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We will provide the insurance described in this policy
in return for the premium and compliance with all
applicable provisions of this policy.
In this policy, "you" and "your" refer to the "named
insured" shown in the Declarations and the spouse if
a resident of the same household. "We," "us" and
"our" refer to the Company providing this insurance.
In addition, certain words and phrases are defined as
1. “Contamination” (“contaminants”) means impair-
ment or impurity due to either an accidental or in-
tentional mixture or contact with a foreign sub-
stance, including, but not limited to, biological,
chemical, or toxic agents.
2. “Described Location” means the one to four family
dwelling including structures attached to it, sepa-
rate structures, and grounds, shown in the Decla-
rations used principally for dwelling purposes.
3. Fungi” means any type or form of fungus, includ-
ing mold or mildew, and any mycotoxins, spores,
scents or by-products produced or released by
4. Insured” means you and a “Domestic Partner” of
the named insured if a resident of the same
household. (“Domestic Partner” means an adult
who is not related to the named insured by blood,
who has continually lived with the named insured
for at least six months and plans to do so perma-
nently, and is mutually responsible along with the
named insured for their common welfare, and
who maintains no other domestic partnership or
legally recognized marriage.) When the word an
immediately precedes the word "insured", the
words an "insured" together mean one or more
5. “Water” means water (H
O) alone, including mois-
ture, steam or humidity, whether frozen or not or
natural or artificial including any liquid or sludge
which contains “water”, whether or not combined
with any other chemicals or impurities.
Unless otherwise noted in this policy, the following
deductible provision applies:
Subject to the policy limits that apply, we will pay only
that part of the total of all loss payable that exceeds
the deductible amount shown in the Declarations.
Section I
This insurance applies to the “Described Location”,
Coverages for which a Limit of Liability is shown and
Perils Insured Against for which a Premium is stated.
A. Coverage A – Dwelling
1. We cover:
a. The dwelling on the “Described Location”
shown in the Declarations, used principally
for dwelling purposes, including structures
attached to the dwelling;
b. Materials and supplies located on or next to
the “Described Location” used to construct,
alter or repair the dwelling or other struc-
tures on the “Described Location”; and
c. If not otherwise covered in this policy, build-
ing equipment and outdoor equipment used
for the service of and located on the “De-
scribed Location”.
2. We do not cover land, including land on which
the dwelling is located.
B. Coverage B – Other Structures
1. We cover other structures on the “Described
Location”, set apart from the dwelling by clear
space. This includes structures connected to
the dwelling by only a fence, utility line or simi-
lar connection.
2. We do not cover:
a. Land, including land on which the other
structures are located;
b. Other structures rented or held for rental to
any person not a tenant of the dwelling, un-
less used solely as a private garage;
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c. Other structures used in whole or in part for
commercial, manufacturing or farming pur-
poses. However, we do cover a structure
that contains commercial, manufacturing or
farming property solely owned by you or a
tenant of the dwelling provided that such
property does not include gaseous or liquid
fuel, other than fuel in a permanently in-
stalled fuel tank of a vehicle or craft parked
or stored in the structure; or
d. Gravemarkers, including mausoleums.
3. You may use up to 10% of the Coverage A
limit of liability for loss by a Peril Insured
Against to other structures described in Cov-
erage B.
C. Coverage C – Personal Property
1. Covered Property
We cover personal property, usual to the oc-
cupancy as a dwelling and owned or used by
you or members of your family residing with
you while it is on the “Described Location”. Af-
ter a loss and at your request, we will cover
personal property owned by a guest or servant
while the property is on the “Described Loca-
2. Property Not Covered
We do not cover:
a. Accounts, bank notes, bills, bullion, coins,
currency, deeds, evidences of debt, gold
other than goldware, letters of credit, manu-
scripts, medals, money, notes other than
bank notes, passports, personal records,
platinum other than platinumware, securi-
ties, silver other than silverware, tickets,
stamps, scrip, stored value cards and smart
b. Animals, birds or fish;
c. Aircraft meaning any contrivance used or
designed for flight including any parts
whether or not attached to the aircraft.
We do cover model or hobby aircraft not
used or designed to carry people or cargo;
d. Hovercraft and parts. Hovercraft means a
self-propelled motorized ground effect vehi-
cle and includes, but is not limited to, flare-
craft and air cushion vehicles;
e. Motor vehicles or all other motorized land
(1) This includes:
(a) Their accessories, equipment and
parts; or
(b) Any device or instrument for the
transmitting, recording, receiving or
reproduction of sound or pictures
which is operated by power from the
electrical system of motor vehicles
and all other motorized land convey-
ances, and its accessories. Accesso-
ries include antennas, tapes, wires,
records, discs or other media that
can be used with any device or in-
strument described above.
The exclusion of property described in
(a) and (b) above applies only while
such property is in or upon the vehicle
or conveyance.
(2) We do cover motor vehicles or other
motorized land conveyances not re-
quired to be registered for use on public
roads or property which are:
(a) Used solely to service the “De-
scribed Location”; or
(b) Designed to assist the handicapped;
f. Watercraft of all types, other than rowboats
and canoes;
g. Data, including data stored in:
(1) Books of account, drawings or other
paper records; or
(2) Computers and related equipment;
We do cover the cost of blank recording or
storage media, and of prerecorded com-
puter programs available on the retail mar-
h. Credit cards, electronic fund transfer cards
or access devices used solely for deposit,
withdrawal or transfer of funds;
i. “Water” or steam; or
j. Gravemarkers, including mausoleums.
