Code of
NCDA Code of Ethics Preamble ................................. 1
NCDA Code of Ethics Purpose .................................. 2
Section A
e Professional Relationship ................................. 3
Section B
Condentiality, Privileged Communication, and Privacy ......... 7
Section C
Professional Responsibility .................................. 10
Section D
Relationships with Other Professionals ........................ 13
Section E
Evaluation, Assessment, and Interpretation .................... 14
Section F
Providing Career Services Online,Technology, and Social Media .. 17
Section G
Supervision, Training, and Teaching .......................... 21
Section H
Research and Publication ................................... 24
Section I
Resolving Ethical Issues ..................................... 27
Glossary of Terms ............................................ 29
Resources ................................................... 30
Index ....................................................... 31
e NCDA Ethics Committee acknowledges the work of the American Counseling Association (ACA) and its Ethics Committee.
NCDA, one of the founding associations of ACA in 1952, is a current division of ACA. As with its last revision, the NCDA Ethics
Committee endeavored to follow the structure of ACAs Code so that the two codes would be compatible with each other, while
developing, adding, and enhancing profession-specic guidelines for NCDAs membership. More information on ACAs Ethics Code
can be found on their website (see the attached web references section).
Nondiscrimination Statement
NCDA opposes discrimination against any individualbased on age, culture, disability, ethnicity, race, religion/spirituality, creed,
gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, marital/partnership status, language preference, socioeconomic status, or
any other characteristics not specically relevant to job performance.
NCDA Code of Ethics
2022-2023 and 2023-2024 NCDA Ethics
Committee Members
Sharon Anderson; Ron Cathey; Amanda Chenkin; Diane
Farrell; Dan Greenwood; Mary Guirovich; Conquaya James;
Gillian Johnston; Carolyn Jones; Manpreet Kaur; Jaana
Kettunen; Chris LaFever; Becca McCarthy; Michi Mizuno;
Shundrika Morris; VL Muanpuii; Marie Nicks; Keith
Okrosy; Sarah Patterson-Mills; David Reile; Amy Policastro
Schroeder; Azra Karajic Siwiec; Angela Smith; Keley Smith-
Keller; Tanisha Stokes; Billie Streufert; Lisa Sweet; Stacy Van
Horn; Duke Wallin; James Westho.
e NCDA Ethics Committee gives special thanks tothe
2022-2023 committee co-chairs, Azra Karajic Siwiec and
Sarah Patterson-Mills,for their leadership and initial work
on directing the update to the new code of ethics.
A code of ethics helps to dene professional behavior and
serves to protect the public, the profession, and those who
practice within the profession. Ethical behavior involves
incorporating the principles espoused in the code of ethics
into your personal and professional life and using the code
to help determine a course of action. At the same time,
ethical behavior is about transparency. Can your behavior
withstand the scrutiny of others? Will you be embarrassed,
ashamed, or concerned if someone else knew that you did
or said something?
e NCDA Code of Ethics (Code) has been designed as a
guide and resource for career development professionals.
While it oers a set of principles that can be applied to a
wide range of settings and situations, it is not (nor can it
be) comprehensive. If you are concerned about whether
or not a particular practice is ethical, then you should
not engage in that behavior without getting competent
advice. More succinctly, when in doubt—dont; at least not
without professional consultation. Peer review isn’t always
going to give you perfect advice; but you can take comfort
in knowing that you questioned your behavior before
proceeding and allowed others to comment before taking
action. ere is safety and strength in the depth and breadth
of opinions you seek before engaging in activity that may be
untried or questionable.
Professional Values & Principles
Professional values are one way of demonstrating a
commitment to ethical behavior. Career development
professionals acknowledge the following professional
1. Enhancing career development throughout the lifespan;
2. Safeguarding the integrity of the professional working
3. Practicing in a competent and ethical manner;
4. Supporting the worth, dignity, potential, and uniqueness
of everyone; and
5. Honoring diversity and promoting social justice.
6. ese professional values provide a conceptual basis for
the ethical principles outlined below. ese principles are
the foundation for ethical behavior and decision-making.
e fundamental principles of professional ethical
behavior include:
Autonomy, or fostering the right to control the
direction of ones life;
Nonmalecence, or avoiding actions that cause harm;
Benecence, or working for the good of the
individual and society by promoting mental health
and well-being;
Objectivity, or treating individuals equitably;
Accountability, or honoring commitments and keeping
promises, including fullling ones responsibilities of
trust in professional relationships; and
Veracity, or dealing truthfully with individuals with
whom career development professionals come into
2024 NCDA Code of Ethics Preamble
Conquaya James and David Reile, Co-Chairs
Julia Panke Makela, NCDA Board Liaison
NCDA Code of Ethics
e National Career Development Association (NCDA)
Code of Ethics serves ve main purposes:
1. e Code enables NCDA to clarify to current and future
members, and to those served by their members, the
nature of ethical responsibilities held in common by its
2. e Code helps support the mission of NCDA.
3. e Code establishes principles that dene ethical
behaviors and practices of association members.
4. e Code serves as an ethical guide designed to assist
members in constructing a professional course of action
that best serves those utilizing career services and best
promotes the values of the career profession.
5. e Code serves as a guide for those receiving career
services so that they may understand what to expect
from working with a career development professional
and to understand their rights and responsibilities as
consumers of these services.
e NCDA Code of Ethics contains nine main sections that
address the following areas:
Section A: e Professional Relationship
Section B: Condentiality, Privileged Communication,
and Privacy
Section C: Professional Responsibility
Section D: Relationships with Other Professionals
Section E: Evaluation, Assessment, and Interpretation
Section F: Providing Career Service Online, Technology,
& Social Media
Section G: Supervision, Training, and Teaching
Section H: Research and Publication
Section I: Resolving Ethical Issues
Each section of the NCDA Code of Ethics begins with an
Introduction. e Introduction helps set the tone for that
particular section and provides a starting point that invites
reection on the ethical guidelines contained in each part
of the NCDA Code of Ethics. When career development
professionals are faced with ethical dilemmas that are
dicult to resolve, they are expected to engage in a carefully
considered ethical decision-making process. Reasonable
dierences of opinion can and do exist among career
development professionals with respect to ways in which
values, ethical principles, and ethical standards would
be applied when they conict. While there is no specic
ethical decision-making model that is most eective, career
development professionals are expected to be familiar with
a credible model of decision-making that can bear public
scrutiny and its application. rough a chosen ethical
decision-making process and evaluation of the context
of the situation, career development professionals are
empowered to make decisions that help expand the capacity
of people to grow and develop.
NCDAs Ethics Committee members do not hold
themselves up as denitive experts in all ethical matters.
Further, they are not experts with regard to legal issues
and cannot give legal advice. However, members of the
National Career Development Association are encouraged
to contact the committee with questions. e committee
works collaboratively to provide guidance where it can
and to provide referrals as appropriate. You may reach the
committee at [email protected].
NCDA has members in various career services positions
(see Career Development Professionals in the Glossary),
as well as in instructional (counselor educators, counseling
psychology professors, etc.) and supervisory roles (Director,
Associate Director, Career Supervisor, Career Coach,
etc.). e term “career development professional” will be
used throughout this document both as a noun and as an
adjective to refer to anyone holding NCDA membership
and who is therefore expected to abide by these ethical
guidelines. Additionally, a brief glossary is given to provide
readers with a concise description of some of the terms
used in the NCDA Code of Ethics. NCDA members who
are aliated with other professional associations (i.e.,
psychologists, school counselors, etc.) should also consult
the ethics codes from those organizations and adhere to the
highest standard of professional practice.
NCDA acknowledges and supports its members in their
quest to achieve the highest academic and professional
credentials appropriate to their work. Many NCDA
members are trained and credentialed counselors,
psychologists, and/or educators with master’s and/
or doctoral-level degrees in counseling, psychology, or
related disciplines. NCDA does not encourage or condone
replacing these professionals with individuals who have
lesser education, training, and/or credentials. However,
NCDA acknowledges, respects, and welcomes individuals
regardless of their training and educational backgrounds
and recognizes the valuable contribution that all of its
members make in the eld of career development. us,
NCDA opposes any statement, action, or activity that
implies a “second-class” status to any individuals within our
2024 NCDA Code of Ethics Purpose
NCDA Code of Ethics
Section A
The Professional
Career development professionals
facilitate client growth and
development in ways that foster
the interest and welfare of clients
and promote the formation of
healthy relationships. Trust is the
cornerstone of the professional
relationship and career development
professionals have the responsibility
to respect and safeguard the client’s
right to privacy and condentiality.
Career development professionals
actively attempt to understand the
diverse cultural backgrounds of
the individuals they serve. Career
development professionals also
explore their own cultural identities
and how these aect their values and
beliefs about the working relationship.
Career development professionals
are encouraged to contribute to
society by devoting a portion of their
professional activity to services for
which there is little or no nancial
return (pro bono publico).
A.1. Welfare of ose Served
by Career Development
A.1.a. Primary Responsibility
e primary responsibility of career
development professionals is to
respect the dignity and to promote the
welfare of the individuals to whom
they provide service. is primary
responsibility would include growing
in cultural competence to eectively
and respectfully serve those who seek
career services.
A.1.b. Dierentiation Between
Types of Services
Career planning” services
according to applicable policies.
Career development professionals
are encouraged to purge their les
according to the time frame required
by federal, state, local, and/or
institutional statute, law, regulation,
or procedure, particularly when there
is no reasonable expectation that a
client will benet from maintaining
the records any longer than required.
Career development professionals
are expected to know and abide by
all applicable federal, state, local,
and/or institutional statutes, laws,
regulations, and procedures regarding
record keeping.
A.1.d. Career Services Plans
Career development professionals and
their clients work jointly in devising
integrated career services plans (in
writing or orally) and are consistent
with the abilities and circumstances
of clients. Career development
professionals and clients regularly
review career plans to assess their
continued viability and eectiveness,
respecting the freedom of choice of
A.1.e. Support Network
Career development professionals
recognize that support networks
hold various meanings in the lives
of clients and consider enlisting
the support, understanding, and
involvement of others (e.g., family
members, friends, and religious/
spiritual/community leaders) as
positive resources, when appropriate
and with client consent.
A.2. Informed Consent
in the Professional
A.2.a. Informed Consent
Clients have the freedom to choose
whether to enter into or remain
in a professional relationship. To
make informed choices, clients need
adequate information about the
are dierentiated from “career
counseling” services. Career planning
services include an active provision of
information designed to help a client
with a specic need, such as review
of a resumé; assistance in networking
strategies; identication of
occupations based on values, interests,
skills, prior work experience, and/or
other characteristics; support in the
job-seeking process; and assessment
by means of paper-based and/or
online inventories of interest, abilities,
personality, work-related values, and/
or other characteristics. In addition
to providing these informational
services, “career counseling” provides
the opportunity for a deeper level of
involvement with the client, based on
the establishment of a professional
counseling relationship and the
potential for assisting clients with
career and personal development
concerns beyond those included
in career planning. All Career
development professionals, whether
engaging in “career planning,” “career
coaching, “career advising, “career
counseling”, or any similar service
provide only the services that are
within the scope of their professional
competence and qualications.
A.1.c. Records &
Career development professionals
maintain records necessary for
rendering professional services as
required by laws, regulations, and/or
agency/institution procedures. Career
development professionals include
sucient and timely documentation
in their records to facilitate delivery
and continuity of services. Career
development professionals take
reasonable steps to ensure that
documentation in records accurately
reects client progress and the
services provided. If amendments
are made in records, Career
development professionals take steps
to properly note the amendment
NCDA Code of Ethics
A.3. Clients Served by Others
When career development
professionals learn that their client is
in a professional relationship with a
mental health professional, another
career development professional or
other relevant service provider, if
appropriate, they request a written
release from clients to inform the
other professionals and always strive
to establish positive and collaborative
professional relationships, when
necessary and appropriate.
A.4. Avoiding Harm and
Imposing Values
A.4.a. Avoiding Harm
Career development professionals
act to avoid harming their clients,
students, trainees, and research
participants and to minimize or to
remedy unavoidable or unanticipated
A.4.b. Personal Values
Career development professionals
are aware of their own values,
attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors
and avoid imposing values that are
inconsistent with clients’ goals. Career
development professionals respect
the values and individuality of clients,
students, trainees, and research
A.5. Roles and Relationships
with Clients
A.5.a. Current Clients
Sexual or romantic interactions or
relationships with current clients,
their romantic partners, or their
family members are prohibited.
A.5.b. Former Clients
Sexual or romantic interactions or
relationships with former clients, their
romantic partners, or their family
members are prohibited.
agree (consent) to fees and billing
arrangements including procedures
regarding nonpayment of fees.
A.2.c. Clients’ Right to
Condentiality and
Right to Refuse Service
Clients have the right to
condentiality and to be provided
with an explanation of its limitations
(including how supervisors and/
or treatment team professionals are
involved); to obtain clear information
about their records; to participate in
the ongoing career services plans; and
to refuse any services or modality
change and to be advised of the
consequences of such refusal.
A.2.d. Inability to Give
When providing career services
to minors or persons unable to
give voluntary consent, career
development professionals seek the
assent of clients to services, and
include them in decision making as
appropriate. Career development
professionals recognize the need to
balance the ethical rights of clients to
make choices, their capacity to give
consent or assent to receive services,
and parental or familial legal rights
and responsibilities to protect these
clients and make decisions on their
A.2.e. Mandated Clients
Career development professionals
discuss the required limitations to
condentiality when working with
clients who have been mandated
for services. Career development
professionals also explain what type
of information and with whom that
information is shared prior to the
beginning of providing services. e
client may choose to refuse services.
In this case, career development
professionals will, to the best of their
ability, discuss with the client the
potential consequences of refusing
working relationship and the career
development professional. Career
development professionals have an
obligation to review in writing and
orally the rights and responsibilities
of both the career development
professional and the recipient of
services prior to the beginning of the
working relationship as appropriate.
Further, informed consent is an
ongoing part of the professional
relationship, and career development
professionals appropriately document
discussions of informed consent
throughout the working relationship.
A.2.b. Types of Information
Career development professionals
clearly explain to clients the nature
of all services provided. ey
inform clients about topics such as,
but not limited to, the following:
the purposes, goals, techniques,
procedures, limitations, potential
risks, and benets of services; the
career development professional’s
qualications, credentials, and
relevant experience; the role of
technology, continuation of services
upon the incapacitation or death of
the career development professional;
and other pertinent information.
Career development professionals
take steps to ensure that clients
understand the implications of
diagnosis (if applicable) and the
intended use of tests/assessments
and reports. In addition, Career
development professionals take steps
to ensure clients understand and
agree (consent) to fees and billing
arrangements including procedures
regarding nonpayment of fees.
