(January 2016)
Marketing Department
Kelley School of Business
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405
(812) 855-1152
1984 Ph.D. Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
Marketing - Major Concentration
Econometrics - Minor Concentration
1977 Master of Business Administration
University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas
Marketing - Major Concentration
1975 Bachelor of Arts and Science (with honors)
University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
2008-present Indiana University, Professor
2001-2008 Indiana University, Professor and Ford Teaching Faculty Fellow
1998-2001 Indiana University, Associate Professor and Coordinator of
the Integrative Core (I-Core), and Ford Teaching Faculty Fellow
1992-1998 Indiana University, Associate Professor
1991-1992 Aarhus University, Denmark, Visiting Associate Professor
1984-1990 Indiana University, Assistant Professor
1983-1984 Purdue University, Research Assistant
1980-1983 Purdue University, Teaching Assistant
Distribution Manager, Frito Lay, Incorporated. I had responsibility for shipment of over
50,000 cases each week to sales distribution centers throughout the United States. I
supervised six managers and over 100 hourly employees.
Customer Coordinator, Schneider Transport. I had responsibility for coordination of pick-up
and delivery of product from the manufacturer to the retailer throughout the United States.
Courses Taught at Indiana University
Pricing (MBA) (Presently)
Marketing Productivity and Performance (Presently)
Strategic Marketing Management for Kelley Direct (Presently)
Pricing for Kelley Direct (Presently)
Marketing in the MBA Core
Marketing Management in the Integrated Core (Undergraduate)
Marketing Management for Non-business Majors
Marketing Research (Undergraduate and MBA)
Retail Management (Undergraduate)
Teaching Interests
Marketing Management, Pricing, and Marketing Research, and Marketing Strategy
Teaching Awards
MBA Distinguished Teaching Award 2015
SKKU Teaching Excellence Award 2015
MBA Professor of the Year Award 2015
MBA Distinguished Teaching Award 2014
Indiana University Trustee Teaching Award 2014
MBA Distinguished Teaching Award 2013
Indiana University Trustee Teaching Award 2012
MBA Distinguished
Teaching Award
MBA Distinguished Teaching Award 2010
MBA Distinguished Teaching Award 2009
MBA Distinguished Teaching Award 2008
Indiana University Trustee Teaching Award 2008
MBA Distinguished
Teaching Award
Alpha Kappa Psi Teaching Award 2005
Alpha Kappa Psi Teaching
Award 2003
Alpha Kappa Psi Teaching Award 2002
Ford Teaching Faculty
Fellow 2002
Indiana University Trustee
Teaching Award 2002
Students’ Choice Award; Alumni Association 2002
Alpha Kappa Psi Teaching Award 2001
Ford Teaching Faculty
Fellow 2001
Indiana University Trustee
Teaching Award 2001
Alpha Kappa Psi Teaching Award 2000
Alpha Kappa Psi Teaching
Award 1999
Harry C. Sauvain Teaching
Award 1998
Teaching Excellence
Committee Teaching Award 1997
Alpha Kappa Psi Alumni
Teaching Award 1997
Alpha Kappa Psi Alumni
Teaching Award 1996
Teaching Excellence
Committee Teaching Award 1996
Schuyler Otteson Delta
Sigma Pi Teaching Award 1996
Alpha Kappa Psi Alumni
Teaching Award 1993
Dow Undergraduate
Teaching Award 1989
Outstanding Instructor, Krannert Graduate
School of Management,
Purdue University 1984
Outstanding Instructor, Purdue University 1982
Teaching Seminars
Invited speaker for School of Business Teaching Effectiveness Seminar, 1996,
1997, 1998, 2011
Teaching Evaluations
On a seven-point scale with a 7 being the best possible score, I regularly achieve around
6.5 to 6.7 on most items pertaining to instruction.
