RN Staffing in the NICU
Position Statement
NANN Board of Directors
September 2021
Appropriate staffing is required to deliver safe and effective care to NICU
patients: vulnerable infants who are wholly dependent on their caregivers.
A sufficient number and appropriate mix of qualified registered nurses
(RNs) are needed in subspecialty NICUs (Levels II, III, and IV). However,
evidence suggests understaffing is a substantial problem, one that puts
patients at increased risk of missed or rationed care, medical incidents,
disparities of care, and morbidity and mortality. As the professional voice of
neonatal nurses, the National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN)
recommends staffing be based on the acuity of the population served and
that the principles of staffing and finance be shared with frontline nurses
who then have a say in the development of staffing policies.
Association Position
The delivery of safe and effective neonatal nursing care requires the assurance of a
sufficient number and an appropriate mix of qualified registered nurses (RNs) to attend
to the emergent and complex care requirements of critically ill and convalescent infants
in subspecialty NICUs (Levels II, III, and IV).
The issue of staffing is not a new one. In Notes on Nursing, Florence Nightingale (1859)
observed that “bad sanitary, bad architectural, and bad administrative arrangements
often make it impossible to nurse” (p. 59). She went on to discuss what nursing is and is
not, describing elements of care that we consider essential to modern nursing care and
neonatal nursing care: attention to cleanliness, sanitation, warmth, and nutrition. More
than 160 years later, health care has become increasingly complex, and nursing care
remains the most essential component of that care.
Health care continues to evolve, and so do nursing services. The 2010 Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly called the Affordable Care Act (ACA),
aims to provide comprehensive health care to citizens of the United States. With the
enactment of the ACA have come inevitable changes in the delivery of nursing services
as more citizens become eligible for affordable care. In 2011, the Institute of Medicine
(IOM)now the National Academy of Medicinepublished The Future of Nursing,
which addresses issues facing the profession, including staffing. There is evidence of a
direct link between nursing care and higher quality of care, including improved patient
According to the American Nurses Association (ANA), appropriate nurse staffing can be
characterized as “an ever-present challenge of managing the delicate balance of the
polarities of mission (improving population health and the quality and satisfaction for
patients, clinicians, and staff) and margin (operations and per capita cost of health
care)(ANA, 2020, p. 5). Appropriate nurse staffing is defined as a match of registered
nurse expertise with the needs of the recipient of nursing care services in the context of
the practice setting and situation (ANA, 2020 p. 6).
In 2020, ANA revised its Principles for Nurse Staffing. The five principles are designed
to help nurses at all levels develop and implement appropriate staffing plans. They are
● Characteristics and considerations of the healthcare consumer or patient
● Characteristics and considerations of registered nurses and other
interprofessional team members and staff
● The context of the organization and workplace culture in which nursing
services are delivered
● The overall practice environment that influences the delivery of care
● Evaluation of staffing plans, overall costs, effectiveness, and resources
expended for nursing care (ANA, 2020, p. 65).
ANA also delineates seven core components of appropriate nurse staffing, including
● Registered nurses are full partners working with other healthcare professionals
in the collaborative, interprofessional delivery of safe, quality health care.
● All settings should have well-developed staffing guidelines with measurable
nurse-sensitive outcomes specific to that setting and healthcare consumer
population that are used as evidence to guide daily staffing.
● Registered nurses at all levels within a healthcare system must have a
substantive and active role in staffing decisions to assure the availability of the
necessary time with patients to meet care needs and overall nursing
● Staffing needs must be determined based on an analysis of consumer
healthcare status (eg. degree of stability, intensity, and acuity) and the
environment in which the care is provided. Other considerations include
professional characteristics, competencies, experience, and skillset; staff mix;
and previous staffing patterns that have been shown to improve care outcomes.