3. Property Removed To A Newly Acquired
Principle Residence
If you remove personal property from the “De-
scribed Location” to a newly acquired principal
residence, the Coverage C limit of liability will
apply at each residence for the 30 days imme-
diately after you begin to move the property
there. This time period will not extend beyond
the termination of this policy. Our liability is lim-
ited to the proportion of the limit of liability that
the value at each residence bears to the total
value of all personal property covered by this
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Its Permission Copyright, Insurance Services Offices, Inc., 2002
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D. Coverage D – Fair Rental Value
1. If a loss to property described in Coverage A,
B or C by a Peril Insured Against under this
policy makes that part of the “Described Loca-
tion” rented to others or held for rental by you
unfit for its normal use, we cover the fair rental
value of that part of the “Described Location”
rented to others or held for rental by you less
any expenses that do not continue while that
part of the “Described Location” rented or held
for rental is not fit to live in.
Payment will be for the shortest time required
to repair or replace that part of the “Described
Location” rented or held for rental.
2. If a civil authority prohibits you from use of the
“Described Location” as a result of direct dam-
age to a neighboring location by a Peril Insured
Against in this policy, we cover the Fair Rental
Value loss for no more than two weeks.
3. The periods of time referenced above are not
limited by the expiration of this policy.
4. We do not cover loss or expense due to can-
cellation of a lease or agreement.
Section I
1. Debris Removal
We will pay your reasonable expense for the
removal of:
a. Debris of covered property if a Peril Insured
Against causes the loss; or
b. Ash, dust or particles from a volcanic erup-
tion that has caused direct loss to a building
or property contained in a building.
However, we will not pay any expenses in-
curred by you or anyone acting on your behalf
(1) extract pollutants from land or ““water””; or
(2) remove, restore or replace polluted land or
This expense is included in the limit of liability
that applies to the damaged property.
2. World-Wide Coverage
You may use up to 10% of the Coverage C
limit of liability for loss by a Peril Insured
Against to property covered under Coverage C
except rowboats and canoes, while anywhere
in the world.
Use of this coverage reduces the Coverage C
limit of liability for the same loss.
3. Reasonable Repairs
a. In the event that covered property is dam-
aged by a Peril Insured Against, we will pay
the reasonable cost incurred by you for
necessary measures taken solely to protect
against further damage.
b. If the measures taken involve repair to
other damaged property, we will pay for
those measures only if that property is cov-
ered under this policy and the damage to
that property is caused by a Peril Insured
Against. This coverage does not:
(1) Increase the limit of liability that applies
to the covered property; or
(2) Relieve you of your duties, in case of a
loss to covered property, as set forth in
Condition D.2.
4. Property Removed
We insure covered property against direct loss
from any cause while being removed from a
premises endangered by a Peril Insured
Against and for no more than 30 days while
This coverage does not change the limit of li-
ability that applies to the property being re-
5. Trees, Shrubs And Other Plants
We cover trees, shrubs, plants or lawns, on the
“Described Location” for loss caused by the fol-
lowing Perils Insured Against:
a. Fire or lightning;
b. Explosion;
c. Riot or civil commotion;
d. Aircraft;
e. Vehicles not owned or operated by you or a
resident of the “Described Location”; or
Vandalism or malicious mischief, including
damage during a burglary or attempted bur-
glary, but not theft of property.
The limit of liability for this coverage will not be
more than 5% of the Coverage A limit of liabil-
ity, or more than $500 for any one tree, shrub
or plant. We do not cover property grown for
commercial purposes.
This coverage is additional insurance.
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6. Fire Department Service Charge
We will pay up to $500 for your liability as-
sumed by contract or agreement for fire de-
partment charges incurred when the fire de-
partment is called to save or protect covered
property from a Peril Insured Against. We do
not cover fire department service charges if the
property is located within the limits of the city,
municipality or protection district furnishing the
fire department response.
This coverage is additional insurance. No de-
ductible applies to this coverage.
7. Collapse
a. With respect to this Other Coverage:
(1) Collapse means an abrupt falling down
or caving in of a building or any part of a
building with the result that the building
or part of the building cannot be occu-
pied for its current intended purpose.
(2) A building or any part of a building that
is in danger of falling down or caving in
is not considered to be in a state of col-
(3) A part of a building that is standing is
not considered to be in a state of col-
lapse even if it has separated from an-
other part of the building.
