(New York State Executive Law Article 2-B)
445 Delaware Ave. Delmar, New York 12054
Fax 518-439-1699
David VanLuven John Brennan
Supervisor Director
January 2019
Article 2-B Kit
Table of Contents
Section A Introduction
Section B Log of Document Files
Section C NY State Executive Law Article 2B
Section D What is Article 2-B?
Section E How to declare a State of Emergency
Section F How to issue Local Emergency Orders
Section G How to Rescind a State of Emergency
Section H How to Rescind Local Orders
Section I How to manage Public Information
Section J Definitions
Section A Introduction
Table of Contents
I. Purpose A-2
II. How to use this Guide A-3
III. Schedule of Kit Updates A-4
I. Purpose
Town of Bethlehem officials recognize that our town, along with other
local municipalities, is not immune from threats such as severe winter
storms, tornadoes, and prolonged power outages, hazardous material
accidents, other emergencies and disasters, include terrorism. The
primary responsibility of town government and the other municipal
subdivisions within the town is to protect the health and safety of
the people within its borders.
The time to prepare for emergencies is before they occur and not when
faced with an impending disaster. The Town of Bethlehem Government
recognizes the importance of creating and maintaining a Comprehensive
Emergency Management Plan that is in concert with the emergency plans
of other local, County, State, and Federal governments. This plan
should follow intent of Article 2-B of the New York State Executive
As a companion to the Town of Bethlehem Comprehensive Emergency
Management Plan, this Article 2-B Kit has been developed to assist
town officials, or their designees, as they respond to and consider
the impact of, a disaster.
This kit specifically explains the Supervisor's responsibilities under
Article 2-B, Section 24, and lists the specific tasks that this Chief
Executive or designee must perform during an emergency.
Town of Bethlehem officials recognize that both this Article 2-B Kit
and the Emergency Management Plan must be reviewed and updated on a
regular basis to insure that the plans provide accurate information
and procedures for protecting the health and safety of the public in
an emergency.
The Albany County Office of Emergency Management has prepared this
kit, in conjunction with the Town of Bethlehem’s Office of Emergency
Management (BEMO) for the guidance of the Town Supervisor and other
town officials.
II. How to use this Guide
This Article 2-B Kit is designed for use in concert with the Town of
Bethlehem Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. The BEMO-CEMP Plan
and this Kit should be used side by side and referred to often by the
Supervisor or designee as town officials and public safety agencies
respond to an emergency, disaster or catastrophe. This BEMO-2B Kit
explains the process the Supervisor or designee must follow in
declaring a local State of Emergency and issuing Executive Orders to
the response to the disaster. Emphasis is placed on the directives
laid out by Article 2-B, Section 24, of the New York State Executive
For a document(s) filing log, turn to Section B.
To reference Article 2-B, turn to Section C.
For an explanation of the law and Section 24, turn to Section D.
To Declare a State of Emergency, turn to Section E.
This section includes a question and answer section about declaring a
State of Emergency, a list of the Supervisor's responsibilities, a
checklist for the Supervisor or town officials, and templates for the
declaration. A computer disc with sample declarations will also be
To Issue Local Emergency Orders, turn to Section F.
This section includes a question and answer section about issuing
Local Emergency Orders, a list of the Supervisor’s responsibilities,
and a checklist for the Supervisor or town officials, and templates
for several types of Local Emergency Orders. A computer disc with
sample emergency orders will also be appended.
To Rescind a State of Emergency, turn to Section G.
This section includes question and answer section about rescinding a
State of Emergency, a list of the Supervisor's responsibilities, and a
checklist for the Supervisor or town officials, and templates for the
recession. A computer disc with a sample recession order will be
To Rescind Local Emergency Management Orders, turn to Section H. This
section includes a question and answer section about rescinding Local
Emergency Orders, a list of the Supervisor's responsibilities, and a
checklist for the Supervisor or town officials, and templates for the
recession. A computer disc with a sample recession order will be
To Manage Public Information during the Emergency, turn to
Section I.
For Definitions of terms used in this Kit turn to section J.