● Appropriate nurse staffing should be based on allocating the appropriate
number of competent practitioners to a care situation, meeting consumer-
centered and organizational outcomes, pursuing quality of care indices, meeting
federal and state laws and regulations, and assuring a safe, high-quality work
● Cost-effectiveness is an important consideration in the delivery of safe, quality
care. Nurse leaders must evaluate and balance patient care needs and the
overall nursing care resources and costs expended for care.
● Reimbursement structures should not influence nurse staffing patterns or the
level of care provided (ANA, 2020, p. 6).
The significance of safe and appropriate staffing in the NICU cannot be understated.
The breadth of this population is substantial, ranging from the most immature, small,
and/or medically complex patients to infants who are growing and convalescing. What
differentiates the NICU population from most other populations is that 100% of the NICU
population is 100% dependent upon their caregivers for all care and activities of daily
life. There is evidence that understaffing relative to national guidelines is a substantial
problem. Rogowski et al. wrote in 2013 that “in 2009, 55% of units understaffed at least
25% of their infants and 16% understaffed at least 50% of their infants” (p. 447). This is
a substantial risk to the care of these very high-risk infants. The neonatal population is
also particularly vulnerable to events requiring emergency measures, including
metabolic disturbances, respiratory emergencies, and cardiovascular events. The need
for resuscitation can occur at any time during hospitalization, and adequate and
appropriate staffing is required for the necessary care to be provided.
Missed Care/Rationing Care
Nurses’ ability to deliver highly reliable care to their patients is critical for sustaining and
improving the quality of care. Missed care interferes with the ability to improve the care
that is delivered and, therefore, the outcome. Hart et al. (2019) define nursing workload
as the time that nurses devote to direct and indirect patient care, workplace activity as
well as professional development. Care that is either omitted or delayed is commonly
theorized to be an outcome of high nursing workload (Tubbs-Cooley et al., 2019). This
high nurse workload can be the result of more assigned patients, higher acuity scores of
the individual patients, or higher subjective ratings of workload. In the 2019 study
conducted by Tubbs-Cooley et al., missed care was reported at the end of a shift,
resulting in less than 1% missing data. Missed care was reported in 98.2% of the
nursing shifts. Nurses had patient loads as high as 1:4 (nurses:patients); the mean
nursing ratio was 1:2. In 24% of corresponding infant-nurse shifts (2,502 of 10,428
infant shifts), missed care was reported. Nurses most commonly reported missing
hourly checks of IV lines and adherence to CLABSI bundles. Interestingly, this study
measured subjective workload using the NASA Task Load Index (NASA-TLX) and
found that nursing ratios were not the only driver of missing care and that subjective
assessment of workload needs was a largely unmeasured and yet predictive aspect of
nursing care that led to missed care.
Medical Incidents
Within the context of a study evaluating overtime utilization, nursing provision, and unit
occupancy rate, Beltempo et al. (2018) evaluated medical incidents, mortality, or major
morbidity among very preterm infants born at less than 29 weeks gestational age or a
weight of less than 1000 grams. In this study, the rate of medical incidents was
assessed as an indicator of quality of care. Medical incidents were defined as
“observable errors in the process of care with or without direct consequences on the
patient’s health(Beltempo et al., 2018, p. 176). They found medical incidents occurred
on days with lower median nursing provision ratios.
Disparity in Care
The National Academy of Medicine found that “bias, stereotyping, prejudice and clinical
uncertainty on the part of healthcare providers may contribute to racial and ethnic
disparities in healthcare” (Horbar et al., 2019, p. 459). In the United States, being Black
and having low socioeconomic status are major risk factors for preterm birth and are
often linked to inadequate access to prenatal care (Engelhardt et al., 2018). A
systematic review on racial and ethnic health disparities found that very low birth weight
(VLBW) infants born in high-black concentration hospitals have higher rates of infection,
discharge without breast milk, and nurse understaffing (Lake et al., 2015). These
structural barriers likely translate to higher risk-adjusted VLBW infant mortality and
morbidity rates (Sigurdson et al., 2018). Structural racism refers to policies, laws, and
regulations that systematically result in different access to opportunities based on race.