(4) A building or any part of a building that
is standing is not considered to be in a
state of collapse even if it shows evi-
dence of cracking, bulging, sagging,
bending, leaning, settling, shrinkage or
b. We insure for direct physical loss to cov-
ered property involving collapse of a build-
ing or any part of a building if the collapse
was caused by one or more of the follow-
(1) The Perils Insured Against named under
Coverage C;
(2) Decay that is hidden from view, unless
the presence of such decay is known to
you prior to collapse;
(3) Insect or vermin damage that is hidden
from view, unless the presence of such
damage is known to you prior to col-
(4) Weight of contents, equipment, animals
or people;
(5) Weight of rain or snow which collects on
a roof; or
(6) Use of defective material or methods in
construction, remodeling or renovation if
the collapse occurs during the course of
the construction, remodeling or renova-
c. Loss to an awning, fence, patio, deck,
pavement, swimming pool, underground
pipe, flue, drain, cesspool, septic tank,
foundation, retaining wall, bulkhead, pier,
wharf or dock is not included under b.(2)
through (6) above unless the loss is a direct
result of the collapse of a building or any
part of a building.
d. This coverage does not increase the limit of
liability that applies to the damaged covered
8. Glass Or Safety Glazing Material
a. We cover:
(1) The breakage of glass or safety glazing
material which is part of a covered build-
ing, storm door or storm window;
(2) The breakage of glass or safety glazing
material which is part of a covered build-
ing, storm door or storm window when
caused directly by earth movement; and
(3) The direct physical loss to covered
property caused solely by the pieces,
fragments or splinters of broken glass or
safety glazing material which is part of a
building, storm door or storm window.
b. This coverage does not include loss:
(1) To covered property which results be-
cause the glass or safety glazing mate-
rial has been broken, except as pro-
vided in a.(3) above; or
(2) On the “Described Location” if the dwell-
ing has been vacant for more than 60
consecutive days immediately before
the loss, except when the breakage re-
sults directly from earth movement as
provided for in a.(2) above. A dwelling
being constructed is not considered va-
c. This coverage does not increase the limit of
liability that applies to the damaged prop-
9. Ordinance Or Law
a. The Ordinance Or Law limit of liability de-
termined in b. or c.
below will apply with re-
spect to the increased costs you incur due
to the enforcement of any ordinance or law
which requires or regulates:
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(1) The construction, demolition, remodel-
ing, renovation or repair of that part of a
covered building or other structure dam-
aged by a Peril Insured Against;
(2) The demolition and reconstruction of the
undamaged part of a covered building or
other structure, when that building or
other structure must be totally demol-
ished because of damage by a Peril In-
sured Against to another part of that
covered building or other structure; or
(3) The remodeling, removal or replace-
ment of the portion of the undamaged
part of a covered building or other struc-
ture necessary to complete the remodel-
ing, repair or replacement of that part of
the covered building or other structure
damaged by a Peril Insured Against.
b. If you are an owner of a “Described Loca-
tion”, and that location:
(1) Is insured for Coverage A, you may use
up to 10% of the limit of liability that ap-
plies to Coverage A at each “Described
Location”; or
(2) Is not insured for Coverage A or Unit-
Owners Building Items, you may use up
to 10% of the total limit of liability that
applies to Coverage B at each “De-
scribed Location”.
c. You may use all or part of this ordinance or
law coverage to pay for the increased costs
you incur to remove debris resulting from
the construction, demolition, remodeling,
renovation, repair or replacement of prop-
erty as stated in a. above.
d. We do not cover:
(1) The loss in value to any covered build-
ing or other structure due to the re-
quirements of any ordinance or law; or
(2) The costs to comply with any ordinance
or law which requires you or others to
test for, monitor, clean up, remove, con-
tain, treat, detoxify or neutralize, or in
any way respond to, or assess the ef-
fects of, pollutants in or on any covered
building or other structure.
Pollutants means any solid, liquid, gase-
ous or thermal irritant or contaminant,
including smoke, vapor, soot, fumes, ac-
ids, alkalis, chemicals and waste. Waste
includes materials to be recycled, re-
conditioned or reclaimed.
This coverage is additional insurance.
A. Coverage A – Dwelling And Coverage B –
Other Structures
1. We insure against risk of direct physical loss to
property described in Coverages A and B.
2. We do not insure, however, for loss:
a. Excluded under General Exclusions;
b. Involving collapse, except as provided in
Other Coverage 7. Collapse; or
c. Caused by:
(1) Freezing of a plumbing, heating, air
conditioning or automatic fire protective
sprinkler system or of a household ap-
pliance, or by discharge, leakage or
overflow from within the system or ap-
pliance caused by freezing. This provi-
sion does not apply if you have used
reasonable care to:
(a) Maintain heat in the building; or
(b) Shut off the “water” supply and drain
all systems and appliances of “wa-
However, if the building is protected by
an automatic fire protective sprinkler
system, you must use reasonable care
to continue the “water” supply and main-
tain heat in the building for coverage to
For purposes of this provision a plumb-
ing system or household appliance does
not include a sump, sump pump or re-
lated equipment or a roof drain, gutter,
downspout or similar fixtures or equip-
(2) Freezing, thawing, pressure or weight of
“water” or ice, whether driven by wind or
not, to a:
(a) Fence, pavement, patio or swimming
(b) Footing, foundation, bulkhead, wall,
or any other structure or device, that
supports all or part of a building or
other structure;
Retaining wall or bulkhead that does
not support all or part of a building or
other structure; or
(d) Pier, wharf or dock;
(3) Theft of property not part of a covered
building or structure;
(4) Theft in or to a dwelling or structure
under construction;
(5) Wind, hail, ice, snow or sleet to:
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(a) Outdoor radio and television anten-
nas and aerials including their lead-
in wiring, masts or towers; or
(b) Trees, shrubs, plants or lawns;
(6) Vandalism and malicious mischief, theft
or attempted theft, and any ensuing loss
caused by any intentional and wrongful
act committed in the course of the van-
dalism or malicious mischief, theft or at-
tempted theft, if the dwelling has been
vacant for more than 60 consecutive
days immediately before the loss. A
dwelling being constructed is not con-
sidered vacant;
(7) Constant or repeated seepage or leak-
age of “water” or steam over a period of
weeks, months or years from within a
plumbing, heating, air conditioning or
automatic fire protective sprinkler sys-
tem or from within a household appli-
For purposes of this provision, a plumb-
ing system or household appliance does
not include a sump, sump pump or re-
lated equipment or a roof drain, gutter,
downspout or similar fixtures or equip-
(8) Any of the following:
(a) Wear and tear, marring, deteriora-
(b) Mechanical breakdown, latent de-
fect, inherent vice, or any quality in
property that causes it to damage or
destroy itself;
(c) Smog, rust or other corrosion, mold,
wet or dry rot;
(d) Smoke from agricultural smudging or
industrial operations;
(e) Discharge, dispersal, seepage, mi-
gration release or escape of pollut-
ants unless the discharge, dispersal,
seepage, migration, release or es-
cape is itself caused by a Peril In-
sured Against named under Cover-
age C.