Career development professionals
take steps to ensure that clients
understand the implications of
diagnosis (if applicable) and the
intended use of tests/assessments
and reports. In addition, Career
development professionals take steps
to ensure clients understand and
NCDA Code of Ethics
A.5.c. Nonprofessional
Interactions or
Relationships (Other
an Sexual or
Romantic Interactions
or Relationships)
Nonprofessional relationships
with clients, former clients, their
romantic partners, or their family
members should be avoided by career
development professionals, except
when the interaction is potentially
benecial to the client.
A.5.d. Potentially Benecial
When a nonprofessional interaction
with a client or former client may
be potentially benecial to the
client or former client, the career
development professional must
document in case records, prior
to the interaction (or as soon as
feasible), the rationale for such an
interaction, the potential benet,
and anticipated consequences for
the client or former client and other
individuals signicantly involved
with the client or former client. Such
interactions should be initiated with
appropriate client consent. Examples
of potentially benecial interactions
include, but are not limited to,
attending a formal ceremony (e.g.,
a wedding/commitment ceremony
or graduation); purchasing a
service or product provided by a
client or former client (excepting
unrestricted bartering); hospital
visits to an ill family member; and
mutual membership in a professional
association, organization, or
community. . Where unintentional
harm occurs to the client or former
client, or to an individual signicantly
involved with the client or former
client, due to the nonprofessional
interaction, the career development
professional must show evidence of
an attempt to remedy such harm.
inhibit access and/or the growth and
development of clients.
A.6.b. Condentiality and
Career development professionals
explain issues of condentiality and
obtain consent prior to engaging
in advocacy eorts on behalf of a
client to improve the provision of
services and to work toward removal
of systemic barriers or obstacles that
inhibit client access, growth, and
A.7. Multiple Clients
When a career development
professional agrees to provide career
services to two or more persons
who have a relationship, the career
development professional claries at
the outset which person or persons
are clients and the nature of the
relationships the career development
professional will have with each
involved person. If it becomes
apparent that the career development
professional may be called upon to
perform potentially conicting roles,
the career development professional
will clarify, adjust, or withdraw
appropriately from one or more roles.
A.8. Group Work
A.8.a. Screening
Career development professionals
screen prospective group participants.
To the extent possible, career
development professionals select
members whose needs and goals are
compatible with goals of the group,
who will not impede the group
process, and whose well-being will
not be jeopardized by the group
A.8.b. Protecting Clients
In a group setting, career
development professionals take
reasonable precautions to protect
clients from physical, emotional, or
psychological trauma.
A.5.e. Role Changes in
the Professional
When a career development
professional changes a role from the
original or most recent contracted
relationship, s/he obtains informed
consent from the client and explains
the right of the client to refuse
services related to the change.
Clients must be fully informed
of any anticipated consequences
(e.g., nancial, legal, personal, or
therapeutic) of role changes with a
career development professional.
Examples of role changes include, but
are not limited to:
1. changing from providing
individual career services to
therapy, relationship or family
counseling, or vice versa;
2. changing from a non-forensic
evaluative role to a therapeutic
role, or vice versa;
3. changing from a career
development professional to a
researcher role (i.e., enlisting
clients as research participants), or
vice versa; and/or
4. changing from a career
development professional to a
mediator role, or vice versa.
A.5.f. Other Relationships
Career development professionals do
not provide services to individuals
with whom they have had a previous
romantic or sexual relationship.
A.6. Roles and Relationships
at Individual, Group,
Institutional, and
Societal Levels
A.6.a. Advocacy
When appropriate, career
development professionals advocate
at individual, group, institutional,
and societal levels to examine
potential barriers and obstacles that
NCDA Code of Ethics
A.9. Fees and Business
A.9.a. Self-Referrals &
Unacceptable Business Practices
Career development professionals
working in an organization (e.g.,
school, agency, institution) that
provides counseling services do not
refer clients to their private practice
unless the policies of a particular
organization make explicit provisions
for self-referrals. In such instances,
clients must be informed of other
options open to them should they
seek private career services. Career
development professionals also do not
participate in fee splitting, nor do they
give or receive commissions, rebates,
or any other form of remuneration
when referring clients for professional
A.9.b. Establishing Fees
In establishing fees for professional
career services, career development
professionals consider the nancial
status of clients and the locality in
which they practice. In the event
that the established fee structure
is inappropriate for a client, career
development professionals assist
clients in attempting to nd
comparable services of acceptable
A.9.c. Nonpayment of Fees
If career development professionals
intend to use collection agencies
or take legal measures to collect
fees from clients who do not pay
for services as agreed upon, they
include such information in their
informed consent documents and/or
inform clients in a timely fashion of
intended actions and oer clients the
opportunity to make payment.
A.9.d. Bartering
Career development professionals
may barter only if the relationship is
not exploitative or harmful and does
not place the career development
of treatment, when necessary, during
interruptions such as vacations,
illness, and following termination.
A.10.b. Inability to Assist
Career development professionals
understand their scope of practice
and do not enter into the relationship
or continue to oer services to clients
whose needs are beyond the scope of
their practice. Career development
professionals are knowledgeable
about culturally and clinically
appropriate referral resources and
suggest these alternatives. If clients
decline the suggested referrals, career
development professionals may
discontinue the relationship.
A.10.c. Appropriate
Career development professionals
terminate a professional relationship
when it becomes reasonably
apparent that the client no longer
needs assistance, is not likely to
benet from, or is being harmed by
continued service provision. Career
development professionals may
terminate the working relationship
when in jeopardy of harm by the
client, or another person with
whom the client has a relationship,
or when clients do not pay agreed
upon fees. Career development
professionals provide pre-termination
career services and recommend
other providers when feasible and
A.10.d. Appropriate Transfer
of Services
When career development
professionals transfer or refer
clients to other practitioners, they
ensure that appropriate clinical
and administrative processes are
completed, and open communication
is maintained with both clients and
practitioners. Written releases are
obtained from the client for record
professional in an unfair advantage,
if the client requests it, and if such
arrangements are an accepted
practice among professionals in the
community. Career development
professionals consider the cultural
implications of bartering and discuss
relevant concerns with clients and
document such agreements in a clear
written contract. Career development
professionals must also be aware
of local, state, and/or federal laws,
including the tax implications of
such an arrangement. Further, career
development professionals must
make the recipients of their services
aware of all applicable federal, state,
local, and/or institutional statutes,
laws, regulations, and procedures
and should direct them to seek
qualied counsel (i.e., attorney and/or
accountant) in determining if such an
arrangement is in their best interest.
A.9.e. Receiving Gis
Career development professionals
understand the challenges of
accepting gis from clients and
recognize that in some cultures,
small gis are a token of respect and
a way of showing gratitude. When
determining whether or not to accept
a gi from clients, career development
professionals take into account the
nature of their relationship, the
monetary value of the gi, a client’s
motivation for giving the gi, and
the career development professional’s
motivation for wanting to accept or
decline the gi.
A.10. Termination and
A.10.a. Abandonment
Career development professionals
do not abandon or neglect clients to
whom they provide career services.
Career development professionals
assist in making appropriate
arrangements for the continuation
NCDA Code of Ethics
Section B
and Privacy
Career development professionals
recognize that trust is a cornerstone of
the professional relationship. Career
development professionals work to
earn the trust of clients by creating an
ongoing partnership, establishing and
upholding appropriate boundaries,
and maintaining condentiality.
Career development professionals
communicate the parameters
of condentiality in a culturally
competent manner.
B.1. Respecting Client
B.1.a. Multicultural/Diversity
Career development professionals
maintain awareness and sensitivity
regarding cultural meanings of
condentiality and privacy. Career
development professionals respect
diering views toward disclosure of
information. Career development
professionals hold ongoing
discussions with clients as to how,
when, and with whom information is
to be shared.
B.1.b. Respect for Privacy
Career development professionals
respect their clients’ rights to privacy.
Career development professionals
solicit private information from
clients only when it is benecial to the
working relationship.
B.1.c. Respect for Condentiality
Career development professionals
protect the condential information
of prospective and current clients.
Career development professionals do
not share condential information
third parties about their disease or to
engage in any behaviors that may be
harmful to an identiable third party.
Career development professionals
adhere to relevant state laws
concerning disclosure about disease
B.2.c. Court-Ordered Disclosure
When ordered by a court to
release condential or privileged
information, career development
professionals endeavor to inform
the client and to obtain written
consent from the client or take steps
to prohibit the disclosure, or have it
limited as narrowly as possible, to
minimize potential harm to the client.
B.2.d. Minimal Disclosure
To the extent possible, clients
are informed before condential
information is disclosed and are
involved in the disclosure decision-
making process. When circumstances
require the disclosure of condential
information, only essential
information is revealed.
B.3. Information Shared
With Others
B.3.a. Subordinates
Career development professionals
make every eort to ensure that
privacy and condentiality of clients
are maintained by subordinates,
including employees, supervisees,
students, clerical assistants, and
B.3.b. Treatment Teams
When client treatment involves a
continued review or participation
by a treatment team, the client will
be informed of the teams existence
and composition, information being
shared, and the purposes of sharing
such information.
B.3.c. Condential Settings
When providing services to clients,
career development professionals
strive to work only in settings (in
without client consent or without
sound legal or ethical justication.
B.1.d. Explanation of Limitations
At initiation and throughout
the professional relationship,
career development professionals
inform clients of the limitations of
condentiality and seek to identify
foreseeable situations in which
condentiality must be breached.
B.2. Exceptions
B.2.a. Danger and Legal
e general requirement that career
development professionals keep
information condential does not
apply when disclosure is required to
protect clients or identied others
from serious and foreseeable harm
or when legal requirements demand
that condential information must
be revealed. Examples of when career
development professionals may
divulge condential information
may include, but not be limited
to, mandated reporting in cases
of suspected or actual child or
elder abuse, when a client has a
communicable and life threatening
disease or condition and may infect
an identiable third party, or when
notifying a collection agency to
recover unpaid fees from a client.
Career development professionals
consult with other professionals,
including attorneys, when in doubt as
to the validity of an exception.
B.2.b. Contagious, Life-
reatening Diseases
When clients disclose that they have a
disease commonly known to be both
communicable and life threatening,
career development professionals may
be justied in disclosing information
to identiable third parties, if they
are known to be at demonstrable and
high risk of contracting the disease.
Prior to making a disclosure, career
development professionals assess
the intent of clients to inform the
NCDA Code of Ethics
person or online) where they can
reasonably ensure client privacy.
When such a setting is not possible,
career development professionals
discuss the limitations of the setting
and seek the client’s consent to
proceed. If the client does not wish to
proceed with service in that setting,
the career development professional
oers (where possible and available)
alternative options and/or a referral
to another career development
When conferring with another
professional, career development
professionals discuss condential
information only in settings in which
they can reasonably ensure client
B.3.d. ird-Party Payers
Career development professionals
disclose information to third-party
payers only when clients have
authorized such disclosure and in
accordance with federal, state, local,
and/or institutional statute, law,
regulation, or procedure.
B.3.e. Transmitting Condential
Career development professionals
take precautions to ensure the
condentiality of information
transmitted through the use of any
B.3.f. Deceased Clients
Career development professionals
protect the condentiality of
deceased clients, consistent with
legal requirements and agency or
institutional policies.
B.4. Groups and Families
B.4.a. Group Work
When working with groups,
career development professionals
clearly explain the importance and
parameters of condentiality for the
specic group.
to best serve the needs and welfare of
their clients.
B.5.c. Release of Condential
When providing career services to
minor clients or adult clients who lack
the capacity to give voluntary consent
to release condential information,
career development professionals
seek permission from an appropriate
third party to disclose information. In
such instances, career development
professionals inform clients consistent
with their level of understanding and
take culturally appropriate measures
to safeguard client condentiality.
B.6. Records and
B.6.a. Creating & Maintaining
Condential Records &
Career development professionals
create and maintain records and
documentation necessary for
rendering professional services.
Career development professionals
ensure that records and
documentation kept in any medium
are secure and that only authorized
persons have access to records.
B.6.b. Permission to Record
Career development professionals
obtain permission from clients
prior to recording sessions through
electronic or other means.
B.6.c. Permission to Observe
Career development professionals
obtain permission from clients prior
to allowing observation of sessions,
review of session transcripts, or
viewing recordings of sessions with
supervisors, subordinates, faculty,
peers, or others within a training
B.6.d. Client Access
Career development professionals
provide reasonable access to records
and copies of records when requested
B.4.b. Providing Career Services
to Multiple Family Members
When providing career services
to multiple family members (e.g.,
spouses/partners, parent and
child, etc.), career development
professionals clearly dene who is
considered “the client” and discuss
expectations and limitations of
condentiality. Career development
professionals seek agreement
and document in writing such
agreement among all involved parties
having capacity to give consent
concerning each individual’s right
to condentiality and any obligation
to preserve the condentiality of
information known.
B.5. Clients Lacking
Capacity to Give
Informed Consent
B.5.a. Responsibility to Clients
When providing career services
to minor clients or adult clients
who lack the capacity to give
voluntary, informed consent, career
development professionals protect
the condentiality of information
received in the professional
relationship as specied by federal
and state laws, written policies, and
applicable ethical standards.
B.5.b. Responsibility to Parents
and Legal Guardians
Career development professionals
inform parents and legal guardians
about the role of career development
professionals and the condential
nature of the professional
relationship. Career development
professionals are sensitive to the
needs and the expectations of families
and respect the inherent rights and
responsibilities of parents/guardians
over the welfare of their children/
charges according to law. Career
development professionals work to
establish, as appropriate, collaborative
relationships with parents/guardians
NCDA Code of Ethics
by competent clients. Career
development professionals limit the
access of clients to their records, or
portions of their records, only when
there is compelling evidence that such
access would cause harm to the client
and in accordance with federal, state,
local, and/or institutional statute,
law, regulation, or procedure. Career
development professionals document
the request of clients and the rationale
for withholding some or all of the
record in the les of clients. In
situations involving multiple clients,
career development professionals
provide individual clients with only
those parts of records that are related
directly to them and do not include
condential information related to
any other client.
B.6.e. Assistance with Records
When clients request access to
their records, career development
professionals provide assistance and
consultation in interpreting such
B.6.f. Disclosure or Transfer
Unless exceptions to condentiality
exist, career development
professionals obtain written
permission from clients to disclose
or transfer records to legitimate third
parties. Steps are taken to ensure that
receivers of career services records are
sensitive to their condential nature.
