The US Army War College Quarterly: Parameters The US Army War College Quarterly: Parameters
Volume 33
Number 1
Parameters Spring 2003
Article 13
Al Qaeda and the Internet: The Danger of “Cyberplanning” Al Qaeda and the Internet: The Danger of “Cyberplanning”
Timothy L. Thomas
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Timothy L. Thomas, "Al Qaeda and the Internet: The Danger of “Cyberplanning”,"
33, no. 1
(2003), doi:10.55540/0031-1723.2139.
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Al Qaeda and the Internet:
The Danger
of “Cyberplanning”
e can say with some certainty, al Qaeda loves the Internet. When the latter
first appeared, it was hailed as an integrator of cultures and a medium for
businesses, consumers, and governments to communicate with one another. It
appeared to offer unparalleled opportunities for the creation of a “global vil-
lage.” Today the Internet still offers that promise, but it also has proven in some
respects to be a digital menace. Its use by al Qaeda is only one example. It also has
provided a virtual battlefield for peacetime hostilities between Taiwan and
China, Israel and Palestine, Pakistan and India, and China and the United States
(during both the war over Kosovo and in the aftermath of the collision between
the Navy EP-3 aircraft and Chinese MiG). In times of actual conflict, the Internet
was used as a virtual battleground between NATO’s coalition forces and ele
ments of the Serbian population. These real tensions from a virtual interface in
volved not only nation-states but also non-state individuals and groups either
aligned with one side or the other, or acting independently.
Evidence strongly suggests that terrorists used the Internet to plan their
operations for 9/11. Computers seized in Afghanistan reportedly revealed that
al Qaeda was collecting intelligence on targets and sending encrypted messages
via the Internet. As recently as 16 September 2002, al Qaeda cells operating in
America reportedly were using Internet-based phone services to communicate
with cells overseas. These incidents indicate that the Internet is being used as a
“cyberplanning” tool for terrorists. It provides terrorists with anonymity, com
mand and control resources, and a host of other measures to coordinate and inte
grate attack options.
Cyberplanning may be a more important terrorist Internet tool than the
much touted and feared cyberterrorism option—attacks against information and
systems resulting in violence against noncombatant targets. The Naval Postgrad
112 Parameters
uate School (NPS) has defined cyberterrorism as the unlawful destruction or dis
ruption of digital property to intimidate or coerce people.
Cyberplanning, not
defined by NPS or any other source, refers to the digital coordination of an inte
grated plan stretching across geographical boundaries that may or may not result
in bloodshed. It can include cyberterrorism as part of the overall plan. Since 9/11,
US sources have monitored several websites linked to al Qaeda that appear to
contain elements of cyberplanning:
l, which US officials said contained encrypted informa
tion to direct al Qaeda members to more secure sites, featured inter
national news on al Qaeda, and published articles, fatwas (decisions
on applying Muslim law), and books.
l, believed to be linked to al Qaeda (originally hosted by
the Scranton company BurstNET Technologies, Inc.), served as a
mouthpiece for jihad in Afghanistan, Chechnya, and Palestine.
l, an al Qaeda site which urged sympathizers to as
sassinate Pakistani President Musharraf.
l, reportedly linked to Hamas.
l, which offered a 36-minute video of Osama bin
l, which aimed to teach visitors how to conduct computer
l, which featured quotes from bin Laden tapes, religious
legal rulings that “justified” the terrorist attacks, and support for the
al Qaeda cause.
l, run by the Islamic Studies and Research Center (which
some allege is a fake center), and reported to be the most credible of
dozens of Islamist sites posting al Qaeda news.
l,, and, alleged to have posted
al Qaeda statements on their websites.
l and, alleged to have flashed political-
religious songs, with pictures of persecuted Muslims, to denounce
US policy and Arab leaders, notably Saudi.
While it is prudent to tally the Internet cyberplanning applications that
support terrorists, it must be underscored that few if any of these measures are re
ally anything new. Any hacker or legitimate web user can employ many of these
Spring 2003 113
Lieutenant Colonel Timothy L. Thomas, USARet., is an analyst at the Foreign Mil
itary Studies Office, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. He has written extensively on informa
tion operations, combat in cities, and peacekeeping operations, among other issues,
including four previous articles for Parameters. During his military career he served in
the 82d Airborne Division and was the Department Head of Soviet Military-Political Af
fairs at the US Army’s Russian Institute in Garmisch, Germany.
same measures for their own purposes, for business, or even for advertising en
deavors. The difference, of course, is that most of the people on the net, even if
they have the capabilities, do not harbor the intent to do harm as does a terrorist or
al Qaeda member.