Pollutants means any solid, liquid,
gaseous or thermal irritant or con-
taminant, including smoke, vapor,
soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, chemicals
and waste. Waste includes materials
to be recycled, reconditioned or re-
(f) Settling, shrinking, bulging or expan-
sion, including resultant cracking, of
bulkheads, pavements, patios, foot-
ings, foundations, walls, floors, roofs
or ceilings; or
(g) Birds, vermin, rodents, insects or
domestic animals.
Exception To c.(8)
Unless the loss is otherwise excluded, we
cover loss to property covered under Coverage
A or B resulting from an accidental discharge
or overflow of “water” or steam from within a:
(i) Storm drain, or “water”, steam or sewer
pipe, off the “Described Location”; or
(ii) Plumbing, heating, air conditioning or auto-
matic fire protective sprinkler system or
household appliance on the “Described Lo-
cation”. This includes the cost to tear out
and replace any part of a building, or other
structure, on the “Described Location”, but
only when necessary to repair the system
or appliance. However, such tear out and
replacement coverage only applies to other
structures if the “water” or steam causes
actual damage to a building on the “De-
scribed Location”.
We do not cover loss to the system or appli-
ance from which this “water” or steam es-
For the purposes of this provision, a plumbing
system or household appliance does not in-
clude a sump, sump pump or related equip-
ment or roof drain, gutter, down spout or simi-
lar fixtures or equipment.
General Exclusion A.3. “Water” Damage, Para-
graphs a. and c. that apply to surface “water” and
“water” below the surface of ground do not apply
to loss by “water” covered under c.(8) above.
Under 2.b. and c. above, any ensuing loss to
property described in Coverages A and B not ex-
cluded or excepted in this policy is covered.
B. Coverage C – Personal Property
We insure for direct physical loss to the property
described in Coverage C caused by a peril listed
below unless the loss is excluded in the General
1. Fire Or Lightning
2. Windstorm Or Hail
This peril does not include loss to:
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a. Property contained in a building caused by
rain, snow, sleet, sand or dust unless the
direct force of wind or hail damages the
building causing an opening in a roof or wall
and the rain, snow, sleet, sand or dust en-
ters through this opening;
b. Canoes and rowboats; or
c. Trees, shrubs or plants.
3. Explosion
4. Riot Or Civil Commotion
5. Aircraft
This peril includes self-propelled missiles and
6. Vehicles, meaning impact from a vehicle, but
not including damage to the vehicle itself.
7. Smoke
This peril means sudden and accidental dam-
age from smoke, including the emission or
puffback of smoke, soot, fumes or vapors from
a boiler, furnace or related equipment.
This peril does not include loss caused by
smoke from agricultural smudging or industrial
8. Vandalism Or Malicious Mischief
This peril does not include loss by pilferage,
theft, burglary or larceny.
9. Damage By Burglars
a. This peril means damage to covered prop-
erty caused by burglars.
b. This peril does not include:
(1) Theft of property; or
(2) Damage caused by burglars to property
on the “Described Location” if the dwell-
ing has been vacant for more than 60
consecutive days immediately before
the damage occurs. A dwelling being
constructed is not considered vacant.
10. Falling Objects
This peril does not include loss to property
contained in the building unless the roof or an
outside wall of the building is first damaged by
a falling object. Damage to the falling object it-
self is not covered.
11. Weight Of Ice, Snow Or Sleet
This peril means weight of ice, snow or sleet
which causes damage to property contained in
the building.
12. Accidental Discharge Or Overflow Of
“Water” Or Steam
a. This peril means accidental discharge or
overflow of “water” or steam from within a
plumbing, heating, air conditioning or auto-
matic fire protective sprinkler system or
from within a household appliance.
b. This peril does not include loss:
(1) To the system or appliance from which
the “water” or steam escaped;
(2) Caused by or resulting from freezing
except as provided in Peril Insured
Against 14. Freezing; or
(3) On the “Described Location” caused by
accidental discharge or overflow which
occurs off the “Described Location”.