I. Schedule of Updates
Date: _________ Completed by: ____________________
Date: _________ Completed by: _____________________
Date: _________ Completed by: _____________________
Date: _________ Completed by: _____________________
Date: _________ Completed by: _____________________
Date: _________ Completed by: _____________________
Date: _________ Completed by: _____________________
Date: _________ Completed by: _____________________
Date: _________ Completed by: _____________________
Date: _________ Completed by: _____________________
Date: _________ Completed by: _____________________
Date: _________ Completed by: _____________________
Date: _________ Completed by: _____________________
Date: _________ Completed by: _____________________
Date: _________ Completed by: _____________________
Date: _________ Completed by: _____________________
Date: _________ Completed by: _____________________
Date: _________ Completed by: _____________________
Date: _________ Completed by: _____________________
Date: _________ Completed by: _____________________
Date: _________ Completed by: _____________________
Date: _________ Completed by: _____________________
Date: _________ Completed by: _____________________
Date: _________ Completed by: _____________________
Section B
Document Files Log
Date: ____________________ Date: _____________________
Document: ________________ Document: __________________
__________________________ ____________________________
Location: ________________ Location: __________________
__________________________ ____________________________
Date: ____________________ Date: ______________________
Document: ________________ Document: __________________
__________________________ ____________________________
Location: ________________ Location: __________________
__________________________ ____________________________
Date: ____________________ Date: ______________________
Document: ________________ Document: __________________
__________________________ ____________________________
Location: ________________ Location: __________________
__________________________ ____________________________
Date: ___________________ Date: ______________________
Document: ________________ Document: __________________
__________________________ ____________________________
Location: ________________ Location: __________________
__________________________ ____________________________
Section C
Article 2-B
New York State Executive Law
The information following on Article 2B is a listing of the
relevant sections. For a complete copy of Article 2B see
Attachment 2 A more current copy of Article 2B may be available
from the New York State Emergency Management Office (SEMO)
web site:
(For latest version available, user should check web site)
New York State Consolidated Laws
Executive Law
Section 20. Natural and man-made disasters; policy; definitions.
Section 21. Disaster preparedness commission established; meetings;powers and duties.
Section 22. State disaster preparedness plans.
Section 23. Local disaster preparedness plans.
Section 24. Local state of emergency; local emergency orders by chief executive.
Section 25. Use of local government resources in a disaster.
Section 26. Coordination of local disaster preparedness forces and local civil defense forces
in disasters.
Section 27. Continuity of local governments.
Section 28. State declaration of disaster emergency.
Section 28-a. Post disaster recovery planning.
Section 29. Direction of state agency assistance in a disaster emergency.
Section 29-a. Suspension of other laws.
Section 29-b. Use of civil defense forces in disasters.
Section 29-c. Radiological preparedness.
Section 29-d. Reports.
Section 29-e. New York State Emergency Assistance Program
Section 29-g. Emergency Management Assistance Compact
WHAT IS Article 2-B
I. The Law Itself D-2
II. Section Twenty-Four D-3
I. The Law Itself
Article 2-B of the New York State Executive Law is the law that gives
Chief Executives of New York State municipalities the authority to
declare a State of Emergency. It also gives those officials other
extraordinary powers during the course of a disaster.
In the event of a disaster, the local Chief Executive (i.e.. The
Supervisor of the Town of Bethlehem) or designee is authorized under
Article 2-B to declare a local State of Emergency and to issue Local
Emergency Orders to protect life and property to bring the emergency
under control.
The Town Supervisor may declare a local State of Emergency when it is
found that public safety is imperiled by the disaster, catastrophe or
emergency. After declaring a local State of Emergency, the Supervisor
may then issue Local Emergency Orders.
The Chief Executive of the Town of Bethlehem, or designee is the only
individual authorized to make this broad declaration of State of
Emergency. In making the declaration, the Chief Executive is stating
that a serious situation exists, or is imminent, that will affect
public health and safety and may require extraordinary assistance for
effective response and/or recovery.
A declaration is not required for the Town of Bethlehem to receive
state and federal aid. However, such a declaration highlights the need
for assistance and is recommended when the town expects to request
help from other levels of government.
The declaration of a local State of Emergency substantially increases
the powers of the Town supervisor as the Chief Executive Officer. It
also gives greater legal protection and immunities for the Chief
Executive and local emergency officials for the decisions they make
and the actions they take to respond to the disaster.
The declaration also heightens public awareness of the hazards
associated within the disaster. It can also help to emphasize the
protective measures that citizens to should take for their own
protection and safety.
II. Section 24
Section 24 of Article 2-B of the New York State Executive Law provides
Declaration of State of Emergency
Issuance of Local Emergency Orders
Filing of the Local Emergency Orders
Duration of the Local Emergency Orders
Request for State assistance to the emergency
Points included in Section 24:
In the event of a disaster, rioting, catastrophe or similar
public emergency within the territorial limits of a county, city,
town or village or if danger imminent, and if the Chief Executive
finds that public safety is imperiled the Chief Executive may
declare a local State of Emergency within all part of the
territorial limits of the local government.
Following a declaration of State of Emergency, the Chief
Executive issue Local Emergency Orders to protect life and
property and to bring the emergency situation under control.
For example, Local Emergency Orders may be provided for:
a. Establishment of a curfew and prohibition and control of
pedestrian and vehicular traffic, except essential
b. Designation of special zones in which the occupancy use
of buildings, and the ingress and egress of vehicles
persons may be prohibited or regulated.
c. Regulation and closing of places of amusement and
d. Suspension or limitation of the sale, dispensing, use or
Transportation of:
-Alcoholic beverages
-Flammable materials and liquids
e. Prohibition and control of the presence of persons on
public streets and places.
f. Establishment or designation of emergency shelters
and/or emergency medical shelters.
g. Suspension within part or all of the territorial limits
of any of its local laws, ordinances, or regulations that
may prevent, hinder or delay necessary action in coping
with a disaster or recovery there from whenever:
- A request has been made pursuant to subdivision
seven of Section 24D
- The Governor has declared a State Disaster
A Local Emergency Order shall be effective from the time and in the
manner prescribed in the order.
