ew Mexico State University’s
Agricultural Experiment Station’s Contribution
to New Mexico’s Economy
epared by:
Jay M. Lillywhite
Don Blayney
With research assistance from:
Kaleb Herndon
Bailey Tom
December 17, 2020
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Executive Summary
New Mexico State University’s College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences (ACES) is
focused on contributing to economic and community development within the state. Research, teaching,
and Extension within the College is centered on four primary pillars, with a foundation of education and
training. The four pillars are (1) food and fiber production and marketing; (2) water use and
conservation; (3) family development and health of New Mexicans; and (4) environmental stewardship.
A large component of the College’s efforts is housed within the Agricultural Experiment Station (AES)
system. The New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station system consists of faculty, staff, and resources
located at New Mexico State University’s main campus in Las Cruces as well as at 12 Agricultural Science
Centers located throughout the state. The 12 research stations allow faculty and staff of the Agricultural
Experiment Station system to conduct applied research important to diverse local communities and to
support local communities through participation in community organizations and events.
This report summarizes the potential contribution that the AES system has on New Mexico’s economy.
The economic contribution that NMSU’s AES system makes to the state’s economy can be traced to two
major components (1) research expenditures funded by the state, the federal government through
capacity and competitive grants, and other funding sources such as industry and non-profit
organizations and (2) increases in agricultural productivity, primarily associated with increased
effectiveness of inputs. Contributions for this later component are much more difficult to accurately
quantify. Other non-quantifiable or difficult to quantify contributions were not addressed in this study.
Economic contribution estimates used input-output analysis facilitated using the IMPLAN software.
While based on several rather strong assumptions, the software and method are commonly used to
measure economic contributions or impacts. Two models were implemented to estimate potential
contributions from NMSU’s Agricultural Experiment Station research, one related to expenditures and
the second considered increased productivity.
The total contribution of NMSU’s Agricultural Experiment Station system derived from both research
expenditures and potential increased agricultural productivity on the state’s economic output (sales)
was estimated to be more than $137 million. Total contribution to the State’s gross domestic product
was estimated at more than $77 million. In terms of state employment, the AES system is estimated to
support 1,191 jobs within the state.
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Table of Contents
Background .......................................................................................................................................1
The Land-Grant University System ............................................................................................................ 1
New Mexico State University .................................................................................................................... 1
College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences .............................................................. 2
Teaching ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Research ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Extension ............................................................................................................................................... 3
New Mexico Agriculture ............................................................................................................................ 3
New Mexico’s Agricultural Experiment Station System .......................................................................4
The Economic Contribution of the Agricultural Experiment Station Systems ........................................5
Methodology ............................................................................................................................................. 5
Assumptions .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Contribution Classifications .................................................................................................................. 6
Economic Multipliers ............................................................................................................................ 7
Sources of Economic Contribution ............................................................................................................ 7
The Agricultural Experiment Station’s Contribution to New Mexico’s Economy ...................................... 8
Contributions from Expenditures ......................................................................................................... 8
Economic Contributions from Increased Productivity ........................................................................ 12
Productivity and Public R&D in Agriculture .................................................................................... 12
Examples of NMSU AES Research with the Potential to Increase Productivity .............................. 15
Estimates of New Mexico Agricultural Productivity Growth .......................................................... 17
Conclusions ..................................................................................................................................... 18
References ....................................................................................................................................... 21
Appendix I. AES Research Examples .................................................................................................. 24
Alcalde Sustainable Agricultural Science Center ..................................................................................... 25
Artesia Agricutural Science Center .......................................................................................................... 25
huahuan Desert Rangeland Research Center .................................................................................... 25
Clayton Livestock Research Center.......................................................................................................... 26
Clovis Agricutural Science Center ............................................................................................................ 26
Corona Range and Livestock Research Center ........................................................................................ 26
Farmington Agricultural Science Center ................................................................................................. 27
Fabian Garcia Research Center & Leyendecker Plant Science Research Center ..................................... 28
Los Lunas Agricultural Science Center ..................................................................................................... 28
John T. Harrington Forestry Research Center at Mora ........................................................................... 29
Tucumcari (Rex E. Kirksey) Agricultural Science Center .......................................................................... 29
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The Land-Grant University System
Two months after the establishment of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) with the
passage of the Morrill Act of 1862, the land-grant university system was established. The mission of the
land-grant university system, as designated in the original Morrill Act, is to provide a practical education
including topics of agriculture, military tactics, the mechanic arts, and classical studies so that working
classes can obtain a liberal, practical education (APLU, 2020). Expansions of the system occurred in
1890, providing funding to states that created land-grant institutions for African Americans, and in 1994,
conferring land-grant status to Native American tribal colleges.
The Hatch Act of 1887 created agricultural experiment station (AES) systems as a component of land-
grant institutions. The Act allowed for the use of federal funds to establish an agricultural experiment
station at each land-grant institution. Annually, the federal government supports individual state
agricultural experiment station systems with funds, a majority which must be matched by states,
determined by a formula that accounts for the number of small farmers in the state. Established by the
Smith-Lever Act of 1914, the Cooperative Extension Service is tasked with disseminating information
generated by the agricultural experiment station system (APLU, 2020).
Today 93 established land-grant universities are operating in the United State (Figure 1). Of these, 57 are
classified as 1862 schools, 19 as 1890 schools, and 36 as 1994 schools. New Mexico is home to four land-
grant institutions, one 1862 and three 1994 schools. These schools include New Mexico State University,
Navajo Technical College, the Institute of American Indian Arts, and the Southwestern Indian Polytechnic
Institute (USDA-NIFA, ND). In addition, Shiprock, New Mexico, is home to a campus of Diné College, a
1994 land-grant school headquartered in Tsaile, Arizona.
New Mexico State University
New Mexico State University (NMSU) was established as the New Mexico College of Agriculture and
Mechanic Arts in 1888. In 1889, the New Mexico territorial legislature authorized the creation of an
agricultural college and experiment station in or near Las Cruces. The University was designated as the
land-grant college for New Mexico under the Morrill Act. Today, the University is home to more than
14,000 students and four community or branch campuses in Las Cruces (Dona Ana), Carlsbad,
Alamogordo, and Grants. The University is home to nine colleges. The colleges include:
The College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences
The College of Arts and Sciences
The College of Business
The College of Education
The College of Engineering
The College of Health and Social Services
The Honors College
The Graduate School
The NMSU Library
Figure 1. U.S. Land-Grant Universities.
College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences
The College of Agricultural, Consumer, and
Environmental Sciences (ACES) teaching,
research, and Extension activities are
designed to make the College a driving force
in economic and community development.
Research, teaching, and Extension within the
College focus on four primary pillars, with a
foundation of education and training that
support the College’s mission of economic
and community development (NMSU-ACES,
ND). The four pillars are (1) food and fiber
production and marketing, (2) water use and
conservation, (3) family development and
health of New Mexicans, and (4)
Environmental stewardship (Figure 2).
Figure 2. NMSU College of ACES Pillars.
