Purdue extension
Lucas Woody, Heather Powell, Estelle Coffin, and Rod N. Williams
Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907
Overview ............................... 2
Teacher Information Packet ................3
Lesson 1: Habitat Selection ................ 5
Reptiles and Amphibians Worksheet .........7
Life Cycle Worksheet ......................9
Habitat Poster ..........................11
Reptile and Amphibian Images .............12
Habitat Selection Worksheet ..............13
Herpetologist Badges .....................15
Lesson 2: Icy ’N Hot Crickets ............... 17
Ectotherm Experiment Worksheet ..........19
Lesson 3: Hot Rock ......................21
Hot Rock Experiment Worksheet ...........22
• UNIT 3 •
Reptiles, Amphibians,
and the Scientific Method
Reptiles and amphibians can be used to describe many scientific concepts,
including life cycles, thermoregulation, and the scientific method.
UNIT 3 • Reptiles, Amphibians the Scientific Method
Estimated Time
Three 45–60 minute Lessons
Basking spots
Unit Objectives
Students will be able to:
Identify the differences and similarities
between reptiles and amphibians.
Predict how temperatures affect
cold-blooded animals.
Understand the importance of thermoregulation.
Understand how reptiles and amphibians utilize
objects in their environment to thermoregulate.
Targeted Grade-Level Indiana Standards
K–5 Math Standards
2.1.12, 2.5.8
K–5 Science Standards
1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.4, 1.2.7, 1.3.3
2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.4, 2.4.1
3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.1.4, 3.1.5, 3.4.1, 3.5.1
4.1.2, 4.1.4, 4.1.6, 4.2.5, 4.3.11, 4.3.13
5.1.1, 5.3.10, 5.4.7
K–5 English Standards
1.1.1, 1.6.1
Required Materials
Teacher Information Packet
Reptiles and Amphibians Worksheet
Life Cycle Worksheet
Habitat Poster
Reptile and Amphibian Images
Habitat Selection Worksheet
Herpetologist Badges
Ecotherm Experiment Worksheet
Hot Rock Experiment Worksheet
Desk clamp lamp with 60-watt bulb
20 crickets
Rock (flat, slate, approximately 6–8 inches
Ice packs
3 Tupperware containers (clear)
Reptile and Amphibian Worksheet
Unit 3 Overview
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The authors would like to thank the Indiana licensed teachers Allison Marquis and Lee Sweet for allowing this plan to be presented in their classroom as well as reviewing the plan. The authors would like to give a
special thanks to the fellow students of the Nature of Service Learning class, who provided ideas and helpful comments on previous versions of this unit. Photos by Rod Williams, Brian MacGowan, and Dan Annarino.
Purdue University Agricultural Communication Service • Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service • Editor: Becky Goetz • Designer: Dan Annarino
UNIT 3 • Reptiles, Amphibians the Scientific Method
Reptile and Amphibian General Overview
Reptiles and amphibians represent a diverse collec-
tion of animals. In general, there are six major
taxonomic groups (three are reptile, and three are
amphibian). The groups and their general charac-
teristics are given below.
Snakes—long, tubular bodies covered in
scales; forked tongue; no legs
Lizards—tubular body covered in scales,
generally long tail, four legs with claws
Turtles—body covered in hard shell above and
below, four legs
Salamanders—generally very small, moist
skin, usually four legs, no claws
Frogs—long back legs, very agile jumpers,
short front legs, moist and smooth skin
Toads—long and strong back legs, great at
hopping, skin somewhat drier and warty
Amphibians are a group of animals that are very
well known for their moist skin. This moist skin can
dry out very quickly, thus amphibians need to live
in moist environments or near water. Amphibians
are so tied to the water that many spend a major
part of their life in the water (more on this in the
Life Cycle section). Many amphibians can be seen
around the edges of wetlands, lakes, streams,
ponds, etc.
Reptiles, unlike amphibians, are not as dependent
on water. Their bodies are covered in scales that
allow them to keep the water inside their bodies
and not dry out. Depending on the time of day,
most reptiles can be seen on rocks, logs, or on the
forest floor. During the hottest times of the day,
they will most likely be hiding (more on this in the
Thermoregulation section).