B.6.g. Storage and Disposal Aer
Career development professionals
store records following termination
of services to ensure reasonable
future access, maintain records in
accordance with all applicable federal,
state, local, and/or institutional
statutes, laws, regulations, and
procedures governing records, and
dispose of client records and other
sensitive materials in a manner
that protects client condentiality.
Career development professionals
are encouraged to purge their les
and condentiality and disclose
to participants any limits of
condentiality that can reasonably
be expected. Regardless of the
degree to which condentiality will
be maintained, investigators must
disclose to participants any limits of
condentiality that can reasonably be
B.7.d. Disclosure of Research
Career development professionals
do not disclose condential
information that reasonably could
lead to the identication of a research
participant unless they have obtained
prior consent of the person. Use
of data derived from professional
relationships for purposes of training,
research, or publication is conned
to content that is disguised to ensure
the anonymity of the individuals
B.7.e. Agreement for
Identication of clients, students,
or supervisees in a presentation or
publication is permissible only when
they have reviewed the material
and agreed to its presentation or
B.8. Consultation
B.8.a. Agreements
When acting as consultants, career
development professionals seek
agreements among all parties involved
concerning each individual’s rights to
condentiality, the obligation of each
individual to preserve condential
information, and the limits of
condentiality of information shared
by others.
B.8.b. Respect for Privacy
Information obtained in a consulting
relationship is discussed for
professional purposes only with
persons directly involved with the
case. Written and oral reports present
only data germane to the purposes of
according to time frames acceptable
to federal, state, local, and/or
institutional statute, law, regulation,
or procedure, particularly when
there is no reasonable expectation
that a client will benet from
maintaining the records any longer.
Career development professionals
are expected to know and abide by
all applicable federal, state, local,
and/or institutional statutes, laws,
regulations, and procedures regarding
record keeping and disposal.
B.6.h. Reasonable Precautions
Career development professionals
take reasonable precautions to protect
client condentiality in the event of
the career development professional’s
termination of practice, incapacity, or
death and appoint a records custodian
when deemed appropriate.
B.7. Research and Training
B.7.a. Institutional Approval
When institutional approval is
required, career development
professionals provide accurate
information about their research
proposals and obtain approval prior
to conducting their research. ey
conduct research in accordance with
the approved research protocol.
B.7.b. Adherence to Guidelines
Career development professionals are
responsible for understanding and
adhering to state, federal, agency, and/
or institutional policies or applicable
guidelines regarding condentiality in
their research practices.
B.7.c. Condentiality of
Information Obtained in
Violations of participant privacy
and condentiality are risks of
participation in research involving
human participants, however,
investigators maintain all research
records in a secure manner.
ey explain to participants the
risks of violations of privacy
NCDA Code of Ethics
the consultation, and every eort is
made to protect client identity and to
avoid undue invasion of privacy.
B.8.c. Disclosure of Condential
When consulting with colleagues,
career development professionals do
not disclose condential information
that reasonably could lead to the
identication of a client or other
person or organization with whom
they have a condential relationship
unless they have obtained the prior
consent of the person or organization,
or the disclosure cannot be avoided.
ey disclose information only to
the extent necessary to achieve the
purposes of the consultation.
Section C
Career development professionals
provide open, honest, and
accurate communication during
interactions with the public and
other professionals. ey practice in
a nondiscriminatory manner within
the boundaries of professional and
personal competence and have a
responsibility to abide by the NCDA
Code of Ethics. Career development
professionals actively participate in
local, state, and national associations
that foster the development and
improvement of the provision of
career services. Career development
professionals are encouraged to
promote change at the individual,
group, institutional, and societal
levels in ways that improve the
quality of life for individuals and
groups and remove potential
barriers to the provision or access of
appropriate services being oered.
to ensure the competence of their
work and to protect others from
possible harm.
C.2.c. Qualied for Employment
Career development professionals
accept employment only for positions
for which they are qualied by
education, training, supervised
experience, state and national
professional credentials, and
appropriate professional experience.
Career development professionals
hire for professional positions only
individuals who are qualied and
competent for those positions.
C.2.d. Monitor Eectiveness
Career development professionals
continually monitor their
eectiveness as professionals and take
steps to improve when necessary.
Career development professionals
take reasonable steps to seek peer
supervision, as needed, to evaluate
their ecacy as career development
C.2.e. Consultation on Ethical
Career development professionals
take reasonable steps to consult
with other career development
professionals, the NCDA Ethics
Committee, and/or related
practitioners when they have
questions regarding their ethical
obligations or professional activities.
C.2.f. Professional Development
Career development professionals
recognize the need for professional
development to acquire and maintain
a reasonable level of awareness of
current scientic and professional
information in their elds of
activity. ey take steps to maintain
competence in the skills they use, are
open to new procedures, and keep
current with the populations with
whom they work.
Career development professionals
have a responsibility to the public
to engage in ethical practice. Career
development professionals have
a responsibility to the public to
engage in professional practices
that are based on rigorous research
methodologies. Career development
professionals are encouraged to
contribute to society by devoting a
portion of their professional activity
to services for which there is little or
no nancial return (pro bono publico).
In addition, career development
professionals engage in self-care
activities to maintain and promote
their emotional, physical, mental, and
spiritual well-being to best meet their
professional responsibilities.
C.1. Knowledge of and
Compliance with
Career development professionals
have a responsibility to read,
understand, and follow the NCDA
Code of Ethics and adhere to all
applicable federal, state, local,
and/or institutional statutes, laws,
regulations, and procedures.
C.2. Professional
C.2.a. Boundaries of Competence
Career development professionals
practice only within the boundaries
of their competence, based on their
education, training, supervised
experience, state and national
professional credentials, and
appropriate professional experience.
C.2.b. New Specialty Areas of
Career development professionals
practice in specialty areas new to
them only aer obtaining appropriate
education, training, and supervised
experience. While developing
skills in new specialty areas, career
development professionals take steps
NCDA Code of Ethics
C.2.g. Impairment
Career development professionals
are alert to the signs of impairment
from their own physical, mental, or
emotional problems and refrain from
oering or providing professional
services when such impairment is
likely to harm a client or others.
ey seek assistance for problems
that reach the level of professional
impairment, and, if necessary,
they limit, suspend, or terminate
their professional responsibilities
until such time as it is determined
that they may safely resume
their work. Career development
professionals assist colleagues or
supervisors in recognizing their
own professional impairment.
ey provide consultation and
assistance, when warranted, with
colleagues or supervisors showing
signs of impairment and intervene
as appropriate to prevent imminent
harm to clients.
C.2.h. Incapacitation, Death, or
Termination of Practice
Career development professionals
prepare and plan for transfer of
clients and les and disseminate to
an identied colleague or “records
custodian” a plan for the transfer
of clients and les in case of their
incapacitation, death, or termination
of practice.
C.3. Advertising and
Soliciting Clients
C.3.a. Accurate Advertising
When advertising or otherwise
representing their services to
the public, career development
professionals identify their credentials
in an accurate manner that is not
false, misleading, deceptive, or
C.3.b. Testimonials
Career development professionals
who use testimonials do not solicit
them from individuals who may be
products or training events in a
manner that is deceptive or would
exert undue inuence on individuals
who may be vulnerable (e.g.,
underage, mentally or emotionally
impaired, extremely dependent on
the career development professional,
etc.). However, educators may adopt
textbooks and/or other materials
they have authored or developed for
instructional purposes.
C.4. Professional
C.4.a. Accurate Representation
Career development professionals
claim or imply only professional
qualications actually completed and
correct any known misrepresentations
of their qualications by others.
Career development professionals
truthfully represent the qualications
of their professional colleagues.
Career development professionals
clearly distinguish between paid
and volunteer work experience and
accurately describe their continuing
education and specialized training.
C.4.b. Credentials
Career development professionals
claim only licenses or certications
that are current and in good standing.
C.4.c. Educational Degrees
Career development professionals
clearly dierentiate between earned
and honorary degrees.
C.4.d. Implying Doctoral-Level
Career development professionals
clearly state their highest earned
degree in counseling or a closely
related eld. Career development
professionals do not imply doctoral-
level competence when possessing
only a master’s degree in counseling
or a related eld. Career development
professionals do not use the title
“Dr.” nor refer to themselves as “Dr.
in a counseling or career services
vulnerable (e.g., underage, mentally
or emotionally impaired, extremely
dependent on the career development
professional, etc.) to undue inuence.
Career development professionals
discuss with clients the implications
(e.g., the client’s name and/or picture
would appear online or in print
and the client may be contacted by
those seeking service by the career
development professional) of and
obtain permission for the use of any
C.3.c. Statements by Others
Career development professionals
make reasonable eorts to ensure
that statements made by others about
them or the services they provide are
C.3.d. Recruiting rough
Career development professionals do
not use their places of employment
or institutional aliations to recruit
or gain clients, supervisees, or
consultees for their private practices,
unless they have permission. If
permitted to solicit for their private
practices, career development
professionals must make potential
clients, supervisees, or consultees
aware of the free or low-cost services
already provided by them or others
through their place of employment or
institutional aliation.
C.3.e. Products and Training
Career development professionals
who develop products related to their
profession or conduct workshops
or training events ensure that the
advertisements concerning these
products or events are accurate and
disclose adequate information for
consumers to make informed choices.
C.3.f. Promoting to ose Served
Career development professionals
do not use individual consultation,
teaching, training, or supervisory
relationships to promote their
NCDA Code of Ethics
context when their doctorate is not in
counseling or a related eld. Career
development professionals do not use
ABD” (all but dissertation) or other
such terms to imply competency.
C.4.e. Program Accreditation
Career development professionals
accurately represent the accreditation
status of their degree program at the
time the degree was earned.
C.4.f. Professional Membership
Career development professionals
clearly dierentiate between current,
active memberships and former
memberships in associations. Career
development professionals only
claim a membership designation in
NCDA for which their education and
experience entitles them.
C.5. Nondiscrimination
Career development professionals
do not condone or engage in
discrimination against any individual
based on any characteristic
not specically relevant to job
performance or on any basis
prohibited by law, any other
characteristics not specically
relevant to job performance, or
any basis prohibited by law. Career
development professionals do not
discriminate against clients, students,
employees, supervisees, or research
participants in a manner that has a
negative impact on these persons.
C.6.Public Responsibility
C.6.a. Sexual Harassment
Career development professionals
do not engage in or condone sexual
harassment. Sexual harassment is
dened as sexual solicitation, physical
advances, or verbal or nonverbal
conduct that is sexual in nature,
that occurs in connection with
professional activities or roles, and
that is either
C.6.d. Exploitation of Others
Career development professionals do
not exploit others in their professional
C.6.e. Scientic Bases for
Treatment Modalities
Career development professionals
use interventions that are grounded
in theory and/or practice, are
generally considered to be established
professional practice in the elds
of counseling, coaching, and career
development, and/or have an
empirical or scientic foundation.
Career development professionals
who do not must dene the
techniques/procedures as
unproven” or “developing” and
explain the potential risks and
ethical considerations of using such
techniques/ procedures and take
steps to protect clients from possible
harm. is does not preclude career
development professionals from using
card sorts, checklists, or online tools
which are not empirically based as
long as they accurately describe the
tool to their clients/students.
C.6.f. Contributing to the Public
Good (Pro Bono Publico)
Career development professionals
make a reasonable eort to provide
services to the public for which
there is little or no nancial return
(e.g., speaking to groups, sharing
professional information, oering
reduced fees).
C.7. Responsibility to Other
C.7.a. Personal Public Statements
When making personal statements in
a public context, career development
professionals clarify that they
are speaking from their personal
perspectives and that they are not
speaking on behalf of all career
development professionals or the
1. unwelcome, oensive, or creates
a hostile workplace or learning
environment, and career
development professionals know or
are told this; or
2. suciently severe or intense to
be perceived as harassment to a
reasonable person in the context
in which the behavior occurred.
Sexual harassment can consist of
a single intense or severe act or
multiple persistent or pervasive
C.6.b. Reports to ird Parties
Career development professionals
are accurate, honest, and objective in
reporting their professional activities
and judgments to appropriate third
parties, including courts, health
insurance companies, those who are
the recipients of evaluation reports,
and others.
C.6.c. Media Presentations
When career development
professionals provide advice or
comment by means of public lectures,
demonstrations, radio or television
programs, recordings, technology-
based applications, printed articles,
mailed material, or other media, they
take reasonable precautions to ensure
1. the statements are based on
appropriate professional literature
and practice,
2. the statements are otherwise
consistent with the NCDA Code of
3. the recipients of the information
are informed that a professional
relationship has not been
established, and
4. all media used is up-to-date and
accessible (to the extent the career
development professional has
control of the media).
NCDA Code of Ethics
C.8. Policies and Guidelines
C.8.a. Creating & Maintaining
Policy Statements & Guidelines
As part of informed consent,
policy statements and guidelines
assist in anticipating questions
and concerns and serve as part of
an ongoing dialogue with clients.
Career development professionals
are encouraged to create policy
statements and guidelines for use in
their practice. Career development
professionals ensure that clients are
fully informed, understand, and agree
to the parameters and limitations
of receiving career services. Policy
statements and guidelines may
include, but are not limited to, all
areas of informed consent, such as
incorporating the use of social media
and electronic/video communication
in professional practice, privacy
and condentiality (e.g., limits of
condentiality, documentation, and
records maintenance), boundaries
and multiple relationships, collection
of fees, termination of services, etc.
Career development professionals
are expected to review their policy
statements and guidelines annually
and to update them as needed.
Section D
Relationships with
other Professionals
Career development professionals
recognize that the quality of their
interactions with colleagues can
inuence the quality of services
provided to clients. ey work
to become knowledgeable about
colleagues within and outside the
profession. Career development
professionals develop positive
working relationships and systems
expectations and the parameters of
condentiality with their colleagues.
D.1.e. Establishing Professional
and Ethical Obligations
Career development professionals
who are members of interdisciplinary
teams clarify professional and ethical
obligations of the team as a whole and
of its individual members. When a
team decision raises ethical concerns,
career development professionals
rst attempt to resolve the concern
within the team. If they cannot reach
resolution among team members,
career development professionals
pursue other avenues to address their
concerns consistent with client well-
D.1.f. Personnel Selection and
Career development professionals
select competent sta and assign
responsibilities compatible with their
knowledge, skills, and experiences.
D.1.g. Employer Policies
e acceptance of employment in
an agency or institution implies that
career development professionals
are in agreement with its general
policies and principles. Career
development professionals strive to
reach agreement with employers as
to acceptable standards of conduct
that allow for changes in institutional
policy conducive to the growth and
development of clients.
