AMVETS Department of Florida
Job Description Executive Director
Primary Responsibilities
The Executive Director shall be charged with the administration of the AMVETS
Department of Florida in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws and Policies in
effect. The Executive Director operates out of his/her home which address will become
the AMVETS Department of Florida official address.
Applicants for the position of Department of Florida Executive Director must:
Be a member in good standing of an active post in the Department of Florida AMVETS
for the past 5 consecutive years.
Initiate budgets.
Manage New Post Charter process.
Manage Revalidation Process.
Manage Membership Process.
Plans for and manages meeting at the direction of the Department Commander. Ensures
required information for SECs and Convention are forwarded to Staff, PDCs, District and
Post Commanders.
Manage the Department of Florida Officer’s Phone Directory.
Monitors all insurance Acord 25s
Monitor all money accounts In conjunction with the Commander and Finance Officer
Other duties as identified by the Department Commander.
Reports to the Department Commander.
Job Duties/Performance Expectations
The normal work week for AMVETS Department of Florida shall consist of 40 productive
hours. When considered an exempt employee you are not governed by a 40-hour week
and may have periods of excessive hours and periods of lull time. Because the
employee works from their home, they can set their schedule to fit the work environment
to better accommodate personal responsibilities and at the same time meet AMVETS
Department of Florida work environment.
Prepares and submits provisional budget requirements for the administrative areas of
responsibility to be submitted to Finance Officer. Works in conjunction with the
Department Finance Officer to complete the total annual budget. Works with Finance
Officer and Accounting firm to ensure IRS Form 990 is completed annually, IRS Form
941 completed quarterly, and any other forms required by any regulatory agency dealing
with revenues, expenses and investments.
Monitor all money accounts in conjunction with the Department Commander and
Finance Officer to ensure honesty and integrity is maintained.
Manages charter process for new Post Startup, suspension, and revocation Ensures
all required documentation is reviewed for accuracy, submitted to National Headquarters
with a copy filed for the Department of Florida (AMVETS National Constitution, Article X.
and Appendix A. Department of Florida Bylaws, Article VII)
Manages Revalidation Process Ensures timeliness, accuracy and completeness of all
documentation required for Post, District and Department Revalidation and submits Post
and Department Revalidations to National Headquarters. Establishes process to
perform continuous reviews on submissions that change throughout the year. Ensures
validity of all posts voting at meetings based on proper revalidation, authorized
delegates, and any other requirements for voting. (AMVETS National Constitution,
Article X., National Bylaws, Article VII. Section 3 and Department of Florida Bylaws,
Article XVI)
Manage Membership process Ensures accuracy of all facets of membership are
obtained. Establishes membership lists by Posts, process membership and makes
payments to AMVETS National for posts not reporting online and Members at Large
(MAL). Maintains a membership list for the Department. Issues periodic membership
lists to Posts for comparison. Works with Department 1
Vice Commander to ensure the
Department of Florida Membership Manual is current with National and Department
Bylaws. (National Bylaws Article VII. Section 5 & 6 and AMVETS Department of Florida
Bylaws, Article I, Section 6 and Article VI.
Plans for meetings as directed by Department Commander. Coordinates rooms,
equipment and accommodations.
Plans, schedules, and coordinates SEC and Annual Convention meetings to include
training and Committee meeting.
Works with the Department Adjutant to compile SEC and Convention booklets and the
printing of the booklets.
Manages all other items as directed by the Department Commander.
Assists Previous Department Commander with Honors and Awards Program, ensuring
reservations for attendance at Freedom’s Foundation are made. Ensures plaques and
AMVET of the Year Awards are on hand for the annual convention.
Essential Functions
Coordination with National Headquarters ensuring that the Department of Florida
complies with directives, rules and regulations required. Ensures the Commander,
Department Officers and Posts are informed of issues passed down by the National
Headquarters, Department Officers and the Commander.
Educational/Training Requirements
Degree/Diploma Obtained
Program of Study Required/Preferred
Business Administration
Basic Accounting
Bachelors or Certificate
Elementary Degree
Proficiency Knowledge
Experience Requirements
Years of
Type of Experience
1-3 years
1-3 years
2-3 years
Post Commander
District Commander
Department Level Positions
Leadershipcompletes tasks based on program needs and suspense dates. Sets
goals and objectives for continuous improvement, and project management.
Organizing Keeps all Department records organized.
Planning coordination and implements Plans, coordinates and implements
arrangements, meetings and programs dictated by the Department Commander
Interpreting data Reviews membership and budget data and makes recommendations.
Writing Must possess executive letter writing skills to handle correspondence going out
of the department.