(4) Caused by or consisting of mold, “fungi”
or wet rot unless hidden within the walls
or ceilings or beneath the floors or
above the ceilings of a structure.
c. In this peril, a plumbing system or house-
hold appliance does not include a sump,
sump pump or related equipment; or a roof
drain, gutter, downspout or similar fixtures
or equipment.
d. General Exclusion A.3. “Water” Damage,
Paragraphs a. and c. that apply to surface
“water” and “water” below the surface of the
ground do not apply to loss by “water” cov-
ered under this peril.
13. Sudden And Accidental Tearing Apart,
Cracking, Burning Or Bulging
This peril means sudden and accidental tear-
ing apart, cracking, burning or bulging of a
steam or hot “water” heating system, an air
conditioning or automatic fire protective sprin-
kler system, or an appliance for heating “wa-
We do not cover loss caused by or resulting
from freezing except as provided in the peril of
freezing below.
14. Freezing
a. This peril means freezing of a plumbing,
heating, air conditioning or automatic fire
protective sprinkler system or of a house-
hold appliance but only if you have used
reasonable care to:
(1) Maintain heat in the building; or
(2) Shut off the “water” supply and drain all
systems and appliances of “water”.
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However, if the building is protected by an
automatic fire protective sprinkler system,
you must use reasonable care to continue
the “water” supply and maintain heat in the
building for coverage to apply.
b. In this peril, a plumbing system or house-
hold appliance does not include a sump,
sump pump or related equipment; or a roof
drain, gutter, downspout or similar fixtures
or equipment.
15. Sudden And Accidental Damage From
Artificially Generated Electrical Current
This peril does not include loss to tubes, tran-
sistors, electronic components or circuitry that
are a part of appliances, fixtures, computers,
home entertainment units or other types of
electronic apparatus.
16. Volcanic Eruption
This peril does not include loss caused by
earthquake, land shock waves or tremors.
A. We do not insure for loss caused directly or indi-
rectly by any of the following. Such loss is ex-
cluded regardless of any other cause or event
contributing concurrently or in any sequence to the
loss. These exclusions apply whether or not the
loss event results in widespread damage or af-
fects a substantial area.
1. Ordinance Or Law
Ordinance Or Law means any ordinance or
a. Requiring or regulating the construction,
demolition, remodeling, renovation or repair
of property, including removal of any result-
ing debris. This Exclusion A.1.a. does not
apply to the amount of coverage that may
be provided under Other Coverage 9. Or-
dinance Or Law;
b. The requirements of which result in a loss
in value to property; or
c. Requiring you or others to test for, monitor,
clean up, remove, contain, treat, detoxify or
neutralize, or in any way respond to, or as-
sess the effects of, pollutants.
Pollutants means any solid, liquid, gaseous
or thermal irritant or contaminant, including
smoke, vapor, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis,
chemicals and waste. Waste includes ma-
terials to be recycled, reconditioned or re-
This Exclusion A.1. applies whether or not the
property has been physically damaged.
2. Earth Movement
Earth Movement means:
a. Earthquake, including land shock waves or
tremors before, during or after a volcanic
b. Landslide, mudslide or mudflow;
c. Subsidence or sinkhole; or
d. Any other earth movement including earth
sinking, rising or shifting; including any
natural or artificially created loss of any kind
attributable in whole or in part to any move-
ment of the earth or soil, whether on or off –
the “Described Location” that is caused by,
resulting from, contributed to or aggravated
by rain or snow, including runoff from same.
caused by or resulting from human or animal
forces or any act of nature unless direct loss by
fire or explosion ensues and then we will pay
only for the ensuing loss.
3. “Water” Damage
“Water” Damage means:
a. Flood, surface “water”, waves, tidal “water”,
overflow of a body of “water” or spray from
any of these, whether or not driven by wind;
b. “Water” or water-borne material which
backs up through sewers or drains or which
overflows or is discharged from a sump,
sump pump or related equipment; or
c. “Water” or water-borne material below the
surface of the ground, including ““water”
which exerts pressure on or seeps or leaks
through a building, sidewalk, driveway,
foundation, swimming pool or other struc-
caused by or resulting from human or animal
forces or any act of nature.
Direct loss by fire or explosion resulting from
““water” damage is covered.
4. Power Failure
Power Failure means the failure of power or
other utility service if the failure takes place off
the “Described Location”. But if the failure of
power or other utility service results in a loss,
from a Peril Insured Against on the “Described
Location”, we will pay for the loss caused by
that Peril Insured Against.
5. Neglect
Neglect means your neglect to use all reason-
able means to save and preserve property at
and after the time of a loss.
6. War
War includes the following and any conse-
quence of any of the following:
a. Undeclared war, civil war, insurrection,
rebellion or revolution;
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b. Warlike act by a military force or military
c. Destruction or seizure or use for a military
Discharge of a nuclear weapon will be deemed
a warlike act even if accidental.
7. Nuclear Hazard
This Exclusion A.7. pertains to Nuclear Hazard
to the extent set forth in the Nuclear Hazard
Clause of the Conditions.