The College has eight academic/research departments, each providing academic training for college
students as well as conducting fundamental and applied agricultural research. The College is home to
more than 1,400 undergraduate students and more than 200 graduate students (NMSU-OIA, 2020).
Many undergraduate and graduate students participate in research projects funded from various
sources. Participation in research activities provides students with experiential learning opportunities
often not available in non-land-grant institutions. Academic/Research Departments within the College of
ACES include:
The Department of Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Business
The Department of Agricultural and Extension Education
The Department of Animal & Range Science
The Department of Entomology, Plant Pathology, and Weed Science
The Department Family and Consumer Sciences
The Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Ecology
The Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences
The School of Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Management
In addition to teaching responsibilities, a majority of academic faculty appointments within the College
include research responsibilities. In 2020, there were 365 faculty and staff associated with the AES
system, i.e., who have at least a partial AES appointment. Additionally, faculty and staff housed at the 12
agricultural science centers throughout the state conduct applied research, complementary to research
conducted on the main campus. These faculty tend to have 100% research appointments (Figure 3).
The College of ACES has Extension Specialists is six specialist departments. Extension specialists provide
applied research, develop training, and outreach programs related to animal science and natural
resources, economics, family and consumer sciences, plant sciences, youth development programs, e.g.,
4-H programs, and Innovative media. Extension specialists work closely with Extension county agents
located throughout the state. There are Cooperative Extension Service offices in all 33 counties within
the state where county agents provide hands-on education and training for interested stakeholders.
New Mexico Agriculture
New Mexico is recognized as one of the older agricultural production regions of the United States. For
example, records indicate that mission grapes planted as early as 1629 by Franciscan monks were used
to produce sacramental wine in Central New Mexico (NMSU Viticulture, ND). Similarly, chile, for which
the state is famous, was introduced in the region in 1598 by the Spanish conquistador Don Juan Oñate
(New Mexico True, ND).
Today, the state is home to nearly 25,000 (24,800) farmers and ranchers that produced more than $3.4
billion in agricultural output in 2019 (USDA-NASS, 2019). More than three-quarters of the agricultural
product value, 77.2% is from livestock operations, mainly dairy and cattle operations. In addition, the
state has 221 food and beverage manufacturing establishments, 475 food and beverage stores, and
nearly 3,000 (2,929) restaurants (U.S. Census, 2020).
The state is a national leader in pecan production, ranked first in production with 87 million pounds
produced in 2019, 34.4% of total U.S. production. The state also led the country in chile production in
2019 producing 126.1 million pounds (76.7% of total U.S. production). Other notable New Mexico
agricultural production includes Pima cotton, 4
in the U.S. (5.7% of U.S. production); dry onions, 5
the U.S. (5.7% of U.S. production); milk, 9
in the U.S. (3.8% of U.S. production); and cheese, 4
in the
U.S. (7.3% of U.S. production) (USDA-NASS, 2019).
New Mexico’s Agricultural Experiment Station System
The New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station (AES) system consists of faculty, staff, and resources
located at New Mexico State University’s main campus in Las Cruces as well as at 12 Agricultural Science
Centers (ASCs) located throughout the state. The 12 research stations allow the faculty and staff of the
AES system to conduct applied research under the varying agricultural and weather conditions around
the state. New Mexico has a diverse agricultural environment consisting of four different crop
The analysis described in this report explores the economic contributions of production agriculture only, i.e., it
does not account for food manufacturing or retailing (except to the extent that contributions to production
agriculture influence these down-stream industries).
Academic / Research Departments
Agricultural and Extension Education
Agricultural Economics & Agricultural Business
Animal & Range Science
Entomology, Plant Pathology, & Weed Science
Family & Consumer Sciences
Fish, Wildlife & Conservation Ecology
Plant & Environmental Sciences
Hotel, Restaurant, & Tourism Management
Agricultural Science Centers
Alcade Sustainable Agriculture Science Center
Artesia Agricultural Science Center
Chihuahuan Desert Rangeland Research Center
Clayton Livestock Research Center
Clovis Agricultural Science Center
Corona Range and Livestock Research Center
Fabian Garcia Research Center
Farmington Agricultural Science Center
Leyendecker Plant Science Center
Los Lunas Agricultural Science Center
Mora John T. Harrington Forestry Research Center
Tucumcari Agricultural Science Center
Figure 3. Research within the Land-Grant University and College of ACES Missions.
production regions, 11 plant hardiness zones, five different watersheds, and 126 different soil types
(Moorman, 2020). Faculty and staff housed at ASCs regularly interact with faculty and staff at the NMSU
Las Cruces campus in coordinating research projects. Additionally, having research stations throughout
the state allows each station to support local communities. For example, station faculty and staff
commonly participate in community organizations and events.
he Economic Contribution of the Agricultural Experiment Station Systems
e economic contribution or potential contribution of New Mexico State University’s AES system on
the state’s economy comes from two different sources. The first and most immediate contribution
source is associated with research expenditures, funded by both the state and external partners, e.g.,
the federal government. The second contribution source is associated with increased agricultural
productivity resulting from the research conducted by faculty and staff within the system. Both
contributions can be estimated using input-output analysis. The analytical method is described below,
along with the explanation of how each of the two sources identified above can impact the state’s
Input-output analysis has been used for many years as a methodology to estimate economic
relationships of geographically defined economies. The method was developed in 1930 by Wassily W.
Leontief to help model national economies by quantifying the interrelationships between the nation’s
industry sectors within the economy. Today, the input-output methodology is used often to measure
the impacts or contributions that a particular event has on nations, as well as on States and counties.
While extremely useful for evaluating and describing the impacts that can occur with underlying changes
in one particular industry, the input-output methodology does have several limiting simplifying
assumptions to note. These assumptions or limitations include (IMPLAN, ND):
(1) Backward linkages. Only backward linkages and the impacts on industry segments before the
industry that experienced changes (“upstream participants”) are measured;
(2) Constant returns to scale. Input requirements remain constant per unit of output, regardless of
how much output is generated, i.e., a ten percent increase in output requires a ten percent
increase in inputs;
(3) No supply constraints. There are unlimited amounts of inputs available for production;
(4) Fixed input structure. Substitutions in inputs in response to changes in output are not allowed;
(5) Industry technology assumption. An industry uses the same technology to produce each of the
products within the industry;
(6) Constant make matrix. Industries increase outputs proportionately, i.e., one output produced
within the industry will not increase without a proportionate increase in other outputs within
the same industry; and
(7) Time is static. Changes in input mixes, i.e., adoption of technologies over time that would
change input uses, are not reflected in the methodology.
Contribution Classifications
to the economy identified by the input-output methodology are commonly defined by
three categories: direct, indirect, and induced. The various categories might be thought of as “ripple
effects.” Direct contributions arise due to a specific action, e.g., AES system research expenditures.
Induced and indirect contributions are “ripple effects” in the economy generated as a result of the initial
impact occurring (Figure 4).
