This Article is the first comprehensive examination of the original
legal force of the Constitution’s Origination Clause, drawing not
merely on the records of the 1787–90 constitutional debates, but on
Founding-Era British and American legislative practice and other
sources. This Article defines the bills governed by the Origination
Clause, the precise meaning of the House origination requirement,
and the extent of the Senate’s amendment power.
For illustrative purposes, the Article tests against its findings the
currently-litigated claim that the financial penalty for failure to ac-
quire individual health insurance under the Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act is invalid as a Senate-originated “tax.” The Arti-
cle concludes that this “tax” was a valid Senate amendment to a
House-adopted revenue bill. The Article also concludes, however, that
the amendments that added the PPACA’s regulatory provisions and
appropriations were outside the Senate’s amendment power.
NTRODUCTION ............................................................ 633
I. T
RATIFICATION DEBATES ........................................ 636
* Robert G. Natelson was a law professor for twenty-five years at three different
universities and is currently is Senior Fellow in Constitutional Jurisprudence at
the Independence Institute in Denver. His works and biography are listed at [].
The author wishes to thank the following for invaluable assistance: The Inde-
pendence Institute, Denver, Colorado, and its research director, Dave Kopel; Vir-
ginia Dunn, Archives & Library Reference Services Manager, Library of Virginia;
Joanna Innes, Fellow and Tutor in Modern History Somerville College, University
of Oxford, England; Seth Barrett Tillman, Lecturer in Law, National University of
Ireland Maynooth; Jane Thompson, Associate Director of Faculty Services and
Research, William A. Wise Library, University of Colorado; and Daniel Smyth,
All interpretations and any mistakes are the author’s own.
630 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
A. The Constitutional Convention ................... 636
B. The Ratification Debates ............................... 640
C. Non-Conclusions ........................................... 646
BRITISH PARLIAMENT ............................................ 646
A. How Parliamentary Practice Influenced
the Founders .................................................. 646
B. Parliament and the Power of the Purse ...... 649
1. The Scope of the Term “Money Bill” ... 649
2. Hotch-Potch Bills and Tacking .............. 652
3. The Dispute Over Amendments by
the Lords .................................................. 653
4. What Was An “Amendment?” ............. 657
C. Summary of British Practice ........................ 664
EGISLATURES ........................................................ 665
A. American Constitution-Drafting:
Background Information .............................. 665
B. How the American States Adopted New
Rules ................................................................ 669
C. How the American Rules Continued to
Evolve .............................................................. 672
D. The Scope of “Amendment” in American
Practice ............................................................ 680
E. Summary of American Practice ................... 690
THEIR SIGNIFICANCE .................................... 691
A. The Policies Behind House Origination ..... 691
B. Significance of the Policies Behind House
Origination ..................................................... 700
V. W
A. The Policies Served By the Amendment
Qualifier .......................................................... 700
B. How Broad Was the Amendment
Qualifier? ....................................................... 703
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 631
1. Bibliographical Note: This footnote collects those sources cited more than once,
including prior published research by the author.
Convention Proceedings
FEDERAL CONSTITUTION (Jonathan Elliot ed., 2d ed. 1836) [hereinafter ELLIOTS
1937) [hereinafter F
Dictionaries (all unpaginated)
(1775) [hereinafter A
(25th ed. 1783) [hereinafter BAILEY]; FREDERICK BARLOW, THE COMPLETE
(16th ed. 1777) [hereinafter DYCHE & PARDON]; SAMUEL JOHNSON, A
inafter K
(1st ed. 1788) [hereinafter P
ENGLISH LANGUAGE (3d ed. 1789) [hereinafter SHERIDAN].
Legislative and other Governmental Publications
British: W
ILLIAM COBBETT, PARL. HIST. ENG. (vols. 13–28, 1803–16) [hereinafter COB-
REGISTER] (mult. vols.).
Federal: J
OURNALS OF THE CONTINENTAL CONGRESS 1774–1789 (1904–37) [hereinafter J.
Connecticut: 1-5 T
ly & Leonard Woods Labaree eds. 1894–1943) [hereinafter C
Massachusetts: A
after M
Maryland: The Senate and House of Delegates Journals are cited M
D. H.D. JOUR. and
D. SEN. JOUR. Each session is free standing with its own pagination.
New Hampshire: E
ed., 1891–92) [hereinafter N.H.
New Jersey: V
New York: V
ORK, from 1780 through 1790 [hereinafter N.Y. ASSEM. JOUR.] & JOURNAL OF THE
632 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
SENATE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK [hereinafter N.Y. SEN. JOUR.], both available at
the Gale Database, Eighteenth Century Collections Online.
North Carolina: T
1905) [hereinafter N.C.
Rhode Island: 8–10 R
NEW ENGLAND (John Russell Bartlett ed., 1863–65) [hereinafter R.I. RECORDS].
South Carolina: J
1776-1780 (William Edwin Hemphill, Wylma Anne Wates & R. Nicholas Olsberg eds,
1970) [hereinafter S.C.
SOUTH CAROLINA, JAN. 8, 1782–FEB. 26, 1782 (A.S. Salley, Jr. ed., 1916) [hereinafter S.C.
H.R. JOUR. (1782)].
Pennsylvania: M
(1784–89) [hereinafter PA. GEN. ASSEM. MIN.].
Virginia: J
(1827) [hereinafter V
VIRGINIA (1785–90) (Thomas W. White 1827–28) [hereinafter VA. SEN. JOUR.].
Other Works
(1771) [hereinafter D
John Dickinson, Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, reprinted in E
(Forrest McDonald ed., 2d ed. 1999) [hereinafter D
Jensen, John P. Kaminski, & Gaspare J. Saladino eds., 1976–2012) [hereinafter D
FINANCIAL CONTROL (1959) [hereinafter EINZIG].