Structural racism paired with social determinants of health can result in healthcare
inequities (Johnson, 2020).
Infants born in hospitals with a high concentration of black babies experienced
significantly higher patient-to-nurse ratios and had worse outcomes (Sigurdson et al.,
2019; Lake et al., 2018). This is concerning as inadequate staffing leads to missed care
which can negatively impact outcomes. Nurses in NICUs with a high percentage of
black babies missed 50% more activities than in NICU’s with a low percentage of black
infants, which were a result of a higher patient-to-nurse ratio (Lake et al., 2018).
Having a global understanding of how healthcare systems operate, including the
dissimilar settings in which healthcare professionals and their patients live and work is
imperative in understanding how residential segregation impacts access to care and
quality of the health-care system and provider (Bailey et al., 2017). The patient-to-nurse
ratios and missed care in minority-serving hospitals were much higher than in other
hospitals, suggesting that improving staffing and workloads would improve quality of
care at minority-serving hospitals (Beck et al., 2020).
Morbidity and Mortality
Beltempo et al. (2018) found that in infants born at less than 29 weeks gestational age
or less than 1000 grams weight, the risk of developing the composite outcome of
mortality or major morbidity is lower for infants who had high nursing provision ratios.
This is true for the infants’ first day, first week, and entire NICU hospitalization. Because
critically ill infants are a high-risk and unique population for which nurses provide
continuous care, the consequences of errors or missed care can be substantial. In
addition, fragile neonates who are exposed to adverse events are more likely to
experience long-term morbidity (Hart et al., 2019).
Watson et al. (2016) studied the effect of one-on-one care in a tertiary-level NICU. This
study found an increased mortality rate in this NICU when a decreased proportion of
intensive care days was provided as one-on-one care. Utilizing their estimation of
decreased mortality rate, they estimated that the cost of providing this level of care per
life saved was the equivalent of $16,678 (in 2016 dollars). Hart et al. (2019) evaluated
insufficient staffing in the NICU and determined that it is associated with missed nursing
care. When important and necessary nursing care is missed in the NICU, adverse
events and poor patient outcomes are more likely. Neuraz et al. (2015) assessed the
impact of the patient-to-nurse ratio and workload on ICU mortality, noting that the risk of
death is increased significantly the higher the number of patients allocated to each
nurse. Lake et al. (2020) found that 49% of nurses missed at least one nursing care
activity with increased acuity load compared to only 27% with low acuity workload.
Missed nursing care is defined by the study as “required nursing care that is omitted or
delayed” (Lake et al., 2020, p. 451). The authors stated that “any missed nursing care
has the potential to compromise infant health outcomes in the hospital and in the future
as infants grow and develop” (Lake et al., 2020, p. 451).
Reducing the incidence of morbidity is possible and carries with it substantial benefit to
the infant, the family, and society as a whole. The likelihood of good long-term health
and neurodevelopment is greater than 90% if a VLBW infant is discharged to home
without any major morbidity (Kaempf et al., 2019). Major morbidities, as described
below, are sensitive to nurse staffing and represent a significant burden.
Neonatal sepsis is a preventable morbidity associated with increased mortality,
increased length of stay, and neurodevelopmental impairment. Appropriate nurse
staffing in the NICU is associated with decreased rates of central line-associated
bloodstream infections (Cimiotti et al., 2006).
Rogowski et al. (2013) measured understaffing in a variety of units relative to acuity-
based guidelines; their data suggested substantial NICU nurse understaffing relative to
national guidelines, an understaffing that is higher among high-acuity infants. In this
large data set, consisting of 67 hospitals and more than 10,000 infants over 2 years,
understaffing was associated with an increased risk of nosocomial infections. They
predicted that the infection rate in a unit with no understaffing was 9% compared to 14%
at aa unit at the median understaffing rate; at the 90th percentile of understaffing, the
predicted infection rate rose to 21% (Rogowski et al., 2013).