Although they are different, reptiles and amphibians
are generally studied as a group. A person who
studies reptiles and amphibians is known as a
herpetologist. (The field of biology focused on
the study of reptiles and amphibians is known as
herpetology.) However, there is a very key differ-
ence between the two groups: their life cycles.
Life Cycle
The life cycles of reptiles and amphibians are
remarkably different. Reptiles have three major steps
in their life cycle, whereas amphibians have four.
A brief description of each cycle can be seen below.
Egg [ Sub-adult [ Adult
Egg [ Aquatic Larva [ Sub-adult [ Adult
Amphibians have an extra step within the life cycle:
the aquatic larva. These larvae hatch from eggs laid
in water (a pond, wetland, etc.). Larvae are adapted
to live in the water. Young larvae have gills for
breathing in water and a flat tail for swimming, and
they lack legs. After a period of time (a few days to
a few years), these larvae begin to metamorphose.
They lose their gills and develop lungs, begin to
grow legs, and absorb their tails (if they are frog or
toad larvae). They are then ready to live on land as
sub-adults. The name amphibian literally means
“two lives,” and it is important that they can live in
these two completely different environments.
Living both in water and on land allows them to use
a vast array of resources that many other species
cannot use.
Reptiles differ from amphibians in that they hatch
from eggs directly into sub-adults (or miniature
versions of an adult). Reptile eggs differ from
amphibian eggs in that they have leathery shells that
resist drying out (unlike amphibian eggs, which must
be in water). These eggs are usually laid in nests of
soil or leaves, covered to hide them from predators.
Teacher Information Packet
UNIT 3 • Reptiles, Amphibians the Scientific Method
Note: We are describing the general life cycles for
amphibians and reptiles. Some species within these
groups deviate from the general patterns. For more
details on unique life cycles, see the following
references: Salamanders of Indiana, Frogs and
Toads of Indiana, Turtles of Indiana, and Snakes and
Lizards of Indiana.
While the life cycles of reptiles and amphibians
differ greatly, both groups of animals are similar in
that they are cold-blooded. Cold-blooded animals
cannot generate heat in their bodies. Birds and
mammals (like ourselves) are warm-blooded and
use a process in our body (i.e., metabolism) that
creates heat from the food that we eat. However,
reptiles and amphibians generate very little heat
from food, and must obtain heat using another
method, thermoregulation.
(Note: The term cold-blooded is misleading in
that reptiles and amphibians have blood that can
be warm at times using the process described in the
following paragraph. A more accurate term for the
inability of an animal to generate its own body heat
is ectothermic. However, for simplicity, teachers with
younger students can use the term cold-blooded.)
The process of thermoregulation is simply when an
animal uses the environment around it to heat and
cool itself to a desired temperature. For instance, if
a lizard is too cold in the morning, it will lay out in
the sun until it becomes warm. On the other hand,
if the lizard becomes too warm, it may hide in the
shade under a rock or another object to cool down.
Animals have even discovered that some objects
(such as logs and rocks) become warmer than the
surrounding ground, and they use these areas as
“basking” spots to warm up more rapidly. If a cold
reptile or amphibian cannot bring its body to a
desired temperature, its body may not function
correctly. It may become slow, or may not be able
to digest food properly. Alternatively, when tem-
peratures skyrocket, many species use objects in
their environment to hide from the sun. By hiding
under moist logs or leaves on the forest floor, many
amphibians avoid drying out on hot days. Salaman-
ders are well known for hiding under the layers of
leaves on the ground, or under rotting logs that
hold moisture.
UNIT 3 • Reptiles, Amphibians the Scientific Method
Estimated Time
50-60 minutes
Required Materials
Teacher Information Packet
Reptiles and Amphibians Worksheet
Life Cycle Worksheet
Habitat Poster
Reptile and Amphibian Images
Habitat Selection Worksheet
Herpetologist Badges
Reptile and Amphibian Worksheet transparency
Lesson 1:
Habitat Selection
This lesson helps students understand
the differences and similarities between
amphibians and reptiles, including
how they may select habitat.
1. Pass out the Reptiles and Amphibians
Worksheets, Reptile and Amphibian Images
(one from each of the six taxonomic groups),
and the Life Cycle Worksheet.