(1897) [hereinafter F
Cary & James McClellan eds., 2001) [hereinafter T
1785) (3 vols.) [hereinafter H
COMMONS 1690–1715 (D. Hayton, E. Cruickshanks & S. Handley eds., 2002), available at [
8E7N-J4NM] [hereinafter H
Ronald J. Krotoszynski, Jr., Reconsidering the Nondelegation Doctrine: Universal
Service, The Power to Tax, and the Ratification Doctrine, 80 I
ND. L.J. 239 (2005) [here-
inafter Krotoszynski, Reconsidering].
Rebecca M. Kysar, The “Shell Bill” Game: Avoidance and the Origination Clause, 91 W
U. L. REV. 659 (2014) [hereinafter Kysar, Shell Bill].
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 633
This Article reconstructs the original legal force of the Origi-
nation Clause. The original legal force of a document or provision
in a document is how the courts would have applied it immedi-
ately following its adoption. This Article relies on Founding-Era
interpretive methods to recover the original legal force.
The Origination Clause is one of several conditions for valid
enactment appearing in the same section of the Constitution.
Besides House origination of revenue bills, the conditions in-
clude passage by both the Senate and the House of Representa-
tives, presentment to the President, and either the President’s
signature or a subsequent two-thirds approval, on roll call
votes, by each chamber of Congress.
It is clear from the text
that a bill not complying with these procedures is not a valid
law. In considering the Origination Clause, the Supreme Court
has said as much.
The Origination Clause is immediately relevant because of lit-
igation ensuing from the Supreme Court’s decision to sustain as
a revenue-raising “tax”
the financial penalty for failing to com-
ply with the individual insurance mandate of the Patient Protec-
Robert G. Natelson, The Constitution and the Public Trust, 52 BUFF. L. REV. 1077 (2004)
[hereinafter Natelson, Trust].
Robert G. Natelson, The Constitutional Contributions of John Dickinson, 108 P
REV. 115 (2003) [hereinafter Natelson, Dickinson].
Robert G. Natelson, The Founders’ Hermeneutic: The Real Original Understanding of Origi-
nal Intent, 68 O
HIO ST. L.J. 1239 (2007) [hereinafter Natelson, Founders’ Hermeneutic].
MEANT (2d ed. 2011) [hereinafter NATELSON, ORIGINAL CONSTITUTION].
Robert G. Natelson, The General Welfare Clause and the Public Trust: An Essay in
Original Understanding, 52 U.
KAN. L. REV. 1 (2003) [hereinafter Natelson, General
(James H. Hutson ed., 1987) [hereinafter HUTSON, SUPPLEMENT].
Priscilla H.M. Zotti & Nicholas M. Schmitz, The Origination Clause: Meaning, Precedent,
and Theory from the 12th to the 21st Century, 3 B
R. J. AM. LEG. STUDIES 71 (2014) [hereinafter
Zotti & Schmitz].
2. See generally Natelson, Founders’ Hermeneutic, supra note 1.
3. U.S.
CONST. art. I, § 7.
4. Id.
5. United States v. Munoz-Flores, 495 U.S. 385, 397–401 (1990).
6. Nat’l Fed’n of Indep. Bus. v. Sebelius, 132 S. Ct. 2566, 2600 (2012).
634 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
tion and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).
Several challengers to
the penalty contend that the PPACA effectively arose in the Sen-
ate by reason of a substitute bill,
rather than in the House,
thereby rendering the penalty-tax void for non-compliance with
the Origination Clause.
In defending the law, the government
has responded that substitution of this kind is common within
the legislative process and within the Senate’s power to amend.
This Article is not designed primarily to address the validity
of the PPACA but to define the rules the Founders’ Origination
Clause imposed on congressional procedures. After the rules
are defined, the Article briefly examines their implications for
the PPACA controversy.
There has been no comprehensive treatment of the Founders’
Origination Clause. Indeed, only a handful of scholars have
examined its original meaning,
usually as an introduction to
7. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Pub. L. No. 111-148, § 1501(b),
124 Stat. 119, 244 (2010).
8. Cf. Thomas L. Jipping, Comment, TEFRA and the Origination Clause: Taking the
Oath Seriously, 35 B
UFF. L. REV. 633 (1986). Jipping criticized a similar substitution
procedure in the passage of the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982,
arguing that the Origination Clause was violated because the Senate substituted a
400+ page tax increase for the text of a 25 page House-passed bill that made only
minor, technical changes in the tax code. Id. at 686–87.
As pointed out below, however, even small tax bills—including those that cut
taxes—qualify as “Bills for the raising of Revenue” as the Constitution uses the
term. See infra Part II.B.1 (defining money bills to include denial of revenue and
reporting Common rejection as a breach of privilege).
The controversial substitution of TEFRA (400 pages for 25) was dwarfed by the
substitution of the PPACA (2076 pages for 6).
9. There are several cases based on this theory making their way through the
federal courts, none of which have been successful thus far. See Association of
American Physicians and Surgeons v. Sebelius, 746 F.3d 468, 470–71 (D.C. Cir.
2014) (holding that claim was waived); Hotze v. Sebelius, 991 F. Supp. 2d 864, 882,
885 (S.D. Tex. 2014) (dismissing claim on the merits); Sissel v. U.S. Dept. of Health
and Human Servs., 951 F. Supp. 2d 159, 169 (D.D.C. 2013) (same), affirmed, 760
F.3d 1, 10 (D.C. Cir. 2014).
10. Def.’s Reply Mem. in Supp. of Mot. to Dismiss at 8, Sissel, 951 F. Supp. 2d
159 (No. 1:10-cv-01263 (BAH)).
11. The most thorough treatment of the original meaning is probably Zotti &
Schmitz, supra note 1. Other treatments are, in reverse chronological order, as
follows: Kysar, Shell Bill, supra note 1; Rebecca M. Kysar, On the Constitutionality of
Tax Treaties, 38 Y
ALE J. INTL L. 1 (2013); Sean R. Gard, Revival of the Origination
Clause in Patent Law: Old Clause Trumps New Practice, 16 U.
61 (2008); Krotoszynski, Reconsidering, supra note 1; Erik M. Jensen, Origination
Clause, in T
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 635
later jurisprudence or current issues. Most of their discussion
of original meaning has been limited to summary examinations
of the views of the Framers and a few other Founders.
approach to originalist research is always problematic but par-
ticularly so in the case of the Origination Clause, which has
very deep roots in prior history and in legislative practice. As
shown by Part I of this Article, the constitutional debates di-
vorced from the larger context tell us very little.