8. Intentional Loss
Intentional Loss means any loss arising out of
any act you or any person or organization
named as an additional “insured” commits or
conspires to commit with the intent to cause a
In the event of such loss, neither you nor any
such person or organization is entitled to cov-
erage, even those who did not commit or con-
spire to commit the act causing the loss.
9. Governmental Action
Governmental Action means the destruction,
confiscation or seizure of property described in
A, B or C by order of any governmental or pub-
lic authority.
This exclusion does not apply to such acts or-
dered by any governmental or public authority
that are taken at the time of a fire to prevent its
spread, if the loss caused by fire would be cov-
ered under this policy.
B. We do not insure for loss to property described in
Coverages A and B caused by any of the follow-
ing. However, any ensuing loss to property de-
scribed in Coverages A and B not precluded by
any other provision in this policy is covered.
1. Weather conditions. However, this exclusion
only applies if weather conditions contribute in
any way with a cause or event excluded in A.
above to produce the loss.
2. Acts or decisions, including the failure to act or
decide, of any person, group, organization or
governmental body.
3. Faulty, inadequate or defective:
a. Planning, zoning, development, surveying,
b. Design, specifications, workmanship, re-
pair, construction, renovation, remodeling,
grading, compaction;
c. Materials used in repair, construction, reno-
vation or remodeling; or
d. Maintenance;
of part or all of any property whether on or off
the “Described Location”.
Section I
A. Policy Period
This policy applies only to loss which occurs dur-
ing the policy period.
B. Insurable Interest And Limit Of Liability
Even if more than one person has an insurable in-
terest in the property covered, we will not be liable
in any one loss:
1. For an amount greater than the interest of a
person insured under this policy at the time of
loss; or
2. For more than the applicable limit of liability.
C. Concealment Or Fraud
We provide coverage to no persons insured under
this policy if, whether before or after a loss, one or
more persons insured under this policy have:
Intentionally concealed or misrepresented any
material fact or circumstance;
2. Engaged in fraudulent conduct; or
3. Made false statements;
relating to this insurance.
D. Duties After Loss
In case of a loss to covered property, we have no
duty to provide coverage under this policy if the
failure to comply with the following duties is preju-
dicial to us. These duties must be performed ei-
ther by you or your representative:
1. Give prompt notice to us or our agent;
2. Protect the property from further damage. In
the event of a “water” loss, you must immedi-
ately take all reasonable and necessary steps
to dry the property and protect the property
from “contamination” of mold or “fungi”. If re-
pairs to the property are required, you must:
a. Make reasonable and necessary repairs to
protect the property; and
b. Keep an accurate record of repair ex-
3. Cooperate with us in the investigation of a
4. Prepare an inventory of damaged personal
property showing the quantity, description, ac-
tual cash value and amount of loss. Attach all
bills, receipts and related documents that jus-
tify the figures in the inventory;
5. As often as we reasonably require:
a. Show the damaged property;
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b. Provide us with records and documents we
request and permit us to make copies; and
c. Submit to examination under oath, while not
in the presence of another named insured,
and sign the same;
6. Send to us, within 60 days after our request,
your signed, sworn proof of loss which sets
forth to the best of your knowledge and belief:
a. The time and cause of loss;
b. Your interest and that of all others in the
property involved and all liens on the prop-
c. Other insurance which may cover the loss;
d. Changes in title or occupancy of the prop-
erty during the term of the policy;
e. Specifications of damaged buildings and
detailed repair estimates;
f. The inventory of damaged personal prop-
erty described in D.4.;
g. Receipts for additional living expenses
incurred and records that support the fair
rental value loss.
E. Loss Settlement
In this Condition E., the terms "cost to repair or re-
place" and "replacement cost" do not include the
increased costs incurred to comply with the en-
forcement of any ordinance or law except to the
extent that coverage for these increased costs is
provided in Other Coverage 9. Ordinance Or Law.
Covered property losses are settled as follows:
1. Property of the following types:
a. Personal property;
b. Awnings, carpeting, household appliances,
outdoor antennas and outdoor equipment,
whether or not attached to buildings; and
c. Structures that are not buildings;
at actual cash value at the time of loss but not
more than the amount required to repair or re-
2. Buildings under Coverage A or B at replace-
ment cost without deduction for depreciation,
subject to the following:
a. If, at the time of loss, the amount of insur-
ance in this policy on the damaged building
is 80% or more of the full replacement cost
of the building immediately before the loss,
we will pay the cost to repair or replace, af-
ter application of any deductible and without
deduction for depreciation, but not more
than the least of the following amounts:
(1) The limit of liability under this policy that
applies to the building;
(2) The replacement cost of that part of the
building damaged with material of like
kind and quality and for like use; or
(3) The necessary amount actually spent to
repair or replace the damaged building.
