loss) were not material and the
gross unrealized losses included in accumulated other
comprehensive income/(loss) were $3.52 billion as of
December 2022 and primarily related to U.S. government
obligations in a continuous unrealized loss position for
more than a year. The gross unrealized gains included in
accumulated other comprehensive income/(loss) were $118
million and the gross unrealized losses included in
accumulated other comprehensive income/(loss) were $779
million as of December 2021 and primarily related to U.S.
government obligations in a continuous unrealized loss
position for less than a year. Net unrealized losses included
in other comprehensive income/(loss) were $2.85 billion
($2.13 billion, net of tax) for 2022 and $1.28 billion ($955
million, net of tax) for 2021.
If the fair value of available-for-sale securities is less than
amortized cost, such securities are considered impaired. If
the firm has the intent to sell the debt security, or if it is
more likely than not that the firm will be required to sell
the debt security before recovery of its amortized cost, the
difference between the amortized cost (net of allowance, if
any) and the fair value of the securities is recognized as an
impairment loss in earnings. The firm did not record any
such impairment losses during either 2022 or 2021.
Impaired available-for-sale debt securities that the firm has
the intent and ability to hold are reviewed to determine if
an allowance for credit losses should be recorded. The firm
considers various factors in such determination, including
market conditions, changes in issuer credit ratings and
severity of the unrealized losses. The firm did not record
any provision for credit losses on such securities during
either 2022 or 2021.
The table below presents gross realized gains/(losses) and the
proceeds from the sales of available-for-sale securities.
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
Gross realized gains $ $ 206 $ 319
Gross realized losses (19)
Gains/(losses) $ $ 187 $ 319
Proceeds from sales $ 2 $ 24,882 $ 4,489
In the table above, the realized gains/(losses) were reclassified
from accumulated other comprehensive income/(loss) to
other principal transactions in the consolidated statements of
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Held-to-Maturity Securities
Held-to-maturity securities are accounted for at amortized
The table below presents information about held-to-maturity
securities by type and tenor.
$ in millions
As of December 2022
Less than 1 year $ 5,319 $ 5,282 2.98%
1 year to 5 years 45,154 43,852 3.00%
5 years to 10 years 1,026 966 2.89%
Total U.S. government obligations 51,499 50,100 2.99%
5 years to 10 years 2 2 5.63%
Greater than 10 years 161 158 3.18%
Total securities backed by real estate 163 160 3.24%
Total held-to-maturity securities $ 51,662 $ 50,260 2.99%
As of December 2021
1 year to 5 years $ 4,054 $ 4,200 2.30%
Total U.S. government obligations 4,054 4,200 2.30%
5 years to 10 years 3 3 2.78%
Greater than 10 years 642 670 1.03%
Total securities backed by real estate 645 673 1.04%
Total held-to-maturity securities $ 4,699 $ 4,873 2.13%
In the table above:
Substantially all of the securities backed by real estate
consist of securities backed by residential real estate.
As these securities are not accounted for at fair value, they
are not included in the firm’s fair value hierarchy in Notes
4 and 5. Had these securities been included in the firm’s fair
value hierarchy, U.S. government obligations would have
been classified in level 1 and securities backed by real estate
would have been primarily classified in level 2 of the fair
value hierarchy as of both December 2022 and December
The weighted average yield for held-to-maturity securities
is presented on a pre-tax basis and computed using the
effective interest rate of each security at the end of the
period, weighted based on the amortized cost of each
The gross unrealized gains were not material as of
December 2022 and were $175 million as of December
2021. The gross unrealized losses were $1.44 billion as of
December 2022 and were not material as of December
Held-to-maturity securities are reviewed to determine if an
allowance for credit losses should be recorded in the
consolidated statements of earnings. The firm considers
various factors in such determination, including market
conditions, changes in issuer credit ratings, historical credit
losses and sovereign guarantees. Provision for credit losses
on such securities was not material during either 2022 or
Note 9.
Loans includes (i) loans held for investment that are
accounted for at amortized cost net of allowance for loan
losses or at fair value under the fair value option and (ii)
loans held for sale that are accounted for at the lower of cost
or fair value. Interest on loans is recognized over the life of
the loan and is recorded on an accrual basis.
The table below presents information about loans.
$ in millions
Held For
Sale Total
As of December 2022
Loan Type
Corporate $ 36,822 $ 996 $ 2,317 $ 40,135
Commercial real estate 26,222 1,146 1,511 28,879
Residential real estate 18,523 4,511 1 23,035
Securities-based 16,671 16,671
Other collateralized 50,473 716 513 51,702
Installment 6,326 6,326
Credit cards 15,820 15,820
Other 1,723 286 252 2,261
Total loans, gross 172,580 7,655 4,594 184,829
Allowance for loan losses (5,543) (5,543)
Total loans $ 167,037 $ 7,655 $ 4,594 $ 179,286
As of December 2021
Loan Type
Corporate $ 34,663 $ 1,609 $ 1,371 $ 37,643
Commercial real estate 24,267 1,588 3,145 29,000
Residential real estate 18,389 6,185 100 24,674
Securities-based 16,652 16,652
Other collateralized 35,916 955 1,392 38,263
Installment 3,672 3,672
Credit cards 8,212 8,212
Other 1,736 432 1,851 4,019
Total loans, gross 143,507 10,769 7,859 162,135
Allowance for loan losses (3,573) (3,573)
Total loans $ 139,934 $ 10,769 $ 7,859 $ 158,562
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 161
In the fourth quarter of 2022, the firm changed the
classification of loans to better reflect the nature of the
underlying collateral. This includes the addition of the
securities-based and other collateralized loan types, as well as
the removal of the wealth management loan type. This also
resulted in reclassifications of certain loans in the corporate
and other loan types to the other collateralized loan type.
Prior periods have been conformed to the current
In the table above:
The increase in credit cards from December 2021 to
December 2022 included approximately $2.0 billion
relating to the firm’s acquisition of the General Motors co-
branded credit card portfolio.
Loans held for investment that are accounted for at
amortized cost include net deferred fees and costs, and
unamortized premiums and discounts, which are amortized
over the life of the loan. These amounts were less than 1%
of loans accounted for at amortized cost as of both
December 2022 and December 2021.
The following is a description of the loan types in the table
Corporate. Corporate loans includes term loans, revolving
lines of credit, letter of credit facilities and bridge loans,
and are principally used for operating and general
corporate purposes, or in connection with acquisitions.
Corporate loans are secured (typically by a senior lien on
the assets of the borrower) or unsecured, depending on the
loan purpose, the risk profile of the borrower and other
Commercial Real Estate. Commercial real estate loans
includes originated loans that are directly or indirectly
secured by hotels, retail stores, multifamily housing
complexes and commercial and industrial properties.
Commercial real estate loans also includes loans extended
to clients who warehouse assets that are directly or
indirectly backed by commercial real estate. In addition,
commercial real estate includes loans purchased by the
Residential Real Estate. Residential real estate loans
primarily includes loans extended to wealth management
clients and to clients who warehouse assets that are directly
or indirectly secured by residential real estate. In addition,
residential real estate includes loans purchased by the firm.
Securities-Based. Securities-based loans includes loans
that are secured by stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and
exchange-traded funds. These loans are primarily extended
to the firm's wealth management clients and used for
purposes other than purchasing, carrying or trading margin
stocks. Securities-based loans require borrowers to post
additional collateral based on changes in the underlying
collateral's fair value.
Other Collateralized. Other collateralized loans includes
loans that are backed by specific collateral (other than
securities and real estate). Such loans are extended to
clients who warehouse assets that are directly or indirectly
secured by corporate loans, consumer loans and other
assets. Other collateralized loans also includes loans to
investment funds (managed by third parties) that are
collateralized by capital commitments of the funds'
investors or assets held by the fund, as well as other
secured loans extended to the firm's wealth management
Installment. Installment loans are unsecured loans
originated by the firm (including point-of-sale loans that
the firm began to originate through the GreenSky platform
in the third quarter of 2022).
Credit Cards. Credit card loans are loans made pursuant
to revolving lines of credit issued to consumers by the firm.
Other. Other loans includes unsecured loans extended to
wealth management clients and unsecured consumer and
credit card loans purchased by the firm.
See Note 4 for an overview of the firm’s fair value
measurement policies, valuation techniques and significant
inputs used to determine the fair value of loans, and Note 5
for information about loans within the fair value hierarchy.
Credit Quality
Risk Assessment. The firm’s risk assessment process
includes evaluating the credit quality of its loans by the firm’s
independent risk oversight and control function. For
corporate loans and a majority of securities-based, real
estate, other collateralized and other loans, the firm performs
credit analyses which incorporate initial and ongoing
evaluations of the capacity and willingness of a borrower to
meet its financial obligations. These credit evaluations are
performed on an annual basis or more frequently if deemed
necessary as a result of events or changes in circumstances.
The firm determines an internal credit rating for the
borrower by considering the results of the credit evaluations
and assumptions with respect to the nature of and outlook
for the borrower’s industry and the economic environment.
The internal credit rating does not take into consideration
collateral received or other credit support arrangements. For
consumer loans and for loans that are not assigned an
internal credit rating, the firm reviews certain key metrics,
including, but not limited to, the Fair Isaac Corporation
(FICO) credit scores, delinquency status, collateral value and
other risk factors.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
The table below presents gross loans by an internally
determined public rating agency equivalent or other credit
metrics and the concentration of secured and unsecured
$ in millions
Other Metrics/
Unrated Total
As of December 2022
Accounting Method
Amortized cost $ 63,971 $ 79,648 $ 28,961 $ 172,580
Fair value 1,735 3,349 2,571 7,655
Held for sale 466 4,082 46 4,594
Total $ 66,172 $ 87,079 $ 31,578 $ 184,829
Loan Type
Corporate $ 10,200 $ 29,935 $ $ 40,135
Real estate:
Commercial 5,208 23,536 135 28,879
Residential 3,710 13,954 5,371 23,035
Securities-based 12,901 764 3,006 16,671
Other collateralized 33,093 18,291 318 51,702
Installment 6,326 6,326
Credit cards 15,820 15,820
Other 1,060 599 602 2,261
Total $ 66,172 $ 87,079 $ 31,578 $ 184,829
Secured 85% 93% 27% 79%
Unsecured 15% 7% 73% 21%
Total 100% 100% 100% 100%
As of December 2021
Accounting Method
Amortized cost $ 50,923 $ 75,179 $ 17,405 $ 143,507
Fair value 2,301 4,634 3,834 10,769
Held for sale 1,650 4,747 1,462 7,859
Total $ 54,874 $ 84,560 $ 22,701 $ 162,135
Loan Type
$ 8,345
$ 29,183
$ 115
$ 37,643
Real estate:
Other collateralized
Credit cards
$ 54,874
$ 84,560
$ 22,701
$ 162,135
In the table above:
Substantially all residential real estate, securities-based,
other collateralized and other loans included in the other
metrics/unrated category consists of loans where the firm
uses other key metrics to assess the borrower’s credit
quality, such as loan-to-value ratio, delinquency status,
collateral value, expected cash flows, FICO credit score
(which measures a borrower’s creditworthiness by
considering factors such as payment and credit history) and
other risk factors.
For installment and credit card loans included in the other
metrics/unrated category, the evaluation of credit quality
incorporates the borrower’s FICO credit score. FICO credit
scores are periodically refreshed by the firm to assess the
updated creditworthiness of the borrower. See “Vintage”
below for information about installment and credit card
loans by FICO credit scores.
The firm also assigns a regulatory risk rating to its loans
based on the definitions provided by the U.S. federal bank
regulatory agencies. Total loans included 93% of loans as of
December 2022 and 92% of loans as of December 2021 that
were rated pass/non-criticized.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 163
Vintage. The tables below present gross loans accounted for
at amortized cost (excluding installment and credit card
loans) by an internally determined public rating agency
equivalent or other credit metrics and origination year for
term loans.
As of December 2022
$ in millions
Unrated Total
2022 $ 2,607 $ 4,042 $ 2 $ 6,651
2021 1,669 4,273 5,942
2020 684 2,595 3,279
2019 209 2,779 2,988
2018 759 1,911 2,670
2017 or earlier 508 2,329 2,837
Revolving 3,709 8,746 12,455
10,145 26,675 2 36,822
2022 734 3,971 2 4,707
2021 744 3,487 4,231
2020 407 1,740 2,147
2019 335 1,412 1,747
2018 212 469 681
2017 or earlier 1,238 797 11 2,046
Revolving 1,281 9,382 10,663
Commercial real estate
4,951 21,258 13 26,222
2022 941 1,385 1,307 3,633
2021 932 1,219 1,357 3,508
2020 14 89 103
2019 7 99 106
2018 10 50 138 198
2017 or earlier 31 10 142 183
Revolving 773 10,019 10,792
Residential real estate
2,694 12,697 3,132 18,523
2022 5 5
2018 1 1
2017 or earlier 291 291
Revolving 12,895 473 3,006 16,374
12,901 764 3,006 16,671
2022 4,095 1,212 113 5,420
2021 1,860 2,577 146 4,583
2020 777 1,795 36 2,608
2019 235 367 12 614
2018 504 149 6 659
2017 or earlier 294 301 595
Revolving 24,504 11,488 2 35,994
Other collateralized
32,269 17,889 315 50,473
2022 44 105 149
2021 17 162 179
2020 29 262 291
2019 10 10
2017 or earlier 5 5
Revolving 950 59 80 1,089
1,011 365 347 1,723
$ 63,971 $ 79,648 $ 6,815 $ 150,434
Percentage of total 42% 53% 5% 100%
As of December 2021
$ in millions
Unrated Total
$ 2,932 $ 6,843 $ $ 9,775
675 3,051 7 3,733
314 3,630 3,944
1,310 2,751 4,061
431 1,737 2,168
2016 or earlier
273 1,648 1,921
Revolving 2,180 6,806 75 9,061
Corporate 8,115 26,466 82 34,663
799 4,139 94 5,032
532 2,081 2,613
444 1,548 1,992
478 854 1,332
760 625 1,385
2016 or earlier
692 824 7 1,523
Revolving 1,883 8,507 10,390
Commercial real estate 5,588 18,578 101 24,267
864 2,744 1,517 5,125
271 564 103 938
9 173 182
96 165 261
25 73 119 217
2016 or earlier
1 56 57
Revolving 690 10,919 11,609
Residential real estate 1,859 14,397 2,133 18,389
1 1
22 22
2016 or earlier
264 264
Revolving 13,537 424 2,404 16,365
Securities-based 13,801 447 2,404 16,652
1,876 4,316 304 6,496
1,378 1,598 48 3,024
243 464 19 726
595 180 775
303 125 428
2016 or earlier
15 47 62
Revolving 16,257 8,148 24,405
Other collateralized 20,667 14,878 371 35,916
68 290 10 368
60 330 390
30 20 50
8 8
Revolving 795 43 82 920
Other 893 413 430 1,736
Total $ 50,923 $ 75,179 $ 5,521 $ 131,623
Percentage of total 39% 57% 4% 100%
In the tables above, revolving loans which converted to term
loans were $725 million as of December 2022, and primarily
included other collateralized loans. Such loans were not
material as of December 2021.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
The table below presents gross installment loans by refreshed
FICO credit scores and origination year and gross credit card
loans by refreshed FICO credit scores.
$ in millions
Greater than or
equal to 660 Less than 660 Total
As of December 2022
2022 $ 4,349 $ 242 $ 4,591
2021 1,080 109 1,189
2020 251 23 274
2019 160 23 183
2018 70 13 83
2017 or earlier 5 1 6
Installment 5,915 411 6,326
Credit cards 10,762 5,058 15,820
Total $ 16,677 $ 5,469 $ 22,146
Percentage of total:
Installment 94% 6% 100%
Credit cards 68% 32% 100%
Total 75% 25% 100%
As of December 2021
2021 $ 2,017 $ 42 $ 2,059
2020 665 40 705
2019 508 61 569
2018 257 42 299
2017 32 7 39
2016 1 1
Installment 3,480 192 3,672
Credit cards 6,100 2,112 8,212
Total $ 9,580 $ 2,304 $ 11,884
Percentage of total:
Installment 95% 5% 100%
Credit cards 74% 26% 100%
Total 81% 19% 100%
In the table above, credit card loans consist of revolving lines
of credit.
Credit Concentrations. The table below presents the
concentration of gross loans by region.
$ in millions
Value Americas EMEA Asia Total
As of December 2022
Corporate $ 40,135 57% 34% 9% 100%
Commercial real estate 28,879 79% 16% 5% 100%
Residential real estate 23,035 96% 3% 1% 100%
Securities-based 16,671 83% 15% 2% 100%
Other collateralized 51,702 86% 12% 2% 100%
Installment 6,326 100% 100%
Credit cards 15,820 100% 100%
Other 2,261 89% 11% 100%
Total $ 184,829 81% 15% 4% 100%
As of December 2021
Corporate $ 37,643 52% 38% 10% 100%
Commercial real estate 29,000 82% 13% 5% 100%
Residential real estate
Securities-based 16,652 77% 16% 7% 100%
Other collateralized 38,263 74% 23% 3% 100%
Installment 3,672 100% 100%
Credit cards 8,212 100% 100%
Other 4,019 89% 11% 100%
Total $ 162,135 76% 19% 5% 100%
In the table above:
EMEA represents Europe, Middle East and Africa.
The top five industry concentrations for corporate loans as
of December 2022 were 26% for technology, media &
telecommunications, 18% for diversified industrials, 11%
for real estate, 10% for healthcare and 10% for consumer
& retail.
The top five industry concentrations for corporate loans as
of December 2021 were 24% for technology, media &
telecommunications, 17% for diversified industrials, 13%
for natural resources & utilities, 11% for consumer &
retail and 10% for healthcare.
Nonaccrual and Past Due Loans. Loans accounted for at
amortized cost (other than credit card loans) are placed on
nonaccrual status when it is probable that the firm will not
collect all principal and interest due under the contractual
terms, regardless of the delinquency status or if a loan is past
due for 90 days or more, unless the loan is both well
collateralized and in the process of collection. At that time,
all accrued but uncollected interest is reversed against interest
income and interest subsequently collected is recognized on a
cash basis to the extent the loan balance is deemed
collectible. Otherwise, all cash received is used to reduce the
outstanding loan balance. A loan is considered past due when
a principal or interest payment has not been made according
to its contractual terms. Credit card loans are not placed on
nonaccrual status and accrue interest until the loan is paid in
full or is charged off.
In certain circumstances, the firm may modify the original
terms of a loan agreement by granting a concession to a
borrower experiencing financial difficulty, typically in the
form of a modification of loan covenants, but may also
include forbearance of interest or principal, payment
extensions or interest rate reductions. These modifications, to
the extent significant, are considered TDRs. Loan
modifications that extend payment terms for a period of less
than 90 days are generally considered insignificant and
therefore not reported as TDRs.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 165
The table below presents information about past due loans.
$ in millions 30-89 days
90 days
or more Total
As of December 2022
Corporate $ $ 92 $ 92
Commercial real estate 47 362 409
Residential real estate 4 6 10
Securities-based 1 1
Other collateralized 10 5 15
Installment 46 17 63
Credit cards 291 265 556
Other 17 5 22
Total $ 416 $ 752 $ 1,168
Total divided by gross loans at amortized cost 0.7%
As of December 2021
Corporate $ 5 $ 90 $ 95
Commercial real estate 7 158 165
Residential real estate 3 4 7
Securities-based 5 5
Installment 20 7 27
Credit cards 86 71 157
Other 15 3 18
Total $ 136 $ 338 $ 474
Total divided by gross loans at amortized cost 0.3%
The table below presents information about nonaccrual
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Corporate $ 1,432 $ 1,421
Commercial real estate 1,079 856
Residential real estate 93 5
Securities-based 5
Other collateralized 65 139
Installment 41 43
Total $ 2,710 $ 2,469
Total divided by gross loans at amortized cost 1.6% 1.7%
In the table above:
Nonaccrual loans included $483 million as of December
2022 and $254 million as of December 2021 of loans that
were 30 days or more past due.
Loans that were 90 days or more past due and still accruing
were not material as of both December 2022 and December
Nonaccrual loans included $204 million of corporate loans
as of December 2022 and $267 million of corporate and
commercial real estate loans as of December 2021 that were
modified in a TDR. The firm’s lending commitments
related to these loans were not material as of both
December 2022 and December 2021. Installment loans that
were modified in a TDR were not material as of both
December 2022 and December 2021.
Allowance for loan losses as a percentage of total
nonaccrual loans was 204.5% as of December 2022 and
144.7% as of December 2021.
Allowance for Credit Losses
The firm’s allowance for credit losses consists of the
allowance for losses on loans and lending commitments
accounted for at amortized cost. Loans and lending
commitments accounted for at fair value or accounted for at
the lower of cost or fair value are not subject to an allowance
for credit losses.
To determine the allowance for credit losses, the firm
classifies its loans and lending commitments accounted for at
amortized cost into wholesale and consumer portfolios.
These portfolios represent the level at which the firm has
developed and documented its methodology to determine the
allowance for credit losses. The allowance for credit losses is
measured on a collective basis for loans that exhibit similar
risk characteristics using a modeled approach and on an
asset-specific basis for loans that do not share similar risk
The allowance for credit losses takes into account the
weighted average of a range of forecasts of future economic
conditions over the expected life of the loan and lending
commitments. The expected life of each loan or lending
commitment is determined based on the contractual term
adjusted for extension options or demand features, or is
modeled in the case of revolving credit card loans. The
forecasts include baseline, favorable and adverse economic
scenarios over a three-year period. For loans with expected
lives beyond three years, the model reverts to historical loss
information based on a non-linear modeled approach. The
forecasted economic scenarios consider a number of risk
factors relevant to the wholesale and consumer portfolios
described below. The firm applies judgment in weighing
individual scenarios each quarter based on a variety of
factors, including the firm’s internally derived economic
outlook, market consensus, recent macroeconomic
conditions and industry trends.
The allowance for credit losses also includes qualitative
components which allow management to reflect the uncertain
nature of economic forecasting, capture uncertainty
regarding model inputs, and account for model imprecision
and concentration risk.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Management’s estimate of credit losses entails judgment
about the expected life of the loan and loan collectability at
the reporting dates, and there are uncertainties inherent in
those judgments. The allowance for credit losses is subject to
a governance process that involves review and approval by
senior management within the firm’s independent risk
oversight and control functions. Personnel within the firm’s
independent risk oversight and control functions are
responsible for forecasting the economic variables that
underlie the economic scenarios that are used in the modeling
of expected credit losses. While management uses the best
information available to determine this estimate, future
adjustments to the allowance may be necessary based on,
among other things, changes in the economic environment or
variances between actual results and the original assumptions
The table below presents gross loans and lending
commitments accounted for at amortized cost by portfolio.
As of December
2022 2021
$ in millions
$ 36,822 $ 137,149 $ 34,663 $ 135,968
Commercial real estate
26,222 3,692 24,267 5,229
Residential real estate
18,523 3,089 18,389 3,949
16,671 508 16,652 454
Other collateralized
50,473 13,209 35,916 15,137
1,723 944 1,736 442
6,326 1,882 3,672 9
Credit cards
15,820 62,216 8,212 35,932
$ 172,580 $ 222,689
$ 143,507
$ 197,120
In the table above:
Wholesale loans included $2.67 billion as of December
2022 and $2.43 billion as of December 2021 of nonaccrual
loans for which the allowance for credit losses was
measured on an asset-specific basis. The allowance for
credit losses on these loans was $535 million as of
December 2022 and $543 million as of December 2021.
These loans included $384 million as of December 2022 and
$140 million as of December 2021 of loans which did not
require a reserve as the loan was deemed to be recoverable.
Credit card lending commitments included $62.22 billion as
of December 2022 and $33.97 billion as of December 2021
related to credit card lines issued by the firm to consumers.
These credit card lines are cancellable by the firm. The
increase in credit card lending commitments from
December 2021 to December 2022 reflected approximately
$15.0 billion relating to the firm’s acquisition of the
General Motors co-branded credit card portfolio. In
addition, credit card lending commitments as of December
2021 included a commitment of approximately $2.0 billion
to acquire the outstanding credit card loans related to the
General Motors co-branded credit card portfolio. See Note
18 for further information about lending commitments.
The increase in installment lending commitments from
December 2021 to December 2022 primarily relates to
commitments extended in connection with point-of-sale
financing through GreenSky. See Note 18 for further
information about lending commitments.
The following is a description of the methodology used to
calculate the allowance for credit losses:
Wholesale. The allowance for credit losses for wholesale
loans and lending commitments that exhibit similar risk
characteristics is measured using a modeled approach. These
models determine the probability of default and loss given
default based on various risk factors, including internal credit
ratings, industry default and loss data, expected life,
macroeconomic indicators, the borrower’s capacity to meet
its financial obligations, the borrower’s country of risk and
industry, loan seniority and collateral type. For lending
commitments, the methodology also considers the
probability of drawdowns or funding. In addition, for loans
backed by real estate, risk factors include the loan-to-value
ratio, debt service ratio and home price index. The most
significant inputs to the forecast model for wholesale loans
and lending commitments include unemployment rates, GDP,
credit spreads, commercial and industrial delinquency rates,
short- and long-term interest rates, and oil prices.
The allowance for loan losses for wholesale loans that do not
share similar risk characteristics, such as nonaccrual loans or
loans in a TDR, is calculated using the present value of
expected future cash flows discounted at the loan’s original
effective rate, the observable market price of the loan or the
fair value of the collateral.
Wholesale loans are charged off against the allowance for
loan losses when deemed to be uncollectible.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 167
Consumer. The allowance for credit losses for consumer
loans that exhibit similar risk characteristics is calculated
using a modeled approach which classifies consumer loans
into pools based on borrower-related and exposure-related
characteristics that differentiate a pool’s risk characteristics
from other pools. The factors considered in determining a
pool are generally consistent with the risk characteristics used
for internal credit risk measurement and management and
include key metrics, such as FICO credit scores, delinquency
status, loan vintage and macroeconomic indicators. The most
significant inputs to the forecast model for consumer loans
include unemployment rates and delinquency rates. The
expected life of revolving credit card loans is determined by
modeling expected future draws and the timing and amount
of repayments allocated to the funded balance. The firm also
recognizes an allowance for credit losses on commitments to
acquire loans and commitments extended in connection with
point-of-sale financing. However, no allowance for credit
losses is recognized on credit card lending commitments as
they are cancellable by the firm.
The allowance for credit losses for consumer loans that do
not share similar risk characteristics, such as loans in a TDR,
is calculated using the present value of expected future cash
flows discounted at the loan’s original effective rate.
Installment loans are charged off when they are 120 days past
due. Credit card loans are charged off when they are 180 days
past due.
Allowance for Credit Losses Rollforward
The table below presents information about the allowance
for credit losses.
$ in millions Wholesale Consumer Total
Year Ended December 2022
Allowance for loan losses
Beginning balance $ 2,135 $ 1,438 $ 3,573
Net (charge-offs)/recoveries (253) (473) (726)
Provision 699 2,016 2,715
Other (19) (19)
Ending balance $ 2,562 $ 2,981 $ 5,543
Allowance ratio 1.7% 13.5% 3.2%
Net charge-off ratio 0.2% 2.8% 0.5%
Allowance for losses on lending commitments
Beginning balance $ 589 $ 187 $ 776
Provision 124 (124)
Other (2) (2)
Ending balance $ 711 $ 63 $ 774
Year Ended December 2021
Allowance for loan losses
Beginning balance $ 2,584 $ 1,290 $ 3,874
Net (charge-offs)/recoveries (130) (203) (333)
Provision (231) 351 120
Other (88) (88)
Ending balance $ 2,135 $ 1,438 $ 3,573
Allowance ratio 1.6% 12.1% 2.5%
Net charge-off ratio 0.1% 2.3% 0.3%
Allowance for losses on lending commitments
Beginning balance $ 557 $ $ 557
Provision 50 187 237
Other (18) (18)
Ending balance $ 589 $ 187 $ 776
In the table above:
For the year ended December 2021, other primarily
represented the reduction to the allowance related to loans
and lending commitments transferred to held for sale.
The allowance ratio is calculated by dividing the allowance
for loan losses by gross loans accounted for at amortized
The net charge-off ratio is calculated by dividing net
(charge-offs)/recoveries by average gross loans accounted
for at amortized cost.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Forecast Model Inputs as of December 2022
When modeling expected credit losses, the firm employs a
weighted, multi-scenario forecast, which includes baseline,
adverse and favorable economic scenarios. As of December
2022, this multi-scenario forecast was weighted towards the
baseline and adverse economic scenarios.
The table below presents the forecasted U.S. unemployment
and U.S. GDP growth rates used in the baseline economic
scenario of the forecast model.
As of December 2022
U.S. unemployment rate
Forecast for the quarter ended:
June 2023 4.2%
December 2023 4.6%
June 2024 4.6%
Growth in U.S. GDP
Forecast for the year:
2023 0.4%
2024 1.3%
2025 1.7%
The adverse economic scenario of the forecast model reflects
a global recession in 2023 and a more aggressive tightening of
monetary policy by central banks, resulting in an economic
contraction and rising unemployment rates. In this scenario,
the U.S. unemployment rate peaks at approximately 7.4%
during the first quarter of 2024 and the maximum decline in
the quarterly U.S. GDP relative to the fourth quarter of 2022
is approximately 2.7%, which occurs during the fourth
quarter of 2023.
In the table above:
U.S. unemployment rate represents the rate forecasted as of
the respective quarter-end.
Growth in U.S. GDP represents the year-over-year growth
rate forecasted for the respective years.
While the U.S. unemployment and U.S. GDP growth rates
are significant inputs to the forecast model, the model
contemplates a variety of other inputs across a range of
scenarios to provide a forecast of future economic
conditions. Given the complex nature of the forecasting
process, no single economic variable can be viewed in
isolation and independently of other inputs.
Allowance for Credit Losses Commentary
Year Ended December 2022. The allowance for credit
losses increased by $1.97 billion during 2022, reflecting
growth in the firm's consumer lending portfolios (principally
in credit cards) and higher modeled expected losses due to
broad macroeconomic and geopolitical concerns. In addition,
the allowance for credit losses for wholesale loans was
impacted by asset-specific provisions and ratings downgrades
primarily related to borrowers in the technology, media &
telecommunications, real estate, and consumer & retail
Net (charge-offs)/recoveries for 2022 for wholesale loans
were primarily related to corporate loans and net (charge-
offs)/recoveries for consumer loans were primarily related to
credit cards.
Year Ended December 2021. The allowance for credit
losses decreased by $82million during 2021, reflecting reserve
reduction driven by improved broader economic
environment, partially offset by growth in the firm’s lending
portfolios, primarily in the consumer portfolio related to
credit cards, including a provision for credit losses of
approximately $185 million related to the acquisition of the
General Motors co-branded credit card portfolio.
Net (charge-offs)/recoveries for 2021 for wholesale loans
were primarily related to corporate loans and net (charge-
offs)/recoveries for consumer loans were primarily related to
credit cards.
Measurement of Credit Losses on Financial
Instruments (ASC 326)
The firm adopted ASU No. 2016-13, "Financial Instruments -
Credit Losses (Topic 326) - Measurement of Credit Losses on
Financial Instruments" as of January 1, 2020. As a result of
adopting this ASU, the firm's allowance for credit losses on
financial assets and commitments that are accounted for at
amortized cost reflects management's estimate of credit losses
over the remaining life of such assets. The cumulative effect
of adopting this ASU as of January 1, 2020, was a decrease to
retained earnings of $638million (net of tax).
Estimated Fair Value
The table below presents the estimated fair value of loans
that are not accounted for at fair value and in what level of
the fair value hierarchy they would have been classified if
they had been included in the firm’s fair value hierarchy.
Estimated Fair Value
$ in millions
Level 2 Level 3 Total
As of December 2022
Amortized cost $ 167,037 $ 85,921 $ 83,121 $ 169,042
Held for sale $ 4,594 $ 2,592 $ 2,014 $ 4,606
As of December 2021
Amortized cost $ 139,934 $ 87,676 $ 54,127 $ 141,803
Held for sale $ 7,859 $ 5,970 $ 1,917 $ 7,887
See Note 4 for an overview of the firm’s fair value
measurement policies, valuation techniques and significant
inputs used to determine the fair value of loans, and Note 5
for information about loans within the fair value hierarchy.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 169
Note 10.
Fair Value Option
Other Financial Assets and Liabilities at Fair Value
In addition to trading assets and liabilities, and certain
investments and loans, the firm accounts for certain of its
other financial assets and liabilities at fair value, substantially
all under the fair value option. The primary reasons for
electing the fair value option are to:
Reflect economic events in earnings on a timely basis;
Mitigate volatility in earnings from using different
measurement attributes (e.g., transfers of financial assets
accounted for as financings are recorded at fair value,
whereas the related secured financing would be recorded
on an accrual basis absent electing the fair value option);
Address simplification and cost-benefit considerations
(e.g., accounting for hybrid financial instruments at fair
value in their entirety versus bifurcation of embedded
derivatives and hedge accounting for debt hosts).
Hybrid financial instruments are instruments that contain
bifurcatable embedded derivatives and do not require
settlement by physical delivery of nonfinancial assets (e.g.,
physical commodities). If the firm elects to bifurcate the
embedded derivative from the associated debt, the derivative
is accounted for at fair value and the host contract is
accounted for at amortized cost, adjusted for the effective
portion of any fair value hedges. If the firm does not elect to
bifurcate, the entire hybrid financial instrument is accounted
for at fair value under the fair value option.
Other financial assets and liabilities accounted for at fair
value under the fair value option include:
Resale and repurchase agreements;
Certain securities borrowed and loaned transactions;
Certain customer and other receivables and certain other
assets and liabilities;
Certain time deposits (deposits with no stated maturity are
not eligible for a fair value option election), including
structured certificates of deposit, which are hybrid
financial instruments;
Substantially all other secured financings, including
transfers of assets accounted for as financings; and
Certain unsecured short- and long-term borrowings,
substantially all of which are hybrid financial instruments.
See Note 4 for an overview of the firm’s fair value
measurement policies, valuation techniques and significant
inputs used to determine the fair value of other financial
assets and liabilities, and Note 5 for information about other
financial assets and liabilities within the fair value hierarchy.
Gains and Losses on Other Financial Assets and
Liabilities Accounted for at Fair Value Under the Fair
Value Option
The table below presents the gains and losses recognized in
earnings as a result of the election to apply the fair value
option to certain financial assets and liabilities.
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
Unsecured short-term borrowings $ 4,055 $ (1,016) $ 206
Unsecured long-term borrowings 6,506 (2,393) (2,804)
Other 1,072 (135) (563)
Total $ 11,633 $ (3,544) $ (3,161)
In the table above:
Gains/(losses) were substantially all included in market
Gains/(losses) exclude contractual interest, which is
included in interest income and interest expense, for all
instruments other than hybrid financial instruments. See
Note 23 for further information about interest income and
interest expense.
Gains/(losses) included in unsecured short- and long-term
borrowings were substantially all related to the embedded
derivative component of hybrid financial instruments.
These gains and losses would have been recognized under
other U.S. GAAP even if the firm had not elected to
account for the entire hybrid financial instrument at fair
Gains/(losses) included in other were substantially all
related to resale and repurchase agreements, deposits, other
secured financings and other liabilities.
Other financial assets and liabilities at fair value are
frequently economically hedged with trading assets and
liabilities. Accordingly, gains or losses on such other
financial assets and liabilities can be partially offset by
gains or losses on trading assets and liabilities. As a result,
gains or losses on other financial assets and liabilities do
not necessarily represent the overall impact on the firm’s
results of operations, liquidity or capital resources.
See Note 8 for information about gains/(losses) on equity
securities and Note 9 for information about gains/(losses) on
loans which are accounted for at fair value under the fair
value option. Gains/(losses) on trading assets and liabilities
accounted for at fair value under the fair value option are
included in market making. See Note 6 for further
information about gains/(losses) from market making.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Long-Term Debt Instruments
The difference between the aggregate contractual principal
amount and the related fair value of long-term other secured
financings, for which the fair value option was elected, was
not material as of both December 2022 and December 2021.
The aggregate contractual principal amount of unsecured
long-term borrowings, for which the fair value option was
elected, exceeded the related fair value by $5.03 billion as of
December 2022. The related amount was not material as of
December 2021.
These debt instruments include both principal-protected and
non-principal-protected long-term borrowings.
Debt Valuation Adjustment
The firm calculates the fair value of financial liabilities for
which the fair value option is elected by discounting future
cash flows at a rate which incorporates the firm’s credit
The table below presents information about the net debt
valuation adjustment (DVA) gains/(losses) on financial
liabilities for which the fair value option was elected.
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
Pre-tax DVA $ 1,882 $ 433 $ (347)
After-tax DVA $ 1,403 $ 322 $ (261)
In the table above:
After-tax DVA is included in debt valuation adjustment in
the consolidated statements of comprehensive income.
The gains/(losses) reclassified to market making in the
consolidated statements of earnings from accumulated
other comprehensive income/(loss) upon extinguishment of
such financial liabilities were not material for 2022, 2021
and 2020.
Loans and Lending Commitments
The table below presents the difference between the
aggregate fair value and the aggregate contractual principal
amount for loans (included in trading assets and loans in the
consolidated balance sheets) for which the fair value option
was elected.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Performing loans
Aggregate contractual principal in excess of fair value
$ 2,645 $ 1,373
Loans on nonaccrual status and/or more than 90 days past due
Aggregate contractual principal in excess of fair value
$ 3,331 $ 8,600
Aggregate fair value $ 2,633 $ 3,559
In the table above, the aggregate contractual principal
amount of loans on nonaccrual status and/or more than 90
days past due (which excludes loans carried at zero fair value
and considered uncollectible) exceeds the related fair value
primarily because the firm regularly purchases loans, such as
distressed loans, at values significantly below the contractual
principal amounts.
The fair value of unfunded lending commitments for which
the fair value option was elected was a liability of $22 million
as of December 2022 and $20 million as of December 2021,
and the related total contractual amount of these lending
commitments was $307 million as of December 2022 and
$611 million as of December 2021. See Note 18 for further
information about lending commitments.
Impact of Credit Spreads on Loans and Lending
The estimated net gain/(loss) attributable to changes in
instrument-specific credit spreads on loans and lending
commitments for which the fair value option was elected was
$(281) million for 2022, $277 million for 2021 and $(106)
million for 2020. The firm generally calculates the fair value
of loans and lending commitments for which the fair value
option is elected by discounting future cash flows at a rate
which incorporates the instrument-specific credit spreads.
For floating-rate loans and lending commitments,
substantially all changes in fair value are attributable to
changes in instrument-specific credit spreads, whereas for
fixed-rate loans and lending commitments, changes in fair
value are also attributable to changes in interest rates.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 171
Note 11.
Collateralized Agreements and Financings
Collateralized agreements are resale agreements and
securities borrowed. Collateralized financings are repurchase
agreements, securities loaned and other secured financings.
The firm enters into these transactions in order to, among
other things, facilitate client activities, invest excess cash,
acquire securities to cover short positions and finance certain
firm activities.
Collateralized agreements and financings with the same
settlement date are presented on a net-by-counterparty basis
when such transactions meet certain settlement criteria and
are subject to netting agreements. Interest on collateralized
agreements, which is included in interest income, and
collateralized financings, which is included in interest
expense, is recognized over the life of the transaction. See
Note 23 for further information about interest income and
interest expense.
Resale and Repurchase Agreements
A resale agreement is a transaction in which the firm
purchases financial instruments from a seller, typically in
exchange for cash, and simultaneously enters into an
agreement to resell the same or substantially the same
financial instruments to the seller at a stated price plus
accrued interest at a future date.
A repurchase agreement is a transaction in which the firm
sells financial instruments to a buyer, typically in exchange
for cash, and simultaneously enters into an agreement to
repurchase the same or substantially the same financial
instruments from the buyer at a stated price plus accrued
interest at a future date.
Even though repurchase and resale agreements (including
“repos- and reverses-to-maturity”) involve the legal transfer
of ownership of financial instruments, they are accounted for
as financing arrangements because they require the financial
instruments to be repurchased or resold before or at the
maturity of the agreement. The financial instruments
purchased or sold in resale and repurchase agreements
typically include U.S. government and agency, and
investment-grade sovereign obligations.
The firm receives financial instruments purchased under
resale agreements and makes delivery of financial instruments
sold under repurchase agreements. To mitigate credit
exposure, the firm monitors the market value of these
financial instruments on a daily basis, and delivers or obtains
additional collateral due to changes in the market value of the
financial instruments, as appropriate. For resale agreements,
the firm typically requires collateral with a fair value
approximately equal to the carrying value of the relevant
assets in the consolidated balance sheets.
Securities Borrowed and Loaned Transactions
In a securities borrowed transaction, the firm borrows
securities from a counterparty in exchange for cash or
securities. When the firm returns the securities, the
counterparty returns the cash or securities. Interest is
generally paid periodically over the life of the transaction.
In a securities loaned transaction, the firm lends securities to
a counterparty in exchange for cash or securities. When the
counterparty returns the securities, the firm returns the cash
or securities posted as collateral. Interest is generally paid
periodically over the life of the transaction.
The firm receives securities borrowed and makes delivery of
securities loaned. To mitigate credit exposure, the firm
monitors the market value of these securities on a daily basis,
and delivers or obtains additional collateral due to changes in
the market value of the securities, as appropriate. For
securities borrowed transactions, the firm typically requires
collateral with a fair value approximately equal to the
carrying value of the securities borrowed transaction.
Securities borrowed and loaned within FICC financing are
recorded at fair value under the fair value option. See Note 5
for further information about securities borrowed and loaned
accounted for at fair value.
Substantially all of the securities borrowed and loaned within
Equities financing are recorded based on the amount of cash
collateral advanced or received plus accrued interest. The
firm also reviews such securities borrowed to determine if an
allowance for credit losses should be recorded by taking into
consideration the fair value of collateral received. As these
agreements generally can be terminated on demand, they
exhibit little, if any, sensitivity to changes in interest rates.
Therefore, the carrying value of such agreements
approximates fair value. As these agreements are not
accounted for at fair value, they are not included in the firm’s
fair value hierarchy in Notes 4 and 5. Had these agreements
been included in the firm’s fair value hierarchy, they would
have been classified in level 2 as of both December 2022 and
December 2021.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Offsetting Arrangements
The table below presents resale and repurchase agreements
and securities borrowed and loaned transactions included in
the consolidated balance sheets, as well as the amounts not
offset in the consolidated balance sheets.
Assets Liabilities
$ in millions
As of December 2022
Included in the consolidated balance sheets
Gross carrying value $ 334,042 $ 199,623 $ 219,274 $ 41,309
Counterparty netting (108,925) (10,582) (108,925) (10,582)
Total 225,117 189,041 110,349 30,727
Amounts not offset
Counterparty netting (15,350) (4,576) (15,350) (4,576)
Collateral (204,843) (171,997) (92,997) (25,578)
Total $ 4,924 $ 12,468 $ 2,002 $ 573
As of December 2021
Included in the consolidated balance sheets
Gross carrying value $ 334,725 $ 190,197 $ 294,905 $ 57,931
Counterparty netting (129,022) (11,426) (129,022) (11,426)
Total 205,703 178,771 165,883 46,505
Amounts not offset
Counterparty netting (27,376) (12,822) (27,376) (12,822)
Collateral (173,915) (157,752) (134,465) (33,143)
Total $ 4,412 $ 8,197 $ 4,042 $ 540
In the table above:
Substantially all of the gross carrying values of these
arrangements are subject to enforceable netting
Where the firm has received or posted collateral under
credit support agreements, but has not yet determined such
agreements are enforceable, the related collateral has not
been netted.
Amounts not offset includes counterparty netting that does
not meet the criteria for netting under U.S. GAAP and the
fair value of collateral received or posted subject to
enforceable credit support agreements.
Resale agreements and repurchase agreements are carried
at fair value under the fair value option. See Note 4 for
further information about the valuation techniques and
significant inputs used to determine fair value.
Securities borrowed included in the consolidated balance
sheets of $38.58 billion as of December 2022 and
$39.96 billion as of December 2021, and securities loaned
of $4.37billion as of December 2022 and $9.17billion as of
December 2021 were at fair value under the fair value
option. See Note 5 for further information about securities
borrowed and securities loaned accounted for at fair value.
Gross Carrying Value of Repurchase Agreements and
Securities Loaned
The table below presents the gross carrying value of
repurchase agreements and securities loaned by class of
collateral pledged.
$ in millions
As of December 2022
Money market instruments $ 10 $
U.S. government and agency obligations 112,825 55
Non-U.S. government and agency obligations 87,828 594
Securities backed by commercial real estate 172
Securities backed by residential real estate 466
Corporate debt securities 11,398 295
State and municipal obligations 143
Other debt obligations 108
Equity securities 6,324 40,365
Total $ 219,274 $ 41,309
As of December 2021
Money market instruments $ 328 $ 14
U.S. government and agency obligations 132,049 503
Non-U.S. government and agency obligations 126,397 1,254
Securities backed by commercial real estate 362
Securities backed by residential real estate 919
Corporate debt securities 11,034 510
State and municipal obligations 248
Other debt obligations 374
Equity securities 23,194 55,650
Total $ 294,905 $ 57,931
The table below presents the gross carrying value of
repurchase agreements and securities loaned by maturity.
As of December 2022
$ in millions
No stated maturity and overnight
$ 86,835 $ 27,791
2 - 30 days
70,351 956
31 - 90 days
17,776 936
91 days - 1 year
35,096 7,596
Greater than 1 year
9,216 4,030
$ 219,274 $ 41,309
In the table above:
Repurchase agreements and securities loaned that are
repayable prior to maturity at the option of the firm are
reflected at their contractual maturity dates.
Repurchase agreements and securities loaned that are
redeemable prior to maturity at the option of the holder are
reflected at the earliest dates such options become
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 173
Other Secured Financings
In addition to repurchase agreements and securities loaned
transactions, the firm funds certain assets through the use of
other secured financings and pledges financial instruments
and other assets as collateral in these transactions. These
other secured financings include:
Liabilities of consolidated VIEs;
Transfers of assets accounted for as financings rather than
sales (e.g., pledged commodities, bank loans and mortgage
whole loans); and
Other structured financing arrangements.
Other secured financings included nonrecourse
arrangements. Nonrecourse other secured financings were
$7.94 billion as of December 2022 and $8.64 billion as of
December 2021.
The firm has elected to apply the fair value option to
substantially all other secured financings because the use of
fair value eliminates non-economic volatility in earnings that
would arise from using different measurement attributes. See
Note 10 for further information about other secured
financings that are accounted for at fair value.
Other secured financings that are not recorded at fair value
are recorded based on the amount of cash received plus
accrued interest, which generally approximates fair value. As
these financings are not accounted for at fair value, they are
not included in the firm’s fair value hierarchy in Notes 4 and
5. Had these financings been included in the firm’s fair value
hierarchy, substantially all would have been classified in level
3 as of both December 2022 and December 2021.
The table below presents information about other secured
$ in millions
As of December 2022
Other secured financings (short-term):
At fair value $ 3,478 $ 2,963 $ 6,441
At amortized cost 398 398
Other secured financings (long-term):
At fair value 3,793 2,522 6,315
At amortized cost 395 397 792
Total other secured financings $ 8,064 $ 5,882 $ 13,946
Other secured financings collateralized by:
Financial instruments $ 3,817 $ 4,895 $ 8,712
Other assets $ 4,247 $ 987 $ 5,234
As of December 2021
Other secured financings (short-term):
At fair value $ 5,315 $ 3,664 $ 8,979
At amortized cost 191 191
Other secured financings (long-term):
At fair value 4,170 3,925 8,095
At amortized cost 827 452 1,279
Total other secured financings $ 10,312 $ 8,232 $ 18,544
Other secured financings collateralized by:
Financial instruments $ 5,990 $ 6,834 $ 12,824
Other assets $ 4,322 $ 1,398 $ 5,720
In the table above:
Short-term other secured financings includes financings
maturing within one year of the financial statement date
and financings that are redeemable within one year of the
financial statement date at the option of the holder.
U.S. dollar-denominated short-term other secured
financings at amortized cost had a weighted average
interest rate of 5.56% as of December 2022. These rates
include the effect of hedging activities.
Non-U.S. dollar-denominated short-term other secured
financings at amortized cost had a weighted average
interest rate of 0.22% as of December 2021. This rate
includes the effect of hedging activities.
U.S. dollar-denominated long-term other secured
financings at amortized cost had a weighted average
interest rate of 3.54% as of December 2022 and 1.06% as of
December 2021. These rates include the effect of hedging
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Non-U.S. dollar-denominated long-term other secured
financings at amortized cost had a weighted average
interest rate of 0.45% as of December 2022 and 0.46% as of
December 2021. These rates include the effect of hedging
Total other secured financings included $1.69billion as of
December 2022 and $1.97 billion as of December 2021
related to transfers of financial assets accounted for as
financings rather than sales. Such financings were
collateralized by financial assets, primarily included in
trading assets, of $1.64 billion as of December 2022 and
$2.02billion as of December 2021.
Other secured financings collateralized by financial
instruments included $7.49billion as of December 2022 and
$10.37 billion as of December 2021 of other secured
financings collateralized by trading assets, investments and
loans, and included $1.22billion as of December 2022 and
$2.45 billion as of December 2021 of other secured
financings collateralized by financial instruments received
as collateral and repledged.
The table below presents other secured financings by
As of
$ in millions December 2022
Other secured financings (short-term) $ 6,839
Other secured financings (long-term):
2024 2,956
2025 1,053
2026 978
2027 152
2028 - thereafter 1,968
Total other secured financings (long-term) 7,107
Total other secured financings $ 13,946
In the table above:
Long-term other secured financings that are repayable
prior to maturity at the option of the firm are reflected at
their contractual maturity dates.
Long-term other secured financings that are redeemable
prior to maturity at the option of the holder are reflected at
the earliest dates such options become exercisable.
Collateral Received and Pledged
The firm receives cash and securities (e.g., U.S. government
and agency obligations, other sovereign and corporate
obligations, as well as equity securities) as collateral,
primarily in connection with resale agreements, securities
borrowed, derivative transactions and customer margin
loans. The firm obtains cash and securities as collateral on an
upfront or contingent basis for derivative instruments and
collateralized agreements to reduce its credit exposure to
individual counterparties.
In many cases, the firm is permitted to deliver or repledge
financial instruments received as collateral when entering
into repurchase agreements and securities loaned
transactions, primarily in connection with secured client
financing activities. The firm is also permitted to deliver or
repledge these financial instruments in connection with other
secured financings, collateralized derivative transactions and
firm or customer settlement requirements.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 175
The firm also pledges certain trading assets in connection
with repurchase agreements, securities loaned transactions
and other secured financings, and other assets (substantially
all real estate and cash) in connection with other secured
financings to counterparties who may or may not have the
right to deliver or repledge them.
The table below presents financial instruments at fair value
received as collateral that were available to be delivered or
repledged and were delivered or repledged.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Collateral available to be delivered or repledged $ 971,699 $ 1,057,195
Collateral that was delivered or repledged $ 797,919 $ 875,213
The table below presents information about assets pledged.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Pledged to counterparties that had the right to deliver or repledge
Trading assets $ 40,143 $ 68,208
Investments $ 9,818 $ 12,840
Pledged to counterparties that did not have the right to deliver or repledge
Trading assets $ 70,912 $ 102,259
Investments $ 1,726 $ 8,683
Loans $ 6,600 $ 6,808
Other assets $ 7,525 $ 8,878
The firm also segregates securities for regulatory and other
purposes related to client activity. Such securities are
segregated from trading assets and investments, as well as
from securities received as collateral under resale agreements
and securities borrowed transactions. Securities segregated by
the firm were $49.60 billion as of December 2022 and
$41.49billion as of December 2021.
Note 12.
Other Assets
The table below presents other assets by type.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Property, leasehold improvements and equipment $ 17,074 $ 18,094
Goodwill 6,374 4,285
Identifiable intangible assets 2,009 418
Operating lease right-of-use assets 2,172 2,292
Income tax-related assets 7,012 3,860
Miscellaneous receivables and other 4,567 5,659
Total $ 39,208 $ 34,608
During 2022, the firm completed the acquisitions of (i)
GreenSky, a leading technology company facilitating point-
of-sale financing for merchants and consumers, in an all-
stock transaction, (ii) NN Investment Partners (NNIP), a
leading European asset manager, in an all-cash transaction,
and (iii) NextCapital Group, Inc. (NextCapital), a digital
retirement advice provider, in an all-cash transaction. These
acquisitions were accounted for under the acquisition method
of accounting for business combinations and had an
aggregate purchase price of $3.83 billion, substantially all of
which related to GreenSky and NNIP. The purchase price of
GreenSky has been preliminarily allocated to goodwill of
approximately $1.05 billion, identifiable intangible assets of
approximately $710 million and tangible assets of
approximately $960 million (primarily cash and other assets),
and to liabilities assumed of approximately $990 million
(primarily unsecured short-term borrowings and customer
and other payables). The purchase price of NNIP has been
preliminarily allocated to goodwill of approximately $880
million, identifiable intangible assets of approximately $900
million, tangible assets of approximately $540 million
(primarily cash and customer and other receivables), and to
liabilities assumed of approximately $500 million (primarily
deferred tax liabilities and customer and other payables). See
below for further information about goodwill and
identifiable intangible assets related to these acquisitions.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Property, Leasehold Improvements and Equipment
Property, leasehold improvements and equipment is net of
accumulated depreciation and amortization of $12.19billion
as of December 2022 and $10.81billion as of December 2021.
Property, leasehold improvements and equipment included
$7.17 billion as of December 2022 and $6.71 billion as of
December 2021 that the firm uses in connection with its
operations, and $89 million as of December 2022 and
$194 million as of December 2021 of foreclosed real estate
primarily related to distressed loans that were purchased by
the firm. The remainder is held by investment entities,
including VIEs, consolidated by the firm. Substantially all
property and equipment is depreciated on a straight-line basis
over the useful life of the asset. Leasehold improvements are
amortized on a straight-line basis over the shorter of the
useful life of the improvement or the term of the lease.
Capitalized costs of software developed or obtained for
internal use are amortized on a straight-line basis over three
The firm tests property, leasehold improvements and
equipment for impairment when events or changes in
circumstances suggest that an asset’s or asset group’s carrying
value may not be fully recoverable. To the extent the carrying
value of an asset or asset group exceeds the projected
undiscounted cash flows expected to result from the use and
eventual disposal of the asset or asset group, the firm
determines the asset or asset group is impaired and records
an impairment equal to the difference between the estimated
fair value and the carrying value of the asset or asset group.
In addition, the firm will recognize an impairment prior to
the sale of an asset or asset group if the carrying value of the
asset or asset group exceeds its estimated fair value.
The firm had impairments of $314million during 2022, $143
million during 2021, and $171million during 2020, primarily
related to properties held by the firm’s investment entities
within Asset & Wealth Management.
Goodwill is the cost of acquired companies in excess of the
fair value of net assets, including identifiable intangible
assets, at the acquisition date.
During the fourth quarter of 2022, in connection with the
changes to the firm’s business segments, the firm reassigned
the goodwill to its new reporting units using a relative fair
value approach in accordance with ASC 350.
The table below presents the carrying value of goodwill by
reporting unit.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Global Banking & Markets:
Investment banking $ 267 $ 267
FICC 269 269
Equities 2,647 2,647
Asset & Wealth Management:
Asset management 1,385 349
Wealth management 1,310 718
Platform Solutions:
Consumer platforms 482 21
Transaction banking and other 14 14
Total $ 6,374 $ 4,285
In the table above:
Goodwill of $14million previously in Investment Banking
was reassigned to the Transaction banking and other
reporting unit related to the transfer of the transaction
banking business. The amount of goodwill reassigned was
based on the relative fair values of the transferred business
and the remaining business within Investment Banking.
Goodwill of $9million previously in Wealth management
was reassigned to the Equities reporting unit related to the
transfer of a securities-based loans business of the firm.
The amount of goodwill reassigned was based on the
relative fair values of the transferred business and the
remaining business within Wealth management.
All goodwill previously in Consumer banking was
reassigned to Wealth management and Consumer
platforms based on the relative fair values of the businesses
transferred to each reporting unit.
Goodwill previously in FICC, Equities and Asset
Management was not reassigned as no businesses were
transferred out of these reporting units.
Substantially all of the increase in goodwill from December
2021 to December 2022 was driven by the acquisitions of
GreenSky and NNIP.
Goodwill is assessed for impairment annually in the fourth
quarter or more frequently if events occur or circumstances
change that indicate an impairment may exist. When
assessing goodwill for impairment, first, a qualitative
assessment can be made to determine whether it is more
likely than not that the estimated fair value of a reporting
unit is less than its carrying value. If the results of the
qualitative assessment are not conclusive, a quantitative
goodwill test is performed. Alternatively, a quantitative
goodwill test can be performed without performing a
qualitative assessment.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 177
The quantitative goodwill test compares the estimated fair
value of each reporting unit with its carrying value (including
goodwill and identifiable intangible assets). If the reporting
unit’s estimated fair value exceeds its carrying value,
goodwill is not impaired. An impairment is recognized if the
estimated fair value of a reporting unit is less than its
carrying value.
During the fourth quarter of 2022, goodwill was tested for
impairment using a quantitative test (both prior to and
following the firm’s changes to its business segments). For
each test, the estimated fair value of each of the reporting
units exceeded its respective carrying value, and therefore,
goodwill was not impaired.
The estimated fair value of each reporting unit was based on
valuation techniques the firm believes market participants
would use to value these reporting units. Estimated fair
values are generally derived from utilizing a relative value
technique, which applies observable price-to-earnings
multiples or price-to-book multiples of comparable
competitors to the reporting units’ net earnings or net book
value, or a discounted cash flow valuation approach, for
reporting units with businesses in early stages of
development. The carrying value of each reporting unit
reflects an allocation of total shareholders’ equity and
represents the estimated amount of total shareholders’ equity
required to support the activities of the reporting unit under
currently applicable regulatory capital requirements.
Identifiable Intangible Assets
The table below presents identifiable intangible assets by
As of December
$ in millions
2022 2021
Customer lists and merchant relationships
Gross carrying value $ 3,225 $ 1,460
Accumulated amortization (1,275) (1,130)
Net carrying value 1,950 330
Acquired leases and other
Gross carrying value 486 500
Accumulated amortization (427) (412)
Net carrying value 59 88
Total gross carrying value 3,711 1,960
Total accumulated amortization (1,702) (1,542)
Total net carrying value $ 2,009 $ 418
The firm acquired approximately $1.79billion of identifiable
intangible assets (with a weighted average amortization
period of 13 years) during 2022, substantially all in
connection with the acquisitions of GreenSky and NNIP.
Substantially all of these identifiable intangible assets
consisted of customer lists and merchant relationships.
During 2021, the amount of identifiable intangible assets
acquired by the firm was not material.
Substantially all of the firm’s identifiable intangible assets
have finite useful lives and are amortized over their estimated
useful lives generally using the straight-line method.
The tables below present information about the amortization
of identifiable intangible assets.
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
Amortization $ 174 $ 120 $ 147
As of
$ in millions December 2022
Estimated future amortization
$ 200
$ 188
$ 171
$ 164
$ 163
The firm tests identifiable intangible assets for impairment
when events or changes in circumstances suggest that an
asset’s or asset group’s carrying value may not be fully
recoverable. To the extent the carrying value of an asset or
asset group exceeds the projected undiscounted cash flows
expected to result from the use and eventual disposal of the
asset or asset group, the firm determines the asset or asset
group is impaired and records an impairment equal to the
difference between the estimated fair value and the carrying
value of the asset or asset group. In addition, the firm will
recognize an impairment prior to the sale of an asset or asset
group if the carrying value of the asset or asset group exceeds
its estimated fair value. There were no material impairments
during 2022, 2021 and 2020.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Operating Lease Right-of-Use Assets
The firm enters into operating leases for real estate, office
equipment and other assets, substantially all of which are
used in connection with its operations. For leases longer than
one year, the firm recognizes a right-of-use asset representing
the right to use the underlying asset for the lease term, and a
lease liability representing the liability to make payments.
The lease term is generally determined based on the
contractual maturity of the lease. For leases where the firm
has the option to terminate or extend the lease, an assessment
of the likelihood of exercising the option is incorporated into
the determination of the lease term. Such assessment is
initially performed at the inception of the lease and is
updated if events occur that impact the original assessment.
An operating lease right-of-use asset is initially determined
based on the operating lease liability, adjusted for initial
direct costs, lease incentives and amounts paid at or prior to
lease commencement. This amount is then amortized over
the lease term. Right-of-use assets and operating lease
liabilities recognized (in non-cash transactions for leases
entered into or assumed) by the firm were $256 million for
2022, $305 million for 2021 and $182 million for 2020. See
Note 15 for information about operating lease liabilities.
For leases where the firm will derive no economic benefit
from leased space that it has vacated or where the firm has
shortened the term of a lease when space is no longer needed,
the firm will record an impairment or accelerated
amortization of right-of-use assets. There were no material
impairments or accelerated amortizations during 2022 and
Miscellaneous Receivables and Other
Miscellaneous receivables and other included:
Investments in qualified affordable housing projects of
$793 million as of December 2022 and $714 million as of
December 2021.
Assets classified as held for sale of $285 million as of
December 2022 and $1.02 billion as of December 2021
related to certain of the firm’s consolidated investments
within Asset & Wealth Management, primarily consisted
of property and equipment.
Note 13.
The table below presents the types and sources of deposits.
$ in millions
Savings and
Time Total
As of December 2022
Private bank and consumer $ 192,713 $ 33,046 $ 225,759
Brokered certificates of deposit 32,624 32,624
Deposit sweep programs 44,819 44,819
Transaction banking 65,155 5,069 70,224
Other 808 12,431 13,239
Total $ 303,495 $ 83,170 $ 386,665
As of December 2021
Private bank and consumer $ 174,577 $ 30,198 $ 204,775
Brokered certificates of deposit 30,816 30,816
Deposit sweep programs 37,965 37,965
Transaction banking 48,618 5,689 54,307
Other 275 36,089 36,364
Total $ 261,435 $ 102,792 $ 364,227
In the table above:
Substantially all deposits are interest-bearing.
Savings and demand accounts consist of money market
deposit accounts, negotiable order of withdrawal accounts
and demand deposit accounts that have no stated maturity
or expiration date.
Time deposits included $15.75 billion as of December 2022
and $35.43 billion as of December 2021 of deposits
accounted for at fair value under the fair value option. See
Note 10 for further information about deposits accounted
for at fair value.
Time deposits had a weighted average maturity of
approximately 0.9 years as of both December 2022 and
December 2021.
Deposit sweep programs include long-term contractual
agreements with U.S. broker-dealers who sweep client cash
to FDIC-insured deposits.
Transaction banking deposits consists of deposits that the
firm raised through its cash management services business
for corporate and other institutional clients.
Other deposits represent deposits from institutional clients.
Deposits insured by the FDIC were $184.88 billion as of
December 2022 and $156.66billion as of December 2021.
Deposits insured by non-U.S. insurance programs were
$31.74 billion as of December 2022 and $31.44 billion as of
December 2021.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 179
The table below presents the location of deposits.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
U.S. offices $ 313,598 $ 283,705
Non-U.S. offices 73,067 80,522
Total $ 386,665 $ 364,227
In the table above, U.S. deposits were held at Goldman Sachs
Bank USA (GS Bank USA) and substantially all non-U.S.
deposits were held at Goldman Sachs International Bank
(GSIB) and Goldman Sachs Bank Europe SE (GSBE).
The table below presents maturities of time deposits held in
U.S. and non-U.S. offices.
As of December 2022
$ in millions U.S. Non-U.S. Total
2023 $ 42,113 $ 19,364 $ 61,477
2024 11,457 310 11,767
2025 3,828 217 4,045
2026 2,522 257 2,779
2027 1,179 185 1,364
2028 - thereafter 1,382 356 1,738
Total $ 62,481 $ 20,689 $ 83,170
As of December 2022, deposits in U.S. offices included $14.81
billion and deposits in non-U.S. offices included $18.96
billion of time deposits in denominations that met or
exceeded the applicable insurance limits, or were otherwise
not covered by insurance.
The firm’s savings and demand deposits are recorded based
on the amount of cash received plus accrued interest, which
approximates fair value. In addition, the firm designates
certain derivatives as fair value hedges to convert a portion of
its time deposits not accounted for at fair value from fixed-
rate obligations into floating-rate obligations. The carrying
value of time deposits not accounted for at fair value
approximated fair value as of both December 2022 and
December 2021. As these savings and demand deposits and
time deposits are not accounted for at fair value, they are not
included in the firm’s fair value hierarchy in Notes 4 and 5.
Had these deposits been included in the firm’s fair value
hierarchy, they would have been classified in level 2 as of
both December 2022 and December 2021.
Note 14.
Unsecured Borrowings
The table below presents information about unsecured
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Unsecured short-term borrowings $ 60,961 $ 46,955
Unsecured long-term borrowings 247,138 254,092
Total $ 308,099 $ 301,047
Unsecured Short-Term Borrowings
Unsecured short-term borrowings includes the portion of
unsecured long-term borrowings maturing within one year of
the financial statement date and unsecured long-term
borrowings that are redeemable within one year of the
financial statement date at the option of the holder.
The firm accounts for certain hybrid financial instruments at
fair value under the fair value option. See Note 10 for further
information about unsecured short-term borrowings that are
accounted for at fair value. In addition, the firm designates
certain derivatives as fair value hedges to convert a portion of
its unsecured short-term borrowings not accounted for at fair
value from fixed-rate obligations into floating-rate
obligations. The carrying value of unsecured short-term
borrowings that are not recorded at fair value generally
approximates fair value due to the short-term nature of the
obligations. As these unsecured short-term borrowings are
not accounted for at fair value, they are not included in the
firm’s fair value hierarchy in Notes 4 and 5. Had these
borrowings been included in the firm’s fair value hierarchy,
substantially all would have been classified in level 2 as of
both December 2022 and December 2021.
The table below presents information about unsecured short-
term borrowings.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Current portion of unsecured long-term borrowings $ 38,635 $ 18,118
Hybrid financial instruments 18,383 20,073
Commercial paper 1,718 6,730
Other unsecured short-term borrowings 2,225 2,034
Total unsecured short-term borrowings $ 60,961 $ 46,955
Weighted average interest rate 3.71% 2.34%
In the table above:
The current portion of unsecured long-term borrowings
included $21.75 billion as of December 2022 and
$9.16billion as of December 2021 issued by Group Inc.
The weighted average interest rates for these borrowings
include the effect of hedging activities and exclude
unsecured short-term borrowings accounted for at fair
value under the fair value option. See Note 7 for further
information about hedging activities.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Unsecured Long-Term Borrowings
The table below presents information about unsecured long-
term borrowings.
$ in millions U.S. Dollar
Dollar Total
As of December 2022
Fixed-rate obligations:
Group Inc. $ 117,092 $ 35,541 $ 152,633
Subsidiaries 1,894 2,997 4,891
Floating-rate obligations:
Group Inc. 19,308 14,032 33,340
Subsidiaries 36,381 19,893 56,274
Total $ 174,675 $ 72,463 $ 247,138
As of December 2021
Fixed-rate obligations:
Group Inc. $ 124,731 $ 43,219 $ 167,950
Subsidiaries 1,803 3,189 4,992
Floating-rate obligations:
Group Inc. 23,452 17,394 40,846
Subsidiaries 27,543 12,761 40,304
Total $ 177,529 $ 76,563 $ 254,092
In the table above:
Unsecured long-term borrowings consists principally of
senior borrowings, which have maturities extending
through 2065.
Floating-rate obligations includes equity-linked, credit-
linked and indexed instruments. Floating interest rates are
generally based on Euro Interbank Offered Rate, SOFR or
U.S. dollar-denominated debt had interest rates ranging
from 0.66% to 6.75% (with a weighted average rate of
3.51%) as of December 2022 and 0.48% to 7.68% (with a
weighted average rate of 3.34%) as of December 2021.
These rates exclude unsecured long-term borrowings
accounted for at fair value under the fair value option.
Non-U.S. dollar-denominated debt had interest rates
ranging from 0.13% to 7.25% (with a weighted average
rate of 1.85%) as of December 2022 and 0.13% to 13.00%
(with a weighted average rate of 1.86%) as of December
2021. These rates exclude unsecured long-term borrowings
accounted for at fair value under the fair value option.
The table below presents unsecured long-term borrowings by
As of December 2022
$ in millions Group Inc. Subsidiaries Total
$ 34,130 $ 16,881
$ 51,011
26,690 10,452
17,662 4,540
21,835 8,525
2028 - thereafter
85,655 20,768
$ 185,972 $ 61,166 $ 247,138
In the table above:
Unsecured long-term borrowings maturing within one year
of the financial statement date and unsecured long-term
borrowings that are redeemable within one year of the
financial statement date at the option of the holder are
excluded as they are included in unsecured short-term
Unsecured long-term borrowings that are repayable prior
to maturity at the option of the firm are reflected at their
contractual maturity dates.
Unsecured long-term borrowings that are redeemable prior
to maturity at the option of the holder are reflected at the
earliest dates such options become exercisable.
Unsecured long-term borrowings included $(15.01) billion
of adjustments to the carrying value of certain unsecured
long-term borrowings resulting from the application of
hedge accounting by year of maturity as follows: $(539)
million in 2024, $(1.25) billion in 2025, $(800) million in
2026, $(1.55) billion in 2027 and $(10.87) billion in 2028
and thereafter.
The firm designates certain derivatives as fair value hedges to
convert a portion of fixed-rate unsecured long-term
borrowings not accounted for at fair value into floating-rate
obligations. See Note 7 for further information about hedging
The table below presents unsecured long-term borrowings,
after giving effect to such hedging activities.
$ in millions Group Inc. Subsidiaries Total
As of December 2022
Fixed-rate obligations:
At fair value $ 6,094 $ 53 $ 6,147
At amortized cost 2,667 3,398 6,065
Floating-rate obligations:
At fair value 16,328 50,672 67,000
At amortized cost 160,884 7,042 167,926
Total $ 185,973 $ 61,165 $ 247,138
As of December 2021
Fixed-rate obligations:
At fair value $ 4,798 $ 65 $ 4,863
At amortized cost 27,133 3,237 30,370
Floating-rate obligations:
At fair value 12,864 34,663 47,527
At amortized cost 164,001 7,331 171,332
Total $ 208,796 $ 45,296 $ 254,092
In the table above, the aggregate amounts of unsecured long-
term borrowings had weighted average interest rates of
4.97% (4.08% related to fixed-rate obligations and 5.00%
related to floating-rate obligations) as of December 2022 and
1.60% (2.25% related to fixed-rate obligations and 1.48%
related to floating-rate obligations) as of December 2021.
These rates exclude unsecured long-term borrowings
accounted for at fair value under the fair value option.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 181
The carrying value of unsecured long-term borrowings for
which the firm did not elect the fair value option was $173.99
billion as of December 2022 and $201.70 billion as of
December 2021. The estimated fair value of such unsecured
long-term borrowings was $173.70 billion as of December
2022 and $209.37 billion as of December 2021. As these
borrowings are not accounted for at fair value, they are not
included in the firm’s fair value hierarchy in Notes 4 and 5.
Had these borrowings been included in the firm’s fair value
hierarchy, substantially all would have been classified in level
2 as of both December 2022 and December 2021.
Subordinated Borrowings
Unsecured long-term borrowings includes subordinated debt
and junior subordinated debt. Subordinated debt that
matures within one year is included in unsecured short-term
borrowings. Junior subordinated debt is junior in right of
payment to other subordinated borrowings, which are junior
to senior borrowings. Long-term subordinated debt had
maturities ranging from 2025 to 2045 as of both December
2022 and December 2021.
The table below presents information about subordinated
$ in millions
Value Rate
As of December 2022
Subordinated debt $ 12,261 $ 11,882 6.40%
Junior subordinated debt 968 1,054 4.86%
Total $ 13,229 $ 12,936 6.29%
As of December 2021
Subordinated debt $ 12,437 $ 15,571 1.74%
Junior subordinated debt 968 1,321 1.31%
Total $ 13,405 $ 16,892 1.71%
In the table above:
The par amount of subordinated debt issued by Group Inc.
was $12.26 billion as of December 2022 and $12.44 billion
as of December 2021, and the carrying value of
subordinated debt issued by Group Inc. was $11.88 billion
as of December 2022 and $15.57 billion as of December
The rate is the weighted average interest rate for these
borrowings (excluding borrowings accounted for at fair
value under the fair value option), including the effect of
fair value hedges used to convert fixed-rate obligations into
floating-rate obligations. See Note 7 for further
information about hedging activities.
Junior Subordinated Debt
In 2004, Group Inc. issued $2.84 billion of junior
subordinated debt to Goldman Sachs Capital I, a Delaware
statutory trust. Goldman Sachs Capital I issued $2.75billion
of guaranteed preferred beneficial interests (Trust Preferred
securities) to third parties and $85 million of common
beneficial interests to Group Inc. As of both December 2022
and December 2021, the outstanding par amount of junior
subordinated debt held by Goldman Sachs Capital I was $968
million and the outstanding par amount of Trust Preferred
securities and common beneficial interests issued by
Goldman Sachs Capital I was $939 million and $29 million,
respectively. Goldman Sachs Capital I is a wholly-owned
finance subsidiary of the firm for regulatory and legal
purposes but is not consolidated for accounting purposes.
The firm pays interest semi-annually on the junior
subordinated debt at an annual rate of 6.345% and the debt
matures on February 15, 2034. The coupon rate and the
payment dates applicable to the beneficial interests are the
same as the interest rate and payment dates for the junior
subordinated debt. The firm has the right, from time to time,
to defer payment of interest on the junior subordinated debt,
and therefore cause payment on Goldman Sachs Capital I’s
preferred beneficial interests to be deferred, in each case up to
ten consecutive semi-annual periods. During any such
deferral period, the firm will not be permitted to, among
other things, pay dividends on or make certain repurchases of
its common stock. Goldman Sachs Capital I is not permitted
to pay any distributions on the common beneficial interests
held by Group Inc. unless all dividends payable on the
preferred beneficial interests have been paid in full.
Note 15.
Other Liabilities
The table below presents other liabilities by type.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Compensation and benefits $ 7,225 $ 10,838
Income tax-related liabilities 2,669 2,360
Operating lease liabilities 2,154 2,288
Noncontrolling interests 649 840
Employee interests in consolidated funds 25 29
Accrued expenses and other 8,733 8,146
Total $ 21,455 $ 24,501
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Operating Lease Liabilities
For leases longer than one year, the firm recognizes a right-
of-use asset representing the right to use the underlying asset
for the lease term, and a lease liability representing the
liability to make payments. See Note 12 for information
about operating lease right-of-use assets.
The table below presents information about operating lease
$ in millions
lease liabilities
As of December 2022
2023 $ 325
2024 334
2025 283
2026 236
2027 203
2028 - thereafter 1,424
Total undiscounted lease payments 2,805
Imputed interest (651)
Total operating lease liabilities $ 2,154
Weighted average remaining lease term 13 years
Weighted average discount rate 3.66%
As of December 2021
2022 $ 305
2023 307
2024 284
2025 258
2026 216
2027 - thereafter 1,655
Total undiscounted lease payments 3,025
Imputed interest (737)
Total operating lease liabilities $ 2,288
Weighted average remaining lease term 14 years
Weighted average discount rate 3.61%
In the table above, the weighted average discount rate
represents the firm’s incremental borrowing rate as of
January 2019 for operating leases existing on the date of
adoption of ASU No. 2016-02, “Leases (Topic 842),” and at
the lease inception date for leases entered into subsequent to
the adoption of this ASU.
Operating lease costs were $462 million for 2022, $463
million for 2021 and $458 million for 2020. Variable lease
costs, which are included in operating lease costs, were not
material for 2022, 2021 and 2020. Total occupancy expenses
for space held in excess of the firm’s current requirements
were not material for 2022, 2021 and 2020.
Lease payments relating to operating lease arrangements that
were signed but had not yet commenced were $1.48 billion as
of December 2022.
Accrued Expenses and Other
Accrued expenses and other included:
Liabilities classified as held for sale were not material as of
December 2022 and $310 million as of December 2021
related to certain of the firm’s consolidated investments
within Asset & Wealth Management, substantially all of
which consisted of other secured financings primarily
carried at fair value under the fair value option, and were
related to assets classified as held for sale. See Note 12 for
further information about assets held for sale.
Contract liabilities, which represent consideration received
by the firm in connection with its contracts with clients
prior to providing the service, were $113 million as of
December 2022 and were not material as of December
Note 16.
Securitization Activities
The firm securitizes residential and commercial mortgages,
corporate bonds, loans and other types of financial assets by
selling these assets to securitization vehicles (e.g., trusts,
corporate entities and limited liability companies) or through
a resecuritization. The firm acts as underwriter of the
beneficial interests that are sold to investors. The firm’s
residential mortgage securitizations are primarily in
connection with government agency securitizations.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 183
The firm accounts for a securitization as a sale when it has
relinquished control over the transferred financial assets.
Prior to securitization, the firm generally accounts for assets
pending transfer at fair value and therefore does not typically
recognize significant gains or losses upon the transfer of
assets. Net revenues from underwriting activities are
recognized in connection with the sales of the underlying
beneficial interests to investors.
The firm generally receives cash in exchange for the
transferred assets but may also have continuing involvement
with the transferred financial assets, including ownership of
beneficial interests in securitized financial assets, primarily in
the form of debt instruments. The firm may also purchase
senior or subordinated securities issued by securitization
vehicles (which are typically VIEs) in connection with
secondary market-making activities.
The primary risks included in beneficial interests and other
interests from the firm’s continuing involvement with
securitization vehicles are the performance of the underlying
collateral, the position of the firm’s investment in the capital
structure of the securitization vehicle and the market yield for
the security. Interests accounted for at fair value are
primarily classified in level 2 of the fair value hierarchy.
Interests not accounted for at fair value are carried at
amounts that approximate fair value. See Note 4 for further
information about fair value measurements.
The table below presents the amount of financial assets
securitized and the cash flows received on retained interests
in securitization entities in which the firm had continuing
involvement as of the end of the period.
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
Residential mortgages $ 26,717 $ 29,048 $ 20,167
Commercial mortgages 13,935 18,396 14,904
Other financial assets 3,617 4,377 1,775
Total financial assets securitized $ 44,269 $ 51,821 $ 36,846
Retained interests cash flows $ 551 $ 513 $ 331
The firm securitized assets of $792 million during 2022, $886
million during 2021 and $551 million during 2020, in a non-
cash exchange for loans and investments.
The table below presents information about nonconsolidated
securitization entities to which the firm sold assets and had
continuing involvement as of the end of the period.
$ in millions
As of December 2022
U.S. government agency-issued CMOs $ 38,617 $ 1,835 $
Other residential mortgage-backed 27,075 1,461 117
Other commercial mortgage-backed 59,688 1,349 82
Corporate debt and other asset-backed 8,750 398 46
Total $ 134,130 $ 5,043 $ 245
As of December 2021
U.S. government agency-issued CMOs $ 33,984 $ 955 $ 3
Other residential mortgage-backed 23,262 1,114 96
Other commercial mortgage-backed 50,350 1,123 130
Corporate debt and other asset-backed 7,755 360 37
Total $ 115,351 $ 3,552 $ 266
In the table above:
CMOs represents collateralized mortgage obligations.
The outstanding principal amount is presented for the
purpose of providing information about the size of the
securitization entities and is not representative of the firm’s
risk of loss.
The firm’s risk of loss from retained or purchased interests
is limited to the carrying value of these interests.
Purchased interests represent senior and subordinated
interests, purchased in connection with secondary market-
making activities, in securitization entities in which the
firm also holds retained interests.
Substantially all of the total outstanding principal amount
and total retained interests relate to securitizations during
2018 and thereafter.
The fair value of retained interests was $5.03 billion as of
December 2022 and $3.57 billion as of December 2021.
In addition to the interests in the table above, the firm had
other continuing involvement in the form of derivative
transactions and commitments with certain nonconsolidated
VIEs. The carrying value of these derivatives and
commitments was a net asset of $72 million as of December
2022 and $81 million as of December 2021, and the notional
amount of these derivatives and commitments was $1.90
billion as of December 2022 and $1.81 billion as of December
2021. The notional amounts of these derivatives and
commitments are included in maximum exposure to loss in
the nonconsolidated VIE table in Note 17.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
The table below presents information about the weighted
average key economic assumptions used in measuring the fair
value of mortgage-backed retained interests.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Fair value of retained interests $ 4,644 $ 3,209
Weighted average life (years) 6.6 5.1
Constant prepayment rate 7.7% 14.1%
Impact of 10% adverse change $ (27) $ (38)
Impact of 20% adverse change $ (48) $ (69)
Discount rate 9.5% 5.6%
Impact of 10% adverse change $ (138) $ (49)
Impact of 20% adverse change $ (266) $ (96)
In the table above:
Amounts do not reflect the benefit of other financial
instruments that are held to mitigate risks inherent in these
retained interests.
Changes in fair value based on an adverse variation in
assumptions generally cannot be extrapolated because the
relationship of the change in assumptions to the change in
fair value is not usually linear.
The impact of a change in a particular assumption is
calculated independently of changes in any other
assumption. In practice, simultaneous changes in
assumptions might magnify or counteract the sensitivities
disclosed above.
The constant prepayment rate is included only for
positions for which it is a key assumption in the
determination of fair value.
The discount rate for retained interests that relate to U.S.
government agency-issued CMOs does not include any
credit loss. Expected credit loss assumptions are reflected in
the discount rate for the remainder of retained interests.
The firm has other retained interests not reflected in the table
above with a fair value of $384 million and a weighted
average life of 6.4 years as of December 2022, and a fair value
of $360 million and a weighted average life of 3.6 years as of
December 2021. Due to the nature and fair value of certain of
these retained interests, the weighted average assumptions for
constant prepayment and discount rates and the related
sensitivity to adverse changes are not meaningful as of both
December 2022 and December 2021. The firm’s maximum
exposure to adverse changes in the value of these interests is
the carrying value of $398 million as of December 2022 and
$360 million as of December 2021.
Note 17.
Variable Interest Entities
A variable interest in a VIE is an investment (e.g., debt or
equity) or other interest (e.g., derivatives or loans and lending
commitments) that will absorb portions of the VIE’s expected
losses and/or receive portions of the VIE’s expected residual
The firm’s variable interests in VIEs include senior and
subordinated debt; loans and lending commitments; limited
and general partnership interests; preferred and common
equity; derivatives that may include foreign currency, equity
and/or credit risk; guarantees; and certain of the fees the firm
receives from investment funds. Certain interest rate, foreign
currency and credit derivatives the firm enters into with VIEs
are not variable interests because they create, rather than
absorb, risk.
VIEs generally finance the purchase of assets by issuing debt
and equity securities that are either collateralized by or
indexed to the assets held by the VIE. The debt and equity
securities issued by a VIE may include tranches of varying
levels of subordination. The firm’s involvement with VIEs
includes securitization of financial assets, as described in
Note 16, and investments in and loans to other types of VIEs,
as described below. See Note 3 for the firm’s consolidation
policies, including the definition of a VIE.
VIE Consolidation Analysis
The enterprise with a controlling financial interest in a VIE is
known as the primary beneficiary and consolidates the VIE.
The firm determines whether it is the primary beneficiary of a
VIE by performing an analysis that principally considers:
Which variable interest holder has the power to direct the
activities of the VIE that most significantly impact the
VIE’s economic performance;
Which variable interest holder has the obligation to absorb
losses or the right to receive benefits from the VIE that
could potentially be significant to the VIE;
The VIE’s purpose and design, including the risks the VIE
was designed to create and pass through to its variable
interest holders;
The VIE’s capital structure;
The terms between the VIE and its variable interest holders
and other parties involved with the VIE; and
Related-party relationships.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 185
The firm reassesses its evaluation of whether an entity is a
VIE when certain reconsideration events occur. The firm
reassesses its determination of whether it is the primary
beneficiary of a VIE on an ongoing basis based on current
facts and circumstances.
VIE Activities
The firm is principally involved with VIEs through the
following business activities:
Mortgage-Backed VIEs. The firm sells residential and
commercial mortgage loans and securities to mortgage-
backed VIEs and may retain beneficial interests in the assets
sold to these VIEs. The firm purchases and sells beneficial
interests issued by mortgage-backed VIEs in connection with
market-making activities. In addition, the firm may enter into
derivatives with certain of these VIEs, primarily interest rate
swaps, which are typically not variable interests. The firm
generally enters into derivatives with other counterparties to
mitigate its risk.
Real Estate, Credit- and Power-Related and Other
Investing VIEs. The firm purchases equity and debt
securities issued by and makes loans to VIEs that hold real
estate, performing and nonperforming debt, distressed loans,
power-related assets and equity securities. The firm generally
does not sell assets to, or enter into derivatives with, these
Corporate Debt and Other Asset-Backed VIEs. The firm
structures VIEs that issue notes to clients, purchases and sells
beneficial interests issued by corporate debt and other asset-
backed VIEs in connection with market-making activities,
and makes loans to VIEs that warehouse corporate debt.
Certain of these VIEs synthetically create the exposure for the
beneficial interests they issue by entering into credit
derivatives with the firm, rather than purchasing the
underlying assets. In addition, the firm may enter into
derivatives, such as total return swaps, with certain corporate
debt and other asset-backed VIEs, under which the firm pays
the VIE a return due to the beneficial interest holders and
receives the return on the collateral owned by the VIE. The
collateral owned by these VIEs is primarily other asset-
backed loans and securities. The firm may be removed as the
total return swap counterparty and may enter into derivatives
with other counterparties to mitigate its risk related to these
swaps. The firm may sell assets to the corporate debt and
other asset-backed VIEs it structures.
Principal-Protected Note VIEs. The firm structures VIEs
that issue principal-protected notes to clients. These VIEs
own portfolios of assets, principally with exposure to hedge
funds. Substantially all of the principal protection on the
notes issued by these VIEs is provided by the asset portfolio
rebalancing that is required under the terms of the notes. The
firm enters into total return swaps with these VIEs under
which the firm pays the VIE the return due to the principal-
protected note holders and receives the return on the assets
owned by the VIE. The firm may enter into derivatives with
other counterparties to mitigate its risk. The firm also
obtains funding through these VIEs.
Investments in Funds. The firm makes equity investments
in certain investment fund VIEs it manages and is entitled to
receive fees from these VIEs. The firm has generally not sold
assets to, or entered into derivatives with, these VIEs.
Nonconsolidated VIEs
The table below presents a summary of the nonconsolidated
VIEs in which the firm holds variable interests.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Total nonconsolidated VIEs
Assets in VIEs $ 181,697 $ 176,809
Carrying value of variable interests — assets $ 12,325 $ 9,582
Carrying value of variable interests — liabilities $ 659 $ 928
Maximum exposure to loss:
Retained interests $ 5,043 $ 3,552
Purchased interests 861 1,071
Commitments and guarantees 3,087 2,440
Derivatives 8,802 8,682
Debt and equity 6,026 4,639
Total $ 23,819 $ 20,384
In the table above:
The nature of the firm’s variable interests is described in
the rows under maximum exposure to loss.
The firm’s exposure to the obligations of VIEs is generally
limited to its interests in these entities. In certain instances,
the firm provides guarantees, including derivative
guarantees, to VIEs or holders of variable interests in VIEs.
The maximum exposure to loss excludes the benefit of
offsetting financial instruments that are held to mitigate the
risks associated with these variable interests.
The maximum exposure to loss from retained interests,
purchased interests, and debt and equity is the carrying
value of these interests.
The maximum exposure to loss from commitments and
guarantees, and derivatives is the notional amount, which
does not represent anticipated losses and has not been
reduced by unrealized losses. As a result, the maximum
exposure to loss exceeds liabilities recorded for
commitments and guarantees, and derivatives.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
The table below presents information, by principal business
activity, for nonconsolidated VIEs included in the summary
table above.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Assets in VIEs $ 127,290 $ 120,343
Carrying value of variable interests — assets $ 4,977 $ 4,147
Maximum exposure to loss:
Retained interests $ 4,645 $ 3,192
Purchased interests 332 955
Commitments and guarantees 64 34
Derivatives 2 18
Total $ 5,043 $ 4,199
Real estate, credit- and power-related and other investing
Assets in VIEs $ 29,193 $ 26,867
Carrying value of variable interests — assets $ 4,415 $ 3,923
Carrying value of variable interests — liabilities $ 2 $ 8
Maximum exposure to loss:
Commitments and guarantees $ 2,679 $ 2,030
Derivatives 64
Debt and equity 4,414 3,923
Total $ 7,093 $ 6,017
Corporate debt and other asset-backed
Assets in VIEs $ 19,428 $ 18,391
Carrying value of variable interests — assets $ 2,817 $ 1,156
Carrying value of variable interests — liabilities $ 657 $ 920
Maximum exposure to loss:
Retained interests $ 398 $ 360
Purchased interests 529 116
Commitments and guarantees 190 250
Derivatives 8,800 8,597
Debt and equity 1,496 360
Total $ 11,413 $ 9,683
Investments in funds
Assets in VIEs $ 5,786 $ 11,208
Carrying value of variable interests — assets $ 116 $ 356
Maximum exposure to loss:
Commitments and guarantees $ 154 $ 126
Derivatives 3
Debt and equity 116 356
Total $ 270 $ 485
As of both December 2022 and December 2021, the carrying
values of the firm’s variable interests in nonconsolidated VIEs
are included in the consolidated balance sheets as follows:
Mortgage-backed: Assets primarily included in trading
assets and loans.
Real estate, credit- and power-related and other investing:
Assets primarily included in investments and loans, and
liabilities included in trading liabilities and other liabilities.
Corporate debt and other asset-backed: Assets included in
loans and trading assets, and liabilities included in trading
Investments in funds: Assets included in investments.
Consolidated VIEs
The table below presents a summary of the carrying value
and balance sheet classification of assets and liabilities in
consolidated VIEs.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Total consolidated VIEs
Cash and cash equivalents $ 348 $ 501
Customer and other receivables 7
Trading assets 103 122
Investments 101 153
Loans 1,177 1,988
Other assets 336 314
Total $ 2,072 $ 3,078
Other secured financings $ 952 $ 1,143
Customer and other payables 51 34
Trading liabilities 9 7
Unsecured short-term borrowings 58 146
Unsecured long-term borrowings 16 81
Other liabilities 112 163
Total $ 1,198 $ 1,574
In the table above:
Assets and liabilities are presented net of intercompany
eliminations and exclude the benefit of offsetting financial
instruments that are held to mitigate the risks associated
with the firm’s variable interests.
VIEs in which the firm holds a majority voting interest are
excluded if (i) the VIE meets the definition of a business
and (ii) the VIE’s assets can be used for purposes other than
the settlement of its obligations.
Substantially all assets can only be used to settle
obligations of the VIE.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 187
The table below presents information, by principal business
activity, for consolidated VIEs included in the summary table
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Real estate, credit-related and other investing
Cash and cash equivalents $ 339 $ 274
Customer and other receivables 7
Trading assets 42 16
Investments 101 153
Loans 1,177 1,988
Other assets 336 314
Total $ 2,002 $ 2,745
Other secured financings $ 170 $ 150
Customer and other payables 51 34
Trading liabilities 9 7
Other liabilities 112 163
Total $ 342 $ 354
Corporate debt and other asset-backed
Cash and cash equivalents $ 9 $ 227
Trading assets 20 17
Total $ 29 $ 244
Other secured financings $ 482 $ 602
Total $ 482 $ 602
Principal-protected notes
Trading assets $ 41 $ 89
Total $ 41 $ 89
Other secured financings $ 300 $ 391
Unsecured short-term borrowings 58 146
Unsecured long-term borrowings 16 81
Total $ 374 $ 618
In the table above:
The majority of the assets in principal-protected notes VIEs
are intercompany and are eliminated in consolidation.
Creditors and beneficial interest holders of real estate,
credit-related and other investing VIEs do not have
recourse to the general credit of the firm.
Note 18.
Commitments, Contingencies and Guarantees
The table below presents commitments by type.
As of December
$ in millions
2022 2021
Commitment Type
Commercial lending:
Investment-grade $ 97,659 $ 95,585
Non-investment-grade 56,265 69,635
Warehouse financing 9,116 10,391
Consumer 64,098 35,941
Total lending 227,138 211,552
Risk participations 9,173 10,016
Collateralized agreement 105,301 101,031
Collateralized financing 22,532 29,561
Investment 7,705 11,381
Other 9,690 9,143
Total commitments $ 381,539 $ 372,684
The table below presents commitments by expiration.
As of December 2022
2024 - 2026 - 2028 -
$ in millions 2023 2025 2027 Thereafter
Commitment Type
Commercial lending:
Investment-grade $ 14,764 $ 26,601 $ 54,258 $ 2,036
Non-investment-grade 4,850 17,875 27,601 5,939
Warehouse financing 1,633 6,248 1,197 38
Consumer 64,097 1
Total lending 85,344 50,725 83,056 8,013
Risk participations 2,932 3,394 2,760 87
Collateralized agreement
104,392 909
Collateralized financing 21,816 716
Investment 1,266 1,379 2,344 2,716
Other 9,168 285 237
Total commitments $ 224,918 $ 57,408 $ 88,160 $ 11,053
Lending Commitments
The firm’s commercial and warehouse financing lending
commitments are agreements to lend with fixed termination
dates and depend on the satisfaction of all contractual
conditions to borrowing. These commitments are presented
net of amounts syndicated to third parties. The total
commitment amount does not necessarily reflect actual future
cash flows because the firm may syndicate portions of these
commitments. In addition, commitments can expire unused
or be reduced or cancelled at the counterparty’s request. The
firm also provides credit to consumers by issuing credit card
lines and through commitments to provide unsecured
installment loans.
The table below presents information about lending
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Held for investment $ 222,689 $ 197,120
Held for sale 3,355 13,175
At fair value 1,094 1,257
Total $ 227,138 $ 211,552
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
In the table above:
Held for investment lending commitments are accounted
for at amortized cost. The carrying value of lending
commitments was a liability of $1.01 billion (including
allowance for credit losses of $774 million) as of December
2022 and $1.05 billion (including allowance for credit losses
of $776 million) as of December 2021. The estimated fair
value of such lending commitments was a liability of $5.95
billion as of December 2022 and $4.17 billion as of
December 2021. Had these lending commitments been
carried at fair value and included in the fair value
hierarchy, $3.11 billion as of December 2022 and $1.91
billion as of December 2021 would have been classified in
level 2, and $2.84 billion as of December 2022 and $2.26
billion as of December 2021 would have been classified in
level 3.
Held for sale lending commitments are accounted for at the
lower of cost or fair value. The carrying value of lending
commitments held for sale was a liability of $88 million as
of December 2022 and $91 million as of December 2021.
The estimated fair value of such lending commitments
approximates the carrying value. Had these lending
commitments been included in the fair value hierarchy,
they would have been primarily classified in level 3 as of
both December 2022 and December 2021.
Gains or losses related to lending commitments at fair
value, if any, are generally recorded net of any fees in other
principal transactions.
Commercial Lending. The firm’s commercial lending
commitments were primarily extended to investment-grade
corporate borrowers. Such commitments primarily included
$127.60 billion as of December 2022 and $120.99 billion as of
December 2021, related to relationship lending activities
(principally used for operating and general corporate
purposes), and $7.71 billion as of December 2022 and $21.07
billion as of December 2021, related to other investment
banking activities (generally extended for contingent
acquisition financing and are often intended to be short-term
in nature, as borrowers often seek to replace them with other
funding sources). The firm also extends lending commitments
in connection with other types of corporate lending,
commercial real estate financing and other collateralized
lending. See Note 9 for further information about funded
To mitigate the credit risk associated with the firm’s
commercial lending activities, the firm obtains credit
protection on certain loans and lending commitments
through credit default swaps, both single-name and index-
based contracts, and through the issuance of credit-linked
Warehouse Financing. The firm provides financing to
clients who warehouse financial assets. These arrangements
are collateralized by the warehoused assets, primarily
consisting of residential real estate, consumer and corporate
Consumer. The firm’s consumer lending commitments
Credit card lines issued by the firm to consumers were
$62.22 billion as of December 2022 and $33.97 billion as of
December 2021. These credit card lines are cancellable by
the firm. The increase in credit card lending commitments
from December 2021 to December 2022 included
approximately $15.0 billion relating to the firm’s
acquisition of the General Motors co-branded credit card
portfolio in February 2022. In addition, consumer lending
commitments as of December 2021 included a commitment
of approximately $2.0 billion to acquire the outstanding
credit card loans related to the General Motors co-branded
credit card portfolio.
Commitments to provide unsecured installment loans to
consumers were $1.88 billion as of December 2022 and
$9 million as of December 2021. The increase in these
lending commitments from December 2021 to December
2022 primarily related to commitments extended in
connection with point-of-sale financing.
Risk Participations
The firm also risk participates certain of its commercial
lending commitments to other financial institutions. In the
event of a risk participant’s default, the firm will be
responsible to fund the borrower.
Collateralized Agreement Commitments/
Collateralized Financing Commitments
Collateralized agreement commitments includes forward
starting resale and securities borrowing agreements, and
collateralized financing commitments includes forward
starting repurchase and secured lending agreements that
settle at a future date, generally within three business days.
Collateralized agreement commitments also includes
transactions where the firm has entered into commitments to
provide contingent financing to its clients and counterparties
through resale agreements. The firm’s funding of these
commitments depends on the satisfaction of all contractual
conditions to the resale agreement and these commitments
can expire unused.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 189
Investment Commitments
Investment commitments includes commitments to invest in
private equity, real estate and other assets directly and
through funds that the firm raises and manages. Investment
commitments included $1.29 billion as of December 2022 and
$1.60 billion as of December 2021, related to commitments to
invest in funds managed by the firm. If these commitments
are called, they would be funded at market value on the date
of investment.
Investment commitments as of December 2021 included
approximately $1.90 billion related to the firm’s commitment
to acquire NNIP and approximately $2.0 billion related to
the firm’s commitment to acquire GreenSky. These
acquisitions were completed in 2022. See Note 12 for
information about these acquisitions. In addition, as of
December 2021, the firm had an undrawn commitment of
approximately $600 million (included within other
commitments) to GreenSky to acquire loans originated by
GreenSky’s bank partners, which was terminated upon
completion of the acquisition.
Legal Proceedings. See Note 27 for information about legal
The table below presents derivatives that meet the definition
of a guarantee, securities lending and clearing guarantees and
certain other financial guarantees.
$ in millions
lending and
As of December 2022
Carrying Value of Net Liability $ 7,485 $ $ 395
Maximum Payout/Notional Amount by Period of Expiration
2023 $ 110,599 $ 20,970 $ 1,634
2024 - 2025 133,090 3,308
2026 - 2027 20,252 1,837
2028 - thereafter 27,518 93
Total $ 291,459 $ 20,970 $ 6,872
As of December 2021
Carrying Value of Net Liability $ 3,406 $ $ 234
Maximum Payout/Notional Amount by Period of Expiration
2022 $ 68,212 $ 11,046 $ 871
2023 - 2024 48,273 3,608
2025 - 2026 19,706 2,015
2027 - thereafter 30,006 97
Total $ 166,197 $ 11,046 $ 6,591
In the table above:
The maximum payout is based on the notional amount of
the contract and does not represent anticipated losses.
Amounts exclude certain commitments to issue standby
letters of credit that are included in lending commitments.
See the tables in “Commitments” above for a summary of
the firm’s commitments.
The carrying value for derivatives included derivative
assets of $578 million as of December 2022 and $1.10
billion as of December 2021, and derivative liabilities of
$8.06 billion as of December 2022 and $4.51 billion as of
December 2021.
Derivative Guarantees. The firm enters into various
derivatives that meet the definition of a guarantee under U.S.
GAAP, including written equity and commodity put options,
written currency contracts and interest rate caps, floors and
swaptions. These derivatives are risk managed together with
derivatives that do not meet the definition of a guarantee, and
therefore the amounts in the table above do not reflect the
firm’s overall risk related to derivative activities. Disclosures
about derivatives are not required if they may be cash settled
and the firm has no basis to conclude it is probable that the
counterparties held the underlying instruments at the
inception of the contract. The firm has concluded that these
conditions have been met for certain large, internationally
active commercial and investment bank counterparties,
central clearing counterparties, hedge funds and certain other
counterparties. Accordingly, the firm has not included such
contracts in the table above. See Note 7 for information
about credit derivatives that meet the definition of a
guarantee, which are not included in the table above.
Derivatives are accounted for at fair value and therefore the
carrying value is considered the best indication of payment/
performance risk for individual contracts. However, the
carrying values in the table above exclude the effect of
counterparty and cash collateral netting.
Securities Lending and Clearing Guarantees. Securities
lending and clearing guarantees include the indemnifications
and guarantees that the firm provides in its capacity as an
agency lender and in its capacity as a sponsoring member of
the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation.
As an agency lender, the firm indemnifies most of its
securities lending customers against losses incurred in the
event that borrowers do not return securities and the
collateral held is insufficient to cover the market value of the
securities borrowed. The maximum payout of such
indemnifications was $12.23 billion as of December 2022 and
$11.05 billion as of December 2021. Collateral held by the
lenders in connection with securities lending indemnifications
was $12.62 billion as of December 2022 and $11.36 billion as
of December 2021. Because the contractual nature of these
arrangements requires the firm to obtain collateral with a
market value that exceeds the value of the securities lent to
the borrower, there is minimal performance risk associated
with these indemnifications.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
As a sponsoring member of the Government Securities
Division of the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation, the firm
guarantees the performance of its sponsored member clients
to the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation in connection with
certain resale and repurchase agreements. To minimize
potential losses on such guarantees, the firm obtains a
security interest in the collateral that the sponsored client
placed with the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation.
Therefore, the risk of loss on such guarantees is minimal. As
of December 2022, the maximum payout on this guarantee
was $8.74 billion and the related collateral held was $8.70
billion. There were no amounts outstanding under the
guarantee as of December 2021.
Other Financial Guarantees. In the ordinary course of
business, the firm provides other financial guarantees of the
obligations of third parties (e.g., standby letters of credit and
other guarantees to enable clients to complete transactions
and fund-related guarantees). These guarantees represent
obligations to make payments to beneficiaries if the
guaranteed party fails to fulfill its obligation under a
contractual arrangement with that beneficiary. Other
financial guarantees also include a guarantee that the firm
has provided to the Government of Malaysia that it will
receive, by August 2025, at least $1.4 billion in assets and
proceeds from assets seized by governmental authorities
around the world related to 1Malaysia Development Berhad,
a sovereign wealth fund in Malaysia (1MDB). In connection
with this guarantee, the firm is also required to make a one-
time interim payment of $250million towards the $1.4billion
if the Government of Malaysia has not received at least
$500million in assets and proceeds by August 2022. The firm
considers the reports that it receives on a semi-annual basis,
expected in February and August, in evaluating the progress
of Malaysia’s recovery efforts. The firm and the Government
of Malaysia disagree about and, following an extension of
the contractual dispute resolution period, continue to discuss
whether the Government of Malaysia did, in fact, recover at
least $500million as of August 2022 and whether any interim
payment was due. If the parties are unable to resolve this
dispute, it would be settled by arbitration. Any amounts paid
by the firm would, in any event, be subject to reimbursement
in the event the assets and proceeds received by the
Government of Malaysia through August 18, 2028 exceed
$1.4 billion. See Note 27 for further information about
matters related to 1MDB.
Guarantees of Securities Issued by Trusts. The firm has
established trusts, including Goldman Sachs Capital I,
Goldman Sachs Capital II and Goldman Sachs Capital III (the
Trusts), and other entities, for the limited purpose of issuing
securities to third parties, lending the proceeds to the firm
and entering into contractual arrangements with the firm and
third parties related to this purpose. The firm does not
consolidate these entities. See Notes 14 and 19 for further
information about the transactions involving the Trusts.
The firm effectively provides for the full and unconditional
guarantee of the securities issued by these entities. Timely
payment by the firm of amounts due to these entities under
the guarantee, borrowing, preferred stock and related
contractual arrangements will be sufficient to cover payments
due on the securities issued by these entities. No subsidiary of
Group Inc. guarantees the securities of the Trusts.
Management believes that it is unlikely that any
circumstances will occur, such as nonperformance on the part
of paying agents or other service providers, that would make
it necessary for the firm to make payments related to these
entities other than those required under the terms of the
guarantee, borrowing, preferred stock and related
contractual arrangements and in connection with certain
expenses incurred by these entities.
Indemnities and Guarantees of Service Providers. In
the ordinary course of business, the firm indemnifies and
guarantees certain service providers, such as clearing and
custody agents, trustees and administrators, against specified
potential losses in connection with their acting as an agent of,
or providing services to, the firm or its affiliates.
The firm may also be liable to some clients or other parties
for losses arising from its custodial role or caused by acts or
omissions of third-party service providers, including sub-
custodians and third-party brokers. In certain cases, the firm
has the right to seek indemnification from these third-party
service providers for certain relevant losses incurred by the
firm. In addition, the firm is a member of payment, clearing
and settlement networks, as well as securities exchanges
around the world that may require the firm to meet the
obligations of such networks and exchanges in the event of
member defaults and other loss scenarios.
In connection with the firm’s prime brokerage and clearing
businesses, the firm agrees to clear and settle transactions
entered into by clients with other brokerage firms. The firm’s
obligations in respect of such transactions are secured by the
assets in the client’s account and proceeds received from the
transactions cleared and settled by the firm on behalf of the
client. In connection with joint venture investments, the firm
may issue loan guarantees under which it may be liable in the
event of fraud, misappropriation, environmental liabilities
and other matters involving the borrower.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 191
The firm is unable to develop an estimate of the maximum
payout under these guarantees and indemnifications.
However, management believes that it is unlikely the firm
will have to make any material payments under these
arrangements, and no material liabilities related to these
guarantees and indemnifications have been recognized in the
consolidated balance sheets as of both December 2022 and
December 2021.
Other Representations, Warranties and
Indemnifications. The firm provides representations and
warranties to counterparties in connection with a variety of
commercial transactions and occasionally indemnifies them
against potential losses caused by the breach of those
representations and warranties. The firm may also provide
indemnifications protecting against changes in or adverse
application of certain U.S. tax laws in connection with
ordinary-course transactions, such as securities issuances,
borrowings or derivatives.
In addition, the firm may provide indemnifications to some
counterparties to protect them in the event additional taxes
are owed or payments are withheld, due either to a change in
or an adverse application of certain non-U.S. tax laws.
These indemnifications generally are standard contractual
terms and are entered into in the ordinary course of business.
Generally, there are no stated or notional amounts included
in these indemnifications, and the contingencies triggering the
obligation to indemnify are not expected to occur. The firm
is unable to develop an estimate of the maximum payout
under these guarantees and indemnifications. However,
management believes that it is unlikely the firm will have to
make any material payments under these arrangements, and
no material liabilities related to these arrangements have been
recognized in the consolidated balance sheets as of both
December 2022 and December 2021.
Guarantees of Subsidiaries. Group Inc. is the entity that
fully and unconditionally guarantees the securities issued by
GS Finance Corp., a wholly-owned finance subsidiary of the
firm. Group Inc. has guaranteed the payment obligations of
Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC (GS&Co.), GS Bank USA and
Goldman Sachs Paris Inc. et Cie, subject to certain
exceptions. In addition, Group Inc. has provided guarantees
to Goldman Sachs International (GSI) and GSBE related to
agreements that each entity has entered into with certain of
its counterparties. Group Inc. guarantees many of the
obligations of its other consolidated subsidiaries on a
transaction-by-transaction basis, as negotiated with
counterparties. Group Inc. is unable to develop an estimate of
the maximum payout under its subsidiary guarantees.
However, because these obligations are also obligations of
consolidated subsidiaries, Group Inc.’s liabilities as guarantor
are not separately disclosed.
Note 19.
Shareholders’ Equity
Common Equity
As of both December 2022 and December 2021, the firm had
4.00 billion authorized shares of common stock and 200
million authorized shares of nonvoting common stock, each
with a par value of $0.01 per share. During 2022, in
connection with the acquisition of GreenSky, the firm issued
approximately 5.5 million shares of common stock, including
approximately 325,000 shares subject to future service.
The firm’s share repurchase program is intended to help
maintain the appropriate level of common equity. The share
repurchase program is effected primarily through regular
open-market purchases (which may include repurchase plans
designed to comply with Rule 10b5-1 and accelerated share
repurchases), the amounts and timing of which are
determined primarily by the firm’s current and projected
capital position, and capital deployment opportunities, but
which may also be influenced by general market conditions
and the prevailing price and trading volumes of the firm’s
common stock.
The table below presents information about common stock
Year Ended December
in millions, except per share amounts 2022 2021 2020
Common share repurchases 10.1 15.3 8.2
Average cost per share $ 346.07 $ 339.81 $ 236.35
Total cost of common share repurchases
$ 3,500 $ 5,200 $ 1,928
Pursuant to the terms of certain share-based compensation
plans, employees may remit shares to the firm or the firm
may cancel share-based awards to satisfy statutory employee
tax withholding requirements. Under these plans, 11,644
shares in 2022, 1,830 shares in 2021 and 3,476 shares in 2020
were remitted with a total value of $4 million in 2022,
$0.5 million in 2021 and $0.9 million in 2020, and the firm
cancelled 4.6 million share-based awards in 2022, and
3.4million in both 2021 and 2020, with a total value of $1.59
billion in 2022, $984 million in 2021 and $829million in 2020.
The table below presents common stock dividends declared.
Year Ended December
2022 2021 2020
Dividends declared per common share $ 9.00 $ 6.50 $ 5.00
On January 13, 2023, the Board of Directors of Group Inc.
(Board) declared a dividend of $2.50 per common share to be
paid on March 30, 2023 to common shareholders of record
on March 2, 2023.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Preferred Equity
The tables below present information about the perpetual
preferred stock issued and outstanding as of December 2022.
Depositary Shares
Per Share
Series Earliest Redemption Date
Redemption Value
($ in millions)
Currently redeemable
$ 25,000
$ 750
Currently redeemable
$ 25,000
Currently redeemable
$ 25,000
Currently redeemable
$ 100,000
Currently redeemable
$ 100,000
May 10, 2023
$ 25,000
May 10, 2024
$ 25,000
November 10, 2026
$ 25,000
Currently redeemable
$ 25,000
August 10, 2024
$ 25,000
February 10, 2025
$ 25,000
February 10, 2025
$ 25,000
May 10, 2026
$ 25,000
August 10, 2026
$ 25,000
November 10, 2026
$ 25,000
$ 10,703
In the tables above:
All shares have a par value of $0.01 per share and, where
applicable, each share is represented by the specified
number of depositary shares.
The earliest redemption date represents the date on which
each share of non-cumulative preferred stock is redeemable
at the firm’s option.
Prior to redeeming preferred stock, the firm must receive
approval from the FRB.
The redemption price per share for Series A through F and
Series Q through V Preferred Stock is the liquidation
preference plus declared and unpaid dividends. The
redemption price per share for Series J through P Preferred
Stock is the liquidation preference plus accrued and unpaid
All series of preferred stock are pari passu and have a
preference over the firm’s common stock on liquidation.
The firm’s ability to declare or pay dividends on, or
purchase, redeem or otherwise acquire, its common stock is
subject to certain restrictions in the event that the firm fails
to pay or set aside full dividends on the preferred stock for
the latest completed dividend period.
Series E and Series F Preferred Stock are held by Goldman
Sachs Capital II and Goldman Sachs Capital III,
respectively. These trusts are Delaware statutory trusts
sponsored by the firm and wholly-owned finance
subsidiaries of the firm for regulatory and legal purposes
but are not consolidated for accounting purposes.
In 2021, the firm redeemed all outstanding shares of its (i)
Series N 6.30% Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock with a
redemption value of $675 million ($25,000 per share), plus
accrued and unpaid dividends and (ii) Series M 5.375%
Fixed-to-Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock with
a redemption value of $2 billion ($25,000 per share), plus
accrued and unpaid dividends. The difference between the
redemption value and net carrying value at the time of these
redemptions was $41 million, which was recorded as an
addition to preferred stock dividends in 2021.
In 2020, the firm redeemed the remaining 14,000 outstanding
shares of its Series L 5.70% Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock
with a redemption value of $350million ($25,000 per share),
plus accrued and unpaid dividends. The difference between
the redemption value and net carrying value was $1million,
which was recorded as an addition to preferred stock
dividends in 2020.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 193
The table below presents the dividend rates of perpetual
preferred stock as of December 2022.
Series Per Annum Dividend Rate
3 month LIBOR + 0.75%, with floor of 3.75%, payable quarterly
3 month LIBOR + 0.75%, with floor of 4.00%, payable quarterly
3 month LIBOR + 0.67%, with floor of 4.00%, payable quarterly
3 month LIBOR + 0.7675%, with floor of 4.00%, payable quarterly
3 month LIBOR + 0.77%, with floor of 4.00%, payable quarterly
5.50% to, but excluding, May 10, 2023;
3 month LIBOR + 3.64% thereafter, payable quarterly
6.375% to, but excluding, May 10, 2024;
3 month LIBOR + 3.55% thereafter, payable quarterly
5.30%, payable semi-annually, from issuance date to, but excluding,
November 10, 2026; 3 month LIBOR + 3.834%, payable quarterly, thereafter
3 month LIBOR + 2.874%, payable quarterly
5.50%, payable semi-annually, from issuance date to, but excluding,
August 10, 2024; 5 year treasury rate + 3.623%, payable semi-annually, thereafter
4.95%, payable semi-annually, from issuance date to, but excluding,
February 10, 2025; 5 year treasury rate + 3.224%, payable semi-annually, thereafter
4.40%, payable semi-annually, from issuance date to, but excluding,
February 10, 2025; 5 year treasury rate + 2.85%, payable semi-annually thereafter
3.80%, payable semi-annually, from issuance date to, but excluding,
May 10, 2026; 5 year treasury rate + 2.969%, payable semi-annually, thereafter
3.65%, payable semi-annually, from issuance date to, but excluding,
August 10, 2026; 5 year treasury rate + 2.915%, payable semi-annually, thereafter
4.125%, payable semi-annually, from issuance date to, but excluding,
November 10, 2026; 5 year treasury rate + 2.949%, payable semi-annually, thereafter
In the table above, dividends on each series of preferred stock
are payable in arrears for the periods specified.
The table below presents preferred stock dividends declared.
Year Ended December
2022 2021 2020
Series per share
$ in
per share
$ in
per share
$ in
A $ 950.51 $ 28 $ 950.51 $ 28 $ 947.92 $ 28
C $ 1,013.90 8 $ 1,013.90 8 $ 1,011.12 8
D $ 1,013.90 55 $ 1,013.90 55 $ 1,011.12 55
E $ 4,055.55 31 $ 4,055.55 31 $ 4,055.55 31
F $ 4,055.55 6 $ 4,055.55 7 $ 4,055.55 6
J $ 1,375.00 55 $ 1,375.00 55 $ 1,375.00 55
K $ 1,593.76 45 $ 1,593.76 44 $ 1,593.76 45
L $ $ $ 361.54 4
M $ $ $ 1,217.16 97
N $ $ 787.50 19 $ 1,575.00 43
O $ 1,325.00 34 $ 1,325.00 34 $ 1,325.00 34
P $ 1,250.00 75 $ 1,250.00 75 $ 1,250.00 75
Q $ 1,375.00 28 $ 1,375.00 28 $ 1,577.43 32
R $ 1,237.50 30 $ 1,237.50 30 $ 910.94 22
S $ 1,100.00 16 $ 1,100.00 15 $ 586.67 8
T $ 950.00 26 $ 511.94 14 $
U $ 942.92 28 $ $
V $ 1,062.76 32 $ $
Total $ 497 $ 443 $ 543
On January 5, 2023, Group Inc. declared dividends of
$341.29 per share of Series A Preferred Stock, $341.29 per
share of Series C Preferred Stock, $336.18 per share of Series
D Preferred Stock, $343.75 per share of Series J Preferred
Stock, $398.44 per share of Series K Preferred Stock, $476.99
per share of Series P Preferred Stock, $687.50 per share of
Series Q Preferred Stock, $618.75 per share of Series R
Preferred Stock, $550.00 per share of Series S Preferred Stock
and $456.25 per share of Series U Preferred Stock to be paid
on February10, 2023 to preferred shareholders of record on
January26, 2023. In addition, the firm declared dividends of
$1,382.02 per share of Series E Preferred Stock and $1,382.64
per share of Series F Preferred Stock to be paid on March1,
2023 to preferred shareholders of record on February 14,
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income/(Loss)
The table below presents changes in accumulated other
comprehensive income/(loss), net of tax, by type.
$ in millions
net of tax
Year Ended December 2022
Currency translation $ (738) $ (47) $ (785)
Debt valuation adjustment (511) 1,403 892
Pension and postretirement liabilities (327) (172) (499)
Available-for-sale securities (492) (2,126) (2,618)
Total $ (2,068) $ (942) $ (3,010)
Year Ended December 2021
Currency translation $ (696) $ (42) $ (738)
Debt valuation adjustment (833) 322 (511)
Pension and postretirement liabilities (368) 41 (327)
Available-for-sale securities 463 (955) (492)
Total $ (1,434) $ (634) $ (2,068)
Year Ended December 2020
Currency translation $ (616) $ (80) $ (696)
Debt valuation adjustment (572) (261) (833)
Pension and postretirement liabilities (342) (26) (368)
Available-for-sale securities 46 417 463
Total $ (1,484) $ 50 $ (1,434)
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Note 20.
Regulation and Capital Adequacy
The FRB is the primary regulator of Group Inc., a bank
holding company under the U.S. Bank Holding Company Act
of 1956 and a financial holding company under amendments
to this Act. The firm is subject to consolidated regulatory
capital requirements which are calculated in accordance with
the regulations of the FRB (Capital Framework).
The capital requirements are expressed as risk-based capital
and leverage ratios that compare measures of regulatory
capital to risk-weighted assets (RWAs), average assets and
off-balance sheet exposures. Failure to comply with these
capital requirements would result in restrictions being
imposed by the firm’s regulators and could limit the firm’s
ability to repurchase shares, pay dividends and make certain
discretionary compensation payments. The firm’s capital
levels are also subject to qualitative judgments by the
regulators about components of capital, risk weightings and
other factors. Furthermore, certain of the firm’s subsidiaries
are subject to separate regulations and capital requirements.
Capital Framework
The regulations under the Capital Framework are largely
based on the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision’s
(Basel Committee) capital framework for strengthening
international capital standards (Basel III) and also implement
certain provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act. Under the Capital
Framework, the firm is an “Advanced approaches” banking
organization and has been designated as a global systemically
important bank (G-SIB).
The Capital Framework includes the minimum risk-based
capital and the capital conservation buffer requirements. The
buffer must consist entirely of capital that qualifies as
Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital.
The firm calculates its CET1 capital, Tier 1 capital and Total
capital ratios in accordance with both the Standardized and
Advanced Capital Rules. Each of the ratios calculated under
the Standardized and Advanced Capital Rules must meet its
respective capital requirements.
Under the Capital Framework, the firm is also subject to
leverage requirements which consist of a minimum Tier 1
leverage ratio and a minimum supplementary leverage ratio
(SLR), as well as the SLR buffer.
Consolidated Regulatory Capital Requirements
Risk-Based Capital Ratios. The table below presents the
risk-based capital requirements.
Standardized Advanced
As of December 2022
CET1 capital ratio 13.3% 9.5%
Tier 1 capital ratio 14.8% 11.0%
Total capital ratio 16.8% 13.0%
As of December 2021
CET1 capital ratio 13.4% 9.5%
Tier 1 capital ratio 14.9% 11.0%
Total capital ratio 16.9% 13.0%
In the table above:
As of both December 2022 and December 2021, under both
the Standardized and Advanced Capital Rules, the CET1
capital ratio requirement includes a minimum of 4.5%, the
Tier 1 capital ratio requirement includes a minimum of
6.0% and the Total capital ratio requirement includes a
minimum of 8.0%. These requirements also include the
capital conservation buffer requirements, consisting of the
G-SIB surcharge of 2.5% (Method 2) and the
countercyclical capital buffer, which the FRB has set to
zero percent. In addition, the capital conservation buffer
requirements include the stress capital buffer of 6.3% as of
December 2022 and 6.4% as of December 2021 under the
Standardized Capital Rules and a buffer of 2.5% under the
Advanced Capital Rules.
The G-SIB surcharge is updated annually based on
financial data from the prior year and is generally
applicable for the following year. The G-SIB surcharge is
calculated using two methodologies, the higher of which is
reflected in the firm’s risk-based capital requirements. The
first calculation (Method 1) is based on the Basel
Committee’s methodology which, among other factors,
relies upon measures of the size, activity and complexity of
each G-SIB. The second calculation (Method 2) uses similar
inputs but includes a measure of reliance on short-term
wholesale funding.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 195
The table below presents information about risk-based
capital ratios.
$ in millions Standardized Advanced
As of December 2022
CET1 capital $ 98,050 $ 98,050
Tier 1 capital $ 108,552 $ 108,552
Tier 2 capital $ 15,958 $ 12,115
Total capital $ 124,510 $ 120,667
RWAs $ 653,419 $ 679,450
CET1 capital ratio 15.0% 14.4%
Tier 1 capital ratio 16.6% 16.0%
Total capital ratio 19.1% 17.8%
As of December 2021
CET1 capital $ 96,254 $ 96,254
Tier 1 capital $ 106,766 $ 106,766
Tier 2 capital $ 14,636 $ 12,051
Total capital $ 121,402 $ 118,817
RWAs $ 676,863 $ 647,921
CET1 capital ratio 14.2% 14.9%
Tier 1 capital ratio 15.8% 16.5%
Total capital ratio 17.9% 18.3%
In the table above, beginning in the fourth quarter of 2022,
the firm updated the probability of default models used in the
calculation of Advanced RWAs. The impact of this change
was a decrease in the firm's Advanced CET1 capital ratio of
approximately 0.7 percentage points.
In the second half of 2022, based on regulatory feedback, the
firm revised certain interpretations of the Capital Rules
underlying the calculation of Standardized and Advanced
RWAs. As of December 2021, this change would have
increased the firm's Standardized RWAs of $677 billion by
approximately $12 billion, which would have reduced the
firm's Standardized CET1 capital ratio of 14.2% by 0.2
percentage points, Standardized Tier 1 capital ratio of 15.8%
by 0.3 percentage points and Standardized Total capital ratio
of 17.9% by 0.3 percentage points. As of December 2021, this
change would have increased the firm's Advanced RWAs of
$648 billion by approximately $6 billion, which would have
reduced the firm's Advanced CET1 capital ratio of 14.9% by
0.2 percentage points, Advanced Tier 1 capital ratio of 16.5%
by 0.2 percentage points and Advanced Total capital ratio of
18.3% by 0.1 percentage points.
Leverage Ratios. The table below presents the leverage
Tier 1 leverage ratio 4.0%
SLR 5.0%
In the table above, the SLR requirement of 5% includes a
minimum of 3% and a 2% buffer applicable to G-SIBs.
The table below presents information about leverage ratios.
For the Three Months
Ended or as of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Tier 1 capital $ 108,552 $ 106,766
Average total assets $ 1,500,225 $ 1,466,770
Deductions from Tier 1 capital (8,259) (4,583)
Average adjusted total assets 1,491,966 1,462,187
Off-balance sheet and other exposures 375,392 448,334
Total leverage exposure $ 1,867,358 $ 1,910,521
Tier 1 leverage ratio 7.3% 7.3%
SLR 5.8% 5.6%
In the table above:
Average total assets represents the average daily assets for
the quarter adjusted for the impact of Current Expected
Credit Losses (CECL) transition.
Off-balance sheet and other exposures primarily includes
the monthly average of off-balance sheet exposures,
consisting of derivatives, securities financing transactions,
commitments and guarantees.
Tier 1 leverage ratio is calculated as Tier 1 capital divided
by average adjusted total assets.
SLR is calculated as Tier 1 capital divided by total leverage
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Risk-Based Capital. The table below presents information
about risk-based capital.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Common shareholders’ equity $ 106,486 $ 99,223
Impact of CECL transition 829 1,105
Deduction for goodwill (5,674) (3,610)
Deduction for identifiable intangible assets (1,770) (401)
Other adjustments (1,821) (63)
CET1 capital 98,050 96,254
Preferred stock 10,703 10,703
Deduction for investments in covered funds (199) (189)
Other adjustments (2) (2)
Tier 1 capital $ 108,552 $ 106,766
Standardized Tier 2 and Total capital
Tier 1 capital $ 108,552 $ 106,766
Qualifying subordinated debt 10,637 11,554
Junior subordinated debt 94
Allowance for credit losses 5,331 3,034
Other adjustments (10) (46)
Standardized Tier 2 capital 15,958 14,636
Standardized Total capital $ 124,510 $ 121,402
Advanced Tier 2 and Total capital
Tier 1 capital $ 108,552 $ 106,766
Standardized Tier 2 capital 15,958 14,636
Allowance for credit losses (5,331) (3,034)
Other adjustments 1,488 449
Advanced Tier 2 capital 12,115 12,051
Advanced Total capital $ 120,667 $ 118,817
In the table above:
Beginning in January 2022, the firm started to phase in the
estimated reduction to regulatory capital as a result of
adopting the CECL model. Impact of CECL transition in
the table above reflects the total amount of reduction of
$1.11 billion as of December 2021 to be phased in through
January 2025 (at 25% per year), of which $276 million was
phased in on January 1, 2022. The total amount to be
phased in includes the impact of adopting CECL as of
January 1, 2020, as well as 25% of the increase in the
allowance for credit losses from January 1, 2020 through
December31, 2021.
Deduction for goodwill was net of deferred tax liabilities of
$700 million as of December 2022 and $675 million as of
December 2021.
Deduction for identifiable intangible assets was net of
deferred tax liabilities of $239 million as of December 2022
and $17 million as of December 2021.
Deduction for investments in covered funds represents the
firm’s aggregate investments in applicable covered funds.
As of December 2021, this deduction excluded investments
that were subject to an extended conformance period. See
Note 8 for further information about the Volcker Rule.
Other adjustments within CET1 capital and Tier 1 capital
primarily include credit valuation adjustments on
derivative liabilities, the overfunded portion of the firm’s
defined benefit pension plan obligation net of associated
deferred tax liabilities, disallowed deferred tax assets, debt
valuation adjustments and other required credit risk-based
deductions. Other adjustments within Advanced Tier 2
capital include eligible credit reserves.
Qualifying subordinated debt is subordinated debt issued
by Group Inc. with an original maturity of five years or
greater. The outstanding amount of subordinated debt
qualifying for Tier 2 capital is reduced upon reaching a
remaining maturity of five years. See Note 14 for further
information about the firm’s subordinated debt.
Junior subordinated debt is debt issued to a Trust and was
fully phased out of regulatory capital on January 1, 2022.
As of December 2021, 10% of this debt was included in
Tier 2 capital and 90% was phased out of regulatory
capital. Junior subordinated debt is reduced by the amount
of Trust Preferred securities purchased by the firm. See
Note 14 for further information about the firm’s junior
subordinated debt and Trust Preferred securities.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 197
The table below presents changes in CET1 capital, Tier 1
capital and Tier 2 capital.
$ in millions Standardized Advanced
Year Ended December 2022
CET1 capital
Beginning balance $ 96,254 $ 96,254
Change in:
Common shareholders’ equity 7,263 7,263
Impact of CECL transition (276) (276)
Deduction for goodwill (2,064) (2,064)
Deduction for identifiable intangible assets (1,369) (1,369)
Other adjustments (1,758) (1,758)
Ending balance $ 98,050 $ 98,050
Tier 1 capital
Beginning balance $ 106,766 $ 106,766
Change in:
CET1 capital 1,796 1,796
Deduction for investments in covered funds
(10) (10)
Ending balance 108,552 108,552
Tier 2 capital
Beginning balance 14,636 12,051
Change in:
Qualifying subordinated debt (917) (917)
Junior subordinated debt (94) (94)
Allowance for credit losses 2,297
Other adjustments 36 1,075
Ending balance 15,958 12,115
Total capital $ 124,510 $ 120,667
RWAs. RWAs are calculated in accordance with both the
Standardized and Advanced Capital Rules.
Credit Risk
Credit RWAs are calculated based on measures of exposure,
which are then risk weighted under the Standardized and
Advanced Capital Rules:
The Standardized Capital Rules apply prescribed risk-
weights, which depend largely on the type of counterparty.
The exposure measures for derivatives and securities
financing transactions are based on specific formulas which
take certain factors into consideration.
Under the Advanced Capital Rules, the firm computes risk-
weights for wholesale and retail credit exposures in
accordance with the Advanced Internal Ratings-Based
approach. The exposure measures for derivatives and
securities financing transactions are computed utilizing
internal models.
For both Standardized and Advanced credit RWAs, the
risk-weights for securitizations and equities are based on
specific required formulaic approaches.
Market Risk
RWAs for market risk in accordance with the Standardized
and Advanced Capital Rules are generally consistent. Market
RWAs are calculated based on measures of exposure which
include the following:
Value-at-Risk (VaR) is the potential loss in value of trading
assets and liabilities, as well as certain investments, loans,
and other financial assets and liabilities accounted for at
fair value, due to adverse market movements over a defined
time horizon with a specified confidence level.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
For both risk management purposes and regulatory capital
calculations, the firm uses a single VaR model which captures
risks, including those related to interest rates, equity prices,
currency rates and commodity prices. However, VaR used
for risk management purposes differs from VaR used for
regulatory capital requirements (regulatory VaR) due to
differences in time horizons, confidence levels and the scope
of positions on which VaR is calculated. For risk
management purposes, a 95% one-day VaR is used, whereas
for regulatory capital requirements, a 99% 10-day VaR is
used to determine Market RWAs and a 99% one-day VaR is
used to determine regulatory VaR exceptions. In addition,
the daily net revenues used to determine risk management
VaR exceptions (i.e., comparing the daily net revenues to the
VaR measure calculated as of the end of the prior business
day) include intraday activity, whereas the Capital
Framework requires that intraday activity be excluded from
daily net revenues when calculating regulatory VaR
exceptions. Intraday activity includes bid/offer net revenues,
which are more likely than not to be positive by their nature.
As a result, there may be differences in the number of VaR
exceptions and the amount of daily net revenues calculated
for regulatory VaR compared to the amounts calculated for
risk management VaR.
The firm’s positional losses observed on a single day
exceeded its 99% one-day regulatory VaR on one occasion
during each of the years ended 2022 and 2021. There was no
change in the firm’s VaR multiplier used to calculate Market
Stressed VaR is the potential loss in value of trading assets
and liabilities, as well as certain investments, loans, and
other financial assets and liabilities accounted for at fair
value, during a period of significant market stress;
Incremental risk is the potential loss in value of non-
securitized positions due to the default or credit migration
of issuers of financial instruments over a one-year time
Comprehensive risk is the potential loss in value, due to
price risk and defaults, within the firm’s credit correlation
positions; and
Specific risk is the risk of loss on a position that could
result from factors other than broad market movements,
including event risk, default risk and idiosyncratic risk. The
standardized measurement method is used to determine
specific risk RWAs, by applying supervisory defined risk-
weighting factors after applicable netting is performed.
Operational Risk
Operational RWAs are only required to be included under
the Advanced Capital Rules. The firm utilizes an internal
risk-based model to quantify Operational RWAs.
The table below presents information about RWAs.
$ in millions Standardized Advanced
As of December 2022
Credit RWAs
Derivatives $ 142,696 $ 111,344
Commitments, guarantees and loans 247,026 198,508
Securities financing transactions 73,189 21,659
Equity investments 30,899 33,451
Other 76,335 96,351
Total Credit RWAs 570,145 461,313
Market RWAs
Regulatory VaR 18,981 18,981
Stressed VaR 37,833 37,833
Incremental risk 6,470 6,470
Comprehensive risk 3,641 3,641
Specific risk 16,349 16,349
Total Market RWAs 83,274 83,274
Total Operational RWAs 134,863
Total RWAs $ 653,419 $ 679,450
As of December 2021
Credit RWAs
Derivatives $ 175,628 $ 109,532
Commitments, guarantees and loans 233,639 182,210
Securities financing transactions 76,346 14,407
Equity investments 43,256 45,582
Other 71,485 86,768
Total Credit RWAs 600,354 438,499
Market RWAs
Regulatory VaR 13,510 13,510
Stressed VaR 38,922 38,922
Incremental risk 6,867 6,867
Comprehensive risk 2,521 2,521
Specific risk 14,689 14,689
Total Market RWAs 76,509 76,509
Total Operational RWAs 132,913
Total RWAs $ 676,863 $ 647,921
In the table above:
Securities financing transactions represents resale and
repurchase agreements and securities borrowed and loaned
Other includes receivables, certain debt securities, cash and
cash equivalents, and other assets.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 199
The table below presents changes in RWAs.