The local Emergency Order shall be published as soon as practicable in
a newspaper of general circulation in the area affected by the order,
and transmitted to the radio and television media for broadcast.
Local Emergency Order(s) may be amended, modified or rescinded by the
Chief Executive during the existence of the State of Emergency.
Local Emergency Order(s) shall cease to be in effect five (5) days
after issued or upon declaration by the Chief Executive that the State
of Emergency no longer exists, whichever occurs sooner. The Chief
Executive may extend orders for additional periods not to exceed five
(5) days during the State of Emergency.
Local Emergency Order(s)must be executed in triplicate and filed
within seventy-two (72) hours or as soon thereafter as practicable in
the Office of the Town of Bethlehem Town Clerk, the Office of the
County Clerk and the Office of Secretary of State.
The local government (Town of Bethlehem Town Board) may confer upon
the Supervisor as Chief Executive additional duties or
responsibilities deemed appropriate.
Any person who knowingly violates a Local Emergency Order is guilty
of a Class B Misdemeanor.
Whenever the Chief Executive, declares a State of Emergency, that
Chief Executive may request the County Executive or the Governor to
remove all inmates from institutions.
Whenever a local State of Emergency has been declared, the Chief
Executive of the county may request the Governor to provide assistance
under Section 24 of Article 2-B, provided that the executive
determines that the disaster is beyond the capacity of local
government to meet adequately and that state assistance is needed to
supplement local efforts to save lives and protect property, public
health and safety, or to avert, or lessen the threat of disaster.
Section E
How to Declare a State of Emergency
Table of Contents
I. Question and Answers:
Declaring a State of Emergency E-2
II. Responsibilities of the Chief Executive E-4
III. Check list for the Chief Executive E-5
IV. Sample Declaration of State of Emergency E-6
V. Filing the Declaration E-7
I. Questions and Answers:
Declaring a State of Emergency
Why should I declare a Local State of Emergency?
It increases your powers as the Chief Executive Officer.
These new powers can include:
issuing emergency orders;
implementing public protective measures;
suspending local laws; and
requesting supplemental assistance.
Will the declaration help raise public awareness?
Yes. A declaration of a local State of Emergency helps make
the public aware of the hazards associated with a disaster.
It also can emphasize the protective measures you may need
to ask citizens to take.
Can a State of Emergency be declared at any time?
No. A local State of Emergency can be issued when a
situation exists that has or will place the public at risk
and that will require extra-ordinary measures for proper
When should I declare a local State of Emergency?
You should consider a declaring a State of Emergency when a
dangerous situation is present or imminent and emergency
officials are considering these protective actions:
Evacuation of people for a large or heavily populated
area (street, road, housing development, multi-
resident buildings).
Sheltering people in designated areas or building.
Large-scale closing of roads due to conditions
considered being dangerous to lives and property.
You should also consider declaring a local State of Emergency if
the following conditions are present and pose a dangerous threat
to the municipality:
Riots, civil unrest or large-scale demonstrations.
Hostage situations, impending emergency or disaster caused
by natural forces, (floods, blizzards, earthquakes, ice
storms, hurricane conditions)
Can I issue the declaration verbally?
Yes. The Supervisor may issue a declaration verbally if
time is a crucial matter. However, you should follow the
verbal declaration with a written declaration.
Must the Declaration be filed?
No. However, it is a good idea to do so. It should be kept
on file at the office of the Town Clerk.
Do I have to extend the declaration of State of Emergency after
five days?
No. The State of Emergency does not have to be extended,
but Local Emergency Orders do.
Does Article 2-B establish a time limit for a State of Emergency?
No. It is best to include a time of duration in the
original declaration of State of Emergency, or to issue a
succeeding declaration with a time limit or a statement
that the State of Emergency is continuing. When the
proclamation is no longer needed, it should be formally
Can I issue Local Emergency Orders without a State of Emergency?
No. A State of Emergency must be declared before you may
issue Local Emergency Orders.
Will a declaration help in getting assistance from the State?
Yes. If you declare a local State of Emergency and you
determine the disaster is beyond the capacity of local and
county resources, you may request the Governor to provide
assistance from state resources.
Must I rescind a declaration of State of Emergency?
No. However, a written rescinding statement should be made
when the emergency no longer exists. The Supervisor can
rescind the declaration of emergency at any time.
II. Responsibilities of the Supervisor
The Supervisor, or designee must ensure that the following tasks are
1. Reference is made to Article 2-B of the New York State
Executive Law
2. Only the Supervisor or designee may issue a declaration of
State of Emergency.
3. The declaration may be verbal or written.
4. If it is verbal, it is best to follow it with a written
5. A State of Emergency must be declared BEFORE Local
Emergency Orders are issued.
6. The declaration should include the time and date, the
reason for the declaration, the area involved, and the
7. The written declaration should be kept on file in the
office of the Town of Bethlehem Town Clerk.