D.1.h. Negative Conditions
Career development professionals
alert their employers of inappropriate
policies and practices. ey attempt
to eect changes in such policies or
procedures through constructive
action within the organization.
When such policies are potentially
disruptive or damaging to clients
or may limit the eectiveness of
services provided and change cannot
be achieved, career development
professionals take appropriate
further action. Such action may
of communication with colleagues
to enhance services to clients.
Career development professionals
may provide coaching and/
or consultation to individuals,
groups, or organizations. If career
development professionals perform
such services, they must provide only
the services that are within the scope
of their professional competence and
D.1. Relationships with
Colleagues, Employers,
and Employees
D.1.a. Dierent Approaches
Career development professionals
are respectful of approaches to career
services that dier from their own.
Career development professionals are
respectful of traditions and practices
of other professional groups with
which they work.
D.1.b. Forming Relationships
Career development professionals
work to develop and strengthen
interdisciplinary relations with
colleagues from other disciplines to
best serve clients.
D.1.c. Interdisciplinary
Career development professionals
who are members of interdisciplinary
teams delivering multifaceted services
to clients ensure that the focus is
kept on how to best serve the clients.
ey participate in and contribute
to decisions that aect the well-
being of clients by drawing on the
perspectives, values, and experiences
of the profession and those of
colleagues from other disciplines.
D.1.d. Condentiality
When career development
professionals are required by law,
institutional policy, or extraordinary
circumstances to serve in more than
one role in judicial or administrative
proceedings, they clarify role
NCDA Code of Ethics
include referral to appropriate
certication, accreditation, or state
licensure organizations, or voluntary
termination of employment.
D.1.i. Protection from Punitive
Career development professionals
take care not to harass or dismiss
an employee who has acted in a
responsible and ethical manner
to expose inappropriate employer
policies or practices.
D.2. Consultation
D.2.a. Consultant Competency
Career development professionals
take reasonable steps to ensure that
they have the appropriate resources
and competencies when providing
coaching and/or consultation services.
Career development professionals
provide appropriate referral resources
when requested or needed.
D.2.b. Understanding Consultees
When providing coaching or
consultation, career development
professionals attempt to develop with
their consultees a clear understanding
of problem denition, goals for
change, and predicted consequences
of interventions selected.
D.2.c. Consultant Goals
e coaching/consulting relationship
is one in which consultee adaptability
and growth toward self-direction
are consistently encouraged and
D.2.d. Informed Consent in
When providing consultation, career
development professionals have an
obligation to review, in writing and
orally, the rights and responsibilities
of career development professionals
and consultees. Career development
professionals use clear and
understandable language to inform all
parties involved about the purpose of
the services to be provided, relevant
E.1.b. Client Welfare
Career development professionals
do not misuse assessment results
and interpretations, and they take
reasonable steps to prevent others
from misusing the information
these tools provide. ey respect the
client’s right to know the results, the
interpretations made, and the bases
for career development professionals
conclusions and recommendations.
E.2. Competence to Use and
Interpret Assessment
E.2.a. Limits of Competence
Career development professionals
utilize only those testing and
assessment services for which they
have been trained and are competent
in administering and interpreting.
Career development professionals
using technology-assisted test
interpretations are trained in the
construct being measured and the
specic instrument being used
prior to using its technology-based
application. Career development
professionals take reasonable
measures to ensure the proper use of
psychological and career assessment
techniques by persons under their
E.2.b. Appropriate Use
Career development professionals
are responsible for the appropriate
application, scoring, interpretation,
and use of assessment instruments
relevant to the needs of the client,
whether they score and interpret
such assessments themselves or use
technology or other services.
E.2.c. Decisions Based on Results
Career development professionals
responsible for decisions involving
individuals or policies that are based
on assessment results have a thorough
understanding of psychometrics
involving educational, psychological,
and career measurement, including
costs, potential risks and benets, and
the limits of condentiality. Working
in conjunction with the consultee,
career development professionals
attempt to develop a clear denition
of the problem, goals for change,
and predicted consequences of
interventions that are culturally
responsive and appropriate to the
needs of consultees.
Section E
Assessment and
Career development professionals
use assessment instruments as one
component of the career services
process, taking into account the
client’s personal and cultural context.
Career development professionals
promote the well-being of individual
clients or groups of clients by
developing and using appropriate
career, educational, and psychological
assessment instruments.
E.1. General
E.1.a. Assessment
e primary purpose of educational,
psychological, and career assessments
is to provide measurements that
are valid and reliable in either
comparative or absolute terms.
ese include, but are not limited to,
measurements of ability, personality,
interest, intelligence, achievement,
skills, values, and performance.
Career development professionals
recognize the need to interpret the
statements in this section as applying
to both quantitative and qualitative
NCDA Code of Ethics
validation criteria, assessment
research, and guidelines for
assessment development and use.
E.3. Informed Consent in
E.3.a. Explanation to Clients
Prior to assessment, career
development professionals explain the
nature and purposes of assessment
and the specic use of results by
potential recipients. e explanation
will be given in the language of the
client (or other legally authorized
person on behalf of the client), unless
an explicit exception has been agreed
upon in advance. Career development
professionals consider the clients
personal or cultural context, the level
of the client’s understanding of the
results, and the impact of the results
on the client.
E.3.b. Recipients of Results
Career development professionals
consider the examinees welfare,
explicit understandings, and prior
agreements in determining who
receives the assessment results.
Career development professionals
include accurate and appropriate
interpretations with any release
of individual or group assessment
E.4. Release of Data to Qualied
Career development professionals
release assessment data in which
the client is identied only with the
consent of the client or the clients
legal representative. Such data are
released only to persons recognized
by career development professionals
as qualied to interpret the data.
E.5. Diagnosis &
E.5.a. Proper Diagnosis &
Career development professionals
assessment, data, and/or instruments
in forming conclusions, diagnoses, or
E.6.b. Referral Information
If a client is referred to a third
party for assessment, the career
development professional provides
specic referral questions and
sucient objective data about the
client to ensure that appropriate
assessment instruments are utilized.
E.7. Conditions of
E.7.a. Administration Conditions
Career development professionals
administer assessments under the
same conditions that were established
in their standardization. When
assessments are not administered
under standard conditions, as may
be necessary to accommodate clients
with disabilities, or when unusual
behavior or irregularities occur
during the administration, those
conditions are noted in interpretation,
and the results may be designated as
invalid or of questionable validity.
E.7.b. Technological
Career development professionals
ensure that administration programs
function properly and provide clients
with accurate results.
E.7.c. Unsupervised Assessments
Unless the assessment instrument is
designed, intended, and validated for
self-administration and/or scoring,
career development professionals do
not permit inadequately supervised
use of any assessment.
E.7.d. Provision of Favorable
Career development professionals
provide an appropriate environment
for the administration of assessments
(e.g., privacy, comfort, freedom from
take special care to provide proper
diagnosis and recommendations and
do so only when making a diagnosis
is appropriate and when properly
trained. Assessment techniques
(including personal interviews) used
to determine client care (e.g., locus of
treatment, type of treatment/services,
or recommended follow-up) are
carefully selected and appropriately
E.5.b. Cultural Sensitivity
Career development professionals
recognize that culture aects the
manner in which clients’ issues are
dened. Clients’ socioeconomic and
cultural experiences are considered
when making a diagnosis.
E.5.c. Historical and Social
Prejudices in Diagnosis
Career development professionals
recognize historical and social
prejudices in the misdiagnosis and
pathologizing of certain individuals
and groups and the role career
development professionals can play
in avoiding the perpetuation of these
prejudices through proper diagnosis,
recommendations, and provision of
E.5.d. Refraining From Diagnosis
Career development professionals
may refrain from making and/
or reporting a diagnosis or
recommendation if they believe
it would cause harm to the client
or others. Career development
professionals carefully consider both
the positive and negative implications
of a diagnosis/ recommendation.
E.6. Instrument Selection
E.6.a. Appropriateness of
Career development professionals
carefully consider the validity,
reliability, psychometric limitations,
and appropriateness of instruments
when selecting assessments and,
when possible, use multiple forms of
NCDA Code of Ethics
E.8. Multicultural Issues/
Diversity in Assessment
Career development professionals use,
with caution, assessment techniques
that were normed on populations
other than that of the client. Career
development professionals recognize
the possible eects of age, culture,
disability, ethnic group, gender,
race, language preference, religion,
spirituality, sexual orientation,
and socioeconomic status on test
administration and interpretation,
and place test results in proper
perspective with other relevant
factors. Career development
professionals use caution when
selecting assessments for culturally
diverse populations to avoid the use
of instruments that lack appropriate
psychometric properties for the client
E.9. Scoring and
Interpretation of
E.9.a. Reporting
When career development
professionals report assessment
results, they consider the clients
personal and cultural background,
the level of the client’s understanding
of the results, and the impact
of the results on the client. In
reporting assessment results,
career development professionals
indicate reservations that exist
regarding validity or reliability due to
circumstances of the assessment or
the inappropriateness of the norms
for the person tested.
E.9.b. Research Instruments
Career development professionals
exercise caution when interpreting
the results of research instruments
not having sucient technical data
to support respondent results. e
specic purposes for the use of such
instruments are stated explicitly to
the examinee. Career development
E.12. Assessment
Career development professionals
use established scientic
procedures, relevant standards, and
current professional knowledge
for assessment design in the
development, publication, and
utilization of educational and
psychological assessment techniques.
E.13. Forensic Evaluation:
Evaluation for Legal
E.13.a. Primary Obligations
When providing forensic evaluations,
the primary obligation of career
development professionals is to
produce objective ndings that can be
substantiated based on information
and techniques appropriate to the
evaluation, which may include
examination of the individual
and/or review of records. Career
development professionals form
professional opinions based on their
professional knowledge and expertise
that can be supported by the data
gathered in evaluations. Career
development professionals dene the
limits of their reports or testimony,
especially when an examination of the
individual has not been conducted.
E.13.b. Consent for Evaluation
Individuals being evaluated are
informed in writing that the
relationship is for the purposes of
an evaluation, not to provide career
services. Entities or individuals who
will receive the evaluation report
are identied. Written consent to
be evaluated is obtained from those
being evaluated unless a court orders
evaluations to be conducted without
the written consent of individuals
being evaluated. When children or
vulnerable adults are being evaluated,
informed written consent is obtained
from a parent or guardian.
professionals qualify any conclusions,
diagnoses, or recommendations
made that are based on assessments
or instruments with questionable
validity or reliability.
E.9.c. Assessment Services
Career development professionals
who provide assessment scoring and
interpretation services to support
the assessment process conrm
the validity of such interpretations.
ey understand and accurately
describe the purpose, norms,
validity, reliability, and applications
of the procedures and any special
qualications applicable to their
use. e public oering of an
automated test interpretation
service is considered a professional-
to-professional consultation. e
formal responsibility of the career
development professional is to the
individual/organization requesting
the assessment, but the ultimate and
overriding responsibility is to the
E.10. Assessment Security
Career development professionals
maintain the integrity and security of
tests and other assessment techniques
consistent with legal and contractual
obligations. Career development
professionals do not appropriate,
reproduce, or modify published
assessments or parts thereof without
acknowledgment and permission
from the publisher.
E.11. Obsolete Assessments
and Outdated Results
Career development professionals
do not use data or results from
assessments that are obsolete or
outdated for the current purpose.
Career development professionals
make every eort to prevent the
misuse of obsolete measures and
assessment data by others.
NCDA Code of Ethics
E.13.c. Client Evaluation
Career development professionals
do not evaluate current or former
clients, clients’ romantic partners, or
clients’ family members for forensic
purposes. Career development
professionals do not counsel
individuals they are evaluating.
E.13.d. Avoid Potentially Harmful
Career development professionals
who provide forensic evaluations
avoid potentially harmful professional
or personal relationships with family
members, romantic partners, and
close friends of individuals they are
evaluating or have evaluated in the
Section F
Providing Career
Services Online,
Technology, and
Social Media
Career development professionals
actively attempt to understand the
evolving nature of the profession with
regard to providing career services
online and the use of technology
and/or social media and how such
resources may be used to better serve
their clients. Career development
professionals strive to become
knowledgeable about these resources,
recognizing that periodic training is
needed to develop necessary technical
and professional competencies.
Career development professionals
understand the additional concerns
related to the use of providing career
services online, along with the use
of current and emerging technology
(including Articial Intelligence;
AI) and/or social media tools and
assistance when using technology-
based applications, particularly when
the use of such applications crosses
state lines and/or international
F.2. Informed Consent and
F.2.a. Informed Consent and
Clients have the freedom to choose
whether to access career services
online or to engage in the use of
technology and/or social media
within the career development
process. In addition to the usual and
customary protocol of informed
consent between career development
professional and client for face-to-face
services, the following issues, unique
to the use of career services online,
and the use of technology and/or
social media, should be addressed in
the informed consent process:
professional credentials, physical
location of practice, and contact
risks and benets of engaging in
the use of career services online,
and the use of technology and/or
social media;
possibility of technology failure
and alternate methods of service
anticipated response time;
emergency procedures to follow
when the career development
professional is not available;
time zone dierences, local
customs, and cultural and/or
language dierences that may aect
delivery of services;
where applicable, pertinent legal
rights and limitations governing
the practice of a profession
over state lines or international
boundaries; and
social media policy.
make every attempt to protect
condentiality and data security, to
ensure transparency and equitable
treatment of clients, and to meet any
legal and ethical requirements for the
use of such resources.
F.1. Knowledge and Legal
F.1.a. Knowledge and
Career development professionals
who engage in providing career
services online, and the use of
technology and/or social media
develop knowledge and skills
regarding related technical,
ethical, and legal considerations.
Career development professionals
understand and follow the terms of
service of any technology or social
media platform employed. With new
and emerging technology, such as AI,
career development professionals gain
the training and experience needed to
eectively use such tools.
F.1.b. Laws and Statutes
Career development professionals
who engage in providing career
services online, and the use of
technology and/or social media
within their practice understand
that they may be subject to laws
and regulations of both the career
development professionals practicing
location and the client’s place of
work/residence. Career development
professionals ensure that use of
technology services with clients is in
accordance with all applicable federal,
state, local, and/or institutional
statutes, laws, regulations, and
procedures, particularly when the
services are oered via technology
across state lines and/or international
F.1.c. Outside Assistance
When necessary and appropriate,
career development professionals
seek business, legal, and technical
NCDA Code of Ethics
F.2.b. Condentiality and
Career development professionals
inform clients about the inherent
limits of condentiality when using
technology and acknowledge the
limitations of maintaining the
condentiality of electronic records
and transmissions. Where feasible,
career development professionals
inform clients of anyone who may
have access to such records or
transmissions. Career development
professionals urge clients to be aware
of those to whom they give access
to information disclosed using this
medium during the professional
F.2.c. Security
Career development professionals
take reasonable precautions to ensure
the condentiality of information
transmitted through any electronic
means, including using current
encryption standards within their
websites and/or technology-based
communications where appropriate
to meet applicable legal requirements.