$ in millions Standardized Advanced
Year Ended December 2022
Beginning balance $ 676,863 $ 647,921
Credit RWAs
Change in:
Derivatives (32,932) 1,812
Commitments, guarantees and loans 13,387 16,298
Securities financing transactions (3,157) 7,252
Equity investments (12,357) (12,131)
Other 4,850 9,583
Change in Credit RWAs (30,209) 22,814
Market RWAs
Change in:
Regulatory VaR 5,471 5,471
Stressed VaR (1,089) (1,089)
Incremental risk (397) (397)
Comprehensive risk 1,120 1,120
Specific risk 1,660 1,660
Change in Market RWAs 6,765 6,765
Change in Operational RWAs 1,950
Ending balance $ 653,419 $ 679,450
RWAs Rollforward Commentary
Year Ended December 2022. Standardized Credit RWAs
as of December 2022 decreased by $30.21 billion compared
with December 2021, primarily reflecting a decrease in
derivatives (principally due to reduced exposures) and a
decrease in equity investments (principally due to reduced
exposures as a result of sales and unrealized losses). These
decreases were partially offset by an increase in
commitments, guarantees and loans (principally due to
increased lending activity). Standardized Market RWAs as of
December 2022 increased by $6.77 billion compared with
December 2021, primarily reflecting an increase in regulatory
VaR (principally due to higher levels of market volatility).
Advanced Credit RWAs as of December 2022 increased by
$22.81 billion compared with December 2021, primarily
reflecting an increase in commitments, guarantees and loans,
other credit RWAs and securities financing transactions
(principally due to updates to the probability of default
models in the fourth quarter of 2022). These increases were
partially offset by a decrease in equity investments
(principally due to reduced exposures as a result of sales and
unrealized losses). Advanced Market RWAs as of December
2022 increased by $6.77 billion compared with December
2021, primarily reflecting an increase in regulatory VaR
(principally due to higher levels of market volatility).
Advanced Operational RWAs as of December 2022 increased
by $1.95 billion compared with December 2021, primarily
associated with litigation and regulatory proceedings.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Bank Subsidiaries
GS Bank USA. GS Bank USA is the firm’s primary U.S.
bank subsidiary. GS Bank USA is a New York State-
chartered bank and a member of the Federal Reserve System,
is supervised and regulated by the FRB, the FDIC, the New
York State Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) and
the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and is subject to
regulatory capital requirements that are calculated under the
Capital Framework. GS Bank USA is an Advanced
approaches banking organization under the Capital
Framework. The deposits of GS Bank USA are insured by the
FDIC to the extent provided by law.
The Capital Framework includes the minimum risk-based
capital and the capital conservation buffer requirements
(consisting of a 2.5% buffer and the countercyclical capital
buffer). The buffer must consist entirely of capital that
qualifies as CET1 capital. In addition, the Capital
Framework includes the leverage ratio requirement.
GS Bank USA is required to calculate the CET1 capital, Tier
1 capital and Total capital ratios in accordance with both the
Standardized and Advanced Capital Rules. The lower of each
risk-based capital ratio under the Standardized and Advanced
Capital Rules is the ratio against which GS Bank USA’s
compliance with its risk-based capital requirements is
assessed. In addition, under the regulatory framework for
prompt corrective action applicable to GS Bank USA, in
order to meet the quantitative requirements for a “well-
capitalized” depository institution, GS Bank USA must also
meet the “well-capitalized” requirements in the table below.
GS Bank USA’s capital levels and prompt corrective action
classification are also subject to qualitative judgments by the
regulators about components of capital, risk weightings and
other factors. Failure to comply with the capital
requirements, including a breach of the buffers described
below, would result in restrictions being imposed by the
The table below presents GS Bank USA’s risk-based capital,
leverage and “well-capitalized” requirements.
Risk-based capital requirements
CET1 capital ratio 7.0% 6.5%
Tier 1 capital ratio 8.5% 8.0%
Total capital ratio 10.5% 10.0%
Leverage requirements
Tier 1 leverage ratio 4.0% 5.0%
SLR 3.0% 6.0%
In the table above:
The CET1 capital ratio requirement includes a minimum of
4.5%, the Tier 1 capital ratio requirement includes a
minimum of 6.0% and the Total capital ratio requirement
includes a minimum of 8.0%. These requirements also
include the capital conservation buffer requirements
consisting of a 2.5% buffer and the countercyclical capital
buffer, which the FRB has set to zero percent.
The “well-capitalized” requirements are the binding
requirements for leverage ratios.
The table below presents information about GS Bank USA’s
risk-based capital ratios.
$ in millions Standardized Advanced
As of December 2022
CET1 capital $ 46,845 $ 46,845
Tier 1 capital $ 46,845 $ 46,845
Tier 2 capital $ 8,042 $ 5,382
Total capital $ 54,887 $ 52,227
RWAs $ 357,112 $ 275,451
CET1 capital ratio 13.1% 17.0%
Tier 1 capital ratio 13.1% 17.0%
Total capital ratio 15.4% 19.0%
As of December 2021
CET1 capital $ 42,535 $ 42,535
Tier 1 capital $ 42,535 $ 42,535
Tier 2 capital $ 6,430 $ 4,646
Total capital $ 48,965 $ 47,181
RWAs $ 312,601 $ 222,607
CET1 capital ratio 13.6% 19.1%
Tier 1 capital ratio 13.6% 19.1%
Total capital ratio 15.7% 21.2%
In the table above:
The lower of the Standardized or Advanced ratio is the
ratio against which GS Bank USA’s compliance with the
capital requirements is assessed under the risk-based
Capital Rules, and therefore, the Standardized ratios
applied to GS Bank USA as of both December 2022 and
December 2021.
Beginning in January 2022, GS Bank USA started to phase
in the estimated reduction to regulatory capital as a result
of adopting the CECL model. The total amount to be
phased in includes the impact of adopting CECL as of
January 1, 2020, as well as 25% of the increase in the
allowance for credit losses from January 1, 2020 through
December31, 2021.
Beginning in the fourth quarter of 2022, the firm updated
the probability of default models used in the calculation of
Advanced RWAs. The impact of this change was a
decrease in GS Bank USA's Advanced CET1 capital ratio of
approximately 1 percentage point.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 201
The Standardized and Advanced risk-based capital ratios
decreased from December 2021 to December 2022,
reflecting an increase in both Credit and Market RWAs,
partially offset by an increase in capital, principally due to
net earnings and capital contributions.
The table below presents information about GS Bank USA’s
leverage ratios.
For the Three Months
Ended or as of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Tier 1 capital $ 46,845 $ 42,535
Average adjusted total assets $ 499,108 $ 409,739
Total leverage exposure $ 671,215 $ 627,799
Tier 1 leverage ratio 9.4% 10.4%
SLR 7.0% 6.8%
In the table above:
Average adjusted total assets represents the average daily
assets for the quarter adjusted for deductions from Tier 1
capital and the impact of CECL transition.
Tier 1 leverage ratio is calculated as Tier 1 capital divided
by average adjusted total assets.
SLR is calculated as Tier 1 capital divided by total leverage
The FRB requires that GS Bank USA maintain cash reserves
with the Federal Reserve. As of both December 2022 and
December 2021, the reserve requirement ratio was zero
percent. See Note 26 for further information about cash
deposits held by the firm at the Federal Reserve.
GS Bank USA is a registered swap dealer with the CFTC and
a registered security-based swap dealer with the SEC. As of
both December 2022 and December 2021, GS Bank USA was
subject to and in compliance with applicable capital
requirements for swap dealers and security-based swap
GSIB. GSIB is the firm’s U.K. bank subsidiary regulated by
the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and the Financial
Conduct Authority (FCA). GSIB is subject to the U.K. capital
framework, which is largely based on Basel III. The eligible
retail deposits of GSIB are covered by the U.K. Financial
Services Compensation Scheme to the extent provided by
The table below presents GSIB’s risk-based capital
As of December
2022 2021
Risk-based capital requirements
CET1 capital ratio 9.7% 8.5%
Tier 1 capital ratio 11.9% 10.5%
Total capital ratio 14.9% 13.2%
The table below presents information about GSIB’s risk-
based capital ratios.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Risk-based capital and risk-weighted assets
CET1 capital $ 3,395 $ 3,408
Tier 1 capital $ 3,395 $ 3,408
Tier 2 capital $ 828 $ 826
Total capital $ 4,223 $ 4,234
RWAs $ 15,766 $ 17,196
Risk-based capital ratios
CET1 capital ratio 21.5% 19.8%
Tier 1 capital ratio 21.5% 19.8%
Total capital ratio 26.8% 24.6%
In the table above, the risk-based capital ratios as of
December 2022 reflected profits after foreseeable charges that
are still subject to audit by GSIB’s external auditors and
approval by GSIB’s Board of Directors for inclusion in risk-
based capital. These profits contributed approximately 161
basis points to the CET1 capital ratio as of December 2022.
GSIB is also subject to the minimum leverage ratio
requirement of 3.25% established by the PRA, which became
effective January 1, 2023. GSIB had a leverage ratio of 6.9%
as of December 2022. The leverage ratio as of December 2022
reflected profits after foreseeable charges that are still subject
to audit by GSIB’s external auditors and approval by GSIB’s
Board of Directors for inclusion in risk-based capital. These
profits contributed approximately 56 basis points to the
leverage ratio as of December 2022.
GSIB is subject to minimum reserve requirements at central
banks in certain of the jurisdictions in which it operates. As
of both December 2022 and December 2021, GSIB was in
compliance with these requirements.
GSBE. GSBE is the firm’s German bank subsidiary
supervised by the European Central Bank, BaFin and
Deutsche Bundesbank. GSBE is a non-U.S. banking
subsidiary of GS Bank USA and is also subject to standalone
regulatory capital requirements noted below. GSBE is subject
to the capital requirements prescribed in the amended E.U.
Capital Requirements Directive (CRD) and E.U. Capital
Requirements Regulation (CRR), which are largely based on
Basel III. The deposits of GSBE are covered by the German
statutory deposit protection program to the extent provided
by law. In addition, GSBE has elected to participate in the
German voluntary deposit protection program which
provides insurance for certain eligible deposits not covered by
the German statutory deposit program.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
The table below presents GSBE’s risk-based capital
As of December
2022 2021
Risk-based capital requirements
CET1 capital ratio 9.2% 8.7%
Tier 1 capital ratio 11.3% 10.8%
Total capital ratio 14.0% 13.5%
The table below presents information about GSBE’s risk-
based capital ratios.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Risk-based capital and risk-weighted assets
CET1 capital $ 9,536 $ 6,527
Tier 1 capital $ 9,536 $ 6,527
Tier 2 capital $ 21 $ 23
Total capital $ 9,557 $ 6,550
RWAs $ 30,154 $ 28,924
Risk-based capital ratios
CET1 capital ratio 31.6% 22.6%
Tier 1 capital ratio 31.6% 22.6%
Total capital ratio 31.7% 22.6%
In the table above, the risk-based capital ratios as of
December 2022 reflected profits after foreseeable charges that
are still subject to audit by GSBE’s external auditors and
approval by GSBE’s shareholder (GS Bank USA) for inclusion
in risk-based capital. These profits contributed
approximately 76 basis points to the CET1 capital ratio as of
December 2022.
The table below presents GSBE’s leverage ratio requirement
and leverage ratios.
As of December
2022 2021
Leverage ratio requirement 3.0% 3.0%
Leverage ratio 10.6% 7.6%
In the table above, the leverage ratio as of December 2022
reflected profits after foreseeable charges that are still subject
to audit by GSBE’s external auditors and approval by GSBE’s
shareholder (GS Bank USA) for inclusion in risk-based
capital. These profits contributed approximately 57 basis
points to the leverage ratio as of December 2022.
GSBE is subject to minimum reserve requirements at central
banks in certain of the jurisdictions in which it operates. As
of both December 2022 and December 2021, GSBE was in
compliance with these requirements.
GSBE is a registered swap dealer with the CFTC and a
registered security-based swap dealer with the SEC. As of
both December 2022 and December 2021, GSBE was subject
to and in compliance with applicable capital requirements for
swap dealers and security-based swap dealers.
Restrictions on Payments
Group Inc. may be limited in its ability to access capital held
at certain subsidiaries as a result of regulatory, tax or other
constraints. These limitations include provisions of
applicable law and regulations and other regulatory
restrictions that limit the ability of those subsidiaries to
declare and pay dividends without prior regulatory approval.
For example, the amount of dividends that may be paid by
GS Bank USA are limited to the lesser of the amounts
calculated under a recent earnings test and an undivided
profits test. As a result of dividends paid in connection with
the acquisition of GSBE in July 2021, GS Bank USA cannot
currently declare any additional dividends without prior
regulatory approval.
In addition, subsidiaries not subject to separate regulatory
capital requirements may hold capital to satisfy local tax and
legal guidelines, rating agency requirements (for entities with
assigned credit ratings) or internal policies, including policies
concerning the minimum amount of capital a subsidiary
should hold based on its underlying level of risk.
Group Inc.’s equity investment in subsidiaries was $134.59
billion as of December 2022 and $118.90 billion as of
December 2021, of which Group Inc. was required to
maintain $82.52 billion as of December 2022 and $77.22
billion as of December 2021, of minimum equity capital in its
regulated subsidiaries in order to satisfy the regulatory
requirements of such subsidiaries.
Group Inc.’s capital invested in certain non-U.S. dollar
functional currency subsidiaries is exposed to foreign
exchange risk, substantially all of which is managed through
a combination of non-U.S. dollar-denominated debt and
derivatives. See Note 7 for information about the firm’s net
investment hedges used to hedge this risk.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 203
Note 21.
Earnings Per Common Share
Basic earnings per common share (EPS) is calculated by
dividing net earnings to common by the weighted average
number of common shares outstanding and restricted stock
units (RSUs) for which the delivery of the underlying
common stock is not subject to satisfaction of future service,
performance or market conditions (collectively, basic shares).
Diluted EPS includes the determinants of basic EPS and, in
addition, reflects the dilutive effect of the common stock
deliverable for RSUs for which the delivery of the underlying
common stock is subject to satisfaction of future service,
performance or market conditions.
The table below presents information about basic and diluted
Year Ended December
in millions, except per share amounts
2022 2021 2020
Net earnings to common $ 10,764 $ 21,151 $ 8,915
Weighted average basic shares 352.1 350.5 356.4
Effect of dilutive RSUs 6.0 5.3 3.9
Weighted average diluted shares 358.1 355.8 360.3
Basic EPS $ 30.42 $ 60.25 $ 24.94
Diluted EPS $ 30.06 $ 59.45 $ 24.74
In the table above:
Net earnings to common represents net earnings applicable
to common shareholders, which is calculated as net
earnings less preferred stock dividends.
Unvested share-based awards that have non-forfeitable
rights to dividends or dividend equivalents are treated as a
separate class of securities under the two-class method.
Distributed earnings allocated to these securities reduce net
earnings to common to calculate EPS under this method.
The impact of applying this methodology was a reduction
in basic EPS of $0.15 for 2022, $0.10 for 2021 and $0.07 for
Diluted EPS does not include antidilutive RSUs, including
those that are subject to market conditions, of 0.5million
for 2022, 0.3million for 2021 and 0.1million for 2020.
Note 22.
Transactions with Affiliated Funds
The firm has formed nonconsolidated investment funds with
third-party investors. As the firm generally acts as the
investment manager for these funds, it is entitled to receive
management fees and, in certain cases, advisory fees or
incentive fees from these funds. Additionally, the firm invests
alongside the third-party investors in certain funds.
The tables below present information about affiliated funds.
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
Fees earned from funds $ 4,553 $ 3,707 $ 3,393
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Fees receivable from funds $ 1,175 $ 873
Aggregate carrying value of interests in funds $ 3,801 $ 4,321
The firm has waived, and may waive in the future, certain
management fees on selected money market funds to enhance
the yield for investors in such funds. Management fees
waived were $123 million for 2022, $595 million for 2021 and
$109 million for 2020.
In accordance with the Volcker Rule, the firm does not
provide financial support to covered funds. However, in the
ordinary course of business, the firm may choose to provide
voluntary financial support to funds that are not subject to
the Volcker Rule, although any such support is not expected
to be material to the results of operations of the firm. Except
for the fee waivers noted above, the firm did not provide any
additional financial support to its affiliated funds during
either 2022 or 2021.
In addition, in the ordinary course of business, the firm may
also engage in other activities with its affiliated funds,
including, among others, securities lending, trade execution,
market-making, custody, and acquisition and bridge
financing. See Note 18 for information about the firm’s
investment commitments related to these funds.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Note 23.
Interest Income and Interest Expense
Interest is recorded over the life of the instrument on an
accrual basis based on contractual interest rates.
The table below presents sources of interest income and
interest expense.
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
Deposits with banks $ 3,233 $ (24) $ 245
Collateralized agreements 4,468 (980) 282
Trading assets 5,087 4,716 5,210
Investments 2,199 1,589 1,627
Loans 9,059 5,319 4,883
Other interest 4,978 1,500 1,442
Total interest income 29,024 12,120 13,689
Deposits 5,823 1,303 2,386
Collateralized financings 2,808 599
Trading liabilities 1,923 1,662 1,238
Short-term borrowings 541 527 542
Long-term borrowings 5,716 3,231 4,153
Other interest 4,535 (1,073) 20
Total interest expense 21,346 5,650 8,938
Net interest income $ 7,678 $ 6,470 $ 4,751
In the table above:
Collateralized agreements includes rebates paid and
interest income on securities borrowed.
Loans excludes interest on loans held for sale that are
accounted for at the lower of cost or fair value. Such
interest is included within other interest.
Other interest income includes interest income on customer
debit balances, other interest-earning assets and loans held
for sale that are accounted for at the lower of cost or fair
Collateralized financings consists of repurchase agreements
and securities loaned.
Short- and long-term borrowings include both secured and
unsecured borrowings.
Other interest expense includes rebates received on other
interest-bearing liabilities and interest expense on customer
credit balances.
Note 24.
Income Taxes
Provision for Income Taxes
Income taxes are provided for using the asset and liability
method under which deferred tax assets and liabilities are
recognized for temporary differences between the financial
reporting and tax bases of assets and liabilities. The firm
reports interest expense related to income tax matters in
provision for taxes and income tax penalties in other
The table below presents information about the provision for
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
Current taxes
U.S. federal $ 2,356 $ 2,904 $1,759
State and local 623 574 555
Non-U.S. 1,658 1,926 1,539
Total current tax expense 4,637 5,404 3,853
Deferred taxes
U.S. federal (2,079) 192 (798)
State and local (436) 72 (42)
Non-U.S. 103 (259) 7
Total deferred tax (benefit)/expense (2,412) 5 (833)
Provision for taxes $ 2,225 $ 5,409 $ 3,020
The table below presents a reconciliation of the U.S. federal
statutory income tax rate to the effective income tax rate.
Year Ended December
2022 2021 2020
U.S. federal statutory income tax rate 21.0% 21.0% 21.0%
State and local taxes, net of U.S. federal benefit 1.3 1.9 3.1
Settlement of employee share-based awards (2.4) (0.7) (1.0)
Non-U.S. operations (1.6) (1.5) (2.4)
Tax credits (0.9) (0.6) (1.2)
Tax-exempt income, including dividends (2.2) (0.5) (0.6)
Non-deductible legal expenses 0.8 5.6
Other 0.5 0.4 (0.3)
Effective income tax rate 16.5% 20.0% 24.2%
In the table above, Non-U.S. operations include the impact of
the Base Erosion and Anti-Abuse Tax and Global Intangible
Low Taxed Income.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 205
Deferred Income Taxes
Deferred income taxes reflect the net tax effects of temporary
differences between the financial reporting and tax bases of
assets and liabilities. These temporary differences result in
taxable or deductible amounts in future years and are
measured using the tax rates and laws that will be in effect
when such differences are expected to reverse. Valuation
allowances are established to reduce deferred tax assets to the
amount that more likely than not will be realized and
primarily relate to the ability to utilize losses in various tax
jurisdictions. Tax assets are included in other assets and tax
liabilities are included in other liabilities.
The table below presents information about deferred tax
assets and liabilities, excluding the impact of netting within
tax jurisdictions.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Deferred tax assets
Compensation and benefits $ 1,889 $ 1,978
ASC 740 asset related to unrecognized tax benefits 315 287
Non-U.S. operations 1,224 606
Unrealized losses 887
Net operating losses 787 681
Occupancy-related 123 151
Other comprehensive income/(loss)-related 1,225 593
Tax credits carryforward 87 43
Operating lease liabilities 587 624
Allowance for credit losses 1,580 1,081
Other, net 221 271
Subtotal 8,925 6,315
Valuation allowance (1,569) (895)
Total deferred tax assets $ 7,356 $ 5,420
Deferred tax liabilities
Depreciation and amortization $ 1,240 $ 1,225
Unrealized gains 1,114
Operating lease right-of-use assets 556 585
Total deferred tax liabilities $ 1,796 $ 2,924
The firm has recorded deferred tax assets of $787million as
of December 2022 and $681million as of December 2021, in
connection with U.S. federal, state and local and foreign net
operating loss carryforwards. The firm also recorded a
valuation allowance of $301million as of December 2022 and
$285 million as of December 2021, related to these net
operating loss carryforwards.
As of December 2022, the U.S. federal net operating loss
carryforward was $1.51 billion, the state and local net
operating loss carryforward was $2.10 billion, and the
foreign net operating loss carryforward was $1.38billion. If
not utilized, the U.S. federal, the state and local, and foreign
net operating loss carryforwards will begin to expire in 2023.
If these carryforwards expire, they will not have a material
impact on the firm’s results of operations. As of December
2022, the firm has recorded deferred tax assets of $37million
in connection with foreign tax credit carryforwards and a
related valuation allowance of $20 million. As of December
2022, the firm has recorded deferred tax assets of $41million
in connection with general business credit carryforwards and
$9 million in connection with state and local tax credit
carryforwards. If not utilized, the foreign tax credit
carryforward will begin to expire in 2033, the general
business credit carryforward will begin to expire in 2023 and
the state and local tax credit carryforward will begin to
expire in 2024.
As of both December 2022 and December 2021, the firm had
no U.S. capital loss carryforwards and no related net deferred
income tax assets. As of December 2022, the firm had
deferred tax assets of $277million in connection with foreign
capital loss carryforwards and a valuation allowance of
$277million related to these capital loss carryforwards.
The valuation allowance increased by $674 million during
2022 and increased by $344 million during 2021. The
increases in both 2022 and 2021 were primarily due to an
increase in deferred tax assets from which the firm does not
expect to realize any benefit.
The firm permanently reinvested eligible earnings of certain
foreign subsidiaries. As of both December 2022 and
December 2021, all U.S. taxes were accrued on these
subsidiaries’ distributable earnings.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Unrecognized Tax Benefits
The firm recognizes tax positions in the consolidated
financial statements only when it is more likely than not that
the position will be sustained on examination by the relevant
taxing authority based on the technical merits of the position.
A position that meets this standard is measured at the largest
amount of benefit that will more likely than not be realized
on settlement. A liability is established for differences
between positions taken in a tax return and amounts
recognized in the consolidated financial statements.
The accrued liability for interest expense related to income
tax matters and income tax penalties was $205million as of
December 2022 and $131 million as of December 2021. The
firm recognized interest expense and income tax penalties of
$59million for 2022, $13million for 2021 and $41million for
2020. It is reasonably possible that unrecognized tax benefits
could change significantly during the twelve months
subsequent to December 2022 due to potential audit
settlements. However, at this time it is not possible to
estimate any potential change.
The table below presents the changes in the liability for
unrecognized tax benefits, which is included in other
Year Ended or as of December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
Beginning balance $ 1,446 $ 1,251 $ 1,445
Increases based on current year tax positions 190 297 164
Increases based on prior years' tax positions 10 95 209
Decreases based on prior years' tax positions (32) (111) (205)
Decreases related to settlements (76) (80) (367)
Exchange rate fluctuations (5) (6) 5
Ending balance $ 1,533 $ 1,446 $ 1,251
Related deferred income tax asset 315 287 200
Net unrecognized tax benefit $ 1,218 $ 1,159 $ 1,051
Regulatory Tax Examinations
The firm is subject to examination by the U.S. Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) and other taxing authorities in
jurisdictions where the firm has significant business
operations, such as the United Kingdom, Japan, Hong Kong
and various states, such as New York. The tax years under
examination vary by jurisdiction. The firm does not expect
completion of these audits to have a material impact on the
firm’s financial condition, but it may be material to operating
results for a particular period, depending, in part, on the
operating results for that period.
The table below presents the earliest tax years that remain
subject to examination by major jurisdiction.
As of
Jurisdiction December 2022
U.S. Federal 2011
New York State and City 2015
United Kingdom 2017
Japan 2016
Hong Kong 2016
The firm has been accepted into the Compliance Assurance
Process program by the IRS for each of the tax years from
2013 through 2023. This program allows the firm to work
with the IRS to identify and resolve potential U.S. federal tax
issues before the filing of tax returns. All issues for the 2011
and 2012 tax years have been resolved and completion is
pending final review by the Joint Committee on Taxation
(JCT). During 2022, the firm reached an agreement with IRS
Appeals on the remaining issues for tax years 2012 through
2019. Subject to final review by JCT, this agreement will not
have a material impact on the effective tax rate. During 2022,
the fieldwork for the 2020 tax year was completed and the
final resolution is not expected to have a material impact on
the effective tax rate. The 2021 tax year remains subject to
post-filing review. New York State and City examinations of
2015 through 2018 commenced during 2021.
All years, including and subsequent to the years in the table
above, remain open to examination by the taxing authorities.
The firm believes that the liability for unrecognized tax
benefits it has established is adequate in relation to the
potential for additional assessments.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 207
Note 25.
Business Segments
The firm manages and reports its activities in three business
segments: Global Banking & Markets, Asset & Wealth
Management and Platform Solutions. See Note 1 for
information about the firm’s business segments, including the
changes made during 2022.
Compensation and benefits expenses in the firm’s segments
reflect, among other factors, the overall performance of the
firm, as well as the performance of individual businesses.
Consequently, pre-tax margins in one segment of the firm’s
business may be significantly affected by the performance of
the firm’s other business segments.
The firm allocates assets (including allocations of global core
liquid assets and cash, secured client financing and other
assets), revenues and expenses among the three business
segments. Due to the integrated nature of these segments,
estimates and judgments are made in allocating certain assets,
revenues and expenses. The allocation process is based on the
manner in which management currently views the
performance of the segments.
The allocation of common shareholders’ equity and preferred
stock dividends to each segment is based on the estimated
amount of equity required to support the activities of the
segment under relevant regulatory capital requirements.
Net earnings for each segment is calculated by applying the
firmwide tax rate to each segment’s pre-tax earnings.
Management believes that this allocation provides a
reasonable representation of each segment’s contribution to
consolidated net earnings to common, return on average
common equity and total assets. Transactions between
segments are based on specific criteria or approximate third-
party rates.
Segment Results
The table below presents a summary of the firm’s segment
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
Global Banking & Markets
Non-interest revenues $ 30,042 $ 34,079 $ 28,285
Net interest income 2,445 2,655 2,184
Total net revenues 32,487 36,734 30,469
Provision for credit losses 468 (171) 1,216
Operating expenses 17,851 19,542 18,884
Pre-tax earnings $ 14,168 $ 17,363 $ 10,369
Net earnings $ 11,830 $ 13,890 $ 7,860
Net earnings to common $ 11,458 $ 13,535 $ 7,428
Average common equity $ 69,951 $ 60,064 $ 54,749
Return on average common equity 16.4% 22.5% 13.6%
Asset & Wealth Management
Non-interest revenues $ 9,843 $ 18,922 $ 11,541
Net interest income 3,533 3,043 2,216
Total net revenues 13,376 21,965 13,757
Provision for credit losses 519 (169) 1,395
Operating expenses 11,550 11,406 9,469
Pre-tax earnings $ 1,307 $ 10,728 $ 2,893
Net earnings $ 1,092 $ 8,582 $ 2,193
Net earnings to common $ 979 $ 8,459 $ 2,083
Average common equity $ 31,762 $ 29,988 $ 24,963
Return on average common equity 3.1% 28.2% 8.3%
Platform Solutions
Non-interest revenues $ (198) $ (132) $ (17)
Net interest income 1,700 772 351
Total net revenues 1,502 640 334
Provision for credit losses 1,728 697 487
Operating expenses 1,763 990 630
Pre-tax earnings/(loss) $ (1,989) $ (1,047) $ (783)
Net earnings/(loss) $ (1,661) $ (837) $ (594)
Net earnings/(loss) to common $ (1,673) $ (843) $ (596)
Average common equity $ 3,574 $ 1,777 $ 864
Return on average common equity (46.8) % (47.4) % (69.0) %
Non-interest revenues $ 39,687 $ 52,869 $ 39,809
Net interest income 7,678 6,470 4,751
Total net revenues 47,365 59,339 44,560
Provision for credit losses 2,715 357 3,098
Operating expenses 31,164 31,938 28,983
Pre-tax earnings $ 13,486 $ 27,044 $ 12,479
Net earnings $ 11,261 $ 21,635 $ 9,459
Net earnings to common $ 10,764 $ 21,151 $ 8,915
Average common equity $ 105,287 $ 91,829 $ 80,576
Return on average common equity 10.2% 23.0% 11.1%
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
In the table above:
Revenues and expenses directly associated with each
segment are included in determining pre-tax earnings.
Net revenues in the firm’s segments include allocations of
interest income and expense to specific positions in relation
to the cash generated by, or funding requirements of, such
positions. Net interest is included in segment net revenues
as it is consistent with how management assesses segment
Total operating expenses included net provisions for
litigation and regulatory proceedings of $576 million for
2022, $534 million for 2021 and $3.42 billion for 2020,
primarily reflected in Global Banking & Markets.
Expenses not directly associated with specific segments are
allocated based on an estimate of support provided to each
The table below presents depreciation and amortization
expense by segment.
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
Global Banking & Markets $ 1,033 $ 934 $ 760
Asset & Wealth Management 1,212 1,003 1,087
Platform Solutions 210 78 55
Total $ 2,455 $ 2,015 $ 1,902
Segment Assets
The table below presents assets by segment.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Global Banking & Markets $ 1,169,539 $ 1,201,996
Asset & Wealth Management 214,970 221,150
Platform Solutions 57,290 40,842
Total $ 1,441,799 $ 1,463,988
Geographic Information
Due to the highly integrated nature of international financial
markets, the firm manages its businesses based on the
profitability of the enterprise as a whole. The methodology
for allocating profitability to geographic regions is dependent
on estimates and management judgment because a significant
portion of the firm’s activities require cross-border
coordination in order to facilitate the needs of the firm’s
clients. Geographic results are generally allocated as follows:
Global Banking & Markets: Investment banking fees and
Other: location of the client and investment banking team;
FICC intermediation and Equities intermediation: location
of the market-making desk; FICC financing and Equities
financing: location of the desk.
Asset & Wealth Management (excluding direct-to-
consumer business, Equity investments and Debt
investments): location of the sales team and/or investments;
Direct-to-consumer business: location of the client; Equity
investments and Debt investments: location of the
investment or investment professional.
Platform Solutions: location of the client.
The table below presents total net revenues, pre-tax earnings
and net earnings by geographic region.
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
Year Ended December
Americas $ 28,669 61% $ 37,217 63% $ 27,293 61%
EMEA 12,860 27% 14,474 24% 10,946 25%
Asia 5,836 12% 7,648 13% 6,321 14 %
Total net revenues $ 47,365 100% $ 59,339 100% $ 44,560 100%
Americas $ 7,016 52% $ 17,314 64% $ 8,804 71%
EMEA 5,260 39% 7,164 27% 3,119 25%
Asia 1,210 9% 2,566 9% 556 4 %
Total pre-tax earnings $ 13,486 100% $ 27,044 100% $ 12,479 100%
Americas $ 6,067 54% $ 13,796 64% $ 7,300 77%
EMEA 4,164 37% 5,778 27% 2,150 23%
Asia 1,030 9% 2,061 9% 9
Total net earnings $ 11,261 100% $ 21,635 100% $ 9,459 100%
In the table above:
During the fourth quarter of 2022, in connection with the
firm’s segment reorganization, the firm changed its
methodology for allocating certain funding-related
revenues not directly allocable to specific regions. As a
result, reclassifications were made to the geographic
allocation of net revenues. Prior period amounts have been
conformed to the current presentation.
Asia pre-tax earnings and net earnings for 2020 were
impacted by net provisions for litigation and regulatory
Substantially all of the amounts in Americas were
attributable to the U.S.
Asia includes Australia and New Zealand.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 209
Note 26.
Credit Concentrations
The firm’s concentrations of credit risk arise from its market-
making, client facilitation, investing, underwriting, lending
and collateralized transactions, and cash management
activities, and may be impacted by changes in economic,
industry or political factors. These activities expose the firm
to many different industries and counterparties, and may also
subject the firm to a concentration of credit risk to a
particular central bank, counterparty, borrower or issuer,
including sovereign issuers, or to a particular clearinghouse
or exchange. The firm seeks to mitigate credit risk by actively
monitoring exposures and obtaining collateral from
counterparties as deemed appropriate.
The firm measures and monitors its credit exposure based on
amounts owed to the firm after taking into account risk
mitigants that the firm considers when determining credit
risk. Such risk mitigants include netting and collateral
arrangements and economic hedges, such as credit
derivatives, futures and forward contracts. Netting and
collateral agreements permit the firm to offset receivables and
payables with such counterparties and/or enable the firm to
obtain collateral on an upfront or contingent basis.
The table below presents the credit concentrations included
in trading cash instruments and investments.
As of December
$ in millions
2022 2021
U.S. government and agency obligations $ 205,935 $ 141,191
Percentage of total assets 14.3% 9.6%
Non-U.S. government and agency obligations $ 40,334 $ 51,426
Percentage of total assets 2.8% 3.5%
In addition, the firm had $208.53 billion as of December 2022
and $222.20 billion as of December 2021 of cash deposits held
at central banks (included in cash and cash equivalents), of
which $165.77 billion as of December 2022 and $122.01
billion as of December 2021 was held at the Federal Reserve.
As of both December 2022 and December 2021, the firm did
not have credit exposure to any other counterparty that
exceeded 2% of total assets.
Collateral obtained by the firm related to derivative assets is
principally cash and is held by the firm or a third-party
custodian. Collateral obtained by the firm related to resale
agreements and securities borrowed transactions is primarily
U.S. government and agency obligations and non-U.S.
government and agency obligations. See Note 11 for further
information about collateralized agreements and financings.
The table below presents U.S. government and agency
obligations and non-U.S. government and agency obligations
that collateralize resale agreements and securities borrowed
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
U.S. government and agency obligations $ 164,897 $ 86,274
Non-U.S. government and agency obligations $ 76,456 $ 141,588
In the table above:
Non-U.S. government and agency obligations primarily
consists of securities issued by the governments of the U.K.,
Japan, Germany and France.
Given that the firm’s primary credit exposure on such
transactions is to the counterparty to the transaction, the
firm would be exposed to the collateral issuer only in the
event of counterparty default.
Note 27.
Legal Proceedings
The firm is involved in a number of judicial, regulatory and
arbitration proceedings (including those described below)
concerning matters arising in connection with the conduct of
the firm’s businesses. Many of these proceedings are in early
stages, and many of these cases seek an indeterminate
amount of damages.
Under ASC 450, an event is “reasonably possible” if “the
chance of the future event or events occurring is more than
remote but less than likely” and an event is “remote” if “the
chance of the future event or events occurring is slight.”
Thus, references to the upper end of the range of reasonably
possible loss for cases in which the firm is able to estimate a
range of reasonably possible loss mean the upper end of the
range of loss for cases for which the firm believes the risk of
loss is more than slight.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
With respect to matters described below for which
management has been able to estimate a range of reasonably
possible loss where (i) actual or potential plaintiffs have
claimed an amount of money damages, (ii) the firm is being,
or threatened to be, sued by purchasers in a securities offering
and is not being indemnified by a party that the firm believes
will pay the full amount of any judgment, or (iii) the
purchasers are demanding that the firm repurchase securities,
management has estimated the upper end of the range of
reasonably possible loss based on (a) in the case of (i), the
amount of money damages claimed, (b) in the case of (ii), the
difference between the initial sales price of the securities that
the firm sold in such offering and the estimated lowest
subsequent price of such securities prior to the action being
commenced and (c) in the case of (iii), the price that
purchasers paid for the securities less the estimated value, if
any, as of December 2022 of the relevant securities, in each of
cases (i), (ii) and (iii), taking into account any other factors
believed to be relevant to the particular matter or matters of
that type. As of the date hereof, the firm has estimated the
upper end of the range of reasonably possible aggregate loss
for such matters and for any other matters described below
where management has been able to estimate a range of
reasonably possible aggregate loss to be approximately
$2.3 billion in excess of the aggregate reserves for such
Management is generally unable to estimate a range of
reasonably possible loss for matters other than those included
in the estimate above, including where (i) actual or potential
plaintiffs have not claimed an amount of money damages,
except in those instances where management can otherwise
determine an appropriate amount, (ii) matters are in early
stages, (iii) matters relate to regulatory investigations or
reviews, except in those instances where management can
otherwise determine an appropriate amount, (iv) there is
uncertainty as to the likelihood of a class being certified or
the ultimate size of the class, (v) there is uncertainty as to the
outcome of pending appeals or motions, (vi) there are
significant factual issues to be resolved, and/or (vii) there are
novel legal issues presented. For example, the firm’s potential
liabilities with respect to the investigations and reviews
described below in “Regulatory Investigations and Reviews
and Related Litigation” generally are not included in
management’s estimate of reasonably possible loss. However,
management does not believe, based on currently available
information, that the outcomes of such other matters will
have a material adverse effect on the firm’s financial
condition, though the outcomes could be material to the
firm’s operating results for any particular period, depending,
in part, upon the operating results for such period.
1MDB-Related Matters
Between 2012 and 2013, subsidiaries of the firm acted as
arrangers or purchasers of approximately $6.5 billion of debt
securities of 1MDB.
On November 1, 2018, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)
unsealed a criminal information and guilty plea by Tim
Leissner, a former participating managing director of the
firm, and an indictment against Ng Chong Hwa, a former
managing director of the firm. On August 28, 2018, Leissner
was adjudicated guilty by the U.S. District Court for the
Eastern District of New York of conspiring to launder money
and to violate the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act’s
(FCPA) anti-bribery and internal accounting controls
provisions. Ng was charged with conspiring to launder
money and to violate the FCPA’s anti-bribery and internal
accounting controls provisions. On April 8, 2022, Ng was
found guilty on all counts following a trial.
On August 18, 2020, the firm announced that it entered into a
settlement agreement with the Government of Malaysia to
resolve the criminal and regulatory proceedings in Malaysia
involving the firm, which includes a guarantee that the
Government of Malaysia receives at least $1.4 billion in
assets and proceeds from assets seized by governmental
authorities around the world related to 1MDB. See Note 18
for further information about this guarantee.
On October 22, 2020, the firm announced that it reached
settlements of governmental and regulatory investigations
relating to 1MDB with the DOJ, the SEC, the FRB, the
NYDFS, the FCA, the PRA, the Singapore Attorney General’s
Chambers, the Singapore Commercial Affairs Department,
the Monetary Authority of Singapore and the Hong Kong
Securities and Futures Commission. Group Inc. entered into a
three-year deferred prosecution agreement with the DOJ, in
which a charge against the firm, one count of conspiracy to
violate the FCPA, was filed and will later be dismissed if the
firm abides by the terms of the agreement. In addition, GS
Malaysia pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to violate
the FCPA, and was sentenced on June 9, 2021. In May 2021,
the U.S. Department of Labor granted the firm a five-year
exemption to maintain its status as a qualified professional
asset manager (QPAM).
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 211
The firm has received multiple demands, beginning in
November 2018, from alleged shareholders under Section 220
of the Delaware General Corporation Law for books and
records relating to, among other things, the firm’s
involvement with 1MDB and the firm’s compliance
On February 19, 2019, a purported shareholder derivative
action relating to 1MDB was filed in the U.S. District Court
for the Southern District of New York against Group Inc.
and the directors at the time and a former chairman and chief
executive officer of the firm. The second amended complaint
filed on November 13, 2020, alleges breaches of fiduciary
duties, including in connection with alleged insider trading by
certain current and former directors, unjust enrichment and
violations of the anti-fraud provisions of the Exchange Act,
including in connection with Group Inc.’s common stock
repurchases and solicitation of proxies, and seeks unspecified
damages, disgorgement and injunctive relief. On January 13,
2023, the court approved a settlement among the parties
pursuant to which the firm agreed to a payment of
$79.5million to be made to the firm by its insurers, which the
firm has agreed to use for compliance purposes after payment
of any attorneys’ fees and reimbursement of expenses
awarded to plaintiffs.
On December 20, 2018, a putative securities class action
lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern
District of New York against Group Inc. and certain former
officers of the firm alleging violations of the anti-fraud
provisions of the Exchange Act with respect to Group Inc.’s
disclosures and public statements concerning 1MDB and
seeking unspecified damages. The plaintiff filed the second
amended complaint on October 28, 2019. On June 28, 2021,
the court dismissed the claims against one of the individual
defendants but denied the defendants’ motion to dismiss with
respect to the firm and the remaining individual defendants.
On November 12, 2021, the plaintiff moved for class
certification. On January 13, 2023, the plaintiff moved for
leave to file a third amended complaint.
Mortgage-Related Matters
Beginning in April 2010, a number of purported securities law
class actions were filed in the U.S. District Court for the
Southern District of New York challenging the adequacy of
Group Inc.’s public disclosure of, among other things, the
firm’s activities in the collateralized debt obligation market,
and the firm’s conflict of interest management.
The consolidated amended complaint filed on July 25, 2011,
which named as defendants Group Inc. and certain current
and former officers and employees of Group Inc. and its
affiliates, generally alleges violations of Sections 10(b) and
20(a) of the Exchange Act and seeks monetary damages. The
defendants have moved for summary judgment. On April 7,
2020, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
affirmed the district court’s August 14, 2018 grant of class
certification. On June 21, 2021, the United States Supreme
Court vacated the judgment of the Second Circuit and
remanded the case for further proceedings, and on August 26,
2021, the Second Circuit vacated the district court’s grant of
class certification and remanded the case for further
proceedings. On December 8, 2021, the district court granted
the plaintiffs’ motion for class certification. On March 9,
2022, the Second Circuit granted defendants’ petition seeking
interlocutory review of the district court’s grant of class
Complaints were filed in the U.S. District Court for the
Southern District of New York on July 25, 2019 and May 29,
2020 against Goldman Sachs Mortgage Company and GS
Mortgage Securities Corp. by U.S. Bank National
Association, as trustee for two residential mortgage-backed
securitization trusts that issued $1.7 billion of securities. The
complaints generally allege that mortgage loans in the trusts
failed to conform to applicable representations and
warranties and seek specific performance or, alternatively,
compensatory damages and other relief. On November 23,
2020, the court granted in part and denied in part defendants’
motion to dismiss the complaint in the first action and denied
defendants’ motion to dismiss the complaint in the second
action. On January 14, 2021, amended complaints were filed
in both actions.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
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Currencies-Related Litigation
GS&Co. and Group Inc. are among the defendants named in
an action filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern
District of New York on November 7, 2018, and GSI, GSIB,
Goldman Sachs Group UK Limited and GS Bank USA are
among the defendants in an action filed in the High Court of
England and Wales on November 11, 2020 and subsequently
transferred to the U.K. Competition Appeal Tribunal, in each
case by certain direct purchasers of foreign exchange
instruments that opted out of a class settlement reached with,
among others, GS&Co. and Group Inc. The third amended
complaint in the U.S. district court action, filed on August 3,
2020, generally alleges that the defendants violated federal
antitrust law and state common law in connection with an
alleged conspiracy to manipulate the foreign currency
exchange markets and seeks declaratory and injunctive relief,
as well as unspecified amounts of compensatory, punitive,
treble and other damages. The claim in the English action is
for breaches of English and E.U. competition rules from 2003
to 2013 and alleges manipulation of foreign exchange rates
and bid/offer spreads, the exchange of commercially sensitive
information among defendants and collusive trading. On
December 13, 2022, the parties reached settlements in
principle, subject to final documentation, to resolve these
GS&Co. is among the defendants named in a putative class
action filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern
District of New York on August 4, 2021. The amended
complaint, filed on January 6, 2022, generally asserts claims
under federal antitrust law and state common law in
connection with an alleged conspiracy among the defendants
to manipulate auctions for foreign exchange transactions on
an electronic trading platform, as well as claims under the
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. The
complaint seeks declaratory and injunctive relief, as well as
unspecified amounts of treble and other damages. On March
18, 2022, the defendants moved to dismiss the amended
Banco Espirito Santo S.A. and Oak Finance
Beginning in February 2015, GSI commenced actions against
Novo Banco S.A. (Novo Banco) in the English Commercial
Court and the Bank of Portugal (BoP) in Portuguese
Administrative Court in response to BoP’s decisions in
December 2014, September 2015 and December 2015 to
reverse an earlier transfer to Novo Banco of an $835 million
facility agreement (the Facility), structured by GSI, between
Oak Finance Luxembourg S.A. (Oak Finance), a special
purpose vehicle formed in connection with the Facility, and
Banco Espirito Santo S.A. (BES) prior to the failure of BES. In
July 2018, the English Supreme Court found that the English
courts will not have jurisdiction over GSI’s action unless and
until the Portuguese Administrative Court finds against BoP
in GSI’s parallel action. In July 2018, the Liquidation
Committee for BES issued a decision seeking to claw back
from GSI $54 million paid to GSI and $50 million allegedly
paid to Oak Finance in connection with the Facility, alleging
that GSI acted in bad faith in extending the Facility, including
because GSI allegedly knew that BES was at risk of imminent
failure. In October 2018, GSI commenced an action in Lisbon
Commercial Court challenging the Liquidation Committee’s
decision and has since also issued a claim against the
Portuguese State seeking compensation for losses of
approximately $222 million related to the failure of BES,
together with a contingent claim for the $104 million sought
by the Liquidation Committee.
Financial Advisory Services
Group Inc. and certain of its affiliates are from time to time
parties to various civil litigation and arbitration proceedings
and other disputes with clients and third parties relating to
the firm’s financial advisory activities. These claims generally
seek, among other things, compensatory damages and, in
some cases, punitive damages, and in certain cases allege that
the firm did not appropriately disclose or deal with conflicts
of interest.
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Archegos-Related Matters
GS&Co. is among the underwriters named as defendants in a
putative securities class action filed on August 13, 2021 in
New York Supreme Court, County of New York, relating to
ViacomCBS Inc.’s (ViacomCBS) March 2021 public offerings
of $1.7 billion of common stock and $1.0 billion of preferred
stock. In addition to the underwriters, the defendants include
ViacomCBS and certain of its officers and directors. GS&Co.
underwrote 646,154 shares of common stock representing an
aggregate offering price of approximately $55 million and
323,077 shares of preferred stock representing an aggregate
offering price of approximately $32 million. The complaint
asserts claims under the federal securities laws and alleges
that the offering documents contained material
misstatements and omissions, including, among other things,
that the offering documents failed to disclose that Archegos
Capital Management (Archegos) had substantial exposure to
ViacomCBS, including through total return swaps to which
certain of the underwriters, including GS&Co., were
allegedly counterparties, and that such underwriters failed to
disclose their exposure to Archegos. The complaint seeks
rescission and compensatory damages in unspecified
amounts. On November 5, 2021, the plaintiffs filed an
amended complaint. On January 4, 2022, the plaintiffs
moved for class certification. On February 6, 2023, the court
dismissed the claims against ViacomCBS and the individual
defendants, but denied the defendants’ motion to dismiss
with respect to GS&Co. and the other underwriter
Group Inc. is also a defendant in putative securities class
actions filed beginning in October 2021 and consolidated in
the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New
York. The complaints allege that Group Inc., along with
another financial institution, sold shares in Baidu Inc.
(Baidu), Discovery Inc. (Discovery), GSX Techedu Inc.
(Gaotu), iQIYI Inc. (iQIYI), Tencent Music Entertainment
Group (Tencent), ViacomCBS, and Vipshop Holdings Ltd.
(Vipshop) based on material nonpublic information
regarding the liquidation of Archegos’ position in Baidu,
Discovery, Gaotu, iQIYI, Tencent, ViacomCBS and Vipshop,
respectively. The complaints generally assert violations of
Sections 10(b), 20A and 20(a) of the Exchange Act and seek
unspecified damages. On June 13, 2022, the plaintiffs in the
class actions filed amended complaints. On August 12, 2022,
the defendants filed motions to dismiss the amended
On January 24, 2022, the firm received a demand from an
alleged shareholder under Section 220 of the Delaware
General Corporation Law for books and records relating to,
among other things, the firm’s involvement with Archegos
and the firm’s controls with respect to insider trading.
Underwriting Litigation
Firm affiliates are among the defendants in a number of
proceedings in connection with securities offerings. In these
proceedings, including those described below, the plaintiffs
assert class action or individual claims under federal and state
securities laws and in some cases other applicable laws, allege
that the offering documents for the securities that they
purchased contained material misstatements and omissions,
and generally seek compensatory and rescissory damages in
unspecified amounts, as well as rescission. Certain of these
proceedings involve additional allegations.
Uber Technologies, Inc. GS&Co. is among the
underwriters named as defendants in several putative
securities class actions filed beginning in September 2019 in
California Superior Court, County of San Francisco and the
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California,
relating to Uber Technologies, Inc.’s (Uber) $8.1 billion May
2019 initial public offering. In addition to the underwriters,
the defendants include Uber and certain of its officers and
directors. GS&Co. underwrote 35,864,408 shares of common
stock representing an aggregate offering price of
approximately $1.6 billion. On November 16, 2020, the court
in the state court action granted defendants’ motion to
dismiss the consolidated amended complaint filed on
February 11, 2020, and on December 16, 2020, plaintiffs
appealed. On August 7, 2020, defendants’ motion to dismiss
the district court action was denied. On September 25, 2020,
the plaintiffs in the district court action moved for class
certification. On December 5, 2020, the plaintiffs in the state
court action filed a complaint in the district court, which was
consolidated with the existing district court action on
January 25, 2021. On May 14, 2021, the plaintiffs filed a
second amended complaint in the district court, purporting to
add the plaintiffs from the state court action as additional
class representatives. On October 1, 2021, defendants’
motion to dismiss the additional class representatives from
the second amended complaint was denied, and on July 26,
2022, the district court granted the plaintiffs’ motion for class
certification. On August 9, 2022, defendants filed a petition
with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit seeking
interlocutory review of the district court’s grant of class
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
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GoHealth, Inc. GS&Co. is among the underwriters named
as defendants in putative securities class actions filed
beginning on September 21, 2020 and consolidated in the U.S.
District Court for the Northern District of Illinois relating to
GoHealth, Inc.’s (GoHealth) $914 million July 2020 initial
public offering. In addition to the underwriters, the
defendants include GoHealth, certain of its officers and
directors and certain of its shareholders. GS&Co.
underwrote 11,540,550 shares of common stock representing
an aggregate offering price of approximately $242 million.
On February 25, 2021, the plaintiffs filed a consolidated
complaint. On April 5, 2022, the defendants’ motion to
dismiss the consolidated complaint was denied. On
September 23, 2022, the plaintiffs moved for class
Array Technologies, Inc. GS&Co. is among the
underwriters named as defendants in a putative securities
class action filed on May 14, 2021 in the U.S. District Court
for the Southern District of New York relating to Array
Technologies, Inc.’s (Array) $1.2 billion October 2020 initial
public offering of common stock, $1.3 billion December 2020
offering of common stock and $993 million March 2021
offering of common stock. In addition to the underwriters,
the defendants include Array and certain of its officers and
directors. GS&Co. underwrote an aggregate of 31,912,213
shares of common stock in the three offerings representing an
aggregate offering price of approximately $877 million. On
December 7, 2021, the plaintiffs filed an amended
consolidated complaint. On October 17, 2022, the defendants
moved to dismiss the amended consolidated complaint.
ContextLogic Inc. GS&Co. is among the underwriters
named as defendants in putative securities class actions filed
beginning on May 17, 2021 and consolidated in the U.S.
District Court for the Northern District of California,
relating to ContextLogic Inc.’s (ContextLogic) $1.1 billion
December 2020 initial public offering of common stock. In
addition to the underwriters, the defendants include
ContextLogic and certain of its officers and directors.
GS&Co. underwrote 16,169,000 shares of common stock
representing an aggregate offering price of approximately
$388 million. On July 15, 2022, the plaintiffs filed a
consolidated amended complaint. On September 16, 2022,
the defendants moved to dismiss the consolidated amended
DiDi Global Inc. Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C. (GS Asia) is
among the underwriters named as defendants in putative
securities class actions filed beginning on July 6, 2021 in the
U.S. District Courts for the Southern District of New York
and the Central District of California and New York
Supreme Court, County of New York, relating to DiDi
Global Inc.’s (DiDi) $4.4 billion June 2021 initial public
offering of American Depositary Shares (ADS). In addition to
the underwriters, the defendants include DiDi and certain of
its officers and directors. GS Asia underwrote 104,554,000
ADS representing an aggregate offering price of
approximately $1.5 billion. On September 22, 2021, plaintiffs
in the California action voluntarily dismissed their claims
without prejudice. On May 5, 2022, plaintiffs in the
consolidated federal action filed a second consolidated
amended complaint, which includes allegations of violations
of Sections 10(b) and 20A of the Exchange Act against the
underwriter defendants. On June 3, 2022, the defendants
moved to dismiss the second consolidated amended
Vroom Inc. GS&Co. is among the underwriters named as
defendants in an amended complaint for a putative securities
class action filed on October 4, 2021 in the U.S. District
Court for the Southern District of New York relating to
Vroom Inc.’s (Vroom) approximately $589 million September
2020 public offering of common stock. In addition to the
underwriters, the defendants include Vroom and certain of its
officers and directors. GS&Co. underwrote 3,886,819 shares
of common stock representing an aggregate offering price of
approximately $212 million. On December 20, 2021, the
defendants served a motion to dismiss the consolidated
Zymergen Inc. GS&Co. is among the underwriters named
as defendants in a putative securities class action filed on
August 4, 2021 in the U.S. District Court for the Northern
District of California relating to Zymergen Inc.’s (Zymergen)
$575 million April 2021 initial public offering of common
stock. In addition to the underwriters, the defendants include
Zymergen and certain of its officers and directors. GS&Co.
underwrote 5,750,345 shares of common stock representing
an aggregate offering price of approximately $178 million.
On February 24, 2022, the plaintiffs filed an amended
complaint, and on November 29, 2022, the court granted in
part and denied in part the defendants' motion to dismiss the
amended complaint, denying dismissal of the claims for
violations of Section 11 of the Securities Act.
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Waterdrop Inc. GS Asia is among the underwriters named
as defendants in a putative securities class action filed on
September 14, 2021 in the U.S. District Court for the
Southern District of New York relating to Waterdrop Inc.’s
(Waterdrop) $360 million May 2021 initial public offering of
ADS. In addition to the underwriters, the defendants include
Waterdrop and certain of its officers and directors. GS Asia
underwrote 15,300,000 ADS representing an aggregate
offering price of approximately $184 million. On February
21, 2022, the plaintiffs filed an amended complaint, and on
February 3, 2023, the court granted the defendants' motion to
dismiss the amended complaint.
Sea Limited. GS Asia is among the underwriters named as
defendants in putative securities class actions filed on
February 11, 2022 and June 17, 2022, respectively, in New
York Supreme Court, County of New York, relating to Sea
Limited’s approximately $4.0 billion September 2021 public
offering of ADS and approximately $2.9 billion September
2021 public offering of convertible senior notes, respectively.
In addition to the underwriters, the defendants include Sea
Limited, certain of its officers and directors and certain of its
shareholders. GS Asia underwrote 8,222,500 ADS
representing an aggregate offering price of approximately
$2.6 billion and convertible senior notes representing an
aggregate offering price of approximately $1.9 billion. On
August 3, 2022, the actions were consolidated, and on August
9, 2022, the plaintiffs filed a consolidated amended
complaint. The defendants had previously moved to dismiss
the action on July 15, 2022, with the parties stipulating that
the motion would apply to the consolidated amended
Rivian Automotive Inc. GS&Co. is among the
underwriters named as defendants in a putative securities
class action filed on March 7, 2022 in the U.S. District Court
for the Central District of California relating to Rivian
Automotive Inc.’s (Rivian) approximately $13.7 billion
November 2021 initial public offering. In addition to the
underwriters, the defendants include Rivian and certain of its
officers and directors. GS&Co. underwrote 44,733,050 shares
of common stock representing an aggregate offering price of
approximately $3.5 billion. On July 22, 2022, the plaintiffs
filed a consolidated complaint, and on August 29, 2022, the
defendants moved to dismiss the consolidated complaint.
Natera Inc. GS&Co. is among the underwriters named as
defendants in putative securities class actions in New York
Supreme Court, County of New York and the U.S. District
Court for the Western District of Texas filed on March 10,
2022 and October 7, 2022, respectively, relating to Natera
Inc.’s (Natera) approximately $585 million July 2021 public
offering of common stock. In addition to the underwriters,
the defendants include Natera and certain of its officers and
directors. GS&Co. underwrote 1,449,000 shares of common
stock representing an aggregate offering price of
approximately $164 million. On July 15, 2022, the parties in
the state court action filed a stipulation and proposed order
approving the discontinuance of the action without prejudice.
On December 16, 2022, the defendants moved to dismiss the
amended complaint in the federal action.
Robinhood Markets, Inc. GS&Co. is among the
underwriters named as defendants in a putative securities
class action filed on December 17, 2021 in the U.S. District
Court for the Northern District of California relating to
Robinhood Markets, Inc.’s (Robinhood) approximately $2.2
billion July 2021 initial public offering. In addition to the
underwriters, the defendants include Robinhood and certain
of its officers and directors. GS&Co. underwrote 18,039,706
shares of common stock representing an aggregate offering
price of approximately $686 million. On June 20, 2022, the
plaintiffs filed an amended complaint. On August 18, 2022,
the defendants moved to dismiss the amended complaint.
ON24, Inc. GS&Co. is among the underwriters named as
defendants in a putative securities class action filed on
November 3, 2021 in the U.S. District Court for the Northern
District of California relating to ON24, Inc.’s (ON24)
approximately $492 million February 2021 initial public
offering of common stock. In addition to the underwriters,
the defendants include ON24 and certain of its officers and
directors, including a director who was a Managing Director
of GS&Co. at the time of the initial public offering. GS&Co.
underwrote 3,616,785 shares of common stock representing
an aggregate offering price of approximately $181 million.
On March 18, 2022, the plaintiffs filed a consolidated
complaint. On May 2, 2022, the defendants moved to dismiss
the consolidated complaint.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
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Riskified Ltd. GS&Co. is among the underwriters named as
defendants in a putative securities class action filed on May 2,
2022 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of
New York relating to Riskified Ltd.’s (Riskified)
approximately $423million July 2021 initial public offering.
In addition to the underwriters, the defendants include
Riskified and certain of its officers and directors. GS&Co.
underwrote 6,981,128 shares of common stock representing
an aggregate offering price of approximately $147 million.
On November 28, 2022, the plaintiffs filed a second amended
complaint, and on January 20, 2023, the defendants moved to
dismiss the second amended complaint.
Oscar Health, Inc. GS&Co. is among the underwriters
named as defendants in a putative securities class action filed
on May 12, 2022 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern
District of New York relating to Oscar Health, Inc.’s (Oscar
Health) approximately $1.4billion March 2021 initial public
offering. In addition to the underwriters, the defendants
include Oscar Health and certain of its officers and directors.
GS&Co. underwrote 12,760,633 shares of common stock
representing an aggregate offering price of approximately
$498 million. On December 5, 2022, the plaintiffs filed an
amended complaint.
Oak Street Health, Inc. GS&Co. is among the underwriters
named as defendants in an amended complaint for a putative
securities class action filed on May 25, 2022 in the U.S.
District Court for the Northern District of Illinois relating to
Oak Street Health, Inc.’s (Oak Street) $377 million August
2020 initial public offering, $298 million December 2020
secondary equity offering, $691 million February 2021
secondary equity offering and $747 million May 2021
secondary equity offering. In addition to the underwriters,
the defendants include Oak Street, certain of its officers and
directors and certain of its shareholders. GS&Co.
underwrote 4,157,103 shares of common stock in the August
2020 initial public offering representing an aggregate offering
price of approximately $87 million, 1,503,944 shares of
common stock in the December 2020 secondary equity
offering representing an aggregate offering price of
approximately $69 million, 3,083,098 shares of common
stock in the February 2021 secondary equity offering
representing an aggregate offering price of approximately
$173 million and 3,013,065 shares of common stock in the
May 2021 secondary equity offering representing an
aggregate offering price of approximately $187 million. On
February 10, 2023, the court granted in part and denied in
part the defendants’ motion to dismiss, dismissing the claim
alleging a violation of Section 12(a)(2) of the Securities Act
and, with respect to the May 2021 secondary equity offering
only, the claim alleging a violation of Section 11 of the
Securities Act, but declining to dismiss the remaining claims.
Reata Pharmaceuticals, Inc. GS&Co. is among the
underwriters named as defendants in a consolidated amended
complaint for a putative securities class action filed on June
21, 2022 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of
Texas relating to Reata Pharmaceuticals, Inc.’s (Reata)
approximately $282million December 2020 public offering of
common stock. In addition to the underwriters, the
defendants include Reata and certain of its officers and
directors. GS&Co. underwrote 1,000,000 shares of common
stock representing an aggregate offering price of
approximately $141 million. On September 7, 2022, the
defendants moved to dismiss the consolidated amended
Bright Health Group, Inc. GS&Co. is among the
underwriters named as defendants in an amended complaint
for a putative securities class action filed on June 24, 2022 in
the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York
relating to Bright Health Group, Inc.’s (Bright Health)
approximately $924million June 2021 initial public offering
of common stock. In addition to the underwriters, the
defendants include Bright Health and certain of its officers
and directors. GS&Co. underwrote 11,297,000 shares of
common stock representing an aggregate offering price of
approximately $203 million. On October 12, 2022, the
defendants moved to dismiss the amended complaint.
17 Education & Technology Group Inc. GS Asia is among
the underwriters named as defendants in a putative securities
class action filed on July 19, 2022 in the U.S. District Court
for the Central District of California and transferred to the
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York in
November 2022 relating to 17 Education & Technology
Group Inc.’s (17EdTech) approximately $331 million
December 2020 initial public offering of ADS. In addition to
the underwriters, the defendants include 17EdTech and
certain of its officers and directors. GS Asia underwrote
12,604,000 ADS representing an aggregate offering price of
approximately $132 million. On January 31, 2023, the
plaintiffs filed an amended complaint.
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LifeStance Health Group, Inc. GS&Co. is among the
underwriters named as defendants in a putative securities
class action filed on August 10, 2022 in the U.S. District
Court for the Southern District of New York relating to
LifeStance Health Group, Inc.’s (LifeStance) approximately
$828 million June 2021 initial public offering of common
stock. In addition to the underwriters, the defendants include
LifeStance and certain of its officers and directors. GS&Co.
underwrote 10,580,000 shares of common stock representing
an aggregate offering price of approximately $190 million.
On December 19, 2022, the plaintiffs filed an amended
complaint, and on January 18, 2023, the defendants moved to
dismiss the amended complaint.
MINISO Group Holding Limited. GS Asia is among the
underwriters named as defendants in a putative securities
class action filed on August 17, 2022 in the U.S. District
Court for the Central District of California and transferred to
the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York
on November 18, 2022 relating to MINISO Group Holding
Limited’s (MINISO) approximately $656 million October
2020 initial public offering of ADS. In addition to the
underwriters, the defendants include MINISO and certain of
its officers and directors. GS Asia underwrote 16,408,093
ADS representing an aggregate offering price of
approximately $328million.
Coupang, Inc. GS&Co. is among the underwriters named as
defendants in a putative securities class action filed on August
26, 2022 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of
New York relating to Coupang, Inc.’s (Coupang)
approximately $4.6billion March 2021 initial public offering
of common stock. In addition to the underwriters, the
defendants include Coupang and certain of its officers and
directors. GS&Co. underwrote 42,900,000 shares of common
stock representing an aggregate offering price of
approximately $1.5billion.
Yatsen Holding Limited. GS Asia is among the
underwriters named as defendants in a putative securities
class action filed on September 23, 2022 in the U.S. District
Court for the Southern District of New York relating to
Yatsen Holding Limited’s (Yatsen) approximately
$617 million November 2020 initial public offering of ADS.
In addition to the underwriters, the defendants include
Yatsen, certain of its officers and directors and one of its
shareholders. GS Asia underwrote 22,912,500 ADS
representing an aggregate offering price of approximately
Rent the Runway, Inc. GS&Co. is among the underwriters
named as defendants in a putative securities class action filed
on November 14, 2022 in the U.S. District Court for the
Eastern District of New York relating to Rent the Runway,
Inc.’s (Rent the Runway) $357 million October 2021 initial
public offering of common stock. In addition to the
underwriters, the defendants include Rent the Runway and
certain of its officers and directors. GS&Co. underwrote
5,254,304 shares of common stock representing an aggregate
offering price of approximately $110million.
Opendoor Technologies Inc. GS&Co. is among the
underwriters named as defendants in a putative securities
class action filed on November 22, 2022 in the U.S. District
Court for the District of Arizona relating to, among other
things, Opendoor Technologies Inc.’s (Opendoor)
approximately $886million February 2021 public offering of
common stock. In addition to the underwriters, the
defendants include Opendoor and certain of its officers and
directors. GS&Co. underwrote 10,173,401 shares of common
stock representing an aggregate offering price of
approximately $275million.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
FIGS, Inc. GS&Co. is among the underwriters named as
defendants in a putative securities class action filed on
December 8, 2022 in the U.S. District Court for the Central
District of California relating to FIGS, Inc.’s (FIGS)
approximately $668million May 2021 initial public offering
and approximately $413 million September 2021 secondary
equity offering. In addition to the underwriters, the
defendants include FIGS, certain of its officers and directors
and certain of its shareholders. GS&Co. underwrote
9,545,073 shares of common stock in the May 2021 initial
public offering representing an aggregate offering price of
approximately $210million and 3,179,047 shares of common
stock in the September 2021 secondary equity offering
representing an aggregate offering price of approximately
Silvergate Capital Corporation. GS&Co. is among the
underwriters named as defendants in a putative securities
class action filed on January 19, 2023 in the U.S. District
Court for the Southern District of California relating to
Silvergate Capital Corporation’s (Silvergate) approximately
$288million January 2021 public offering of common stock
and approximately $552 million December 2021 public
offering of common stock. In addition to the underwriters,
the defendants include Silvergate and certain of its officers
and directors. GS&Co. underwrote 1,711,313 shares of
common stock in the January 2021 public offering of
common stock representing an aggregate offering price of
approximately $108million and 1,375,397 shares of common
stock in the December 2021 public offering of common stock
representing an aggregate offering price of approximately
Centessa Pharmaceuticals plc. GS&Co. is among the
underwriters named as defendants in an amended complaint
for a putative securities class action filed on February 10,
2023 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of
New York relating to Centessa Pharmaceuticals plc’s
(Centessa) approximately $380 million May 2021 initial
public offering of ADS. In addition to the underwriters, the
defendants include Centessa and certain of its officers and
directors. GS&Co. underwrote 6,072,000 ADS representing
an aggregate offering price of approximately $121million.
Investment Management Services
Group Inc. and certain of its affiliates are parties to various
civil litigation and arbitration proceedings and other disputes
with clients relating to losses allegedly sustained as a result of
the firm’s investment management services. These claims
generally seek, among other things, restitution or other
compensatory damages and, in some cases, punitive damages.
Securities Lending Antitrust Litigation
Group Inc. and GS&Co. were among the defendants named
in a putative antitrust class action and three individual
actions relating to securities lending practices filed in the U.S.
District Court for the Southern District of New York
beginning in August 2017. The complaints generally assert
claims under federal and state antitrust law and state
common law in connection with an alleged conspiracy among
the defendants to preclude the development of electronic
platforms for securities lending transactions. The individual
complaints also assert claims for tortious interference with
business relations and under state trade practices law and, in
the second and third individual actions, unjust enrichment
under state common law. The complaints seek declaratory
and injunctive relief, as well as unspecified amounts of
compensatory, treble, punitive and other damages. Group
Inc. was voluntarily dismissed from the putative class action
on January 26, 2018. Defendants’ motion to dismiss the class
action complaint was denied on September 27, 2018.
Defendants’ motion to dismiss the first individual action was
granted on August 7, 2019. On September 30, 2021, the
defendants’ motion to dismiss the second and third individual
actions, which were consolidated in June 2019, was granted.
On October 25, 2021, the plaintiff in the second individual
action appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second
Circuit. On June 30, 2022, the Magistrate Judge
recommended that the plaintiffs’ motion for class
certification in the putative class action be granted in part
and denied in part. On August 15, 2022, the plaintiffs and
defendants filed objections to the Magistrate Judge’s report
and recommendation with the district court.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
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Variable Rate Demand Obligations Antitrust Litigation
Group Inc. and GS&Co. were among the defendants named
in a putative class action relating to variable rate demand
obligations (VRDOs), filed beginning in February 2019 under
separate complaints and consolidated in the U.S. District
Court for the Southern District of New York. The
consolidated amended complaint, filed on May 31, 2019,
generally asserts claims under federal antitrust law and state
common law in connection with an alleged conspiracy among
the defendants to manipulate the market for VRDOs. The
complaint seeks declaratory and injunctive relief, as well as
unspecified amounts of compensatory, treble and other
damages. Group Inc. was voluntarily dismissed from the
putative class action on June 3, 2019. On November 2, 2020,
the court granted in part and denied in part the defendants’
motion to dismiss, dismissing the state common law claims
against GS&Co., but denying dismissal of the federal
antitrust law claims.
GS&Co. is also among the defendants named in a related
putative class action filed on June 2, 2021 in the U.S. District
Court for the Southern District of New York. The complaint
alleges the same conspiracy in the market for VRDOs as that
alleged in the consolidated amended complaint filed on May
31, 2019, and asserts federal antitrust law, state law and state
common law claims against the defendants. The complaint
seeks declaratory and injunctive relief, as well as unspecified
amounts of compensatory, treble and other damages. On
August 6, 2021, plaintiffs in the May 31, 2019 action filed an
amended complaint consolidating the June 2, 2021 action
with the May 31, 2019 action. On September 14, 2021,
defendants filed a joint partial motion to dismiss the August
6, 2021 amended consolidated complaint. On June 28, 2022,
the court granted in part and denied in part the defendants’
motion to dismiss, dismissing the state breach of fiduciary
duty claim against GS&Co., but declining to dismiss any
portion of the federal antitrust law claims. On October 27,
2022, the plaintiffs moved for class certification.
Interest Rate Swap Antitrust Litigation
Group Inc., GS&Co., GSI, GS Bank USA and Goldman Sachs
Financial Markets, L.P. are among the defendants named in a
putative antitrust class action relating to the trading of
interest rate swaps, filed in November 2015 and consolidated
in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New
York. The same Goldman Sachs entities are also among the
defendants named in two antitrust actions relating to the
trading of interest rate swaps, commenced in April 2016 and
June 2018, respectively, in the U.S. District Court for the
Southern District of New York by three operators of swap
execution facilities and certain of their affiliates. These
actions have been consolidated for pretrial proceedings. The
complaints generally assert claims under federal antitrust law
and state common law in connection with an alleged
conspiracy among the defendants to preclude exchange
trading of interest rate swaps. The complaints in the
individual actions also assert claims under state antitrust law.
The complaints seek declaratory and injunctive relief, as well
as treble damages in an unspecified amount. Defendants
moved to dismiss the class and the first individual action and
the district court dismissed the state common law claims
asserted by the plaintiffs in the first individual action and
otherwise limited the state common law claim in the putative
class action and the antitrust claims in both actions to the
period from 2013 to 2016. On November 20, 2018, the court
granted in part and denied in part the defendants’ motion to
dismiss the second individual action, dismissing the state
common law claims for unjust enrichment and tortious
interference, but denying dismissal of the federal and state
antitrust claims. On March 13, 2019, the court denied the
plaintiffs’ motion in the putative class action to amend their
complaint to add allegations related to conduct from 2008 to
2012, but granted the motion to add limited allegations from
2013 to 2016, which the plaintiffs added in a fourth
consolidated amended complaint filed on March 22, 2019.
The plaintiffs in the putative class action moved for class
certification on March 7, 2019.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Commodities-Related Litigation
GSI is among the defendants named in putative class actions
relating to trading in platinum and palladium, filed beginning
on November 25, 2014 and most recently amended on May
15, 2017, in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District
of New York. The amended complaint generally alleges that
the defendants violated federal antitrust laws and the
Commodity Exchange Act in connection with an alleged
conspiracy to manipulate a benchmark for physical platinum
and palladium prices and seek declaratory and injunctive
relief, as well as treble damages in an unspecified amount. On
March 29, 2020, the court granted the defendants’ motions to
dismiss and for reconsideration, resulting in the dismissal of
all claims. On April 27, 2020, plaintiffs appealed to the U.S.
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.
GS&Co., GSI, J. Aron & Company and Metro International
Trade Services (Metro), a previously consolidated subsidiary
of Group Inc. that was sold in the fourth quarter of 2014, are
among the defendants in a number of putative class and
individual actions filed beginning on August 1, 2013 and
consolidated in the U.S. District Court for the Southern
District of New York. The complaints generally allege
violations of federal antitrust laws and state laws in
connection with the storage of aluminum and aluminum
trading. The complaints seek declaratory, injunctive and
other equitable relief, as well as unspecified monetary
damages, including treble damages. In December 2016, the
district court granted defendants’ motions to dismiss and on
August 27, 2019, the Second Circuit vacated the district
court’s dismissals and remanded the case to district court for
further proceedings. On July 23, 2020, the district court
denied the class plaintiffs’ motion for class certification, and
on December 16, 2020 the Second Circuit denied leave to
appeal the denial. On February 17, 2021, the district court
granted defendants’ motion for summary judgment with
respect to the claims of most of the individual plaintiffs. On
April 14, 2021, the plaintiffs appealed to the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit. On May 31, 2022, the two
remaining individual plaintiffs entered into a settlement with
the defendants. The firm has paid the full amount of its
contribution to the settlement.
In connection with the sale of Metro, the firm agreed to
provide indemnities to the buyer, including for any potential
liabilities for legal or regulatory proceedings arising out of
the conduct of Metro’s business while the firm owned it.
U.S. Treasury Securities Litigation
GS&Co. is among the primary dealers named as defendants
in several putative class actions relating to the market for
U.S. Treasury securities, filed beginning in July 2015 and
consolidated in the U.S. District Court for the Southern
District of New York. GS&Co. is also among the primary
dealers named as defendants in a similar individual action
filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of
New York on August 25, 2017. The consolidated class action
complaint, filed on December 29, 2017, generally alleges that
the defendants violated antitrust laws in connection with an
alleged conspiracy to manipulate the when-issued market and
auctions for U.S. Treasury securities and that certain
defendants, including GS&Co., colluded to preclude trading
of U.S. Treasury securities on electronic trading platforms in
order to impede competition in the bidding process. The
individual action alleges a similar conspiracy regarding
manipulation of the when-issued market and auctions, as
well as related futures and options in violation of the
Commodity Exchange Act. The complaints seek declaratory
and injunctive relief, treble damages in an unspecified
amount and restitution. Defendants’ motion to dismiss was
granted on March 31, 2021. On May 14, 2021, plaintiffs filed
an amended complaint. Defendants’ motion to dismiss the
amended complaint was granted on March 31, 2022. On
April 28, 2022, plaintiffs appealed to the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit.
Corporate Bonds Antitrust Litigation
Group Inc. and GS&Co. are among the dealers named as
defendants in a putative class action relating to the secondary
market for odd-lot corporate bonds, filed on April 21, 2020 in
the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New
York. The amended consolidated complaint, filed on
October 29, 2020, asserts claims under federal antitrust law
in connection with alleged anti-competitive conduct by the
defendants in the secondary market for odd-lots of corporate
bonds, and seeks declaratory and injunctive relief, as well as
unspecified monetary damages, including treble and punitive
damages and restitution. On October 25, 2021, the court
granted defendants’ motion to dismiss with prejudice. On
November 23, 2021, plaintiffs appealed to the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit. On November 10, 2022, the
district court denied the plaintiffs’ motion for an indicative
ruling that the judgment should be vacated because the wife
of the district judge owned stock in one of the defendants and
the district judge did not recuse himself.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
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Credit Default Swap Antitrust Litigation
Group Inc., GS&Co. and GSI were among the defendants
named in a putative antitrust class action relating to the
settlement of credit default swaps, filed on June 30, 2021 in
the U.S. District Court for the District of New Mexico. The
complaint generally asserts claims under federal antitrust law
and the Commodity Exchange Act in connection with an
alleged conspiracy among the defendants to manipulate the
benchmark price used to value credit default swaps for
settlement. The complaint also asserts a claim for unjust
enrichment under state common law. The complaint seeks
declaratory and injunctive relief, as well as unspecified
amounts of treble and other damages. On November 15,
2021, the defendants filed a motion to dismiss the complaint.
On February 4, 2022, the plaintiffs filed an amended
complaint and voluntarily dismissed Group Inc. from the
action. On April 5, 2022, the defendants filed a motion to
dismiss the amended complaint.
Employment-Related Matters
On September 15, 2010, a putative class action was filed in
the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York
by three female former employees. The complaint, as
subsequently amended, alleges that Group Inc. and GS&Co.
have systematically discriminated against female employees
in respect of compensation, promotion and performance
evaluations. The complaint alleges a class consisting of all
female employees employed at specified levels in specified
areas by Group Inc. and GS&Co. since July 2002, and asserts
claims under federal and New York City discrimination laws.
The complaint seeks class action status, injunctive relief and
unspecified amounts of compensatory, punitive and other
On March 30, 2018, the district court certified a damages
class as to the plaintiffs’ disparate impact and treatment
claims. On September 4, 2018, the U.S. Court of Appeals for
the Second Circuit denied defendants’ petition for
interlocutory review of the district court’s class certification
decision and subsequently denied defendants’ petition for
rehearing. On September 27, 2018, plaintiffs advised the
district court that they would not seek to certify a class for
injunctive and declaratory relief. On March 26, 2020, the
Magistrate Judge in the district court granted in part a
motion to compel arbitration as to class members who are
parties to certain agreements with Group Inc. and/or
GS&Co. in which they agreed to arbitrate employment-
related disputes. On April 16, 2020, plaintiffs submitted
objections to the Magistrate Judge’s order and defendants
submitted conditional objections in the event that the district
judge overturned any portion of the Magistrate Judge’s
order. On July 22, 2021, defendants filed a motion to
decertify the class. On September 15, 2021, the district court
affirmed the decision of the Magistrate Judge to compel
arbitration. On March 17, 2022, the district court denied the
plaintiffs’ motion for partial summary judgment as to a
portion of the disparate impact claim, granted in part and
denied in part the defendants’ motion for summary judgment
as to plaintiffs’ disparate impact and treatment claims, denied
the defendants’ motion to decertify the class, and granted in
part and denied in part the parties’ respective motions to
preclude certain expert testimony. On August 22, 2022, the
district court granted in part and denied in part the
defendants’ motion for reconsideration of the portion of its
March 17, 2022 decision that denied the defendants’ motion
to decertify the class, denying the defendants’ motion to
decertify the class but narrowing the class definition. Trial is
scheduled to commence on June 7, 2023.
Consumer Investigation and Review
The firm is cooperating with the Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau and other governmental bodies relating to
investigations and/or inquiries concerning GS Bank USA’s
credit card account management practices and is providing
information regarding the application of refunds, crediting of
nonconforming payments, billing error resolution,
advertisements, reporting to credit bureaus, and any other
consumer-related information requested by them.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Regulatory Investigations and Reviews and Related
Group Inc. and certain of its affiliates are subject to a number
of other investigations and reviews by, and in some cases
have received subpoenas and requests for documents and
information from, various governmental and regulatory
bodies and self-regulatory organizations and litigation and
shareholder requests relating to various matters relating to
the firm’s businesses and operations, including:
The securities offering process and underwriting practices;
The firm’s investment management and financial advisory
Conflicts of interest;
Research practices, including research independence and
interactions between research analysts and other firm
personnel, including investment banking personnel, as well
as third parties;
Transactions involving government-related financings and
other matters, municipal securities, including wall-cross
procedures and conflict of interest disclosure with respect
to state and municipal clients, the trading and structuring
of municipal derivative instruments in connection with
municipal offerings, political contribution rules, municipal
advisory services and the possible impact of credit default
swap transactions on municipal issuers;
Consumer lending, as well as residential mortgage lending,
servicing and securitization, and compliance with related
consumer laws;
The offering, auction, sales, trading and clearance of
corporate and government securities, currencies,
commodities and other financial products and related sales
and other communications and activities, as well as the
firm’s supervision and controls relating to such activities,
including compliance with applicable short sale rules,
algorithmic, high-frequency and quantitative trading, the
firm’s U.S. alternative trading system (dark pool), futures
trading, options trading, when-issued trading, transaction
reporting, technology systems and controls,
communications recordkeeping and recording, securities
lending practices, prime brokerage activities, trading and
clearance of credit derivative instruments and interest rate
swaps, commodities activities and metals storage, private
placement practices, allocations of and trading in
securities, and trading activities and communications in
connection with the establishment of benchmark rates,
such as currency rates;
Compliance with the FCPA;
The firm’s hiring and compensation practices;
The firm’s system of risk management and controls; and
Insider trading, the potential misuse and dissemination of
material nonpublic information regarding corporate and
governmental developments and the effectiveness of the
firm’s insider trading controls and information barriers.
The firm is cooperating with all such governmental and
regulatory investigations and reviews.
Note 28.
Employee Benefit Plans
The firm sponsors various pension plans and certain other
postretirement benefit plans, primarily healthcare and life
insurance. The firm also provides certain benefits to former
or inactive employees prior to retirement.
Defined Benefit Pension Plans and Postretirement
Employees of certain non-U.S. subsidiaries participate in
various defined benefit pension plans. These plans generally
provide benefits based on years of credited service and a
percentage of eligible compensation. The firm maintains a
defined benefit pension plan for certain U.K. employees. As
of April 2008, the U.K. defined benefit plan was closed to
new participants and frozen for existing participants as of
March 31, 2016. The non-U.S. plans do not have a material
impact on the firm’s consolidated results of operations.
The firm also maintains a defined benefit pension plan for
substantially all U.S. employees hired prior to November 1,
2003. As of November 2004, this plan was closed to new
participants and frozen for existing participants. In addition,
the firm maintains unfunded postretirement benefit plans
that provide medical and life insurance for eligible retirees
and their dependents covered under these programs. These
plans do not have a material impact on the firm’s
consolidated results of operations.
The firm recognizes the funded status of its defined benefit
pension and postretirement plans, measured as the difference
between the fair value of the plan assets and the benefit
obligation, in the consolidated balance sheets. As of
December 2022, other assets included $111million (related to
overfunded pension plans) and other liabilities included
$337 million related to these plans. As of December 2021,
other assets included $411 million (related to overfunded
pension plans) and other liabilities included $426 million
related to these plans.
Defined Contribution Plans
The firm contributes to employer-sponsored U.S. and non-
U.S. defined contribution plans. The firm's contribution to
these plans was $378million for 2022, $274million for 2021
and $261million for 2020.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 223
Note 29.
Employee Incentive Plans
The cost of employee services received in exchange for a
share-based award is generally measured based on the grant-
date fair value of the award. Share-based awards that do not
require future service (i.e., vested awards, including awards
granted to retirement-eligible employees) are expensed
immediately. Share-based awards that require future service
are amortized over the relevant service period. Forfeitures are
recorded when they occur.
Cash dividend equivalents paid on RSUs are generally
charged to retained earnings. If RSUs that require future
service are forfeited, the related dividend equivalents
originally charged to retained earnings are reclassified to
compensation expense in the period in which forfeiture
The firm generally issues new shares of common stock upon
delivery of share-based awards. In limited cases, as outlined
in the applicable award agreements, the firm may cash settle
share-based compensation awards accounted for as equity
instruments. For these awards, additional paid-in capital is
adjusted to the extent of the difference between the value of
the award at the time of cash settlement and the grant-date
value of the award. The tax effect related to the settlement of
share-based awards and payments of dividend equivalents is
recorded in income tax benefit or expense.
Stock Incentive Plan
The firm sponsors a stock incentive plan, The Goldman
Sachs Amended and Restated Stock Incentive Plan (2021)
(2021 SIP), which provides for grants of RSUs, restricted
stock, dividend equivalent rights, incentive stock options,
nonqualified stock options, stock appreciation rights, and
other share-based awards, each of which may be subject to
terms and conditions, including performance or market
conditions. On April 29, 2021, shareholders approved the
2021 SIP. The 2021 SIP is a successor to several predecessor
stock incentive plans, the first of which was adopted on April
30, 1999, and each of which was approved by the firm’s
As of December 2022, 60.8million shares were available to be
delivered pursuant to awards granted under the 2021 SIP. If
any shares of common stock underlying awards granted
under the 2021 SIP or awards granted under predecessor
stock incentive plans are not delivered because such awards
are forfeited, terminated or canceled, or if shares of common
stock underlying such awards are surrendered or withheld to
satisfy any obligation of the grantee (including taxes), those
shares will become available to be delivered pursuant to
awards granted under the 2021 SIP. Shares available to be
delivered under the 2021 SIP also are subject to adjustment
for certain events or changes in corporate structure as
provided under the 2021 SIP. The 2021 SIP is scheduled to
terminate on the date of the annual meeting of shareholders
that occurs in 2025.
Restricted Stock Units
The firm grants RSUs (including RSUs subject to
performance or market conditions) to employees, which are
generally valued based on the closing price of the underlying
shares on the date of grant, after taking into account a
liquidity discount for any applicable post-vesting and delivery
transfer restrictions. The value of equity awards also
considers the impact of material non-public information, if
any, that the firm expects to make available shortly following
grant. RSUs generally vest and underlying shares of common
stock deliver (net of required withholding tax) as outlined in
the applicable award agreements. Award agreements
generally provide that vesting is accelerated in certain
circumstances, such as on retirement, death, disability and, in
certain cases, conflicted employment. Delivery of the
underlying shares of common stock is conditioned on the
grantees satisfying certain vesting and other requirements
outlined in the award agreements. RSUs not subject to
performance or market conditions generally vest and deliver
over a three-year period.
RSUs that are subject to performance or market conditions
generally deliver after the end of a three- to five-year period.
For awards that are subject to performance or market
conditions, generally the final award is adjusted from zero up
to 150% of the original grant based on the extent to which
those conditions are satisfied. Dividend equivalents that
accrue on these awards are paid when the awards settle.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
The table below presents the 2022 activity related to stock
settled RSUs.
Weighted Average
Grant-Date Fair Value of
Restricted Stock Restricted Stock
Units Outstanding Units Outstanding
Future No Future Future No Future
Service Service Service Service
Required Required Required Required
Beginning balance 4,043,074 15,933,696 $ 255.08 $ 228.14
Granted 5,478,475 8,660,927 $ 315.33 $ 318.03
Forfeited (606,404) (260,799) $ 292.38 $ 261.99
$ $ 229.81
Vested (3,626,923) 3,626,923 $ 277.07 $ 277.07
Ending balance 5,288,222 17,326,792 $ 298.14 $ 281.78
In the table above:
The weighted average grant-date fair value of RSUs
granted was $316.98 during 2022, $264.57 during 2021 and
$220.45 during 2020. The grant-date fair value of these
RSUs included an average liquidity discount of 6.0%
during 2022, 10.2% during 2021 and 10.1% during 2020, to
reflect post-vesting and delivery transfer restrictions,
generally of 1 year for 2022, and up to 4 years for both 2021
and 2020.
The aggregate fair value of awards that vested was
$3.91 billion during 2022, $2.64 billion during 2021 and
$2.01billion during 2020.
The ending balance included restricted stock subject to
future service requirements of 357,367 shares as of
December 2022 and 47,719 shares as of December 2021.
The ending balance included RSUs subject to future service
requirements and performance or market conditions of
618,248 RSUs as of December 2022 and 322,935 RSUs as of
December 2021, and the maximum amount of such RSUs
that may be earned was 914,441 RSUs as of December 2022
and 387,508 RSUs as of December 2021.
The ending balance also included RSUs not subject to
future service requirements but subject to performance
conditions of 1,457,702 RSUs as of December 2022 and
590,453 RSUs as of December 2021, and the maximum
amount of such RSUs that may be earned was 2,186,553
RSUs as of December 2022 and 885,680 RSUs as of
December 2021.
In relation to 2022 year-end, during the first quarter of 2023,
the firm granted to its employees 6.2million RSUs (of which
2.4 million RSUs require future service as a condition for
delivery of the related shares of common stock). These RSUs
are subject to additional conditions as outlined in the award
agreements. Shares underlying these RSUs, net of required
withholding tax, generally deliver over a three-year period.
These awards are generally subject to a one-year post-vesting
and delivery transfer restriction. These awards are not
included in the table above.
As of December 2022, there was $860 million of total
unrecognized compensation cost related to non-vested share-
based compensation arrangements. This cost is expected to
be recognized over a weighted average period of 1.86 years.
In addition, there is unrecognized compensation cost related
to share-based compensation arrangements subject to
performance conditions. The maximum payout related to
these awards is $124 million. This cost is expected to be
recognized over a weighted average period of 1.92 years.
The table below presents the share-based compensation and
the related excess tax benefit.
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
Share-based compensation $ 4,107 $ 2,553 $ 1,985
Excess net tax benefit for share-based awards $ 324 $ 196 $ 120
In the table above, excess net tax benefit for share-based
awards includes the net tax benefit on dividend equivalents
paid on RSUs and the delivery of common stock underlying
share-based awards.
The firm shares a portion of its overrides related to
investment management services with approximately 800
employees. The fair value of these overrides is recognized as
compensation expense over the vesting period. Such expense
was $493 million for 2022, $547 million for 2021 and
$141million for 2020.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 225
Note 30.
Parent Company
Group Inc. Condensed Statements of Earnings
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
Dividends from subsidiaries and other affiliates:
Bank $ 101 $ 16,990 $ 40
Nonbank 6,243 15,562 11,860
Other revenues (3,590) 529 774
Total non-interest revenues 2,754 33,081 12,674
Interest income 8,367 3,695 4,020
Interest expense 9,428 4,570 5,861
Net interest loss (1,061) (875) (1,841)
Total net revenues 1,693 32,206 10,833
Operating expenses
Compensation and benefits 328 750 367
Other expenses 685 1,005 3,339
Total operating expenses 1,013 1,755 3,706
Pre-tax earnings 680 30,451 7,127
Benefit for taxes (1,398) (551) (696)
Undistributed earnings/(loss) of subsidiaries
and other affiliates 9,183 (9,367) 1,636
Net earnings 11,261 21,635 9,459
Preferred stock dividends 497 484 544
Net earnings applicable to common shareholders
$ 10,764
$ 21,151 $ 8,915
Supplemental Disclosures:
In the condensed statements of earnings above, revenues and
expenses included the following with subsidiaries and other
Dividends from bank subsidiaries included cash dividends
of $97 million for 2022, $16.99 billion for 2021 and $38
million for 2020.
Dividends from nonbank subsidiaries and other affiliates
included cash dividends of $6.14 billion for 2022, $15.14
billion for 2021 and $11.32 billion for 2020.
Other revenues included $(3.34) billion for 2022, $(1.01)
billion for 2021 and $2.62 billion for 2020.
Interest income included $7.47 billion for 2022, $3.39
billion for 2021 and $3.68 billion for 2020.
Interest expense included $3.80 billion for 2022, $1.24
billion for 2021 and $1.73 billion for 2020.
Other expenses included $116 million for 2022, $113
million for 2021 and $100 million for 2020.
Group Inc.’s other comprehensive income/(loss) was $(942)
million for 2022, $(634) million for 2021 and $50 million for
Group Inc. – Condensed Balance Sheets
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Cash and cash equivalents:
With third-party banks $ 35 $ 47
With subsidiary bank 46 2
Loans to and receivables from subsidiaries:
Bank 3,545 1,024
Nonbank ($4,825 and $7,638 at fair value) 259,402 273,416
Investments in subsidiaries and other affiliates:
Bank 49,533 43,021
Nonbank 85,058 75,883
Trading assets (at fair value) 5,431 4,663
Investments ($23,894 and $22,525 at fair value) 69,483 26,078
Other assets 6,576 6,098
Total assets $ 479,109 $ 430,232
Liabilities and shareholders’ equity
Repurchase agreements with subsidiaries (at fair value)
$ 66,839 $
Secured borrowings with subsidiaries 16,749 50,805
Payables to subsidiaries 510 1,357
Trading liabilities (at fair value) 2,544 1,116
Unsecured short-term borrowings:
With third parties ($5,002 and $1,215 at fair value) 23,823 11,127
With subsidiaries 4,328 3,687
Unsecured long-term borrowings:
With third parties ($22,422 and $17,690 at fair value)
185,972 208,796
With subsidiaries 57,565 40,405
Other liabilities 3,590 3,013
Total liabilities 361,920 320,306
Commitments, contingencies and guarantees
Shareholders' equity
Preferred stock 10,703 10,703
Common stock 9 9
Share-based awards 5,696 4,211
Additional paid-in capital 59,050 56,396
Retained earnings 139,372 131,811
Accumulated other comprehensive loss (3,010) (2,068)
Stock held in treasury, at cost (94,631) (91,136)
Total shareholders’ equity 117,189 109,926
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity $ 479,109 $ 430,232
Supplemental Disclosures:
Goldman Sachs Funding LLC (Funding IHC), a wholly-
owned, direct subsidiary of Group Inc., has provided Group
Inc. with a committed line of credit that allows Group Inc. to
draw sufficient funds to meet its cash needs in the ordinary
course of business.
Trading assets included derivative contracts with subsidiaries
of $2.17 billion as of December 2022 and $1.38 billion as of
December 2021.
Trading liabilities included derivative contracts with
subsidiaries of $2.54 billion as of December 2022 and $1.12
billion as of December 2021.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
As of December 2022, unsecured long-term borrowings with
subsidiaries by maturity date are $56.10 billion in 2024, $534
million in 2025, $62 million in 2026, $103 million in 2027 and
$770 million in 2028-thereafter.
Group Inc. Condensed Statements of Cash Flows
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
Cash flows from operating activities
Net earnings $ 11,261 $ 21,635 $ 9,459
Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to net
cash provided by operating activities:
Undistributed (earnings)/loss of
subsidiaries and other affiliates (9,183) 9,367 (1,636)
Depreciation and amortization 9 9 6
Deferred income taxes (1,523) (241) (160)
Share-based compensation 378 335 127
Gain on extinguishment of
unsecured borrowings (1)
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
Collateralized transactions (excluding
secured borrowings, net) 66,839 332
Trading assets (23,451) (10,273) 3,484
Trading liabilities 1,428 796 (97)
Other, net 5,933 (5,213) (1,492)
Net cash provided by operating activities 51,691 16,415 10,022
Cash flows from investing activities
Purchase of property, leasehold
improvements and equipment (64) (13) (26)
Repayments/(issuances) of short-term loans
to subsidiaries, net 2,210 (9,951) 7,021
Issuance of term loans to subsidiaries (1,859) (37,260) (32,472)
Repayments of term loans by subsidiaries 2,311 10,059 29,568
Purchase of investments (47,247) (16,964) (3,767)
Sales/paydowns of investments 3,162 10,896 4,135
Capital contributions to subsidiaries, net (5,665) (23,978) (5,617)
Net cash used for investing activities (47,152) (67,211) (1,158)
Cash flows from financing activities
Secured borrowings with subsidiary, net (36,389) 12,346 (6,360)
Unsecured short-term borrowings, net:
With third parties 13 (683) (1,372)
With subsidiaries 27,803 7,007 12,603
Issuance of unsecured long-term borrowings 78,803 73,164 24,789
Repayment of unsecured long-term borrowings
(65,960) (31,588) (33,432)
Purchase of Trust Preferred securities (11)
Preferred stock redemption (2,675) (350)
Common stock repurchased (3,500) (5,200) (1,928)
Settlement of share-based awards in
satisfaction of withholding tax requirements (1,595) (985) (830)
Dividends and dividend equivalents paid on
stock and share-based awards (3,682) (2,725) (2,336)
Issuance of preferred stock, net of costs 2,172 349
Other financing, net (14)
Net cash provided by/(used for) financing
activities (4,507) 50,819 (8,878)
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash
equivalents 32 23 (14)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning balance
49 26 40
Cash and cash equivalents, ending balance $ 81 $ 49 $ 26
Supplemental Disclosures:
Cash payments for interest, net of capitalized interest, were
$8.54 billion for 2022, $4.72 billion for 2021 and $5.92 billion
for 2020, and included $3.55 billion for 2022, $1.33 billion for
2021 and $1.90 billion for 2020 of payments to subsidiaries.
Cash payments/(refunds) for income taxes, net, were $2.59
billion for 2022, $3.74 billion for 2021 and $1.37 billion for
Non-cash activities during the year ended December 2022:
Group Inc. issued $1.75billion of equity in connection with
the acquisition of GreenSky. Upon closing of the
transaction, GreenSky became a wholly-owned subsidiary
of GS Bank USA.
Non-cash activities during the year ended December 2021:
Group Inc. exchanged $948 million of loans for additional
equity investment in its wholly-owned subsidiaries.
Non-cash activities during the year ended December 2020:
Group Inc. exchanged $11.2 million of Trust Preferred
securities and common beneficial interests for $12.5 million
of certain of Group Inc.’s junior subordinated debt.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 227
Common Stock Performance
The graph and table below compare the performance of an
investment in the firm’s common stock from December 31,
2017 (the last trading day before the firm’s 2018 fiscal year)
through December 31, 2022, with the S&P 500 Index (S&P
500) and the S&P 500 Financials Index (S&P 500 Financials).
As of December
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Group Inc.
$ 100.00
$ 66.48 $ 93.38
$ 109.70
$ 161.91
$ 149.18
S&P 500
$ 100.00
$ 95.61
$ 125.70
$ 148.81
$ 191.49
$ 156.78
S&P 500 Financials
$ 100.00
$ 86.96
$ 114.87
$ 112.84
$ 152.19
$ 136.11
The graph and table above assume $100 was invested on
December 31, 2017 in each of the firm’s common stock, the
S&P 500 and the S&P 500 Financials, and the dividends were
reinvested without payment of any commissions. The
performance shown represents past performance and should
not be considered an indication of future performance.
Statistical Disclosures
Distribution of Assets, Liabilities and Shareholders’
The tables below present information about average
balances, interest and average interest rates.
Average Balance for the
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
U.S. $ 151,152 $ 103,182 $ 55,662
Non-U.S. 107,843 95,735 71,312
Deposits with banks 258,995 198,917 126,974
U.S. 241,968 202,841 138,447
Non-U.S. 169,621 148,604 114,974
Collateralized agreements 411,589 351,445 253,421
U.S. 165,331 173,498 204,118
Non-U.S. 123,332 136,075 118,642
Trading assets 288,663 309,573 322,760
U.S. 97,221 69,893 56,167
Non-U.S. 14,696 18,573 17,156
Investments 111,917 88,466 73,323
U.S. 144,781 108,032 94,115
Non-U.S. 22,067 21,455 18,867
Loans 166,848 129,487 112,982
U.S. 95,513 98,086 57,149
Non-U.S. 64,301 55,530 45,672
Other interest-earning assets 159,814 153,616 102,821
Interest-earning assets 1,397,826 1,231,504 992,281
Cash and due from banks 7,715 10,804 10,303
Other non-interest-earning assets 137,418 128,521 116,750
Assets $ 1,542,959 $ 1,370,829 $ 1,119,334
U.S. $ 302,678 $ 231,967 $ 188,767
Non-U.S. 74,662 72,899 51,997
Interest-bearing deposits 377,340 304,866 240,764
U.S. 107,008 110,099 77,727
Non-U.S. 83,783 72,691 35,284
Collateralized financings 190,791 182,790 113,011
U.S. 80,950 67,734 42,213
Non-U.S. 83,657 75,763 55,119
Trading liabilities 164,607 143,497 97,332
U.S. 34,322 31,866 34,449
Non-U.S. 28,675 34,326 22,113
Short-term borrowings 62,997 66,192 56,562
U.S. 221,598 216,864 199,196
Non-U.S. 37,656 29,764 30,941
Long-term borrowings 259,254 246,628 230,137
U.S. 166,200 139,278 127,489
Non-U.S. 98,130 85,913 66,403
Other interest-bearing liabilities 264,330 225,191 193,892
Interest-bearing liabilities 1,319,319 1,169,164 931,698
Non-interest-bearing deposits 4,811 5,920 6,672
Other non-interest-bearing liabilities 102,839 94,040 89,185
Liabilities 1,426,969 1,269,124 1,027,555
Shareholders’ equity
Preferred stock 10,703 9,876 11,203
Common stock 105,287 91,829 80,576
Shareholders’ equity 115,990 101,705 91,779
Liabilities and shareholders’ equity $ 1,542,959 $ 1,370,829 $ 1,119,334
Percentage attributable to non-U.S. operations
Interest-earning assets 35.90% 38.65% 38.96%
Interest-bearing liabilities 30.82% 31.76% 28.11%
Supplemental Financial Information
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Interest for the
Year Ended December
$ in millions 2022 2021 2020
U.S. $ 2,793 $ 143 $ 219
Non-U.S. 440 (167) 26
Deposits with banks 3,233 (24) 245
U.S. 3,463 (383) 371
Non-U.S. 1,005 (597) (89)
Collateralized agreements 4,468 (980) 282
U.S. 3,362 2,943 3,649
Non-U.S. 1,725 1,773 1,561
Trading assets 5,087 4,716 5,210
U.S. 1,656 991 1,081
Non-U.S. 543 598 546
Investments 2,199 1,589 1,627
U.S. 7,967 4,423 4,061
Non-U.S. 1,092 896 822
Loans 9,059 5,319 4,883
U.S. 3,236 1,201 1,099
Non-U.S. 1,742 299 343
Other interest-earning assets 4,978 1,500 1,442
Interest-earning assets $ 29,024 $ 12,120 $ 13,689
U.S. $ 4,959 $ 1,098 $ 1,967
Non-U.S. 864 205 419
Interest-bearing deposits 5,823 1,303 2,386
U.S. 2,027 146 554
Non-U.S. 781 (146) 45
Collateralized financings 2,808 599
U.S. 872 661 477
Non-U.S. 1,051 1,001 761
Trading liabilities 1,923 1,662 1,238
U.S. 408 476 492
Non-U.S. 133 51 50
Short-term borrowings 541 527 542
U.S. 5,570 3,139 4,034
Non-U.S. 146 92 119
Long-term borrowings 5,716 3,231 4,153
U.S. 2,356 (897) (148)
Non-U.S. 2,179 (176) 168
Other interest-bearing liabilities 4,535 (1,073) 20
Interest-bearing liabilities $ 21,346 $ 5,650 $ 8,938
Net interest income
U.S. $ 6,285 $ 4,695 $ 3,104
Non-U.S. 1,393 1,775 1,647
Net interest income $ 7,678 $ 6,470 $ 4,751
Average Rate for the
Year Ended December
2022 2021 2020
U.S. 1.85 % 0.14 % 0.39 %
Non-U.S. 0.41 % (0.17) % 0.04 %
Deposits with banks 1.25 % (0.01) % 0.19 %
U.S. 1.43 % (0.19) % 0.27 %
Non-U.S. 0.59 % (0.40) % (0.08) %
Collateralized agreements 1.09 % (0.28) % 0.11 %
U.S. 2.03 % 1.70 % 1.79 %
Non-U.S. 1.40 % 1.30 % 1.32 %
Trading assets 1.76 % 1.52 % 1.61 %
U.S. 1.70 % 1.42 % 1.92 %
Non-U.S. 3.69 % 3.22 % 3.18 %
Investments 1.96 % 1.80 % 2.22 %
U.S. 5.50 % 4.09 % 4.31 %
Non-U.S. 4.95 % 4.18 % 4.36 %
Loans 5.43 % 4.11 % 4.32 %
U.S. 3.39 % 1.22 % 1.92 %
Non-U.S. 2.71 % 0.54 % 0.75 %
Other interest-earning assets 3.11 % 0.98 % 1.40 %
Interest-earning assets 2.08 % 0.98 % 1.38 %
U.S. 1.64 % 0.47 % 1.04 %
Non-U.S. 1.16 % 0.28 % 0.81 %
Interest-bearing deposits 1.54 % 0.43 % 0.99 %
U.S. 1.89 % 0.13 % 0.71 %
Non-U.S. 0.93 % (0.20) % 0.13 %
Collateralized financings 1.47 % 0.00 % 0.53 %
U.S. 1.08 % 0.98 % 1.13 %
Non-U.S. 1.26 % 1.32 % 1.38 %
Trading liabilities 1.17 % 1.16 % 1.27 %
U.S. 1.19 % 1.49 % 1.43 %
Non-U.S. 0.46 % 0.15 % 0.23 %
Short-term borrowings 0.86 % 0.80 % 0.96 %
U.S. 2.51 % 1.45 % 2.03 %
Non-U.S. 0.39 % 0.31 % 0.38 %
Long-term borrowings 2.20 % 1.31 % 1.80 %
U.S. 1.42 % (0.64) % (0.12) %
Non-U.S. 2.22 % (0.20) % 0.25 %
Other interest-bearing liabilities 1.72 % (0.48) % 0.01 %
Interest-bearing liabilities 1.62 % 0.48 % 0.96 %
Interest rate spread 0.46 % 0.50 % 0.42 %
U.S. 0.70 % 0.62 % 0.51 %
Non-U.S. 0.28 % 0.37 % 0.43 %
Net yield on interest-earning assets 0.55 % 0.53 % 0.48 %
In the tables above:
Assets, liabilities and interest are classified as U.S. and non-
U.S. based on the location of the legal entity in which the
assets and liabilities are held.
Derivative instruments and commodities are included in
other non-interest-earning assets and other non-interest-
bearing liabilities.
Average collateralized agreements included $216.73billion
of resale agreements and $194.86 billion of securities
borrowed for 2022, $167.95 billion of resale agreements
and $183.50 billion of securities borrowed for 2021 and
$119.16billion of resale agreements and $134.26billion of
securities borrowed for 2020.
Other interest-earning assets primarily consists of certain
receivables from customers and counterparties.
Supplemental Financial Information
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 229
Collateralized financings included $150.23 billion of
repurchase agreements and $40.56 billion of securities
loaned for 2022, $145.68 billion of repurchase agreements
and $37.11 billion of securities loaned for 2021, and
$96.60billion of repurchase agreements and $16.41billion
of securities loaned for 2020.
Substantially all of the other interest-bearing liabilities
consists of certain payables to customers and
Interest rates for borrowings include the effects of interest
rate swaps accounted for as hedges.
Loans exclude loans held for sale that are accounted for at
the lower of cost or fair value. Such loans are included
within other interest-earning assets.
Short- and long-term borrowings include both secured and
unsecured borrowings.
Changes in Net Interest Income, Volume and Rate
The tables below present the effect on net interest income of
volume and rate changes. In this analysis, changes due to
volume/rate variance have been allocated to volume.
Year Ended December 2022
versus December 2021
Increase (decrease)
due to change in:
$ in millions
Volume Rate
Net Change
Interest-earning assets
$ 886
$ 1,764
$ 2,650
Deposits with banks
Collateralized agreements
Trading assets
Other interest-earning assets
Change in interest income
Interest-bearing liabilities
Interest-bearing deposits
Collateralized financings
Trading liabilities
Short-term borrowings
Long-term borrowings
Other interest-bearing liabilities
Change in interest expense
Change in net interest income
$ 1,531
$ (323)
$ 1,208
Year Ended December 2021
versus December 2020
Increase (decrease)
due to change in:
$ in millions
Net Change
Interest-earning assets
$ 66
$ (142)
$ (76)
Deposits with banks
Collateralized agreements
Trading assets
Other interest-earning assets
Change in interest income
Interest-bearing liabilities
Interest-bearing deposits
Collateralized financings
Trading liabilities
Short-term borrowings
Long-term borrowings
Other interest-bearing liabilities
Change in interest expense
Change in net interest income
$ 79
$ 1,640
$ 1,719
The table below presents information about interest-bearing
Year Ended December
$ in millions
2022 2021
Average balances
Savings and demand
$ 231,693 $ 174,745
70,985 57,222
Total U.S.
302,678 231,967
45,066 43,709
29,596 29,190
Total non-U.S.
74,662 72,899
$ 377,340 $ 304,866
Average interest rates
Savings and demand
1.69% 0.34%
1.48% 0.89%
Total U.S.
1.64% 0.47%
1.20% 0.33%
1.09% 0.21%
Total non-U.S.
1.16% 0.28%
1.54% 0.43%
Supplemental Financial Information
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
In the table above, deposits are classified as U.S. and non-
U.S. based on the location of the entity in which such
deposits are held.
The amount of deposits in U.S. offices held by non-U.S.
depositors was $6.39 billion as of December 2022 and
$7.56billion as of December 2021.
The amount of uninsured deposits in U.S. offices was $128.72
billion as of December 2022 and $127.05 billion as of
December 2021. The amount of uninsured deposits in non-
U.S. offices was $41.33 billion as of December 2022 and
$49.08billion as of December 2021.
The table below presents uninsured time deposits by
As of December 2022
$ in millions U.S. Non-U.S.
3 months or less
$ 5,064
$ 11,093
3 to 6 months
6 to 12 months
Greater than 12 months
$ 11,146
$ 18,777
In the table above:
All U.S. time deposits were in accounts eligible for FDIC
insurance and non-U.S. time deposits include deposits in
accounts eligible for insurance in their local jurisdictions,
as well as deposits in uninsured accounts.
The insurance limit is allocated between time and other
deposits on a pro-rata basis for account holders who have
both time and other deposits that, in aggregate, exceed the
insurance limit.
Loan Portfolio
The table below presents information about loans.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
$ 40,135
22 %
$ 37,643
23 %
Commercial real estate
16 %
18 %
Residential real estate
12 %
15 %
9 %
10 %
Other collateralized
28 %
24 %
3 %
2 %
Credit cards
9 %
5 %
1 %
3 %
$ 184,829
100 %
$ 162,135
100 %
Maturities and Interest Rates. The table below presents
gross loans by tenor.
As of December 2022
More than More than
1 year 1 year to 5 years to More than
$ in millions
or less 5 years 15 years 15 years Total
$ 3,078
$ 30,605
$ 6,451
$ 1
$ 40,135
Commercial real estate
Residential real estate
Other collateralized
Credit cards
$ 65,923
$ 96,517
$ 11,491
$ 10,898
$ 184,829
The table below presents the gross loans by tenor and for
loans with tenors greater than one year, the distributions of
such loans between fixed and floating interest rates.
As of December 2022
1 year More than one year
$ in millions
or less Fixed-rate Floating-rate Total
Corporate $ 3,078 $ 533 $ 36,524 $ 40,135
Commercial real estate 4,736 607 23,536 28,879
Residential real estate 3,934 11,290 7,811 23,035
Securities-based 16,666 5 16,671
Other collateralized 20,522 880 30,300 51,702
Installment 129 6,197 6,326
Credit cards 15,820 15,820
Other 1,038 455 768 2,261
Total $ 65,923 $ 19,962 $ 98,944 $ 184,829
Allowance for Loan Losses
The table below presents information about the allowance
for loan losses.
As of December
$ in millions 2022 2021
Corporate $ 1,535 $ 1,288
Commercial real estate 572 482
Residential real estate 122 141
Other collateralized 264 153
Other 69 71
Wholesale 2,562 2,135
Installment 831 490
Credit cards 2,150 948
Consumer 2,981 1,438
Total $ 5,543 $ 3,573
The table below presents information about the net charge-
off ratio for loans accounted for at amortized cost.
Net Average Net charge-
$ in millions Charge-offs balance off ratio
Year Ended December 2022
Wholesale $ 253 $ 144,129 0.2%
Installment 46 4,711 1.0%
Credit cards 427 11,984 3.6%
Consumer 473 16,695 2.8%
Total $ 726 $ 160,824 0.5%
Year Ended December 2021
Wholesale $ 130 $ 111,088 0.1%
Installment 68 3,497 1.9%
Credit cards 135 5,495 2.5%
Consumer 203 8,992 2.3%
Total $ 333 $ 120,080 0.3%
In the table above, the net charge-off ratio is calculated by
dividing the net charge-offs by average gross loans accounted
for at amortized cost. Net charge-offs for wholesale loans
were primarily related to corporate loans for both 2022 and
Supplemental Financial Information
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 231
Item 9. Changes in and Disagreements
with Accountants on Accounting and
Financial Disclosure
There were no changes in or disagreements with accountants
on accounting and financial disclosure during the last two
Item 9A. Controls and Procedures
As of the end of the period covered by this report, an
evaluation was carried out by our management, with the
participation of our Chief Executive Officer and Chief
Financial Officer, of the effectiveness of our disclosure
controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 13a-15(e) under
the Exchange Act). Based on that evaluation, our Chief
Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer concluded that
these disclosure controls and procedures were effective as of
the end of the period covered by this report. In addition, no
change in our internal control over financial reporting (as
defined in Rule 13a-15(f) under the Exchange Act) occurred
during the fourth quarter of our year ended December 31,
2022 that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to
materially affect, our internal control over financial
Management’s Report on Internal Control over Financial
Reporting and the Report of Independent Registered Public
Accounting Firm are set forth in Part II, Item 8 of this Form
Item 9B. Other Information
Not applicable.
Item 9C. Disclosure Regarding Foreign
Jurisdictions that Prevent Inspections
Not applicable.
Item 10. Directors, Executive Officers
and Corporate Governance
Information about our executive officers is included on page
24 of this Form 10-K. Information about our directors,
including our audit committee and audit committee financial
experts and the procedures by which shareholders can
recommend director nominees, and our executive officers will
be in our definitive Proxy Statement for our 2023 Annual
Meeting of Shareholders, which will be filed within 120 days
of the end of 2022 (2023 Proxy Statement) and is incorporated
in this Form 10-K by reference. Information about our Code
of Business Conduct and Ethics, which applies to our senior
financial officers, is included in “Business Available
Information” in Part I, Item 1 of this Form 10-K.
Item 11. Executive Compensation
Information relating to our executive officer and director
compensation and the compensation committee of the Board
will be in the 2023 Proxy Statement and is incorporated in
this Form 10-K by reference.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
Item 12. Security Ownership of Certain
Beneficial Owners and Management
and Related Stockholder Matters
Information relating to security ownership of certain
beneficial owners of our common stock and information
relating to the security ownership of our management will be
in the 2023 Proxy Statement and is incorporated in this Form
10-K by reference.
The table below presents information as of December 31,
2022 regarding securities to be issued pursuant to outstanding
restricted stock units (RSUs) and securities remaining
available for issuance under our equity compensation plans
that were in effect during 2022.
Plan Category
to be Issued
Exercise of
Options and
Rights (a)
Price of
Options (b)
For Future
Under Equity
Plans (c)
Equity compensation plans:
Approved by security holders
23,282,691 N/A 60,775,322
Not approved by security holders
23,282,691 60,775,322
In the table above:
Securities to be Issued Upon Exercise of Outstanding
Options and Rights includes 20,288,851 shares that may be
issued pursuant to outstanding RSUs. These awards are
subject to vesting and other conditions to the extent set
forth in the respective award agreements, and the
underlying shares will be delivered net of any required tax
withholding. As of December 31, 2022, there were no
outstanding options.
Shares underlying RSUs are deliverable without the
payment of any consideration, and therefore these awards
have not been taken into account in calculating the
weighted average exercise price.
Securities Available For Future Issuance Under Equity
Compensation Plans represents shares remaining to be
issued under our current stock incentive plan (SIP),
excluding shares reflected in column (a). If any shares of
common stock underlying awards granted under our
current SIP, our SIP adopted in 2018, our SIP adopted in
2015 or our SIP adopted in 2013 are not delivered due to
forfeiture, termination or cancellation or are surrendered or
withheld, those shares will again become available to be
delivered under our current SIP. Shares available for grant
are also subject to adjustment for certain changes in
corporate structure as permitted under our current SIP.
Item 13. Certain Relationships and
Related Transactions, and Director
Information regarding certain relationships and related
transactions and director independence will be in the 2023
Proxy Statement and is incorporated in this Form 10-K by
Item 14. Principal Accountant Fees and
Information regarding principal accountant fees and services
will be in the 2023 Proxy Statement and is incorporated in
this Form 10-K by reference.
Item 15. Exhibit and Financial
Statement Schedules
(a) Documents filed as part of this Report:
1. Consolidated Financial Statements
The consolidated financial statements required to be filed in
this Form 10-K are included in Part II, Item 8 hereof.
2. Exhibits
2.1 Plan of Incorporation (incorporated by reference to
Exhibit 2.1 to the Registrant’s Registration
Statement on Form S-1 (No. 333-74449)).
3.1 Restated Certificate of Incorporation of The
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., amended as of
November 10, 2021 (incorporated by reference to
Exhibit 3.1 to the Registrant's Current Report on
Form 8-K, filed on November 10, 2021).
3.2 Amended and Restated By-Laws of The Goldman
Sachs Group, Inc., amended as of October 28, 2021
(incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3.1 to the
Registrant’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for
the quarter ended September 30, 2021).
4.1 Description of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.’s
Securities registered pursuant to Section 12 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
4.2 Indenture, dated as of May 19, 1999, between The
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and The Bank of New
York, as trustee (incorporated by reference to
Exhibit 6 to the Registrant’s Registration
Statement on Form 8-A, filed on June 29, 1999).
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 233
4.3 Subordinated Debt Indenture, dated as of February
20, 2004, between The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
and The Bank of New York, as trustee (incorporated
by reference to Exhibit 4.2 to the Registrant’s Annual
Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
November 28, 2003).
4.4 Warrant Indenture, dated as of February 14, 2006,
between The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and The
Bank of New York, as trustee (incorporated by
reference to Exhibit 4.34 to the Registrant’s Post-
Effective Amendment No. 3 to Form S-3, filed on
March 1, 2006).
4.5 Senior Debt Indenture, dated as of December 4, 2007,
among GS Finance Corp., as issuer, The Goldman
Sachs Group, Inc., as guarantor, and The Bank of
New York, as trustee (incorporated by reference to
Exhibit 4.69 to the Registrant’s Post-Effective
Amendment No. 10 to Form S-3, filed on December 4,
4.6 Senior Debt Indenture, dated as of July 16, 2008,
between The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and The
Bank of New York Mellon, as trustee (incorporated
by reference to Exhibit 4.82 to the Registrant’s Post-
Effective Amendment No. 11 to Form S-3 (No.
333-130074), filed on July 17, 2008).
4.7 Fourth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of December
31, 2016, between The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
and The Bank of New York Mellon, as trustee, with
respect to the Senior Debt Indenture, dated as of July
16, 2008 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to
the Registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K, filed on
January 6, 2017).
4.8 Senior Debt Indenture, dated as of October 10, 2008,
among GS Finance Corp., as issuer, The Goldman
Sachs Group, Inc., as guarantor, and The Bank of
New York Mellon, as trustee (incorporated by
reference to Exhibit 4.70 to the Registrant’s
Registration Statement on Form S-3 (No. 333-154173),
filed on October 10, 2008).
4.9 First Supplemental Indenture, dated as of February 20,
2015, among GS Finance Corp., as issuer, The
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., as guarantor, and The
Bank of New York Mellon, as trustee, with respect to
the Senior Debt Indenture, dated as of October 10,
2008 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.7 to the
Registrant’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2014).
4.10 Fourth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of August
21, 2018, among GS Finance Corp., as issuer, The
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., as guarantor, and The
Bank of New York Mellon, as trustee, with respect
to the Senior Debt Indenture, dated as of October
10, 2008 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1
to the Registrant’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q
for the period ended September 30, 2018).
4.11 Ninth Supplemental Subordinated Debt Indenture,
dated as of May 20, 2015, between The Goldman
Sachs Group, Inc. and The Bank of New York
Mellon, as trustee, with respect to the
Subordinated Debt Indenture, dated as of February
20, 2004 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1
to the Registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K,
filed on May 22, 2015).
4.12 Tenth Supplemental Subordinated Debt Indenture,
dated as of July 7, 2017, between The Goldman
Sachs Group, Inc. and The Bank of New York
Mellon, as trustee, with respect to the
Subordinated Debt Indenture, dated as of February
20, 2004 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.89
to the Registrant’s Registration Statement on Form
S-3 (No. 333-219206), filed on July 10, 2017).
4.13 Seventh Supplemental Indenture, dated as of July
1, 2020, among GS Finance Corp., as issuer, The
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., as guarantor, and The
Bank of New York Mellon, as trustee, with respect
to the Senior Debt Indenture, dated as of October
10, 2008 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.69
to the Registrant's Registration Statement on Form
S-3 (No. 333-239610), filed on July 1, 2020).
4.14 Eighth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of
October 14, 2020, among GS Finance Corp., as
issuer, The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., as
guarantor, and The Bank of New York Mellon, as
trustee, with respect to the Senior Debt Indenture,
dated as of October 10, 2008 (incorporated by
reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the Registrant’s Current
Report on Form 8-K, filed on October 14, 2020).
Certain instruments defining the rights of holders
of long-term debt securities of the Registrant and
its subsidiaries are omitted pursuant to Item
601(b)(4)(iii) of Regulation S-K. The Registrant
hereby undertakes to furnish to the SEC, upon
request, copies of any such instruments.
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
10.1 The Goldman Sachs Amended and Restated Stock
Incentive Plan (2021) (incorporated by reference to
Annex C to the Registrant’s Definitive Proxy
Statement on Schedule 14A, filed on March 19, 2021).
10.2 The Goldman Sachs Partner Compensation Plan
(incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.18 to the
Registrant’s Registration Statement on Form S-1 (No.
333-74449)). †
10.3 The Goldman Sachs Amended and Restated
Restricted Partner Compensation Plan (incorporated
by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the Registrant’s
Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period ended
February 24, 2006). †
10.4 Form of Employment Agreement for Participating
Managing Directors (incorporated by reference to
Exhibit 10.19 to the Registrant’s Registration
Statement on Form S-1 (No. 333-75213)). †
10.5 Form of Agreement Relating to Noncompetition and
Other Covenants (incorporated by reference to
Exhibit 10.20 to the Registrant’s Registration
Statement on Form S-1 (No. 333-75213)). †
10.6 Amended and Restated Shareholders’ Agreement,
effective as of December 31, 2019, among The
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and various parties
(incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.6 to the
Registrant’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2019).
10.7 Instrument of Indemnification (incorporated by
reference to Exhibit 10.27 to the Registrant’s
Registration Statement on Form S-1 (No. 333-75213)).
10.8 Form of Indemnification Agreement (incorporated by
reference to Exhibit 10.28 to the Registrant’s Annual
Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
November 26, 1999).
10.9 Form of Indemnification Agreement (incorporated by
reference to Exhibit 10.44 to the Registrant’s Annual
Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
November 26, 1999).
10.10 Form of Indemnification Agreement, dated as of July
5, 2000 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to
the Registrant’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for
the period ended August 25, 2000).
10.11 Form of Amendment, dated November 27, 2004, to
Agreement Relating to Noncompetition and Other
Covenants, dated May 7, 1999 (incorporated by
reference to Exhibit 10.32 to the Registrant’s Annual
Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
November 26, 2004). †
10.12 Form of Non-Employee Director RSU Award
Agreement (pre-2015) (incorporated by reference
to Exhibit 10.21 to the Registrant’s Annual Report
on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December
31, 2014). †
10.13 Ground Lease, dated August 23, 2005, between
Battery Park City Authority d/b/a/ Hugh L. Carey
Battery Park City Authority, as Landlord, and
Goldman Sachs Headquarters LLC, as Tenant
(incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the
Registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K, filed on
August 26, 2005).
10.14 General Guarantee Agreement, dated January 30,
2006, made by The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
relating to certain obligations of Goldman Sachs &
Co. LLC (incorporated by reference to Exhibit
10.45 to the Registrant’s Annual Report on Form
10-K for the fiscal year ended November 25, 2005).
10.15 Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC Executive Life
Insurance Policy and Certificate with Metropolitan
Life Insurance Company for Participating
Managing Directors (incorporated by reference to
Exhibit 10.1 to the Registrant’s Quarterly Report
on Form 10-Q for the period ended August 25,
2006). †
10.16 Form of Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC Executive Life
Insurance Policy with Pacific Life & Annuity
Company for Participating Managing Directors,
including policy specifications and form of
restriction on Policy Owner’s Rights (incorporated
by reference to Exhibit 10.2 to the Registrant’s
Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period
ended August 25, 2006). †
10.17 Form of Second Amendment, dated November 25,
2006, to Agreement Relating to Noncompetition
and Other Covenants, dated May 7, 1999, as
amended effective November 27, 2004
(incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.51 to the
Registrant’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
fiscal year ended November 24, 2006). †
10.18 Description of PMD Retiree Medical Program
(incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.20 to the
Registrant’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2021). †
10.19 Letter, dated June 28, 2008, from The Goldman
Sachs Group, Inc. to Mr. Lakshmi N. Mittal
(incorporated by reference to Exhibit 99.1 to the
Registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K, filed on
June 30, 2008). †
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 235
10.20 General Guarantee Agreement, dated December 1,
2008, made by The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
relating to certain obligations of Goldman Sachs
Bank USA (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.80
to the Registrant’s Post-Effective Amendment No. 2
to Form S-3, filed on March 19, 2009).
10.21 Form of One-Time RSU Award Agreement
(pre-2015) (incorporated by reference to Exhibit
10.32 to the Registrant’s Annual Report on Form 10-
K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2014). †
10.22 Amendments to Certain Non-Employee Director
Equity Award Agreements (incorporated by
reference to Exhibit 10.69 to the Registrant’s Annual
Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
November 28, 2008). †
10.23 Form of Year-End RSU Award Agreement (not fully
vested) (pre-2015) (incorporated by reference to
Exhibit 10.36 to the Registrant’s Annual Report on
Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31,
2014). †
10.24 Form of Year-End RSU Award Agreement (fully
vested) (pre-2015) (incorporated by reference to
Exhibit 10.37 to the Registrant’s Annual Report on
Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31,
2014). †
10.25 Form of Year-End RSU Award Agreement (Base and/
or Supplemental) (pre-2015) (incorporated by
reference to Exhibit 10.38 to the Registrant’s Annual
Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
December 31, 2014). †
10.26 Form of Year-End Restricted Stock Award
Agreement (fully vested) (pre-2015) (incorporated by
reference to Exhibit 10.41 to the Registrant’s Annual
Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
December 31, 2013). †
10.27 Form of Year-End Restricted Stock Award
Agreement (Base and/or Supplemental) (pre-2015)
(incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.41 to the
Registrant’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2014). †
10.28 Form of Fixed Allowance RSU Award Agreement
(pre-2015) (incorporated by reference to Exhibit
10.43 to the Registrant’s Annual Report on Form 10-
K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2014). †
10.29 Form of Deed of Gift (incorporated by reference to
Exhibit 10.1 to the Registrant’s Quarterly Report on
Form 10-Q for the period ended June 30, 2010). †
10.30 The Goldman Sachs Long-Term Performance
Incentive Plan, dated December 17, 2010
(incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the
Registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K, filed on
December 23, 2010). †
10.31 Form of Performance-Based Restricted Stock Unit
Award Agreement (pre-2015) (incorporated by
reference to Exhibit 10.2 to the Registrant’s
Current Report on Form 8-K, filed on December
23, 2010). †
10.32 Form of Performance-Based Option Award
Agreement (incorporated by reference to Exhibit
10.3 to the Registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-
K, filed on December 23, 2010). †
10.33 Form of Performance-Based Cash Compensation
Award Agreement (pre-2015) (incorporated by
reference to Exhibit 10.4 to the Registrant’s
Current Report on Form 8-K, filed on December
23, 2010). †
10.34 Amended and Restated General Guarantee
Agreement, dated November 21, 2011, made by
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. relating to certain
obligations of Goldman Sachs Bank USA
(incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the
Registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K, filed on
November 21, 2011).
10.35 Form of Aircraft Time Sharing Agreement
(incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.61 to the
Registrant’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2011). †
10.36 The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Clawback Policy,
effective as of January 1, 2015 (incorporated by
reference to Exhibit 10.53 to the Registrant’s
Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year
ended December 31, 2014).
10.37 Form of Non-Employee Director RSU Award
Agreement. †
10.38 Form of One-Time/Year-End RSU Award
Agreement. †
10.39 Form of Year-End RSU Award Agreement (not
fully vested). †
10.40 Form of Year-End RSU Award Agreement (fully
vested). †
10.41 Form of Year-End RSU Award Agreement (Base
(not fully vested) and/or Supplemental). †
10.42 Form of Year-End Short-Term RSU Award
Agreement. †
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
10.43 Form of Year-End Restricted Stock Award
Agreement (incorporated by reference to Exhibit
10.46 to the Registrant's Annual Report on Form 10-
K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020). †
10.44 Form of Year-End Restricted Stock Award
Agreement (fully vested) (incorporated by reference
to Exhibit 10.53 to the Registrant's Annual Report on
Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31,
2017). †
10.45 Form of Year-End Short-Term Restricted Stock
Award Agreement (incorporated by reference to
Exhibit 10.57 to the Registrant’s Annual Report on
Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31,
2015). †
10.46 Form of Fixed Allowance RSU Award Agreement. †
10.47 Form of Fixed Allowance Restricted Stock Award
Agreement. †
10.48 Form of Fixed Allowance Deferred Cash Award
Agreement (incorporated by reference to Exhibit
10.59 to the Registrant’s Annual Report on Form 10-
K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2015). †
10.49 Form of Performance-Based Restricted Stock Unit
Award Agreement (fully vested). †
10.50 Form of Performance-Based Restricted Stock Unit
Award Agreement (not fully vested). †
10.51 Form of Performance-Based Cash Compensation
Award Agreement (incorporated by reference to
Exhibit 10.61 to the Registrant’s Annual Report on
Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31,
2015). †
10.52 Form of Signature Card for Equity Awards. †
10.53 Amended and Restated General Guarantee
Agreement, dated September 28, 2018, made by The
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. relating to certain
obligations of Goldman Sachs Bank USA
(incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the
Registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K, filed on
September 28, 2018).
10.54 Amended and Restated General Guarantee
Agreement, dated September 28, 2018, made by
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. relating to certain
obligations of Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC
(incorporated by reference to Exhibit 99.1 to the
Registrant’s Current Report on Form 8-K, filed on
September 28, 2018).
10.55 Lease, dated August 17, 2018, between Farringdon
Street Partners Limited and Farringdon Street
(Nominee) Limited, as Landlord, and Goldman
Sachs International, as Tenant (incorporated by
reference to Exhibit 10.3 to the Registrant’s
Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period
ended September 30, 2018).
21.1 List of significant subsidiaries of The Goldman
Sachs Group, Inc.
22.1 Issuers of guaranteed securities (incorporated by
reference to Exhibit 22.1 to the Registrant's Post-
Effective Amendment No. 1 to Form S-3, filed on
February 18, 2021).
23.1 Consent of Independent Registered Public
Accounting Firm.
31.1 Rule 13a-14(a) Certifications.
32.1 Section 1350 Certifications (This information is
furnished and not filed for purposes of Sections 11
and 12 of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 18
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934).
101 Pursuant to Rules 405 and 406 of Regulation S-T,
the following information is formatted in iXBRL
(Inline eXtensible Business Reporting Language):
(i) the Consolidated Statements of Earnings for the
years ended December 31, 2022, December 31,
2021 and December 31, 2020, (ii) the Consolidated
Statements of Comprehensive Income for the years
ended December 31, 2022, December 31, 2021 and
December 31, 2020, (iii) the Consolidated Balance
Sheets as of December 31, 2022 and December 31,
2021, (iv) the Consolidated Statements of Changes
in Shareholders’ Equity for the years ended
December 31, 2022, December 31, 2021 and
December 31, 2020, (v) the Consolidated
Statements of Cash Flows for the years ended
December 31, 2022, December 31, 2021 and
December 31, 2020, (vi) the notes to the
Consolidated Financial Statements and (vii) the
cover page.
104 Cover Page Interactive Data File (formatted in
iXBRL in Exhibit 101).
This exhibit is a management contract or a compensatory plan or
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K 237
Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly
caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
By: /s/ Denis P. Coleman III
Name: Denis P. Coleman III
Chief Financial Officer
Date: February 23, 2023
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934, this report has been signed below by the following
persons on behalf of the Registrant and in the capacities and
on the dates indicated.