III. Supervisor’s Check List
For declaring a State of Emergency
1. I have referenced Section 24 of Article 2-B of the New York
State Executive Law
Yes__________ No__________
2. I have declared a local State of Emergency
Yes__________ No__________
3. I have listed the reason for the declaration
Yes__________ No.__________
4. I have included the time and the date of the declaration
Yes__________ No__________
5. I have specified a time limit for the State of Emergency
Yes__________ No__________
6. The County Emergency Management Office has been notified
Yes__________ No__________
7. Local radio and television stations have been notified for
Yes__________ No__________
8. The declaration has been provided to local newspapers for
Yes__________ No__________
9. A written copy of the declaration has been filed in the
office of the Town Clerk
Yes__________ No__________
IV. Sample Format
Declaration of State of Emergency
A State of Emergency is hereby declared in The Town of Bethlehem
for a period of time beginning at ______ hours on _____________.
(time) (date)
The State of Emergency has been declared due to__________________
(description of emergency)
These conditions threaten the public safety of the citizens of
The Town of Bethlehem. As __________________________ of
I ________________________________, as Supervisor and the Chief
Executive Officer, have exercised the authority given to me under
New York State Executive Law Article 2-B, to preserve the public
safety and hereby render all required and available assistance
vital to the security, well being and health of the citizens of
the Town of Bethlehem.
I hereby direct all departments and agencies of the Town of
Bethlehem to take whatever steps necessary to protect life and
property, public infrastructure, and provide such emergency
assistance deemed necessary.
A declaration of State of Emergency should be filed in the office
of the Town Clerk in the following manner:
1. The declaration of State of Emergency should be filed
in the office of the Town Clerk.
2. The Town of Bethlehem has determined that a copy of
the declaration of State of Emergency will also be
filed with the Albany County Office of Emergency
Section F
How to Issue Local Emergency Orders
Table of Contents
I. Questions and Answers: Local emergency Orders F - 2
II. Responsibilities of the Supervisor F - 3
III. Check list for the Supervisor
IV. Sample Local Emergency Orders F - 6
Controlling Presence of Persons on
Public Streets and Places F - 6
Establishing Curfew F – 7
Prohibiting Sale and Distribution
of Alcoholic Beverages F - 8
Closing Places of Amusement and Assembly F - 9
Regulating the Purchase, Storage etc.
of Flammable Materials F - 10
V. Filing Local Emergency Orders F - 11
I. Questions and Answers:
Local Emergency Orders
Can anyone issue a local Emergency Order?
No. Only the Chief Executive of a municipality or his/her
Designee may issue a Local Emergency Order.
Can a Local Emergency Order be issued at any time in an
No. A Local Emergency Order can be issued only after the
Chief Executive declares a local State of Emergency.
Is it in effect indefinitely?
No. A Local Emergency Order is effective from the time and
in the manner prescribed in the order. It terminates
five (5) days after issuance, or by declaration by the
Chief Executive that the State of emergency no longer
exists, whichever occurs sooner.
Can an order be modified once it is issued?
Yes. A Local Emergency Order may be amended, modified or
rescinded at any time by the Chief Executive during
the State of Emergency.
Can a Local Emergency Order be extended?
Yes. The Chief Executive may extend an order for additional
periods up to five (5) days each during the local
State of Emergency. Each extension must be filed.
Must the media be informed?
Yes. The Local Emergency Order must be published as soon
practicable in a newspaper of general circulation in
the area by the order. It should be published under
the paid legal advertisement section. It must also be
provided to radio and television media for broadcast.
Can a citizen who disobeys emergency orders be arrested?
Yes. Any person who knowingly violates any Local Emergency
Order a Chief Executive issued pursuant to Section 24
of Article 2-B will be guilty of a class B
II. Responsibilities of the Supervisor
The Supervisor, or designee must ensure that the following tasks are
1. Local Emergency Orders can ONLY be issued AFTER a State of
Emergency is declared.
2. Local Emergency Orders must be issued by the Supervisor.
3. The Local Emergency Orders must be written.
4. The Local Emergency Orders should include the time and
date, the reason for the declaration, the area involved,
and the duration.
5. The Supervisor may extend Local Emergency Orders for
periods not to exceed five (5) days within the declared
State of Emergency.
5. Local Emergency Orders must be published as soon as
practicable in a newspaper of general circulation and
provided to radio and television media for broadcast.
6. Local Emergency Orders must be executed in triplicate and
filed within seventy-two (72) hours or as soon as
practicable in the office of the Town of Bethlehem Town
Clerk, the Office of the County Clerk and the Office of the
Secretary of State
Secretary of State County Clerk
162 Washington Avenue Albany County Courthouse
Albany, NY 12231-0001 Albany, NY 12207
Fax: 518/473-7812 Fax: 518/487-5099
Phone: 518/474-0050 Phone: 518/487-5100
7. Local Emergency Orders must be refilled if they are
III. Supervisor's Check List
for Issuing Local Emergency Orders
1. I have declared a local State of Emergency.
Yes__________ No__________
2. The Local Emergency Order includes prescribed restrictions,
specific limitations, and/or suspensions.