Where new or emerging technology
(such as AI) pose security and/or
privacy concerns, career development
professionals seek guidance and
training, and take all reasonable
precautions to ensure condentiality
and to protect client information.
F.3. Client Verication
Career development professionals
who engage in providing career
services online, and the use of
technology and/or social media
to interact with clients take steps
to verify the clients identity at the
beginning and throughout the
working relationship. Verication can
include, but is not limited to, using
code words, numbers, graphics, or
other nondescript identiers.
that clients understand the purpose
and operation of technology-based
applications and follow up with
clients to address any issues that may
F.4.d. Access
Career development professionals
provide information to clients
regarding reasonable access to
pertinent applications when providing
technology-assisted services. is
access may include being aware of
free and/or low-cost public access
points to technology resources and
the Internet within the community,
so that a lack of nancial resources
does not create a signicant barrier
to clients accessing career services
or information, assessment, or
instructional resources. If career
development professionals are unable
to provide access to technology
resources, they provide an alternative
method of service delivery.
F.4.e. Communication Dierences
in Electronic Media
Career development professionals
consider the dierences between face-
to-face and electronic communication
(nonverbal and verbal cues) and
how these may aect the career
development process. Career
development professionals educate
clients on how to prevent and address
potential misunderstandings arising
from the lack of visual cues and voice
intonations when communicating
F.4.g. Use of Assessments via
Electronic Media
When using assessments carried
out via electronic media, career
development professionals are
responsible for knowing and abiding
by other standard ethical practices
related to client assessment, such as
those outlined in Section E of this
Code of Ethics. In addition, where
applicable, career development
professionals should:
F.4. Providing Career
Services Online
F.4.a. Benets and Limitations
Career development professionals
inform clients of the benets and
limitations of using technology-based
applications in the provision of career
services. Such technologies include,
but are not limited to, computer
hardware and/or soware, telephones
and applications, social media and
Internet-based applications and other
audio and/or video communication,
or data storage devices or media.
F.4.b. Professional Boundaries in
Providing Career Services
Career development professionals
understand the necessity of
maintaining a professional
relationship with their clients.
Career development professionals
discuss and establish professional
boundaries with clients regarding the
appropriate use and/or application
of technology and the limitations of
its use (e.g., lack of condentiality,
times when not appropriate to use).
When technology-assisted career
services are deemed inappropriate by
the career development professional
or client, career development
professionals provide appropriate
alternatives, including face-to-face
service. If the career development
professional is not able to provide
face-to-face services (e.g., lives in
another state), the career development
professional assists the client in
identifying appropriate services.
F.4.c. Technology-Assisted
When providing technology-
assisted services, career development
professionals make reasonable eorts
to determine that clients are fully
capable of using the application and
that the application is appropriate
for the needs of the client. Career
development professionals verify
NCDA Code of Ethics
determine if the assessments have
been tested for online delivery and
ensure that their psychometric
properties are the same as in
print form; or the client must be
informed that the assessments have
not yet been tested for this mode of
determine if the assessments have
been validated for self-help use
or that appropriate intervention
is provided before and aer
completion of the assessment
resource if the resource has not
been validated for self-help use;
make every eort to protect the
condentiality of client results; and
refer clients to qualied career
development professionals in his
or her geographic area if there is
evidence that the client does not
understand the assessment results.
F.5. Records
Career development professionals
create and maintain electronic
documents and records in accordance
with relevant laws and statutes and
all other relevant aspects of this
Code of Ethics. Career development
professionals inform clients on how
records are maintained electronically.
is includes, but is not limited to,
the type of encryption and security
assigned to the records, and if/for how
long archival storage of transaction
records is maintained.
F.6. Web Maintenance
and Technology
F.6.a. Maintaining Websites and
Technology Resources
Career development professionals
who maintain websites or other
technology resources are expected to
do the following:
Regularly ensure that electronic
links are working and are
professionally appropriate.
F.6.d. Managing Job Posting
and Searching Websites or
All job postings must represent
a valid opening for which those
searching have an opportunity to
apply. It is encouraged that job
postings be removed from the
database once application acceptance
deadlines have passed or shortly
aer announcements have been
made that positions have been lled.
Names, addresses, résumés, and other
information that may be gained about
individuals should not be used for
any purposes other than provision
of further information about job
F.7. Social Media
F.7.a. Creating and Maintaining
a Virtual Professional
When creating a virtual professional
presence, career development
professionals carefully reect on
the goals and objectives for using
available social media tools. Career
development professionals who
maintain a professional virtual
presence commit the necessary time
and eort to ensure a continual
presence, avoiding extended gaps
in involvement or communication
with clients that could have negative
F.7.b. Separating Professional
Presence from Personal
When career development
professionals maintain a professional
and personal presence on social
media, separate professional and
personal web pages and proles are
created to clearly distinguish between
the two kinds of virtual presence.
F.7.c. Identifying Professional
Roles and Expertise
When using social media, career
development professionals clearly
Provide electronic links to
relevant licensure and professional
certication boards to protect
consumer rights and facilitate
addressing ethical concerns.
Assist clients, where feasible,
in determining the validity and
reliability of information found on
websites and in other technology
If a website includes links to other
websites, the career development
professional who creates this
linkage is responsible for ensuring
that the services to which the site
is linked meet all applicable ethical
standards. If this is not possible,
career development professionals
should post a disclaimer explaining
that the linked site may not meet
all applicable ethical standards and
(if known) which standards are not
met by the site.
F.6.b. Accessibility
Career development professionals
who maintain websites and other
technology resources provide
accessibility or inform persons with
disabilities of assistive devices that
will make the content accessible,
when feasible. ey provide access to
translation capabilities for clients who
have a dierent primary language,
when feasible. Career development
professionals acknowledge the
imperfect nature of such translations
and accessibilities.
F.6.c. Qualications of the
Developer or Provider
Websites and other services designed
to assist clients with career planning
and job searching should be
developed with content input from
career development professionals.
e service should clearly state the
qualications and credentials of the
NCDA Code of Ethics
identify their names, training and
expertise, and aliation to an
organization or employer. Career
development professionals only
post information and address
questions that are within the scope
of their professional competence and
F.7.d. Maintaining
Condentiality in Virtual
Career development professionals
act judiciously to protect the privacy,
condentiality, and reputation of
clients, colleagues, organizations, and
others. Applicable federal guidelines
(such as HIPAA and FERPA) provide
guidance on protecting condential
and proprietary information. Career
development professionals must
avoid posting identiable images
(without obtaining permission of
those identied) or any personally
identiable information that could
be used to locate someone oine
(e.g., phone numbers or addresses).
In no situation should protected or
highly sensitive information be shared
via social media platforms (e.g.,
Social Security number, nancial
information, credit card or payment
information, counseling or health
records, information subject to non-
disclosure agreements, etc.).
F.7.e. Respect Privacy of Clients
Virtual Presence
Career development professionals
respect the privacy of their clients’
presence on social media, and avoid
searching clients’ virtual presence
unless given consent to view such
F.7.f. Social Media as Part of
Informed Consent
As a part of the informed consent
procedure, career development
professionals clearly explain to their
clients the benets, limitations, and
boundaries of the use of social media.
F.7.i. Respect Copyright and
Original Sources
Career development professionals
post information, photos, videos, etc.
only in compliance with copyright,
trademark, and fair use laws. When
others’ content is posted, sources
are clearly identied, with links to
original materials if applicable.
F.7.j. Educating Clients about
the Role of Social Media in
the Career Development
Career development professionals
educate their clients about the role of
social media platforms in the career
development and job search process.
is includes encouraging both
knowledge of the potential impact
that social media use may have on
the professional relationship between
the client and career development
professional, and promoting an
understanding of the benets and
risks of using social media within the
career exploration, job search, and
career management process.
F.8. New & Emerging
F.8.a. Competence in Using New
& Emerging Technology
Career development professionals
are expected to utilize only those
tools and technology for which they
have been trained and in which
they are competent. Should career
development professionals desire to
utilize new and emerging technology
(including AI) to assist clients, they
explore the cost/benet with the client
and proceed only when expressly
directed by the client. Should
alternative approaches be available,
these are presented to the client.
F.8.b. Informed Consent when
Using New & Emerging
Career development professionals
are transparent, inform clients,
F.7.g. Social Media Policies &
Fair and Equitable
Career development professionals
develop social media strategies and
guidelines that provide fair and
equitable treatment to all clients.
For clients who may lack access or
have limited technical knowledge,
fair and equitable treatment may
mean providing alternative service
delivery methods. Additionally,
fair, and equitable treatment means
creating an approach to using
social media that is consistently
applied and clearly communicated
to all clients. For example, some
organizations may choose a policy
of not linking to any current clients,
while another organization allows
career development professionals to
link to current clients only when the
client makes a request and agrees
to a social media informed consent.
Still another organization may nd it
more favorable to “link” all clients to
an organization page rather than to
link clients to a career development
professionals individual social
media account. Career development
professionals work within their
organizations to develop and clearly
communicate an approach so that the
social media practice is transparent,
consistent, and easily understood by
F.7.h. Permanence of
Information, Accuracy, and
Career development professionals
recognize that information posted
on social media sites are largely
permanent and easily shared beyond
the privacy settings of any particular
site. Postings should be respectful
and appropriate for broad audiences.
Postings should also be regularly
checked to ensure accuracy of
information shared.
NCDA Code of Ethics
and obtain consent whenever
they use new and emerging
technology when providing services.
Careerdevelopment professionals do
not enter any client information into
an Articial Intelligence (AI)platform
without express consent.
F.8.c. Limitations of New &
Emerging Technology
Career development professionals
are aware of and inform clients of
any limitations of using new and
emerging technology.
F.8.d. Emergence of AI in Career
Articial Intelligence (AI) is a new
and emerging eld. Its full impact
on career development services may
not be known for many years to
come. As such, career development
professionals are expected to study,
receive training, and to seek guidance
when considering the use of AI
when working with clients. Career
development professionals also use
caution when using or recommending
AI and related tools when working
with students, clients (individuals,
groups, or organizational), research
participants, supervisees, and
colleagues (including employers and
Section G
Supervision, Training,
and Teaching
Career development professionals
foster meaningful and respectful
professional relationships and
maintain appropriate boundaries
with supervisees and students.
Career development professionals
have theoretical and pedagogical
foundations for their work and aim
to be fair, accurate, and honest in
services regularly pursue continuing
education activities including both
career services and supervision topics
and skills.
G.2.b. Cultural Competence in
Supervisors are aware of and address
the role of cultural competence in the
supervisory relationship.
G.2.c. Online Supervision
When using technology in
supervision, supervisors are
competent in the use of those
technologies. Supervisors take the
necessary precautions to protect the
condentiality of all information
transmitted through any electronic
G.3. Multiple Relationships
G.3.a. Relationship Boundaries
Supervisors and educators clearly
dene and maintain ethical
professional, personal, and social
relationships with their supervisees/
students, and they avoid or keep
to a minimum nonprofessional
relationships with current
supervisees/students. If supervisors
and educators must assume other
professional roles (e.g., clinical and
administrative supervisor, instructor,
etc.) with supervisees/students, they
work to minimize potential conicts
and explain to supervisees/students
the expectations and responsibilities
associated with each role. ey do not
engage in any form of nonprofessional
interaction in which there is a risk
of potential harm to the supervisee/
student or that may compromise the
supervisory/training relationship,
experience or grades assigned.
G.3.b. Sexual Relationships
Any form of sexual or romantic
interactions or relationships with
current students or supervisees is
their assessments of other career
development professionals, students,
and supervisees.
G.1. Client Welfare
G.1.a. Client Welfare
A primary obligation of supervisors
and educators is to monitor the
services provided by other career
development professionals or students
for whom they have responsibility.
Supervisors and educators also
monitor client welfare and supervisee/
student performance and professional
development. To fulll these
obligations, supervisors and educators
meet regularly with supervisees/
students. Supervisees and students
have a responsibility to understand
and follow the NCDA Code of Ethics.
G.1.b. Credentials
Supervisors and educators work to
ensure that supervisees/students
communicate their qualications to
render services to their clients.
G.1.c. Informed Consent and
Client Rights
Supervisors and educators make
supervisees/students aware of client
rights including the protection of
client privacy and condentiality
in the professional relationship.
Supervisees/students provide
clients with professional disclosure
information and inform them of how
the supervision process inuences the
limits of condentiality. Supervisees/
students make clients aware of who
will have access to records of the
professional relationship and how
these records will be utilized.
G.2. Supervisor Competence
G.2.a. Supervisor Preparation
Prior to oering supervision services,
career development professionals
are trained in supervision methods
and techniques. Career development
professionals who oer supervision
NCDA Code of Ethics
G.3.c. Harassment
Supervisors and educators do not
condone or subject students or
supervisees to harassment, sexual or
G.3.d. Close Relatives and Friends
Supervisors and educators avoid
accepting close relatives, romantic
partners, or friends as students/
supervisees and are prohibited from
engaging in supervisory or training
relationships with individuals with
whom they have an inability to
remain objective.
G.3.e. Potentially Benecial
Supervisors and educators are
aware of the power dierential
in their relationships with
supervisees/ students. If they believe
nonprofessional relationships with a
supervisee/student may be potentially
benecial to the supervisee/
student, they take precautions
similar to those taken by career
development professionals when
working with clients. Examples of
potentially benecial interactions
or relationships include attending
a formal ceremony; hospital visits;
providing support during a stressful
event; or mutual membership in a
professional association, organization,
or community. Supervisors and
educators engage in open discussions
with supervisees/students when
they consider entering into
relationships with them outside of
their supervisory or training roles.
Before engaging in nonprofessional
relationships, supervisors and
educators discuss with supervisees/
students and document the rationale
for such interactions, potential
benets or drawbacks, and anticipated
consequences for the supervisee.
Supervisors and educators clarify the
specic nature and limitations of the
additional role(s) they will have with
the supervisee/student.
G.5. Student Responsibilities
& Evaluation,
Remediation, and
G.5.a. Ethical Responsibilities
Students/supervisees have a
responsibility to understand and
follow the NCDA Code of Ethics.