By: /s/ David Solomon
Name: David Solomon
Title: Director, Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer (Principal Executive Officer)
Date: February 23, 2023
By: /s/ M. Michele Burns
Name: M. Michele Burns
Title: Director
Date: February 23, 2023
By: /s/ Drew G. Faust
Name: Drew G. Faust
Title: Director
Date: February 23, 2023
By: /s/ Mark A. Flaherty
Name: Mark A. Flaherty
Title: Director
Date: February 23, 2023
By: /s/ Kimberley D. Harris
Name: Kimberley D. Harris
Title: Director
Date: February 23, 2023
By: /s/ Kevin R. Johnson
Name: Kevin R. Johnson
Title: Director
Date: February 23, 2023
By: /s/ Ellen J. Kullman
Name: Ellen J. Kullman
Title: Director
Date: February 23, 2023
By: /s/ Lakshmi N. Mittal
Name: Lakshmi N. Mittal
Title: Director
Date: February 23, 2023
By: /s/ Adebayo O. Ogunlesi
Name: Adebayo O. Ogunlesi
Title: Director
Date: February 23, 2023
By: /s/ Peter Oppenheimer
Name: Peter Oppenheimer
Title: Director
Date: February 23, 2023
By: /s/ Jan E. Tighe
Name: Jan E. Tighe
Title: Director
Date: February 23, 2023
By: /s/ Jessica R. Uhl
Name: Jessica R. Uhl
Title: Director
Date: February 23, 2023
By: /s/ David A. Viniar
Name: David A. Viniar
Title: Director
Date: February 23, 2023
By: /s/ Mark O. Winkelman
Name: Mark O. Winkelman
Title: Director
Date: February 23, 2023
By: /s/ Denis P. Coleman III
Name: Denis P. Coleman III
Title: Chief Financial Officer
(Principal Financial Officer)
Date: February 23, 2023
By: /s/ Sheara J. Fredman
Name: Sheara J. Fredman
Title: Chief Accounting Officer
(Principal Accounting Officer)
Date: February 23, 2023
Goldman Sachs 2022 Form 10-K
The following is a description of each class of securities of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (the “Company”) that
is registered under Section 12 of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, as of December 31,
Description of Common Stock ...................................................................................................................................
Description of the Depositary Shares, Each Representing 1/1,000th Interest in a Share of Floating
Rate Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock, Series A...........................................................................................
Description of the Depositary Shares, Each Representing 1/1,000th Interest in a Share of Floating
Rate Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock, Series C ..........................................................................................
Description of the Depositary Shares, Each Representing 1/1,000th Interest in a Share of Floating
Rate Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock, Series D ..........................................................................................
Description of the Depositary Shares, Each Representing 1/1,000th Interest in a Share of 5.50%
Fixed-to-Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock, Series J ............................................................
Description of the Depositary Shares, Each Representing 1/1,000th Interest in a Share of 6.375%
Fixed-to-Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock, Series K ...........................................................
Description of (i) 5.793% Fixed-to-Floating Rate Normal Automatic Preferred Enhanced Capital
Securities of Goldman Sachs Capital II (Fully and Unconditionally Guaranteed by The Goldman
Sachs Group, Inc.) and (ii) Floating Rate Normal Automatic Preferred Enhanced Capital Securities
of Goldman Sachs Capital III (Fully and Unconditionally Guaranteed by The Goldman Sachs
Group, Inc.) ..........................................................................................................................................................
Description of Medium-Term Notes, Series F, Callable Fixed and Floating Rate Notes due March
2031 of GS Finance Corp. (Fully and Unconditionally Guaranteed by The Goldman Sachs Group,
Inc. ........................................................................................................................................................................
Description of Medium-Term Notes, Series F, Callable Fixed and Floating Rate Notes due May
2031 of GS Finance Corp. (Fully and Unconditionally Guaranteed by The Goldman Sachs Group,
Inc.) .......................................................................................................................................................................
Exhibit 4.1
The following is a brief description of the material terms of the Company’s common stock. The following summary
does not purport to be complete and is qualified in its entirety by reference to the pertinent sections of the
Company’s restated certificate of incorporation and the Company’s amended and restated by-laws, which are
exhibits to the Annual Report of which this exhibit is a part. Unless the context otherwise provides, all references to
the Company in this description refer only to The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and does not include its
consolidated subsidiaries.
Pursuant to the Company’s restated certificate of incorporation, the Company’s authorized capital stock consists of
4,350,000,000 shares, each with a par value of $0.01 per share, of which 4,000,000,000 shares are designated as
common stock and 200,000,000 shares are designated as nonvoting common stock. All outstanding shares of
common stock are validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable, which means that its holders have paid their
purchase price in full and that the Company may not ask them to surrender additional funds.
The Company’s Shareholders’ Agreement governs, among other things, the voting of shares of common stock
owned by participating managing directors of the Company. Shares of common stock subject to the Company’s
Shareholders’ Agreement are called “voting shares.” Before any of the Company’s shareholders vote, a separate,
preliminary vote is held by the persons covered by the Company’s Shareholders’ Agreement. In the election of
directors, all voting shares will be voted in favor of the election of the director nominees receiving the highest
numbers of votes cast by the covered persons in the preliminary vote. For all other matters, all voting shares will
be voted in accordance with the majority of the votes cast by the covered persons in the preliminary vote.
Common Stock
Each holder of common stock is entitled to one vote for each share owned of record on all matters submitted to a
vote of shareholders. There are no cumulative voting rights. Accordingly, the holders of a plurality of the shares of
common stock voting in a contested election of directors can elect all the directors if they choose to do so, subject
to any voting rights of holders of preferred stock to elect directors. In an uncontested director election, a director
must receive a majority of the votes cast for or against the director to be elected.
Subject to the preferential rights of any holders of any outstanding series of preferred stock, the holders of
common stock, together with the holders of the nonvoting common stock, are entitled to such dividends and
distributions, whether payable in cash or otherwise, as may be declared from time to time by the Company’s board
of directors from legally available funds. Subject to the preferential rights of holders of any outstanding series of
preferred stock, upon the Company’s liquidation, dissolution or winding up and after payment of all prior claims, the
holders of common stock, with the shares of the common stock and the nonvoting common stock being
considered as a single class for this purpose, will be entitled to receive pro rata all the Company’s assets. Holders
of common stock have no redemption or conversion rights or preemptive rights to purchase or subscribe for
securities of the Company.
Nonvoting Common Stock
The nonvoting common stock has the same rights and privileges as, ranks equally and shares proportionately
with, and is identical in all respects as to all matters to, the common stock, except that the nonvoting common
stock has no voting rights other than those voting rights required by law.
Section 203 of the Delaware General Corporation Law
The Company is subject to the provisions of Section 203 of the Delaware General Corporation Law. In general,
Section 203 prohibits a publicly held Delaware corporation from engaging in a “business combination” with an
“interested stockholder” for a period of three years after the date of the transaction in which the person became an
interested stockholder, unless the business combination is approved in a prescribed manner. A “business
combination” includes a merger, asset sale or a transaction resulting in a financial benefit to the interested
stockholder. An “interested stockholder” is a person who, together with affiliates and associates, owns (or, in
certain cases, within the preceding three years, did own) 15% or more of the corporation’s outstanding voting
stock. Under Section 203, a business combination between the Company and an interested stockholder is
prohibited unless it satisfies one of the following conditions:
prior to the stockholder becoming an interested stockholder, the board of directors of the
Company must have previously approved either the business combination or the transaction that
resulted in the stockholder becoming an interested stockholder;
on consummation of the transaction that resulted in the stockholder becoming an interested
stockholder, the interested stockholder owned at least 85% of the voting stock of the Company
outstanding at the time the transaction commenced, excluding, for purposes of determining the
number of shares outstanding (but not the outstanding voting stock owned by the interested
stockholder), those shares owned (i) by persons who are directors and also officers and (ii)
employee stock plans in which employee participants do not have the right to determine
confidentially whether shares held subject to the plan will be tendered in a tender or exchange
offer; or
at or subsequent to such time the business combination is approved by the board of directors and
authorized at an annual or special meeting of stockholders, and not by written consent, by the
affirmative vote of at least 66 2⁄3% of the outstanding voting stock which is not owned by the
interested stockholder.
The Company’s board of directors has adopted a resolution providing that the shareholders’ agreement will not
create an “interested stockholder.”
Certain Anti-Takeover Matters
The Company’s restated certificate of incorporation and amended and restated by-laws include a number of
provisions that may have the effect of encouraging persons considering unsolicited tender offers or other unilateral
takeover proposals to negotiate with the Company’s board of directors rather than pursue non-negotiated takeover
attempts. These provisions include:
Constituency Provision
In accordance with the Company’s restated certificate of incorporation, a director of the Company may (but is not
required to) in taking any action (including an action that may involve or relate to a change or potential change in
control of the Company), consider, among other things, the effects that the Company’s actions may have on other
interests or persons (including its employees, former partners of The Goldman Sachs Group, L.P. and the
community) in addition to the Company’s shareholders.
Advance Notice Requirements
The Company’s amended and restated by-laws establish advance notice procedures with regard to shareholder
proposals relating to the nomination of candidates for election as directors or new business to be brought before
meetings of shareholders of the Company. These procedures provide that notice of such shareholder proposals
must be timely given in writing to the Secretary of the Company prior to the meeting at which the action is to be
taken. The time periods vary depending on the nature of the proposal. The notice must contain certain information
specified in the amended and restated by-laws and must otherwise comply with the amended and restated by-
Limitation on Ability of Shareholders to Call Special Meetings
The Company’s restated certificate of incorporation and amended and restated by-laws provide procedures
pursuant to which holders of record of not less than 25% of the voting power of outstanding shares of the
Company’s common stock may call a special meeting of shareholders. The Company’s amended and restated by-
laws impose certain procedural requirements on shareholders requesting such a meeting (including the provision
of the same information required for shareholder proposals at annual meetings under the Company’s advance
notice by-law provisions described above), as well as qualifications designed to prevent duplicative and
unnecessary meetings.
No Written Consent of Shareholders
The Company’s restated certificate of incorporation requires all shareholder actions to be taken by a vote of the
shareholders at an annual or special meeting, and does not permit the Company’s shareholders to act by written
consent without a meeting.
Blank Check Preferred Stock
The Company’s restated certificate of incorporation provides for 150,000,000 authorized shares of preferred stock.
The existence of authorized but unissued shares of preferred stock may enable the board of directors to render
more difficult or to discourage an attempt to obtain control of the Company by means of a merger, tender offer,
proxy contest or otherwise. For example, if in the due exercise of its fiduciary obligations, the board of directors
were to determine that a takeover proposal is not in the best interests of the Company, the board of directors could
cause shares of preferred stock to be issued without shareholder approval in one or more private offerings or other
transactions that might dilute the voting or other rights of the proposed acquiror or insurgent shareholder or
shareholder group. In this regard, the restated certificate of incorporation grants the Company’s board of directors
broad power to establish the rights and preferences of authorized and unissued shares of preferred stock. The
issuance of shares of preferred stock could decrease the amount of earnings and assets available for distribution
to holders of shares of common stock. The issuance may also adversely affect the rights and powers, including
voting rights, of such holders and may have the effect of delaying, deterring or preventing a change in control of
the Company.
The common stock of the Company is listed on the NYSE under the ticker symbol “GS.”
The depositary is the sole holder of the Company’s Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock, Series A (the
“Series A Preferred Stock”), and all references herein to the holders of the Series A Preferred Stock shall mean
the depositary. However, the holders of depositary shares are entitled, through the depositary, to exercise the
rights and preferences of the holders of the Series A Preferred Stock, as described below under “Description of
Depositary Shares.”
The following is a brief description of the material terms of the Series A Preferred Stock. The following summary of
the terms and provisions of the Series A Preferred Stock does not purport to be complete and is qualified in its
entirety by reference to the pertinent sections of the Company’s restated certificate of incorporation, which is an
exhibit to the Annual Report of which this exhibit is a part. Unless the context otherwise provides, all references to
the Company in this description refer only to The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and does not include its
consolidated subsidiaries.
The Company’s authorized capital stock includes 150,000,000 shares of preferred stock, par value $0.01 per
share. The Series A Preferred Stock is part of a single series of the Company’s authorized preferred stock. The
Company may from time to time, without notice to or the consent of holders of the Series A Preferred Stock, issue
additional shares of the Series A Preferred Stock, up to the maximum number of authorized but unissued shares.
Shares of the Series A Preferred Stock rank senior to the Company’s common stock, equally with each other
series of the Company’s preferred stock outstanding as of December 31, 2020 and at least equally to each other
series of preferred stock that the Company may issue (except for any senior series that may be issued with the
requisite consent of the holders of the Series A Preferred Stock), with respect to the payment of dividends and
distributions of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up. In addition, the Company will generally be able
to pay dividends and distributions upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up only out of lawfully available funds for
such payment (i.e., after taking account of all indebtedness and other non-equity claims). The Series A Preferred
Stock is fully paid and nonassessable, which means that its holders have paid their purchase price in full and that
the Company may not ask them to surrender additional funds. Holders of Series A Preferred Stock do not have
preemptive or subscription rights to acquire more stock of the Company.
The Series A Preferred Stock is not convertible into, or exchangeable for, shares of any other class or series of
stock or other securities of the Company, except under certain limited circumstances described below under “—
Regulatory Changes Relating to Capital Adequacy.” The Series A Preferred Stock has no stated maturity and is not
subject to any sinking fund or other obligation of the Company to redeem or repurchase the Series A Preferred
Stock. The Series A Preferred Stock represents non-withdrawable capital, is not a bank deposit and is not insured
by the FDIC or any other governmental agency, nor is it the obligation of, or guaranteed by, a bank.
Dividends on shares of the Series A Preferred Stock are not mandatory. Holders of Series A Preferred Stock are
entitled to receive, when, as and if declared by the Company’s board of directors or a duly authorized committee of
the board, out of funds legally available for the payment of dividends under Delaware law, non-cumulative cash
dividends from the original issue date, quarterly in arrears on the 10
day of February, May, August and November
of each year (each, a “dividend payment date”). These dividends accrue, with respect to each dividend period, on
the liquidation preference amount of $25,000 per share (equivalent to $25 per depositary share) at a rate per
annum equal to the greater of (1) 0.75% above LIBOR (as described below) on the related LIBOR determination
date (as described below) or (2) 3.75%. In the event that the Company issues additional shares of Series A
Preferred Stock after the original issue date, dividends on such shares may accrue from the original issue date or
any other date the Company specifies at the time such additional shares are issued.
Dividends will be payable to holders of record of Series A Preferred Stock as they appear on the Company’s books
on the applicable record date, which shall be the 15th calendar day before that dividend payment date or such
other record date fixed by the Company’s board of directors (or a duly authorized committee of the board) that is
not more than 60 nor less than 10 days prior to such dividend payment date (each, a “dividend record date”).
These dividend record dates will apply regardless of whether a particular dividend record date is a business day.
The corresponding record dates for the depositary shares are the same as the record dates for the Series A
Preferred Stock.
A dividend period is the period from and including a dividend payment date to but excluding the next dividend
payment date. Dividends payable on the Series A Preferred Stock are computed on the basis of a 360-day year
and the actual number of days elapsed in the dividend period. If any date on which dividends would otherwise be
payable is not a business day, then the dividend payment date will be the next succeeding business day unless
such day falls in the next calendar month, in which case the dividend payment date will be the immediately
preceding day that is a business day.
For any dividend period, LIBOR shall be determined by the calculation agent on the second London business day
immediately preceding the first day of such dividend period in the following manner:
LIBOR will be the offered rate per annum for three-month deposits in U.S. dollars, beginning on
the first day of such period, as that rate appears on Moneyline Telerate Page 3750 as of 11:00
A.M., London time, on the second London business day immediately preceding the first day of
such dividend period.
If the rate described above does not appear on Moneyline Telerate page 3750, LIBOR will be
determined on the basis of the rates, at approximately 11:00 A.M., London time, on the second
London business day immediately preceding the first day of such dividend period, at which
deposits of the following kind are offered to prime banks in the London interbank market by four
major banks in that market selected by the calculation agent: three-month deposits in U.S.
dollars, beginning on the first day of such dividend period, and in a Representative Amount. The
calculation agent will request the principal London office of each of these banks to provide a
quotation of its rate. If at least two quotations are provided, LIBOR for the second London
business day immediately preceding the first day of such dividend period will be the arithmetic
mean of the quotations.
If fewer than two quotations are provided as described above, LIBOR for the second London
business day immediately preceding the first day of such dividend period will be the arithmetic
mean of the rates for loans of the following kind to leading European banks quoted, at
approximately 11:00 A.M. New York City time on the second London business day immediately
preceding the first day of such dividend period, by three major banks in New York City selected
by the calculation agent: three-month loans of U.S. dollars, beginning on the first day of such
dividend period, and in a Representative Amount.
If fewer than three banks selected by the calculation agent are quoting as described above,
LIBOR for the new dividend period will be LIBOR in effect for the prior dividend period.
Under the Federal Reserve System’s (“FRB”) final rule and the Adjustable Interest Rate Act (“LIBOR Act”), on the
first London business day following June 30, 2023, LIBOR will be replaced with three-month term Secured
Overnight Financing Rate (“SOFR”) plus the statutorily prescribed tenor spread.
The calculation agent’s determination of any dividend rate, and its calculation of the amount of dividends for any
dividend period, will be on file at the Company’s principal offices, will be made available to any stockholder upon
request and will be final and binding in the absence of manifest error.
This subsection uses several terms that have special meanings relevant to calculating LIBOR. Those terms have
the following meanings:
The term “Representative Amount” means an amount that, in the calculation agent’s judgment, is representative of
a single transaction in the relevant market at the relevant time.
The term “Moneyline Telerate Page” means the display on Moneyline Telerate, Inc., or any successor service, on
the page or pages specified herein or any replacement page or pages on that service.
The term “business day” means a day that is a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday and is not a day
on which banking institutions in New York City generally are authorized or obligated by law or executive order to
The term “London business day” means a day that is a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday and is a
day on which dealings in U.S. dollars are transacted in the London interbank market.
Dividends on shares of Series A Preferred Stock are not cumulative. Accordingly, if the board of directors of the
Company, or a duly authorized committee of the board, does not declare a dividend on the Series A Preferred
Stock payable in respect of any dividend period before the related dividend payment date, such dividend will not
accrue and the Company will have no obligation to pay a dividend for that dividend period on the dividend payment
date or at any future time, whether or not dividends on the Series A Preferred Stock are declared for any future
dividend period.
So long as any share of Series A Preferred Stock remains outstanding, no dividend shall be paid or declared on
the Company’s common stock or any other shares of the Company’s junior stock (as defined below) (other than a
dividend payable solely in junior stock), and no common stock or other junior stock shall be purchased, redeemed
or otherwise acquired for consideration by the Company, directly or indirectly (other than as a result of a
reclassification of junior stock for or into other junior stock, or the exchange or conversion of one share of junior
stock for or into another share of junior stock and other than through the use of the proceeds of a substantially
contemporaneous sale of junior stock), during a dividend period, unless the full dividends for the latest completed
dividend period on all outstanding shares of Series A Preferred Stock have been declared and paid (or declared
and a sum sufficient for the payment thereof has been set aside). However, the foregoing provision shall not
restrict the ability of Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, or any of the Company’s other affiliates, to engage in any market-
making transactions in the Company’s junior stock in the ordinary course of business.
As used in this description of the Series A Preferred Stock, “junior stock” means any class or series of stock of the
Company that ranks junior to the Series A Preferred Stock either as to the payment of dividends or as to the
distribution of assets upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company. Junior stock includes the
Company’s common stock.
When dividends are not paid (or duly provided for) on any dividend payment date (or, in the case of parity stock, as
defined below, having dividend payment dates different from the dividend payment dates pertaining to the Series A
Preferred Stock, on a dividend payment date falling within the related dividend period for the Series A Preferred
Stock) in full upon the Series A Preferred Stock and any shares of parity stock, all dividends declared upon the
Series A Preferred Stock and all such equally ranking securities payable on such dividend payment date (or, in the
case of parity stock having dividend payment dates different from the dividend payment dates pertaining to the
Series A Preferred Stock, on a dividend payment date falling within the related dividend period for the Series A
Preferred Stock) shall be declared pro rata so that the respective amounts of such dividends shall bear the same
ratio to each other as all accrued but unpaid dividends per share on the Series A Preferred Stock and all parity
stock payable on such dividend payment date (or, in the case of parity stock having dividend payment dates
different from the dividend payment dates pertaining to the Series A Preferred Stock, on a dividend payment date
falling within the related dividend period for the Series A Preferred Stock) bear to each other.
As used in this description of the Series A Preferred Stock, “parity stock” means any other class or series of stock
of the Company that ranks equally with the Series A Preferred Stock in the payment of dividends and in the
distribution of assets on any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company.
Subject to the foregoing, such dividends (payable in cash, stock or otherwise) as may be determined by the
Company’s board of directors (or a duly authorized committee of the board) may be declared and paid on the
Company’s common stock and any other stock ranking equally with or junior to the Series A Preferred Stock from
time to time out of any funds legally available for such payment, and the shares of the Series A Preferred Stock
shall not be entitled to participate in any such dividend.
Liquidation Rights
Upon any voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company, holders of the Series A
Preferred Stock are entitled to receive out of assets of the Company available for distribution to stockholders, after
satisfaction of liabilities to creditors, if any, before any distribution of assets is made to holders of common stock or
of any of the Company’s other shares of stock ranking junior as to such a distribution to the shares of Series A
Preferred Stock, a liquidating distribution in the amount of $25,000 per share (equivalent to $25 per depositary
share) plus declared and unpaid dividends, without accumulation of any undeclared dividends. Holders of the
Series A Preferred Stock will not be entitled to any other amounts from the Company after they have received their
full liquidation preference.
In any such distribution, if the assets of the Company are not sufficient to pay the liquidation preferences in full to
all holders of the Series A Preferred Stock and all holders of any other shares of the Company’s stock ranking
equally as to such distribution with the Series A Preferred Stock, the amounts paid to the holders of Series A
Preferred Stock and to the holders of all such other stock will be paid pro rata in accordance with the respective
aggregate liquidation preferences of those holders. In any such distribution, the “liquidation preference” of any
holder of preferred stock means the amount payable to such holder in such distribution, including any declared but
unpaid dividends (and any unpaid, accrued cumulative dividends in the case of any holder of stock on which
dividends accrue on a cumulative basis). If the liquidation preference has been paid in full to all holders of Series A
Preferred Stock, the holders of the Company’s other stock shall be entitled to receive all remaining assets of the
Company according to their respective rights and preferences.
For purposes of this description of the Series A Preferred Stock, the merger or consolidation of the Company with
any other entity, including a merger or consolidation in which the holders of Series A Preferred Stock receive cash,
securities or property for their shares, or the sale, lease or exchange of all or substantially all of the assets of the
Company for cash, securities or other property shall not constitute a liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
The Series A Preferred Stock is not subject to any mandatory redemption, sinking fund or other similar provisions.
The Series A Preferred Stock is currently redeemable at the Company’s option, in whole or in part, upon not less
than 30 nor more than 60 days’ notice, at a redemption price equal to $25,000 per share (equivalent to $25 per
depositary share), plus declared and unpaid dividends, without accumulation of any undeclared dividends. Holders
of Series A Preferred Stock have no right to require the redemption or repurchase of the Series A Preferred Stock.
If shares of the Series A Preferred Stock are to be redeemed, the notice of redemption shall be given by first-class
mail to the holders of record of the Series A Preferred Stock to be redeemed, mailed not less than 30 days nor
more than 60 days prior to the date fixed for redemption thereof (provided that, if the depositary shares
representing the Series A Preferred Stock are held in book-entry form through The Depository Trust Company, or
“DTC,” the Company may give such notice in any manner permitted by the DTC). Each notice of redemption will
include a statement setting forth: (i) the redemption date, (ii) the number of shares of the Series A Preferred Stock
to be redeemed and, if less than all the shares held by such holder are to be redeemed, the number of such
shares to be redeemed from such holder, (iii) the redemption price and (iv) the place or places where holders may
surrender certificates evidencing shares of Series A Preferred Stock for payment of the redemption price. If notice
of redemption of any shares of Series A Preferred Stock has been given and if the funds necessary for such
redemption have been set aside by the Company for the benefit of the holders of any shares of Series A Preferred
Stock so called for redemption, then, from and after the redemption date, dividends will cease to accrue on such
shares of Series A Preferred Stock, such shares of Series A Preferred Stock shall no longer be deemed
outstanding and all rights of the holders of such shares will terminate, except the right to receive the redemption
In case of any redemption of only part of the shares of the Series A Preferred Stock at the time outstanding, the
shares to be redeemed shall be selected either pro rata or in such other manner as the Company may determine
to be fair and equitable.
See “Description of Depositary Shares” below for information about redemption of the depositary shares relating to
the Company’s Series A Preferred Stock.
Regulatory Changes Relating to Capital Adequacy
The SEC had previously approved the application of the Company and Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC to be
supervised by the SEC as a consolidated supervised entity (“CSE”) pursuant to the SEC’s rules at that time
relating to CSEs (referred to as the “CSE Rules”). The Company treated the Series A Preferred Stock as allowable
capital in accordance with the CSE Rules (such capital is referred to below as “Allowable Capital”).
If the regulatory capital requirements that apply to the Company change in the future, the Series A Preferred Stock
may be converted, at the Company’s option and without consent of the holders, into a new series of preferred
stock, subject to the limitations described below. The Company will be entitled to exercise this conversion right as
If both of the following occur:
the Company (by election or otherwise) becomes subject to any law, rule, regulation or guidance
(together, “regulations”) relating to the Company’s capital adequacy, which regulation (i) modifies
the existing requirements for treatment as Allowable Capital, (ii) provides for a type or level of
capital characterized as “Tier 1” or its equivalent pursuant to regulations of any governmental
body having jurisdiction over the Company (or any of the Company’s subsidiaries or consolidated
affiliates) and implementing capital standards published by the Basel Committee on Banking
Supervision, the SEC, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (the “Federal
Reserve Board”) or any other United States national governmental body, or any other applicable
regime based on capital standards published by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision or
its successor, or (iii) provides for a type of capital that in the Company’s judgment (after
consultation with counsel of recognized standing) is substantially equivalent to such “Tier 1”
capital (such capital described in either (ii) or (iii) is referred to below as “Tier 1 Capital
Equivalent”), and
the Company affirmatively elects to qualify the Series A Preferred Stock for such Allowable
Capital or Tier 1 Capital Equivalent treatment without any sublimit or other quantitative restriction
on the inclusion of the Series A Preferred Stock in Allowable Capital or Tier 1 Capital Equivalent
(other than any limitation the Company elects to accept and any limitation requiring that common
equity or a specified form of common equity constitute the dominant form of Allowable Capital or
Tier 1 Capital Equivalent) under such regulations,
then, upon such affirmative election, the Series A Preferred Stock shall be convertible at the Company’s option into
a new series of preferred stock having terms and provisions substantially identical to those of the Series A
Preferred Stock, except that such new series may have such additional or modified rights, preferences, privileges
and voting powers, and such limitations and restrictions thereof, as are necessary, in the Company’s judgment
(after consultation with counsel of recognized standing), to comply with the Required Unrestricted Capital
Provisions (defined below), provided that the Company will not cause any such conversion unless the Company
determines that the rights, preferences, privileges and voting powers of such new series of preferred stock, taken
as a whole, are not materially less favorable to the holders thereof than the rights, preferences, privileges and
voting powers of the Series A Preferred Stock, taken as a whole. For example, the Company could agree to restrict
its ability to pay dividends on or redeem the new series of preferred stock for a specified period or indefinitely, to
the extent permitted by the terms and provisions of the new series of preferred stock, since such a restriction
would be permitted in the Company’s discretion under the terms and provisions of the Series A Preferred Stock.
The Company will provide notice to holders of the Series A Preferred Stock of any election to qualify the Series A
Preferred Stock for Allowable Capital or Tier 1 Capital Equivalent treatment and of any determination to convert the
Series A Preferred Stock into a new series of preferred stock, promptly upon the effectiveness of any such election
or determination. A copy of any such notice and of the relevant regulations will be on file at the Company’s
principal offices and, upon request, will be made available to any stockholder.
As used above, the term “Required Unrestricted Capital Provisions” means the terms that are, in the Company’s
judgment (after consultation with counsel of recognized standing), required for preferred stock to be treated as
Allowable Capital or Tier 1 Capital Equivalent, as applicable, without any sublimit or other quantitative restriction
on the inclusion of such preferred stock in Allowable Capital or Tier 1 Capital Equivalent (other than any limitation
the Company elects to accept and any limitation requiring that common equity or a specified form of common
equity constitute the dominant form of Allowable Capital or Tier 1 Capital Equivalent) pursuant to applicable
Voting Rights
Except as provided below, the holders of the Series A Preferred Stock have no voting rights.
Whenever dividends on any shares of the Series A Preferred Stock shall have not been declared and paid for the
equivalent of six or more dividend payments, whether or not for consecutive dividend periods (as used in this
section, a “Nonpayment”), the holders of such shares, voting together as a class with holders of any and all other
series of voting preferred stock (as defined below) then outstanding, will be entitled to vote for the election of a
total of two additional members of the Company’s board of directors (as used in this section, the “Preferred Stock
Directors”), provided that the election of any such directors shall not cause the Company to violate the corporate
governance requirement of the New York Stock Exchange (or any other exchange on which the Company’s
securities may be listed) that listed companies must have a majority of independent directors. In that event, the
number of directors on the Company’s board of directors shall automatically increase by two, and the new
directors shall be elected at a special meeting called at the request of the holders of record of at least 20% of the
Series A Preferred Stock or of any other series of voting preferred stock (unless such request is received less than
90 days before the date fixed for the next annual or special meeting of the stockholders, in which event such
election shall be held at such next annual or special meeting of stockholders), and at each subsequent annual
meeting. These voting rights will continue until dividends on the shares of the Series A Preferred Stock and any
such series of voting preferred stock for at least four dividend periods, whether or not consecutive, following the
Nonpayment shall have been fully paid (or declared and a sum sufficient for the payment of such dividends shall
have been set aside for payment).
As used in this description of the Series A Preferred Stock, “voting preferred stock” means any other class or
series of preferred stock of the Company ranking equally with the Series A Preferred Stock either as to dividends
or the distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up and upon which like voting rights have been
conferred and are exercisable. Whether a plurality, majority or other portion of the shares of Series A Preferred
Stock and any other voting preferred stock have been voted in favor of any matter shall be determined by
reference to the liquidation amounts of the shares voted.
If and when dividends for at least four dividend periods, whether or not consecutive, following a Nonpayment have
been paid in full (or declared and a sum sufficient for such payment shall have been set aside), the holders of the
Series A Preferred Stock shall be divested of the foregoing voting rights (subject to revesting in the event of each
subsequent Nonpayment) and, if such voting rights for all other holders of voting preferred stock have terminated,
the term of office of each Preferred Stock Director so elected shall terminate and the number of directors on the
board of directors shall automatically decrease by two. In determining whether dividends have been paid for four
dividend periods following a Nonpayment, the Company may take account of any dividend the Company elects to
pay for such a dividend period after the regular dividend date for that period has passed. Any Preferred Stock
Director may be removed at any time without cause by the holders of record of a majority of the outstanding
shares of the Series A Preferred Stock when they have the voting rights described above (voting together as a
class with all series of voting preferred stock then outstanding). So long as a Nonpayment shall continue, any
vacancy in the office of a Preferred Stock Director (other than prior to the initial election after a Nonpayment) may
be filled by the written consent of the Preferred Stock Director remaining in office, or if none remains in office, by a
vote of the holders of record of a majority of the outstanding shares of Series A Preferred Stock when they have
the voting rights described above (voting together as a class with all series of voting preferred stock then
outstanding). The Preferred Stock Directors shall each be entitled to one vote per director on any matter.
So long as any shares of Series A Preferred Stock remain outstanding, the Company will not, without the
affirmative vote or consent of the holders of at least two-thirds of the outstanding shares of the Series A Preferred
Stock and all other series of voting preferred stock entitled to vote thereon, voting together as a single class, given
in person or by proxy, either in writing or at a meeting:
amend or alter the provisions of the Company’s restated certificate of incorporation so as to
authorize or create, or increase the authorized amount of, any class or series of stock ranking
senior to the Series A Preferred Stock with respect to payment of dividends or the distribution of
assets upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company;
amend, alter or repeal the provisions of the Company’s restated certificate of incorporation so as
to materially and adversely affect the special rights, preferences, privileges and voting powers of
the Series A Preferred Stock, taken as a whole; or
consummate a binding share exchange or reclassification involving the Series A Preferred Stock
or a merger or consolidation of the Company with another entity, unless in each case (i) the
shares of Series A Preferred Stock remain outstanding or, in the case of any such merger or
consolidation with respect to which the Company is not the surviving or resulting entity, are
converted into or exchanged for preference securities of the surviving or resulting entity or its
ultimate parent, and (ii) such shares remaining outstanding or such preference securities, as the
case may be, have such rights, preferences, privileges and voting powers, taken as a whole, as
are not materially less favorable to the holders thereof than the rights, preferences, privileges and
voting powers of the Series A Preferred Stock, taken as a whole;
provided, however, that any increase in the amount of the authorized or issued Series A Preferred Stock or
authorized preferred stock or the creation and issuance, or an increase in the authorized or issued amount, of
other series of preferred stock ranking equally with and/or junior to the Series A Preferred Stock with respect to the
payment of dividends (whether such dividends are cumulative or non-cumulative) and/or the distribution of assets
upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company will not be deemed to adversely affect the special
rights, preferences, privileges or voting powers of the Series A Preferred Stock. In addition, any conversion of the
Series A Preferred Stock upon the occurrence of certain regulatory events, as discussed above under “—
Regulatory Changes Relating to Capital Adequacy,” will not be deemed to adversely affect the special rights,
preferences, privileges or voting powers of the Series A Preferred Stock.
If an amendment, alteration, repeal, share exchange, reclassification, merger or consolidation described above
would adversely affect one or more but not all series of voting preferred stock (including the Series A Preferred
Stock for this purpose), then only the series affected and entitled to vote shall vote as a class in lieu of all such
series of preferred stock.
Without the consent of the holders of the Series A Preferred Stock, so long as such action does not adversely
affect the special rights, preferences, privileges and voting powers of the Series A Preferred Stock, taken as a
whole, the Company may amend, alter, supplement or repeal any terms of the Series A Preferred Stock:
to cure any ambiguity, or to cure, correct or supplement any provision contained in the certificate
of designation for the Series A Preferred Stock that may be defective or inconsistent; or
to make any provision with respect to matters or questions arising with respect to the Series A
Preferred Stock that is not inconsistent with the provisions of the certificate of designations.
The foregoing voting provisions will not apply if, at or prior to the time when the act with respect to which such vote
would otherwise be required shall be effected, all outstanding shares of Series A Preferred Stock shall have been
redeemed or called for redemption upon proper notice and sufficient funds shall have been set aside by the
Company for the benefit of the holders of the Series A Preferred Stock to effect such redemption.
Please note that as used in this section, references to “holders” of depositary shares mean those who own
depositary shares registered in their own names, on the books that the Company or the depositary maintain for
this purpose, and not indirect holders who own beneficial interests in depositary shares registered in street name
or issued in book-entry form through The Depository Trust Company.
The Company has issued fractional interests in shares of preferred stock in the form of depositary shares, each
representing a 1/1,000
ownership interest in a share of Series A Preferred Stock and evidenced by a depositary
receipt. The shares of Series A Preferred Stock represented by depositary shares are deposited under a deposit
agreement among the Company, the depositary and the holders from time to time of the depositary receipts
evidencing the depositary shares. Subject to the terms of the deposit agreement, each holder of a depositary
share is entitled, through the depositary, in proportion to the applicable fraction of a share of Series A Preferred
Stock represented by such depositary share, to all the rights and preferences of the Series A Preferred Stock
represented thereby (including dividend, voting, redemption and liquidation rights).
Dividends and Other Distributions
The depositary will distribute any cash dividends or other cash distributions received in respect of the deposited
Series A Preferred Stock to the record holders of depositary shares relating to the underlying Series A Preferred
Stock in proportion to the number of depositary shares held by the holders. The depositary will distribute any
property received by it other than cash to the record holders of depositary shares entitled to those distributions,
unless it determines that the distribution cannot be made proportionally among those holders or that it is not
feasible to make a distribution. In that event, the depositary may, with the Company’s approval, sell the property
and distribute the net proceeds from the sale to the holders of the depositary shares in proportion to the number of
depositary shares they hold.
Record dates for the payment of dividends and other matters relating to the depositary shares will be the same as
the corresponding record dates for the Series A Preferred Stock.
The amounts distributed to holders of depositary shares will be reduced by any amounts required to be withheld by
the depositary or by the Company on account of taxes or other governmental charges.
Redemption of Depositary Shares
If the Company redeems the Series A Preferred Stock represented by the depositary shares, the depositary shares
will be redeemed from the proceeds received by the depositary resulting from the redemption of the Series A
Preferred Stock held by the depositary. The redemption price per depositary share will be equal to 1/1,000
of the
redemption price per share payable with respect to the Series A Preferred Stock (or $25 per depositary share).
Whenever the Company redeems shares of Series A Preferred Stock held by the depositary, the depositary will
redeem, as of the same redemption date, the number of depositary shares representing shares of Series A
Preferred Stock so redeemed.
In case of any redemption of less than all of the outstanding depositary shares, the depositary shares to be
redeemed will be selected by the depositary pro rata or in such other manner determined by the depositary to be
equitable. In any such case, the Company will redeem depositary shares only in increments of 1,000 shares and
any multiple thereof.
Voting the Series A Preferred Stock
When the depositary receives notice of any meeting at which the holders of the Series A Preferred Stock are
entitled to vote, the depositary will mail the information contained in the notice to the record holders of the
depositary shares relating to the Series A Preferred Stock. Each record holder of the depositary shares on the
record date, which will be the same date as the record date for the Series A Preferred Stock, may instruct the
depositary to vote the amount of the Series A Preferred Stock represented by the holder’s depositary shares. To
the extent possible, the depositary will vote the amount of the Series A Preferred Stock represented by depositary
shares in accordance with the instructions it receives. The Company will agree to take all reasonable actions that
the depositary determines are necessary to enable the depositary to vote as instructed. If the depositary does not
receive specific instructions from the holders of any depositary shares representing the Series A Preferred Stock, it
will vote all depositary shares of that series held by it proportionately with instructions received.
The depositary shares are listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol “GS PrA.”
Form of Preferred Stock and Depositary Shares
The depositary shares are issued in book-entry form through The Depository Trust Company. The Series A
Preferred Stock is issued in registered form to the depositary.
The depositary is the sole holder of the Company’s Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock, Series C (the
“Series C Preferred Stock”), and all references herein to the holders of the Series C Preferred Stock shall mean
the depositary. However, the holders of depositary shares are entitled, through the depositary, to exercise the
rights and preferences of the holders of the Series C Preferred Stock, as described below under “Description of
Depositary Shares.”
The following is a brief description of the material terms of the Series C Preferred Stock. The following summary of
the terms and provisions of the Series C Preferred Stock does not purport to be complete and is qualified in its
entirety by reference to the pertinent sections of the Company’s restated certificate of incorporation, which is an
exhibit to the Annual Report of which this exhibit is a part. Unless the context otherwise provides, all references to
the Company in this description refer only to The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and does not include its
consolidated subsidiaries.
The Company’s authorized capital stock includes 150,000,000 shares of preferred stock, par value $0.01 per
share. The Series C Preferred Stock is part of a single series of the Company’s authorized preferred stock. The
Company may from time to time, without notice to or the consent of holders of the Series C Preferred Stock, issue
additional shares of the Series C Preferred Stock, up to the maximum number of authorized but unissued shares.
Shares of the Series C Preferred Stock rank senior to the Company’s common stock, equally with each other
series of the Company’s preferred stock outstanding as of December 31, 2020 and at least equally with each other
series of preferred stock that the Company may issue (except for any senior series that may be issued with the
requisite consent of the holders of the Series C Preferred Stock), with respect to the payment of dividends and
distributions of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up. In addition, the Company will generally be able
to pay dividends and distributions upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up only out of lawfully available funds for
such payment (i.e., after taking account of all indebtedness and other non-equity claims). The Series C Preferred
Stock is fully paid and nonassessable, which means that its holders have paid their purchase price in full and that
the Company may not ask them to surrender additional funds. Holders of Series C Preferred Stock do not have
preemptive or subscription rights to acquire more stock of the Company.
The Series C Preferred Stock is not convertible into, or exchangeable for, shares of any other class or series of
stock or other securities of the Company, except under certain limited circumstances described below under “—
Regulatory Changes Relating to Capital Adequacy.” The Series C Preferred Stock has no stated maturity and is
not subject to any sinking fund or other obligation of the Company to redeem or repurchase the Series C Preferred
Stock. The Series C Preferred Stock represents non-withdrawable capital, is not a bank deposit and is not insured
by the FDIC or any other governmental agency, nor is it the obligation of, or guaranteed by, a bank.
Dividends on shares of the Series C Preferred Stock are not mandatory. Holders of Series C Preferred Stock are
entitled to receive, when, as and if declared by the Company’s board of directors or a duly authorized committee of
the board, out of funds legally available for the payment of dividends under Delaware law, non-cumulative cash
dividends from the original issue date, quarterly in arrears on the 10
day of February, May, August, and
November of each year (each, a “dividend payment date”). These dividends accrue, with respect to each dividend
period, on the liquidation preference amount of $25,000 per share (equivalent to $25 per depositary share) at a
rate per annum equal to the greater of (1) 0.75% above LIBOR (as described below) on the related LIBOR
determination date (as described below) or (2) 4.00%. In the event that the Company issues additional shares of
Series C Preferred Stock after the original issue date, dividends on such shares may accrue from the original issue
date or any other date the Company specifies at the time such additional shares are issued.
Dividends will be payable to holders of record of Series C Preferred Stock as they appear on the Company’s books
on the applicable record date, which shall be the 15
calendar day before that dividend payment date or such
other record date fixed by the Company’s board of directors (or a duly authorized committee of the board) that is
not more than 60 nor less than 10 days prior to such dividend payment date (each, a “dividend record date”).
These dividend record dates will apply regardless of whether a particular dividend record date is a business day.
The corresponding record dates for the depositary shares are the same as the record dates for the Series C
Preferred Stock.
A dividend period is the period from and including a dividend payment date to but excluding the next dividend
payment date. Dividends payable on the Series C Preferred Stock are computed on the basis of a 360-day year
and the actual number of days elapsed in the dividend period. If any date on which dividends would otherwise be
payable is not a business day, then the dividend payment date will be the next succeeding business day unless
such day falls in the next calendar month, in which case the dividend payment date will be the immediately
preceding day that is a business day.
For any dividend period, LIBOR shall be determined by the calculation agent on the second London business day
immediately preceding the first day of such dividend period in the following manner:
LIBOR will be the offered rate per annum for three-month deposits in U.S. dollars, beginning on
the first day of such period, as that rate appears on Moneyline Telerate Page 3750 as of 11:00
A.M., London time, on the second London business day immediately preceding the first day of
such dividend period.
If the rate described above does not appear on Moneyline Telerate page 3750, LIBOR will be
determined on the basis of the rates, at approximately 11:00 A.M., London time, on the second
London business day immediately preceding the first day of such dividend period, at which
deposits of the following kind are offered to prime banks in the London interbank market by four
major banks in that market selected by the calculation agent: three-month deposits in U.S.
dollars, beginning on the first day of such dividend period, and in a Representative Amount. The
calculation agent will request the principal London office of each of these banks to provide a
quotation of its rate. If at least two quotations are provided, LIBOR for the second London
business day immediately preceding the first day of such dividend period will be the arithmetic
mean of the quotations.
If fewer than two quotations are provided as described above, LIBOR for the second London
business day immediately preceding the first day of such dividend period will be the arithmetic
mean of the rates for loans of the following kind to leading European banks quoted, at
approximately 11:00 A.M. New York City time on the second London business day immediately
preceding the first day of such dividend period, by three major banks in New York City selected
by the calculation agent: three-month loans of U.S. dollars, beginning on the first day of such
dividend period, and in a Representative Amount.
If fewer than three banks selected by the calculation agent are quoting as described above,
LIBOR for the new dividend period will be LIBOR in effect for the prior dividend period.
Under the FRB’s final rule and the LIBOR Act, on the first London business day following June 30, 2023, LIBOR
will be replaced with three-month term SOFR plus the statutorily prescribed tenor spread.
The calculation agent’s determination of any dividend rate, and its calculation of the amount of dividends for any
dividend period, will be on file at the Company’s principal offices, will be made available to any stockholder upon
request and will be final and binding in the absence of manifest error.
This subsection uses several terms that have special meanings relevant to calculating LIBOR. Those terms have
the following meanings:
The term “Representative Amount” means an amount that, in the calculation agent’s judgment, is representative of
a single transaction in the relevant market at the relevant time.
The term “Moneyline Telerate Page” means the display on Moneyline Telerate, Inc., or any successor service, on
the page or pages specified herein or any replacement page or pages on that service.
The term “business day” means a day that is a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday and is not a day
on which banking institutions in New York City generally are authorized or obligated by law or executive order to
The term “London business day” means a day that is a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday and is a
day on which dealings in U.S. dollars are transacted in the London interbank market.
Dividends on shares of Series C Preferred Stock are not cumulative. Accordingly, if the board of directors of the
Company, or a duly authorized committee of the board, does not declare a dividend on the Series C Preferred
Stock payable in respect of any dividend period before the related dividend payment date, such dividend will not
accrue and the Company will have no obligation to pay a dividend for that dividend period on the dividend payment
date or at any future time, whether or not dividends on the Series C Preferred Stock are declared for any future
dividend period.
So long as any share of Series C Preferred Stock remains outstanding, no dividend shall be paid or declared on
the Company’s common stock or any other shares of the Company’s junior stock (as defined below) (other than a
dividend payable solely in junior stock), and no common stock or other junior stock shall be purchased, redeemed
or otherwise acquired for consideration by the Company, directly or indirectly (other than as a result of a
reclassification of junior stock for or into other junior stock, or the exchange or conversion of one share of junior
stock for or into another share of junior stock and other than through the use of the proceeds of a substantially
contemporaneous sale of junior stock), during a dividend period, unless the full dividends for the latest completed
dividend period on all outstanding shares of Series C Preferred Stock have been declared and paid (or declared
and a sum sufficient for the payment thereof has been set aside). However, the foregoing provision shall not
restrict the ability of Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, or any of the Company’s other affiliates, to engage in any market-
making transactions in the Company’s junior stock in the ordinary course of business.
As used in this description of the Series C Preferred Stock, “junior stock” means any class or series of stock of the
Company that ranks junior to the Series C Preferred Stock either as to the payment of dividends or as to the
distribution of assets upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company. Junior stock includes the
Company’s common stock.
When dividends are not paid (or duly provided for) on any dividend payment date (or, in the case of parity stock, as
defined below, having dividend payment dates different from the dividend payment dates pertaining to the Series C
Preferred Stock, on a dividend payment date falling within the related dividend period for the Series C Preferred
Stock) in full upon the Series C Preferred Stock and any shares of parity stock, all dividends declared upon the
Series C Preferred Stock and all such equally ranking securities payable on such dividend payment date (or, in the
case of parity stock having dividend payment dates different from the dividend payment dates pertaining to the
Series C Preferred Stock, on a dividend payment date falling within the related dividend period for the Series C
Preferred Stock) shall be declared pro rata so that the respective amounts of such dividends shall bear the same
ratio to each other as all accrued but unpaid dividends per share on the Series C Preferred Stock and all parity
stock payable on such dividend payment date (or, in the case of parity stock having dividend payment dates
different from the dividend payment dates pertaining to the Series C Preferred Stock, on a dividend payment date
falling within the related dividend period for the Series C Preferred Stock) bear to each other.
As used in this description of the Series C Preferred Stock, “parity stock” means any other class or series of stock
of the Company that ranks equally with the Series C Preferred Stock in the payment of dividends and in the
distribution of assets on any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company.
Subject to the foregoing, such dividends (payable in cash, stock or otherwise) as may be determined by the
Company’s board of directors (or a duly authorized committee of the board) may be declared and paid on the
Company’s common stock and any other stock ranking equally with or junior to the Series C Preferred Stock from
time to time out of any funds legally available for such payment, and the shares of the Series C Preferred Stock
shall not be entitled to participate in any such dividend.
Liquidation Rights
Upon any voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company, holders of the Series C
Preferred Stock are entitled to receive out of assets of the Company available for distribution to stockholders, after
satisfaction of liabilities to creditors, if any, before any distribution of assets is made to holders of common stock or
of any of the Company’s other shares of stock ranking junior as to such a distribution to the shares of Series C
Preferred Stock, a liquidating distribution in the amount of $25,000 per share (equivalent to $25 per depositary
share) plus declared and unpaid dividends, without accumulation of any undeclared dividends. Holders of the
Series C Preferred Stock will not be entitled to any other amounts from the Company after they have received their
full liquidation preference.
In any such distribution, if the assets of the Company are not sufficient to pay the liquidation preferences in full to
all holders of the Series C Preferred Stock and all holders of any other shares of the Company’s stock ranking
equally as to such distribution with the Series C Preferred Stock, the amounts paid to the holders of Series C
Preferred Stock and to the holders of all such other stock will be paid pro rata in accordance with the respective
aggregate liquidation preferences of those holders. In any such distribution, the “liquidation preference” of any
holder of preferred stock means the amount payable to such holder in such distribution, including any declared but
unpaid dividends (and any unpaid, accrued cumulative dividends in the case of any holder of stock on which
dividends accrue on a cumulative basis). If the liquidation preference has been paid in full to all holders of the
Company’s Series C Preferred Stock and any other shares of the Company’s stock ranking equally as to the
liquidation distribution, the holders of the Company’s other stock shall be entitled to receive all remaining assets of
the Company according to their respective rights and preferences.
For purposes of this description of the Series C Preferred Stock, the merger or consolidation of the Company with
any other entity, including a merger or consolidation in which the holders of Series C Preferred Stock receive cash,
securities or property for their shares, or the sale, lease or exchange of all or substantially all of the assets of the
Company for cash, securities or other property shall not constitute a liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
The Series C Preferred Stock is not subject to any mandatory redemption, sinking fund or other similar provisions.
The Series C Preferred Stock is currently redeemable at the Company’s option, in whole or in part, upon not less
than 30 nor more than 60 days’ notice, at a redemption price equal to $25,000 per share (equivalent to $25 per
depositary share), plus any declared and unpaid dividends, without accumulation of any undeclared dividends.
Holders of Series C Preferred Stock have no right to require the redemption or repurchase of the Series C
Preferred Stock.
If shares of the Series C Preferred Stock are to be redeemed, the notice of redemption shall be given by first class
mail to the holders of record of the Series C Preferred Stock to be redeemed, mailed not less than 30 days nor
more than 60 days prior to the date fixed for redemption thereof (provided that, if the depositary shares
representing the Series C Preferred Stock are held in book-entry form through The Depository Trust Company, or
“DTC,” the Company may give such notice in any manner permitted by the DTC). Each notice of redemption will
include a statement setting forth: (i) the redemption date, (ii) the number of shares of the Series C Preferred Stock
to be redeemed and, if less than all the shares held by such holder are to be redeemed, the number of such
shares to be redeemed from such holder, (iii) the redemption price and (iv) the place or places where holders may
surrender certificates evidencing shares of Series C Preferred Stock for payment of the redemption price. If notice
of redemption of any shares of Series C Preferred Stock has been given and if the funds necessary for such
redemption have been set aside by the Company for the benefit of the holders of any shares of Series C Preferred
Stock so called for redemption, then, from and after the redemption date, dividends will cease to accrue on such
shares of Series C Preferred Stock, such shares of Series C Preferred Stock shall no longer be deemed
outstanding and all rights of the holders of such shares will terminate, except the right to receive the redemption
In case of any redemption of only part of the shares of the Series C Preferred Stock at the time outstanding, the
shares to be redeemed shall be selected either pro rata or in such other manner as the Company may determine
to be fair and equitable.
See “Description of Depositary Shares” below for information about redemption of the depositary shares relating to
the Company’s Series C Preferred Stock.
Regulatory Changes Relating to Capital Adequacy
The Company was previously regulated by the SEC as a consolidated supervised entity (“CSE”) pursuant to the
SEC’s rules at that time relating to CSEs (referred to as the “CSE Rules”). The Company treated the Series C
Preferred Stock as allowable capital in accordance with the CSE Rules (such capital is referred to below as
“Allowable Capital”).
If the regulatory capital requirements that apply to the Company change in the future, the Series C Preferred Stock
may be converted, at the Company’s option and without consent of the holders, into a new series of preferred
stock, subject to the limitations described below. The Company will be entitled to exercise this conversion right as
If both of the following occur:
the Company (by election or otherwise) becomes subject to any law, rule, regulation or guidance
(together, “regulations”) relating to the Company’s capital adequacy, which regulation (i) modifies
the existing requirements for treatment as Allowable Capital, (ii) provides for a type or level of
capital characterized as “Tier 1” or its equivalent pursuant to regulations of any governmental
body having jurisdiction over the Company (or any of the Company’s subsidiaries or consolidated
affiliates) and implementing capital standards published by the Basel Committee on Banking
Supervision, the SEC, the Federal Reserve Board or any other United States national
governmental body, or any other applicable regime based on capital standards published by the
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision or its successor, or (iii) provides for a type of capital
that in the Company’s judgment (after consultation with counsel of recognized standing) is
substantially equivalent to such “Tier 1” capital (such capital described in either (ii) or (iii) is
referred to below as “Tier 1 Capital Equivalent”), and
the Company affirmatively elects to qualify the Series C Preferred Stock for such Allowable
Capital or Tier 1 Capital Equivalent treatment without any sublimit or other quantitative restriction
on the inclusion of the Series C Preferred Stock in Allowable Capital or Tier 1 Capital Equivalent
(other than any limitation the Company elects to accept and any limitation requiring that common
equity or a specified form of common equity constitute the dominant form of Allowable Capital or
Tier 1 Capital Equivalent) under such regulations,
then, upon such affirmative election, the Series C Preferred Stock shall be convertible at the Company’s option
into a new series of preferred stock having terms and provisions substantially identical to those of the Series C
Preferred Stock, except that such new series may have such additional or modified rights, preferences, privileges
and voting powers, and such limitations and restrictions thereof, as are necessary, in the Company’s judgment
(after consultation with counsel of recognized standing), to comply with the Required Unrestricted Capital
Provisions (defined below), provided that the Company will not cause any such conversion unless the Company
determines that the rights, preferences, privileges and voting powers of such new series of preferred stock, taken
as a whole, are not materially less favorable to the holders thereof than the rights, preferences, privileges and
voting powers of the Series C Preferred Stock, taken as a whole. For example, the Company could agree to
restrict its ability to pay dividends on or redeem the new series of preferred stock for a specified period or
indefinitely, to the extent permitted by the terms and provisions of the new series of preferred stock, since such a
restriction would be permitted in the Company’s discretion under the terms and provisions of the Series C
Preferred Stock.
The Company will provide notice to holders of the Series C Preferred Stock of any election to qualify the Series C
Preferred Stock for Allowable Capital or Tier 1 Capital Equivalent treatment and of any determination to convert the
Series C Preferred Stock into a new series of preferred stock, promptly upon the effectiveness of any such election
or determination. A copy of any such notice and of the relevant regulations will be on file at the Company’s
principal offices and, upon request, will be made available to any stockholder.
As used above, the term “Required Unrestricted Capital Provisions” means the terms that are, in the Company’s
judgment (after consultation with counsel of recognized standing), required for preferred stock to be treated as
Allowable Capital or Tier 1 Capital Equivalent, as applicable, without any sublimit or other quantitative restriction
on the inclusion of such preferred stock in Allowable Capital or Tier 1 Capital Equivalent (other than any limitation
the Company elects to accept and any limitation requiring that common equity or a specified form of common
equity constitute the dominant form of Allowable Capital or Tier 1 Capital Equivalent) pursuant to applicable
Voting Rights
Except as provided below, the holders of the Series C Preferred Stock have no voting rights.
Whenever dividends on any shares of the Series C Preferred Stock shall have not been declared and paid for the
equivalent of six or more dividend payments, whether or not for consecutive dividend periods (as used in this
section, a “Nonpayment”), the holders of such shares, voting together as a class with holders of any and all other
series of voting preferred stock (as defined below) then outstanding, will be entitled to vote for the election of a
total of two additional members of the Company’s board of directors (as used in this section, the “Preferred Stock
Directors”), provided that the election of any such directors shall not cause the Company to violate the corporate
governance requirement of the New York Stock Exchange (or any other exchange on which the Company’s
securities may be listed) that listed companies must have a majority of independent directors and provided further
that the Company’s board of directors shall at no time include more than two Preferred Stock Directors. In that
event, the number of directors on the Company’s board of directors shall automatically increase by two, and the
new directors shall be elected at a special meeting called at the request of the holders of record of at least 20% of
the Series C Preferred Stock or of any other series of voting preferred stock (unless such request is received less
than 90 days before the date fixed for the next annual or special meeting of the stockholders, in which event such
election shall be held at such next annual or special meeting of stockholders), and at each subsequent annual
meeting. These voting rights will continue until dividends on the shares of the Series C Preferred Stock and any
such series of voting preferred stock for at least four dividend periods, whether or not consecutive, following the
Nonpayment shall have been fully paid (or declared and a sum sufficient for the payment of such dividends shall
have been set aside for payment).
As used in this description of the Series C Preferred Stock, “voting preferred stock” means any other class or
series of preferred stock of the Company ranking equally with the Series C Preferred Stock either as to dividends
or the distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up and upon which like voting rights have been
conferred and are exercisable. Whether a plurality, majority or other portion of the shares of Series C Preferred
Stock and any other voting preferred stock have been voted in favor of any matter shall be determined by
reference to the liquidation amounts of the shares voted.
If and when dividends for at least four dividend periods, whether or not consecutive, following a Nonpayment have
been paid in full (or declared and a sum sufficient for such payment shall have been set aside), the holders of the
Series C Preferred Stock shall be divested of the foregoing voting rights (subject to revesting in the event of each
subsequent Nonpayment) and, if such voting rights for all other holders of voting preferred stock have terminated,
the term of office of each Preferred Stock Director so elected shall terminate and the number of directors on the
board of directors shall automatically decrease by two. In determining whether dividends have been paid for four
dividend periods following a Nonpayment, the Company may take account of any dividend the Company elects to
pay for such a dividend period after the regular dividend date for that period has passed. Any Preferred Stock
Director may be removed at any time without cause by the holders of record of a majority of the outstanding
shares of the Series C Preferred Stock when they have the voting rights described above (voting together as a
class with all series of voting preferred stock then outstanding). So long as a Nonpayment shall continue, any
vacancy in the office of a Preferred Stock Director (other than prior to the initial election after a Nonpayment) may
be filled by the written consent of the Preferred Stock Director remaining in office, or if none remains in office, by a
vote of the holders of record of a majority of the outstanding shares of Series C Preferred Stock and all voting
preferred stock when they have the voting rights described above (voting together as a class). The Preferred Stock
Directors shall each be entitled to one vote per director on any matter.
So long as any shares of Series C Preferred Stock remain outstanding, the Company will not, without the
affirmative vote or consent of the holders of at least two-thirds of the outstanding shares of the Series C Preferred
Stock and all other series of voting preferred stock entitled to vote thereon, voting together as a single class, given
in person or by proxy, either in writing or at a meeting:
amend or alter the provisions of the Company’s restated certificate of incorporation so as to
authorize or create, or increase the authorized amount of, any class or series of stock ranking
senior to the Series C Preferred Stock with respect to payment of dividends or the distribution of
assets upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company;
amend, alter or repeal the provisions of the Company’s restated certificate of incorporation so as
to materially and adversely affect the special rights, preferences, privileges and voting powers of
the Series C Preferred Stock, taken as a whole; or
consummate a binding share exchange or reclassification involving the Series C Preferred Stock
or a merger or consolidation of the Company with another entity, unless in each case (i) the
shares of Series C Preferred Stock remain outstanding or, in the case of any such merger or
consolidation with respect to which the Company is not the surviving or resulting entity, are
converted into or exchanged for preference securities of the surviving or resulting entity or its
ultimate parent, and (ii) such shares remaining outstanding or such preference securities, as the
case may be, have such rights, preferences, privileges and voting powers, taken as a whole, as
are not materially less favorable to the holders thereof than the rights, preferences, privileges and
voting powers of the Series C Preferred Stock, taken as a whole;
provided, however, that any increase in the amount of the authorized or issued Series C Preferred Stock or
authorized preferred stock or the creation and issuance, or an increase in the authorized or issued amount, of
other series of preferred stock ranking equally with and/or junior to the Series C Preferred Stock with respect to the
payment of dividends (whether such dividends are cumulative or non-cumulative) and/or the distribution of assets
upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company will not be deemed to adversely affect the rights,
preferences, privileges or voting powers of the Series C Preferred Stock. In addition, any conversion of the Series
C Preferred Stock upon the occurrence of certain regulatory events, as discussed above under “— Regulatory
Changes Relating to Capital Adequacy,” will not be deemed to adversely affect the rights, preferences, privileges
or voting powers of the Series C Preferred Stock.
If an amendment, alteration, repeal, share exchange, reclassification, merger or consolidation described above
would adversely affect one or more but not all series of voting preferred stock (including the Series C Preferred
Stock for this purpose), then only the series affected and entitled to vote shall vote as a class in lieu of all such
series of preferred stock.
Without the consent of the holders of the Series C Preferred Stock, so long as such action does not adversely
affect the rights, preferences, privileges and voting powers of the Series C Preferred Stock, the Company may
amend, alter, supplement or repeal any terms of the Series C Preferred Stock:
to cure any ambiguity, or to cure, correct or supplement any provision contained in the certificate
of designation for the Series C Preferred Stock that may be defective or inconsistent; or
to make any provision with respect to matters or questions arising with respect to the Series C
Preferred Stock that is not inconsistent with the provisions of the certificate of designations.
The foregoing voting provisions will not apply if, at or prior to the time when the act with respect to which such vote
would otherwise be required shall be effected, all outstanding shares of Series C Preferred Stock shall have been
redeemed or called for redemption upon proper notice and sufficient funds shall have been set aside by the
Company for the benefit of the holders of the Series C Preferred Stock to effect such redemption.
Please note that as used in this section, references to “holders” of depositary shares mean those who own
depositary shares registered in their own names, on the books that the Company or the depositary maintain for
this purpose, and not indirect holders who own beneficial interests in depositary shares registered in street name
or issued in book-entry form through The Depository Trust Company.
The Company has issued fractional interests in shares of preferred stock in the form of depositary shares, each
representing a 1/1,000
ownership interest in a share of Series C Preferred Stock and evidenced by a depositary
receipt. The shares of Series C Preferred Stock represented by depositary shares are deposited under a deposit
agreement among the Company, the depositary and the holders from time to time of the depositary receipts
evidencing the depositary shares. Subject to the terms of the deposit agreement, each holder of a depositary
share is entitled, through the depositary, in proportion to the applicable fraction of a share of Series C Preferred
Stock represented by such depositary share, to all the rights and preferences of the Series C Preferred Stock
represented thereby (including dividend, voting, redemption and liquidation rights).
Dividends and Other Distributions
The depositary will distribute any cash dividends or other cash distributions received in respect of the deposited
Series C Preferred Stock to the record holders of depositary shares relating to the underlying Series C Preferred
Stock in proportion to the number of depositary shares held by the holders. The depositary will distribute any
property received by it other than cash to the record holders of depositary shares entitled to those distributions,
unless it determines that the distribution cannot be made proportionally among those holders or that it is not
feasible to make a distribution. In that event, the depositary may, with the Company’s approval, sell the property
and distribute the net proceeds from the sale to the holders of the depositary shares in proportion to the number of
depositary shares they hold.
Record dates for the payment of dividends and other matters relating to the depositary shares will be the same as
the corresponding record dates for the Series C Preferred Stock.
The amounts distributed to holders of depositary shares will be reduced by any amounts required to be withheld by
the depositary or by the Company on account of taxes or other governmental charges.
Redemption of Depositary Shares
If the Company redeems the Series C Preferred Stock represented by the depositary shares, the depositary
shares will be redeemed from the proceeds received by the depositary resulting from the redemption of the Series
C Preferred Stock held by the depositary. The redemption price per depositary share will be equal to 1/1,000
the redemption price per share payable with respect to the Series C Preferred Stock (or $25 per depositary share).
Whenever the Company redeems shares of Series C Preferred Stock held by the depositary, the depositary will
redeem, as of the same redemption date, the number of depositary shares representing shares of Series C
Preferred Stock so redeemed.
In case of any redemption of less than all of the outstanding depositary shares, the depositary shares to be
redeemed will be selected by the depositary pro rata or in such other manner determined by the depositary to be
equitable. In any such case, the Company will redeem depositary shares only in increments of 1,000 shares and
any multiple thereof.
Voting the Series C Preferred Stock
When the depositary receives notice of any meeting at which the holders of the Series C Preferred Stock are
entitled to vote, the depositary will mail the information contained in the notice to the record holders of the
depositary shares relating to the Series C Preferred Stock. Each record holder of the depositary shares on the
record date, which will be the same date as the record date for the Series C Preferred Stock, may instruct the
depositary to vote the amount of the Series C Preferred Stock represented by the holder’s depositary shares. To
the extent possible, the depositary will vote the amount of the Series C Preferred Stock represented by depositary
shares in accordance with the instructions it receives. The Company will agree to take all reasonable actions that
the depositary determines are necessary to enable the depositary to vote as instructed. If the depositary does not
receive specific instructions from the holders of any depositary shares representing the Series C Preferred Stock,
it will vote all depositary shares of that series held by it proportionately with instructions received.
The depositary shares are listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol “GS PrC.”
Form of Preferred Stock and Depositary Shares
The depositary shares are issued in book-entry form through The Depository Trust Company. The Series C
Preferred Stock is issued in registered form to the depositary.
The depositary is the sole holder of the Company’s Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock, Series D (the
“Series D Preferred Stock”), and all references herein to the holders of the Series D Preferred Stock shall mean
the depositary. However, the holders of depositary shares are entitled, through the depositary, to exercise the
rights and preferences of the holders of the Series D Preferred Stock, as described below under “Description of
Depositary Shares.”
The following is a brief description of the material terms of the Series D Preferred Stock. The following summary of
the terms and provisions of the Series D Preferred Stock does not purport to be complete and is qualified in its
entirety by reference to the pertinent sections of the Company’s restated certificate of incorporation, which is an
exhibit to the Annual Report of which this exhibit is a part. Unless the context otherwise provides, all references to
the Company in this description refer only to The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and does not include its
consolidated subsidiaries.
The Company’s authorized capital stock includes 150,000,000 shares of preferred stock, par value $0.01 per
share. The Series D Preferred Stock is part of a single series of authorized preferred stock. The Company may
from time to time, without notice to or the consent of holders of the Series D Preferred Stock, issue additional
shares of the Series D Preferred Stock, up to the maximum number of authorized but unissued shares.
Shares of the Series D Preferred Stock rank senior to the Company’s common stock, equally with each other
series of the Company’s preferred stock outstanding as of December 31, 2020 and at least equally with each other
series of preferred stock that the Company may issue (except for any senior series that may be issued with the
requisite consent of the holders of the Series D Preferred Stock), with respect to the payment of dividends and
distributions of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up. In addition, the Company will generally be able
to pay dividends and distributions upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up only out of lawfully available funds for
such payment (i.e., after taking account of all indebtedness and other non-equity claims). The Series D Preferred
Stock is fully paid and nonassessable, which means that its holders have paid their purchase price in full and that
the Company may not ask them to surrender additional funds. Holders of Series D Preferred Stock do not have
preemptive or subscription rights to acquire more stock of the Company.
The Series D Preferred Stock is not convertible into, or exchangeable for, shares of any other class or series of
stock or other securities of the Company, except under certain limited circumstances described below under “—
Regulatory Changes Relating to Capital Adequacy.” The Series D Preferred Stock has no stated maturity and is
not subject to any sinking fund or other obligation of the Company to redeem or repurchase the Series D Preferred
Stock. The Series D Preferred Stock represents non-withdrawable capital, is not a bank deposit and is not insured
by the FDIC or any other governmental agency, nor is it the obligation of, or guaranteed by, a bank.
Dividends on shares of the Series D Preferred Stock are not mandatory. Holders of Series D Preferred Stock are
entitled to receive, when, as and if declared by the Company’s board of directors (or a duly authorized committee
of the board), out of funds legally available for the payment of dividends under Delaware law, non-cumulative cash
dividends from the original issue date, quarterly in arrears on the 10
day of February, May, August, and
November of each year (each, a “dividend payment date”). These dividends accrue, with respect to each dividend
period, on the liquidation preference amount of $25,000 per share (equivalent to $25 per depositary share) at a
rate per annum equal to the greater of (1) 0.67% above LIBOR (as described below) on the related LIBOR
determination date (as described below) or (2) 4.00%. In the event that the Company issues additional shares of
Series D Preferred Stock after the original issue date, dividends on such shares may accrue from the original issue
date or any other date the Company specifies at the time such additional shares are issued.
Dividends will be payable to holders of record of Series D Preferred Stock as they appear on the Company’s books
on the applicable record date, which shall be the 15th calendar day before that dividend payment date or such
other record date fixed by the Company’s board of directors (or a duly authorized committee of the board) that is
not more than 60 nor less than 10 days prior to such dividend payment date (each, a “dividend record date”).
These dividend record dates will apply regardless of whether a particular dividend record date is a business day.
The corresponding record dates for the depositary shares are the same as the record dates for the Series D
Preferred Stock.
A dividend period is the period from and including a dividend payment date to but excluding the next dividend
payment date. Dividends payable on the Series D Preferred Stock are computed on the basis of a 360-day year
and the actual number of days elapsed in the dividend period. If any date on which dividends would otherwise be
payable is not a business day, then the dividend payment date will be the next succeeding business day unless
such day falls in the next calendar month, in which case the dividend payment date will be the immediately
preceding day that is a business day.
For any dividend period, LIBOR shall be determined by the calculation agent on the second London business day
immediately preceding the first day of such dividend period in the following manner:
LIBOR will be the offered rate per annum for three-month deposits in U.S. dollars, beginning on
the first day of such period, as that rate appears on Moneyline Telerate Page 3750 (or any
successor or replacement page) as of 11:00 A.M., London time, on the second London business
day immediately preceding the first day of such dividend period.
If the rate described above does not appear on Moneyline Telerate page 3750 (or any successor
or replacement page), LIBOR will be determined on the basis of the rates, at approximately 11:00
A.M., London time, on the second London business day immediately preceding the first day of
such dividend period, at which deposits of the following kind are offered to prime banks in the
London interbank market by four major banks in that market selected by the calculation agent:
three-month deposits in U.S. dollars, beginning on the first day of such dividend period, and in a
Representative Amount. The calculation agent will request the principal London office of each of
these banks to provide a quotation of its rate. If at least two quotations are provided, LIBOR for
the second London business day immediately preceding the first day of such dividend period will
be the arithmetic mean of the quotations.
If fewer than two quotations are provided as described above, LIBOR for the second London
business day immediately preceding the first day of such dividend period will be the arithmetic
mean of the rates for loans of the following kind to leading European banks quoted, at
approximately 11:00 A.M. New York City time on the second London business day immediately
preceding the first day of such dividend period, by three major banks in New York City selected
by the calculation agent: three-month loans of U.S. dollars, beginning on the first day of such
dividend period, and in a Representative Amount.
If fewer than three banks selected by the calculation agent are quoting as described above,
LIBOR for the new dividend period will be LIBOR in effect for the prior dividend period.
Under the FRB’s final rule and the LIBOR Act, on the first London business day following June 30, 2023, LIBOR
will be replaced with three-month term SOFR plus the statutorily prescribed tenor spread.
The calculation agent’s determination of any dividend rate, and its calculation of the amount of dividends for any
dividend period, will be on file at the Company’s principal offices, will be made available to any stockholder upon
request and will be final and binding in the absence of manifest error.
This subscription uses several terms that have special meanings relevant to calculating LIBOR. Those terms have
the following meanings:
The term “Representative Amount” means an amount that, in the calculation agent’s judgment, is representative of
a single transaction in the relevant market at the relevant time.
The term “Moneyline Telerate Page” means the display on Moneyline Telerate, Inc., or any successor service, on
the page or pages specified herein or any replacement page or pages on that service.
The term “business day” means a day that is a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday and is not a day
on which banking institutions in New York City generally are authorized or obligated by law or executive order to
The term “London business day” means a day that is a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday and is a
day on which dealings in U.S. dollars are transacted in the London interbank market.
Dividends on shares of Series D Preferred Stock are not cumulative. Accordingly, if the board of directors of the
Company (or a duly authorized committee of the board) does not declare a dividend on the Series D Preferred
Stock payable in respect of any dividend period before the related dividend payment date, such dividend will not
accrue and the Company will have no obligation to pay a dividend for that dividend period on the dividend payment
date or at any future time, whether or not dividends on the Series D Preferred Stock are declared for any future
dividend period.
So long as any share of Series D Preferred Stock remains outstanding, no dividend shall be paid or declared on
the Company’s common stock or any other shares of the Company’s junior stock (as defined below) (other than a
dividend payable solely in junior stock), and no common stock or other junior stock shall be purchased, redeemed
or otherwise acquired for consideration by the Company, directly or indirectly (other than as a result of a
reclassification of junior stock for or into other junior stock, or the exchange or conversion of one share of junior
stock for or into another share of junior stock and other than through the use of the proceeds of a substantially
contemporaneous sale of junior stock), during a dividend period, unless the full dividends for the latest completed
dividend period on all outstanding shares of Series D Preferred Stock have been declared and paid (or declared
and a sum sufficient for the payment thereof has been set aside). However, the foregoing provision shall not
restrict the ability of Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, or any of the Company’s other affiliates, to engage in any market-
making transactions in the Company’s junior stock in the ordinary course of business.
As used in this description of the Series D Preferred Stock, “junior stock” means any class or series of stock of the
Company that ranks junior to the Series D Preferred Stock either as to the payment of dividends or as to the
distribution of assets upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company. Junior stock includes the
Company’s common stock.
When dividends are not paid (or duly provided for) on any dividend payment date (or, in the case of parity stock, as
defined below, having dividend payment dates different from the dividend payment dates pertaining to the Series D
Preferred Stock, on a dividend payment date falling within the related dividend period for the Series D Preferred
Stock) in full upon the Series D Preferred Stock and any shares of parity stock, all dividends declared upon the
Series D Preferred Stock and all such equally ranking securities payable on such dividend payment date (or, in the
case of parity stock having dividend payment dates different from the dividend payment dates pertaining to the
Series D Preferred Stock, on a dividend payment date falling within the related dividend period for the Series D
Preferred Stock) shall be declared pro rata so that the respective amounts of such dividends shall bear the same
ratio to each other as all accrued but unpaid dividends per share on the Series D Preferred Stock and all parity
stock payable on such dividend payment date (or, in the case of parity stock having dividend payment dates
different from the dividend payment dates pertaining to the Series D Preferred Stock, on a dividend payment date
falling within the related dividend period for the Series D Preferred Stock) bear to each other.
As used in this description of the Series D Preferred Stock, “parity stock” means any other class or series of stock
of the Company that ranks equally with the Series D Preferred Stock in the payment of dividends and in the
distribution of assets on any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company.
Subject to the foregoing, such dividends (payable in cash, stock or otherwise) as may be determined by the
Company’s board of directors (or a duly authorized committee of the board) may be declared and paid on the
Company’s common stock and any other stock ranking equally with or junior to the Series D Preferred Stock from
time to time out of any funds legally available for such payment, and the shares of the Series D Preferred Stock
shall not be entitled to participate in any such dividend.
Liquidation Rights
Upon any voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company, holders of the Series D
Preferred Stock are entitled to receive out of assets of the Company available for distribution to stockholders, after
satisfaction of liabilities to creditors, if any, before any distribution of assets is made to holders of common stock or
of any of the Company’s other shares of stock ranking junior as to such a distribution to the shares of Series D
Preferred Stock, a liquidating distribution in the amount of $25,000 per share (equivalent to $25 per depositary
share) plus declared and unpaid dividends, without accumulation of any undeclared dividends. Holders of the
Series D Preferred Stock will not be entitled to any other amounts from the Company after they have received their
full liquidation preference.
In any such distribution, if the assets of the Company are not sufficient to pay the liquidation preferences in full to
all holders of the Series D Preferred Stock and all holders of any other shares of the Company’s stock ranking
equally as to such distribution with the Series D Preferred Stock, the amounts paid to the holders of Series D
Preferred Stock and to the holders of all such other stock will be paid pro rata in accordance with the respective
aggregate liquidation preferences of those holders. In any such distribution, the “liquidation preference” of any
holder of preferred stock means the amount payable to such holder in such distribution, including any declared but
unpaid dividends (and any unpaid, accrued cumulative dividends in the case of any holder of stock on which
dividends accrue on a cumulative basis). If the liquidation preference has been paid in full to all holders of the
Company’s Series D Preferred Stock and any other shares of the Company’s stock ranking equally as to the
liquidation distribution, the holders of the Company’s other stock shall be entitled to receive all remaining assets of
the Company according to their respective rights and preferences.
For purposes of this description of the Series D Preferred Stock, the merger or consolidation of the Company with
any other entity, including a merger or consolidation in which the holders of Series D Preferred Stock receive cash,
securities or property for their shares, or the sale, lease or exchange of all or substantially all of the assets of the
Company for cash, securities or other property shall not constitute a liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
The Series D Preferred Stock is not subject to any mandatory redemption, sinking fund or other similar provisions.
The Series D Preferred Stock is currently redeemable at the Company’s option, in whole or in part, upon not less
than 30 nor more than 60 days’ notice, at a redemption price equal to $25,000 per share (equivalent to $25 per
depositary share), plus any declared and unpaid dividends, without accumulation of any undeclared dividends.
Holders of Series D Preferred Stock have no right to require the redemption or repurchase of the Series D
Preferred Stock.
If shares of the Series D Preferred Stock are to be redeemed, the notice of redemption shall be given by first class
mail to the holders of record of the Series D Preferred Stock to be redeemed, mailed not less than 30 days nor
more than 60 days prior to the date fixed for redemption thereof (provided that, if the depositary shares
representing the Series D Preferred Stock are held in book-entry form through The Depository Trust Company, or
“DTC,” the Company may give such notice in any manner permitted by the DTC). Each notice of redemption will
include a statement setting forth: (i) the redemption date, (ii) the number of shares of the Series D Preferred Stock
to be redeemed and, if less than all the shares held by such holder are to be redeemed, the number of such
shares to be redeemed from such holder, (iii) the redemption price and (iv) the place or places where holders may
surrender certificates evidencing shares of Series D Preferred Stock for payment of the redemption price. If notice
of redemption of any shares of Series D Preferred Stock has been given and if the funds necessary for such
redemption have been set aside by the Company for the benefit of the holders of any shares of Series D Preferred
Stock so called for redemption, then, from and after the redemption date, dividends will cease to accrue on such
shares of Series D Preferred Stock, such shares of Series D Preferred Stock shall no longer be deemed
outstanding and all rights of the holders of such shares will terminate, except the right to receive the redemption
In case of any redemption of only part of the shares of the Series D Preferred Stock at the time outstanding, the
shares to be redeemed shall be selected either pro rata or in such other manner as the Company may determine
to be fair and equitable.
See “Description of Depositary Shares” below for information about redemption of the depositary shares relating to
the Company’s Series D Preferred Stock.
Regulatory Changes Relating to Capital Adequacy
The Company was previously regulated by the SEC as a consolidated supervised entity (“CSE”) pursuant to the
SEC’s rules relating to CSEs (referred to as the “CSE Rules”). The Company treated the Series D Preferred Stock
as allowable capital in accordance with the CSE Rules (such capital is referred to below as “Allowable Capital”).
If the regulatory capital requirements that apply to the Company change in the future, the Series D Preferred Stock
may be converted, at the Company’s option and without consent of the holders, into a new series of preferred
stock, subject to the limitations described below. The Company will be entitled to exercise this conversion right as
If both of the following occur:
the Company (by election or otherwise) becomes subject to any law, rule, regulation or guidance
(together, “regulations”) relating to the Company’s capital adequacy, which regulation (i) modifies
the existing requirements for treatment as Allowable Capital, (ii) provides for a type or level of
capital characterized as “Tier 1” or its equivalent pursuant to regulations of any governmental
body having jurisdiction over the Company (or any of the Company’s subsidiaries or consolidated
affiliates) and implementing capital standards published by the Basel Committee on Banking
Supervision, the SEC, the Federal Reserve Board or any other United States national
governmental body, or any other applicable regime based on capital standards published by the
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision or its successor, or (iii) provides for a type of capital
that in the Company’s judgment (after consultation with counsel of recognized standing) is
substantially equivalent to such “Tier 1” capital (such capital described in either (ii) or (iii) is
referred to below as “Tier 1 Capital Equivalent”), and
the Company affirmatively elects to qualify the Series D Preferred Stock for such Allowable
Capital or Tier 1 Capital Equivalent treatment without any sublimit or other quantitative restriction
on the inclusion of the Series D Preferred Stock in Allowable Capital or Tier 1 Capital Equivalent
(other than any limitation the Company elects to accept and any limitation requiring that common
equity or a specified form of common equity constitute the dominant form of Allowable Capital or
Tier 1 Capital Equivalent) under such regulations,
then, upon such affirmative election, the Series D Preferred Stock shall be convertible at the Company’s option
into a new series of preferred stock having terms and provisions substantially identical to those of the Series D
Preferred Stock, except that such new series may have such additional or modified rights, preferences, privileges
and voting powers, and such limitations and restrictions thereof, as are necessary, in the Company’s judgment
(after consultation with counsel of recognized standing), to comply with the Required Unrestricted Capital
Provisions (defined below), provided that the Company will not cause any such conversion unless the Company
determines that the rights, preferences, privileges and voting powers of such new series of preferred stock, taken
as a whole, are not materially less favorable to the holders thereof than the rights, preferences, privileges and
voting powers of the Series D Preferred Stock, taken as a whole. For example, the Company could agree to
restrict its ability to pay dividends on or redeem the new series of preferred stock for a specified period or
indefinitely, to the extent permitted by the terms and provisions of the new series of preferred stock, since such a
restriction would be permitted in the Company’s discretion under the terms and provisions of the Series D
Preferred Stock.
The Company will provide notice to holders of the Series D Preferred Stock of any election to qualify the Series D
Preferred Stock for Allowable Capital or Tier 1 Capital Equivalent treatment and of any determination to convert the
Series D Preferred Stock into a new series of preferred stock, promptly upon the effectiveness of any such election
or determination. A copy of any such notice and of the relevant regulations will be on file at the Company’s
principal offices and, upon request, will be made available to any stockholder.
As used above, the term “Required Unrestricted Capital Provisions” means the terms that are, in the Company’s
judgment (after consultation with counsel of recognized standing), required for preferred stock to be treated as
Allowable Capital or Tier 1 Capital Equivalent, as applicable, without any sublimit or other quantitative restriction
on the inclusion of such preferred stock in Allowable Capital or Tier 1 Capital Equivalent (other than any limitation
the Company elects to accept and any limitation requiring that common equity or a specified form of common
equity constitute the dominant form of Allowable Capital or Tier 1 Capital Equivalent) pursuant to applicable
Voting Rights
Except as provided below, the holders of the Series D Preferred Stock have no voting rights.
Whenever dividends on any shares of the Series D Preferred Stock shall have not been declared and paid for the
equivalent of six or more dividend payments, whether or not for consecutive dividend periods (as used in this
section, a “Nonpayment”), the holders of such shares, voting together as a class with holders of any and all other
series of voting preferred stock (as defined below) then outstanding, will be entitled to vote for the election of a
total of two additional members of the Company’s board of directors (as used in this section, the “Preferred Stock
Directors”), provided that the election of any such directors shall not cause the Company to violate the corporate
governance requirement of the New York Stock Exchange (or any other exchange on which the Company’s
securities may be listed) that listed companies must have a majority of independent directors and provided further
that the Company’s board of directors shall at no time include more than two Preferred Stock Directors. In that
event, the number of directors on the Company’s board of directors shall automatically increase by two, and the
new directors shall be elected at a special meeting called at the request of the holders of record of at least 20% of
the Series D Preferred Stock or of any other series of voting preferred stock (unless such request is received less
than 90 days before the date fixed for the next annual or special meeting of the stockholders, in which event such
election shall be held at such next annual or special meeting of stockholders), and at each subsequent annual
meeting. These voting rights will continue until dividends on the shares of the Series D Preferred Stock and any
such series of voting preferred stock for at least four dividend periods, whether or not consecutive, following the
Nonpayment shall have been fully paid (or declared and a sum sufficient for the payment of such dividends shall
have been set aside for payment).
As used in this description of the Series D Preferred Stock, “voting preferred stock” means any other class or
series of preferred stock of the Company ranking equally with the Series D Preferred Stock either as to dividends
or the distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up and upon which like voting rights have been
conferred and are exercisable. Whether a plurality, majority or other portion of the shares of Series D Preferred
Stock and any other voting preferred stock have been voted in favor of any matter shall be determined by
reference to the liquidation amounts of the shares voted.
If and when dividends for at least four dividend periods, whether or not consecutive, following a Nonpayment have
been paid in full (or declared and a sum sufficient for such payment shall have been set aside), the holders of the
Series D Preferred Stock shall be divested of the foregoing voting rights (subject to revesting in the event of each
subsequent Nonpayment) and, if such voting rights for all other holders of voting preferred stock have terminated,
the term of office of each Preferred Stock Director so elected shall terminate and the number of directors on the
board of directors shall automatically decrease by two. In determining whether dividends have been paid for four
dividend periods following a Nonpayment, the Company may take account of any dividend the Company elects to
pay for such a dividend period after the regular dividend date for that period has passed. Any Preferred Stock
Director may be removed at any time without cause by the holders of record of a majority of the outstanding
shares of the Series D Preferred Stock when they have the voting rights described above (voting together as a
class with all series of voting preferred stock then outstanding). So long as a Nonpayment shall continue, any
vacancy in the office of a Preferred Stock Director (other than prior to the initial election after a Nonpayment) may
be filled by the written consent of the Preferred Stock Director remaining in office, or if none remains in office, by a
vote of the holders of record of a majority of the outstanding shares of Series D Preferred Stock and all voting
preferred stock when they have the voting rights described above (voting together as a class). The Preferred Stock
Directors shall each be entitled to one vote per director on any matter.
So long as any shares of Series D Preferred Stock remain outstanding, the Company will not, without the
affirmative vote or consent of the holders of at least two-thirds of the outstanding shares of the Series D Preferred
Stock and all other series of voting preferred stock entitled to vote thereon, voting together as a single class, given
in person or by proxy, either in writing or at a meeting:
amend or alter the provisions of the Company’s restated certificate of incorporation so as to
authorize or create, or increase the authorized amount of, any class or series of stock ranking
senior to the Series D Preferred Stock with respect to payment of dividends or the distribution of
assets upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company;
amend, alter or repeal the provisions of the Company’s restated certificate of incorporation so as
to materially and adversely affect the special rights, preferences, privileges and voting powers of
the Series D Preferred Stock, taken as a whole; or
consummate a binding share exchange or reclassification involving the Series D Preferred Stock
or a merger or consolidation of the Company with another entity, unless in each case (i) the
shares of Series D Preferred Stock remain outstanding or, in the case of any such merger or
consolidation with respect to which the Company is not the surviving or resulting entity, are
converted into or exchanged for preference securities of the surviving or resulting entity or its
ultimate parent, and (ii) such shares remaining outstanding or such preference securities, as the
case may be, have such rights, preferences, privileges and voting powers, taken as a whole, as
are not materially less favorable to the holders thereof than the rights, preferences, privileges and
voting powers of the Series D Preferred Stock, taken as a whole;
provided, however, that any increase in the amount of the authorized or issued Series D Preferred Stock or
authorized preferred stock or the creation and issuance, or an increase in the authorized or issued amount, of
other series of preferred stock ranking equally with and/or junior to the Series D Preferred Stock with respect to the
payment of dividends (whether such dividends are cumulative or non-cumulative) and/or the distribution of assets
upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company will not be deemed to adversely affect the rights,
preferences, privileges or voting powers of the Series D Preferred Stock. In addition, any conversion of the Series
D Preferred Stock upon the occurrence of certain regulatory events, as discussed above under “— Regulatory
Changes Relating to Capital Adequacy,” will not be deemed to adversely affect the rights, preferences, privileges
or voting powers of the Series D Preferred Stock.
If an amendment, alteration, repeal, share exchange, reclassification, merger or consolidation described above
would adversely affect one or more but not all series of voting preferred stock (including the Series D Preferred
Stock for this purpose), then only the series affected and entitled to vote shall vote as a class in lieu of all such
series of preferred stock.
Without the consent of the holders of the Series D Preferred Stock, so long as such action does not adversely
affect the rights, preferences, privileges and voting powers of the Series D Preferred Stock, the Company may
amend, alter, supplement or repeal any terms of the Series D Preferred Stock:
to cure any ambiguity, or to cure, correct or supplement any provision contained in the certificate
of designation for the Series D Preferred Stock that may be defective or inconsistent; or
to make any provision with respect to matters or questions arising with respect to the Series D
Preferred Stock that is not inconsistent with the provisions of the certificate of designations.
The foregoing voting provisions will not apply if, at or prior to the time when the act with respect to which such vote
would otherwise be required shall be effected, all outstanding shares of Series D Preferred Stock shall have been
redeemed or called for redemption upon proper notice and sufficient funds shall have been set aside by the
Company for the benefit of the holders of the Series D Preferred Stock to effect such redemption.
Please note that as used in this section, references to “holders” of depositary shares mean those who own
depositary shares registered in their own names, on the books that the Company or the depositary maintain for
this purpose, and not indirect holders who own beneficial interests in depositary shares registered in street name
or issued in book-entry form through The Depository Trust Company.
The Company has issued fractional interests in shares of preferred stock in the form of depositary shares, each
representing a 1/1,000
ownership interest in a share of Series D Preferred Stock and evidenced by a depositary
receipt. The shares of Series D Preferred Stock represented by depositary shares are deposited under a deposit
agreement among the Company, the depositary and the holders from time to time of the depositary receipts
evidencing the depositary shares. Subject to the terms of the deposit agreement, each holder of a depositary
share is entitled, through the depositary, in proportion to the applicable fraction of a share of Series D Preferred
Stock represented by such depositary share, to all the rights and preferences of the Series D Preferred Stock
represented thereby (including dividend, voting, redemption and liquidation rights).
Dividends and Other Distributions
The depositary will distribute any cash dividends or other cash distributions received in respect of the deposited
Series D Preferred Stock to the record holders of depositary shares relating to the underlying Series D Preferred
Stock in proportion to the number of depositary shares held by the holders. The depositary will distribute any
property received by it other than cash to the record holders of depositary shares entitled to those distributions,
unless it determines that the distribution cannot be made proportionally among those holders or that it is not
feasible to make a distribution. In that event, the depositary may, with the Company’s approval, sell the property
and distribute the net proceeds from the sale to the holders of the depositary shares in proportion to the number of
depositary shares they hold.
Record dates for the payment of dividends and other matters relating to the depositary shares will be the same as
the corresponding record dates for the Series D Preferred Stock.
The amounts distributed to holders of depositary shares will be reduced by any amounts required to be withheld by
the depositary or by the Company on account of taxes or other governmental charges.
Redemption of Depositary Shares
If the Company redeems the Series D Preferred Stock represented by the depositary shares, the depositary
shares will be redeemed from the proceeds received by the depositary resulting from the redemption of the Series
D Preferred Stock held by the depositary. The redemption price per depositary share will be equal to 1/1,000
the redemption price per share payable with respect to the Series D Preferred Stock (or $25 per depositary share).
Whenever the Company redeems shares of Series D Preferred Stock held by the depositary, the depositary will
redeem, as of the same redemption date, the number of depositary shares representing shares of Series D
Preferred Stock so redeemed.
In case of any redemption of less than all of the outstanding depositary shares, the depositary shares to be
redeemed will be selected by the depositary pro rata or in such other manner determined by the depositary to be
equitable. In any such case, the Company will redeem depositary shares only in increments of 1,000 shares and
any multiple thereof.
Voting the Series D Preferred Stock
When the depositary receives notice of any meeting at which the holders of the Series D Preferred Stock are
entitled to vote, the depositary will mail the information contained in the notice to the record holders of the
depositary shares relating to the Series D Preferred Stock. Each record holder of the depositary shares on the
record date, which will be the same date as the record date for the Series D Preferred Stock, may instruct the
depositary to vote the amount of the Series D Preferred Stock represented by the holder’s depositary shares. To
the extent possible, the depositary will vote the amount of the Series D Preferred Stock represented by depositary
shares in accordance with the instructions it receives. The Company will agree to take all reasonable actions that
the depositary determines are necessary to enable the depositary to vote as instructed. If the depositary does not
receive specific instructions from the holders of any depositary shares representing the Series D Preferred Stock,
it will vote all depositary shares of that series held by it proportionately with instructions received.
The depositary shares are listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol “GS PrD.”
Form of Preferred Stock and Depositary Shares
The depositary shares are issued in book-entry form through The Depository Trust Company. The Series D
Preferred Stock is issued in registered form to the depositary.
The depositary is the sole holder of the Company’s 5.50% Fixed-To-Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Preferred
Stock, Series J (the “Series J Preferred Stock”), and all references herein to the holders of the Series J Preferred
Stock shall mean the depositary. However, the holders of depositary shares are entitled, through the depositary, to
exercise the rights and preferences of the holders of the Series J Preferred Stock, as described below under
“Description of Depositary Shares.”
The following is a brief description of the material terms of the Series C Preferred Stock. The following summary of
the terms and provisions of the Series J Preferred Stock does not purport to be complete and is qualified in its
entirety by reference to the pertinent sections of the Company’s restated certificate of incorporation, which is an
exhibit to the Annual Report of which this exhibit is a part. Unless the context otherwise provides, all references to
the Company in this description refer only to The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and does not include its
consolidated subsidiaries.
The Company’s authorized capital stock includes 150,000,000 shares of preferred stock, par value $0.01 per
share. The Series J Preferred Stock is part of a single series of the Company’s authorized preferred stock. The
Company may from time to time, without notice to or the consent of holders of the Series J Preferred Stock, issue
additional shares of the Series J Preferred Stock, up to the maximum number of authorized but unissued shares.
Shares of the Series J Preferred Stock rank senior to the Company’s common stock, equally with each other
series of the Company’s preferred stock outstanding as of December 31, 2020 and at least equally with each other
series of preferred stock that the Company may issue (except for any senior series that may be issued with the
requisite consent of the holders of Series J Preferred Stock), with respect to the payment of dividends and
distributions of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up. In addition, the Company will generally be able
to pay dividends and distributions upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up only out of lawfully available funds for
such payment (i.e., after taking account of all indebtedness and other non-equity claims). The Series J Preferred
Stock is fully paid and nonassessable, which means that its holders have paid their purchase price in full and that
the Company may not ask them to surrender additional funds. Holders of Series J Preferred Stock do not have
preemptive or subscription rights to acquire more stock of the Company.
The Series J Preferred Stock is not convertible into, or exchangeable for, shares of any other class or series of
stock or other securities of the Company. The Series J Preferred Stock has no stated maturity and is not subject to
any sinking fund or other obligation of the Company to redeem or repurchase the Series J Preferred Stock. The
Series J Preferred Stock represents non-withdrawable capital, is not a bank deposit and is not insured by the FDIC
or any other governmental agency, nor is it the obligation of, or guaranteed by, a bank.
Dividends on shares of the Series J Preferred Stock are not mandatory. Holders of Series J Preferred Stock are
entitled to receive, when, as and if declared by the Company’s board of directors (or a duly authorized committee
of the board), out of funds legally available for the payment of dividends, non-cumulative cash dividends from the
original issue date, quarterly in arrears on the 10
day of February, May, August and November of each year
(each, a “dividend payment date”). These dividends accrue, with respect to each dividend period, on the liquidation
preference amount of $25,000 per share (equivalent to $25 per depositary share) at a rate per annum equal to
5.50% from the original issue date to, but excluding, May 10, 2023, and, thereafter at a floating rate per annum
equal to LIBOR plus 3.64% on the related LIBOR determination date. In the event that the Company issues
additional shares of Series J Preferred Stock after the original issue date, dividends on such shares may accrue
from the original issue date or any other date the Company specifies at the time such additional shares are issued.
Dividends will be payable to holders of record of Series J Preferred Stock as they appear on the Company’s books
on the applicable record date, which shall be the 15
calendar day before that dividend payment date or such
other record date fixed by the Company’s board of directors (or a duly authorized committee of the board) that is
not more than 60 nor less than 10 days prior to such dividend payment date (each, a “dividend record date”).
These dividend record dates will apply regardless of whether a particular dividend record date is a business day.
The corresponding record dates for the depositary shares are the same as the record dates for the Series J
Preferred Stock.
A dividend period is the period from and including a dividend payment date to but excluding the next dividend
payment date. Dividends payable on the Series J Preferred Stock for any period beginning prior to May 10, 2023
are calculated on the basis of a 360-day year consisting of twelve 30-day months, and dividends for periods
beginning on or after such date will be calculated on the basis of a 360-day year and the actual number of days
elapsed in the dividend period. If any date on which dividends would otherwise be payable is not a business day,
then the dividend payment date will be the next succeeding business day unless, after May 10, 2023, such day
falls in the next calendar month, in which case the dividend payment date will be the immediately preceding day
that is a business day. “Business day” means a day that is a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday
and is not a day on which banking institutions in New York City generally are authorized or obligated by law or
executive order to close.
For any dividend period commencing on or after May 10, 2023, LIBOR will be determined by the calculation agent
on the second London business day immediately preceding the first day of such dividend period in the following
LIBOR will be the offered rate per annum for three-month deposits in U.S. dollars, beginning on
the first day of such period, as that rate appears on Reuters screen LIBOR01 (or any successor
or replacement page) as of approximately 11:00 A.M., London time, on the second London
business day immediately preceding the first day of such dividend period.
If the rate described above does not so appear on the Reuters screen LIBOR01 (or any
successor or replacement page), then LIBOR will be determined on the basis of the rates, at
approximately 11:00 A.M., London time, on the second London business day immediately
preceding the first day of such dividend period, at which deposits of the following kind are offered
to prime banks in the London interbank market by four major banks in that market selected by the
calculation agent: three-month deposits in U.S. dollars, beginning on the first day of such
dividend period, and in a Representative Amount. The calculation agent will request the principal
London office of each of these banks to provide a quotation of its rate. If at least two quotations
are provided, LIBOR for the second London business day immediately preceding the first day of
such dividend period will be the arithmetic mean of the quotations.
If fewer than two of the requested quotations described above are provided, LIBOR for the
second London business day immediately preceding the first day of such dividend period will be
the arithmetic mean of the rates for loans of the following kind to leading European banks quoted,
at approximately 11:00 A.M., New York City time, on the second London business day
immediately preceding the first day of such dividend period, by three major banks in New York
City selected by the calculation agent: three-month loans of U.S. dollars, beginning on the first
day of such dividend period, and in a Representative Amount.
If no quotation is provided as described above, then the calculation agent, after consulting such
sources as it deems comparable to any of the foregoing quotations or display page, or any such
source as it deems reasonable from which to estimate LIBOR or any of the foregoing lending
rates, shall determine LIBOR for the second London business day immediately preceding the first
day of such dividend period in its sole discretion.
Under the FRB’s final rule and the LIBOR Act, on the first London business day following June 30, 2023, LIBOR
will be replaced with three-month term SOFR plus the statutorily prescribed tenor spread.
The calculation agent’s determination of any dividend rate, and its calculation of the amount of dividends for any
dividend period, will be on file at the Company’s principal offices, will be made available to any stockholder upon
request and will be final and binding in the absence of manifest error.
This subsection uses several terms that have special meanings relevant to calculating LIBOR. Those terms have
the following meanings:
The term “Representative Amount” means an amount that, in the calculation agent’s judgment, is representative of
a single transaction in the relevant market at the relevant time.
The term “London business day” means a day that is a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday and is a
day on which dealings in U.S. dollars are transacted in the London interbank market.
The term “Reuters screen” means the display on the Reuters 3000 Xtra service, or any successor or replacement
Dividends on shares of Series J Preferred Stock are not cumulative. Accordingly, if the board of directors of the
Company (or a duly authorized committee of the board) does not declare a dividend on the Series J Preferred
Stock payable in respect of any dividend period before the related dividend payment date, such dividend will not
accrue and the Company will have no obligation to pay a dividend for that dividend period on the dividend payment
date or at any future time, whether or not dividends on the Series J Preferred Stock are declared for any future
dividend period.
So long as any share of Series J Preferred Stock remains outstanding, no dividend shall be paid or declared on
the Company’s common stock or any other shares of the Company’s junior stock (as defined below) (other than a
dividend payable solely in junior stock), and no common stock or other junior stock shall be purchased, redeemed
or otherwise acquired for consideration by the Company, directly or indirectly (other than as a result of a
reclassification of junior stock for or into other junior stock, or the exchange or conversion of one share of junior
stock for or into another share of junior stock and other than through the use of the proceeds of a substantially
contemporaneous sale of junior stock), during a dividend period, unless the full dividends for the latest completed
dividend period on all outstanding shares of Series J Preferred Stock have been declared and paid (or declared
and a sum sufficient for the payment thereof has been set aside). However, the foregoing provision shall not
restrict the ability of Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, or any of the Company’s other affiliates, to engage in any market-
making transactions in the Company’s junior stock in the ordinary course of business.
As used in this description of the Series J Preferred Stock, “junior stock” means any class or series of stock of the
Company that ranks junior to the Series J Preferred Stock either as to the payment of dividends or as to the
distribution of assets upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company’s junior stock includes the
Company’s common stock.
When dividends are not paid (or duly provided for) on any dividend payment date (or, in the case of parity stock, as
defined below, having dividend payment dates different from the dividend payment dates pertaining to the Series J
Preferred Stock, on a dividend payment date falling within the related dividend period for the Series J Preferred
Stock) in full on the Series J Preferred Stock and any shares of parity stock, all dividends declared on the Series J
Preferred Stock and all such equally ranking securities payable on such dividend payment date (or, in the case of
parity stock having dividend payment dates different from the dividend payment dates pertaining to the Series J
Preferred Stock, on a dividend payment date falling within the related dividend period for the Series J Preferred
Stock) shall be declared pro rata so that the respective amounts of such dividends shall bear the same ratio to
each other as all accrued but unpaid dividends per share on the Series J Preferred Stock and all parity stock
payable on such dividend payment date (or, in the case of parity stock having dividend payment dates different
from the dividend payment dates pertaining to the Series J Preferred Stock, on a dividend payment date falling
within the related dividend period for the Series J Preferred Stock) bear to each other.
As used in this description of the Series J Preferred Stock, “parity stock” means any other class or series of stock
of the Company that ranks equally with the Series J Preferred Stock in the payment of dividends and in the
distribution of assets on any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company.
Subject to the foregoing, such dividends (payable in cash, stock or otherwise) as may be determined by the
Company’s board of directors (or a duly authorized committee of the board) may be declared and paid on the
Company’s common stock and any other stock ranking equally with or junior to the Series J Preferred Stock from
time to time out of any funds legally available for such payment, and the shares of the Series J Preferred Stock
shall not be entitled to participate in any such dividend.
Dividends on the Series J Preferred Stock will not be declared, paid or set aside for payment if the Company fails
to comply, or if and to the extent such act would cause the Company to fail to comply, with applicable laws and
regulations. The restated certificate of incorporation provides that dividends on the Series J Preferred Stock may
not be declared or set aside for payment if and to the extent such dividends would cause the Company to fail to
comply with applicable capital adequacy standards.
Liquidation Rights
Upon any voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company, holders of Series J
Preferred Stock are entitled to receive out of assets of the Company available for distribution to stockholders, after
satisfaction of liabilities to creditors, if any, before any distribution of assets is made to holders of common stock or
of any of the Company’s other shares of stock ranking junior as to such a distribution to the shares of Series J
Preferred Stock, a liquidating distribution in the amount of $25,000 per share (equivalent to $25 per depositary
share) plus declared and unpaid dividends, without accumulation of any undeclared dividends. Holders of Series J
Preferred Stock will not be entitled to any other amounts from the Company after they have received their full
liquidation preference.
The Series J Preferred Stock may be fully subordinate to interests held by the U.S. government in the event of a
receivership, insolvency, liquidation, or similar proceeding, including a proceeding under the “orderly liquidation
authority” provisions of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
In any such distribution, if the assets of the Company are not sufficient to pay the liquidation preferences in full to
all holders of Series J Preferred Stock and all holders of any other shares of the Company’s stock ranking equally
as to such distribution with the Series J Preferred Stock, the amounts paid to the holders of Series J Preferred
Stock and to the holders of all such other stock will be paid pro rata in accordance with the respective aggregate
liquidation preferences of those holders. In any such distribution, the “liquidation preference” of any holder of
preferred stock means the amount payable to such holder in such distribution, including any declared but unpaid
dividends (and any unpaid, accrued cumulative dividends in the case of any holder of stock on which dividends
accrue on a cumulative basis). If the liquidation preference has been paid in full to all holders of the Company’s
Series J Preferred Stock and any other shares of the Company’s stock ranking equally as to the liquidation
distribution, the holders of the Company’s other stock shall be entitled to receive all remaining assets of the
Company according to their respective rights and preferences.
For purposes of this description of the Series J Preferred Stock, the merger or consolidation of the Company with
any other entity, including a merger or consolidation in which the holders of Series J Preferred Stock receive cash,
securities or property for their shares, or the sale, lease or exchange of all or substantially all of the assets of the
Company for cash, securities or other property shall not constitute a liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
The Series J Preferred Stock is perpetual and has no maturity date, and is not subject to any mandatory
redemption, sinking fund or other similar provisions. The Company may, at its option, redeem the Series J
Preferred Stock (i) in whole or in part, from time to time, on any date on or after May 10, 2023, or (ii) in whole but
not in part at any time within 90 days following a Regulatory Capital Treatment Event, in each case, upon not less
than 30 nor more than 60 days’ notice, at a redemption price equal to $25,000 per share (equivalent to $25 per
depositary share), plus accrued and unpaid dividends for the then-current dividend period to but excluding the
redemption date, whether or not declared. Holders of Series J Preferred Stock have no right to require the
redemption or repurchase of the Series J Preferred Stock.
The Company is a bank holding company and a financial holding company regulated by the Federal Reserve
Board. The Company treats the Series J Preferred Stock as “tier 1 capital” (or its equivalent) for purposes of the
capital adequacy guidelines of the Federal Reserve Board (or, as and if applicable, the capital adequacy
guidelines or regulations of any successor appropriate federal banking agency).
A “Regulatory Capital Treatment Event” means the good faith determination by the Company that, as a result of (i)
any amendment to, or change in, the laws or regulations of the United States or any political subdivision of or in
the United States that is enacted or becomes effective after the initial issuance of any share of the Series J
Preferred Stock, (ii) any proposed change in those laws or regulations that is announced or becomes effective
after the initial issuance of any share of the Series J Preferred Stock, or (iii) any official administrative decision or
judicial decision or administrative action or other official pronouncement interpreting or applying those laws or
regulations that is announced after the initial issuance of any share of the Series J Preferred Stock, there is more
than an insubstantial risk that the Company will not be entitled to treat the full liquidation preference amount of
$25,000 per share of Series J Preferred Stock then outstanding as “tier 1 capital” (or its equivalent) for purposes of
the capital adequacy guidelines of the Federal Reserve Board (or, as and if applicable, the capital adequacy
guidelines or regulations of any successor appropriate federal banking agency) as then in effect and applicable, for
so long as any share of Series J Preferred Stock is outstanding. “Appropriate federal banking agency” means the
“appropriate federal banking agency” with respect to the Company as that term is defined in Section 3(q) of the
Federal Deposit Insurance Act or any successor provision.
The Company will not exercise its option to redeem any shares of preferred stock without obtaining the approval of
the Federal Reserve Board (or any successor appropriate federal banking agency) if then required by applicable
law. Unless the Federal Reserve Board (or any successor appropriate federal banking agency) authorizes the
Company to do otherwise in writing, the Company will redeem the Series J Preferred Stock only if it is replaced
with other tier 1 capital that is not a restricted core capital element (e.g., common stock or another series of
noncumulative perpetual preferred stock).
If shares of Series J Preferred Stock are to be redeemed, the notice of redemption shall be given by first class mail
to the holders of record of Series J Preferred Stock to be redeemed, mailed not less than 30 days nor more than
60 days prior to the date fixed for redemption thereof (provided that, if the depositary shares representing the
Series J Preferred Stock are held in book-entry form through The Depository Trust Company, or “DTC,” the
Company may give such notice in any manner permitted by the DTC). Each notice of redemption will include a
statement setting forth: (i) the redemption date, (ii) the number of shares of Series J Preferred Stock to be
redeemed and, if less than all the shares held by such holder are to be redeemed, the number of such shares to
be redeemed from such holder, (iii) the redemption price and (iv) the place or places where holders may surrender
certificates evidencing shares of Series J Preferred Stock for payment of the redemption price. If notice of
redemption of any shares of Series J Preferred Stock has been given and if the funds necessary for such
redemption have been set aside by the Company for the benefit of the holders of any shares of Series J Preferred
Stock so called for redemption, then, from and after the redemption date, dividends will cease to accrue on such
shares of Series J Preferred Stock, such shares of Series J Preferred Stock shall no longer be deemed
outstanding and all rights of the holders of such shares will terminate, except the right to receive the redemption
In case of any redemption of only part of the shares of the Series J Preferred Stock at the time outstanding, the
shares to be redeemed shall be selected either pro rata or in such other manner as the Company may determine
to be fair and equitable.
See “Description of Depositary Shares” below for information about redemption of the depositary shares relating to
the Company’s Series J Preferred Stock.
Voting Rights
Except as provided below, the holders of Series J Preferred Stock have no voting rights.
Whenever dividends on any shares of Series J Preferred Stock shall have not been declared and paid for the
equivalent of six or more dividend payments, whether or not for consecutive dividend periods (as used in this
section, a “Nonpayment”), the holders of such shares, voting together as a class with holders of any and all other
series of voting preferred stock (as defined below) then outstanding, will be entitled to vote for the election of a
total of two additional members of the Company’s board of directors (as used in this section, the “Preferred Stock
Directors”), provided that the Company’s board of directors shall at no time include more than two Preferred Stock
Directors. In that event, the number of directors on the Company’s board of directors shall automatically increase
by two, and the new directors shall be elected at a special meeting called at the request of the holders of record of
at least 20% of the Series J Preferred Stock or of any other series of voting preferred stock (unless such request is
received less than 90 days before the date fixed for the next annual or special meeting of the stockholders, in
which event such election shall be held at such next annual or special meeting of stockholders), and at each
subsequent annual meeting.
These voting rights will continue until dividends on the shares of Series J Preferred Stock and any such series of
voting preferred stock for four consecutive dividend periods following the Nonpayment shall have been fully paid
(or declared and a sum sufficient for the payment of such dividends shall have been set aside for payment).
As used in this description of the Series J Preferred Stock, “voting preferred stock” means any other class or
series of preferred stock of the Company ranking equally with the Series J Preferred Stock either as to dividends
or the distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up and upon which like voting rights have been
conferred and are exercisable. Whether a plurality, majority or other portion of the shares of Series J Preferred
Stock and any other voting preferred stock have been voted in favor of any matter shall be determined by
reference to the liquidation amounts of the shares voted.
If and when dividends for four consecutive dividend periods following a Nonpayment have been paid in full (or
declared and a sum sufficient for such payment shall have been set aside), the holders of Series J Preferred Stock
shall be divested of the foregoing voting rights (subject to revesting in the event of each subsequent Nonpayment)
and, if such voting rights for all other holders of voting preferred stock have terminated, the term of office of each
Preferred Stock Director so elected shall terminate and the number of directors on the board of directors shall
automatically decrease by two. Any Preferred Stock Director may be removed at any time without cause by the
holders of record of a majority of the outstanding shares of Series J Preferred Stock when they have the voting
rights described above (voting together as a class with all series of voting preferred stock then outstanding). So
long as a Nonpayment shall continue, any vacancy in the office of a Preferred Stock Director (other than prior to
the initial election after a Nonpayment) may be filled by the written consent of the Preferred Stock Director
remaining in office, or if none remains in office, by a vote of the holders of record of a majority of the outstanding
shares of Series J Preferred Stock and all voting preferred stock when they have the voting rights described above
(voting together as a class). The Preferred Stock Directors shall each be entitled to one vote per director on any
So long as any shares of Series J Preferred Stock remain outstanding, the Company will not, without the
affirmative vote or consent of the holders of at least two-thirds of the outstanding shares of the Series J Preferred
Stock and all other series of voting preferred stock entitled to vote thereon, voting together as a single class, given
in person or by proxy, either in writing or at a meeting:
amend or alter the provisions of the Company’s restated certificate of incorporation so as to
authorize or create, or increase the authorized amount of, any class or series of stock ranking
senior to the Series J Preferred Stock with respect to payment of dividends or the distribution of
assets upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company;
amend, alter or repeal the provisions of the Company’s restated certificate of incorporation so as
to materially and adversely affect the special rights, preferences, privileges and voting powers of
the Series J Preferred Stock, taken as a whole; or
consummate a binding share exchange or reclassification involving the Series J Preferred Stock
or a merger or consolidation of the Company with another entity, unless in each case (i) the
shares of Series J Preferred Stock remain outstanding or, in the case of any such merger or
consolidation with respect to which the Company is not the surviving or resulting entity, are
converted into or exchanged for preference securities of the surviving or resulting entity or its
ultimate parent, and (ii) such shares remaining outstanding or such preference securities, as the
case may be, have such rights, preferences, privileges and voting powers, taken as a whole, as
are not materially less favorable to the holders thereof than the rights, preferences, privileges and
voting powers of the Series J Preferred Stock, taken as a whole;
provided, however, that any increase in the amount of the authorized or issued Series J Preferred Stock or
authorized preferred stock or the creation and issuance, or an increase in the authorized or issued amount, of
other series of preferred stock ranking equally with and/or junior to the Series J Preferred Stock with respect to the
payment of dividends (whether such dividends are cumulative or non-cumulative) and/or the distribution of assets
upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company will not be deemed to adversely affect the rights,
preferences, privileges or voting powers of the Series J Preferred Stock.
If an amendment, alteration, repeal, share exchange, reclassification, merger or consolidation described above
would adversely affect one or more but not all series of voting preferred stock (including the Series J Preferred
Stock for this purpose), then only the series affected and entitled to vote shall vote as a class in lieu of all such
series of preferred stock.
Without the consent of the holders of Series J Preferred Stock, so long as such action does not adversely affect
the rights, preferences, privileges and voting powers of the Series J Preferred Stock, the Company may amend,
alter, supplement or repeal any terms of the Series J Preferred Stock:
to cure any ambiguity, or to cure, correct or supplement any provision contained in the certificate
of designation for the Series J Preferred Stock that may be defective or inconsistent; or
to make any provision with respect to matters or questions arising with respect to the Series J
Preferred Stock that is not inconsistent with the provisions of the certificate of designations.
The foregoing voting provisions will not apply if, at or prior to the time when the act with respect to which such vote
would otherwise be required shall be effected, all outstanding shares of Series J Preferred Stock shall have been
redeemed or called for redemption upon proper notice and sufficient funds shall have been set aside by the
Company for the benefit of the holders of Series J Preferred Stock to effect such redemption.
Please note that as used in this section, references to “holders” of depositary shares mean those who own
depositary shares registered in their own names, on the books that the Company or the depositary maintain for
this purpose, and not indirect holders who own beneficial interests in depositary shares registered in street name
or issued in book-entry form through The Depository Trust Company.
The Company has issued fractional interests in shares of preferred stock in the form of depositary shares, each
representing a 1/1,000
ownership interest in a share of Series J Preferred Stock and evidenced by a depositary
receipt. The shares of Series J Preferred Stock represented by depositary shares are deposited under a deposit
agreement among the Company, the depositary and the holders from time to time of the depositary receipts
evidencing the depositary shares. Subject to the terms of the deposit agreement, each holder of a depositary
share is entitled, through the depositary, in proportion to the applicable fraction of a share of Series J Preferred
Stock represented by such depositary share, to all the rights and preferences of the Series J Preferred Stock
represented thereby (including dividend, voting, redemption and liquidation rights).
Dividends and Other Distributions
The depositary will distribute any cash dividends or other cash distributions received in respect of the deposited
Series J Preferred Stock to the record holders of depositary shares relating to the underlying Series J Preferred
Stock in proportion to the number of depositary shares held by the holders. The depositary will distribute any
property received by it other than cash to the record holders of depositary shares entitled to those distributions,
unless it determines that the distribution cannot be made proportionally among those holders or that it is not
feasible to make a distribution. In that event, the depositary may, with the Company’s approval, sell the property
and distribute the net proceeds from the sale to the holders of the depositary shares in proportion to the number of
depositary shares they hold.
Record dates for the payment of dividends and other matters relating to the depositary shares will be the same as
the corresponding record dates for the Series J Preferred Stock.
The amounts distributed to holders of depositary shares will be reduced by any amounts required to be withheld by
the depositary or by the Company on account of taxes or other governmental charges.
Redemption of Depositary Shares
If the Company redeems the Series J Preferred Stock represented by the depositary shares, the depositary shares
will be redeemed from the proceeds received by the depositary resulting from the redemption of the Series J
Preferred Stock held by the depositary. The redemption price per depositary share will be equal to 1/1,000
of the
redemption price per share payable with respect to the Series J Preferred Stock (or $25 per depositary share).
Whenever the Company redeems shares of Series J Preferred Stock held by the depositary, the depositary will
redeem, as of the same redemption date, the number of depositary shares representing shares of Series J
Preferred Stock so redeemed.
In case of any redemption of less than all of the outstanding depositary shares, the depositary shares to be
redeemed will be selected by the depositary pro rata or in such other manner determined by the depositary to be
equitable. In any such case, the Company will redeem depositary shares only in increments of 1,000 shares and
any multiple thereof.
Voting the Series J Preferred Stock
When the depositary receives notice of any meeting at which the holders of Series J Preferred Stock are entitled to
vote, the depositary will mail the information contained in the notice to the record holders of the depositary shares
relating to the Series J Preferred Stock. Each record holder of the depositary shares on the record date, which will
be the same date as the record date for the Series J Preferred Stock, may instruct the depositary to vote the
amount of Series J Preferred Stock represented by the holder’s depositary shares. To the extent possible, the
depositary will vote the amount of Series J Preferred Stock represented by depositary shares in accordance with
the instructions it receives. The Company will agree to take all reasonable actions that the depositary determines
are necessary to enable the depositary to vote as instructed. If the depositary does not receive specific instructions
from the holders of any depositary shares representing the Series J Preferred Stock, it will vote all depositary
shares of that series held by it proportionately with instructions received.
The depositary shares are listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol “GS PrJ.”
Form of Preferred Stock and Depositary Shares
The depositary shares are issued in book-entry form through The Depository Trust Company. The Series J
Preferred Stock is issued in registered form to the depositary.
The depositary is the sole holder of the Company’s 6.375% Fixed-to-Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Preferred
Stock, Series K (the “Series K Preferred Stock”), and all references herein to the holders of the Series K Preferred
Stock shall mean the depositary. However, the holders of depositary shares are entitled, through the depositary, to
exercise the rights and preferences of the holders of Series K Preferred Stock, as described below under
“Description of Depositary Shares.”
The following is a brief description of the material terms of the Series K Preferred Stock. The following summary of
the terms and provisions of the Series K Preferred Stock does not purport to be complete and is qualified in its
entirety by reference to the pertinent sections of the Company’s restated certificate of incorporation, which is an
exhibit to the Annual Report of which this exhibit is a part. Unless the context otherwise provides, all references to
the Company in this description refer only to The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and does not include its
consolidated subsidiaries.
The Company’s authorized capital stock includes 150,000,000 shares of preferred stock, par value $0.01 per
share. The Series K Preferred Stock is part of a single series of the Company’s authorized preferred stock. The
Company may from time to time, without notice to or the consent of holders of the Series K Preferred Stock, issue
additional shares of the Series K Preferred Stock, up to the maximum number of authorized but unissued shares.
Shares of the Series K Preferred Stock rank senior to the Company’s common stock, equally with each other
series of the Company’s preferred stock outstanding as of December 31, 2020 and at least equally with each other
series of preferred stock that the Company may issue (except for any senior series that may be issued with the
requisite consent of the holders of Series K Preferred Stock), with respect to the payment of dividends and
distributions of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up. In addition, the Company will generally be able
to pay dividends and distributions upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up only out of lawfully available funds for
such payment (i.e., after taking account of all indebtedness and other non-equity claims). The Series K Preferred
Stock is fully paid and nonassessable, which means that its holders have paid their purchase price in full and that
the Company may not ask them to surrender additional funds. Holders of Series K Preferred Stock do not have
preemptive or subscription rights to acquire more stock of the Company.
The Series K Preferred Stock is not convertible into, or exchangeable for, shares of any other class or series of
stock or other securities of the Company. The Series K Preferred Stock has no stated maturity and is not subject to
any sinking fund or other obligation of the Company to redeem or repurchase the Series K Preferred Stock. The
Series K Preferred Stock represents non-withdrawable capital, is not a bank deposit and is not insured by the
FDIC or any other governmental agency, nor is it the obligation of, or guaranteed by, a bank.
Dividends on shares of the Series K Preferred Stock are not mandatory. Holders of Series K Preferred Stock are
entitled to receive, when, as and if declared by the Company’s board of directors (or a duly authorized committee
of the board), out of funds legally available for the payment of dividends, non-cumulative cash dividends from the
original issue date, quarterly in arrears on the 10
day of February, May, August and November of each year
(each, a “dividend payment date”). These dividends accrue, with respect to each dividend period, on the liquidation
preference amount of $25,000 per share (equivalent to $25 per depositary share) at a rate per annum equal to
6.375% from the original issue date to, but excluding, May 10, 2024 (or, if not a business day, the next succeeding
business day), and, thereafter at a floating rate per annum equal to LIBOR plus 3.55% on the related LIBOR
determination date. In the event that the Company issues additional shares of Series K Preferred Stock after the
original issue date, dividends on such shares may accrue from the original issue date or any other date the
Company specifies at the time such additional shares are issued.
Dividends will be payable to holders of record of Series K Preferred Stock as they appear on the Company’s books
on the applicable record date, which shall be the 15
calendar day before that dividend payment date or such
other record date fixed by the Company’s board of directors (or a duly authorized committee of the board) that is
not more than 60 nor less than 10 days prior to such dividend payment date (each, a “dividend record date”).
These dividend record dates will apply regardless of whether a particular dividend record date is a business day.
The corresponding record dates for the depositary shares are the same as the record dates for the Series K
Preferred Stock.
A dividend period is the period from and including a dividend payment date to but excluding the next dividend
payment date. Dividends payable on the Series K Preferred Stock for any period beginning prior to May 10, 2024
will be calculated on the basis of a 360-day year consisting of twelve 30-day months, and dividends for periods
beginning on or after such date will be calculated on the basis of a 360-day year and the actual number of days
elapsed in the dividend period. If any date on which dividends would otherwise be payable is not a business day,
then the dividend payment date will be the next succeeding business day unless, after May 10, 2024, such day
falls in the next calendar month, in which case the dividend payment date will be the immediately preceding day
that is a business day. “Business day” means a day that is a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday
and is not a day on which banking institutions in New York City generally are authorized or obligated by law or
executive order to close.
For any dividend period commencing on or after May 10, 2024, LIBOR will be determined by the calculation agent
on the second London business day immediately preceding the first day of such dividend period in the following
LIBOR will be the offered rate per annum for three-month deposits in U.S. dollars, beginning on
the first day of such period, as that rate appears on Reuters screen LIBOR01 (or any successor
or replacement page) as of approximately 11:00 A.M., London time, on the second London
business day immediately preceding the first day of such dividend period.
If the rate described above does not so appear on the Reuters screen LIBOR01 (or any
successor or replacement page), then LIBOR will be determined on the basis of the rates, at
approximately 11:00 A.M., London time, on the second London business day immediately
preceding the first day of such dividend period, at which deposits of the following kind are offered
to prime banks in the London interbank market by four major banks in that market selected by the
calculation agent: three-month deposits in U.S. dollars, beginning on the first day of such
dividend period, and in a Representative Amount. The calculation agent will request the principal
London office of each of these banks to provide a quotation of its rate. If at least two quotations
are provided, LIBOR for the second London business day immediately preceding the first day of
such dividend period will be the arithmetic mean of the quotations.
If fewer than two of the requested quotations described above are provided, LIBOR for the
second London business day immediately preceding the first day of such dividend period will be
the arithmetic mean of the rates for loans of the following kind to leading European banks quoted,
at approximately 11:00 A.M., New York City time, on the second London business day
immediately preceding the first day of such dividend period, by three major banks in New York
City selected by the calculation agent: three-month loans of U.S. dollars, beginning on the first
day of such dividend period, and in a Representative Amount.
If no quotation is provided as described above, then the calculation agent, after consulting such
sources as it deems comparable to any of the foregoing quotations or display page, or any such
source as it deems reasonable from which to estimate LIBOR or any of the foregoing lending
rates, shall determine LIBOR for the second London business day immediately preceding the first
day of such dividend period in its sole discretion.
Under the FRB’s final rule and the LIBOR Act, on the first London business day following June 30, 2023, LIBOR
will be replaced with three-month term SOFR plus the statutorily prescribed tenor spread.
The calculation agent’s determination of any dividend rate, and its calculation of the amount of dividends for any
dividend period, will be on file at the Company’s principal offices, will be made available to any stockholder upon
request and will be final and binding in the absence of manifest error.
This subsection uses several terms that have special meanings relevant to calculating LIBOR. Those terms have
the following meanings:
The term “Representative Amount” means an amount that, in the calculation agent’s judgment, is representative of
a single transaction in the relevant market at the relevant time.
The term “London business day” means a day that is a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday and is a
day on which dealings in U.S. dollars are transacted in the London interbank market.
The term “Reuters screen” means the display on the Reuters 3000 Xtra service, or any successor or replacement
Dividends on shares of Series K Preferred Stock are not cumulative. Accordingly, if the board of directors of the
Company (or a duly authorized committee of the board) does not declare a dividend on the Series K Preferred
Stock payable in respect of any dividend period before the related dividend payment date, such dividend will not
accrue and the Company will have no obligation to pay a dividend for that dividend period on the dividend payment
date or at any future time, whether or not dividends on the Series K Preferred Stock are declared for any future
dividend period.
So long as any share of Series K Preferred Stock remains outstanding, no dividend shall be paid or declared on
the Company’s common stock or any other shares of the Company’s junior stock (as defined below) (other than a
dividend payable solely in junior stock), and no common stock or other junior stock shall be purchased, redeemed
or otherwise acquired for consideration by the Company, directly or indirectly (other than as a result of a
reclassification of junior stock for or into other junior stock, or the exchange or conversion of one share of junior
stock for or into another share of junior stock and other than through the use of the proceeds of a substantially
contemporaneous sale of junior stock), during a dividend period, unless the full dividends for the latest completed
dividend period on all outstanding shares of Series K Preferred Stock have been declared and paid (or declared
and a sum sufficient for the payment thereof has been set aside). However, the foregoing provision shall not
restrict the ability of Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, or any of the Company’s other affiliates, to engage in any market-
making transactions in the Company’s junior stock in the ordinary course of business.
As used in this description of the Series K Preferred Stock, “junior stock” means any class or series of stock of the
Company that ranks junior to the Series K Preferred Stock either as to the payment of dividends or as to the
distribution of assets upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company. Junior stock includes the
Company’s common stock.
When dividends are not paid (or duly provided for) on any dividend payment date (or, in the case of parity stock, as
defined below, having dividend payment dates different from the dividend payment dates pertaining to the Series K
Preferred Stock, on a dividend payment date falling within the related dividend period for the Series K Preferred
Stock) in full on the Series K Preferred Stock and any shares of parity stock, all dividends declared on the Series K
Preferred Stock and all such equally ranking securities payable on such dividend payment date (or, in the case of
parity stock having dividend payment dates different from the dividend payment dates pertaining to the Series K
Preferred Stock, on a dividend payment date falling within the related dividend period for the Series K Preferred
Stock) shall be declared pro rata so that the respective amounts of such dividends shall bear the same ratio to
each other as all accrued but unpaid dividends per share on the Series K Preferred Stock and all parity stock
payable on such dividend payment date (or, in the case of parity stock having dividend payment dates different
from the dividend payment dates pertaining to the Series K Preferred Stock, on a dividend payment date falling
within the related dividend period for the Series K Preferred Stock) bear to each other.
As used in this description of the Series K Preferred Stock, “parity stock” means any other class or series of stock
of the Company that ranks equally with the Series K Preferred Stock in the payment of dividends and in the
distribution of assets on any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company.
Subject to the foregoing, such dividends (payable in cash, stock or otherwise) as may be determined by the
Company’s board of directors (or a duly authorized committee of the board) may be declared and paid on the
Company’s common stock and any other stock ranking equally with or junior to the Series K Preferred Stock from
time to time out of any funds legally available for such payment, and the shares of the Series K Preferred Stock
shall not be entitled to participate in any such dividend.
Dividends on the Series K Preferred Stock will not be declared, paid or set aside for payment if the Company fails
to comply, or if and to the extent such act would cause the Company to fail to comply, with applicable laws, rules
and regulations. The restated certificate of incorporation provides that dividends on the Series K Preferred Stock
may not be declared or set aside for payment if and to the extent such dividends would cause the Company to fail
to comply with applicable capital adequacy standards.
Liquidation Rights
Upon any voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company, holders of Series K
Preferred Stock are entitled to receive out of assets of the Company available for distribution to stockholders, after
satisfaction of liabilities to creditors, if any, before any distribution of assets is made to holders of common stock or
of any of the Company’s other shares of stock ranking junior as to such a distribution to the shares of Series K
Preferred Stock, a liquidating distribution in the amount of $25,000 per share (equivalent to $25 per depositary
share) plus declared and unpaid dividends, without accumulation of any undeclared dividends. Holders of Series K
Preferred Stock will not be entitled to any other amounts from the Company after they have received their full
liquidation preference.
The Series K Preferred Stock, like the Company’s other series of preferred stock, may be fully subordinate to any
interests held by the U.S. government in the event of a receivership, insolvency, liquidation, or similar proceeding,
including a proceeding under the “orderly liquidation authority” provisions of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform
and Consumer Protection Act.
In any such distribution, if the assets of the Company are not sufficient to pay the liquidation preferences in full to
all holders of Series K Preferred Stock and all holders of any other shares of the Company’s stock ranking equally
as to such distribution with the Series K Preferred Stock, the amounts paid to the holders of Series K Preferred
Stock and to the holders of all such other stock will be paid pro rata in accordance with the respective aggregate
liquidation preferences of those holders. In any such distribution, the liquidation preference” of any holder of
preferred stock means the amount payable to such holder in such distribution, including any declared but unpaid
dividends (and any unpaid, accrued cumulative dividends in the case of any holder of stock on which dividends
accrue on a cumulative basis). If the liquidation preference has been paid in full to all holders of the Company’s
Series K Preferred Stock and any other shares of the Company’s stock ranking equally as to the liquidation
distribution, the holders of the Company’s other stock shall be entitled to receive all remaining assets of the
Company according to their respective rights and preferences.
For purposes of this description of the Series K Preferred Stock, the merger or consolidation of the Company with
any other entity, including a merger or consolidation in which the holders of Series K Preferred Stock receive cash,
securities or property for their shares, or the sale, lease or exchange of all or substantially all of the assets of the
Company for cash, securities or other property shall not constitute a liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
The Series K Preferred Stock is perpetual and has no maturity date, and is not subject to any mandatory
redemption, sinking fund or other similar provisions. The Company may, at the Company’s option, redeem the
Series K Preferred Stock (i) in whole or in part, from time to time, on any date on or after May 10, 2024 (or, if not a
business day, the next succeeding business day), or (ii) in whole but not in part at any time within 90 days
following a Regulatory Capital Treatment Event, in each case, upon not less than 30 nor more than 60 days’
notice, at a redemption price equal to $25,000 per share (equivalent to $25 per depositary share), plus accrued
and unpaid dividends for the then-current dividend period to but excluding the redemption date, whether or not
declared. Holders of Series K Preferred Stock have no right to require the redemption or repurchase of the Series
K Preferred Stock.