Yes__________ No__________
3. The Order was issued by the Chief Executive Official or
authorized designated official.
Yes__________ No__________
Issued by:_____________________________
4. The Order includes specific effective times and date.
Yes__________ No__________
5. The Order includes the area involved.
Yes__________ No__________
6. The Local Emergency Order was immediately provided to the
newspaper for publication.
Yes__________ No__________
7. Local radio and television stations were immediately
Yes__________ No___________
8. The Local Emergency Order was executed in triplicate.
Yes__________ No___________
9. The Local Emergency Order was filed in the Office of the
Town Clerk within seventy-two (72) hours.
Yes__________ No___________
10. The Local Emergency Order was filed in the Office of the
County Clerk within seventy-two (72) hours.
Yes__________ No__________
Albany County Court House
Albany, NY 12207
FAX: 518/477-5099
11. The Local Emergency Order was filed in the Office of the
Secretary of State within seventy-two (72) hours.
Yes__________ No__________
162 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12231-7182
FAX: 518/473-7812
12. The Local Emergency Order was extended every fifth (5th)
day if necessary and refilled.
Yes__________ No__________
IV. Sample Local Emergency Orders
Local Emergency Order Controlling presence of
persons on Public Street and Places.
I, _________________________, _________________________ of
(Name) (title)
Town of Bethlehem, in accordance with a declaration of
State of Emergency issued on ____________________, 200_, and
pursuant to Section 24 of Article 2-b, New York State Executive
Law, hereby declare that the following areas within this
municipality are restricted and all pedestrian and vehicular
movement, standing and parking, is prohibited; except for the
provisions of designated essential services such as fire , police
and hospital services including transportation of patients
thereto, utility emergency repair and emergency calls by
1. ________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________
7. ________________________________________________
8. ________________________________________________
Said restrictions shall apply until removed by order of the
Signed this _________________day _____________________, 200___
(date) (month)
at_______________ o'clock, in Delmar, New York
Signed: ____________________________
Title: ____________________________
Witness: ____________________________
Title: ____________________________
Local Emergency Orders
Establishing Curfew
I, ______________________________, ___________________________ of
(Name) (title)
Town of Bethlehem, Delmar, New York, in accordance with a
declaration of a State of Emergency executed on the ____ day of
___________________, 200____. And pursuant to Section 24 of Article
2-B New York State Executive Law, do hereby declare that a curfew is
established and imposed.
The Curfew will commence at __________ o'clock on the ______ day of
______________, 200____, until removed by the Supervisor.
During the period of such curfew, all pedestrian and vehicular
traffic, except essential emergency vehicles and personnel, shall be
prohibited from the use of public streets within this municipality
between the hours of _______ and _______.
(time) (time)
Signed this _________ day of ______________, 200_____, at ________
(date) (month) (time)
o'clock in _________________________, New York
Signature: _____________________ Witness: ___________________
Title: _____________________ Title: ___________________
Local Emergency Order
Prohibiting Sale and Distribution
of Alcoholic Beverages
I, _______________________________, ________________________, of
(Name) (title)
Town of Bethlehem, Delmar, New York, in accordance with a
declaration of a State of emergency executed on the _________ of
___________________, 200__, and pursuant to Section 24 of Article
2-B, New York State Executive Law, do hereby order that the sale and
distribution of alcoholic beverages (as defined by Section 3 of the
Alcoholic Beverage Control Law, but not included in patented
medicines) is hereby prohibited within this municipality effective
immediately until the Supervisor rescinds such order.
Signed this ___ day of ________________ 200___, at _______ o’clock
(day) (month) (time)
in _______________________, New York
Signature: ___________________ Witness: ______________________
Title: ___________________ Title: ______________________
Local Emergency Order
Closing Places of Amusement and Assembly
I, ___________________________, ___________________________ of
(name) (title)
Town of Bethlehem, Delmar, New York, in accordance with
a declaration of a State of Emergency executed on the ____ of
of __________________, 200___, and pursuant to Section 24 of Article
2-B New York State Executive Law, do hereby order the closing of all
places of amusement and assembly within this municipality effective
immediately and continuing until further order of the Supervisor.
Signed this _____ day of ______________, 200___, at ________ o’clock
(day) (month)
in _______________________, New York
Signature: ________________________ Witness: ________________________
Title: ___________________ Title: ____________________
Local Emergency Order
Regulating the Purchase, Storage, Etc.
Of Flammable Materials
I, _____________________________, ___________________________ of
(Name) (title)
Town of Bethlehem, Delmar, New York, in accordance with a
declaration of a State of Emergency executed on the ____ day
of ___________________, 200____, and pursuant to Section 24 of Article
2-B New York State Executive Law, do hereby order the prohibition of
the sale or other transfer, with or without consideration, gasoline or
any other flammable or combustible liquid or of any explosive, or the
possession in a public place of any portable container containing
gasoline or any other flammable or combustible liquid except that
delivery into a tank properly affixed to an operable motor driven
vehicle and necessary for the propulsion thereof shall not be
prohibited there under.