Most prior treatments also suffer from methodological prob-
lems common among legal writers untrained in historical
Perhaps the most serious of these is a form of anach-
ronism: using sources dating from well after the Founding Era
as evidence of the constitutional bargain.
To avoid anachro-
nism, this Article generally avoids sources arising after May 29,
1790, the day Rhode Island became the thirteenth state to ap-
prove the Constitution.
Part I recounts the constitutional debates of 1787–90. This
Part covers some of the same ground covered by prior writers,
but in richer detail. Part I renders it obvious that even a de-
tailed examination of the constitutional debates, when per-
formed in isolation, leaves key questions unanswered. This is
because our record of those debates leaves many of the Found-
ers’ assumptions unstated. We can clarify those assumptions
only by exploring the Founders’ understanding of history and
their own experiences.
Part II explains that British parliamentary practice heavily in-
fluenced the Founding generation, and investigates how Par-
liament dealt with issues of origination and amendment. Part
III then examines relevant history in America: the pre-
meule, The Constitutional Law of Congressional Procedure, 71 U. CHI. L. REV. 361
(2004). Marie T. Farrelly, Special Assessments and the Origination Clause: A Tax on
Crooks?, 58
FORDHAM L. REV. 447 (1989); Jipping, supra note 8.
12. See, e.g., Kysar, Shell Bill, supra note 1, at 665–71, 691. Professor Kysar’s anal-
ysis, the latest contribution to the literature, is representative in this regard. Pro-
fessor Kysar notes the ancient roots of the origination rule, id. at 665–66, but does
not explore them. Most of her discussion addresses jurisprudence subsequent to
the founding.
13. See N
ATELSON, ORIGINAL CONSTITUTION, supra note 1, at 37–41 (discussing
common faults of constitutional interpretation).
14. See, e.g., Kysar, Shell Bill, supra note 1, at 687 (citing nineteenth century
events, apparently as evidence of original meaning).
636 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
Revolutionary constitutional controversies that defined for
Americans “Bills for raising Revenue” and the American legis-
lative practice that confirmed the parliamentary meaning of
“originate” and of “Amendments.” Equipped with this context,
Part IV turns once again to the constitutional debates. It identi-
fies the policies behind House origination and the precise
meaning and scope of the requirement that “Bills for raising
Revenue . . . originate in the House of Representatives.” Part V
does the same for the amendment qualifier: “but the Senate
may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.”
In addition to defining the meaning of the Origination
Clause, Parts I–V demonstrate that the Origination Clause
serves as a fixed rule of balance between the chambers of Con-
gress imposed to promote good government and to protect in-
dividual liberty. The power of each house to adopt its own in-
ternal rules
did not include authority to alter the balance
between the houses.
Finally, the Article’s Conclusion summa-
rizes the lessons of the Article and their implications for the
constitutionality of the PPACA.
I. T
A. The Constitutional Convention
The Origination Clause almost did not make it into the Con-
stitution. Neither the Virginia Plan nor the New Jersey Plan
contained origination language. This is understandable because
the former envisioned both legislative chambers being appor-
tioned by population and the latter envisioned a unicameral
legislature. Yet resistance to House origination continued
throughout most of the Constitutional Convention.
15. U.S. CONST. art. I, § 5, cl. 2 (“Each House may determine the Rules of its
Proceedings . . . .”).
16. Cf. New York v. United States, 505 U.S. 144 (1992) (holding that an attempt
by state and federal politicians to alter the federal-state balance of power was
invalid). But see Dames & Moore v. Regan, 453 U.S. 654 (1981) (upholding cancel-
lation of debts though executive agreements with foreign powers because of long
usage and congressional acquiescence).
Professor Rebecca Kysar has argued that the boundaries of the Clause were
designed to fluctuate according to the legislative rules, Kysar, Shell Bill, supra note
1, at 689–90, but I could find no reliable evidence to support that view.
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 637
On June 13, 1787, after the delegates had been in full session
for over two weeks,
Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts moved
to “restrain the Senatorial branch from originating money
His apparent goal was to encourage larger states to re-
cede from their demand that representation in both legislative
chambers be based on population or on property.
Gerry’s proposal ran into a buzzsaw of opposition from the
convention’s “nationalists.” These delegates supported a very
strong national government and, by extension, proportionate
representation in both chambers. Pierce Butler and Charles
Cotesworth Pinkney of South Carolina, James Madison of Vir-
ginia, Rufus King of Massachusetts, and even the moderate
Roger Sherman of Connecticut all spoke against the proposal.
Not only did they reject House origination as compensation,
but some claimed it was useless or even harmful.
Gerry’s mo-
tion was trounced, seven states to three.
Nevertheless, proposals for an exclusive House privilege to
initiate money bills recurred several times, usually as append-
ages to the issue of legislative representation. On July 5, 1787,
an ad hoc committee appointed to resolve the issue of legisla-
tive representation offered its report. The committee had
reached a compromise whereby the lower chamber—or, as it
was commonly called early in the proceedings, the “first
branch”—was to be based primarily on population while the
upper chamber, the “second branch”, was to be based on equal
representation of states. As compensation to the larger states
for agreeing to equal state representation in the Senate, the
committee report provided for exclusive House origination of
money bills.
The report proposed that:
all bills for raising or appropriating money, and for fixing
the Salaries of the Officers of the Governt. of the U. States
shall originate in the 1st branch of the Legislature, and shall
not be altered or amended by the 2d branch: and that no
17. The convention had obtained a quorum for business on May 25. FARRANDS
RECORDS, supra note 1, at 1.
18. Id. at 233. The various definitions of “money bill” are discussed infra Part II.B.1.
19. Id. supra note 1, at 233–34.
20. See id. (reporting editor’s own remarks).
21. The idea of including it in the report apparently was Benjamin Franklin’s. Id.
at 526 (editor’s note).
