ULY 15-19, 2020
Soror Glenda Glover, Supreme Basileus
Soror Bonnie Washington Murdah, Supreme Parliamentarian
Letter from the Supreme Parliamentarian ...................................................... 2
International Constitution Committee Roster ................................................. 3
To Be Read at the 2020 Boule
Constitution Amendment #1A
Term of Office for the Regional Directors .................................................. 4
Proposed Bylaw Amendments
Bylaw Amendment #1
Connection CommitteeName Enhancement .......................................... 7
Bylaw Amendment #2
Building and Properties Committee Enables Future Expansion ............. 8
Bylaw Amendment #3
New Standing Committee Risk Management ......................................... 9
Bylaw Amendment #4
Technology Committee Expansion ............................................................ 11
Bylaw Amendment #5
Incorporating Provisions ............................................................................ 12
Bylaw Amendment #6
New Life Membership Provision ................................................................ 13
Bylaw Amendment #7
Membership Intake Process ......................................................................... 14
Bylaw Amendment #8
Bylaw Effective Date in Chapters ................................................................ 16
Delegates at the 69th Boule in Philadelphia, PA will vote on several amendments to the Sorority’s Bylaws.
Moreover, two proposed amendments to the Constitution will also be presented for review. Voting on
these two will occur prior to the 70
Boule in 2022 pursuant to Article VIII. Section 1e of the Constitution.
Any change to our governing documents should be approached with all due caution and care. Remember
that these documents shape and control all that we do within and on behalf of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority,
Accordingly, all the proposed amendments will be reviewed at each Regional Conference via a short
PowerPoint presentation during the Plenary session and in detail at the respective Bylaw Forums that will
also be held. Moreover, a copy of the proposed amendments will be included in the Spring 2020 mailing
that is sent to each chapter.
Every Soror is urged to avail herself of this opportunity by making copies and carefully reviewing each
amendment offered. The Chapter Basileus is urged to ensure that her chapter delegates are informed by
offering discussion opportunities that will help to clarify any confusion that may exist. If Sorors are still
seeking answers even after discussing the issues, the Chapter Basileus is asked to compile a list of the
questions and to email them to the Supreme Parliamentarian. A written response will be sent to the
Basileus so that she can provide the necessary follow-up with the Chapter.
Proposed amendments that receive a favorable two-thirds vote will become effective at the close of the
The International Constitution Committee looks forward to greeting you at the 69
Boule where we will
discuss each proposal with you.
Soror Bonnie Washington Murdah, PRP
Supreme Parliamentarian
Bonnie Washington Murdah, Chairman
North Atlantic
Toyin Ajasin
North Atlantic
Johnnie Brown-Swift
South Central
Maxanne Cannes
Aseeli Coleman
North Atlantic
Casandra Conover
Joy Jackson-Guilford
South Atlantic
Dorothy McLendon
Mia McNeil
Great Lakes
Bria Paige
South Atlantic
Elke Flores Suber
Far Western
Renee Toomer
South Eastern
Chelle Luper Wilson
South Central
Nichole Wilson
Starlet Windham
2018 - 2020
Voting on the proposed constitutional amendment shall be by mail
Postmarked by June 1st.
Constitution Article VI Regions
Section 3, Page 4
Proposed Wording
Revised Wording
Current Wording
In the year of the Boule, each
None (Delete the current wording)
Regional Conference, except the
International Regional Conference,
Shall nominate a Regional Director.
To permit Regional Directors to be eligible for one four-year term, rather than two two-year terms. Regional
Directors are responsible for the general supervision of their regions. It is counterproductive to plan and execute
Regional Conferences and also have to plan a reelection campaign in two (2) years.
Chapter/Region Submitting Proposed Amendment
Gamma Omega Chapter, St. Louis, Missouri Central Region
Directorate Recommendation
The Directorate recommends that this proposed amendment not be adopted. Regions should continue to have the
ability to reevaluate the performance of the regional director after a two-year period.
This proposed amendment to the Constitution will be presented at the 68
Boule in Houston, Texas. Voting on the
proposed amendment will be done by mail prior to the 69
Boule in 2020.
Financial Impact
Re-election campaign costs would no longer be necessary.