Hospitals have often used overtime to improve staffing during periods of insufficient
staffing. Beltempo et al. (2017) studied nursing staffing, overtime, and unit occupancy,
and these factors’ effects on hospital-acquired infections. They found increased odds of
infection following days of increased overtime utilization, even when controlling for unit
confounders. This is consistent with evidence from adult populations, where increased
use of overtime is associated with greater fatigue and lower task performance. Fatigue
is an important issue for nursing in all clinical areas and beyond the scope of this
Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a vasoproliferative disorder that has been
associated with oxygen exposure in premature infants (Higgins, 2019). Efforts to reduce
ROP rates and severity have focused on tight oxygen targeting. Until recently, the
optimal oxygen saturation levels were not known. The Surfactant, Positive Pressure,
and Oxygenation Randomized Trial (SUPPORT trial) and Benefits of Oxygen Saturation
Targeting (BOOST II trial) resulted in findings of increased mortality when infants were
managed at the low oxygen target level. In the case of the BOOST trial, it resulted in
halting the study early. In a recent meta-analysis, the lower SpO
target range was
associated with a higher risk of death and necrotizing enterocolitis but a lower risk of
ROP treatment (Askie et al, 2018).
Episodes of oxygen desaturation are common in preterm infants and must be
responded to promptly to maintain appropriate oxygenation levels in these vulnerable
infants. Automated adjustment of oxygen is available only as an experimental device
(Waitz et al., 2015) that is unlikely to soon be available for general use. Thus, nurses
must be available to respond efficiently to out-of-range alarms. Response to out-of-
range events and the effect it has on ROP has been evaluated as part of quality
improvement studies. Gentle et al. (2020) evaluated the use of monitor histograms to
alert nursing staff to the duration of time infants spent out of range; the study
documented an increase in the amount of time spent in the target zone (48.7% to
57.6%) and a decrease in the rate of the outcome “death or severe ROP” (32.1% to
An association between staffing and the specific outcome of bronchopulmonary
dysplasia (BPD) has not been studied. However, in a study by Beltempo et al. (2018),
the composite outcome of death from all causes and major morbidity was associated
with lower nursing provision ratios. The authors state that “association of the nursing
provision with the composite outcome was mainly related to the bronchopulmonary
dysplasia rates, the two being inversely related” (Beltempo et al., 2018, p. 177 ). The
data support the need for a nurse’s workload to be aligned with each patients unique
needs; in this case, the nurse must be able to comply with meticulous respiratory or
BPD practice guidelines.
Oxygen targeting issues that affect ROP rates also affect BPD rates. Additionally, the
SUPPORT trial (2010) found that the use of noninvasive ventilation or continuous
positive airway pressure (CPAP) is associated with the reduction in rate of BPD. This
strategy requires increased nursing time because this population requires meticulous
monitoring of physiologic status to prevent undesirable outcomes such as
pneumothorax or nasal trauma (Roberts, 2011).
One of three major tasks a premature or sick infant must accomplish to be discharged
from the NICU is feeding. Preterm infants at term equivalent age are more likely to have
feeding difficulties than term infants. They may experience
poor arousal, poor tongue positioning, suckswallowbreathe discoordination,
inadequate sucking bursts, tonal abnormalities, discoordination of the jaw and
tongue during sucking, lack of positive engagement or discomfort, signs of
aspiration, difficulty regulating breathing, and inability to maintain an appropriate
state and complete the feeding (Pineda et al., 2020, p. 650).
Late-preterm infants, who may be physiologically stable, may require considerable
attention related to enteral feeding. Supporting breastfeeding throughout all infant
gestations also can be time intensive (McGrath et al., 2010).
A diet of maternal breast milk has been associated with a decreased risk of necrotizing
enterocolitis. In a study evaluating the use of quality improvement methods to reduce
NEC, Gephart and Quinn (2019) found that maternal lactation support is paramount to
the delivery of NEC prevention practices. Education, instruction, support, and
encouragement from skilled nursing staff are essential components to ensuring
breastfeeding success which protects the health of babies and their mothers.