Direct contributions. Direct contributions are estimates that are the result of the initial change within a
particular industry sector or sectors. For example, in the analysis described in this report, the initial
research expenditures made by faculty and staff within the AES system might be thought of as a “direct
contribution” or injection of money into the state’s economy. Similarly, increased farm or ranch
revenues created by research advancements could be considered direct contributions of the AES
Indirect contributions. Indirect contributions are contributions that result from intermediary purchases
among industry sectors (business-to-business) within the economy that are derived as a result of direct
contributions. For example, an auto mechanic purchasing supplies and tools to work on AES system
automobiles would constitute an indirect contribution to the economy. These contributions can
continue as economic activities continue. For example, the equipment dealer (who sold tools to the
mechanic) purchases fuel for their tool truck, again creating an indirect economic contribution to the
state’s economy.
Induced contributions. Induced contributions are associated with increased household spending
resulting from direct and induced contributions. For example, when AES system employees purchase
groceries from the local grocery store, they are generating indirect contributions to the state’s economy.
Input-output analysis is commonly used to quantify “impacts” or “contributions” that a specific event has on an
underlying economy. The difference between an “impact” or “impact study” and a “contribution” or “contribution”
study depends on the nature and size of the event. A discussion of the difference is beyond the scope of this
report. The following references detail the differences: Lucas (ND); Watson et al. (2007).
Direct Contribution. Initial changes that result from
economic activity.
Induced Contribution. Contributions that occur from
spending of income received from wage earners as a
result of direct and indirect contributions.
Indirect Contribution. Contributions from local industries buying
goods and services from other local industries are a result of the
direct contribution initial changes that result from economic
gure 4. Direct, Indirect, and Induced Contributions.
Like induced contributions, these contributions can continue to be generated as employees throughout
the economy spend their income. For example, the grocery store employee uses some of their income
(a result of prior induced and indirect contributions) to have the oil in their car changed.
Economic Multipliers
Economic multipliers associated with output, employment, and/or added value, e.g., gross state
product, are often reported in economic impact or contribution analyses. A multiplier is a simple way to
describe the magnitude of a direct impact or contribution on the economy as those initial impacts ripple
through the economy. Figure 5 illustrates graphically how the multiplier is calculated. Assume that one
dollar is spent inside the state as a direct impact or contribution and that (by assumption) 40% of the
expenditure leaves the state. Given that the money is no longer able to be spent by other businesses or
individuals within the state, only $0.60 is available for the second round of spending (associated with
indirect and induced contributions), continuing throughout six cycles (until the contribution is essentially
zero), the total spending within the
economy has increased to $1.66 (a
multiplier of 1.66). That is, an additional
$0.66 has been generated or spent
through the economy as various
economic participants (businesses and
households) spent money.
Sources of Economic Contribution
There are two primary ways in which the
AES system contributes to the State’s
economy. The first contribution arises as
each Agricultural Experiment Station unit
(Academic/Research Department or
Agricultural Science Center) uses funds
provided by the state, combined with
funds provided by the federal
government and other organizations,
e.g., non-profit foundations, to conduct
research. The research expenditures
circulate through the economy creating
economic activity and generating
economic output. These impacts are
relatively easy to identify and measure.
Leakage outside of the
+ $0.40
+ $0.16
+ $0.06
+ $0.03
+ $0.01
= 1.66
Figure 5. Economic Multiplier. Source: Crawford (2011).
The more difficult contributions or impacts to measure, which may in fact be impossible to completely
measure, are those that result in new or improved agricultural products
(or other products, e.g.,
pharmaceuticals) resulting in greater agricultural productivity or increased efficiencies leading to
production cost reductions. These benefits, which have been referred to as “functional impacts” or
“functional contributions” (Tripp, Grueber, and Cummings, 2018) are significant, likely much more
significant than those created by research expenditures, and they are much more difficult to measure.
In both cases, the direct contribution or impact must first be identified, and its expected contribution
quantified. Once these benefits have been quantified, the input-output analysis described can be used
to identify additional indirect and induced contributions.
The Agricultural Experiment Station’s Contribution to New Mexico’s Economy
Contributions from Expenditures
Funding for the NMSU AES system comes primarily from three sources. The first is state-allocated
funding, referred to as “unrestricted” in the University budget vocabulary. Second, “restricted” funding
is appropriated funds from the federal government in the form of “capacity funding,” which requires a
one-to-one match from unrestricted sources. Lastly, funding obtained by faculty through competitive
processes of writing grants and obtaining contracts is also referred to as “restricted” funds. Federal
funds allocated by the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) in 2020 are shown in
Figure 6 (CRS, 2020). Last, a small about of revenue is derived from sales and services at the ASCs.
Figure 6 shows that approximately one-half (48%) of federal funds in 2020 were allocated to the
country’s 112 land-grant institutions in the form of capacity grants. These funds are allocated to
universities based on a formula provided in federal statutes. The formulas use Census-based statistics
that include, among other factors, the number of small farms within the state. The other 52% of federal
funding is allocated through the competitive grant process that includes peer-review and can be
awarded to both land-grant institutions and non-land grant institutions. Funds available to land-grant
institutions support both research (the AES system) and Extension (the Cooperative Extension Service).
In many cases, funding from both the capacity grant side and the competitive grant side are designated
for certain programs or schools, e.g., veterinary and forestry schools or land-grant university
designations, e.g., 1862 and 1890 schools.
The new or improved products are not necessarily agricultural in the traditional sense. For example, research
related to agricultural production/commodities has been successful in identify valuable pharmaceutical products
and providing insights into ways to manage human diseases, e.g., cancer.
A broader debate about the appropriate mix of capacity and competitive grant funding for universities is
underway, with proponents on both sides, i.e., proponents for increasing the proportion of funding that is
determined competitively and proponents for increasing the proportion of capacity funding. Relative to the topic
of this report, it should be noted that some research has suggested that capacity funding has a larger positive
impact on agricultural productivity over the long-run and is spread out across a wider range of states (CRS, 2020).
Capacity Grants
$812 million
(distributed based by formula)
Discretionary Budget
$1.54 billion from appropriations
Mandatory Budget
$177 million from farm bill
Competitive Grants
$687 million $177 million
Discretionary Mandatory
(awarded based on merit)
Hatch Act
1862 Institutions
$259 million
1890 Institutions
$67 million
Schools of Forestry
$36 million
Animal Health
Veterinary Schools
$4 million
1862 Institutions
$315 million
Nutrition (EFNEP)
1862 & 1890 Insts.
$70 million
1890 Extension
1890 Institutions
$57 million
Renew. Res. Exten.
Schools of Forestry
$4 million
$508 million
Specialty Crop (SCRI)
$75 million
Nutrition Incentive
$45 million
$38 million
$72 million
Higher Education
$69 million
Emergency Citrus
$24 million
Organic (OREI)
$19 million
Beginning Farmer
$14 million
State Agricultural Experiment
Stations (SAES)
Cooperative Extension Service
Land-Grant Universities
Teaching / Research / Extension / Integrated
1862 (original), 1890 (historical black), 1994 (tribal)
Other universities &
Figure 6. National Institute of Food Agriculture Budget (FY 2020 budget authority). Source: CRS, 2020.