Conforming Amendment #1A
Bylaws Article 1 Boule Officers
Section 2, Page 7
Current Wording
The term of office of each member of
the Directorate, with the exception of
the Supreme Basileus and the First
Supreme Anti-Basileus, shall be two
(2) years, beginning with the close of
the Boule during which election takes
place. Any officer other than the
Supreme Basileus and the First
Supreme Anti-Basileus shall be
eligible to succeed herself once in any
given office. The term of office for the
Supreme Basileus and the First
Supreme Anti-Basileus shall be four
(4) years.
Proposed Wording
The term of office of each
member of the Directorate, with
the exception of the Supreme
Basileus, the First Supreme Anti-
Basileus and the Regional
Directors, shall be two (2) years,
beginning with the close of the
Boule during which election takes
place. Any officer other than the
Supreme Basileus, the First
Supreme Anti-Basileus and the
Regional Directors shall be
eligible to succeed herself once in
any given office. The terms of
office for the Supreme Basileus,
the First Supreme Anti-Basileus
and the Regional Directors shall
be four (4) years.
Revised Wording if Approved
at the 68th Boule
The term of office of each member of
the Directorate, with the exception of
the Supreme Basileus, the First
Supreme Anti-Basileus and the
Regional Directors, shall be two (2)
years, beginning with the close of the
Boule during which election takes
place. Any officer other than the
Supreme Basileus, the First Supreme
Anti-Basileus and the Regional
Directors shall be eligible to succeed
herself once in any given office. The
terms of office for the Supreme
Basileus, the First Supreme Anti-
Basileus and the Regional Directors
shall be four (4) years.
To permit the Regional Directors to be eligible for one four-year term rather than two two-year terms. Regional
Directors are responsible for the general supervision of their regions. It is counterproductive to plan and execute
Regional Conferences and also have to plan a reelection campaign in two (2) years.
Chapter/Region Submitting Proposed Amendment
Gamma Omega Chapter, St. Louis, Missouri Central Region
Directorate Recommendation
The Directorate recommends that this proposed amendment not be adopted. Regions should continue to have the
ability to reevaluate the performance of the regional director after a two-year period.
Amendments to the Constitution must be presented at one Boule and voted on by mail prior to the next Boule.
Since the Constitution ranks higher than the bylaws, the proposed amendment to the Constitution must be voted
on first. The proposed amendment to the Constitution will be presented at the 68th Boule in Houston in 2018 and
voted on by mail prior to the 69th Boule in 2020.
This section of the bylaws will be amended if the proposed amendment to the Constitution is adopted.
Proposed Bylaw Amendment #1
Connection Committee Name Enhancement
Article 1 Boule Officers Section
15(i), Page 15
Current Wording
Connection Committee. The
committee shall consist of a chairman
and a representative from each
region. The committee shall identify
and study national and international
issues which impact upon the quality
of life, design strategies for
communication with the membership
regarding issues, and mobilize the
membership for action to formulate
and recommend position statements
to the Supreme Basileus and/or
Proposed Wording
Strike Out the words,
“Connection Committee.”
And Insert the words,
“Connection and Social
Action Committee".
Revised wording if approved at the
Connection and Social Action
Committee. The committee shall
consist of a chairman and a
representative from each region.
The committee shall identify and
study national and international
issues which impact upon the
quality of life, design strategies for
communication with the
membership regarding issues, and
mobilize the membership for
action to formulate and
recommend position statements to
the Supreme Basileus and/or
To better describe the work of the committee.
Committee Submitting Proposed Amendment
The International Connection Committee
Directorate Recommendation
The Directorate recommends that this proposed amendment be adopted.
Financial Impact
Proposed Bylaw Amendment #2
Building and Properties Committee Enables Future Expansion
Article I Boule OfficersSection 15,
Page 15 Standing Committees
Current Wording
Building and Properties Committee.
The committee shall consist of a
chairman and five other members,
one of whom shall be an
undergraduate and one of whom
shall be a member of the Finance
Committee. It shall be the
responsibility of this committee to
oversee building and properties. The
committee shall make
recommendations to the Directorate
for upkeep and improvements.
Proposed Wording
Insert the words “A minimum of” in
front of the word “five” in the first
Revised wording if approved at the
69th Boule
Building and Properties Committee.
The committee shall consist of a
chairman and a minimum of five
other members, one of whom shall
be an undergraduate and one of
whom shall be a member of the
Finance Committee. It shall be the
responsibility of this committee to
oversee building and properties.
The committee shall make
recommendations to the
Directorate for upkeep and
The revised wording will allow more flexibility in the number of sorors overseeing the sorority’s property
as the organizations continues to grow.