In a study evaluating NICU work environments, Hallowell et al. (2016) found that NICUs
with better work environments, better educated nurses, and more infants who receive
breastfeeding support from nurses have higher rates of VLBW infants discharged home
on human milk. All of these factors contribute to feeding success in convalescent
infants in the NICU and require available staff to accomplish this important milestone for
Acuity Scoring
Rogowski et al. (2015) identified the NICU as a setting with a high nurse-to-patient ratio
and determined that in this highly intensive setting, these staffing patterns may not
optimize patient outcomes. They found that infant acuity was the sole determinant of
nurse workload. The presence of other members of the care team was not associated
with nurse-to-infant ratios, and nurse education, experience, and specialty certification
were not reflected in nurse-to-infant ratios. Identifying the determinants of nurse staffing
based on acuity measurement was an important first step in understanding how
outcomes can be improved through adequate nurse staffing levels.
Al-Dweik and Ahmad (2019) stated that “linking nursing shift assignments to patients’
acuity scores may increase the workload balance, achieve equitable nursing
assignments, and nurses’ satisfaction” (p. E34). Their utilization of a patient acuity score
showed significant improvement in balanced work assignments, potentially improving
satisfaction in the areas of workload and standards of nursing care. By using a data-
driven acuity-based approach to staffing, nursing care performance can be measured at
the individual patient level to customize care while optimizing staffing practices (Welton,
Utilizing an evidence-based approach, NICU nurses must participate in all levels of
staffing within an organization in order to support the high acuity and low volume
fluctuations experienced. There is no standardized risk assessment tool or established
clinical indicators that allow for the clear identification of equitable assignment
distribution that ensures safe delivery of nursing care. Rather than utilizing traditional
nurse-to-patient ratio-based assignments, nurses have an extensive interest in
operationalizing a process to achieve staffing effectiveness and a healthy work
Proper technologies are needed to support, capture, and communicate patient
assignments and patient workload in order to balance economics and quality outcomes.
Addressing unique ICN patient needs and the varying needs of patients with different
acuity levels can be done by utilizing scoring as a vehicle to determine patient
requirements. Ingram and Powell (2018) stated assigning a level of care according to
patient needs addresses issues of unbalanced assignments and allows nurses to
influence decision-making as stakeholders while building a standard of care. Al-Dweik
and Ahmad’s 2019 evidence suggests acuity-based assignments affect patient safety,
productivity, patient outcomes, and quality of careidentifying communication, fair
distribution, and assignment transparency as key elements.
Nursing workload is an important aspect of NICU nursing that remains largely
unmeasured despite the potential for significant intervention (Tubbs-Cooley et al.,
It is clear that staffing rates matter. Data show that improvement in staffing improves
outcomes on multiple levels. This supports stronger staffing ratios. It also is clear that
minimal staffing ratios and optimal staffing ratios are different.
We believe that every infant under our community of care should have staffing based on
their physiological and psychosocial needs. We, as a community, must work to
eliminate inequities where they exist. Inequities in care delivery are unacceptable.
When minimum staffing ratios are set by states, they must be followed, but minimum
staffing ratios are just that: minimums. Exceeding minimum staffing ratios is allowable
and may be required.
NANN makes the following recommendations regarding appropriate RN staffing of
subspecialty NICUs (Levels II, III, and IV).
1. ANA’s Principles for Nurse Staffing (3rd Ed.) should inform decisions about RN
staffing in units where care is given to critically ill and convalescent newborns.
2. Staffing guidelines should be based upon the acuity of the population served.
There are few acuity tools developed for NICUs and their applicability from unit to
unit has not been established. Nonetheless, the principles of measuring and
accounting for acuity are applicable. We recommend each unit evaluate their
acuity in a standardized manner with the goal of evaluating nurse-centered
outcomes and care delivery, not resource utilization. The goals of any acuity
assessment are to allocate an appropriate number of staff to meet unit and
organizational goals, pursue quality indices, meet regulatory requirements, and
assure a safe, high-quality work environment. Skillset, staff mix, experience, and
competencies all play a role in staffing and should be considered when assessing
adequacy of any safe staffing plan. Family care, teaching, and support also must
be considered in acuity assessment.