Over the past seven years, New Mexico State University’s AES system has received an average of
$18,728,048 in unrestricted funding from the state of New Mexico This funding has been matched with
federal restricted funding at an average rate of 81%, that is, for every dollar that the state of New
Mexico provides to the New Mexico State Agricultural Experiment Stations, the system is able to obtain
$0.81 in outside funding via competitive grants and contracts. The matching rate has increased over the
increasing participation and becoming more competitive in the competitive grant process. last seven
years. In FY2020 the system match rate was 98% (Figure 7), suggesting that faculty are increasing
participation and becoming more competitive in the competitive grant process. For the fifth consecutive
year, faculty in the College of ACES have led other NMSU colleges in grants and contracts requested and
Figure 7. NMSU AES Unrestricted and Restricted Funds, FY14-FY20. Source NMSU ACES.
Funds provided by both the State to support expenditures in FY20 ($19,332,308) and expenditures from
funds provided by the federal government ($18,938,102) can be considered “direct contributions.
These funds are expended throughout the AES system via expenditures made by researchers and staff
located at the systems 12 agricultural science centers and by researchers with joint appointments
located at the Las Cruces campus. These expenditures support local economies as well as contribute to
the overall economic activity within the state.
Using input-output analysis implemented using the IMPLAN software, the direct contribution of about
$38.3 million from the sources described above resulted in a total economic contribution in terms of
economic output to the state of more than $63 million (Table 1). The economic multiplier associated
with output contributions of the AES system was estimated to equal 1.67. This multiplier indicates that
every dollar invested in NMSU’s AES system results in an additional $0.67 of economic activity (sales) in
the State. Similarly, for every dollar invested into NMSU’s AES system, the state’s gross domestic
product increases by an additional $0.45 (a multiplier of 1.45).
The multiplier is calculated as the total contribution (employment, value-added, or output) divided by the direct
contribution. For example, the multiplier associated with value-added (state gross domestic product) is calculated
as $42,965,174 / $29,624,633 = 1.45.
FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20
Restricted as a Percent of
Expendiures ($)
Fiscal Year
Unrestricted Restricted % of Unrestricted
An additional 161 jobs were created as a result of the efforts of the Agricultural Experiment Station
operating within the state, resulting in a total employment contribution of 526 jobs. The total
contribution to the state’s domestic product referred to as “valued-added” (Clouse, ND) in the IMPLAN
modeling software was estimated to be more than $42 million. These contributions are associated only
with the System’s expenditures and do not include contributions that are associated with potential
agricultural productivity increases which are discussed in the next section.
Table 1. Economic Contributions from NMSU AES System Related to Research Expenditures
Contribution Employment Value Added Output
365 $29,624,633 $38,270,410
39 $3,307,917 $7,472,796
526 $42,965,174 $63,739,586
Industries that are most influenced by the research expenditures described above, based on total
economic activity associated with the spending, are shown in Table 2. Industries that are most
influenced by the research expenditures, based on employment, are shown in Table 3.
Table 2. Top 10 Supported Industries from AES Expenditures, Based on Output
Output Impact
Other real estate
2 Owner-occupied dwellings $2,464,387.15
Other local government enterprises
Insurance carriers, except direct life
Full-service restaurants
Limited-service restaurants
Tenant-occupied housing
9 Offices of physicians $572,866.83
Monetary authorities and depository credit intermediation
Table 3. Top 10 Supported Industries from AES Expenditures, Based on Employment
Employment (Jobs)
Other real estate
2 Full-service restaurants 10
Limited-service restaurants
Individual and family services
Offices of physicians
Retail - General merchandise stores
Home health care services
9 Other local government enterprises 4
All other food and drinking places
Economic Contributions from Increased Productivity
The following provides a discussion and an example of how the AES system contributes to New Mexico’s
economy. The estimates provided at the end of this section should be considered only as potential
impacts given the difficulty associated with linking specific research to productivity increases, as
discussed below.
Productivity and Public R&D in Agriculture
Agricultural output in the United States has grown significantly over time, while input use has remained
relatively constant (Figure 8). In broad terms, increases in agricultural output can occur as the result of
three factors: increased factor productivity growth, e.g., using existing resources more efficiently,
increased use of inputs, i.e., using more inputs, and short-term shocks, e.g., weather or short-term
policy actions. A core driver of factor productivity and, to a lesser extent, input use/growth is the quality
of the input. Input quality, including land, human capital, and others, e.g., water, fertilizer, equipment,
can be increased directly via public and private research and development (R&D) efforts. Extension
training and quality infrastructure also play a role in the process of improving input quality and
ultimately increasing agricultural output growth (Figure 9).
Total factor productivity
Indices (1948 - 100)
Output Input TFP
Figure 8. Agricultu
ral Output, Input, and Factor Productivity, 1948-2017. Source USDA-ERS (2020).
Total agricultural output growth
Total factor productivity growth
Total agricultural input growth
Random annual fluctuations
Pests and animal diseases
Other unexpected shocks
Short-term policies
Input Quality
Input Quantity
Quality of other inputs Quality of land
Quality of labor
technical change
(farm practice,
organization, etc.)
Embodied technical
Public R&D
Private R&D
Farmer health
Direction of input quality depends on how TFP and input are defined and measured.
These activities may enhance knowledge dissemination to improve input quality and farmers’ operational skills.
Figure 9. Sources of Agricultural Output. Source: Wang et al. (2015, modified).
The impacts of public agricultural research (and extension) on agricultural productivity have been
studied in some detail. Research has shown that Federal-State partnerships in public agricultural
research and development (R&D) have been a key factor in increased agricultural productivity (Fuglie et
al., 1996; Huffman and Evenson, 2006; Alston et al., 2010; and Heisey et al., 2010). Additionally, some
research has suggested that public research expenditures also spur private research, thus leveraging
public monies with private funding and increasing overall productivity.
Estimating the returns to public research investments is difficult for a variety of reasons, including the
time it takes for research findings to be commercialized (sometimes referred to as the “gestation
period”) and estimating the time that the innovation will be used commercially, (sometimes referred to
as the “time path”).
For example, one method of estimating the returns to research and development that has been used in
the literature is to estimate the social internal rate of return of R&D investments. The “social internal
rate of return” is defined as the internal rate of return that accounts for benefits to both farmers (higher
profits) and consumers (more food or assortment of food at lower prices). A return of 17%, as estimated
by Baldos et al. (2015), shown in Table 4, might be interpreted as an annual return of $0.17 for every
$1.00 invested in R&D, for the useful life of the improvements, i.e., the R&D time path.