Executive Education
Scotts Lawn Care 2015
Myers Industries 2015
Akro-Mils 2015
Principle Consulting, Xiomen, China 2015
Dow AgroSciences 2008, 2014, 2015
Cook Corporation 2011-2013
American Medical Systems 2014
DAS Corporation Korea 2012
Carlisle 2010- 2015
Firestone Marketing and Innovation 2010
SPX Corporation Pricing 2008-2012, 2015
Thermo Fisher Scientific Strategic Thinking, Marketing and Product Commercialization
2009 and 2010
WellPoint Driving Top Line Revenue Growth 2009
Manitowoc Corporation Pricing 2007- 2008
3M Corporation, Planning for Growth 2007-2010
3M Corporation, Marketing Leadership Development Program, St. Paul, MN, 2002-2008
McCain Foods Pricing 2006-2008
Microsoft Corporation Channel Management and Marketing Value 2006-2008
The Dow Chemical Company, Marketing Value, 2005-2008
Ingersoll-Rand Corporation, Marketing Strategy for Innovation, 2009
Ingersoll-Rand Corporation, Driving Dramatic Growth, 2004-2008
Ingersoll-Rand Corporation, Advanced Pricing Workshop, 2005 – 2008
JD Irving Inc, Pricing 2008
Indiana Service Partnership Program, “Customer Driven Approaches for Achieving
Sustainable Profitable Growth,” Bloomington, IN, 2002
IBM, “Business Planning Process Workshop,” IBM Learning Center, Armonk, New York,
2001- 2006.
Army Air Force Exchange Program, “Category Management,” Dallas, Texas, October 2000.
Ashland Chemical Corporation “Insights on Outstanding Pricing,” Bloomington, Indiana,
September 1998.
“Category Management,” J.C. Penney Center for Retail Research and Education,
University of Florida, April 1998.
Harrisons and Crosfield PLC, “Sales Forecasting,” Bloomington, Indiana, October 1997.
“Assuming a Marketing Orientation,” Babolna, Hungary, May 1996, U.S.A.I.D. Program.
“Strategic Profit Model in Retailing,” Poznan, Poland, Nov. 1991, U.S.A.I.D. Program.
“Evaluation and Use of Marketing Research,” Marketing Management for Transit, Institute
for Urban Transportation, Bloomington, Indiana, November 1990.
“Evaluation and Use of Marketing Research,” Marketing Management for Transit, Institute
for Urban Transportation, Bloomington, Indiana, June 1989.
CONSULTANCIES (not all listed)
Myers Industries
Akro-Mills Inc
Dow AgroSciences
Vinvox Inc
Chemetall Corporation
Corning Cable
Lincoln Industries
Carlisle Corporation
Cook Corporation
SPX Corporation
3M Corporation
The Dow Chemical Company
Ingersoll Rand
McCain Foods
IBM Corporation
Indiana University Bookstore
Eli Lilly, Indianapolis, Indiana
Residential Services and Programs, Indiana University
Marsh Supermarkets, Inc, Indianapolis, Indiana
Agri Business Group, Indianapolis, Indiana
The Family Literacy Center, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
Dissertation Committees
Palmiera, Mauricio, “Criteria Instability and the Isolated Option Effect,” defended
March 26, 09.
Lim, Lewis,”Technology Versus Relations-Intensiveness in Pricing Capability
Building,” July 2007.
Cao, Wen, “Essays on Pricing Strategies in Markets with Heterogeneous
Consumers,” July 2006.
Monika Kukar-Kinney, “Consumer Response to Price Matching Guarantees: The
Moderating Role of Consumer and Retailer Characteristics.” She defended in
Bryan Lilly, “Theory and Empirical Research on New Product Pre-
Announcements,” (Chairman) completed August 1997.
Jeffrey Blodgett, “Consumer Complaining Behavior and Satisfaction with
Retailer Redress,” (Co-chairman) completed June 1992.
Bernice Stevens, “Consumer Attitudes Toward Information at the Point-of-Purchase,
(Member) completed May 1991.
Irene Foster, “Bundling and Entry in a Bertrand Model,” (Member) completed April
Raymond (Nick) Gerlich, “Modeling Retailer Acceptance of New Product Introductions
by Packaged Goods Manufacturers,” (Chairman) completed August 1990.
Lynn McGee, “Dealer Influence in Marketing Channels,” (Member) completed July
Donna Hill, “Consumer Use of Product Information in a Satisfaction Framework:
Information Consistency, Information Format, and Product Types,” (Member) completed
May 1989.
Orose Leelakulthanit, “The Relationship Between Life Satisfaction with Consumption of
Goods and Services in Thailand,” (Member) completed April 1989.
Independent Study (Masters)
Marsha Huff, “A Model of the Impact of Retail Promotion on Brand Sales,” 1993.
Leanne Barnett, “Determinant Attributes of Retail Patronage: The Case of Pizza Hut
Restaurants,” 1989.
Jonathan Morgan, “Critical Issues in Strategic Retail Management,” 1988.
Honors Thesis (Undergraduate Honors Program)
Robert Buchles, “Assessing the Marketing Strategies of Sports Tech Sporting Goods
Store,” 1986.