638 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
money shall be drawn from the public Treasury, but in pur-
suance of appropriations to be originated in the 1st branch.
The committee language largely mirrored common depictions
of British parliamentary practice.
Because the advocates of proportionate representation were
holding out for proportionate representation, they were not
interested in compensation. Arguing against the committee re-
port were several of the previous opponents, now joined by
Gouverneur Morris and James Wilson, both of Pennsylvania.
Supporters, such as Virginia’s George Mason and Delaware’s
Gunning Bedford, Jr., had little to say on the merits, preferring
to appeal primarily to the need for compromise. The conven-
tion opted to retain the House-origination part of the commit-
tee report, but the vote was equivocal: five states in favor, three
opposed, with three delegations evenly divided.
In late July, the convention sent its list of formal resolutions
to the Committee of Detail so that committee could prepare the
first draft of a constitution.
The committee presented its draft
on August 6.
In accordance with the convention’s vote for the
July 5 compromise, the committee draft provided that “All bills
for raising or appropriating money, and for fixing the salaries
of the officers of the Government, shall originate in the House
of Representatives, and shall not be altered or amended by the
On August 8, however, by a tally of seven states to
four the convention approved a motion from South Carolina’s
Charles Pinckney to strike this provision.
The following day, Virginia Governor Edmund Randolph
“expressed his dissatisfaction” with the prior day’s vote “con-
22. Id. (internal quotation marks omitted).
23. See infra Part II.B.
24. F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 547.
25. Id. at 178.
26. Id. at 177.
27. Id. at 178.
28. Id. at 224.
29. Randolph’s pivotal role in the Constitution’s adoption has been unfairly
neglected. He presented the Virginia Plan and helped bridge gaps between small-
state delegates and nationalists. To retain his political flexibility, he refused to sign
the Constitution; but that flexibility enabled him to demand a bill of rights while
simultaneously acting as the Constitution’s lead spokesman during the Virginia
ratifying convention.
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 639
cerning money bills, as endangering the success of the plan [the
Constitution], and extremely objectionable in itself; and gave
notice that he should move for a reconsideration of the vote.”
On August 11, Randolph formally added an amendment to the
House origination proposal limiting it to revenue bills only,
and qualifying it with a senatorial power to amend.
The debate over the Randolph proposal displayed a far more
able defense of House origination than mounted heretofore. It
included thoughtful speeches by Randolph, Virginia’s George
Mason, and Delaware’s John Dickinson.
Still, Randolph lost,
seven states to four.
On August 15, Caleb Strong of Massachusetts proposed orig-
ination language during a discussion of the Treaty Clause, only
to see the issue postponed.
On September 5, another ad hoc
committee appointed to mediate differences recommended
origination language incorporating Randolph’s proposal: “All
bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Repre-
sentatives, and shall be subject to alterations and amendments
by the Senate.”
After another postponement,
the convention
returned to the topic on September 8.
The delegates replaced
“and shall be subject to alterations and amendments by the
Senate” with language from the 1780 Massachusetts constitu-
The convention voted for the final Origination Clause by
a count of nine states to two.
30. FARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 230.
31. Id. at 273.
32. Id. at 273–80 (reproducing Madison’s account of the debate). Dickinson has
been even more underappreciated than Randolph. See generally Natelson, Dickin-
son, supra note 1. This debate is discussed further infra Part IV.A.
33. F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 280.
34. Id.
at 297–98.
35. Id. at 508–09.
36. Id.
at 509–10.
37. Id. at 552–53 (Madison, Sept. 8, 1787).
38. Id. M
ASS. CONST. of 1780, ch. 1, § 3, art. 7 (providing “All money bills shall
originate in the house of representatives; but the senate may propose or concur with
amendments, as on other bills.”) (emphasis added).
39. Id. at 552–53.
640 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
B. The Ratification Debates
More determinative of the original legal force than the Fram-
ers’ debates is the understanding of the Constitution’s 1,648
The Origination Clause was the topic of considerable
discussion both among the ratifiers and among the orators,
pamphleteers, and essayists who sought to influence them. At
first appearance, however, the extant material seems less help-
ful than such material often is.
One reason the extant material initially seems unhelpful is
that participants in the ratification process—even those on the
same side—exhibited markedly different views about the im-
portance of the Origination Clause. Federalists and Anti-
Federalists not only differed from each other, but they differed
among themselves. The differences seem to have been rooted
largely in political expediency. In general, the debate on the
Origination Clause displayed the following pattern:
First: Federalists promoting the Constitution to the ratifying
public in more populous states (for example, Virginia,
40. Natelson, Founders’ Hermeneutic, supra note 1, at 1288–89.
41. See, e.g., Robert G. Natelson, Proposing Constitutional Amendments by Conven-
tion: Rules Governing the Process, 78 T
ENN. L. REV. 693, 723–32 (2011) (showing a
unified Founding-Era understanding as to the limitability of an Article V “Con-
vention for proposing Amendments”); Robert G. Natelson, The Agency Law Ori-
gins of the Necessary and Proper Clause, 55 C
ASE W. RES. L. REV. 243, 296–312 (2004)
(discussing almost complete consistency among the representations from propo-
nents of the Necessary and Proper Clause).
42. An American, To Richard Henry Lee II, Jan. 3, 1788, reprinted in 15 D
HISTORY, supra note 1, at 175:
You tell us the president & Senate have all the executive & two thirds of
the legislative powers in their hands. Surely, Sir, this is very wrong in the
degree for as the Senate cannot originate bills to raise a revenue (a most
important matter) they do not hold so great a share of legislative power
as the house of representatives . . . .
See also T
HE FEDERALIST NO. 58, supra note 1, at 300, 303 (James Madison):
[A] constitutional and infallible resource still remains with the larger
States, by which they will be able at all times to accomplish their just
The House of Representatives cannot only refuse, but they alone can
propose, the supplies requisite for the support of government. They, in a
word, hold the purse—that powerful instrument by which we behold, in
the history of the British Constitution, an infant and humble
representation of the people gradually enlarging the sphere of its activity
and importance, and finally reducing, as far as it seems to have wished,
all the overgrown prerogatives of the other branches of the
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 641
) represented House origination as a
valuable addition to the authority of the House of Representa-
tives, the legislative chamber in which populous states would
enjoy more influence.