Signed this ____ day of _______________, 200__, at ______ o’clock
(day) (month) (time)
in ________________________, New York
Signature: ___________________ Witness: ____________________
Title: ___________________ Title: ____________________
IV. Filing Local Emergency Orders
Each Local Emergency Order issued after a declaration of a local
State of Emergency must be executed in triplicate and filed in the
following manner:
1. One copy of the Local Emergency Order must be filed in the
office of the Town Clerk.
2. One copy must be filed in the Office of the County Clerk.
3. One copy must be filed in the Office of the Secretary of
4. The Town of Bethlehem has determined that a fourth copy
will be filed with:
Albany County
Office of Emergency Management
75 Remsen Street
Cohoes, New York 12047
FAX 518-233-7513
Section G
How to Rescind a State of Emergency
Table of Contents
I. Questions and Answers:
Rescinding a State of Emergency G-2
II. Responsibilities of the Supervisor G-3
III. Check list for the Supervisor G-4
IV. Sample Rescission of State of Emergency G-5
V. Filing the Rescission G-6
I. Questions and Answers:
Rescinding a State of Emergency
Must I rescind a declaration of State of Emergency?
No. However, a formal discontinuation of a State of
Emergency is recommended.
If I don't rescind a State of Emergency, does it end
Yes. If a time limit was indicated in the original
declaration of State of Emergency or a subsequent
declaration. If no time limit was specified, the
State of Emergency does NOT end automatically.
When should I rescind a State of Emergency?
You should rescind it when the conditions that
warranted a declaration of State of Emergency no
longer exist.
Must the rescission be issued in writing?
No. However, it is recommended, in the same manner as a
declaration of State of Emergency is recommended to be
issued in written form.
Must the rescission be filed?
No. However, it is recommended that it be filed in the
office of the Town Clerk.
II. Responsibilities of the Supervisor
The Supervisor, or designee must ensure that the following tasks are
1. Only the Supervisor may rescind a State of Emergency.
2. A State of Emergency should be formally rescinded when the
declaration of State of Emergency is no longer needed.
3. The rescission may be verbal or written.
4. If it is verbal, it is best to follow it with written
5. The rescission should include the time and date of the
original declaration, the reason for the State of
Emergency, and the time and date the State of Emergency is
6. The written declaration should be kept on file in the
office of the Town of Bethlehem Town Clerk.
III. Check list for the Supervisor.
1. I have determined that the declaration of Local State of
Emergency is no longer necessary.
Yes__________ No__________
2. The rescinding statement is in written form.
Yes__________ No__________
3. I have included the time and date the declaration of State
of Emergency.
Yes__________ No__________
4. I have included a description of the danger prescribed in
the declaration of a Local State of Emergency.
Yes__________ No__________
5. I have included the time and date of the rescinding order.
Yes__________ No__________
6. The County Emergency Management Office has been notified.
Yes__________ No__________
7. Local newspapers, radio and television stations have been
notifies for publication and broadcast.
Yes__________ No__________
8. The rescinding order has been filed in the Office of
Municipal Clerk.
Yes__________ No__________
IV. Rescission of a State of Emergency
Whereas, on ____ day of _____________, 200____, at _____, o’clock
(day) (month) (time)
I _____________________, ____________________, having determined
(Name) (title)
That there was an imminent threat to life and property associated with
(Description of danger)
Declared a local State of Emergency in the Town of Bethlehem
pursuant to Section 24 of the New York State Executive Law Article 2-
B, and: Whereas, It appears that the existence of that local emergency
has ceased to exist and protection is no longer essential;
Now, therefore, I, ________________________, _______________________
(name) (title)
pursuant to Section 24 of the New York State Executive Law Article 2-
B, do hereby rescind the existing local State of Emergency effective
________ o’clock on the _____ day of _______________, 200___
(time) (day) (month)
Signature: ______________________ Title: _____________________
Name: ______________________ Date: _____________________
Section H
How to Rescind Local Emergency Orders
Table of Contents
I. Questions and Answers: Rescinding Local
Emergency orders H-2
II. Responsibilities of the Supervisor H-3
III. Check list for the Supervisor H-4
IV. Sample Rescission of Local Emergency Order H-5
V. Filing the Rescission H-6
I. Questions and Answers:
Rescinding a Local Emergency Order
Must I rescind a Local Emergency Order?
No. A Local Emergency Order expires five (5) days after it
is issued when a State of Emergency is rescinded,
whichever comes first.
However, it is recommended that a Local Emergency
Order be rescinded formally.
When should I rescind a Local Emergency Order?
A Local Emergency Order should be rescinded when it is
no longer needed.
If I don't rescind it, will it cease automatically?
Yes. A Local Emergency Order ceases five (5) days after it
is issued or when the Chief Executive announces that
the State of Emergency no longer exists.
Must the rescinding order be filed?
No. However, it is a good idea to file it in the office of
the Town of Bethlehem Town Clerk
II. Responsibilities of the Supervisor
The Supervisor, or designee must ensure that the following tasks are
1. Only the Supervisor may rescind a Local Emergency Order.
2. A Local Emergency Order should be formally rescinded when
it is no longer needed.