If the building is rebuilt at a new premises,
the cost described in (2) above is limited to
the cost which would have been incurred if
the building had been built at the original
b. If, at the time of loss, the amount of insur-
ance in this policy on the damaged building
is less than 80% of the full replacement
cost of the building immediately before the
loss, we will pay the greater of the following
amounts, but not more than the limit of li-
ability under this policy that applies to the
(1) The actual cash value of that part of the
building damaged; or
(2) That proportion of the cost to repair or
replace, after application of deductible
and without deduction for depreciation,
that part of the building damaged, which
the total amount of insurance in this pol-
icy on the damaged building bears to
80% of the replacement cost of the
c. To determine the amount of insurance
required to equal 80% of the full replace-
ment cost of the building immediately be-
fore the loss, do not include the value of:
Excavations, footings, foundations, piers
or any other structures or devices that
support all or part of the building, which
are below the undersurface of the low-
est basement floor;
(2) Those supports in (1) above which are
below the surface of the ground inside
the foundation walls, if there is no
basement; and
(3) Underground flues, pipes, wiring and
d. We will pay no more than the actual cash
value of the damage until actual repair or
replacement is complete. Once actual re-
pair or replacement is complete, we will set-
tle the loss as noted in 2.a. and b. above.
However, if the cost to repair or replace the
damage is both:
(1) Less than 5% of the amount of insur-
ance in this policy on the building; and
(2) Less than $2,500;
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we will settle the loss as noted in 2.a. and
b. above whether or not actual repair or re-
placement is complete.
e. You may disregard the replacement cost
loss settlement provisions and make claim
under this policy for loss to buildings on an
actual cash value basis. You may then
make claim for any additional liability ac-
cording to the provisions of this Condition
E. Loss Settlement, provided you notify us
of your intent to do so within 180 days after
the date of loss.
F. Loss To A Pair Or Set
In case of loss to a pair or set we may elect to:
1. Repair or replace any part to restore the pair or
set to its value before the loss; or
2. Pay the difference between actual cash value
of the property before and after the loss.
G. Appraisal
If you and we fail to agree on the amount of loss,
either may demand an appraisal of the loss. In this
event, each party will choose a competent and
impartial appraiser within 20 days after receiving a
written request from the other. The two appraisers
will choose an umpire. If they cannot agree upon
an umpire within 15 days, you or we may request
that the choice be made by a judge of a court of
record in the state where the “Described Location”
is located. The appraisers will separately set the
amount of loss. If the appraisers submit a written
report of an agreement to us, the amount agreed
upon will be the amount of loss. If they fail to
agree, they will submit their differences to the um-
pire. A decision agreed to by any two will set the
amount of loss.
Each party will:
1. Pay its own appraiser; and
2. Bear the other expenses of the appraisal and
umpire equally.
H. Other Insurance And Service Agreement
If property covered by this policy is also covered
1. Other fire insurance, we will pay only the pro-
portion of a loss caused by any peril insured
against under this policy that the limit of liability
applying under this policy bears to the total
amount of fire insurance covering the property;
2. A service agreement, this insurance is excess
over any amounts payable under any such
agreement. Service agreement means a ser-
vice plan, property restoration plan, home war-
ranty or other similar service warranty agree-
ment, even if it is characterized as insurance.
I. Subrogation
You may waive in writing before a loss all rights of
recovery against any person. If not waived, we
may require an assignment of rights of recovery
for a loss to the extent that payment is made by
If an assignment is sought, the person insured
must sign and deliver all related papers and coop-
erate with us.
J. Suit Against Us
No action can be brought against us unless there
has been full compliance with all of the terms un-
der this policy and the action is started within two
years after the date of loss.
K. Our Option
If we give you written notice within 30 days after
we receive your signed, sworn proof of loss, we
may repair or replace any part of the damaged
property with material or property of like kind and
L. Loss Payment
We will adjust all losses with you. We will pay you
unless some other person is named in the policy
or is legally entitled to receive payment. Loss will
be payable 60 days after we receive your proof of
loss and:
1. Reach an agreement with you;
2. There is an entry of a final judgment; or
3. There is a filing of an appraisal award with us.
M. Abandonment Of Property
We need not accept any property abandoned by
N. Mortgage Clause
1. If a mortgagee is named in this policy, any loss
payable under Coverage A or B will be paid to
the mortgagee and you, as interests appear. If
more than one mortgagee is named, the order
of payment will be the same as the order of
precedence of the mortgages.
2. If we deny your claim, that denial will not apply
to a valid claim of the mortgagee, if the mort-
a. Notifies us of any change in ownership,
occupancy or substantial change in risk of
which the mortgagee is aware;
b. Pays any premium due under this policy on
demand if you have neglected to pay the
premium; and
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c. Submits a signed, sworn statement of loss
within 60 days after receiving notice from us
of your failure to do so. Policy conditions re-
lating to Paragraphs G. Appraisal, J. Suit
Against Us and L. Loss Payment also apply
to the mortgagee.
3. If we decide to cancel or not to renew this
policy, the mortgagee will be notified at least
10 days before the date cancellation or nonre-
newal takes effect.
4. If we pay the mortgagee for any loss and deny
payment to you:
a. We are subrogated to all the rights of the
mortgagee granted under the mortgage on
the property; or
b. At our option, we may pay to the mortgagee
the whole principal on the mortgage plus
any accrued interest. In this event, we will
receive a full assignment and transfer of the
mortgage and all securities held as collat-
eral to the mortgage debt.
5. Subrogation will not impair the right of the
mortgagee to recover the full amount of the
mortgagee's claim.