Illustrative is the comment of “Valeri-
us,” a Virginia supporter of the Constitution:
government . . . .Those who represent the dignity of their country in the
eyes of other nations, will be particularly sensible to every prospect of
public danger, or of dishonorable stagnation in public affairs. To those
causes we are to ascribe the continual triumph of the British House of
Commons over the other branches of the government, whenever the
engine of a money bill has been employed.
In that passage Madison, a Virginian, was addressing an audience in New York, a
medium-sized state with large-state aspirations. Hamilton, a New Yorker, took
the same tack:
[T]he most popular branch of every government, partaking of the
republican genius, by being generally the favorite of the people, will be as
generally a full match, if not an overmatch, for every other member of the
Government. But independent of this most active and operative principle,
to secure the equilibrium of the national House of Representatives, the
plan of the convention has provided in its favor several important
counterpoises to the additional authorities to be conferred upon the
Senate. The exclusive privilege of originating money bills will belong to
the House of Representatives.
HE FEDERALIST NO. 66, supra note 1, at 342, 344 (Alexander Hamilton).
43. See, e.g., One of the People, P
A. GAZETTE, Oct. 17, 1787, reprinted in 2 DOCU-
HISTORY, supra note 1, at 191 (“The government which is offered to you
is truly republican, and unites complete vigor and the most perfect freedom; for
the people have the election of the Representatives in Congress . . . and in the
House of Representatives must all money bills originate.”). see also An American
Citizen II, On the Federal Government,
1787, reprinted in 13 D
OCUMENTARY HISTORY, supra note 1, at 265 (stating that the
Senate “may restrain the profusion or errors of the house of representatives, but they
cannot take the necessary measures to raise a national revenue); cf. An American Citizen
III, reprinted in 2 id. at 145 (emphasizing importance of the House, although not
dealing directly with the Origination Clause). “An American Citizen” was Tench
Coxe, a Pennsylvania Federalist and highly influential essayist.
44. See, e.g., Cassius VI, M
ASS. GAZETTE, Dec. 18, 1787, reprinted in 5 DOCUMEN-
HISTORY, supra note 1, at 480:
Sect. 7 provides, that all bills for raising revenues shall originate in the
house of representatives. Here again must the anti-federalists appear
weak and contemptible in their assertions, that the senate will have it in
their power to establish themselves a complete aristocratick [sic] body;
for this clause fully evinces, that if their inclinations were ever so great to
effect such an establishment, it would answer no end, for being unable to
levy taxes, or collect a revenue, is a sufficient check upon every attempt of
such a nature.
45. See, e.g., Americanus II, V
A. INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Dec. 19, 1787, reprinted
in 8 D
OCUMENTARY HISTORY, supra note 1, at 248:
642 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
The senate has the power of originating all bills, except reve-
nue bills, in common with the house of representatives, and
no bill can pass into a law without the approbation of two
thirds of both houses. From this exclusion of the senate with
respect to money bills, it is plain that this body does not pos-
sess such extensive legislative power, as the house of repre-
In addition to touting House origination, large state Federal-
ists deprecated the significance of the amendment qualifier.
Virginia Federalist James Madison labeled it “paltry.”
Second: Large state Anti-Federalists minimized the value of
House origination or criticized the allegedly wide scope of the
amendment qualification.
Thus, one group of Virginia Anti-
That taxation and representation are inseparable, and that each should
bear an exact ratio to the other are self-evident truths . . . . The house of
representatives, which has the exclusive right of originating Bills of
taxation, is composed of members elected directly by the people in the
most exact proportion.
46. Valerius, To the Honorable RICHARD HENRY LEE, member of Congress for the
state of Virginia, V
A. INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Jan. 23, 1788, reprinted in 8 DOCU-
HISTORY, supra note 1, at 316 (internal quotation marks omitted).
47. Letter from James Madison to George Washington (Oct. 18, 1787), reprinted
in 8 D
OCUMENTARY HISTORY, supra note 1, at 76, also reprinted in 13 DOCUMEN-
HISTORY, supra note 1, at 408 (referring to “the paltry right of the Senate to
propose alterations in money bills”). See also Brutus, V
A. J. (Dec. 6, 1787), reprinted
in 8 D
OCUMENTARY HISTORY, supra note 1, at 214. This was a Virginia Federalist,
not to be confused with the more famous New York Anti-Federalist “Brutus.” He
wrote of the Senate’s amendment power:
[I]t is giving them the power of doing good, almost without the
possibility of doing harm . . . . the House of Representatives will discuss,
form and send it up—the Senate will have it in their power to deliberate,
debate upon it, and propose amendments, if necessary; but they can go
no further, the House of Representatives must concur with their
amendments or they have no effect . . . .
See also Theophilus Parsons, Speech at the Mass. Ratifying Convention (Jan. 23, 1788),
2 E
LLIOTS DEBATES, supra note 1, at 92–93 (arguing that the Senate’s amendment
power did not add much to what the Senate could do privately in any case).
48. See George Mason’s Objections to the Constitution of Government formed by the
Convention (Oct. 7, 1787) reprinted in 8 D
OCUMENTARY HISTORY, supra note 1, at 43
(“The Senate have the Power of altering all Money-Bills, and of originating Ap-
propriations of Money, & the Sallerys of the Officers of their own Appointment in
Conjunction with the President of the United States; altho’ they are not the Repre-
sentatives of the People, or amenable to them.”); James Bowdoin to James de Caledo-
nia, P
HISTORY, supra note 1, at 240 (fictional letter about how Federalists are creating an
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 643
Federalists argued that the Senate should have no power to
amend at all.