3. The rescission may be verbal or written.
4. If it is verbal, it is best to follow it with a written
5. The rescission should include the time and date of the
original Local Emergency Order, the provision included, and
the time and date the order is rescinded.
6. The written rescinding order should be kept on file in the
Office of the Town Clerk
III. Rescission Check list for the Supervisor
1. I have determined that the Local Emergency Order in no
longer necessary.
Yes__________ No__________
2. The rescinding statement is in written form.
Yes__________ No__________
3. I have included the time, date and provisions of the Local
Emergency order.
Yes__________ No__________
4. I have included the time and date of the rescinding order.
Yes__________ No__________
5. The County Emergency Management Office has been notified.
Yes__________ No__________
6. Local newspapers, radio and television stations have been
Yes__________ No__________
7. The rescinding order has been filed in the Office of the
Town Clerk.
Yes__________ No__________
IV. Sample of Local Emergency Order Rescission
Whereas, A State of Emergency was declared on the _____, of
_____________________, 200___ at ________ o’clock pursuant to Section
(month) (time)
24 of New York State Executive Law Article 2-B due to
______________________________________________________________, and
(description of emergency)
Whereas, at _________________ on ________________, a Local Order
was declared pursuant to Section 24; and Whereas, Due to hazards
associated with the declared emergency, said order was issued
specifically to ________________________________________________
(order coverage)
and to protect life and property within _________________________,
covered by said State of Emergency and Local Emergency Order;
Now, therefore, I, ________________________, _____________________,
(name) (title)
hereby rescind the said Local Emergency Order effective ____ day of
________________, 200____.
Signature: ___________________ Title: ____________________
Name: ___________________ Date: ____________________
V. Filing the Rescission
A rescission of a Local Emergency Order is not required to be filed
by the Town. However if filed, it is recommended that the Town file
a declaration in the following manner:
1. The rescission of Local Emergency Order should be filed in
the Office of the Town of Bethlehem Town Clerk.
2. The Town of Bethlehem has determined that a copy of the
rescission of State of Emergency will be filed with the
Albany County Office of Emergency Management.
Section I
How to Manage
Public Information
Table of Contents
I. Questions and Answers:
Managing Public Information I-2
II. Responsibilities of the Supervisor I-4
III. Check list for the Supervisor I-5
IV. Sample News Release - State of Emergency I-6
V. Sample News Release - Local Emergency Order I-7
I. Questions and Answers:
Managing Public Information
What constitutes Public Information?
The Public Information aspect of Article 2-B deals with
informing the public about the emergency, declaration of a
State of Emergency, and issuance of Local Emergency Orders,
as well as the rescissions of the State of Emergency and
Local Emergency Orders and related developments.
How is Public Information accomplished?
Public information is accomplished in part by notifying
both broadcast and print media about the emergency,
declaration of State of Emergency, issuance of Local
Emergency Orders, and related development.
When am I required to notify the media?
The Chief Executive Officer or his/her designee must notify
the media when a State of Emergency is declared and when
Local Emergency Orders are issued.
How do I notify the media?
Copies of the declaration of State of Emergency and Local
Emergency Orders may be provided to the media, but it is
best to develop press releases detailing the declarations
and actions taken by emergency planning officials. News
releases should be delivered to local media outlets via
hand-delivery, fax or mail. Telephone notifications may be
made to alert the media that a hard copy of a news release
is being delivered or transmitted or is imminent. You
should consider faxing news releases to media in
neighboring municipalities, as well.
How do I write a news release?
News releases must include the following information:
A contact name (the Chief Executive Officer or
designated spokesperson) and telephone number.
The date the news release is issued.
The time the news release is issued.
The name of the municipality where the emergency
The name of the Chief Executive Official issuing the
declaration or order.
The nature of the emergency.
The anticipated duration of the emergency.
The time the declaration of State of Emergency or
Local Emergency Order was issued.
The anticipated duration of the State of Emergency or
Local Emergency Orders.
A description of how the public can get more
information (i.e. "Stay tuned to this station for
further information.").
Any other information the public should know.
Won't the media write their own stories?
Yes. However, news releases that are prepared carefully and
checked for accuracy before they are released helps
document that accurate information is being relayed to the
media and are helpful to the media covering the emergency
What is the best way to ensure the media covers the emergency
A spokesperson should be designated in the municipality's
Emergency Operations Procedures. The spokesperson will act
as a liaison between responding officials and the media.
The spokesperson, alone or with a designated staff, will
gather information from the officials, confirm it and
resolve conflicts in the information, and then disseminate
it to the media.
The spokesperson will also relay requests for information
from the media to the officials.
The spokesperson will be the municipality's voice to the
media during the emergency. When the media requests
interviews of certain officials such as the Chief
Executive, the spokesperson will arrange the interviews
whenever possible.
Why is it important to designate a spokesperson?
The designation of a spokesperson will streamline public
information efforts and minimize the chance of conflicting
reports to the media by responding individuals or agencies.