2. Introduce the six different taxonomic
groups (turtles, lizards, snakes, frogs, toads,
salamanders). Help students fill in the blanks
for group characteristics on the Reptiles and
Amphibians Worksheets using the transparency.
3. Introduce the term herpetologist and explain
that the students are going to be herpetologists
today. Discuss how reptiles and amphibians
are similar and different. Explain that different
groups may select different habitat types
within an area.
4. Pass out the Herpetologist Badges.
5. Explain the difference between reptiles and
amphibians with respect to their life cycles.
Here, introduce the life cycle information
found in the Teacher Information Packet.
Help the students complete their Life Cycle
6. Explain how reptiles and amphibians are
similar by using thermoregulation. Here,
introduce the information given in the
thermoregulation section of the Teacher
Information Packet. Have each student write
the definition of thermoregulation in a
complete sentence on his or her worksheet.
7. Pass out the Habitat Selection Worksheet.
8. Place a picture from each taxonomic group on
the Habitat Poster using information given in
the introduction to determine the most
suitable placement for each animal. Reasoning
for each placement is as follows:
Snake/Lizard: as reptiles, snakes and
lizards do not need to live close to
water. Thick scales protect reptiles from
drying out. They do, however, need sun
and shade to help them thermoregulate.
Frog/Toad: Because they are amphibians,
frogs and toads are in danger of drying
out and need to be close to water.
However, they also go through changes
UNIT 3 • Reptiles, Amphibians the Scientific Method
that allow them to live on land (i.e., they
develop legs and lungs).
Salamander: Because it is an amphibian,
a salamander needs to live close to
water to prevent itself from drying out.
However, since it has very thin skin, it
also needs to stay in the shade, if it does
leave the water. (Note: all amphibians
live near water, since they lay eggs in
wet areas, as well).
Turtle: Although turtles are reptiles and
have scales to help keep them dry, they
are actually very well adapted to live in
the water (with webbed feet and flat
shells for swimming) and spend almost
all of their time there. This is beneficial
for them, since it makes it harder for
predators to capture them, and because
there is plenty of food in the water.
(Note: turtles do lay eggs on land like
other reptiles).
9. During the activity, students will write the
appropriate taxonomic group name (i.e., turtle,
salamander) in each blank that correlates
with the Habitat Selection Worksheet.
10. After completing the activity, briefly review
the major difference (life cycle) and similarity
(thermoregulation) between reptiles and
amphibians. Inform the students that by
knowing these important attributes, they can
better understand how reptiles and amphibians
live in and use their environments.
UNIT 3 • Reptiles, Amphibians the Scientific Method
Reptiles and Amphibians Worksheet • KEY
Dry body protected by hard _______________________
_______________________ legs, body covered in scales
Long, dry, tube-like body covered in scales
Forked _______________________
_______________________ legs
Dry body covered in scales
_______________________ legs, each toe has a claw
Long, powerful back legs, good for _______________________
Very moist, _______________________ skin
Powerful back legs, good for _______________________
Skin drier than frogs, covered in _______________________
Small animal with moist skin
_______________________ legs, toes with no claws
UNIT 3 • Reptiles, Amphibians the Scientific Method
Reptiles and Amphibians Worksheet
Dry body protected by hard _______________________
_______________________ legs, body covered in scales
Long, dry, tube-like body covered in scales
Forked _______________________
_______________________ legs
Dry body covered in scales
_______________________ legs, each toe has a claw
Long, powerful back legs, good for _______________________
Very moist, _______________________ skin
Powerful back legs, good for _______________________
Skin drier than frogs, covered in _______________________
Small animal with moist skin
_______________________ legs, toes with no claws
UNIT 3 • Reptiles, Amphibians the Scientific Method
Life Cycle Worksheet • KEY
Reptile Life Cycle (Lizard)
Eggs are laid in _______________________
Amphibian Life Cycle (Frog)
Eggs are laid in _______________________
Thermoregulation: _________________________
The process by which
animals use heat from the environment as well
as objects in the environment to control their
body temperatures.