The Company is a bank holding company and a financial holding company regulated by the Federal Reserve
Board. The Company treats the Series K Preferred Stock as “tier 1 capital” (or its equivalent) for purposes of the
capital adequacy guidelines of the Federal Reserve Board (or, as and if applicable, the capital adequacy
guidelines or regulations of any successor appropriate federal banking agency).
A “Regulatory Capital Treatment Event” means the good faith determination by the Company that, as a result of (i)
any amendment to, or change in, the laws, rules or regulations of the United States or any political subdivision of
or in the United States that is enacted or becomes effective after the initial issuance of any share of the Series K
Preferred Stock, (ii) any proposed change in those laws, rules or regulations that is announced or becomes
effective after the initial issuance of any share of the Series K Preferred Stock, or (iii) any official administrative
decision or judicial decision or administrative action or other official pronouncement interpreting or applying those
laws, rules or regulations or policies with respect thereto that is announced after the initial issuance of any share of
the Series K Preferred Stock, there is more than an insubstantial risk that the Company will not be entitled to treat
the full liquidation preference amount of $25,000 per share of Series K Preferred Stock then outstanding as “tier 1
capital” (or its equivalent) for purposes of the capital adequacy guidelines of the Federal Reserve Board (or, as
and if applicable, the capital adequacy guidelines or regulations of any successor appropriate federal banking
agency) as then in effect and applicable, for so long as any share of Series K Preferred Stock is outstanding.
“Appropriate federal banking agency” means the “appropriate federal banking agency” with respect to the
Company as that term is defined in Section 3(q) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act or any successor provision.
The Company will not exercise its option to redeem any shares of preferred stock without obtaining the approval of
the Federal Reserve Board (or any successor appropriate federal banking agency) as required by applicable law.
Unless the Federal Reserve Board (or any successor appropriate federal banking agency) authorizes the
Company to do otherwise in writing, the Company will redeem the Series K Preferred Stock only if it is replaced
with other tier 1 capital that is not a restricted core capital element (e.g., common stock or another series of
noncumulative perpetual preferred stock).
If shares of Series K Preferred Stock are to be redeemed, the notice of redemption shall be given by first class
mail to the holders of record of Series K Preferred Stock to be redeemed, mailed not less than 30 days nor more
than 60 days prior to the date fixed for redemption thereof (provided that, if the depositary shares representing the
Series K Preferred Stock are held in book-entry form through The Depository Trust Company, or “DTC,” the
Company may give such notice in any manner permitted by the DTC). Each notice of redemption will include a
statement setting forth: (i) the redemption date, (ii) the number of shares of Series K Preferred Stock to be
redeemed and, if less than all the shares held by such holder are to be redeemed, the number of such shares to
be redeemed from such holder, (iii) the redemption price and (iv) the place or places where holders may surrender
certificates evidencing shares of Series K Preferred Stock for payment of the redemption price. If notice of
redemption of any shares of Series K Preferred Stock has been given and if the funds necessary for such
redemption have been set aside by the Company for the benefit of the holders of any shares of Series K Preferred
Stock so called for redemption, then, from and after the redemption date, dividends will cease to accrue on such
shares of Series K Preferred Stock, such shares of Series K Preferred Stock shall no longer be deemed
outstanding and all rights of the holders of such shares will terminate, except the right to receive the redemption
In case of any redemption of only part of the shares of the Series K Preferred Stock at the time outstanding, the
shares to be redeemed shall be selected either pro rata or by lot.
See “Description of Depositary Shares” below for information about redemption of the depositary shares relating to
the Company’s Series K Preferred Stock.
Voting Rights
Except as provided below, the holders of Series K Preferred Stock have no voting rights.
Whenever dividends on any shares of Series K Preferred Stock shall have not been declared and paid for the
equivalent of six or more dividend payments, whether or not for consecutive dividend periods (as used in this
section, a “Nonpayment”), the holders of such shares, voting together as a class with holders of any and all other
series of voting preferred stock (as defined below) then outstanding, will be entitled to vote for the election of a
total of two additional members of the Company’s board of directors (as used in this section, the “Preferred Stock
Directors”), provided that the Company’s board of directors shall at no time include more than two Preferred Stock
Directors. In that event, the number of directors on the Company’s board of directors shall automatically increase
by two, and the new directors shall be elected at a special meeting called at the request of the holders of record of
at least 20% of the Series K Preferred Stock or of any other series of voting preferred stock (unless such request
is received less than 90 days before the date fixed for the next annual or special meeting of the stockholders, in
which event such election shall be held at such next annual or special meeting of stockholders), and at each
subsequent annual meeting. These voting rights will continue until dividends on the shares of Series K Preferred
Stock and any such series of voting preferred stock for four consecutive dividend periods following the
Nonpayment shall have been fully paid (or declared and a sum sufficient for the payment of such dividends shall
have been set aside for payment).
As used in this description of the Series K Preferred Stock, “voting preferred stock” means any other class or
series of preferred stock of the Company ranking equally with the Series K Preferred Stock either as to dividends
or the distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up and upon which like voting rights have been
conferred and are exercisable. Whether a plurality, majority or other portion of the shares of Series K Preferred
Stock and any other voting preferred stock have been voted in favor of any matter shall be determined by
reference to the liquidation amounts of the shares voted.
If and when dividends for four consecutive dividend periods following a Nonpayment have been paid in full (or
declared and a sum sufficient for such payment shall have been set aside), the holders of Series K Preferred Stock
shall be divested of the foregoing voting rights (subject to revesting in the event of each subsequent Nonpayment)
and, if such voting rights for all other holders of voting preferred stock have terminated, the term of office of each
Preferred Stock Director so elected shall terminate and the number of directors on the board of directors shall
automatically decrease by two. Any Preferred Stock Director may be removed at any time without cause by the
holders of record of a majority of the outstanding shares of Series K Preferred Stock when they have the voting
rights described above (voting together as a class with all series of voting preferred stock then outstanding). So
long as a Nonpayment shall continue, any vacancy in the office of a Preferred Stock Director (other than prior to
the initial election after a Nonpayment) may be filled by the written consent of the Preferred Stock Director
remaining in office, or if none remains in office, by a vote of the holders of record of a majority of the outstanding
shares of Series K Preferred Stock and all voting preferred stock when they have the voting rights described
above (voting together as a class). The Preferred Stock Directors shall each be entitled to one vote per director on
any matter.
So long as any shares of Series K Preferred Stock remain outstanding, the Company will not, without the
affirmative vote or consent of the holders of at least two-thirds of the outstanding shares of the Series K Preferred
Stock and all other series of voting preferred stock entitled to vote thereon, voting together as a single class, given
in person or by proxy, either in writing or at a meeting:
amend or alter the provisions of the Company’s restated certificate of incorporation so as to
authorize or create, or increase the authorized amount of, any class or series of stock ranking
senior to the Series K Preferred Stock with respect to payment of dividends or the distribution of
assets upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company;
amend, alter or repeal the provisions of the Company’s restated certificate of incorporation so as
to materially and adversely affect the special rights, preferences, privileges and voting powers of
the Series K Preferred Stock, taken as a whole; or
consummate a binding share exchange or reclassification involving the Series K Preferred Stock
or a merger or consolidation of the Company with another entity, unless in each case (i) the
shares of Series K Preferred Stock remain outstanding or, in the case of any such merger or
consolidation with respect to which the Company is not the surviving or resulting entity, are
converted into or exchanged for preference securities of the surviving or resulting entity or its
ultimate parent, and (ii) such shares remaining outstanding or such preference securities, as the
case may be, have such rights, preferences, privileges and voting powers, taken as a whole, as
are not materially less favorable to the holders thereof than the rights, preferences, privileges and
voting powers of the Series K Preferred Stock, taken as a whole;
provided, however, that any increase in the amount of the authorized or issued Series K Preferred Stock or
authorized preferred stock or the creation and issuance, or an increase in the authorized or issued amount, of
other series of preferred stock ranking equally with and/or junior to the Series K Preferred Stock with respect to the
payment of dividends (whether such dividends are cumulative or non-cumulative) and/or the distribution of assets
upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company will not be deemed to adversely affect the rights,
preferences, privileges or voting powers of the Series K Preferred Stock.
If an amendment, alteration, repeal, share exchange, reclassification, merger or consolidation described above
would adversely affect one or more but not all series of voting preferred stock (including the Series K Preferred
Stock for this purpose), then only the series affected and entitled to vote shall vote as a class in lieu of all such
series of preferred stock.
Without the consent of the holders of Series K Preferred Stock, so long as such action does not adversely affect
the rights, preferences, privileges and voting powers of the Series K Preferred Stock, the Company may amend,
alter, supplement or repeal any terms of the Series K Preferred Stock:
to cure any ambiguity, or to cure, correct or supplement any provision contained in the certificate
of designation for the Series K Preferred Stock that may be defective or inconsistent; or
to make any provision with respect to matters or questions arising with respect to the Series K
Preferred Stock that is not inconsistent with the provisions of the certificate of designations.
The foregoing voting provisions will not apply if, at or prior to the time when the act with respect to which such vote
would otherwise be required shall be effected, all outstanding shares of Series K Preferred Stock shall have been
redeemed or called for redemption upon proper notice and sufficient funds shall have been set aside by the
Company for the benefit of the holders of Series K Preferred Stock to effect such redemption.
Please note that as used in this section, references to “holders” of depositary shares mean those who own
depositary shares registered in their own names, on the books that the Company or the depositary maintain for
this purpose, and not indirect holders who own beneficial interests in depositary shares registered in street name
or issued in book-entry form through The Depository Trust Company.
The Company has issued fractional interests in shares of preferred stock in the form of depositary shares, each
representing a 1/1,000
ownership interest in a share of Series K Preferred Stock and evidenced by a depositary
receipt. The shares of Series K Preferred Stock represented by depositary shares are deposited under a deposit
agreement among the Company, the depositary and the holders from time to time of the depositary receipts
evidencing the depositary shares. Subject to the terms of the deposit agreement, each holder of a depositary
share is entitled, through the depositary, in proportion to the applicable fraction of a share of Series K Preferred
Stock represented by such depositary share, to all the rights and preferences of the Series K Preferred Stock
represented thereby (including dividend, voting, redemption and liquidation rights).
Dividends and Other Distributions
The depositary will distribute any cash dividends or other cash distributions received in respect of the deposited
Series K Preferred Stock to the record holders of depositary shares relating to the underlying Series K Preferred
Stock in proportion to the number of depositary shares held by the holders. The depositary will distribute any
property received by it other than cash to the record holders of depositary shares entitled to those distributions,
unless it determines that the distribution cannot be made proportionally among those holders or that it is not
feasible to make a distribution. In that event, the depositary may, with the Company’s approval, sell the property
and distribute the net proceeds from the sale to the holders of the depositary shares in proportion to the number of
depositary shares they hold.
Record dates for the payment of dividends and other matters relating to the depositary shares will be the same as
the corresponding record dates for the Series K Preferred Stock.
The amounts distributed to holders of depositary shares will be reduced by any amounts required to be withheld by
the depositary or by the Company on account of taxes or other governmental charges.
Redemption of Depositary Shares
If the Company redeems the Series K Preferred Stock represented by the depositary shares, the depositary
shares will be redeemed from the proceeds received by the depositary resulting from the redemption of the Series
K Preferred Stock held by the depositary. The redemption price per depositary share will be equal to 1/1,000
the redemption price per share payable with respect to the Series K Preferred Stock (or $25 per depositary share).
Whenever the Company redeems shares of Series K Preferred Stock held by the depositary, the depositary will
redeem, as of the same redemption date, the number of depositary shares representing shares of Series K
Preferred Stock so redeemed.
In case of any redemption of less than all of the outstanding depositary shares, the depositary shares to be
redeemed will be selected by the depositary pro rata or by lot. In any such case, the Company will redeem
depositary shares only in increments of 1,000 shares and any multiple thereof.
Voting the Series K Preferred Stock
When the depositary receives notice of any meeting at which the holders of Series K Preferred Stock are entitled
to vote, the depositary will mail the information contained in the notice to the record holders of the depositary
shares relating to the Series K Preferred Stock. Each record holder of the depositary shares on the record date,
which will be the same date as the record date for the Series K Preferred Stock, may instruct the depositary to
vote the amount of Series K Preferred Stock represented by the holder’s depositary shares. To the extent possible,
the depositary will vote the amount of Series K Preferred Stock represented by depositary shares in accordance
with the instructions it receives. The Company will agree to take all reasonable actions that the depositary
determines are necessary to enable the depositary to vote as instructed. If the depositary does not receive specific
instructions from the holders of any depositary shares representing the Series K Preferred Stock, it will vote all
depositary shares of that series held by it proportionately with instructions received.
The depositary shares are listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol “GS PrK.”
Form of Preferred Stock and Depositary Shares
The depositary shares are issued in book-entry form through The Depository Trust Company. The Series K
Preferred Stock is issued in registered form to the depositary.
The following is a brief description of the terms of the 5.793% Fixed-to-Floating Rate Normal Automatic Preferred
Enhanced Capital Securities of Goldman Sachs Capital II and the Floating Rate Normal Automatic Preferred
Enhanced Capital Securities of Goldman Sachs Capital III (the “APEX”) and of the Trust Agreements (both as
defined below) under which they are issued. It does not purport to be complete. Unless the context otherwise
provides, all references to the Company in this description refer only to The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and does
not include its consolidated subsidiaries.
The APEX and the Common Securities of Goldman Sachs Capital II (“Capital II”) and Goldman Sachs Capital III
(“Capital III”), each a Delaware statutory trust (a “Trust”), represent beneficial interests in the relevant Trust. The
Trust in respect of Capital II holds the Company’s Perpetual Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock, Series E (the
“Series E Preferred Stock”), and the Trust in respect of Capital III holds the Company’s Perpetual Non-Cumulative
Preferred Stock, Series F (the “Series F Preferred Stock,” and collectively with the Series E Preferred Stock, the
Each holder of APEX has a beneficial interest in the relevant Trust but does not own any specific shares of the
Preferred held by that Trust. However, the applicable trust agreement among the Company, The Bank of New
York Mellon, BNY Mellon Trust of Delaware, the administrative trustees and the several holders of the relevant
Trust securities (each, a “Trust Agreement”) under which each Trust operates defines the financial entitlements of
its APEX in a manner that causes those financial entitlements to correspond to the financial entitlements of that
Trust in the Preferred it holds. Accordingly, each APEX of Capital II corresponds to 1/100th of a share of Series E
Preferred Stock held by Capital II and each APEX of Capital III corresponds to 1/100th of a share of Series F
Preferred Stock held by Capital III.
The Trusts
Each Trust is a statutory trust organized under Delaware law pursuant to a Trust Agreement and the filing of a
certificate of trust with the Delaware Secretary of State.
The Trusts are used solely for the following purposes:
issuing the APEX and the Common Securities;
holding shares of the Preferred; and
engaging in other activities that are directly related to the activities described above.
The Company owns all of the Common Securities, either directly or indirectly. The Common Securities rank equally
with the APEX and the Trusts make payment on their Trust securities pro rata, except that if the Company pays
less than the full dividend on or redemption price of the Preferred, the rights of the holders of the Common
Securities to payment in respect of distributions and payments upon liquidation, redemption and otherwise are
subordinated to the rights of the holders of the APEX.
Each Trust is perpetual, but may be dissolved earlier as provided in its Trust Agreement.
The Company pays all fees and expenses related to the Trusts.
The APEX are securities of each Trust and are issued pursuant to the applicable Trust Agreement. The Property
Trustee, The Bank of New York Mellon, acts as indenture trustee for the APEX under the Trust Agreement for
purposes of compliance with the provisions of the Trust Indenture Act. Each APEX has a liquidation amount of
The terms of the APEX of each Trust include those stated in the Trust Agreement for such Trust, including any
amendments thereto and those made part of the Trust Agreement by the Trust Indenture Act and the Delaware
Statutory Trust Act.
In addition to the APEX, each Trust Agreement authorizes the administrative trustees of the Trust to issue the
Common Securities on behalf of the Trust. The Company owns, directly or indirectly, all of the Common Securities.
The Common Securities rank on a parity, and payments upon redemption, liquidation or otherwise are made on a
proportionate basis, with the APEX except as set forth below under “— Ranking of Common Securities.” The Trust
Agreements do not permit the Trust to issue any securities other than the Common Securities and the APEX or to
incur any indebtedness.
Under the Trust Agreement, the Property Trustee on behalf of the relevant Trust holds the Preferred for the benefit
of the holders of its APEX and Common Securities.
The payment of distributions out of money held by a Trust, and payments upon redemption of the APEX or
liquidation of the Trust, are guaranteed by the Company to the extent described under “Description of the
Guarantees.” Each Guarantee, when taken together with the Company’s obligations under the applicable Trust
Agreement, including its obligations to pay costs, expenses, debts and liabilities of the Trust, other than with
respect to its Common Securities and APEX, has the effect of providing a full and unconditional guarantee of
amounts due on the APEX. The Bank of New York Mellon, as the Guarantee Trustee, holds each Guarantee for
the benefit of the holders of the APEX. The Guarantees do not cover payment of distributions when the Trusts do
not have sufficient available funds to pay those distributions.
When the term “holder” is used in this description of the APEX with respect to a registered APEX, it means the
person in whose name such APEX is registered in the security register. The APEX are currently held in book-entry
form only, and are held in the name of DTC or its nominee.
Capital II’s APEX are listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “GS/PE” and Capital III’s APEX are
listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “GS/PF.”
The financial entitlements as a holder of APEX generally correspond to the applicable Trust’s financial entitlements
as a holder of the Preferred. The corresponding asset for each APEX is a 1/100
, or $1,000, interest in one share
of Preferred held by the Trust. Each Trust will pass through to the holder amounts that it receives on the
corresponding assets for the APEX as distributions on, or the liquidation preference of, APEX. Holders of a Trust’s
APEX are be entitled to receive distributions corresponding to non-cumulative dividends on the Preferred held by
the Trust. These cash dividends are payable if, as and when declared by the Company’s board of directors, on the
Dividend Payment Dates (as defined below), which are: quarterly in arrears on each March 1, June 1, September
1 and December 1 (or if such day is not a business day, the next business day).
Assuming that the Company does not elect to pay partial dividends or to skip dividends on the Preferred, holders
of APEX will receive distributions on the $1,000 liquidation amount per APEX at a rate per annum equal to the
greater of (x) three-month LIBOR for the related distribution period plus 0.765% (in the case of Capital II’s APEX)
or 0.77% (in the case of Capital III’s APEX) and (y) 4.000%, payable quarterly on each March 1, June 1,
September 1 and December 1 (or if any such date is not a business day, on the next business day).
Dividends are calculated on the basis of a 360-day year and the number of days actually elapsed in the dividend
period. Distributions on the APEX and dividends on the Preferred are non-cumulative.
The Bank of New York Mellon acts as registrar and transfer agent, or “Transfer Agent,” for the APEX. If The Bank
of New York Mellon should resign or be removed, the Company or the Trust will designate a successor and the
term “Transfer Agent” as used herein will refer to that successor. A “business day” as used in this section means
any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or any other day on which banking institutions and trust companies in New
York, New York or Wilmington, Delaware are permitted or required by any applicable law to close.
Each Trust must make distributions on its APEX on each distribution date to the extent that it has funds available
therefor. A Trust’s funds available for distribution to a holder of its APEX will be limited to payments received from
the Company on the Preferred held by the Trust. The Company guarantees the payment of distributions on the
APEX out of moneys held by each Trust to the extent of available Trust funds, as described under “Description of
the Guarantees” below.
Distributions on the APEX are payable to holders as they appear in the security register of the Trust on the
relevant record dates. The record dates are the fifteenth calendar day immediately preceding the next succeeding
distribution date. Distributions are paid through the Property Trustee or paying agent, who hold amounts received
in respect of the Preferred for the benefit of the holders of the APEX.
For more information about dividends on the Preferred, see “— Dividends” below.
Agreed Tax Treatment of the APEX
As a beneficial owner of APEX, by acceptance of the beneficial interest therein, the holder will be deemed to have
agreed, for all U.S. federal income tax purposes:
to treat the holder as the owner of a 1/100th interest in a share of the relevant Preferred; and
to treat the Trust as one or more grantor trusts or agency arrangements.
Mandatory Redemption of APEX upon Redemption of the Preferred
The APEX have no stated maturity but must be redeemed on the date the Company redeems the Preferred, and
the Property Trustee or paying agent will apply the proceeds from such repayment or redemption to redeem a like
amount, as defined below, of the APEX. The Preferred is perpetual but the Company may redeem it on any
Dividend Payment Date, subject to certain limitations. See “— Redemption” below. The redemption price per APEX
will equal the redemption price of the Preferred. See “— Redemption” below. If notice of redemption of any
Preferred has been given and if the funds necessary for the redemption have been set aside by the Company for
the benefit of the holders of any shares of the Preferred so called for redemption, then, from and after the
redemption date, those shares shall no longer be deemed outstanding and all rights of the holders of those shares
(including the right to receive any dividends) will terminate, except the right to receive the redemption price.
If less than all of the shares of the Preferred held by the Trust are to be redeemed on a redemption date, then the
proceeds from such redemption will be allocated pro rata to the redemption of the APEX and the Common
Securities, except as set forth below under “— Ranking of Common Securities.”
The term “like amount” as used above means APEX having a liquidation amount equal to that portion of the
liquidation amount of the Preferred to be contemporaneously redeemed, the proceeds of which will be used to pay
the redemption price of such APEX.
Distributions to be paid on or before the redemption date for any APEX called for redemption will be payable to the
holders as of the record dates for the related dates of distribution. If the APEX called for redemption are no longer
in book-entry form, the Property Trustee, to the extent funds are available, will irrevocably deposit with the paying
agent for the APEX funds sufficient to pay the applicable redemption price and will give such paying agent
irrevocable instructions and authority to pay the redemption price to the holders thereof upon surrender of their
certificates evidencing the APEX.
If notice of redemption shall have been given and funds deposited as required, then upon the date of such deposit:
all rights of the holders of such APEX called for redemption will cease, except the right of the
holders of such APEX to receive the redemption price and any distribution payable in respect of
the APEX on or prior to the redemption date, but without interest on such redemption price; and
the APEX called for redemption will cease to be outstanding. If any redemption date is not a
business day, then the redemption amount will be payable on the next business day (and without
any interest or other payment in respect of any such delay). However, if payment on the next
business day causes payment of the redemption amount to be in the next calendar month, then
payment will be on the preceding business day.
If payment of the redemption amount for the Preferred held by a Trust called for redemption is improperly withheld
or refused and accordingly the redemption amount of the Trust’s APEX is not paid either by the Trust or by the
Company under the applicable Guarantee, then dividends on the Preferred called for redemption will continue to
accrue and distributions on such series of APEX called for redemption will continue to accumulate at the applicable
rate then borne by such APEX from the original redemption date scheduled to the actual date of payment. In this
case, the actual payment date will be considered the redemption date for purposes of calculating the redemption
Redemptions of the APEX will require prior approval of the Federal Reserve Board.
The Company will not exercise its option to redeem any shares of the Preferred without obtaining the approval of
the Federal Reserve Board (or any successor appropriate federal banking agency) as required by applicable law.
Unless the Federal Reserve Board (or any successor appropriate federal banking agency) authorizes the
Company to do otherwise in writing, the Company will redeem the Preferred only if it is replaced with other tier 1
capital that is not a restricted core capital element (e.g., common stock or another series of noncumulative
perpetual preferred stock).
If less than all of the outstanding shares of the Preferred held by a Trust are to be redeemed on a redemption date,
then the aggregate liquidation amount of APEX and Common Securities of that Trust to be redeemed shall be
allocated pro rata to the APEX and Common Securities based upon the relative liquidation amounts of such series,
except as set forth below under “— Ranking of Common Securities.” The Property Trustee will select the particular
APEX to be redeemed on a pro rata basis not more than 60 days before the redemption date from the outstanding
APEX not previously called for redemption by any method the Property Trustee deems fair and appropriate, or if
the APEX are in book-entry only form, in accordance with the procedures of DTC. The Property Trustee shall
promptly notify the Transfer Agent in writing of the APEX selected for redemption and, in the case of any APEX
selected for redemption in part, the liquidation amount to be redeemed.
For all purposes of the Trust Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, all provisions relating to the
redemption of APEX shall relate, in the case of any APEX redeemed or to be redeemed only in part, to the portion
of the aggregate liquidation amount of APEX that has been or is to be redeemed. If less than all of the APEX, the
APEX held through the facilities of DTC will be redeemed pro rata in accordance with DTC’s internal procedures.
Liquidation Distribution upon Dissolution
Pursuant to each Trust Agreement, the applicable Trust shall dissolve on the first to occur of:
certain events of bankruptcy, dissolution or liquidation of the Company;
redemption of all of its APEX as described above; and
the entry of an order for the dissolution of the Trust by a court of competent jurisdiction.
Except as set forth in the next paragraph, if an early dissolution occurs as a result of certain events of bankruptcy,
dissolution or liquidation of the Company, the Property Trustee and the administrative trustees will liquidate the
Trust as expeditiously as they determine possible by distributing, after satisfaction of liabilities to creditors of the
Trust as provided by applicable law, to each holder of its APEX a like amount of the Preferred held by the Trust as
of the date of such distribution. Except as set forth in the next paragraph, if an early dissolution occurs as a result
of the entry of an order for the dissolution of the Trust by a court of competent jurisdiction, the Property Trustee will
liquidate the Trust as expeditiously as it determines to be possible by distributing, after satisfaction of liabilities to
creditors of the Trust as provided by applicable law, to each holder of its APEX a like amount of the Preferred held
by the Trust as of the date of such distribution. The Property Trustee shall give notice of liquidation to each holder
of APEX at least 30 days and not more than 60 days before the date of liquidation.
If, whether because of an order for dissolution entered by a court of competent jurisdiction or otherwise, the
Property Trustee determines that distribution of the Preferred in the manner provided above is not possible, or if
the early dissolution occurs as a result of the redemption of all the APEX, the Property Trustee shall liquidate the
property of the Trust and wind up its affairs. In that case, upon the winding up of the Trust, except with respect to
an early dissolution that occurs as a result of the redemption of all the APEX, the holders will be entitled to receive
out of the assets of the Trust available for distribution to holders and after satisfaction of liabilities to creditors of
the Trust as provided by applicable law, an amount equal to the aggregate liquidation amount per Trust security
plus accrued and unpaid distributions to the date of payment. If, upon any such winding up, the Trust has
insufficient assets available to pay in full such aggregate liquidation distribution, then the amounts payable directly
by the Trust on its Trust securities shall be paid on a pro rata basis, except as set forth below under “— Ranking of
Common Securities.”
The term “like amount” as used above means Preferred having a liquidation preference equal to the liquidation
amount of the APEX of the holder to whom such Preferred would be distributed.
Distribution of Trust Assets
Upon liquidation of a Trust other than as a result of an early dissolution upon the redemption of all the APEX and
after satisfaction of the liabilities of creditors of the Trust as provided by applicable law, the assets of the Trust will
be distributed to the holders of such Trust securities in exchange therefor.
After the liquidation date fixed for any distribution of assets of the Trust:
the APEX will no longer be deemed to be outstanding;
DTC or its nominee, as the record holder of the APEX, will receive a registered global certificate
or certificates representing the Preferred to be delivered upon such distribution;
any certificates representing the APEX not held by DTC or its nominee will be deemed to
represent shares of the Preferred having a Liquidation Preference equal to the APEX until such
certificates are so surrendered for transfer and reissuance; and
all rights of the holders of the APEX will cease, except the right to receive Preferred upon such
Since each APEX corresponds to 1/100
of a share of Preferred, holders of APEX may receive fractional shares of
the Preferred or depositary shares representing the Preferred upon this distribution.
Ranking of Common Securities
If on any distribution date a Trust does not have funds available from dividends on the Preferred it holds to make
full distributions on its APEX and Common Securities, then the available funds from dividends on the Preferred it
holds shall be applied first to make distributions then due on its APEX on a pro rata basis on such distribution date
up to the amount of such distributions corresponding to dividends on the Preferred (or if less, the amount of the
corresponding distributions that would have been made on the APEX had the Company paid a full dividend on the
Preferred) before any such amount is applied to make a distribution on the Trust’s Common Securities on such
distribution date.
If on any date where APEX and Common Securities must be redeemed because the Company is redeeming
Preferred and a Trust does not have funds available from the Company’s redemption of the Preferred it holds to
pay the full redemption price then due on all of its outstanding APEX and Common Securities to be redeemed,
then (i) the available funds shall be applied first to pay the redemption price on the APEX to be redeemed on such
redemption date and (ii) Common Securities shall be redeemed only to the extent funds are available for such
purpose after the payment of the full redemption price on the APEX to be redeemed.
If an early dissolution event occurs in respect of a Trust, no liquidation distributions shall be made on its Common
Securities until full liquidation distributions have been made on its APEX.
In the case of any event of default under the Trust Agreement of a Trust resulting from the Company’s failure to
comply in any material respect with any of its obligations as issuer of the Preferred held by the Trust, including
obligations set forth in its restated certificate of incorporation, as amended, or “restated certificate of incorporation,”
or arising under applicable law, the Company, as holder of its Common Securities, will be deemed to have waived
any right to act with respect to any such event of default under the Trust Agreement until the effect of all such
events of default with respect to its APEX have been cured, waived or otherwise eliminated. Until all events of
default under the Trust Agreement have been so cured, waived or otherwise eliminated, the Property Trustee shall
act solely on behalf of the holders of its APEX and not on the Company’s behalf, and only the holders of its APEX
will have the right to direct the Property Trustee to act on their behalf.
Events of Default; Notice
Any one of the following events constitutes an event of default under a Trust Agreement, or a “Trust Event of
Default,” regardless of the reason for such event of default and whether it shall be voluntary or involuntary or be
effected by operation of law or pursuant to any judgment, decree or order of any court or any order, rule or
regulation of any administrative or governmental body:
the failure to comply in any material respect with the Company’s obligations as issuer of the
Preferred, under its restated certificate of incorporation, or those of the Trust, or arising under
applicable law;
the default by the Trust in the payment of any distribution on any Trust security of the Trust when
such becomes due and payable, and continuation of such default for a period of 30 days;
the default by the Trust in the payment of any redemption price of any Trust security of the Trust
when such becomes due and payable;
the failure to perform or the breach, in any material respect, of any other covenant or warranty of
the trustees in the Trust Agreement for 90 days after the defaulting trustee or trustees have
received written notice of the failure to perform or breach in the manner specified in such Trust
Agreement; or
the occurrence of certain events of bankruptcy or insolvency with respect to the Property Trustee
and the Company’s failure to appoint a successor Property Trustee within 90 days.
Within 30 days after any Trust Event of Default with respect to a Trust actually known to the Property Trustee
occurs, the Property Trustee will transmit notice of such Trust Event of Default to the holders of its APEX and to
the administrative trustees, unless such Trust Event of Default shall have been cured or waived. The Company, as
sponsor, and the administrative trustees are required to file annually with the Property Trustee a certificate as to
whether or not the Company or the administrative trustees are in compliance with all the conditions and covenants
applicable to the Company and to the administrative trustees under the Trust Agreement.
Mergers, Consolidations, Amalgamations or Replacements of a Trust
A Trust may not merge with or into, consolidate, amalgamate, or be replaced by, or convey, transfer or lease its
properties and assets substantially as an entirety to the Company or any other person, except as described below
or as otherwise described in its Trust Agreement. A Trust may, at the Company’s request, with the consent of the
administrative trustees but without the consent of the holders of its APEX, the Property Trustee or the Delaware
Trustee, merge with or into, consolidate, amalgamate, or be replaced by, or convey, transfer or lease its properties
and assets substantially as an entirety to, a trust organized as such under the laws of any state if:
such successor entity either:
expressly assumes all of the obligations of the Trust with respect to its APEX, or
substitutes for its APEX other securities having substantially the same terms as its
APEX, or the “Successor Securities,” so long as the Successor Securities rank the same
as its APEX in priority with respect to distributions and payments upon liquidation,
redemption and otherwise;
a trustee of such successor entity possessing the same powers and duties as the Property
Trustee is appointed to hold the Preferred then held by or on behalf of the Property Trustee;
such merger, consolidation, amalgamation, replacement, conveyance, transfer or lease does not
cause its APEX, including any Successor Securities, to be downgraded by any nationally
recognized statistical rating organization;
such merger, consolidation, amalgamation, replacement, conveyance, transfer or lease does not
adversely affect the rights, preferences and privileges of the holders of its APEX, including any
Successor Securities, in any material respect;
such successor entity has purposes substantially identical to those of the Trust;
prior to such merger, consolidation, amalgamation, replacement, conveyance, transfer or lease,
the Property Trustee has received an opinion from counsel to the Trust experienced in such
matters to the effect that:
such merger, consolidation, amalgamation, replacement, conveyance, transfer or lease
does not adversely affect the rights, preferences and privileges of the holders of its
APEX, including any Successor Securities, in any material respect, and
following such merger, consolidation, amalgamation, replacement, conveyance, transfer
or lease, neither the Trust nor such successor entity will be required to register as an
investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, or “Investment
Company Act”;
the Trust has received an opinion of counsel experienced in such matters that such merger,
consolidation, amalgamation, conveyance, transfer or lease will not cause the Trust or the
successor entity to be classified as an association or a publicly traded partnership taxable as a
corporation for U.S. federal income tax purposes; and
the Company or any permitted successor or assignee owns all of the common securities of such
successor entity and guarantees the obligations of such successor entity under the Successor
Securities at least to the extent provided by the Guarantee.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Trust may not, except with the consent of holders of 100% in liquidation amount
of its APEX, consolidate, amalgamate, merge with or into, or be replaced by or convey, transfer or lease its
properties and assets substantially as an entirety to any other entity or permit any other entity to consolidate,
amalgamate, merge with or into, or replace it if such consolidation, amalgamation, merger, replacement,
conveyance, transfer or lease would cause the Trust or the successor entity to be classified as other than one or
more grantor trusts or agency arrangements or to be classified as an association or a publicly traded partnership
taxable as a corporation for U.S. federal income tax purposes.
Voting Rights; Amendment of a Trust Agreement
Except as provided herein and under “— Amendments and Assignment” below and as otherwise required by law
and the Trust Agreement, the holders of a Trust’s APEX have no voting rights or control over the administration,
operation or management of the Trust or the obligations of the parties to its Trust Agreement, including in respect
of the Preferred held by the Trust. Under the Trust Agreement, however, the Property Trustee is required to obtain
their consent before exercising some of its rights in respect of these securities.
Trust Agreement. The Company and the administrative trustees may amend a Trust’s Trust Agreement without
the consent of the holders of its APEX, the Property Trustee or the Delaware Trustee, unless in the case of the first
two bullets below such amendment will materially and adversely affect the interests of any holder of APEX or the
Property Trustee or the Delaware Trustee or impose any additional duty or obligation on the Property Trustee or
the Delaware Trustee, to:
cure any ambiguity, correct or supplement any provisions in the Trust Agreement that may be
inconsistent with any other provision, or to make any other provisions with respect to matters or
questions arising under the Trust Agreement, which may not be inconsistent with the other
provisions of the Trust Agreement;
modify, eliminate or add to any provisions of the Trust Agreement to such extent as shall be
necessary to ensure that the Trust will be classified for U.S. federal income tax purposes as one
or more grantor trusts or agency arrangements and not as an association or a publicly traded
partnership taxable as a corporation at all times that any Trust securities are outstanding, or to
ensure that the Trust will not be required to register as an “investment company” under the
Investment Company Act;
provide that certificates for the APEX may be executed by an administrative trustee by facsimile
signature instead of manual signature, in which case such amendment(s) shall also provide for
the appointment by the Company of an authentication agent and certain related provisions;
require that holders that are not U.S. persons for U.S. federal income tax purposes irrevocably
appoint a U.S. person to exercise any voting rights to ensure that the Trust will not be treated as
a foreign trust for U.S. federal income tax purposes; or
conform the terms of the Trust Agreement to the description of the Trust Agreement, the APEX
and the Common Securities in the prospectus dated December 5, 2006, of the Company and the
Trusts, as supplemented by the prospectus supplement, dated May 8, 2007, in the manner
provided in the Trust Agreement.
Any such amendment shall become effective when notice thereof is given to the Property Trustee, the Delaware
Trustee and the holders of the APEX.
The Company and the administrative trustees may generally amend a Trust’s Trust Agreement with:
the consent of holders representing not less than a majority, based upon liquidation amounts, of
its APEX; and
receipt by the administrative trustees of the Trust of an opinion of counsel to the effect that such
amendment or the exercise of any power granted to the administrative trustees of the Trust or the
administrative trustees in accordance with such amendment will not affect the Trust’s status as
one or more grantor trusts or agency arrangements for U.S. federal income tax purposes or affect
the Trust’s exemption from status as an “investment company” under the Investment Company
However, without the consent of each affected holder of Trust securities, a Trust Agreement may not be amended
change the amount or timing, or otherwise adversely affect the amount, of any distribution
required to be made in respect of Trust securities as of a specified date; or
restrict the right of a holder of Trust securities to institute a suit for the enforcement of any such
payment on or after such date.
Preferred Stock. So long as Preferred is held by the Property Trustee on behalf of a Trust, the trustees of the
Trust will not waive any rights in respect of the Preferred without obtaining the prior approval of the holders of at
least a majority in liquidation amount of its APEX then outstanding. The trustees of the Trust shall also not consent
to any amendment to the Trust’s or the Company’s governing documents that would change the dates on which
dividends are payable or the amount of such dividends, without the prior written consent of each holder of APEX.
In addition to obtaining the foregoing approvals from holders, the administrative trustees shall obtain, at the
Company’s expense, an opinion of counsel to the effect that such action shall not cause the Trust to be taxable as
a corporation or classified as a partnership for U.S. federal income tax purposes.
General. Any required approval of holders of APEX may be given at a meeting of holders convened for such
purpose or pursuant to written consent. The Property Trustee will cause a notice of any meeting at which holders
are entitled to vote, or of any matter upon which action by written consent of such holders is to be taken, to be
given to each record holder in the manner set forth in the Trust Agreement.
No vote or consent of the holders of APEX will be required for a Trust to redeem and cancel the APEX in
accordance with a Trust Agreement.
Notwithstanding that holders of the APEX are entitled to vote or consent under any of the circumstances described
above, any of the APEX that are owned by the Company or its affiliates or the trustees shall be deemed not to be
Payment and Paying Agent
Payments on the APEX shall be made to DTC, which shall credit the relevant accounts on the applicable
distribution dates. If any APEX are not held by DTC, such payments shall be made by check mailed to the address
of the holder as such address shall appear on the register.
The paying agent is The Bank of New York Mellon and any co-paying agent chosen by the Property Trustee and
acceptable to the Company and to the administrative trustees.
Registrar and Transfer Agent
The Bank of New York Mellon acts as registrar and transfer agent, or “Transfer Agent,” for the APEX.
Information Concerning the Property Trustee
Other than during the occurrence and continuance of a Trust Event of Default, the Property Trustee undertakes to
perform only the duties that are specifically set forth in the Trust Agreement. After a Trust Event of Default, the
Property Trustee must exercise the same degree of care and skill as a prudent individual would exercise or use in
the conduct of his or her own affairs. Subject to this provision, the Property Trustee is under no obligation to
exercise any of the powers vested in it by the Trust Agreement at the request of any holder of APEX unless it is
offered indemnity satisfactory to it by such holder against the costs, expenses and liabilities that might be incurred.
If no Trust Event of Default has occurred and is continuing and the Property Trustee is required to decide between
alternative courses of action, construe ambiguous provisions in the Trust Agreement or is unsure of the application
of any provision of the Trust Agreement, and the matter is not one upon which holders of APEX are entitled under
the Trust Agreement to vote, then the Property Trustee will take any action that the Company directs. If the
Company does not provide direction, the Property Trustee may take any action that it deems advisable and in the
interests of the holders of the Trust securities and will have no liability except for its own bad faith, negligence or
willful misconduct.
The Company and its affiliates may maintain certain accounts and other banking relationships with the Property
Trustee and its affiliates in the ordinary course of business.
Trust Expenses
Pursuant to each Trust Agreement, the Company, as sponsor, agrees to pay:
all debts and other obligations of the Trust (other than with respect to its APEX);
all costs and expenses of the Trust, including costs and expenses relating to the organization of
the Trust, the fees, expenses and indemnities of the trustees and the cost and expenses relating
to the operation of the Trust; and
any and all taxes and costs and expenses with respect thereto, other than U.S. withholding taxes,
to which the Trust might become subject.
Governing Law
Each Trust Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware.
The administrative trustees are authorized and directed to conduct the affairs of and to operate each Trust in such
a way that it will not be required to register as an “investment company” under the Investment Company Act or
characterized as other than one or more grantor trusts or agency arrangements for U.S. federal income tax
In this regard, the Company and the administrative trustees are authorized to take any action, not inconsistent with
applicable law, the certificate of trust of a Trust or its Trust Agreement, that the Company and the administrative
trustees determine to be necessary or desirable to achieve such end, as long as such action does not materially
and adversely affect the interests of the holders of the APEX.
Holders of the APEX have no preemptive or similar rights. The APEX are not convertible into or exchangeable for
the Company’s common stock or preferred stock.
Subject to any applicable rules of the Federal Reserve Board (or any successor appropriate federal banking
agency), the Company or its affiliates may from time to time purchase any of the APEX that are then outstanding
by tender, in the open market or by private agreement.
The Trust may not borrow money or issue debt or mortgage or pledge any of its assets.
The following is a brief description of the terms of the Guarantee (as defined below) pursuant to the Guarantee
Agreement for Goldman Sachs Capital II (formerly known as Goldman Sachs Capital IV), dated as of March 23,
2016, and the Guarantee Agreement for Goldman Sachs Capital III (formerly known as Goldman Sachs Capital V),
dated as of March 23, 2016 (collectively, the “Guarantee Agreements”). The description does not purport to be
The following payments on each Trust’s APEX, also referred to as the “guarantee payments,” if not fully paid by the
Trust, will be paid by the Company under a guarantee, or “Guarantee,” that the Company has executed and
delivered for the benefit of the holders of such APEX. Pursuant to each Guarantee, the Company irrevocably and
unconditionally agrees to pay in full the guarantee payments, without duplication:
any accumulated and unpaid distributions required to be paid on the APEX, to the extent the
Trust has funds available to make the payment;
the redemption price for any APEX called for redemption, to the extent the Trust has funds
available to make the payment; and
upon a voluntary or involuntary dissolution, winding up or liquidation of the Trust, other than in
connection with a distribution of a like amount of corresponding assets to the holders of the
APEX, the lesser of:
the aggregate of the liquidation amount and all accumulated and unpaid distributions on
the APEX to the date of payment, to the extent the Trust has funds available to make the
payment; and
the amount of assets of the Trust remaining available for distribution to holders of the
APEX upon liquidation of the Trust.
The Company’s obligation to make a guarantee payment may be satisfied by direct payment of the required
amounts by the Company to the holders of the APEX or by causing the Trust to pay the amounts to the holders.
If the Company does not make a regular dividend payment on the Preferred held by a Trust, the Trust will not have
sufficient funds to make the related payments on the relevant series of APEX. The Guarantee does not cover
payments on the APEX when the Trust does not have sufficient funds to make these payments. Because the
Company is a holding company, its rights to participate in the assets of any of its subsidiaries upon the subsidiary’s
liquidation or reorganization will be subject to the prior claims of the subsidiary’s creditors except to the extent that
the Company may itself be a creditor with recognized claims against the subsidiary. The Guarantee does not limit
the incurrence or issuance by the Company of other secured or unsecured indebtedness.
Each Guarantee is qualified as an indenture under the Trust Indenture Act. The Bank of New York Mellon acts as
“Guarantee Trustee” for each Guarantee for purposes of compliance with the provisions of the Trust Indenture Act.
The Guarantee Trustee holds each Guarantee for the benefit of the holders of APEX.
Effect of the Guarantees
Each Guarantee, when taken together with the Company’s obligations and the Trust’s obligations under the Trust
Agreement, including the obligations to pay costs, expenses, debts and liabilities of the applicable Trust, other than
with respect to its Trust securities, has the effect of providing a full and unconditional guarantee, on a subordinated
basis, of payments due on its APEX.
The Company has also agreed separately to irrevocably and unconditionally guarantee the obligations of each
Trust with respect to its Common Securities to the same extent as the Guarantee.
Status of the Guarantees
Each Guarantee is unsecured and ranks:
subordinate and junior in right of payment to all of the Company’s senior and subordinated debt;
equally with any of the Company’s other present or future obligations that by their terms rank pari
passu with such Guarantee.
Each Guarantee constitutes a guarantee of payment and not of collection, which means that the guaranteed party
may sue the guarantor to enforce its rights under the Guarantee without suing any other person or entity. Each
Guarantee is held for the benefit of the holders of APEX. Each Guarantee will be discharged only by payment of
the guarantee payments in full to the extent not paid by the applicable Trust.
Amendments and Assignment
A Guarantee may be amended only with the prior approval of the holders of not less than a majority in aggregate
liquidation amount of the applicable outstanding APEX. No vote is required, however, for any changes that do not
adversely affect the rights of holders of APEX in any material respect. All guarantees and agreements contained in
the Guarantee bind the Company’s successors, assignees, receivers, trustees and representatives and are for the
benefit of the holders of the applicable APEX then outstanding.
Termination of the Guarantees
A Guarantee will terminate:
upon full payment of the redemption price of all applicable APEX; or
upon full payment of the amounts payable in accordance with the Trust Agreement upon
liquidation of the Trust.
A Guarantee will continue to be effective or will be reinstated, as the case may be, if at any time any holder of
APEX must restore payment of any sums paid under the APEX or the Guarantee.
Events of Default
An event of default under a Guarantee will occur if the Company fails to perform any payment obligation or if the
Company fails to perform any other obligation under the Guarantee and such default remains unremedied for 30
The holders of a majority in liquidation amount of the applicable APEX have the right to direct the time, method
and place of conducting any proceeding for any remedy available to the Guarantee Trustee in respect of a
Guarantee or to direct the exercise of any trust or power conferred upon the Guarantee Trustee under the
Guarantee. Any holder of APEX may institute a legal proceeding directly against the Company to enforce the
Guarantee Trustee’s rights and the Company’s obligations under a Guarantee, without first instituting a legal
proceeding against the Trust, the Guarantee Trustee or any other person or entity.
As guarantor, the Company is required to file annually with the Guarantee Trustee a certificate as to whether or not
the Company is in compliance with all applicable conditions and covenants under the Guarantee.
Information Concerning the Guarantee Trustee
Prior to the occurrence of an event of default relating to a Guarantee, the Guarantee Trustee is required to perform
only the duties that are specifically set forth in the Guarantees. Following the occurrence of an event of default, the
Guarantee Trustee will exercise the same degree of care as a prudent individual would exercise in the conduct of
his or her own affairs. Provided that the foregoing requirements have been met, the Guarantee Trustee is under no
obligation to exercise any of the powers vested in it by the Guarantees at the request of any holder of APEX,
unless offered indemnity satisfactory to it against the costs, expenses and liabilities which might be incurred
The Company and its affiliates may maintain certain accounts and other banking relationships with the Guarantee
Trustee and its affiliates in the ordinary course of business.
Governing Law
The Guarantees are governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of New York.
Limited Purpose of Trust
The Trust securities evidence beneficial interests in the Trust. A principal difference between the rights of a holder
of a Trust security and a holder of Preferred is that a holder of Preferred would be entitled to receive from the
issuer the dividends, redemption payments and payment upon liquidation in respect of Preferred while a holder of
Trust securities is entitled to receive distributions from a Trust, or from the Company under a Guarantee, if and to
the extent the Trust has funds available for the payment of such distributions.
Rights upon Dissolution
Upon any voluntary or involuntary dissolution of the Trust, holders of each series of APEX will receive the
distributions described under “— Liquidation Distribution upon Dissolution” above. Upon any voluntary or
involuntary liquidation or bankruptcy of the Company, the holders of the Preferred would be preferred shareholders
of the Company, entitled to the preferences upon liquidation described under “Description of the Preferred” below.
Since the Company is the guarantor under the Guarantee and has agreed to pay for all costs, expenses and
liabilities of the Trust, other than the Trust’s obligations to the holders of the Trust securities, the positions of a
holder of APEX relative to other creditors and to the Company’s shareholders in the event of liquidation or
bankruptcy are expected to be substantially the same as if that holder held the corresponding assets of the Trust
The following is a brief description of the terms of the Preferred held by the relevant Trust. This summary does not
purport to be complete and is subject to and qualified in its entirety by reference to the Company’s restated
certificate of incorporation, which is an exhibit to the Annual Report of which this exhibit is a part.
The Company’s authorized capital stock includes 150,000,000 shares of preferred stock, par value $0.01 per
share (including the Preferred).
Shares of the Preferred rank senior to the Company’s common stock, equally with each other series of the
Company’s preferred stock outstanding as of December 31, 2020, and at least equally with each other series of
preferred stock that the Company may issue (except for any senior series that may be issued with the requisite
consent of the holders of the Preferred), with respect to the payment of dividends and distributions of assets upon
liquidation, dissolution or winding up. The Preferred is fully paid and nonassessable, which means that its holders
have paid their purchase price in full and that the Company may not ask them to surrender additional funds.
Holders of the Preferred do not have preemptive or subscription rights to acquire more preferred stock of the
Company. The Preferred is not convertible into, or exchangeable for, shares of any other class or series of stock or
other securities of the Company. The Preferred has no stated maturity and is not subject to any sinking fund or
other obligation of the Company to redeem or repurchase the Preferred.
The Preferred has a fixed liquidation preference of $100,000 per share. If the Company liquidates, dissolves or
winds up its affairs, holders of the Preferred will be entitled to receive, out of the Company’s assets that are
available for distribution to shareholders, an amount per share equal to the liquidation preference per share, plus
any declared and unpaid dividends, without regard to any undeclared dividends.
Unless the Trust is dissolved prior to the redemption of the Preferred, holders of APEX will not receive shares of
the Preferred, and their interest in the Preferred will be represented by their APEX. If the Trust is dissolved, the
Company may elect to distribute depositary shares representing the Preferred instead of fractional shares. Since
the Preferred is held by the Property Trustee, holders of APEX are only able to exercise voting or other rights with
respect to the Preferred through the Property Trustee.
Dividends on shares of the Preferred are not mandatory. Holders of the Preferred are entitled to receive, when, as
and if declared by the Company’s board of directors (or a duly authorized committee of the board), out of funds
legally available for the payment of dividends under Delaware law, non-cumulative cash dividends from the date of
their issuance. These dividends are payable on March 1, June 1, September 1 and December 1 of each year
(each, for purposes of this section, a “Dividend Payment Date”), with respect to the Dividend Period, or portion
thereof, ending on the day preceding the respective Dividend Payment Date, at a rate per annum equal to the
greater of (x) three-month LIBOR for the related distribution period plus 0.765% (in the case of the Series E
Preferred Stock) or 0.77% (in the case of the Series F Preferred Stock) and (y) 4.000%.
Dividends are payable to holders of record of the Preferred as they appear on the Company’s books on the
applicable record date, which shall be the 15th calendar day before that Dividend Payment Date or such other
record date fixed by the Company’s board of directors (or a duly authorized committee of the board) that is not
more than 60 nor less than 10 days prior to such Dividend Payment Date (each, for purposes of this section, a
“Dividend Record Date”). These Dividend Record Dates apply regardless of whether a particular Dividend Record
Date is a business day.
A “Dividend Period” is the period from and including a Dividend Payment Date to but excluding the next Dividend
Payment Date. If any that would otherwise be a Dividend Payment Date is not a business day, then the next
business day will be the applicable Dividend Payment Date.
The amount of dividends payable per share of the Preferred on each Dividend Payment Date is calculated by
multiplying the per annum Dividend Rate in effect for that Dividend Period by a fraction, the numerator of which is
the actual number of days in that Dividend Period and the denominator of which is 360, and multiplying the rate
obtained by $100,000.
For any Dividend Period, LIBOR shall be determined by Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, as calculation agent for the
Preferred, on the second London business day immediately preceding the first day of such Dividend Period, as the
case may be, in the following manner:
LIBOR will be the offered rate per annum for three-month deposits in U.S. dollars, beginning on
the first day of such period, as that rate appears on Reuters Screen LIBOR01 (or any successor
or replacement page) as of 11:00 A.M., London time, on the second London business day
immediately preceding the first day of such Dividend Period or Interest Period, as the case may
If the rate described above does not appear on Reuters Screen LIBOR01 (or any successor or
replacement page), LIBOR will be determined on the basis of the rates, at approximately 11:00
A.M., London time, on the second London business day immediately preceding the first day of
such Dividend Period or Interest Period, as the case may be, at which deposits of the following
kind are offered to prime banks in the London interbank market by four major banks in that
market selected by the calculation agent: three-month deposits in U.S. dollars, beginning on the
first day of such Dividend Period or Interest Period, as the case may be, and in a Representative
Amount. The calculation agent will request the principal London office of each of these banks to
provide a quotation of its rate. If at least two quotations are provided, LIBOR for the second
London business day immediately preceding the first day of such Dividend Period or Interest
Period, as the case may be, will be the arithmetic mean of the quotations.
If fewer than two quotations are provided as described above, LIBOR for the second London
business day immediately preceding the first day of such Dividend Period or Interest Period, as
the case may be, will be the arithmetic mean of the rates for loans of the following kind to leading
European banks quoted, at approximately 11:00 A.M. New York City time on the second London
business day immediately preceding the first day of such Dividend Period or Interest Period, as
the case may be, by three major banks in New York City selected by the calculation agent: three-
month loans of U.S. dollars, beginning on the first day of such Dividend Period, and in a
Representative Amount.
If fewer than three banks selected by the calculation agent are quoting as described above,
LIBOR for the new Dividend Period will be LIBOR in effect for the prior Dividend Period or
Interest Period, as the case may be.
The calculation agent’s determination of any dividend rate, and its calculation of the amount of dividends for any
Dividend Period, will be on file at the Company’s principal offices, will be made available to any stockholder upon
request and will be final and binding in the absence of manifest error.
This subsection uses several terms that have special meanings relevant to calculating LIBOR. Those terms have
the following meanings:
The term “Representative Amount” means an amount that, in the calculation agent’s judgment, is representative of
a single transaction in the relevant market at the relevant time.
“Reuters Screen LIBOR01 Page” means the display designated on the Reuters 3000 Xtra (or such other page as
may replace that page on that service or such other service as may be nominated by the British Bankers’
Association for the purpose of displaying London interbank offered rates for U.S. Dollar deposits).
The term “business day” means a day that is a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday and is not a day
on which banking institutions in New York City generally are authorized or obligated by law or executive order to
The term “London business day” means a day that is a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday and is a
day on which dealings in U.S. dollars are transacted in the London interbank market. If the Company determines
not to pay any dividend or a full dividend, the Company will provide prior written notice to the Property Trustee,
who will notify holders of APEX, and the administrative trustees.
Dividends on the Preferred are not cumulative. Accordingly, if the board of directors of the Company (or a duly
authorized committee of the board) does not declare a dividend on the Preferred payable in respect of any
Dividend Period before the related Dividend Payment Date, such dividend will not accrue and the Company will
have no obligation to pay a dividend for that Dividend Period on the Dividend Payment Date or at any future time,
whether or not dividends on the Preferred are declared for any future Dividend Period.
So long as any share of Preferred remains outstanding, no dividend shall be paid or declared on the Company’s
common stock or any other shares of the Company’s junior stock (as defined below) (other than a dividend
payable solely in junior stock), and no common stock or other junior stock shall be purchased, redeemed or
otherwise acquired for consideration by the Company, directly or indirectly (other than as a result of a
reclassification of junior stock for or into other Junior Stock, or the exchange or conversion of one share of junior
stock for or into another share of junior stock and other than through the use of the proceeds of a substantially
contemporaneous sale of junior stock), during a Dividend Period, unless the full dividends for the latest completed
Dividend Period on all outstanding shares of Preferred have been declared and paid (or declared and a sum
sufficient for the payment thereof has been set aside). However, the foregoing provision shall not restrict the ability
of Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, or any of the Company’s other affiliates, to engage in any market-making
transactions in the Company’s junior stock in the ordinary course of business.
As used in this description of the Preferred, “junior stock” means any class or series of stock of the Company that
ranks junior to the Preferred either as to the payment of dividends or as to the distribution of assets upon any
liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company’s junior stock includes the Company’s common stock.
When dividends are not paid (or declared and a sum sufficient for payment thereof set aside) on any Dividend
Payment Date (or, in the case of parity stock, as defined below, having Dividend Payment Dates different from the
Dividend Payment Dates pertaining to the Preferred, on a Dividend Payment Date falling within the related
Dividend Period for the Preferred) in full upon the Preferred and any shares of parity stock, all dividends declared
upon the Preferred and all such equally ranking securities payable on such Dividend Payment Date (or, in the case
of parity stock having dividend payment dates different from the dividend payment dates pertaining to the
Preferred, on a dividend payment date falling within the related Dividend Period for the Preferred) shall be
declared pro rata so that the respective amounts of such dividends shall bear the same ratio to each other as all
accrued but unpaid dividends per share on the Preferred and all parity stock payable on such Dividend Payment
Date (or, in the case of parity stock having dividend payment dates different from the dividend payment dates
pertaining to the Preferred, on a dividend payment date falling within the related Dividend Period for the Preferred)
bear to each other.
As used in this description of the Preferred, “parity stock” means any other class or series of stock of the Company
that ranks equally with the Preferred in the payment of dividends and in the distribution of assets on any
liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company.
Subject to the foregoing, such dividends (payable in cash, stock or otherwise) as may be determined by the
Company’s board of directors (or a duly authorized committee of the board) may be declared and paid on the
Company’s common stock and any other stock ranking equally with or junior to the Preferred from time to time out
of any funds legally available for such payment, and the shares of the Preferred shall not be entitled to participate
in any such dividend.
The Preferred may be redeemed (but subject to applicable regulatory limits) in whole or in part, at the Company’s
option. Any such redemption will be at a cash redemption price of $100,000 per share, plus any declared and
unpaid dividends including, without regard to any undeclared dividends. Holders of Preferred have no right to
require the redemption or repurchase of the Preferred. If notice of redemption of any Preferred has been given and
if the funds necessary for the redemption have been set aside by the Company for the benefit of the holders of any
shares of the Preferred so called for redemption, then, from and after the redemption date, those shares shall no
longer be deemed outstanding and all rights of the holders of those shares (including the right to receive any
dividends) will terminate, except the right to receive the redemption price.
If fewer than all of the outstanding shares of the Preferred are to be redeemed, the shares to be redeemed will be
selected either pro rata from the holders of record of shares of the Preferred in proportion to the number of shares
held by those holders or by lot or in such other manner as the Company’s board of directors or a committee
thereof may determine to be fair and equitable.
The Company will mail notice of every redemption of Preferred by first class mail, postage prepaid, addressed to
the holders of record of the Preferred to be redeemed at their respective last addresses appearing on the
Company’s books. This mailing will be at least 30 days and not more than 60 days before the date fixed for
redemption (provided that if the Preferred is held in book-entry form through DTC, the Company may give this
notice in any manner permitted by DTC). Any notice mailed or otherwise given as provided in this paragraph will
be conclusively presumed to have been duly given, whether or not the holder receives this notice, and failure duly
to give this notice by mail or otherwise, or any defect in this notice or in the mailing or provision of this notice, to
any holder of Preferred designated for redemption will not affect the redemption of any other Preferred. If the
Company redeems the Preferred, the Trust, as holder of the Preferred, will redeem the corresponding APEX as
described under “— Mandatory Redemption of APEX upon Redemption of Preferred.”
Each notice shall state:
the redemption date;
the number of shares of the Preferred to be redeemed and, if less than all shares of the Preferred
held by the holder are to be redeemed, the number of shares to be redeemed from the holder;
the redemption price; and
the place or places where the Preferred is to be redeemed.
The Company’s right to redeem the Preferred once issued is subject to prior approval of the Federal Reserve
Board (or any successor banking agency).
Liquidation Rights
Upon any voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company, holders of the Preferred
are entitled to receive out of assets of the Company available for distribution to stockholders, after satisfaction of
liabilities to creditors, if any, before any distribution of assets is made to holders of common stock or of any of the
Company’s other shares of stock ranking junior as to such a distribution to the shares of the Preferred, a
liquidating distribution in the amount of $100,000 per share, plus declared and unpaid dividends, without
accumulation of any undeclared dividends. Holders of the Preferred are not entitled to any other amounts from the
Company after they have received their full liquidation preference.
In any such distribution, if the assets of the Company are not sufficient to pay the liquidation preferences in full to
all holders of the Preferred and all holders of any other shares of the Company’s stock ranking equally as to such
distribution with the Preferred, the amounts paid to the holders of the Preferred and to the holders of all such other
stock will be paid pro rata in accordance with the respective aggregate liquidation preferences of those holders. In
any such distribution, the “liquidation preference” of any holder of preferred stock means the amount payable to
such holder in such distribution, including any declared but unpaid dividends (and any unpaid, accrued cumulative
dividends in the case of any holder of stock on which dividends accrue on a cumulative basis). If the liquidation
preference has been paid in full to all holders of Preferred and any other shares of the Company’s stock ranking
equally as to the liquidation distribution, the holders of the Company’s other stock shall be entitled to receive all
remaining assets of the Company according to their respective rights and preferences.
For purposes of this description of the Preferred, the merger or consolidation of the Company with any other entity,
including a merger or consolidation in which the holders of Preferred receive cash, securities or property for their
shares, or the sale, lease or exchange of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company for cash, securities or
other property shall not constitute a liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company.
Voting Rights
Except as provided below, the holders of the Preferred have no voting rights.
Whenever dividends on any shares of the Preferred shall have not been declared and paid for a period the
equivalent of six or more dividend payments, whether or not consecutive, equivalent to at least 18 months
Dividend Periods (as used in this section, a “Nonpayment”), the holders of such shares, voting together as a class
with holders of any and all other series of voting preferred stock (as defined below) then outstanding, will be
entitled to vote for the election of a total of two additional members of the Company’s board of directors (as used in
this section, the “Preferred Stock Directors”), provided that the election of any such director shall not cause the
Company to violate the corporate governance requirement of the New York Stock Exchange (or any other
exchange on which the Company’s securities may be listed) that listed companies must have a majority of
independent directors and provided further that the Company’s board of directors shall at no time include more
than two Preferred Stock Directors. In that event, the number of directors on the Company’s board of directors
shall automatically increase by two, and the new directors shall be elected at a special meeting called at the
request of the holders of record of at least 20% of the Preferred or of any other series of voting preferred stock
(unless such request is received less than 90 days before the date fixed for the next annual or special meeting of
the stockholders, in which event such election shall be held at such next annual or special meeting of
stockholders), and at each subsequent annual meeting. These voting rights will continue until dividends on the
shares of the Preferred and any such series of voting preferred stock for at least one year four Dividend Periods,
whether or not consecutive, following the Nonpayment shall have been fully paid (or declared and a sum sufficient
for the payment of such dividends shall have been set aside for payment).
As used in this description of the Preferred, “voting preferred stock” means any other class or series of preferred
stock of the Company ranking equally with the Preferred either as to dividends or the distribution of assets upon
liquidation, dissolution or winding up and upon which like voting rights have been conferred and are exercisable.
Whether a plurality, majority or other portion of the shares of the Preferred and any other voting preferred stock
have been voted in favor of any matter shall be determined by reference to the liquidation amounts of the shares
If and when dividends for at least four Dividend Periods, whether or not consecutive, following a Nonpayment have
been paid in full (or declared and a sum sufficient for such payment shall have been set aside), the holders of the
Preferred shall be divested of the foregoing voting rights (subject to revesting in the event of each subsequent
Nonpayment) and, if such voting rights for all other holders of voting preferred stock have terminated, the term of
office of each Preferred Stock Director so elected shall terminate and the number of directors on the board of
directors shall automatically decrease by two. In determining whether dividends have been paid for at least four
Dividend Periods, whether or not consecutive, the Company may take account of any dividend the Company
elects to pay for a Dividend Period after the regular dividend date for that period has passed. Any Preferred Stock
Director may be removed at any time without cause by the holders of record of a majority of the outstanding
shares of the Preferred when they have the voting rights described above (voting together as a class with all series
of voting preferred stock then outstanding). So long as a Nonpayment shall continue, any vacancy in the office of a
Preferred Stock Director (other than prior to the initial election after a Nonpayment) may be filled by the written
consent of the Preferred Stock Director remaining in office, or if none remains in office, by a vote of the holders of
record of a majority of the outstanding shares of the Preferred and all voting preferred stock when they have the
voting rights described above (voting together as a class). The Preferred Stock Directors shall each be entitled to
one vote per director on any matter.
So long as any shares of the Preferred remain outstanding, the Company will not, without the affirmative vote or
consent of the holders of at least two-thirds of the outstanding shares of the Preferred and all other series of voting
preferred stock entitled to vote thereon, voting together as a single class, given in person or by proxy, either in
writing or at a meeting:
authorized amount of, any class or series of stock ranking senior to the Preferred with respect to
payment of dividends or the distribution of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up of
the Company;
amend, alter or repeal the provisions of the Company’s restated certificate of incorporation so as
to materially and adversely affect the special rights, preferences, privileges and voting powers of
the Preferred, taken as a whole; or
consummate a binding share exchange or reclassification involving the Preferred or a merger or
consolidation of the Company with another entity, unless in each case (i) the shares of the
Preferred remain outstanding or, in the case of any such merger or consolidation with respect to
which the Company is not the surviving or resulting entity, are converted into or exchanged for
preference securities of the surviving or resulting entity or its ultimate parent, and (ii) such shares
remaining outstanding or such preference securities, as the case may be, have such rights,
preferences, privileges and voting powers, taken as a whole, as are not materially less favorable
to the holders thereof than the rights, preferences, privileges and voting powers of the Preferred,
taken as a whole;
provided, however, that any increase in the amount of the authorized or issued Preferred or other authorized
preferred stock or the creation and issuance, or an increase in the authorized or issued amount, of other series of
preferred stock ranking equally with and/or junior to the Preferred with respect to the payment of dividends
(whether such dividends are cumulative or non-cumulative) and/or the distribution of assets upon liquidation,
dissolution or winding up of the Company will not be deemed to adversely affect the rights, preferences, privileges
or voting powers of the Preferred.
If an amendment, alteration, repeal, share exchange, reclassification, merger or consolidation described above
would adversely affect one or more but not all series of voting preferred stock (including the Preferred for this
purpose), then only the series affected and entitled to vote shall vote as a class in lieu of all such series of
preferred stock.
Without the consent of the holders of the Preferred, so long as such action does not adversely affect the rights,
preferences, privileges and voting powers of the Preferred, the Company may amend, alter, supplement or repeal
any terms of the Preferred:
to cure any ambiguity, or to cure, correct or supplement any provision contained in the certificate
of designations for the Preferred that may be defective or inconsistent; or
to make any provision with respect to matters or questions arising with respect to the Preferred
that is not inconsistent with the provisions of the certificate of designations.
The foregoing voting provisions do not apply if, at or prior to the time when the act with respect to which such vote
would otherwise be required shall be effected, all outstanding shares of the Preferred shall have been redeemed
or called for redemption upon proper notice and sufficient funds shall have been set aside by the Company for the
benefit of the holders of the Preferred to effect such redemption.
The Preferred are issued only in fully registered form. Other than the fractional shares currently held by each Trust,
no fractional shares will be issued unless a Trust is dissolved and the Company delivers the shares, rather than
depositary receipts representing the shares, to the registered holders of its APEX. If a Trust is dissolved and
depositary receipts or shares of the Preferred held by the Trust are distributed to holders of its APEX, the
Company would intend to distribute them in book-entry form only and the procedures governing holding and
transferring beneficial interests in the Preferred, and the circumstances in which holders of beneficial interests will
be entitled to receive certificates evidencing their shares or depositary receipts. If the Company determines to
issue depositary shares representing fractional interests in the Preferred, each depositary share will be
represented by a depositary receipt. In such an event, the Preferred represented by the depositary shares will be
deposited under a deposit agreement among the Company, a depositary and the holders from time to time of the
depositary receipts representing depositary shares. Subject to the terms and conditions of any deposit agreement,
each holder of a depositary share will be entitled, through the depositary, in proportion to the applicable fraction of
a share of the Preferred represented by such depositary share, to all the rights applicable fraction of a share of the
Preferred represented by such depositary share, to all the rights and preferences of the Preferred represented
thereby (including dividends, voting, redemption and liquidation rights).
The Company, the transfer agent and registrar for the Preferred held by a Trust, and any of their agents may treat
the registered owner of the Preferred, which shall be the Property Trustee unless and until the Trust is dissolved,
as the absolute owner of that stock, whether or not any payment for the Preferred shall be overdue and despite
any notice to the contrary, for any purpose.
Transfer Agent and Registrar
If a Trust is dissolved and shares of the Preferred held by the Trust or depositary receipts representing the
Preferred are distributed to holders of APEX, the Company may appoint a transfer agent, registrar, calculation
agent, redemption agent and dividend disbursement agent for the Preferred. The registrar for the Preferred will
send notices to shareholders of any meetings at which holders of the Preferred have the right to vote on any
The following is a brief description of the terms of the Callable Fixed and Floating Rate Notes, an issuance of
Medium-Term Notes, Series F of GS Finance Corp. (“GSFC”) (the “Callable Notes”), which are fully and
unconditionally guaranteed by the Company. It does not purport to be complete. This description is subject to and
qualified in its entirety by reference to the Senior Debt Indenture, dated as of October 10, 2008, among GSFC, as
issuer, the Company, as guarantor, and The Bank of New York Mellon, as trustee, as supplemented by the First
Supplemental Indenture, dated as of February 20, 2015, the Fourth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of August
21, 2018 and the Seventh Supplemental Indenture, dated as of July 1, 2020 (collectively, the “GSFC 2008
Indenture”), which are exhibits to the Annual Report of which this exhibit is a part. Unless the context otherwise
provides, all references to the Company in this description refer only to The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and does
not include its consolidated subsidiaries.
The GSFC 2008 indenture permits GSFC to issue, from time to time, different series of debt securities and, within
each different series of debt securities, different debt securities. The Medium-Term Notes, Series F are a single,
distinct series of debt securities. GSFC may, however, issue notes in such amounts, at such times and on such
terms as GSFC wishes. The notes of the Medium-Term Notes, Series F may differ from one another, and from
other series, in their terms.
In this description, references to a series of debt securities mean a series issued under the GSFC 2008 Indenture,
such as the notes issued under GSFC’s Medium-Term Notes, Series F program.
Terms of the Callable Notes
The Callable Notes were originally issued on March 11, 2021 and have a stated maturity date of March 11, 2031
(the “stated maturity date”). As noted above, the Callable Notes are part of a series of debt securities, entitled
“Medium-Term Notes, Series F,” that GSFC may issue under the GSFC 2008 Indenture from time to time. The
Callable Notes are listed on the New York Stock Exchange Bonds Market under the ticker symbol “GS/31B.”
The payment of principal of, and any interest and premium on, the Callable Notes is fully and unconditionally
guaranteed by the Company. The guarantee will remain in effect until the entire principal of, and interest and
premium, if any, on, the Callable Notes has been paid in full or discharged in accordance with the provisions of the
GSFC 2008 Indenture, or otherwise fully defeased by GSFC or by the Company. The guarantee of senior debt
securities of GSFC, such as the Callable Notes, will rank equally in right of payment to all senior indebtedness of
the Company.
Payment of Principal on Stated Maturity Date
GSFC will pay holders of Callable Notes that have not been redeemed by the stated maturity date an amount in
cash equal to the outstanding face amount of such holders’ Callable Notes. The stated maturity date of the
Callable Notes is March 11, 2031, subject to GSFC’s early redemption right. If the stated maturity date falls on a
day that is not a business day, payment of principal otherwise due on such day will be made on the next
succeeding business day, and no interest on such payment shall accrue for the period from and after the stated
maturity date.
Interest Payments
For each fixed rate interest period, the fixed interest rate on the Callable Notes will equal 5% per annum. For each
floating rate interest period, the floating interest rate on the Callable Notes will be based upon the CMS spread on
the relevant interest determination date for such floating rate interest period and will be a rate per annum equal to:
if (i) the CMS spread minus 0.25% times (ii) 6.5 is greater than or equal to the maximum interest
rate, the maximum interest rate;
if (i) the CMS spread minus 0.25% times (ii) 6.5 is less than the maximum interest rate but
greater than the minimum interest rate, (i) the CMS spread minus 0.25% times (ii) 6.5; or
if (i) the CMS spread minus 0.25% times (ii) 6.5 is equal to or less than the minimum interest rate,
the minimum interest rate.
The maximum interest rate on the Callable Notes is 10% per annum. Based on the formula used to calculate the
floating interest rate on the Callable Notes, holders will not benefit from any increases in the CMS spread minus
0.25% above approximately 1.54%. The minimum interest rate on the Callable Notes is 0% per annum.
The term “fixed rate interest periods” means the periods from and including a fixed rate interest payment date (or
the original issue date, in the case of the first fixed rate interest period) to but excluding the next succeeding fixed
rate interest payment date, where the term “fixed rate interest payment dates” means March 11, June 11,
September 11 and December 11 of each year, commencing on June 11, 2021 and ending on March 11, 2022,
subject to adjustments as described below.
The term “floating rate interest periods” means the periods from and including a floating rate interest payment date
(or the final fixed rate interest payment date, in the case of the first floating rate interest period) to but excluding
the next succeeding floating rate interest payment date (or the stated maturity date, in the case of the final floating
rate interest period), where the term “floating rate interest payment dates” means March 11, June 11, September
11 and December 11 of each year, beginning on June 11, 2022 and ending on the stated maturity date, subject to
adjustments as described below.
The term “interest determination dates” means, for each floating rate interest period, the second U.S. Government
securities business day preceding such floating rate interest period.
The term “CMS spread” means, on any interest determination date, the 30-year CMS rate minus the 5-year CMS
rate, as described under “— CMS Rate” below.
The calculation agent will calculate the amount of interest payable on each fixed rate interest payment date and
floating rate interest payment date (each, an “interest payment date”) for the applicable fixed rate interest period
and floating rate interest period (each, an “interest period”) in the following manner. For each $1,000 face amount
of the Callable Notes and for each interest period, the calculation agent will calculate the amount of interest to be
paid by calculating the product of (i) the $1,000 face amount times (ii) the applicable fixed interest rate or floating
interest rate times (iii) the applicable day count convention on a 30/360 (ISDA) basis.
Interest will be paid on the Callable Notes on each quarterly interest payment date. If an interest payment date
(other than the interest payment date that falls on the stated maturity date) falls on a day that is not a business
day, the payment due on such interest payment date will be postponed to the next day that is a business day;
provided that interest due with respect to such interest payment date shall not accrue from and including such
interest payment date to and including the date of payment of such interest as so postponed. If the stated maturity
date falls on a day that is not a business day, payment of interest otherwise due on such day will be made on the
next succeeding business day, and no interest on such payment shall accrue for the period from and after the
stated maturity date.
CMS Rate
References to the 30-year CMS rate or the 5-year CMS rate on an interest determination date mean the rate
appearing on the Refinitiv page ICESWAP1 for 30-year or 5-year index maturity, as the case may be, as of
approximately 11:00 A.M., New York City time, on such interest determination date. If a CMS rate cannot be
determined in this manner on the relevant interest determination date, the following procedures will apply to the
Callable Notes.
If the calculation agent determines on an interest determination date that a CMS rate has been discontinued, then
the calculation agent will use a substitute or successor rate that it has determined in its sole discretion is most
comparable to the applicable CMS rate, provided that if the calculation agent determines there is an industry-
accepted successor rate, then the calculation agent shall use such successor rate. If the calculation agent has
determined a substitute or successor rate in accordance with the foregoing, the calculation agent in its sole
discretion may determine the business day convention, the applicable business days and the interest
determination dates to be used, and any other relevant methodology for calculating such substitute or successor
rate, including any adjustment factor needed to make such substitute or successor rate comparable to the
applicable CMS rate, in a manner that is consistent with any industry-accepted practices for such substitute or
successor rate.
Unless the calculation agent uses a substitute or successor rate as so provided, if the CMS rate cannot be
determined in the manner described above, the applicable CMS rate for that interest determination date will be
determined by the calculation agent, after consulting such sources as it deems comparable to the foregoing
display page, or any other source it deems reasonable, in its sole discretion.
The applicable CMS rate will be subject to the corrections, if any, published on the Refinitiv page ICESWAP1
within one hour of the time that rate was first displayed on such source.
The term “Refinitiv page ICESWAP1” means the display on the Refinitiv Eikon service, or any successor or
replacement service, on the page ICESWAP1, or any successor or replacement page on that service.
Manner of Payment
Any payment on the Callable Notes at maturity or upon redemption will be made to an account designated by the
holder of such Callable Notes and approved by GSFC, or at the office of the trustee in New York City, but only
when such Callable Notes are surrendered to the trustee at that office. GSFC may pay interest on any interest
payment date by check mailed to the person who is the holder on the regular record date. GSCF also may make
any payment in accordance with the applicable procedures of the depositary.
Modified Business Day
Any payment on the Callable Notes that would otherwise be due on a day that is not a business day may instead
be paid on the next day that is a business day, with the same effect as if paid on the original due date. For the
Callable Notes, however, the term business day may have a different meaning than it does for other Series F
medium-term notes, as described under “— Special Calculation Provisions” below.
Role of Calculation Agent
The calculation agent in its sole discretion will make all determinations regarding the CMS spread, the 30-year
CMS rate, the 5-year CMS rate, the interest determination dates, the regular record dates, the interest payable on
each interest payment date, U.S. Government securities business days, business days, postponement of the
stated maturity date and the amount payable on the Callable Notes at maturity or redemption, as applicable.
Absent manifest error, all determinations of the calculation agent will be final and binding on holders of the Callable
Notes and GSFC, without any liability on the part of the calculation agent.
Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC (“GS&Co.”), an affiliate of GSFC, is currently serving as the calculation agent as of the
date of this description. GSFC may change the calculation agent for the Callable Notes at any time after the date
of this prospectus supplement without notice and GS&Co. may resign as calculation agent at any time upon 60
days’ written notice to GSFC.
Early Redemption Right
GSFC may redeem the Callable Notes, at GSFC’s option, in whole but not in part, on the interest payment date
falling on March 11, 2022 and on each interest payment date occurring thereafter, for an amount equal to 100% of
the face amount plus any accrued and unpaid interest to, but excluding, the redemption date.
If GSFC chooses to exercise its early redemption right, it will notify the holder of the Callable Notes and the trustee
by giving at least five business days’ prior notice. The day GSFC gives the notice, which will be a business day, will
be the redemption notice date and the immediately following interest payment date, which GSFC will state in the
redemption notice, will be the redemption date. GSFC will not give a redemption notice that results in a redemption
date later than the stated maturity date.
If GSFC gives the holder a redemption notice, GSFC will redeem the entire outstanding face amount of such
holder’s Callable Notes. On the redemption date, GSFC will pay to the holder of record on the business day
immediately preceding the redemption date, the redemption price in cash, together with any accrued and unpaid
interest to, but excluding, the redemption date, in the manner described under “— Manner of Payment” above.
Special Calculation Provisions
The term “business day” with respect to the Callable Notes means each Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday that is not a day on which banking institutions in New York City generally are authorized or obligated by
law, regulation or executive order to close.
References to a U.S. Government securities business day with respect to the Callable Notes mean any day except
for a Saturday, Sunday or a day on which the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association recommends
that the fixed income department of its members be closed for the entire day for purposes of trading in U.S.
government securities.
Defeasance and Covenant Defeasance
The provisions for full defeasance and covenant defeasance in the GSFC 2008 Indenture do not apply to the
Callable Notes.
Default, Remedies and Waiver of Default
A holder will have special rights if an event of default with respect to his or her series of debt securities occurs and
is continuing, as described in this subsection.
Events of Default
References to an event of default with respect to any series of debt securities mean any of the following:
GSFC or the Company does not pay the principal or any premium on any debt security of that
series within 30 days after the due date;
GSFC or the Company does not pay interest on any debt security of that series within 30 days
after the due date; or
GSFC files for bankruptcy or other events of bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization relating to
GSFC occur. Those events must arise under U.S. federal or state law, unless GSFC merges,
consolidates or sells its assets as described above and the successor firm is a non-U.S. entity. If
that happens, then those events must arise under U.S. federal or state law or the law of the
jurisdiction in which the successor firm is legally organized.
As described below under “Remedies If an Event of Default Occurs,” under the GSFC 2008 Indenture, events of
bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization relating to the Company will not cause any of GSFC’s debt securities
issued under such indenture to be automatically accelerated. In the event that the Company becomes subject to
certain events of bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization (but GSFC does not), any series of debt securities
issued under the GSFC 2008 Indenture will not be immediately due and repayable. In addition, under the GSFC
2008 Indenture, a breach of a covenant or warranty by the Company (including, for example, a breach of the
Company’s covenants and warranties with respect to mergers and similar transactions or restrictions on liens) will
not have the potential to cause any of GSFC’s debt securities issued under the GSFC 2008 Indenture to be
declared due and payable immediately. Instead, under the GSFC 2008 Indenture, the trustee or holder will need to
wait until the earlier of the time that (i) GSFC itself becomes subject to certain events of bankruptcy, insolvency or
reorganization or otherwise defaults on the terms of the debt securities, (ii) the Company otherwise defaults on the
terms of the debt securities and (iii) the final maturity of the debt securities. The return the holder receives on any
series of debt securities issued under the GSFC 2008 Indenture may be significantly less than what a holder would
have otherwise received had the debt securities been automatically accelerated upon certain events of bankruptcy,
insolvency or reorganization relating to the Company or declared due and payable immediately following the
breach of a covenant or warranty by the Company.
Covenant Breaches
References to a covenant breach with respect to any series of debt securities mean any of the following:
GSFC or the Company does not deposit a required sinking fund payment with regard to any debt
security of that series on the due date;
GSFC remains in breach of any other covenant it makes in the GSFC 2008 Indenture for the
benefit of the relevant series for 60 days after GSFC and the Company receive a notice of default
stating that GSFC is in breach and requiring GSFC to remedy the breach. The notice must be
sent by the trustee or the holders of at least 10% in principal amount of the relevant series of debt
securities then outstanding;
Except as provided by the GSFC 2008 Indenture, the debt security of that series and the related
guarantee, the guarantee ceases to be effective, or a court finds the guarantee to be
unenforceable or invalid, or the Company denies its obligations as the guarantor.
A covenant breach shall not be an event of default with respect to any security.
Remedies If an Event of Default or Covenant Breach Occurs
If an event of default has occurred with respect to any series of debt securities and has not been cured or waived,
the trustee or the holders of not less than 25% in principal amount of all debt securities of that series then
outstanding may declare the entire principal amount of the debt securities of that series to be due immediately. If
the event of default occurs because of events in bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization relating to GSFC, the
entire principal amount of the debt securities of that series will be automatically accelerated, without any action by
the trustee or any holder.
Each of the situations described above is called an acceleration of the stated maturity of the affected series of debt
securities. If the stated maturity of any series is accelerated and a judgment for payment has not yet been
obtained, the holders of a majority in principal amount of the debt securities of that series may cancel the
acceleration for the entire series.
If an event of default or a covenant breach occurs, the trustee will have special duties. In that situation, the trustee
will be obligated to use those of its rights and powers under the GSFC 2008 Indenture, and to use the same
degree of care and skill in doing so, that a prudent person would use in that situation in conducting his or her own
Except as described in the prior paragraph, the trustee is not required to take any action under the GSFC 2008
Indenture at the request of any holders unless the holders offer the trustee reasonable protection from expenses
and liability (i.e., an indemnity). If the trustee is provided with an indemnity reasonably satisfactory to it, the holders
of a majority in principal amount of all debt securities of the relevant series may direct the time, method and place
of conducting any lawsuit or other formal legal action seeking any remedy available to the trustee with respect to
that series. These majority holders may also direct the trustee in performing any other action under the GSFC
2008 Indenture with respect to the debt securities of that series.
Before a holder bypasses the trustee and bring its own lawsuit or other formal legal action or take other steps to
enforce its rights or protect its interests relating to any debt security, all of the following must occur:
The holder must give the trustee written notice that an event of default or a covenant breach has
occurred, and the event of default or covenant breach must not have been cured or waived;
The holders of not less than 25% in principal amount of all debt securities of a holder’s series
must make a written request that the trustee take action because of the default, and they or other
holders must offer to the trustee indemnity reasonably satisfactory to the trustee against the cost
and other liabilities of taking that action;
The trustee must not have taken action for 60 days after the above steps have been taken; and
During those 60 days, the holders of a majority in principal amount of the debt securities of a
holder’s series must not have given the trustee directions that are inconsistent with the written
request of the holders of not less than 25% in principal amount of the debt securities of a holder’s
A holder is entitled at any time, however, to bring a lawsuit for the payment of money due on his or her debt
security on or after its stated maturity (or, if the debt security is redeemable, on or after its redemption date).
Waiver of Default
The holders of not less than a majority in principal amount of the debt securities of any series may waive a default
for all debt securities of that series. If this happens, the default will be treated as if it has not occurred. No one can
waive a payment default on a holder’s debt security, however, without the approval of the particular holder of that
debt security.
GSFC and the Company Will Give the Trustee Information About Defaults Annually
GSFC and the Company will furnish to the trustee every year a written statement, respectively, of two of their
officers certifying that to their knowledge GSFC or the Company, as the case may be, is in compliance with the
GSFC 2008 Indenture and the debt securities issued under it, or else specifying any default under the relevant
debt indenture. For the purpose of this paragraph, the term “default” means any event which is, or after notice or
lapse of time or both would become, an event of default or covenant breach.
Default Amount on Acceleration
If an event of default occurs and the maturity of the Callable Notes is accelerated, GSFC will pay the default
amount in respect of the principal of the Callable Notes at the maturity, instead of the amount payable on the
Callable Notes as described earlier.
For the purpose of determining whether the holders of GSFC’s Medium-Term Notes Series F, which include the
Callable Notes, are entitled to take any action under the GSFC 2008 Indenture, GSFC will treat the outstanding
face amount of each Callable Note as the outstanding principal amount of that note. Although the terms of the
Callable Notes differ from those of the other Medium-Term Notes Series F, holders of specified percentages in
principal amount of all Medium-Term Notes Series F, together in some cases with other series of GSFC’s debt
securities, will be able to take action affecting all the Medium-Term Notes Series F, including the Callable Notes,
except with respect to certain Medium-Term Notes Series F, if the terms of such notes specify that the holders of
specified percentages in the principal amount of all such notes must also consent to such action. This action may
involve changing some of the terms that apply to the Medium-Term Notes Series F, accelerating the maturity of the
Medium-Term Notes Series F, after a default or waiving some of GSFC’s obligations under the GSFC 2008
Indenture. In addition, certain changes to the GSFC 2008 Indenture and the Callable Notes that only affect certain
debt securities may be made with the approval of holders of a majority of the principal amount of such affected
debt securities.
Guarantee by the Company
The Company has fully and unconditionally guaranteed the payment of principal of, and any interest and premium
on, the Medium-Term Notes, Series F, which include the Callable Notes, when due and payable, whether at the
stated maturity, by declaration of acceleration, call for redemption or otherwise, in accordance with the terms of the
security and the GSFC 2008 Indenture. The guarantee will remain in effect until the entire principal of, and interest
and premium, if any, on, the debt securities has been paid in full or discharged in accordance with the provisions of
the GSFC 2008 Indenture, or otherwise fully defeased by the Company.
The guarantee by the Company of its debt securities issued under the GSFC 2008 Indenture will rank equally in
right of payment with all senior indebtedness of the Company.
Mergers and Similar Transactions
GSFC and the Company are generally permitted to merge or consolidate with another corporation or other entity.
GSFC and the Company also permitted to sell their assets substantially as an entirety to another corporation or
other entity. With regard to any series of debt securities, however, GSFC or the Company may not take any of
these actions unless all the following conditions are met:
If the successor entity in the transaction is not GSFC or the Company, as the case may be, the
successor entity must be organized as a corporation, partnership or trust and must expressly
assume the obligations of GSFC or the Company under the debt securities of that series and the
GSFC 2008 Indenture with respect to that series. The successor entity may be organized under
the laws of any jurisdiction, whether in the United States or elsewhere.
Immediately after the transaction, no default under the debt securities of that series or the related
guarantees has occurred and is continuing. For this purpose, “default under the debt securities of
that series or the related guarantees” means an event of default or a covenant breach with
respect to that series or the related guarantees or any event that would be an event of default
with respect to that series or the related guarantees if the requirements for giving GSFC or the
Company default notice and for GSFC’s or the Company’s default having to continue for a
specific period of time were disregarded.
If the conditions described above are satisfied with respect to debt securities of any series, neither GSFC nor the
Company will need to obtain the approval of the holders of those debt securities in order to merge or consolidate
or to sell assets of GSFC or the Company. Also, these conditions will apply only if GSFC or the Company wishes
to merge or consolidate with another entity or sell assets of GSFC or the Company substantially as an entirety to
another entity. Neither GSFC nor the Company will need to satisfy these conditions if GSFC or the Company
enters into other types of transactions, including any transaction in which GSFC or the Company acquire the stock
or assets of another entity, any transaction that involves a change of control of GSFC or the Company but in which
GSFC or the Company does not merge or consolidate and any transaction in which GSFC or the Company sells
less than substantially all assets of GSFC or the Company. While GSFC is currently a wholly owned subsidiary of
the Company, there is no requirement that it remain a subsidiary.
Also, if GSFC or the Company merges, consolidates or sells assets of GSFC or the Company substantially as an
entirety and the successor is a non-U.S. entity, neither GSFC nor any successor would have any obligation to
compensate a holder for any resulting adverse tax consequences relating to his or her debt securities.
Notwithstanding the foregoing and for the avoidance of doubt, GSFC may sell or transfer its assets substantially as
an entirety, in one or more transactions, to one or more entities, provided that GSFC’s assets and the assets of its
direct or indirect subsidiaries in which it owns a majority of the combined voting power, taken together, are not sold
or transferred substantially as an entirety to one or more entities that are not majority-owned subsidiaries of the
Company, and the Company. may sell or transfer its assets substantially as an entirety in one or more
transactions, to one or more entities, provided that the assets of the Company and its direct or indirect subsidiaries
in which it owns a majority of the combined voting power, taken together, are not sold or transferred substantially
as an entirety to one or more entities that are not such subsidiaries.
Restriction on Liens
In the GSFC 2008 Indenture, the Company promises, with respect to each series of senior debt securities, not to
create, assume, incur or guarantee any debt for borrowed money that is secured by a lien on the voting or profit
participating equity ownership interests that the Company or any of its subsidiaries own in Goldman Sachs & Co.
LLC, or in any subsidiary of the Company that beneficially owns or holds, directly or indirectly, those interests in
Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, unless the Company also secures the senior debt securities of that series on an equal
or priority basis with the other secured debt. The promise of the Company, however, is subject to an important
exception: it may secure debt for borrowed money with liens on those interests without securing the senior debt
securities of any series if its board of directors determines that the liens do not materially detract from or interfere
with the value or control of those interests, as of the date of the determination.
Except as noted above, the GSFC 2008 Indenture does not restrict the Company’s ability to put liens on its
interests in its subsidiaries other than Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, nor does the indenture restrict the Company’s
ability to sell or otherwise dispose of its interests in any of its subsidiaries, including Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC. In
addition, the restriction on liens in the GSFC 2008 Indenture applies only to liens that secure debt for borrowed
money. For example, liens imposed by operation of law, such as liens to secure statutory obligations for taxes or
workers’ compensation benefits, or liens the Company creates to secure obligations to pay legal judgments or
surety bonds, would not be covered by this restriction.
Modification of the Debt Indenture and Waiver of Covenants
There are four types of changes GSFC and the Company can make to the GSFC 2008 Indenture and the debt
securities or series of debt securities and related guarantees issued under the GSFC 2008 Indenture.
Changes Requiring Each Holder’s Approval
First, there are changes that cannot be made without the approval of the holder of each debt security affected by
the change under the GSFC 2008 Indenture. Here is a list of those types of changes:
change the stated maturity for any principal or interest payment on a debt security;
reduce the principal amount, the amount payable on acceleration of the stated maturity after a
default, the interest rate or the redemption price for a debt security;
permit redemption of a debt security if not previously permitted;
impair any right a holder may have to require repayment of its debt security;
change the currency of any payment on a debt security;
change the place of payment on a debt security;
impair a holder’s right to sue for payment of any amount due on its debt security;
reduce the percentage in principal amount of the debt securities of any one or more affected
series, taken
separately or together, as applicable, and whether comprising the same or different series or less
than all of the debt securities of a series, the approval of whose holders is needed to change the
applicable debt indenture or those debt securities;
reduce the percentage in principal amount of the debt securities of any one or more affected
series, taken separately or together, as applicable, and whether comprising the same or different
series or less than all of the debt securities of a series, the consent of whose holders is needed to
waive GSFC’s compliance with the applicable debt indenture or to waive defaults; and
change the provisions of the applicable debt indenture dealing with modification and waiver in
any other respect, except to increase any required percentage referred to above or to add to the
provisions that cannot be changed or waived without approval of the holder of each affected debt
Changes Not Requiring Approval
The second type of change does not require any approval by holders of the debt securities affected. These
changes are limited to clarifications and changes that would not adversely affect any debt securities of any series
in any material respect. Neither GSFC nor the Company needs any approval to make changes that affect only debt
securities to be issued under the applicable indenture after the changes take effect.
GSFC and the Company may also make changes or obtain waivers that do not adversely affect a particular debt
security, even if they affect other debt securities. In those cases, neither GSFC nor the Company needs to obtain
the approval of the holder of the unaffected debt security; GSFC and the Company need only obtain any required
approvals from the holders of the affected debt securities.
Changes Requiring Majority Approval
Any other change to the GSFC 2008 Indenture and the debt securities issued under such debt indenture would
require the following approval:
If the change affects only particular debt securities within a series, it must be approved by the
holders of a majority in principal amount of such particular debt securities.
If the change affects multiple debt securities of one or more series, it must be approved by the
holders of a majority in principal amount of all debt securities affected by the change, with all
such affected debt securities voting together as one class for this purpose (and by the holders of
a majority in principal amount of any affected debt securities that by their terms are entitled to
vote separately).
In each case, the required approval must be given by written consent.
This would mean that modification of terms with respect to certain debt securities of a series could be effectuated
under the GSFC 2008 Indenture without obtaining the consent of the holders of a majority in principal amount of
other securities of such series that are not affected by such modification.
The same majority approval would be required for GSFC to obtain a waiver of any of its covenants in the GSFC
2008 Indenture. GSFC’s covenants include the promises GSFC and the Company make about merging and, with
respect to the Company, putting liens on GSFC’s interests in Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC. If the holders approve a
waiver of a covenant, neither GSFC nor the Company will have to comply with it. The holders, however, cannot
approve a waiver of any provision in a particular debt security, or in the GSFC 2008 Indenture as it affects that
debt security, that neither GSFC nor the Company can change without the approval of the holder of that debt
security as described above in “— Changes Requiring Each Holder’s Approval,” unless that holder approves the
Special Rules for Action by Holders
When holders take any action under the GSFC 2008 Indenture, such as giving a notice of default, notice of
covenant breach, declaring an acceleration, approving any change or waiver or giving the trustee an instruction,
GSFC will apply the following rules.
Only Outstanding Debt Securities Are Eligible
Only holders of outstanding debt securities or the outstanding debt securities of the applicable series, as
applicable, will be eligible to participate in any action by holders of such debt securities or the debt securities of
that series. Also, GSFC will count only outstanding debt securities in determining whether the various percentage
requirements for taking action have been met. For these purposes, a debt security will not be “outstanding” if:
it has been surrendered for cancellation;
GSFC has deposited or set aside, in trust for its holder, money for its payment or redemption;
GSFC has fully defeased it; or
GSFC or one of its affiliates, such as Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, is the owner.
Determining Record Dates for Action by Holders
GSFC and the Company will generally be entitled to set any day as a record date for the purpose of determining
the holders that are entitled to take action under a particular debt indenture. In certain limited circumstances, only
the trustee will be entitled to set a record date for action by holders. If GSFC, the Company or the trustee set a
record date for an approval or other action to be taken by holders, that vote or action may be taken only by
persons or entities who are holders on the record date and must be taken during the period that GSFC specifies
for this purpose, or that the trustee specifies if it sets the record date. GSFC, the Company or the trustee, as
applicable, may shorten or lengthen this period from time to time.
This period, however, may not extend beyond the 180th day after the record date for the action. In addition, record
dates for any global debt security may be set in accordance with procedures established by the depositary from
time to time. Accordingly, record dates for global debt securities may differ from those for other debt securities.
Form of Callable Notes
The Callable Notes are issued in book-entry form through The Depository Trust Company and represented by a
global note. GSFC will not issue definitive notes in exchange for the global note except in limited circumstances.
The following is a brief description of the terms of the Callable Fixed and Floating Rate Notes, an issuance of
Medium-Term Notes, Series F of GS Finance Corp. (“GSFC”) (the “Callable Notes”), which are fully and
unconditionally guaranteed by the Company. It does not purport to be complete. This description is subject to and
qualified in its entirety by reference to the Senior Debt Indenture, dated as of October 10, 2008, among GSFC, as
issuer, the Company, as guarantor, and The Bank of New York Mellon, as trustee, as supplemented by the First
Supplemental Indenture, dated as of February 20, 2015, the Fourth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of August
21, 2018 and the Seventh Supplemental Indenture, dated as of July 1, 2020 (collectively, the “GSFC 2008
Indenture”), which are exhibits to the Annual Report of which this exhibit is a part. Unless the context otherwise
provides, all references to the Company in this description refer only to The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and does
not include its consolidated subsidiaries.
The GSFC 2008 indenture permits GSFC to issue, from time to time, different series of debt securities and, within
each different series of debt securities, different debt securities. The Medium-Term Notes, Series F are a single,
distinct series of debt securities. GSFC may, however, issue notes in such amounts, at such times and on such
terms as GSFC wishes. The notes of the Medium-Term Notes, Series F may differ from one another, and from
other series, in their terms.
In this description, references to a series of debt securities mean a series issued under the GSFC 2008 Indenture,
such as the notes issued under GSFC’s Medium-Term Notes, Series F program.
Terms of the Callable Notes
The Callable Notes were originally issued on May 28, 2021 and have a stated maturity date of May 28, 2031 (the
“stated maturity date”). As noted above, the Callable Notes are part of a series of debt securities, entitled “Medium-
Term Notes, Series F,” that GSFC may issue under the GSFC 2008 Indenture from time to time. The Callable
Notes are listed on the New York Stock Exchange Bonds Market under the ticker symbol “GS/31X.”
The payment of principal of, and any interest and premium on, the Callable Notes is fully and unconditionally
guaranteed by the Company. The guarantee will remain in effect until the entire principal of, and interest and
premium, if any, on, the Callable Notes has been paid in full or discharged in accordance with the provisions of the
GSFC 2008 Indenture, or otherwise fully defeased by GSFC or by the Company. The guarantee of senior debt
securities of GSFC, such as the Callable Notes, will rank equally in right of payment to all senior indebtedness of
the Company.
Payment of Principal on Stated Maturity Date
GSFC will pay holders of Callable Notes that have not been redeemed by the stated maturity date an amount in
cash equal to the outstanding face amount of such holders’ Callable Notes. The stated maturity date of the
Callable Notes is May 28, 2031, subject to GSFC’s early redemption right. If the stated maturity date falls on a day
that is not a business day, payment of principal otherwise due on such day will be made on the next succeeding
business day, and no interest on such payment shall accrue for the period from and after the stated maturity date.
Interest Payments
For each fixed rate interest period, the fixed interest rate on the Callable Notes will equal 4.25% per annum. For
each floating rate interest period, the floating interest rate on the Callable Notes will be based upon the CMS
spread on the relevant interest determination date for such floating rate interest period and will be a rate per
annum equal to:
if (i) the CMS spread times (ii) 3.25 is greater than or equal to the maximum interest rate, the
maximum interest rate;
if (i) the CMS spread times (ii) 3.25 is less than the maximum interest rate but greater than the
minimum interest rate, (i) the CMS spread times (ii) 3.25; or
if (i) the CMS spread times (ii) 3.25 is equal to or less than the minimum interest rate, the minimum
interest rate.
The maximum interest rate on the Callable Notes is 8% per annum. Based on the formula used to calculate the
floating interest rate on the Callable Notes, holders will not benefit from any increases in the CMS spread above
approximately 2.46%. The minimum interest rate on the Callable Notes is 1% per annum.
The term “fixed rate interest periods” means the periods from and including a fixed rate interest payment date (or
the original issue date, in the case of the first fixed rate interest period) to but excluding the next succeeding fixed
rate interest payment date, where the term “fixed rate interest payment dates” means February 28, May 28, August
28 and November 28 of each year, commencing on August 28, 2021 and ending on May 28, 2023, subject to
adjustments as described below.
The term “floating rate interest periods” means the periods from and including a floating rate interest payment date
(or the final fixed rate interest payment date, in the case of the first floating rate interest period) to but excluding
the next succeeding floating rate interest payment date (or the stated maturity date, in the case of the final floating
rate interest period), where the term “floating rate interest payment dates” February 28, May 28, August 28, and
November 28 of each year, beginning on May 28, 2023 and ending on the stated maturity date, subject to
adjustments as described below.
The term “interest determination dates” means, for each floating rate interest period, the second U.S. Government
securities business day preceding such floating rate interest period.
The term “CMS spread” means, on any interest determination date, the 30-year CMS rate minus the 5-year CMS
rate, as described under “— CMS Rate” below.
The calculation agent will calculate the amount of interest payable on each fixed rate interest payment date and
floating rate interest payment date (each, an “interest payment date”) for the applicable fixed rate interest period
and floating rate interest period (each, an “interest period”) in the following manner. For each $1,000 face amount
of the Callable Notes and for each interest period, the calculation agent will calculate the amount of interest to be
paid by calculating the product of (i) the $1,000 face amount times (ii) the applicable fixed interest rate or floating
interest rate times (iii) the applicable day count convention on a 30/360 (ISDA) basis.
Interest will be paid on the Callable Notes on each quarterly interest payment date. If an interest payment date
(other than the interest payment date that falls on the stated maturity date) falls on a day that is not a business
day, the payment due on such interest payment date will be postponed to the next day that is a business day;
provided that interest due with respect to such interest payment date shall not accrue from and including such
interest payment date to and including the date of payment of such interest as so postponed. If the stated maturity
date falls on a day that is not a business day, payment of interest otherwise due on such day will be made on the
next succeeding business day, and no interest on such payment shall accrue for the period from and after the
stated maturity date.
CMS Rate
References to the 30-year CMS rate or the 5-year CMS rate on an interest determination date mean the rate
appearing on the Refinitiv page ICESWAP1 for 30-year or 5-year index maturity, as the case may be, as of
approximately 11:00 A.M., New York City time, on such interest determination date. If a CMS rate cannot be
determined in this manner on the relevant interest determination date, the following procedures will apply to the
Callable Notes.
If the calculation agent determines on an interest determination date that a CMS rate has been discontinued, then
the calculation agent will use a substitute or successor rate that it has determined in its sole discretion is most
comparable to the applicable CMS rate, provided that if the calculation agent determines there is an industry-
accepted successor rate, then the calculation agent shall use such successor rate. If the calculation agent has
determined a substitute or successor rate in accordance with the foregoing, the calculation agent in its sole
discretion may determine the business day convention, the applicable business days and the interest
determination dates to be used, and any other relevant methodology for calculating such substitute or successor
rate, including any adjustment factor needed to make such substitute or successor rate comparable to the
applicable CMS rate, in a manner that is consistent with any industry-accepted practices for such substitute or
successor rate.
Unless the calculation agent uses a substitute or successor rate as so provided, if the CMS rate cannot be
determined in the manner described above, the applicable CMS rate for that interest determination date will be
determined by the calculation agent, after consulting such sources as it deems comparable to the foregoing
display page, or any other source it deems reasonable, in its sole discretion.
The applicable CMS rate will be subject to the corrections, if any, published on the Refinitiv page ICESWAP1
within one hour of the time that rate was first displayed on such source.
The term “Refinitiv page ICESWAP1” means the display on the Refinitiv Eikon service, or any successor or
replacement service, on the page ICESWAP1, or any successor or replacement page on that service.
Manner of Payment
Any payment on the Callable Notes at maturity or upon redemption will be made to an account designated by the
holder of such Callable Notes and approved by GSFC, or at the office of the trustee in New York City, but only
when such Callable Notes are surrendered to the trustee at that office. GSFC may pay interest on any interest
payment date by check mailed to the person who is the holder on the regular record date. GSCF also may make
any payment in accordance with the applicable procedures of the depositary.
Modified Business Day
Any payment on the Callable Notes that would otherwise be due on a day that is not a business day may instead
be paid on the next day that is a business day, with the same effect as if paid on the original due date. For the
Callable Notes, however, the term business day may have a different meaning than it does for other Series F
medium-term notes, as described under “— Special Calculation Provisions” below.
Role of Calculation Agent
The calculation agent in its sole discretion will make all determinations regarding the CMS spread, the 30-year
CMS rate, the 5-year CMS rate, the interest determination dates, the regular record dates, the interest payable on
each interest payment date, U.S. Government securities business days, business days, postponement of the
stated maturity date and the amount payable on the Callable Notes at maturity or redemption, as applicable.
Absent manifest error, all determinations of the calculation agent will be final and binding on holders of the Callable
Notes and GSFC, without any liability on the part of the calculation agent.
Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC (“GS&Co.”), an affiliate of GSFC, is currently serving as the calculation agent as of the
date of this description. GSFC may change the calculation agent for the Callable Notes at any time after the date
of this prospectus supplement without notice and GS&Co. may resign as calculation agent at any time upon 60
days’ written notice to GSFC.
Early Redemption Right
GSFC may redeem the Callable Notes, at GSFC’s option, in whole but not in part, on the interest payment date
falling on May 28, 2022 and on each interest payment date occurring thereafter, for an amount equal to 100% of
the face amount plus any accrued and unpaid interest to, but excluding, the redemption date.
If GSFC chooses to exercise its early redemption right, it will notify the holder of the Callable Notes and the trustee
by giving at least five business days’ prior notice. The day GSFC gives the notice, which will be a business day, will
be the redemption notice date and the immediately following interest payment date, which GSFC will state in the
redemption notice, will be the redemption date. GSFC will not give a redemption notice that results in a redemption
date later than the stated maturity date.
If GSFC gives the holder a redemption notice, GSFC will redeem the entire outstanding face amount of such
holder’s Callable Notes. On the redemption date, GSFC will pay to the holder of record on the business day
immediately preceding the redemption date, the redemption price in cash, together with any accrued and unpaid
interest to, but excluding, the redemption date, in the manner described under “— Manner of Payment” above.
Special Calculation Provisions
The term “business day” with respect to the Callable Notes means each Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday that is not a day on which banking institutions in New York City generally are authorized or obligated by
law, regulation or executive order to close.
References to a U.S. Government securities business day with respect to the Callable Notes mean any day except
for a Saturday, Sunday or a day on which the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association recommends
that the fixed income department of its members be closed for the entire day for purposes of trading in U.S.
government securities.
Defeasance and Covenant Defeasance
The provisions for full defeasance and covenant defeasance in the GSFC 2008 Indenture do not apply to the
Callable Notes.
Default, Remedies and Waiver of Default
A holder will have special rights if an event of default with respect to his or her series of debt securities occurs and
is continuing, as described in this subsection.
Events of Default
References to an event of default with respect to any series of debt securities mean any of the following:
GSFC or the Company does not pay the principal or any premium on any debt security of that series
within 30 days after the due date;
GSFC or the Company does not pay interest on any debt security of that series within 30 days after
the due date; or
GSFC files for bankruptcy or other events of bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization relating to
GSFC occur. Those events must arise under U.S. federal or state law, unless GSFC merges,
consolidates or sells its assets as described above and the successor firm is a non-U.S. entity. If that
happens, then those events must arise under U.S. federal or state law or the law of the jurisdiction in
which the successor firm is legally organized.
As described below under “Remedies If an Event of Default Occurs,” under the GSFC 2008 Indenture, events of
bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization relating to the Company will not cause any of GSFC’s debt securities
issued under such indenture to be automatically accelerated. In the event that the Company becomes subject to
certain events of bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization (but GSFC does not), any series of debt securities
issued under the GSFC 2008 Indenture will not be immediately due and repayable. In addition, under the GSFC
2008 Indenture, a breach of a covenant or warranty by the Company (including, for example, a breach of the
Company’s covenants and warranties with respect to mergers and similar transactions or restrictions on liens) will
not have the potential to cause any of GSFC’s debt securities issued under the GSFC 2008 Indenture to be
declared due and payable immediately. Instead, under the GSFC 2008 Indenture, the trustee or holder will need to
wait until the earlier of the time that (i) GSFC itself becomes subject to certain events of bankruptcy, insolvency or
reorganization or otherwise defaults on the terms of the debt securities, (ii) the Company otherwise defaults on the
terms of the debt securities and (iii) the final maturity of the debt securities. The return the holder receives on any
series of debt securities issued under the GSFC 2008 Indenture may be significantly less than what a holder would
have otherwise received had the debt securities been automatically accelerated upon certain events of bankruptcy,
insolvency or reorganization relating to the Company or declared due and payable immediately following the
breach of a covenant or warranty by the Company.
Covenant Breaches
References to a covenant breach with respect to any series of debt securities mean any of the following:
GSFC or the Company does not deposit a required sinking fund payment with regard to any debt security
of that series on the due date;
GSFC remains in breach of any other covenant it makes in the GSFC 2008 Indenture for the benefit of the
relevant series for 60 days after GSFC and the Company receive a notice of default stating that GSFC is
in breach and requiring GSFC to remedy the breach. The notice must be sent by the trustee or the
holders of at least 10% in principal amount of the relevant series of debt securities then outstanding;
Except as provided by the GSFC 2008 Indenture, the debt security of that series and the related
guarantee, the guarantee ceases to be effective, or a court finds the guarantee to be unenforceable or
invalid, or the Company denies its obligations as the guarantor.
A covenant breach shall not be an event of default with respect to any security.
Remedies If an Event of Default or Covenant Breach Occurs
If an event of default has occurred with respect to any series of debt securities and has not been cured or waived,
the trustee or the holders of not less than 25% in principal amount of all debt securities of that series then
outstanding may declare the entire principal amount of the debt securities of that series to be due immediately. If
the event of default occurs because of events in bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization relating to GSFC, the
entire principal amount of the debt securities of that series will be automatically accelerated, without any action by
the trustee or any holder.
Each of the situations described above is called an acceleration of the stated maturity of the affected series of debt
securities. If the stated maturity of any series is accelerated and a judgment for payment has not yet been
obtained, the holders of a majority in principal amount of the debt securities of that series may cancel the
acceleration for the entire series.
If an event of default or a covenant breach occurs, the trustee will have special duties. In that situation, the trustee
will be obligated to use those of its rights and powers under the GSFC 2008 Indenture, and to use the same
degree of care and skill in doing so, that a prudent person would use in that situation in conducting his or her own
Except as described in the prior paragraph, the trustee is not required to take any action under the GSFC 2008
Indenture at the request of any holders unless the holders offer the trustee reasonable protection from expenses
and liability (i.e., an indemnity). If the trustee is provided with an indemnity reasonably satisfactory to it, the holders
of a majority in principal amount of all debt securities of the relevant series may direct the time, method and place
of conducting any lawsuit or other formal legal action seeking any remedy available to the trustee with respect to
that series. These majority holders may also direct the trustee in performing any other action under the GSFC
2008 Indenture with respect to the debt securities of that series.
Before a holder bypasses the trustee and bring its own lawsuit or other formal legal action or take other steps to
enforce its rights or protect its interests relating to any debt security, all of the following must occur:
The holder must give the trustee written notice that an event of default or a covenant breach has
occurred, and the event of default or covenant breach must not have been cured or waived;
The holders of not less than 25% in principal amount of all debt securities of a holder’s series must
make a written request that the trustee take action because of the default, and they or other holders
must offer to the trustee indemnity reasonably satisfactory to the trustee against the cost and other
liabilities of taking that action;
The trustee must not have taken action for 60 days after the above steps have been taken; and
During those 60 days, the holders of a majority in principal amount of the debt securities of a holder’s
series must not have given the trustee directions that are inconsistent with the written request of the
holders of not less than 25% in principal amount of the debt securities of a holder’s series.
A holder is entitled at any time, however, to bring a lawsuit for the payment of money due on his or her debt
security on or after its stated maturity (or, if the debt security is redeemable, on or after its redemption date).
Waiver of Default
The holders of not less than a majority in principal amount of the debt securities of any series may waive a default
for all debt securities of that series. If this happens, the default will be treated as if it has not occurred. No one can
waive a payment default on a holder’s debt security, however, without the approval of the particular holder of that
debt security.
GSFC and the Company Will Give the Trustee Information About Defaults Annually
GSFC and the Company will furnish to the trustee every year a written statement, respectively, of two of their
officers certifying that to their knowledge GSFC or the Company, as the case may be, is in compliance with the
GSFC 2008 Indenture and the debt securities issued under it, or else specifying any default under the relevant
debt indenture. For the purpose of this paragraph, the term “default” means any event which is, or after notice or
lapse of time or both would become, an event of default or covenant breach.
Default Amount on Acceleration
If an event of default occurs and the maturity of the Callable Notes is accelerated, GSFC will pay the default
amount in respect of the principal of the Callable Notes at the maturity, instead of the amount payable on the
Callable Notes as described earlier.
For the purpose of determining whether the holders of GSFC’s Medium-Term Notes Series F, which include the
Callable Notes, are entitled to take any action under the GSFC 2008 Indenture, GSFC will treat the outstanding
face amount of each Callable Note as the outstanding principal amount of that note. Although the terms of the
Callable Notes differ from those of the other Medium-Term Notes Series F, holders of specified percentages in
principal amount of all Medium-Term Notes Series F, together in some cases with other series of GSFC’s debt
securities, will be able to take action affecting all the Medium-Term Notes Series F, including the Callable Notes,
except with respect to certain Medium-Term Notes Series F, if the terms of such notes specify that the holders of
specified percentages in the principal amount of all such notes must also consent to such action. This action may
involve changing some of the terms that apply to the Medium-Term Notes Series F, accelerating the maturity of the
Medium-Term Notes Series F, after a default or waiving some of GSFC’s obligations under the GSFC 2008
Indenture. In addition, certain changes to the GSFC 2008 Indenture and the Callable Notes that only affect certain
debt securities may be made with the approval of holders of a majority of the principal amount of such affected
debt securities.
Guarantee by the Company
The Company has fully and unconditionally guaranteed the payment of principal of, and any interest and premium
on, the Medium-Term Notes, Series F, which include the Callable Notes, when due and payable, whether at the
stated maturity, by declaration of acceleration, call for redemption or otherwise, in accordance with the terms of the
security and the GSFC 2008 Indenture. The guarantee will remain in effect until the entire principal of, and interest
and premium, if any, on, the debt securities has been paid in full or discharged in accordance with the provisions of
the GSFC 2008 Indenture, or otherwise fully defeased by the Company.
The guarantee by the Company of its debt securities issued under the GSFC 2008 Indenture will rank equally in
right of payment with all senior indebtedness of the Company.
Mergers and Similar Transactions
GSFC and the Company are generally permitted to merge or consolidate with another corporation or other entity.
GSFC and the Company also permitted to sell their assets substantially as an entirety to another corporation or
other entity. With regard to any series of debt securities, however, GSFC or the Company may not take any of
these actions unless all the following conditions are met:
If the successor entity in the transaction is not GSFC or the Company, as the case may be, the
successor entity must be organized as a corporation, partnership or trust and must expressly
assume the obligations of GSFC or the Company under the debt securities of that series and the
GSFC 2008 Indenture with respect to that series. The successor entity may be organized under the
laws of any jurisdiction, whether in the United States or elsewhere.
Immediately after the transaction, no default under the debt securities of that series or the related
guarantees has occurred and is continuing. For this purpose, “default under the debt securities of
that series or the related guarantees” means an event of default or a covenant breach with respect to
that series or the related guarantees or any event that would be an event of default with respect to
that series or the related guarantees if the requirements for giving GSFC or the Company default
notice and for GSFC’s or the Company’s default having to continue for a specific period of time were
If the conditions described above are satisfied with respect to debt securities of any series, neither GSFC nor the
Company will need to obtain the approval of the holders of those debt securities in order to merge or consolidate
or to sell assets of GSFC or the Company. Also, these conditions will apply only if GSFC or the Company wishes
to merge or consolidate with another entity or sell assets of GSFC or the Company substantially as an entirety to
another entity. Neither GSFC nor the Company will need to satisfy these conditions if GSFC or the Company
enters into other types of transactions, including any transaction in which GSFC or the Company acquire the stock
or assets of another entity, any transaction that involves a change of control of GSFC or the Company but in which
GSFC or the Company does not merge or consolidate and any transaction in which GSFC or the Company sells
less than substantially all assets of GSFC or the Company. While GSFC is currently a wholly owned subsidiary of
the Company, there is no requirement that it remain a subsidiary.
Also, if GSFC or the Company merges, consolidates or sells assets of GSFC or the Company substantially as an
entirety and the successor is a non-U.S. entity, neither GSFC nor any successor would have any obligation to
compensate a holder for any resulting adverse tax consequences relating to his or her debt securities.
Notwithstanding the foregoing and for the avoidance of doubt, GSFC may sell or transfer its assets substantially as
an entirety, in one or more transactions, to one or more entities, provided that GSFC’s assets and the assets of its
direct or indirect subsidiaries in which it owns a majority of the combined voting power, taken together, are not sold
or transferred substantially as an entirety to one or more entities that are not majority-owned subsidiaries of the
Company, and the Company. may sell or transfer its assets substantially as an entirety in one or more
transactions, to one or more entities, provided that the assets of the Company and its direct or indirect subsidiaries
in which it owns a majority of the combined voting power, taken together, are not sold or transferred substantially
as an entirety to one or more entities that are not such subsidiaries.
Restriction on Liens
In the GSFC 2008 Indenture, the Company promises, with respect to each series of senior debt securities, not to
create, assume, incur or guarantee any debt for borrowed money that is secured by a lien on the voting or profit
participating equity ownership interests that the Company or any of its subsidiaries own in Goldman Sachs & Co.
LLC, or in any subsidiary of the Company that beneficially owns or holds, directly or indirectly, those interests in
Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, unless the Company also secures the senior debt securities of that series on an equal
or priority basis with the other secured debt. The promise of the Company, however, is subject to an important
exception: it may secure debt for borrowed money with liens on those interests without securing the senior debt
securities of any series if its board of directors determines that the liens do not materially detract from or interfere
with the value or control of those interests, as of the date of the determination.
Except as noted above, the GSFC 2008 Indenture does not restrict the Company’s ability to put liens on its
interests in its subsidiaries other than Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, nor does the indenture restrict the Company’s
ability to sell or otherwise dispose of its interests in any of its subsidiaries, including Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC. In
addition, the restriction on liens in the GSFC 2008 Indenture applies only to liens that secure debt for borrowed
money. For example, liens imposed by operation of law, such as liens to secure statutory obligations for taxes or
workers’ compensation benefits, or liens the Company creates to secure obligations to pay legal judgments or
surety bonds, would not be covered by this restriction.
Modification of the Debt Indenture and Waiver of Covenants
There are four types of changes GSFC and the Company can make to the GSFC 2008 Indenture and the debt
securities or series of debt securities and related guarantees issued under the GSFC 2008 Indenture.
Changes Requiring Each Holder’s Approval
First, there are changes that cannot be made without the approval of the holder of each debt security affected by
the change under the GSFC 2008 Indenture. Here is a list of those types of changes:
change the stated maturity for any principal or interest payment on a debt security;
reduce the principal amount, the amount payable on acceleration of the stated maturity after a default, the
interest rate or the redemption price for a debt security;
permit redemption of a debt security if not previously permitted;
impair any right a holder may have to require repayment of its debt security;
change the currency of any payment on a debt security;
change the place of payment on a debt security;
impair a holder’s right to sue for payment of any amount due on its debt security;
reduce the percentage in principal amount of the debt securities of any one or more affected series, taken
separately or together, as applicable, and whether comprising the same or different series or less than all
of the debt securities of a series, the approval of whose holders is needed to change the applicable debt
indenture or those debt securities;
reduce the percentage in principal amount of the debt securities of any one or more affected series, taken
separately or together, as applicable, and whether comprising the same or different series or less than all
of the debt securities of a series, the consent of whose holders is needed to waive GSFC’s compliance
with the applicable debt indenture or to waive defaults; and
change the provisions of the applicable debt indenture dealing with modification and waiver in any other
respect, except to increase any required percentage referred to above or to add to the provisions that
cannot be changed or waived without approval of the holder of each affected debt security.
Changes Not Requiring Approval
The second type of change does not require any approval by holders of the debt securities affected. These
changes are limited to clarifications and changes that would not adversely affect any debt securities of any series
in any material respect. Neither GSFC nor the Company needs any approval to make changes that affect only debt
securities to be issued under the applicable indenture after the changes take effect.
GSFC and the Company may also make changes or obtain waivers that do not adversely affect a particular debt
security, even if they affect other debt securities. In those cases, neither GSFC nor the Company needs to obtain
the approval of the holder of the unaffected debt security; GSFC and the Company need only obtain any required
approvals from the holders of the affected debt securities.
Changes Requiring Majority Approval
Any other change to the GSFC 2008 Indenture and the debt securities issued under such debt indenture would
require the following approval:
If the change affects only particular debt securities within a series, it must be approved by the
holders of a majority in principal amount of such particular debt securities.
If the change affects multiple debt securities of one or more series, it must be approved by the
holders of a majority in principal amount of all debt securities affected by the change, with all such
affected debt securities voting together as one class for this purpose (and by the holders of a
majority in principal amount of any affected debt securities that by their terms are entitled to vote
In each case, the required approval must be given by written consent.
This would mean that modification of terms with respect to certain debt securities of a series could be effectuated
under the GSFC 2008 Indenture without obtaining the consent of the holders of a majority in principal amount of
other securities of such series that are not affected by such modification.
The same majority approval would be required for GSFC to obtain a waiver of any of its covenants in the GSFC
2008 Indenture. GSFC’s covenants include the promises GSFC and the Company make about merging and, with
respect to the Company, putting liens on GSFC’s interests in Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC. If the holders approve a
waiver of a covenant, neither GSFC nor the Company will have to comply with it. The holders, however, cannot
approve a waiver of any provision in a particular debt security, or in the GSFC 2008 Indenture as it affects that
debt security, that neither GSFC nor the Company can change without the approval of the holder of that debt
security as described above in “— Changes Requiring Each Holder’s Approval,” unless that holder approves the
Special Rules for Action by Holders
When holders take any action under the GSFC 2008 Indenture, such as giving a notice of default, notice of
covenant breach, declaring an acceleration, approving any change or waiver or giving the trustee an instruction,
GSFC will apply the following rules.
Only Outstanding Debt Securities Are Eligible
Only holders of outstanding debt securities or the outstanding debt securities of the applicable series, as
applicable, will be eligible to participate in any action by holders of such debt securities or the debt securities of
that series. Also, GSFC will count only outstanding debt securities in determining whether the various percentage
requirements for taking action have been met. For these purposes, a debt security will not be “outstanding” if:
it has been surrendered for cancellation;
GSFC has deposited or set aside, in trust for its holder, money for its payment or redemption;
GSFC has fully defeased it; or
GSFC or one of its affiliates, such as Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, is the owner.
Determining Record Dates for Action by Holders
GSFC and the Company will generally be entitled to set any day as a record date for the purpose of determining
the holders that are entitled to take action under a particular debt indenture. In certain limited circumstances, only
the trustee will be entitled to set a record date for action by holders. If GSFC, the Company or the trustee set a
record date for an approval or other action to be taken by holders, that vote or action may be taken only by
persons or entities who are holders on the record date and must be taken during the period that GSFC specifies
for this purpose, or that the trustee specifies if it sets the record date. GSFC, the Company or the trustee, as
applicable, may shorten or lengthen this period from time to time.
This period, however, may not extend beyond the 180th day after the record date for the action. In addition, record
dates for any global debt security may be set in accordance with procedures established by the depositary from
time to time. Accordingly, record dates for global debt securities may differ from those for other debt securities.
Form of Callable Notes
The Callable Notes are issued in book-entry form through The Depository Trust Company and represented by a
global note. GSFC will not issue definitive notes in exchange for the global note except in limited circumstances.
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
Outside Director _____ RSU Award
This Award Agreement, together with The Goldman Sachs Amended and Restated Stock Incentive
Plan (2021) (the “Plan”), governs your _____ award of RSUs (your “Award”) [that will be granted
to you as set forth on your Award Statement]. You should read carefully this entire Award
Agreement, which includes the Award Statement and any attached Appendix.
Documents that Govern Your Award; Definitions
1. The Plan. Your Award is granted under the Plan, and the Plan’s terms apply to, and are
a part of, this Award Agreement.
2. Your Award Statement. The Award Statement delivered to you contains some of your
Award’s specific terms. For example, it contains the Date[s] of Grant, the [calculation that will be used to
determine the] number of RSUs [that will be] awarded to you [on any such Date of Grant] and the
Delivery Date.
3. Definitions. Unless otherwise defined herein, including in the Definitions Appendix or
any other Appendix, capitalized terms have the meanings provided in the Plan.
Delivery of Your RSU Shares
4. Delivery. RSU Shares (less applicable withholding) will be delivered in respect of your
Outstanding RSUs reasonably promptly (but no more than 30 Business Days) after the Delivery Date
listed on your Award Statement. Unless otherwise determined by the Committee, delivery of the RSU
Shares will be effected by book-entry credit to your Account and no delivery of RSU Shares will be made
unless you have timely established your Account. Until such delivery, you have only the rights of a
general unsecured creditor, and no rights as a shareholder of GS Inc.
Dividend Equivalent Rights
5. Dividend Equivalent Rights. Each RSU includes a Dividend Equivalent Right, which
entitles you to receive an amount (less applicable withholding), at or after the time of distribution of any
regular cash dividend paid by GS Inc. in respect of a share of Common Stock, equal to any regular cash
dividend payment that would have been made in respect of an RSU Share underlying your Outstanding
RSUs for any record date that occurs on or after the Date of Grant.
Accelerated Delivery
6. Accelerated Delivery in the Event of Conflicted Employment or Death. In the event
of your Conflicted Employment or death, your Outstanding Award will be treated as described in this
Paragraph 6, and all other terms of this Award Agreement continue to apply.
(a) You Are Determined to Have Accepted Conflicted Employment.
(i) Generally. Unless prohibited by applicable law or regulation, if you
accept Conflicted Employment, as soon as practicable after the Committee has received
satisfactory documentation relating to your Conflicted Employment, RSU Shares will be
delivered in respect of your Outstanding RSUs (including in the form of cash as described in
Paragraph 7(b)).
(ii) You May Have to Take Other Steps to Address Conflicts of Interest.
The Committee retains the authority to exercise its rights under the Award Agreement or the Plan
(including Section 1.3.2 of the Plan) to take or require you to take other steps it determines in its
sole discretion to be necessary or appropriate to cure an actual or perceived conflict of interest
(which may include a determination that the accelerated delivery described in Paragraph 6(a)(i)
Exhibit 10.37
will not apply because such actions are not necessary or appropriate to cure an actual or perceived
conflict of interest).
(b) Death. If you die, the RSU Shares underlying your Outstanding RSUs will be
delivered to your Account as soon as practicable after the date of death and after such
documentation as may be requested by the Committee is provided to the Committee.
Other Terms, Conditions and Agreements
7. Additional Terms, Conditions and Agreements.
(a) You Must Satisfy Applicable Tax Withholding Requirements. Delivery of RSU
Shares is conditioned on your satisfaction of any applicable withholding taxes in accordance with
Section 3.2 of the Plan, provided that the Committee may determine not to apply the withholding
rate described in Section 3.2.2 of the Plan.
(b) Firm May Deliver Cash or Other Property Instead of RSU Shares. In accordance
with Section 1.3.2(i) of the Plan, in the sole discretion of the Committee, in lieu of all or any
portion of the RSU Shares, the Firm may deliver cash, other securities, other awards under the
Plan or other property, and all references in this Award Agreement to deliveries of RSU Shares
will include such deliveries of cash, other securities, other awards under the Plan or other
(c) Firm May Affix Legends and Place Stop Orders on RSU Shares. GS Inc. may
affix to Certificates representing RSU Shares any legend that the Committee determines to be
necessary or advisable. GS Inc. may advise the transfer agent to place a stop order against any
legended RSU Shares.
(d) You Agree to Certain Consents. By accepting this Award, you have expressly
consented to all of the items listed in Section 3.3.3(d) of the Plan, including the Firm’s supplying
to any third-party recordkeeper of the Plan or other person such personal information of yours as
the Committee deems advisable to administer the Plan, and you agree to provide any additional
consents that the Committee determines to be necessary or advisable.
8. Non-transferability. Except as otherwise may be provided in this Paragraph 8 or as
otherwise may be provided by the Committee, the limitations on transferability set forth in Section 3.5 of
the Plan will apply to this Award. Any purported transfer or assignment in violation of the provisions of
this Paragraph 8 or Section 3.5 of the Plan will be void. The Committee may adopt procedures pursuant
to which you may transfer some or all of your RSUs through a gift for no consideration to any child,
stepchild, grandchild, parent, stepparent, grandparent, spouse, sibling, niece, nephew, mother-in-law,
father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law or sister-in-law, including adoptive
relationships, any person sharing the recipient’s household (other than a tenant or employee), a trust in
which these persons have more than 50% of the beneficial interest, and any other entity in which these
persons (or the recipient) own more than 50% of the voting interests.
Governing Law
9. Governing Law. This Award will be governed by and construed in accordance with
the laws of the State of New York, without regard to principles of conflict of laws.
Certain Tax Provisions
10. Compliance of Award Agreement and Plan with Section 409A. The provisions of this
Paragraph 10 apply to you only if you are a U.S. taxpayer.
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(a) This Award Agreement and the Plan provisions that apply to this Award are
intended and will be construed to comply with Section 409A (including the requirements
applicable to, or the conditions for exemption from treatment as, 409A Deferred Compensation),
whether by reason of short-term deferral treatment or other exceptions or provisions. The
Committee will have full authority to give effect to this intent. To the extent necessary to give
effect to this intent, in the case of any conflict or potential inconsistency between the provisions
of the Plan (including Sections 1.3.2 and 2.1 thereof) and this Award Agreement, the provisions
of this Award Agreement will govern, and in the case of any conflict or potential inconsistency
between this Paragraph 10 and the other provisions of this Award Agreement, this Paragraph 10
will govern.
(b) Delivery of RSU Shares will not be delayed beyond the date on which all
applicable conditions or restrictions on delivery of RSU Shares required by this Agreement
(including those specified in Paragraphs 4, 6(b) and 7 and the consents and other items specified
in Section 3.3 of the Plan) are satisfied, and will occur by December 31 of the calendar year in
which the Delivery Date occurs unless, in order to permit such conditions or restrictions to be
satisfied, the Committee elects, pursuant to Reg. 1.409A-1(b)(4)(i)(D) or otherwise as may be
permitted in accordance with Section 409A, to delay delivery of RSU Shares to a later date as
may be permitted under Section 409A, including Reg. 1.409A-3(d). For the avoidance of doubt,
if the Award includes a “series of installment payments” as described in Reg. 1.409A-2(b)(2)(iii),
your right to the series of installment payments will be treated as a right to a series of separate
payments and not as a right to a single payment.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 7(b) and Section 1.3.2(i) of the
Plan, to the extent necessary to comply with Section 409A, any securities, other Awards or other
property that the Firm may deliver in respect of your RSUs will not have the effect of deferring
delivery or payment, income inclusion, or a substantial risk of forfeiture, beyond the date on
which such delivery, payment or inclusion would occur or such risk of forfeiture would lapse,
with respect to the RSU Shares that would otherwise have been deliverable (unless the
Committee elects a later date for this purpose pursuant to Reg. 1.409A-1(b)(4)(i)(D) or otherwise
as may be permitted under Section 409A, including and to the extent applicable, the subsequent
election provisions of Section 409A(a)(4)(C) of the Code and Reg. 1.409A-2(b)).
(d) Notwithstanding the timing provisions of Paragraph 6(b), the delivery of RSU
Shares referred to therein will be made after the date of death and during the calendar year that
includes the date of death (or on such later date as may be permitted under Section 409A).