II. Responsibilities of the Supervisor
The Supervisor, or designee must ensure the following tasks are
1. A list of local media outlets should be maintained as
part of the Town of Bethlehem Comprehensive Emergency
Management Plan and updated regularly.
2. A single person should be designated as a spokesperson
for the duration of the emergency. If necessary, the
spokesperson should be assigned a staff to help
him/her carry out the public information duties.
3. A news release should be issued when a State of
Emergency is declared or rescinded.
4. A news release should be issued when Local Emergency
Orders are issued or rescinded.
5. Each news release should be faxed or hand-delivered to
local media outlets, or mailed when necessary.
6. Each news release must include the following:
A contact name (the Supervisor or designated
spokesperson) and telephone number.
The date the news release is issued.
The time the news release is issued.
The area within the Town of Bethlehem where the
emergency exists.
The name of the Town of Bethlehem official issuing
the declaration or order.
The nature of the emergency
The anticipated duration of the emergency.
The time the declaration of State of Emergency or
Local Emergency Order was issued.
The anticipated duration of the State of Emergency
or Local Emergency Orders.
A description of how the public can get more
information (i.e.. through the media).
Any other information the public should know.
III. Check list for the Supervisor
1. A current media list is on file with the municipalities BEMO
Yes__________ No_________
2. A spokesperson has been designated.
Yes__________ No__________
Name: __________________ Position: __________________
3. I have declared a State of Emergency.
Yes__________ No__________
4. A news release has been written announcing the State of
Yes__________ No_______
5. The news release has been hand-delivered or faxed to local media.
Yes__________ No__________
6. I have issued Local Emergency Orders.
Yes__________ No__________
7. A news release has been written announcing the Local Emergency
Yes__________ No__________
8. The news release has to be hand-delivered or faxed to local
Yes__________ No__________
9. The State of Emergency has been rescinded, or Local Emergency
Orders have been rescinded.
Yes__________ No__________
10. A news release on the rescission has been issued.
Yes__________ No__________
III. Sample News Release State of Emergency
News Release
Contact: ______________________________
(name of spokesperson)
Date: ______________________________
Time: ______________________________
(time news release is issued)
_____________________________, ____________________________
(Name of Municipality) (Name of Chief Executive)
_____________________________, of the __________________________,
(Title of CEO) (municipality)
The State of Emergency was declared in response to
(description of emergency)
Officials will continue to monitor the situation and advise the
general public should any actions be necessary.
Please do not call government offices. The public will be kept
informed the broadcast and print media of the cancellation or
continuation of the State of Emergency.
_________________________________ asks for the cooperation of the
public in this time of emergency.
V. Sample News Release Local Emergency Order
Contact: __________________________
(name of spokesperson)
Date: __________________________ Time:
(time news release issued)
_______________________________ - ____________________________,
Name of Municipality) (Name of Chief Executive Officer)
____________________________ of the ____________________________,
(title of CEO) (municipality)
Having declared a State of Emergency because of ________________
(description of emergency)
has issued the following Local Emergency Order due to hazards that
place lives and property at risk:
The Local Emergency Order (restricts, closes, prohibits)
The Local Emergency Order will remain in effect until such
emergency conditions have abated.
Please do not call government offices. The public will be kept
informed through the broadcast and print media of the cancellation
or continuation of this State of Emergency.
____________________________________ ask for the cooperation of the
public in this time of emergency.
Article 2-B:
The section of New York State Executive Law that
establishes the New York State Disaster Preparedness
Commission, gives authority to local governments for
preparing their own Comprehensive Emergency Management
Plans, and empowers local Chief Executives to act during
and emergency.
Chief Executive:
The chief elected official of a municipality - the Mayor
of a city, village; the Supervisor of a town; the County
Executive or the Chairman of the governing body of a
county - or-his/her Designee.
Continuity of Government:
Under Section 27 of Article 2-B, a city, town, county or
village shall by local law provide for its continuity by
designating a line of succession for elective and
appointive officers.
An event that demands a crisis response beyond the scope
of any single line agency or service and that presents a
threat to a community or larger area. A disaster differs
from emergency in that it is controllable within the scope
of the capabilities of local government.
An event that demands a crisis response beyond the scope
of any single line agency or service and that presents a
threat to a community or larger area. An emergency
differs from a disaster in that it is controllable within
the scope of the capabilities of the local government.
Local Emergency Order:
An order issued by the Chief Executive of a municipality
that specifically limits or curtails actions or freedoms
of the population or uses of facilities within a
jurisdiction, in order to protect the health and safety of
the public. It is also known as an Executive Order.
A State of Emergency or Local Emergency Order: Formal
discontinuation of the Declaration or Order.
Section 24:
The section of Article 2-B of the New York State Executive
Law that grants the Chief Executive of a municipality or
his/her Designee the power to declare a State of Emergency
within his/her jurisdiction and to issue Local Emergency
State of Emergency:
A declaration by the Chief Executive official or his/her
Designee of a city, county, town or village in which the
jurisdiction is faced with an emergency or disaster that
endangers the population and/or property of that
jurisdiction and requires extraordinary resources to
adequately respond.