UNIT 3 • Reptiles, Amphibians the Scientific Method
Life Cycle Worksheet
Reptile Life Cycle (Lizard)
Eggs are laid in _______________________
Amphibian Life Cycle (Frog)
Eggs are laid in _______________________
Thermoregulation: _________________________
UNIT 3 • Reptiles, Amphibians the Scientific Method
Habitat Poster
UNIT 3 • Reptiles, Amphibians the Scientific Method
Reptile and Amphibian Images
Frog toad
UNIT 3 • Reptiles, Amphibians the Scientific Method
Habitat Selection Worksheet • KEY
Water/Dry Land
Dry Land/Sun & Shade
UNIT 3 • Reptiles, Amphibians the Scientific Method
Habitat Selection Worksheet
Water/Dry Land
Dry Land/Sun & Shade
UNIT 3 • Reptiles, Amphibians the Scientific Method
Herpetologist Badges
I am a Reptile and Amphibian Scientist.
Name: _________________________________
I am a Reptile and Amphibian Scientist.
Name: _________________________________
I am a Reptile and Amphibian Scientist.
Name: _________________________________
I am a Reptile and Amphibian Scientist.
Name: _________________________________
I am a Reptile and Amphibian Scientist.
Name: _________________________________
I am a Reptile and Amphibian Scientist.
Name: _________________________________
I am a Reptile and Amphibian Scientist.
Name: _________________________________
I am a Reptile and Amphibian Scientist.
Name: _________________________________
UNIT 3 • Reptiles, Amphibians the Scientific Method
Estimated Time
45 minutes
Required Materials
Teacher Information Packet
Habitat Poster
Ectotherm Experiment Worksheet
Heat lamp with 60-watt light bulb
30 crickets
Ice packs
3 Tupperware containers (clear)
Lesson 2:
Icy ’N Hot Crickets
This lesson helps students understand
how temperature affects ectothermic
(cold-blooded) animals.
1. Place ten crickets in each of the three Tupper-
ware containers before conducting the lesson
plan. One container will contain the ice packs,
one will have the heat lamp shining on it, and
the remaining container will have nothing
affecting the temperature. Label the crickets
with the ice pack and the crickets under the
lamps as the “Treatment Crickets,” and the
room temperature crickets as “Control Crickets.
2. Pass out the ectotherm experiment worksheet.
3. Briefly review the main differences between
reptiles and amphibians using the poster, if
4. Review what a herpetologist is and inform
them that they will be herpetologists again
today. Pass out the herpetologist badges.
5. Explain that students will be conducting an
experiment to understand how a reptile or
amphibian’s temperature is affected by the
6. Review the basic steps of the scientific
process: Hypothesis (a proposed explanation
for an observation), Experiment, and Conclu-
7. Explain how an ectotherm’s (such as a
reptile, amphibian, or cricket) body tempera-
ture changes with the environmental tem-
perature. Have them fill in the ectotherm
definition on their worksheets.
8. Have the students hypothesize how the crick-
ets will move in the cold environment and
the hot environment. Have them write this
hypothesis in complete sentences on their
9. Explain that the treatment groups consist of
crickets whose environments are being
changed. The control group is the group to
which no changes are made.
10. Have the students observe each cricket
group for 30 seconds (begin with control
crickets). Afterwards, have the students
write their observations of how each cricket
group moved. The movements should be
described as: slow, fast, or medium.
UNIT 3 • Reptiles, Amphibians the Scientific Method
11. Ask them to compare what they observed
with what they hypothesized. Have the
students make a general statement as to
how temperature may affect the crickets’
behavior (slow to find food, eaten more
easily, etc.), and write it in the conclusion
section on their experiment worksheet
(in full sentences).
12. Ask the students why they think we used
crickets instead of reptiles or amphibians
(because they are small and easy to manipu-
late, and because they are also ectotherms).
13. Follow up the activity with a discussion
about ectothermy. Discuss a real-world
situation that would apply to the topic. For
instance, ask the students how a cold turtle
might act in the environment, and how this
would affect it (easier to catch, slower
digestion). Explain that although the crickets
are not amphibians and reptiles, they show
how those groups would behave given the
different environmental conditions. Explain
that many times experiments use substitutes
for animals or objects that cannot be used for
research (i.e., for endangered, hard to capture
or handle, hard to care for animals or objects).