Communication must be able to communicate with National, Department, and Post
Officers both written and verbal.
Computer Skills Must be proficient in Microsoft office suites. Must be capable of
producing computer-generated statistics, documentation, posters and letters.
QuickBooks Skills Must have working knowledge of QuickBooks Accounting System
Education and prior experience will be given equal weight.
Licensing Requirements
Must be able to be bonded by a reputable insurance company
handling surety bonds in the amount of the annual Department
Decision-Making Authority
Routine decisions to assist National, Department and Posts keeping Department
Commander in the loop on changes. Coordinates with Department Commander on any
changes that may affect the operation or organization of the AMVETS Department of
Degree of Supervision Received
Must be able to operate with little to no supervision.
Administrative Responsibilities and Supervision
Responsible for all facets of the Department.
Position Supervised and Evaluated by:
Commander, AMVETS Department of Florida
Work Environment
This position requires a Home Off
ice with internet connection and fax capabilities.
Equipment Use
Copier X
Stamp Machine X
Commitment to Core Competencies
In AMVETS, certain values shape and influence all our decisions and actions. These
core competencies demonstrate directly to results related to quality, safety, service,
membership, finance, operations, and growth.
Employee Core Competencies
Must have a thorough understanding of the rules and regulations regarding 501C19 not
for profit organizations.
Must have thorough knowledge of National and Department Constitution and Bylaws
and National programs, membership manuals.
Attention to Detail on regulatory matters.
Must have a working knowledge of Federal, State, and local laws, statutes and
ordinances as they affect the AMVETS Department of Florida
Annual Competency Assessment and Wage Benefits
The Executive Director will receive an annual review from the Department Commander.
Send the evaluation form to the Executive Director to document their accomplishments
based on duties and responsibilities. The Executive Director will send the evaluation
form back to the Commander for review. The Department of Commander will complete
the evaluation and make comments on the evaluation form. The Department
Commander will complete the evaluation and after a face-to-face meeting with the
Executive Director, make recommendations for wage adjustments to the personnel
committee then to the finance committee. Any negative comments will result in no wage
This position will have a minimum range and maximum range pay scale and based on
exempt employee requirements as an Administrator. The base salary is commensurate
with the minimum salary for an exempt employee set by the Department of Labor. All
candidates will start at the minimum pay scale and increases will be annually based on
the Commander evaluation. A tiered adjustment will be based on points scored on the
evaluation form. A score of 1-6 will get a 1% raise, a score of 7-12 will get a 2 percent
raise, and a score of 12-18 will get a 3% raise. A successful Executive Director
candidate will be on probation for the first 180 days. Performance evaluations will be
conducted at the end of each 60 days of probationary period by the Department
Commander and presented to the Personnel Committee. All three evaluations must be
positive for the candidate to continue as Department of Florida Executive Director.
Continuing evaluations will be conducted annually and submitted to the Personnel
Committee, then to the Finance Committee along with any recommendation for pay
Gross Pay Scale for Executive Director:
Min Max
$35,568 $49,235
The Executive Director will have a budget for administrative expenses to cover expenses
while traveling for AMVETS Department of Florida business and maintaining Department
equipment and software requirements. The budget will be approved annually through the
budget process. Additionally, the Executive Director will receive $700.00 per quarter to
maintain a home office and defray costs for maintaining internet, utilities, and phone
Office equipment will be furnished by the AMVETS Department of Florida and
maintained by the Executive Director.
Employee Statement of Understanding
I have read and understood the job description for the Executive Director. I am able to
perform all the essential functions for this position.
I agree to comply with the Constitution and Bylaws, Personnel Policy and all laws, rules,
regulations and standards of conduct relating to my position. As an employee, I
understand my duty to report any suspected violations to the Department Commander.
As an employee, I will strive to uphold the Preamble and Aims of the organization.
All officers are required to adhere to the values in all their interactions with National,
Department and Post Officers and Members.
I have read, understand, and will comply with the requirements of the Department of
Florida Executive Director Job Descriptions.
SIGNED _______________________________ DATED _____________________
Job Description Approval
The Executive Director Job Description is approved and takes effect immediately upon
the s
igning date of the Chairman of the Personnel Committee and the Chairman of the
Finance Committee.
Recommend approval by the PERSONNEL COMMITTEE:
Doug Furgeson DATED: October 28, 2023
(Personnel Committee Chairman)
Recommend approval by the FINANCE COMMITTEE:
SIGNED: __________________________ DATED: October 26, 2023
(Finance Committee Chairman)
Approved by a majority vote of the membership on 29 Oc
tober 2023 and effective on the
date signed by the Adjutant:
SIGNED: __________________________ DATED: October 29, 2023