Highlighting several of the more important applications may help at
tract attention to terrorist methodologies and enable law enforcement agencies to
recognize where and what to look for on the net. Sixteen measures are listed be
low for consideration. More could be added.
l The Internet can be used to put together profiles. Internet user demo
graphics allow terrorists to target users with sympathy toward a cause or issue,
and to solicit donations if the right “profile” is found. Usually a front group will
perform the fundraising for the terrorist, often unwittingly. E-mail fundraising
has the potential to significantly assist a terrorist’s publicity objectives and fi
nances simultaneously.
Word searches of online newspapers and journals allow a terrorist to
construct a profile of the means designed to counter his actions, or a profile of ad
mitted vulnerabilities in our systems. For example, recent articles reported on at-
tempts to slip contraband items through security checkpoints. One report noted
that at Cincinnati’s airport, contraband slipped through over 50 percent of the
time. A simple Internet search by a terrorist would uncover this shortcoming, and
offer the terrorist an embarkation point to consider for his or her next operation. A
16 September report noted that US law enforcement agencies were tracing calls
made overseas to al Qaeda cells from phone cards, cell phones, phone booths, or
Internet-based phone services. Exposing the targeting techniques of law enforce-
ment agencies allows the terrorist to alter his or her operating procedures. The
use of profiles by terrorists to uncover such material greatly assists their com-
mand and control of operations. The implication is that in a free society such as
the United States, you can publish too much information, and while the informa
tion might not be sensitive to us, it might be very useful to a terrorist.
l Internet access can be controlled or its use directed according to the
server configuration, thus creating a true ideological weapon. In the past, if
some report was offensive to a government, the content of the report could be
censored or filtered. Governments cannot control the Internet to the same degree
they could control newspapers and TV. In fact, the Internet can serve as a terror
ist’s TV or radio station, or his international newspaper or journal. The web al
lows an uncensored and unfiltered version of events to be broadcast worldwide.
Chat rooms, websites, and bulletin boards are largely uncontrolled, with few fil
ters in place. This climate is perfect for an underfunded group to explain its ac
tions or to offset both internal and international condemnation, especially when
using specific servers. The Internet can target fence-sitters as well as true believ
ers with different messages, oriented to the target audience.
In the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, al Qaeda operatives used the
Internet to fight for the hearts and minds of the Islamic faithful worldwide. Sev
114 Parameters
eral internationally recognized and respected Muslims who questioned the at
tacks were described as hypocrites by al Qaeda. Al Qaeda ran two websites, and, to discuss the legality of the attacks on 9/11. Al
Qaeda stated that Islam shares no fundamental values with the West and that
Muslims are committed to spread Islam by the sword. As a result of such com
mentary, several Muslim critics of al Qaeda’s policies withdrew their prior con
Ideological warfare worked.
l The Internet can be used anonymously, or as a shell game to hide
identities. Terrorists have access to Internet tools to create anonymity or disguise
their identities. Online encryption services offer encryption keys for some ser
vices that are very difficult to break. The website offers tools
that hide text in “spam,” unsolicited bulk commercial e-mail. Speech compres
sion technology allows users to convert a computer into a secure phone device.
Network accounts can be deleted or changed as required. For example, Internet
users can create Internet accounts with national firms such as America Online
(AOL), or can even create an AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) account on a short-
term basis. In addition, anonymous logins are possible for many of the thousands
of chat rooms on the net. If desired, the user can access cyber cafes, university
and library computers, or additional external resources to further hide the source
of the messages.
An al Qaeda laptop found in Afghanistan had linked with the
French Anonymous Society on several occasions. The site offers a two-volume
Sabotage Handbook online.
Not only are anonymous methods available for the people who use the
Internet, but at times Internet service providers (ISPs) unwittingly participate in
serving people or groups for purposes other than legitimate ones. The al Qaeda
web site was originally located in Malaysia until 13 May. It re-
appeared in Texas at until 13 June, and then reappeared on
21 June at in Michigan. It was shut down on 25 June 2002. The
ISPs hosting it apparently knew nothing about the content of the site or even the
fact that it was housed on their servers.
