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This Confidentiality, Noncompetition, and Invention Assignment Agreement (“Agreement”) is made by and
between Amazon.com, Inc., a Delaware corporation, and ___________________________________
A. Employee enters into this Agreement in connection with Employee’s acceptance of employment with
Amazon.com, Inc. or its subsidiary or affiliate, and any future employment with Amazon.com, Inc. or
another of its subsidiaries or affiliates (depending on the circumstances, each an “Employer”);
B. As used in this Agreement, Amazonmeans Amazon.com, Inc. and any entity that controls, is controlled
by, or is under common control with Amazon.com, Inc., including without limitation its subsidiaries and
C. Employee’s acceptance of this Agreement is an express condition of Employee’s employment with
Employer, and is made by Employee in consideration of such employment, including the compensation,
benefits and confidential information provided now and in the future to Employee by Employer, which
Employee acknowledges are of significant benefit to Employee; and
D. Employee’s continued employment with Employer is expressly conditioned on Employee’s good faith
agreement to comply with this Agreement.
In consideration of the above Recitals, which are incorporated herein, the promises and covenants below, and
other valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which is acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:
1. TERM. This Agreement, including Sections 3, 4, and 5, contains obligations that apply during Employee’s
employment and for specified periods after the date Employee’s employment ends (“Separation Date”),
regardless of the reason for separation or whether it was voluntary or involuntary.
2. ATTENTION AND EFFORT. During employment, Employee will devote Employee’s entire productive time,
ability, attention, and effort to furthering Amazon’s best interests and will not (without Amazon’s prior
written consent) carry on any separate professional or other gainful employment, including self-
employment and contract work.
3.1 Confidentiality and Confidential Information. Employee will obtain, receive, or gain access to
Confidential Information (as defined below) in connection with Employee’s work for Amazon. During
employment and at all times thereafter, Employee will hold all Confidential Information in strictest
confidence and will not acquire, use, publish, disclose, or communicate any Confidential Information
except as required in connection with Employee’s work without the prior written approval of an
authorized officer of Amazon. For purposes of this Agreement, “Confidential Information means
proprietary or confidential information of Amazon in whatever form, tangible or intangible, whether or
not marked or otherwise designated as confidential, that is not otherwise generally known to the
public, relating or pertaining to Amazon’s business, projects, products, customers, suppliers, inventions,
or trade secrets, including but not limited to: business and financial information; Amazon techniques,
technology, practices, operations, and methods of conducting business; information technology
systems and operations; algorithms, software, and other computer code; published and unpublished
know-how, whether patented or unpatented; information concerning the identities of Amazon’s
business partners and clients or potential business partners and clients, including names, addresses, and
contact information; customer information, including prices paid, buying history and habits, needs, and
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the methods of fulfilling those needs; supplier names, addresses, and pricing; and Amazon pricing
policies, marketing strategies, research projects or developments, products, legal affairs, and future
plans relating to any aspect of Amazon’s present or anticipated businesses. “Confidential Information”
does not include the terms and conditions of Employee’s own employment.
3.2 Prevention of Unauthorized Release of Confidential Information. Employee will take reasonable
measures to prevent unauthorized persons or entities from obtaining, receiving, or gaining access to
any Confidential Information in Employee’s possession or control.
3.3 Confidential Information of Third Parties. Employee will preserve as confidential any information that
Employee learns or obtains from a third party or relating to a third party (such as a client, customer,
affiliate, partner, or vendor) that is not readily available to the public or that Amazon is obligated to
treat as confidential, and Employee will treat such information as Confidential Information.
3.4 Return of Confidential Documents. On the Separation Date, or at any time otherwise requested by
Amazon, Employee will immediately return all Confidential Information and other things belonging to
Amazon, including tools, equipment, devices, or other property, and all documents, records, notebooks,
and tangible articles containing or embodying any Confidential Information, including any copies
(whether stored in paper, electronic, magnetic, or other form) then in Employee’s possession or
control, whether prepared by Employee or others.
4.1 Non-Competition. During employment and for 18 months after the Separation Date, Employee will not,
directly or indirectly, whether on Employee’s own behalf or on behalf of any other entity (for example,
as an employee, agent, partner, or consultant), engage in or support the development, manufacture,
marketing, or sale of any product or service that competes or is intended to compete with any product
or service sold, offered, or otherwise provided by Amazon (or intended to be sold, offered, or otherwise
provided by Amazon in the future) that Employee worked on or supported, or about which Employee
obtained or received Confidential Information.
4.2 Non-Solicitation. During employment and for 18 months after the Separation Date, Employee will not,
directly or indirectly, whether on Employee’s own behalf or on behalf of any other entity (for example,
as an employee, agent, partner, or consultant): (a) accept or solicit business from any Customer of any
product or service that Employee worked on or supported, or about which Employee obtained or
received Confidential Information; or (b) encourage any Customer or Business Partner to cease doing
business with Amazon or to terminate or limit an existing relationship or arrangement with Amazon. For
purposes of this Agreement, Customermeans any individual or entity that was a customer or client of
Amazon during Employee’s employment, or with which Amazon engaged in discussions before the
Separation Date related to the possibility that such party might become a customer or client of Amazon,
and Business Partnermeans any individual or entity with which, before the Separation Date, Amazon
was involved in any business arrangement or engaged in discussions regarding the possibility of
entering into such an arrangement.