Published Articles at Refereed Journals
Walters, Rockney G. (with Monika Kukar-Kinney and Scott Mackenzie), “Consumer
Response to Characteristics of Price Matching Guarantees: The Moderating Role
of Price Consciousness,” Journal of Retailing, vol 83, 2 (2007), 211-221.
Walters, Rockney G. and Monika Kukar-Kinney, “Consumer Perceptions of Refund
Depth and Competitive Scope in Price-Matching Guarantees: Effects on Store
Patronage,” Journal of Retailing, Vol. 79 (2003), Number 3, 153 -160.
Walters, Rockney G. (with Maqbul Jamil), “Exploring the Relationships Between
Shopping Trip Type, Purchases of Products on Promotion and Shopping Basket
Profit,Journal of Business Research, Volume 56, Number 1, (2003), 17-29.
Walters, Rockney G. (with Maqbul Jamil), “Measuring Cross-Category Specials
Purchasing: Theory, Empirical Results, and Implications,” Journal of Marketing-
Focused Management, 5 (2002), 25-42.
Walters, Rockney G. (with S. Basuroy and M. Mantrala), “The Impact of Category
Management on Retailer Prices and Performance: Theory and Evidence,Journal
of Marketing, 65, (October 2001), 16-32.
Walters, Rockney G. (with Bryan Lilly), “New Products and Effective
Preannouncements: How to Sway Consumer Preference,” Journal of Marketing
Theory and Practice, 8, (Fall 2000), 1-9.
Walters, Rockney G. (with Bryan Lilly), “Toward a Model of New Product
Preannouncement Timing,” Journal of Product and Innovation Management,
(January 1997), Vol. 14, No. 1, 4-20.
Walters, Rockney G. (with W. Bommer), “Measuring the Impact of Product and
Promotion Related Factors on Product Category Price Elasticities,” Journal of
Business Research, (July 1996), Vol. 36, No. 3, 203-216.
Walters, Rockney G. (with Nicholas Gerlich and Oliver Heil), “Factors Influencing
Retailer Acceptance of New Packaged Goods: Some Comparisons Across New
Product Types,” Journal of Food Products Marketing, (Spring 1994), Vol. 2, No.
2, 65-92.
Walters, Rockney G. (with Jeff Blodgett and Donald Granbois), “The
Effects of Perceived Justice on Negative Word-of-Mouth and Repatronage
Intentions,” Journal of Retailing, (Winter 1993), Vol. 69, No. 4, 399-428.
Walters, Rockney G. (with Oliver Heil), “Explaining Competitive Reactions to New
Products: An Empirical Signaling Study,” Journal of Product and Innovation
Management, (January 1993), Vol. 10, No. 1, 53-65.
Walters, Rockney G. (with O. Leelakulthanit and Ralph Day), “Investigating the
Relationship Between Marketing and Overall Satisfaction with Life in a
Developing Country,” Journal of Macromarketing, (June 1991), Vol. 11, No. 1,
Walters, Rockney G., “Assessing the Impact of Retail Promotion on Product Substitution
and Complementary Purchase and Interstore Sales Displacement,” Journal of
Marketing, (April 1991), Vol. 55, No. 2, 17-28.
Walters, Rockney G. and Daniel McQuiston, “The Evaluative Criteria of Industrial
Buyers: Implications for Sales Training,” Journal of Business and Industrial
Marketing, (Summer/Fall 1989), Vol. 4, No. 2, 65-75.
Walters, Rockney G., “An Empirical Investigation into Retailer Response to
Manufacturer Trade Promotions,” Journal of Retailing, (Fall 1989), Vol. 65, No.
3 46-62.
Walters, Rockney G., “Retail Promotions and Retail Store Performance: A Test of Some
Key Hypotheses,Journal of Retailing, (Summer 1988), Vol. 64, No. 2, 153-80.
Walters, Rockney G. and Scott MacKenzie, “A Structural Equations Analysis of the
Impact of Price Promotion on Store Performance,” Journal of Marketing
Research, (February 1988), Vol. 25, No. 1, 51-63.
Walters, Rockney G. and Heikki Rinne, “An Empirical Investigation into the Impact of
Price Promotions on Retail Store Performance,” Journal of Retailing, (Fall 1986),
Vol. 62, No. 3, 237-66.
Working Papers
Walters, Rockney with Lewis Lim and Rebecca Slotegraaf, “Technology Versus
Relations-Intensiveness in Pricing Capability Building,” soon to be under first review at
an A journal.