This shell game with their website en
abled the al Qaeda web to remain functional in spite of repeated efforts to shut it
down. Cyber deception campaigns will remain a problem for law enforcement
personnel for years to come.
l The Internet produces an atmosphere of virtual fear or virtual life.
People are afraid of things that are invisible and things they don’t understand.
The virtual threat of computer attacks appears to be one of those things. Cyber-
fear is generated by the fact that what a computer attack could do (bring down air
liners, ruin critical infrastructure, destroy the stock market, reveal Pentagon
planning secrets, etc.) is too often associated with what will happen. News re
ports would lead one to believe that hundreds or thousands of people are still
active in the al Qaeda network on a daily basis just because al Qaeda says so. It
is clear that the Internet empowers small groups and makes them appear much
more capable than they might actually be, even turning bluster into a type of
Spring 2003 115
virtual fear. The net allows terrorists to amplify the consequences of their activi
ties with follow-on messages and threats directly to the population at large, even
though the terrorist group may be totally impotent. In effect, the Internet allows
a person or group to appear to be larger or more important or threatening than
they really are.
The Internet can be used to spread disinformation, frightening personal
messages, or horrific images of recent activities (one is reminded of the use of the
net to replay the murder of reporter Daniel Pearl by his Pakistani captors). Virtu-
ally, it appears as though attacks are well planned and controlled, and capabilities
are genuine. Messages are usually one-sided, however, and reflect a particular
political slant. There is often little chance to check the story and find out if it is
mere bravado or fact. The Internet can thus spread rumors and false reports that
many people, until further examination, regard as facts.
Recently, the Arab TV station al-Jazeera has played tape recordings of
bin Laden’s speeches and displayed a note purportedly signed by him praising at-
tacks on an oil tanker near Yemen, and on US soldiers participating in a war game
in Kuwait. These messages were picked up and spread around the Internet, offer
ing virtual proof that bin Laden was alive. Most likely bin Laden was seriously
injured (which is why we haven’t seen him in over a year), but his image can be
manipulated through radio or Internet broadcasts so that he appears confident,
even healthy.
l The Internet can help a poorly funded group to raise money. Al Qaeda
has used Islamic humanitarian “charities” to raise money for jihad against the
perceived enemies of Islam. Analysts found al Qaeda and humanitarian relief
agencies using the same bank account numbers on numerous occasions. As a re
sult, several US-based Islamic charities were shut down.
The Sunni extremist
group Hizb al-Tahrir uses an integrated web of Internet sites from Europe to
Africa to call for the return of an Islamic caliphate. The website states that it de-
sires to do so by peaceful means. Supporters are encouraged to assist the effort
by monetary support, scholarly verdicts, and encouraging others to support
jihad. Bank information, including account numbers, is provided on a German
116 Parameters
“The Internet provides terrorists with anonymity,
command and control resources, and a
host of other measures to coordinate
and integrate attack options.”
Portals specializing in the anonymous transfer of
money, or portals providing services popular with terrorists (such as the issue of
new identities and official passports) are also available.
The fighters in the Russian breakaway republic of Chechnya have used
the Internet to publicize banks and bank account numbers to which sympathizers
can contribute. One of these Chechen bank accounts is located in Sacramento,
California, according to a Chechen website known as
Of course, there are other ways to obtain money for a cause via the
Internet. One of the most common ways is credit card fraud. Jean-Francois Ricard,
one of France’s top anti-terrorism investigators, noted that many Islamist terror
plots in Europe and North America were financed through such criminal activity.
l The Internet is an outstanding command and control mechanism.
Command and control, from a US military point of view, involves the exercise of
authority and direction by a properly designated commander over assigned and
attached forces in the accomplishment of the mission. Personnel, equipment,
communications, facilities, and procedures accomplish command and control by
assisting in planning, directing, coordinating, and controlling forces and opera-
tions in the accomplishment of a mission.
Command and control on the Internet is not hindered by geographical
distance, or by lack of sophisticated communications equipment. Antigovern-
ment groups present at the G8 conference in Cologne used the Internet to attack
computers of financial centers and to coordinate protests from locations as dis-
tant as Indonesia and Canada. Terrorists can use their front organizations to coor-
dinate such attacks, to flood a key institution’s e-mail service (sometimes as a
diversionary tactic for another attack), or to send hidden messages that coordi-
nate and plan future operations.
