South Gibson County Before / After School Policy Statement
1. The South Gibson County Before / After School program adheres to the State of Tennessee Guidelines for school aged childcare. Our goal is to
provide a service to you in a safe and educationally sound environment. The program includes both Before and After School services. Should you
have any questions/concerns. A summary of the Child Care Approval Requirements is posted at the Sign In/Out Station and on our website A copy will be available upon request.
2. The After School program can be reached directly at 731-483-4494. Please leave a message and your call will be returned as soon as possible.
3. To be eligible for enrollment, children must be five (5) years of age and Kindergarten registered. Enrollment forms MUST be completed on each
child entering the program before attending. Families with multiple children need only to fill out one application form and include all siblings on
the form. Please notify the director if contact or emergency numbers change.
4. Childcare will be provided Monday through Friday, as long as school is in session. The Before or Morning School program begins at 6:10 AM and
ends at 7:00 AM. The After School program begins when school is dismissed and will close promptly at 5:30 PM. A late fee will be charged at the
rate of $1.00 per minute for every minute you are late picking up your child/children. Parents who are habitually late in picking up their
child/children will be dismissed from the program.
5. Fees are as follows:
Application fee: $20.00/family
Before or Morning School fees: $5.00 / day per child in morning school. In the event your child/children attend both Before and After School on
the same day, the charge form Morning School will be dropped and the charge for After School will apply.
After School fees: Discounts for having multiple children enrolled apply.
*1 child: 1 day - $10.00; 2 days - $20.00; 3 or more days/wk - $50.00
*2 children: 10% discount
*3 children: 20% discount
6. Children will be provided an afternoon snack. Lunch will be provided on the days school does not serve lunch. Please indicate any known allergies
on your enrollment form. Also, you must indicate whether the child requires an epi-pen, inhaler, etc.
7. Please indicate on the form who is authorized to pick up your child/children. Staff may require to see a person’s identification when releasing a
child from the program.
8. Please do not allow your child to bring electronic devices: cell phones, hand-held games, etc. to the Before/After School programs. We are not
liable for theft, loss, or damage. We have the right to take these items up as deemed necessary.
9. Homework space will be provided for students as needed. If you would like your child/children to do his/her homework, please send a request to
the attention of After School.
10. Most days the children will play outside on the playground, so please make sure your child/children wear appropriate shoes and a coat when
needed. On cold or rainy days, we will break into groups and hove activities inside. Children are grouped according to current grade level.
11. In the event your child has a head injury, however minor, you will be notified.
12. The Before/After School program is an extension of a regular school day; therefore, handbook rules still apply. In the event of misbehavior, we
have the right to suspend or dismiss your child/children form the program, even on the 1
offense. We have a no tolerance biting policy.
Depending on the severity of the incident, your child can receive a verbal warning, time out from a scheduled activity or conference with a
parent/guardian resulting in a possible written warning, suspension, or dismissal from our program.
13. Account balances must be kept current. Account balances will be available on your Procare App. Students will not be allowed to participate in the
Before/After School program if payment is 2 weeks behind. Failure to pay your bill will result in (a) the account being processed in court. You will
be responsible for paying the account balance, attorney fees, court cost, any interest applies to the balance and any charges incurred during the
process. (b) Your child/children will not be eligible to enroll in the Summer program or the Before/After School program the upcoming school