Other large state Anti-Federalists contended that
the amendment qualifier left any benefits from House origination
uncertain. For example, a Massachusetts Anti-Federalist wrote:
The Senate have [sic] the power of altering all money bills,
and of originating appropriations of money, and the salaries
of the officers of their own appointment . . . although they
are not the Representatives of the people, or amenable to
them.—These, with their other great powers (viz. their pow-
ers in the appointment of Ambassadours, and all publick of-
ficers, in making treaties, and in trying all impeachments)
their influence upon and connection with the Supreme Ex-
ecutive from these causes, their duration of office, and their
being a constant existing body almost continually setting,
joined with their being one compleat [sic] branch of the Leg-
islature, will destroy any balance in the government, and
enable them to accomplish what usurpations they please
upon the rights and liberties of the people.
aristocracy, assisted by the power of the Senate to alter money bills); Cincinnatus
IV, To James Wilson, Esquire,
N.Y.J. (Nov. 22, 1787), reprinted in 19 DOCUMENTARY
HISTORY, supra note 1, at 283–84:
And lastly, the right of altering or amending money-bills, is a high
additional power given them as a branch of the legislature, which their
analogous branch, in the English parliament, could never obtain, because
it has been guarded by the representatives of the people there, with the
most strenuous solicitude as one of the vital principles of democratic
liberty . . . .
In point of number therefore and the weight derived from it, the
representative proposed by the constitution is remarkably feeble. It is
farther weakened by the senate being allowed not only to reject, but to
alter and amend money-bills.
See also A Federal Republican, A Review of the Constitution (Nov. 28, 1787), reprinted
in 14 D
OCUMENTARY HISTORY, supra note 1, at 272 (a Pennsylvania Anti-
Federalist) (“That our boasted republic will ere long wear the face of an aristocra-
cy may easily be seen . . . . There is another idea to be suggested, that in just policy
no money bill should be altered or amended in any way by the senate.”); William
Grayson, Speeches at the Va. Ratifying Convention (June 14, 1788), 3 E
, supra note 1, at 375–78 (arguing that Senate should not have the power to
amend, which was tantamount to the power to originate).
49. The Society of Western Gentlemen Revise the Constitution, V
CHRONICLE, (Apr. 30, 1788), reprinted in 9 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY, supra note 1, at
769, 775 (suggesting an amendment to the Constitution to require that all bills
begin in the house, with the Senate being able to amend other bills but not bills for
raising revenue).
50. M
ASS. CENTINEL (Nov. 21, 1787), reprinted in 4 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY, su-
pra note 1, at 288. See also James Monroe, Some Observations on the Constitution,
644 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
Third: In small states (Maryland, Delaware, and New Jersey)
the roles were reversed. Small state Federalists wished to
demonstrate that the Senate, where their states would enjoy
equal representation, would be an important part of the gov-
ernment, so they deemphasized House origination while em-
phasizing the Senate’s amendment authority. Maryland’s
James McHenry, who had attended the Constitutional Conven-
tion, told his state’s house of delegates that, “The Larger States
hoped for an advantage by confirming this [origination] privi-
ledge [sic] to that Branch where their numbers predominated,
and it ended in a compromise by which the Lesser States ob-
tained a power of amendment in the Senate . . . .”
Fourth: Small-state Anti-Federalists denigrated House origi-
nation. They argued that the Senate contribution to revenue
bills should not have been limited to amendments—meaning
that the Senate should have been given full origination power.
Luther Martin, the bibulous but durable attorney general of
was a disgruntled delegate at the framing conven-
tion. During the ratification debates he attacked the alleged in-
significance of the Senate:
[T]he Senate—the members of which will, it may be pre-
sumed, be the most select in their choice, and consist of men
the most enlightened, and of the greatest abilities, who, from
the duration of their appointment and the permanency of
their body, will probably be best acquainted with the com-
mon concerns of the States, and with the means of providing
DIGITAL EDITION 869 (John P. Kaminski, Gaspare J. Saladino, Richard Leffler,
Charles H. Schoenleber & Margaret A. Hogan eds., 2009), available at http:// [
This is a check of great importance in the English constitution, and indeed
the preservation of the democracy, but the construction and principles of
the two governments are so radically different, that . . . the same effects
are not to be expected from it, at least not to the same extent in this, that
are experienced in that.
Monroe, the future President, was then a Virginia Anti-Federalist.
51. James McHenry’s Speech to Maryland House of Delegates (Nov. 29, 1787), re-
printed in 14 D
OCUMENTARY HISTORY, supra note 1, at 279, 282–83.
52. He was still attorney general in 1819 and argued McCulloch v. Maryland, 17
U.S. 316 (1819) on behalf of his state before the Supreme Court. See id. at 372–77
(reporting Martin’s argument).
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 645
for them—will be rendered almost useless as a part of the
legislature; and that they will have but little to do in that ca-
pacity except patiently to wait the proceedings of the House
of representatives, and afterwards examine and approve, or
propose amendments.
There were a few exceptions to the foregoing patterns. John
Dickinson was a Delaware Federalist who praised the House’s
origination power in his Fabius essays.
Perhaps this was be-
cause he addressed a national audience. Madison uncharacter-
istically wandered. In Philadelphia, he opposed House origina-
tion as either harmful or useless.
During the ratification fight,
he acted more like a typical large state Federalist—praising
House origination and belittling the amendment qualifier.
During the Virginia ratifying convention, he conceded that the
Senate’s power to amend was very broad: narrower than a
power to originate, but not “considerab[ly]” so.
53. Luther Martin, Genuine Information, BALTIMORE MD. GAZETTE (Dec. 28, 1787),
reprinted in 1 E
LLIOTS DEBATES, supra note 1, at 367. See also Luther Martin’s Speech
Before the Maryland House of Delegates (Nov. 29, 1787), reprinted in 14 D
HISTORY, supra note 1, at 289–90 (“It was contended that the Senate derived
their powers from the People and therefore ought to have equal priviledges [sic]
to the Representatives . . . .”).
54. Fabius II, P
A. MERCURY (Apr. 15, 1788), reprinted in 17 DOCUMENTARY HISTO-
, supra note 1, at 124 (stating, “These representatives will also command the pub-
lic purse, as all bills for raising revenue, must originate in their house.”). Moreover,
Dickinson had close ties with Pennsylvania as well as Delaware.