The average citizen, the antigovernment protester, and the terrorist now
have access to command and control means, limited though they may be, to coordi
nate and plan attacks. Further, there are “cracking” tools available to detect secu
rity flaws in systems and try to exploit them. Attaining access to a site allows the
hacker or planner to command and control assets (forces or electrons) that are not
his. The Internet’s potential for command and control can vastly improve an orga
nization’s effectiveness if it does not have a dedicated command and control estab
lishment, especially in the propaganda and internal coordination areas. Finally,
command and control can be accomplished via the Internet’s chat rooms. One
website,, has supported al Qaeda’s effort to disperse its forces and en
able them to operate independently, providing leadership via strategic guidance,
theological arguments, and moral inspiration. The site also published a list of the
names and home phone numbers of 84 al Qaeda fighters captured in Pakistan after
escaping from Afghanistan. The aim presumably was to allow sympathizers to
contact their families and let them know they were alive.
l The Internet is a recruiting tool. The web allows the user complete
control over content, and eliminates the need to rely on journalists for publicity.
Spring 2003 117
Individuals with sympathy for a cause can be converted by the images and mes
sages of terrorist organizations, and the addition of digital video has reinforced this
ability. Images and video clips are tools of empowerment for terrorists. More im
portant, net access to such products provides contact points for men and women to
enroll in the cause, whatever it may be.
Current versions of web browsers, including Netscape and Internet Explorer, sup
port JavaScript functions allowing Internet servers to know which language is set
as the default for a particular client’s computer. Hence, a browser set to use English
as the default language can be redirected to a site optimized for publicity aimed at
Western audiences, while one set to use Arabic as the default can be redirected to a
different site tailored toward Arab or Muslim sensibilities.
This allows recruiting to be audience- and language-specific, enabling the web to
serve as a recruiter of talent for a terrorist cause. Recently, the Chechen website, which used to be aimed strictly against Russian forces operating in
Chechnya, changed its address to, and now includes links to Jihad in
Afghanistan, Jihad in Palestine, and Jihad in Chechnya. Such sites give the im-
pression that the entire Islamic world is uniting against the West, when in fact the
site may be the work of just a few individuals.
l The Internet is used to gather information on potential targets. The
website operated by the Muslim Hackers Club reportedly featured links to US
sites that purport to disclose sensitive information like code names and radio fre-
quencies used by the US Secret Service. The same website offers tutorials in vi-
ruses, hacking stratagems, network “phreaking” and secret codes, as well as links
to other militant Islamic and cyberprankster web addresses.
Recent targets that
terrorists have discussed include the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
in Atlanta; FedWire, the money-movement clearing system maintained by the
Federal Reserve Board; and facilities controlling the flow of information over
the Internet.
Attacks on critical infrastructure control systems would be particu
larly harmful, especially on a system such as the Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition (SCADA) system. Thus any information on insecure network archi
tectures or non-enforceable security protocols is potentially very damaging.
Terrorists have access, like many Americans, to imaging data on poten
tial targets, as well as maps, diagrams, and other crucial data on important facili
ties or networks. Imaging data can also allow terrorists to view counterterrorist
activities at a target site. One captured al Qaeda computer contained engineering
and structural architecture features of a dam, enabling al Qaeda engineers and
planners to simulate catastrophic failures.
With regard to gathering information through the Internet, on 15 Janu
ary 2003 Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld observed that an al Qaeda training
manual recovered in Afghanistan said, “Using public sources openly and without
resorting to illegal means, it is possible to gather at least 80 percent of all infor
mation required about the enemy.”
118 Parameters
l The Internet puts distance between those planning the attack and
their targets. Terrorists planning attacks on the United States can do so abroad
with limited risk, especially if their command and control sites are located in
countries other than their own. Tracing the route of their activity is particularly
difficult. The net provides terrorists a place to plan without the risks normally as
sociated with cell or satellite phones.
l The Internet can be used to steal information or manipulate data.
Ronald Dick, Director of the FBI’s National Infrastructure Protection Center,
considers the theft or manipulation of data by terrorist groups as his worst night
mare, especially if the attacks are integrated with a physical attack such as on a
US power grid.