Students/supervisees have the
same obligation to clients as those
required of other career development
G.5.b. Impairment
Students/supervisees monitor
themselves for signs of impairment
from their own physical, mental, or
emotional problems and refrain from
oering or providing professional
services when such impairment is
likely to harm a client or others. ey
notify their faculty and/or supervisors
and seek assistance for problems
that reach the level of professional
impairment, and, if necessary, they
limit, suspend, or terminate their
professional responsibilities until it
is determined that they may safely
resume their work.
G.5.c. Professional Disclosure
Before providing services, students/
supervisees disclose their status and
explain how this status aects the
limits of condentiality. Supervisors
and educators ensure that clients are
aware of the services rendered and
the qualications of the students/
supervisees rendering those services.
Students/ supervisees obtain
client permission before they use
any information concerning the
counseling relationship in the training
G.5.d. Evaluation
Supervisors and educators clearly
state to students/supervisees, prior
to and throughout the training
program, the levels of competency
expected, appraisal methods, and
timing of evaluations for all areas
G.3.f. Relationships with Former
Supervisors and educators are aware
of the power dierential in the
relationship between supervisees/
students and thus do not engage in
romantic and sexual relationships
with former supervisees/ students.
G.4. Supervisor
G.4.a. Informed Consent for
Supervisors are responsible for
incorporating into their supervision
the principles of informed consent
and participation. Supervisors
inform supervisees of the policies
and procedures to which they are
to adhere and the mechanisms for
due process appeal of individual
supervisory actions.
G.4.b. Emergencies and Absences
Supervisors establish and
communicate to supervisees
procedures for contacting them or,
in their absence, alternative on-call
supervisors to assist in handling
G.4.c. Standards for Supervisees
Supervisors make their supervisees
aware of professional and ethical
standards and legal responsibilities.
G.4.d. Termination of the
Supervisory Relationship
Supervisors or supervisees have the
right to terminate the supervisory
relationship with adequate notice.
Reasons for withdrawal are provided
to the other party. When cultural,
professional, or other issues are
crucial to the viability of the
supervisory relationship, both parties
make eorts to resolve dierences.
When termination is warranted,
supervisors make appropriate
referrals to possible alternative
NCDA Code of Ethics
of competency. Supervisors and
educators document and provide
students/supervisees with ongoing
performance appraisal and evaluation
feedback throughout the training
G.5.e. Limitations & Remediation
rough ongoing evaluation and
appraisal, supervisors and educators
are aware of the limitations of
students/supervisees that might
impede performance. Supervisors and
educators assist students/ supervisees
in securing remedial assistance when
needed. If students/supervisees
request counseling or if counseling
services are required as part of a
remediation process, educators
and supervisors provide acceptable
referrals. Supervisors and educators
recommend dismissal from training
programs, applied practice settings,
or state or voluntary professional
credentialing processes when those
students/ supervisees are unable
to provide competent professional
services. Supervisors and educators
seek consultation and document
their decisions to dismiss or refer
students/supervisees for assistance.
ey ensure that students/supervisees
are aware of options available to
them to address such decisions and
ensure that students/supervisees
have recourse in a timely manner to
address decisions to require them to
seek assistance or to dismiss them
and provide them with due process
according to institutional policies and
G.5.f. Multiple Roles/
Relationships with Students
& Supervisees
If students/supervisees request
counseling, career services, or any
other professional service which a
supervisor or educator may ordinarily
oer, the supervisor or educator will
provide the student/ supervisee with
acceptable referrals. Supervisors and
educators do not typically engage
skilled in applying that knowledge,
and make students and supervisees
aware of their responsibilities.
Educators are to conduct education
and training programs in an ethical
manner and serve as role models
for professional behavior. Career
development professionals who
function as educators or supervisors
are expected to provide instruction
within their areas of knowledge and
competence and provide instruction
based on current information and
knowledge available in the profession.
When using technology to deliver
instruction, educators are expected to
develop competence in the use of the
G.6.b. Integration of Study and
Educators are expected to establish
education and training programs
that integrate academic study and
supervised practice.
G.6.c. Teaching Ethics
Educators make students and
supervisees aware of the ethical
responsibilities and standards
of the profession and the ethical
responsibilities of students to the
profession. Educators infuse ethical
considerations throughout the
G.6.d. Peer Relationships
Educators make every eort to
ensure that the rights of peers are
not compromised when students or
supervisees lead career groups or
provide supervision. Educators take
steps to ensure that students and
supervisees understand they have the
same ethical obligations as educators,
trainers, and supervisors.
G.6.e. Innovative eories and
When educators teach techniques/
procedures that are innovative,
without an empirical foundation, or
without a well-grounded theoretical
foundation, they dene the
in multiple roles/relationships with
students/supervisees. If supervisors
or educators must provide a service
to a student or supervisee in
addition to providing supervision,
they work to minimize potential
conicts and explain to students/
supervisees the expectations and
responsibilities associated with each
role. In addition, the supervisor or
educator must address participation
in multiple roles/relationships with
the students/supervisees in terms of
the impact of these issues on clients,
the supervisory relationship, and
professional functioning.
G.5.g. Endorsement
Supervisors and educators endorse
students/supervisees for certication,
licensure, employment, or completion
of an academic or training program
only when they believe the students/
supervisees are qualied for the
endorsement. In addition, supervisors
and educators do not withhold
endorsement of qualied students/
supervisees for certication, licensure,
employment, or completion of an
academic or training program for any
reason unrelated to their tness as a
student or professional. Regardless
of qualications, supervisors and
educators do not endorse students/
supervisees whom they believe to
be impaired in any way that would
interfere with the performance
of the duties associated with the
G.6. Responsibilities of
G.6.a. Educators
Educators who are responsible for
developing, implementing, and
supervising educational programs
are expected to be skilled as teachers
and practitioners. ey are expected
to be knowledgeable regarding the
ethical, legal, and regulatory aspects
of the profession, are expected to be
NCDA Code of Ethics
techniques/procedures as “unproven
or “developing” and explain to
students the potential risks and
ethical considerations of using such
G.6.f. Field Placements
Educators develop clear policies
within their training programs
regarding eld placement and other
practical experiences. Educators
provide clearly stated roles and
responsibilities for the student or
supervisee, the site supervisor, and
the program supervisor. ey conrm
that site supervisors are qualied to
provide supervision and inform site
supervisors of their professional and
ethical responsibilities in this role.
In addition, educators do not accept
any form of professional services,
fees, commissions, reimbursement, or
remuneration from a site for student
or supervisee placement.
G.7. Student Welfare
G.7.a. Orientation
Educators recognize that orientation
is a developmental process that
continues throughout the education
and training of students. Faculty
provide prospective and current
students with information about the
educational programs expectations
including but not necessarily limited
1. the type and level of skill and
knowledge acquisition required
for successful completion of the
2. training program goals, objectives,
and mission, and subject matter to
be covered, including technology
3. bases for evaluation;
4. training components that
encourage self-growth or self-
disclosure as part of the training
5. the type of supervision settings
and requirements of the sites for
bring to the training experience.
Educators provide appropriate
accommodations that enhance and
support diverse student well-being
and academic performance.
G.8.c. Multicultural/Diversity
Educators actively infuse
multicultural/diversity competency
in their training and supervision
practices. ey actively train students
to gain awareness, knowledge,
and skills in the competencies of
multicultural practice.
Section H
Research and
Career development professionals
who conduct research are encouraged
to contribute to the knowledge base of
the profession and promote a clearer
understanding of the conditions
that lead to a healthy and more
just society. Career development
professionals support the eorts of
researchers by participating fully and
willingly whenever possible. Career
development professionals minimize
bias and respect diversity in designing
and implementing research.
H.1. Research
H.1.a. Use of Human Research
Career development professionals
plan, design, conduct, and report
research in a manner that is consistent
with pertinent ethical principles, all
applicable federal, state, and local
statutes, laws, regulations, and/
or procedures, host institutional
regulations, and scientic standards
required clinical eld experiences;
6. student and supervisee evaluation
and dismissal policies and
procedures; and
7. up-to-date employment prospects
for graduates and career advising,
including making them aware of
opportunities in the eld.
G.7.b. Self-Growth Experiences
Education programs delineate
requirements for self-disclosure
or self-growth experiences in their
admission and program materials.
Educators use professional judgment
when designing training experiences
they conduct that require student
and supervisee self-growth or self-
disclosure. Students and supervisees
are made aware of the ramications
their self-disclosure may have when
career development professionals
whose primary role as teacher, trainer,
or supervisor requires acting on
ethical obligations to the profession.
Evaluative components of experiential
training activities explicitly delineate
predetermined academic standards
that are separate from and do not
depend on the student’s level of self-
disclosure. Educators and supervisors
may require students/supervisees
to seek professional help to address
any personal concerns that may be
aecting their competency.
G.8. Multicultural/Diversity
Competence in
Education and Training
G.8.a. Faculty Diversity
Educators are committed to recruiting
and retaining a diverse faculty.
G.8.b. Student Diversity
Educators actively attempt to recruit
and retain a diverse student body.
Educators demonstrate commitment
to multicultural/diversity competence
by recognizing and valuing diverse
cultures and types of abilities students
NCDA Code of Ethics
governing research with human
research participants.
H.1.b. Need for Research and
Career development professionals
have an obligation to contribute to
periodic evaluations of the services
they provide to their clients. e
interventions, techniques, and
methods of service delivery they
use should be evaluated to establish
evidence-informed practice. Career
development professionals also have
an obligation to periodically review
the evaluation and research literature
in their area of expertise so that
the career services they provide to
their clients reect established best
H.1.c. Deviation from Standard
Career development professionals
seek consultation and observe
stringent safeguards to protect the
rights of research participants when a
research problem suggests a deviation
from standard or acceptable practices.
H.1.d. Independent Researchers
When career development
professionals conduct independent
research and do not have access
to an Institutional Review Board
(IRB), they are bound to the ethical
principles and federal and state laws
that pertain to the review of their
plan, design, conduct and reporting
of research. When independent
researchers do not have access to
an IRB, they should consult with
researchers who are familiar with IRB
procedures to provide appropriate
H.1.e. Precautions to Avoid
Career development professionals
who conduct research with human
participants are responsible for the
welfare of participants throughout
the research process and should
take reasonable precautions to avoid
advantageous for participants;
6. oers to answer any inquiries
concerning the procedures;
7. describes any limitations on
8. describes the format and
potential target audiences for the
dissemination of research ndings;
9. instructs participants that they are
free to withdraw their consent and
to discontinue participation in the
project at any time without penalty.
H.2.b. Deception
Career development professionals
do not conduct research involving
deception unless alternative
procedures are not feasible, and
the prospective value of the
research justies the deception. If
such deception has the potential
to cause physical or emotional
harm to research participants, the
research is not conducted, regardless
of prospective value. When the
methodological requirements of a
study necessitate concealment or
deception, the investigator explains
the reasons for this action as soon as
possible during the debrieng.
H.2.c. Student/Supervisee
Researchers who involve students or
supervisees in research make clear
to them that the decision regarding
whether or not to participate
in research activities does not
aect ones academic standing or
supervisory relationship. Students
or supervisees who choose not to
participate in educational research
are provided with an appropriate
alternative to fulll academic or other
H.2.d. Client Participation
Career development professionals
conducting research involving
clients make clear in the informed
consent process that clients are
free to choose whether or not to
causing injurious psychological,
emotional, physical, or social eects
to participants.
H.1.f. Principal Researcher
e ultimate responsibility for
ethical research practice lies with
the principal researcher. All others
involved in the research activities
share ethical obligations and
responsibility for their own actions.
H.1.g. Minimal Interference
Career development professionals
take reasonable precautions to avoid
causing disruptions in the lives of
research participants that could
be caused by their involvement in
H.1.h. Multicultural/Diversity
Considerations in
Career development professionals are
sensitive to incorporating research
procedures that take into account
cultural considerations. ey seek
consultation when appropriate.
H.2. Rights of Research
H.2.a. Informed Consent in
Individuals have the right to
decline requests to become research
participants. In seeking consent,
career development professionals use
language that:
1. accurately explains the purpose
and procedures to be followed;
2. identies any procedures that are
experimental or relatively untried;
3. describes any attendant
discomforts, risks, and potential
power dierentials between
researchers and participants;
4. describes any benets or changes
in individuals or organizations that
might be reasonably expected;
5. discloses appropriate alternative
procedures that would be
NCDA Code of Ethics
participate in research activities.
Career development professionals
take necessary precautions to protect
clients from adverse consequences
of declining or withdrawing from
H.2.e. Condentiality of
Information obtained about research
participants during the course of
an investigation is condential.
Procedures are implemented to
protect condentiality.
H.2.f. Persons Not Capable of
Giving Informed Consent
When a person is not capable of
giving informed consent, career
development professionals provide
an appropriate explanation to obtain
agreement for participation from, and
obtain the appropriate consent of a
legally authorized person.
H.2.g. Commitments to
Career development professionals
take reasonable measures to honor
all commitments to research
H.2.h. Explanations Aer Data
Aer data are collected, career
development professionals provide
participants with full clarication of
the nature of the study to remove any
misconceptions participants might
have regarding the research. Where
scientic or human values justify
delaying or withholding information,
career development professionals take
reasonable measures to avoid causing
H.2.i. Informing Sponsors
Career development professionals
inform sponsors, institutions, and
publication channels regarding
research procedures and outcomes.
Career development professionals
ensure that appropriate bodies
and authorities are given pertinent
H.3.d. Potentially Benecial
When a nonprofessional interaction
between the researcher and the
research participant may be
potentially benecial, the researcher
must document, prior to the
interaction (when feasible), the
rationale for such an interaction, the
potential benet, and anticipated
consequences for the research
participant. Such interactions
should be initiated with appropriate
consent of the research participant.
Where unintentional harm occurs
to the research participant due to
the nonprofessional interaction, the
researcher must show evidence of an
attempt to remedy such harm.
H.4. Reporting Results
H.4.a. Accurate Results
Career development professionals
plan, conduct, and report research
accurately. ey provide thorough
discussions of the limitations of their
data and alternative hypotheses.
Career development professionals
do not engage in misleading or
fraudulent research, distort data,
misrepresent data, or deliberately
bias their results. ey explicitly
mention all variables and conditions
known to the investigator that may
have aected the outcome of a study
or the interpretation of data. ey
describe the extent to which results
are applicable for diverse populations.
H.4.b. Obligation to Report
Unfavorable Results
Career development professionals
report the results of any research of
professional value. Results that reect
unfavorably on institutions, programs,
services, prevailing opinions, or
vested interests are not withheld.
H.4.c. Reporting Errors
If career development professionals
discover signicant errors in their
published research, they take
information and acknowledgment.