UNIT 3 • Reptiles, Amphibians the Scientific Method
Name: _________________________________________________
Ectotherm: ________________________________________________________________________________
Hypothesis: ________________________________________________________________________________
Conclusion: _______________________________________________________________________________
Ectotherm Experiment Worksheet • KEY
Cricket Group Cricket Movement
Control Crickets
Ice Crickets
Hot Crickets
An animal whose temperature changes with the environment’s temperature.
Control Crickets will move more than the Ice Crickets and less than the Hot Crickets.
Ectotherms move slowly in cold environments and fast in hot environments.
UNIT 3 • Reptiles, Amphibians the Scientific Method
Ectotherm Experiment Worksheet
Name: _________________________________________________
Ectotherm: ________________________________________________________________________________
Hypothesis: ________________________________________________________________________________
Conclusion: _______________________________________________________________________________
Cricket Group Cricket Movement
Control Crickets
Ice Crickets
Hot Crickets
UNIT 3 • Reptiles, Amphibians the Scientific Method
Estimated Time
50-60 minutes
Required Materials
Teacher Information Packet
Hot Rock Experiment Worksheet
Desk clamp lamp with 60-watt light bulb
Rock (flat, slate, approximately 6–8 inches wide)
Lesson 3:
Hot Rock
This lesson demonstrates how
ectotherms use the environment to
control their body temperature.
1. Set up the hot rock model by first placing the
rock on a table and clamping the desk lamp
above the rock. The lamp should be posi-
tioned so that part of the heat is projected
on the rock, while the rest of the heat is
projected on the table.
2. Review that an ectotherm cannot generate
its own body heat like humans. Instead, they
must utilize objects in their environment and
the heat from the sun to control their body
3. Ask the students to recall the process by which
an ectotherm (such as an amphibian or reptile)
controls its body heat (i.e., thermoregulation).
4. Review that thermoregulation is the process
of an animal using the environment around
it to heat and cool itself to the desired
temperature. When an ectotherm thermo-
regulates, it must move throughout its
habitat to warmer areas to raise its body
temperature, and cooler areas to lower its
body temperature.
5. Pass out the Hot Rock Experiment Worksheet.
6. Remind the students that scientists studying
amphibians and reptiles are herpetologists.
7. Review the basic steps of the scientific
process: Hypothesis (an explanation of
observations), Experiment, and Conclusion.
8. Explain to the students the general procedure
of the experiment: Students observe how
temperature can vary depending on the
exposure to sunlight and the type of surface
that is exposed to the heat. Students use
both touch and a thermometer to observe
these differences.
9. Have the students make a hypothesis about
which object will be the hottest: the air
under the lamp, the top of the rock, the
underside of the rock, or the surface next to
the rock (not under the rock).
10. Check temperatures starting from the cold-
est spot to the hottest. This will allow the
thermometer to record temperatures at a
faster rate. Lift and record a temperature
from directly underneath the rock. Have the
students take the temperature of the surface
next to the rock, then the temperature of the
air, and then the temperature on the top of
the rock. Before you move the thermometer,
record the temperature for each location.
Also, have the students touch all four spots
where a temperature was taken to feel the
temperature of each location.
11. Complete the lesson with a discussion of the
activity. Draw conclusions about the experi-
ment based on the observations recorded.
Discuss how temperatures of objects in the
environment may be affected by their colors or
by the materials of which they are made. Ask
the students to list the objects from coldest to
hottest. Create real-world situations based on
the observations. For example, if a lizard woke
up on a cold morning, where would it most
likely go in order to warm up? If it became too
hot, where might it go to cool down?
UNIT 3 • Reptiles, Amphibians the Scientific Method
Name: _________________________________________________
Hypothesis: ________________________________________________________________________________
Conclusion: _______________________________________________________________________________
Hot Rock Experiment Worksheet • KEY
Surface Next
to Rock
On Rock Under Rock
Temperature (F)
The temperature on the rock will be the hottest.
Discuss how an animal in the wild may use these different objects to regulate its temperature.
An option may be to create a real-world situation about a rock, or perhaps create a story
about animals using rocks to regulate temperature.
UNIT 3 • Reptiles, Amphibians the Scientific Method
Name: _________________________________________________
Hypothesis: ________________________________________________________________________________
Conclusion: _______________________________________________________________________________
Hot Rock Experiment Worksheet
Surface Next
to Rock
On Rock Under Rock
Temperature (F)