Estimates of the social internal rate of return (IRR) to public agricultural R&D range from 17% to 67%
(Table 4). An alternative way of assessing the impacts of R&D investments (as opposed to social IRRs) is
to estimate the ratio of benefits to costs, i.e., the benefit-cost (BC) ratio. The BC ratio can be
approximated by dividing the IRR estimate by the real interest rate faced by the government. For
example, if the cost of government borrowing is 4% (in real terms) the IRR estimate of 17% would
suggest that for every dollar invested in R&D, the cumulative discounted benefits to society, in this case,
farmers and consumers would be $4.25. Long-term real Treasury rates, a measure of the government’s
cost of borrowing, ranged from 0.27% to 1.19% in 2019. Using an estimate of 1.19% for the real Treasury
rate (most conservative), approximated benefit/cost ratios associated with social IRRs reported in Table
4 ran from 14.3 to 56.3.
Estimates reported in Table 4 depend on several assumptions, a key one being the “time path” of R&D
efforts. The time path describes the length of time the R&D is assumed to contribute to agricultural
productivity. Included in the period is the time taken to commercialize developed technologies, the time
for technology adoption and diffusion by agricultural stakeholders, and the time before the adopted
technology becomes obsolete. In general, studies that assumed a long life for capital developed via R&D
(the period before the technology becomes obsolete) also assumed a longer “gestation” period. Hence,
longer time paths are correlated with lower social IRRs (Alston, 2010). The gestation lag suggests that
while agricultural R&D investments may have high returns, current expenditures (outside of the
contribution discussed above) will have little impact on contemporaneous agricultural productivity
(Heisey and Fuglie, 2018).
Table 4. Estimated Social IRR to Agricultural R&D. Source: Heisey and Fuglie (2018, Modified)
Authors / Researchers
Social IRR
BC Ratio
R&D Time
Baldos et al. (2015) 17% 14.29 1949-2011 50 years
Anderson and Song (2013) 21% 17.65 1949-2002 50 years
Alston et al. (2010) 23% 19.33 1949-2004 50 years
Wang et al. (2012) 45% 37.82 1980-2004 35 years
Jin and Huffman (2016) 67% 56.30 1970-2004 35 years
Huffman and Evenson (2006) 56% 47.06 1970-1999 35 years
Presented in real terms, i.e., adjusted for inflation.
Approximated using real long-term Treasury rate estimate of 1.19%.
Examples of NMSU AES Research with the Potential to Increase Productivity
Researchers affiliated with NMSU’s Agricultural Experiment Stations are involved in many research
projects capable of producing returns similar to those identified in Table 4. In the following section, a
small sample of current research projects/programs is identified. Appendix I contains a more
comprehensive, yet still non-exhaustive list of research efforts currently underway within the system.
New Mexico State University’s College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences (ACES)
maintains a database of “ACES Impacts” that provides a summary of a large number of research projects
currently underway.
Strengthening Existing Crops and Exploring New Alternatives: Apples and Jujube Fruit
New Mexico historically had a significant fresh apple industry within the state. The state’s peak apple
production occurred in 1964 when the state produced 47.3 million pounds of apples. But production
diminished over time due to a variety of factors. In the 2002 Agricultural Census, New Mexico reported
1,814 acres of apples. In the 2017 Census, less than one-half of the acreage reported 15 years earlier
was shown (Figure 10). In 2019, apple sales for New Mexico were estimated to equal $797,056.
Recognizing the needs of the state’s apple producers, NMSU Agricultural Experiment Station researchers
are exploring alternative varieties of apples that may be better suited to the state’s current growing
conditions and are in demand by consumers. Additionally, researchers are exploring new fruit crops that
might supplement and, or in some cases, replace apple production as a source of farm income. For
example, Agricultural Experiment Station researchers are exploring opportunities to grow jujube fruit,
originally from China. The fruit is highly nutritious and well-suited to New Mexico growing conditions,
e.g., they bloom later in the year avoiding frost issues often observed in apple production and are
relatively low water users. Research is exploring varieties that are best suited to New Mexico growing
conditions and most preferred by U.S. consumers.
2002 2007 2012 2017
Bearing Acres
Census Year
Figure 10. New Mexico Apple Acreage, 2002-2017. Source U.S. Census, 2017.
Improving Genetics: Pecan Genetics
New Mexico is a leading pecan producer in the United States, producing nearly 88 million pounds in
2019 with a production value of $165,064,000 on 45,000 acres. Pecan trees are generally heavier water
users than other crops, with consumptive use estimated to range from 3.3 to 4.3 acre-feet per year
depending on several factors including tree size and density (Magnuson et al., 2019). Researchers
associated with NMSU’s Agricultural Experiment Station system along with other researchers
throughout the U.S. successfully obtained a five-year grant for nearly $5 million from USDA to explore
pecan genetics. By better understanding the genetic makeup of pecans, researchers may be able to
develop trees that can produce similar yields using less water.
Estimating the potential return to the state is complicated as the estimation requires numerous, for-the-
time unverifiable assumptions. Assumptions needed to estimate the long-term potential impact of this
research includes the value of water (over time), the amount of irrigation water that could be saved
from more water-efficient trees, the length of time to get commercialize the research (get it from the
research lab to the producer), the amount of time that producers would take to adopt the new trees,
the length of time before trees began to produce pecans, the length of time that the technology would
be in existence before it becomes obsolete, price reactions to potentially reduced water demand and/or
increased pecan production.
The following narrative illustrates how pecan research might benefit the state, based on untested
assumptions for illustrative purposes (not meant to be construed as actual benefits based on proven
assumptions). Using the water price estimates from Hurd and Coonrod (2012) of $54.17 per acre-foot, if
NMSU research resulted in pecan trees using one less acre-foot per year the value of the research, each
year would be $2.4 million. Using the multiplier estimated above (1.67) this value would increase to $4.0
million. An internal rate of return (IRR) similar to those reported earlier could be constructed for these
water savings but would depend on how long it takes to get trees into production, adoption rates, and
the length of time the trees would continue to produce.
Reducing Livestock Disease Impacts
New Mexico farmers and ranchers reported 1.5 million cattle and calves in 2019. Beef cattle used for
meat production are placed on feedlots and more than 20% of those cattle experience Bovine
Respiratory Disease (BRD). Existing treatments that include the use of antibiotics are expensive,
estimated to be more than $20 per animal, and have varying levels of success (some estimates that
existing treatments are approximately 70% effective). At the national level, BRD costs to the industry are
estimated at more than $600 million per year. Researchers are exploring alternative strategies to
prevent and manage BRD based on nutritional strategies that can reduce antibiotic use and increase
cattle immunity.
Estimates of New Mexico Agricultural Productivity Growth
New Mexico has seen impressive agricultural productivity growth over the last 60 years.
Between the
period of 1960 to 2004, New Mexico ranked 7
in the country in terms of growth of farm output with an
annual average growth rate over the period of 2.25% (Figure 11).
The average agricultural productivity
growth over the same period for the U.S. was 1.33%.
Since 2004 (between 2004 and 2017), agricultural
productivity for the entire U.S. has grown at a rate 0.92%.
Growth Index (Relative to Alabama in
1996 = 1)
e 11. Annual Growth in Agricultural Output, 1960 to 2004. Source USDA-ERS (2020).
As indicated previously, estimating the social IRR is extremely difficult and must account for the potential that the
research never translates into a commercial product, the gestation period, and the time path.