(e) Notwithstanding any provision of Paragraph 5 or Section 2.8.2 of the Plan to the
contrary, the Dividend Equivalent Rights with respect to each of your Outstanding RSUs will be
paid to you within the calendar year that includes the date of distribution of any corresponding
regular cash dividends paid by GS Inc. in respect of a share of Common Stock the record date for
which occurs on or after the Date of Grant. The payment will be in an amount (less applicable
withholding) equal to such regular dividend payment as would have been made in respect of the
RSU Shares underlying such Outstanding RSUs.
(f) The timing of delivery or payment referred to in Paragraph 6(a)(i) will be the
earlier of (i) the Delivery Date or (ii) within the calendar year in which the Committee receives
satisfactory documentation relating to your Conflicted Employment, provided that such delivery
or payment will be made, and any Committee action referred to in Paragraph 6(a)(i) will be taken,
only at such time as, and if and to the extent that it, as reasonably determined by the Firm, would
not result in the imposition of any additional tax to you under Section 409A.
(g) Section 3.4 of the Plan will not apply to Awards that are 409A Deferred
Compensation except to the extent permitted under Section 409A.
(h) Delivery of RSU Shares in respect of this Award may be made, if and to the
extent elected by the Committee, later than the Delivery Date or other date or period specified
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hereinabove (but, in the case of any Award that constitutes 409A Deferred Compensation, only to
the extent that the later delivery is permitted under Section 409A).
(i) You understand and agree that you are solely responsible for the payment of any
taxes and penalties due pursuant to Section 409A, but in no event will you be permitted to
designate, directly or indirectly, the taxable year of the delivery.
Amendment, Construction and Regulatory Reporting
11. Amendment. The Committee reserves the right at any time to amend the terms of this
Award Agreement, and the Board may amend the Plan in any respect; provided, that, notwithstanding the
foregoing and Sections 1.3.2(f), 1.3.2(h) and 3.1 of the Plan, no such amendment will materially
adversely affect your rights and obligations under this Award Agreement without your consent; and
provided further, that the Committee expressly reserves the right to accelerate the delivery of the RSU
Shares and in its discretion to provide that such Shares may not be transferable until the Delivery Date. A
modification that impacts the tax consequences of this Award or the timing of delivery of RSU Shares
will not be an amendment that materially adversely affects your rights and obligations under this Award
Agreement. Any amendment of this Award Agreement will be in writing.
12. Construction, Headings. Unless the context requires otherwise, (a) words describing
the singular number include the plural and vice versa, (b) words denoting any gender include all genders
and (c) the words “include,” “includes” and “including” will be deemed to be followed by the words
“without limitation.” The headings in this Award Agreement are for the purpose of convenience only and
are not intended to define or limit the construction of the provisions hereof. References in this Award
Agreement to any specific Plan provision will not be construed as limiting the applicability of any other
Plan provision.
13. Providing Information to the Appropriate Authorities. In accordance with applicable
law, nothing in this Award Agreement or the Plan prevents you from providing information you
reasonably believe to be true to the appropriate governmental authority, including a regulatory, judicial,
administrative, or other governmental entity; reporting possible violations of law or regulation; making
other disclosures that are protected under any applicable law or regulation; or filing a charge or
participating in any investigation or proceeding conducted by a governmental authority. For the
avoidance of doubt, governmental authority includes federal, state and local government agencies such as
the SEC, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and any state or local human rights agency
(e.g., the New York State Division of Human Rights, the New York City Commission on Human Rights,
the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing), as well as law enforcement.
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, GS Inc. has caused this Award Agreement to be duly executed and
delivered as of the [applicable] Date of Grant [for each Award granted hereunder].
Accepted and Agreed:
By: ____________________________
Print Name:
- 5 -
Definitions Appendix
The following capitalized terms are used in this Award Agreement with the following meanings:
(a) “409A Deferred Compensation” means a “deferral of compensation” or “deferred
compensation” as those terms are defined in the regulations under Section 409A.
The following capitalized terms are used in this Award Agreement with the meanings that are
assigned to them in the Plan.
(a) “Account” means any brokerage account, custody account or similar account, as
approved or required by GS Inc. from time to time, into which shares of Common Stock, cash or other
property in respect of an Award are delivered.
(b) “Award Agreement” means the written document or documents by which each Award is
evidenced, including any related Award Statement and signature card.
(c) “Award Statement” means a written statement that reflects certain Award terms.
(d) “Board” means the Board of Directors of GS Inc.
(e) “Business Day” means any day other than a Saturday, a Sunday or a day on which
banking institutions in New York City are authorized or obligated by Federal law or executive order to be
(f) “Certificate” means a stock certificate (or other appropriate document or evidence of
ownership) representing shares of Common Stock.
(g) “Committee” means the committee appointed by the Board to administer the Plan
pursuant to Section 1.3, and, to the extent the Board determines it is appropriate for the compensation
realized from Awards under the Plan to be considered “performance based” compensation under
Section 162(m) of the Code, shall be a committee or subcommittee of the Board composed of two or
more members, each of whom is an “outside director” within the meaning of Code Section 162(m), and
which, to the extent the Board determines it is appropriate for Awards under the Plan to qualify for the
exemption available under Rule 16b-3(d)(1) or Rule 16b-3(e) promulgated under the Exchange Act, shall
be a committee or subcommittee of the Board composed of two or more members, each of whom is a
“non-employee director” within the meaning of Rule 16b-3. Unless otherwise determined by the Board,
the Committee shall be the Compensation Committee of the Board.
(h) “Common Stock” means common stock of GS Inc., par value $0.01 per share.
(i) “Conflicted Employment” means the Grantee’s employment at any U.S. Federal, state or
local government, any non-U.S. government, any supranational or international organization, any self-
regulatory organization, or any agency or instrumentality of any such government or organization, or any
other employer determined by the Committee, if, as a result of such employment, the Grantee’s continued
holding of any Outstanding Award or Shares at Risk would result in an actual or perceived conflict of
(j) “Date of Grant” means the date specified in the Grantee’s Award Agreement as the date
of grant of the Award.
(k) “Delivery Date” means each date specified in the Grantee’s Award Agreement as a
delivery date, provided, unless the Committee determines otherwise, such date is during a Window Period
or, if such date is not during a Window Period, the first trading day of the first Window Period beginning
after such date.
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(l) “Dividend Equivalent Right” means a dividend equivalent right granted under the Plan,
which represents an unfunded and unsecured promise to pay to the Grantee amounts equal to all or any
portion of the regular cash dividends that would be paid on shares of Common Stock covered by an
Award if such shares had been delivered pursuant to an Award.
(m) “Exchange Act” means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended from time to
time, and the applicable rules and regulations thereunder.
(n) “Firm” means GS Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
(o) “GS Inc.” means The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., and any successor thereto.
(p) “Outstanding” means any Award to the extent it has not been forfeited, canceled,
terminated, exercised or with respect to which the shares of Common Stock underlying the Award have
not been previously delivered or other payments made.
(q) “RSU” means a restricted stock unit Award granted under the Plan, which represents an
unfunded and unsecured promise to deliver shares of Common Stock in accordance with the terms of the
RSU Award Agreement.
(r) “RSU Shares” means shares of Common Stock that underlie an RSU.
(s) “Section 409A” means Section 409A of the Code, including any amendments or
successor provisions to that Section and any regulations and other administrative guidance thereunder, in
each case as they, from time to time, may be amended or interpreted through further administrative
(t) “Window Period” means a period designated by the Firm during which all employees of
the Firm are permitted to purchase or sell shares of Common Stock (provided that, if the Grantee is a
member of a designated group of employees who are subject to different restrictions, the Window Period
may be a period designated by the Firm during which an employee of the Firm in such designated group
is permitted to purchase or sell shares of Common Stock).
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The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
[One-Time][Year-End] RSU Award
This Award Agreement, together with The Goldman Sachs Amended and Restated Stock Incentive
Plan (2021) (the “Plan”), governs your _______________________ award of RSUs (your “Award”).
You should read carefully this entire Award Agreement, which includes the Award Statement, any
attached Appendix and the signature card.
1. You Must Decide Whether to Accept this Award Agreement. To be eligible to
receive your Award, you must by the date specified (a) open and activate an Account and (b) agree
to all the terms of your Award by executing the related signature card in accordance with its
instructions. By executing the signature card, you confirm your agreement to all of the terms of
this Award Agreement, including the arbitration and choice of forum provisions in Paragraph
Documents that Govern Your Award; Definitions
2. The Plan. Your Award is granted under the Plan, and the Plan’s terms apply to, and are
a part of, this Award Agreement.
3. Your Award Statement. The Award Statement delivered to you contains some of your
Award’s specific terms. For example, it contains the number of RSUs awarded to you and any applicable
Vesting Dates[,] [and] Delivery Dates [and Transferability Dates].
4. Definitions. Unless otherwise defined herein, including in the Definitions Appendix or
any other Appendix, capitalized terms have the meanings provided in the Plan.
Vesting of Your RSUs
5. Vesting. On each Vesting Date listed on your Award Statement, you will become Vested
in the amount of Outstanding RSUs listed next to that date. When an RSU becomes Vested, it means
only that your continued active Employment is not required for delivery of that portion of RSU Shares.
Vesting does not mean you have a non-forfeitable right to the Vested portion of your Award. The
terms of this Award Agreement (including conditions to delivery [and any applicable Transfer
Restrictions]) continue to apply to Vested RSUs, and you can still forfeit Vested RSUs and any RSU
Delivery of Your RSU Shares
6. Delivery. Reasonably promptly (but no more than 30 Business Days) after each Delivery
Date listed on your Award Statement, RSU Shares (less applicable withholding as described in Paragraph
[12][13](a)) will be delivered (by book entry credit to your Account) in respect of the amount of
Outstanding RSUs listed next to that date. The Committee or the SIP Committee may select multiple
dates within the 30-Business-Day period following the Delivery Date to deliver RSU Shares in respect of
all or a portion of the RSUs with the same Delivery Date listed on the Award Statement, and all such
dates will be treated as a single Delivery Date for purposes of this Award. Until such delivery, you have
only the rights of a general unsecured creditor, and no rights as a shareholder of GS Inc. Without limiting
the Committee’s authority under Section 1.3.2(h) of the Plan, the Firm may accelerate any Delivery Date
by up to 30 days.
[Transfer Restrictions Following Delivery
7. Transfer Restrictions and Shares at Risk. ___ percent of the RSU Shares that
are delivered on any date will be Shares at Risk subject to Transfer Restrictions[ until the applicable
Transferability Date listed on your Award Statement]. Any purported sale, exchange, transfer,
Exhibit 10.38
assignment, pledge, hypothecation, fractionalization, hedge or other disposition in violation of the
Transfer Restrictions on Shares at Risk will be void. Within 30 Business Days after the applicable
Transferability Date listed on your Award Statement (or any other date on which the Transfer Restrictions
are to be removed), GS Inc. will remove the Transfer Restrictions. The Committee or the SIP Committee
may select multiple dates within such 30-Business-Day period on which to remove Transfer Restrictions
for all or a portion of the Shares at Risk with the same Transferability Date listed on the Award
Statement, and all such dates will be treated as a single Transferability Date for purposes of this Award.]
8. [Dividend Equivalent Rights and] Dividends. [Each RSU includes a Dividend
Equivalent Right, which entitles you to receive an amount (less applicable withholding), at or after the
time of distribution of any regular cash dividend paid by GS Inc. in respect of a share of Common Stock,
equal to any regular cash dividend payment that would have been made in respect of an RSU Share
underlying your Outstanding RSUs for any record date that occurs on or after the Date of Grant. [In
addition, y][Y]ou will be entitled to receive on a current basis any regular cash dividend paid in respect of
your Shares at Risk. [The RSUs do not include Dividend Equivalent Rights.]
Forfeiture of Your Award
9. How You May Forfeit Your Award. This Paragraph [8][9] sets forth the events that
result in forfeiture of up to all of your RSUs and [Shares at Risk and] may require repayment to the Firm
of up to all other amounts previously delivered or paid to you under your Award in accordance with
Paragraph [9][10]. More than one event may apply, and in no case will the occurrence of one event limit
the forfeiture and repayment obligations as a result of the occurrence of any other event. In addition, the
Firm reserves the right to (a) suspend vesting of Outstanding RSUs, [payments under Dividend
Equivalent Rights or] delivery of RSU Shares [or release of Transfer Restrictions], (b) deliver any RSU
Shares[,] [or] dividends [or payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights] into an escrow account in
accordance with Paragraph [12][13](f)(v) or (c) apply Transfer Restrictions to any RSU Shares in
connection with any investigation of whether any of the events that result in forfeiture under the Plan or
this Paragraph [8][9] have occurred. Paragraph [10][11] (relating to certain circumstances under which
you will not forfeit your unvested RSUs upon Employment termination) and Paragraph [11][12] (relating
to certain circumstances under which vesting[, delivery] and/or [delivery] [release of Transfer
Restrictions] may be accelerated) provide for exceptions to one or more provisions of this Paragraph
[8][9]. [The U.K. Material Risk Taker Appendix supplements this Paragraph [8][9] and sets forth
additional events that result in forfeiture of up to all of your RSUs and Shares at Risk and may require
repayment to the Firm as described in Paragraph [9][10] and the Appendix.]
(a) Unvested RSUs Forfeited if Your Employment Terminates. If your Employment
terminates for any reason or you are otherwise no longer actively Employed with the Firm (which
includes off-premises notice periods, “garden leaves,” pay in lieu of notice or any other similar
status), your rights to your Outstanding RSUs that are not Vested will terminate, and no RSU
Shares will be delivered in respect of such RSUs.
(b) Vested and Unvested RSUs Forfeited [if You Solicit Clients or Employees,
Interfere with Client or Employee Relationships or Participate in the Hiring of Employees] [Upon
Certain Events]. If any of the following occurs before the applicable Delivery Date, your rights
to all of your Outstanding RSUs (whether or not Vested) will terminate, and no RSU Shares will
be delivered in respect of such RSUs:
(i) [You Solicit Clients or Employees, Interfere with Client or Employee
Relationships or Participate in the Hiring of Employees. Either:]
[(A)] you, in any manner, directly or indirectly, [(A)][(1)] Solicit any
Client to transact business with a Covered Enterprise or to reduce or refrain from doing any
business with the Firm, [(B)][(2)] interfere with or damage (or attempt to interfere with or
damage) any relationship between the Firm and any Client, [(C)][(3)] Solicit any person who is
an employee of the Firm to resign from the Firm, [(D)][(4)] Solicit any Selected Firm Personnel
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to apply for or accept employment (or other association) with any person or entity other than the
Firm or [(E)][(5)] participate in the hiring of any Selected Firm Personnel by any person or entity
other than the Firm (including, without limitation, participating in the identification of individuals
for potential hire, and participating in any hiring decision), whether as an employee or consultant
or otherwise, or
(ii) [(B)] Selected Firm Personnel are Solicited, hired or accepted into
partnership, membership or similar status by any entity where you have, or will have, direct or
indirect managerial responsibility for such Selected Firm Personnel, unless the Committee
determines that you were not involved in such Solicitation, hiring or acceptance.
(iii) [GS Inc. Fails to Maintain the Minimum Tier 1 Capital Ratio. GS Inc.
fails to maintain the required “Minimum Tier 1 Capital Ratio” as defined under Federal Reserve
Board Regulations applicable to GS Inc. for a period of 90 consecutive business days.]
(iv) [GS Inc. Is Determined to Be in Default. The Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve or the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (the “FDIC”) makes a written
recommendation under Title II (Orderly Liquidation Authority) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street
Reform and Consumer Protection Act for the appointment of the FDIC as a receiver of GS Inc.
based on a determination that GS Inc. is “in default” or “in danger of default.”]
(c) Vested and Unvested RSUs [and Shares at Risk] Forfeited upon Certain Events.
If any of the following occurs [(i)] your rights to all of your Outstanding RSUs (whether or not
Vested) will terminate, and no RSU Shares will be delivered in respect of such RSUs [and (ii)
your rights to all of your Shares at Risk will terminate and your Shares at Risk will be cancelled,
in each case], as may be further described below:
(i) You Failed to Consider Risk. You Failed to Consider Risk during
(ii) Your Conduct Constitutes Cause. Any event that constitutes Cause
[(including, for the avoidance of doubt, “Serious Misconduct” as defined in the U.K. Material
Risk Taker Appendix)] has occurred before the applicable Delivery Date [for RSUs or the
applicable Transferability Date for Shares at Risk].
(iii) You Do Not Meet Your Obligations to the Firm. The Committee
determines that, before the applicable Delivery Date [for RSUs or the applicable Transferability
Date for Shares at Risk], you failed to meet, in any respect, any obligation under any agreement
with the Firm, or any agreement entered into in connection with your Employment or this Award,
including the Firm’s notice period requirement applicable to you, any offer letter, employment
agreement or any shareholders’ agreement relating to the Firm. Your failure to pay or reimburse
the Firm, on demand, for any amount you owe to the Firm will constitute (A) failure to meet an
obligation you have under an agreement, regardless of whether such obligation arises under a
written agreement, and/or (B) a material violation of Firm policy constituting Cause.
(iv) You Do Not Provide Timely Certifications or Comply with Your
Certifications. You fail to certify to GS Inc. that you have complied with all of the terms of the
Plan and this Award Agreement, or the Committee determines that you have failed to comply
with a term of the Plan or this Award Agreement to which you have certified compliance.
(v) You Do Not Follow Dispute Resolution/Arbitration Procedures. You
attempt to have any dispute under the Plan or this Award Agreement resolved in any manner that
is not provided for by Paragraph [15][16] or Section 3.17 of the Plan, or you attempt to arbitrate a
dispute without first having exhausted your internal administrative remedies in accordance with
Paragraph [12][13](f)([vii][viii]).
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(vi) You Bring an Action that Results in a Determination that Any Award
Agreement Term Is Invalid. As a result of any action brought by you, it is determined that any
term of this Award Agreement is invalid.
(vii) You Receive Compensation in Respect of Your Award from Another
Employer. Your Employment terminates for any reason or you otherwise are no longer actively
Employed with the Firm and another entity grants you cash, equity or other property (whether
vested or unvested) to replace, substitute for or otherwise in respect of any Outstanding RSUs [or
Shares at Risk]; provided, however, that your rights will only be terminated in respect of the
RSUs [and Shares at Risk] that are replaced, substituted for or otherwise considered by such other
entity in making its grant.
(viii) [You Receive Compensation that this Award Is Intended to Replace.
This Award is intended to replace or substitute for any award or compensation forgone with an
entity to which you previously provided services, and such entity nevertheless delivers to you
such award or compensation (including any cash, equity or other property (whether vested or
unvested)), as determined by the Firm in its sole discretion.]
Repayment of Your Award
10. When You May Be Required to Repay Your Award. If the Committee determines
that any term of this Award was not satisfied, you will be required, immediately upon demand therefor, to
repay to the Firm the following:
(a) Any RSU Shares [(which, for the avoidance of doubt, includes Shares at Risk)]
for which the terms (including the terms for delivery) of the related RSUs were not satisfied, in
accordance with Section 2.6.3 of the Plan.
(b) [Any Shares at Risk for which the terms [(including the terms for the release of
Transfer Restrictions)] were not satisfied, in accordance with Section 2.5.3 of the Plan.]
(c) [Any RSU Shares that were delivered (but not subject to Transfer Restrictions at
the same time any Shares at Risk that are cancelled or required to be repaid were delivered.]
(d) [Any payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights for which the terms were not
satisfied [(including any such payments made in respect of RSUs that are forfeited or RSU Shares
that are cancelled or required to be repaid)], in accordance with Section 2.8.3 of the Plan.]
(e) Any dividends paid in respect of any RSU Shares that are cancelled or required
to be repaid.
(f) Any amount applied to satisfy tax withholding or other obligations with respect
to any RSUs, RSU Shares[,][and] dividend payments [and payments under Dividend Equivalent
Rights] that are forfeited or required to be repaid.
Exceptions to the Vesting[, Delivery] and/or [Delivery] [Transferability] Dates
11. Circumstances Under Which You Will Not Forfeit Your Unvested RSUs on
Employment Termination (but the Original Delivery Date [and Transferability Date] Continue[s]
to Apply). If your Employment terminates at a time when you meet the requirements for Extended
Absence[, Retirement,] [“downsizing” or Approved Termination,] [each] as described below, then
Paragraph [8][9](a) will not apply, and your Outstanding RSUs will be treated as described in this
Paragraph [10][11]. All other terms of this Award Agreement, including the other forfeiture and
repayment events in Paragraphs [8][9] and [9][10], continue to apply.
(a) [Extended Absence [or Retirement] and No Association With a Covered
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(i) Generally. If your Employment terminates by Extended Absence [or
Retirement], your Outstanding RSUs that are not Vested will become Vested. However, your
rights to any Outstanding RSU that becomes Vested by this Paragraph [10][11](a)[(i)] will
terminate and no RSU Share will be delivered in respect of that RSU if you Associate With
a Covered Enterprise on or before the originally scheduled Vesting Date for that RSU.
(ii) [Special Treatment for Involuntary or Mutual Agreement Termination.
The second sentence of Paragraph [10][11](a)[(i)] (relating to forfeiture if you Associate With a
Covered Enterprise) will not apply if (A) the Firm characterizes your Employment termination as
“involuntary” or by “mutual agreement” (and, in each case, you have not engaged in conduct
constituting Cause) and (B) you execute a general waiver and release of claims and an agreement
to pay any associated tax liability, in each case, in the form the Firm prescribes. No Employment
termination that you initiate, including any purported “constructive termination,” a “termination
for good reason” or similar concepts, can be “involuntary” or by “mutual agreement.”]
(b) [Downsizing. If (i) the Firm terminates your Employment solely by reason of a
“downsizing” (and you have not engaged in conduct constituting Cause) and (ii) you execute a
general waiver and release of claims and an agreement to pay any associated tax liability, in each
case, in the form the Firm prescribes, your Outstanding RSUs that are not yet Vested will become
Vested. Whether or not your Employment is terminated solely by reason of a “downsizing” will
be determined by the Firm in its sole discretion.]
(c) [Approved Terminations of Fixed-Term Employees. If the Firm classifies you as
a “fixed-term” employee and your Employment terminates solely by reason of an Approved
Termination (and you have not engaged in conduct constituting Cause), your Outstanding RSUs
that are not yet Vested will become Vested.]
12. Accelerated Vesting[,] [and/or] Delivery [and/or Release of Transfer Restrictions] in
the Event of a Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control[, Conflicted Employment] or
Death. In the event of your Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control[, Conflicted Employment]
or death, each as described below, then Paragraph [8][9](a) will not apply, your Outstanding RSUs [and
Shares at Risk] will be treated as described in this Paragraph [11][12], and, except as set forth in
Paragraph [11][12](a), all other terms of this Award Agreement, including the other forfeiture and
repayment events in Paragraphs [8][9] and [9][10], continue to apply.
(a) You Have a Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control. If your
Employment terminates when you meet the requirements of a Qualifying Termination After a
Change in Control, the RSU Shares underlying your Outstanding RSUs (whether or not Vested)
will be delivered[, and any Transfer Restrictions will cease to apply]. In addition, the forfeiture
events in Paragraph [8][9] will not apply to your Award.
(b) [You Are Determined to Have Accepted Conflicted Employment.
(i) Generally. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Plan or
otherwise, for purposes of this Award Agreement, “Conflicted Employment” means your
employment at any U.S. Federal, state or local government, any non-U.S. government, any
supranational or international organization, any self-regulatory organization, or any agency or
instrumentality of any such government or organization, or any other employer (other than an
“Accounting Firm” within the meaning of SEC Rule 2-01(f)(2) of Regulation S-X or any
successor thereto) determined by the Committee, if, as a result of such employment, your
continued holding of any Outstanding RSUs[ and Shares at Risk] would result in an actual or
perceived conflict of interest. Unless prohibited by applicable law or regulation, the following
will apply as soon as practicable after the Committee has received satisfactory documentation
relating to your Conflicted Employment.
(A) Vesting. If your Employment terminates solely because you
resign to accept Conflicted Employment and you have completed at least three years of
- 5 -
continuous service with the Firm, your Outstanding RSUs will Vest; otherwise, you will forfeit
any Outstanding RSUs that are not Vested in accordance with Paragraph [8][9](a).
(B) Delivery[ and Release of Transfer Restrictions]. If your
Employment terminates solely because you resign to accept Conflicted Employment or if,
following your termination of Employment, you notify the Firm that you are accepting Conflicted
Employment, RSU Shares will be delivered in respect of your Outstanding Vested RSUs
(including in the form of cash as described in Paragraph [12][13](b))[ and any Transfer
Restrictions will cease to apply].
(ii) You May Have to Take Other Steps to Address Conflicts of Interest.
The Committee retains the authority to exercise its rights under the Award Agreement or the Plan
(including Section 1.3.2 of the Plan) to take or require you to take other steps it determines in its
sole discretion to be necessary or appropriate to cure an actual or perceived conflict of interest
(which may include a determination that the accelerated vesting[,][ and/or] delivery[ and/or
release of Transfer Restrictions] described in Paragraph [11][12](b)(i) will not apply because such
actions are not necessary or appropriate to cure an actual or perceived conflict of interest).]
(c) Death. If you die, the RSU Shares underlying your Outstanding RSUs (whether
or not Vested) will be delivered to your Account [and any Transfer Restrictions will cease to
apply] as soon as practicable after the date of death and after such documentation as may be
requested by the Committee is provided to the Committee.
Other Terms, Conditions and Agreements
13. Additional Terms, Conditions and Agreements.
(a) You Must Satisfy Applicable Tax Withholding Requirements. Delivery of RSU
Shares is conditioned on your satisfaction of any applicable withholding taxes in accordance with
Section 3.2 of the Plan, which includes the Firm deducting or withholding amounts from any
payment or distribution to you. In addition, to the extent permitted by applicable law, the Firm,
in its sole discretion, may require you to provide amounts equal to all or a portion of any Federal,
state, local, foreign or other tax obligations imposed on you or the Firm in connection with the
grant, Vesting or delivery of this Award by requiring you to choose between remitting the amount
(i) in cash (or through payroll deduction or otherwise) or (ii) in the form of proceeds from the
Firm’s executing a sale of RSU Shares delivered to you under this Award. In no event, however,
does this Paragraph [12][13](a) give you any discretion to determine or affect the timing of the
delivery of RSU Shares or the timing of payment of tax obligations.
(b) Firm May Deliver Cash or Other Property Instead of RSU Shares. In accordance
with Section 1.3.2(i) of the Plan, in the sole discretion of the Committee, in lieu of all or any
portion of the RSU Shares, the Firm may deliver cash, other securities, other awards under the
Plan or other property, and all references in this Award Agreement to deliveries of RSU Shares
will include such deliveries of cash, other securities, other awards under the Plan or other
(c) Amounts May Be Rounded to Avoid Fractional Shares. RSUs that become
Vested on a Vesting Date[,] [and] RSU Shares that become deliverable on a Delivery Date [and
RSU Shares subject to Transfer Restrictions] may, in each case, be rounded to avoid fractional
(d) You May Be Required to Become a Party to the Shareholders’ Agreement. Your
rights to your RSUs are conditioned on your becoming a party to any shareholders’ agreement to
which other similarly situated employees (e.g., employees with a similar title or position) of the
Firm are required to be a party.
(e) Firm May Affix Legends and Place Stop Orders on Restricted RSU Shares. GS
Inc. may affix to Certificates representing RSU Shares any legend that the Committee determines
- 6 -
to be necessary or advisable (including to reflect any restrictions to which you may be subject
under a separate agreement). GS Inc. may advise the transfer agent to place a stop order against
any legended RSU Shares.
(f) You Agree to Certain Consents, Terms and Conditions. By accepting this Award
you understand and agree that:
(i) You Agree to Certain Consents as a Condition to the Award. You have
expressly consented to all of the items listed in Section 3.3.3(d) of the Plan, including the Firm’s
supplying to any third-party recordkeeper of the Plan or other person such personal information
of yours as the Committee deems advisable to administer the Plan, and you agree to provide any
additional consents that the Committee determines to be necessary or advisable;
(ii) You Are Subject to the Firm’s Policies, Rules and Procedures. You are
subject to the Firm’s policies in effect from time to time concerning trading in RSU Shares and
hedging or pledging RSU Shares and equity-based compensation or other awards (including,
without limitation, the “Firmwide Policy with Respect to Personal Transactions Involving GS
Securities and GS Equity Awards” or any successor policies), and confidential or proprietary
information, and you will effect sales of RSU Shares in accordance with such rules and
procedures as may be adopted from time to time (which may include, without limitation,
restrictions relating to the timing of sale requests, the manner in which sales are executed, pricing
method, consolidation or aggregation of orders and volume limits determined by the Firm);
(iii) You Are Responsible for Costs Associated with Your Award. You will
be responsible for all brokerage costs and other fees or expenses associated with your RSUs,
including those related to the sale of RSU Shares;
(iv) You Will Be Deemed to Represent Your Compliance with All the Terms
of Your Award if You Accept Delivery of, or Sell, RSU Shares. You will be deemed to have
represented and certified that you have complied with all of the terms of the Plan and this Award
Agreement when RSU Shares are delivered to you[,][ and] [you receive payment in respect of
Dividend Equivalent Rights] [and][when you request the sale of RSU Shares following the
release of Transfer Restrictions];
(v) Firm May Deliver Your Award into an Escrow Account. The Firm may
establish and maintain an escrow account on such terms (which may include your executing any
documents related to, and your paying for any costs associated with, such account) as it may
deem necessary or appropriate, and the delivery of RSU Shares [(including Shares at Risk)] or the
payment of cash (including dividends [and payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights]) or other
property may initially be made into and held in that escrow account until such time as the
Committee has received such documentation as it may have requested or until the Committee has
determined that any other conditions or restrictions on delivery of RSU Shares, cash or other
property required by this Award Agreement have been satisfied;
(vi) You May Be Required to Certify Compliance with Award Terms; You
Are Responsible for Providing the Firm with Updated Address and Contact Information After
Your Departure from the Firm. If your Employment terminates while you continue to hold RSUs
[or Shares at Risk], from time to time, you may be required to provide certifications of your
compliance with all of the terms of the Plan and this Award Agreement as described in Paragraph
[8][9](c)(iv). You understand and agree that (A) your address on file with the Firm at the time
any certification is required will be deemed to be your current address, (B) it is your
responsibility to inform the Firm of any changes to your address to ensure timely receipt of the
certification materials, (C) you are responsible for contacting the Firm to obtain such certification
materials if not received and (D) your failure to return properly completed certification materials
by the specified deadline (which includes your failure to timely return the completed certification
because you did not provide the Firm with updated contact information) will result in the
forfeiture of all of your RSUs [and Shares at Risk] and subject previously delivered amounts to
repayment under Paragraph [8][9](c)(iv);
- 7 -
(vii) [You Authorize the Firm to Register, in Its or Its Designee’s Name, Any
Shares at Risk and Sell, Assign or Transfer Any Forfeited Shares at Risk. You are granting to the
Firm the full power and authority to register any Shares at Risk in its or its designee’s name and
authorizing the Firm or its designee to sell, assign or transfer any Shares at Risk if you forfeit
your Shares at Risk;]
(viii) You Must Comply with Applicable Deadlines and Procedures to Appeal
Determinations Made by the Committee, the SIP Committee or SIP Administrators. If you
disagree with a determination made by the Committee, the SIP Committee, the SIP
Administrators, or any of their delegates or designees and you wish to appeal such determination,
you must submit a written request to the SIP Committee for review within 180 days after the
determination at issue. You must exhaust your internal administrative remedies (i.e., submit your
appeal and wait for resolution of that appeal) before seeking to resolve a dispute through
arbitration pursuant to Paragraph [15][16] and Section 3.17 of the Plan; and
(ix) You Agree that Covered Persons Will Not Have Liability. In addition to
and without limiting the generality of the provisions of Section 1.3.5 of the Plan, neither the Firm
nor any Covered Person will have any liability to you or any other person for any action taken or
omitted in respect of this or any other Award.
14. Non-transferability. Except as otherwise may be provided in this Paragraph [13][14] or
as otherwise may be provided by the Committee, the limitations on transferability set forth in Section 3.5
of the Plan will apply to this Award. Any purported transfer or assignment in violation of the provisions
of this Paragraph [13][14] or Section 3.5 of the Plan will be void. The Committee may adopt procedures
pursuant to which some or all recipients of RSUs may transfer some or all of their RSUs [and/or Shares at
Risk (which will continue to be subject to Transfer Restrictions until the applicable Transferability Date)]
through a gift for no consideration to any immediate family member, a trust or other estate planning
vehicle approved by the Committee or SIP Committee in which the recipient and/or the recipient’s
immediate family members in the aggregate have 100% of the beneficial interest.
15. Right of Offset. Except as provided in Paragraph [17][18][(h)][(f)], the obligation to
deliver RSU Shares[,] [or][ to make payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights] [or][to pay dividends or
to remove the Transfer Restrictions] under this Award Agreement is subject to Section 3.4 of the Plan,
which provides for the Firm’s right to offset against such obligation any outstanding amounts you owe to
the Firm and any amounts the Committee deems appropriate pursuant to any tax equalization policy or
Arbitration, Choice of Forum and Governing Law
16. Arbitration; Choice of Forum.
(a) By accepting this award, you are indicating that you understand and agree
that the arbitration and choice of forum provisions set forth in Section 3.17 of the Plan will
apply to this Award. These provisions, which are expressly incorporated herein by
reference, provide among other things that any dispute, controversy or claim between the
Firm and you arising out of or relating to or concerning the Plan or this Award Agreement
will be finally settled by arbitration in New York City, pursuant to the terms more fully set
forth in Section 3.17 of the Plan; provided that nothing herein shall preclude you from filing
a charge with or participating in any investigation or proceeding conducted by any
governmental authority, including but not limited to the SEC, the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission and a state or local human rights agency, as well as law
(b) To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, no arbitrator will have the
authority to consider class, collective or representative claims, to order consolidation or to join
different claimants or grant relief other than on an individual basis to the individual claimant
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(c) Notwithstanding any applicable forum rules to the contrary, to the extent there is
a question of enforceability of this Award Agreement arising from a challenge to the arbitrator’s
jurisdiction or to the arbitrability of a claim, it will be decided by a court and not an arbitrator.
(d) The Federal Arbitration Act governs interpretation and enforcement of all
arbitration provisions under the Plan and this Award Agreement, and all arbitration proceedings
(e) Nothing in this Award Agreement creates a substantive right to bring a claim
under U.S. Federal, state, or local employment laws.
(f) By accepting your Award, you irrevocably appoint each General Counsel of GS
Inc., or any person whom the General Counsel of GS Inc. designates, as your agent for service of
process in connection with any suit, action or proceeding arising out of or relating to or
concerning the Plan or any Award which is not arbitrated pursuant to the provisions of Section
3.17.1 of the Plan, who shall promptly advise you of any such service of process.
(g) To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, no arbitrator will have the
authority to consider any claim as to which you have not first exhausted your internal
administrative remedies in accordance with Paragraph [12][13](f)([vii][viii]).
17. Governing Law. This Award will be governed by and construed in accordance with
the laws of the State of New York, without regard to principles of conflict of laws.
Certain Tax Provisions
18. Compliance of Award Agreement and Plan with Section 409A. The provisions of this
Paragraph [17][18] apply to you only if you are a U.S. taxpayer.
(a) This Award Agreement and the Plan provisions that apply to this Award are
intended and will be construed to comply with Section 409A (including the requirements
applicable to, or the conditions for exemption from treatment as, 409A Deferred Compensation),
whether by reason of short-term deferral treatment or other exceptions or provisions. The
Committee will have full authority to give effect to this intent. To the extent necessary to give
effect to this intent, in the case of any conflict or potential inconsistency between the provisions
of the Plan (including Sections 1.3.2 and 2.1 thereof) and this Award Agreement, the provisions
of this Award Agreement will govern, and in the case of any conflict or potential inconsistency
between this Paragraph [17][18] and the other provisions of this Award Agreement, this
Paragraph [17][18] will govern.
(b) Delivery of RSU Shares will not be delayed beyond the date on which all
applicable conditions or restrictions on delivery of RSU Shares required by this Agreement
(including those specified in Paragraphs 6, [7,] [[10][11](a)(ii),] [[10][11](b),] [11][12]([b][c])
and [12][13] and the consents and other items specified in Section 3.3 of the Plan) are satisfied.
To the extent that any portion of this Award is intended to satisfy the requirements for short-term
deferral treatment under Section 409A, delivery for such portion will occur by the March 15
coinciding with the last day of the applicable “short-term deferral” period described in Reg.
1.409A-1(b)(4) in order for the delivery of RSU Shares to be within the short-term deferral
exception unless, in order to permit all applicable conditions or restrictions on delivery to be
satisfied, the Committee elects, pursuant to Reg. 1.409A-1(b)(4)(i)(D) or otherwise as may be
permitted in accordance with Section 409A, to delay delivery of RSU Shares to a later date within
the same calendar year or to such later date as may be permitted under Section 409A, including
Reg. 1.409A-3(d). For the avoidance of doubt, if the Award includes a “series of installment
payments” as described in Reg. 1.409A-2(b)(2)(iii), your right to the series of installment
payments will be treated as a right to a series of separate payments and not as a right to a single
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(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph [12][13](b) and Section 1.3.2(i) of
the Plan, to the extent necessary to comply with Section 409A, any securities, other Awards or
other property that the Firm may deliver in respect of your RSUs will not have the effect of
deferring delivery or payment, income inclusion, or a substantial risk of forfeiture, beyond the
date on which such delivery, payment or inclusion would occur or such risk of forfeiture would
lapse, with respect to the RSU Shares that would otherwise have been deliverable (unless the
Committee elects a later date for this purpose pursuant to Reg. 1.409A-1(b)(4)(i)(D) or otherwise
as may be permitted under Section 409A, including and to the extent applicable, the subsequent
election provisions of Section 409A(a)(4)(C) of the Code and Reg. 1.409A-2(b)).
(d) Notwithstanding the timing provisions of Paragraph [11][12]([b][c]), the delivery
of RSU Shares referred to therein will be made after the date of death and during the calendar
year that includes the date of death (or on such later date as may be permitted under Section
(e) The timing of delivery or payment pursuant to Paragraph [11][12](a) will occur
on the earlier of (i) the Delivery Date or (ii) a date that is within the calendar year in which the
termination of Employment occurs; provided, however, that, if you are a “specified employee” (as
defined by the Firm in accordance with Section 409A(a)(2)(i)(B) of the Code), delivery will occur
on the earlier of the Delivery Date or (to the extent required to avoid the imposition of additional
tax under Section 409A) the date that is six months after your termination of Employment (or, if
the latter date is not during a Window Period, the first trading day of the next Window Period).
For purposes of Paragraph [11][12](a), references in this Award Agreement to termination of
Employment mean a termination of Employment from the Firm (as defined by the Firm) which is
also a separation from service (as defined by the Firm in accordance with Section 409A).
(f) [Notwithstanding any provision of Paragraph [7][8] or Section 2.8.2 of the Plan
to the contrary, the Dividend Equivalent Rights with respect to each of your Outstanding RSUs
will be paid to you within the calendar year that includes the date of distribution of any
corresponding regular cash dividends paid by GS Inc. in respect of a share of Common Stock the
record date for which occurs on or after the Date of Grant. The payment will be in an amount
(less applicable withholding) equal to such regular dividend payment as would have been made in
respect of the RSU Shares underlying such Outstanding RSUs.]
(g) [The timing of delivery or payment referred to in Paragraph [11][12](b)(i) will be
the earlier of (i) the Delivery Date or (ii) a date that is within the calendar year in which the
Committee receives satisfactory documentation relating to your Conflicted Employment,
provided that such delivery or payment will be made, and any Committee action referred to in
Paragraph [11][12](b)(ii) will be taken, only at such time as, and if and to the extent that it, as
reasonably determined by the Firm, would not result in the imposition of any additional tax to
you under Section 409A.]
(h) Paragraph [14][15] and Section 3.4 of the Plan will not apply to Awards that are
409A Deferred Compensation except to the extent permitted under Section 409A.
(i) Delivery of RSU Shares in respect of any Award may be made, if and to the
extent elected by the Committee, later than the Delivery Date or other date or period specified
hereinabove (but, in the case of any Award that constitutes 409A Deferred Compensation, only to
the extent that the later delivery is permitted under Section 409A).
(j) You understand and agree that you are solely responsible for the payment of any
taxes and penalties due pursuant to Section 409A, but in no event will you be permitted to
designate, directly or indirectly, the taxable year of the delivery.
Committee Authority, Amendment, Construction and Regulatory Reporting
19. Committee Authority. The Committee has the authority to determine, in its sole
discretion, that any event triggering forfeiture or repayment of your Award will not apply[,] [and] to limit
- 10 -
the forfeitures and repayments that result under Paragraphs [8 and 9][9 and 10][ and to remove Transfer
Restrictions before the applicable Transferability Date]. In addition, the Committee, in its sole discretion,
may determine whether Paragraph[s] [[10][11](a)(ii)] [and] [10][11](b) will apply upon a termination of
Employment[ and whether a termination of Employment constitutes an Approved Termination under
Paragraph [10][11](c)].
20. Amendment. The Committee reserves the right at any time to amend the terms of this
Award Agreement, and the Board may amend the Plan in any respect; provided that, notwithstanding the
foregoing and Sections 1.3.2(f), 1.3.2(h) and 3.1 of the Plan, no such amendment will materially
adversely affect your rights and obligations under this Award Agreement without your consent; and
provided further that the Committee expressly reserves its rights to amend the Award Agreement and the
Plan as described in Sections 1.3.2(h)(1), (2) and (4) of the Plan. A modification that impacts the tax
consequences of this Award or the timing of delivery of RSU Shares will not be an amendment that
materially adversely affects your rights and obligations under this Award Agreement. Any amendment of
this Award Agreement will be in writing.
21. Construction, Headings. Unless the context requires otherwise, (a) words describing
the singular number include the plural and vice versa, (b) words denoting any gender include all genders
and (c) the words “include,” “includes” and “including” will be deemed to be followed by the words
“without limitation.” The headings in this Award Agreement are for the purpose of convenience only and
are not intended to define or limit the construction of the provisions hereof. References in this Award
Agreement to any specific Plan provision will not be construed as limiting the applicability of any other
Plan provision.
22. Providing Information to the Appropriate Authorities. In accordance with applicable
law, nothing in this Award Agreement (including the forfeiture and repayment provisions in Paragraphs
[8 and 9][9 and 10]) or the Plan prevents you from providing information you reasonably believe to be
true to the appropriate governmental authority, including a regulatory, judicial, administrative, or other
governmental entity; reporting possible violations of law or regulation; making other disclosures that are
protected under any applicable law or regulation; or filing a charge or participating in any investigation or
proceeding conducted by a governmental authority. For the avoidance of doubt, governmental authority
includes federal, state and local government agencies such as the SEC, the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission and any state or local human rights agency (e.g., the New York State Division
of Human Rights, the New York City Commission on Human Rights, the California Department of Fair
Employment and Housing), as well as law enforcement.
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, GS Inc. has caused this Award Agreement to be duly executed and
delivered as of the Date of Grant.
- 12 -
[U.K. Material Risk Taker Appendix
This Appendix supplements Paragraph [8][9] and sets forth additional events that result in forfeiture of up
to all of your RSUs and Shares at Risk and may require repayment to the Firm of up to all other amounts
previously delivered or paid to you under your Award in accordance with Paragraph [9][10]. As with the
events described in Paragraph [8][9], more than one event may apply, in no case will the occurrence of
one event limit the forfeiture and repayment obligations as a result of the occurrence of any other event
and the Firm reserves the right to (a) suspend vesting of Outstanding RSUs, delivery of RSU Shares or
release of Transfer Restrictions, (b) deliver any RSU Shares or dividends into an escrow account in
accordance with Paragraph [12][13](f)(v) or (c) apply Transfer Restrictions to any RSU Shares in
connection with any investigation of whether any of the events that result in forfeiture under this
Appendix have occurred.
With respect to the events described in this Appendix, the Committee will consider certain factors to
determine whether and what portion of your Award will terminate, including the reason for the “Loss
Event” (as defined below) or “Risk Event” (as defined below) and the extent to which: (1) you
participated in the Loss Event or Risk Event, (2) your compensation for [_________________________]
may or may not have been adjusted to take into account the risk associated with the Loss Event, Risk
Event, your “Serious Misconduct” (as defined below) or the Serious Misconduct of a “Supervised
Employee” (as defined below) and (3) your compensation may be adjusted for the year in which the Loss
Event, Risk Event, your Serious Misconduct or a Supervised Employee’s Serious Misconduct is
(a) A Loss Event Occurs Prior to Delivery. If a Loss Event occurs prior to the
delivery of RSU Shares, your rights in respect of all or a portion of your RSUs (whether or not
Vested) which are scheduled to deliver on the next Delivery Date immediately following the date
that the Loss Event is identified (or, if not practicable, then the next following Delivery Date) will
terminate, and no RSU Shares will be delivered in respect of such RSUs.
(i) A Loss Event means (A) an annual pre-tax loss at GS Inc. or (B)
annual negative revenues in one or more reporting segments as disclosed in the Firm’s Form 10-K
other than the Asset & Wealth Management segment (or any successor or equivalent segment or
sub-segment as determined by the Firm), or annual negative revenues in the Asset & Wealth
Management segment (or any successor or equivalent segment or sub-segment as determined by
the Firm) of $5 billion or more, provided in either case that you are employed in a business within
such reporting segment.
(b) A Risk Event Occurs [______________________]. If a Risk Event occurs
[______________________], (i) your rights in respect of all or a portion of your RSUs (whether
or not Vested) will terminate and no RSU Shares will be delivered in respect of such RSUs, (ii)
your rights to all or a portion of any Shares at Risk will terminate and such Shares at Risk will be
cancelled and (iii) you will be obligated immediately upon demand therefor to pay the Firm an
amount not in excess of the greater of the Fair Market Value of the RSU Shares (plus any dividend
payments) delivered in respect of the Award (without reduction for any amount applied to satisfy
tax withholding or other obligations) determined as of (A) the date the Risk Event occurred and
(B) the date that the repayment request is made.
(i) A Risk Eventmeans there occurs a loss of 5% or more of firmwide
total capital from a reportable operational risk event determined in accordance with the firmwide
Reporting and Operational Risk Events Policy (or any successor policy).
(c) You Engage in Serious Misconduct [________________________]. If you
engage in Serious Misconduct during [_______________________________], you will be
obligated immediately upon demand therefor to pay the Firm an amount not in excess of the
greater of the Fair Market Value of the RSU Shares (plus any dividend payments) delivered in
respect of the Award (without reduction for any amount applied to satisfy tax withholding or other
obligations) determined as of (i) the date the Serious Misconduct occurred and (ii) the date that the
repayment request is made.
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(i) Serious Misconductmeans that you engage in conduct that the Firm
reasonably considers, in its sole discretion, to be misconduct sufficient to justify summary
termination of employment under English law.
(d) A Supervised Employee Engages in Serious Misconduct. If the Committee
determines that it is appropriate to hold you accountable in whole or in part for Serious
Misconduct related to compliance, control or risk that occurred during [___________________]
by a Supervised Employee, your rights in respect of all or a portion of your RSUs (whether or not
Vested) will terminate and no RSU Shares will be delivered in respect of such RSUs and your
rights to all or a portion of any Shares at Risk will terminate and such Shares at Risk will be
(i) Supervised Employeemeans an individual with respect to whom the
Committee determines you had supervisory responsibility as a result of direct or indirect reporting
lines or your management responsibility for an office, division or business.
Notwithstanding any provision in the Plan, this Award Agreement or any other agreement or arrangement
you may have with the Firm, the parties agree that to the extent that there is any dispute arising out of or
relating to the payment required by Paragraphs (b) and (c) of this Appendix (including your refusal to
remit payment) the parties will submit to arbitration in accordance with Paragraph [15][16] of this Award
Agreement and Section 3.17 of the Plan as the sole means of resolution of such dispute (including the
recovery by the Firm of the payment amount).]
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Definitions Appendix
The following capitalized terms are used in this Award Agreement with the following meanings:
(a) “409A Deferred Compensation” means a “deferral of compensation” or “deferred
compensation” as those terms are defined in the regulations under Section 409A.
(b) [“Approved Termination” means that you are classified by the Firm as a “fixed-term
employee” and you (i) successfully complete the fixed-term engagement, as determined by the Firm in its
sole discretion, including remaining Employed through the completion date specified by the Firm, and (ii)
terminate Employment immediately after the completion date without any “stay-on” or other agreement
or understanding to continue Employment with the Firm. If you agree to stay with the Firm as an
employee after your fixed-term engagement ends and then later terminate Employment, you will not have
an Approved Termination.]
(c) “Associate With a Covered Enterprise” means that you (i) form, or acquire a 5% or
greater equity ownership, voting or profit participation interest in, any Covered Enterprise or (ii) associate
in any capacity (including association as an officer, employee, partner, director, consultant, agent or
advisor) with any Covered Enterprise. Associate With a Covered Enterprise may include, as determined
in the discretion of either the Committee or the SIP Committee, (i) becoming the subject of any publicly
available announcement or report of a pending or future association with a Covered Enterprise and (ii)
unpaid associations, including an association in contemplation of future employment. “Association With
a Covered Enterprise” will have its correlative meaning.
(d) [“Conflicted Employment” means your employment at any U.S. Federal, state or local
government, any non-U.S. government, any supranational or international organization, any self-
regulatory organization, or any agency or instrumentality of any such government or organization, or any
other employer (other than an “Accounting Firm” within the meaning of SEC Rule 2-01(f)(2) of
Regulation S-X or any successor thereto) determined by the Committee, if, as a result of such
employment, your continued holding of any Outstanding RSUs[ and Shares at Risk] would result in an
actual or perceived conflict of interest.]
(e) “Covered Enterprise” means a Competitive Enterprise and any other existing or planned
business enterprise that: (i) offers, holds itself out as offering or reasonably may be expected to offer
products or services that are the same as or similar to those offered by the Firm or that the Firm
reasonably expects to offer (“Firm Products or Services”) or (ii) engages in, holds itself out as engaging in
or reasonably may be expected to engage in any other activity that is the same as or similar to any
financial activity engaged in by the Firm or in which the Firm reasonably expects to engage (“Firm
Activities”). For the avoidance of doubt, Firm Activities include any activity that requires the same or
similar skills as any financial activity engaged in by the Firm or in which the Firm reasonably expects to
engage, irrespective of whether any such financial activity is in furtherance of an advisory, agency,
proprietary or fiduciary undertaking.
The enterprises covered by this definition include enterprises that offer, hold themselves out as
offering or reasonably may be expected to offer Firm Products or Services, or engage in, hold themselves
out as engaging in or reasonably may be expected to engage in Firm Activities directly, as well as those
that do so indirectly by ownership or control (e.g., by owning, being owned by or by being under common
ownership with an enterprise that offers, holds itself out as offering or reasonably may be expected to
offer Firm Products or Services or that engages in, holds itself out as engaging in or reasonably may be
expected to engage in Firm Activities). The definition of Covered Enterprise includes, solely by way of
example, any enterprise that offers, holds itself out as offering or reasonably may be expected to offer any
product or service, or engages in, holds itself out as engaging in or reasonably may be expected to engage
in any activity, in any case, associated with investment banking; public or private finance; lending;
financial advisory services; private investing for anyone other than you or your family members
(including, for the avoidance of doubt, any type of proprietary investing or trading); private wealth
management; private banking; consumer or commercial cash management; consumer, digital or
commercial banking; merchant banking; asset, portfolio or hedge fund management; insurance or
reinsurance underwriting or brokerage; property management; or securities, futures, commodities, energy,
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derivatives, currency or digital asset brokerage, sales, lending, custody, clearance, settlement or trading.
An enterprise that offers, holds itself out as offering or reasonably may be expected to offer Firm Products
or Services, or engages in, holds itself out as engaging in or reasonably may be expected to engage in
Firm Activities is a Covered Enterprise, irrespective of whether the enterprise is a customer, client or
counterparty of the Firm or is otherwise associated with the Firm and, because the Firm is a global
enterprise, irrespective of where the Covered Enterprise is physically located.
(f) “Failed to Consider Risk” means that you participated (or otherwise oversaw or were
responsible for, depending on the circumstances, another individual’s participation) in the structuring or
marketing of any product or service, or participated on behalf of the Firm or any of its clients in the
purchase or sale of any security or other property, in any case without appropriate consideration of the
risk to the Firm or the broader financial system as a whole (for example, where you have improperly
analyzed such risk or where you have failed sufficiently to raise concerns about such risk) and, as a result
of such action or omission, the Committee determines there has been, or reasonably could be expected to
be, a material adverse impact on the Firm, your business unit or the broader financial system.
(g) “Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control” means that the Firm terminates your
Employment other than for Cause or you terminate your Employment for Good Reason, in each case,
within 18 months following a Change in Control.
(h) “SEC” means the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
(i) “Selected Firm Personnel” means any individual who is or in the three months preceding
the conduct prohibited by Paragraph [8][9](b)[(i)] was (i) a Firm employee or consultant with whom you
personally worked while employed by the Firm, (ii) a Firm employee or consultant who, at any time
during the year preceding the date of the termination of your Employment, worked in the same division in
which you worked or (iii) an Advisory Director, a Managing Director or a Senior Advisor of the Firm.
(j) [“Shares at Risk” means RSU Shares subject to Transfer Restrictions.]
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The following capitalized terms are used in this Award Agreement with the meanings that are
assigned to them in the Plan.
(a) “Account” means any brokerage account, custody account or similar account, as
approved or required by GS Inc. from time to time, into which shares of Common Stock, cash or other
property in respect of an Award are delivered.
(b) “Award Agreement” means the written document or documents by which each Award is
evidenced, including any related Award Statement and signature card.
(c) “Award Statement” means a written statement that reflects certain Award terms.
(d) “Board” means the Board of Directors of GS Inc.
(e) “Business Day” means any day other than a Saturday, a Sunday or a day on which
banking institutions in New York City are authorized or obligated by Federal law or executive order to be
(f) “Cause” means (i) the Grantee’s conviction, whether following trial or by plea of guilty
or nolo contendere (or similar plea), in a criminal proceeding (A) on a misdemeanor charge involving
fraud, false statements or misleading omissions, wrongful taking, embezzlement, bribery, forgery,
counterfeiting or extortion, or (B) on a felony charge, or (C) on an equivalent charge to those in clauses
(A) and (B) in jurisdictions which do not use those designations, (ii) the Grantee’s engaging in any
conduct which constitutes an employment disqualification under applicable law (including statutory
disqualification as defined under the Exchange Act), (iii) the Grantee’s willful failure to perform the
Grantee’s duties to the Firm, (iv) the Grantee’s violation of any securities or commodities laws, any rules
or regulations issued pursuant to such laws, or the rules and regulations of any securities or commodities
exchange or association of which the Firm is a member, (v) the Grantee’s violation of any Firm policy
concerning hedging or pledging or confidential or proprietary information, or the Grantee’s material
violation of any other Firm policy as in effect from time to time, (vi) the Grantee’s engaging in any act or
making any statement which impairs, impugns, denigrates, disparages or negatively reflects upon the
name, reputation or business interests of the Firm or (vii) the Grantee’s engaging in any conduct
detrimental to the Firm. The determination as to whether Cause has occurred shall be made by the
Committee in its sole discretion and, in such case, the Committee also may, but shall not be required to,
specify the date such Cause occurred (including by determining that a prior termination of Employment
was for Cause). Any rights the Firm may have hereunder and in any Award Agreement in respect of the
events giving rise to Cause shall be in addition to the rights the Firm may have under any other agreement
with a Grantee or at law or in equity.
(g) “Certificate” means a stock certificate (or other appropriate document or evidence of
ownership) representing shares of Common Stock.
(h) “Change in Control” means the consummation of a merger, consolidation, statutory share
exchange or similar form of corporate transaction involving GS Inc. (a “Reorganization”) or sale or other
disposition of all or substantially all of GS Inc.’s assets to an entity that is not an affiliate of GS Inc. (a
“Sale”), that in each case requires the approval of GS Inc.’s shareholders under the law of GS Inc.’s
jurisdiction of organization, whether for such Reorganization or Sale (or the issuance of securities of GS
Inc. in such Reorganization or Sale), unless immediately following such Reorganization or Sale, either:
(i) at least 50% of the total voting power (in respect of the election of directors, or similar officials in the
case of an entity other than a corporation) of (A) the entity resulting from such Reorganization, or the
entity which has acquired all or substantially all of the assets of GS Inc. in a Sale (in either case, the
“Surviving Entity”), or (B) if applicable, the ultimate parent entity that directly or indirectly has beneficial
ownership (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act, as such Rule is in effect on the
date of the adoption of the 1999 SIP) of 50% or more of the total voting power (in respect of the election
of directors, or similar officials in the case of an entity other than a corporation) of the Surviving Entity
(the “Parent Entity”) is represented by GS Inc.’s securities (the “GS Inc. Securities”) that were
outstanding immediately prior to such Reorganization or Sale (or, if applicable, is represented by shares
into which such GS Inc. Securities were converted pursuant to such Reorganization or Sale) or (ii) at least
- 17 -
50% of the members of the board of directors (or similar officials in the case of an entity other than a
corporation) of the Parent Entity (or, if there is no Parent Entity, the Surviving Entity) following the
consummation of the Reorganization or Sale were, at the time of the Board’s approval of the execution of
the initial agreement providing for such Reorganization or Sale, individuals (the “Incumbent Directors”)
who either (A) were members of the Board on the Effective Date or (B) became directors subsequent to
the Effective Date and whose election or nomination for election was approved by a vote of at least two-
thirds of the Incumbent Directors then on the Board (either by a specific vote or by approval of GS Inc.’s
proxy statement in which such persons are named as nominees for director).
(i) “Client” means any client or prospective client of the Firm to whom the Grantee provided
services, or for whom the Grantee transacted business, or whose identity became known to the Grantee in
connection with the Grantee’s relationship with or employment by the Firm.
(j) “Code” means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time, and the
applicable rulings and regulations thereunder.
(k) “Committee” means the committee appointed by the Board to administer the Plan
pursuant to Section 1.3, and, to the extent the Board determines it is appropriate for the compensation
realized from Awards under the Plan to be considered “performance based” compensation under
Section 162(m) of the Code, shall be a committee or subcommittee of the Board composed of two or
more members, each of whom is an “outside director” within the meaning of Code Section 162(m), and
which, to the extent the Board determines it is appropriate for Awards under the Plan to qualify for the
exemption available under Rule 16b-3(d)(1) or Rule 16b-3(e) promulgated under the Exchange Act, shall
be a committee or subcommittee of the Board composed of two or more members, each of whom is a
“non-employee director” within the meaning of Rule 16b-3. Unless otherwise determined by the Board,
the Committee shall be the Compensation Committee of the Board.
(l) “Common Stock” means common stock of GS Inc., par value $0.01 per share.
(m) “Competitive Enterprise” means an existing or planned business enterprise that (i)
engages, or may reasonably be expected to engage, in any activity; (ii) owns or controls, or may
reasonably be expected to own or control, a significant interest in any entity that engages in any activity
or (iii) is, or may reasonably be expected to be, owned by, or a significant interest in which is, or may
reasonably be expected to be, owned or controlled by, any entity that engages in any activity that, in any
case, competes or will compete anywhere with any activity in which the Firm is engaged. The activities
covered by this definition include, without limitation: financial services such as investment banking;
public or private finance; lending; financial advisory services; private investing for anyone other than the
Grantee and members of the Grantee’s family (including for the avoidance of doubt, any type of
proprietary investing or trading); private wealth management; private banking; consumer or commercial
cash management; consumer, digital or commercial banking; merchant banking; asset, portfolio or hedge
fund management; insurance or reinsurance underwriting or brokerage; property management; or
securities, futures, commodities, energy, derivatives, currency or digital asset brokerage, sales, lending,
custody, clearance, settlement or trading.
(n) “Covered Person” means a member of the Board or the Committee or any employee of
the Firm.
(o) “Date of Grant” means the date specified in the Grantee’s Award Agreement as the date
of grant of the Award.
(p) “Delivery Date” means each date specified in the Grantee’s Award Agreement as a
delivery date, provided, unless the Committee determines otherwise, such date is during a Window Period
or, if such date is not during a Window Period, the first trading day of the first Window Period beginning
after such date.
(q) “Dividend Equivalent Rightmeans a dividend equivalent right granted under the Plan,
which represents an unfunded and unsecured promise to pay to the Grantee amounts equal to all or any
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portion of the regular cash dividends that would be paid on shares of Common Stock covered by an
Award if such shares had been delivered pursuant to an Award.
(r) “Effective Date” means the date this Plan is approved by the shareholders of GS Inc.
pursuant to Section 3.15 of the Plan.
(s) “Employment” means the Grantee’s performance of services for the Firm, as determined
by the Committee. The terms “employ” and “employed” shall have their correlative meanings. The
Committee in its sole discretion may determine (i) whether and when a Grantee’s leave of absence results
in a termination of Employment (for this purpose, unless the Committee determines otherwise, a Grantee
shall be treated as terminating Employment with the Firm upon the occurrence of an Extended Absence),
(ii) whether and when a change in a Grantee’s association with the Firm results in a termination of
Employment and (iii) the impact, if any, of any such leave of absence or change in association on Awards
theretofore made. Unless expressly provided otherwise, any references in the Plan or any Award
Agreement to a Grantee’s Employment being terminated shall include both voluntary and involuntary
(t) “Exchange Act” means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended from time to
time, and the applicable rules and regulations thereunder.
(u) “Extended Absence” means the Grantee’s inability to perform for six (6) continuous
months, due to illness, injury or pregnancy-related complications, substantially all the essential duties of
the Grantee’s occupation, as determined by the Committee.
(v) “Firm” means GS Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
(w) “Good Reason” means, in connection with a termination of employment by a Grantee
following a Change in Control, (a) as determined by the Committee, a materially adverse alteration in the
Grantee’s position or in the nature or status of the Grantee’s responsibilities from those in effect
immediately prior to the Change in Control or (b) the Firm’s requiring the Grantee’s principal place of
Employment to be located more than seventy-five (75) miles from the location where the Grantee is
principally Employed at the time of the Change in Control (except for required travel on the Firm’s
business to an extent substantially consistent with the Grantee’s customary business travel obligations in
the ordinary course of business prior to the Change in Control).
(x) “Grantee” means a person who receives an Award.
(y) “GS Inc.” means The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., and any successor thereto.
(z) “1999 SIP” means The Goldman Sachs 1999 Stock Incentive Plan, as in effect prior to
the effective date of the 2003 SIP.
(aa)“Outstanding” means any Award to the extent it has not been forfeited, cancelled,
terminated, exercised or with respect to which the shares of Common Stock underlying the Award have
not been previously delivered or other payments made.
(ab)[“Restricted Share” means a share of Common Stock delivered under the Plan that is
subject to Transfer Restrictions, forfeiture provisions and/or other terms and conditions specified herein
and in the Restricted Share Award Agreement or other applicable Award Agreement. All references to
Restricted Shares include “Shares at Risk.”]
(ac)[“Retirement” means termination of the Grantee’s Employment (other than for Cause) on
or after the Date of Grant at a time when (i) (A) the sum of the Grantee’s age plus years of service with
the Firm (as determined by the Committee in its sole discretion) equals or exceeds 60 and (B) the Grantee
has completed at least 10 years of service with the Firm (as determined by the Committee in its sole
discretion) or, if earlier, (ii) (A) the Grantee has attained age 50 and (B) the Grantee has completed at
least five years of service with the Firm (as determined by the Committee in its sole discretion).]
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(ad)“RSU” means a restricted stock unit granted under the Plan, which represents an
unfunded and unsecured promise to deliver shares of Common Stock in accordance with the terms of the
RSU Award Agreement.
(ae)“RSU Shares” means shares of Common Stock that underlie an RSU.
(af) “Section 409A” means Section 409A of the Code, including any amendments or
successor provisions to that Section and any regulations and other administrative guidance thereunder, in
each case as they, from time to time, may be amended or interpreted through further administrative
(ag)“SIP Administrator” means each person designated by the Committee as a “SIP
Administrator” with the authority to perform day-to-day administrative functions for the Plan.
(ah)“SIP Committee” means the persons who have been delegated certain authority under the
Plan by the Committee.
(ai) “Solicit” means any direct or indirect communication of any kind whatsoever, regardless
of by whom initiated, inviting, advising, suggesting, encouraging or requesting any person or entity, in
any manner, to take or refrain from taking any action. The terms “Solicited,” “Soliciting” and
“Solicitation” will have their correlative meanings.
(aj) “Transfer Restrictions” means restrictions that prohibit the sale, exchange, transfer,
assignment, pledge, hypothecation, fractionalization, hedge or other disposal (including through the use of
any cash-settled instrument), whether voluntarily or involuntarily by the Grantee, of an Award or any
shares of Common Stock, cash or other property delivered in respect of an Award.
(ak)[“Transferability Date” means the date Transfer Restrictions on a Restricted Share will be
released. Within 30 Business Days after the applicable Transferability Date, GS Inc. shall take, or shall
cause to be taken, such steps as may be necessary to remove Transfer Restrictions.]
(al) “Vested” means, with respect to an Award, the portion of the Award that is not subject to
a condition that the Grantee remain actively employed by the Firm in order for the Award to remain
Outstanding. The fact that an Award becomes Vested shall not mean or otherwise indicate that the
Grantee has an unconditional or nonforfeitable right to such Award, and such Award shall remain subject
to such terms, conditions and forfeiture provisions as may be provided for in the Plan or in the Award
(am) “Vesting Date” means each date specified in the Grantee’s Award Agreement as
a date on which part or all of an Award becomes Vested.
(an)“Window Period” means a period designated by the Firm during which all employees of
the Firm are permitted to purchase or sell shares of Common Stock (provided that, if the Grantee is a
member of a designated group of employees who are subject to different restrictions, the Window Period
may be a period designated by the Firm during which an employee of the Firm in such designated group
is permitted to purchase or sell shares of Common Stock).
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The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
____ Year-End RSU Award
This Award Agreement, together with The Goldman Sachs Amended and Restated Stock Incentive
Plan (2021) (the “Plan”), governs your ____ year-end award of RSUs (your “Award”). You should
read carefully this entire Award Agreement, which includes the Award Statement, any attached
Appendix and the signature card.
1. You Must Decide Whether to Accept this Award Agreement. To be eligible to
receive your Award, you must by the date specified (a) open and activate an Account and (b) agree
to all the terms of your Award by executing the related signature card in accordance with its
instructions. By executing the signature card, you confirm your agreement to all of the terms of
this Award Agreement, including the arbitration and choice of forum provisions in Paragraph 16.
Documents that Govern Your Award; Definitions
2. The Plan. Your Award is granted under the Plan, and the Plan’s terms apply to, and are
a part of, this Award Agreement.
3. Your Award Statement. The Award Statement delivered to you contains some of your
Award’s specific terms. For example, it contains the number of RSUs awarded to you and any applicable
Vesting Dates, Delivery Dates and Transferability Dates.
4. Definitions. Unless otherwise defined herein, including in the Definitions Appendix or
any other Appendix, capitalized terms have the meanings provided in the Plan.
Vesting of Your RSUs
5. Vesting. On each Vesting Date listed on your Award Statement, you will become Vested
in the amount of Outstanding RSUs listed next to that date. When an RSU becomes Vested, it means
only that your continued active Employment is not required for delivery of that portion of RSU Shares.
Vesting does not mean you have a non-forfeitable right to the Vested portion of your Award. The
terms of this Award Agreement (including conditions to delivery and any applicable Transfer
Restrictions) continue to apply to Vested RSUs, and you can still forfeit Vested RSUs and any RSU
Delivery of Your RSU Shares
6. Delivery. Reasonably promptly (but no more than 30 Business Days) after each Delivery
Date listed on your Award Statement, RSU Shares (less applicable withholding as described in Paragraph
13(a)) will be delivered (by book entry credit to your Account) in respect of the amount of Outstanding
RSUs listed next to that date. The Committee or the SIP Committee may select multiple dates within the
30-Business-Day period following the Delivery Date to deliver RSU Shares in respect of all or a portion
of the RSUs with the same Delivery Date listed on the Award Statement, and all such dates will be treated
as a single Delivery Date for purposes of this Award. Until such delivery, you have only the rights of a
general unsecured creditor, and no rights as a shareholder of GS Inc. Without limiting the Committee’s
authority under Section 1.3.2(h) of the Plan, the Firm may accelerate any Delivery Date by up to 30 days.
Exhibit 10.39
Transfer Restrictions Following Delivery
7. Transfer Restrictions and Shares at Risk. ___ percent of the RSU Shares that are
delivered on any date will be Shares at Risk subject to Transfer Restrictions[ until the [applicable]
Transferability Date listed on your Award Statement]. Any purported sale, exchange, transfer,
assignment, pledge, hypothecation, fractionalization, hedge or other disposition in violation of the
Transfer Restrictions on Shares at Risk will be void. Within 30 Business Days after the [applicable]
Transferability Date listed on your Award Statement (or any other date on which the Transfer Restrictions
are to be removed), GS Inc. will remove the Transfer Restrictions. The Committee or the SIP Committee
may select multiple dates within such 30-Business-Day period on which to remove Transfer Restrictions
for all or a portion of the Shares at Risk with the same Transferability Date listed on the Award
Statement, and all such dates will be treated as a single Transferability Date for purposes of this Award.
8. Dividend Equivalent Rights and Dividends. Each RSU includes a Dividend Equivalent
Right, which entitles you to receive an amount (less applicable withholding), at or after the time of
distribution of any regular cash dividend paid by GS Inc. in respect of a share of Common Stock, equal to
any regular cash dividend payment that would have been made in respect of an RSU Share underlying
your Outstanding RSUs for any record date that occurs on or after the Date of Grant. In addition, you will
be entitled to receive on a current basis any regular cash dividend paid in respect of your Shares at Risk.
Forfeiture of Your Award
9. How You May Forfeit Your Award. This Paragraph 9 sets forth the events that result
in forfeiture of up to all of your RSUs and Shares at Risk and may require repayment to the Firm of up to
all other amounts previously delivered or paid to you under your Award in accordance with Paragraph 10.
More than one event may apply, and in no case will the occurrence of one event limit the forfeiture and
repayment obligations as a result of the occurrence of any other event. In addition, the Firm reserves the
right to (a) suspend vesting of Outstanding RSUs, payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights, delivery
of RSU Shares or release of Transfer Restrictions, (b) deliver any RSU Shares, dividends or payments
under Dividend Equivalent Rights into an escrow account in accordance with Paragraph 13(f)(v) or (c)
apply Transfer Restrictions to any RSU Shares in connection with any investigation of whether any of the
events that result in forfeiture under the Plan or this Paragraph 9 have occurred. Paragraph 11 (relating to
certain circumstances under which you will not forfeit your unvested RSUs upon Employment
termination) and Paragraph 12 (relating to certain circumstances under which vesting, delivery and/or
release of Transfer Restrictions may be accelerated) provide for exceptions to one or more provisions of
this Paragraph 9.
(a) Unvested RSUs Forfeited if Your Employment Terminates. If your Employment
terminates for any reason or you are otherwise no longer actively Employed with the Firm (which
includes off-premises notice periods, “garden leaves,” pay in lieu of notice or any other similar
status), your rights to your Outstanding RSUs that are not Vested will terminate, and no RSU
Shares will be delivered in respect of such RSUs.
(b) Vested and Unvested RSUs Forfeited [if You Solicit Clients or Employees,
Interfere with Client or Employee Relationships or Participate in the Hiring of Employees]
[ Upon Certain Events]. If any of the following occurs before the applicable Delivery Date, your
rights to all of your Outstanding RSUs (whether or not Vested) will terminate, and no RSU
Shares will be delivered in respect of such RSUs:
(i) [You Solicit Clients or Employees, Interfere with Client or Employee
Relationships or Participate in the Hiring of Employees. Either:]
[(A)] you, in any manner, directly or indirectly, [(A)][(1)] Solicit any
Client to transact business with a Covered Enterprise or to reduce or refrain from doing any
business with the Firm, [(B)][(2)] interfere with or damage (or attempt to interfere with or
damage) any relationship between the Firm and any Client, [(C)][(3)] Solicit any person who is
- 2 –
an employee of the Firm to resign from the Firm, [(D)][(4)] Solicit any Selected Firm Personnel
to apply for or accept employment (or other association) with any person or entity other than the
Firm or [(E)][(5)] participate in the hiring of any Selected Firm Personnel by any person or entity
other than the Firm (including, without limitation, participating in the identification of individuals
for potential hire, and participating in any hiring decision), whether as an employee or consultant
or otherwise, or
[(B)] Selected Firm Personnel are Solicited, hired or accepted into
partnership, membership or similar status by any entity where you have, or will have, direct or
indirect managerial responsibility for such Selected Firm Personnel, unless the Committee
determines that you were not involved in such Solicitation, hiring or acceptance.
(ii) [GS Inc. Fails to Maintain the Minimum Tier 1 Capital Ratio. GS Inc.
fails to maintain the required “Minimum Tier 1 Capital Ratio” as defined under Federal Reserve
Board Regulations applicable to GS Inc. for a period of 90 consecutive business days.]
(iii) [GS Inc. Is Determined to Be in Default. The Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve or the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (the “FDIC”) makes a written
recommendation under Title II (Orderly Liquidation Authority) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street
Reform and Consumer Protection Act for the appointment of the FDIC as a receiver of GS Inc.
based on a determination that GS Inc. is “in default” or “in danger of default.”]
(c) Vested and Unvested RSUs and Shares at Risk Forfeited upon Certain Events. If
any of the following occurs (i) your rights to all of your Outstanding RSUs (whether or not
Vested) will terminate, and no RSU Shares will be delivered in respect of such RSUs and (ii)
your rights to all of your Shares at Risk will terminate and your Shares at Risk will be cancelled,
in each case, as may be further described below:
(i) You Failed to Consider Risk. You Failed to Consider Risk during
(ii) Your Conduct Constitutes Cause. Any event that constitutes Cause has
occurred before the applicable Delivery Date for RSUs or the [applicable] Transferability Date
for Shares at Risk.
(iii) You Do Not Meet Your Obligations to the Firm. The Committee
determines that, before the applicable Delivery Date for RSUs or the [applicable] Transferability
Date for Shares at Risk, you failed to meet, in any respect, any obligation under any agreement
with the Firm, or any agreement entered into in connection with your Employment or this Award,
including the Firm’s notice period requirement applicable to you, any offer letter, employment
agreement or any shareholders’ agreement relating to the Firm. Your failure to pay or reimburse
the Firm, on demand, for any amount you owe to the Firm will constitute (A) failure to meet an
obligation you have under an agreement, regardless of whether such obligation arises under a
written agreement, and/or (B) a material violation of Firm policy constituting Cause.
(iv) You Do Not Provide Timely Certifications or Comply with Your
Certifications. You fail to certify to GS Inc. that you have complied with all of the terms of the
Plan and this Award Agreement, or the Committee determines that you have failed to comply
with a term of the Plan or this Award Agreement to which you have certified compliance.
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(v) You Do Not Follow Dispute Resolution/Arbitration Procedures. You
attempt to have any dispute under the Plan or this Award Agreement resolved in any manner that
is not provided for by Paragraph 16 or Section 3.17 of the Plan, or you attempt to arbitrate a
dispute without first having exhausted your internal administrative remedies in accordance with
Paragraph 13(f)(viii).
(vi) You Bring an Action that Results in a Determination that Any Award
Agreement Term Is Invalid. As a result of any action brought by you, it is determined that any
term of this Award Agreement is invalid.
(vii) You Receive Compensation in Respect of Your Award from Another
Employer. Your Employment terminates for any reason or you otherwise are no longer actively
Employed with the Firm and another entity grants you cash, equity or other property (whether
vested or unvested) to replace, substitute for or otherwise in respect of any Outstanding RSUs or
Shares at Risk; provided, however, that your rights will only be terminated in respect of the RSUs
and Shares at Risk that are replaced, substituted for or otherwise considered by such other entity
in making its grant.
Repayment of Your Award
10. When You May Be Required to Repay Your Award. If the Committee determines
that any term of this Award was not satisfied, you will be required, immediately upon demand therefor, to
repay to the Firm the following:
(a) Any RSU Shares (which, for the avoidance of doubt, includes any Shares at
Risk) for which the terms (including the terms for delivery) of the related RSUs were not
satisfied, in accordance with Section 2.6.3 of the Plan.
(b) Any Shares at Risk for which the terms (including the terms for the release of
Transfer Restrictions) were not satisfied, in accordance with Section 2.5.3 of the Plan.
(c) Any RSU Shares that were delivered (but not subject to Transfer Restrictions) at
the same time any Shares at Risk that are cancelled or required to be repaid were delivered.
(d) Any payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights for which the terms were not
satisfied (including any such payments made in respect of RSUs that are forfeited or RSU Shares
that are cancelled or required to be repaid), in accordance with Section 2.8.3 of the Plan.
(e) Any dividends paid in respect of any RSU Shares that are cancelled or required
to be repaid.
(f) Any amount applied to satisfy tax withholding or other obligations with respect
to any RSUs, RSU Shares, dividend payments and payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights
that are forfeited or required to be repaid.
Exceptions to the Vesting, Delivery and/or Transferability Dates
11. Circumstances Under Which You Will Not Forfeit Your Unvested RSUs on
Employment Termination (but the Original Delivery Date and Transferability Date Continue to
Apply). If your Employment terminates at a time when you meet the requirements for Extended
Absence, Retirement[,][or] “downsizing” [or Approved Termination], each as described below, then
Paragraph 9(a) will not apply, and your Outstanding RSUs will be treated as described in this Paragraph
11. All other terms of this Award Agreement, including the other forfeiture and repayment events in
Paragraphs 9 and 10, continue to apply.
(a) Extended Absence or Retirement and No Association With a Covered Enterprise.
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(i) Generally. If your Employment terminates by Extended Absence or
Retirement, your Outstanding RSUs that are not Vested will become Vested. However, your
rights to any Outstanding RSU that becomes Vested by this Paragraph 11(a)(i) will
terminate and no RSU Share will be delivered in respect of that RSU if you Associate With
a Covered Enterprise on or before the originally scheduled Vesting Date for that RSU.
(ii) Special Treatment for Involuntary or Mutual Agreement Termination.
The second sentence of Paragraph 11(a)(i) (relating to forfeiture if you Associate With a Covered
Enterprise) will not apply if (A) the Firm characterizes your Employment termination as
“involuntary” or by “mutual agreement” (and, in each case, you have not engaged in conduct
constituting Cause) and (B) you execute a general waiver and release of claims and an agreement
to pay any associated tax liability, in each case, in the form the Firm prescribes. No Employment
termination that you initiate, including any purported “constructive termination,” a “termination
for good reason” or similar concepts, can be “involuntary” or by “mutual agreement.”
(b) Downsizing. If (i) the Firm terminates your Employment solely by reason of a
“downsizing” (and you have not engaged in conduct constituting Cause) and (ii) you execute a
general waiver and release of claims and an agreement to pay any associated tax liability, in each
case, in the form the Firm prescribes, your Outstanding RSUs that are not yet Vested will become
Vested. Whether or not your Employment is terminated solely by reason of a “downsizing” will
be determined by the Firm in its sole discretion.
(c) [Approved Terminations of Fixed-Term Employees. If the Firm classifies you as
a “fixed-term” employee and your Employment terminates solely by reason of an Approved
Termination (and you have not engaged in conduct constituting Cause), your Outstanding RSUs
that are not yet Vested will become Vested.]
12. Accelerated Vesting, Delivery and/or Release of Transfer Restrictions in the Event
of a Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control, Conflicted Employment or Death. In the
event of your Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control, Conflicted Employment or death, each
as described below, then Paragraph 9(a) will not apply, your Outstanding RSUs and Shares at Risk will be
treated as described in this Paragraph 12, and, except as set forth in Paragraph 12(a), all other terms of
this Award Agreement, including the other forfeiture and repayment events in Paragraphs 9 and 10,
continue to apply.
(a) You Have a Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control. If your
Employment terminates when you meet the requirements of a Qualifying Termination After a
Change in Control, the RSU Shares underlying your Outstanding RSUs (whether or not Vested)
will be delivered, and any Transfer Restrictions will cease to apply. In addition, the forfeiture
events in Paragraph 9 will not apply to your Award.
(b) You Are Determined to Have Accepted Conflicted Employment.
(i) Generally. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Plan or
otherwise, for purposes of this Award Agreement, “Conflicted Employment” means your
employment at any U.S. Federal, state or local government, any non-U.S. government, any
supranational or international organization, any self-regulatory organization, or any agency or
instrumentality of any such government or organization, or any other employer (other than an
“Accounting Firm” within the meaning of SEC Rule 2-01(f)(2) of Regulation S-X or any
successor thereto) determined by the Committee, if, as a result of such employment, your
continued holding of any Outstanding RSUs and Shares at Risk would result in an actual or
perceived conflict of interest. Unless prohibited by applicable law or regulation, the following
will apply as soon as practicable after the Committee has received satisfactory documentation
relating to your Conflicted Employment.
(A) Vesting. If your Employment terminates solely because you
resign to accept Conflicted Employment and you have completed at least three years of
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continuous service with the Firm, your Outstanding RSUs will Vest; otherwise, you will forfeit
any Outstanding RSUs that are not Vested in accordance with Paragraph 9(a).
(B) Delivery and Release of Transfer Restrictions. If your
Employment terminates solely because you resign to accept Conflicted Employment or if,
following your termination of Employment, you notify the Firm that you are accepting Conflicted
Employment, RSU Shares will be delivered in respect of your Outstanding Vested RSUs
(including in the form of cash as described in Paragraph 13(b)) and any Transfer Restrictions will
cease to apply.
(ii) You May Have to Take Other Steps to Address Conflicts of Interest.
The Committee retains the authority to exercise its rights under the Award Agreement or the Plan
(including Section 1.3.2 of the Plan) to take or require you to take other steps it determines in its
sole discretion to be necessary or appropriate to cure an actual or perceived conflict of interest
(which may include a determination that the accelerated vesting, delivery and/or release of
Transfer Restrictions described in Paragraph 12(b)(i) will not apply because such actions are not
necessary or appropriate to cure an actual or perceived conflict of interest).
(c) Death. If you die, the RSU Shares underlying your Outstanding RSUs (whether
or not Vested) will be delivered to your Account and any Transfer Restrictions will cease to apply
as soon as practicable after the date of death and after such documentation as may be requested
by the Committee is provided to the Committee.
Other Terms, Conditions and Agreements
13. Additional Terms, Conditions and Agreements.
(a) You Must Satisfy Applicable Tax Withholding Requirements. Delivery of RSU
Shares is conditioned on your satisfaction of any applicable withholding taxes in accordance with
Section 3.2 of the Plan, which includes the Firm deducting or withholding amounts from any
payment or distribution to you. In addition, to the extent permitted by applicable law, the Firm,
in its sole discretion, may require you to provide amounts equal to all or a portion of any Federal,
state, local, foreign or other tax obligations imposed on you or the Firm in connection with the
grant, Vesting or delivery of this Award by requiring you to choose between remitting the amount
(i) in cash (or through payroll deduction or otherwise) or (ii) in the form of proceeds from the
Firm’s executing a sale of RSU Shares delivered to you under this Award. In no event, however,
does this Paragraph 13(a) give you any discretion to determine or affect the timing of the delivery
of RSU Shares or the timing of payment of tax obligations.
(b) Firm May Deliver Cash or Other Property Instead of RSU Shares. In accordance
with Section 1.3.2(i) of the Plan, in the sole discretion of the Committee, in lieu of all or any
portion of the RSU Shares, the Firm may deliver cash, other securities, other awards under the
Plan or other property, and all references in this Award Agreement to deliveries of RSU Shares
will include such deliveries of cash, other securities, other awards under the Plan or other
(c) Amounts May Be Rounded to Avoid Fractional Shares. RSUs that become
Vested on a Vesting Date, RSU Shares that become deliverable on a Delivery Date and RSU
Shares subject to Transfer Restrictions may, in each case, be rounded to avoid fractional Shares.
(d) You May Be Required to Become a Party to the Shareholders’ Agreement. Your
rights to your RSUs are conditioned on your becoming a party to any shareholders’ agreement to
which other similarly situated employees (e.g., employees with a similar title or position) of the
Firm are required to be a party.
(e) Firm May Affix Legends and Place Stop Orders on Restricted RSU Shares. GS
Inc. may affix to Certificates representing RSU Shares any legend that the Committee determines
to be necessary or advisable (including to reflect any restrictions to which you may be subject
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under a separate agreement). GS Inc. may advise the transfer agent to place a stop order against
any legended RSU Shares.
(f) You Agree to Certain Consents, Terms and Conditions. By accepting this Award
you understand and agree that:
(i) You Agree to Certain Consents as a Condition to the Award. You have
expressly consented to all of the items listed in Section 3.3.3(d) of the Plan, including the Firm’s
supplying to any third-party recordkeeper of the Plan or other person such personal information
of yours as the Committee deems advisable to administer the Plan, and you agree to provide any
additional consents that the Committee determines to be necessary or advisable;
(ii) You Are Subject to the Firm’s Policies, Rules and Procedures. You are
subject to the Firm’s policies in effect from time to time concerning trading in RSU Shares and
hedging or pledging RSU Shares and equity-based compensation or other awards (including,
without limitation, the “Firmwide Policy with Respect to Personal Transactions Involving GS
Securities and GS Equity Awards” or any successor policies), and confidential or proprietary
information, and you will effect sales of RSU Shares in accordance with such rules and
procedures as may be adopted from time to time (which may include, without limitation,
restrictions relating to the timing of sale requests, the manner in which sales are executed, pricing
method, consolidation or aggregation of orders and volume limits determined by the Firm);
(iii) You Are Responsible for Costs Associated with Your Award. You will
be responsible for all brokerage costs and other fees or expenses associated with your RSUs,
including those related to the sale of RSU Shares;
(iv) You Will Be Deemed to Represent Your Compliance with All the Terms
of Your Award if You Accept Delivery of, or Sell, RSU Shares. You will be deemed to have
represented and certified that you have complied with all of the terms of the Plan and this Award
Agreement when RSU Shares are delivered to you, you receive payment in respect of Dividend
Equivalent Rights and you request the sale of RSU Shares following the release of Transfer
(v) Firm May Deliver Your Award into an Escrow Account. The Firm may
establish and maintain an escrow account on such terms (which may include your executing any
documents related to, and your paying for any costs associated with, such account) as it may
deem necessary or appropriate, and the delivery of RSU Shares (including Shares at Risk) or the
payment of cash (including dividends and payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights) or other
property may initially be made into and held in that escrow account until such time as the
Committee has received such documentation as it may have requested or until the Committee has
determined that any other conditions or restrictions on delivery of RSU Shares, cash or other
property required by this Award Agreement have been satisfied;
(vi) You May Be Required to Certify Compliance with Award Terms; You
Are Responsible for Providing the Firm with Updated Address and Contact Information After
Your Departure from the Firm. If your Employment terminates while you continue to hold RSUs
or Shares at Risk, from time to time, you may be required to provide certifications of your
compliance with all of the terms of the Plan and this Award Agreement as described in Paragraph
9(c)(iv). You understand and agree that (A) your address on file with the Firm at the time any
certification is required will be deemed to be your current address, (B) it is your responsibility to
inform the Firm of any changes to your address to ensure timely receipt of the certification
materials, (C) you are responsible for contacting the Firm to obtain such certification materials if
not received and (D) your failure to return properly completed certification materials by the
specified deadline (which includes your failure to timely return the completed certification
because you did not provide the Firm with updated contact information) will result in the
forfeiture of all of your RSUs and Shares at Risk and subject previously delivered amounts to
repayment under Paragraph 9(c)(iv);
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(vii) You Authorize the Firm to Register, in Its or Its Designee’s Name, Any
Shares at Risk and Sell, Assign or Transfer Any Forfeited Shares at Risk. You are granting to the
Firm the full power and authority to register any Shares at Risk in its or its designee’s name and
authorizing the Firm or its designee to sell, assign or transfer any Shares at Risk if you forfeit
your Shares at Risk;
(viii) You Must Comply with Applicable Deadlines and Procedures to Appeal
Determinations Made by the Committee, the SIP Committee or SIP Administrators. If you
disagree with a determination made by the Committee, the SIP Committee, the SIP
Administrators, or any of their delegates or designees and you wish to appeal such determination,
you must submit a written request to the SIP Committee for review within 180 days after the
determination at issue. You must exhaust your internal administrative remedies (i.e., submit your
appeal and wait for resolution of that appeal) before seeking to resolve a dispute through
arbitration pursuant to Paragraph 16 and Section 3.17 of the Plan; and
(ix) You Agree that Covered Persons Will Not Have Liability. In addition to
and without limiting the generality of the provisions of Section 1.3.5 of the Plan, neither the Firm
nor any Covered Person will have any liability to you or any other person for any action taken or
omitted in respect of this or any other Award.
14. Non-transferability. Except as otherwise may be provided in this Paragraph 14 or as
otherwise may be provided by the Committee, the limitations on transferability set forth in Section 3.5 of
the Plan will apply to this Award. Any purported transfer or assignment in violation of the provisions of
this Paragraph 14 or Section 3.5 of the Plan will be void. The Committee may adopt procedures pursuant
to which some or all recipients of RSUs may transfer some or all of their RSUs and/or Shares at Risk
(which will continue to be subject to Transfer Restrictions until the [applicable] Transferability Date)
through a gift for no consideration to any immediate family member, a trust or other estate planning
vehicle approved by the Committee or SIP Committee in which the recipient and/or the recipient’s
immediate family members in the aggregate have 100% of the beneficial interest.
15. Right of Offset. Except as provided in Paragraph 18(h), the obligation to deliver RSU
Shares, to pay dividends or payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights or to remove the Transfer
Restrictions under this Award Agreement is subject to Section 3.4 of the Plan, which provides for the
Firm’s right to offset against such obligation any outstanding amounts you owe to the Firm and any
amounts the Committee deems appropriate pursuant to any tax equalization policy or agreement.
Arbitration, Choice of Forum and Governing Law
16. Arbitration; Choice of Forum.
(a) By accepting this award, you are indicating that you understand and agree
that the arbitration and choice of forum provisions set forth in Section 3.17 of the Plan will
apply to this Award. These provisions, which are expressly incorporated herein by
reference, provide among other things that any dispute, controversy or claim between the
Firm and you arising out of or relating to or concerning the Plan or this Award Agreement
will be finally settled by arbitration in New York City, pursuant to the terms more fully set
forth in Section 3.17 of the Plan; provided that nothing herein shall preclude you from filing
a charge with or participating in any investigation or proceeding conducted by any
governmental authority, including but not limited to the SEC, the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission and a state or local human rights agency, as well as law
(b) To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, no arbitrator will have the
authority to consider class, collective or representative claims, to order consolidation or to join
different claimants or grant relief other than on an individual basis to the individual claimant
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(c) Notwithstanding any applicable forum rules to the contrary, to the extent there is
a question of enforceability of this Award Agreement arising from a challenge to the arbitrator’s
jurisdiction or to the arbitrability of a claim, it will be decided by a court and not an arbitrator.
(d) The Federal Arbitration Act governs interpretation and enforcement of all
arbitration provisions under the Plan and this Award Agreement, and all arbitration proceedings
(e) Nothing in this Award Agreement creates a substantive right to bring a claim
under U.S. Federal, state, or local employment laws.
(f) By accepting your Award, you irrevocably appoint each General Counsel of GS
Inc., or any person whom the General Counsel of GS Inc. designates, as your agent for service of
process in connection with any suit, action or proceeding arising out of or relating to or
concerning the Plan or any Award which is not arbitrated pursuant to the provisions of Section
3.17.1 of the Plan, who shall promptly advise you of any such service of process.
(g) To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, no arbitrator will have the
authority to consider any claim as to which you have not first exhausted your internal
administrative remedies in accordance with Paragraph 13(f)(viii).
17. Governing Law. This Award will be governed by and construed in accordance with
the laws of the State of New York, without regard to principles of conflict of laws.
Certain Tax Provisions
18. Compliance of Award Agreement and Plan with Section 409A. The provisions of this
Paragraph 18 apply to you only if you are a U.S. taxpayer.
(a) This Award Agreement and the Plan provisions that apply to this Award are
intended and will be construed to comply with Section 409A (including the requirements
applicable to, or the conditions for exemption from treatment as, 409A Deferred Compensation),
whether by reason of short-term deferral treatment or other exceptions or provisions. The
Committee will have full authority to give effect to this intent. To the extent necessary to give
effect to this intent, in the case of any conflict or potential inconsistency between the provisions
of the Plan (including Sections 1.3.2 and 2.1 thereof) and this Award Agreement, the provisions
of this Award Agreement will govern, and in the case of any conflict or potential inconsistency
between this Paragraph 18 and the other provisions of this Award Agreement, this Paragraph 18
will govern.
(b) Delivery of RSU Shares will not be delayed beyond the date on which all
applicable conditions or restrictions on delivery of RSU Shares required by this Agreement
(including those specified in Paragraphs 6, 7, 11(a)(ii), 11(b), 12(c) and 13 and the consents and
other items specified in Section 3.3 of the Plan) are satisfied. To the extent that any portion of
this Award is intended to satisfy the requirements for short-term deferral treatment under Section
409A, delivery for such portion will occur by the March 15 coinciding with the last day of the
applicable “short-term deferral” period described in Reg. 1.409A-1(b)(4) in order for the delivery
of RSU Shares to be within the short-term deferral exception unless, in order to permit all
applicable conditions or restrictions on delivery to be satisfied, the Committee elects, pursuant to
Reg. 1.409A-1(b)(4)(i)(D) or otherwise as may be permitted in accordance with Section 409A, to
delay delivery of RSU Shares to a later date within the same calendar year or to such later date as
may be permitted under Section 409A, including Reg. 1.409A-3(d). For the avoidance of doubt,
if the Award includes a “series of installment payments” as described in Reg. 1.409A-2(b)(2)(iii),
your right to the series of installment payments will be treated as a right to a series of separate
payments and not as a right to a single payment.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 13(b) and Section 1.3.2(i) of the
Plan, to the extent necessary to comply with Section 409A, any securities, other Awards or other
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property that the Firm may deliver in respect of your RSUs will not have the effect of deferring
delivery or payment, income inclusion, or a substantial risk of forfeiture, beyond the date on
which such delivery, payment or inclusion would occur or such risk of forfeiture would lapse,
with respect to the RSU Shares that would otherwise have been deliverable (unless the
Committee elects a later date for this purpose pursuant to Reg. 1.409A-1(b)(4)(i)(D) or otherwise
as may be permitted under Section 409A, including and to the extent applicable, the subsequent
election provisions of Section 409A(a)(4)(C) of the Code and Reg. 1.409A-2(b)).
(d) Notwithstanding the timing provisions of Paragraph 12(c), the delivery of RSU
Shares referred to therein will be made after the date of death and during the calendar year that
includes the date of death (or on such later date as may be permitted under Section 409A).
(e) The timing of delivery or payment pursuant to Paragraph 12(a) will occur on the
earlier of (i) the Delivery Date or (ii) a date that is within the calendar year in which the
termination of Employment occurs; provided, however, that, if you are a “specified employee” (as
defined by the Firm in accordance with Section 409A(a)(2)(i)(B) of the Code), delivery will occur
on the earlier of the Delivery Date or (to the extent required to avoid the imposition of additional
tax under Section 409A) the date that is six months after your termination of Employment (or, if
the latter date is not during a Window Period, the first trading day of the next Window Period).
For purposes of Paragraph 12(a), references in this Award Agreement to termination of
Employment mean a termination of Employment from the Firm (as defined by the Firm) which is
also a separation from service (as defined by the Firm in accordance with Section 409A).
(f) Notwithstanding any provision of Paragraph 8 or Section 2.8.2 of the Plan to the
contrary, the Dividend Equivalent Rights with respect to each of your Outstanding RSUs will be
paid to you within the calendar year that includes the date of distribution of any corresponding
regular cash dividends paid by GS Inc. in respect of a share of Common Stock the record date for
which occurs on or after the Date of Grant. The payment will be in an amount (less applicable
withholding) equal to such regular dividend payment as would have been made in respect of the
RSU Shares underlying such Outstanding RSUs.
(g) The timing of delivery or payment referred to in Paragraph 12(b)(i) will be the
earlier of (i) the Delivery Date or (ii) a date that is within the calendar year in which the
Committee receives satisfactory documentation relating to your Conflicted Employment,
provided that such delivery or payment will be made, and any Committee action referred to in
Paragraph 12(b)(ii) will be taken, only at such time as, and if and to the extent that it, as
reasonably determined by the Firm, would not result in the imposition of any additional tax to
you under Section 409A.
(h) Paragraph 15 and Section 3.4 of the Plan will not apply to Awards that are 409A
Deferred Compensation except to the extent permitted under Section 409A.
(i) Delivery of RSU Shares in respect of any Award may be made, if and to the
extent elected by the Committee, later than the Delivery Date or other date or period specified
hereinabove (but, in the case of any Award that constitutes 409A Deferred Compensation, only to
the extent that the later delivery is permitted under Section 409A).
(j) You understand and agree that you are solely responsible for the payment of any
taxes and penalties due pursuant to Section 409A, but in no event will you be permitted to
designate, directly or indirectly, the taxable year of the delivery.
Committee Authority, Amendment, Construction and Regulatory Reporting
19. Committee Authority. The Committee has the authority to determine, in its sole
discretion, that any event triggering forfeiture or repayment of your Award will not apply, to limit the
forfeitures and repayments that result under Paragraphs 9 and 10 and to remove Transfer Restrictions
before the [applicable] Transferability Date. In addition, the Committee, in its sole discretion, may
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determine whether Paragraphs 11(a)(ii) and 11(b) will apply upon a termination of Employment [and
whether a termination of Employment constitutes an Approved Termination under Paragraph 11(c)].
20. Amendment. The Committee reserves the right at any time to amend the terms of this
Award Agreement, and the Board may amend the Plan in any respect; provided that, notwithstanding the
foregoing and Sections 1.3.2(f), 1.3.2(h) and 3.1 of the Plan, no such amendment will materially
adversely affect your rights and obligations under this Award Agreement without your consent; and
provided further that the Committee expressly reserves its rights to amend the Award Agreement and the
Plan as described in Sections 1.3.2(h)(1), (2) and (4) of the Plan. A modification that impacts the tax
consequences of this Award or the timing of delivery of RSU Shares will not be an amendment that
materially adversely affects your rights and obligations under this Award Agreement. Any amendment of
this Award Agreement will be in writing.
21. Construction, Headings. Unless the context requires otherwise, (a) words describing
the singular number include the plural and vice versa, (b) words denoting any gender include all genders
and (c) the words “include,” “includes” and “including” will be deemed to be followed by the words
“without limitation.” The headings in this Award Agreement are for the purpose of convenience only and
are not intended to define or limit the construction of the provisions hereof. References in this Award
Agreement to any specific Plan provision will not be construed as limiting the applicability of any other
Plan provision.
22. Providing Information to the Appropriate Authorities. In accordance with applicable
law, nothing in this Award Agreement (including the forfeiture and repayment provisions in Paragraphs 9
and 10) or the Plan prevents you from providing information you reasonably believe to be true to the
appropriate governmental authority, including a regulatory, judicial, administrative, or other
governmental entity; reporting possible violations of law or regulation; making other disclosures that are
protected under any applicable law or regulation; or filing a charge or participating in any investigation or
proceeding conducted by a governmental authority. For the avoidance of doubt, governmental authority
includes federal, state and local government agencies such as the SEC, the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission and any state or local human rights agency (e.g., the New York State Division
of Human Rights, the New York City Commission on Human Rights, the California Department of Fair
Employment and Housing), as well as law enforcement.
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, GS Inc. has caused this Award Agreement to be duly executed and
delivered as of the Date of Grant.
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Definitions Appendix
The following capitalized terms are used in this Award Agreement with the following meanings:
(a) “409A Deferred Compensation” means a “deferral of compensation” or “deferred
compensation” as those terms are defined in the regulations under Section 409A.
(b) [“Approved Termination” means that you are classified by the Firm as a “fixed-term
employee” and you (i) successfully complete the fixed-term engagement, as determined by the Firm in its
sole discretion, including remaining Employed through the completion date specified by the Firm, and (ii)
terminate Employment immediately after the completion date without any “stay-on” or other agreement
or understanding to continue Employment with the Firm. If you agree to stay with the Firm as an
employee after your fixed-term engagement ends and then later terminate Employment, you will not have
an Approved Termination.]
(c) “Associate With a Covered Enterprise” means that you (i) form, or acquire a 5% or
greater equity ownership, voting or profit participation interest in, any Covered Enterprise or (ii) associate
in any capacity (including association as an officer, employee, partner, director, consultant, agent or
advisor) with any Covered Enterprise. Associate With a Covered Enterprise may include, as determined
in the discretion of either the Committee or the SIP Committee, (i) becoming the subject of any publicly
available announcement or report of a pending or future association with a Covered Enterprise and (ii)
unpaid associations, including an association in contemplation of future employment. “Association With
a Covered Enterprise” will have its correlative meaning.
(d) “Conflicted Employment” means your employment at any U.S. Federal, state or local
government, any non-U.S. government, any supranational or international organization, any self-
regulatory organization, or any agency or instrumentality of any such government or organization, or any
other employer (other than an “Accounting Firm” within the meaning of SEC Rule 2-01(f)(2) of
Regulation S-X or any successor thereto) determined by the Committee, if, as a result of such
employment, your continued holding of any Outstanding RSUs and Shares at Risk would result in an
actual or perceived conflict of interest.
(e) “Covered Enterprise” means a Competitive Enterprise and any other existing or planned
business enterprise that: (i) offers, holds itself out as offering or reasonably may be expected to offer
products or services that are the same as or similar to those offered by the Firm or that the Firm
reasonably expects to offer (“Firm Products or Services”) or (ii) engages in, holds itself out as engaging in
or reasonably may be expected to engage in any other activity that is the same as or similar to any
financial activity engaged in by the Firm or in which the Firm reasonably expects to engage (“Firm
Activities”). For the avoidance of doubt, Firm Activities include any activity that requires the same or
similar skills as any financial activity engaged in by the Firm or in which the Firm reasonably expects to
engage, irrespective of whether any such financial activity is in furtherance of an advisory, agency,
proprietary or fiduciary undertaking.
The enterprises covered by this definition include enterprises that offer, hold themselves out as
offering or reasonably may be expected to offer Firm Products or Services, or engage in, hold themselves
out as engaging in or reasonably may be expected to engage in Firm Activities directly, as well as those
that do so indirectly by ownership or control (e.g., by owning, being owned by or by being under common
ownership with an enterprise that offers, holds itself out as offering or reasonably may be expected to
offer Firm Products or Services or that engages in, holds itself out as engaging in or reasonably may be
expected to engage in Firm Activities). The definition of Covered Enterprise includes, solely by way of
example, any enterprise that offers, holds itself out as offering or reasonably may be expected to offer any
product or service, or engages in, holds itself out as engaging in or reasonably may be expected to engage
in any activity, in any case, associated with investment banking; public or private finance; lending;
financial advisory services; private investing for anyone other than you or your family members
(including, for the avoidance of doubt, any type of proprietary investing or trading); private wealth
management; private banking; consumer or commercial cash management; consumer, digital or
commercial banking; merchant banking; asset, portfolio or hedge fund management; insurance or
reinsurance underwriting or brokerage; property management; or securities, futures, commodities, energy,
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derivatives, currency or digital asset brokerage, sales, lending, custody, clearance, settlement or trading.
An enterprise that offers, holds itself out as offering or reasonably may be expected to offer Firm Products
or Services, or engages in, holds itself out as engaging in or reasonably may be expected to engage in
Firm Activities is a Covered Enterprise, irrespective of whether the enterprise is a customer, client or
counterparty of the Firm or is otherwise associated with the Firm and, because the Firm is a global
enterprise, irrespective of where the Covered Enterprise is physically located.
(f) “Failed to Consider Risk” means that you participated (or otherwise oversaw or were
responsible for, depending on the circumstances, another individual’s participation) in the structuring or
marketing of any product or service, or participated on behalf of the Firm or any of its clients in the
purchase or sale of any security or other property, in any case without appropriate consideration of the
risk to the Firm or the broader financial system as a whole (for example, where you have improperly
analyzed such risk or where you have failed sufficiently to raise concerns about such risk) and, as a result
of such action or omission, the Committee determines there has been, or reasonably could be expected to
be, a material adverse impact on the Firm, your business unit or the broader financial system.
(g) “Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control” means that the Firm terminates your
Employment other than for Cause or you terminate your Employment for Good Reason, in each case,
within 18 months following a Change in Control.
(h) “SEC” means the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
(i) “Selected Firm Personnel” means any individual who is or in the three months preceding
the conduct prohibited by Paragraph 9(b)[(i)] was (i) a Firm employee or consultant with whom you
personally worked while employed by the Firm, (ii) a Firm employee or consultant who, at any time
during the year preceding the date of the termination of your Employment, worked in the same division in
which you worked or (iii) an Advisory Director, a Managing Director or a Senior Advisor of the Firm.
(j) “Shares at Risk” means RSU Shares subject to Transfer Restrictions.
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The following capitalized terms are used in this Award Agreement with the meanings that are
assigned to them in the Plan.
(a) “Account” means any brokerage account, custody account or similar account, as
approved or required by GS Inc. from time to time, into which shares of Common Stock, cash or other
property in respect of an Award are delivered.
(b) “Award Agreement” means the written document or documents by which each Award is
evidenced, including any related Award Statement and signature card.
(c) “Award Statement” means a written statement that reflects certain Award terms.
(d) “Board” means the Board of Directors of GS Inc.
(e) “Business Day” means any day other than a Saturday, a Sunday or a day on which
banking institutions in New York City are authorized or obligated by Federal law or executive order to be
(f) “Cause” means (i) the Grantee’s conviction, whether following trial or by plea of guilty
or nolo contendere (or similar plea), in a criminal proceeding (A) on a misdemeanor charge involving
fraud, false statements or misleading omissions, wrongful taking, embezzlement, bribery, forgery,
counterfeiting or extortion, or (B) on a felony charge, or (C) on an equivalent charge to those in clauses
(A) and (B) in jurisdictions which do not use those designations, (ii) the Grantee’s engaging in any
conduct which constitutes an employment disqualification under applicable law (including statutory
disqualification as defined under the Exchange Act), (iii) the Grantee’s willful failure to perform the
Grantee’s duties to the Firm, (iv) the Grantee’s violation of any securities or commodities laws, any rules
or regulations issued pursuant to such laws, or the rules and regulations of any securities or commodities
exchange or association of which the Firm is a member, (v) the Grantee’s violation of any Firm policy
concerning hedging or pledging or confidential or proprietary information, or the Grantee’s material
violation of any other Firm policy as in effect from time to time, (vi) the Grantee’s engaging in any act or
making any statement which impairs, impugns, denigrates, disparages or negatively reflects upon the
name, reputation or business interests of the Firm or (vii) the Grantee’s engaging in any conduct
detrimental to the Firm. The determination as to whether Cause has occurred shall be made by the
Committee in its sole discretion and, in such case, the Committee also may, but shall not be required to,
specify the date such Cause occurred (including by determining that a prior termination of Employment
was for Cause). Any rights the Firm may have hereunder and in any Award Agreement in respect of the
events giving rise to Cause shall be in addition to the rights the Firm may have under any other agreement
with a Grantee or at law or in equity.
(g) “Certificate” means a stock certificate (or other appropriate document or evidence of
ownership) representing shares of Common Stock.
(h) “Change in Control” means the consummation of a merger, consolidation, statutory share
exchange or similar form of corporate transaction involving GS Inc. (a “Reorganization”) or sale or other
disposition of all or substantially all of GS Inc.’s assets to an entity that is not an affiliate of GS Inc. (a
“Sale”), that in each case requires the approval of GS Inc.’s shareholders under the law of GS Inc.’s
jurisdiction of organization, whether for such Reorganization or Sale (or the issuance of securities of GS
Inc. in such Reorganization or Sale), unless immediately following such Reorganization or Sale, either:
(i) at least 50% of the total voting power (in respect of the election of directors, or similar officials in the
case of an entity other than a corporation) of (A) the entity resulting from such Reorganization, or the
entity which has acquired all or substantially all of the assets of GS Inc. in a Sale (in either case, the
“Surviving Entity”), or (B) if applicable, the ultimate parent entity that directly or indirectly has beneficial
ownership (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act, as such Rule is in effect on the
date of the adoption of the 1999 SIP) of 50% or more of the total voting power (in respect of the election
of directors, or similar officials in the case of an entity other than a corporation) of the Surviving Entity
(the “Parent Entity”) is represented by GS Inc.’s securities (the “GS Inc. Securities”) that were
outstanding immediately prior to such Reorganization or Sale (or, if applicable, is represented by shares
into which such GS Inc. Securities were converted pursuant to such Reorganization or Sale) or (ii) at least
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50% of the members of the board of directors (or similar officials in the case of an entity other than a
corporation) of the Parent Entity (or, if there is no Parent Entity, the Surviving Entity) following the
consummation of the Reorganization or Sale were, at the time of the Board’s approval of the execution of
the initial agreement providing for such Reorganization or Sale, individuals (the “Incumbent Directors”)
who either (A) were members of the Board on the Effective Date or (B) became directors subsequent to
the Effective Date and whose election or nomination for election was approved by a vote of at least two-
thirds of the Incumbent Directors then on the Board (either by a specific vote or by approval of GS Inc.’s
proxy statement in which such persons are named as nominees for director).
(i) “Client” means any client or prospective client of the Firm to whom the Grantee provided
services, or for whom the Grantee transacted business, or whose identity became known to the Grantee in
connection with the Grantee’s relationship with or employment by the Firm.
(j) “Code” means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time, and the
applicable rulings and regulations thereunder.
(k) “Committee” means the committee appointed by the Board to administer the Plan
pursuant to Section 1.3, and, to the extent the Board determines it is appropriate for the compensation
realized from Awards under the Plan to be considered “performance based” compensation under
Section 162(m) of the Code, shall be a committee or subcommittee of the Board composed of two or
more members, each of whom is an “outside director” within the meaning of Code Section 162(m), and
which, to the extent the Board determines it is appropriate for Awards under the Plan to qualify for the
exemption available under Rule 16b-3(d)(1) or Rule 16b-3(e) promulgated under the Exchange Act, shall
be a committee or subcommittee of the Board composed of two or more members, each of whom is a
“non-employee director” within the meaning of Rule 16b-3. Unless otherwise determined by the Board,
the Committee shall be the Compensation Committee of the Board.
(l) “Common Stock” means common stock of GS Inc., par value $0.01 per share.
(m) “Competitive Enterprise” means an existing or planned business enterprise that (i)
engages, or may reasonably be expected to engage, in any activity; (ii) owns or controls, or may
reasonably be expected to own or control, a significant interest in any entity that engages in any activity
or (iii) is, or may reasonably be expected to be, owned by, or a significant interest in which is, or may
reasonably be expected to be, owned or controlled by, any entity that engages in any activity that, in any
case, competes or will compete anywhere with any activity in which the Firm is engaged. The activities
covered by this definition include, without limitation: financial services such as investment banking;
public or private finance; lending; financial advisory services; private investing for anyone other than the
Grantee and members of the Grantee’s family (including for the avoidance of doubt, any type of
proprietary investing or trading); private wealth management; private banking; consumer or commercial
cash management; consumer, digital or commercial banking; merchant banking; asset, portfolio or hedge
fund management; insurance or reinsurance underwriting or brokerage; property management; or
securities, futures, commodities, energy, derivatives, currency or digital asset brokerage, sales, lending,
custody, clearance, settlement or trading.
(n) “Covered Person” means a member of the Board or the Committee or any employee of
the Firm.
(o) “Date of Grant” means the date specified in the Grantee’s Award Agreement as the date
of grant of the Award.
(p) “Delivery Date” means each date specified in the Grantee’s Award Agreement as a
delivery date, provided, unless the Committee determines otherwise, such date is during a Window Period
or, if such date is not during a Window Period, the first trading day of the first Window Period beginning
after such date.
(q) “Dividend Equivalent Rightmeans a dividend equivalent right granted under the Plan,
which represents an unfunded and unsecured promise to pay to the Grantee amounts equal to all or any
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portion of the regular cash dividends that would be paid on shares of Common Stock covered by an
Award if such shares had been delivered pursuant to an Award.
(r) “Effective Date” means the date this Plan is approved by the shareholders of GS Inc.
pursuant to Section 3.15 of the Plan.
(s) “Employment” means the Grantee’s performance of services for the Firm, as determined
by the Committee. The terms “employ” and “employed” shall have their correlative meanings. The
Committee in its sole discretion may determine (i) whether and when a Grantee’s leave of absence results
in a termination of Employment (for this purpose, unless the Committee determines otherwise, a Grantee
shall be treated as terminating Employment with the Firm upon the occurrence of an Extended Absence),
(ii) whether and when a change in a Grantee’s association with the Firm results in a termination of
Employment and (iii) the impact, if any, of any such leave of absence or change in association on Awards
theretofore made. Unless expressly provided otherwise, any references in the Plan or any Award
Agreement to a Grantee’s Employment being terminated shall include both voluntary and involuntary
(t) “Exchange Act” means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended from time to
time, and the applicable rules and regulations thereunder.
(u) “Extended Absence” means the Grantee’s inability to perform for six (6) continuous
months, due to illness, injury or pregnancy-related complications, substantially all the essential duties of
the Grantee’s occupation, as determined by the Committee.
(v) “Firm” means GS Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
(w) “Good Reason” means, in connection with a termination of employment by a Grantee
following a Change in Control, (a) as determined by the Committee, a materially adverse alteration in the
Grantee’s position or in the nature or status of the Grantee’s responsibilities from those in effect
immediately prior to the Change in Control or (b) the Firm’s requiring the Grantee’s principal place of
Employment to be located more than seventy-five (75) miles from the location where the Grantee is
principally Employed at the time of the Change in Control (except for required travel on the Firm’s
business to an extent substantially consistent with the Grantee’s customary business travel obligations in
the ordinary course of business prior to the Change in Control).
(x) “Grantee” means a person who receives an Award.
(y) “GS Inc.” means The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., and any successor thereto.
(z) “1999 SIP” means The Goldman Sachs 1999 Stock Incentive Plan, as in effect prior to
the effective date of the 2003 SIP.
(aa)“Outstanding” means any Award to the extent it has not been forfeited, cancelled,
terminated, exercised or with respect to which the shares of Common Stock underlying the Award have
not been previously delivered or other payments made.
(ab)“Restricted Share” means a share of Common Stock delivered under the Plan that is
subject to Transfer Restrictions, forfeiture provisions and/or other terms and conditions specified herein
and in the Restricted Share Award Agreement or other applicable Award Agreement. All references to
Restricted Shares include “Shares at Risk.”
(ac)“Retirement” means termination of the Grantee’s Employment (other than for Cause) on
or after the Date of Grant at a time when (i) (A) the sum of the Grantee’s age plus years of service with
the Firm (as determined by the Committee in its sole discretion) equals or exceeds 60 and (B) the Grantee
has completed at least 10 years of service with the Firm (as determined by the Committee in its sole
discretion) or, if earlier, (ii) (A) the Grantee has attained age 50 and (B) the Grantee has completed at
least five years of service with the Firm (as determined by the Committee in its sole discretion).
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(ad)“RSU” means a restricted stock unit granted under the Plan, which represents an
unfunded and unsecured promise to deliver shares of Common Stock in accordance with the terms of the
RSU Award Agreement.
(ae)“RSU Shares” means shares of Common Stock that underlie an RSU.
(af) “Section 409A” means Section 409A of the Code, including any amendments or
successor provisions to that Section and any regulations and other administrative guidance thereunder, in
each case as they, from time to time, may be amended or interpreted through further administrative
(ag)“SIP Administrator” means each person designated by the Committee as a “SIP
Administrator” with the authority to perform day-to-day administrative functions for the Plan.
(ah)“SIP Committee” means the persons who have been delegated certain authority under the
Plan by the Committee.
(ai) “Solicit” means any direct or indirect communication of any kind whatsoever, regardless
of by whom initiated, inviting, advising, suggesting, encouraging or requesting any person or entity, in
any manner, to take or refrain from taking any action. The terms “Solicited,” “Soliciting” and
“Solicitation” will have their correlative meanings.
(aj) “Transfer Restrictions” means restrictions that prohibit the sale, exchange, transfer,
assignment, pledge, hypothecation, fractionalization, hedge or other disposal (including through the use of
any cash-settled instrument), whether voluntarily or involuntarily by the Grantee, of an Award or any
shares of Common Stock, cash or other property delivered in respect of an Award.
(ak)“Transferability Date” means the date Transfer Restrictions on a Restricted Share will be
released. Within 30 Business Days after the applicable Transferability Date, GS Inc. shall take, or shall
cause to be taken, such steps as may be necessary to remove Transfer Restrictions.
(al) “Vested” means, with respect to an Award, the portion of the Award that is not subject to
a condition that the Grantee remain actively employed by the Firm in order for the Award to remain
Outstanding. The fact that an Award becomes Vested shall not mean or otherwise indicate that the
Grantee has an unconditional or nonforfeitable right to such Award, and such Award shall remain subject
to such terms, conditions and forfeiture provisions as may be provided for in the Plan or in the Award
(am) “Vesting Date” means each date specified in the Grantee’s Award Agreement as
a date on which part or all of an Award becomes Vested.
(an)“Window Period” means a period designated by the Firm during which all employees of
the Firm are permitted to purchase or sell shares of Common Stock (provided that, if the Grantee is a
member of a designated group of employees who are subject to different restrictions, the Window Period
may be a period designated by the Firm during which an employee of the Firm in such designated group
is permitted to purchase or sell shares of Common Stock).
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The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
____ ______________ Award
This Award Agreement, together with The Goldman Sachs Amended and Restated Stock Incentive
Plan (2021) (the “Plan”), governs your ___________________ of RSUs (your “Award”). You
should read carefully this entire Award Agreement, which includes the Award Statement, any
attached Appendix and the signature card.
1. You Must Decide Whether to Accept this Award Agreement. To be eligible to
receive your Award, you must by the date specified (a) open and activate an Account and (b) agree
to all the terms of your Award by executing the related signature card in accordance with its
instructions. By executing the signature card, you confirm your agreement to all of the terms of
this Award Agreement, including the arbitration and choice of forum provisions in Paragraph
Documents that Govern Your Award; Definitions
2. The Plan. Your Award is granted under the Plan, and the Plan’s terms apply to, and are
a part of, this Award Agreement.
3. Your Award Statement. The Award Statement delivered to you contains some of your
Award’s specific terms. For example, it contains the number of RSUs awarded to you and [any
applicable][the] Delivery Date[s] and Transferability Date[s]. [The portion of your RSUs that are
designated on the Award Statement as “____ Year-End Base RSUs” are referred to in this Award
Agreement as “Base RSUs.” The portion of your RSUs that are designated on the Award Statement as
“____ Year-End Additional Base RSUs” are referred to in this Award Agreement as “Additional Base
RSUs.” The portion of your RSUs that are designated on the Award Statement as “____ Year-End
Supplemental RSUs” are referred to in this Award Agreement as “Supplemental RSUs.” All references to
RSUs in this Award Agreement include the Base RSUs, the Additional Base RSUs and the Supplemental
4. Definitions. Unless otherwise defined herein, including in the Definitions Appendix or
any other Appendix, capitalized terms have the meanings provided in the Plan.
Vesting of Your RSUs
5. Vesting. All of your RSUs are Vested. When an RSU is Vested, it means only that your
continued active Employment is not required for delivery of that portion of RSU Shares. Vesting does
not mean you have a non-forfeitable right to the Vested portion of your Award. The terms of this
Award Agreement (including conditions to delivery and any applicable Transfer Restrictions)
continue to apply to Vested RSUs, and you can still forfeit Vested RSUs and any RSU Shares.
Delivery of Your RSU Shares
6. Delivery. Reasonably promptly (but no more than 30 Business Days) after [each][the]
Delivery Date listed on your Award Statement, RSU Shares (less applicable withholding as described in
Paragraph [12][13](a)) will be delivered (by book entry credit to your Account) [in respect of the amount
of Outstanding RSUs listed next to that date]. The Committee or the SIP Committee may select multiple
dates within the 30-Business-Day period following the Delivery Date to deliver RSU Shares in respect of
all or a portion of the RSUs with the same Delivery Date listed on the Award Statement, and all such
dates will be treated as a single Delivery Date for purposes of this Award. Until such delivery, you have
only the rights of a general unsecured creditor, and no rights as a shareholder of GS Inc. Without limiting
the Committee’s authority under Section 1.3.2(h) of the Plan, the Firm may accelerate any Delivery Date
by up to 30 days.
Exhibit 10.40
Transfer Restrictions Following Delivery
7. Transfer Restrictions and Shares at Risk.
(a) ___ percent of the RSU Shares that are delivered on any date will be Shares at
Risk subject to Transfer Restrictions[ until the [applicable] Transferability Date listed on your
Award Statement].
(b) [Purported Transactions that Violate the Transfer Restrictions Are Void.] Any
purported sale, exchange, transfer, assignment, pledge, hypothecation, fractionalization, hedge or
other disposition in violation of the Transfer Restrictions on Shares at Risk will be void.
(c) [Removal of Transfer Restrictions.] Within 30 Business Days after the
[applicable] Transferability Date [listed on your Award Statement] (or any other date on which
the Transfer Restrictions are to be removed), GS Inc. will remove the Transfer Restrictions. The
Committee or the SIP Committee may select multiple dates within such 30-Business-Day period
on which to remove Transfer Restrictions for all or a portion of the Shares at Risk with the same
Transferability Date [listed on the Award Statement], and all such dates will be treated as a single
Transferability Date for purposes of this Award.
8. [Dividend Equivalent Rights and] Dividends. [Each RSU includes a Dividend
Equivalent Right, which entitles you to receive an amount (less applicable withholding), at or after the
time of distribution of any regular cash dividend paid by GS Inc. in respect of a share of Common Stock,
equal to any regular cash dividend payment that would have been made in respect of an RSU Share
underlying your Outstanding RSUs for any record date that occurs on or after the Date of Grant. In
addition,] [y][Y]ou will be entitled to receive on a current basis any regular cash dividend paid in respect
of your Shares at Risk. [The RSUs do not include Dividend Equivalent Rights.]
Forfeiture of Your Award
9. How You May Forfeit Your Award. This Paragraph 9 sets forth the events that result
in forfeiture of up to all of your RSUs and Shares at Risk and may require repayment to the Firm of up to
all other amounts previously delivered or paid to you under your Award in accordance with Paragraph 10.
More than one event may apply, and in no case will the occurrence of one event limit the forfeiture and
repayment obligations as a result of the occurrence of any other event. In addition, the Firm reserves the
right to (a) suspend [payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights,] delivery of RSU Shares or release of
Transfer Restrictions, (b) deliver any RSU Shares [or][,] dividends [or payments under Dividend
Equivalent Rights] into an escrow account in accordance with Paragraph [12][13](f)(v) or (c) apply
Transfer Restrictions to any RSU Shares in connection with any investigation of whether any of the
events that result in forfeiture under the Plan or this Paragraph 9 have occurred. Paragraph 11 [(relating
to certain circumstances under which restrictions on Association With a Covered Enterprise will not
apply) and Paragraph 12] (relating to certain circumstances under which delivery and/or release of
Transfer Restrictions may be accelerated) provide[s] for exceptions to one or more provisions of this
Paragraph 9. [[Each of t][T]he [U.K. Material Risk Taker Appendix] [and the] [GSBE Material Risk
Taker Appendix] supplements this Paragraph 9 and sets forth additional events that result in forfeiture of
up to all of your RSUs and Shares at Risk and may require repayment to the Firm as described in
Paragraph 10[and][,] the [U.K. Material Risk Taker Appendix] [and the] [GSBE Material Risk Taker
(a) [RSUs Forfeited Upon Certain Events. If any of the following occurs before the
applicable Delivery Date, your rights to all of your Outstanding RSUs will terminate, and no RSU
Shares will be delivered in respect of such RSUs:
(i) GS Inc. Fails to Maintain the Minimum Tier 1 Capital Ratio. GS Inc.
fails to maintain the required “Minimum Tier 1 Capital Ratio” as defined under Federal Reserve
Board Regulations applicable to GS Inc. for a period of 90 consecutive business days.
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(ii) GS Inc. Is Determined to Be in Default. The Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve or the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (the “FDIC”) makes a written
recommendation under Title II (Orderly Liquidation Authority) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street
Reform and Consumer Protection Act for the appointment of the FDIC as a receiver of GS Inc.
based on a determination that GS Inc. is “in default” or “in danger of default.”]
(b) RSUs [and Shares at Risk] Forfeited Upon Certain Events. If any of the
following occurs, [i] your rights to your Outstanding RSUs[ as described below] will terminate,
and no RSU Shares will be delivered in respect of such RSUs [and (ii) your rights to all of your
Shares at Risk will terminate and your Shares at Risk will be cancelled, in each case, as may be
further described below]:
(i) You Associate With a Covered Enterprise.
(A) If you Associate With a Covered Enterprise before the earlier of
_____________ or a Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control, your rights to ____% of
your Outstanding RSUs will terminate, and no RSU Shares will be delivered in respect of such
(ii) You Solicit Clients or Employees, Interfere with Client or Employee
Relationships or Participate in the Hiring of Employees. Before ____________, either:
(A) you, in any manner, directly or indirectly, (1) Solicit any Client
to transact business with a Covered Enterprise or to reduce or refrain from doing any business
with the Firm, (2) interfere with or damage (or attempt to interfere with or damage) any
relationship between the Firm and any Client, (3) Solicit any person who is an employee of the
Firm to resign from the Firm, (4) Solicit any Selected Firm Personnel to apply for or accept
employment (or other association) with any person or entity other than the Firm or (5) participate
in the hiring of any Selected Firm Personnel by any person or entity other than the Firm
(including, without limitation, participating in the identification of individuals for potential hire,
and participating in any hiring decision), whether as an employee or consultant or otherwise, or
(B) Selected Firm Personnel are Solicited, hired or accepted into
partnership, membership or similar status by any entity where you have, or will have, direct or
indirect managerial responsibility for such Selected Firm Personnel, unless the Committee
determines that you were not involved in such Solicitation, hiring or acceptance.
(iii) [GS Inc. Fails to Maintain the Minimum Tier 1 Capital Ratio. Before the
applicable Delivery Date, GS Inc. fails to maintain the required “Minimum Tier 1 Capital Ratio”
as defined under Federal Reserve Board Regulations applicable to GS Inc. for a period of 90
consecutive business days.]
(iv) [GS Inc. Is Determined to Be in Default. Before the applicable Delivery
Date, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve or the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation (the “FDIC”) makes a written recommendation under Title II (Orderly Liquidation
Authority) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act for the
appointment of the FDIC as a receiver of GS Inc. based on a determination that GS Inc. is “in
default” or “in danger of default.”]
(v) [Accounting Restatement Required Under Sarbanes-Oxley. GS Inc. is
required to prepare an accounting restatement due to GS Inc.’s material noncompliance, as a
result of misconduct, with any financial reporting requirement under the securities laws as
described in Section 304(a) of Sarbanes-Oxley; provided, however, that your rights with respect
to the RSUs will only be terminated to the same extent that would be required under Section
304(a) of Sarbanes-Oxley had you been a “chief executive officer” or “chief financial officer” of
GS Inc. (regardless of whether you actually hold such position at the relevant time).]
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(c) [RSUs and Shares at Risk Forfeited upon Certain Events. If any of the following
occurs (i) your rights to all of your Outstanding RSUs will terminate, and no RSU Shares will be
delivered in respect of such RSUs and (ii) your rights to all of your Shares at Risk will terminate
and your Shares at Risk will be cancelled, in each case, as may be further described below:]
(i) You Failed to Consider Risk. You Failed to Consider Risk during
(ii) Your Conduct Constitutes Cause. Any event that constitutes Cause
[(including, for the avoidance of doubt, “Serious Misconduct” as defined in the U.K. Material
Risk Taker Appendix)] has occurred before ___________.
(iii) You Do Not Meet Your Obligations to the Firm. The Committee
determines that, before ____________, you failed to meet, in any respect, any obligation under
any agreement with the Firm, or any agreement entered into in connection with your Employment
or this Award, including the Firm’s notice period requirement applicable to you, any offer letter,
employment agreement or any shareholders’ agreement relating to the Firm. Your failure to pay
or reimburse the Firm, on demand, for any amount you owe to the Firm will constitute (A) failure
to meet an obligation you have under an agreement, regardless of whether such obligation arises
under a written agreement, and/or (B) a material violation of Firm policy constituting Cause.
(iv) You Do Not Provide Timely Certifications or Comply with Your
Certifications. You fail to certify to GS Inc. that you have complied with all of the terms of the
Plan and this Award Agreement, or the Committee determines that you have failed to comply
with a term of the Plan or this Award Agreement to which you have certified compliance.
(v) You Do Not Follow Dispute Resolution/Arbitration Procedures. You
attempt to have any dispute under the Plan or this Award Agreement resolved in any manner that
is not provided for by Paragraph [15][16] or Section 3.17 of the Plan, or you attempt to arbitrate a
dispute without first having exhausted your internal administrative remedies in accordance with
Paragraph [12][13](f)(viii).
(vi) You Bring an Action that Results in a Determination that Any Award
Agreement Term Is Invalid. As a result of any action brought by you, it is determined that any
term of this Award Agreement is invalid.
(vii) You Receive Compensation in Respect of Your Award from Another
Employer. Your Employment terminates for any reason or you otherwise are no longer actively
Employed with the Firm and another entity grants you cash, equity or other property (whether
vested or unvested) to replace, substitute for or otherwise in respect of any Outstanding RSUs or
Shares at Risk; provided, however, that your rights will only be terminated in respect of the RSUs
and Shares at Risk that are replaced, substituted for or otherwise considered by such other entity
in making its grant.
(viii) [Accounting Restatement Required Under Sarbanes-Oxley. GS Inc. is
required to prepare an accounting restatement due to GS Inc.’s material noncompliance, as a
result of misconduct, with any financial reporting requirement under the securities laws as
described in Section 304(a) of Sarbanes-Oxley; provided, however, that your rights will only be
terminated in respect of the RSUs and Shares at Risk to the same extent that would be required
under Section 304(a) of Sarbanes-Oxley had you been a “chief executive officer” or “chief
financial officer” of GS Inc. (regardless of whether you actually hold such position at the relevant
(ix) [GS Inc. Fails to Maintain the Minimum Tier 1 Capital Ratio. Prior to
the Transferability Date, GS Inc. fails to maintain the required “Minimum Tier 1 Capital Ratio”
as defined under Federal Reserve Board Regulations applicable to GS Inc. for a period of 90
consecutive business days.]
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(x) [GS Inc. Is Determined to Be in Default. Prior to the Transferability
Date, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve or the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation (the “FDIC”) makes a written recommendation under Title II (Orderly Liquidation
Authority) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act for the
appointment of the FDIC as a receiver of GS Inc. based on a determination that GS Inc. is “in
default” or “in danger of default.”]
Repayment of Your Award
10. When You May Be Required to Repay Your Award.
(a) [Repayment, Generally]. If the Committee determines that any term of this
Award was not satisfied, you will be required, immediately upon demand therefor, to repay to the
Firm the following:
(i) Any RSU Shares (which, for the avoidance of doubt, includes any Shares
at Risk) for which the terms (including the terms for delivery) of the related RSUs were not
satisfied, in accordance with Section 2.6.3 of the Plan.
(ii) Any Shares at Risk for which the terms (including the terms for the
release of Transfer Restrictions) were not satisfied, in accordance with Section 2.5.3 of the Plan.
(iii) Any RSU Shares that were delivered (but not subject to Transfer
Restrictions) at the same time any Shares at Risk that are cancelled or required to be repaid were
(iv) [Any payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights for which the terms
were not satisfied (including any such payments made in respect of RSUs that are forfeited or
RSU Shares that are cancelled or required to be repaid), in accordance with Section 2.8.3 of the
(v) Any dividends paid in respect of any RSU Shares that are cancelled or
required to be repaid.
(vi) Any amount applied to satisfy tax withholding or other obligations with
respect to any RSUs, RSU Shares[ and][,] dividend payments [and payments under Dividend
Equivalent Rights] that are forfeited or required to be repaid.
(b) [Repayment Upon Accounting Restatement Required Under Sarbanes-Oxley. If
an event described in Paragraph 9(b)(viii) (relating to a requirement under Sarbanes-Oxley that
GS Inc. prepare an accounting restatement) occurs, any RSU Shares, cash or other property
delivered, paid or withheld in respect of this Award will be subject to repayment as described in
Paragraph 10(a) to the same extent that would be required under Section 304(a) of Sarbanes-
Oxley had you been a “chief executive officer” or “chief financial officer” of GS Inc. (regardless
of whether you actually hold such position at the relevant time).]