55. 1 F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 527 (arguing that it was useless); 2
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 224 (arguing that it could be harmful).
56. Letter from James Madison to George Washington (Oct. 18, 1787), reprinted in 8
OCUMENTARY HISTORY, supra note 1, at 76; reprinted in 13 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY,
supra note 1, at 408 (referring to “the paltry right of the Senate to propose alterations
in money bills”). See also
THE FEDERALIST NO. 58, supra note 1, at 300, 303.
57. James Madison, Speech to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, 3 E
, supra note 1, at 377 (“The honorable member [William Grayson] says that
there is no difference between the right of originating bills and proposing
amendments. There is some difference, though not considerable.”). Another ex-
ception was the Federalist who signed his survey of the Constitution, “A Native
of Virginia”:
In this the Constitution is an improvement upon that of England: There
all money bills must not only originate but must be perfected in the
House of Commons: Here though the Senate cannot originate such bills,
yet they have the power of amending them, and by that means have an
opportunity of communicating their ideas to the House of
Representatives upon the important subject of taxation.
646 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
C. Non-Conclusions
Though interesting, the foregoing account of the framing and
ratification tells us little about the meaning, scope, and purpose
of the Origination Clause. From that account, the Clause appears
to be merely a sop from small states to large states. Discussion
on the merits of the Clause seems contradictory and driven sole-
ly by political expediency. Key portions of the Clause—Bills for
raising Revenue, originate, Amendments—all remain undefined.
The constitutional debates are only fruitful in light of the
larger context. That is why the larger context is so important.
Only after exploring that context can we return fruitfully to the
constitutional debates.
A. How Parliamentary Practice Influenced the Founders
American political leaders knew something of the British
Parliament. During the colonial era, Parliament produced
much of the law affecting British America, and Parliament’s
overreach provoked the Revolution. Some American leaders
learned about Parliament from direct experience. Starting in
1757, Benjamin Franklin served as a colonial agent in London
A Native of Virginia, Observations upon the Proposed Plan of Federal Government (Apr.
2, 1788), reprinted in 9 D
OCUMENTARY HISTORY, supra note 1, at 668.
58. See infra Parts II & III.
59. See infra Parts IV & V.
60. This Part reports the results of searches, largely but not exclusively digitized,
into modern scholarship and eighteenth-century materials. The eighteenth century
materials include (1) leading treatises, as cited in the footnotes; (2) the official jour-
nals for both the House of Commons and the House of Lords; (3) William Cobbett’s
ARLIAMENTARY HISTORY, a collection of floor debates, with some commentary; and
(4) the P
ARLIAMENTARY REGISTER, another collection of floor debates.
To avoid anachronism (discussed supra in the Introduction, section B), I selected
as the time frame the fifty-year stretch ending on May 29, 1790. This period offers
the advantage of covering all the years any of the leading founders were in Lon-
don. A caveat: eighteenth century parliamentary records must be used with cau-
tion. They arose in a context with which most American constitutional writers are
unfamiliar, they are incomplete, and they are skewed toward the comments of
those MPs willing to provide their speeches to reporters.
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 647
for many years.
John Dickinson studied in the Middle Tem-
ple, one of the four Inns of Court for training barristers. His
letters from London to his father are filled with reflections on
parliamentary politics.
Six other Framers
and several major
ratification figures
were also members of an elite coterie of
American lawyers educated at Inns.
Among the latter was
Virginia’s William Grayson,
whom we shall meet again.
Many Founders who had not spent time in London were ex-
posed to parliamentary institutions and procedures from popu-
lar writings
and from service in, or observation of, American
colonial and state legislatures.
During the eighteenth century, Parliament consisted of the
Crown and two legislative chambers: the House of Commons
and the House of Lords. The House of Commons was elected
every seven years, unless sooner dissolved by the Crown,
61. J. A. Leo Lemay, Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), OXFORD DICTIONARY OF NA-
BIOGRAPHY (stating that Franklin served as agent for four colonies: Penn-
sylvania, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Georgia).
62. See John Dickinson, A Pennsylvania Farmer at the Court of King George: John
Dickinson’s London Letters, 1754–1756, P
A. MAG. HIST. & BIOGRAPHY, 417–20 (H.
Trevor Colbourn ed.,1962) (setting forth the content of Dickinson’s letters from
London to his parents).
63. E.
102, 104, 134–36, 170–71 (1924) (including, besides Dickinson, John Blair, William
Houston, Jared Ingersoll, William Livingston, Charles Pinckney, and Charles
Cotesworth Pinckney).
64. See, e.g., id. at 124 (citing Henry Lee, a Federalist speaker at the Virginia rati-
fying convention); id. at 216 (listing Alexander White, a leading Federalist
spokesman in the same state).
65. C
between 1750 and 1775, four colonies, Maryland, Pennsylvania, South Carolina,
and Virginia, had nearly 150 lawyers educated at the Inns).
66. K. R. Constantine Gutzman, William Grayson, A
67. See infra Part V.C.
68. See, e.g., D
E LOLME, supra note 1. Popular in America were the books by the
Whig historian Catherine Macaulay. See, e.g., Letter from Benjamin Rush to Cathe-
rine Macaulay, Jan. 18, 1769, reprinted in 2 T
(Philip B. Kurland & Ralph Lerner eds., 1987). Rush was a signer of the Declara-
tion of Independence, a member of Congress, America’s leading physician, and a
delegate to the Pennsylvania ratifying convention.
69. 1 W
648 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
while the House of Lords was mostly hereditary.
Before inde-
pendence, the governments of Britain’s American colonies mim-
icked that structure: they featured colonial governors, usually
appointed by the Crown; popularly elected lower chambers; and
less democratic upper chambers. After independence, the bi-
cameral structure remained intact
in all states except Georgia,
Pennsylvania, and the independent state of Vermont.
Colonial and state legislative procedures also mimicked
those of Parliament.
Although it is not strictly relevant to our
investigation, we might note that those procedures later be-
came pervasive in the federal Congress and remain so in Amer-
ican legislative bodies even today.