Richard Clark, Chairman of the President’s Critical Infrastruc
ture Protection Board, said the problem of cybersecurity and data protection had
its own 9/11 on 18 September 2001 when the Nimda virus spread through
Internet-connected computers around the world, causing billions of dollars of
damage. Nimda’s creator has never been identified. This virus, hardly noticed in
the wake of the airliner attacks and anthrax scares, set off a chain reaction among
software companies (including Microsoft) to get very serious about plugging
In the fall of 2001 a number of unexplained intrusions began oc-
curring against Silicon Valley computers. An FBI investigation traced the intru-
sions to telecommunication switches in Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, and Pakistan.
While none was directly linked to al Qaeda, there remain strong suspicions that
the group was somehow involved.
l The Internet can be used to send hidden messages. The practice of
steganography, which involves hiding messages inside graphic files, is a wide-
spread art among criminal and terrorist elements. Hidden pages or nonsensical
phrases can be coded instructions for al Qaeda operatives and supporters. One re-
cent report noted,
Al Qaeda uses prearranged phrases and symbols to direct its agents. An icon of
an AK-47 can appear next to a photo of Osama bin Laden facing one direction one
day, and another direction the next. The color of icons can change as well. Mes
sages can be hidden on pages inside sites with no links to them, or placed openly in
chat rooms.
In addition, it is possible to buy encryption software for less than $15.
Cyberplanners gain an advantage in hiding their messages via encryption. Some
times the messages are not even hidden in a sophisticated manner. Al-Jazeera
television reported that Mohammed Atta’s final message (another advantage of
the Internet—the impossibility of checking sources) to direct the attacks on the
Twin Towers was simple and open. The message purportedly said, “The semester
begins in three more weeks. We’ve obtained 19 confirmations for studies in the
faculty of law, the faculty of urban planning, the faculty of fine arts, and the fac
ulty of engineering.”
The reference to the various faculties was apparently the
code for the buildings targeted in the attacks.
Spring 2003 119
l The Internet allows groups with few resources to offset even some
huge propaganda machines in advanced countries. The web is an attractive de
vice to those looking for a way to attack major powers via the mass media. The
“always on” status of the web allows these individuals not only to access sites day
and night but also to scold major powers and treat them with disdain in a public
forum. The web can be used to counter facts and logic with the logic of the terror
ist. There is no need for the terrorist organization to worry about “the truth,” be
cause ignoring facts is a standard operating procedure.
Al Qaeda uses polemics on the net not only to offset Western reporting,
but also to counter Muslims who don’t toe the party line. It defends the conduct
of its war against the West and encourages violence. The web is important to
al Qaeda because it can be used to enrage people and neutralize moderate opin
ion. The website of the Center for Islamic Studies and Research (according to one
source, a made-up name), for example, has 11 sections, including reports on
fighting in Afghanistan, world media coverage of the conflict, books on jihad
theology, videos of hijackers’testaments, information about prisoners held in Pa
kistan and Guantanamo Bay, and jihad poetry.
It does not pay for any major power to lie, as facts can be easily used
against them. Even in the war in Chechnya, there were times when the Chechens
would report a successful ambush of a Russian convoy, and the Russians would
deny the event ever happened. To prove their point, the Chechens would show
video footage of the ambush on the Internet, thus offsetting the credibility of the
Russian official media and undercutting the power of their massive propaganda
machine. Al Qaeda officials are waiting to do the same to Western media report-
ing if the opportunity presents itself.
l The Internet can be used to disrupt business. This tactic requires pre-
cise timing and intimate knowledge of the business climate in the target country.
It attempts to harm businesses by accusing them of guilt by association.
Hizbullah, for example, has outlined a strategy to cripple Israeli gov
ernment, military, and business sites with the aim of disrupting normal eco
nomic and societal operations. Phase one might be to disable official Israeli
government sites; phase two might focus on crashing financial sites such as
those on the Israeli stock exchange; phase three might involve knocking out the
main Israeli internet servers; and phase four might blitz Israeli e-commerce
sites to ensure the loss of hundreds of transactions.
A final phase could be to
accuse companies that do business with a target government as guilty by associ
ation and call for a boycott of the firm’s products. Arab terrorists attacked Lu
cent Technologies in a round of Israeli-Arab cyber skirmishes, for example.