[[Exceptions to Association with a Covered Enterprise,][Accelerated] Delivery Date[s] and/or
Transferability Date[s]
11. Restrictions on Association With a Covered Enterprise Cease to Apply After an
Involuntary or Mutual Agreement Termination (but the Original Delivery Date and Transferability
Date Continue to Apply). Paragraph 9(a)(i) (relating to forfeiture if you Associate With a Covered
Enterprise) will not apply if (a) your Employment terminates and the Firm characterizes your
Employment termination as “involuntary” or by “mutual agreement” (and, in each case, you have not
engaged in conduct constituting Cause) and (b) you execute a general waiver and release of claims and an
agreement to pay any associated tax liability, in each case, in the form the Firm prescribes. No
Employment termination that you initiate, including any purported “constructive termination,” a
- 5 -
“termination for good reason” or similar concepts, can be “involuntary” or by “mutual agreement.” All
other terms of this Award Agreement, including the other forfeiture and repayment events in Paragraphs 9
and 10, continue to apply.]
12. Accelerated Delivery and/or Release of Transfer Restrictions in the Event of a
Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control, Conflicted Employment or Death. In the event
of your Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control, Conflicted Employment or death, each as
described below, your Outstanding RSUs and Shares at Risk will be treated as described in this Paragraph
[11][12], and, except as set forth in Paragraph [11][12](a), all other terms of this Award Agreement,
including the other forfeiture and repayment events in Paragraphs 9 and 10, continue to apply.
(a) You Have a Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control. If your
Employment terminates when you meet the requirements of a Qualifying Termination After a
Change in Control, the RSU Shares underlying your Outstanding RSUs will be delivered, and any
Transfer Restrictions will cease to apply. In addition, the forfeiture events in Paragraph 9 will not
apply to your Award.
(b) You Are Determined to Have Accepted Conflicted Employment.
(i) Generally. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Plan or
otherwise, for purposes of this Award Agreement, “Conflicted Employment” means your
employment at any U.S. Federal, state or local government, any non-U.S. government, any
supranational or international organization, any self-regulatory organization, or any agency or
instrumentality of any such government or organization, or any other employer (other than an
“Accounting Firm” within the meaning of SEC Rule 2-01(f)(2) of Regulation S-X or any
successor thereto) determined by the Committee, if, as a result of such employment, your
continued holding of any Outstanding RSUs and Shares at Risk would result in an actual or
perceived conflict of interest. Unless prohibited by applicable law or regulation, if your
Employment terminates solely because you resign to accept Conflicted Employment or if,
following your termination of Employment, you notify the Firm that you are accepting Conflicted
Employment, RSU Shares will be delivered in respect of your Outstanding RSUs (including in
the form of cash as described in Paragraph [12][13](b)) and any Transfer Restrictions will cease
to apply as soon as practicable after the Committee has received satisfactory documentation
relating to your Conflicted Employment.
(ii) You May Have to Take Other Steps to Address Conflicts of Interest.
The Committee retains the authority to exercise its rights under the Award Agreement or the Plan
(including Section 1.3.2 of the Plan) to take or require you to take other steps it determines in its
sole discretion to be necessary or appropriate to cure an actual or perceived conflict of interest
(which may include a determination that the accelerated delivery and/or release of Transfer
Restrictions described in Paragraph [11][12](b)(i) will not apply because such actions are not
necessary or appropriate to cure an actual or perceived conflict of interest).
(c) Death. If you die, the RSU Shares underlying your Outstanding RSUs will be
delivered to your Account and any Transfer Restrictions will cease to apply as soon as practicable
after the date of death and after such documentation as may be requested by the Committee is
provided to the Committee.
Other Terms, Conditions and Agreements
13. Additional Terms, Conditions and Agreements.
(a) You Must Satisfy Applicable Tax Withholding Requirements. Delivery of RSU
Shares is conditioned on your satisfaction of any applicable withholding taxes in accordance with
Section 3.2 of the Plan, which includes the Firm deducting or withholding amounts from any
payment or distribution to you. In addition, to the extent permitted by applicable law, the Firm,
in its sole discretion, may require you to provide amounts equal to all or a portion of any Federal,
state, local, foreign or other tax obligations imposed on you or the Firm in connection with the
- 6 -
grant[, Vesting] or delivery of this Award by requiring you to choose between remitting the
amount (i) in cash (or through payroll deduction or otherwise) or (ii) in the form of proceeds from
the Firm’s executing a sale of RSU Shares delivered to you under this Award. In no event,
however, does this Paragraph [12][13](a) give you any discretion to determine or affect the
timing of the delivery of RSU Shares or the timing of payment of tax obligations.
(b) Firm May Deliver Cash or Other Property Instead of RSU Shares. In accordance
with Section 1.3.2(i) of the Plan, in the sole discretion of the Committee, in lieu of all or any
portion of the RSU Shares, the Firm may deliver cash, other securities, other awards under the
Plan or other property, and all references in this Award Agreement to deliveries of RSU Shares
will include such deliveries of cash, other securities, other awards under the Plan or other
(c) Amounts May Be Rounded to Avoid Fractional Shares. RSU Shares that become
deliverable on a Delivery Date and RSU Shares subject to Transfer Restrictions may, in each
case, be rounded to avoid fractional Shares.
(d) You May Be Required to Become a Party to the Shareholders’ Agreement. Your
rights to your RSUs are conditioned on your becoming a party to any shareholders’ agreement to
which other similarly situated employees (e.g., employees with a similar title or position) of the
Firm are required to be a party.
(e) Firm May Affix Legends and Place Stop Orders on Restricted RSU Shares. GS
Inc. may affix to Certificates representing RSU Shares any legend that the Committee determines
to be necessary or advisable (including to reflect any restrictions to which you may be subject
under a separate agreement). GS Inc. may advise the transfer agent to place a stop order against
any legended RSU Shares.
(f) You Agree to Certain Consents, Terms and Conditions. By accepting this Award
you understand and agree that:
(i) You Agree to Certain Consents as a Condition to the Award. You have
expressly consented to all of the items listed in Section 3.3.3(d) of the Plan, including the Firm’s
supplying to any third-party recordkeeper of the Plan or other person such personal information
of yours as the Committee deems advisable to administer the Plan, and you agree to provide any
additional consents that the Committee determines to be necessary or advisable;
(ii) You Are Subject to the Firm’s Policies, Rules and Procedures. You are
subject to the Firm’s policies in effect from time to time concerning trading in RSU Shares and
hedging or pledging RSU Shares and equity-based compensation or other awards (including,
without limitation, the “Firmwide Policy with Respect to Personal Transactions Involving GS
Securities and GS Equity Awards” or any successor policies), and confidential or proprietary
information, and you will effect sales of RSU Shares in accordance with such rules and
procedures as may be adopted from time to time (which may include, without limitation,
restrictions relating to the timing of sale requests, the manner in which sales are executed, pricing
method, consolidation or aggregation of orders and volume limits determined by the Firm);
(iii) You Are Responsible for Costs Associated with Your Award. You will
be responsible for all brokerage costs and other fees or expenses associated with your RSUs,
including those related to the sale of RSU Shares;
(iv) You Will Be Deemed to Represent Your Compliance with All the Terms
of Your Award if You Accept Delivery of, or Sell, RSU Shares. You will be deemed to have
represented and certified that you have complied with all of the terms of the Plan and this Award
Agreement when RSU Shares are delivered to you[, you receive payment in respect of Dividend
Equivalent Rights] and you request the sale of RSU Shares following the release of Transfer
- 7 -
(v) Firm May Deliver Your Award into an Escrow Account. The Firm may
establish and maintain an escrow account on such terms (which may include your executing any
documents related to, and your paying for any costs associated with, such account) as it may
deem necessary or appropriate, and the delivery of RSU Shares (including Shares at Risk) or the
payment of cash (including dividends [and payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights]) or other
property may initially be made into and held in that escrow account until such time as the
Committee has received such documentation as it may have requested or until the Committee has
determined that any other conditions or restrictions on delivery of RSU Shares, cash or other
property required by this Award Agreement have been satisfied;
(vi) You May Be Required to Certify Compliance with Award Terms; You
Are Responsible for Providing the Firm with Updated Address and Contact Information After
Your Departure from the Firm. If your Employment terminates while you continue to hold RSUs
or Shares at Risk, from time to time, you may be required to provide certifications of your
compliance with all of the terms of the Plan and this Award Agreement as described in Paragraph
9(b)(iv). You understand and agree that (A) your address on file with the Firm at the time any
certification is required will be deemed to be your current address, (B) it is your responsibility to
inform the Firm of any changes to your address to ensure timely receipt of the certification
materials, (C) you are responsible for contacting the Firm to obtain such certification materials if
not received and (D) your failure to return properly completed certification materials by the
specified deadline (which includes your failure to timely return the completed certification
because you did not provide the Firm with updated contact information) will result in the
forfeiture of all of your RSUs and Shares at Risk and subject previously delivered amounts to
repayment under Paragraph 9(b)(iv);
(vii) You Authorize the Firm to Register, in Its or Its Designee’s Name, Any
Shares at Risk and Sell, Assign or Transfer Any Forfeited Shares at Risk. You are granting to the
Firm the full power and authority to register any Shares at Risk in its or its designee’s name and
authorizing the Firm or its designee to sell, assign or transfer any Shares at Risk if you forfeit
your Shares at Risk;
(viii) You Must Comply with Applicable Deadlines and Procedures to Appeal
Determinations Made by the Committee, the SIP Committee or SIP Administrators. If you
disagree with a determination made by the Committee, the SIP Committee, the SIP
Administrators, or any of their delegates or designees and you wish to appeal such determination,
you must submit a written request to the SIP Committee for review within 180 days after the
determination at issue. You must exhaust your internal administrative remedies (i.e., submit your
appeal and wait for resolution of that appeal) before seeking to resolve a dispute through
arbitration pursuant to Paragraph [15][16] and Section 3.17 of the Plan; and
(ix) You Agree that Covered Persons Will Not Have Liability. In addition to
and without limiting the generality of the provisions of Section 1.3.5 of the Plan, neither the Firm
nor any Covered Person will have any liability to you or any other person for any action taken or
omitted in respect of this or any other Award.
14. Non-transferability. Except as otherwise may be provided in this Paragraph [13][14] or
as otherwise may be provided by the Committee, the limitations on transferability set forth in Section 3.5
of the Plan will apply to this Award. Any purported transfer or assignment in violation of the provisions
of this Paragraph [13][14] or Section 3.5 of the Plan will be void. The Committee may adopt procedures
pursuant to which some or all recipients of RSUs may transfer some or all of their RSUs and/or Shares at
Risk (which will continue to be subject to Transfer Restrictions until the [applicable] Transferability
Date) through a gift for no consideration to any immediate family member, a trust or other estate planning
vehicle approved by the Committee or SIP Committee in which the recipient and/or the recipient’s
immediate family members in the aggregate have 100% of the beneficial interest.
15. Right of Offset. Except as provided in Paragraph [17][18][(f)][(g)], the obligation to
deliver RSU Shares, to pay dividends [or payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights] or to remove the
Transfer Restrictions under this Award Agreement is subject to Section 3.4 of the Plan, which provides
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for the Firm’s right to offset against such obligation any outstanding amounts you owe to the Firm and
any amounts the Committee deems appropriate pursuant to any tax equalization policy or agreement.
Arbitration, Choice of Forum and Governing Law
16. Arbitration; Choice of Forum.
(a) By accepting this award, you are indicating that you understand and agree
that the arbitration and choice of forum provisions set forth in Section 3.17 of the Plan will
apply to this Award. These provisions, which are expressly incorporated herein by
reference, provide among other things that any dispute, controversy or claim between the
Firm and you arising out of or relating to or concerning the Plan or this Award Agreement
will be finally settled by arbitration in New York City, pursuant to the terms more fully set
forth in Section 3.17 of the Plan; provided that nothing herein shall preclude you from filing
a charge with or participating in any investigation or proceeding conducted by any
governmental authority, including but not limited to the SEC, the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission and a state or local human rights agency, as well as law
(b) To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, no arbitrator will have the
authority to consider class, collective or representative claims, to order consolidation or to join
different claimants or grant relief other than on an individual basis to the individual claimant
(c) Notwithstanding any applicable forum rules to the contrary, to the extent there is
a question of enforceability of this Award Agreement arising from a challenge to the arbitrator’s
jurisdiction or to the arbitrability of a claim, it will be decided by a court and not an arbitrator.
(d) The Federal Arbitration Act governs interpretation and enforcement of all
arbitration provisions under the Plan and this Award Agreement, and all arbitration proceedings
(e) Nothing in this Award Agreement creates a substantive right to bring a claim
under U.S. Federal, state, or local employment laws.
(f) By accepting your Award, you irrevocably appoint each General Counsel of GS
Inc., or any person whom the General Counsel of GS Inc. designates, as your agent for service of
process in connection with any suit, action or proceeding arising out of or relating to or
concerning the Plan or any Award which is not arbitrated pursuant to the provisions of Section
3.17.1 of the Plan, who shall promptly advise you of any such service of process.
(g) To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, no arbitrator will have the
authority to consider any claim as to which you have not first exhausted your internal
administrative remedies in accordance with Paragraph [12][13](f)(viii).
17. Governing Law. This Award will be governed by and construed in accordance with
the laws of the State of New York, without regard to principles of conflict of laws.
Certain Tax Provisions
18. Compliance of Award Agreement and Plan with Section 409A. The provisions of this
Paragraph [17][18] apply to you only if you are a U.S. taxpayer.
(a) This Award Agreement and the Plan provisions that apply to this Award are
intended and will be construed to comply with Section 409A (including the requirements
applicable to, or the conditions for exemption from treatment as, 409A Deferred Compensation),
whether by reason of short-term deferral treatment or other exceptions or provisions. The
- 9 -
Committee will have full authority to give effect to this intent. To the extent necessary to give
effect to this intent, in the case of any conflict or potential inconsistency between the provisions
of the Plan (including Sections 1.3.2 and 2.1 thereof) and this Award Agreement, the provisions
of this Award Agreement will govern, and in the case of any conflict or potential inconsistency
between this Paragraph [17][18] and the other provisions of this Award Agreement, this
Paragraph [17][18] will govern.
(b) Delivery of RSU Shares will not be delayed beyond the date on which all
applicable conditions or restrictions on delivery of RSU Shares required by this Agreement
(including those specified in Paragraphs 6, 7, [11,] [11][12](c) and [12][13] and the consents and
other items specified in Section 3.3 of the Plan) are satisfied. To the extent that any portion of
this Award is intended to satisfy the requirements for short-term deferral treatment under Section
409A, delivery for such portion will occur by the March 15 coinciding with the last day of the
applicable “short-term deferral” period described in Reg. 1.409A-1(b)(4) in order for the delivery
of RSU Shares to be within the short-term deferral exception unless, in order to permit all
applicable conditions or restrictions on delivery to be satisfied, the Committee elects, pursuant to
Reg. 1.409A-1(b)(4)(i)(D) or otherwise as may be permitted in accordance with Section 409A, to
delay delivery of RSU Shares to a later date within the same calendar year or to such later date as
may be permitted under Section 409A, including Reg. 1.409A-3(d). For the avoidance of doubt,
if the Award includes a “series of installment payments” as described in Reg. 1.409A-2(b)(2)(iii),
your right to the series of installment payments will be treated as a right to a series of separate
payments and not as a right to a single payment.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph [12][13](b) and Section 1.3.2(i) of
the Plan, to the extent necessary to comply with Section 409A, any securities, other Awards or
other property that the Firm may deliver in respect of your RSUs will not have the effect of
deferring delivery or payment, income inclusion, or a substantial risk of forfeiture, beyond the
date on which such delivery, payment or inclusion would occur or such risk of forfeiture would
lapse, with respect to the RSU Shares that would otherwise have been deliverable (unless the
Committee elects a later date for this purpose pursuant to Reg. 1.409A-1(b)(4)(i)(D) or otherwise
as may be permitted under Section 409A, including and to the extent applicable, the subsequent
election provisions of Section 409A(a)(4)(C) of the Code and Reg. 1.409A-2(b)).
(d) Notwithstanding the timing provisions of Paragraph [11][12](c), the delivery of
RSU Shares referred to therein will be made after the date of death and during the calendar year
that includes the date of death (or on such later date as may be permitted under Section 409A).
(e) The timing of delivery or payment pursuant to Paragraph [11][12](a) will occur
on the earlier of (i) the Delivery Date or (ii) a date that is within the calendar year in which the
termination of Employment occurs; provided, however, that, if you are a “specified employee” (as
defined by the Firm in accordance with Section 409A(a)(2)(i)(B) of the Code), delivery will occur
on the earlier of the Delivery Date or (to the extent required to avoid the imposition of additional
tax under Section 409A) the date that is six months after your termination of Employment (or, if
the latter date is not during a Window Period, the first trading day of the next Window Period).
For purposes of Paragraph [11][12](a), references in this Award Agreement to termination of
Employment mean a termination of Employment from the Firm (as defined by the Firm) which is
also a separation from service (as defined by the Firm in accordance with Section 409A).
(f) [Notwithstanding any provision of Paragraph 8 or Section 2.8.2 of the Plan to the
contrary, the Dividend Equivalent Rights with respect to each of your Outstanding RSUs will be
paid to you within the calendar year that includes the date of distribution of any corresponding
regular cash dividends paid by GS Inc. in respect of a share of Common Stock the record date for
which occurs on or after the Date of Grant. The payment will be in an amount (less applicable
withholding) equal to such regular dividend payment as would have been made in respect of the
RSU Shares underlying such Outstanding RSUs.]
(g) The timing of delivery or payment referred to in Paragraph [11][12](b)(i) will be
the earlier of (i) the Delivery Date or (ii) a date that is within the calendar year in which the
- 10 -
Committee receives satisfactory documentation relating to your Conflicted Employment,
provided that such delivery or payment will be made, and any Committee action referred to in
Paragraph [11][12](b)(ii) will be taken, only at such time as, and if and to the extent that it, as
reasonably determined by the Firm, would not result in the imposition of any additional tax to
you under Section 409A.
(h) Paragraph [14][15] and Section 3.4 of the Plan will not apply to Awards that are
409A Deferred Compensation except to the extent permitted under Section 409A.
(i) Delivery of RSU Shares in respect of any Award may be made, if and to the
extent elected by the Committee, later than the Delivery Date or other date or period specified
hereinabove (but, in the case of any Award that constitutes 409A Deferred Compensation, only to
the extent that the later delivery is permitted under Section 409A).
(j) You understand and agree that you are solely responsible for the payment of any
taxes and penalties due pursuant to Section 409A, but in no event will you be permitted to
designate, directly or indirectly, the taxable year of the delivery.
Committee Authority, Amendment, Construction and Regulatory Reporting
19. Committee Authority. The Committee has the authority to determine, in its sole
discretion, that any event triggering forfeiture or repayment of your Award will not apply, to limit the
forfeitures and repayments that result under Paragraphs 9 and 10 and to remove Transfer Restrictions
before the [applicable] Transferability Date. [In addition, the Committee, in its sole discretion, may
determine whether Paragraph 11 will apply upon a termination of Employment.]
20. Amendment. The Committee reserves the right at any time to amend the terms of this
Award Agreement, and the Board may amend the Plan in any respect; provided that, notwithstanding the
foregoing and Sections 1.3.2(f), 1.3.2(h) and 3.1 of the Plan, no such amendment will materially
adversely affect your rights and obligations under this Award Agreement without your consent; and
provided further that the Committee expressly reserves its rights to amend the Award Agreement and the
Plan as described in Sections 1.3.2(h)(1), (2) and (4) of the Plan. A modification that impacts the tax
consequences of this Award or the timing of delivery of RSU Shares will not be an amendment that
materially adversely affects your rights and obligations under this Award Agreement. Any amendment of
this Award Agreement will be in writing.
21. Construction, Headings. Unless the context requires otherwise, (a) words describing
the singular number include the plural and vice versa, (b) words denoting any gender include all genders
and (c) the words “include,” “includes” and “including” will be deemed to be followed by the words
“without limitation.” The headings in this Award Agreement are for the purpose of convenience only and
are not intended to define or limit the construction of the provisions hereof. References in this Award
Agreement to any specific Plan provision will not be construed as limiting the applicability of any other
Plan provision.
22. Providing Information to the Appropriate Authorities. In accordance with applicable
law, nothing in this Award Agreement (including the forfeiture and repayment provisions in Paragraphs 9
and 10) or the Plan prevents you from providing information you reasonably believe to be true to the
appropriate governmental authority, including a regulatory, judicial, administrative, or other
governmental entity; reporting possible violations of law or regulation; making other disclosures that are
protected under any applicable law or regulation; or filing a charge or participating in any investigation or
proceeding conducted by a governmental authority. For the avoidance of doubt, governmental authority
includes federal, state and local government agencies such as the SEC, the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission and any state or local human rights agency (e.g., the New York State Division
of Human Rights, the New York City Commission on Human Rights, the California Department of Fair
Employment and Housing), as well as law enforcement.
- 11 -
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, GS Inc. has caused this Award Agreement to be duly executed and
delivered as of the Date of Grant.
- 12 -
[U.K. Material Risk Taker Appendix
This Appendix supplements Paragraph 9 and sets forth additional events that result in forfeiture of up to
all of your RSUs and Shares at Risk and may require repayment to the Firm of up to all other amounts
previously delivered or paid to you under your Award in accordance with Paragraph 10. As with the
events described in Paragraph 9, more than one event may apply, in no case will the occurrence of one
event limit the forfeiture and repayment obligations as a result of the occurrence of any other event and
the Firm reserves the right to (a) suspend delivery of RSU Shares or release of Transfer Restrictions, (b)
deliver any RSU Shares or dividends into an escrow account in accordance with Paragraph [12][13](f)(v)
or (c) apply Transfer Restrictions to any RSU Shares in connection with any investigation of whether any
of the events that result in forfeiture under this Appendix have occurred.
With respect to the events described in this Appendix, the Committee will consider certain factors to
determine whether and what portion of your Award will terminate, including the reason for the “Loss
Event” (as defined below) or “Risk Event” (as defined below) and the extent to which: (1) you
participated in the Loss Event or Risk Event, (2) your compensation for _____________ may or may not
have been adjusted to take into account the risk associated with the Loss Event, Risk Event, your “Serious
Misconduct” (as defined below) or the Serious Misconduct of a “Supervised Employee” (as defined
below) and (3) your compensation may be adjusted for the year in which the Loss Event, Risk Event, your
Serious Misconduct or a Supervised Employee’s Serious Misconduct is discovered.
[Paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this Appendix apply to your Additional and Supplemental RSUs.
Paragraph (d) of this Appendix applies to your Additional RSUs only and does not apply to your
Supplemental RSUs.]
(a) A Loss Event Occurs Prior to Delivery. If a Loss Event occurs prior to the
delivery of RSU Shares, your rights in respect of all or a portion of your RSUs which are
scheduled to deliver on the next Delivery Date immediately following the date that the Loss
Event is identified (or, if not practicable, then the next following Delivery Date) will terminate,
and no RSU Shares will be delivered in respect of such RSUs.
(i) A Loss Event means (A) an annual pre-tax loss at GS Inc. or (B)
annual negative revenues in one or more reporting segments as disclosed in the Firm’s Form 10-
K other than the Asset & Management segment (or any successor or equivalent segment or sub-
segment as determined by the Firm), or annual negative revenues in the Asset & Wealth
Management segment (or any successor or equivalent segment or sub-segment as determined by
the Firm) of $5 billion or more, provided in either case that you are employed in a business within
such reporting segment.
(b) A Risk Event Occurs ____ ___________. If a Risk Event occurs
______________, (i) your rights in respect of all or a portion of your RSUs will terminate and no
RSU Shares will be delivered in respect of such RSUs, (ii) your rights to all or a portion of any
Shares at Risk will terminate and such Shares at Risk will be cancelled and (iii) you will be
obligated immediately upon demand therefor to pay the Firm an amount not in excess of the
greater of the Fair Market Value of the RSU Shares (plus any dividend payments) delivered in
respect of the Award (without reduction for any amount applied to satisfy tax withholding or
other obligations) determined as of (A) the date the Risk Event occurred and (B) the date that the
repayment request is made.
(i) A Risk Eventmeans there occurs a loss of 5% or more of firmwide
total capital from a reportable operational risk event determined in accordance with the firmwide
Reporting and Operational Risk Events Policy (or any successor policy).
(c) You Engage in Serious Misconduct ______________. If you engage in Serious
Misconduct __________________, you will be obligated immediately upon demand therefor to
pay the Firm an amount not in excess of the greater of the Fair Market Value of the RSU Shares
(plus any dividend payments) delivered in respect of the Award (without reduction for any
- 13 -
amount applied to satisfy tax withholding or other obligations) determined as of (i) the date the
Serious Misconduct occurred and (ii) the date that the repayment request is made.
(i) Serious Misconductmeans that you engage in conduct that the Firm
reasonably considers, in its sole discretion, to be misconduct sufficient to justify summary
termination of employment under English law.
(d) A Supervised Employee Engages in Serious Misconduct. If the Committee
determines that it is appropriate to hold you accountable in whole or in part for Serious
Misconduct related to compliance, control or risk that occurred during __________ by a
Supervised Employee, your rights in respect of all or a portion of your RSUs will terminate and
no RSU Shares will be delivered in respect of such RSUs and your rights to all or a portion of any
Shares at Risk will terminate and such Shares at Risk will be cancelled.
(i) Supervised Employeemeans an individual with respect to whom the
Committee determines you had supervisory responsibility as a result of direct or indirect
reporting lines or your management responsibility for an office, division or business.
Notwithstanding any provision in the Plan, this Award Agreement or any other agreement or arrangement
you may have with the Firm, the parties agree that to the extent that there is any dispute arising out of or
relating to the payment required by Paragraphs (b) and (c) of this Appendix (including your refusal to
remit payment) the parties will submit to arbitration in accordance with Paragraph [15][16] of this Award
Agreement and Section 3.17 of the Plan as the sole means of resolution of such dispute (including the
recovery by the Firm of the payment amount).]
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[GSBE Material Risk Taker Appendix
This Appendix supplements Paragraph 9 and sets forth additional events that result in forfeiture of up to
all of your RSUs and Shares at Risk and may require repayment to the Firm of up to all other amounts
previously delivered or paid to you under your Award in accordance with Paragraph 10. As with the
events described in Paragraph 9, more than one event may apply, in no case will the occurrence of one
event limit the forfeiture and repayment obligations as a result of the occurrence of any other event and
the Firm reserves the right to (a) suspend vesting of Outstanding RSUs, delivery of RSU Shares or release
of Transfer Restrictions, (b) deliver any RSU Shares or dividends into an escrow account in accordance
with Paragraph [12][13](f)(v) or (c) apply Transfer Restrictions to any RSU Shares in connection with
any investigation of whether any of the events that result in forfeiture under this Appendix have occurred.
With respect to the events described in this Appendix, the Committee will consider certain factors to
determine whether and what portion of your Award will terminate, including the reason for the
“Adjustment Event” (as defined below).
Notwithstanding any provision in the Plan, this Award Agreement or any other agreement or arrangement
you may have with the Firm, the parties agree that to the extent that there is any dispute arising out of or
relating to the payment required by this Appendix (including your refusal to remit payment) the parties
will submit to arbitration in accordance with Paragraph [15][16] of this Award Agreement and Section
3.17 of the Plan as the sole means of resolution of such dispute (including the recovery by the Firm of the
payment amount).
(a) An Adjustment Event Occurs _______. If an “Adjustment Event” (as defined below)
occurs _________, (i) your rights in respect of all or a portion of your RSUs will terminate and no RSU
Shares will be delivered in respect of such RSUs, (ii) your rights to all or a portion of any Shares at Risk
will terminate and such Shares at Risk will be cancelled, and (iii) you will be obligated immediately upon
demand therefor to pay the Firm an amount not in excess of the greater of the Fair Market Value of the
RSU Shares (plus any dividend payments) delivered in respect of the Award (without reduction for any
amount applied to satisfy tax withholding or other obligations) determined as of (A) the date the
Adjustment Event occurred and (B) the date that the repayment request is made.
(i) Adjustment Event” means that one of the following has occurred:
A. you significantly contributed to, or were responsible for, any
conduct that resulted in a loss of 0.75% or more of the total capital of GS Inc.;
B. a material regulatory sanction for the Firm comprising one or
more of the following:
1. a moratorium pursuant to sec. 46g of the German Banking Act,
2. a measure in case of danger pursuant to sec. 46 of the German
Banking Act,
3. the revocation of appointment of a manager pursuant to sec. 36
German Banking Act,
4. a fine pursuant to sec. 56 of the German Banking Act or a
threatened penalty payment, if the fine or penalty payment
amounts to 0.75% or more of the total capital of GS Inc.,
5. the cancellation of the banking permit pursuant to sec. 35 of the
German Banking Act,
6. an order to increase the capital requirements Goldman Sachs
Bank Europe SE (GSBE) by at least 0.5% pursuant to sec. 10 of
the German Banking Act,
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7. a measure in case of organizational deficiencies,
8. a comparable regulatory order, or
9. a material supervisory measure; or
C. you acted in serious violation of relevant external or internal rules with
respect to suitability and conduct, provided that a violation is considered serious if it
suitable to justify a termination of employment for cause pursuant to sec. 626 German
Civil Code or a termination of employment for misconduct pursuant to sec. 1 German
Termination Protection Act.
The determination as to whether an Adjustment Event has occurred shall be made by the Committee in its
sole discretion.]
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Definitions Appendix
The following capitalized terms are used in this Award Agreement with the following meanings:
(a) “409A Deferred Compensation” means a “deferral of compensation” or “deferred
compensation” as those terms are defined in the regulations under Section 409A.
(b) “Associate With a Covered Enterprise” means that you (i) form, or acquire a 5% or
greater equity ownership, voting or profit participation interest in, any Covered Enterprise or (ii) associate
in any capacity (including association as an officer, employee, partner, director, consultant, agent or
advisor) with any Covered Enterprise. Associate With a Covered Enterprise may include, as determined
in the discretion of either the Committee or the SIP Committee, (i) becoming the subject of any publicly
available announcement or report of a pending or future association with a Covered Enterprise and (ii)
unpaid associations, including an association in contemplation of future employment. “Association With
a Covered Enterprise” will have its correlative meaning.
(c) “Conflicted Employment” means your employment at any U.S. Federal, state or local
government, any non-U.S. government, any supranational or international organization, any self-
regulatory organization, or any agency or instrumentality of any such government or organization, or any
other employer (other than an “Accounting Firm” within the meaning of SEC Rule 2-01(f)(2) of
Regulation S-X or any successor thereto) determined by the Committee, if, as a result of such
employment, your continued holding of any Outstanding RSUs and Shares at Risk would result in an
actual or perceived conflict of interest.
(d) “Covered Enterprise” means a Competitive Enterprise and any other existing or planned
business enterprise that: (i) offers, holds itself out as offering or reasonably may be expected to offer
products or services that are the same as or similar to those offered by the Firm or that the Firm
reasonably expects to offer (“Firm Products or Services”) or (ii) engages in, holds itself out as engaging in
or reasonably may be expected to engage in any other activity that is the same as or similar to any
financial activity engaged in by the Firm or in which the Firm reasonably expects to engage (“Firm
Activities”). For the avoidance of doubt, Firm Activities include any activity that requires the same or
similar skills as any financial activity engaged in by the Firm or in which the Firm reasonably expects to
engage, irrespective of whether any such financial activity is in furtherance of an advisory, agency,
proprietary or fiduciary undertaking.
The enterprises covered by this definition include enterprises that offer, hold themselves out
as offering or reasonably may be expected to offer Firm Products or Services, or engage in, hold
themselves out as engaging in or reasonably may be expected to engage in Firm Activities directly, as
well as those that do so indirectly by ownership or control (e.g., by owning, being owned by or by being
under common ownership with an enterprise that offers, holds itself out as offering or reasonably may be
expected to offer Firm Products or Services or that engages in, holds itself out as engaging in or
reasonably may be expected to engage in Firm Activities). The definition of Covered Enterprise includes,
solely by way of example, any enterprise that offers, holds itself out as offering or reasonably may be
expected to offer any product or service, or engages in, holds itself out as engaging in or reasonably may
be expected to engage in any activity, in any case, associated with investment banking; public or private
finance; lending; financial advisory services; private investing for anyone other than you or your family
members (including, for the avoidance of doubt, any type of proprietary investing or trading); private
wealth management; private banking; consumer or commercial cash management; consumer, digital or
commercial banking; merchant banking; asset, portfolio or hedge fund management; insurance or
reinsurance underwriting or brokerage; property management; or securities, futures, commodities, energy,
derivatives, currency or digital asset brokerage, sales, lending, custody, clearance, settlement or trading.
An enterprise that offers, holds itself out as offering or reasonably may be expected to offer Firm Products
or Services, or engages in, holds itself out as engaging in or reasonably may be expected to engage in
Firm Activities is a Covered Enterprise, irrespective of whether the enterprise is a customer, client or
counterparty of the Firm or is otherwise associated with the Firm and, because the Firm is a global
enterprise, irrespective of where the Covered Enterprise is physically located.
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(e) “Failed to Consider Risk” means that you participated (or otherwise oversaw or were
responsible for, depending on the circumstances, another individual’s participation) in the structuring or
marketing of any product or service, or participated on behalf of the Firm or any of its clients in the
purchase or sale of any security or other property, in any case without appropriate consideration of the
risk to the Firm or the broader financial system as a whole (for example, where you have improperly
analyzed such risk or where you have failed sufficiently to raise concerns about such risk) and, as a result
of such action or omission, the Committee determines there has been, or reasonably could be expected to
be, a material adverse impact on the Firm, your business unit or the broader financial system.
(f) “Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control” means that the Firm terminates your
Employment other than for Cause or you terminate your Employment for Good Reason, in each case,
within 18 months following a Change in Control.
(g) [“Sarbanes-Oxley” means the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, as amended.]
(h) “SEC” means the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
(i) “Selected Firm Personnel” means any individual who is or in the three months preceding
the conduct prohibited by Paragraph 9([a][b])(ii) was (i) a Firm employee or consultant with whom you
personally worked while employed by the Firm, (ii) a Firm employee or consultant who, at any time
during the year preceding the date of the termination of your Employment, worked in the same division in
which you worked or (iii) an Advisory Director, a Managing Director or a Senior Advisor of the Firm.
(j) “Shares at Risk” means RSU Shares subject to Transfer Restrictions.
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The following capitalized terms are used in this Award Agreement with the meanings that are
assigned to them in the Plan.
(a) “Account” means any brokerage account, custody account or similar account, as
approved or required by GS Inc. from time to time, into which shares of Common Stock, cash or other
property in respect of an Award are delivered.
(b) “Award Agreement” means the written document or documents by which each Award is
evidenced, including any related Award Statement and signature card.
(c) “Award Statement” means a written statement that reflects certain Award terms.
(d) “Board” means the Board of Directors of GS Inc.
(e) “Business Day” means any day other than a Saturday, a Sunday or a day on which
banking institutions in New York City are authorized or obligated by Federal law or executive order to be
(f) “Cause” means (i) the Grantee’s conviction, whether following trial or by plea of guilty
or nolo contendere (or similar plea), in a criminal proceeding (A) on a misdemeanor charge involving
fraud, false statements or misleading omissions, wrongful taking, embezzlement, bribery, forgery,
counterfeiting or extortion, or (B) on a felony charge, or (C) on an equivalent charge to those in clauses
(A) and (B) in jurisdictions which do not use those designations, (ii) the Grantee’s engaging in any
conduct which constitutes an employment disqualification under applicable law (including statutory
disqualification as defined under the Exchange Act), (iii) the Grantee’s willful failure to perform the
Grantee’s duties to the Firm, (iv) the Grantee’s violation of any securities or commodities laws, any rules
or regulations issued pursuant to such laws, or the rules and regulations of any securities or commodities
exchange or association of which the Firm is a member, (v) the Grantee’s violation of any Firm policy
concerning hedging or pledging or confidential or proprietary information, or the Grantee’s material
violation of any other Firm policy as in effect from time to time, (vi) the Grantee’s engaging in any act or
making any statement which impairs, impugns, denigrates, disparages or negatively reflects upon the
name, reputation or business interests of the Firm or (vii) the Grantee’s engaging in any conduct
detrimental to the Firm. The determination as to whether Cause has occurred shall be made by the
Committee in its sole discretion and, in such case, the Committee also may, but shall not be required to,
specify the date such Cause occurred (including by determining that a prior termination of Employment
was for Cause). Any rights the Firm may have hereunder and in any Award Agreement in respect of the
events giving rise to Cause shall be in addition to the rights the Firm may have under any other agreement
with a Grantee or at law or in equity.
(g) “Certificate” means a stock certificate (or other appropriate document or evidence of
ownership) representing shares of Common Stock.
(h) “Change in Control” means the consummation of a merger, consolidation, statutory share
exchange or similar form of corporate transaction involving GS Inc. (a “Reorganization”) or sale or other
disposition of all or substantially all of GS Inc.’s assets to an entity that is not an affiliate of GS Inc. (a
“Sale”), that in each case requires the approval of GS Inc.’s shareholders under the law of GS Inc.’s
jurisdiction of organization, whether for such Reorganization or Sale (or the issuance of securities of GS
Inc. in such Reorganization or Sale), unless immediately following such Reorganization or Sale, either:
(i) at least 50% of the total voting power (in respect of the election of directors, or similar officials in the
case of an entity other than a corporation) of (A) the entity resulting from such Reorganization, or the
entity which has acquired all or substantially all of the assets of GS Inc. in a Sale (in either case, the
“Surviving Entity”), or (B) if applicable, the ultimate parent entity that directly or indirectly has beneficial
ownership (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act, as such Rule is in effect on the
date of the adoption of the 1999 SIP) of 50% or more of the total voting power (in respect of the election
of directors, or similar officials in the case of an entity other than a corporation) of the Surviving Entity
(the “Parent Entity”) is represented by GS Inc.’s securities (the “GS Inc. Securities”) that were
outstanding immediately prior to such Reorganization or Sale (or, if applicable, is represented by shares
into which such GS Inc. Securities were converted pursuant to such Reorganization or Sale) or (ii) at least
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50% of the members of the board of directors (or similar officials in the case of an entity other than a
corporation) of the Parent Entity (or, if there is no Parent Entity, the Surviving Entity) following the
consummation of the Reorganization or Sale were, at the time of the Board’s approval of the execution of
the initial agreement providing for such Reorganization or Sale, individuals (the “Incumbent Directors”)
who either (A) were members of the Board on the Effective Date or (B) became directors subsequent to
the Effective Date and whose election or nomination for election was approved by a vote of at least two-
thirds of the Incumbent Directors then on the Board (either by a specific vote or by approval of GS Inc.’s
proxy statement in which such persons are named as nominees for director).
(i) “Client” means any client or prospective client of the Firm to whom the Grantee provided
services, or for whom the Grantee transacted business, or whose identity became known to the Grantee in
connection with the Grantee’s relationship with or employment by the Firm.
(j) “Code” means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time, and the
applicable rulings and regulations thereunder.
(k) “Committee” means the committee appointed by the Board to administer the Plan
pursuant to Section 1.3, and, to the extent the Board determines it is appropriate for the compensation
realized from Awards under the Plan to be considered “performance based” compensation under
Section 162(m) of the Code, shall be a committee or subcommittee of the Board composed of two or
more members, each of whom is an “outside director” within the meaning of Code Section 162(m), and
which, to the extent the Board determines it is appropriate for Awards under the Plan to qualify for the
exemption available under Rule 16b-3(d)(1) or Rule 16b-3(e) promulgated under the Exchange Act, shall
be a committee or subcommittee of the Board composed of two or more members, each of whom is a
“non-employee director” within the meaning of Rule 16b-3. Unless otherwise determined by the Board,
the Committee shall be the Compensation Committee of the Board.
(l) “Common Stock” means common stock of GS Inc., par value $0.01 per share.
(m) “Competitive Enterprise” means an existing or planned business enterprise that (i)
engages, or may reasonably be expected to engage, in any activity; (ii) owns or controls, or may
reasonably be expected to own or control, a significant interest in any entity that engages in any activity
or (iii) is, or may reasonably be expected to be, owned by, or a significant interest in which is, or may
reasonably be expected to be, owned or controlled by, any entity that engages in any activity that, in any
case, competes or will compete anywhere with any activity in which the Firm is engaged. The activities
covered by this definition include, without limitation: financial services such as investment banking;
public or private finance; lending; financial advisory services; private investing for anyone other than the
Grantee and members of the Grantee’s family (including for the avoidance of doubt, any type of
proprietary investing or trading); private wealth management; private banking; consumer or commercial
cash management; consumer, digital or commercial banking; merchant banking; asset, portfolio or hedge
fund management; insurance or reinsurance underwriting or brokerage; property management; or
securities, futures, commodities, energy, derivatives, currency or digital asset brokerage, sales, lending,
custody, clearance, settlement or trading.
(n) “Covered Person” means a member of the Board or the Committee or any employee of
the Firm.
(o) “Date of Grant” means the date specified in the Grantee’s Award Agreement as the date
of grant of the Award.
(p) “Delivery Date” means each date specified in the Grantee’s Award Agreement as a
delivery date, provided, unless the Committee determines otherwise, such date is during a Window Period
or, if such date is not during a Window Period, the first trading day of the first Window Period beginning
after such date.
(q) [“Dividend Equivalent Right” means a dividend equivalent right granted under the Plan,
which represents an unfunded and unsecured promise to pay to the Grantee amounts equal to all or any
- 20 -
portion of the regular cash dividends that would be paid on shares of Common Stock covered by an
Award if such shares had been delivered pursuant to an Award.]
(r) “Effective Date” means the date this Plan is approved by the shareholders of GS Inc.
pursuant to Section 3.15 of the Plan.
(s) “Employment” means the Grantee’s performance of services for the Firm, as determined
by the Committee. The terms “employ” and “employed” shall have their correlative meanings. The
Committee in its sole discretion may determine (i) whether and when a Grantee’s leave of absence results
in a termination of Employment (for this purpose, unless the Committee determines otherwise, a Grantee
shall be treated as terminating Employment with the Firm upon the occurrence of an Extended Absence),
(ii) whether and when a change in a Grantee’s association with the Firm results in a termination of
Employment and (iii) the impact, if any, of any such leave of absence or change in association on Awards
theretofore made. Unless expressly provided otherwise, any references in the Plan or any Award
Agreement to a Grantee’s Employment being terminated shall include both voluntary and involuntary
(t) “Exchange Act” means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended from time to
time, and the applicable rules and regulations thereunder.
(u) “Extended Absence” means the Grantee’s inability to perform for six (6) continuous
months, due to illness, injury or pregnancy-related complications, substantially all the essential duties of
the Grantee’s occupation, as determined by the Committee.
(v) “Firm” means GS Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
(w) “Good Reason” means, in connection with a termination of employment by a Grantee
following a Change in Control, (a) as determined by the Committee, a materially adverse alteration in the
Grantee’s position or in the nature or status of the Grantee’s responsibilities from those in effect
immediately prior to the Change in Control or (b) the Firm’s requiring the Grantee’s principal place of
Employment to be located more than seventy-five (75) miles from the location where the Grantee is
principally Employed at the time of the Change in Control (except for required travel on the Firm’s
business to an extent substantially consistent with the Grantee’s customary business travel obligations in
the ordinary course of business prior to the Change in Control).
(x) “Grantee” means a person who receives an Award.
(y) “GS Inc.” means The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., and any successor thereto.
(z) “1999 SIP” means The Goldman Sachs 1999 Stock Incentive Plan, as in effect prior to
the effective date of the 2003 SIP.
(aa)“Outstanding” means any Award to the extent it has not been forfeited, cancelled,
terminated, exercised or with respect to which the shares of Common Stock underlying the Award have
not been previously delivered or other payments made.
(ab)“Restricted Share” means a share of Common Stock delivered under the Plan that is
subject to Transfer Restrictions, forfeiture provisions and/or other terms and conditions specified herein
and in the Restricted Share Award Agreement or other applicable Award Agreement. All references to
Restricted Shares include “Shares at Risk.”
(ac)“RSU” means a restricted stock unit granted under the Plan, which represents an
unfunded and unsecured promise to deliver shares of Common Stock in accordance with the terms of the
RSU Award Agreement.
(ad)“RSU Shares” means shares of Common Stock that underlie an RSU.
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(ae)“Section 409A” means Section 409A of the Code, including any amendments or
successor provisions to that Section and any regulations and other administrative guidance thereunder, in
each case as they, from time to time, may be amended or interpreted through further administrative
(af) “SIP Administrator” means each person designated by the Committee as a “SIP
Administrator” with the authority to perform day-to-day administrative functions for the Plan.
(ag)“SIP Committee” means the persons who have been delegated certain authority under the
Plan by the Committee.
(ah)“Solicit” means any direct or indirect communication of any kind whatsoever, regardless
of by whom initiated, inviting, advising, suggesting, encouraging or requesting any person or entity, in
any manner, to take or refrain from taking any action. The terms “Solicited,” “Soliciting” and
“Solicitation” will have their correlative meanings.
(ai) “Transfer Restrictions” means restrictions that prohibit the sale, exchange, transfer,
assignment, pledge, hypothecation, fractionalization, hedge or other disposal (including through the use of
any cash-settled instrument), whether voluntarily or involuntarily by the Grantee, of an Award or any
shares of Common Stock, cash or other property delivered in respect of an Award.
(aj) “Transferability Date” means the date Transfer Restrictions on a Restricted Share will be
released. Within 30 Business Days after the applicable Transferability Date, GS Inc. shall take, or shall
cause to be taken, such steps as may be necessary to remove Transfer Restrictions.
(ak)“Vested” means, with respect to an Award, the portion of the Award that is not subject to
a condition that the Grantee remain actively employed by the Firm in order for the Award to remain
Outstanding. The fact that an Award becomes Vested shall not mean or otherwise indicate that the
Grantee has an unconditional or nonforfeitable right to such Award, and such Award shall remain subject
to such terms, conditions and forfeiture provisions as may be provided for in the Plan or in the Award
(al) “Window Period” means a period designated by the Firm during which all employees of
the Firm are permitted to purchase or sell shares of Common Stock (provided that, if the Grantee is a
member of a designated group of employees who are subject to different restrictions, the Window Period
may be a period designated by the Firm during which an employee of the Firm in such designated group
is permitted to purchase or sell shares of Common Stock).
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The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
______Year-End RSU Award
This Award Agreement, together with The Goldman Sachs Amended and Restated Stock Incentive
Plan (2021) (the “Plan”), governs your ____ year-end award of RSUs (your “Award”). You should
read carefully this entire Award Agreement, which includes the Award Statement, any attached
Appendix and the signature card.
1. You Must Decide Whether to Accept this Award Agreement. To be eligible to
receive your Award, you must by the date specified (a) open and activate an Account and (b) agree
to all the terms of your Award by executing the related signature card in accordance with its
instructions. By executing the signature card, you confirm your agreement to all of the terms of
this Award Agreement, including the arbitration and choice of forum provisions in Paragraph 16.
Documents that Govern Your Award; Definitions
2. The Plan. Your Award is granted under the Plan, and the Plan’s terms apply to, and are
a part of, this Award Agreement.
3. Your Award Statement. The Award Statement delivered to you contains some of your
Award’s specific terms. For example, it contains the type and number of RSUs awarded to you and any
applicable Vesting Dates, Delivery Dates and Transferability Dates. [The portion of your RSUs that are
designated on the Award Statement as “____ Year-End Base RSUs” are referred to in this Award
Agreement as “Base RSUs.” The portion of your RSUs that are designated on the Award Statement as
“____ Year-End Additional Base RSUs” are referred to in this Award Agreement as “Additional Base
RSUs.” [The portion of your RSUs that are designated on the Award Statement as “____ Year-End
Supplemental RSUs” are referred to in this Award Agreement as “Supplemental RSUs.”] All references
to RSUs in this Award Agreement include the Base RSUs, the Additional Base RSUs [and the
Supplemental RSUs.]]
4. Definitions. Unless otherwise defined herein, including in the Definitions Appendix or
any other Appendix, capitalized terms have the meanings provided in the Plan.
Vesting of Your RSUs
5. Vesting.
(a) On each Vesting Date listed on your Award Statement, you will become Vested
in the amount and type of RSUs listed next to that date.
(b) When an RSU becomes Vested, it means only that your continued active
Employment is not required for delivery of that portion of RSU Shares. Vesting does not mean
you have a non-forfeitable right to the Vested portion of your Award. The terms of this
Award Agreement (including conditions to delivery and any applicable Transfer
Restrictions) continue to apply to Vested RSUs, and you can still forfeit Vested RSUs and
any RSU Shares.
Delivery of Your RSU Shares
6. Delivery. Reasonably promptly (but no more than 30 Business Days) after each Delivery
Date listed on your Award Statement, RSU Shares (less applicable withholding as described in Paragraph
13(a)) will be delivered (by book entry credit to your Account) in respect of the amount of Outstanding
RSUs listed next to that date. The Committee or the SIP Committee may select multiple dates within the
30-Business-Day period following the Delivery Date to deliver RSU Shares in respect of all or a portion
of the RSUs with the same Delivery Date listed on the Award Statement, and all such dates will be treated
Exhibit 10.41
as a single Delivery Date for purposes of this Award. Until such delivery, you have only the rights of a
general unsecured creditor, and no rights as a shareholder of GS Inc. Without limiting the Committee’s
authority under Section 1.3.2(h) of the Plan, the Firm may accelerate any Delivery Date by up to 30 days.
Transfer Restrictions Following Delivery
7. Transfer Restrictions and Shares at Risk.
(a) ___ percent of the RSU Shares that are delivered on any date will be Shares at
Risk subject to Transfer Restrictions until the [applicable] Transferability Date[, as set forth on
your Award Statement].
(b) Purported Transactions that Violate the Transfer Restrictions Are Void. Any
purported sale, exchange, transfer, assignment, pledge, hypothecation, fractionalization, hedge or
other disposition in violation of the Transfer Restrictions on Shares at Risk will be void.
(c) Removal of Transfer Restrictions. Within 30 Business Days after the applicable
Transferability Date (or any other date on which the Transfer Restrictions are to be removed), GS
Inc. will remove the Transfer Restrictions. The Committee or the SIP Committee may select
multiple dates within such 30-Business-Day period on which to remove Transfer Restrictions for
all or a portion of the Shares at Risk with the same Transferability Date, and all such dates will be
treated as a single Transferability Date for purposes of this Award.
8. [Dividend Equivalent Rights and] Dividends. [Each RSU includes a Dividend
Equivalent Right, which entitles you to receive an amount (less applicable withholding), at or after the
time of distribution of any regular cash dividend paid by GS Inc. in respect of a share of Common Stock,
equal to any regular cash dividend payment that would have been made in respect of an RSU Share
underlying your Outstanding RSUs for any record date that occurs on or after the Date of Grant. In
addition,] [y][Y]ou will be entitled to receive on a current basis any regular cash dividend paid in respect
of your Shares at Risk. [The RSUs do not include Dividend Equivalent Rights.]
Forfeiture of Your Award
9. How You May Forfeit Your Award. This Paragraph 9 sets forth the events that result
in forfeiture of up to all of your RSUs and Shares at Risk and may require repayment to the Firm of up to
all other amounts previously delivered or paid to you under your Award in accordance with Paragraph 10.
More than one event may apply, and in no case will the occurrence of one event limit the forfeiture and
repayment obligations as a result of the occurrence of any other event. In addition, the Firm reserves the
right to (a) suspend vesting of Outstanding RSUs, [payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights,] delivery
of RSU Shares or release of Transfer Restrictions, (b) deliver any RSU Shares[,] [or] dividends [or
payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights] into an escrow account in accordance with Paragraph
13(f)(v) or (c) apply Transfer Restrictions to any RSU Shares in connection with any investigation of
whether any of the events that result in forfeiture under the Plan or this Paragraph 9 have occurred.
Paragraph 11 (relating to certain circumstances under which you will not forfeit your unvested RSUs
upon Employment termination) and Paragraph 12 (relating to certain circumstances under which vesting,
delivery and/or release of Transfer Restrictions may be accelerated) provide for exceptions to one or more
provisions of this Paragraph 9. [[Each of t][T]he [U.K. Material Risk Taker Appendix] [and the] [GSBE
Material Risk Taker Appendix] supplements this Paragraph 9 and sets forth additional events that result in
forfeiture of up to all of your RSUs [and Shares at Risk] and may require repayment to the Firm as
described in Paragraph 10 [and][,] the [U.K. Material Risk Taker Appendix] [and the] [GSBE Material
Risk Taker Appendix].]
(a) Unvested RSUs Forfeited if Your Employment Terminates. If your Employment
terminates for any reason or you are otherwise no longer actively Employed with the Firm (which
includes off-premises notice periods, “garden leaves,” pay in lieu of notice or any other similar
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status), your rights to your Outstanding RSUs that are not Vested will terminate, and no RSU
Shares will be delivered in respect of such RSUs.
(b) Vested and Unvested[ Base and Additional Base] RSUs Forfeited Upon Certain
Events. If any of the following occurs before the applicable Delivery Date, your rights to all of
your Outstanding[ Base and Additional Base] RSUs (whether or not Vested) will terminate, and
no RSU Shares will be delivered in respect of such RSUs:
(i) You Solicit Clients or Employees, Interfere with Client or Employee
Relationships or Participate in the Hiring of Employees. Either:
(A) you, in any manner, directly or indirectly, (1) Solicit any Client
to transact business with a Covered Enterprise or to reduce or refrain from doing any business
with the Firm, (2) interfere with or damage (or attempt to interfere with or damage) any
relationship between the Firm and any Client, (3) Solicit any person who is an employee of the
Firm to resign from the Firm, (4) Solicit any Selected Firm Personnel to apply for or accept
employment (or other association) with any person or entity other than the Firm or (5) participate
in the hiring of any Selected Firm Personnel by any person or entity other than the Firm
(including, without limitation, participating in the identification of individuals for potential hire,
and participating in any hiring decision), whether as an employee or consultant or otherwise, or
(B) Selected Firm Personnel are Solicited, hired or accepted into
partnership, membership or similar status by any entity where you have, or will have, direct or
indirect managerial responsibility for such Selected Firm Personnel, unless the Committee
determines that you were not involved in such Solicitation, hiring or acceptance.
(ii) [GS Inc. Fails to Maintain the Minimum Tier 1 Capital Ratio. GS Inc.
fails to maintain the required “Minimum Tier 1 Capital Ratio” as defined under Federal Reserve
Board Regulations applicable to GS Inc. for a period of 90 consecutive business days.]
(iii) [GS Inc. Is Determined to Be in Default. The Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve or the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (the “FDIC”) makes a written
recommendation under Title II (Orderly Liquidation Authority) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street
Reform and Consumer Protection Act for the appointment of the FDIC as a receiver of GS Inc.
based on a determination that GS Inc. is “in default” or “in danger of default.”]
(c) Vested and Unvested[ Base, Additional Base and Supplemental] RSUs and
Shares at Risk Forfeited upon Certain Events. If any of the following occurs (i) your rights to all
of your Outstanding RSUs (whether or not Vested) will terminate, and no RSU Shares will be
delivered in respect of such RSUs and (ii) your rights to all of your Shares at Risk will terminate
and your Shares at Risk will be cancelled, in each case, as may be further described below:
(i) You Failed to Consider Risk. You Failed to Consider Risk during
(ii) Your Conduct Constitutes Cause. Any event that constitutes Cause
[(including, for the avoidance of doubt, “Serious Misconduct” as defined in the U.K. Material Risk
Taker Appendix)] has occurred before the applicable Delivery Date for RSUs or the applicable
Transferability Date for Shares at Risk.
(iii) You Do Not Meet Your Obligations to the Firm. The Committee
determines that, before the applicable Delivery Date for RSUs or the applicable Transferability
Date for Shares at Risk, you failed to meet, in any respect, any obligation under any agreement
with the Firm, or any agreement entered into in connection with your Employment or this Award,
including the Firm’s notice period requirement applicable to you, any offer letter, employment
agreement or any shareholders’ agreement relating to the Firm. Your failure to pay or reimburse
the Firm, on demand, for any amount you owe to the Firm will constitute (A) failure to meet an
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obligation you have under an agreement, regardless of whether such obligation arises under a
written agreement, and/or (B) a material violation of Firm policy constituting Cause.
(iv) You Do Not Provide Timely Certifications or Comply with Your
Certifications. You fail to certify to GS Inc. that you have complied with all of the terms of the
Plan and this Award Agreement, or the Committee determines that you have failed to comply with
a term of the Plan or this Award Agreement to which you have certified compliance.
(v) You Do Not Follow Dispute Resolution/Arbitration Procedures. You
attempt to have any dispute under the Plan or this Award Agreement resolved in any manner that
is not provided for by Paragraph 16 or Section 3.17 of the Plan, or you attempt to arbitrate a
dispute without first having exhausted your internal administrative remedies in accordance with
Paragraph 13(f)(viii).
(vi) You Bring an Action that Results in a Determination that Any Award
Agreement Term Is Invalid. As a result of any action brought by you, it is determined that any
term of this Award Agreement is invalid.
(vii) You Receive Compensation in Respect of Your Award from Another
Employer. Your Employment terminates for any reason or you otherwise are no longer actively
Employed with the Firm and another entity grants you cash, equity or other property (whether
vested or unvested) to replace, substitute for or otherwise in respect of any Outstanding RSUs or
Shares at Risk; provided, however, that your rights will only be terminated in respect of the RSUs
and Shares at Risk that are replaced, substituted for or otherwise considered by such other entity in
making its grant.
Repayment of Your Award
10. When You May Be Required to Repay Your Award. If the Committee determines
that any term of this Award was not satisfied, you will be required, immediately upon demand therefor, to
repay to the Firm the following:
(a) Any RSU Shares (which, for the avoidance of doubt, includes any Shares at
Risk) for which the terms (including the terms for delivery) of the related RSUs were not
satisfied, in accordance with Section 2.6.3 of the Plan.
(b) Any Shares at Risk for which the terms (including the terms for the release of
Transfer Restrictions) were not satisfied, in accordance with Section 2.5.3 of the Plan.
(c) Any RSU Shares that were delivered (but not subject to Transfer Restrictions) at
the same time any Shares at Risk that are cancelled or required to be repaid were delivered.
(d) [Any payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights for which the terms were not
satisfied (including any such payments made in respect of RSUs that are forfeited or RSU Shares
that are cancelled or required to be repaid), in accordance with Section 2.8.3 of the Plan.]
(e) Any dividends paid in respect of any RSU Shares that are cancelled or required
to be repaid.
(f) Any amount applied to satisfy tax withholding or other obligations with respect
to any RSUs, RSU Shares[,] [and] dividend payments [and payments under Dividend Equivalent
Rights] that are forfeited or required to be repaid.
Exceptions to the Vesting, Delivery and/or Transferability Dates
11. Circumstances Under Which You Will Not Forfeit Your Unvested RSUs on
Employment Termination (but the Original Delivery Date and Transferability Date Continue to
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Apply). If your Employment terminates at a time when you meet the requirements for Extended
Absence, Retirement, “downsizing” or Approved Termination, each as described below, then Paragraph
9(a) will not apply, and your Outstanding RSUs will be treated as described in this Paragraph 11. All
other terms of this Award Agreement, including the other forfeiture and repayment events in Paragraphs 9
and 10, continue to apply.
(a) Extended Absence or Retirement and No Association With a Covered Enterprise.
(i) Generally. If your Employment terminates by Extended Absence or
Retirement, your Outstanding RSUs that are not Vested will become Vested. However, your
rights to any Outstanding RSU that becomes Vested by this Paragraph 11(a)(i) will
terminate and no RSU Share will be delivered in respect of that RSU if you Associate With a
Covered Enterprise on or before the originally scheduled Vesting Date for that RSU.
(ii) Special Treatment for Involuntary or Mutual Agreement Termination.
The second sentence of Paragraph 11(a)(i) (relating to forfeiture if you Associate With a Covered
Enterprise) will not apply if (A) the Firm characterizes your Employment termination as
“involuntary” or by “mutual agreement” (and, in each case, you have not engaged in conduct
constituting Cause) and (B) you execute a general waiver and release of claims and an agreement
to pay any associated tax liability, in each case, in the form the Firm prescribes. No Employment
termination that you initiate, including any purported “constructive termination,” a “termination
for good reason” or similar concepts, can be “involuntary” or by “mutual agreement.”
(b) Downsizing. If (i) the Firm terminates your Employment solely by reason of a
“downsizing” (and you have not engaged in conduct constituting Cause) and (ii) you execute a
general waiver and release of claims and an agreement to pay any associated tax liability, in each
case, in the form the Firm prescribes, your Outstanding RSUs that are not yet Vested will become
Vested. Whether or not your Employment is terminated solely by reason of a “downsizing” will
be determined by the Firm in its sole discretion.
(c) Approved Terminations of Fixed-Term Employees. If the Firm classifies you as
a “fixed-term” employee and your Employment terminates solely by reason of an Approved
Termination (and you have not engaged in conduct constituting Cause), your Outstanding RSUs
that are not yet Vested will become Vested.
12. Accelerated Vesting, Delivery and/or Release of Transfer Restrictions in the Event
of a Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control, Conflicted Employment or Death. In the
event of your Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control, Conflicted Employment or death, each
as described below, then Paragraph 9(a) will not apply, your Outstanding RSUs and Shares at Risk will be
treated as described in this Paragraph 12, and, except as set forth in Paragraph 12(a), all other terms of
this Award Agreement, including the other forfeiture and repayment events in Paragraphs 9 and 10,
continue to apply.
(a) You Have a Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control. If your
Employment terminates when you meet the requirements of a Qualifying Termination After a
Change in Control, the RSU Shares underlying your Outstanding RSUs (whether or not Vested)
will be delivered, and any Transfer Restrictions will cease to apply. In addition, the forfeiture
events in Paragraph 9 will not apply to your Award.
(b) You Are Determined to Have Accepted Conflicted Employment.
(i) Generally. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Plan or
otherwise, for purposes of this Award Agreement, “Conflicted Employment” means your
employment at any U.S. Federal, state or local government, any non-U.S. government, any
supranational or international organization, any self-regulatory organization, or any agency or
instrumentality of any such government or organization, or any other employer (other than an
“Accounting Firm” within the meaning of SEC Rule 2-01(f)(2) of Regulation S-X or any
successor thereto) determined by the Committee, if, as a result of such employment, your
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continued holding of any Outstanding RSUs and Shares at Risk would result in an actual or
perceived conflict of interest. Unless prohibited by applicable law or regulation, the following will
apply as soon as practicable after the Committee has received satisfactory documentation relating
to your Conflicted Employment.
(A) Vesting. If your Employment terminates solely because you
resign to accept Conflicted Employment and you have completed at least three years of
continuous service with the Firm, your Outstanding RSUs will Vest; otherwise, you will forfeit
any Outstanding RSUs that are not Vested in accordance with Paragraph 9(a).
(B) Delivery and Release of Transfer Restrictions. If your
Employment terminates solely because you resign to accept Conflicted Employment or if,
following your termination of Employment, you notify the Firm that you are accepting Conflicted
Employment, RSU Shares will be delivered in respect of your Outstanding Vested RSUs
(including in the form of cash as described in Paragraph 13(b)) and any Transfer Restrictions will
cease to apply.
(ii) You May Have to Take Other Steps to Address Conflicts of Interest.
The Committee retains the authority to exercise its rights under the Award Agreement or the Plan
(including Section 1.3.2 of the Plan) to take or require you to take other steps it determines in its
sole discretion to be necessary or appropriate to cure an actual or perceived conflict of interest
(which may include a determination that the accelerated vesting, delivery and/or release of
Transfer Restrictions described in Paragraph 12(b)(i) will not apply because such actions are not
necessary or appropriate to cure an actual or perceived conflict of interest).
(c) Death. If you die, the RSU Shares underlying your Outstanding RSUs (whether
or not Vested) will be delivered to your Account and any Transfer Restrictions will cease to apply
as soon as practicable after the date of death and after such documentation as may be requested
by the Committee is provided to the Committee.
Other Terms, Conditions and Agreements
13. Additional Terms, Conditions and Agreements.
(a) You Must Satisfy Applicable Tax Withholding Requirements. Delivery of RSU
Shares is conditioned on your satisfaction of any applicable withholding taxes in accordance with
Section 3.2 of the Plan, which includes the Firm deducting or withholding amounts from any
payment or distribution to you. In addition, to the extent permitted by applicable law, the Firm,
in its sole discretion, may require you to provide amounts equal to all or a portion of any Federal,
state, local, foreign or other tax obligations imposed on you or the Firm in connection with the
grant, Vesting or delivery of this Award by requiring you to choose between remitting the amount
(i) in cash (or through payroll deduction or otherwise) or (ii) in the form of proceeds from the
Firm’s executing a sale of RSU Shares delivered to you under this Award. In no event, however,
does this Paragraph 13(a) give you any discretion to determine or affect the timing of the delivery
of RSU Shares or the timing of payment of tax obligations.
(b) Firm May Deliver Cash or Other Property Instead of RSU Shares. In accordance
with Section 1.3.2(i) of the Plan, in the sole discretion of the Committee, in lieu of all or any
portion of the RSU Shares, the Firm may deliver cash, other securities, other awards under the
Plan or other property, and all references in this Award Agreement to deliveries of RSU Shares
will include such deliveries of cash, other securities, other awards under the Plan or other
(c) Amounts May Be Rounded to Avoid Fractional Shares. RSUs that become
Vested on a Vesting Date, RSU Shares that become deliverable on a Delivery Date and RSU
Shares subject to Transfer Restrictions may, in each case, be rounded to avoid fractional Shares.
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(d) You May Be Required to Become a Party to the Shareholders’ Agreement. Your
rights to your RSUs are conditioned on your becoming a party to any shareholders’ agreement to
which other similarly situated employees (e.g., employees with a similar title or position) of the
Firm are required to be a party.
(e) Firm May Affix Legends and Place Stop Orders on Restricted RSU Shares. GS
Inc. may affix to Certificates representing RSU Shares any legend that the Committee determines
to be necessary or advisable (including to reflect any restrictions to which you may be subject
under a separate agreement). GS Inc. may advise the transfer agent to place a stop order against
any legended RSU Shares.
(f) You Agree to Certain Consents, Terms and Conditions. By accepting this Award
you understand and agree that:
(i) You Agree to Certain Consents as a Condition to the Award. You have
expressly consented to all of the items listed in Section 3.3.3(d) of the Plan, including the Firm’s
supplying to any third-party recordkeeper of the Plan or other person such personal information of
yours as the Committee deems advisable to administer the Plan, and you agree to provide any
additional consents that the Committee determines to be necessary or advisable;
(ii) You Are Subject to the Firm’s Policies, Rules and Procedures. You are
subject to the Firm’s policies in effect from time to time concerning trading in RSU Shares and
hedging or pledging RSU Shares and equity-based compensation or other awards (including,
without limitation, the “Firmwide Policy with Respect to Personal Transactions Involving GS
Securities and GS Equity Awards” or any successor policies), and confidential or proprietary
information, and you will effect sales of RSU Shares in accordance with such rules and procedures
as may be adopted from time to time (which may include, without limitation, restrictions relating
to the timing of sale requests, the manner in which sales are executed, pricing method,
consolidation or aggregation of orders and volume limits determined by the Firm);
(iii) You Are Responsible for Costs Associated with Your Award. You will
be responsible for all brokerage costs and other fees or expenses associated with your RSUs,
including those related to the sale of RSU Shares;
(iv) You Will Be Deemed to Represent Your Compliance with All the Terms
of Your Award if You Accept Delivery of, or Sell, RSU Shares. You will be deemed to have
represented and certified that you have complied with all of the terms of the Plan and this Award
Agreement when RSU Shares are delivered to you[, you receive payment in respect of Dividend
Equivalent Rights] and you request the sale of RSU Shares following the release of Transfer
(v) Firm May Deliver Your Award into an Escrow Account. The Firm may
establish and maintain an escrow account on such terms (which may include your executing any
documents related to, and your paying for any costs associated with, such account) as it may deem
necessary or appropriate, and the delivery of RSU Shares (including Shares at Risk) or the
payment of cash (including dividends [and payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights]) or other
property may initially be made into and held in that escrow account until such time as the
Committee has received such documentation as it may have requested or until the Committee has
determined that any other conditions or restrictions on delivery of RSU Shares, cash or other
property required by this Award Agreement have been satisfied;
(vi) You May Be Required to Certify Compliance with Award Terms; You
Are Responsible for Providing the Firm with Updated Address and Contact Information After
Your Departure from the Firm. If your Employment terminates while you continue to hold RSUs
or Shares at Risk, from time to time, you may be required to provide certifications of your
compliance with all of the terms of the Plan and this Award Agreement as described in Paragraph
9(c)(iv). You understand and agree that (A) your address on file with the Firm at the time any
certification is required will be deemed to be your current address, (B) it is your responsibility to
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inform the Firm of any changes to your address to ensure timely receipt of the certification
materials, (C) you are responsible for contacting the Firm to obtain such certification materials if
not received and (D) your failure to return properly completed certification materials by the
specified deadline (which includes your failure to timely return the completed certification because
you did not provide the Firm with updated contact information) will result in the forfeiture of all of
your RSUs and Shares at Risk and subject previously delivered amounts to repayment under
Paragraph 9(c)(iv);
(vii) You Authorize the Firm to Register, in Its or Its Designee’s Name, Any
Shares at Risk and Sell, Assign or Transfer Any Forfeited Shares at Risk. You are granting to the
Firm the full power and authority to register any Shares at Risk in its or its designee’s name and
authorizing the Firm or its designee to sell, assign or transfer any Shares at Risk if you forfeit your
Shares at Risk;
(viii) You Must Comply with Applicable Deadlines and Procedures to Appeal
Determinations Made by the Committee, the SIP Committee or SIP Administrators. If you
disagree with a determination made by the Committee, the SIP Committee, the SIP
Administrators, or any of their delegates or designees and you wish to appeal such determination,
you must submit a written request to the SIP Committee for review within 180 days after the
determination at issue. You must exhaust your internal administrative remedies (i.e., submit your
appeal and wait for resolution of that appeal) before seeking to resolve a dispute through
arbitration pursuant to Paragraph 16 and Section 3.17 of the Plan; and
(ix) You Agree that Covered Persons Will Not Have Liability. In addition to
and without limiting the generality of the provisions of Section 1.3.5 of the Plan, neither the Firm
nor any Covered Person will have any liability to you or any other person for any action taken or
omitted in respect of this or any other Award.
14. Non-transferability. Except as otherwise may be provided in this Paragraph 14 or as
otherwise may be provided by the Committee, the limitations on transferability set forth in Section 3.5 of
the Plan will apply to this Award. Any purported transfer or assignment in violation of the provisions of
this Paragraph 14 or Section 3.5 of the Plan will be void. The Committee may adopt procedures pursuant
to which some or all recipients of RSUs may transfer some or all of their RSUs and/or Shares at Risk
(which will continue to be subject to Transfer Restrictions until the applicable Transferability Date)
through a gift for no consideration to any immediate family member, a trust or other estate planning
vehicle approved by the Committee or SIP Committee in which the recipient and/or the recipient’s
immediate family members in the aggregate have 100% of the beneficial interest.
15. Right of Offset. Except as provided in Paragraph 18([g][h]), the obligation to deliver
RSU Shares, to pay dividends [or payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights] or to remove the Transfer
Restrictions under this Award Agreement is subject to Section 3.4 of the Plan, which provides for the
Firm’s right to offset against such obligation any outstanding amounts you owe to the Firm and any
amounts the Committee deems appropriate pursuant to any tax equalization policy or agreement.
Arbitration, Choice of Forum and Governing Law
16. Arbitration; Choice of Forum.
(a) By accepting this award, you are indicating that you understand and agree
that the arbitration and choice of forum provisions set forth in Section 3.17 of the Plan will
apply to this Award. These provisions, which are expressly incorporated herein by
reference, provide among other things that any dispute, controversy or claim between the
Firm and you arising out of or relating to or concerning the Plan or this Award Agreement
will be finally settled by arbitration in New York City, pursuant to the terms more fully set
forth in Section 3.17 of the Plan; provided that nothing herein shall preclude you from filing
a charge with or participating in any investigation or proceeding conducted by any
governmental authority, including but not limited to the SEC, the Equal Employment
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Opportunity Commission and a state or local human rights agency, as well as law
(b) To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, no arbitrator will have the
authority to consider class, collective or representative claims, to order consolidation or to join
different claimants or grant relief other than on an individual basis to the individual claimant
(c) Notwithstanding any applicable forum rules to the contrary, to the extent there is
a question of enforceability of this Award Agreement arising from a challenge to the arbitrator’s
jurisdiction or to the arbitrability of a claim, it will be decided by a court and not an arbitrator.
(d) The Federal Arbitration Act governs interpretation and enforcement of all
arbitration provisions under the Plan and this Award Agreement, and all arbitration proceedings
(e) Nothing in this Award Agreement creates a substantive right to bring a claim
under U.S. Federal, state, or local employment laws.
(f) By accepting your Award, you irrevocably appoint each General Counsel of GS
Inc., or any person whom the General Counsel of GS Inc. designates, as your agent for service of
process in connection with any suit, action or proceeding arising out of or relating to or
concerning the Plan or any Award which is not arbitrated pursuant to the provisions of Section
3.17.1 of the Plan, who shall promptly advise you of any such service of process.
(g) To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, no arbitrator will have the
authority to consider any claim as to which you have not first exhausted your internal
administrative remedies in accordance with Paragraph 13(f)(viii).
17. Governing Law. This Award will be governed by and construed in accordance with
the laws of the State of New York, without regard to principles of conflict of laws.
Certain Tax Provisions
18. Compliance of Award Agreement and Plan with Section 409A. The provisions of this
Paragraph 18 apply to you only if you are a U.S. taxpayer.
(a) This Award Agreement and the Plan provisions that apply to this Award are
intended and will be construed to comply with Section 409A (including the requirements
applicable to, or the conditions for exemption from treatment as, 409A Deferred Compensation),
whether by reason of short-term deferral treatment or other exceptions or provisions. The
Committee will have full authority to give effect to this intent. To the extent necessary to give
effect to this intent, in the case of any conflict or potential inconsistency between the provisions
of the Plan (including Sections 1.3.2 and 2.1 thereof) and this Award Agreement, the provisions
of this Award Agreement will govern, and in the case of any conflict or potential inconsistency
between this Paragraph 18 and the other provisions of this Award Agreement, this Paragraph 18
will govern.
(b) Delivery of RSU Shares will not be delayed beyond the date on which all
applicable conditions or restrictions on delivery of RSU Shares required by this Agreement
(including those specified in Paragraphs 6, 7, 11(a)(ii), 11(b), 12(c) and 13 and the consents and
other items specified in Section 3.3 of the Plan) are satisfied. To the extent that any portion of
this Award is intended to satisfy the requirements for short-term deferral treatment under Section
409A, delivery for such portion will occur by the March 15 coinciding with the last day of the
applicable “short-term deferral” period described in Reg. 1.409A-1(b)(4) in order for the delivery
of RSU Shares to be within the short-term deferral exception unless, in order to permit all
applicable conditions or restrictions on delivery to be satisfied, the Committee elects, pursuant to
Reg. 1.409A-1(b)(4)(i)(D) or otherwise as may be permitted in accordance with Section 409A, to
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delay delivery of RSU Shares to a later date within the same calendar year or to such later date as
may be permitted under Section 409A, including Reg. 1.409A-3(d). For the avoidance of doubt,
if the Award includes a “series of installment payments” as described in Reg. 1.409A-2(b)(2)(iii),
your right to the series of installment payments will be treated as a right to a series of separate
payments and not as a right to a single payment.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 13(b) and Section 1.3.2(i) of the
Plan, to the extent necessary to comply with Section 409A, any securities, other Awards or other
property that the Firm may deliver in respect of your RSUs will not have the effect of deferring
delivery or payment, income inclusion, or a substantial risk of forfeiture, beyond the date on
which such delivery, payment or inclusion would occur or such risk of forfeiture would lapse,
with respect to the RSU Shares that would otherwise have been deliverable (unless the
Committee elects a later date for this purpose pursuant to Reg. 1.409A-1(b)(4)(i)(D) or otherwise
as may be permitted under Section 409A, including and to the extent applicable, the subsequent
election provisions of Section 409A(a)(4)(C) of the Code and Reg. 1.409A-2(b)).
(d) Notwithstanding the timing provisions of Paragraph 12(c), the delivery of RSU
Shares referred to therein will be made after the date of death and during the calendar year that
includes the date of death (or on such later date as may be permitted under Section 409A).
(e) The timing of delivery or payment pursuant to Paragraph 12(a) will occur on the
earlier of (i) the Delivery Date or (ii) a date that is within the calendar year in which the
termination of Employment occurs; provided, however, that, if you are a “specified employee” (as
defined by the Firm in accordance with Section 409A(a)(2)(i)(B) of the Code), delivery will occur
on the earlier of the Delivery Date or (to the extent required to avoid the imposition of additional
tax under Section 409A) the date that is six months after your termination of Employment (or, if
the latter date is not during a Window Period, the first trading day of the next Window Period).
For purposes of Paragraph 12(a), references in this Award Agreement to termination of
Employment mean a termination of Employment from the Firm (as defined by the Firm) which is
also a separation from service (as defined by the Firm in accordance with Section 409A).
(f) [Notwithstanding any provision of Paragraph 8 or Section 2.8.2 of the Plan to the
contrary, the Dividend Equivalent Rights with respect to each of your Outstanding RSUs will be
paid to you within the calendar year that includes the date of distribution of any corresponding
regular cash dividends paid by GS Inc. in respect of a share of Common Stock the record date for
which occurs on or after the Date of Grant. The payment will be in an amount (less applicable
withholding) equal to such regular dividend payment as would have been made in respect of the
RSU Shares underlying such Outstanding RSUs.]
(g) The timing of delivery or payment referred to in Paragraph 12(b)(i) will be the
earlier of (i) the Delivery Date or (ii) a date that is within the calendar year in which the
Committee receives satisfactory documentation relating to your Conflicted Employment,
provided that such delivery or payment will be made, and any Committee action referred to in
Paragraph 12(b)(ii) will be taken, only at such time as, and if and to the extent that it, as
reasonably determined by the Firm, would not result in the imposition of any additional tax to
you under Section 409A.
(h) Paragraph 15 and Section 3.4 of the Plan will not apply to Awards that are 409A
Deferred Compensation except to the extent permitted under Section 409A.
(i) Delivery of RSU Shares in respect of any Award may be made, if and to the
extent elected by the Committee, later than the Delivery Date or other date or period specified
hereinabove (but, in the case of any Award that constitutes 409A Deferred Compensation, only to
the extent that the later delivery is permitted under Section 409A).
(j) You understand and agree that you are solely responsible for the payment of any
taxes and penalties due pursuant to Section 409A, but in no event will you be permitted to
designate, directly or indirectly, the taxable year of the delivery.
- 10 -
Committee Authority, Amendment, Construction and Regulatory Reporting
19. Committee Authority. The Committee has the authority to determine, in its sole
discretion, that any event triggering forfeiture or repayment of your Award will not apply, to limit the
forfeitures and repayments that result under Paragraphs 9 and 10 and to remove Transfer Restrictions
before the applicable Transferability Date. In addition, the Committee, in its sole discretion, may
determine whether Paragraphs 11(a)(ii) and 11(b) will apply upon a termination of Employment and
whether a termination of Employment constitutes an Approved Termination under Paragraph 11(c).
20. Amendment. The Committee reserves the right at any time to amend the terms of this
Award Agreement, and the Board may amend the Plan in any respect; provided that, notwithstanding the
foregoing and Sections 1.3.2(f), 1.3.2(h) and 3.1 of the Plan, no such amendment will materially
adversely affect your rights and obligations under this Award Agreement without your consent; and
provided further that the Committee expressly reserves its rights to amend the Award Agreement and the
Plan as described in Sections 1.3.2(h)(1), (2) and (4) of the Plan. A modification that impacts the tax
consequences of this Award or the timing of delivery of RSU Shares will not be an amendment that
materially adversely affects your rights and obligations under this Award Agreement. Any amendment of
this Award Agreement will be in writing.
21. Construction, Headings. Unless the context requires otherwise, (a) words describing
the singular number include the plural and vice versa, (b) words denoting any gender include all genders
and (c) the words “include,” “includes” and “including” will be deemed to be followed by the words
“without limitation.” The headings in this Award Agreement are for the purpose of convenience only and
are not intended to define or limit the construction of the provisions hereof. References in this Award
Agreement to any specific Plan provision will not be construed as limiting the applicability of any other
Plan provision.
22. Providing Information to the Appropriate Authorities. In accordance with applicable
law, nothing in this Award Agreement (including the forfeiture and repayment provisions in Paragraphs 9
and 10) or the Plan prevents you from providing information you reasonably believe to be true to the
appropriate governmental authority, including a regulatory, judicial, administrative, or other
governmental entity; reporting possible violations of law or regulation; making other disclosures that are
protected under any applicable law or regulation; or filing a charge or participating in any investigation or
proceeding conducted by a governmental authority. For the avoidance of doubt, governmental authority
includes federal, state and local government agencies such as the SEC, the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission and any state or local human rights agency (e.g., the New York State Division
of Human Rights, the New York City Commission on Human Rights, the California Department of Fair
Employment and Housing), as well as law enforcement.
- 11 -
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, GS Inc. has caused this Award Agreement to be duly executed and
delivered as of the Date of Grant.
- 12 -
[U.K. Material Risk Taker Appendix
This Appendix supplements Paragraph 9 and sets forth additional events that result in forfeiture of up to
all of your RSUs and Shares at Risk and may require repayment to the Firm of up to all other amounts
previously delivered or paid to you under your Award in accordance with Paragraph 10. As with the
events described in Paragraph 9, more than one event may apply, in no case will the occurrence of one
event limit the forfeiture and repayment obligations as a result of the occurrence of any other event and
the Firm reserves the right to (a) suspend vesting of Outstanding RSUs, delivery of RSU Shares or release
of Transfer Restrictions, (b) deliver any RSU Shares or dividends into an escrow account in accordance
with Paragraph 13(f)(v) or (c) apply Transfer Restrictions to any RSU Shares in connection with any
investigation of whether any of the events that result in forfeiture under this Appendix have occurred.
With respect to the events described in this Appendix, the Committee will consider certain factors to
determine whether and what portion of your Award will terminate, including the reason for the “Loss
Event” (as defined below) or “Risk Event” (as defined below) and the extent to which: (1) you
participated in the Loss Event or Risk Event, (2) your compensation for ________ may or may not have
been adjusted to take into account the risk associated with the Loss Event, Risk Event, your “Serious
Misconduct” (as defined below) or the Serious Misconduct of a “Supervised Employee” (as defined
below) and (3) your compensation may be adjusted for the year in which the Loss Event, Risk Event, your
Serious Misconduct or a Supervised Employee’s Serious Misconduct is discovered.
[Paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this Appendix apply to your Base RSUs, Additional Base RSUs and
Supplemental RSUs. Paragraph (d) of this Appendix applies to your Base RSUs and Additional Base
RSUs only and does not apply to your Supplemental RSUs.]
(a) A Loss Event Occurs Prior to Delivery. If a Loss Event occurs prior to the
delivery of RSU Shares, your rights in respect of all or a portion of your RSUs (whether or not
Vested) which are scheduled to deliver on the next Delivery Date immediately following the date
that the Loss Event is identified (or, if not practicable, then the next following Delivery Date) will
terminate, and no RSU Shares will be delivered in respect of such RSUs.
(i) A Loss Event means (A) an annual pre-tax loss at GS Inc. or (B)
annual negative revenues in one or more reporting segments as disclosed in the Firm’s Form 10-
K other than the Asset & Wealth Management segment (or any successor or equivalent segment
or sub-segment as determined by the Firm), or annual negative revenues in the Asset & Wealth
Management segment (or any successor or equivalent segment or sub-segment as determined by
the Firm) of $5 billion or more, provided in either case that you are employed in a business within
such reporting segment.
(b) A Risk Event Occurs _ . If a Risk Event occurs ________,
(i) your rights in respect of all or a portion of your RSUs (whether or not Vested) will terminate
and no RSU Shares will be delivered in respect of such RSUs, (ii) your rights to all or a portion of
any Shares at Risk will terminate and such Shares at Risk will be cancelled and (iii) you will be
obligated immediately upon demand therefor to pay the Firm an amount not in excess of the
greater of the Fair Market Value of the RSU Shares (plus any dividend payments) delivered in
respect of the Award (without reduction for any amount applied to satisfy tax withholding or
other obligations) determined as of (A) the date the Risk Event occurred and (B) the date that the
repayment request is made.
(i) A Risk Eventmeans there occurs a loss of 5% or more of firmwide
total capital from a reportable operational risk event determined in accordance with the firmwide
Reporting and Operational Risk Events Policy (or any successor policy).
(c) You Engage in Serious Misconduct . If you engage in
Serious Misconduct ____________________, you will be obligated immediately upon demand
therefor to pay the Firm an amount not in excess of the greater of the Fair Market Value of the
RSU Shares (plus any dividend payments) delivered in respect of the Award (without reduction
- 13 -
for any amount applied to satisfy tax withholding or other obligations) determined as of (i) the
date the Serious Misconduct occurred and (ii) the date that the repayment request is made.
(i) Serious Misconductmeans that you engage in conduct that the Firm
reasonably considers, in its sole discretion, to be misconduct sufficient to justify summary
termination of employment under English law.
(d) A Supervised Employee Engages in Serious Misconduct. If the Committee
determines that it is appropriate to hold you accountable in whole or in part for Serious
Misconduct related to compliance, control or risk that occurred during ________ by a Supervised
Employee, your rights in respect of all or a portion of your RSUs (whether or not Vested) will
terminate and no RSU Shares will be delivered in respect of such RSUs and your rights to all or a
portion of any Shares at Risk will terminate and such Shares at Risk will be cancelled.
(i) Supervised Employeemeans an individual with respect to whom the
Committee determines you had supervisory responsibility as a result of direct or indirect
reporting lines or your management responsibility for an office, division or business.
Notwithstanding any provision in the Plan, this Award Agreement or any other agreement or arrangement
you may have with the Firm, the parties agree that to the extent that there is any dispute arising out of or
relating to the payment required by Paragraphs (b) and (c) of this Appendix (including your refusal to
remit payment) the parties will submit to arbitration in accordance with Paragraph 16 of this Award
Agreement and Section 3.17 of the Plan as the sole means of resolution of such dispute (including the
recovery by the Firm of the payment amount).]
- 14 -
[GSBE Material Risk Taker Appendix
This Appendix supplements Paragraph 9 and sets forth additional events that result in forfeiture of up to
all of your RSUs and Shares at Risk and may require repayment to the Firm of up to all other amounts
previously delivered or paid to you under your Award in accordance with Paragraph 10. As with the
events described in Paragraph 9, more than one event may apply, in no case will the occurrence of one
event limit the forfeiture and repayment obligations as a result of the occurrence of any other event and
the Firm reserves the right to (a) suspend vesting of Outstanding RSUs, delivery of RSU Shares or release
of Transfer Restrictions, (b) deliver any RSU Shares or dividends into an escrow account in accordance
with Paragraph 13(f)(v) or (c) apply Transfer Restrictions to any RSU Shares in connection with any
investigation of whether any of the events that result in forfeiture under this Appendix have occurred.
With respect to the events described in this Appendix, the Committee will consider certain factors to
determine whether and what portion of your Award will terminate, including the reason for the
“Adjustment Event” (as defined below).
Notwithstanding any provision in the Plan, this Award Agreement or any other agreement or arrangement
you may have with the Firm, the parties agree that to the extent that there is any dispute arising out of or
relating to the payment required by this Appendix (including your refusal to remit payment) the parties
will submit to arbitration in accordance with Paragraph 16 of this Award Agreement and Section 3.17 of
the Plan as the sole means of resolution of such dispute (including the recovery by the Firm of the
payment amount).
(a) An Adjustment Event Occurs ____________. If an “Adjustment Event” (as defined
below) occurs _______________, (i) your rights in respect of all or a portion of your RSUs (whether or
not Vested) will terminate and no RSU Shares will be delivered in respect of such RSUs, (ii) your rights
to all or a portion of any Shares at Risk will terminate and such Shares at Risk will be cancelled, and (iii)
you will be obligated immediately upon demand therefor to pay the Firm an amount not in excess of the
greater of the Fair Market Value of the RSU Shares (plus any dividend payments) delivered in respect of
the Award (without reduction for any amount applied to satisfy tax withholding or other obligations)
determined as of (A) the date the Adjustment Event occurred and (B) the date that the repayment request
is made.
(i) Adjustment Event” means that one of the following has occurred:
A. you significantly contributed to, or were responsible for, any conduct that
resulted in a loss of 0.75% or more of the total capital of GS Inc.;
B. a material regulatory sanction for the Firm comprising one or more of
the following:
1. a moratorium pursuant to sec. 46g of the German Banking Act,
2. a measure in case of danger pursuant to sec. 46 of the German
Banking Act,
3. the revocation of appointment of a manager pursuant to sec. 36
German Banking Act,
4. a fine pursuant to sec. 56 of the German Banking Act or a
threatened penalty payment, if the fine or penalty payment
amounts to 0.75% or more of the total capital of GS Inc.,
5. the cancellation of the banking permit pursuant to sec. 35 of the
German Banking Act,
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6. an order to increase the capital requirements Goldman Sachs
Bank Europe SE (GSBE) by at least 0.5% pursuant to sec. 10 of
the German Banking Act,
7. a measure in case of organizational deficiencies,
8. a comparable regulatory order, or
9. a material supervisory measure; or
C. you acted in serious violation of relevant external or internal rules with
respect to suitability and conduct, provided that a violation is considered serious if it
suitable to justify a termination of employment for cause pursuant to sec. 626 German
Civil Code or a termination of employment for misconduct pursuant to sec. 1 German
Termination Protection Act.
The determination as to whether an Adjustment Event has occurred shall be made by the Committee in its
sole discretion.]
- 16 -
Definitions Appendix
The following capitalized terms are used in this Award Agreement with the following meanings:
(a) “409A Deferred Compensation” means a “deferral of compensation” or “deferred
compensation” as those terms are defined in the regulations under Section 409A.
(b) “Approved Termination” means that you are classified by the Firm as a “fixed-term
employee” and you (i) successfully complete the fixed-term engagement, as applicable and determined by
the Firm in its sole discretion, including remaining Employed through the completion date specified by
the Firm, and (ii) terminate Employment immediately after the completion date without any “stay-on” or
other agreement or understanding to continue Employment with the Firm. If you agree to stay with the
Firm as an employee after your fixed-term engagement ends and then later terminate Employment, you
will not have an Approved Termination.
(c) “Associate With a Covered Enterprise” means that you (i) form, or acquire a 5% or
greater equity ownership, voting or profit participation interest in, any Covered Enterprise or (ii) associate
in any capacity (including association as an officer, employee, partner, director, consultant, agent or
advisor) with any Covered Enterprise. Associate With a Covered Enterprise may include, as determined
in the discretion of either the Committee or the SIP Committee, (i) becoming the subject of any publicly
available announcement or report of a pending or future association with a Covered Enterprise and (ii)
unpaid associations, including an association in contemplation of future employment. “Association With
a Covered Enterprise” will have its correlative meaning.
(d) “Conflicted Employment” means your employment at any U.S. Federal, state or local
government, any non-U.S. government, any supranational or international organization, any self-
regulatory organization, or any agency or instrumentality of any such government or organization, or any
other employer (other than an “Accounting Firm” within the meaning of SEC Rule 2-01(f)(2) of
Regulation S-X or any successor thereto) determined by the Committee, if, as a result of such
employment, your continued holding of any Outstanding RSUs and Shares at Risk would result in an
actual or perceived conflict of interest.
(e) “Covered Enterprise” means a Competitive Enterprise and any other existing or planned
business enterprise that: (i) offers, holds itself out as offering or reasonably may be expected to offer
products or services that are the same as or similar to those offered by the Firm or that the Firm
reasonably expects to offer (“Firm Products or Services”) or (ii) engages in, holds itself out as engaging in
or reasonably may be expected to engage in any other activity that is the same as or similar to any
financial activity engaged in by the Firm or in which the Firm reasonably expects to engage (“Firm
Activities”). For the avoidance of doubt, Firm Activities include any activity that requires the same or
similar skills as any financial activity engaged in by the Firm or in which the Firm reasonably expects to
engage, irrespective of whether any such financial activity is in furtherance of an advisory, agency,
proprietary or fiduciary undertaking.
The enterprises covered by this definition include enterprises that offer, hold themselves out
as offering or reasonably may be expected to offer Firm Products or Services, or engage in, hold
themselves out as engaging in or reasonably may be expected to engage in Firm Activities directly, as
well as those that do so indirectly by ownership or control (e.g., by owning, being owned by or by being
under common ownership with an enterprise that offers, holds itself out as offering or reasonably may be
expected to offer Firm Products or Services or that engages in, holds itself out as engaging in or
reasonably may be expected to engage in Firm Activities). The definition of Covered Enterprise includes,
solely by way of example, any enterprise that offers, holds itself out as offering or reasonably may be
expected to offer any product or service, or engages in, holds itself out as engaging in or reasonably may
be expected to engage in any activity, in any case, associated with investment banking; public or private
finance; lending; financial advisory services; private investing for anyone other than you or your family
members (including, for the avoidance of doubt, any type of proprietary investing or trading); private
wealth management; private banking; consumer or commercial cash management; consumer, digital or
commercial banking; merchant banking; asset, portfolio or hedge fund management; insurance or
reinsurance underwriting or brokerage; property management; or securities, futures, commodities, energy,
- 17 -
derivatives, currency or digital asset brokerage, sales, lending, custody, clearance, settlement or trading.
An enterprise that offers, holds itself out as offering or reasonably may be expected to offer Firm Products
or Services, or engages in, holds itself out as engaging in or reasonably may be expected to engage in
Firm Activities is a Covered Enterprise, irrespective of whether the enterprise is a customer, client or
counterparty of the Firm or is otherwise associated with the Firm and, because the Firm is a global
enterprise, irrespective of where the Covered Enterprise is physically located.
(f) “Failed to Consider Risk” means that you participated (or otherwise oversaw or were
responsible for, depending on the circumstances, another individual’s participation) in the structuring or
marketing of any product or service, or participated on behalf of the Firm or any of its clients in the
purchase or sale of any security or other property, in any case without appropriate consideration of the
risk to the Firm or the broader financial system as a whole (for example, where you have improperly
analyzed such risk or where you have failed sufficiently to raise concerns about such risk) and, as a result
of such action or omission, the Committee determines there has been, or reasonably could be expected to
be, a material adverse impact on the Firm, your business unit or the broader financial system.
(g) “Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control” means that the Firm terminates your
Employment other than for Cause or you terminate your Employment for Good Reason, in each case,
within 18 months following a Change in Control.
(h) “SEC” means the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
(i) “Selected Firm Personnel” means any individual who is or in the three months preceding
the conduct prohibited by Paragraph 9(b)(i) was (i) a Firm employee or consultant with whom you
personally worked while employed by the Firm, (ii) a Firm employee or consultant who, at any time
during the year preceding the date of the termination of your Employment, worked in the same division in
which you worked or (iii) an Advisory Director, a Managing Director or a Senior Advisor of the Firm.
(j) “Shares at Risk” means RSU Shares subject to Transfer Restrictions.
- 18 -
The following capitalized terms are used in this Award Agreement with the meanings that are
assigned to them in the Plan.
(a) “Account” means any brokerage account, custody account or similar account, as
approved or required by GS Inc. from time to time, into which shares of Common Stock, cash or other
property in respect of an Award are delivered.
(b) “Award Agreement” means the written document or documents by which each Award is
evidenced, including any related Award Statement and signature card.
(c) “Award Statement” means a written statement that reflects certain Award terms.
(d) “Board” means the Board of Directors of GS Inc.
(e) “Business Day” means any day other than a Saturday, a Sunday or a day on which
banking institutions in New York City are authorized or obligated by Federal law or executive order to be
(f) “Cause” means (i) the Grantee’s conviction, whether following trial or by plea of guilty
or nolo contendere (or similar plea), in a criminal proceeding (A) on a misdemeanor charge involving
fraud, false statements or misleading omissions, wrongful taking, embezzlement, bribery, forgery,
counterfeiting or extortion, or (B) on a felony charge, or (C) on an equivalent charge to those in clauses
(A) and (B) in jurisdictions which do not use those designations, (ii) the Grantee’s engaging in any
conduct which constitutes an employment disqualification under applicable law (including statutory
disqualification as defined under the Exchange Act), (iii) the Grantee’s willful failure to perform the
Grantee’s duties to the Firm, (iv) the Grantee’s violation of any securities or commodities laws, any rules
or regulations issued pursuant to such laws, or the rules and regulations of any securities or commodities
exchange or association of which the Firm is a member, (v) the Grantee’s violation of any Firm policy
concerning hedging or pledging or confidential or proprietary information, or the Grantee’s material
violation of any other Firm policy as in effect from time to time, (vi) the Grantee’s engaging in any act or
making any statement which impairs, impugns, denigrates, disparages or negatively reflects upon the
name, reputation or business interests of the Firm or (vii) the Grantee’s engaging in any conduct
detrimental to the Firm. The determination as to whether Cause has occurred shall be made by the
Committee in its sole discretion and, in such case, the Committee also may, but shall not be required to,
specify the date such Cause occurred (including by determining that a prior termination of Employment
was for Cause). Any rights the Firm may have hereunder and in any Award Agreement in respect of the
events giving rise to Cause shall be in addition to the rights the Firm may have under any other agreement
with a Grantee or at law or in equity.
(g) “Certificate” means a stock certificate (or other appropriate document or evidence of
ownership) representing shares of Common Stock.
(h) “Change in Control” means the consummation of a merger, consolidation, statutory share
exchange or similar form of corporate transaction involving GS Inc. (a “Reorganization”) or sale or other
disposition of all or substantially all of GS Inc.’s assets to an entity that is not an affiliate of GS Inc. (a
“Sale”), that in each case requires the approval of GS Inc.’s shareholders under the law of GS Inc.’s
jurisdiction of organization, whether for such Reorganization or Sale (or the issuance of securities of GS
Inc. in such Reorganization or Sale), unless immediately following such Reorganization or Sale, either:
(i) at least 50% of the total voting power (in respect of the election of directors, or similar officials in the
case of an entity other than a corporation) of (A) the entity resulting from such Reorganization, or the
entity which has acquired all or substantially all of the assets of GS Inc. in a Sale (in either case, the
“Surviving Entity”), or (B) if applicable, the ultimate parent entity that directly or indirectly has beneficial
ownership (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act, as such Rule is in effect on the
date of the adoption of the 1999 SIP) of 50% or more of the total voting power (in respect of the election
of directors, or similar officials in the case of an entity other than a corporation) of the Surviving Entity
(the “Parent Entity”) is represented by GS Inc.’s securities (the “GS Inc. Securities”) that were
outstanding immediately prior to such Reorganization or Sale (or, if applicable, is represented by shares
into which such GS Inc. Securities were converted pursuant to such Reorganization or Sale) or (ii) at least
- 19 -
50% of the members of the board of directors (or similar officials in the case of an entity other than a
corporation) of the Parent Entity (or, if there is no Parent Entity, the Surviving Entity) following the
consummation of the Reorganization or Sale were, at the time of the Board’s approval of the execution of
the initial agreement providing for such Reorganization or Sale, individuals (the “Incumbent Directors”)
who either (A) were members of the Board on the Effective Date or (B) became directors subsequent to
the Effective Date and whose election or nomination for election was approved by a vote of at least two-
thirds of the Incumbent Directors then on the Board (either by a specific vote or by approval of GS Inc.’s
proxy statement in which such persons are named as nominees for director).
(i) “Client” means any client or prospective client of the Firm to whom the Grantee provided
services, or for whom the Grantee transacted business, or whose identity became known to the Grantee in
connection with the Grantee’s relationship with or employment by the Firm.
(j) “Code” means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time, and the
applicable rulings and regulations thereunder.
(k) “Committee” means the committee appointed by the Board to administer the Plan
pursuant to Section 1.3, and, to the extent the Board determines it is appropriate for the compensation
realized from Awards under the Plan to be considered “performance based” compensation under
Section 162(m) of the Code, shall be a committee or subcommittee of the Board composed of two or
more members, each of whom is an “outside director” within the meaning of Code Section 162(m), and
which, to the extent the Board determines it is appropriate for Awards under the Plan to qualify for the
exemption available under Rule 16b-3(d)(1) or Rule 16b-3(e) promulgated under the Exchange Act, shall
be a committee or subcommittee of the Board composed of two or more members, each of whom is a
“non-employee director” within the meaning of Rule 16b-3. Unless otherwise determined by the Board,
the Committee shall be the Compensation Committee of the Board.
(l) “Common Stock” means common stock of GS Inc., par value $0.01 per share.
(m) “Competitive Enterprise” means an existing or planned business enterprise that (i)
engages, or may reasonably be expected to engage, in any activity; (ii) owns or controls, or may
reasonably be expected to own or control, a significant interest in any entity that engages in any activity
or (iii) is, or may reasonably be expected to be, owned by, or a significant interest in which is, or may
reasonably be expected to be, owned or controlled by, any entity that engages in any activity that, in any
case, competes or will compete anywhere with any activity in which the Firm is engaged. The activities
covered by this definition include, without limitation: financial services such as investment banking;
public or private finance; lending; financial advisory services; private investing for anyone other than the
Grantee and members of the Grantee’s family (including for the avoidance of doubt, any type of
proprietary investing or trading); private wealth management; private banking; consumer or commercial
cash management; consumer, digital or commercial banking; merchant banking; asset, portfolio or hedge
fund management; insurance or reinsurance underwriting or brokerage; property management; or
securities, futures, commodities, energy, derivatives, currency or digital asset brokerage, sales, lending,
custody, clearance, settlement or trading.
(n) “Covered Person” means a member of the Board or the Committee or any employee of
the Firm.
(o) “Date of Grant” means the date specified in the Grantee’s Award Agreement as the date
of grant of the Award.
(p) “Delivery Date” means each date specified in the Grantee’s Award Agreement as a
delivery date, provided, unless the Committee determines otherwise, such date is during a Window Period
or, if such date is not during a Window Period, the first trading day of the first Window Period beginning
after such date.
(q) “Dividend Equivalent Rightmeans a dividend equivalent right granted under the Plan,
which represents an unfunded and unsecured promise to pay to the Grantee amounts equal to all or any
- 20 -
portion of the regular cash dividends that would be paid on shares of Common Stock covered by an
Award if such shares had been delivered pursuant to an Award.
(r) “Effective Date” means the date this Plan is approved by the shareholders of GS Inc.
pursuant to Section 3.15 of the Plan.
(s) “Employment” means the Grantee’s performance of services for the Firm, as determined
by the Committee. The terms “employ” and “employed” shall have their correlative meanings. The
Committee in its sole discretion may determine (i) whether and when a Grantee’s leave of absence results
in a termination of Employment (for this purpose, unless the Committee determines otherwise, a Grantee
shall be treated as terminating Employment with the Firm upon the occurrence of an Extended Absence),
(ii) whether and when a change in a Grantee’s association with the Firm results in a termination of
Employment and (iii) the impact, if any, of any such leave of absence or change in association on Awards
theretofore made. Unless expressly provided otherwise, any references in the Plan or any Award
Agreement to a Grantee’s Employment being terminated shall include both voluntary and involuntary
(t) “Exchange Act” means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended from time to
time, and the applicable rules and regulations thereunder.
(u) “Extended Absence” means the Grantee’s inability to perform for six (6) continuous
months, due to illness, injury or pregnancy-related complications, substantially all the essential duties of
the Grantee’s occupation, as determined by the Committee.
(v) “Firm” means GS Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
(w) “Good Reason” means, in connection with a termination of employment by a Grantee
following a Change in Control, (a) as determined by the Committee, a materially adverse alteration in the
Grantee’s position or in the nature or status of the Grantee’s responsibilities from those in effect
immediately prior to the Change in Control or (b) the Firm’s requiring the Grantee’s principal place of
Employment to be located more than seventy-five (75) miles from the location where the Grantee is
principally Employed at the time of the Change in Control (except for required travel on the Firm’s
business to an extent substantially consistent with the Grantee’s customary business travel obligations in
the ordinary course of business prior to the Change in Control).
(x) “Grantee” means a person who receives an Award.
(y) “GS Inc.” means The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., and any successor thereto.
(z) “1999 SIP” means The Goldman Sachs 1999 Stock Incentive Plan, as in effect prior to
the effective date of the 2003 SIP.
(aa)“Outstanding” means any Award to the extent it has not been forfeited, cancelled,
terminated, exercised or with respect to which the shares of Common Stock underlying the Award have
not been previously delivered or other payments made.
(ab)“Restricted Share” means a share of Common Stock delivered under the Plan that is
subject to Transfer Restrictions, forfeiture provisions and/or other terms and conditions specified herein
and in the Restricted Share Award Agreement or other applicable Award Agreement. All references to
Restricted Shares include “Shares at Risk.”
(ac)“Retirement” means termination of the Grantee’s Employment (other than for Cause) on
or after the Date of Grant at a time when (i) (A) the sum of the Grantee’s age plus years of service with
the Firm (as determined by the Committee in its sole discretion) equals or exceeds 60 and (B) the Grantee
has completed at least 10 years of service with the Firm (as determined by the Committee in its sole
discretion) or, if earlier, (ii) (A) the Grantee has attained age 50 and (B) the Grantee has completed at
least five years of service with the Firm (as determined by the Committee in its sole discretion).
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(ad)“RSU” means a restricted stock unit granted under the Plan, which represents an
unfunded and unsecured promise to deliver shares of Common Stock in accordance with the terms of the
RSU Award Agreement.
(ae)“RSU Shares” means shares of Common Stock that underlie an RSU.
(af) “Section 409A” means Section 409A of the Code, including any amendments or
successor provisions to that Section and any regulations and other administrative guidance thereunder, in
each case as they, from time to time, may be amended or interpreted through further administrative
(ag)“SIP Administrator” means each person designated by the Committee as a “SIP
Administrator” with the authority to perform day-to-day administrative functions for the Plan.
(ah)“SIP Committee” means the persons who have been delegated certain authority under the
Plan by the Committee.
(ai) “Solicit” means any direct or indirect communication of any kind whatsoever, regardless
of by whom initiated, inviting, advising, suggesting, encouraging or requesting any person or entity, in
any manner, to take or refrain from taking any action. The terms “Solicited,” “Soliciting” and
“Solicitation” will have their correlative meanings.
(aj) “Transfer Restrictions” means restrictions that prohibit the sale, exchange, transfer,
assignment, pledge, hypothecation, fractionalization, hedge or other disposal (including through the use of
any cash-settled instrument), whether voluntarily or involuntarily by the Grantee, of an Award or any
shares of Common Stock, cash or other property delivered in respect of an Award.
(ak)“Transferability Date” means the date Transfer Restrictions on a Restricted Share will be
released. Within 30 Business Days after the applicable Transferability Date, GS Inc. shall take, or shall
cause to be taken, such steps as may be necessary to remove Transfer Restrictions.
(al) “Vested” means, with respect to an Award, the portion of the Award that is not subject to
a condition that the Grantee remain actively employed by the Firm in order for the Award to remain
Outstanding. The fact that an Award becomes Vested shall not mean or otherwise indicate that the
Grantee has an unconditional or nonforfeitable right to such Award, and such Award shall remain subject
to such terms, conditions and forfeiture provisions as may be provided for in the Plan or in the Award
(am) “Vesting Date” means each date specified in the Grantee’s Award Agreement as
a date on which part or all of an Award becomes Vested.
(an)“Window Period” means a period designated by the Firm during which all employees of
the Firm are permitted to purchase or sell shares of Common Stock (provided that, if the Grantee is a
member of a designated group of employees who are subject to different restrictions, the Window Period
may be a period designated by the Firm during which an employee of the Firm in such designated group
is permitted to purchase or sell shares of Common Stock).
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The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
______Year-End Short-Term RSU Award
This Award Agreement, together with The Goldman Sachs Amended and Restated Stock Incentive
Plan (2021) (the “Plan”), governs your ____ year-end award of Short-Term RSUs (your “Award”).
You should read carefully this entire Award Agreement, which includes the Award Statement, any
attached Appendix and the signature card.
1. You Must Decide Whether to Accept this Award Agreement. To be eligible to
receive your Award, you must by the date specified (a) open and activate an Account and (b) agree
to all the terms of your Award by executing the related signature card in accordance with its
instructions. By executing the signature card, you confirm your agreement to all of the terms of
this Award Agreement, including the arbitration and choice of forum provisions in Paragraph 14.
Documents that Govern Your Award; Definitions
2. The Plan. Your Award is granted under the Plan, and the Plan’s terms apply to, and are
a part of, this Award Agreement.
3. Your Award Statement. The Award Statement delivered to you contains some of your
Award’s specific terms. For example, it contains the number of Short-Term RSUs awarded to you and
the Delivery Date.
4. Definitions. Unless otherwise defined herein, including in the Definitions Appendix or
any other Appendix, capitalized terms have the meanings provided in the Plan.
Vesting of Your RSUs
5. Vesting. All of your Short-Term RSUs are Vested. When an RSU is Vested, it means
only that your continued active Employment is not required for delivery of that portion of RSU Shares.
Vesting does not mean you have a non-forfeitable right to the Vested portion of your Award. The
terms of this Award Agreement (including conditions to delivery) continue to apply to Vested
Short-Term RSUs, and you can still forfeit Vested Short-Term RSUs and any RSU Shares.
Delivery of Your RSU Shares
6. Delivery. Reasonably promptly (but no more than 30 Business Days) after each Delivery
Date listed on your Award Statement, RSU Shares (less applicable withholding as described in Paragraph
11(a)) will be delivered (by book entry credit to your Account) in respect of the amount of Outstanding
Short-Term RSUs listed next to that date. The Committee or the SIP Committee may select multiple
dates within the 30-Business-Day period following the Delivery Date to deliver RSU Shares in respect of
all or a portion of the Short-Term RSUs with the same Delivery Date listed on the Award Statement, and
all such dates will be treated as a single Delivery Date for purposes of this Award. Until such delivery,
you have only the rights of a general unsecured creditor, and no rights as a shareholder of GS Inc.
Without limiting the Committee’s authority under Section 1.3.2(h) of the Plan, the Firm may accelerate
any Delivery Date by up to 30 days.
7. Dividend Equivalent Rights and Dividends. Each Short-Term RSU includes a
Dividend Equivalent Right, which entitles you to receive an amount (less applicable withholding), at or
after the time of distribution of any regular cash dividend paid by GS Inc. in respect of a share of
Common Stock, equal to any regular cash dividend payment that would have been made in respect of an
RSU Share underlying your Outstanding Short-Term RSUs for any record date that occurs on or after the
Date of Grant.
Exhibit 10.42
Forfeiture of Your Award
8. How You May Forfeit Your Award. This Paragraph 8 sets forth the events that result
in forfeiture of up to all of your Short-Term RSUs and may require repayment to the Firm of up to all
other amounts previously delivered or paid to you under your Award in accordance with Paragraph 9.
More than one event may apply, and in no case will the occurrence of one event limit the forfeiture and
repayment obligations as a result of the occurrence of any other event. In addition, the Firm reserves the
right to (a) suspend payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights or delivery of RSU Shares, (b) deliver
any RSU Shares, dividends or payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights into an escrow account in
accordance with Paragraph 11(f)(v) or (c) apply Transfer Restrictions to any RSU Shares in connection
with any investigation of whether any of the events that result in forfeiture under the Plan or this
Paragraph 8 have occurred. Paragraph 10 (relating to certain circumstances under which delivery may be
accelerated) provides for exceptions to one or more provisions of this Paragraph 8. [[Each of] [T][t]he
[U.K. Material Risk Taker Appendix] [and the] [GSBE Material Risk Taker Appendix] supplements this
Paragraph 8 and sets forth additional events that result in forfeiture of up to all of your Short-Term RSUs
and may require repayment to the Firm as described in Paragraph 9 [and][,] the [U.K. Material Risk Taker
Appendix] [and the] [GSBE Material Risk Taker Appendix].]
(a) Short-Term RSUs Forfeited Upon Certain Events. If any of the following occurs,
your rights to all of your Outstanding Short-Term RSUs will terminate, and no RSU Shares will
be delivered in respect of such RSUs, as may be further described below:
(i) You Failed to Consider Risk. You Failed to Consider Risk during
(ii) Your Conduct Constitutes Cause. Any event that constitutes Cause
[(including, for the avoidance of doubt, “Serious Misconduct” as defined in the U.K. Material Risk
Taker Appendix)] has occurred before the Delivery Date.
(iii) You Do Not Meet Your Obligations to the Firm. The Committee
determines that, before the Delivery Date, you failed to meet, in any respect, any obligation under
any agreement with the Firm, or any agreement entered into in connection with your Employment
or this Award, including the Firm’s notice period requirement applicable to you, any offer letter,
employment agreement or any shareholders’ agreement relating to the Firm. Your failure to pay
or reimburse the Firm, on demand, for any amount you owe to the Firm will constitute (A) failure
to meet an obligation you have under an agreement, regardless of whether such obligation arises
under a written agreement, and/or (B) a material violation of Firm policy constituting Cause.
(iv) You Do Not Provide Timely Certifications or Comply with Your
Certifications. You fail to certify to GS Inc. that you have complied with all of the terms of the
Plan and this Award Agreement, or the Committee determines that you have failed to comply with
a term of the Plan or this Award Agreement to which you have certified compliance.
(v) You Do Not Follow Dispute Resolution/Arbitration Procedures. You
attempt to have any dispute under the Plan or this Award Agreement resolved in any manner that
is not provided for by Paragraph 14 or Section 3.17 of the Plan, or you attempt to arbitrate a
dispute without first having exhausted your internal administrative remedies in accordance with
Paragraph 11(f)(vii).
(vi) You Bring an Action that Results in a Determination that Any Award
Agreement Term Is Invalid. As a result of any action brought by you, it is determined that any
term of this Award Agreement is invalid.
(vii) You Receive Compensation in Respect of Your Award from Another
Employer. Your Employment terminates for any reason or you otherwise are no longer actively
Employed with the Firm and another entity grants you cash, equity or other property (whether
vested or unvested) to replace, substitute for or otherwise in respect of any Outstanding Short-
Term RSUs; provided, however, that your rights will only be terminated in respect of the Short-
- 2 -
Term RSUs that are replaced, substituted for or otherwise considered by such other entity in
making its grant.
Repayment of Your Award
9. When You May Be Required to Repay Your Award. If the Committee determines
that any term of this Award was not satisfied, you will be required, immediately upon demand therefor, to
repay to the Firm the following:
(a) Any RSU Shares for which the terms (including the terms for delivery) of the
related Short-Term RSUs were not satisfied, in accordance with Section 2.6.3 of the Plan.
(b) Any payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights for which the terms were not
satisfied (including any such payments made in respect of Short-Term RSUs that are forfeited or
RSU Shares that are cancelled or required to be repaid), in accordance with Section 2.8.3 of the
(c) Any dividends paid in respect of any RSU Shares that are cancelled or required
to be repaid.
(d) Any amount applied to satisfy tax withholding or other obligations with respect
to any Short-Term RSUs, RSU Shares, dividend payments and payments under Dividend
Equivalent Rights that are forfeited or required to be repaid.
Exceptions to the Delivery Date
10. Accelerated Delivery in the Event of a Qualifying Termination After a Change in
Control, Conflicted Employment or Death. In the event of your Qualifying Termination After a
Change in Control, Conflicted Employment or death, each as described below, your Outstanding Short-
Term RSUs will be treated as described in this Paragraph 10, and, except as set forth in Paragraph 10(a),
all other terms of this Award Agreement, including the other forfeiture and repayment events in
Paragraphs 8 and 9, continue to apply.
(a) You Have a Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control. If your
Employment terminates when you meet the requirements of a Qualifying Termination After a
Change in Control, the RSU Shares underlying your Outstanding Short-Term RSUs will be
delivered. In addition, the forfeiture events in Paragraph 8 will not apply to your Award.
(b) You Are Determined to Have Accepted Conflicted Employment.
(i) Generally. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Plan or
otherwise, for purposes of this Award Agreement, “Conflicted Employment” means your
employment at any U.S. Federal, state or local government, any non-U.S. government, any
supranational or international organization, any self-regulatory organization, or any agency or
instrumentality of any such government or organization, or any other employer (other than an
“Accounting Firm” within the meaning of SEC Rule 2-01(f)(2) of Regulation S-X or any
successor thereto) determined by the Committee, if, as a result of such employment, your
continued holding of any Outstanding Short-Term RSUs would result in an actual or perceived
conflict of interest. Unless prohibited by applicable law or regulation, if your Employment
terminates solely because you resign to accept Conflicted Employment or if, following your
termination of Employment, you notify the Firm that you are accepting Conflicted Employment,
RSU Shares will be delivered in respect of your Outstanding Short-Term RSUs (including in the
form of cash as described in Paragraph 11(b)) as soon as practicable after the Committee has
received satisfactory documentation relating to your Conflicted Employment.
(ii) You May Have to Take Other Steps to Address Conflicts of Interest.
The Committee retains the authority to exercise its rights under the Award Agreement or the Plan
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(including Section 1.3.2 of the Plan) to take or require you to take other steps it determines in its
sole discretion to be necessary or appropriate to cure an actual or perceived conflict of interest
(which may include a determination that the accelerated delivery described in Paragraph 10(b)(i)
will not apply because such actions are not necessary or appropriate to cure an actual or perceived
conflict of interest).
(c) Death. If you die, the RSU Shares underlying your Outstanding Short-Term
RSUs will be delivered to your Account as soon as practicable after the date of death and after
such documentation as may be requested by the Committee is provided to the Committee.
Other Terms, Conditions and Agreements
11. Additional Terms, Conditions and Agreements.
(a) You Must Satisfy Applicable Tax Withholding Requirements. Delivery of RSU
Shares is conditioned on your satisfaction of any applicable withholding taxes in accordance with
Section 3.2 of the Plan, which includes the Firm deducting or withholding amounts from any
payment or distribution to you. In addition, to the extent permitted by applicable law, the Firm,
in its sole discretion, may require you to provide amounts equal to all or a portion of any Federal,
state, local, foreign or other tax obligations imposed on you or the Firm in connection with the
grant or delivery of this Award by requiring you to choose between remitting the amount (i) in
cash (or through payroll deduction or otherwise) or (ii) in the form of proceeds from the Firm’s
executing a sale of RSU Shares delivered to you under this Award. In no event, however, does
this Paragraph 11(a) give you any discretion to determine or affect the timing of the delivery of
RSU Shares or the timing of payment of tax obligations.
(b) Firm May Deliver Cash or Other Property Instead of RSU Shares. In accordance
with Section 1.3.2(i) of the Plan, in the sole discretion of the Committee, in lieu of all or any
portion of the RSU Shares, the Firm may deliver cash, other securities, other awards under the
Plan or other property, and all references in this Award Agreement to deliveries of RSU Shares
will include such deliveries of cash, other securities, other awards under the Plan or other
(c) Amounts May Be Rounded to Avoid Fractional Shares. RSU Shares that become
deliverable on a Delivery Date may, in each case, be rounded to avoid fractional Shares.
(d) You May Be Required to Become a Party to the Shareholders’ Agreement. Your
rights to your Short-Term RSUs are conditioned on your becoming a party to any shareholders’
agreement to which other similarly situated employees (e.g., employees with a similar title or
position) of the Firm are required to be a party.
(e) Firm May Affix Legends and Place Stop Orders on Restricted RSU Shares. GS
Inc. may affix to Certificates representing RSU Shares any legend that the Committee determines
to be necessary or advisable (including to reflect any restrictions to which you may be subject
under a separate agreement). GS Inc. may advise the transfer agent to place a stop order against
any legended RSU Shares.
(f) You Agree to Certain Consents, Terms and Conditions. By accepting this Award
you understand and agree that:
(i) You Agree to Certain Consents as a Condition to the Award. You have
expressly consented to all of the items listed in Section 3.3.3(d) of the Plan, including the Firm’s
supplying to any third-party recordkeeper of the Plan or other person such personal information of
yours as the Committee deems advisable to administer the Plan, and you agree to provide any
additional consents that the Committee determines to be necessary or advisable;
(ii) You Are Subject to the Firm’s Policies, Rules and Procedures. You are
subject to the Firm’s policies in effect from time to time concerning trading in RSU Shares and
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hedging or pledging RSU Shares and equity-based compensation or other awards (including,
without limitation, the “Firmwide Policy with Respect to Personal Transactions Involving GS
Securities and GS Equity Awards” or any successor policies), and confidential or proprietary
information, and you will effect sales of RSU Shares in accordance with such rules and procedures
as may be adopted from time to time (which may include, without limitation, restrictions relating
to the timing of sale requests, the manner in which sales are executed, pricing method,
consolidation or aggregation of orders and volume limits determined by the Firm);
(iii) You Are Responsible for Costs Associated with Your Award. You will
be responsible for all brokerage costs and other fees or expenses associated with your Short-Term
RSUs, including those related to the sale of RSU Shares;
(iv) You Will Be Deemed to Represent Your Compliance with All the Terms
of Your Award if You Accept Delivery of, or Sell, RSU Shares. You will be deemed to have
represented and certified that you have complied with all of the terms of the Plan and this Award
Agreement when RSU Shares are delivered to you, and you receive payment in respect of
Dividend Equivalent Rights;
(v) Firm May Deliver Your Award into an Escrow Account. The Firm may
establish and maintain an escrow account on such terms (which may include your executing any
documents related to, and your paying for any costs associated with, such account) as it may deem
necessary or appropriate, and the delivery of RSU Shares or the payment of cash (including
dividends and payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights) or other property may initially be
made into and held in that escrow account until such time as the Committee has received such
documentation as it may have requested or until the Committee has determined that any other
conditions or restrictions on delivery of RSU Shares, cash or other property required by this
Award Agreement have been satisfied;
(vi) You May Be Required to Certify Compliance with Award Terms; You
Are Responsible for Providing the Firm with Updated Address and Contact Information After
Your Departure from the Firm. If your Employment terminates while you continue to hold Short-
Term RSUs, from time to time, you may be required to provide certifications of your compliance
with all of the terms of the Plan and this Award Agreement as described in Paragraph 8(a)(iv).
You understand and agree that (A) your address on file with the Firm at the time any certification
is required will be deemed to be your current address, (B) it is your responsibility to inform the
Firm of any changes to your address to ensure timely receipt of the certification materials, (C) you
are responsible for contacting the Firm to obtain such certification materials if not received and
(D) your failure to return properly completed certification materials by the specified deadline
(which includes your failure to timely return the completed certification because you did not
provide the Firm with updated contact information) will result in the forfeiture of all of your Short-
Term RSUs and subject previously delivered amounts to repayment under Paragraph 8(a)(iv);
(vii) You Must Comply with Applicable Deadlines and Procedures to Appeal
Determinations Made by the Committee, the SIP Committee or SIP Administrators. If you
disagree with a determination made by the Committee, the SIP Committee, the SIP
Administrators, or any of their delegates or designees and you wish to appeal such determination,
you must submit a written request to the SIP Committee for review within 180 days after the
determination at issue. You must exhaust your internal administrative remedies (i.e., submit your
appeal and wait for resolution of that appeal) before seeking to resolve a dispute through
arbitration pursuant to Paragraph 14 and Section 3.17 of the Plan; and
(viii) You Agree that Covered Persons Will Not Have Liability. In addition to
and without limiting the generality of the provisions of Section 1.3.5 of the Plan, neither the Firm
nor any Covered Person will have any liability to you or any other person for any action taken or
omitted in respect of this or any other Award.
12. Non-transferability. Except as otherwise may be provided in this Paragraph 12 or as
otherwise may be provided by the Committee, the limitations on transferability set forth in Section 3.5 of
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the Plan will apply to this Award. Any purported transfer or assignment in violation of the provisions of
this Paragraph 12 or Section 3.5 of the Plan will be void. The Committee may adopt procedures pursuant
to which some or all recipients of Short-Term RSUs may transfer some or all of their Short-Term RSUs
through a gift for no consideration to any immediate family member, a trust or other estate planning
vehicle approved by the Committee or SIP Committee in which the recipient and/or the recipient’s
immediate family members in the aggregate have 100% of the beneficial interest.
13. Right of Offset. Except as provided in Paragraph 16(h), the obligation to deliver RSU
Shares or to make payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights under this Award Agreement is subject to
Section 3.4 of the Plan, which provides for the Firm’s right to offset against such obligation any
outstanding amounts you owe to the Firm and any amounts the Committee deems appropriate pursuant to
any tax equalization policy or agreement.
Arbitration, Choice of Forum and Governing Law
14. Arbitration; Choice of Forum.
(a) By accepting this award, you are indicating that you understand and agree
that the arbitration and choice of forum provisions set forth in Section 3.17 of the Plan will
apply to this Award. These provisions, which are expressly incorporated herein by
reference, provide among other things that any dispute, controversy or claim between the
Firm and you arising out of or relating to or concerning the Plan or this Award Agreement
will be finally settled by arbitration in New York City, pursuant to the terms more fully set
forth in Section 3.17 of the Plan; provided that nothing herein shall preclude you from filing
a charge with or participating in any investigation or proceeding conducted by any
governmental authority, including but not limited to the SEC, the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission and a state or local human rights agency, as well as law
(b) To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, no arbitrator will have the
authority to consider class, collective or representative claims, to order consolidation or to join
different claimants or grant relief other than on an individual basis to the individual claimant
(c) Notwithstanding any applicable forum rules to the contrary, to the extent there is
a question of enforceability of this Award Agreement arising from a challenge to the arbitrator’s
jurisdiction or to the arbitrability of a claim, it will be decided by a court and not an arbitrator.
(d) The Federal Arbitration Act governs interpretation and enforcement of all
arbitration provisions under the Plan and this Award Agreement, and all arbitration proceedings
(e) Nothing in this Award Agreement creates a substantive right to bring a claim
under U.S. Federal, state, or local employment laws.
(f) By accepting your Award, you irrevocably appoint each General Counsel of GS
Inc., or any person whom the General Counsel of GS Inc. designates, as your agent for service of
process in connection with any suit, action or proceeding arising out of or relating to or
concerning the Plan or any Award which is not arbitrated pursuant to the provisions of Section
3.17.1 of the Plan, who shall promptly advise you of any such service of process.
(g) To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, no arbitrator will have the
authority to consider any claim as to which you have not first exhausted your internal
administrative remedies in accordance with Paragraph 11(f)(vii).
15. Governing Law. This Award will be governed by and construed in accordance with
the laws of the State of New York, without regard to principles of conflict of laws.
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Certain Tax Provisions
16. Compliance of Award Agreement and Plan with Section 409A. The provisions of this
Paragraph 16 apply to you only if you are a U.S. taxpayer.
(a) This Award Agreement and the Plan provisions that apply to this Award are
intended and will be construed to comply with Section 409A (including the requirements
applicable to, or the conditions for exemption from treatment as, 409A Deferred Compensation),
whether by reason of short-term deferral treatment or other exceptions or provisions. The
Committee will have full authority to give effect to this intent. To the extent necessary to give
effect to this intent, in the case of any conflict or potential inconsistency between the provisions
of the Plan (including Sections 1.3.2 and 2.1 thereof) and this Award Agreement, the provisions
of this Award Agreement will govern, and in the case of any conflict or potential inconsistency
between this Paragraph 16 and the other provisions of this Award Agreement, this Paragraph 16
will govern.
(b) Delivery of RSU Shares will not be delayed beyond the date on which all
applicable conditions or restrictions on delivery of RSU Shares required by this Agreement
(including those specified in Paragraphs 6, 10(c) and 11 and the consents and other items
specified in Section 3.3 of the Plan) are satisfied. To the extent that any portion of this Award is
intended to satisfy the requirements for short-term deferral treatment under Section 409A,
delivery for such portion will occur by the March 15 coinciding with the last day of the applicable
“short-term deferral” period described in Reg. 1.409A-1(b)(4) in order for the delivery of RSU
Shares to be within the short-term deferral exception unless, in order to permit all applicable
conditions or restrictions on delivery to be satisfied, the Committee elects, pursuant to Reg.
1.409A-1(b)(4)(i)(D) or otherwise as may be permitted in accordance with Section 409A, to delay
delivery of RSU Shares to a later date within the same calendar year or to such later date as may
be permitted under Section 409A, including Reg. 1.409A-3(d). For the avoidance of doubt, if the
Award includes a “series of installment payments” as described in Reg. 1.409A-2(b)(2)(iii), your
right to the series of installment payments will be treated as a right to a series of separate
payments and not as a right to a single payment.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 11(b) and Section 1.3.2(i) of the
Plan, to the extent necessary to comply with Section 409A, any securities, other Awards or other
property that the Firm may deliver in respect of your Short-Term RSUs will not have the effect of
deferring delivery or payment, income inclusion, or a substantial risk of forfeiture, beyond the
date on which such delivery, payment or inclusion would occur or such risk of forfeiture would
lapse, with respect to the RSU Shares that would otherwise have been deliverable (unless the
Committee elects a later date for this purpose pursuant to Reg. 1.409A-1(b)(4)(i)(D) or otherwise
as may be permitted under Section 409A, including and to the extent applicable, the subsequent
election provisions of Section 409A(a)(4)(C) of the Code and Reg. 1.409A-2(b)).
(d) Notwithstanding the timing provisions of Paragraph 10(c), the delivery of RSU
Shares referred to therein will be made after the date of death and during the calendar year that
includes the date of death (or on such later date as may be permitted under Section 409A).
(e) The timing of delivery or payment pursuant to Paragraph 10(a) will occur on the
earlier of (i) the Delivery Date or (ii) a date that is within the calendar year in which the
termination of Employment occurs; provided, however, that, if you are a “specified employee” (as
defined by the Firm in accordance with Section 409A(a)(2)(i)(B) of the Code), delivery will occur
on the earlier of the Delivery Date or (to the extent required to avoid the imposition of additional
tax under Section 409A) the date that is six months after your termination of Employment (or, if
the latter date is not during a Window Period, the first trading day of the next Window Period).
For purposes of Paragraph 10(a), references in this Award Agreement to termination of
Employment mean a termination of Employment from the Firm (as defined by the Firm) which is
also a separation from service (as defined by the Firm in accordance with Section 409A).
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(f) Notwithstanding any provision of Paragraph 7 or Section 2.8.2 of the Plan to the
contrary, the Dividend Equivalent Rights with respect to each of your Outstanding Short-Term
RSUs will be paid to you within the calendar year that includes the date of distribution of any
corresponding regular cash dividends paid by GS Inc. in respect of a share of Common Stock the
record date for which occurs on or after the Date of Grant. The payment will be in an amount
(less applicable withholding) equal to such regular dividend payment as would have been made in
respect of the RSU Shares underlying such Outstanding Short-Term RSUs.
(g) The timing of delivery or payment referred to in Paragraph 10(b)(i) will be the
earlier of (i) the Delivery Date or (ii) a date that is within the calendar year in which the
Committee receives satisfactory documentation relating to your Conflicted Employment,
provided that such delivery or payment will be made, and any Committee action referred to in
Paragraph 10(b)(ii) will be taken, only at such time as, and if and to the extent that it, as
reasonably determined by the Firm, would not result in the imposition of any additional tax to
you under Section 409A.
(h) Paragraph 13 and Section 3.4 of the Plan will not apply to Awards that are 409A
Deferred Compensation except to the extent permitted under Section 409A.
(i) Delivery of RSU Shares in respect of any Award may be made, if and to the
extent elected by the Committee, later than the Delivery Date or other date or period specified
hereinabove (but, in the case of any Award that constitutes 409A Deferred Compensation, only to
the extent that the later delivery is permitted under Section 409A).
(j) You understand and agree that you are solely responsible for the payment of any
taxes and penalties due pursuant to Section 409A, but in no event will you be permitted to
designate, directly or indirectly, the taxable year of the delivery.
Committee Authority, Amendment, Construction and Regulatory Reporting
17. Committee Authority. The Committee has the authority to determine, in its sole
discretion, that any event triggering forfeiture or repayment of your Award will not apply and to limit the
forfeitures and repayments that result under Paragraphs 8 and 9.
18. Amendment. The Committee reserves the right at any time to amend the terms of this
Award Agreement, and the Board may amend the Plan in any respect; provided that, notwithstanding the
foregoing and Sections 1.3.2(f), 1.3.2(h) and 3.1 of the Plan, no such amendment will materially
adversely affect your rights and obligations under this Award Agreement without your consent; and
provided further that the Committee expressly reserves its rights to amend the Award Agreement and the
Plan as described in Sections 1.3.2(h)(1), (2) and (4) of the Plan. A modification that impacts the tax
consequences of this Award or the timing of delivery of RSU Shares will not be an amendment that
materially adversely affects your rights and obligations under this Award Agreement. Any amendment of
this Award Agreement will be in writing.