Submitted By:
The Directorate
Directorate Recommendation
The Directorate recommends that this proposed amendment be adopted.
Financial Impact
Approximately $1,500 annually would be incurred to cover the cost of each additional member who may be
Proposed Bylaw Amendment #3
New Standing Committee Risk Management
Article I Section 15, Standing
Committees: NONE
Current Wording
Insert new Standing Committee
Risk Management
Risk Management. The committee
shall be authorized to develop and
execute a plan to effectively
identify, assess, mitigate and reduce
risk to Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority,
Incorporated at the local, regional
and international levels concerning
active and inactive members in
consultation with the Directorate,
Executive Director and Legal
Counsel. The duties shall include (1)
advising the Directorate on
operational and other risks to the
Sorority; (2) facilitating training
workshops and seminars at
undergraduate roundups, cluster
meetings, regional conferences,
leadership seminars and boules; (3)
facilitating modules in conjunction
with special certification training; (4)
developing materials that reinforce
the Sorority’s anti- hazing policy for
members of the Sorority and the
public; and (5) collaborating with
other international committees to
address specific areas of risk. The
committee shall consist of a
chairman and a representative from
each region.
If Adopted
at the 69th Boule will read:
Risk Management. The committee
shall be authorized to develop and
execute a plan to effectively
identify, assess, mitigate and
reduce risk to Alpha Kappa Alpha
Sorority, Incorporated at the local,
regional and international levels
concerning active and inactive
members in consultation with the
Directorate, Executive Director and
Legal Counsel. The duties shall
include (1) advising the Directorate
on operational and other risks to
the Sorority;
(2) facilitating training workshops
and seminars at undergraduate
roundups, cluster meetings,
regional conferences, leadership
seminars and boules; (3)
facilitating modules in conjunction
with special certification training;
(4) developing materials that
reinforce the Sorority’s anti- hazing
policy for members of the Sorority
and the public; and (5)
collaborating with other
international committees to
address specific areas of risk. The
committee shall consist of a
chairman and a representative
from each region.
To institutionalize Alpha Kappa Alpha’s commitment to actively safeguard the Sorority’s mission, brand,
reputation, and resources while underscoring the importance of effective risk management to achieve this end.
Committee Submitting Proposed Amendment
Risk Management Task Force
Directorate Recommendation
The Directorate recommends that the proposed amendment be adopted.
Financial Impact
Approximately $20,000 to cover the cost of attendance at an annual committee meeting, supplemental travel
costs associated with regular training and costs for the production of instructional materials.
Proposed Bylaw Amendment #4
Technology Committee Expansion
Article I Boule OfficersSection 15
(m) Standing Committees.
Technology Committee, Page 16
Current Wording
Technology Committee. The
committee shall consist of a chairman
and six other members, one of whom
shall be a member of the Finance
Committee. It shall be the function of
this committee to address technology
issues throughout the organization
and provide strategic direction to the
Directorate and Corporate Office on
the effective utilization of technology
to increase communication and
connection throughout our
Proposed Wording
Strike out the words—"Six other
members,” and Insert the words, “a
representative from each region,
Revised Wording if Approved
at the 69th Boule
Technology Committee. The
committee shall consist of a
chairman and a representative
from each region, one of whom
shall be a member of the Finance
Committee. It shall be the
function of this committee to
address technology issues
throughout the organization and
provide strategic direction to the
Directorate and Corporate Office
on the effective utilization of
technology to increase
communication and connection
throughout our sisterhood.
Technology challenges grow every year and there is a continuing need for expertise in this area. There is now a
need for each region to have a representative on this committee.
Committee Submitting Proposed Amendment
The International Constitution Committee
The Directorate recommends that the proposed amendment be adopted.
Financial Impact
Approximately $6,000 to cover the cost of attending an annual meeting for four (4) additional committee
Proposed Bylaw Amendment #5
Incorporating Provisions
Article II – ChaptersSection 20,
Page 25
Current Wording
Any Graduate chapter purchasing a
house or other property may
incorporate in the Chapter’s
name for the sole purpose of
purchasing property but must in no
way involve or otherwise obligate
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority,
Incorporated. A record of such a
purchase and an annual report of the
status and operation of the property
must be filed with the Alpha Kappa
Alpha Corporate Office. All chapters
are prohibited from executing
contracts above the threshold of
$100,000 unless the chapter is
incorporated or otherwise free
standing, or unless the Chapter first
obtains written permission from the
Supreme Basileus.