H.2.j. Disposal of Research
Documents and Records
Within a reasonable period of time
following the completion of a research
project or study, career development
professionals take steps to destroy
records or documents (audio, video,
digital, and written) containing
condential data or information that
identies research participants in
accordance with all applicable federal,
state, local, and/or institutional
statutes, laws, regulations, and
procedures. Career development
professionals are encouraged to purge
their les according to the time frame
required by federal, state, local, and/or
institutional statute, law, regulation,
or procedure, particularly when there
is no reasonable expectation that
anyone will benet from maintaining
the records any longer.
H.3. Relationships with
Research Participants
(When Research
Involves Intensive or
Extended Interactions)
H.3.a. Nonprofessional
Nonprofessional relationships with
research participants should be
avoided as these interactions may
set up dual relationships and role
confusion that may be harmful to the
emotional health of participants.
H.3.b. Relationships with
Research Participants
Sexual or romantic interactions
or relationships between career
development professionals/
researchers and current research
participants are prohibited.
H.3.c. Harassment and Research
Researchers do not condone or
subject research participants to
harassment, sexual or otherwise.
NCDA Code of Ethics
reasonable steps to correct such errors
in a correction erratum, or through
other appropriate publication means.
H.4.d. Identity of Participants
Career development professionals
who supply data, aid in the research
of another person, report research
results, or make original data available
take due care to disguise the identity
of respective participants in the
absence of specic authorization from
the participants to do otherwise. In
situations where participants self-
identify their involvement in research
studies, researchers take active
steps to ensure that data is adapted/
changed to protect the identity
and welfare of all parties and that
discussion of results does not cause
harm to participants.
H.4.e. Replication Studies
Career development professionals are
obligated to make available sucient
original research data to qualied
professionals who may wish to
replicate a study.
H.5. Publication
H.5.a. Recognizing Contributions
When conducting and reporting
research, career development
professionals are familiar with and
give recognition to previous work
on the topic, observe copyright laws,
and give full credit to those to whom
credit is due.
H.5.b. Plagiarism
Career development professionals
do not plagiarize; that is, they do not
present another persons work as their
H.5.c. Review/Republication of
Data or Ideas
Career development professionals
fully acknowledge and make editorial
reviewers aware of prior publication
of ideas or data where such ideas
or data are submitted for review or
review article submissions in a
timely manner and based on their
scope and competency in research
methodologies. Career development
professionals who serve as reviewers
at the request of editors or publishers
make every eort to review only
materials that are within their scope
of competency and use care to avoid
personal biases.
Section I
Resolving Ethical
Career development professionals
behave in a legal, ethical, and moral
manner in the conduct of their
professional work. ey are aware
that client protection and trust in the
profession depend on a high level of
professional conduct. ey hold other
career development professionals to
the same standards and are willing to
take appropriate action to ensure that
these standards are upheld. Career
development professionals work to
resolve ethical dilemmas with direct
and open communication among all
parties involved and seek consultation
with colleagues and supervisors
when necessary. Career development
professionals incorporate ethical
practice into their daily work. ey
engage in ongoing learning and
development regarding current topics
in ethical and legal issues in the
I.1. Standards and the Law
I.1.a. Knowledge
Career development professionals
understand the NCDA Code of Ethics
and other applicable ethics codes
from professional organizations
or from certication and licensure
bodies of which they are members
H.5.d. Contributors
Career development professionals
give credit through joint authorship,
acknowledgment, footnote
statements, or other appropriate
means to those who have contributed
signicantly to research or concept
development in accordance with
such contributions. e principal
contributor is listed rst, and
minor technical or professional
contributions are acknowledged in
notes or introductory statements.
H.5.e. Agreement of Contributors
Career development professionals
who conduct joint research with
colleagues or students/supervisees
establish agreements in advance
regarding allocation of tasks,
publication credit, and types of
acknowledgment that will be received.
H.5.f. Student Research
Manuscripts or professional
presentations in any medium that
are substantially based on a student’s
course papers, projects, dissertations,
or theses are used only with the
student’s permission and list the
student as lead author.
H.5.g. Duplicate Submission
Career development professionals
submit manuscripts for consideration
to only one journal at a time.
Manuscripts that are published
in whole or in substantial part in
another journal or published work are
not submitted for publication without
acknowledgement and permission
from the previous publication.
H.5.h. Professional Review
Career development professionals
who review material submitted
for publication, research, or other
scholarly purposes respect the
condentiality and proprietary rights
of those who submitted it. Career
development professionals use care
to make publication decisions based
on valid and defensible standards.
Career development professionals
NCDA Code of Ethics
and/or which regulate practice in a
state or territory. Career development
professionals ensure that they
are knowledgeable of and follow
all applicable federal, state, local,
and/or institutional statutes, laws,
regulations, and procedures. Lack of
knowledge or misunderstanding of an
ethical responsibility is not a defense
against a charge of unethical conduct.
I.1.b. Conicts Between Ethics
and Laws
If ethical responsibilities conict with
laws, regulations, or other governing
legal authorities, career development
professionals make known their
commitment to the NCDA Code
of Ethics and take steps to resolve
the conict. If the conict cannot
be resolved by acknowledging and
discussing the pertinent principles
in the NCDA Code of Ethics, career
development professionals must
adhere to the requirements of all
applicable federal, state, local,
and/or institutional statutes, laws,
regulations, and procedures.
I.2. Suspected Violations
I.2.a. Ethical Behavior Expected
Career development professionals
expect colleagues to adhere to the
NCDA Code of Ethics. When career
development professionals possess
knowledge that raises doubts as to
whether another career development
professional is acting in an ethical
manner, they take appropriate action,
as noted in I.2.b-I.2.g.
I.2.b. Informal Resolution
When career development
professionals have reason to believe
that another career development
professional is violating or has
violated an ethical standard, they
attempt rst to resolve the issue
informally with the other career
development professional if feasible,
provided such action does not violate
organization to allow full adherence
to the NCDA Code of Ethics. In doing
so, they are mindful of and address
any condentiality issues.
I.2.f. Unwarranted Complaints
Career development professionals
do not initiate, participate in,
or encourage the ling of ethics
complaints that are made with
reckless disregard or willful ignorance
of facts that would disprove the
I.2.g. Unfair Discrimination
Against Complainants and
Career development professionals do
not deny employment, advancement,
admission to academic or other
programs, tenure, or promotion to
anyone based solely upon their having
made or their being the subject of
an ethics complaint. is does not
preclude taking action based upon
the outcome of such proceedings
or considering other appropriate
I.3. Cooperation with Ethics
Career development professionals
assist in the process of enforcing
the NCDA Code of Ethics. Career
development professionals cooperate
with investigations, proceedings, and
requirements of the NCDA Ethics
Committee or ethics committees of
other duly constituted associations or
licensing/certications boards having
jurisdiction over those charged with
a violation. Career development
professionals are familiar with the
NCDA Policy and Procedures for
Processing Complaints of Ethical
Violations and use it as a reference for
assisting in the enforcement of the
NCDA Code of Ethics.
condentiality rights that may be
I.2.c. Reporting Ethical
Violations and Complaints
If an apparent violation has
substantially harmed, or is likely
to substantially harm, a person or
organization and is not appropriate
for informal resolution or is not
resolved properly, career development
professionals take further action
appropriate to the situation. Such
action might include referral to
state or national committees on
professional ethics, voluntary national
certication bodies, state licensing
boards, law enforcement or other
appropriate institutional authorities.
is standard does not apply when
an intervention would violate
condentiality rights or when career
development professionals have been
retained to review the work of another
career development professional
whose conduct is in question.
I.2.d. Consultation
When uncertain as to whether
a particular situation or course
of action may be in violation of
the NCDA Code of Ethics, career
development professionals consult
with others who are knowledgeable
about ethics and the NCDA Code of
Ethics, with colleagues, the Ethics
Committee and/or with appropriate
I.2.e. Organizational Conicts
If the demands of an organization
with which career development
professionals are aliated pose
a conict with the NCDA Code
of Ethics, career development
professionals specify the nature of
such conicts and express to their
supervisors or other responsible
ocials their commitment to the
NCDA Code of Ethics. When possible,
career development professionals
work toward changes within the
NCDA Code of Ethics
Advocacypromotion of the well-
being of individuals and groups,
and the career development
profession within systems and
organizations. Advocacy seeks
to remove barriers and obstacles
that inhibit access, growth, and
Assentto demonstrate agreement,
when a person is otherwise not
capable or competent to give
formal consent (e.g., informed
consent) to a career development
service or plan.
Career Advisors - Career advisors
foster academically related career
planning and engagement within
an educational setting (high school,
post-secondary institution). ey
proactively integrate educational
and vocational support to teach
students decision-making and
career management strategies.
Advisors connect degree
requirements, course content,
co-curricular opportunities, and
educational choices to students
career goals. Besides facilitating
holistic individual career
conversations with students, career
advisors also collaborate with
others to strategically (re)design
educational systems so all students
have access to career well-being.
Career Counselora professional
(or a student who is a career
counselor-in-training) engaged in a
career counseling practice or other
career counseling-related services.
Career counselors fulll many roles
and responsibilities such as career
counselor educators, researchers,
supervisors, practitioners, and
Career development professionals
this term includes career
counselors, career coaches,
career consultants, career
development facilitators, career
advisors, certied career services
professionals (CCSP) and anyone
else who is a member of NCDA
and provides career counseling,
career advice/advising, career
coaching, career planning, job
search assistance, and/or related
Career Services all activities
delivered by Career development
professionals to individuals,
groups and organizations.
Services may include, but are
not necessarily limited to, career
counseling, career coaching,
career advising, career planning,
assessment, job search assistance,
skills practice, workshops and
training, homework assignments,
bibliographies, journaling,
and overall career program
Client(s)individuals seeking or
referred to the services of a career
development professional.
Condentiality the ethical duty
of counselors to protect a clients
identity, identifying characteristics,
and private communications.
Consultation a professional
relationship that may include, but
is not limited to seeking advice,
information, and/or testimony.
Glossary of Terms
NOTE: NCDA has members in various career services positions (see Career development professionals), as well as in
instructional (counselor educators, counseling psychology professors, etc.) and supervisory roles (Director, Associate
Director, Career Supervisor, etc.). e term “career development professional” will be used throughout this document both
as a noun and as an adjective to refer to anyone holding NCDA membership and who is therefore expected to abide by
these ethical guidelines.
Culturemembership in a socially
constructed way of living, which
incorporates collective values,
beliefs, norms, boundaries,
and lifestyles that are co-
created with others who share
similar worldviews comprising
biological, psychosocial, historical,
psychological, and other factors.
Discrimination the prejudicial
treatment of an individual or group
based on their actual or perceived
membership in a particular group,
class, or category.
Diversitythe similarities and
dierences that occur within
and across cultures, and the
intersection of cultural and social
Educatora professional engaged
in developing, implementing,
and supervising the educational
preparation of students and/or
Informed Consent a process of
information sharing associated
with possible actions clients
may choose to take, aimed at
assisting clients in acquiring a full
appreciation and understanding
of the facts and implications of a
given action or actions.
Multicultural/Diversity Competence
Career development professionals
cultural and diversity awareness
and knowledge about self and
others, and how this awareness and
knowledge is applied eectively
in practice with clients and client
NCDA Code of Ethics
Multiple Relationships
relationships and/or interactions
with clients, students, supervisees,
and/or research participants that
involve the career development
professional in more than one
professional role or a combination
of professional and nonprofessional
Pro bono publico – contributing to
society by devoting a portion of
professional activities for little or
no nancial return (e.g., speaking
to groups, sharing professional
information, oering reduced fees).
Professional Relationship a
relationship in which the roles
of client and career development
professional are dened, activities
and services are selected, and
fees are charged to a client,
an employer, or a referring
supervisee(s) in order to
(a) promote the growth and
development of the supervisee(s),
(b) protect the welfare of the clients
seen by the supervisee(s), and (c)
evaluate the performance of the
SupervisorA career development
professional who is trained to
oversee career services and engages
in a formal relationship with a
practicing career development
professional or a student for the
purpose of ensuring quality career
services work and/or clinical skill
Working Relationship a current
agreement between a career
development professional and
a client in which the roles,
responsibilities and activities
of both career development
professional and client are clearly
Social Media – technology-based
platforms that enable people
to communicate and share
information across virtual
networks in real-time.
Studentan individual engaged in
formal educational preparation as a
career development professional.
Supervisee a career development
professional or student whose
career services work and/or
clinical skill development is being
overseen in a formal supervisory
relationship by a qualied trained
Supervision – a process in which
one individual, usually a senior
member of a given profession
designated as the supervisor,
engages in a collaborative
relationship with another
individual or group, usually a
junior member(s) of a given
profession designated as the
American Counseling Associations Ethics Code:
An Ethical Decision-making Model:
Ethical Principles of Psychologists:
National Association of Colleges and Employers Ethics:
Use of Human Research Participants:
Makela, J. P. & Perlus, J.G. (2017) A Case Study Approach to Ethics in Career Development. Broken Arrow, OK: NCDA.
