As of 18 April 2023, amendments to the Recording of Evidence Regulation 2018 (QLD) will
provide for parties (including opposing parties) to share the cost of transcripts of their matters
if a transcript does not already exist.
While there is no obligation for parties to share transcripts costs, should parties wish to make
a joint request, parties should agree in advance:
to share transcript costs
determine the type of transcript to be requested
how quickly the transcript needs to be produced
the percentage of the total cost each party will pay.
One of the parties (or their legal representative) will submit request via QTranscripts
online ordering portal and select ‘yes’ in the Cost Sharing Details section of the order
A separate window will appear. Enter the details of each party sharing the cost of the
transcript and the percentage split of costs for each party by clicking the ‘Add’ button.
o Note! The correct verified email address of each party (the email address utilised to
login into QTranscripts) must be entered, otherwise QTranscripts will not accept the
As each party is entered via the “Add” button, their details will appear on the main
ordering page.
Complete and submit the transcript order form; once submitted, request status can be
viewed via the ‘My Activities’ section of QTranscripts.
Approved cost-sharing requests will be forwarded to the Transcript Service Provider
selected when submitting the transcript request who will then contact each party
regarding deposit amounts (based on percentage split per the transcript request) and
payment options.
o Note! TSP will not commence production of the transcript until all requestors
have paid their deposit and will cancel the request should all requestors have not
paid their deposit within 5 business days following receipt of deposit invoice
o Should a request be cancelled due to an outstanding deposit amount,
requestors who have paid deposits will receive a refund of deposit and a new
transcript request should be submitted.
TSP may not release the final transcript until all transcript fees have been paid by all
For further information regarding your obligations under a joint request for a transcript
please see the
Transcript Cost-Sharing policy
For further information regarding Transcript and Audio Request cancellations and
refunds, please see Deposits, Cancellations and Refunds policy
Each cost-sharing party to the request must be a party to the matter for which they are
requesting a transcript
Cost-sharing requests cannot be accepted where a transcript already exists or is in
production at the time the cost-sharing request is submitted, or for audio of
proceedings. In these instances, each party will be required to submit a separate
request and pay the regulated fee.
A party approved for a waiver of transcript fees due to a Financial Hardship cannot
enter in cost-sharing arrangement for the same transcript.
1. Why can’t I share the cost of a transcript that has already been produced?
The initial production of the transcript incurs the most expense.
Once transcript has been produced copies of the transcript are available to eligible people,
for payment of a regulated fee that is lower than the original transcription cost.
2. What happens if the other parties don’t agree to share?
If the parties cannot come to an agreement on cost sharing, then each will have to decide
whether they require a transcript, on the understanding that they will pay the full cost if they
are the first to request it.
3. Does cost sharing mean that each party pays an even share?
Not necessarily, the cost does not need to be split evenly between the joint applicants, but the
agreed portions must add up to 100% of the total cost.
4. What if the other parties don’t follow our agreement?
If one of the parties to the application does not pay their share as agreed the order must be
cancelled and those who have made payment will be refunded. This may also cause delays
in producing the transcript, because the Transcription Services Provider is unlikely to
commence work until a relevant deposit has been taken.
A cost sharing arrangement is not mandatory. It relies on mutual consent of the parties
to what is agreed, and to doing the things necessary to make a successful joint
Complex arrangements involving multiple parties, different application and payment
methods, and errors in the application process can all cause delays that impacts
whether the transcript is produced on time.
If required, a table that to assist parties to record important information about a cost-
sharing arrangement is below in Appendix 1.
Should you have any questions regarding cost sharing transcript requests please contact the
Recording and Transcription Services Team on 1800 842 122.
Appendix 1 Informal cost-share agreement
Relevant details for a cost-share agreement for transcription of a court proceeding
Name and date/s
of the proceeding
Turnaround time
(i.e. 24 hrs, 3 days, 5 days)
Transcript Type
(i.e. Hearing; Judgement)
Requestor Name
(fill as many columns as
necessary for all parties to
the agreement)
(Party submitting order in this
Email contact
Phone contact
Proportion of cost
(can be split to 0.01%, total
must equal 100%)
Date of agreement