Walters, Rockney, S. Basuroy, et al, “The Problem with Item Reduction: A Re-
examination and New Insights," to be under review at a top marketing journal.
Refereed Proceeding Papers
Walters, Rockney G. and Rosann Spiro, “The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating:
Measuring the Effects of Category Management,” (abstract), Recent Advances in
Retailer and Services Science, Telfs, Austria (June 1996).
Walters, Rockney G. and Daniel McQuiston (1989), “An Empirical Investigation of
Functional Role Evaluative Criteria in an Industrial Purchase Decision,” Journal
of Midwest Marketing, Vol. 4, No. 1 (Spring), 62-67.
Walters, Rockney G. (1989), “An Empirical Investigation into the Impact of Sales
Promotion on Manufacturer Profit,” in 1989 Educators' Conference Proceedings,
R. Winer et. al., eds., Chicago: American Marketing Association, (abstract).
Walters, Rockney G. and Deidre Bird (1987), “Logit and Probit Transformations:
Techniques for Market Segmentation,Cultural and Subcultural Developments in
Marketing, ed. Robert Pitts, Chicago: American Marketing Association, 116-124.
Walters, Rockney G. and Heikki Rinne (1987), “Cross Cultural Comparison of Price
Deal Effects: An Empirical Analysis,” in Second Symposium on Cross Cultural
Consumer and Business Studies, ed. Michael Houston, Chicago: American
Marketing Association, 14-20.
Study Guide
Marketing: Relationships, Quality, and Value, with William Nickels and Marian Wood,
1997, Worth Publishers, New York, New York.
Published Cases
Walters, Rockney and Idalene Kesner (2005), “Class - or Mass?” Harvard Business
Review, April, 35-48.
Kelley School of Business
KD Curriculum Committee 2013, 2014, 2015
Teaching Excellence Committee 2002, 2003, 2007-11
Faculty Review Committee 2003, 2004, 2005, 2011-12
M.B.A. Policy Committee, 1987, 1988, 1989, 2010-12
Honors Committee, 1990, 1991, 2005, 2006
Computer Committee, 1992, 1993
Academic Fairness Committee, 1993, 1994
Undergraduate Policy Committee, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000- 2002, 2009
Red Carpet Days, 1993
“Marketing as a Career” Presentations to X220 Students, 1994, 1995,
1996, 1999, 2000, 2001
SAP Committee, 1997
Honors Thesis Advisor, 2001
Marketing Department
Undergraduate Task Force, (Member 1993, 1994, 1995, 2009); Chairperson 1996, 2001-
Haring Symposium, Faculty Advisor 2007
Coordinator of Marketing Career Day, 1995 to 2007.
Faculty Recruiting Committee, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1995, 2003, 2004, 2005
Marketing Club Advisor, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1994 to 2008.
Paul Harris Stores Grant Committee, 1986
M.B.A. Departmental Policy Committee, 1989, 2010-12
Faculty Performance and Salary Committee, 1990, 1991, 1996, 2002
Doctoral Committee, 1992, 1993, 1994
Coordinator of Ph.D. Field Examination, 1993, 1994, 1995
Teaching Evaluation and Development Committee, 1993, 1994
Freshman Advisor, 1993, 1994
Second Year Paper Reviewer PhD committee 2006-present
Campus Faculty Promotions Committee 2003, 2004
Indiana University Bookstore Committee, 2001-2003
Campus Housing and Advisory Committee, 1999, 2000
“Wal-Mart: The Implications for Small-Town Retailers,” Lecturer in the Mini-
University, Indiana University, 1994
“Controversial Issues in Marketing: Implications for You, the Consumer,” Lecturer in
the Mini University, Indiana University, 1993
“Careers in Marketing,” Alpha Kappa Psi New Member Initiation Keynote Speaker, 1993
Reviewer, Journal of Retailing
Reviewer, Journal of Marketing
Reviewer, Journal of Applied Economic and Business Studies
Reviewer, Journal of Marketing Research
Reviewer, A.M.A. Summer Educators’ Conference
Reviewer, Southern Marketing Association Conference
Reviewer, ACRA Conference, Richmond, Virginia
Reviewer, A.M.A. Winter Educators’ Conference
Reviewer, Journal of Interactive Marketing
Conference Presentations and Seminars
Domestic - Research Oriented Presentations
“The Impact of Category Management on Retailer Prices and Performance: Theory and
Evidence, Roundtable on Antitrust and Category Captains, sponsored by the US
Department of Justice, Washington, DC. This talk was based on my Journal of
Marketing paper on Category Management (2001). The paper was presented by
one of my coauthors.