Only looking at production level growth. Does not include other components of the agricultural supply chain, e.g.,
food manufacturing.
USDA compiled state-level growth rate data beyond 2004 is not available.
Excludes Alaska and Hawaii.
e of the contributing factors to New Mexico’s productivity growth, exceeding the average growth for
the U.S. is farmers (and ranchers) using more inputs. During the same 44-year period identified earlier,
New Mexico’s annual growth rate in input use rate was the second highest in the country with an
average increase of 0.80%. If we assume positive and negative short-term shocks, on average, offset
each other, the difference between the total agricultural productivity growth (2.25%) and the growth in
input use (0.80%) may serve as a rough growth measure of input quality largely attributed to agricultural
New Mexico’s agricultural cash receipts in 2019 totaled more than $3.18 billion, approximately 77%
coming from livestock and livestock products and 23% from crops and crop products. If the difference
between overall agricultural productivity and input use, is considered a measure of productivity
attributable to agricultural R&D, and we ignore the time path lag, in 2019 more than $46 million of the
state’s agricultural cash receipts could be attributed to productivity growth. Assuming further that
public R&D created through NMSU’s Agricultural Experiment Station makes up the majority of R&D
attributable to the productivity increase, the $46 million can serve as a “direct contribution” associated
with the AES system.
Using the input-output methodology described previously to estimate
contributions generated by research expenditures, the total contribution to the state’s economy
associated with the Agricultural Experiment Station system, given the assumptions described earlier, is
estimated to equal $73,370,808 (Table 5).
Table 5. Economic Contributions from NMSU AES System Related Productivity Growth
Contribution Employment Value Added Output
499 $20,798,818 $46,528,772
79 $7,272,060 $14,721,928
87 $6,637,826 $12,120,107
665 $34,708,704 $73,370,807
The economic contribution that NMSU’s Agricultural Experiment Station (AES) system makes to the
state’s economy can be traced to two major components. The first contribution is associated with the
research expenditures that are made throughout the year. These expenditures are funded by several
sources including the state, the federal government through capacity and competitive grants, and other
funding sources such as industry and non-profit organizations. Estimating the contribution that occurs as
a result of system expenditures is relatively easy.
Values are related to one-year productivity increase in agricultural production only, i.e., does not include down-
chain participants (manufacturing, retailing, consumers). The assumptions described bay met rather heroic in that
they ignore private agricultural R&D and potential productivity benefit carryover from other states. Further work
could explore refining these assumptions, including accounting for time path lags as well as evaluation of
productivity increases related to non-NMSU and non-New Mexico input quality factors.
The second contribution that the system makes towards the state’s economy is associated with
increases in agricultural productivity, primarily associated with increased input qualities that increase
the effectiveness of inputs. These contributions are much more difficult to accurately quantify. Factors
that make quantifying these contributions difficult include:
Commercialization. The uncertain nature of research efforts, for example, some research may
never be commercialized.
Time Considerations. Research that is commercialized and used by producers has time lags
associated both with the time it takes to commercial the results, i.e., gestation period and the
time that it takes for producers to adopt the new technologies, i.e., the time associated with
adoption and diffusion of the technology, and useful life of the technology, i.e., length of use
before the technology become obsolete.
Attribution / Spillover Effects. It is difficult to tie specific research to productivity growth. It is
also difficult to measure the impacts that research in one area (geographical or functional) may
have on other areas. For example, how much of New Mexico’s productivity increases are a
function of research that was conducted by the NMSU Agricultural Experiment Stations versus
how much of the increases can be attributed to research conducted outside of New Mexico or
conducted by industry.
Other non-quantifiable or difficult to quantify contributions were not addressed in this study. These
contributions include:
The contributions that faculty and staff have within their community via social interactions, for
example, service in community organizations.
Productivity increases outside of production agriculture. While much of the Agricultural
Experiment Station system’s research applies to production agriculture, research also covers
other areas of the food and fiber supply chain such as food manufacturing and consumer well-
Potential non-agriculture-related contributions or impacts that the Agricultural Experiment
Station system may have in the future were not considered. For example, some research
conducted within the system may have carryover benefits for humans. These types of research
projects may help advance knowledge of factors that contribute to human diseases like diabetes
or cancer and contribute to cures.
The spillover benefits that research provides to students studying at the university. The
opportunity to participate in cutting-edge research projects, i.e., experiential learning, increases
the educational value, and potential economic value of a university education.
Economic contribution estimates reported in this work were derived using input-output analysis,
implemented through the IMPLAN software. While based on several rather strong assumptions, the
software and method are commonly used to measure economic contributions or impacts. Two models
were implemented to estimate potential contributions from NMSU’s Agricultural Experiment Station
research, one related to expenditures and the second considered increased productivity.
The total contribution of NMSU’s Agricultural Experiment Station system derived from both research
expenditures and potential increased agricultural productivity on the state’s economic output (sales)
was estimated to be more than $137 million. Total contribution to the State’s gross domestic product
was estimated at more than $77 million. In terms of state employment, the Agricultural Experiment
Station is estimated to support 1,191 jobs within the state.
Acknowledging the difficulties relating to measuring the impacts of public and private agricultural R&D
activities, including data availability and reliability, model choices, and specifications, Alston (2010 p. 19)
… the world as a whole and individual nations have benefited enormously from productivity
growth in agriculture, a substantial amount of which has been enabled by technological change
resulting from public and private investments in agricultural R&D. The evidence suggests that
the benefits have been worth many times more than the costs. This is still so, even if we
discount the estimates heavily because we suspect they may have been upwardly biased,
perhaps inadvertently through unfortunate choices of methods or limitations of the available
data …”.
lston, J.M. 2010. “The Benefits from Agricultural Research and Development, Innovation, and
Productivity Growth.” OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Papers No. 31. Paris: OECD Publishing.
Association and Public and Land-Grant Universities. 2020. “Land-Grant University FAQ.”
Clouse, Candi. ND. “Understanding Value Added (VA).” IMPLAN.
Congressional Research Service. 2020. Agricultural Research: Background and Issues. October 2, 2020.
Crawford, Terry. 2011. “Income Multipliers in Economic Impact Analysis.” New Mexico State University
Cooperative Extension Servivce Guide Z-108. https://aces.nmsu.edu/pubs/_z/Z108.pdf
Heisey, Paul W. and Keith O. Fuglie. 2018. “Agricutural Research Investment and Policy Reform in High-
Income Countries.” Economic Research Report Number 249. May 2018.
Hurd, B. and J. Coonrod. 2012. “Hydrological and Economic Consequences of Climate Change in the
Upper Rio Grande Region.” Climate Research. 53:103-118. Doi: 10.3354/cr01092.
IMPLAN. ND. “Key Assumptions of IMPLAN & Input-Output Analysis.
Lucas, Maria. ND. “What Kind of Data Can I Bring to IMPLAN?”
Magnuson, Molly L., Julie M. Valdez, Charles R. Lawler, Matt Nelson, and Laura Petronis. 2019. “New
Mexico Water Use By Categories 2015.” New Mexico Office of the State Engineer. Technical Report 55.