3. Because populations and care trends change, we recommend periodic evaluation
of the effectiveness of the individual strategy or tool used for measuring acuity.
Additionally, we recommend evaluating the unit staffing adequacy to determine if
units are meeting staffing goals and patient needs on an ongoing basis. Evaluation
of staffing plans should include real-time capturing of missed care. When missed-
care events occur, they should be evaluated in sum as an opportunity to discern
patterns. When patterns are found, staffing plans should be adjusted or systems
should be created to mitigate the frequency of missed care.
4. Development of staffing policy should include formal input from frontline staff in
collaboration with nursing administration. The frontline staff’s role and proximity to
the patient and family provide a unique perspective that must be considered. This
should be a goal for all phases of staffing: planning, implementation, problem
solving, and evaluation of effectiveness. Staff participation in staffing-policy
development is an important expectation of appropriate staffing, one of six
components of a healthy work environment as defined by the American
Association of Critical Care Nurses (Blake, 2015).
5. Staff nurses at all levels involved in staffing decisions should learn about principles
of staffing and finance. Financial stewardship is a balance between judicious use
of resources and appropriate allocation of resources. Both frontline providers and
hospital administration have a responsibility in this regard. A financially exhausted
healthcare system serves no one’s needs. Increasingly, the concept of “value” is
cited in making decisions about resource utilization. Value has been defined as
“providing the optimal outcome per health dollar spent. Improving the value of
health care for patients and healthcare organizations requires an understanding
and evaluation of the costs and benefits” (Fischer & Duncan, 2020, p. 972). This
requires that facilities be transparent regarding factors influencing budgets for
staffing. We recommend that facilities utilize existing technologies to evaluate
drivers of acuity and support capture of staffing issues, missed care, and adverse
outcomes. The goal is to develop strategies to assist staff with these clinical
situations. In some instances, nurse extenders may augment but not replace
nurses if permitted by local regulations.
6. Census and acuity fluctuations occur; therefore, staffing needs must be tailored to
create an equitable and effective method of responding to these changes in order
to support a healthy work environment for staff while providing quality patient care.
A staff-driven initiative which addresses reserve capacity as well as established
and effective float guidelines for staffing will ensure a consistent practice
environment. Each unit must develop a process to identify, optimize, and utilize
staffing resources. These guidelines will provide a flexible staff floating policy and
an order of staff reduction as needed for low census. In units with low patient
volumes, a sufficient quantity of staff must be available to immediately respond to
emergencies. This means they must be immediately available although they can
have other responsibilities, activities that can be temporarily abandoned without
consequence, that allow them to respond if and when an emergency occurs. An
established list of projects, educational modules, quality initiatives, unit policies
and guidelines, chart reviews, and clinical practice updates will leave staff
available to respond to emergency situations in times of low census while
improving the clinical practice environment and promoting organizational success.
7. Situations involving neonatal specialty care for fewer than six intermediate-care
patients or four or fewer intensive care patients require a minimum of two RNs with
neonatal expertise and training.
8. Though research about nurse staffing and outcomes in the neonatal population
has increased over the past decade, the issue of how to measure acuity and apply
it to the NICU environment continues to need attention. This population, like
others, is rapidly changing; smaller and less mature infants are becoming more
commonplace. As the population and technology evolve, we must continue to do
the same.
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Drafted by Karen Kopischke, MS NNP RNC; Lori Armstrong, DNP RN NEA-BC;
Annemarie Stopyra Deeley, BSN RN RNC; Kelly Gilhousen, MSN RNC-NIC; and
Jeannette Rogowski. Approved by the National Association of Neonatal Nurses Board of
Directors in September 2021.
Copyright © 2021 by the National Association of Neonatal Nurses. No part of this statement
may be reproduced without the written consent of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses.
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