“Exploring Determinants of Shopping Basket Profitability,” (with Maqbul Jamil), Albert
Haring Symposium, Indiana University, April 1998.
“Category Management and Channel Price Competition,” Marketing Science Conference,
Gainesville, FL, March 1996.
“A Marketing Signaling Framework to Explain Competitive Reactions to Price Reduction
Signals,” (with Oliver Heil), presentation at the Annual Meeting of ORSA/TIMS,
San Francisco, California, November 1992.
A Discussion of the Growth of Technology in Retailing, “Business
Perspectives” Television Show with Dean Jack Wentworth, Bloomington, Indiana
University, 1989.
“An Empirical Investigation into the Impact of Sales Promotion on Manufacturer Profit
on Packaged Goods,”American Marketing Association Educators’ Conference,
Chicago, IL, 1989.
“Use of Marketing Research Data,” American Association of College Unions,
Bloomington, Indiana, 1988.
“Opportunities for Research in Retailing,” Southern Marketing Association Conference,
Atlanta, GA, 1988.
“A Structural Equations Analysis of the Impact of Price Promotions on Store
Performance,” Marketing Science Institute Conference of Sales Promotion,
Cambridge, MA, 1988.
“Logit and Probit Transformations: Techniques for Market Segmentation,” Cultural and
Subcultural Developments in Marketing, A.M.A. Conference, Chicago, IL,
DePaul University, 1987.
“Cross Cultural Comparisons of Price Deal Effects: An Empirical Analysis,” Second
Symposium on Cross Cultural Consumer and Business Studies, Honolulu, HI,
“An Empirical Investigation of Functional Role Evaluative Criteria in an Industrial
Purchase Decision,” Association for Consumer Research Conference, Toronto,
Canada, 1986.
International Research-Oriented Presentations
“Market Signaling: The Case of Price Reduction Reactions,” Johannes Gutenburg
Universitat, Mainz, Germany, June 1997.
“The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating: Measuring the Effects of Category
Management,” Telfs, Austria, June 1996.
“Using Marketing Signaling to Understand Competitive Reactions to a Firm’s Price
Reductions,” (with Oliver Heil), presentation at the European Marketing
Academy Conference in Maastricht, The Netherlands, April 1994. The paper won
“The Best Paper Award” at the conference. Over 200 papers were submitted.
“Marketing and Economics and the Quality of Life in the United States,” seminar
conducted at the Randers (Denmark) School of Business, January 1992.
“Strategic Profit Model in Retailing,” U.S.A.I.D. Program in Poznan, Poland, 1991.
“Japanophobia,” Ninth Conference on American Studies in Yugoslavia, Dubrovnik,
Yugoslavia, 1990.
“Implications of a Consumer Society,” Ninth Conference on American Studies in
Yugoslavia, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 1990.
“Salesperson Country of Origin Effects on Industrial Buyer Attitudes and Intentions to
Purchase,” European Marketing Academy Conference, Athens, Greece, 1989.
Ford Motor Company Faculty Fellowship, 2001 to 2007
Summer Research Grant, “An Empirical Study of the Impact of Category Management
on Product Category Performance,” 1996 (competitive).
A-Core Teaching Development Grant, 1994.
Summer Research Grant, “Product Category Management: The Role of Promotional
Frequency and Magnitude on Product Category Sales and Profit,” 1993
Summer Research Grant, “Measuring the Effects of Retail Price Promotion on Variability
in Product Category Sales and Profit,” 1992 (competitive).
Summer Research Grant, “Investigating the Impact of Distribution Coverage on Market
Share,” 1990 (competitive).
Dow Undergraduate Teaching Award, Marketing Department, Indiana University, 1989.
Summer Research Grant, “Measuring the Impact of Manufacturer's Sales Promotion on
Profit in Package Goods,” 1989 (competitive).
Summer Research Grant, “Measuring the Effects of Retail Price Promotions on the
Performance of Competing Stores,” 1988 (competitive).
Summer Research Grant, “Retail Promotions and Store Performance: A Test of Some
Key Hypotheses,” 1987 (competitive).
Krannert Dissertation Grant, Krannert Graduate School of Management, Purdue
University, 1984.
Outstanding Instructor, Krannert Graduate School of Management, Purdue University,
Outstanding Instructor, Krannert Graduate School of Management, Purdue University,
David Ross, Thesis Grant, Krannert School of Management, Purdue University, 1982.