Any chapter may incorporate a
foundation for the purpose of
planning and executing Sorority
Programs. Such Incorporated
foundations must comply with the
established Directorate approved
process of operations and annual
compliance reporting.
Proposed Wording
Strike out the words, “Unless the
chapter is incorporated or
otherwise freestanding” after the
number,” $100,000” and before
the words, “unless”.
Delete the word “graduate
before the word “chapter”
Make the last paragraph the first
Make the $100,000 execution of
contracts provision a separate
Revised Wording if Approved
at the 69th Boule
Section 20. Any chapter may
incorporate a foundation for the
purpose of planning and
executing Sorority Programs. Such
Incorporated foundations must comply
with the established Directorate
approved process of operations and
annual compliance reporting.
Any chapter purchasing a house or
other property may incorporate in the
chapter’s name for
the sole purpose of purchasing
property but must in no way involve or
otherwise obligate Alpha Kappa Alpha
Sorority, Incorporated®. A record of
such purchase and an annual report of
the status and operation of the
property must be filed with the Alpha
Kappa Alpha Corporate Office.
All chapters are prohibited from
executing contracts above the
threshold of $100,000 unless
the chapter first obtains written
permission from the Supreme Basileus.
Chapters cannot incorporate for any purpose other than those outlined in this section and chapters are not
Incorporating foundations for the purpose of planning and executing Sorority programs is the most prevalent reason
chapters utilize this section.
Undergraduate chapters may purchase a house or property.
Clarifies that all contracts beyond $100,000 require Supreme Basileus approval.
Submitted By:
The Directorate
Directorate Recommendation
The Directorate recommends that the proposed amendment be adopted.
Financial Impact
Proposed Bylaw Amendment #6
New Life Membership Provision
Article IVMembership Status
Classification, Section 9 (d) Life
Member (New sub-section), Page 30
Current Wording
None New Addition Section 9
(Remaining sections would be
Proposed Wording
(d) “An active Soror who has been
a member of the Sorority for at
least seventy-five years may
obtain life membership by
application to the Corporate
Office without payment of
additional fees.”
Renumber following letters: “d to
e; e to f; and f to g.
Revised Wording if Approved
at the 69th Boule
Article IV. Section 9 (d)
An active Soror who has been a
member of the Sorority for at least
seventy-five years may obtain life
membership by application to the
Corporate Office without payment of
additional fees.
A Soror who has been a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® for 75 years should be recognized and
celebrated. However, each year we lose members in this demographic from our active rolls, often due to their
inability to pay dues.
Committee Submitting Proposed Amendment
Diamond, Pearl, Golden and Silver Sorors Committee
Directorate Recommendation
The Directorate recommends that this proposed amendment be adopted.
Financial Impact
The revenue loss will be minimal.
Proposed Amendment #7
Membership Intake Process
Article IV Membership Status
Classification Section 32Membership
Intake Process Page 36
Current Wording
Proposed Wording
Revised Wording if Approved at the
69th Boule
In considering candidates for
membership, graduate chapters shall
take the initial steps. An active soror
who desires to serve as the sponsor or
co-sponsor of a prospective candidate is
required to have had at least two (2)
consecutive years (24 months) of active
membership in the graduate chapter
where the candidate will be initiated
immediately prior to being a sponsor or
co-sponsor, except in the International
Regional. In the International Region,
with the approval of the Regional
Director, a soror who desires to serve as
the sponsor or co-sponsor of a
prospective candidate is required to
have had at least two (2) consecutive
years (24 months) of active membership
in the Sorority immediately prior to
being a sponsor or co-sponsor.
The sponsor of a prospective
candidate shall present to the
chapter Grammateus one
Sponsor/Co-Sponsor Membership
Recommendation Form signed by
the sponsor and two (2) co-sponsors,
and two (2) letters of
recommendations from the same
two co-sponsors in that chapter.
The Grammateus will read the
Graduate Prospective Candidates
Form and the names of the Sponsor
and Co-Sponsors to the chapter at a
meeting for which written notice shall
have been sent to each active
member at least seven (7) days prior
to the meeting.
Strike out “co-sponsor” and
insert “recommending soror”.
Amend to indicate that
one of the “recommending
sorors” may be a soror
who is not in the chapter
where the candidate will
be initiated.
Wording is included here for
both amendments because
both of these proposed
changes affect the same article
and section.