May 2019.
Moorman, Jane. 2020. “NMSU Science Centers Provide Agricultural Industry with Research-Based
Solutions. NMSU News Center. November 24, 2020.
NMSU College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. ND. “Pillars for Economic and
Community Development.” https://aces.nmsu.edu/about/pillars.html
NMSU Office of Institutional Analysis. “CENSUS Date Enrollment and Student Credit Hours (SCH).”
NMSU Viticulture. ND. “Hisotry.” https://aces.nmsu.edu/ces/viticulture/history.html
New Mexico True. ND. “New Mexico: Chile Capital of the World.” https://www.newmexico.org/chile/
New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute. ND. “Watershed Maps.”
USDA-Natural Resource Conservation Service. ND. “Web Soil Survey.”
Tripp, Simon, Martin Grueber, and Deborah Cummings. 2018. “The Economic and Functional Impact of
the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES), the Agricultural Experiment
Station System, and [the] Cooperative Extension Service.” Septembrer 2018.
U.S. Census. ND. Summary Satistics for the U.S., States, and Selected Geographies: 2017.”
USDA Economic Research Service. 2020. “Agricultural Productivity in the U.S.”
USDA Economic Research Service. 2020. “Manufacturing.”
USDA National Agricutural Statistics Service. 2019. “New Mexico Annual Bulletin, 2019.”
USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. ND. “Land-Grant University Website Directory.
Wang, Sun Ling, Paul Heisey, David Schimmelpfennig, and Eldon Ball. 2015. “Agricultural Productivty
Growth in the United States: Measurement, Trends, and Drivers.” Economic Research Report 189. July
2015. https://www.ers.usda.gov/publications/pub-details/?pubid=45390
atson, Philip, Joshua Wilson, Dawn Thilmany, and Susan Winter. 2007. Determining Economic
Contributions and Impacts: What is the difference and why do we care?Journal of Regional Analysis
and Policy. 37. 140-146.
Appendix I. AES Research Examples
The NMSU agricultural science centers are located at twelve sites around the State. Each site provides
unique conditions for studying crops, animals, trees, and agricultural inputs in natural environments to
determine their potential benefits and costs for farmers, ranchers, and consumers in New Mexico, in the
U.S., and possibly around the World. The locations of the 12 research centers are shown in Figure A1.
Selected research projects are listed for each of the centers as well. This is not a complete list of ongoing
projects and research efforts: it is meant to highlight the wide range of issues agricultural scientists are
Figure A1. NMSU Agricultural Experiment Station Agricultural Science Centers.
Alcalde Sustainable Agricultural Science Center
Jujube Cultivar Trial and Marketing. Center scientists have been evaluating more than 50 jujube fruit
cultivars in the past eight years and have identified 8-10 cultivars suitable for fresh consumer fruit
products while increasing the number of jujube cultivars currently commercially available in the U. S.
The center scientists hope to develop shelf-stable fruit that is marketable beyond fresh fruit seasons.
These cultivars will offer growers nationwide more choices with extended maturation dates that could
provide $1-2 premiums per pound sold.
NC-140 Organic Apple Rootstock Trial. Potential impacts of this project are unknown as it is ongoing with
completion expected in 5-7 years. Growers will be able to identify and adopt the top-performing
rootstock for high pH soils and the tall spindle production system that contribute to opportunities to
increase sales and revenues.
Artesia Agricutural Science Center
Several research and extension programs have resulted in savings from reduced input costs and
increased yields. Research has suggested total potential cost savings of over $10 million per year in New
Mexico. That total comes from; treatment of cotton seed for thrips ($2.7 million), biological control of
alfalfa weevil ($1.2 million), biological control of Pecan Nut Casebearer ($1.6 million), and sugarcane
aphid biocontrol and plant resistance ($4.6 million).
Research center scientists have also studied pest management issues that threaten the sustainability of
low water use crops, particularly cotton, guar, and sorghum. It was determined that 60% of kissing bugs
in Southeast New Mexico carry the Chagas disease pathogen. Such information highlights the need to
educate residents and mitigate risk in Southeast New Mexico. The Artesia Agricultural Science Center
has benefited the community by having an open house, workshops, presentations, guest speakers, and
providing demonstrations.
Chihuahuan Desert Rangeland Research Center
Some potential impacts at Chihuahuan Desert Rangeland Research Center located in Dona Ana County,
New Mexico. The future potential impacts from research projects include different attributes such as
being able to check water levels, the location of a specific livestock individual, and a notification stating
a livestock individual is ill all from technological devices such as a computer, phone, and tablet. This can
help ranchers improve livestock production to bring in more revenue. Another potential impact given
the amount of grass eaten by cattle is to apply metrics to see what an efficient breed for the type of the
location. Another positive impact is the community benefits from grazing programs, open houses, and
work-study for students.
Clayton Livestock Research Center
The scientists at this center focus primarily on the health and characteristics of cattle raised on ranches.
A research project at the station titled ‘Effects of Supplemental Phyto molecules on Performance and
Carcass Characteristics of Finishing Beef Steers’ is focusing on the use of a novel approach to decrease
respiratory disease.
The estimated cost to the feedlot industry of Bovine respiratory disease is $50 to $70 billion. The dairy
industry adds faces an additional cost of $212 to $257 per animal compared with heifers not treated for
the disease. The scientists at Clayton have evaluated the impact of Phyto molecule compounds as a
replacement for other feed additives that enhance the performance and carcass characteristics of
finishing beef steers.
Clovis Agricutural Science Center
Tillage systems research at Clovis evaluating conventional and conservation tillage systems such as strip-
tillage, minimum-tillage, and no-tillage has revealed conservation tillage systems in drylands could
restore the SOC lost due to continuous tillage. The conservation systems also reduced soil erosion by
27%, improving soil health and resilience of dryland agriculture.
Research at Clovis also focuses on the Ogallala aquifer, the major source of irrigation water supplies in
the Great Plains. The aquifer is declining rapidly and if current use rates continue, more than 35% of the
irrigated acreage that is producing $2.5 billion worth of agriculture products will be dryland in 20 years.
Research on alternative crops like winter canola, safflower, and guar suggests these viable, deeper-
rooted, resource-efficient (including lower water requirements), climate-resilient crops offer rotational
benefits for crop producers. One of these crops, guar, produces raw materials for the oil and natural gas,
food, dairy, and bioenergy industries.
Clovis has the only plant-breeding center located away from the NMSU main campus. The peanut plant-
breeding program located in Clovis has emphasized the development of Valencia peanuts (3-4 seeded
pods, red skin, sweet taste, and good flavor). About 60% of peanut acreage in the U.S. is planted to
Valencia varieties developed in New Mexico. Overall, the Valencia peanuts industry adds more than
500,000 dollars per year to the state economy.
Corona Range and Livestock Research Center
The ongoing research at this site takes place on a self-sustaining working ranch of 28,000 acres. The
scale of the research activities is greater than at other facilities in the State. Some notable research
results are presented here.