19. Construction, Headings. Unless the context requires otherwise, (a) words describing
the singular number include the plural and vice versa, (b) words denoting any gender include all genders
and (c) the words “include,” “includes” and “including” will be deemed to be followed by the words
“without limitation.” The headings in this Award Agreement are for the purpose of convenience only and
are not intended to define or limit the construction of the provisions hereof. References in this Award
Agreement to any specific Plan provision will not be construed as limiting the applicability of any other
Plan provision.
20. Providing Information to the Appropriate Authorities. In accordance with applicable
law, nothing in this Award Agreement (including the forfeiture and repayment provisions in Paragraphs 8
and 9) or the Plan prevents you from providing information you reasonably believe to be true to the
appropriate governmental authority, including a regulatory, judicial, administrative, or other
governmental entity; reporting possible violations of law or regulation; making other disclosures that are
protected under any applicable law or regulation; or filing a charge or participating in any investigation or
- 8 -
proceeding conducted by a governmental authority. For the avoidance of doubt, governmental authority
includes federal, state and local government agencies such as the SEC, the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission and any state or local human rights agency (e.g., the New York State Division
of Human Rights, the New York City Commission on Human Rights, the California Department of Fair
Employment and Housing), as well as law enforcement.
- 9 -
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, GS Inc. has caused this Award Agreement to be duly executed and
delivered as of the Date of Grant.
- 10 -
[U.K. Material Risk Taker Appendix
This Appendix supplements Paragraph 8 and sets forth additional events that result in forfeiture of up to
all of your Short-Term RSUs and may require repayment to the Firm of up to all other amounts
previously delivered or paid to you under your Award in accordance with Paragraph 9. As with the
events described in Paragraph 8, more than one event may apply, in no case will the occurrence of one
event limit the forfeiture and repayment obligations as a result of the occurrence of any other event and
the Firm reserves the right to (a) suspend payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights or delivery of RSU
Shares, (b) deliver any RSU Shares, dividends or payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights into an
escrow account in accordance with Paragraph 11(f)(v) or (c) apply Transfer Restrictions to any RSU
Shares in connection with any investigation of whether any of the events that result in forfeiture under
this Appendix have occurred.
With respect to the events described in this Appendix, the Committee will consider certain factors to
determine whether and what portion of your Award will terminate, including the reason for the “Risk
Event” (as defined below) and the extent to which: (1) you participated in the Risk Event, (2) your
compensation for ________ may or may not have been adjusted to take into account the risk associated
with the Risk Event or your “Serious Misconduct” (as defined below) and (3) your compensation may be
adjusted for the year in which the Risk Event or your Serious Misconduct is discovered.
(a) A Risk Event Occurs ____ ________________. If a Risk Event occurs
________________, (i) your rights in respect of all or a portion of your Short-Term RSUs will
terminate and no RSU Shares will be delivered in respect of such Short-Term RSUs and (ii) you
will be obligated immediately upon demand therefor to pay the Firm an amount not in excess of
the greater of the Fair Market Value of the RSU Shares (plus any dividend payments and
payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights) delivered in respect of the Award (without
reduction for any amount applied to satisfy tax withholding or other obligations) determined as of
(A) the date the Risk Event occurred and (B) the date that the repayment request is made.
(i) A Risk Eventmeans there occurs a loss of 5% or more of firmwide
total capital from a reportable operational risk event determined in accordance with the firmwide
Reporting and Operational Risk Events Policy (or any successor policy).
(b) You Engage in Serious Misconduct ____________________. If you engage in
Serious Misconduct __________________, you will be obligated immediately upon demand
therefor to pay the Firm an amount not in excess of the greater of the Fair Market Value of the
RSU Shares (plus any dividend payments and payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights)
delivered in respect of the Award (without reduction for any amount applied to satisfy tax
withholding or other obligations) determined as of (i) the date the Serious Misconduct occurred
and (ii) the date that the repayment request is made.
(i) Serious Misconductmeans that you engage in conduct that the Firm
reasonably considers, in its sole discretion, to be misconduct sufficient to justify summary
termination of employment under English law.
Notwithstanding any provision in the Plan, this Award Agreement or any other agreement or arrangement
you may have with the Firm, the parties agree that to the extent that there is any dispute arising out of or
relating to the payment required by Paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Appendix (including your refusal to
remit payment) the parties will submit to arbitration in accordance with Paragraph 14 of this Award
Agreement and Section 3.17 of the Plan as the sole means of resolution of such dispute (including the
recovery by the Firm of the payment amount).]
- 11 -
[GSBE Material Risk Taker Appendix
This Appendix supplements Paragraph 8 and sets forth additional events that result in forfeiture of up to
all of your Short-Term RSUs and may require repayment to the Firm of up to all other amounts
previously delivered or paid to you under your Award in accordance with Paragraph 9. As with the
events described in Paragraph 8, more than one event may apply, in no case will the occurrence of one
event limit the forfeiture and repayment obligations as a result of the occurrence of any other event and
the Firm reserves the right to (a) suspend payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights or delivery of RSU
Shares, (b) deliver any RSU Shares, dividends or payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights into an
escrow account in accordance with Paragraph 11(f)(v) or (c) apply Transfer Restrictions to any RSU
Shares in connection with any investigation of whether any of the events that result in forfeiture under
this Appendix have occurred.
With respect to the events described in this Appendix, the Committee will consider certain factors to
determine whether and what portion of your Award will terminate, including the reason for the
“Adjustment Event” (as defined below).
Notwithstanding any provision in the Plan, this Award Agreement or any other agreement or arrangement
you may have with the Firm, the parties agree that to the extent that there is any dispute arising out of or
relating to the payment required by this Appendix (including your refusal to remit payment) the parties
will submit to arbitration in accordance with Paragraph 14 of this Award Agreement and Section 3.17 of
the Plan as the sole means of resolution of such dispute (including the recovery by the Firm of the
payment amount).
(a) An Adjustment Event Occurs ______________. If an “Adjustment Event” (as defined
below) occurs _____________, (i) your rights in respect of all or a portion of your Short-Term RSUs will
terminate and no RSU Shares will be delivered in respect of such Short-Term RSUs, and (ii) you will be
obligated immediately upon demand therefor to pay the Firm an amount not in excess of the greater of the
Fair Market Value of the RSU Shares (plus any dividend payments) delivered in respect of the Award
(without reduction for any amount applied to satisfy tax withholding or other obligations) determined as
of (A) the date the Adjustment Event occurred and (B) the date that the repayment request is made.
(i) Adjustment Event” means that one of the following has occurred:
A. you significantly contributed to, or were responsible for, any conduct that
resulted in a loss of 0.75% or more of the total capital of GS Inc.;
B. a material regulatory sanction for the Firm comprising one or more of
the following:
1. a moratorium pursuant to sec. 46g of the German Banking Act,
2. a measure in case of danger pursuant to sec. 46 of the German
Banking Act,
3. the revocation of appointment of a manager pursuant to sec. 36
German Banking Act,
4. a fine pursuant to sec. 56 of the German Banking Act or a
threatened penalty payment, if the fine or penalty payment
amounts to 0.75% or more of the total capital of GS Inc.,
5. the cancellation of the banking permit pursuant to sec. 35 of the
German Banking Act,
6. an order to increase the capital requirements Goldman Sachs
Bank Europe SE (GSBE) by at least 0.5% pursuant to sec. 10 of
the German Banking Act,
- 12 -
7. a measure in case of organizational deficiencies,
8. a comparable regulatory order, or
9. a material supervisory measure; or
C. you acted in serious violation of relevant external or internal rules with
respect to suitability and conduct, provided that a violation is considered serious if it
suitable to justify a termination of employment for cause pursuant to sec. 626 German
Civil Code or a termination of employment for misconduct pursuant to sec. 1 German
Termination Protection Act.
The determination as to whether an Adjustment Event has occurred shall be made by the Committee in its
sole discretion.]
- 13 -
Definitions Appendix
The following capitalized terms are used in this Award Agreement with the following meanings:
(a) “409A Deferred Compensation” means a “deferral of compensation” or “deferred
compensation” as those terms are defined in the regulations under Section 409A.
(b) “Conflicted Employment” means your employment at any U.S. Federal, state or local
government, any non-U.S. government, any supranational or international organization, any self-
regulatory organization, or any agency or instrumentality of any such government or organization, or any
other employer (other than an “Accounting Firm” within the meaning of SEC Rule 2-01(f)(2) of
Regulation S-X or any successor thereto) determined by the Committee, if, as a result of such
employment, your continued holding of any Outstanding Short-Term RSUs would result in an actual or
perceived conflict of interest.
(c) “Failed to Consider Risk” means that you participated (or otherwise oversaw or were
responsible for, depending on the circumstances, another individual’s participation) in the structuring or
marketing of any product or service, or participated on behalf of the Firm or any of its clients in the
purchase or sale of any security or other property, in any case without appropriate consideration of the
risk to the Firm or the broader financial system as a whole (for example, where you have improperly
analyzed such risk or where you have failed sufficiently to raise concerns about such risk) and, as a result
of such action or omission, the Committee determines there has been, or reasonably could be expected to
be, a material adverse impact on the Firm, your business unit or the broader financial system.
(d) “Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control” means that the Firm terminates your
Employment other than for Cause or you terminate your Employment for Good Reason, in each case,
within 18 months following a Change in Control.
(e) “SEC” means the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
- 14 -
The following capitalized terms are used in this Award Agreement with the meanings that are
assigned to them in the Plan.
(a) “Account” means any brokerage account, custody account or similar account, as
approved or required by GS Inc. from time to time, into which shares of Common Stock, cash or other
property in respect of an Award are delivered.
(b) “Award Agreement” means the written document or documents by which each Award is
evidenced, including any related Award Statement and signature card.
(c) “Award Statement” means a written statement that reflects certain Award terms.
(d) “Board” means the Board of Directors of GS Inc.
(e) “Business Day” means any day other than a Saturday, a Sunday or a day on which
banking institutions in New York City are authorized or obligated by Federal law or executive order to be
(f) “Cause” means (i) the Grantee’s conviction, whether following trial or by plea of guilty
or nolo contendere (or similar plea), in a criminal proceeding (A) on a misdemeanor charge involving
fraud, false statements or misleading omissions, wrongful taking, embezzlement, bribery, forgery,
counterfeiting or extortion, or (B) on a felony charge, or (C) on an equivalent charge to those in clauses
(A) and (B) in jurisdictions which do not use those designations, (ii) the Grantee’s engaging in any
conduct which constitutes an employment disqualification under applicable law (including statutory
disqualification as defined under the Exchange Act), (iii) the Grantee’s willful failure to perform the
Grantee’s duties to the Firm, (iv) the Grantee’s violation of any securities or commodities laws, any rules
or regulations issued pursuant to such laws, or the rules and regulations of any securities or commodities
exchange or association of which the Firm is a member, (v) the Grantee’s violation of any Firm policy
concerning hedging or pledging or confidential or proprietary information, or the Grantee’s material
violation of any other Firm policy as in effect from time to time, (vi) the Grantee’s engaging in any act or
making any statement which impairs, impugns, denigrates, disparages or negatively reflects upon the
name, reputation or business interests of the Firm or (vii) the Grantee’s engaging in any conduct
detrimental to the Firm. The determination as to whether Cause has occurred shall be made by the
Committee in its sole discretion and, in such case, the Committee also may, but shall not be required to,
specify the date such Cause occurred (including by determining that a prior termination of Employment
was for Cause). Any rights the Firm may have hereunder and in any Award Agreement in respect of the
events giving rise to Cause shall be in addition to the rights the Firm may have under any other agreement
with a Grantee or at law or in equity.
(g) “Certificate” means a stock certificate (or other appropriate document or evidence of
ownership) representing shares of Common Stock.
(h) “Change in Control” means the consummation of a merger, consolidation, statutory share
exchange or similar form of corporate transaction involving GS Inc. (a “Reorganization”) or sale or other
disposition of all or substantially all of GS Inc.’s assets to an entity that is not an affiliate of GS Inc. (a
“Sale”), that in each case requires the approval of GS Inc.’s shareholders under the law of GS Inc.’s
jurisdiction of organization, whether for such Reorganization or Sale (or the issuance of securities of GS
Inc. in such Reorganization or Sale), unless immediately following such Reorganization or Sale, either:
(i) at least 50% of the total voting power (in respect of the election of directors, or similar officials in the
case of an entity other than a corporation) of (A) the entity resulting from such Reorganization, or the
entity which has acquired all or substantially all of the assets of GS Inc. in a Sale (in either case, the
“Surviving Entity”), or (B) if applicable, the ultimate parent entity that directly or indirectly has beneficial
ownership (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act, as such Rule is in effect on the
date of the adoption of the 1999 SIP) of 50% or more of the total voting power (in respect of the election
of directors, or similar officials in the case of an entity other than a corporation) of the Surviving Entity
(the “Parent Entity”) is represented by GS Inc.’s securities (the “GS Inc. Securities”) that were
outstanding immediately prior to such Reorganization or Sale (or, if applicable, is represented by shares
into which such GS Inc. Securities were converted pursuant to such Reorganization or Sale) or (ii) at least
- 15 -
50% of the members of the board of directors (or similar officials in the case of an entity other than a
corporation) of the Parent Entity (or, if there is no Parent Entity, the Surviving Entity) following the
consummation of the Reorganization or Sale were, at the time of the Board’s approval of the execution of
the initial agreement providing for such Reorganization or Sale, individuals (the “Incumbent Directors”)
who either (A) were members of the Board on the Effective Date or (B) became directors subsequent to
the Effective Date and whose election or nomination for election was approved by a vote of at least two-
thirds of the Incumbent Directors then on the Board (either by a specific vote or by approval of GS Inc.’s
proxy statement in which such persons are named as nominees for director).
(i) “Client” means any client or prospective client of the Firm to whom the Grantee provided
services, or for whom the Grantee transacted business, or whose identity became known to the Grantee in
connection with the Grantee’s relationship with or employment by the Firm.
(j) “Code” means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time, and the
applicable rulings and regulations thereunder.
(k) “Committee” means the committee appointed by the Board to administer the Plan
pursuant to Section 1.3, and, to the extent the Board determines it is appropriate for the compensation
realized from Awards under the Plan to be considered “performance based” compensation under
Section 162(m) of the Code, shall be a committee or subcommittee of the Board composed of two or
more members, each of whom is an “outside director” within the meaning of Code Section 162(m), and
which, to the extent the Board determines it is appropriate for Awards under the Plan to qualify for the
exemption available under Rule 16b-3(d)(1) or Rule 16b-3(e) promulgated under the Exchange Act, shall
be a committee or subcommittee of the Board composed of two or more members, each of whom is a
“non-employee director” within the meaning of Rule 16b-3. Unless otherwise determined by the Board,
the Committee shall be the Compensation Committee of the Board.
(l) “Common Stock” means common stock of GS Inc., par value $0.01 per share.
(m) “Covered Person” means a member of the Board or the Committee or any employee of
the Firm.
(n) “Date of Grant” means the date specified in the Grantee’s Award Agreement as the date
of grant of the Award.
(o) “Delivery Date” means each date specified in the Grantee’s Award Agreement as a
delivery date, provided, unless the Committee determines otherwise, such date is during a Window Period
or, if such date is not during a Window Period, the first trading day of the first Window Period beginning
after such date.
(p) “Dividend Equivalent Rightmeans a dividend equivalent right granted under the Plan,
which represents an unfunded and unsecured promise to pay to the Grantee amounts equal to all or any
portion of the regular cash dividends that would be paid on shares of Common Stock covered by an
Award if such shares had been delivered pursuant to an Award.
(q) “Effective Date” means the date this Plan is approved by the shareholders of GS Inc.
pursuant to Section 3.15 of the Plan.
(r) “Employment” means the Grantee’s performance of services for the Firm, as determined
by the Committee. The terms “employ” and “employed” shall have their correlative meanings. The
Committee in its sole discretion may determine (i) whether and when a Grantee’s leave of absence results
in a termination of Employment (for this purpose, unless the Committee determines otherwise, a Grantee
shall be treated as terminating Employment with the Firm upon the occurrence of an Extended Absence),
(ii) whether and when a change in a Grantee’s association with the Firm results in a termination of
Employment and (iii) the impact, if any, of any such leave of absence or change in association on Awards
theretofore made. Unless expressly provided otherwise, any references in the Plan or any Award
Agreement to a Grantee’s Employment being terminated shall include both voluntary and involuntary
- 16 -
(s) “Exchange Act” means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended from time to
time, and the applicable rules and regulations thereunder.
(t) “Firm” means GS Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
(u) “Good Reason” means, in connection with a termination of employment by a Grantee
following a Change in Control, (a) as determined by the Committee, a materially adverse alteration in the
Grantee’s position or in the nature or status of the Grantee’s responsibilities from those in effect
immediately prior to the Change in Control or (b) the Firm’s requiring the Grantee’s principal place of
Employment to be located more than seventy-five (75) miles from the location where the Grantee is
principally Employed at the time of the Change in Control (except for required travel on the Firm’s
business to an extent substantially consistent with the Grantee’s customary business travel obligations in
the ordinary course of business prior to the Change in Control).
(v) “Grantee” means a person who receives an Award.
(w) “GS Inc.” means The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., and any successor thereto.
(x) “1999 SIP” means The Goldman Sachs 1999 Stock Incentive Plan, as in effect prior to
the effective date of the 2003 SIP.
(y) “Outstanding” means any Award to the extent it has not been forfeited, cancelled,
terminated, exercised or with respect to which the shares of Common Stock underlying the Award have
not been previously delivered or other payments made.
(z) “RSU” means a restricted stock unit granted under the Plan, which represents an
unfunded and unsecured promise to deliver shares of Common Stock in accordance with the terms of the
RSU Award Agreement.
(aa)“RSU Shares” means shares of Common Stock that underlie an RSU.
(ab)“Section 409A” means Section 409A of the Code, including any amendments or
successor provisions to that Section and any regulations and other administrative guidance thereunder, in
each case as they, from time to time, may be amended or interpreted through further administrative
(ac)“SIP Administrator” means each person designated by the Committee as a “SIP
Administrator” with the authority to perform day-to-day administrative functions for the Plan.
(ad)“SIP Committee” means the persons who have been delegated certain authority under the
Plan by the Committee.
(ae)“Transfer Restrictions” means restrictions that prohibit the sale, exchange, transfer,
assignment, pledge, hypothecation, fractionalization, hedge or other disposal (including through the use of
any cash-settled instrument), whether voluntarily or involuntarily by the Grantee, of an Award or any
shares of Common Stock, cash or other property delivered in respect of an Award.
(af) “Vested” means, with respect to an Award, the portion of the Award that is not subject to
a condition that the Grantee remain actively employed by the Firm in order for the Award to remain
Outstanding. The fact that an Award becomes Vested shall not mean or otherwise indicate that the
Grantee has an unconditional or nonforfeitable right to such Award, and such Award shall remain subject
to such terms, conditions and forfeiture provisions as may be provided for in the Plan or in the Award
(ag)“Window Period” means a period designated by the Firm during which all employees of
the Firm are permitted to purchase or sell shares of Common Stock (provided that, if the Grantee is a
member of a designated group of employees who are subject to different restrictions, the Window Period
- 17 -
may be a period designated by the Firm during which an employee of the Firm in such designated group
is permitted to purchase or sell shares of Common Stock).
- 18 -
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
Fixed Allowance RSU Award
This Award Agreement, together with The Goldman Sachs Amended and Restated Stock Incentive
Plan (2021) (the “Plan”), governs your Fixed Allowance award of RSUs (your “Award”). You
should read carefully this entire Award Agreement, which includes the Award Statement, any
attached Appendix and the signature card.
1. You Must Decide Whether to Accept this Award Agreement. To be eligible to
receive your Award, you must by the date specified (a) open and activate an Account and (b) agree
to all the terms of your Award by executing the related signature card in accordance with its
instructions. By executing the signature card, you confirm your agreement to all of the terms of this
Award Agreement, including the arbitration and choice of forum provisions in Paragraph 13.
Documents that Govern Your Award; Definitions
2. The Plan. Your Award is granted under the Plan, and the Plan’s terms apply to, and are a
part of, this Award Agreement.
3. Your Award Statement. The Award Statement delivered to you contains some of your
Award’s specific terms. For example, it contains the number of Fixed Allowance RSUs awarded to you
and any applicable Delivery Dates and Transferability Dates.
4. Definitions. Unless otherwise defined herein, including in the Definitions Appendix or
any other Appendix, capitalized terms have the meanings provided in the Plan.
Vesting of Your Fixed Allowance RSUs
5. Vesting. All of your Fixed Allowance RSUs are Vested. When a Fixed Allowance RSU
is Vested, it means that your continued active Employment is not required for delivery of that portion of
RSU Shares. The terms of this Award Agreement (including conditions to delivery and any
applicable Transfer Restrictions) continue to apply to Vested Fixed Allowance RSUs.
Delivery of Your RSU Shares
6. Delivery. Reasonably promptly (but no more than 30 Business Days) after each Delivery
Date listed on your Award Statement, RSU Shares (less applicable withholding as described in Paragraph
10(a)) will be delivered (by book entry credit to your Account) in respect of the amount of Outstanding
Fixed Allowance RSUs listed next to that date. The Committee or the SIP Committee may select multiple
dates within the 30-Business-Day period following the Delivery Date to deliver RSU Shares in respect of
all or a portion of the Fixed Allowance RSUs with the same Delivery Date listed on the Award Statement,
and all such dates will be treated as a single Delivery Date for purposes of this Award. Until such
delivery, you have only the rights of a general unsecured creditor, and no rights as a shareholder of GS
Inc. Without limiting the Committee’s authority under Section 1.3.2(h) of the Plan, the Firm may
accelerate any Delivery Date by up to 30 days.
Transfer Restrictions Following Delivery
7. Transfer Restrictions and Shares at Risk. Fifty percent of the RSU Shares that are
delivered on any date, before tax withholding (or, if the applicable tax withholding rate is greater than
50%, all RSU Shares delivered after tax withholding), will be Shares at Risk. This means that if, for
example, on a Delivery Date, you are scheduled to receive delivery of 1,000 RSU Shares, and you are
subject to a 40% withholding rate, then (a) 400 RSU Shares will be withheld for taxes, (b) 500 RSU
Shares delivered to you will be Shares at Risk and (c) 100 RSU Shares delivered to you will not be
subject to Transfer Restrictions. Any purported sale, exchange, transfer, assignment, pledge,
Exhibit 10.46
hypothecation, fractionalization, hedge or other disposition in violation of the Transfer Restrictions on
Shares at Risk will be void. Within 30 Business Days after the applicable Transferability Date listed on
your Award Statement (or any other date on which the Transfer Restrictions are to be removed), GS Inc.
will remove the Transfer Restrictions. The Committee or the SIP Committee may select multiple dates
within such 30-Business-Day period on which to remove Transfer Restrictions for all or a portion of the
Shares at Risk with the same Transferability Date listed on the Award Statement, and all such dates will
be treated as a single Transferability Date for purposes of this Award.
8. Dividend Equivalent Rights and Dividends. Each Fixed Allowance RSU includes a
Dividend Equivalent Right, which entitles you to receive an amount (less applicable withholding), at or
after the time of distribution of any regular cash dividend paid by GS Inc. in respect of a share of
Common Stock, equal to any regular cash dividend payment that would have been made in respect of an
RSU Share underlying your Outstanding Fixed Allowance RSUs for any record date that occurs on or
after the Date of Grant. In addition, you will be entitled to receive on a current basis any regular cash
dividend paid in respect of your Shares at Risk.
Exceptions to Delivery and/or Transferability Dates
9. Accelerated Delivery and/or Release of Transfer Restrictions in the Event of a
Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control, Conflicted Employment or Death. In the event
of your Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control, Conflicted Employment or death, each as
described below, your Outstanding RSUs and Shares at Risk will be treated as described in this Paragraph
(a) You Have a Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control. If your
Employment terminates when you meet the requirements of a Qualifying Termination After a
Change in Control, the RSU Shares underlying your Outstanding Fixed Allowance RSUs will be
delivered, and any Transfer Restrictions will cease to apply.
(b) You Are Determined to Have Accepted Conflicted Employment.
(i) Generally. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Plan or
otherwise, for purposes of this Award Agreement, “Conflicted Employment” means your
employment at any U.S. Federal, state or local government, any non-U.S. government,
any supranational or international organization, any self-regulatory organization, or any
agency or instrumentality of any such government or organization, or any other employer
(other than an “Accounting Firm” within the meaning of SEC Rule 2-01(f)(2) of
Regulation S-X or any successor thereto) determined by the Committee, if, as a result of
such employment, your continued holding of any Outstanding RSUs and Shares at Risk
would result in an actual or perceived conflict of interest. If your Employment terminates
solely because you resign to accept Conflicted Employment or if, following your
termination of Employment, you notify the Firm that you are accepting Conflicted
Employment, unless prohibited by applicable law or regulation, RSU Shares will be
delivered in respect of your Outstanding Fixed Allowance RSUs (including in the form of
cash as described in Paragraph 10(b)) and any Transfer Restrictions will cease to apply as
soon as practicable after the Committee has received satisfactory documentation relating
to your Conflicted Employment.
(ii) You May Have to Take Other Steps to Address Conflicts of Interest. The
Committee retains the authority to exercise its rights under the Award Agreement or the
Plan (including Section 1.3.2 of the Plan) to take or require you to take other steps it
determines in its sole discretion to be necessary or appropriate to cure an actual or
perceived conflict of interest (which may include a determination that the accelerated
delivery and/or release of Transfer Restrictions described in Paragraph 9(b)(i) will not
apply because such actions are not necessary or appropriate to cure an actual or perceived
conflict of interest).
- 2 -
(c) Death. If you die, the RSU Shares underlying your Outstanding Fixed Allowance
RSUs will be delivered to your Account and any Transfer Restrictions will cease to apply as soon
as practicable after the date of death and after such documentation as may be requested by the
Committee is provided to the Committee.
Other Terms, Conditions and Agreements
10. Additional Terms, Conditions and Agreements.
(a) You Must Satisfy Applicable Tax Withholding Requirements. Delivery of RSU
Shares is conditioned on your satisfaction of any applicable withholding taxes in accordance with
Section 3.2 of the Plan, which includes the Firm deducting or withholding amounts from any
payment or distribution to you. In addition, to the extent permitted by applicable law, the Firm, in
its sole discretion, may require you to provide amounts equal to all or a portion of any Federal,
state, local, foreign or other tax obligations imposed on you or the Firm in connection with the
grant or delivery of this Award by requiring you to choose between remitting the amount (i) in
cash (or through payroll deduction or otherwise) or (ii) in the form of proceeds from the Firm’s
executing a sale of RSU Shares delivered to you under this Award. In no event, however, does
this Paragraph 10(a) give you any discretion to determine or affect the timing of the delivery of
RSU Shares or the timing of payment of tax obligations.
(b) Firm May Deliver Cash or Other Property Instead of RSU Shares. In accordance
with Section 1.3.2(i) of the Plan, in the sole discretion of the Committee, in lieu of all or any
portion of the RSU Shares, the Firm may deliver cash, other securities, other awards under the
Plan or other property, and all references in this Award Agreement to deliveries of RSU Shares
will include such deliveries of cash, other securities, other awards under the Plan or other
(c) Amounts May Be Rounded to Avoid Fractional Shares. RSU Shares that become
deliverable on a Delivery Date and RSU Shares subject to Transfer Restrictions may, in each
case, be rounded to avoid fractional Shares.
(d) You May Be Required to Become a Party to the Shareholders’ Agreement. Your
rights to your Fixed Allowance RSUs are conditioned on your becoming a party to any
shareholders’ agreement to which other similarly situated employees (e.g., employees with a
similar title or position) of the Firm are required to be a party.
(e) Firm May Affix Legends and Place Stop Orders on Restricted RSU Shares. GS
Inc. may affix to Certificates representing RSU Shares any legend that the Committee determines
to be necessary or advisable (including to reflect any restrictions to which you may be subject
under a separate agreement). GS Inc. may advise the transfer agent to place a stop order against
any legended RSU Shares.
(f) You Agree to Certain Consents, Terms and Conditions. By accepting this Award
you understand and agree that:
(i) You Agree to Certain Consents as a Condition to the Award. You have
expressly consented to all of the items listed in Section 3.3.3(d) of the Plan, including the
Firm’s supplying to any third-party recordkeeper of the Plan or other person such
personal information of yours as the Committee deems advisable to administer the Plan,
and you agree to provide any additional consents that the Committee determines to be
necessary or advisable;
(ii) You Are Subject to the Firm’s Policies, Rules and Procedures. You are
subject to the Firm’s policies in effect from time to time concerning trading in RSU
Shares and hedging or pledging RSU Shares and equity-based compensation or other
awards (including, without limitation, the “Firmwide Policy with Respect to Personal
Transactions Involving GS Securities and GS Equity Awards” or any successor policies),
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and confidential or proprietary information, and you will effect sales of RSU Shares in
accordance with such rules and procedures as may be adopted from time to time (which
may include, without limitation, restrictions relating to the timing of sale requests, the
manner in which sales are executed, pricing method, consolidation or aggregation of
orders and volume limits determined by the Firm);
(iii) You Are Responsible for Costs Associated with Your Award. You will
be responsible for all brokerage costs and other fees or expenses associated with your
Fixed Allowance RSUs, including those related to the sale of RSU Shares;
(iv) You Will Be Deemed to Represent Your Compliance with All the Terms
of Your Award if You Accept Delivery of, or Sell, RSU Shares. You will be deemed to
have represented and certified that you have complied with all of the terms of the Plan
and this Award Agreement when RSU Shares are delivered to you, you receive payment
in respect of Dividend Equivalent Rights and you request the sale of RSU Shares
following the release of Transfer Restrictions;
(v) Firm May Deliver Your Award into an Escrow Account. The Firm may
establish and maintain an escrow account on such terms (which may include your
executing any documents related to, and your paying for any costs associated with, such
account) as it may deem necessary or appropriate, and the delivery of RSU Shares
(including Shares at Risk) or the payment of cash (including dividends and payments
under Dividend Equivalent Rights) or other property may initially be made into and held
in that escrow account until such time as the Committee has received such documentation
as it may have requested or until the Committee has determined that any other conditions
or restrictions on delivery of RSU Shares, cash or other property required by this Award
Agreement have been satisfied;
(vi) You Must Comply with Applicable Deadlines and Procedures to Appeal
Determinations Made by the Committee, the SIP Committee or SIP Administrators. If
you disagree with a determination made by the Committee, the SIP Committee, the SIP
Administrators, or any of their delegates or designees and you wish to appeal such
determination, you must submit a written request to the SIP Committee for review within
180 days after the determination at issue. You must exhaust your internal administrative
remedies (i.e., submit your appeal and wait for resolution of that appeal) before seeking
to resolve a dispute through arbitration pursuant to Paragraph 13 and Section 3.17 of the
Plan; and
(vii) You Agree that Covered Persons Will Not Have Liability. In addition to
and without limiting the generality of the provisions of Section 1.3.5 of the Plan, neither
the Firm nor any Covered Person will have any liability to you or any other person for
any action taken or omitted in respect of this or any other Award.
11. Non-transferability. Except as otherwise may be provided in this Paragraph 11 or as
otherwise may be provided by the Committee, the limitations on transferability set forth in Section 3.5 of
the Plan will apply to this Award. Any purported transfer or assignment in violation of the provisions of
this Paragraph 11 or Section 3.5 of the Plan will be void. The Committee may adopt procedures pursuant
to which some or all recipients of Fixed Allowance RSUs may transfer some or all of their Fixed
Allowance RSUs and/or Shares at Risk (which will continue to be subject to Transfer Restrictions until
the Transferability Date) through a gift for no consideration to any immediate family member, a trust or
other estate planning vehicle approved by the Committee or SIP Committee in which the recipient and/or
the recipient’s immediate family members in the aggregate have 100% of the beneficial interest.
12. Right of Offset. Except as provided in Paragraph 15(h), the obligation to deliver RSU
Shares, to pay dividends or payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights or to remove the Transfer
Restrictions under this Award Agreement is subject to Section 3.4 of the Plan, which provides for the
Firm’s right to offset against such obligation any outstanding amounts you owe to the Firm and any
amounts the Committee deems appropriate pursuant to any tax equalization policy or agreement.
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13. Arbitration; Choice of Forum.
(a) By accepting this award, you are indicating that you understand and agree
that the arbitration and choice of forum provisions set forth in Section 3.17 of the plan will
apply to this award. These provisions, which are expressly incorporated herein by
reference, provide among other things that any dispute, controversy or claim between the
Firm and you arising out of or relating to or concerning the Plan or this award agreement
will be finally settled by arbitration in New York City, pursuant to the terms more fully set
forth in Section 3.17 of the plan; provided that nothing herein shall preclude you from filing
a charge with or participating in any investigation or proceeding conducted by any
governmental authority, including but not limited to the sec, the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission and a state or local human rights agency, as well as law
(b) To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, no arbitrator will have the
authority to consider class, collective or representative claims, to order consolidation or to join
different claimants or grant relief other than on an individual basis to the individual claimant
(c) Notwithstanding any applicable forum rules to the contrary, to the extent there is
a question of enforceability of this Award Agreement arising from a challenge to the arbitrator’s
jurisdiction or to the arbitrability of a claim, it will be decided by a court and not an arbitrator.
(d) The Federal Arbitration Act governs interpretation and enforcement of all
arbitration provisions under the Plan and this Award Agreement, and all arbitration proceedings
(e) Nothing in this Award Agreement creates a substantive right to bring a claim
under U.S. Federal, state, or local employment laws.
(f) By accepting your Award, you irrevocably appoint each General Counsel of GS
Inc., or any person whom the General Counsel of GS Inc. designates, as your agent for service of
process in connection with any suit, action or proceeding arising out of or relating to or
concerning the Plan or any Award which is not arbitrated pursuant to the provisions of
Section 3.17.1 of the Plan, who shall promptly advise you of any such service of process.
(g) To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, no arbitrator will have the
authority to consider any claim as to which you have not first exhausted your internal
administrative remedies in accordance with Paragraph 10(f)(vi).
Certain Tax Provisions
15. Compliance of Award Agreement and Plan with Section 409A. The provisions of this
Paragraph 15 apply to you only if you are a U.S. taxpayer.
(a) This Award Agreement and the Plan provisions that apply to this Award are
intended and will be construed to comply with Section 409A (including the requirements
applicable to, or the conditions for exemption from treatment as, 409A Deferred Compensation),
whether by reason of short-term deferral treatment or other exceptions or provisions. The
Committee will have full authority to give effect to this intent. To the extent necessary to give
effect to this intent, in the case of any conflict or potential inconsistency between the provisions
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of the Plan (including Sections 1.3.2 and 2.1 thereof) and this Award Agreement, the provisions
of this Award Agreement will govern, and in the case of any conflict or potential inconsistency
between this Paragraph 15 and the other provisions of this Award Agreement, this Paragraph 15
will govern.
(b) Delivery of RSU Shares will not be delayed beyond the date on which all
applicable conditions or restrictions on delivery of RSU Shares required by this Agreement
(including those specified in Paragraphs 6, 7, 9(c) and 10 and the consents and other items
specified in Section 3.3 of the Plan) are satisfied. To the extent that any portion of this Award is
intended to satisfy the requirements for short-term deferral treatment under Section 409A,
delivery for such portion will occur by the March 15 coinciding with the last day of the applicable
“short-term deferral” period described in Reg. 1.409A-1(b)(4) in order for the delivery of RSU
Shares to be within the short-term deferral exception unless, in order to permit all applicable
conditions or restrictions on delivery to be satisfied, the Committee elects, pursuant to Reg.
1.409A-1(b)(4)(i)(D) or otherwise as may be permitted in accordance with Section 409A, to delay
delivery of RSU Shares to a later date within the same calendar year or to such later date as may
be permitted under Section 409A, including Reg. 1.409A-3(d). For the avoidance of doubt, if the
Award includes a “series of installment payments” as described in Reg. 1.409A-2(b)(2)(iii), your
right to the series of installment payments will be treated as a right to a series of separate
payments and not as a right to a single payment.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 10(b) and Section 1.3.2(i) of the
Plan, to the extent necessary to comply with Section 409A, any securities, other Awards or other
property that the Firm may deliver in respect of your Fixed Allowance RSUs will not have the
effect of deferring delivery or payment, income inclusion, or a substantial risk of forfeiture,
beyond the date on which such delivery, payment or inclusion would occur or such risk of
forfeiture would lapse, with respect to the RSU Shares that would otherwise have been
deliverable (unless the Committee elects a later date for this purpose pursuant to Reg.
1.409A-1(b)(4)(i)(D) or otherwise as may be permitted under Section 409A, including and to the
extent applicable, the subsequent election provisions of Section 409A(a)(4)(C) of the Code and
Reg. 1.409A-2(b)).
(d) Notwithstanding the timing provisions of Paragraph 9(c), the delivery of RSU
Shares referred to therein will be made after the date of death and during the calendar year that
includes the date of death (or on such later date as may be permitted under Section 409A).
(e) The timing of delivery or payment pursuant to Paragraph 9(a) will occur on the
earlier of (i) the Delivery Date or (ii) a date that is within the calendar year in which the
termination of Employment occurs; provided, however, that, if you are a “specified employee” (as
defined by the Firm in accordance with Section 409A(a)(2)(i)(B) of the Code), delivery will occur
on the earlier of the Delivery Date or (to the extent required to avoid the imposition of additional
tax under Section 409A) the date that is six months after your termination of Employment (or, if
the latter date is not during a Window Period, the first trading day of the next Window Period).
For purposes of Paragraph 9(a), references in this Award Agreement to termination of
Employment mean a termination of Employment from the Firm (as defined by the Firm) which is
also a separation from service (as defined by the Firm in accordance with Section 409A).
(f) Notwithstanding any provision of Paragraph 8 or Section 2.8.2 of the Plan to the
contrary, the Dividend Equivalent Rights with respect to each of your Outstanding Fixed
Allowance RSUs will be paid to you within the calendar year that includes the date of distribution
of any corresponding regular cash dividends paid by GS Inc. in respect of a share of Common
Stock the record date for which occurs on or after the Date of Grant. The payment will be in an
amount (less applicable withholding) equal to such regular dividend payment as would have been
made in respect of the RSU Shares underlying such Outstanding Fixed Allowance RSUs.
(g) The timing of delivery or payment referred to in Paragraph 9(b)(i) will be the
earlier of (i) the Delivery Date or (ii) a date that is within the calendar year in which the
Committee receives satisfactory documentation relating to your Conflicted Employment,
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provided that such delivery or payment will be made, and any Committee action referred to in
Paragraph 9(b)(ii) will be taken, only at such time as, and if and to the extent that it, as reasonably
determined by the Firm, would not result in the imposition of any additional tax to you under
Section 409A.
(h) Paragraph 12 and Section 3.4 of the Plan will not apply to Awards that are 409A
Deferred Compensation except to the extent permitted under Section 409A.
(i) Delivery of RSU Shares in respect of any Award may be made, if and to the
extent elected by the Committee, later than the Delivery Date or other date or period specified
hereinabove (but, in the case of any Award that constitutes 409A Deferred Compensation, only to
the extent that the later delivery is permitted under Section 409A).
(j) You understand and agree that you are solely responsible for the payment of any
taxes and penalties due pursuant to Section 409A, but in no event will you be permitted to
designate, directly or indirectly, the taxable year of the delivery.
Amendment, Construction and Regulatory Reporting
16. Amendment. The Committee reserves the right at any time to amend the terms of this
Award Agreement, and the Board may amend the Plan in any respect; provided that, notwithstanding the
foregoing and Sections 1.3.2(f), 1.3.2(h) and 3.1 of the Plan, no such amendment will materially
adversely affect your rights and obligations under this Award Agreement without your consent; and
provided further that the Committee expressly reserves its rights to amend the Award Agreement and the
Plan as described in Sections 1.3.2(h)(1), (2) and (4) of the Plan. A modification that impacts the tax
consequences of this Award or the timing of delivery of RSU Shares will not be an amendment that
materially adversely affects your rights and obligations under this Award Agreement. Any amendment of
this Award Agreement will be in writing.
17. Construction, Headings. Unless the context requires otherwise, (a) words describing the
singular number include the plural and vice versa, (b) words denoting any gender include all genders and
(c) the words “include,” “includes” and “including” will be deemed to be followed by the words “without
limitation.” The headings in this Award Agreement are for the purpose of convenience only and are not
intended to define or limit the construction of the provisions hereof. References in this Award Agreement
to any specific Plan provision will not be construed as limiting the applicability of any other Plan
18. Providing Information to the Appropriate Authorities. In accordance with applicable
law, nothing in this Award Agreement or the Plan prevents you from providing information you
reasonably believe to be true to the appropriate governmental authority, including a regulatory, judicial,
administrative, or other governmental entity; reporting possible violations of law or regulation; making
other disclosures that are protected under any applicable law or regulation; or filing a charge or
participating in any investigation or proceeding conducted by a governmental authority. For the avoidance
of doubt, governmental authority includes federal, state and local government agencies such as the SEC,
the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and any state or local human rights agency (e.g., the
New York State Division of Human Rights, the New York City Commission on Human Rights, the
California Department of Fair Employment and Housing), as well as law enforcement.
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, GS Inc. has caused this Award Agreement to be duly executed and
delivered as of the Date of Grant.
Definitions Appendix
The following capitalized terms are used in this Award Agreement with the following meanings:
(a) “409A Deferred Compensation” means a “deferral of compensation” or “deferred
compensation” as those terms are defined in the regulations under Section 409A.
(b) “Conflicted Employment” means your employment at any U.S. Federal, state or local
government, any non-U.S. government, any supranational or international organization, any self-
regulatory organization, or any agency or instrumentality of any such government or organization, or any
other employer (other than an “Accounting Firm” within the meaning of SEC Rule 2-01(f)(2) of
Regulation S-X or any successor thereto) determined by the Committee, if, as a result of such
employment, your continued holding of any Outstanding RSUs and Shares at Risk would result in an
actual or perceived conflict of interest.
(c) “Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control” means that the Firm terminates your
Employment other than for Cause or you terminate your Employment for Good Reason, in each case,
within 18 months following a Change in Control.
(d) “SEC” means the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
(e) “Shares at Risk” means RSU Shares subject to Transfer Restrictions.
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The following capitalized terms are used in this Award Agreement with the meanings that are
assigned to them in the Plan.
(a) “Account” means any brokerage account, custody account or similar account, as
approved or required by GS Inc. from time to time, into which shares of Common Stock, cash or other
property in respect of an Award are delivered.
(b) “Award Agreement” means the written document or documents by which each Award is
evidenced, including any related Award Statement and signature card.
(c) “Award Statement” means a written statement that reflects certain Award terms.
(d) “Board” means the Board of Directors of GS Inc.
(e) “Business Day” means any day other than a Saturday, a Sunday or a day on which
banking institutions in New York City are authorized or obligated by Federal law or executive order to be
(f) “Cause” means (i) the Grantee’s conviction, whether following trial or by plea of guilty
or nolo contendere (or similar plea), in a criminal proceeding (A) on a misdemeanor charge involving
fraud, false statements or misleading omissions, wrongful taking, embezzlement, bribery, forgery,
counterfeiting or extortion, or (B) on a felony charge, or (C) on an equivalent charge to those in clauses
(A) and (B) in jurisdictions which do not use those designations, (ii) the Grantee’s engaging in any
conduct which constitutes an employment disqualification under applicable law (including statutory
disqualification as defined under the Exchange Act), (iii) the Grantee’s willful failure to perform the
Grantee’s duties to the Firm, (iv) the Grantee’s violation of any securities or commodities laws, any rules
or regulations issued pursuant to such laws, or the rules and regulations of any securities or commodities
exchange or association of which the Firm is a member, (v) the Grantee’s violation of any Firm policy
concerning hedging or pledging or confidential or proprietary information, or the Grantee’s material
violation of any other Firm policy as in effect from time to time, (vi) the Grantee’s engaging in any act or
making any statement which impairs, impugns, denigrates, disparages or negatively reflects upon the
name, reputation or business interests of the Firm or (vii) the Grantee’s engaging in any conduct
detrimental to the Firm. The determination as to whether Cause has occurred shall be made by the
Committee in its sole discretion and, in such case, the Committee also may, but shall not be required to,
specify the date such Cause occurred (including by determining that a prior termination of Employment
was for Cause). Any rights the Firm may have hereunder and in any Award Agreement in respect of the
events giving rise to Cause shall be in addition to the rights the Firm may have under any other agreement
with a Grantee or at law or in equity.
(g) “Certificate” means a stock certificate (or other appropriate document or evidence of
ownership) representing shares of Common Stock.
(h) “Change in Control” means the consummation of a merger, consolidation, statutory share
exchange or similar form of corporate transaction involving GS Inc. (a “Reorganization”) or sale or other
disposition of all or substantially all of GS Inc.’s assets to an entity that is not an affiliate of GS Inc. (a
“Sale”), that in each case requires the approval of GS Inc.’s shareholders under the law of GS Inc.’s
jurisdiction of organization, whether for such Reorganization or Sale (or the issuance of securities of GS
Inc. in such Reorganization or Sale), unless immediately following such Reorganization or Sale, either: (i)
at least 50% of the total voting power (in respect of the election of directors, or similar officials in the
case of an entity other than a corporation) of (A) the entity resulting from such Reorganization, or the
entity which has acquired all or substantially all of the assets of GS Inc. in a Sale (in either case, the
“Surviving Entity”), or (B) if applicable, the ultimate parent entity that directly or indirectly has beneficial
ownership (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act, as such Rule is in effect on the
date of the adoption of the 1999 SIP) of 50% or more of the total voting power (in respect of the election
of directors, or similar officials in the case of an entity other than a corporation) of the Surviving Entity
(the “Parent Entity”) is represented by GS Inc.’s securities (the “GS Inc. Securities”) that were
outstanding immediately prior to such Reorganization or Sale (or, if applicable, is represented by shares
into which such GS Inc. Securities were converted pursuant to such Reorganization or Sale) or (ii) at least
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50% of the members of the board of directors (or similar officials in the case of an entity other than a
corporation) of the Parent Entity (or, if there is no Parent Entity, the Surviving Entity) following the
consummation of the Reorganization or Sale were, at the time of the Board’s approval of the execution of
the initial agreement providing for such Reorganization or Sale, individuals (the “Incumbent Directors”)
who either (A) were members of the Board on the Effective Date or (B) became directors subsequent to
the Effective Date and whose election or nomination for election was approved by a vote of at least two-
thirds of the Incumbent Directors then on the Board (either by a specific vote or by approval of GS Inc.’s
proxy statement in which such persons are named as nominees for director).
(i) “Code” means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time, and the
applicable rulings and regulations thereunder.
(j) “Committee” means the committee appointed by the Board to administer the Plan
pursuant to Section 1.3, and, to the extent the Board determines it is appropriate for the compensation
realized from Awards under the Plan to be considered “performance based” compensation under
Section 162(m) of the Code, shall be a committee or subcommittee of the Board composed of two or
more members, each of whom is an “outside director” within the meaning of Code Section 162(m), and
which, to the extent the Board determines it is appropriate for Awards under the Plan to qualify for the
exemption available under Rule 16b-3(d)(1) or Rule 16b-3(e) promulgated under the Exchange Act, shall
be a committee or subcommittee of the Board composed of two or more members, each of whom is a
“non-employee director” within the meaning of Rule 16b-3. Unless otherwise determined by the Board,
the Committee shall be the Compensation Committee of the Board.
(k) “Common Stock” means common stock of GS Inc., par value $0.01 per share.
(l) “Covered Person” means a member of the Board or the Committee or any employee of
the Firm.
(m) “Date of Grant” means the date specified in the Grantee’s Award Agreement as the date
of grant of the Award.
(n) “Delivery Date” means each date specified in the Grantee’s Award Agreement as a
delivery date, provided, unless the Committee determines otherwise, such date is during a Window Period
or, if such date is not during a Window Period, the first trading day of the first Window Period beginning
after such date.
(o) “Dividend Equivalent Right” means a dividend equivalent right granted under the Plan,
which represents an unfunded and unsecured promise to pay to the Grantee amounts equal to all or any
portion of the regular cash dividends that would be paid on shares of Common Stock covered by an
Award if such shares had been delivered pursuant to an Award.
(p) “Effective Date” means the date this Plan is approved by the shareholders of GS Inc.
pursuant to Section 3.15 of the Plan.
(q) “Employment” means the Grantee’s performance of services for the Firm, as determined
by the Committee. The terms “employ” and “employed” shall have their correlative meanings. The
Committee in its sole discretion may determine (i) whether and when a Grantee’s leave of absence results
in a termination of Employment (for this purpose, unless the Committee determines otherwise, a Grantee
shall be treated as terminating Employment with the Firm upon the occurrence of an Extended Absence),
(ii) whether and when a change in a Grantee’s association with the Firm results in a termination of
Employment and (iii) the impact, if any, of any such leave of absence or change in association on Awards
theretofore made. Unless expressly provided otherwise, any references in the Plan or any Award
Agreement to a Grantee’s Employment being terminated shall include both voluntary and involuntary
(r) “Exchange Act” means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended from time to
time, and the applicable rules and regulations thereunder.
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(s) “Extended Absence” means the Grantee’s inability to perform for six (6) continuous
months, due to illness, injury or pregnancy-related complications, substantially all the essential duties of
the Grantee’s occupation, as determined by the Committee.
(t) “Firm” means GS Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
(u) “Good Reason” means, in connection with a termination of employment by a Grantee
following a Change in Control, (a) as determined by the Committee, a materially adverse alteration in the
Grantee’s position or in the nature or status of the Grantee’s responsibilities from those in effect
immediately prior to the Change in Control or (b) the Firm’s requiring the Grantee’s principal place of
Employment to be located more than seventy-five (75) miles from the location where the Grantee is
principally Employed at the time of the Change in Control (except for required travel on the Firm’s
business to an extent substantially consistent with the Grantee’s customary business travel obligations in
the ordinary course of business prior to the Change in Control).
(v) “Grantee” means a person who receives an Award.
(w) “GS Inc.” means The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., and any successor thereto.
(x) “1999 SIP” means The Goldman Sachs 1999 Stock Incentive Plan, as in effect prior to
the effective date of the 2003 SIP.
(y) “Outstanding” means any Award to the extent it has not been forfeited, cancelled,
terminated, exercised or with respect to which the shares of Common Stock underlying the Award have
not been previously delivered or other payments made.
(z) “Restricted Share” means a share of Common Stock delivered under the Plan that is
subject to Transfer Restrictions, forfeiture provisions and/or other terms and conditions specified herein
and in the Restricted Share Award Agreement or other applicable Award Agreement. All references to
Restricted Shares include “Shares at Risk.”
(aa) “RSU” means a restricted stock unit granted under the Plan, which represents an
unfunded and unsecured promise to deliver shares of Common Stock in accordance with the terms of the
RSU Award Agreement.
(ab) “RSU Shares” means shares of Common Stock that underlie an RSU.
(ac) “Section 409A” means Section 409A of the Code, including any amendments or
successor provisions to that Section and any regulations and other administrative guidance thereunder, in
each case as they, from time to time, may be amended or interpreted through further administrative
(ad) “SIP Administrator” means each person designated by the Committee as a “SIP
Administrator” with the authority to perform day-to-day administrative functions for the Plan.
(ae) “SIP Committee” means the persons who have been delegated certain authority under the
Plan by the Committee.
(af) “Transfer Restrictions” means restrictions that prohibit the sale, exchange, transfer,
assignment, pledge, hypothecation, fractionalization, hedge or other disposal (including through the use of
any cash-settled instrument), whether voluntarily or involuntarily by the Grantee, of an Award or any
shares of Common Stock, cash or other property delivered in respect of an Award.
(ag) “Transferability Date” means the date Transfer Restrictions on a Restricted Share will be
released. Within 30 Business Days after the applicable Transferability Date, GS Inc. shall take, or shall
cause to be taken, such steps as may be necessary to remove Transfer Restrictions.
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(ah) “Vested” means, with respect to an Award, the portion of the Award that is not subject to
a condition that the Grantee remain actively employed by the Firm in order for the Award to remain
Outstanding. The fact that an Award becomes Vested shall not mean or otherwise indicate that the
Grantee has an unconditional or nonforfeitable right to such Award, and such Award shall remain subject
to such terms, conditions and forfeiture provisions as may be provided for in the Plan or in the Award
(ai) “Window Period” means a period designated by the Firm during which all employees of
the Firm are permitted to purchase or sell shares of Common Stock (provided that, if the Grantee is a
member of a designated group of employees who are subject to different restrictions, the Window Period
may be a period designated by the Firm during which an employee of the Firm in such designated group
is permitted to purchase or sell shares of Common Stock).
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The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
Fixed Allowance Restricted Stock Award
This Award Agreement, together with The Goldman Sachs Amended and Restated Stock Incentive
Plan (2021) (the “Plan”), governs your award of Fixed Allowance Restricted Shares (your
“Award”). You should read carefully this entire Award Agreement, which includes the Award
Statement, any attached Appendix and the signature card.
1. You Must Decide Whether to Accept this Award Agreement. To be eligible to
receive your Award, you must by the date specified (a) open and activate an Account and (b) agree
to all the terms of your Award by executing the related signature card in accordance with its
instructions. By executing the signature card, you confirm your agreement to all of the terms of this
Award Agreement, including the arbitration and choice of forum provisions in Paragraph 12.
Documents that Govern Your Award; Definitions
2. The Plan. Your Award is granted under the Plan, and the Plan’s terms apply to, and are a
part of, this Award Agreement.
3. Your Award Statement. The Award Statement delivered to you contains some of your
Award’s specific terms. For example, it contains the number of Fixed Allowance Restricted Shares
awarded to you and any applicable Transferability Dates.
4. Definitions. Unless otherwise defined herein, including in the Definitions Appendix or
any other Appendix, capitalized terms have the meanings provided in the Plan.
Vesting of Your Fixed Allowance Restricted Shares
5. Vesting. All of your Fixed Allowance Restricted Shares are Vested. When a Fixed
Allowance Restricted Share is Vested, it means that your continued active Employment is not required for
that portion of Restricted Shares to become fully transferable without risk of forfeiture. The terms of this
Award Agreement (including any applicable Transfer Restrictions) continue to apply to Vested
Fixed Allowance Restricted Shares.
Transfer Restrictions
6. Transfer Restrictions. Fixed Allowance Restricted Shares will be subject to Transfer
Restrictions until the applicable Transferability Date next to such number or percentage of Restricted
Shares on your Award Statement. Any purported sale, exchange, transfer, assignment, pledge,
hypothecation, fractionalization, hedge or other disposition in violation of the Transfer Restrictions will
be void. Within 30 Business Days after the applicable Transferability Date listed on your Award
Statement (or any other date on which the Transfer Restrictions are to be removed), GS Inc. will remove
the Transfer Restrictions. The Committee or the SIP Committee may select multiple dates within such 30-
Business-Day period on which to remove Transfer Restrictions for all or a portion of the Restricted
Shares with the same Transferability Date listed on the Award Statement, and all such dates will be
treated as a single Transferability Date for purposes of this Award.
7. Dividends. You will be entitled to receive on a current basis any regular cash dividend
paid in respect of your Fixed Allowance Restricted Shares.
Exhibit 10.47
Exceptions to Transferability Dates
8. Accelerated Release of Transfer Restrictions in the Event of a Qualifying
Termination After a Change in Control, Conflicted Employment or Death. In the event of your
Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control, Conflicted Employment or death, each as described
below, your Outstanding Restricted Shares will be treated as described in this Paragraph 8.
(a) You Have a Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control. If your
Employment terminates when you meet the requirements of a Qualifying Termination After a
Change in Control, any Transfer Restrictions will cease to apply.
(b) You Are Determined to Have Accepted Conflicted Employment.
(i) Generally. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Plan or
otherwise, for purposes of this Award Agreement, “Conflicted Employment” means your
employment at any U.S. Federal, state or local government, any non-U.S. government,
any supranational or international organization, any self-regulatory organization, or any
agency or instrumentality of any such government or organization, or any other employer
(other than an “Accounting Firm” within the meaning of SEC Rule 2-01(f)(2) of
Regulation S-X or any successor thereto) determined by the Committee, if, as a result of
such employment, your continued holding of any Outstanding Restricted Shares would
result in an actual or perceived conflict of interest. If your Employment terminates solely
because you resign to accept Conflicted Employment or if, following your termination of
Employment, you notify the Firm that you are accepting Conflicted Employment, unless
prohibited by applicable law or regulation, any Transfer Restrictions will cease to apply
as soon as practicable after the Committee has received satisfactory documentation
relating to your Conflicted Employment.
(ii) You May Have to Take Other Steps to Address Conflicts of Interest. The
Committee retains the authority to exercise its rights under the Award Agreement or the
Plan (including Section 1.3.2 of the Plan) to take or require you to take other steps it
determines in its sole discretion to be necessary or appropriate to cure an actual or
perceived conflict of interest (which may include a determination that the accelerated
release of Transfer Restrictions described in Paragraph 8(b)(i) will not apply because
such actions are not necessary or appropriate to cure an actual or perceived conflict of
(c) Death. If you die, any Transfer Restrictions will cease to apply as soon as
practicable after the date of death and after such documentation as may be requested by the
Committee is provided to the Committee.
Other Terms, Conditions and Agreements
9. Additional Terms, Conditions and Agreements.
(a) You Must Satisfy Applicable Tax Withholding Requirements. Removal of the
Transfer Restrictions is conditioned on your satisfaction of any applicable withholding taxes in
accordance with Section 3.2 of the Plan, which includes the Firm deducting or withholding
amounts from any payment or distribution to you. In addition, to the extent permitted by
applicable law, the Firm, in its sole discretion, may require you to provide amounts equal to all or
a portion of any Federal, state, local, foreign or other tax obligations imposed on you or the Firm
in connection with the grant of this Award by requiring you to choose between remitting the
amount (i) in cash (or through payroll deduction or otherwise), (ii) in the form of proceeds from
the Firm’s executing a sale of shares of Common Stock delivered to you under this Award or (iii)
shares of Common Stock delivered to you pursuant to this Award.
(b) Firm May Deliver Cash or Other Property Instead of Shares. In accordance with
Section 1.3.2(i) of the Plan, in the sole discretion of the Committee, in lieu of all or any portion of
- 2 -
the shares of Common Stock, the Firm may deliver cash, other securities, other awards under the
Plan or other property, and all references in this Award Agreement to deliveries of shares of
Common Stock will include such deliveries of cash, other securities, other awards under the Plan
or other property.
(c) Amounts May Be Rounded to Avoid Fractional Shares. Restricted Shares subject
to Transfer Restrictions may, in each case, be rounded to avoid fractional shares of Common
(d) You May Be Required to Become a Party to the Shareholders’ Agreement. Your
rights to your Fixed Allowance Restricted Shares are conditioned on your becoming a party to
any shareholders’ agreement to which other similarly situated employees (e.g., employees with a
similar title or position) of the Firm are required to be a party.
(e) Firm May Affix Legends and Place Stop Orders on Restricted Shares. GS Inc.
may affix to Certificates representing shares of Common Stock any legend that the Committee
determines to be necessary or advisable (including to reflect any restrictions to which you may be
subject under a separate agreement). GS Inc. may advise the transfer agent to place a stop order
against any legended shares of Common Stock.
(f) You Agree to Certain Consents, Terms and Conditions. By accepting this Award
you understand and agree that:
(i) You Agree to Certain Consents as a Condition to the Award. You have
expressly consented to all of the items listed in Section 3.3.3(d) of the Plan, including the
Firm’s supplying to any third-party recordkeeper of the Plan or other person such
personal information of yours as the Committee deems advisable to administer the Plan,
and you agree to provide any additional consents that the Committee determines to be
necessary or advisable;
(ii) You Are Subject to the Firm’s Policies, Rules and Procedures. You are
subject to the Firm’s policies in effect from time to time concerning trading in shares of
Common Stock and hedging or pledging shares of Common Stock and equity-based
compensation or other awards (including, without limitation, the “Firmwide Policy with
Respect to Personal Transactions Involving GS Securities and GS Equity Awards” or any
successor policies), and confidential or proprietary information, and you will effect sales
of shares of Common Stock in accordance with such rules and procedures as may be
adopted from time to time (which may include, without limitation, restrictions relating to
the timing of sale requests, the manner in which sales are executed, pricing method,
consolidation or aggregation of orders and volume limits determined by the Firm);
(iii) You Are Responsible for Costs Associated with Your Award. You will
be responsible for all brokerage costs and other fees or expenses associated with your
Fixed Allowance Restricted Shares, including those related to the sale of shares of
Common Stock;
(iv) You Will Be Deemed to Represent Your Compliance with All the Terms
of Your Award if You Sell Shares. You will be deemed to have represented and certified
that you have complied with all of the terms of the Plan and this Award Agreement when
you request the sale of shares of Common Stock following the release of Transfer
(v) Firm May Deliver Your Award into an Escrow Account. The Firm may
establish and maintain an escrow account on such terms (which may include your
executing any documents related to, and your paying for any costs associated with, such
account) as it may deem necessary or appropriate, and the delivery of shares of Common
Stock (including Restricted Shares) or the payment of cash (including dividends) or other
property may initially be made into and held in that escrow account until such time as the
- 3 -
Committee has received such documentation as it may have requested or until the
Committee has determined that any other conditions or restrictions on delivery of shares
of Common Stock, cash or other property required by this Award Agreement have been
(vi) You Must Comply with Applicable Deadlines and Procedures to Appeal
Determinations Made by the Committee, the SIP Committee or SIP Administrators. If
you disagree with a determination made by the Committee, the SIP Committee, the SIP
Administrators, or any of their delegates or designees and you wish to appeal such
determination, you must submit a written request to the SIP Committee for review within
180 days after the determination at issue. You must exhaust your internal administrative
remedies (i.e., submit your appeal and wait for resolution of that appeal) before seeking
to resolve a dispute through arbitration pursuant to Paragraph 12 and Section 3.17 of the
Plan; and
(vii) You Agree that Covered Persons Will Not Have Liability. In addition to
and without limiting the generality of the provisions of Section 1.3.5 of the Plan, neither
the Firm nor any Covered Person will have any liability to you or any other person for
any action taken or omitted in respect of this or any other Award.
10. Non-transferability. Except as otherwise may be provided in this Paragraph 10 or as
otherwise may be provided by the Committee, the limitations on transferability set forth in Section 3.5 of
the Plan will apply to this Award. Any purported transfer or assignment in violation of the provisions of
this Paragraph 10 or Section 3.5 of the Plan will be void. The Committee may adopt procedures pursuant
to which some or all recipients of Fixed Allowance Restricted Shares may transfer some or all of their
Fixed Allowance Restricted Shares (which will continue to be subject to Transfer Restrictions until the
Transferability Date) through a gift for no consideration to any immediate family member, a trust or other
estate planning vehicle approved by the Committee or SIP Committee in which the recipient and/or the
recipient’s immediate family members in the aggregate have 100% of the beneficial interest.
11. Right of Offset. The obligation to pay dividends or to remove the Transfer Restrictions
under this Award Agreement is subject to Section 3.4 of the Plan, which provides for the Firm’s right to
offset against such obligation any outstanding amounts you owe to the Firm and any amounts the
Committee deems appropriate pursuant to any tax equalization policy or agreement.
Arbitration, Choice of Forum and Governing Law
12. Arbitration; Choice of Forum.
(a) By accepting this award, you are indicating that you understand and agree
that the arbitration and choice of forum provisions set forth in Section 3.17 of the plan will
apply to this award. These provisions, which are expressly incorporated herein by
reference, provide among other things that any dispute, controversy or claim between the
Firm and you arising out of or relating to or concerning the Plan or this award agreement
will be finally settled by arbitration in New York City, pursuant to the terms more fully set
forth in Section 3.17 of the plan; provided that nothing herein shall preclude you from filing
a charge with or participating in any investigation or proceeding conducted by any
governmental authority, including but not limited to the sec, the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission and a state or local human rights agency, as well as law
(b) To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, no arbitrator will have the
authority to consider class, collective or representative claims, to order consolidation or to join
different claimants or grant relief other than on an individual basis to the individual claimant
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(c) Notwithstanding any applicable forum rules to the contrary, to the extent there is
a question of enforceability of this Award Agreement arising from a challenge to the arbitrator’s
jurisdiction or to the arbitrability of a claim, it will be decided by a court and not an arbitrator.
(d) The Federal Arbitration Act governs interpretation and enforcement of all
arbitration provisions under the Plan and this Award Agreement, and all arbitration proceedings
(e) Nothing in this Award Agreement creates a substantive right to bring a claim
under U.S. Federal, state, or local employment laws.
(f) By accepting your Award, you irrevocably appoint each General Counsel of GS
Inc., or any person whom the General Counsel of GS Inc. designates, as your agent for service of
process in connection with any suit, action or proceeding arising out of or relating to or
concerning the Plan or any Award which is not arbitrated pursuant to the provisions of
Section 3.17.1 of the Plan, who shall promptly advise you of any such service of process.
(g) To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, no arbitrator will have the
authority to consider any claim as to which you have not first exhausted your internal
administrative remedies in accordance with Paragraph 9(f)(vi).
Amendment, Construction and Regulatory Reporting
14. Amendment. The Committee reserves the right at any time to amend the terms of this
Award Agreement, and the Board may amend the Plan in any respect; provided that, notwithstanding the
foregoing and Sections 1.3.2(f), 1.3.2(h) and 3.1 of the Plan, no such amendment will materially
adversely affect your rights and obligations under this Award Agreement without your consent; and
provided further that the Committee expressly reserves its rights to amend the Award Agreement and the
Plan as described in Sections 1.3.2(h)(1), (2) and (4) of the Plan. A modification that impacts the tax
consequences of this Award will not be an amendment that materially adversely affects your rights and
obligations under this Award Agreement. Any amendment of this Award Agreement will be in writing.
15. Construction, Headings. Unless the context requires otherwise, (a) words describing the
singular number include the plural and vice versa, (b) words denoting any gender include all genders and
(c) the words “include,” “includes” and “including” will be deemed to be followed by the words “without
limitation.” The headings in this Award Agreement are for the purpose of convenience only and are not
intended to define or limit the construction of the provisions hereof. References in this Award Agreement
to any specific Plan provision will not be construed as limiting the applicability of any other Plan
16. Providing Information to the Appropriate Authorities. In accordance with applicable
law, nothing in this Award Agreement or the Plan prevents you from providing information you
reasonably believe to be true to the appropriate governmental authority, including a regulatory, judicial,
administrative, or other governmental entity; reporting possible violations of law or regulation; making
other disclosures that are protected under any applicable law or regulation; or filing a charge or
participating in any investigation or proceeding conducted by a governmental authority. For the avoidance
of doubt, governmental authority includes federal, state and local government agencies such as the SEC,
the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and any state or local human rights agency (e.g., the
New York State Division of Human Rights, the New York City Commission on Human Rights, the
California Department of Fair Employment and Housing), as well as law enforcement.
- 5 -
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, GS Inc. has caused this Award Agreement to be duly executed and
delivered as of the Date of Grant.
The following capitalized terms are used in this Award Agreement with the following meanings:
(a) “Conflicted Employment” means your employment at any U.S. Federal, state or local
government, any non-U.S. government, any supranational or international organization, any self-
regulatory organization, or any agency or instrumentality of any such government or organization, or any
other employer (other than an “Accounting Firm” within the meaning of SEC Rule 2-01(f)(2) of
Regulation S-X or any successor thereto) determined by the Committee, if, as a result of such
employment, your continued holding of any Outstanding Restricted Shares would result in an actual or
perceived conflict of interest.
(b) “Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control” means that the Firm terminates your
Employment other than for Cause or you terminate your Employment for Good Reason, in each case,
within 18 months following a Change in Control.
(c) “SEC” means the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
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The following capitalized terms are used in this Award Agreement with the meanings that are
assigned to them in the Plan.
(a) “Account” means any brokerage account, custody account or similar account, as
approved or required by GS Inc. from time to time, into which shares of Common Stock, cash or other
property in respect of an Award are delivered.
(b) “Award Agreement” means the written document or documents by which each Award is
evidenced, including any related Award Statement and signature card.
(c) “Award Statement” means a written statement that reflects certain Award terms.
(d) “Board” means the Board of Directors of GS Inc.
(e) “Business Day” means any day other than a Saturday, a Sunday or a day on which
banking institutions in New York City are authorized or obligated by Federal law or executive order to be
(f) “Cause” means (i) the Grantee’s conviction, whether following trial or by plea of guilty
or nolo contendere (or similar plea), in a criminal proceeding (A) on a misdemeanor charge involving
fraud, false statements or misleading omissions, wrongful taking, embezzlement, bribery, forgery,
counterfeiting or extortion, or (B) on a felony charge, or (C) on an equivalent charge to those in clauses
(A) and (B) in jurisdictions which do not use those designations, (ii) the Grantee’s engaging in any
conduct which constitutes an employment disqualification under applicable law (including statutory
disqualification as defined under the Exchange Act), (iii) the Grantee’s willful failure to perform the
Grantee’s duties to the Firm, (iv) the Grantee’s violation of any securities or commodities laws, any rules
or regulations issued pursuant to such laws, or the rules and regulations of any securities or commodities
exchange or association of which the Firm is a member, (v) the Grantee’s violation of any Firm policy
concerning hedging or pledging or confidential or proprietary information, or the Grantee’s material
violation of any other Firm policy as in effect from time to time, (vi) the Grantee’s engaging in any act or
making any statement which impairs, impugns, denigrates, disparages or negatively reflects upon the
name, reputation or business interests of the Firm or (vii) the Grantee’s engaging in any conduct
detrimental to the Firm. The determination as to whether Cause has occurred shall be made by the
Committee in its sole discretion and, in such case, the Committee also may, but shall not be required to,
specify the date such Cause occurred (including by determining that a prior termination of Employment
was for Cause). Any rights the Firm may have hereunder and in any Award Agreement in respect of the
events giving rise to Cause shall be in addition to the rights the Firm may have under any other agreement
with a Grantee or at law or in equity.
(g) “Certificate” means a stock certificate (or other appropriate document or evidence of
ownership) representing shares of Common Stock.
“Change in Control” means the consummation of a merger, consolidation, statutory share exchange or
similar form of corporate transaction involving GS Inc. (a “Reorganization”) or sale or other disposition
of all or substantially all of GS Inc.’s assets to an entity that is not an affiliate of GS Inc. (a “Sale”), that in
each case requires the approval of GS Inc.’s shareholders under the law of GS Inc.’s jurisdiction of
organization, whether for such Reorganization or Sale (or the issuance of securities of GS Inc. in such
Reorganization or Sale), unless immediately following such Reorganization or Sale, either: (i) at least
50% of the total voting power (in respect of the election of directors, or similar officials in the case of an
entity other than a corporation) of (A) the entity resulting from such Reorganization, or the entity which
has acquired all or substantially all of the assets of GS Inc. in a Sale (in either case, the “Surviving
Entity”), or (B) if applicable, the ultimate parent entity that directly or indirectly has beneficial ownership
(within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act, as such Rule is in effect on the date of the
adoption of the 1999 SIP) of 50% or more of the total voting power (in respect of the election of directors,
or similar officials in the case of an entity other than a corporation) of the Surviving Entity (the “Parent
Entity”) is represented by GS Inc.’s securities (the “GS Inc. Securities”) that were outstanding
immediately prior to such Reorganization or Sale (or, if applicable, is represented by shares into which
such GS Inc. Securities were converted pursuant to such Reorganization or Sale) or (ii) at least 50% of the
- 8 -
members of the board of directors (or similar officials in the case of an entity other than a corporation) of
the Parent Entity (or, if there is no Parent Entity, the Surviving Entity) following the consummation of the
Reorganization or Sale were, at the time of the Board’s approval of the execution of the initial agreement
providing for such Reorganization or Sale, individuals (the “Incumbent Directors”) who either (A) were
members of the Board on the Effective Date or (B) became directors subsequent to the Effective Date and
whose election or nomination for election was approved by a vote of at least two-thirds of the Incumbent
Directors then on the Board (either by a specific vote or by approval of GS Inc.’s proxy statement in
which such persons are named as nominees for director).
(h) “Code” means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time, and the
applicable rulings and regulations thereunder.
(i) “Committee” means the committee appointed by the Board to administer the Plan
pursuant to Section 1.3, and, to the extent the Board determines it is appropriate for the compensation
realized from Awards under the Plan to be considered “performance based” compensation under
Section 162(m) of the Code, shall be a committee or subcommittee of the Board composed of two or
more members, each of whom is an “outside director” within the meaning of Code Section 162(m), and
which, to the extent the Board determines it is appropriate for Awards under the Plan to qualify for the
exemption available under Rule 16b-3(d)(1) or Rule 16b-3(e) promulgated under the Exchange Act, shall
be a committee or subcommittee of the Board composed of two or more members, each of whom is a
“non-employee director” within the meaning of Rule 16b-3. Unless otherwise determined by the Board,
the Committee shall be the Compensation Committee of the Board.
(j) “Common Stock” means common stock of GS Inc., par value $0.01 per share.
(k) “Covered Person” means a member of the Board or the Committee or any employee of
the Firm.
(l) “Date of Grant” means the date specified in the Grantee’s Award Agreement as the date
of grant of the Award.
(m) “Effective Date” means the date this Plan is approved by the shareholders of GS Inc.
pursuant to Section 3.15 of the Plan.
“Employment” means the Grantee’s performance of services for the Firm, as determined by the
Committee. The terms “employ” and “employed” shall have their correlative meanings. The Committee
in its sole discretion may determine (i) whether and when a Grantee’s leave of absence results in a
termination of Employment (for this purpose, unless the Committee determines otherwise, a Grantee shall
be treated as terminating Employment with the Firm upon the occurrence of an Extended Absence), (ii)
whether and when a change in a Grantee’s association with the Firm results in a termination of
Employment and (iii) the impact, if any, of any such leave of absence or change in association on Awards
theretofore made. Unless expressly provided otherwise, any references in the Plan or any Award
Agreement to a Grantee’s Employment being terminated shall include both voluntary and involuntary
(n) “Exchange Act” means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended from time to
time, and the applicable rules and regulations thereunder.
(o) “Extended Absence” means the Grantee’s inability to perform for six (6) continuous
months, due to illness, injury or pregnancy-related complications, substantially all the essential duties of
the Grantee’s occupation, as determined by the Committee.
(p) “Firm” means GS Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
(q) “Good Reason” means, in connection with a termination of employment by a Grantee
following a Change in Control, (a) as determined by the Committee, a materially adverse alteration in the
Grantee’s position or in the nature or status of the Grantee’s responsibilities from those in effect
immediately prior to the Change in Control or (b) the Firm’s requiring the Grantee’s principal place of
- 9 -
Employment to be located more than seventy-five (75) miles from the location where the Grantee is
principally Employed at the time of the Change in Control (except for required travel on the Firm’s
business to an extent substantially consistent with the Grantee’s customary business travel obligations in
the ordinary course of business prior to the Change in Control).
(r) “Grantee” means a person who receives an Award.
(s) “GS Inc.” means The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., and any successor thereto.
(t) “1999 SIP” means The Goldman Sachs 1999 Stock Incentive Plan, as in effect prior to
the effective date of the 2003 SIP.
(u) “Outstanding” means any Award to the extent it has not been forfeited, cancelled,
terminated, exercised or with respect to which the shares of Common Stock underlying the Award have
not been previously delivered or other payments made.
(v) “Restricted Share” means a share of Common Stock delivered under the Plan that is
subject to Transfer Restrictions, forfeiture provisions and/or other terms and conditions specified herein
and in the Restricted Share Award Agreement or other applicable Award Agreement. All references to
Restricted Shares include “Shares at Risk.”
(w) “SIP Administrator” means each person designated by the Committee as a “SIP
Administrator” with the authority to perform day-to-day administrative functions for the Plan.
(x) “SIP Committee” means the persons who have been delegated certain authority under the
Plan by the Committee.
(y) “Transfer Restrictions” means restrictions that prohibit the sale, exchange, transfer,
assignment, pledge, hypothecation, fractionalization, hedge or other disposal (including through the use of
any cash-settled instrument), whether voluntarily or involuntarily by the Grantee, of an Award or any
shares of Common Stock, cash or other property delivered in respect of an Award.
(z) “Transferability Date” means the date Transfer Restrictions on a Restricted Share will be
released. Within 30 Business Days after the applicable Transferability Date, GS Inc. shall take, or shall
cause to be taken, such steps as may be necessary to remove Transfer Restrictions.
(aa) “Vested” means, with respect to an Award, the portion of the Award that is not subject to
a condition that the Grantee remain actively employed by the Firm in order for the Award to remain
Outstanding. The fact that an Award becomes Vested shall not mean or otherwise indicate that the
Grantee has an unconditional or nonforfeitable right to such Award, and such Award shall remain subject
to such terms, conditions and forfeiture provisions as may be provided for in the Plan or in the Award
(ab) “Window Period” means a period designated by the Firm during which all employees of
the Firm are permitted to purchase or sell shares of Common Stock (provided that, if the Grantee is a
member of a designated group of employees who are subject to different restrictions, the Window Period
may be a period designated by the Firm during which an employee of the Firm in such designated group
is permitted to purchase or sell shares of Common Stock).
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The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
______Year-End Performance-Based RSU Award
This Award Agreement, together with The Goldman Sachs Amended and Restated Stock Incentive
Plan (2021) (the “Plan”), governs your award of performance-based RSUs (your “Award” or
“PSUs”). You should read carefully this entire Award Agreement, which includes the Award
Statement, any attached Appendix and the signature card.
1. You Must Decide Whether to Accept this Award Agreement. To be eligible to
receive your Award, you must by the date specified (a) open and activate an Account and (b) agree
to all the terms of your Award by executing the related signature card in accordance with its
instructions. By executing the signature card, you confirm your agreement to all of the terms of
this Award Agreement, including the arbitration and choice of forum provisions in Paragraph 16.
Documents that Govern Your Award; Definitions
2. The Plan. Your Award is granted under the Plan, and the Plan’s terms apply to, and are
a part of, this Award Agreement.
3. Your Award Statement. The Award Statement delivered to you contains some of your
Award’s specific terms. For example, it contains the number of PSUs subject to this Award, the
Performance Period and the Performance Goal applicable to your Award. It also contains the
Determination Date and [the] [any applicable] Settlement Date[s] for your Award and the [any applicable]
Transferability Date[s] for any Shares at Risk that may be delivered to you in respect of any Settlement
Amount that you may earn. The number of PSUs on your Award Statement is not necessarily the number
of PSUs in respect of which the Settlement Amount will be earned, but is merely the basis for
determining the amount (if any) that will be delivered to you.
4. Definitions. Unless otherwise defined herein, including in the Definitions Appendix or
any other Appendix, capitalized terms have the meanings provided in the Plan.
Vesting of Your PSUs
5. Vesting. Your PSUs are Vested. When a PSU is Vested, it means only that your
continued active Employment is not required to earn delivery in respect of that PSU. Vesting does not
mean you have a non-forfeitable right to the Vested portion of your Award. The terms of this
Award Agreement (including conditions to delivery, satisfaction of the Performance Goal and any
applicable Transfer Restrictions) continue to apply to your Award, and failure to meet such terms
may result in the termination of this Award (as a result of which no delivery in respect of such
Vested PSUs would be made) and you can still forfeit Vested PSUs and Shares at Risk.
Performance Goal
6. Performance. The Settlement Amount is dependent, and may vary based, on
achievement of the Performance Goal over the Performance Period. On the Determination Date, the Firm
will determine whether or not, and to what extent, the Performance Goal for that Performance Period has
been satisfied. All your rights with respect to the Settlement Amount [(and any Dividend Equivalent
Payments)] are dependent on the extent to which the Performance Goal is achieved, and any rights to
delivery in respect of your Outstanding PSUs immediately will terminate and no Settlement Amount will
be delivered in respect of such PSUs upon the Committee’s determination, in its sole discretion, that the
Performance Goal has not been satisfied to the extent necessary to result in delivery in respect of the
Settlement Amount
Exhibit 10.49
7. Settlement.
(a) In General. Subject to satisfaction of the terms of this Award, including satisfaction of
the Performance Goal, on the Settlement Date, you will receive delivery (less applicable withholding as
described in Paragraph 13(a)) of the Settlement Amount [and payment of any Dividend Equivalent
Payments] as further described in this Award Agreement and in your Award Statement. Until such
delivery [and payment], you have only the rights of a general unsecured creditor and you do not have any
rights as a shareholder of GS Inc. with respect to either the PSUs or the Settlement Amount. Without
limiting the Committee’s authority under Section 1.3.2(h) of the Plan, the Firm may accelerate any
Settlement Date by up to 30 days.
(b) Form of Delivery. The Settlement Amount will be delivered on the Settlement Date as
(i) [___% in the form of cash ].
(ii) [___% in the form of Shares [at Risk] (by book entry credit to your Account)].
(c) Shares at Risk. ___ percent of the Shares delivered to you in respect of the Settlement
Amount will be Shares at Risk subject to Transfer Restrictions until the [applicable] Transferability Date
[listed on your Award Statement]. Any purported sale, exchange, transfer, assignment, pledge,
hypothecation, fractionalization, hedge or other disposition in violation of the Transfer Restrictions on
Shares at Risk will be void. Within 30 Business Days after the Transferability Date listed on your Award
Statement (or any other date on which the Transfer Restrictions are to be removed), GS Inc. will remove
the Transfer Restrictions. The Committee or the SIP Committee may select multiple dates within such
30-Business-Day period on which to remove Transfer Restrictions for all or a portion of the Shares at
Risk with the same Transferability Date and all such dates will be treated as a single Transferability Date
for purposes of this Award.
[Dividend Equivalent Rights] [Dividends]
8. [Dividend Equivalent Rights.] [Dividends]. [To the extent described in your Award
Statement, each PSU will include a Dividend Equivalent Right, which will be subject to the provisions of
Section 2.8 of the Plan. Accordingly, for each of your Outstanding PSUs with respect to which delivery
is made under the Settlement Amount, you will be entitled to payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights
equal to any regular cash dividend paid by GS Inc. in respect of a Share the record date for which occurs
on or after the Date of Grant. The payment to you of amounts under Dividend Equivalent Rights (less
applicable withholding as described in Paragraph 13(a)) is conditioned upon the delivery under the
Settlement Amount in respect of the PSUs to which such Dividend Equivalent Rights relate, and you will
have no right to receive any Dividend Equivalent Payments relating to PSUs for which you do not receive
delivery under the Settlement Amount (including, without limitation, due to a failure to satisfy the
Performance Goal). Dividend Equivalent Payments will be paid on the Settlement Date.] [You will be
entitled to receive on a current basis any regular cash dividend paid in respect of your Shares at Risk. The
PSUs do not include Dividend Equivalent Rights.]
Forfeiture of Your Award
9. How You May Forfeit Your Award. This Paragraph 9 sets forth the events that result
in forfeiture of up to all of your PSUs and Shares at Risk and may require repayment to the Firm of up to
all amounts previously paid or delivered to you under your PSUs in accordance with Paragraph 10. More
than one event may apply, and in no case will the occurrence of one event limit the forfeiture and
repayment obligations as a result of the occurrence of any other event. In addition, the Firm reserves the
right to (a) suspend delivery of the Settlement Amount [and payment of any Dividend Equivalent
Payments] or release of Transfer Restrictions on Shares at Risk or (b) [pay cash][deliver the Settlement
Amount] (including Dividend Equivalent Payments or dividends) [or deliver Shares at Risk] into an
escrow account in accordance with Paragraph 13(f)(v) [or (c) [apply Transfer Restrictions to any Shares]
in connection with any investigation of whether any of the events that result in forfeiture under the Plan or
this Paragraph 9 have occurred. Paragraph 12] (relating to certain circumstances under which release of
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Transfer Restrictions may be accelerated) provides for exceptions to one or more provisions of this
Paragraph 9. [The U.K. Material Risk Taker Appendix supplements this Paragraph 9 and sets forth
additional events that result in forfeiture of up to all of your PSUs and Shares at Risk and may require
repayment to the Firm as described in Paragraph 10 and the U.K. Material Risk Taker Appendix.]
(a) PSUs Forfeited Upon Certain Events. If any of the following occurs, your rights to all of
your Outstanding PSUs will terminate, and no Settlement Amount will be delivered in respect thereof, as
may be further described below:
(i) You Associate With a Covered Enterprise. You Associate With a Covered
Enterprise during the Performance Period.
(ii) You Solicit Clients or Employees, Interfere with Client or Employee
Relationships or Participate in the Hiring of Employees. Before the [applicable] Settlement Date, either:
(A) you, in any manner, directly or indirectly, (1) Solicit any Client to
transact business with a Covered Enterprise or to reduce or refrain from doing any business with the Firm,
(2) interfere with or damage (or attempt to interfere with or damage) any relationship between the Firm
and any Client, (3) Solicit any person who is an employee of the Firm to resign from the Firm, (4) Solicit
any Selected Firm Personnel to apply for or accept employment (or other association) with any person or
entity other than the Firm or (5) participate in the hiring of any Selected Firm Personnel by any person or
entity other than the Firm (including, without limitation, participating in the identification of individuals
for potential hire, and participating in any hiring decision), whether as an employee or consultant or
otherwise, or
(B) Selected Firm Personnel are Solicited, hired or accepted into partnership,
membership or similar status by any entity where you have, or will have, direct or indirect managerial
responsibility for such Selected Firm Personnel, unless the Committee determines that you were not
involved in such Solicitation, hiring or acceptance.
(iii) You Failed to Consider Risk. You Failed to Consider Risk during _______.
(iv) Your Conduct Constitutes Cause. Any event that constitutes Cause [(including,
for the avoidance of doubt, “Serious Misconduct” as defined in the U.K. Material Risk Taker Appendix)]
has occurred before the [applicable] Settlement Date.
(v) You Do Not Meet Your Obligations to the Firm. The Committee determines
that, before the [applicable] Settlement Date, you failed to meet, in any respect, any obligation under any
agreement with the Firm, or any agreement entered into in connection with your Employment or this
Award, including the Firm’s notice period requirement applicable to you, any offer letter, employment
agreement or any shareholders’ agreement relating to the Firm. Your failure to pay or reimburse the
Firm, on demand, for any amount you owe to the Firm will constitute (A) failure to meet an obligation
you have under an agreement, regardless of whether such obligation arises under a written agreement,
and/or (B) a material violation of Firm policy constituting Cause.
(vi) You Do Not Provide Timely Certifications or Comply with Your Certifications.
You fail to certify to GS Inc. that you have complied with all of the terms of the Plan and this Award
Agreement, or the Committee determines that you have failed to comply with a term of the Plan or this
Award Agreement to which you have certified compliance.
(vii) You Do Not Follow Dispute Resolution/Arbitration Procedures. You attempt to
have any dispute under the Plan or this Award Agreement resolved in any manner that is not provided for
by Paragraph 16 or Section 3.17 of the Plan, or you attempt to arbitrate a dispute without first having
exhausted your internal administrative remedies in accordance with Paragraph 13(f)(viii).
(viii) You Bring an Action that Results in a Determination that Any Award Agreement
Term Is Invalid. As a result of any action brought by you, it is determined that any term of this Award
Agreement is invalid.
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(ix) You Receive Compensation in Respect of Your Award from Another Employer.
Your Employment terminates for any reason or you otherwise are no longer actively Employed with the
Firm and another entity grants you cash, equity or other property (whether vested or unvested) to replace,
substitute for or otherwise in respect of your Outstanding PSUs.
(x) GS Inc. Fails to Maintain the Minimum Tier 1 Capital Ratio. Before the
[applicable] Settlement Date, GS Inc. fails to maintain the required “Minimum Tier 1 Capital Ratio” as
defined under Federal Reserve Board Regulations applicable to GS Inc. for a period of 90 consecutive
business days.
(xi) GS Inc. Is Determined to Be in Default. Before the [applicable] Settlement Date,
the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve or the FDIC makes a written recommendation under Title
II (Orderly Liquidation Authority) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
for the appointment of the FDIC as a receiver of GS Inc. based on a determination that GS Inc. is “in
default” or “in danger of default.”
(xii) [Accounting Restatement Required Under Sarbanes-Oxley. GS Inc. is required
to prepare an accounting restatement due to GS Inc.’s material noncompliance, as a result of misconduct,
with any financial reporting requirement under the securities laws as described in Section 304(a) of
Sarbanes-Oxley; provided, however, that your rights with respect to the PSUs will only be terminated to
the same extent that would be required under Section 304(a) of Sarbanes-Oxley had you been a “chief
executive officer” or “chief financial officer” of GS Inc. (regardless of whether you actually hold such
position at the relevant time).]
(b) Shares at Risk Forfeited upon Certain Events. To the extent you receive delivery of
Shares at Risk in connection with any Settlement Amount, if any of the following occurs your rights to all
of your Shares at Risk will terminate and your Shares at Risk will be cancelled, in each case, as may be
further described below:
(i) You Failed to Consider Risk. You Failed to Consider Risk during ________.
(ii) Your Conduct Constitutes Cause. Any event that constitutes Cause [(including,
for the avoidance of doubt, “Serious Misconduct” as defined in the U.K. Material Risk Taker Appendix)]
has occurred before the [applicable] Transferability Date.
(iii) You Do Not Meet Your Obligations to the Firm. The Committee determines
that, before the [applicable] Transferability Date, you failed to meet, in any respect, any obligation under
any agreement with the Firm, or any agreement entered into in connection with your Employment or this
Award, including the Firm’s notice period requirement applicable to you, any offer letter, employment
agreement or any shareholders’ agreement relating to the Firm. Your failure to pay or reimburse the
Firm, on demand, for any amount you owe to the Firm will constitute (A) failure to meet an obligation
you have under an agreement, regardless of whether such obligation arises under a written agreement and/
or (B) a material violation of Firm policy constituting Cause.
(iv) You Do Not Provide Timely Certifications or Comply with Your Certifications.
You fail to certify to GS Inc. that you have complied with all of the terms of the Plan and this Award
Agreement, or the Committee determines that you have failed to comply with a term of the Plan or this
Award Agreement to which you have certified compliance.
(v) You Do Not Follow Dispute Resolution/Arbitration Procedures. You attempt to
have any dispute under the Plan or this Award Agreement resolved in any manner that is not provided for
by Paragraph 16 or Section 3.17 of the Plan, or you attempt to arbitrate a dispute without first having
exhausted your internal administrative remedies in accordance with Paragraph 13(f)(viii).
(vi) You Bring an Action that Results in a Determination that Any Award Agreement
Term Is Invalid. As a result of any action brought by you, it is determined that any term of this Award
Agreement is invalid.
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(vii) You Receive Compensation in Respect of Your Award from Another Employer.
Your Employment terminates for any reason or you otherwise are no longer actively Employed with the
Firm and another entity grants you cash, equity or other property (whether vested or unvested) to replace,
substitute for or otherwise in respect of any Shares at Risk; provided, however, that your rights will only
be terminated in respect of the Shares at Risk that are replaced, substituted for or otherwise considered by
such other entity in making its grant.
(viii) [Accounting Restatement Required Under Sarbanes-Oxley. GS Inc. is required
to prepare an accounting restatement due to GS Inc.’s material noncompliance, as a result of misconduct,
with any financial reporting requirement under the securities laws as described in Section 304(a) of
Sarbanes-Oxley; provided, however, that your rights will only be terminated in respect of Shares at Risk
to the same extent that would be required under Section 304(a) of Sarbanes-Oxley had you been a “chief
executive officer” or “chief financial officer” of GS Inc. (regardless of whether you actually hold such
position at the relevant time).]
Repayment of Your Award
10. When You May Be Required to Repay Your Award.
(a) Repayment, Generally. If the Committee determines that any term of this Award was not
satisfied, you will be required, immediately upon demand therefor, to repay to the Firm the following:
(i) Any Settlement Amount (including any Shares at Risk) for which the terms
(including the terms for delivery) of the related PSUs were not satisfied, in accordance with Section 2.6.3
of the Plan.
(ii) Any Shares at Risk for which the terms (including the terms for the release of
Transfer Restrictions) were not satisfied, in accordance with Section 2.5.3 of the Plan.
(iii) [Any Shares that were delivered (but not subject to Transfer Restrictions) at the
same time any Shares at Risk that are cancelled or required to be repaid were delivered.]
(iv) [Any Dividend Equivalent Payments for which the terms were not satisfied
(including any such payments made in respect of PSUs that are forfeited or any Settlement Amount that is
required to be repaid), in accordance with Section 2.8.3 of the Plan.]
(v) Any dividends paid in respect of any [delivered
Shares (including] Shares at Risk[)] that are cancelled or required to be repaid.
(vi) Any amount applied to satisfy tax withholding or other obligations with respect
to any PSUs, Settlement Amount (including Shares at Risk), dividend payments and [Dividend
Equivalent Payments] that are forfeited or required to be repaid.
(b) Repayment Upon Materially Inaccurate Financial Statements. If any delivery is made
under this Award Agreement based on materially inaccurate financial statements (which includes, but is
not limited to, statements of earnings, revenues or gains) or other materially inaccurate performance
criteria, you will be obligated to repay to the Firm, immediately upon demand therefor, any excess
amount delivered, as determined by the Committee in its sole discretion.
(c) [Repayment Upon Accounting Restatement Required Under Sarbanes-Oxley. If an event
described in Paragraphs 9(a)(xii) and 9(b)(viii) (relating to a requirement under Sarbanes-Oxley that GS
Inc. prepare an accounting restatement) occurs, any Settlement Amount [(including Shares at Risk)],
dividend payments, Dividend Equivalent Payments, cash or other property delivered, paid or withheld in
respect of this Award will be subject to repayment as described in Paragraph 10(a) to the same extent that
would be required under Section 304(a) of Sarbanes-Oxley had you been a “chief executive officer” or
“chief financial officer” of GS Inc. (regardless of whether you actually hold such position at the relevant
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Terminations of Employment
11. PSUs and Termination of Employment [or Death].
(a) Employment Termination Generally. Unless the Committee determines otherwise, if
your Employment terminates for any reason or you are otherwise no longer actively Employed with the
Firm (which includes off-premises notice periods, “garden leaves,” pay in lieu of notice or any other
similar status), the Performance Goal applicable to your Outstanding PSUs will continue to apply and the
determination of the Settlement Amount will continue to be subject to whether or not, and to what extent,
the Performance Goal has been achieved, in each case, as provided in Paragraph 6. All other terms of this
Award Agreement, including the forfeiture and repayment events in Paragraphs 9 and 10 [and the U.K.
Material Risk Taker Appendix], continue to apply.
(b) [Death. If you die before the Settlement Date, your Account will, on the Settlement Date,
receive delivery of the Settlement Amount and payment of the Dividend Equivalent Payments that, in
each case, would have otherwise been made pursuant to Paragraph 6 and any Transfer Restrictions on
Shares at Risk will cease to apply in accordance with Paragraph 12(b), after such documentation as may
be requested by the Committee is provided to the Committee. All other terms of this Award Agreement,
including the forfeiture and repayment events in Paragraphs 9 and 10 [and the U.K. Material Risk Taker
Appendix], continue to apply.
12. Accelerated Release of Transfer Restrictions on Shares at Risk in the Event
of a ]Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control or Death. [To the extent you receive
delivery of Shares at Risk in connection with any Settlement Amount,] [I][i]n the event of your
Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control or death, each as described below, your Shares at Risk
[(and delivery of your Settlement Amount in the case of death in certain circumstances)] will be treated as
described in this Paragraph 12, and, except as set forth in Paragraph 12(a), all other terms of this Award
Agreement, including the other forfeiture and repayment events in Paragraphs 9 and 10 [and the U.K.
Material Risk Taker Appendix], continue to apply. [In each case, the Performance Goal applicable to
your Outstanding PSUs will continue to apply and the determination of the Settlement Amount will
continue to be subject to whether or not, and to what extent, the Performance Goal has been achieved, in
each case, as provided in Paragraph 6.]
(a) You Have a Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control. If your Employment
terminates when you meet the requirements of a Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control, any
Transfer Restrictions will cease to apply to your Shares at Risk. In addition, the forfeiture events in
Paragraph 9 will not apply to your Shares at Risk.
(b) Death. If you die, any Transfer Restrictions will cease to apply to your Shares at Risk as
soon as practicable after the date of death and after such documentation as may be requested by the
Committee is provided to the Committee[.][, unless prohibited by applicable law or regulation:
(i) If you die prior to the Determination Date or an applicable Settlement Date, the
representative of your estate will receive delivery of any undelivered portion of the Settlement Amount
that would have otherwise been made pursuant to Paragraph 6 as soon as practicable after the later of the
date of death and the Determination Date.
(ii) Any Transfer Restrictions will cease to apply to your Shares at Risk.]
Other Terms, Conditions and Agreements
13. Additional Terms, Conditions and Agreements.
(a) You Must Satisfy Applicable Tax Withholding Requirements. Delivery of the Settlement
Amount is conditioned on your satisfaction of any applicable withholding taxes in accordance with
Section 3.2 of the Plan, which includes the Firm deducting or withholding amounts from any payment or
distribution to you. In addition, to the extent permitted by applicable law, the Firm, in its sole discretion,
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may require you to provide amounts equal to all or a portion of any Federal, state, local, foreign or other
tax obligations imposed on you or the Firm in connection with the grant or [payment][delivery] of this
Award by requiring you to choose between remitting the amount (i) in cash (or through payroll deduction
or otherwise) or (ii) in the form of proceeds from the Firm’s executing a sale of Shares delivered to you
pursuant to this Award. In no event, however, does this Paragraph 13(a) give you any discretion to
determine or affect the timing of delivery of the Settlement Amount or the timing of payment of tax
(b) Firm May Deliver Cash or Other Property in Respect of the Settlement Amount. In
accordance with Section 1.3.2(i) of the Plan, in the sole discretion of the Committee, in lieu of all or any
portion of the Settlement Amount, the Firm may deliver cash, other securities, other awards under the
Plan or other property, and all references in this Award Agreement to delivery of the Settlement Amount
will include such deliveries of cash, other securities, other awards under the Plan or other property.
(c) Amounts May Be Rounded to Avoid Fractional Shares. Any amounts delivered in
respect of the Settlement Amount[, including Shares at Risk,] may be rounded to avoid fractional Shares.
(d) You May Be Required to Become a Party to the Shareholders’ Agreement. Your rights
to your PSUs are conditioned on your becoming a party to any shareholders’ agreement to which other
similarly situated employees (e.g., employees with a similar title or position) of the Firm are required to
be a party.
(e) Firm May Affix Legends and Place Stop Orders on Shares. GS Inc. may affix to
Certificates representing Shares any legend that the Committee determines to be necessary or advisable
(including to reflect any restrictions to which you may be subject under a separate agreement). GS Inc.
may advise the transfer agent to place a stop order against any legended Shares.
(f) You Agree to Certain Consents, Terms and Conditions. By accepting this Award you
understand and agree that:
(i) You Agree to Certain Consents as a Condition to the Award. You have expressly
consented to all of the items listed in Section 3.3.3(d) of the Plan, including the Firm’s supplying to any
third-party recordkeeper of the Plan or other person such personal information of yours as the Committee
deems advisable to administer the Plan, and you agree to provide any additional consents that the
Committee determines to be necessary or advisable;
(ii) You Are Subject to the Firm’s Policies, Rules and Procedures. You are subject
to the Firm’s policies in effect from time to time concerning trading in Shares and hedging or pledging
Shares and equity-based compensation or other awards (including, without limitation, the “Firmwide
Policy with Respect to Personal Transactions Involving GS Securities and GS Equity Awards” or any
successor policies), and confidential or proprietary information, and you will effect sales of Shares in
accordance with such rules and procedures as may be adopted from time to time (which may include,
without limitation, restrictions relating to the timing of sale requests, the manner in which sales are
executed, pricing method, consolidation or aggregation of orders and volume limits determined by the
(iii) You Are Responsible for Costs Associated with Your Award. You will be
responsible for all brokerage costs and other fees or expenses associated with your Award, including
those related to the sale of Shares;
(iv) You Will Be Deemed to Represent Your Compliance with All the Terms of Your
Award if You Accept Delivery. You will be deemed to have represented and certified that you have
complied with all of the terms of the Plan and this Award Agreement when any Settlement Amount [and
Dividend Equivalent Payments] [is][are] delivered to you, and you request the sale of Shares following
the release of Transfer Restrictions on Shares at Risk;
(v) Firm May Deliver Your Award into an Escrow Account. The Firm may establish
and maintain an escrow account on such terms (which may include your executing any documents related
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to, and your paying for any costs associated with, such account) as it may deem necessary or appropriate,
and the Settlement Amount may initially be delivered and any [Dividend Equivalent Payments and]
dividends may initially be [paid][delivered] into and held in that escrow account until such time as the
Committee has received such documentation as it may have requested or until the Committee has
determined that any other conditions or restrictions on deliveries required by this Award Agreement have
been satisfied;
(vi) You May Be Required to Certify Compliance with Award Terms; You Are
Responsible for Providing the Firm with Updated Address and Contact Information After Your Departure
from the Firm. If your Employment terminates while you continue to hold PSUs [or Shares at Risk], from
time to time, you may be required to provide certifications of your compliance with all of the terms of the
Plan and this Award Agreement as described in Paragraphs 9(a)(vi) and 9(b)(iv). You understand and
agree that (A) your address on file with the Firm at the time any certification is required will be deemed to
be your current address, (B) it is your responsibility to inform the Firm of any changes to your address to
ensure timely receipt of the certification materials, (C) you are responsible for contacting the Firm to
obtain such certification materials if not received and (D) your failure to return properly completed
certification materials by the specified deadline (which includes your failure to timely return the
completed certification because you did not provide the Firm with updated contact information) will
result in the forfeiture of all of your PSUs or Shares at Risk and subject previously delivered amounts to
repayment under Paragraphs 9(a)(vi) and 9(b)(iv);
(vii) You Authorize the Firm to Register, in Its or Its Designee's Name, Any Shares at
Risk and Sell, Assign or Transfer Any Forfeited Shares at Risk. You are granting to the Firm the full
power and authority to register any Shares at Risk in its or its designee's name and authorizing the Firm or
its designee to sell, assign or transfer any Shares at Risk if you forfeit your Shares at Risk;
(viii) You Must Comply with Applicable Deadlines and Procedures to Appeal
Determinations Made by the Committee. If you disagree with a determination made by the Committee,
the SIP Committee, the SIP Administrators, or any of their delegates or designees and you wish to appeal
such determination, you must submit a written request to the SIP Committee for review within 180 days
after the determination at issue. You must exhaust your internal administrative remedies (i.e., submit
your appeal and wait for resolution of that appeal) before seeking to resolve a dispute through arbitration
pursuant to Paragraph 16 and Section 3.17 of the Plan; and
(ix) You Agree that Covered Persons Will Not Have Liability. In addition to and
without limiting the generality of the provisions of Section 1.3.5 of the Plan, neither the Firm nor any
Covered Person will have any liability to you or any other person for any action taken or omitted in
respect of this or any other Award.
14. Non-transferability. Except as otherwise may be provided in this Paragraph 14 or as
otherwise may be provided by the Committee, the limitations on transferability set forth in Section 3.5 of
the Plan will apply to this Award. Any purported transfer or assignment in violation of the provisions of
this Paragraph 14 or Section 3.5 of the Plan will be void. The Committee may adopt procedures pursuant
to which some or all recipients of PSUs and Shares at Risk may transfer some or all of their PSUs or
Shares at Risk (which will continue to be subject to Transfer Restrictions until the Transferability Date)
through a gift for no consideration to any immediate family member, a trust or other estate planning
vehicle approved by the Committee or SIP Committee in which the recipient and/or the recipient’s
immediate family members in the aggregate have 100% of the beneficial interest.
15. Right of Offset. Except as provided in Paragraph 18(d), the obligation to deliver the
Settlement Amount, pay dividends [or Dividend Equivalent Payments] or release Transfer Restrictions
under this Award Agreement is subject to Section 3.4 of the Plan, which provides for the Firm’s right to
offset against such obligation any outstanding amounts you owe to the Firm and any amounts the
Committee deems appropriate pursuant to any tax equalization policy or agreement.
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Arbitration, Choice of Forum and Governing Law
16. Arbitration; Choice of Forum.
(a) By accepting this award, you are indicating that you understand and agree that the
arbitration and choice of forum provisions set forth in Section 3.17 of the Plan will apply to this
Award. These provisions, which are expressly incorporated herein by reference, provide among
other things that any dispute, controversy or claim between the Firm and you arising out of or
relating to or concerning the Plan or this Award Agreement will be finally settled by arbitration in
New York City, pursuant to the terms more fully set forth in Section 3.17 of the Plan; provided that
nothing herein shall preclude you from filing a charge with or participating in any investigation or
proceeding conducted by any governmental authority, including but not limited to the SEC, the
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and a state or local human rights agency, as well as
law enforcement.
(b) To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, no arbitrator will have the authority to
consider class, collective or representative claims, to order consolidation or to join different claimants or
grant relief other than on an individual basis to the individual claimant involved.
(c) Notwithstanding any applicable forum rules to the contrary, to the extent there is a
question of enforceability of this Award Agreement arising from a challenge to the arbitrator’s
jurisdiction or to the arbitrability of a claim, it will be decided by a court and not an arbitrator.
(d) The Federal Arbitration Act governs interpretation and enforcement of all arbitration
provisions under the Plan and this Award Agreement, and all arbitration proceedings thereunder.
(e) Nothing in this Award Agreement creates a substantive right to bring a claim under U.S.
Federal, state, or local employment laws.
(f) By accepting your Award, you irrevocably appoint each General Counsel of GS Inc., or
any person whom the General Counsel of GS Inc. designates, as your agent for service of process in
connection with any suit, action or proceeding arising out of or relating to or concerning the Plan or any
Award which is not arbitrated pursuant to the provisions of Section 3.17.1 of the Plan, who shall promptly
advise you of any such service of process.
(g) To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, no arbitrator will have the authority to
consider any claim as to which you have not first exhausted your internal administrative remedies in
accordance with Paragraph 13(f)(viii).
17. Governing Law. This Award will be governed by and construed in accordance with
the laws of the State of New York, without regard to principles of conflict of laws.
Certain Tax Provisions
18. Compliance of Award Agreement and Plan with Section 409A. The provisions of this
Paragraph 18 apply to you only if you are a U.S. taxpayer.
(a) This Award Agreement and the Plan provisions that apply to this Award are intended and
will be construed to comply with Section 409A (including the requirements applicable to, or the
conditions for exemption from treatment as, 409A Deferred Compensation), whether by reason of short-
term deferral treatment or other exceptions or provisions. The Committee will have full authority to give
effect to this intent. To the extent necessary to give effect to this intent, in the case of any conflict or
potential inconsistency between the provisions of the Plan (including Sections 1.3.2 and 2.1 thereof) and
this Award Agreement, the provisions of this Award Agreement will govern, and in the case of any
conflict or potential inconsistency between this Paragraph 18 and the other provisions of this Award
Agreement, this Paragraph 18 will govern.
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(b) Settlement will not be delayed beyond the date on which all applicable conditions or
restrictions on settlement in respect of your PSUs required by this Award Agreement (including the
consents and other items specified in Section 3.3 of the Plan) are satisfied. To the extent that any portion
of this Award is intended to satisfy the requirements for short-term deferral treatment under Section
409A, settlement in respect of such portion will occur by the March 15 coinciding with the last day of the
applicable “short-term deferral” period described in Reg. § 1.409A-1(b)(4) in order for settlement to be
within the short-term deferral exception unless, in order to permit all applicable conditions or restrictions
on settlement to be satisfied, the Committee elects, pursuant to Reg. § 1.409A-1(b)(4)(i)(D) or otherwise
as may be permitted in accordance with Section 409A, to delay settlement to a later date within the same
calendar year or to such later date as may be permitted under Section 409A, including Reg. §
1.409A-3(d). For the avoidance of doubt, if the Award includes a “series of installment payments” as
described in Reg. § 1.409A-2(b)(2)(iii), your right to the series of installment payments will be treated as
a right to a series of separate payments and not as a right to a single payment.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 13(b) and Section 1.3.2(i) of the Plan, to the
extent necessary to comply with Section 409A, any delivery or payment [(including in the form of Shares
at Risk or other property)] that the Firm may make in respect of your PSUs will not have the effect of
deferring payment, delivery, income inclusion, or a substantial risk of forfeiture, beyond the date on
which such payment, delivery or inclusion would occur or such risk of forfeiture would lapse, with
respect to the payment or delivery that would otherwise have been made (unless the Committee elects a
later date for this purpose pursuant to Reg. § 1.409A-1(b)(4)(i)(D) or otherwise as may be permitted
under Section 409A, including and to the extent applicable, the subsequent election provisions of Section
409A(a)(4)(C) of the Code and Reg. § 1.409A-2(b)).
(d) Paragraph 15 and Section 3.4 of the Plan will not apply to Awards that are 409A
Deferred Compensation except to the extent permitted under Section 409A.
(e) Settlement in respect of any portion of the Award may be made, if and to the extent
elected by the Committee, later than the relevant Settlement Date or other date or period specified
hereinabove (but, in the case of any Award that constitutes 409A Deferred Compensation, only to the
extent that the later payment or delivery, as applicable, is permitted under Section 409A).
(f) You understand and agree that you are solely responsible for the payment of any taxes
and penalties due pursuant to Section 409A, but in no event will you be permitted to designate, directly or
indirectly, the taxable year of the delivery.
Committee Authority, Amendment, Construction and Regulatory Reporting
19. Committee Authority. The Committee has the authority to determine, in its sole
discretion, that any event triggering forfeiture or repayment of your Award will not apply, to limit the
forfeitures and repayments that result under Paragraphs 9 and 10 and to remove Transfer Restrictions
before the [applicable] Transferability Date.
20. Amendment. The Committee reserves the right at any time to amend the terms of this
Award Agreement, and the Board may amend the Plan in any respect; provided that, notwithstanding the
foregoing and Sections 1.3.2(f), 1.3.2(h) and 3.1 of the Plan, no such amendment will materially
adversely affect your rights and obligations under this Award Agreement without your consent; and
provided further that the Committee expressly reserves its rights to amend the Award Agreement and the
Plan as described in Sections 1.3.2(h)(1), (2) and (4) of the Plan. A modification that impacts the tax
consequences of this Award or the timing of delivery will not be an amendment that materially adversely
affects your rights and obligations under this Award Agreement. Any amendment of this Award
Agreement will be in writing.
21. Construction, Headings. Unless the context requires otherwise, (i) words describing the
singular number include the plural and vice versa, (ii) words denoting any gender include all genders and
(iii) the words “include,” “includes” and “including” will be deemed to be followed by the words
“without limitation.” The headings in this Award Agreement are for the purpose of convenience only and
are not intended to define or limit the construction of the provisions hereof. References in this Award
- 10 -
Agreement to any specific Plan provision will not be construed as limiting the applicability of any other
Plan provision.
22. Providing Information to the Appropriate Authorities. In accordance with applicable
law, nothing in this Award Agreement (including the forfeiture and repayment provisions in Paragraphs 9
and 10) or the Plan prevents you from providing information you reasonably believe to be true to the
appropriate governmental authority, including a regulatory, judicial, administrative, or other
governmental entity; reporting possible violations of law or regulation; making other disclosures that are
protected under any applicable law or regulation; or filing a charge or participating in any investigation or
proceeding conducted by a governmental authority. For the avoidance of doubt, governmental authority
includes federal, state and local government agencies such as the SEC, the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission and any state or local human rights agency (e.g., the New York State Division
of Human Rights, the New York City Commission on Human Rights, the California Department of Fair
Employment and Housing), as well as law enforcement
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, GS Inc. has caused this Award Agreement to be duly executed and
delivered as of the Date of Grant.
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[U.K. Material Risk Taker Appendix
Qualitative Overlay Reduction
In addition to and without limiting the Firm’s rights under the forfeiture and repayment provisions set
forth in Paragraphs 9 and 10 or in the “Forfeiture and Repayment” section below, the Committee may
determine to reduce the Settlement Amount as described in the section entitled “Qualitative Overlay
Reduction” in the Award Statement.
Forfeiture and Repayment
This section supplements Paragraph 9 and sets forth additional events that result in forfeiture of up to all
of your PSUs and Shares at Risk and may require repayment to the Firm of up to all other amounts
previously delivered or paid to you under your Award in accordance with Paragraph 10. As with the
events described in Paragraph 9, more than one event may apply, in no case will the occurrence of one
event limit the forfeiture and repayment obligations as a result of the occurrence of any other event and
the Firm reserves the right to (a) suspend delivery of Shares or release of Transfer Restrictions, (b) deliver
any Shares or dividends into an escrow account in accordance with Paragraph 13(f)(v) or (c) apply
Transfer Restrictions to any Shares in connection with any investigation of whether any of the events that
result in forfeiture under this Appendix have occurred.
With respect to the events described in this Appendix, the Committee will consider certain factors to
determine whether and what portion of your Award will terminate, including the reason for the “Loss
Event” (as defined below) or “Risk Event” (as defined below) and the extent to which: (1) you
participated in the Loss Event or Risk Event, (2) your compensation for __________ may or may not
have been adjusted to take into account the risk associated with the Loss Event, Risk Event, your “Serious
Misconduct” (as defined below) or the Serious Misconduct of a “Supervised Employee” (as defined
below) and (3) your compensation may be adjusted for the year in which the Loss Event, Risk Event, your
Serious Misconduct or a Supervised Employee’s Serious Misconduct is discovered.
(a) A Loss Event Occurs Prior to Delivery. If a Loss Event occurs prior to the
delivery of any portion of the Settlement Amount, your rights in respect of all or a portion of your
PSUs which are scheduled to deliver on the next Settlement Date immediately following the date
that the Loss Event is identified (or, if not practicable, then the next following Settlement Date)
will terminate, and no Shares will be delivered in respect of such PSUs.
(i) A Loss Event means (A) an annual pre-tax loss at GS Inc. or (B)
annual negative revenues in one or more reporting segments as disclosed in the Firm’s Form 10-K
other than the Asset & Wealth Management segment (or any successor or equivalent segment or
sub-segment as determined by the Firm), or annual negative revenues in the Asset & Wealth
Management segment (or any successor or equivalent segment or sub-segment as determined by
the Firm) of $5 billion or more, provided in either case that you are employed in a business within
such reporting segment.
(b) A Risk Event Occurs ____ _______. If a Risk Event occurs __________, (i)
your rights in respect of all or a portion of your PSUs will terminate and no Settlement Amount
will be delivered in respect of such PSUs, (ii) your rights to all or a portion of any Shares at Risk
will terminate and such Shares at Risk will be cancelled and (iii) you will be obligated
immediately upon demand therefor to pay the Firm an amount not in excess of the greater of the
Fair Market Value of the Shares (plus any dividend payments) delivered in respect of the Award
(without reduction for any amount applied to satisfy tax withholding or other obligations)
determined as of (A) the date the Risk Event occurred and (B) the date that the repayment request
is made.
(i) A Risk Eventmeans there occurs a loss of 5% or more of firmwide
total capital from a reportable operational risk event determined in accordance with the firmwide
Reporting and Operational Risk Events Policy (or any successor policy).
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(c) You Engage in Serious Misconduct __ _______. If you engage in Serious
Misconduct ____ _______, you will be obligated immediately upon demand therefor to pay the
Firm an amount not in excess of the greater of the Fair Market Value of the Shares (plus any
dividend payments) delivered in respect of the Award (without reduction for any amount applied
to satisfy tax withholding or other obligations) determined as of (i) the date the Serious
Misconduct occurred and (ii) the date that the repayment request is made.
(i) Serious Misconductmeans that you engage in conduct that the Firm
reasonably considers, in its sole discretion, to be misconduct sufficient to justify summary
termination of employment under English law.
(d) A Supervised Employee Engages in Serious Misconduct. If the Committee
determines that it is appropriate to hold you accountable in whole or in part for Serious
Misconduct related to compliance, control or risk that occurred during ________ by a Supervised
Employee, your rights in respect of all or a portion of your PSUs will terminate and no Settlement
Amount will be delivered in respect of such PSUs and your rights to all or a portion of any Shares
at Risk will terminate and such Shares at Risk will be cancelled.
(i) Supervised Employeemeans an individual with respect to whom the
Committee determines you had supervisory responsibility as a result of direct or indirect reporting
lines or your management responsibility for an office, division or business.
Notwithstanding any provision in the Plan, this Award Agreement or any other agreement or arrangement
you may have with the Firm, the parties agree that to the extent that there is any dispute arising out of or
relating to the payment required by Paragraphs (b) and (c) of this Appendix (including your refusal to
remit payment) the parties will submit to arbitration in accordance with Paragraph 16 of this Award
Agreement and Section 3.17 of the Plan as the sole means of resolution of such dispute (including the
recovery by the Firm of the payment amount).]
- 14 -
Definitions Appendix
The following capitalized terms are used in this Award Agreement with the following meanings:
(a) “409A Deferred Compensation” means a “deferral of compensation” or “deferred
compensation” as those terms are defined in the regulations under Section 409A.
(b) “Associate With a Covered Enterprise” means that you (i) form, or acquire a 5% or
greater equity ownership, voting or profit participation interest in, any Covered Enterprise or (ii) associate
in any capacity (including association as an officer, employee, partner, director, consultant, agent or
advisor) with any Covered Enterprise. Associate With a Covered Enterprise may include, as determined
in the discretion of the Committee, (i) becoming the subject of any publicly available announcement or
report of a pending or future association with a Covered Enterprise and (ii) unpaid associations, including
an association in contemplation of future employment. “Association With a Covered Enterprise” will
have its correlative meaning.
(c) “Covered Enterprise” means a Competitive Enterprise and any other existing or planned
business enterprise that: (i) offers, holds itself out as offering or reasonably may be expected to offer
products or services that are the same as or similar to those offered by the Firm or that the Firm
reasonably expects to offer (“Firm Products or Services”) or (ii) engages in, holds itself out as engaging in
or reasonably may be expected to engage in any other activity that is the same as or similar to any
financial activity engaged in by the Firm or in which the Firm reasonably expects to engage (“Firm
Activities”). For the avoidance of doubt, Firm Activities include any activity that requires the same or
similar skills as any financial activity engaged in by the Firm or in which the Firm reasonably expects to
engage, irrespective of whether any such financial activity is in furtherance of an advisory, agency,
proprietary or fiduciary undertaking.
The enterprises covered by this definition include enterprises that offer, hold themselves out
as offering or reasonably may be expected to offer Firm Products or Services, or engage in, hold
themselves out as engaging in or reasonably may be expected to engage in Firm Activities directly, as
well as those that do so indirectly by ownership or control (e.g., by owning, being owned by or by being
under common ownership with an enterprise that offers, holds itself out as offering or reasonably may be
expected to offer Firm Products or Services or that engages in, holds itself out as engaging in or
reasonably may be expected to engage in Firm Activities). The definition of Covered Enterprise includes,
solely by way of example, any enterprise that offers, holds itself out as offering or reasonably may be
expected to offer any product or service, or engages in, holds itself out as engaging in or reasonably may
be expected to engage in any activity, in any case, associated with investment banking; public or private
finance; lending; financial advisory services; private investing for anyone other than you or your family
members (including, for the avoidance of doubt, any type of proprietary investing or trading); private
wealth management; private banking; consumer or commercial cash management; consumer, digital or
commercial banking; merchant banking; asset, portfolio or hedge fund management; insurance or
reinsurance underwriting or brokerage; property management; or securities, futures, commodities, energy,
derivatives, currency or digital asset brokerage, sales, lending, custody, clearance, settlement or trading.
An enterprise that offers, holds itself out as offering or reasonably may be expected to offer Firm Products
or Services, or engages in, holds itself out as engaging in or reasonably may be expected to engage in
Firm Activities is a Covered Enterprise, irrespective of whether the enterprise is a customer, client or
counterparty of the Firm or is otherwise associated with the Firm and, because the Firm is a global
enterprise, irrespective of where the Covered Enterprise is physically located.
(d) “Determination Date” means the date specified on your Award Statement as the date on
which the Committee will determine whether or not, and to what extent, the Performance Goal was
achieved for the Performance Period.
(e) [“Dividend Equivalent Payments” means any payments made in respect of Dividend
Equivalent Rights.]
(f) “FDIC” means the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any successor thereto.
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(g) “Failed to Consider Risk” means that you participated (or otherwise oversaw or were
responsible for, depending on the circumstances, another individual’s participation) in the structuring or
marketing of any product or service, or participated on behalf of the Firm or any of its clients in the
purchase or sale of any security or other property, in any case without appropriate consideration of the
risk to the Firm or the broader financial system as a whole (for example, where you have improperly
analyzed such risk or where you have failed sufficiently to raise concerns about such risk) and, as a result
of such action or omission, the Committee determines there has been, or reasonably could be expected to
be, a material adverse impact on the Firm, your business unit or the broader financial system.
(h) “Performance Goal” means the performance goal determined by the Committee that is
specified on your Award Statement.
(i) “Performance Period” means the performance period determined by the Committee that
is specified on your Award Statement.
(j) “Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control” means that the Firm terminates your
Employment other than for Cause or you terminate your Employment for Good Reason, in each case,
within 18 months following a Change in Control.
(k) [“Sarbanes-Oxley” means the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, as amended.]
(l) “SEC” means the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
(m) “Selected Firm Personnel” means any individual who is or in the three months preceding
the conduct prohibited by Paragraph 9(a)(ii) was (i) a Firm employee or consultant with whom you
personally worked while employed by the Firm, (ii) a Firm employee or consultant who, at any time
during the year preceding the date of the termination of your Employment, worked in the same division in
which you worked or (iii) an Advisory Director, a Managing Director or a Senior Advisor of the Firm.
(n) “Settlement Amount” means an amount deliverable to you in respect of your PSUs
(determined as described in the Award Statement).
(o) “Settlement Date” means each date specified on your Award Statement as the date on
which the Settlement Amount will be delivered, provided, unless the Committee determines otherwise,
such date is during a Window Period or, if such date is not during a Window Period, the first trading day
of the first Window Period beginning after such date.
(p) “Share” means a share of Common Stock.
(q) “Shares at Risk” means Shares that are subject to Transfer Restrictions.
- 16 -
The following capitalized terms are used in this Award Agreement with the meanings that are
assigned to them in the Plan:
(a) “Account” means any brokerage account, custody account or similar account, as
approved or required by GS Inc. from time to time, into which shares of Common Stock, cash or other
property in respect of an Award are delivered.
(b) “Award Agreement” means the written document or documents by which each Award is
evidenced, including any related Award Statement and signature card.
(c) “Award Statement” means a written statement that reflects certain Award terms.
(d) “Board” means the Board of Directors of GS Inc.
(e) “Business Day” means any day other than a Saturday, a Sunday or a day on which
banking institutions in New York City are authorized or obligated by Federal law or executive order to be
(f) “Cause” means (i) the Grantee’s conviction, whether following trial or by plea of guilty
or nolo contendere (or similar plea), in a criminal proceeding (A) on a misdemeanor charge involving
fraud, false statements or misleading omissions, wrongful taking, embezzlement, bribery, forgery,
counterfeiting or extortion, or (B) on a felony charge, or (C) on an equivalent charge to those in clauses
(A) and (B) in jurisdictions which do not use those designations, (ii) the Grantee’s engaging in any
conduct which constitutes an employment disqualification under applicable law (including statutory
disqualification as defined under the Exchange Act), (iii) the Grantee’s willful failure to perform the
Grantee’s duties to the Firm, (iv) the Grantee’s violation of any securities or commodities laws, any rules
or regulations issued pursuant to such laws, or the rules and regulations of any securities or commodities
exchange or association of which the Firm is a member, (v) the Grantee’s violation of any Firm policy
concerning hedging or pledging or confidential or proprietary information, or the Grantee’s material
violation of any other Firm policy as in effect from time to time, (vi) the Grantee’s engaging in any act or
making any statement which impairs, impugns, denigrates, disparages or negatively reflects upon the
name, reputation or business interests of the Firm or (vii) the Grantee’s engaging in any conduct
detrimental to the Firm. The determination as to whether Cause has occurred shall be made by the
Committee in its sole discretion and, in such case, the Committee also may, but shall not be required to,
specify the date such Cause occurred (including by determining that a prior termination of Employment
was for Cause). Any rights the Firm may have hereunder and in any Award Agreement in respect of the
events giving rise to Cause shall be in addition to the rights the Firm may have under any other agreement
with a Grantee or at law or in equity.
(g) “Certificate” means a stock certificate (or other appropriate document or evidence of
ownership) representing shares of Common Stock.
(h) “Change in Control” means the consummation of a merger, consolidation, statutory share
exchange or similar form of corporate transaction involving GS Inc. (a “Reorganization”) or sale or other
disposition of all or substantially all of GS Inc.’s assets to an entity that is not an affiliate of GS Inc. (a
“Sale”), that in each case requires the approval of GS Inc.’s shareholders under the law of GS Inc.’s
jurisdiction of organization, whether for such Reorganization or Sale (or the issuance of securities of GS
Inc. in such Reorganization or Sale), unless immediately following such Reorganization or Sale, either:
(i) at least 50% of the total voting power (in respect of the election of directors, or similar officials in the
case of an entity other than a corporation) of (A) the entity resulting from such Reorganization, or the
entity which has acquired all or substantially all of the assets of GS Inc. in a Sale (in either case, the
“Surviving Entity”), or (B) if applicable, the ultimate parent entity that directly or indirectly has beneficial
ownership (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act, as such Rule is in effect on the
date of the adoption of the 1999 SIP) of 50% or more of the total voting power (in respect of the election
of directors, or similar officials in the case of an entity other than a corporation) of the Surviving Entity
(the “Parent Entity”) is represented by GS Inc.’s securities (the “GS Inc. Securities”) that were
outstanding immediately prior to such Reorganization or Sale (or, if applicable, is represented by shares
into which such GS Inc. Securities were converted pursuant to such Reorganization or Sale) or (ii) at least
- 17 -
50% of the members of the board of directors (or similar officials in the case of an entity other than a
corporation) of the Parent Entity (or, if there is no Parent Entity, the Surviving Entity) following the
consummation of the Reorganization or Sale were, at the time of the Board’s approval of the execution of
the initial agreement providing for such Reorganization or Sale, individuals (the “Incumbent Directors”)
who either (A) were members of the Board on the Effective Date or (B) became directors subsequent to
the Effective Date and whose election or nomination for election was approved by a vote of at least two-
thirds of the Incumbent Directors then on the Board (either by a specific vote or by approval of GS Inc.’s
proxy statement in which such persons are named as nominees for director).
(i) “Client” means any client or prospective client of the Firm to whom the Grantee provided
services, or for whom the Grantee transacted business, or whose identity became known to the Grantee in
connection with the Grantee’s relationship with or employment by the Firm.
(j) “Code” means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time, and the
applicable rulings and regulations thereunder.
(k) “Committee” means the committee appointed by the Board to administer the Plan
pursuant to Section 1.3, and, to the extent the Board determines it is appropriate for the compensation
realized from Awards under the Plan to be considered “performance based” compensation under
Section 162(m) of the Code, shall be a committee or subcommittee of the Board composed of two or
more members, each of whom is an “outside director” within the meaning of Code Section 162(m), and
which, to the extent the Board determines it is appropriate for Awards under the Plan to qualify for the
exemption available under Rule 16b-3(d)(1) or Rule 16b-3(e) promulgated under the Exchange Act, shall
be a committee or subcommittee of the Board composed of two or more members, each of whom is a
“non-employee director” within the meaning of Rule 16b-3. Unless otherwise determined by the Board,
the Committee shall be the Compensation Committee of the Board.
(l) “Common Stock” means common stock of GS Inc., par value $0.01 per share.
(m) “Competitive Enterprise” means an existing or planned business enterprise that (i)
engages, or may reasonably be expected to engage, in any activity; (ii) owns or controls, or may
reasonably be expected to own or control, a significant interest in any entity that engages in any activity
or (iii) is, or may reasonably be expected to be, owned by, or a significant interest in which is, or may
reasonably be expected to be, owned or controlled by, any entity that engages in any activity that, in any
case, competes or will compete anywhere with any activity in which the Firm is engaged. The activities
covered by this definition include, without limitation: financial services such as investment banking;
public or private finance; lending; financial advisory services; private investing for anyone other than the
Grantee and members of the Grantee’s family (including for the avoidance of doubt, any type of
proprietary investing or trading); private wealth management; private banking; consumer or commercial
cash management; consumer, digital or commercial banking; merchant banking; asset, portfolio or hedge
fund management; insurance or reinsurance underwriting or brokerage; property management; or
securities, futures, commodities, energy, derivatives, currency or digital asset brokerage, sales, lending,
custody, clearance, settlement or trading.
(n) “Covered Person” means a member of the Board or the Committee or any employee of
the Firm.
(o) “Date of Grant” means the date specified in the Grantee’s Award Agreement as the date
of grant of the Award.
(p) “Dividend Equivalent Rightmeans a dividend equivalent right granted under the Plan,
which represents an unfunded and unsecured promise to pay to the Grantee amounts equal to all or any
portion of the regular cash dividends that would be paid on shares of Common Stock covered by an
Award if such shares had been delivered pursuant to an Award.
(q) “Effective Date” means the date this Plan is approved by the shareholders of GS Inc.
pursuant to Section 3.15 of the Plan.
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(r) “Employment” means the Grantee’s performance of services for the Firm, as determined
by the Committee. The terms “employ” and “employed” shall have their correlative meanings. The
Committee in its sole discretion may determine (i) whether and when a Grantee’s leave of absence results
in a termination of Employment (for this purpose, unless the Committee determines otherwise, a Grantee
shall be treated as terminating Employment with the Firm upon the occurrence of an Extended Absence),
(ii) whether and when a change in a Grantee’s association with the Firm results in a termination of
Employment and (iii) the impact, if any, of any such leave of absence or change in association on Awards
theretofore made. Unless expressly provided otherwise, any references in the Plan or any Award
Agreement to a Grantee’s Employment being terminated shall include both voluntary and involuntary
(s) “Exchange Act” means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended from time to
time, and the applicable rules and regulations thereunder.
(t) “Extended Absence” means the Grantee’s inability to perform for six (6) continuous
months, due to illness, injury or pregnancy-related complications, substantially all the essential duties of
the Grantee’s occupation, as determined by the Committee.
(u) “Firm” means GS Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
(v) “Good Reason” means, in connection with a termination of employment by a Grantee
following a Change in Control, (a) as determined by the Committee, a materially adverse alteration in the
Grantee’s position or in the nature or status of the Grantee’s responsibilities from those in effect
immediately prior to the Change in Control or (b) the Firm’s requiring the Grantee’s principal place of
Employment to be located more than seventy-five (75) miles from the location where the Grantee is
principally Employed at the time of the Change in Control (except for required travel on the Firm’s
business to an extent substantially consistent with the Grantee’s customary business travel obligations in
the ordinary course of business prior to the Change in Control).
(w) “Grantee” means a person who receives an Award.
(x) “GS Inc.” means The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., and any successor thereto.
(y) “1999 SIP” means The Goldman Sachs 1999 Stock Incentive Plan, as in effect prior to
the effective date of the 2003 SIP.
(z) “Outstanding” means any Award to the extent it has not been forfeited, cancelled,
terminated, exercised or with respect to which the shares of Common Stock underlying the Award have
not been previously delivered or other payments made.
(aa)“Restricted Share” means a share of Common Stock delivered under the Plan that is
subject to Transfer Restrictions, forfeiture provisions and/or other terms and conditions specified herein
and in the Restricted Share Award Agreement or other applicable Award Agreement. All references to
Restricted Shares include “Shares at Risk.”
(ab)“RSU” means a restricted stock unit granted under the Plan, which represents an
unfunded and unsecured promise to deliver shares of Common Stock in accordance with the terms of the
RSU Award Agreement.
(ac)“Section 409A” means Section 409A of the Code, including any amendments or
successor provisions to that Section and any regulations and other administrative guidance thereunder, in
each case as they, from time to time, may be amended or interpreted through further administrative
(ad)“SIP Administrator” means each person designated by the Committee as a “SIP
Administrator” with the authority to perform day-to-day administrative functions for the Plan.
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(ae)“SIP Committee” means the persons who have been delegated certain authority under the
Plan by the Committee.
(af) “Solicit” means any direct or indirect communication of any kind whatsoever, regardless
of by whom initiated, inviting, advising, suggesting, encouraging or requesting any person or entity, in
any manner, to take or refrain from taking any action. The terms “Solicited,” “Soliciting” and
“Solicitation” will have their correlative meanings.