In considering candidates for
membership, graduate chapters shall
take the initial steps. An active soror
who desires to serve as the sponsor of
a prospective candidate is required to
have had at least two (2) consecutive
years (24 months) of active
membership in the graduate chapter
where the candidate will be initiated
immediately prior to being a sponsor,
[except in the International Region. In
the International Region, with the
approval of the Regional Director, a
soror who desires to serve as the
sponsor or recommending soror of a
prospective candidate is required to
have had at least two (2) consecutive
years (24 months) of active
membership in the Sorority
immediately prior to being a sponsor.]
One (1) of the two (2)
recommending sorors must meet
the same requirements as the
sponsor of having had at least two
(2) consecutive years (24 months) of
active membership in the graduate
chapter where the candidate will be
initiated immediately prior to being
a recommending Soror .The second
recommending soror can be an
active member of any chapter who
has had at least two (2) consecutive
years (24 months) of active
membership in the chapter
immediately prior to being a
recommending soror.
The Grammateus will have prepared one
ballot with names of all prospective
candidates, except Legacy Candidates
who are not voted on, and secret voting
will take place at the same meeting at
which candidates’ names and
recommendations are presented.
A favorable vote shall consist of two-
thirds of the votes cast for each
candidate. (See chart for voting in the
Manual of Standard Procedure
Procedure for Processing Candidates for
Graduate Chapters.
The sponsor of a prospective
candidate shall present to the chapter
Grammateus one Membership
Recommendation Form signed by the
sponsor and the two (2) letters of
recommendation from active sorors;
one of the two letters of
recommendation must be written by
a member of the sponsoring chapter.
The Grammateus will read the
Graduate Prospective Candidates Form
and the names of the sponsor and
recommending sorors to the chapter at
a meeting for which written notice
shall have been sent to each active
member at least seven (7) days prior to
the meeting.
The Grammateus will have prepared
one ballot with the names of all
prospective candidates, except Legacy
Candidates who are not voted on, and
secret voting will take place at the
same meeting at which candidates'
names and recommendations are
presented. A favorable vote shall
consist of two-thirds of the votes cast
for each candidate. (See chart for
voting in the Manual of Standard
Procedure Procedure for Processing
Candidates for Graduate Chapters).
To allow extended / added options for securing the support necessary to sponsor a candidate.
Committee Submitting Proposed Amendment
The Membership Intake Process (MIP) Committee
Directorate Recommendation
The Directorate recommends adoption of the proposed amendment.
Financial Impact
Proposed Bylaw Amendment #8
Bylaw Effective Date in Chapters
Article XV, Page 56 Effective Date
Current Wording
Amendments to the Bylaws shall take
effect immediately following
adjournment of the Boule at which
they are adopted.
Proposed Wording
To be in compliance with the
Constitution & Bylaws of Alpha
Kappa Alpha Sorority,
, any applicable
amendments to the Constitution
& Bylaws, adopted at the Boule,
shall be cause for related changes
in the Chapter bylaws and may be
made by the chapter without the
chapter having to adhere to the
established amendment process
prescribed at the chapter level.
The Chapter Bylaws shall not
only reflect the change(s) but
notice of the change(s) shall also
be sent to each chapter member
in writing clearly indicating
exactly where in the Chapter
bylaws such change(s) have been
placed by specifically listing the
Article, the Section, and line
number where they are located
in the chapter document.
Revised Wording if Approved
at the 69th Boule
Amendments to the bylaws shall take
effect immediately following
adjournment of the Boule at which
they are adopted.
To be in compliance with the
Constitution & Bylaws of Alpha
Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated,
any applicable amendments to the
Constitution & Bylaws, adopted at
the Boule, that shall be cause for
related changes in the Chapter
bylaws, may be made by the chapter
without the chapter having to
adhere to the established
amendment process prescribed at
the chapter level.
The Chapter Bylaws should not only
reflect the change(s) but notice of
the change(s) must also be sent to
each chapter member in writing
clearly indicating exactly where in
the Chapter bylaws such change(s)
have been placed by specifically
listing the Article, Section, and line
where they are located in the
chapter document.
The adoption of this amendment will clarify that bylaw amendments, adopted at the Boule that impact chapters, shall
be added to the chapter bylaws without having to follow the amendment process noted in the chapter bylaws.
Committee Submitting Proposed Amendment
The International Constitution
Directorate Recommendation
The Directorate recommends that the proposed amendment be adopted.
Financial Impact
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated
Corporate Office
5656 S. Stony Island Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637