4.3 Non-Interference. During employment and for 12 months after the Separation Date, Employee will not,
directly or indirectly, whether on Employee’s own behalf or on behalf of any other entity (for example,
as an employee, agent, partner, or consultant): (a) solicit or otherwise encourage any employee,
contractor, or consultant of Amazon (“Amazon Personnel”) to terminate any employment or
contractual relationship with Amazon; (b) disclose information to any other individual or entity about
Amazon Personnel that could be used to solicit or otherwise encourage Amazon Personnel to form new
business relationships with that or another individual or entity; or (c) otherwise interfere with the
performance by current or former Amazon Personnel of their obligations or responsibilities to Amazon.
Nothing in this Section 4.3 restricts Employee from exercising rights protected under the National Labor
Relations Act.
4.4 Reasonableness of Restrictions. Employee recognizes that the restrictions in this Section 4 may
significantly limit Employee’s future flexibility in many ways. For example, the restriction in Section 4.1
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will bar Employee, for 18 months after the Separation Date, from accepting certain competitive
opportunities. Employee further recognizes that the geographic areas for many of Amazon’s products
and services and, by extension, the geographic areas applicable to certain restrictions in this Section 4
are extremely broad and in many cases worldwide. Employee agrees and acknowledges that the
restrictions in this Section 4 are reasonable in scope, area, and duration, and will not result in any undue
hardship for Employee.
5.1 Copyrights. All copyrightable works prepared by Employee within the scope of employment are works
made for hire. Employer will own all rights under copyright in and to such works, and Employer will be
considered the author of such works. If and to the extent that any such works are deemed not to
constitute a work made for hire, and with respect to any other works that Employee prepares during
working hours or using Amazon resources, Employee hereby irrevocably assigns to Employer all right,
title, and interest in and to such work. To the extent any of Employee’s rights in such works, including
any moral rights, are not capable of assignment under applicable law, Employee hereby irrevocably and
unconditionally waives all enforcement of those rights to the maximum extent permitted under
applicable law.
5.2 Inventions. Employee will make prompt and full written disclosure to Employer, and hereby irrevocably
assigns exclusively to Employer, all of Employee’s rights, title, and interest in and to any and all
inventions, discoveries, designs, developments, concepts, techniques, procedures, algorithms, products,
improvements, business plans, and trade secrets (collectively, Inventions”) that Employee solely or
jointly may conceive, develop, reduce to practice, or otherwise produce during Employee’s
5.3 NOTICE Regarding Inventions. Any provision in this Agreement requiring Employee to assign rights in
Inventions does not and will not apply to any Invention for which no equipment, supplies, facilities, or
trade secret information of Employer was used and that was developed entirely on Employee’s own
time, unless (a) the Invention relates (i) directly to the business of Employer, or (ii) to Employer’s actual
or demonstrably anticipated research or development, or (b) the Invention results from any work
performed by Employee for Employer. This NOTICE Regarding Inventions will be interpreted in a
manner that complies with applicable state law.
5.4 Prior Inventions. As to any Invention in which Employee has an interest at any time, if Employee uses or
incorporates such an Invention in any released or unreleased Amazon product, service, program,
process, development, or work in progress, or if Employee permits Amazon so to use or incorporate
such an Invention, or if such an Invention pertains to Amazon business, Employee irrevocably grants (to
the extent Employee has authority to do so) a perpetual, royalty-free, fully paid up, worldwide license
to exercise any and all rights with respect to such Invention, including without limitation the right to
protect, make, have made, import, use, and sell that Invention without restriction and the right to
sublicense those rights to others (with the right to grant further sublicenses). This license will be
exclusive, subject only to any preexisting non-exclusive licenses or other pre-existing rights not subject
to Employee’s control.
5.5 Assistance. Employee will execute all documents and take all other actions reasonably requested by
Amazon in order to carry out and confirm the assignments contemplated by this Agreement, including
without limitation applications for patents, registered designs, certificates of authorship, and other
instruments or intellectual property protections appropriate to protect and enforce intellectual
property rights throughout the world. If Employee fails to execute, acknowledge, verify, or deliver any
such document reasonably requested by Amazon, Employee irrevocably appoints Amazon and its
authorized officers and agents as Employee’s agent and attorney-in-fact to act in Employee’s place to
execute, acknowledge, verify, and deliver any such document on Employee’s behalf. Employee’s
obligations under this Section 5.5 apply during employment and at all times thereafter.
6. DISCLOSURE OF RESTRICTIONS. Employee will disclose and provide a true and correct copy of this
Agreement to any prospective new employer, business partner, or investor BEFORE accepting employment
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or engaging in any business venture. Employee authorizes Amazon to provide a copy of this Agreement to
any new or prospective employer, business partner, or investor of Employee.