(ag)[“Transfer Restrictions” means restrictions that prohibit the sale, exchange, transfer,
assignment, pledge, hypothecation, fractionalization, hedge or other disposal (including through the use of
any cash-settled instrument), whether voluntarily or involuntarily by the Grantee, of an Award or any
shares of Common Stock, cash or other property delivered in respect of an Award.]
(ah)[“Transferability Date” means the date Transfer Restrictions on a Restricted Share will be
released. Within 30 Business Days after the applicable Transferability Date, GS Inc. shall take, or shall
cause to be taken, such steps as may be necessary to remove Transfer Restrictions.]
(ai) “Vested” means, with respect to an Award, the portion of the Award that is not subject to
a condition that the Grantee remain actively employed by the Firm in order for the Award to remain
Outstanding. The fact that an Award becomes Vested shall not mean or otherwise indicate that the
Grantee has an unconditional or nonforfeitable right to such Award, and such Award shall remain subject
to such terms, conditions and forfeiture provisions as may be provided for in the Plan or in the Award
(aj) “Window Period” means a period designated by the Firm during which all employees of
the Firm are permitted to purchase or sell shares of Common Stock (provided that, if the Grantee is a
member of a designated group of employees who are subject to different restrictions, the Window Period
may be a period designated by the Firm during which an employee of the Firm in such designated group
is permitted to purchase or sell shares of Common Stock).
- 20 -
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
____________________________ Award
This Award Agreement, together with The Goldman Sachs Amended and Restated Stock Incentive
Plan (2021) (the “Plan”), governs your ____________________ of performance-based RSUs (your
“Award” or “PSUs”). You should read carefully this entire Award Agreement, which includes the
Award Statement, any attached Appendix and the signature card.
1. You Must Decide Whether to Accept this Award Agreement. To be eligible to
receive your Award, you must by the date specified (a) open and activate an Account and (b) agree
to all the terms of your Award by executing the related signature card in accordance with its
instructions. By executing the signature card, you confirm your agreement to all of the terms of
this Award Agreement, including the arbitration and choice of forum provisions in Paragraph 17.
Documents that Govern Your Award; Definitions
2. The Plan. Your Award is granted under the Plan, and the Plan’s terms apply to, and are
a part of, this Award Agreement.
3. Your Award Statement. The Award Statement delivered to you contains some of your
Award’s specific terms. For example, it contains the number of PSUs subject to this Award, the
Performance Period and the Performance Goal[s] applicable to your Award. It also contains the Vesting
Date[s], the Determination Date and the Settlement Date for your Award and the Transferability Date for
any Shares at Risk that may be delivered to you in respect of any Settlement Amount that you may earn.
The number of PSUs on your Award Statement is not necessarily the number of PSUs in respect of which
the Settlement Amount will be earned, but is merely the basis for determining the amount (if any) that
will be delivered to you.
4. Definitions. Unless otherwise defined herein, including in the Definitions Appendix or
any other Appendix, capitalized terms have the meanings provided in the Plan.
Vesting of Your PSUs
5. Vesting. On each Vesting Date listed on your Award Statement, you will become Vested
in the amount of Outstanding PSUs listed next to that date. When a PSU becomes Vested, it means only
that your continued active Employment is not required to earn delivery in respect of that PSU. Vesting
does not mean you have a non-forfeitable right to the Vested portion of your Award. The terms of
this Award Agreement (including conditions to delivery, satisfaction of the Performance Goal[s]
and any applicable Transfer Restrictions) continue to apply to your Award, and failure to meet
such terms may result in the termination of this Award (as a result of which no delivery in respect
of such Vested PSUs would be made) and you can still forfeit Vested PSUs and Shares at Risk.
Performance Goal[s]
6. Performance. The Settlement Amount is dependent, and may vary based, on
achievement of the Performance Goal[s] over the Performance Period. On the Determination Date, the
Firm will determine whether or not, and to what extent, the Performance Goal[s] for that Performance
Period [has][have] been satisfied. All your rights with respect to the Settlement Amount [(and any
Dividend Equivalent Payments)] are dependent on the extent to which the Performance Goal[s] [is][are]
achieved, and any rights to delivery in respect of your Outstanding PSUs immediately will terminate and
no Settlement Amount will be delivered in respect of such PSUs upon the Committee’s determination, in
its sole discretion, that the Performance Goal[s] [has][have] not been satisfied to the extent necessary to
result in delivery in respect of the PSUs.
Settlement Amount
Exhibit 10.50
7. Settlement.
(a) In General. Subject to satisfaction of the terms of this Award, including satisfaction of
the Performance Goal[s], on the Settlement Date, you will receive delivery (less applicable withholding as
described in Paragraph 14(a)) of the Settlement Amount [and payment of any Dividend Equivalent
Payments] as further described in this Award Agreement and in your Award Statement. Until such
delivery and payment, you have only the rights of a general unsecured creditor and you do not have any
rights as a shareholder of GS Inc. with respect to either the PSUs or the Settlement Amount. Without
limiting the Committee’s authority under Section 1.3.2(h) of the Plan, the Firm may accelerate any
Settlement Date by up to 30 days.
(b) Form of Delivery. The Settlement Amount will be delivered in the form of Shares (by
book entry credit to your Account).
(c) Shares at Risk. ___ percent of the Shares delivered to you in respect of the Settlement
Amount will be Shares at Risk subject to Transfer Restrictions until the [applicable] Transferability Date
[listed on your Award Statement]. Any purported sale, exchange, transfer, assignment, pledge,
hypothecation, fractionalization, hedge or other disposition in violation of the Transfer Restrictions on
Shares at Risk will be void. Within 30 Business Days after the [applicable] Transferability Date [listed on
your Award Statement] (or any other date on which the Transfer Restrictions are to be removed), GS Inc.
will remove the Transfer Restrictions. The Committee or the SIP Committee may select multiple dates
within such 30-Business-Day period on which to remove Transfer Restrictions for all or a portion of the
Shares at Risk with the same Transferability Date listed on the Award Statement, and all such dates will
be treated as a single Transferability Date for purposes of this Award.
(d) [Voluntary Deferral of Settlement Date. Subject to any procedures and agreement terms
adopted by the Committee to govern any such election, at least 12 months prior to the last day of the
original Performance Period set forth on the Award Statement (or such other date as may be permitted
under Section 409A), you may make an irrevocable election to defer the Settlement Date[s] (and the
delivery of the Settlement Amount [and payment of any Dividend Equivalent Payments, each] determined
as of the Determination Date) until the fifth anniversary of the originally scheduled Settlement Date[s] set
forth on the Award Statement (or such other date as may be permitted by Section 409A). Any such
election will be in accordance with the subsequent election provisions of Section 409A(a)(4)(C) of the
Code and Reg. § 1.409A-2(b) or otherwise as may be permitted under Section 409A.]
[Dividend Equivalent Rights][Dividends]
8. [Dividend Equivalent Rights][Dividends]. [To the extent described in your Award
Statement, each PSU will include a Dividend Equivalent Right, which will be subject to the provisions of
Section 2.8 of the Plan. Accordingly, for each of your Outstanding PSUs with respect to which delivery
is made under the Settlement Amount, you will be entitled to payments under Dividend Equivalent Rights
equal to any regular cash dividend paid by GS Inc. in respect of a Share the record date for which occurs
on or after the Date of Grant. The payment to you of amounts under Dividend Equivalent Rights (less
applicable withholding as described in Paragraph 14(a)) is conditioned upon the delivery under the
Settlement Amount in respect of the PSUs to which such Dividend Equivalent Rights relate, and you will
have no right to receive any Dividend Equivalent Payments relating to PSUs for which you do not receive
delivery under the Settlement Amount (including, without limitation, due to a failure to satisfy the
Performance Goal[s]). Dividend Equivalent Payments will be paid on the Settlement Date.] [You will be
entitled to receive on a current basis any regular cash dividend paid in respect of your Shares at Risk. The
PSUs do not include Dividend Equivalent Rights.]
Forfeiture of Your Award
9. How You May Forfeit Your Award. This Paragraph 9 sets forth the events that result
in forfeiture of up to all of your PSUs and Shares at Risk and may require repayment to the Firm of up to
all amounts previously paid or delivered to you under your PSUs in accordance with Paragraph 10. More
than one event may apply, and in no case will the occurrence of one event limit the forfeiture and
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repayment obligations as a result of the occurrence of any other event. In addition, the Firm reserves the
right to (a) suspend vesting of Outstanding PSUs, delivery of the Settlement Amount [and payment of any
Dividend Equivalent Payments] or release of Transfer Restrictions on Shares at Risk, (b) deliver the
Settlement Amount, [any Dividend Equivalent Payments] or dividends into an escrow account in
accordance with Paragraph 14(f)(v) or (c) apply Transfer Restrictions to any Shares in connection with
any investigation of whether any of the events that result in forfeiture under the Plan or this Paragraph 9
have occurred. Paragraph 12 (relating to [certain circumstances under which you will not forfeit your
unvested PSUs upon Employment termination][Extended Absence and Qualified Termination]) and
Paragraph 13 (relating to [certain circumstances under which vesting and/or release of Transfer
Restrictions may be accelerated][Change in Control and death]) provide for exceptions to one or more
provisions of this Paragraph 9. [The U.K. Material Risk Taker Appendix supplements this Paragraph 9
and sets forth additional events that result in forfeiture of up to all of your PSUs and Shares at Risk and
may require repayment to the Firm as described in Paragraph 10 and the U.K. Material Risk Taker
(a) Unvested PSUs Forfeited if Your Employment Terminates. If your Employment
terminates for any reason or you are otherwise no longer actively Employed with the Firm (which
includes off-premises notice periods, “garden leaves,” pay in lieu of notice or any other similar status),
your rights to your Outstanding PSUs that are not Vested will terminate, and no Settlement Amount will
be delivered in respect thereof.
(b) Vested and Unvested PSUs Forfeited Upon Certain Events. If any of the following
occurs, your rights to all of your Outstanding PSUs (whether or not Vested) will terminate, and no
Settlement Amount will be delivered in respect thereof, as may be further described below:
(i) You Associate With a Covered Enterprise. You Associate With a Covered
Enterprise during the Performance Period.
(ii) You Solicit Clients or Employees, Interfere with Client or Employee
Relationships or Participate in the Hiring of Employees. Before the [First] Settlement Date [listed on
your Award Statement], either:
(A) you, in any manner, directly or indirectly, (1) Solicit any Client to
transact business with a Covered Enterprise or to reduce or refrain from doing any business with the Firm,
(2) interfere with or damage (or attempt to interfere with or damage) any relationship between the Firm
and any Client, (3) Solicit any person who is an employee of the Firm to resign from the Firm, (4) Solicit
any Selected Firm Personnel to apply for or accept employment (or other association) with any person or
entity other than the Firm or (5) participate in the hiring of any Selected Firm Personnel by any person or
entity other than the Firm (including, without limitation, participating in the identification of individuals
for potential hire, and participating in any hiring decision), whether as an employee or consultant or
otherwise, or
(B) Selected Firm Personnel are Solicited, hired or accepted into partnership,
membership or similar status by any entity where you have, or will have, direct or indirect managerial
responsibility for such Selected Firm Personnel, unless the Committee determines that you were not
involved in such Solicitation, hiring or acceptance.
(iii) You Failed to Consider Risk. You Failed to Consider Risk during ________.
(iv) Your Conduct Constitutes Cause. Any event that constitutes Cause [(including,
for the avoidance of doubt, “Serious Misconduct” as defined in the U.K. Material Risk Taker Appendix)]
has occurred before the [applicable] Settlement Date.
(v) You Do Not Meet Your Obligations to the Firm. The Committee determines
that, before the [applicable] Settlement Date, you failed to meet, in any respect, any obligation under any
agreement with the Firm, or any agreement entered into in connection with your Employment or this
Award, including the Firm’s notice period requirement applicable to you, any offer letter, employment
agreement or any shareholders’ agreement relating to the Firm. Your failure to pay or reimburse the
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Firm, on demand, for any amount you owe to the Firm will constitute (A) failure to meet an obligation
you have under an agreement, regardless of whether such obligation arises under a written agreement,
and/or (B) a material violation of Firm policy constituting Cause.
(vi) You Do Not Provide Timely Certifications or Comply with Your Certifications.
You fail to certify to GS Inc. that you have complied with all of the terms of the Plan and this Award
Agreement, or the Committee determines that you have failed to comply with a term of the Plan or this
Award Agreement to which you have certified compliance.
(vii) You Do Not Follow Dispute Resolution/Arbitration Procedures. You attempt to
have any dispute under the Plan or this Award Agreement resolved in any manner that is not provided for
by Paragraph 17 or Section 3.17 of the Plan, or you attempt to arbitrate a dispute without first having
exhausted your internal administrative remedies in accordance with Paragraph 14(f)(viii).
(viii) You Bring an Action that Results in a Determination that Any Award Agreement
Term Is Invalid. As a result of any action brought by you, it is determined that any term of this Award
Agreement is invalid.
(ix) You Receive Compensation in Respect of Your Award from Another Employer.
Your Employment terminates for any reason or you otherwise are no longer actively Employed with the
Firm and another entity grants you cash, equity or other property (whether vested or unvested) to replace,
substitute for or otherwise in respect of your Outstanding PSUs.
(x) [GS Inc. Fails to Maintain the Minimum Tier 1 Capital Ratio. Before the
[applicable] Settlement Date, GS Inc. fails to maintain the required “Minimum Tier 1 Capital Ratio” as
defined under Federal Reserve Board Regulations applicable to GS Inc. for a period of 90 consecutive
business days.]
(xi) [GS Inc. Is Determined to Be in Default. Before the [applicable] Settlement
Date, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve or the FDIC makes a written recommendation under
Title II (Orderly Liquidation Authority) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection
Act for the appointment of the FDIC as a receiver of GS Inc. based on a determination that GS Inc. is “in
default” or “in danger of default.”]
(xii) [Accounting Restatement Required Under Sarbanes-Oxley. GS Inc. is required
to prepare an accounting restatement due to GS Inc.’s material noncompliance, as a result of misconduct,
with any financial reporting requirement under the securities laws as described in Section 304(a) of
Sarbanes-Oxley; provided, however, that your rights with respect to the PSUs will only be terminated to
the same extent that would be required under Section 304(a) of Sarbanes-Oxley had you been a “chief
executive officer” or “chief financial officer” of GS Inc. (regardless of whether you actually hold such
position at the relevant time).]
(c) Shares at Risk Forfeited upon Certain Events. To the extent you receive delivery of
Shares at Risk in connection with any Settlement Amount, if any of the following occurs your rights to all
of your Shares at Risk will terminate and your Shares at Risk will be cancelled, in each case, as may be
further described below:
(i) You Failed to Consider Risk. You Failed to Consider Risk during ________.
(ii) Your Conduct Constitutes Cause. Any event that constitutes Cause has occurred
before the [applicable] Transferability Date.
(iii) You Do Not Meet Your Obligations to the Firm. The Committee determines
that, before the [applicable] Transferability Date, you failed to meet, in any respect, any obligation under
any agreement with the Firm, or any agreement entered into in connection with your Employment or this
Award, including the Firm’s notice period requirement applicable to you, any offer letter, employment
agreement or any shareholders’ agreement relating to the Firm. Your failure to pay or reimburse the
Firm, on demand, for any amount you owe to the Firm will constitute (A) failure to meet an obligation
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you have under an agreement, regardless of whether such obligation arises under a written agreement and/
or (B) a material violation of Firm policy constituting Cause.
(iv) You Do Not Provide Timely Certifications or Comply with Your Certifications.
You fail to certify to GS Inc. that you have complied with all of the terms of the Plan and this Award
Agreement, or the Committee determines that you have failed to comply with a term of the Plan or this
Award Agreement to which you have certified compliance.
(v) You Do Not Follow Dispute Resolution/Arbitration Procedures. You attempt to
have any dispute under the Plan or this Award Agreement resolved in any manner that is not provided for
by Paragraph 17 or Section 3.17 of the Plan, or you attempt to arbitrate a dispute without first having
exhausted your internal administrative remedies in accordance with Paragraph 14(f)(viii).
(vi) You Bring an Action that Results in a Determination that Any Award Agreement
Term Is Invalid. As a result of any action brought by you, it is determined that any term of this Award
Agreement is invalid.
(vii) You Receive Compensation in Respect of Your Award from Another Employer.
Your Employment terminates for any reason or you otherwise are no longer actively Employed with the
Firm and another entity grants you cash, equity or other property (whether vested or unvested) to replace,
substitute for or otherwise in respect of any Shares at Risk; provided, however, that your rights will only
be terminated in respect of the Shares at Risk that are replaced, substituted for or otherwise considered by
such other entity in making its grant.
(viii) [Accounting Restatement Required Under Sarbanes-Oxley. GS Inc. is required
to prepare an accounting restatement due to GS Inc.’s material noncompliance, as a result of misconduct,
with any financial reporting requirement under the securities laws as described in Section 304(a) of
Sarbanes-Oxley; provided, however, that your rights will only be terminated in respect of Shares at Risk
to the same extent that would be required under Section 304(a) of Sarbanes-Oxley had you been a “chief
executive officer” or “chief financial officer” of GS Inc. (regardless of whether you actually hold such
position at the relevant time).]
Repayment of Your Award
10. When You May Be Required to Repay Your Award.
(a) Repayment, Generally. If the Committee determines that any term of this Award was not
satisfied, you will be required, immediately upon demand therefor, to repay to the Firm the following:
(i) Any Settlement Amount (including any Shares at Risk) for which the terms
(including the terms for delivery) of the related PSUs were not satisfied, in accordance with Section 2.6.3
of the Plan.
(ii) Any Shares at Risk for which the terms (including the terms for the release of
Transfer Restrictions) were not satisfied, in accordance with Section 2.5.3 of the Plan.
(iii) Any Shares that were delivered (but not subject to Transfer Restrictions) at the
same time any Shares at Risk that are cancelled or required to be repaid were delivered.
(iv) [Any Dividend Equivalent Payments for which the terms were not satisfied
(including any such payments made in respect of PSUs that are forfeited or any Settlement Amount that is
required to be repaid), in accordance with Section 2.8.3 of the Plan.]
(v) Any dividends paid in respect of any delivered Shares (including Shares at Risk)
that are cancelled or required to be repaid.
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(vi) Any amount applied to satisfy tax withholding or other obligations with respect
to any PSUs, Settlement Amount [(including Shares at Risk)], [and] dividend payments [and Dividend
Equivalent Payments] that are forfeited or required to be repaid.
(b) Repayment Upon Materially Inaccurate Financial Statements. If any delivery is made
under this Award Agreement based on materially inaccurate financial statements (which includes, but is
not limited to, statements of earnings, revenues or gains) or other materially inaccurate performance
criteria, you will be obligated to repay to the Firm, immediately upon demand therefor, any excess
amount delivered, as determined by the Committee in its sole discretion.
(c) [Repayment Upon Accounting Restatement Required Under Sarbanes-Oxley. If an event
described in Paragraphs 9(b)(xii) and 9(c)(viii) (relating to a requirement under Sarbanes-Oxley that GS
Inc. prepare an accounting restatement) occurs, any Settlement Amount (including Shares at Risk),
dividend payments, [Dividend Equivalent Payments,] cash or other property delivered, paid or withheld in
respect of this Award will be subject to repayment as described in Paragraph 10(a) to the same extent that
would be required under Section 304(a) of Sarbanes-Oxley had you been a “chief executive officer” or
“chief financial officer” of GS Inc. (regardless of whether you actually hold such position at the relevant
Terminations of Employment
11. Termination of Employment Generally. Unless the Committee determines
otherwise, if your Employment terminates for any reason or you are otherwise no longer actively
Employed with the Firm (which includes off-premises notice periods, “garden leaves,” pay in lieu of
notice or any other similar status), the Performance Goal[s] applicable to your Outstanding PSUs will
continue to apply with respect to your Vested PSUs [(e.g., PSUs that become Vested in connection with
Extended Absence, Qualified Termination, Change in Control or death as described in Paragraphs 12 and
13)] and the determination of the Settlement Amount will continue to be subject to whether or not, and to
what extent, the Performance Goal[s] [has][have] been achieved with respect to your Vested PSUs, in
each case, as provided in Paragraph 6. All other terms of this Award Agreement, including the forfeiture
and repayment events in Paragraphs 9 and 10, continue to apply.
12. [Circumstances Under Which You Will Not Forfeit Your Unvested PSUs on
Employment Termination (but the Performance Goal, Original Settlement Date and
Transferability Date Continue to Apply). If your Employment terminates at a time when you meet the
requirements for Extended Absence or Retirement, each as described below, then Paragraph 9(a) will not
apply, and your Outstanding PSUs will be treated as described in this Paragraph 12. The Performance
Goal applicable to your Outstanding PSUs will continue to apply and the determination of the Settlement
Amount will continue to be subject to whether or not, and to what extent, the Performance Goal has been
achieved, in each case, as provided in Paragraph 6. All other terms of this Award Agreement, including
the other forfeiture and repayment events in Paragraphs 9 and 10, continue to apply.
(a) Extended Absence or Retirement. If your Employment terminates by Extended Absence
or Retirement, your Outstanding PSUs that are not Vested will become Vested. For the avoidance of
doubt, your rights to any Outstanding PSUs will be terminated and no Settlement Amount will be
delivered in respect thereof if you Associate With a Covered Enterprise during the Performance Period, as
described in Paragraph 9(b)(i).]
13. [Extended Absence or Qualified Termination. If your Employment terminates at a
time when you meet the requirements for Extended Absence or a Qualified Termination, then Paragraph
9(a) will not apply to the extent described in this Paragraph 12, and your Outstanding PSUs will be
treated as described in this Paragraph 12. All other terms of this Award Agreement, including the other
forfeiture and repayment events in Paragraphs 9 and 10, continue to apply. In each case, the Performance
Goals applicable to your Outstanding PSUs will continue to apply, and the determination of the
Settlement Amount will continue to be subject to whether or not, and to what extent, the Performance
Goals have been achieved, as provided in Paragraph 6.
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(a) Extended Absence. If your Employment terminates by Extended Absence, your
Outstanding PSUs that are not Vested will become Vested. For the avoidance of doubt, your rights to any
Outstanding PSUs will be terminated and no Settlement Amount will be delivered in respect thereof if
you Associate With a Covered Enterprise during the Performance Period, as described in Paragraph
(b) Qualified Termination. If the Firm terminates your Employment solely by reason of a
Qualified Termination and you execute a general waiver and release of claims and an agreement to pay
any associated tax liability in the form the Firm prescribes, a pro rata portion of your Outstanding PSUs
(based on the portion of the Performance Period during which you were Employed) will become Vested.
For the avoidance of doubt, your rights to any Outstanding PSUs will be terminated and no Settlement
Amount will be delivered in respect thereof if you Associate With a Covered Enterprise during the
Performance Period, as described in Paragraph 9(b)(i).]
14. [Accelerated Vesting and/or Release of Transfer Restrictions in the Event of a
Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control or Death. In the event of your Qualifying
Termination After a Change in Control or death, each as described below, Paragraph 9(a) will not apply,
your Outstanding PSUs or, to the extent you have received delivery in connection with any Settlement
Amount, your Shares at Risk, will be treated as described in this Paragraph 13, and, except as set forth in
Paragraph 13(a), all other terms of this Award Agreement, including the other forfeiture and repayment
events in Paragraphs 9 and 10, continue to apply. In each case, the Performance Goal applicable to your
Outstanding PSUs will continue to apply and the determination of the Settlement Amount will continue to
be subject to whether or not, and to what extent, the Performance Goal has been achieved, in each case, as
provided in Paragraph 6.
(a) You Have a Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control. If your Employment
terminates when you meet the requirements of a Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control, you
will, on the Settlement Date, receive delivery of the Settlement Amount and payment of the Dividend
Equivalent Payments that, in each case, would have otherwise been made pursuant to Paragraph 6, and
any Transfer Restrictions will cease to apply to your Shares at Risk. In addition, the forfeiture events in
Paragraph 9 will not apply to your Shares at Risk.
(b) Death. If you die, after such documentation as may be requested by the Committee is
provided to the Committee, (i) your Account will receive delivery of the Settlement Amount and payment
of the Dividend Equivalent Payments on the Settlement Date that, in each case, would have otherwise
been made pursuant to Paragraph 6, and (ii) any Transfer Restrictions will cease to apply to your Shares
at Risk as soon as practicable after the date of death.
15. [Change in Control or Death. In the event of a Change in Control or death, each as
described below, your Outstanding PSUs will be treated as described in this Paragraph 13. All other
terms of this Award Agreement, including the other forfeiture and repayment events in Paragraphs 9 and
10, continue to apply. In each case, the Performance Goals applicable to your Outstanding PSUs will
continue to apply, and the determination of the Settlement Amount will continue to be subject to whether
or not, and to what extent, the Performance Goals have been achieved, as provided in Paragraph 6.
(a) Change in Control.
(i) In the event of a Change in Control which would result in none of GS Inc., its
successors (including any surviving or acquiring entity or its affiliates) or affiliates being listed or
publicly traded on any national securities exchange (“Delisting Change in Control”): (A) Paragraph 9(a)
will not apply and your PSUs that are not Vested will become Vested, (B) the last day of the Performance
Period will be deemed to be the effective date of the Change in Control, (C) the Determination Date will
be as soon as practicable after the effective date of the Change in Control and (D) the Settlement Date[s]
will occur as soon as practicable following the Determination Date, but no later than March 15 coinciding
with the last day of the applicable “short-term deferral” period described in Reg. § 1.409A-1(b)(4). Any
Transfer Restrictions will cease to apply to your Shares at Risk, and the forfeiture events in Paragraph 9
will not apply to your Shares at Risk.
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(ii) If the Change in Control is not a Delisting Change in Control described in
Paragraph 13(a)(i) and if your Employment terminates when you meet the requirements of a Qualifying
Termination After a Change in Control, then (i) Paragraph 9(a) will not apply and your PSUs that are not
Vested will become Vested, and (ii) you will receive delivery of the Settlement Amount [and payment of
the Dividend Equivalent Payments] on the [applicable] Settlement Date that would have otherwise been
made pursuant to Paragraph 6. Any Transfer Restrictions will cease to apply to your Shares at Risk, and
the forfeiture events in Paragraph 9 will not apply to your Shares at Risk.
(b) Death. If you die, after such documentation as may be requested by the Committee is
provided to the Committee, (i) Paragraph 9(a) will not apply and your PSUs that are not Vested will
become Vested, (ii) your Account will receive delivery of the Settlement Amount [and payment of the
Dividend Equivalent Payments] on the [applicable] Settlement Date that would have otherwise been made
pursuant to Paragraph 6, and (iii) any Transfer Restrictions will cease to apply to your Shares at Risk as
soon as practicable after the date of death.]
Other Terms, Conditions and Agreements
16. Additional Terms, Conditions and Agreements.
(a) You Must Satisfy Applicable Tax Withholding Requirements. Delivery of the Settlement
Amount is conditioned on your satisfaction of any applicable withholding taxes in accordance with
Section 3.2 of the Plan, which includes the Firm deducting or withholding amounts from any payment or
distribution to you. In addition, to the extent permitted by applicable law, the Firm, in its sole discretion,
may require you to provide amounts equal to all or a portion of any Federal, state, local, foreign or other
tax obligations imposed on you or the Firm in connection with the grant, Vesting or delivery of this
Award by requiring you to choose between remitting the amount (i) in cash (or through payroll deduction
or otherwise) or (ii) in the form of proceeds from the Firm’s executing a sale of Shares delivered to you
pursuant to this Award. In no event, however, does this Paragraph 14(a) give you any discretion to
determine or affect the timing of delivery of the Settlement Amount or the timing of payment of tax
(b) Firm May Deliver Cash or Other Property in Respect of the Settlement Amount. In
accordance with Section 1.3.2(i) of the Plan, in the sole discretion of the Committee, in lieu of all or any
portion of the Settlement Amount, the Firm may deliver cash, other securities, other awards under the
Plan or other property, and all references in this Award Agreement to delivery of the Settlement Amount
will include such deliveries of cash, other securities, other awards under the Plan or other property.
(c) Amounts May Be Rounded to Avoid Fractional Shares. PSUs that become Vested on a
Vesting Date and any amounts delivered in respect of the Settlement Amount[, including Shares at Risk,]
may be rounded to avoid fractional Shares.
(d) You May Be Required to Become a Party to the Shareholders’ Agreement. Your rights
to your PSUs are conditioned on your becoming a party to any shareholders’ agreement to which other
similarly situated employees (e.g., employees with a similar title or position) of the Firm are required to
be a party.
(e) Firm May Affix Legends and Place Stop Orders on Shares. GS Inc. may affix to
Certificates representing Shares any legend that the Committee determines to be necessary or advisable
(including to reflect any restrictions to which you may be subject under a separate agreement). GS Inc.
may advise the transfer agent to place a stop order against any legended Shares.
(f) You Agree to Certain Consents, Terms and Conditions. By accepting this Award you
understand and agree that:
(i) You Agree to Certain Consents as a Condition to the Award. You have expressly
consented to all of the items listed in Section 3.3.3(d) of the Plan, including the Firm’s supplying to any
third-party recordkeeper of the Plan or other person such personal information of yours as the Committee
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deems advisable to administer the Plan, and you agree to provide any additional consents that the
Committee determines to be necessary or advisable;
(ii) You Are Subject to the Firm’s Policies, Rules and Procedures. You are subject
to the Firm’s policies in effect from time to time concerning trading in Shares and hedging or pledging
Shares and equity-based compensation or other awards (including, without limitation, the “Firmwide
Policy with Respect to Personal Transactions Involving GS Securities and GS Equity Awards” or any
successor policies), and confidential or proprietary information, and you will effect sales of Shares in
accordance with such rules and procedures as may be adopted from time to time (which may include,
without limitation, restrictions relating to the timing of sale requests, the manner in which sales are
executed, pricing method, consolidation or aggregation of orders and volume limits determined by the
(iii) You Are Responsible for Costs Associated with Your Award. You will be
responsible for all brokerage costs and other fees or expenses associated with your Award, including
those related to the sale of Shares;
(iv) You Will Be Deemed to Represent Your Compliance with All the Terms of Your
Award if You Accept Delivery. You will be deemed to have represented and certified that you have
complied with all of the terms of the Plan and this Award Agreement when any Settlement Amount [and
Dividend Equivalent Payments are] [is] delivered to you, and you request the sale of Shares following the
release of Transfer Restrictions on Shares at Risk;
(v) Firm May Deliver Your Award into an Escrow Account. The Firm may establish
and maintain an escrow account on such terms (which may include your executing any documents related
to, and your paying for any costs associated with, such account) as it may deem necessary or appropriate,
and the Settlement Amount may initially be delivered[, and any Dividend Equivalent Payments and
dividends may initially be paid,] into and held in that escrow account until such time as the Committee
has received such documentation as it may have requested or until the Committee has determined that any
other conditions or restrictions on deliveries required by this Award Agreement have been satisfied;
(vi) You May Be Required to Certify Compliance with Award Terms; You Are
Responsible for Providing the Firm with Updated Address and Contact Information After Your Departure
from the Firm. If your Employment terminates while you continue to hold PSUs or Shares at Risk, from
time to time, you may be required to provide certifications of your compliance with all of the terms of the
Plan and this Award Agreement as described in Paragraphs 9(b)(vi) and 9(c)(iv). You understand and
agree that (A) your address on file with the Firm at the time any certification is required will be deemed to
be your current address, (B) it is your responsibility to inform the Firm of any changes to your address to
ensure timely receipt of the certification materials, (C) you are responsible for contacting the Firm to
obtain such certification materials if not received and (D) your failure to return properly completed
certification materials by the specified deadline (which includes your failure to timely return the
completed certification because you did not provide the Firm with updated contact information) will
result in the forfeiture of all of your PSUs or Shares at Risk and subject previously delivered amounts to
repayment under Paragraphs 9(b)(vi) and 9(c)(iv);
(vii) You Authorize the Firm to Register, in Its or Its Designee's Name, Any Shares at
Risk and Sell, Assign or Transfer Any Forfeited Shares at Risk. You are granting to the Firm the full
power and authority to register any Shares at Risk in its or its designee's name and authorizing the Firm or
its designee to sell, assign or transfer any Shares at Risk if you forfeit your Shares at Risk;
(viii) You Must Comply with Applicable Deadlines and Procedures to Appeal
Determinations Made by the Committee. If you disagree with a determination made by the Committee,
the SIP Committee, the SIP Administrators, or any of their delegates or designees and you wish to appeal
such determination, you must submit a written request to the SIP Committee for review within 180 days
after the determination at issue. You must exhaust your internal administrative remedies (i.e., submit
your appeal and wait for resolution of that appeal) before seeking to resolve a dispute through arbitration
pursuant to Paragraph 17 and Section 3.17 of the Plan; and
- 9 -
(ix) You Agree that Covered Persons Will Not Have Liability. In addition to and
without limiting the generality of the provisions of Section 1.3.5 of the Plan, neither the Firm nor any
Covered Person will have any liability to you or any other person for any action taken or omitted in
respect of this or any other Award.
17. Non-transferability. Except as otherwise may be provided in this Paragraph 15 or as
otherwise may be provided by the Committee, the limitations on transferability set forth in Section 3.5 of
the Plan will apply to this Award. Any purported transfer or assignment in violation of the provisions of
this Paragraph 15 or Section 3.5 of the Plan will be void. The Committee may adopt procedures pursuant
to which some or all recipients of PSUs and Shares at Risk may transfer some or all of their PSUs or
Shares at Risk (which will continue to be subject to Transfer Restrictions until the [applicable]
Transferability Date) through a gift for no consideration to any immediate family member, a trust or other
estate planning vehicle approved by the Committee or SIP Committee in which the recipient and/or the
recipient’s immediate family members in the aggregate have 100% of the beneficial interest.
18. Right of Offset. Except as provided in Paragraph 19(d), the obligation to deliver the
Settlement Amount, pay dividends [or Dividend Equivalent Payments] or release Transfer Restrictions
under this Award Agreement is subject to Section 3.4 of the Plan, which provides for the Firm’s right to
offset against such obligation any outstanding amounts you owe to the Firm and any amounts the
Committee deems appropriate pursuant to any tax equalization policy or agreement.
Arbitration, Choice of Forum and Governing Law
19. Arbitration; Choice of Forum.
(a) By accepting this award, you are indicating that you understand and agree that the
arbitration and choice of forum provisions set forth in Section 3.17 of the Plan will apply to this
Award. These provisions, which are expressly incorporated herein by reference, provide among
other things that any dispute, controversy or claim between the Firm and you arising out of or
relating to or concerning the Plan or this Award Agreement will be finally settled by arbitration in
New York City, pursuant to the terms more fully set forth in Section 3.17 of the Plan; provided that
nothing herein shall preclude you from filing a charge with or participating in any investigation or
proceeding conducted by any governmental authority, including but not limited to the SEC, the
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and a state or local human rights agency, as well as
law enforcement.
(b) To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, no arbitrator will have the authority to
consider class, collective or representative claims, to order consolidation or to join different claimants or
grant relief other than on an individual basis to the individual claimant involved.
(c) Notwithstanding any applicable forum rules to the contrary, to the extent there is a
question of enforceability of this Award Agreement arising from a challenge to the arbitrator’s
jurisdiction or to the arbitrability of a claim, it will be decided by a court and not an arbitrator.
(d) The Federal Arbitration Act governs interpretation and enforcement of all arbitration
provisions under the Plan and this Award Agreement, and all arbitration proceedings thereunder.
(e) Nothing in this Award Agreement creates a substantive right to bring a claim under U.S.
Federal, state, or local employment laws.
(f) By accepting your Award, you irrevocably appoint each General Counsel of GS Inc., or
any person whom the General Counsel of GS Inc. designates, as your agent for service of process in
connection with any suit, action or proceeding arising out of or relating to or concerning the Plan or any
Award which is not arbitrated pursuant to the provisions of Section 3.17.1 of the Plan, who shall promptly
advise you of any such service of process.
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(g) To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, no arbitrator will have the authority to
consider any claim as to which you have not first exhausted your internal administrative remedies in
accordance with Paragraph 14(f)(viii).
20. Governing Law. This Award will be governed by and construed in accordance with
the laws of the State of New York, without regard to principles of conflict of laws.
Certain Tax Provisions
21. Compliance of Award Agreement and Plan with Section 409A. The provisions of this
Paragraph 19 apply to you only if you are a U.S. taxpayer.
(a) This Award Agreement and the Plan provisions that apply to this Award are intended and
will be construed to comply with Section 409A (including the requirements applicable to, or the
conditions for exemption from treatment as, 409A Deferred Compensation), whether by reason of short-
term deferral treatment or other exceptions or provisions. The Committee will have full authority to give
effect to this intent. To the extent necessary to give effect to this intent, in the case of any conflict or
potential inconsistency between the provisions of the Plan (including Sections 1.3.2 and 2.1 thereof) and
this Award Agreement, the provisions of this Award Agreement will govern, and in the case of any
conflict or potential inconsistency between this Paragraph 19 and the other provisions of this Award
Agreement, this Paragraph 19 will govern.
(b) Settlement will not be delayed beyond the date on which all applicable conditions or
restrictions on settlement in respect of your PSUs required by this Award Agreement (including [those
specified in Paragraph 12(b) (execution of waiver and release of claims agreement to pay associated tax
liability) and] the consents and other items specified in Section 3.3 of the Plan) are satisfied. To the
extent that any portion of this Award is intended to satisfy the requirements for short-term deferral
treatment under Section 409A, settlement in respect of such portion will occur by the March 15
coinciding with the last day of the applicable “short-term deferral” period described in Reg. §
1.409A-1(b)(4) in order for settlement to be within the short-term deferral exception unless, in order to
permit all applicable conditions or restrictions on settlement to be satisfied, the Committee elects,
pursuant to Reg. § 1.409A-1(b)(4)(i)(D) or otherwise as may be permitted in accordance with Section
409A, to delay settlement to a later date within the same calendar year or to such later date as may be
permitted under Section 409A, including Reg. § 1.409A-3(d). For the avoidance of doubt, if the Award
includes a “series of installment payments” as described in Reg. § 1.409A-2(b)(2)(iii), your right to the
series of installment payments will be treated as a right to a series of separate payments and not as a right
to a single payment.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 14(b) and Section 1.3.2(i) of the Plan, to the
extent necessary to comply with Section 409A, any delivery or payment (including in the form of Shares
at Risk or other property) that the Firm may make in respect of your PSUs will not have the effect of
deferring payment, delivery, income inclusion, or a substantial risk of forfeiture, beyond the date on
which such payment, delivery or inclusion would occur or such risk of forfeiture would lapse, with
respect to the payment or delivery that would otherwise have been made (unless the Committee elects a
later date for this purpose pursuant to Reg. § 1.409A-1(b)(4)(i)(D) or otherwise as may be permitted
under Section 409A, including and to the extent applicable, the subsequent election provisions of Section
409A(a)(4)(C) of the Code and Reg. § 1.409A-2(b)).
(d) Paragraph 16 and Section 3.4 of the Plan will not apply to Awards that are 409A
Deferred Compensation except to the extent permitted under Section 409A.
(e) Settlement in respect of any portion of the Award may be made, if and to the extent
elected by the Committee, later than the relevant Settlement Date or other date or period specified
hereinabove (but, in the case of any Award that constitutes 409A Deferred Compensation, only to the
extent that the later payment or delivery, as applicable, is permitted under Section 409A).
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(f) You understand and agree that you are solely responsible for the payment of any taxes
and penalties due pursuant to Section 409A, but in no event will you be permitted to designate, directly or
indirectly, the taxable year of the delivery.
Committee Authority, Amendment, Construction and Regulatory Reporting
22. Committee Authority. The Committee has the authority to determine, in its sole
discretion, that any event triggering forfeiture or repayment of your Award will not apply, to limit the
forfeitures and repayments that result under Paragraphs 9 and 10 and to remove Transfer Restrictions
before the [applicable] Transferability Date. [In addition, the Committee, in its sole discretion, may
determine whether Paragraph 12(b) will apply upon a termination of Employment.]
23. Amendment. The Committee reserves the right at any time to amend the terms of this
Award Agreement, and the Board may amend the Plan in any respect; provided that, notwithstanding the
foregoing and Sections 1.3.2(f), 1.3.2(h) and 3.1 of the Plan, no such amendment will materially
adversely affect your rights and obligations under this Award Agreement without your consent; and
provided further that the Committee expressly reserves its rights to amend the Award Agreement and the
Plan as described in Sections 1.3.2(h)(1), (2) and (4) of the Plan. A modification that impacts the tax
consequences of this Award or the timing of delivery will not be an amendment that materially adversely
affects your rights and obligations under this Award Agreement. Any amendment of this Award
Agreement will be in writing.
24. Construction, Headings. Unless the context requires otherwise, (a) words describing
the singular number include the plural and vice versa, (b) words denoting any gender include all genders
and (c) the words “include,” “includes” and “including” will be deemed to be followed by the words
“without limitation.” The headings in this Award Agreement are for the purpose of convenience only and
are not intended to define or limit the construction of the provisions hereof. References in this Award
Agreement to any specific Plan provision will not be construed as limiting the applicability of any other
Plan provision.
25. Providing Information to the Appropriate Authorities. In accordance with applicable
law, nothing in this Award Agreement (including the forfeiture and repayment provisions in Paragraphs 9
and 10) or the Plan prevents you from providing information you reasonably believe to be true to the
appropriate governmental authority, including a regulatory, judicial, administrative, or other
governmental entity; reporting possible violations of law or regulation; making other disclosures that are
protected under any applicable law or regulation; or filing a charge or participating in any investigation or
proceeding conducted by a governmental authority. For the avoidance of doubt, governmental authority
includes federal, state and local government agencies such as the SEC, the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission and any state or local human rights agency (e.g., the New York State Division
of Human Rights, the New York City Commission on Human Rights, the California Department of Fair
Employment and Housing), as well as law enforcement.
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, GS Inc. has caused this Award Agreement to be duly executed and
delivered as of the Date of Grant.
- 13 -
[U.K. Material Risk Taker Appendix
This Appendix supplements Paragraph 9 and sets forth additional events that result in forfeiture of up to
all of your PSUs and Shares at Risk and may require repayment to the Firm of up to all other amounts
previously delivered or paid to you under your Award in accordance with Paragraph 10. As with the
events described in Paragraph 9, more than one event may apply, in no case will the occurrence of one
event limit the forfeiture and repayment obligations as a result of the occurrence of any other event and
the Firm reserves the right to (a) suspend vesting of Outstanding PSUs, delivery of the Settlement
Amount or release of Transfer Restrictions, (b) deliver the Settlement Amount or dividends into an
escrow account in accordance with Paragraph 14(f)(v) or (c) apply Transfer Restrictions to any Shares in
connection with any investigation of whether any of the events that result in forfeiture under this
Appendix have occurred.
With respect to the events described in this Appendix, the Committee will consider certain factors to
determine whether and what portion of your Award will terminate, including the reason for the “Loss
Event” (as defined below) or “Risk Event” (as defined below) and the extent to which: (1) you
participated in the Loss Event or Risk Event, (2) your compensation for _________ may or may not have
been adjusted to take into account the risk associated with the Loss Event, Risk Event, your “Serious
Misconduct” (as defined below) or the Serious Misconduct of a “Supervised Employee” (as defined
below) and (3) your compensation may be adjusted for the year in which the Loss Event, Risk Event, your
Serious Misconduct or a Supervised Employee’s Serious Misconduct is discovered.
(a) A Loss Event Occurs Prior to Delivery. If a Loss Event occurs prior to the
delivery of the Settlement Amount, your rights in respect of all or a portion of your PSUs
(whether or not Vested) which are scheduled to deliver on the next Settlement Date immediately
following the date that the Loss Event is identified (or, if not practicable, then the next following
Settlement Date) will terminate, and no Settlement Amount will be delivered in respect of such
(i) A Loss Event means (A) an annual pre-tax loss at GS Inc. or (B)
annual negative revenues in one or more reporting segments as disclosed in the Firm’s Form 10-
K other than the Asset & Wealth Management segment (or any successor or equivalent segment
or sub-segment as determined by the Firm), or annual negative revenues in the Asset & Wealth
Management segment (or any successor or equivalent segment or sub-segment as determined by
the Firm) of $5 billion or more, provided in either case that you are employed in a business within
such reporting segment.
(b) A Risk Event Occurs ___________. If a Risk Event occurs ___________, (i)
your rights in respect of all or a portion of your PSUs (whether or not Vested) will terminate and
no Settlement Amount will be delivered in respect of such PSUs, (ii) your rights to all or a
portion of any Shares at Risk will terminate and such Shares at Risk will be cancelled and (iii)
you will be obligated immediately upon demand therefor to pay the Firm an amount not in excess
of the greater of the Fair Market Value of the Settlement Amount (plus any dividend payments)
delivered in respect of the Award (without reduction for any amount applied to satisfy tax
withholding or other obligations) determined as of (A) the date the Risk Event occurred and (B)
the date that the repayment request is made.
(i) A Risk Eventmeans there occurs a loss of 5% or more of firmwide
total capital from a reportable operational risk event determined in accordance with the firmwide
Reporting and Operational Risk Events Policy (or any successor policy).
(c) You Engage in Serious Misconduct __________. If you engage in Serious
Misconduct ________________, you will be obligated immediately upon demand therefor to pay
the Firm an amount not in excess of the greater of the Fair Market Value of the Settlement
Amount (plus any dividend payments) delivered in respect of the Award (without reduction for
any amount applied to satisfy tax withholding or other obligations) determined as of (i) the date
the Serious Misconduct occurred and (ii) the date that the repayment request is made.
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(i) Serious Misconductmeans that you engage in conduct that the Firm
reasonably considers, in its sole discretion, to be misconduct sufficient to justify summary
termination of employment under English law.
(d) A Supervised Employee Engages in Serious Misconduct. If the Committee
determines that it is appropriate to hold you accountable in whole or in part for Serious
Misconduct related to compliance, control or risk that occurred during __________ by a
Supervised Employee, your rights in respect of all or a portion of your PSUs (whether or not
Vested) will terminate and no Settlement Amount will be delivered in respect of such PSUs and
your rights to all or a portion of any Shares at Risk will terminate and such Shares at Risk will be
(i) Supervised Employeemeans an individual with respect to whom the
Committee determines you had supervisory responsibility as a result of direct or indirect
reporting lines or your management responsibility for an office, division or business.
Notwithstanding any provision in the Plan, this Award Agreement or any other agreement or arrangement
you may have with the Firm, the parties agree that to the extent that there is any dispute arising out of or
relating to the payment required by Paragraphs (b) and (c) of this Appendix (including your refusal to
remit payment) the parties will submit to arbitration in accordance with Paragraph 17 of this Award
Agreement and Section 3.17 of the Plan as the sole means of resolution of such dispute (including the
recovery by the Firm of the payment amount).]
- 15 -
Definitions Appendix
The following capitalized terms are used in this Award Agreement with the following meanings:
(a) “409A Deferred Compensation” means a “deferral of compensation” or “deferred
compensation” as those terms are defined in the regulations under Section 409A.
(b) “Associate With a Covered Enterprise” means that you (i) form, or acquire a 5% or
greater equity ownership, voting or profit participation interest in, any Covered Enterprise or (ii) associate
in any capacity (including association as an officer, employee, partner, director, consultant, agent or
advisor) with any Covered Enterprise. Associate With a Covered Enterprise may include, as determined
in the discretion of the Committee, (i) becoming the subject of any publicly available announcement or
report of a pending or future association with a Covered Enterprise and (ii) unpaid associations, including
an association in contemplation of future employment. “Association With a Covered Enterprise” will
have its correlative meaning.
(c) “Covered Enterprise” means a Competitive Enterprise and any other existing or planned
business enterprise that: (i) offers, holds itself out as offering or reasonably may be expected to offer
products or services that are the same as or similar to those offered by the Firm or that the Firm
reasonably expects to offer (“Firm Products or Services”) or (ii) engages in, holds itself out as engaging in
or reasonably may be expected to engage in any other activity that is the same as or similar to any
financial activity engaged in by the Firm or in which the Firm reasonably expects to engage (“Firm
Activities”). For the avoidance of doubt, Firm Activities include any activity that requires the same or
similar skills as any financial activity engaged in by the Firm or in which the Firm reasonably expects to
engage, irrespective of whether any such financial activity is in furtherance of an advisory, agency,
proprietary or fiduciary undertaking.
The enterprises covered by this definition include enterprises that offer, hold themselves out
as offering or reasonably may be expected to offer Firm Products or Services, or engage in, hold
themselves out as engaging in or reasonably may be expected to engage in Firm Activities directly, as
well as those that do so indirectly by ownership or control (e.g., by owning, being owned by or by being
under common ownership with an enterprise that offers, holds itself out as offering or reasonably may be
expected to offer Firm Products or Services or that engages in, holds itself out as engaging in or
reasonably may be expected to engage in Firm Activities). The definition of Covered Enterprise includes,
solely by way of example, any enterprise that offers, holds itself out as offering or reasonably may be
expected to offer any product or service, or engages in, holds itself out as engaging in or reasonably may
be expected to engage in any activity, in any case, associated with investment banking; public or private
finance; lending; financial advisory services; private investing for anyone other than you or your family
members (including, for the avoidance of doubt, any type of proprietary investing or trading); private
wealth management; private banking; consumer or commercial cash management; consumer, digital or
commercial banking; merchant banking; asset, portfolio or hedge fund management; insurance or
reinsurance underwriting or brokerage; property management; or securities, futures, commodities, energy,
derivatives, currency or digital asset brokerage, sales, lending, custody, clearance, settlement or trading.
An enterprise that offers, holds itself out as offering or reasonably may be expected to offer Firm Products
or Services, or engages in, holds itself out as engaging in or reasonably may be expected to engage in
Firm Activities is a Covered Enterprise, irrespective of whether the enterprise is a customer, client or
counterparty of the Firm or is otherwise associated with the Firm and, because the Firm is a global
enterprise, irrespective of where the Covered Enterprise is physically located.
(d) “Determination Date” means the date specified on your Award Statement as the date on
which the Committee will determine whether or not, and to what extent, the Performance Goal[s]
[was][were] achieved for the Performance Period.
(e) “Dividend Equivalent Payments” means any payments made in respect of Dividend
Equivalent Rights.
(f) “FDIC” means the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any successor thereto.
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(g) “Failed to Consider Risk” means that you participated (or otherwise oversaw or were
responsible for, depending on the circumstances, another individual’s participation) in the structuring or
marketing of any product or service, or participated on behalf of the Firm or any of its clients in the
purchase or sale of any security or other property, in any case without appropriate consideration of the
risk to the Firm or the broader financial system as a whole (for example, where you have improperly
analyzed such risk or where you have failed sufficiently to raise concerns about such risk) and, as a result
of such action or omission, the Committee determines there has been, or reasonably could be expected to
be, a material adverse impact on the Firm, your business unit or the broader financial system.
(h) “Performance Goal” means the performance goal determined by the Committee that is
specified on your Award Statement.
(i) “Performance Period” means the performance period determined by the Committee that
is specified on your Award Statement.
(j) [“Qualified Termination” means the termination of your Employment by the Firm where
none of the forfeiture and repayment events described in Paragraphs 9 and 10 has occurred. No
Employment termination that you initiate, including any purported “constructive termination,” a
“termination for good reason” or similar concepts, can be a Qualified Termination.]
(k) “Qualifying Termination After a Change in Control” means that the Firm terminates your
Employment other than for Cause or you terminate your Employment for Good Reason, in each case,
within 18 months following a Change in Control.
(l) [“Sarbanes-Oxley” means the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, as amended.]
(m) “SEC” means the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
(n) “Selected Firm Personnel” means any individual who is or in the three months preceding
the conduct prohibited by Paragraph 9(b)(ii) was (i) a Firm employee or consultant with whom you
personally worked while employed by the Firm, (ii) a Firm employee or consultant who, at any time
during the year preceding the date of the termination of your Employment, worked in the same division in
which you worked or (iii) an Advisory Director, a Managing Director or a Senior Advisor of the Firm.
(o) “Settlement Amount” means an amount deliverable to you in respect of your PSUs
(determined as described in the Award Statement).
(p) “Settlement Date” means each date specified on your Award Statement as the date on
which the Settlement Amount will be delivered, provided, unless the Committee determines otherwise,
such date is during a Window Period or, if such date is not during a Window Period, the first trading day
of the first Window Period beginning after such date.
(q) “Share” means a share of Common Stock.
(r) “Shares at Risk” means Shares that are subject to Transfer Restrictions.
- 17 -
The following capitalized terms are used in this Award Agreement with the meanings that are
assigned to them in the Plan:
(a) “Account” means any brokerage account, custody account or similar account, as
approved or required by GS Inc. from time to time, into which shares of Common Stock, cash or other
property in respect of an Award are delivered.
(b) “Award Agreement” means the written document or documents by which each Award is
evidenced, including any related Award Statement and signature card.
(c) “Award Statement” means a written statement that reflects certain Award terms.
(d) “Board” means the Board of Directors of GS Inc.
(e) “Business Day” means any day other than a Saturday, a Sunday or a day on which
banking institutions in New York City are authorized or obligated by Federal law or executive order to be
(f) “Cause” means (i) the Grantee’s conviction, whether following trial or by plea of guilty
or nolo contendere (or similar plea), in a criminal proceeding (A) on a misdemeanor charge involving
fraud, false statements or misleading omissions, wrongful taking, embezzlement, bribery, forgery,
counterfeiting or extortion, or (B) on a felony charge, or (C) on an equivalent charge to those in clauses
(A) and (B) in jurisdictions which do not use those designations, (ii) the Grantee’s engaging in any
conduct which constitutes an employment disqualification under applicable law (including statutory
disqualification as defined under the Exchange Act), (iii) the Grantee’s willful failure to perform the
Grantee’s duties to the Firm, (iv) the Grantee’s violation of any securities or commodities laws, any rules
or regulations issued pursuant to such laws, or the rules and regulations of any securities or commodities
exchange or association of which the Firm is a member, (v) the Grantee’s violation of any Firm policy
concerning hedging or pledging or confidential or proprietary information, or the Grantee’s material
violation of any other Firm policy as in effect from time to time, (vi) the Grantee’s engaging in any act or
making any statement which impairs, impugns, denigrates, disparages or negatively reflects upon the
name, reputation or business interests of the Firm or (vii) the Grantee’s engaging in any conduct
detrimental to the Firm. The determination as to whether Cause has occurred shall be made by the
Committee in its sole discretion and, in such case, the Committee also may, but shall not be required to,
specify the date such Cause occurred (including by determining that a prior termination of Employment
was for Cause). Any rights the Firm may have hereunder and in any Award Agreement in respect of the
events giving rise to Cause shall be in addition to the rights the Firm may have under any other agreement
with a Grantee or at law or in equity.
(g) “Certificate” means a stock certificate (or other appropriate document or evidence of
ownership) representing shares of Common Stock.
(h) “Change in Control” means the consummation of a merger, consolidation, statutory share
exchange or similar form of corporate transaction involving GS Inc. (a “Reorganization”) or sale or other
disposition of all or substantially all of GS Inc.’s assets to an entity that is not an affiliate of GS Inc. (a
“Sale”), that in each case requires the approval of GS Inc.’s shareholders under the law of GS Inc.’s
jurisdiction of organization, whether for such Reorganization or Sale (or the issuance of securities of GS
Inc. in such Reorganization or Sale), unless immediately following such Reorganization or Sale, either:
(i) at least 50% of the total voting power (in respect of the election of directors, or similar officials in the
case of an entity other than a corporation) of (A) the entity resulting from such Reorganization, or the
entity which has acquired all or substantially all of the assets of GS Inc. in a Sale (in either case, the
“Surviving Entity”), or (B) if applicable, the ultimate parent entity that directly or indirectly has beneficial
ownership (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act, as such Rule is in effect on the
date of the adoption of the 1999 SIP) of 50% or more of the total voting power (in respect of the election
of directors, or similar officials in the case of an entity other than a corporation) of the Surviving Entity
(the “Parent Entity”) is represented by GS Inc.’s securities (the “GS Inc. Securities”) that were
outstanding immediately prior to such Reorganization or Sale (or, if applicable, is represented by shares
into which such GS Inc. Securities were converted pursuant to such Reorganization or Sale) or (ii) at least
- 18 -
50% of the members of the board of directors (or similar officials in the case of an entity other than a
corporation) of the Parent Entity (or, if there is no Parent Entity, the Surviving Entity) following the
consummation of the Reorganization or Sale were, at the time of the Board’s approval of the execution of
the initial agreement providing for such Reorganization or Sale, individuals (the “Incumbent Directors”)
who either (A) were members of the Board on the Effective Date or (B) became directors subsequent to
the Effective Date and whose election or nomination for election was approved by a vote of at least two-
thirds of the Incumbent Directors then on the Board (either by a specific vote or by approval of GS Inc.’s
proxy statement in which such persons are named as nominees for director).
(i) “Client” means any client or prospective client of the Firm to whom the Grantee provided
services, or for whom the Grantee transacted business, or whose identity became known to the Grantee in
connection with the Grantee’s relationship with or employment by the Firm.
(j) “Code” means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time, and the
applicable rulings and regulations thereunder.
(k) “Committee” means the committee appointed by the Board to administer the Plan
pursuant to Section 1.3, and, to the extent the Board determines it is appropriate for the compensation
realized from Awards under the Plan to be considered “performance based” compensation under
Section 162(m) of the Code, shall be a committee or subcommittee of the Board composed of two or
more members, each of whom is an “outside director” within the meaning of Code Section 162(m), and
which, to the extent the Board determines it is appropriate for Awards under the Plan to qualify for the
exemption available under Rule 16b-3(d)(1) or Rule 16b-3(e) promulgated under the Exchange Act, shall
be a committee or subcommittee of the Board composed of two or more members, each of whom is a
“non-employee director” within the meaning of Rule 16b-3. Unless otherwise determined by the Board,
the Committee shall be the Compensation Committee of the Board.
(l) “Common Stock” means common stock of GS Inc., par value $0.01 per share.
(m) “Competitive Enterprise” means an existing or planned business enterprise that (i)
engages, or may reasonably be expected to engage, in any activity; (ii) owns or controls, or may
reasonably be expected to own or control, a significant interest in any entity that engages in any activity
or (iii) is, or may reasonably be expected to be, owned by, or a significant interest in which is, or may
reasonably be expected to be, owned or controlled by, any entity that engages in any activity that, in any
case, competes or will compete anywhere with any activity in which the Firm is engaged. The activities
covered by this definition include, without limitation: financial services such as investment banking;
public or private finance; lending; financial advisory services; private investing for anyone other than the
Grantee and members of the Grantee’s family (including for the avoidance of doubt, any type of
proprietary investing or trading); private wealth management; private banking; consumer or commercial
cash management; consumer, digital or commercial banking; merchant banking; asset, portfolio or hedge
fund management; insurance or reinsurance underwriting or brokerage; property management; or
securities, futures, commodities, energy, derivatives, currency or digital asset brokerage, sales, lending,
custody, clearance, settlement or trading.
(n) “Covered Person” means a member of the Board or the Committee or any employee of
the Firm.
(o) “Date of Grant” means the date specified in the Grantee’s Award Agreement as the date
of grant of the Award.
(p) “Dividend Equivalent Rightmeans a dividend equivalent right granted under the Plan,
which represents an unfunded and unsecured promise to pay to the Grantee amounts equal to all or any
portion of the regular cash dividends that would be paid on shares of Common Stock covered by an
Award if such shares had been delivered pursuant to an Award.
(q) “Effective Date” means the date this Plan is approved by the shareholders of GS Inc.
pursuant to Section 3.15 of the Plan.
- 19 -
(r) “Employment” means the Grantee’s performance of services for the Firm, as determined
by the Committee. The terms “employ” and “employed” shall have their correlative meanings. The
Committee in its sole discretion may determine (i) whether and when a Grantee’s leave of absence results
in a termination of Employment (for this purpose, unless the Committee determines otherwise, a Grantee
shall be treated as terminating Employment with the Firm upon the occurrence of an Extended Absence),
(ii) whether and when a change in a Grantee’s association with the Firm results in a termination of
Employment and (iii) the impact, if any, of any such leave of absence or change in association on Awards
theretofore made. Unless expressly provided otherwise, any references in the Plan or any Award
Agreement to a Grantee’s Employment being terminated shall include both voluntary and involuntary
(s) “Exchange Act” means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended from time to
time, and the applicable rules and regulations thereunder.
(t) “Extended Absence” means the Grantee’s inability to perform for six (6) continuous
months, due to illness, injury or pregnancy-related complications, substantially all the essential duties of
the Grantee’s occupation, as determined by the Committee.
(u) “Firm” means GS Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
(v) “Good Reason” means, in connection with a termination of employment by a Grantee
following a Change in Control, (a) as determined by the Committee, a materially adverse alteration in the
Grantee’s position or in the nature or status of the Grantee’s responsibilities from those in effect
immediately prior to the Change in Control or (b) the Firm’s requiring the Grantee’s principal place of
Employment to be located more than seventy-five (75) miles from the location where the Grantee is
principally Employed at the time of the Change in Control (except for required travel on the Firm’s
business to an extent substantially consistent with the Grantee’s customary business travel obligations in
the ordinary course of business prior to the Change in Control).
(w) “Grantee” means a person who receives an Award.
(x) “GS Inc.” means The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., and any successor thereto.
(y) “1999 SIP” means The Goldman Sachs 1999 Stock Incentive Plan, as in effect prior to
the effective date of the 2003 SIP.
(z) “Outstanding” means any Award to the extent it has not been forfeited, cancelled,
terminated, exercised or with respect to which the shares of Common Stock underlying the Award have
not been previously delivered or other payments made.
(aa)“Restricted Share” means a share of Common Stock delivered under the Plan that is
subject to Transfer Restrictions, forfeiture provisions and/or other terms and conditions specified herein
and in the Restricted Share Award Agreement or other applicable Award Agreement. All references to
Restricted Shares include “Shares at Risk.”
(ab)“Retirement” means termination of the Grantee’s Employment (other than for Cause) on
or after the Date of Grant at a time when (i) (A) the sum of the Grantee’s age plus years of service with
the Firm (as determined by the Committee in its sole discretion) equals or exceeds 60 and (B) the Grantee
has completed at least 10 years of service with the Firm (as determined by the Committee in its sole
discretion) or, if earlier, (ii) (A) the Grantee has attained age 50 and (B) the Grantee has completed at
least five years of service with the Firm (as determined by the Committee in its sole discretion).
(ac)“RSU” means a restricted stock unit granted under the Plan, which represents an
unfunded and unsecured promise to deliver shares of Common Stock in accordance with the terms of the
RSU Award Agreement.
- 20 -
(ad)“Section 409A” means Section 409A of the Code, including any amendments or
successor provisions to that Section and any regulations and other administrative guidance thereunder, in
each case as they, from time to time, may be amended or interpreted through further administrative
(ae)“SIP Administrator” means each person designated by the Committee as a “SIP
Administrator” with the authority to perform day-to-day administrative functions for the Plan.
(af) “SIP Committee” means the persons who have been delegated certain authority under the
Plan by the Committee.
(ag)“Solicit” means any direct or indirect communication of any kind whatsoever, regardless
of by whom initiated, inviting, advising, suggesting, encouraging or requesting any person or entity, in
any manner, to take or refrain from taking any action. The terms “Solicited,” “Soliciting” and
“Solicitation” will have their correlative meanings.
(ah)“Transfer Restrictions” means restrictions that prohibit the sale, exchange, transfer,
assignment, pledge, hypothecation, fractionalization, hedge or other disposal (including through the use of
any cash-settled instrument), whether voluntarily or involuntarily by the Grantee, of an Award or any
shares of Common Stock, cash or other property delivered in respect of an Award.
(ai) “Transferability Date” means the date Transfer Restrictions on a Restricted Share will be
released. Within 30 Business Days after the applicable Transferability Date, GS Inc. shall take, or shall
cause to be taken, such steps as may be necessary to remove Transfer Restrictions.
(aj) “Vested” means, with respect to an Award, the portion of the Award that is not subject to
a condition that the Grantee remain actively employed by the Firm in order for the Award to remain
Outstanding. The fact that an Award becomes Vested shall not mean or otherwise indicate that the
Grantee has an unconditional or nonforfeitable right to such Award, and such Award shall remain subject
to such terms, conditions and forfeiture provisions as may be provided for in the Plan or in the Award
(ak)“Vesting Date” means each date specified in the Grantee’s Award Agreement as a date
on which part or all of an Award becomes Vested.
(al) Window Period” means a period designated by the Firm during which all employees of
the Firm are permitted to purchase or sell shares of Common Stock (provided that, if the Grantee is a
member of a designated group of employees who are subject to different restrictions, the Window Period
may be a period designated by the Firm during which an employee of the Firm in such designated group
is permitted to purchase or sell shares of Common Stock).
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The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
Signature Card for _______________ Awards
and Consent to Receive Electronic Delivery
Exhibit 10.52
1. I have received and agree to be bound by The Goldman Sachs
Amended and Restated Stock Incentive Plan (2021) (the “SIP”) and the Award
Agreement(s) applicable to me in connection with the _______________
Award(s) (the “Award(s)”) that I have been granted by the Firm (as defined in the
SIP). I confirm that I am accepting the Award(s) subject to the terms and
conditions contained in the SIP, the Award Agreement(s), the Language Notice
for Equity Awards and this signature card (the “Signature Card”), including, but
not limited to, the requirement that certain disputes be decided through arbitration
in New York City and be governed by New York law. For the avoidance of doubt,
references to a “share” or “Share” herein mean a share of the common stock of
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (“GS Inc.”) and, where applicable, deliveries of
cash or other property in lieu thereof.
For the avoidance of doubt, I understand and agree that to be eligible to receive
any award under the SIP or any predecessor plan, I must not have engaged in
any conduct constituting “Cause” (as defined in the SIP) prior to the grant of the
award, and by accepting this Award, I represent and warrant that I have not
engaged in any conduct constituting Cause.
As a condition of this grant, I understand that the Award(s) (as well as any other
award that the Firm may grant to me under the SIP) is/are subject to governing
law provisions as outlined in this Signature Card or in the applicable Award
Agreement(s), and, as a condition to receiving such awards, I agree to be bound
thereby. As a condition of this grant, I agree to provide upon request an
appropriate certification regarding my U.S. tax status on Form W-8BEN, Form
W-9, or other appropriate form, and I understand that failure to supply a required
form may result in the imposition of backup withholding on certain payments I
receive pursuant to this grant.
I irrevocably grant full power and authority to GS Inc. to register in its name, or
that of any designee, any and all Restricted Shares (as defined in the applicable
Award Agreement), Shares at Risk (as defined in the applicable Award
Agreement) or other shares of GS Inc. common stock that have been or may be
delivered to me subject to transfer restrictions or forfeiture provisions, and I
irrevocably authorize GS Inc., or its designee, to sell, assign or transfer such
shares to GS Inc. or such other persons as it may determine in the event of a
forfeiture of such shares pursuant to any agreement with GS Inc.
Further, as a condition of this grant, if I am a person who has worked in the
United Kingdom at any time during the earnings period relating to any award
under the SIP, as determined by the Firm, when requested and as directed by the
Firm, I will agree to a Joint Election under s431 ITEPA 2003 of the laws of the
United Kingdom for full or partial disapplication of Chapter 2 Income Tax
(Earnings and Pension) Act 2003 under the laws of the United Kingdom and will
sign and return such election in respect of all future deliveries of Shares
underlying the Award(s) and any previous grants made to me under the SIP and
understand that the Firm intends to meet its delivery obligations in Shares with
respect to my Award(s), except as may be prohibited by law or described in the
accompanying Award Agreement(s) or supplementary materials.
If I have worked in Switzerland at any time during the earnings period relating to
the Award(s) granted to me as determined by the Firm, (i) I acknowledge that my
Award(s) are subject to tax in accordance with the rulings and method of
calculation of taxable values to be agreed by the Firm with the Federal and/or
Zurich/Geneva cantonal/communal tax authorities or as otherwise directed by the
Firm, and (ii) I hereby agree to be bound by any rulings agreed by the Firm in
respect of any Award(s), which is expected to result in taxation at the time of
delivery of Shares, and (iii) I undertake to declare and make a full and accurate
income tax declaration in respect of my Award(s) in accordance with the above
ruling or as directed by the Firm.
2. I have read and understand the Firm’s “Notice Periods for Recipients
of Year-End Equity-Based Awards” policy, or any successor policy (the “Notice
Policy”), available on GSWeb > My HCM Policies link under the Policies tab >
Leaving the Firm link under Career and Performance or as otherwise provided to
me, pursuant to which I am required to provide certain specified advance notice
of my intent to leave employment with the Firm. I understand that the Notice
Policy will also apply with respect to my One-Time Awards (with the references to
“Year-End” deemed to be references to “One-Time” in this context.) By executing
this form, I am agreeing to be bound by the Notice Policy as in effect from time to
time and, where applicable, am agreeing to a permanent change in the terms and
conditions of my employment. I agree to this change in consideration of my
continued employment with the Firm and the Firm’s offer of the Award(s). I
understand that the Notice Policy requires me, among other things, to provide my
employing entity with advance written notice of my intention to leave employment
with the Firm as follows:
In the Americas: 60 days in advance of my termination date;
In Europe, the Middle East, Africa and India: 90 days in advance of my
termination date; and
In Japan and Asia Ex-Japan (including Australia and New Zealand and
excluding India): 90 days in advance of my termination date if I am a
Vice President or an Executive Director; 60 days in advance of my
termination date in all other cases.
If, under local law or a written contract with the Firm (for example, a Managing
Director Agreement or Non-Competition Agreement), I have a notice requirement
that is longer than those specified above, I understand that the longer notice
period will apply. I also understand that if my employment is subject to a
probation period, the Notice Policy applies only if notice of termination is given
after the probation period has ended.
I understand that if I fail to comply in any respect with the Notice Policy, I will
have failed to meet an obligation I have under an agreement with the Firm, as a
result of which the Firm may have certain legal and equitable rights and
remedies, including, without limitation, forfeiture of the Award(s) and any other
awards granted to me under the SIP. The Firm may forfeit such Award(s) for
violation of the Notice Policy irrespective of whether this agreement constitutes a
legally recognized permanent change to my terms and conditions of employment,
and irrespective of whether applicable law permits me to make a payment in lieu
of notice. In addition, the Firm may seek an order or injunction from a court or
arbitration panel to stop a breach and may also seek other permissible remedies.
The Firm may hold me personally liable for any damages it suffers as a result of
the breach.
This agreement concerning my notice period is being made for and on behalf of
my Goldman Sachs employing entity, and implementation of the Notice Policy
does not create an employment relationship between me and GS Inc.
3. I have read and understand the Firm’s hedging and pledging policies
(including, without limitation, the “Firmwide Policy with Respect to Personal
Transactions Involving GS Securities and GS Equity Awards”), and agree to be
bound by them (with respect to the Award(s) and any prior awards under the
SIP), both during and following my employment with the Firm.
4. As a condition to this grant, I agree to open and activate any
brokerage, trust, sub-trust, custody or similar account (an “Account”), as required
or approved by the Firm in its sole discretion. I agree to access, review, execute
and be bound by any agreements that govern any such Account, including any
provisions that provide for the applicable restrictions on transfers, pledges and
withdrawals of Shares, permitting the Firm to monitor any such Account, and the
limitations on the liability of the party (which may not be affiliated with the Firm)
providing the Account and the Firm. I understand and agree that the Firm may
direct the transfer of securities, cash or other assets in my Account to the Firm in
connection with any indebtedness or any other obligation that I have to the Firm,
as determined by the Firm in its sole discretion, however such obligation may
have arisen. I also agree to open an Account with any other custodian, broker,
trustee, transfer agent or similar party selected by the Firm, if the Firm, in its sole
discretion, requires me to open an account with such custodian, broker, trustee,
transfer agent or similar party as a condition to delivery of Shares underlying the
5. If the Firm advanced or loaned me funds to pay certain taxes
(including income taxes and Social Security, or similar contributions) in
connection with the Award(s) (or does so in the future), and if I have not signed a
separate loan agreement governing repayment, I authorize the Firm to withhold
from my compensation any amounts required to reimburse it for any such
advance or loan to the extent permitted by applicable law.
I understand and agree that, if I leave the Firm, I am required immediately to
repay any outstanding amount. I further understand and agree that the Firm has
the right to offset, to the extent permitted by the Award Agreement and applicable
law (including Section 409A of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended, which limits the Firm’s ability to offset in the case of United States
taxpayers under certain circumstances), any outstanding amounts that I then owe
the Firm against its delivery obligations under the Award(s), against any
obligations to remove restrictions and/or other terms and conditions in respect of
any Restricted Shares or Shares at Risk (each as defined in the applicable Award
Agreement) or against any other amounts the Firm then owes me, including
payments of dividends or dividend equivalent payments. I understand that the
delivery of Shares pursuant to the Award(s) is conditioned on my satisfaction of
any applicable taxes or Social Security contributions (collectively referred to as
“tax” or “taxes” for purposes of the SIP and all related documents) in accordance
with the SIP. To the extent permitted by applicable law, the Firm, in its sole
discretion, may require me to provide amounts equal to all or a portion of any
Federal, State, local, foreign or other tax obligations imposed on me or the Firm
in connection with the grant, vesting or delivery of the Award(s) by requiring me
to choose between remitting such amount (i) in cash (or through payroll
deduction or otherwise), (ii) in the form of proceeds from the Firm’s executing a
sale of Shares delivered to me pursuant to the Award(s) or (iii) as otherwise
permitted in the Award Agreement(s). However, in no event shall any such choice
determine, or give me any discretion to affect, the timing of the delivery of Shares
or payment of tax obligations.
6. In connection with any Award Agreement or other interest I may
receive in the SIP or any Shares that I may receive in connection with the
Award(s) or any award I have previously received or may receive, or in
connection with any amendment or variation thereof or any documents listed in
paragraph 7, I hereby consent to (a) the acceptance by me of the Award(s)
electronically, (b) the giving of instructions in electronic form whether by me or
the Firm, and (c) the receipt in electronic form at my email address maintained at
Goldman Sachs or via Goldman Sachs’ intranet site (or, if I am no longer
employed by the Firm, at such other email address as I may specify, or via such
other electronic means as the Firm and I may agree) all notices and information
that the Firm is required by law to send to me in connection therewith including,
without limitation, any document (or part thereof) constituting part of a prospectus
covering securities that have been registered under the U.S. Securities Act of
1933, the information contained in any such document and any information
required to be delivered to me under Rule 428 of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933,
including, for example, the annual report to security holders or the annual report
on Form 10-K of GS Inc. for its latest fiscal year, and that all prior elections that I
may have made relating to the delivery of any such document in physical form
are hereby revoked and superseded. I agree to check Goldman Sachs’ intranet
site (or, if I am no longer employed by the Firm, such other electronic site as
notified to me by the Firm) periodically as I deem appropriate for any new notices
or information concerning the SIP. I understand that I am not required to consent
to the receipt of such documents in electronic form in order to receive the
Award(s) and that I may decline to receive such documents in electronic form by
contacting ___________________, which will provide me with hard copies of
such documents upon request. I also understand that this consent is voluntary
and may be revoked at any time on three business days’ written notice.
7. I hereby acknowledge that I have received in electronic form in
accordance with my consent in paragraph 6 the following documents:
The Goldman Sachs Amended and Restated Stock Incentive Plan
Summary of The Goldman Sachs Amended and Restated Stock
Incentive Plan (2021);
The annual report on Form 10-K for The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. for
the fiscal year ended ___________________;
The Award Agreement(s);
The Language Notice for Equity Awards; and
Summaries of the Award(s) (“Award Summary”).
8. I expressly authorize any appropriate representative of the Firm to
make any notifications, filings or remittances of funds that may be required in
connection with the SIP or otherwise on my behalf. Further, if I am an employee
who is resident in South Africa at a relevant time, by accepting my Award(s), I
expressly authorize any appropriate representative of the Firm to make any
required notification on my behalf to the Financial Surveillance Department of the
South African Reserve Bank (or its authorized dealer) in relation to my
participation in the SIP and to any acquisition of Shares for no consideration
under the SIP or other similar filing that may otherwise be required in South
Africa. I acknowledge that any such authorization is effective from the date of
acceptance of my Award(s) until such time as I expressly revoke the
authorization by written notice to any appropriate representative of the Firm. I
understand that this authorization does not create any obligation on the Firm to
deal with any such notifications, filings or remittances of funds that I may be
required to make in connection with the SIP and I accept full responsibility in this
9. The granting of the Award(s), the delivery of the underlying Shares
and any subsequent dividends or dividend equivalent payments, and the receipt
of any proceeds in connection with the Award(s) may result in legal or regulatory
requirements in some jurisdictions. I understand and agree that it is my
responsibility to ensure that I comply with any legal or regulatory requirements in
respect of the Award(s).
10. I confirm that I have filed all tax returns that I am required to file and
paid all taxes I am required to pay with respect to awards previously granted to
me by the Firm, and I agree, with respect to both the Award(s) as well as awards
previously granted to me by the Firm, to file all tax returns I am required to file in
connection with the Award(s) and any sales of any Shares or other property
delivered pursuant to the Award(s) and to pay all taxes I am required to pay.
11. The goodwill associated with the relationships between the Firm and
its clients and prospective clients is a valuable asset of the Firm that is built and
preserved through the combined services and efforts of the Firm and all of its
personnel. The Firm provides its employees with a unique platform of financial
products and services, confidential and proprietary information, professional
training, access to specialized expertise, research, analytical, operational, and
business development support, travel and entertainment expenses and other
valuable resources to build and enhance the goodwill associated with the
relationships between the Firm and its clients, as well as to foster and establish
such relationships with prospective clients. Accordingly, I acknowledge and agree
that (i) because the Firm contributes valuable resources to build and enhance
client relationships, including those for which I provide services, it has a
legitimate and essential business interest in protecting the goodwill associated
with those relationships; (ii) by my continued employment, I confirm that I have
assigned and will assign to the Firm all goodwill I have developed or will develop
with persons or entities with whom I interact while at the Firm and/or who are or
will become clients or prospective clients of the Firm in connection with my
employment with the Firm, even if I did business with such persons or entities
prior to joining the Firm; and (iii) while at the Firm I do not have and will not
acquire any property, proprietary, contractual or other legal right or interest
whatsoever in or to any client or prospective client with whom I interact or
conduct business while employed by the Firm or (except to the extent otherwise
provided in a written agreement between the Firm and me that governs my
compensation) to any current or prospective revenues associated with such client
or prospective client (all such interests being referred to herein as “Intangible
Interests”). For the avoidance of doubt, I am hereby assigning all Intangible
Interests to the Firm. I acknowledge and agree that my compensation during the
term of my employment with the Firm is adequate financial consideration in this
regard, and that no further consideration is necessary (including in respect of
obligations applicable to me after my employment with the Firm has ended).
12. I understand and agree that the terms of any award granted to me
under the SIP or any predecessor plan that provide for accelerated vesting,
delivery or transferability as a result of Conflicted Employment (as defined in the
applicable Award Agreement) may be limited to the extent prohibited by
applicable law or regulation.
Data Collection, Processing and Transfers:
Grantees residing outside of the European Economic
Area (“EEA”), the United Kingdom (“UK”) and the PRC
(defined below): If I am located outside of the EEA, the
UK and the PRC, I consent to the processing of my
personal data in accordance with the information set out
Grantees residing in the EEA or the UK: If I am located in
the EEA or the UK, my personal data will be processed in
accordance with the information set out below and in the
GS HCM Fair Processing Notice which can be found at
http://www.goldmansachs.com/notices/hcm-fpn.html. In
the event of any inconsistency, the GS HCM Fair
Processing Notice shall prevail over this section.
Grantees residing in the People’s Republic of China
(“PRC”) (which, for the purpose of this section, excludes
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macau Special
Administrative Region and Taiwan): If I am located in the
PRC, I give my consent to the processing of my personal
data as follows by signing this Signature Card:
The Firm will process my personal data as set
out in this section. I consent to such use.
The Firm will process and retain my sensitive
personal data as set out in this section and
underlined. I consent to such use.
The Firm will transfer my personal data to third
parties within the PRC, as described by this
section and the hyperlinks within it. I consent to
such transfers.
The Firm will transfer my personal data to third
parties outside the PRC, as described by this
section and the hyperlinks within it. I consent to
such transfers.
In connection with the SIP and any other Firm benefit
plan (the “Programs”), to the extent permitted under the
laws of the applicable jurisdiction, the Firm may process
(including, where applicable, collecting, transferring/
transmitting internationally and/or domestically,
disclosing, using and storing) various data that is
personal to me, and my data might be deemed sensitive
personal data in certain jurisdictions, including but not
limited to my name, address, work location, hire date,
Social Security or Social Insurance or taxpayer
identification number (as required for tax purposes),
type and amount of SIP or other benefit plan award,
other compensation-related data, citizenship or
residency (required for tax purposes) and other similar
information reasonably necessary for the administration
of such Programs (collectively referred to as
“Information”) and provide such Information to its
affiliates, Computershare Limited and its affiliates
(collectively “Computershare”) and Fidelity Stock Plan
Services, LLC, Fidelity Personal Trust Company, FSB
and any of their affiliates (collectively “Fidelity”) or any
other service provider, whether in the United States or
elsewhere, as is reasonably necessary for the
administration of the Programs and under the laws of
these jurisdictions. In certain circumstances and
subject to any applicable restrictions regarding cross-
border data transfers in the jurisdiction where you
reside, where required by law, foreign courts, law
enforcement agencies or regulatory agencies may be
entitled to access the Information. Unless I explicitly
authorize otherwise, the Firm, its affiliates and its
service providers (through their respective employees
in charge of the relevant electronic and manual
processing) will process this Information only for
purposes of administering the Programs. In the United
States and in other countries to which such Information
may be transferred for the administration of the
Programs, the level of data protection is not equivalent
to data protection standards in the member states of the
EEA, Switzerland, New Zealand, Canada or certain
Canadian provinces or my home country and U.S. public
authorities may potentially access such Information. If I
am employed in Argentina, the PRC, Peru or Turkey, I
have also read the text in bold in the respective
Argentina, the PRC, Peru and Turkey legal notices
below (the “Argentina Clause”, the “PRC Clause”, the
“Peru Clause” or the “Turkey Clause”) in conjunction
with this Data Collection, Processing and Transfers
section, and I acknowledge that such text forms part of
this section and that in the event of any inconsistency
the Argentina Clause, PRC Clause, Peru Clause or
Turkey Clause, as applicable, shall prevail over this
section. Upon request to Equity Compensation
(division of HCM), 200 West Street, 19
Floor, New York,
NY 10282, telephone (212) 357-1444, email
[email protected], to the extent
required under the laws of the applicable jurisdiction, I
may have access to and obtain communication of the
Information and may exercise any of my rights in
respect of such Information, in each case free of charge,
including objecting to any type of processing of the
Information and requesting that the Information be
updated or corrected (if wrong), completed or clarified
(if incomplete or equivocal), or erased (if it cannot
legally be collected or kept). Upon request, to the extent
required under the laws of the applicable jurisdiction, a
team member or representative of Equity Compensation
(division of HCM) will also provide me, free of charge,
with: (i) written information about the Firm’s policies
and practices with respect to service providers outside
of my jurisdiction, including a list of all the service
providers used in connection with the Programs at the
time of request; and/or (ii) answers to my questions
about the processing of my Information by service
providers or affiliates outside of my jurisdiction. There
is no legal obligation for me to provide the Firm with the
Information and any Information is provided at my own
will and consent. If I refuse to authorize the processing
of the Information consistent with the above, I may not
benefit from the Programs. The processing of the
Information will be consistent with the above for the
period of administration of the Programs. In particular
(within the limits described above): (i) the Firm will
process data (Firm means GS Inc. and any of its
subsidiaries and affiliates); (ii) Fidelity or
Computershare will process data; (iii) the Firm’s other
service providers will process data; and (iv) data will be
transferred to the United States and other countries, as
described above for the purposes set forth herein. A list
of the Firm’s international offices and countries to
which data that is personal to me can be transferred is
set forth at http://www2.goldmansachs.com/who-we-are/
locations/index.html. The Information may be retained
by the aforementioned persons beyond the period of
administration of the Programs to the extent permitted
under the laws of the applicable jurisdiction.
Other Legal Notices:
By accepting (whether expressly or by implication) any benefit granted to me by
the Firm, including, without limitation, my Award(s), I acknowledge and agree to
each of the following:
No Public Offer: Awards under the SIP and the Firm’s other
compensation and benefit programs are strictly limited to eligible
participants and are not intended to constitute a public offer in any
jurisdiction, nor intended for registration in any jurisdiction outside of
the United States. I must keep all Award-related documents
confidential and I may not reproduce, distribute or otherwise make
public any part of such documents without the Firm’s express written
consent. If I have received any such documents and I am not the
intended recipient, I will disregard and destroy them.
Transferability: Any provisions permitting transfers to a third party in
the Award documents will not apply to me (i) to the extent that the
applicability of those provisions would affect the availability of relevant
exemptions or tax favorable treatment, or (ii) otherwise in
circumstances determined by the Firm in its sole discretion from time
to time.
Adequate Information: I acknowledge that (i) I have been provided
with all relevant information and materials with respect to the Firm’s
operations and financial conditions and the terms and conditions of
my Award(s), (ii) I have read and understood such information and
materials, (iii) I am fully aware and knowledgeable of the terms and
conditions of my Award(s), and (iv) I completely and voluntarily agree
to the terms and conditions of my Award(s).
Independent Advice Recommended: The information provided by
the Firm or its service providers in respect of an Award does not take
into account the individual circumstances of recipients and does not
constitute legal, investment or tax advice. Awards under the SIP
involve certain risks and I should exercise caution. The Firm
recommends that I consult my own independent legal, investment
and tax advisors in all cases, and I acknowledge that I am provided
with adequate opportunity to do so.
Share Price and Currency Risks: There is a risk that Shares may
fall as well as rise in value. Market forces will impact the price of
Shares and, in the worst case, the market value of the Shares may
become zero. If the Shares are traded in a currency which is not the
currency in my jurisdiction, the value of the Shares to me may also be
affected by movements in the exchange rate. The Firm is not liable
for any loss due to movements in the price of Shares or any
applicable exchange rate.
No Employer Involvement: Except to the extent required by
applicable law, all Awards are offered, issued and administered by GS
Inc., a Delaware corporation, and my employer (if it is not GS Inc.) is
not involved in the grant of my Award(s) or any other GS Inc. equity
compensation. All documents related to the Awards, including the SIP,
the Award Agreement, this Signature Card, the Language Notice for
Equity Awards and the link by which I access these documents, are
originated and maintained in the United States.
No Effect on Employment-Related Rights: Any compensation I
receive (even on a regular and repeated basis) in connection with the
SIP is discretionary and does not constitute part of my base or normal
salary or wages. It does not affect my rights and obligations under the
terms of my employment and it will not be taken into account (except
to the extent otherwise required by applicable law) in determining any
other employment-related rights I may have, including, without
limitation, rights in relation to severance, redundancy or end-of-
service payments, bonuses, long-service awards, pension or
retirement benefits. In particular, I waive any and all rights to
compensation or damages in consequence of the termination of my
employment for any reason whatsoever insofar as those rights arise
or may arise from me ceasing to have rights under, or be entitled to
receive payment in respect of, the SIP, or from the loss or diminution
in value of such rights, as a result of such termination. This waiver
applies whether or not such termination amounts to wrongful or unfair
No Additional Entitlements: The grant of an Award is strictly
discretionary and voluntary. Neither this Award (even if grants are
made to me under the SIP on a regular and repeated basis) nor my
employment contract implies any expectation or right in relation to (i)
the grant of any award under the SIP or similar compensation in the
future, (ii) the terms, conditions and amount of any award under the
SIP or similar compensation that the Firm may decide to grant in the
future, or (iii) continued employment or engagement.
Severability: Unless another result is specifically provided for in an
agreement to the contrary, if any provision (in whole or in part) of this
Signature Card, the other Award documents, or any other document
you execute as part of accepting the Award(s) (including but not
limited to the Arbitration of Claims agreement) is to any extent illegal,
otherwise invalid, or incapable of being enforced, that provision will
be excluded to the extent (only) of such invalidity or unenforceability.
All other provisions will remain in full effect and, to the extent
possible, the invalid or unenforceable provision will be deemed
replaced by a provision that is valid and enforceable and that comes
closest to expressing the intention of such invalid or unenforceable
Country-Specific Legal Notices: I have read the country-specific
legal notices below that pertain to my place of employment and/or
residence (and also the location of my employer, if different), if any,
and understand that they apply throughout the term of my Award(s).
In addition to and without limiting any provisions in the SIP or the applicable
Award Agreement(s) (including without limitation the Award vesting, delivery,
forfeiture, termination or repayment provisions) unless provided otherwise in the
Restrictions, if I am providing services to the Firm in Asia or to BGH, in view of
my importance to the Firm and/or BGH, I hereby agree to and acknowledge the
(a) I hereby agree that the Firm or BGH would likely suffer significant
harm if I associate with a Covered Enterprise during my employment and for
some period of time after my employment ends. Accordingly, I hereby agree that
I will not, without the written consent of the Firm or BGH, during the Restricted
Period in the Geographic Area:
(i) form, or acquire a 5% or greater equity ownership, voting or profit
participation interest in, any Covered Enterprise; or
(ii) associate (including, but not limited to, association as an officer,
employee, partner, director, consultant, agent or advisor) with any Covered
Enterprise and in connection with such association engage in, or directly or
indirectly manage or supervise personnel engaged in, any activity:
A. which is similar or substantially related to any
activity in which I was engaged, in whole or in part, at the Firm or BGH,
B. for which I had direct or indirect managerial or
supervisory responsibility at the Firm or BGH, or
C. which calls for the application of the same or similar
specialized knowledge or skills as those utilized by me in my activities with the
Firm or BGH,
each such activity being determined with reference to the one-year period
immediately prior to the end of the Asia Service Period, and, in each such case,
irrespective of the purpose of the activity or whether the activity is or was in
furtherance of advisory, agency, proprietary or fiduciary business of either the
Firm or BGH or the Covered Enterprise.
(By way of example only, this provision precludes an “advisory” investment
banker from joining a leveraged-buyout firm, a research analyst from becoming a
proprietary trader or joining a hedge fund, or an information systems professional
from joining a management or other consulting firm and providing information
technology consulting services or advice to any Covered Enterprise, in each case
without the written consent of the Firm or BGH.)
(b) I hereby agree that during the Restricted Period, I will not, in any
manner, directly or indirectly, (1) Solicit a Client to transact business with a
Covered Enterprise or to reduce or refrain from doing any business with the Firm
or BGH, or (2) interfere with or damage (or attempt to interfere with or damage)
any relationship between the Firm or BGH and a Client.
(c) I hereby agree that during the Restricted Period, I will not, in any
manner, directly or indirectly:
(i) Solicit any Selected Firm Personnel to resign from the Firm or
(ii) Solicit any Selected Firm Personnel to apply for or accept
employment (or other association) with any person or entity other than the Firm;
(iii) participate in the hiring of any Selected Firm Personnel (whether
as an employee, consultant or otherwise) by any person or entity other than the
Firm, including, without limitation, participating in the identification of individuals
for potential hire, and participating in any hiring decision.
I acknowledge and agree that I will be presumed to have violated this provision if,
during the Restricted Period, any Selected Firm Personnel are Solicited or hired
by any entity where I have, or will have, direct or indirect managerial
responsibility for such Selected Firm Personnel; provided, however, that if I
demonstrate to the Firm’s reasonable satisfaction that I was not involved in the
solicitation or the hiring of the Selected Firm Personnel, I will not be presumed to
have violated this Section (c).
(d) I acknowledge and agree that these Restrictions form part of my
terms and conditions of employment. I also acknowledge and agree that these
Restrictions supersede any part of any other agreement (which, for the
avoidance of doubt, excludes the SIP and the Award Agreement(s)), written or
oral, that I am subject to in respect of the same subject matter unless I am
notified in writing to the contrary.
(e) Prior to accepting employment with any other person or entity during
the Restricted Period, I will provide any prospective employer with written notice
of the Restrictions with a copy containing the prospective employer’s name and
contact information delivered simultaneously to the Firm.
(f) I understand that the Restrictions may limit my ability to earn a
livelihood in a business similar to the business of the Firm or BGH. I
acknowledge that a violation on my part of any of the Restrictions would cause
immeasurable and irreparable damage to the Firm or BGH. Accordingly, I agree
that the Firm and/or BGH will be entitled to injunctive relief in any court of
competent jurisdiction for any actual or threatened violation of any of the
Restrictions in addition to any other remedies it or they may have. In the event
that I violate any of the Restrictions, I acknowledge that the Restricted Period
shall automatically be extended by the period of time that I was in violation of the
said Restriction(s). I also acknowledge that a violation of any of the Restrictions
would constitute my failure to meet an obligation I have under an agreement
between me and the Firm that was entered into in connection with my
employment with the Firm and/or BGH, may be detrimental to the Firm and/or
BGH and would constitute “Cause” for purposes of any equity-based awards
granted to me by the Firm and/or BGH and will result in my forfeiting such equity-
based awards.
(g) If any provision (or part of a provision) of the Restrictions is held by a
court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable (whether in
whole or in part), such provision will be deemed modified to the extent, but only
to the extent, of such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability and the remaining
such provisions will not be affected thereby; provided, however, that if any of the
Restrictions are held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or
unenforceable because it exceeds the maximum time period such court
determines is acceptable to permit such provision to be enforceable, such
Restrictions will be deemed to be modified to the minimum extent necessary to
modify such time period in order to make such provision enforceable hereunder.
(h) The promises contained in the Restrictions are provided by me for the
benefit of each Firm entity and BGH and I acknowledge and agree that each
such entity may independently enforce the Restrictions against me. Any benefit
that I give or am deemed to have given by virtue of the Restrictions is received
jointly and severally by each Firm entity (including, for the avoidance of doubt,
any Firm entity to which I provide services from time to time) and BGH.
(i) For the purposes of the Restrictions, GS Inc. enters into the SIP and
Award Agreement(s) applicable to me in connection with the Award(s) in its own
capacity and as agent for each other Firm entity and BGH. The consideration for
the promises in these Restrictions is given to me by GS Inc. on its own behalf
and on behalf of each other Firm entity (including, for the avoidance of doubt, any
Firm entity to which I provide services from time to time) and BGH.
(j) I acknowledge that the Restrictions set out in this clause are
reasonable and necessary for the protection of the legitimate interests of the Firm
and/or BGH, and that, having regard to those interests, such restrictions do not
impose an unreasonable burden on me.
(k) The Restrictions shall remain in full force and effect and survive the
termination of my employment for any reason whatsoever.
(l) If I am subject to the Non-Competition and Non-Solicitation
Agreement for Select Employees in the Equities Division, or a Managing Director
subject to a Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Managing Director Agreement, the
Restrictions shall not apply to me.
(m) If I am a Private Wealth Management employee subject to an
Employee Agreement Regarding Confidential and Proprietary Information and
Materials and Non-Solicitation, I will be subject to the restrictions contained in
clause (a) of the Restrictions but will not be subject to the restrictions contained
in clauses (b) and (c) of the Restrictions. Nothing in the Restrictions will affect
the operation of the Employee Agreement Regarding Confidential and Proprietary
Information and Materials and Non-Solicitation.
(n) For the purposes of the Restrictions only, the following terms have
the following meanings:
“Asia” means each state and territory in Australia, Brunei, Hong
Kong SAR, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Labuan, Macau SAR, Malaysia,
Mongolia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, the PRC,
Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.
“Asia Service Period” means the period during which I am located
in Asia and contracted to provide services to a member of the Firm in Asia or
BGH. For the avoidance of doubt, the Asia Service Period does not end when I
transfer to another member of the Firm in Asia or BGH.
“BGH” means Beijing Gao Hua Securities Company Limited, its
subsidiaries and affiliates, and its or their respective successors.
Client means any client or prospective client of the Firm or BGH (i)
to whom I provided services at any time during the one year period immediately
prior to the end of the Asia Service Period, or (ii) for whom I transacted business
or solicited at any time during the one year period immediately prior to the end of
the Asia Service Period, or (iii) whose identity became known to me in connection
with my employment by the Firm or BGH at any time during the one year period
immediately prior to the end of the Asia Service Period.
“Competitive Enterprise” means an existing or planned business
enterprise that (i) engages, or may reasonably be expected to engage, in any
activity, (ii) owns or controls, or may reasonably be expected to own or control, a
significant interest in or (iii) is, or may reasonably be expected to be, owned by,
or a significant interest in which is, or may reasonably expected to be, owned or
controlled by, any entity that engages in any activity that, in any case, competes
or will compete anywhere with any activity in which the Firm or BGH is engaged.
The activities covered by this definition include, without limitation, financial
services such as investment banking, public or private finance, lending, financial
advisory services, private investing (for anyone other than me and members of
my family), merchant banking, asset or hedge fund management, insurance or
reinsurance underwriting or brokerage, property management, or securities,
futures, commodities, energy, derivatives or currency brokerage, sales, lending,
custody, clearance, settlement or trading.
“Covered Enterprise” means a Competitive Enterprise and any
other existing or planned business enterprise that: (i) offers, holds itself out as
offering or reasonably may be expected to offer products or services that are the
same as or similar to those offered by the Firm or BGH or that the Firm or BGH
reasonably expects to offer (“Firm Products or Services”) or (ii) engages in, holds
itself out as engaging in or reasonably may be expected to engage in any other
activity that is the same as or similar to any financial activity engaged in by the
Firm or BGH or in which the Firm or BGH reasonably expects to engage (“Firm
Activities”). For the avoidance of doubt, Firm Activities include any activity that
requires the same or similar skills as any financial activity engaged in by the Firm
or BGH or in which the Firm or BGH reasonably expects to engage, irrespective
of whether any such financial activity is in furtherance of an advisory, agency,
proprietary or fiduciary undertaking.
The enterprises covered by this definition include enterprises that
offer, hold themselves out as offering or reasonably may be expected to offer
Firm Products or Services, or engage in, hold themselves out as engaging in or
reasonably may be expected to engage in Firm Activities directly, as well as
those that do so indirectly by ownership or control (e.g., by owning, being owned
by or by being under common ownership with an enterprise that offers, holds
itself out as offering or reasonably may be expected to offer Firm Products or
Services or that engages in, holds itself out as engaging in or reasonably may be
expected to engage in Firm Activities). The definition of Covered Enterprise
includes, solely by way of example, any enterprise that offers, holds itself out as
offering or reasonably may be expected to offer any product or service, or
engages in, holds itself out as engaging in or reasonably may be expected to
engage in any activity, in any case, associated with investment banking; public or
private finance; lending; financial advisory services; private investing for anyone
other than me or members of my family (including, for the avoidance of doubt,
any type of proprietary investing or trading); private wealth management; private
banking; consumer or commercial cash management; consumer, digital, or
commercial banking; merchant banking; asset, portfolio or hedge fund
management; insurance or reinsurance underwriting or brokerage; property
management; or securities, futures, commodities, energy, derivatives, currency or
digital asset brokerage, sales, lending, custody, clearance, settlement or trading.
An enterprise that offers, holds itself out as offering or reasonably may be
expected to offer Firm Products or Services, or engages in, holds itself out as
engaging in or reasonably may be expected to engage in Firm Activities is a
Covered Enterprise, irrespective of whether the enterprise is a customer,
client or counterparty of the Firm or BGH or is otherwise associated with
the Firm or BGH and, because each of the Firm and BGH is a global
enterprise, irrespective of where the Covered Enterprise is physically
“Covered Extended Absence” means my absence from active
employment for at least 180 days in any 12-month period as a result of my
incapacity due to mental or physical illness, as determined by the Firm or BGH
(as applicable).
“Effective Date” means (i) if the termination is for cause or Covered
Extended Absence, the date on which such termination occurs; or (ii) if I
repudiate my employment contract, the date of repudiation as determined by the
Firm or BGH (as applicable); or (iii) if I fail to return to work on the agreed date
from an unpaid leave of absence, the day after I was due to return to work.
“Firm” means GS Inc., its subsidiaries and affiliates and its and their
respective successors.
“Geographic Area” means (i) the jurisdiction in Asia in which I am
located as of the date of execution of the Signature Card; and/or (ii) any other
jurisdiction in Asia in relation to which I have substantial product and/or
geographical market responsibilities in the one year period immediately prior to
the end of the Asia Service Period; and/or (iii) any other jurisdiction in Asia in
relation to which I have substantial employee managerial responsibilities in the
one year period immediately prior to the end of the Asia Service Period; and/or
(iv) any other jurisdiction in Asia in relation to which I provided services in the
one year period immediately prior to the end of the Asia Service Period.
“PRC” means, for the purpose of the Restrictions, the People’s
Republic of China, excluding Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR and Taiwan.
“Restricted Period” means (i) in the event of the termination of my
employment with the Firm in Asia or BGH, the Asia Service Period including any
notice period applicable under the Notice Policy or, in the event I repudiate my
notice requirement or exercise any statutory right to shorten the notice period or if
my employment is terminated without notice or if the Firm elects to shorten the
notice period in whole or in part with or without pay in lieu for any period of notice
that has been waived or reduced, the Asia Service Period and the period of time
equivalent to my notice requirement commencing from the Effective Date; or (ii)
in the event of my employment with the Firm in Asia or BGH ending by reason of
the transfer of my employment to another member of the Firm outside Asia, the
Asia Service Period and the period of time equivalent to my notice requirement
commencing from the conclusion of the Asia Service Period; or (iii) in the event of
the termination of my secondment to the Firm in Asia or BGH and assignment or
transfer of my employment to another member of the Firm outside Asia, the Asia
Service Period and the period of time equivalent to my notice requirement
commencing from the conclusion of the Asia Service Period.
“Restrictions” means the non-competition and non-solicitation
restrictions for employees providing services in Asia as set out in (a) to (o) of this
section of the Signature Card.
“Selected Firm Personnel” means any individual:
(i) who at any point in the 12 months preceding the conduct
prohibited by (c) of this section of the Signature Card was a Firm or BGH
employee or consultant; and
(ii) (a) with whom I have personally worked at any point
during my employment with the Firm; (b) who, on or at any time during the
12-month period immediately prior to the end of the Asia Service Period,
worked in the same division(s) in which I worked; or (c) who holds or has
ever held the title of Advisory Director, Managing Director, or Senior Advisor
of the Firm.
“Solicit” means making any direct or indirect communication of any
kind whatsoever, regardless of by whom initiated, inviting, advising, suggesting,
encouraging or requesting any person or entity, in any manner, to take or refrain
from taking any action. The terms “Solicited,” “Soliciting” and “Solicitation” will
have their correlative meanings.
(o) Notwithstanding paragraph 1 of this Signature Card, the Restrictions
shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the
jurisdiction in which I am located and providing services to the Firm at the date of
execution of the Signature Card. If I am located and providing services to the
Firm in a state or territory in Australia, the laws of the jurisdiction shall be New
South Wales. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, any Firm entity (including, for the
avoidance of doubt, any Firm entity to which I provide services from time to time)
or BGH may at any time elect to enforce the Restrictions in any competent court
of any jurisdiction determined by such entity.]
You are being offered Award(s) under the SIP in order to provide an additional
incentive and to encourage employee share ownership and to increase your
interest in GS Inc.’s success. The Award(s) are offered to you by GS Inc. in
accordance with the terms of the SIP which are summarized in the Award
Summary. Further details on the rights attaching to your Award(s) can be found in
the Award Summary. More information about GS Inc. is available at
The shares subject to the Award(s) are new or existing ordinary shares in GS Inc.
and information on the total maximum number of shares which can be offered
under the SIP rules can be found in the section entitled Shares Available for
Awards in the SIP. The obligation to publish a prospectus does not apply
because of Article 1(4)(i) of the EU Prospectus Regulation 2017/1129.
If applicable, you should also refer to any additional specific notices below in
relation to these jurisdictions.
Your Award(s) are being offered to you in your capacity as an employee of the
Firm and not aimed at the general public. By receiving and accepting your
Award(s), you are deemed to (i) acknowledge that the Firm has not made, and
will not make, any application to obtain an authorization from the National
Securities Commission (Comisión Nacional de Valores) for the public offering of
the underlying Shares in Argentina, or otherwise taken any action that would
permit a public offering of the underlying Shares in Argentina within the meaning
of Argentine Capital Markets Law No. 26,831, as amended, supplemented or
otherwise modified from time to time (the “CML”) and of the Argentine Securities
Exchange Commission General Resolution No. 622/2013, as amended,
supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time, and ancillary regulations;
(ii) acknowledge that the Argentine Securities Exchange Commission has not
approved the offering of the underlying Shares nor any document relating to its
offering; and (iii) agree that you will not sell or offer to sell any Shares acquired
upon settlement of your Award(s) in Argentina other than pursuant to transactions
that would not qualify as a public offering under Section 2 of the CML.
The Award documents are being delivered to you in your capacity as an
employee of the Firm. Accordingly, receipt and acceptance of the Award
documents constitute your agreement that the information contained in the Award
documents may not be (i) reproduced or used, in whole or in part, for any
purpose whatsoever other than as a representation of your holding of Shares, or
(ii) furnished to or discussed with any person (other than your personal advisors
on a confidential basis) without the express written permission of GS Inc.
You acknowledge that the Access to Public Information Agency, as the enforcing
authority of Act 25.326, has the power to attend the reports and claims from
those who are affected in their rights consequence of non-fulfilment of data
protection provisions. (La Agencia de Acceso a la Información Pública, en su
carácter de Órgano de Control de la Ley Nº 25.326, tiene la atribución de atender
las denuncias y reclamos que interpongan quienes resulten afectados en sus
derechos por incumplimiento de las normas vigentes en materia de protección de
datos personales.)
Additional data protection information for Argentina employees (which
should be read in conjunction with, and forms part of, the Data Collection,
Processing and Transfers section above):
You understand that your data may be stored in a database duly registered
with the Argentine National Data Protection Agency, under the name and
responsibility of GS Inc. or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates.
Offers under the SIP are made under Division 1A of Part 7.12 of the Corporations
GS Inc. undertakes that it will, within a reasonable period of you so requesting
and at no charge, provide you with a copy of the rules of the SIP. The market
price of a Share can be accessed at the following link: https://www.nyse.com/
index. The Australian dollar equivalent of that market price can be ascertained
by applying the prevailing USD/AUD exchange rate published by the Reserve
Bank of Australia, which can be accessed at the following link: http://
Any advice given by GS Inc. in connection with the SIP is general advice only.
The documentation does not take into account the objectives, financial situation
or needs of any particular person. Before acting on the information contained in
the documentation, or making a decision to participate, you should consider
obtaining your own financial product advice from a person who is licensed by the
Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) to give such advice.
Throughout the period in which you hold a dividend equivalent right you may
obtain copies of all information filed by GS Inc. with the U.S. Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) which is accessible by GS Inc.’s shareholders and
the general public (“shareholder information”) by going to the SEC’s website
(https://www.sec.gov) or to the GS Inc. website (www.gs.com), and at http://
www.goldmansachs.com/investor-relations/financials/. You should be aware that
shareholder information can affect the value of your dividend equivalent rights
from time to time.
The actual value you receive in respect of the Shares acquired by you will
depend on the number of Shares you receive, the market value of a Share, the
value of any dividend and dividend equivalent payments made in respect of a
Share, and the USD/AUD exchange rate.
There are risks associated with an investment in Shares and the value of any
Shares you receive may be less than the value of those Shares today. Some of
those risks are specific to GS Inc.’s business activities while others are of a more
general nature. For more detail on those risks, please refer to GS Inc.’s most
recent annual report. Individually or in combination, those risks may affect the
value of Shares.
Fidelity Personal Trust Company, FSB (“Trustee”) will hold Shares that are the
subject of Award(s). Subject to the terms and conditions of the Award(s), any
Shares, and income gained, held on your behalf may only be dealt with by the
Trustee with your direction. You may direct the Trustee on the exercise of any
applicable voting rights that you hold in respect of such Shares. GS Inc.
undertakes that it will, within a reasonable period of you so requesting and at no
charge, provide you with a copy of the trust deed.
The Award(s) referred to in this document and the underlying Shares have not
been and will not be publicly issued, placed, distributed, offered or negotiated in
the Brazilian capital markets and, as a result, will not be registered with the
Brazilian Securities Commission (Comissão de Valores Mobiliários). The
Award(s) and the underlying Shares will not be offered or sold in Brazil under any
circumstances that constitute a public offering, placement, distribution or
negotiation under the Brazilian capital markets regulation.
By accepting the Award(s), you agree and acknowledge that (i) neither your
employer nor any person or entity acting on behalf of your employer has provided
you with financial advice with respect to your Award(s) or the Shares acquired
upon settlement of your Award(s); and (ii) your employer does not guarantee a
specified level of return on your Award(s) or the Shares.
By accepting the Signature Card connected to your Award, you acknowledge that
this legend applies to all Award-related documents and communications.
General Warning
Neither GS Inc., the SIP nor the Shares have been registered in the Registro de
Valores (Securities Registry) or in the Registro de Valores Extranjeros (Foreign
Securities Registry) of the Comisión para el Mercado Financiero (Chilean
Commission for the Financial Market or CMF) and they are not subject to the
control of the CMF. If such securities are offered within Chile, they will be offered
and sold only pursuant to Norma de Carácter General 336 (General Regulation
336) of the CMF, an exemption to the registration requirements, or in
circumstances which do not constitute a public offer of securities in Chile within
the meaning of Article 4 of the Chilean Securities Market Law 18,045. As the
Shares are not registered, the issuer has no obligation under Chilean law to
deliver public information regarding the Shares in Chile. The Shares shall not be
subject to public offering in Chile unless they are registered in the Foreign
Securities Registry of the CMF. The commencement date of the offer is the date
of the email in which the Award documents (including this Signature Card) were
first communicated to you.
Statement by Investors (Grantees)
Pursuant to General Regulation 336 (as amended), you are required to inform
GS Inc. whether or not you are a “Qualified Investor” as defined in Norma de
Carácter General 216 (General Regulation 216) of the CMF. By accepting the
Signature Card connected to your Award, you state to GS Inc. that you are not a
Qualified Investor, or if you are a Qualified Investor, that you have provided a
separate statement acknowledging this to GS Inc. (please note that any such
statement may be emailed to GS Inc. at EquityCompensation@ny.email.gs.com).
By accepting the Signature Card connected to your Award, you further state to
GS Inc. that you acknowledge:
(i) that the securities acquired in connection with the SIP will not be registered in
the CMF Securities Registry or Foreign Securities Registry and, therefore, such
securities may not be publicly offered in Chile; and
(ii) that since GS Inc. is not registered in the registries kept by the CMF, GS Inc.
will not be subject to the CMF’s oversight nor to the ongoing disclosure
obligations imposed by the law and regulation on registered issuers.
Accessibility of Award Documents
The Firm undertakes to provide you with a copy of the key documents pertaining
to your Award in a form that remains accessible even if your employment is
Al aceptar la “Signature Card” relacionada con su plan, usted reconoce que esta
leyenda se aplica a todos los documentos y comunicaciones relacionados con el
Advertencia General
Ni GS Inc., ni el SIP, ni las Acciones, han sido registradas en el Registro de
Valores o Registro de Valores Extranjeros que lleva la Comisión para el Mercado
Financiero (“CMF”) y ninguno de ellos está sujeto a la fiscalización de la CMF. Si
dichos valores son ofrecidos dentro de Chile, serán ofrecidos y colocados sólo
de acuerdo a la Norma de Carácter General 336 de la CMF, una excepción a la
obligación de registro, o en circunstancias que no constituyan una oferta pública
de valores en Chile según lo definido por el Artículo 4 de la Ley 18.045 de
Mercado de Valores de Chile. Por tratarse de valores no inscritos, el emisor de
las Acciones no tiene obligación bajo la ley chilena de entregar en Chile
información pública acerca de las Acciones. Las Acciones no pueden ser
ofrecidas públicamente en Chile en tanto éstas no se registren en el Registro de
Valores Extranjeros de la CMF. Se informa que la fecha de inicio de la presente
oferta es la fecha del correo electrónico en el que se le comunicaron por primera
vez los documentos del Premio (incluida esta Signature Card).
Declaración de los Inversionistas (Destinatarios)
De conformidad con la Norma de Carácter General N°336 (modificada), se
requiere que usted informe a GS Inc. si califica como “Inversionista Calificado”
en los términos de la Norma de Carácter General N°216 de la CMF. Por medio
de la aceptación de la Signature Card referida a su Plan, usted declara a GS Inc,
que no califica como “Inversionista Calificado”, o que si califica como
“Inversionista Calificado”, usted ha enviado por separado una declaración
reconociendo dicha circunstancia a GS Inc. (favor tenga en cuenta que cualquier
declaración puede ser enviada a GS Inc., al correo
[email protected]). Por medio de la aceptación de la
Signature Card referida a su plan, usted declara a GS Inc, que está en
conocimiento de que:
(i) los valores adquiridos en conexión con el SIP no estarán inscritos en el
Registro de Valores o en el Registro de Valores Extranjeros de la CMF y, por lo
tanto, dichos valores no podrán ser públicamente ofrecidos en Chile; y
(ii) dado que GS Inc. no está inscrita en los registros mantenidos por la CMF, GS
Inc. no estará sujeta a la fiscalización de la CMF ni a las obligaciones de
información continua impuestas por la ley y la regulación a los emisores
Accesibilidad a los Documentos del Plan
La empresa se obliga a entregarle una copia de los documentos clave relativos
al plan de forma tal que permanezcan accesibles a usted incluso luego de
terminada su relación laboral con ésta.
All documentation in relation to the Award(s) is intended for your personal use
and in your capacity as an employee of the Firm (and/or its affiliate) and is being
given to you solely for the purpose of providing you with information concerning
the Award(s) which the Firm may grant to you as an employee of the Firm (and/or
its affiliate) in accordance with the terms of the SIP, this documentation and the
applicable Award Agreement(s). The grant of the Award(s) has not been and will
not be registered with the China Securities Regulatory Commission of the
People’s Republic of China pursuant to relevant securities laws and regulations,
and the Award(s) may not be offered or sold within the mainland of the People’s
Republic of China by means of any of the documentation in relation to the
Award(s) through a public offering or in circumstances which require a
registration or approval of the China Securities Regulatory Commission of the
People’s Republic of China in accordance with the relevant securities laws and
You agree that notwithstanding anything to the contrary under the SIP or the
Award Agreement(s), the Award(s) may be settled in cash in Renminbi or such
other currency, payable by your employing entity in the mainland of the People’s
Republic of China or such other entity, in each case, as may be determined by
the Firm in its sole discretion.
Additional data protection information for the People’s Republic of China
employees (which should be read in conjunction with, and forms part of,
the Data Collection, Processing and Transfers section above):
You have the ability to request the name, contact information, processing
purpose and processing methods for any onshore data controller to which
the Firm discloses your personal data in connection with your Award. You
also have the ability to request the information listed in the preceding
sentence, as well as information on the procedures that you may follow to
exercise your data rights, in relation to any foreign party to which the Firm
discloses your personal data in connection with your Award. The Firm will
respond to any such request by you as soon as is reasonably practicable
for the Firm.
The provisions of the Award Agreement will apply only in respect of the year to
which the Award Agreement relates and will not in any circumstances create any
right or entitlement to you for any future fiscal years.
Les dispositions de l'Accord de prime s'appliquent uniquement à l'année
concernée par l'Accord de prime et ne créent en aucune circonstance tous droits
ou habilitations s'agissant des années fiscales à venir.
The contents of this document have not been reviewed by any regulatory
authority in Hong Kong. You are advised to exercise caution in relation to this
Award(s). If you are in doubt about any of the contents of this document, you
should obtain independent professional advice.
This document has not been, and will not be, registered as a "prospectus" in
Hong Kong under the Companies (Winding Up and Miscellaneous Provisions)
Ordinance (Cap 32) nor has it been authorised by the Securities and Futures
Commission in Hong Kong pursuant to the Securities and Futures Ordinance
(Cap 571) of the Laws of Hong Kong. This document does not constitute an offer
or invitation to the public in Hong Kong to acquire any securities nor an
advertisement of securities in Hong Kong. This document is distributed on a
confidential basis.
By accepting the Award(s), you acknowledge and agree that you will not be
permitted to transfer awards to persons who fall outside the definition of
‘qualifying persons’ in the Companies (Winding Up and Miscellaneous
Provisions) Ordinance (Cap 32) (i.e., a person who is not a current or former
director, employee, officer, consultant of the Firm or a person other than the
offeree’s wife, husband, widow, widower, child or step-child under the age of 18
years, or as otherwise defined), even if otherwise permitted under the SIP or any
of the related documents.
The Award documents (including any related website) do not invite offers from
the public for subscription or purchase of the securities of any body corporate
under any law for the time being in force in India. The documents are not a
prospectus under the applicable laws for the time being in force in India. GS Inc.
does not intend to market, promote, invite offers for subscription or purchase of
the securities of any body corporate by these documents. The information
provided in the documents is for the record only. Any person who subscribes or
purchases securities of any body corporate should consult their own investment
advisors before making any investments. GS Inc. shall not be liable or
responsible for any such investment decision made by any person.
GS Inc. is offering you an Award(s) under the SIP in reliance upon clause 8 of
Schedule 1 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (offers under employee
share purchase schemes) (Exclusion). In accordance with the requirements of
the Exclusion, the following information has been made available to you:
1. GS Inc.’s most recent annual report via https://www.goldmansachs.com/
2. The SIP documentation (which constitutes the current rules of the
employee share purchase scheme for the purposes of the Exclusion) on
3. A copy of the Award Agreement on https://hcm.web.gs.com/newaward.
4. GS Inc.’s most recent published audited and unaudited financial statements
on https://www.goldmansachs.com/investor-relations/financials/index.html.
5. A copy of the auditor’s report on the above financial statements (if any) at
You may obtain a copy of the documents listed above by electronic means from
the internet site addresses given in each case. You may request hard copies of
the documents listed above free of charge from Head of Securities Compliance –
Goldman Sachs Australia Pty Ltd.
For further information, including the form, dividend payments, vesting, delivery,
and transfer restrictions of the Awards, please refer to the documents listed
The Award(s) is an offer of Shares (although the Award may in limited
circumstances be settled in cash or other property). The Shares give you a stake
in the ownership of GS Inc. You may receive a return if dividends are paid.
If GS Inc. runs into financial difficulties and is wound up, you will be paid only
after all creditors and holders of any preference shares have been paid. You may
lose some or all of your investment.
New Zealand law normally requires people who offer financial products to give
information to investors before they invest. This information is designed to help
investors to make an informed decision.
The usual rules do not apply to this offer because it is made under an employee
share purchase scheme. As a result, you may not be given all the information
usually required. You will also have fewer other legal protections for this
Ask questions, read all documents carefully, and seek independent financial
advice before committing yourself.
The Shares are quoted on a stock exchange. GS Inc. intends to quote these
Shares on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). This means you may be able
to sell them on the NYSE if there are interested buyers. You may get less than
you invested. The price will depend on the demand for the Shares.
If you are employed in Peru, the following statement is hereby made part of the
SIP documents: the Shares which may be issued upon settlement of your Award
have not been registered with the Public Registry of the Securities Market
administered by the Peruvian Securities Market Superintendence
(Superintendencia del Mercado de Valores SMV) and may not be offered or
sold publicly in Peru. In addition, the contents of the SIP documents have not
been reviewed by any Peruvian regulatory authority.
Additional data protection information for Peru employees (which should
be read in conjunction with, and forms part of, the Data Collection,
Processing and Transfers section above):
GS Inc., identified by Tax ID Number (EIN) No. 134019460, with registered
office at 200 West Street, New York 10282 United States, will use, collect,
transfer and store your following personal data for the purposes of
administering the SIP: name, address, work location, hire date, Social
Security or Social Insurance or taxpayer identification number (required for
tax purposes), type and amount of SIP or other benefit plan award,
citizenship or residency (required for tax purposes) and other similar
information. Your personal data is necessary for the administration of the
SIP and so if you express your refusal to provide it, GS Inc. will not be able
to administer the SIP in respect of your Award(s). Your personal data will
be stored in a data bank owned by GS Inc., the identity and physical
address of which can be obtained upon your request, for the period of
administration of the SIP and potentially beyond that to the extent
permitted under the laws of the applicable jurisdiction(s). Your personal
data may be sent to GS Inc. affiliates (detailed at http://
www2.goldmansachs.com/who-we-are/locations/index.html) and service
providers (including Computershare Limited and its affiliates; and Fidelity
Stock Plan Services, LLC, Fidelity Personal Trust Company, FSB and any of
their affiliates) whether in the United States or elsewhere, as is reasonably
necessary for the administration of the SIP and under the laws of these
jurisdictions. You may exercise your rights of access, rectification and
cancellation by contacting Equity Compensation (division of HCM) at
Información adicional sobre protección de datos para los empleados de
Perú (que debe leerse junto con la sección Recolección, el Tratamiento y la
Transferencia de Datos anterior y forma parte de ella):
GS, Inc., identificado con el número de identificación fiscal (Employer
Identification Number, EIN) No. 134019460, con domicilio legal en 200 West
Street, New York 10282 Estados Unidos (en adelante, “GS Incs.”),
utilizará, recopilará, transferirá y almacenará sus siguientes datos
personales con el fin de administrar el Plan de Incentivos en Acciones
Modificado y Reiterado de Goldman Sachs (en adelante, el “Programa”):
nombre, dirección, lugar de trabajo, fecha de contratación, número de
identificación de Seguridad Social, Seguro Social o de contribuyente
(requeridos para efectos fiscales), tipo y cantidad del SIP u otras
concesiones de planes de beneficios, ciudadanía o residencia (requeridos
para efectos fiscales) y otros datos similares. Sus datos personales son
necesarios para la ejecución del Programa; por lo tanto, si usted manifiesta
su negativa a proporcionarlos, Goldman Sachs no podrá administrar dicho
Programa con respecto a su Premio. Sus datos personales serán
almacenados en un banco de datos personales de propiedad de GS Inc.,
cuya identidad y dirección física del mismo se le proporcionará a su
requerimiento, durante el tiempo necesario para la administración del
Programa y potencialmente durante más tiempo para el cumplimiento de
las obligaciones legales que establezca la regulación aplicable. Sus datos
personales podrían ser enviados a las afiliadas de GS Inc., detalladas en
https://www.goldmansachs.com/our-firm/locations.html; y a proveedores
de servicios o encargados de tratamiento (incluyendo a Computershare
Limited y sus filiales; y Fidelity Stock Plan Services, LLC, Fidelity Personal
Trust Company, FSB y cualquiera de sus filiales) ubicados en Estados
Unidos de América y en cualquier otro país; ello en tanto sea
razonablemente necesario para la administración del Programa y bajo las
leyes de tales jurisdicciones. Podrá ejercer sus derechos de acceso,
rectificación y cancelación contactando a Equity Compensation (división
de HCM) a través del correo [email protected].
None of the information contained in this Signature Card or the documents that
you received in electronic form (as listed in this Signature Card) constitutes an
advertisement of the Award(s) in Russia and must not be passed on to third
parties or otherwise be made publicly available in Russia. The Award(s) have not
been and will not be registered in Russia and are not intended for “placement” or
“public circulation” in Russia.
You understand and agree that the Firm may, in its sole discretion or where
required by legal or regulatory requirements, grant Awards as cash-settled
instruments or settle Awards in cash and that you will not have any rights to the
Shares underlying your Award(s) (if any). Your Award(s) will remain subject to the
terms and conditions contained in the SIP, the Award Agreement(s), and this
Signature Card.
The Award(s) are offered to you on behalf of Goldman Sachs Saudi Arabia,
Commercial Registration Number 1010256672, 25
Floor, Kingdom Tower, Post
Office Box 52969, Riyadh 11573, Saudi Arabia. The SIP documents may not be
distributed in the Kingdom except to such persons as are permitted under the
Rules on the Offer of Securities and Continuing Obligations issued by the Capital
Market Authority. The Capital Market Authority does not make any representation
as to the accuracy or completeness of the SIP documents, and expressly
disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss arising from, or incurred in reliance
upon, any part of the SIP documents. Prospective purchasers of the securities
offered hereby should conduct their own due diligence on the accuracy of the
information relating to the securities. If you do not understand the contents of the
SIP documents you should consult an authorized financial adviser.
The Award(s) are prescribed capital markets products (as defined in the
Securities and Futures (Capital Markets Products) Regulations 2018) and
Excluded Investment Products (as defined in MAS Notice SFA 04-N12: Notice on
the Sale of Investment Products and MAS Notice FAA-N16: Notice on
Recommendations on Investment Products).
The Shares or the Award(s) may not be offered or sold, or be made the subject of
an invitation for subscription or purchase, whether directly or indirectly, to
persons in Singapore other than pursuant to, and in accordance with the
conditions of, an exemption under any provision of Subdivision (4) of Division 1 of
Part 13 of the Securities and Futures Act 2001.
The grantees may be subject to certain reporting obligations for the acquisition or
disposal of Shares under the SIP, the opening of cash or brokerage bank
accounts abroad and the transfer or receipt of funds. Please consult your own
advisors regarding these and other legal or tax obligations that may be
This offer is not a public offering in terms of the Turkish Capital Markets
legislation and the information provided herein cannot be construed as a public
offering. The grant of the Award(s) should not be construed as a public offering or
a private placement and is made to you as an employee of the Firm. You are not
obligated to accept your Award(s). Your decision to accept or reject the Award(s)
is entirely up to you and will have no impact on your employment or your career,
either positive or negative. The grant of your Award(s) does not change or
supplement the terms of your employment in any way. The Award documents do
not constitute an employee handbook or an employment contract between you
and the Firm.
The information set forth in the Award documents is solely for informative
reasons and the Firm is not hereby giving you nor purports to be giving you
investment or other financial advice. The Firm reserves the right to suspend,
change, amend or supplement the terms of the Award documents, in whole or in
part, for any reason at any time. If you are in doubt about the merits of the Award
documents, you should contact your financial advisor.
Additional data protection information for Turkey employees (which should
be read in conjunction with, and forms part of, the Data Collection,
Processing and Transfers section above):
In terms of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 and its
ANONİM ŞİRKETİ acts as the data controller regarding your personal data
in Turkey.
This document does not have regard to the specific investment objectives,
financial situation and particular needs of any specific person who may receive it.
Recipients should seek their own financial advice.
The Award(s) are subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the SIP and the
Award Agreement(s). The price of Shares and the income from such Shares (if
any) can fluctuate and may be affected by changes in the exchange rate for U.S.
dollars. Past performance will not necessarily be repeated. Levels and bases of
taxation may change from time to time. Investors should consult their own tax
advisors in order to understand tax consequences. GS Inc. has (and its
associates may have) a material interest in the Shares and the investments that
are the subject of this document.
Significant Subsidiaries of the Registrant
The following are significant subsidiaries of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. as of December 31, 2022 and the states or
jurisdictions in which they are organized. Each subsidiary is indented beneath its principal parent. The Goldman Sachs Group,
Inc. owns, directly or indirectly, at least 99% of the voting securities of substantially all of the subsidiaries included below. The
names of particular subsidiaries have been omitted because, considered in the aggregate as a single subsidiary, they would not
constitute, as of the end of the year covered by this report, a “significant subsidiary” as that term is defined in Rule 1-02(w) of
Regulation S-X under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
State or Jurisdiction of
Organization of Entity
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Delaware
Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC New York
Goldman Sachs Funding LLC Delaware
GS European Funding I S.A R.L. LLC Delaware
Murray Street Corporation Delaware
Sphere Fundo De Investimento Multimercado - Investimento No Exterior Credito Privado Brazil
Goldman Sachs (UK) L.L.C. Delaware
Goldman Sachs UK Funding Limited United Kingdom
Goldman Sachs Group UK Limited United Kingdom
Goldman Sachs International Bank United Kingdom
Goldman Sachs International United Kingdom
J. Aron & Company LLC New York
GSAM Holdings LLC Delaware
GSAMI Holdings I LLC Delaware
GSAMI Holdings II Ltd United Kingdom
Goldman Sachs Asset Management International Holdings Ltd United Kingdom
Goldman Sachs Asset Management International United Kingdom
Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P. Delaware
NNIP Holdings LLC Delaware
NNIP UK Holdings I Ltd England
NNIP UK Holdings II Ltd England
NNIP Holdings I B.V. Netherlands
NNIP Holdings II B.V. Netherlands
NN Investment Partners Holdings B.V. Netherlands
NN Investment Partners International Holdings B.V. Netherlands
NN Investment Partners B.V. Netherlands
Goldman Sachs (Asia) Corporate Holdings L.L.C. Delaware
Goldman Sachs Holdings (Asia Pacific) Limited Hong Kong
Goldman Sachs (Japan) Ltd. British Virgin Islands
Goldman Sachs Japan Co., Ltd. Japan
Goldman Sachs Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited Hong Kong
Goldman Sachs Holdings (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Singapore
J. Aron & Company (Singapore) Pte. Singapore
GS Lending Partners Holdings LLC Delaware
Goldman Sachs Lending Partners LLC Delaware
Goldman Sachs Bank USA New York
Goldman Sachs Bank Europe SE Germany
Goldman Sachs Mortgage Company New York
State or Jurisdiction of
Organization of Entity
GS Financial Services II, LLC Delaware
GS Funding Europe VI Ltd United Kingdom
GS Funding Europe I Ltd. Cayman Islands
GS Funding Europe V Limited United Kingdom
GSSG Holdings LLC Delaware
Special Situations Investing Group II, LLC Delaware
ALQ Holdings (Del) LLC Delaware
GLQ International Partners LP United Kingdom
GLQ International Holdings Ltd Jersey
GLQ Holdings (UK) Ltd United Kingdom
ELQ Investors VI Ltd United Kingdom
GLQL S.A R.L. Luxembourg
GLQC II Designated Activity Company Ireland
Broad Street Principal Investments Superholdco LLC Delaware
Broad Street Principal Investments, L.L.C. Delaware
Broad Street Credit Holdings LLC Delaware
GS Fund Holdings, L.L.C. Delaware
We hereby consent to the incorporation by reference in the Registration Statements on Form S-3 (No.
333-269296) and on Form S-8 (Nos. 333-80839, 333-42068, 333-106430, 333-120802, 333-235973 and
333-261673) of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. of our report dated February 23, 2023 relating to the financial
statements and the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting, which appears in this Form 10-K.
/s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
New York, New York
February 23, 2023
I, David Solomon, certify that:
1. I have reviewed this Quarterly Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2022 of The Goldman Sachs
Group, Inc.;
2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material
fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not
misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;
3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present
in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the
periods presented in this report;
4. The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls
and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial
reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the registrant and have:
a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be
designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its
consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in
which this report is being prepared;
b) Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to
be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting
and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting
c) Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our
conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered
by this report based on such evaluation; and
d) Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during
the registrant’s most recent fiscal quarter (the registrant’s fourth fiscal quarter in the case of an annual report) that
has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial
reporting; and
5. The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control
over financial reporting, to the registrant’s auditors and the audit committee of the registrant’s board of directors (or
persons performing the equivalent functions):
a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial
reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant’s ability to record, process, summarize and
report financial information; and
b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in
the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.
Date: February 23, 2023
David Solomon
David Solomon
Chief Executive Officer
I, Denis P. Coleman III, certify that:
1. I have reviewed this Quarterly Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2022 of The Goldman Sachs
Group, Inc.;
2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material
fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not
misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;
3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present
in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the
periods presented in this report;
4. The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls
and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial
reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the registrant and have:
a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be
designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its
consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in
which this report is being prepared;
b) Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to
be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting
and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting
c) Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our
conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered
by this report based on such evaluation; and
d) Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during
the registrant’s most recent fiscal quarter (the registrant’s fourth fiscal quarter in the case of an annual report) that
has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial
reporting; and
5. The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control
over financial reporting, to the registrant’s auditors and the audit committee of the registrant’s board of directors (or
persons performing the equivalent functions):
a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial
reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant’s ability to record, process, summarize and
report financial information; and
b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in
the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.
Date: February 23, 2023
Denis P. Coleman III
Denis P. Coleman III
Chief Financial Officer
Exhibit 32.1
Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 1350, the undersigned officer of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (the Company) hereby certifies
that the Company’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2022 (the Report) fully complies
with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d), as applicable, of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and that the
information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations
of the Company.
Date: February 23, 2023
David Solomon
David Solomon
Chief Executive Officer
The foregoing certification is being furnished solely pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 1350 and is not being filed as part of the
Report or as a separate disclosure document.
Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 1350, the undersigned officer of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (the Company) hereby certifies
that the Company’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2022 (the Report) fully complies
with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d), as applicable, of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and that the
information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations
of the Company.
Date: February 23, 2023
Denis P. Coleman III
Denis P. Coleman III
Chief Financial Officer
The foregoing certification is being furnished solely pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 1350 and is not being filed as part of the
Report or as a separate disclosure document.