On-going research has shown:
Cows grazing dormant forages experience seasonal diabetic effects and continued investigation
of this phenomenon could lead to a significant reduction of supplemental feed costs and
increased reproductive function in cows and heifers;
Feeding bypass arginine has led to improvement in progeny performance on dormant rangeland
through enhanced pancreatic function, as well as potential increases in dam reproductive
An initial acclimation to increases in dietary Sulphur, which results in changes in rumen kinetics.
Thus, the ongoing research will examine effects of changes in water source and supplemental
feeding and how to manage for maximum performance; and lastly
The commercial cow efficiency exhibited by Corona ranch animals is gaining attention around
the world as animal scientists across the globe have expressed interest in studying the Corona
commercial cow genome.
Farmington Agricultural Science Center
The Agricultural Science Center at Farmington is the only NMSU agricultural science center in the State
west of the Continental Divide and the only 1862 land grant institution working on sovereign First
Nations land (the Navajo Reservation). Research on crops is most common for this station. Among crop
projects underway are:
The ‘Heading Date and Grain Yield of Eighteen Winter Wheat Cultivars’ project was designed to
provide local growers, seed industry personnel, and extension workers with accurate, up-to-
date information on varietal wheat health and performance under local conditions. Information
from performance testing is useful for growers who want to increase yields and generate
enough revenue to cover harvest costs.
A second project called ‘Effect of Plant Density and Planting Date on Maize Crop Growth, Yield
and Yield Components, and Resource Efficiency’ provides local growers, seed industry
personnel, and extension workers with accurate, up-to-date information on corn. Knowledge of
local planting window dates, plant density, the potential for increasing corn yields, improving
resource productivity (mainly of water), and economic returns from corn production are all
important for producers who might be considering corn production.
Other crops that have garnered interest in the northwest corner of the state include alfalfa, a
major forage crop for supporting the New Mexico dairy industry; hops, a fundamental
component of beer brewing, a growing New Mexico industry, and industrial hemp.
One final project of note is the ‘2019 Alfalfa Variety Trial results from 2018-Plant Alfalfa.’ Alfalfa
(Medicago sativa) is a major hay crop in New Mexico and San Juan County. It is important to
know which varieties have the best long-term yields and pest tolerance under local conditions.
The dairy industry in the State offers a large local market for local alfalfa growers.
Fabian Garcia Research Center & Leyendecker Plant Science Research Center
The Fabian Garcia and the Leyendecker Science Centers both carry out a wide variety of plant-focused
research, much of it focused on chile and the chile industry. The following research projects exhibit that
‘Ensuring Safe Application of Flumioxazin in Furro-Irrigated Chile Pepper in New Mexico’ focuses
on producer’s opportunities to reduce production expenses by using an herbicide in place of
hand hoeing.
‘Mustard Seed Meal to Manage Mid-Season Weeds in Chile Pepper’ examined methods for
managing soil-borne pests. A promising, but an untested technique for chile pest management:
use of mustard seed meal (MSM) as a soil amendment. Results indicated that MSM
amendments after the emergence of chile plants reduce weed seedling emergence and protect
crop yield. The results of the study will help chile farmers reduce synthetic pesticide usage.
‘Development of NM Green Chile Cultivars for Mechanization’ is, given labor availability its
relatively high cost, is studying ways to mechanize green chile harvesting. Reducing labor costs is
important to maintaining the large-scale, profitable production of this crop.
Pecan reseach is also an important component of the work conducted with the Experiment Station. One
example of the work being conducted at the Leyendeck Plant Science Research Center on pecans
includes work related to pecan nutrient uptake.
Pecan roots lack root hairs which allow many other plants to more efficiently explore and exploit
the soil for resources such as nutrients and water. However, pecan roots can form symbiotic
relationships with mycorrhizal fungi that might serve a similar function as root hairs by
dramatically increasing the volume of the soil “mined” by the tree’s root system. Research
conducted on the Leyendecker research station documented the diversity and abundance of the
microbes (including mycorrhizae) associated with pecan tree roots in the Southwest. The data
will allow researchers to evaluate relationships of pecan tree micronutrients to the root
microbiome and identify potential key microbes that could increase pecan tree health and
productivity. The knowledge will help New Mexico pecan farmers to conscientiously manage
the root microbiome and increase pecan health and profitability.
Los Lunas Agricultural Science Center
The Agricultural Science Center at Los Lunas, New Mexico, is uniquely located in a peri-urban
environment that offers urban programming opportunities but it does also undertake traditional
The ‘Mustard Seed Meal to Manage Mid-Season Weeds in Chile Pepper’, project has evaluated
the weed suppressive potential of mustard seed meal (MSM). Study results indicated that MSM
soil amendments after crop thinning provided pre-emergence control of weeds and did not
reduce yield. Such results offer farmers potential for nor-synthetic weed control or hand hoeing.
The Agricultural Science Center has joined with the Sandia National Laboratory, New Mexico
Tech, and the University of New Mexico to develop field-test sensor technologies for monitoring
plant and soil health. If successful these sensors will improve agricultural energy use for food
production by decreasing water usage, improving crop quality, and detecting plant stress caused
by abiotic and biotic factors before they are visible to the human eye.
John T. Harrington Forestry Research Center at Mora
The research center operates the only program in the Southwest U.S. that focuses on forestry issues.
The research center has produced better quality seedlings than found in other states, which are sought
out after the 300,000 seedlings allocated to New Mexico are provided.
The potential impact includes the value of the seedlings outside of New Mexico. Another
potential impact for research study under ‘Assisted migration-defining seed transfer guidelines
for Pinus Ponderosa in a changing climate has shown that southern seed sources are
outperforming local sources. The significant impact is the seedling survival and growth is
connected to the log microsite, which improves soil water retention for the seedling during dry
A 2019 research project called ‘Southwestern White Pine Blister Rust Resistance Gene
Conservation’ produced grafted seedlings in 2019 to be out-planted in late 2020. The grafted
seedlings have been thriving and will become the future seed orchard southwestern white pine
for the entire southwestern United States. The science center has hosted a field day for fifth
grades students to learn about forestry at no additional cost, thus the community benefits.
Tucumcari (Rex E. Kirksey) Agricultural Science Center
Studies at the agricultural science center focus on both animal and plant agriculture. Some examples
include the following:
The research center has conducted a bull test and sale since 2013. Cattle producers in New
Mexico can maximize to improve the proportion of genetics in their cattle herd.
As a matter of perspective, 75 bulls can pass on their genetics to approximately 1,500 offspring
per year, whereas 350 tested animals pass on their proven genetics to over 6,300 offspring per
The use of cover crops during the traditional winter fallow period in semi-arid cropping systems
could help farmers achieve higher resource-use efficiencies and greater productivity. Efficient
planting of diverse winter crops in the fallow provides livestock feed and forage, but also can,
under favorable weather conditions, generate additional income by producing seed and ensure
better soil health.
Preliminary results of ongoing research have reported potential effects of wastewater on the
nutritive value of alfalfa and changes in soil fertility characteristics.