All of these plans require insider knowledge in order to carry out the operation
in a timely and accurate manner.
l The Internet can mobilize a group or diaspora, or other hackers to
action. Websites are not only used to disseminate information and propaganda.
They also are used to create solidarity and brotherhood among groups. In the case
120 Parameters
of Islamist terrorist organizations, the Internet substitutes for the loss of bases
and territory. In this respect the most important sites are,,, and, which feature quotes from bin Laden tapes, reli
gious legal rulings that justify the terrorist attacks, and support for the al Qaeda
In addition, website operators have established a site that is “a kind of da
tabase or encyclopedia for the dissemination of computer viruses.”
The site is, and it aims to teach Internet users how to conduct computer attacks,
purportedly in the service of Islam.
l The Internet takes advantage of legal norms. Non-state actors or ter-
rorists using the Internet can ignore Western notions of law and focus instead on
cultural or religious norms. At a minimum, they ignore legal protocols on the
Internet. In addition, they use the net to break the law (when they hack websites
or send out viruses) while at the same time the law protects them (from unlawful
surveillance, etc.).
International investigations into such behavior are difficult to conclude
due to the slow pace of other nations’ investigative mechanisms, and the limited
time that data is stored.
However, in the aftermath of the events of 9/11 in the
United States, the terrorists’ actions actually initiated several changes in the US
legal system that were not to the terrorists’ advantage. For example, in the past,
the privacy concerns of Internet users were a paramount consideration by the US
government. After 9/11, new legislation was enacted.
The controversial USA Patriot Act of 2001 included new field guidance
relating to computer crime and electronic evidence. The Patriot Act is designed to
unite and strengthen the United States by providing the appropriate tools required
to intercept and obstruct terrorism. It establishes a counterterrorism fund in the
Treasury Department, amends federal criminal code that authorizes enhanced sur
veillance procedures, provides guidelines for investigating money-laundering
concerns, removes obstacles to investigating terrorism (granting the FBI authority
to investigate fraud and computer-related activity for specific cases), and strength
ens criminal laws against terrorism.
The “Field Guidance on New Authorities that Relate to Computer Crime
and Electronic Evidence Enacted in the USA Patriot Act of 2001” provides the
authority to do several things. Authorizations include: intercepting voice commu
Spring 2003 121
“The Internet allows a person or group to appear
to be larger or more important or threatening
than they really are.”
nications in computer hacking investigations; allowing law enforcement to trace
communications on the Internet and other computer networks within the pen regis-
ter and trap and trace statute (“pen/trap” statute); intercepting communications
of computer trespassers; writing nationwide search warrants for e-mail; and de-
terring and preventing cyberterrorism. The latter provision raises the maximum
penalty for hackers that damage protected computers (and eliminates mini-
mums); states that hackers need only show intent to cause damage, not a particu-
lar consequence or degree of damage; provides for the aggregation of damage
caused by a hacker’s entire course of conduct; creates a new offense for damaging
computers used for national security and criminal justice; expands the defini-
tion of a “protected computer” to include computers in foreign countries; counts
prior state convictions of computer crime as prior offenses; and defines computer
“loss.” In addition, the guidance develops and supports cyber-security forensic
l The Internet can be used to divert attention from a real attack sce
nario. Al Qaeda can plant threats on the Internet or via cell phones to mislead law
enforcement officials. Terrorists study how the United States collects and ana-
lyzes information, and thus how we respond to information.
Terrorists know when their Internet “chatter” or use of telecommunica-
tions increases, US officials issue warnings. Terrorists can thus introduce false
information into a net via routine means, measure the response it garners from the
US intelligence community, and then try to figure out where the leaks are in their
systems or what type of technology the United States is using to uncover their
plans. For example, if terrorists use encrypted messages over cell phones to dis-
cuss a fake operation against, say, the Golden Gate Bridge, they can then sit back
and watch to see if law enforcement agencies issue warnings regarding that par-
ticular landmark. If they do, then the terrorists know their communications are
being listened to by US officials.
n conclusion, it should be reiterated that cyberplanning is as important a con
cept as cyberterrorism, and perhaps even more so. Terrorists won’t have an
easy time shutting down the Internet. Vulnerabilities are continuously reported
and fixed while computers function without serious interference (at least in the
United States). One hopes that law enforcement and government officials will
focus more efforts on the cyberplanning capabilities of terrorists in order to
thwart computer attacks and other terrorist activities. At a minimum, America
can use such measures to make terrorist activities much harder to coordinate
and control. Paul Eedle, writing in The Guardian, summed up the value of the
Internet to al Qaeda:
Whether bin Ladin or al Qaeda’s Egyptian theorist Ayman al-Zawahiri and their
colleagues are on a mountain in the Hindu Kush or living with their beards shaved
off in a suburb of Karachi no longer matters to the organization. They can inspire
122 Parameters
and guide a worldwide movement without physically meeting their followers—
without knowing who they are.