O. No Benefit To Bailee
We will not recognize any assignment or grant any
coverage that benefits a person or organization
holding, storing or moving property for a fee re-
gardless of any other provision of this policy.
P. Cancellation
1. You may cancel this policy at any time by re-
turning it to us or by letting us know in writing
of the date cancellation is to take effect.
2. We may cancel this policy only for the reasons
stated below by letting you know in writing of
the date cancellation takes effect. This cancel-
lation notice may be delivered to you, or mailed
to you at your mailing address shown in the
Declarations. Proof of mailing will be sufficient
proof of notice.
a. When you have not paid the premium, we
may cancel at any time by letting you know
at least 10 days before the date cancella-
tion takes effect.
b. When this policy has been in effect for less
than 60 days and is not a renewal with us,
we may cancel for any reason by letting you
know at least 10 days before the date can-
cellation takes effect.
c. When this policy has been in effect for 60
days or more, or at any time if it is a re-
newal with us, we may cancel:
(1) If there has been a material misrepre-
sentation of fact which if known to us
would have caused us not to issue the
policy; or
(2) If the risk has changed substantially
since the policy was issued.
This can be done by letting you know at
least 30 days before the date cancellation
takes effect.
d. When this policy is written for a period of
more than one year, we may cancel for any
reason at anniversary by letting you know
at least 30 days before the date cancella-
tion takes effect.
3. When this policy is canceled, you may be enti-
tled to a premium refund or owe the company
for unpaid earned premium and/or fees. The
premium refund or balance due, if any, will be
calculated as follows:
(a) If a cancellation is initiated by the com-
pany for underwriting reasons or by you
due to company or agent error, earned
premium shall be computed pro rata:
(b) If cancellation is for any other reason, in-
cluding cancellation for non-payment of
premium, the earned premium shall be
computed pro rata and the company shall
retain a cancellation fee.
4. If the return premium is not refunded with the
notice of cancellation or when this policy is re-
turned to us, we will refund it within a reason-
able time after the date cancellation takes ef-
Q. Nonrenewal
We may elect not to renew this policy. We may do
so by delivering to you, or mailing to you at your
mailing address shown in the Declarations, written
notice at least 30 days before the expiration date
of this policy. Proof of mailing will be sufficient
proof of notice.
R. Liberalization Clause
If we make a change which broadens coverage
under this edition of our policy without additional
premium charge, that change will automatically
apply to your insurance as of the date we imple-
ment the change in your state, provided that this
implementation date falls within 60 days prior to or
during the policy period stated in the Declarations.
This Liberalization Clause does not apply to
changes implemented with a general program re-
vision that includes both broadenings and restric-
tions in coverage, whether that general program
revision is implemented through introduction of:
1. A subsequent edition of this policy; or
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2. An amendatory endorsement.
S. Waiver Or Change Of Policy Provisions
A waiver or change of a provision of this policy
must be in writing by us to be valid. Our request
for an appraisal or examination will not waive any
of our rights.
T. Assignment
Assignment of this policy will not be valid unless
we give our written consent.
U. Death
If you die, we insure:
1. Your legal representatives but only with re-
spect to the property of the deceased covered
under the policy at the time of death;
2. With respect to your property, the person hav-
ing proper temporary custody of the property
until appointment and qualification of a legal
V. Nuclear Hazard Clause
1. "Nuclear Hazard" means any nuclear reaction,
radiation or radioactive “contamination”, all
whether controlled or uncontrolled or however
caused, or any consequence of any of these.
2. Loss caused by the nuclear hazard will not be
considered loss caused by fire, explosion, or
smoke, whether these perils are specifically
named in or otherwise included within the Per-
ils Insured Against.
3. This policy does not apply to loss caused di-
rectly or indirectly by nuclear hazard, except
that direct loss by fire resulting from the nu-
clear hazard is covered.
W. Recovered Property
If you or we recover any property for which we
have made payment under this policy, you or we
will notify the other of the recovery. At your option,
the property will be returned to or retained by you
or it will become our property. If the recovered
property is returned to or retained by you, the loss
payment will be adjusted based on the amount
you received for the recovered property.
X. Volcanic Eruption Period
One or more volcanic eruptions that occur within a
72-hour period will be considered as one volcanic
Y. Loss Payable Clause
If the Declarations show a loss payee for certain
listed insured personal property, that person is
considered an “insured” in this policy with respect
to that property.
If we decide to cancel or not renew this policy, that
loss payee will be notified in writing.
Z. Adjustments to Coverage Limits
The limits of liability for Coverages A, B, C, and D
of this policy, as stated in the Declarations, repre-
sent our maximum limit of liability, except adjust-
ments may be made upon each renewal date of
this policy. The maximum limit of liability for Cov-
erage A may be adjusted upon renewal of this pol-
icy to an amount we estimate to be 100% of the
replacement cost of the dwelling. However, we
will not lower the Coverage A limit without your
consent. The maximum limit of liability for Cover-
ages B, C and D will be adjusted in the same pro-
portion as the adjustment to Coverage A. The ad-
justed limits of liability for Coverages A, B, C and
D will be shown in the Declarations and rounded to
the next highest $100.