NCDA Code of Ethics
Section A: e Professional Relationship .....3
Section A: Introduction ..................... 3
A.1.Welfare of ose Served by Career
Development Professionals ............... 3
A.1.a. Primary Responsibility ................3
A.1.b. Dierentiation Between Types
of Services Provided .....................3
A.1.c.Records & Documentation .............3
A.1.d. Career Services Plans .................3
A.1.e. Support Network Involvement .........3
A.2. Informed Consent in the Professional
Relationship ...........................3
A.2.a. Informed Consent ...................3
A.2.b. Types of Information Needed ..........4
A.2.c. Clients’ Right to Condentiality and
Right to Refuse Service ..................4
A.2.d. Inability to Give Consent .............. 4
A.2.e. Mandated Clients ....................4
A.3. Clients Served by Others ................ 4
A.4.Avoiding Harm and Imposing Values .....4
A.4.a. Avoiding Harm ......................4
A.4.b. Personal Values ......................4
A.5. Roles and Relationships with Clients .....4
A.5.a. Current Clients ......................4
A.5.b. Former Clients .......................4
A.5.c. Nonprofessional Interactions or
Relationships (Other an Sexual or
Romantic Interactions or Relationships) ...5
A.5.d. Potentially Benecial Interactions ......5
A.5.e. Role Changes in the Professional
Relationship ...........................5
A.5.f. Other Relationships ................... 5
A.6. Roles and Relationships at Individual,
Group, Institutional, and Societal Levels ...5
A.6.a. Advocacy ...........................5
A.6.b. Condentiality and Advocacy .......... 5
A.7. Multiple Clients .......................5
A.8. Group Work ..........................5
A.8.a. Screening ...........................5
A.8.b. Protecting Clients ....................5
A.9. Fees and Business Practices .............6
A.9.a. Self-Referrals & Unacceptable Business
Practices ..............................6
A.9.b. Establishing Fees .....................6
A.9.c. Nonpayment of Fees ..................6
A.9.d. Bartering ...........................6
A.9.e. Receiving Gis .......................6
A.10.Termination and Referral ............... 6
A.10.a. Abandonment Prohibited ............6
A.10.b. Inability to Assist Clients .............6
A.10.c. Appropriate Termination .............6
A.10.d. Appropriate Transfer of Services ......6
Section B: Condentiality, Privileged
Communication, and Privacy ...........7
Section B: Introduction .....................7
B.1. Respecting Client Rights ................7
B.1.a. Multicultural/Diversity Considerations ..7
B.1.b. Respect for Privacy ...................7
B.1.c. Respect for Condentiality ............. 7
B.1.d. Explanation of Limitations .............7
B.2. Exceptions ............................7
B.2.a. Danger and Legal Requirements ........7
B.2.b. Contagious, Life-reatening Diseases ..7
B.2.c. Court-Ordered Disclosure .............7
B.2.d. Minimal Disclosure ...................7
C.4.d. Implying Doctoral-Level Competence .. 11
C.4.e. Program Accreditation Status .........12
C.4.f. Professional Membership .............12
C.5. Nondiscrimination .................... 12
C.6.Public Responsibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
C.6.a. Sexual Harassment ..................12
C.6.b. Reports to ird Parties ..............12
C.6.c. Media Presentations .................12
C.6.d. Exploitation of Others ...............12
C.6.e. Scientic Bases for Treatment
Modalities ............................12
C.6.f. Contributing to the Public Good (Pro
Bono Publico) .........................12
C.7. Responsibility to Other Professionals ....12
C.7.a. Personal Public Statements ...........12
C.8. Policies and Guidelines ................13
C.8.a. Creating & Maintaining Policy
Statements & Guidelines ................13
Section D: Relationships with other
Professionals .........................13
Section D: Introduction ....................13
D.1. Relationships with Colleagues, Employers,
and Employees ........................13
D.1.a. Dierent Approaches ................13
D.1.b. Forming Relationships ...............13
D.1.c. Interdisciplinary Teamwork ........... 13
D.1.d. Condentiality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
D.1.e. Establishing Professional and Ethical
Obligations ...........................13
D.1.f. Personnel Selection and Assignment ...13
D.1.g. Employer Policies ...................13
D.1.h. Negative Conditions .................13
D.1.i. Protection from Punitive Action .......14
D.2. Consultation .........................14
D.2.a. Consultant Competency ..............14
D.2.b. Understanding Consultees ............ 14
D.2.c. Consultant Goals ....................14
D.2.d. Informed Consent in
Consultation ..........................14
Section E: Evaluation, Assessment and
Interpretation ........................14
Section E: Introduction ....................14
E.1. General ..............................14
E.1.a. Assessment .........................14
E.1.b. Client Welfare .......................14
E.2. Competence to Use and Interpret
Assessment Instruments ................14
E.2.a. Limits of Competence ................14
E.2.b. Appropriate Use .....................14
E.2.c. Decisions Based on Results ...........14
E.3. Informed Consent in Assessment. . . . . . . . 15
E.3.a. Explanation to Clients ................15
E.3.b. Recipients of Results .................15
E.4. Release of Data to Qualied Professionals
. 15
E.5. Diagnosis & Recommendations .........15
E.5.a. Proper Diagnosis & Recommendations . 15
E.5.b. Cultural Sensitivity ..................15
E.5.c. Historical and Social Prejudices in
Diagnosis .............................15
E.5.d. Refraining From Diagnosis ...........15
E.6. Instrument Selection ..................15
E.6.a. Appropriateness of Instruments .......15
E.6.b. Referral Information .................15
E.7. Conditions of Assessment Administration
B.3. Information Shared With Others .........7
B.3.a. Subordinates .........................7
B.3.b. Treatment Teams ....................7
B.3.c. Condential Settings ..................7
B.3.d. ird-Party Payers ....................8
B.3.e. Transmitting Condential Information ..8
B.3.f. Deceased Clients ......................8
B.4. Groups and Families ....................8
B.4.a. Group Work .........................8
B.4.b. Providing Career Services to Multiple
Family Members ........................ 8
B.5. Clients Lacking Capacity to Give Informed
Consent ...............................8
B.5.a. Responsibility to Clients ...............8
B.5.b. Responsibility to Parents and Legal
Guardians .............................8
B.5.c. Release of Condential Information .....8
B.6. Records and Documentation ............8
B.6.a. Creating & Maintaining Condential
Records & Documentation ...............8
B.6.b. Permission to Record .................8
B.6.c. Permission to Observe ................8
B.6.d. Client Access ........................8
B.6.e. Assistance with Records ...............9
B.6.f. Disclosure or Transfer .................9
B.6.g. Storage and Disposal Aer
Termination ...........................9
B.6.h. Reasonable Precautions ...............9
B.7. Research and Training ..................9
B.7.a. Institutional Approval .................9
B.7.b. Adherence to Guidelines ..............9
B.7.c. Condentiality of Information Obtained
in Research ............................9
B.7.d. Disclosure of Research Information .....9
B.7.e. Agreement for Identication ...........9
B.8. Consultation ..........................9
B.8.a. Agreements .......................... 9
B.8.b. Respect for Privacy ...................9
B.8.c. Disclosure of Condential Information . 10
Section C: Professional
Responsibility ...........................10
Section C: Introduction ....................10
C.1. Knowledge of and Compliance with
Standards .............................10
C.2. Professional Competence ..............10
C.2.a. Boundaries of Competence ...........10
C.2.b. New Specialty Areas of Practice .......10
C.2.c. Qualied for Employment ............10
C.2.d. Monitor Eectiveness ................10
C.2.e. Consultation on Ethical Obligations ...10
C.2.f. Professional Development ............10
C.2.g. Impairment ........................11
C.2.h. Incapacitation, Death, or Termination
of Practice ............................11
C.3. Advertising and Soliciting Clients .......11
C.3.a. Accurate Advertising ................11
C.3.b. Testimonials ........................11
C.3.c. Statements by Others ................11
C.3.d. Recruiting rough Employment ......11
C.3.e. Products and Training Advertisements . 11
C.3.f. Promoting to ose Served ...........11
C.4. Professional Qualications .............11
C.4.a. Accurate Representation .............11
C.4.b. Credentials .........................11
C.4.c. Educational Degrees .................11
NCDA Code of Ethics
H.1. Research Responsibilities ..............24
H.1.a. Use of Human Research Participants ...24
H.1.b. Need for Research and Review .......25
H.1.c. Deviation from Standard Practice .....25
H.1.d. Independent Researchers ............25
H.1.e. Precautions to Avoid Injury ...........25
H.1.f. Principal Researcher
Responsibility .........................25
H.1.g. Minimal Interference ................25
H.1.h. Multicultural/Diversity Considerations
in Research ...........................25
H.2. Rights of Research Participants .........25
H.2.a. Informed Consent in Research ........25
H.2.b. Deception ..........................25
H.2.c. Student/Supervisee Participation ......25
H.2.d. Client Participation .................25
H.2.e. Condentiality of Information ........26
H.2.f. Persons Not Capable of Giving
Informed Consent .....................26
H.2.g. Commitments to Participants .........26
H.2.h. Explanations Aer Data
Collection ............................26
H.2.i. Informing Sponsors ..................26
H.2.j. Disposal of Research Documents and
Records ..............................26
H.3. Relationships with Research Participants
(When Research Involves Intensive or
Extended Interactions) .................26
H.3.a. Nonprofessional Relationships ........26
H.3.b. Relationships with Research
Participants ...........................26
H.3.c. Harassment and Research Participants . 26
H.3.d. Potentially Benecial
Interactions ...........................26
H.4. Reporting Results ..................... 26
H.4.a. Accurate Results ....................26
H.4.b. Obligation to Report Unfavorable
Results ...............................26
H.4.c. Reporting Errors ....................26
H.4.d. Identity of Participants ...............27
H.4.e. Replication Studies ..................27
H.5. Publication ..........................27
H.5.a. Recognizing Contributions ...........27
H.5.b. Plagiarism .........................27
H.5.c. Review/Republication of Data or Ideas . 27
H.5.d. Contributors .......................27
H.5.e. Agreement of Contributors ...........27
H.5.f. Student Research ....................27
H.5.g. Duplicate Submission ................27
H.5.h. Professional Review .................27
Section I: Resolving Ethical Issues .........27
Section I: Introduction ....................27
I.1. Standards and the Law .................27
I.1.a. Knowledge ..........................27
I.1.b. Conicts Between Ethics and Laws .....28
I.2. Suspected Violations ...................28
I.2.a. Ethical Behavior Expected ............. 28
I.2.b. Informal Resolution ..................28
I.2.c. Reporting Ethical Violations and
Complaints ...........................28
I.2.d. Consultation ........................28
I.2.e. Organizational Conicts ..............28
I.2.f. Unwarranted Complaints ..............28
I.2.g. Unfair Discrimination Against
Complainants and Respondents .........28
I.3. Cooperation with Ethics Committees. . . . . 28
F.7.h. Permanence of Information, Accuracy,
and Audience .........................20
F.7.i. Respect Copyright and Original Sources . 20
F.7.j. Educating Clients about the Role of
Social Media in the Career Development
Process ...............................20
F.8. New & Emerging Technology ...........20
F.8.a. Competence in Using New & Emerging
Technology ...........................20
F.8.b. Informed Consent when Using New &
Emerging Technology ..................20
F.8.c. Limitations of New & Emerging
Technology ...........................21
F.8.d. Emergence of AI in Career
Development .......................... 21
Section G: Supervision, Training, and
Teaching .............................21
Section G: Introduction ....................21
G.1. Client Welfare ........................21
G.1.a. Client Welfare ......................21
G.1.b. Credentials .........................21
G.1.c. Informed Consent and Client Rights ...21
G.2. Supervisor Competence ...............21
G.2.a. Supervisor Preparation ............... 21
G.2.b. Cultural Competence in Supervision ...21
G.2.c. Online Supervision ..................21
G.3. Multiple Relationships ................. 21
G.3.a. Relationship Boundaries .............21
G.3.b. Sexual Relationships .................21
G.3.c. Harassment ........................22
G.3.d. Close Relatives and Friends ...........22
G.3.e. Potentially Benecial Relationships ....22
G.3.f. Relationships with Former Supervisees/
Students ..............................22
G.4. Supervisor Responsibilities ............. 22
G.4.a. Informed Consent for Supervision .....22
G.4.b. Emergencies and Absences ...........22
G.4.c. Standards for Supervisees ............22
G.4.d. Termination of the Supervisory
Relationship ..........................22
G.5. Student Responsibilities & Evaluation,
Remediation, and Endorsement ..........22
G.5.a. Ethical Responsibilities ...............22
G.5.b. Impairment ........................22
G.5.c. Professional Disclosure ..............22
G.5.d. Evaluation .........................22
G.5.e. Limitations & Remediation ...........23
G.5.f. Multiple Roles/Relationships with
Students & Supervisees .................23
G.5.g. Endorsement .......................23
G.6. Responsibilities of Educators ...........23
G.6.a. Educators ..........................23
G.6.b. Integration of Study and Practice ......23
G.6.c. Teaching Ethics .....................23
G.6.d. Peer Relationships ...................23
G.6.e. Innovative eories and Techniques ...23
G.6.f. Field Placements ....................24
G.7. Student Welfare ......................24
G.7.a. Orientation ......................... 24
G.7.b. Self-Growth Experiences .............24
G.8. Multicultural/Diversity Competence in
Education and Training Programs ........ 24
G.8.a. Faculty Diversity ....................24
G.8.b. Student Diversity ....................24
G.8.c. Multicultural/Diversity Competence ...24
Section H: Research and Publication .......24
Section H: Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
E.7.a. Administration Conditions ...........15
E.7.b. Technological Administration .........15
E.7.c. Unsupervised Assessments ............ 15
E.7.d. Provision of Favorable Conditions .....15
E.8. Multicultural Issues/Diversity in
Assessment ...........................16
E.9. Scoring and Interpretation of
Assessments ..........................16
E.9.a. Reporting ..........................16
E.9.b. Research Instruments ................16
E.9.c. Assessment Services .................16
E.10. Assessment Security ..................16
E.11. Obsolete Assessments and Outdated
Results ...............................16
E.12. Assessment Construction .............16
E.13. Forensic Evaluation: Evaluation for
sLegal Proceedings .....................16
E.13.a. Primary Obligations ................16
E.13.b. Consent for Evaluation ..............16
E.13.c. Client Evaluation Prohibited .........17
E.13.d. Avoid Potentially Harmful
Relationships .........................17
Section F: Providing Career Services Online,
Technology, and Social Media ..........17
Section F: Introduction ....................17
F.1. Knowledge and Legal Considerations ....17
F.1.a. Knowledge and Competency ..........17
F.1.b. Laws and Statutes ....................17
F.1.c. Outside Assistance ...................17
F.2. Informed Consent and Security .........17
F.2.a. Informed Consent and Disclosure ......17
F.2.b. Condentiality and Limitations ........18
F.2.c. Security ............................18
F.3. Client Verication .....................18
F.4. Providing Career Services Online ........ 18
F.4.a. Benets and Limitations ..............18
F.4.b. Professional Boundaries in Providing
Career Services Online .................18
F.4.c. Technology-Assisted Services ..........18
F.4.d. Access .............................. 18
F.4.e. Communication Dierences in
Electronic Media ......................18
F.4.g. Use of Assessments via Electronic Media 18
F.5. Records ..............................19
F.6. Web Maintenance and Technology
Development .......................... 19
F.6.a. Maintaining Websites and Technology
Resources .............................19
F.6.b. Accessibility Considerations ...........19
F.6.c. Qualications of the Developer or
Provider ..............................19
F.6.d. Managing Job Posting and Searching
Websites or Databases ..................19
F.7. Social Media ..........................19
F.7.a. Creating and Maintaining a Virtual
Professional Presence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
F.7.b. Separating Professional Presence from
Personal Presence ...................... 19
F.7.c. Identifying Professional Roles and
Expertise .............................19
F.7.d. Maintaining Condentiality in Virtual
Spaces ................................20
F.7.e. Respect Privacy of Clients’ Virtual Presence
F.7.f. Social Media as Part of Informed
Consent ..............................20
F.7.g. Social Media Policies &
Fair and Equitable Treatment ............20
305 North Beech Circle
Broken Arrow, OK 74012
Phone: (918) 663-7060
Fax: (918) 663-7058