Such is the power and the danger of cyberplanning.
1. Patricia Daukantas, “Government Computer News via,” 14 December 2001, http://
2. Jack Kelley, “Militants Wire Web with Links to Jihad,” USA Today, 10 July 2002, from CNO/IO News
letter, 8-14 July 2002.
3. Ibid.
4. Yossi Melman, “Virtual Soldiers in a Holy War,” Ha’aretz,, 17 September 2002.
5. Habib Trabelsi, “Al-Qaeda Wages Cyber War against US,” Middle East Times, Dubai, 27 June 2002,
rpt. in CNO/IO Newsletter, 1-7 July 2002.
6. Patrick S. Tibbetts, “Terrorist Use of the Internet and Related Information Technologies,” unpublished
paper, School of Advanced Military Studies, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, June 2002, p. 20.
7. Paul Eedle, “Al-Qaeda Takes Fight for ‘Hearts and Minds’to the Web,” Jane’s Intelligence Review,Au
gust 2002, rpt. in CNO/IO Newsletter, 5-11 August 2002.
8. Tibbetts, pp 7, 9.
9. Eedle, “Al-Qaeda Takes Fight.”
10. Colin Soloway, Rod Nordland, and Barbie Nadeau, “Hiding (and Seeking) Messages on the Web,”
Newsweek, 17 June 2002, p. 8.
11. “Sunni Extremist Group Hizb al-Tahrir Promotes Ideology on the Internet,” FBIS,,
5 February 2002.
12. C. E. Manin, “Terrorism and Information Communication Technology,” La Tribune, College
Interarmees de Defense, April 2002, p. 112.
13. Michael Elliot, “Reeling Them In,” Time, 23 September 2002, p. 33.
14. Paul Eedle, “,” The Guardian, 17 July 2002, downloaded from the FBIS website on 17
July 2002.
15. Tibbetts, p. 37.
16. Ibid., p. 34.
17. Mark Hosenball, “Islamic Cyberterror,” Newsweek, 20 May 2002
18. Tom Squitieri, “Cyberspace Full of Terror Targets,” USA Today, 5 June 2002.
19. Barton Gellman, “FBI Fears Al-Qaeda Cyber Attacks,” San Francisco Chronicle, 28 June 2002, pp. 1, 10.
20. “Citing Al Qaeda Manual, Rumsfeld Re-Emphasizes Web Security,”, http://, 15 January 2003.
21. Gellman, pp. 1, 10.
22. John Schwartz, “Despite 9/11 Warnings, Cyberspace Still at Risk,” The Post Standard (Syracuse,
N.Y.), 11 September 2002, pp. D-10, 11.
23. Maria T. Welch, “Accumulating Digital Evidence is Difficult,” The Post Standard, 11 September
2002, pp. D-9, 11.
24. Ibid.; also Soloway, Nordland, and Nadeau.
25. Melman.
26. Eedle, “”
27. Giles Trendle, “Cyberwars: The Coming Arab E-Jihad,” The Middle East, No. 322 (April 2002), p. 6.
28. Tim McDonald, “Fanatics with Laptops: The Coming Cyber War,” via Yahoo! News,
16 May 2002.
29. Melman.
30. Ibid.
31. Ibid.
32. Manin, p. 112.
33. See “Bill Summary & Status for the 107th Congress,”
34. See “Field Guidance on New Authorities that Relate to Computer Crime and Electronic Evidence En
acted in the USA Patriot Act of 2001,”
35. John Diamond, “Al-Qaeda Steers Clear of NSAs Ears,” USA Today, 17 October 2002, CNO/IO News
letter, 23-30 October 2002, pp. 17-18.
36. Eedle, “”
Spring 2003 123