7.1 Third Party Beneficiaries. All Amazon entities, including without limitation Employer, are intended third
party beneficiaries of Employee’s covenants and promises in this Agreement, and have enforceable
rights and remedies under this Agreement.
7.2 Waiver. No waiver of any right or obligation under this Agreement will be valid unless in writing and
signed by an authorized officer of Amazon. No waiver by Amazon of any breach of this Agreement will
be a waiver of any preceding or succeeding breach. No waiver by Amazon of any right or obligation
under this Agreement will be construed as a waiver of any other right or obligation. Amazon will not be
required to give prior notice to enforce strict adherence to all terms of this Agreement.
7.3 Governing Law and Jurisdiction. This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with
the laws of the State of Washington, excluding its choice of law provisions. Each party irrevocably
consents to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the state and federal courts located in King County,
Washington with respect to any action, claim, or proceeding arising out of or in connection with this
Agreement, with the exception of requests for temporary or preliminary injunctive relief, which may be
sought in any appropriate court with jurisdiction, but only if such relief could not be issued and made
immediately binding against the party sought to be enjoined by the state and federal courts located in
King County, Washington.
7.4 Remedies. Any breach of this Agreement may cause Amazon irreparable harm for which there is no
adequate remedy at law. As a result, Amazon will be entitled to the issuance by a court of competent
jurisdiction of an injunction, restraining order, or other equitable relief in favor of itself, without the
necessity of posting a bond, restraining Employee from committing or continuing to commit any such
violation. Any right to obtain an injunction, restraining order, or other equitable relief under this
Agreement will not be considered a waiver of any right to assert any other remedy Amazon may have at
law or in equity. Nothing in this Agreement will limit the remedies available to Amazon. The restrictions
in this Agreement are independent of any other provision of this Agreement and will be enforceable
whether or not Employee may have or purport to have any claim against Amazon.
7.5 Modification of Restrictions; Severability. Should a court of competent jurisdiction find that any
provision of this Agreement, or compliance by any of the parties with any provision of this Agreement,
is unlawful or unenforceable, such provision will be treated as narrowed to the extent required to make
it lawful and enforceable. If such modification is not possible, the unlawful or unenforceable provision
will be severed from the Agreement and the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect to
the maximum extent consistent with applicable law. If Employee breaches any post-employment
obligations to Amazon set forth in Section 4 of this Agreement, the applicable duration of such
obligation will be extended by a period of no less than the duration of the breaching conduct. This
Agreement should be interpreted in a way that provides the maximum protection to Amazon’s
Confidential Information and other business interests, and should not be interpreted against any party
as its drafter.
7.6 Survival of Covenants. The covenants and promises contained in Sections 3 through 7 of this
Agreement will survive after the Separation Date.
7.7 Assignment. This Agreement will bind and inure to the benefit of Employee and Amazon, and their
respective heirs, legal representatives, and permitted successors and assigns. The covenants and
promises of Employee under this Agreement are unique and personal. Accordingly, Employee may not
assign any of Employee’s rights or duties under this Agreement. Amazon.com, Inc. may assign this
Agreement, without notice to Employee. Employee consents to such assignment and agrees and
acknowledges that all terms and conditions of this Agreement will remain in effect after any such
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7.8 Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire understanding between Employee and Amazon
with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement, and there are no representations, warranties,
promises, or undertakings other than those contained in this Agreement. No modification of or
amendment to this Agreement (except by a court under Section 7.5) will be effective unless in writing
and signed by both Employee and an authorized officer of Amazon.
7.9 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which will be
treated as an original, but all of which taken together will be treated as one and the same instrument.
follows: (a) Employee is not in possession or control of any document or other tangible thing that in any
way constitutes confidential, proprietary, or trade secret information of any third party (including any
former employer); (b) Employee is not subject to a non-competition agreement that precludes Employee’s
work for Amazon; (c) Employee has identified all confidentiality, proprietary information, non-solicitation,
or similar agreements or obligations Employee has with any third party, and Employee will not violate any
such agreements or obligations in the course of Employee’s work for Amazon; and (d) Employee will not use
or disclose any tangible or intangible information that constitutes a trade secret of any third party (including
any former employer) in the course of Employee’s employment, except pursuant to written authorization to
do so (e.g., a technology license between Amazon and the third party).
COUNSEL. Employee acknowledges with execution of this Agreement that: (a) Employee has carefully read
all of this Agreement’s terms and agrees they are necessary for the reasonable protection of the business of
Employer and Amazon; (b) Employer has been induced to employ Employee by Employee’s representation
that Employee will abide by and be bound by each of the covenants and restraints in this Agreement; and
(c) each and every covenant and restraint in this Agreement is reasonable. Employee acknowledges that
Employee has been advised by Amazon that Employee is entitled to have this Agreement reviewed by
counsel of Employee’s choice, and has either done so or elected to forgo such right.
HAVING READ AND FULLY UNDERSTOOD THIS AGREEMENT, a copy of which has been provided to Employee,
the parties execute this Agreement.
Name: Tony Galbato
Title: Vice President, Human Resources
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