70. Certain peers from the northern part of the country were elected by other
Lords. 1 W
CONSTITUTION 374 (Philip B. Kurland & Ralph Lerner eds., 1987).
71. The least democratic chamber was probably the Maryland senate.
CONST. of 1776, arts. XIV & XV (providing for indirect election of senators every
fifth year).
72. G
A. CONST. of 1777, art. II; PA. CONST. of 1776; § II; VT. CONST. of 1777, ch. II, § II.
73. S. M. Pargellis, The Procedure of the Virginia House of Burgesses (pt. 1), 7 W
M. &
MARY C. Q. HIST. MAG. 73, 74 (1927) (observing that “the historic procedure of the
house of commons . . . was copied in nearly every important detail by the house of
burgesses”); S.M. Pargellis, The Procedure of the Virginia House of Burgesses (pt. 2), 7
M. & MARY C. Q. HIST. MAG. 143, 156 (1927) (noting the House of Burgesses’
“remarkable adherence to English forms and practices”); Joan de Lourdes Leon-
ard, The Organization and Procedure of the Pennsylvania Assembly 1682–1776, 72
MAG. HIST. & BIOGRAPHY 215, 239 (1948) (noting similarity between rules of the
Pennsylvania Assembly and the House of Commons); Jack P. Greene, The Role of
the Lower Houses of Assembly in Eighteenth-Century Politics, 27 J.
S. HIST. 451, 466
(1961) (pointing out that lower houses of colonial legislatures often justified their
actions by claiming that they were “agreeable to the practice of the House of
74. See generally J
EFFERSONS MANUAL, supra note 1 (discussing Senate procedures
and relying heavily on parliamentary citations); M
ASON, supra note 1, by far the
most frequently-used procedural manual among American state legislative cham-
bers, explains: “Parliamentary law consists of the recognized rules, precedents
and usages of legislative bodies by which their procedure is regulated. It is that
system of rules and precedents that originated in the British Parliament and that
has been developed by legislative or deliberative bodies in this and other coun-
tries.” M
ASONS MANUAL, supra note 1, at 29.
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 649
B. Parliament and the Power of the Purse
1. The Scope of the Term “Money Bill”
One of the more celebrated aspects of parliamentary practice
pertained to “money bills”—a term whose contours are dis-
cussed below.
As commonly stated, parliamentary practice
was as follows:
Only the House of Commons could originate money bills.
This meant that each money bill had to be introduced in
the Commons by a member of that chamber, considered
by a committee of that chamber (which might be the
committee of the whole), perhaps suffer amendments in
the same body, and then win a majority vote therein—all
before being sent to the Lords.
The House of Lords could approve or reject any money bill.
The Lords could not offer amendments to money bills; the
Lords were required to accept or reject each as an entirety.
Once the Lords had approved a money bill, it was pre-
sented to the King or Queen for royal approval.
These rules were the basis of the saying that the House of
Commons held the “power of the purse.”
Reality was more complicated. Parliamentary historian Da-
vid W. Hayton, writing of the late seventeenth and early eight-
eenth century, observed, “The Commons’ exclusive control
over fiscal legislation was a perennial source of friction.”
area of friction was the scope of the phrase “money bill.” Most
everyone agreed that the term included all alterations in the tax
whether they raised or reduced
taxes. Beyond that, the
75. See infra Part II.B.1.
76. D
E LOLME, supra note 1, at 58 (outlining the procedure).
77. Id.
78. Id. at 80 (“any alteration that may be made in it, in the other House, is sure
to be rejected”); 1 W
79. D
E LOLME, supra note 1.
80. H
AYTON, supra note 1.
81. G
(stating, “The Commons in Making and Repealing of Laws have equal Power
with the Lords; and for laying of Taxes on the Subject, the Bill is to begin in the
House of Commons . . . [which] will not permit any Alterations to be made by the
Lords in a Bill concerning Money.”).
650 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
definitions varied somewhat. William Blackstone defined a
money bill as
[any] bill[], by which money is directed to be raised upon
the subject [meaning citizen], for any purpose or in any
shape whatsoever; either for the exigencies of government,
and collected from the kingdom in general, as the land tax;
or for private benefit, and collected in any particular district,
as by turnpikes, parish rates, and the like.
Roger Acherley’s 1759 work, The Brittanic Constitution, so de-
scribed a “money bill” as to reserve to the Commons:
[t]he sole Right and power over the Monies and Treasures of
the People, and of Giving and Granting, or Denying Aids or
Monies for Publick Service, and . . . not only of all Laws for
Imposing Taxes, and Levying and Raising Aids or Money up-
on the People, for the Defence and Support of the State and
Government; But also of all Laws, touching the Taking from
any Man his Property; and should have power to Inquire in-
to, and Judge of the Uses and Occasions for which Monies
are to be Demanded and Given; and to Appropriate the
same to those Uses . . . .
One distinction between Blackstone’s and Acherley’s defini-
tions is that Acherley seemed to include exactions for purposes
of regulation (“all Laws, touching the Taking from any Man his
Property”) while Blackstone did not.
Controversy was quite
heated over this topic. Some in the Lords contended that purely
regulatory exactions never qualified as money bills.
82. 1 WILLIAM BLACKSTONE, COMMENTARIES *169 (stating “[the Commons] . . .
will not permit the least alteration or amendment to be made by the lords to the
mode of taxing the people by a money bill”).
83. 1 W
84. A
CHERLEY, supra note 1, at 45–46. Of the origination privilege, Acherley
That the sole Right and Power over the Peoples Monies and Treasures,
and of Giving, and Granting, or Denying Monies, and Imposing Taxes for
the Publick Service should be Vested in [the Commons] and that all
Motions and Laws Relating thereto, should be First Propounded, and have
their Rise, Commencement and Progress in their House . . . .”
Id. at 49.
85. Id. at 46.
86. See, e.g., 23 C
OBBETT, supra note 1, at 139–44 (reproducing remarks by the Earl
of Shelburne in the Lords, July 3, 1782); P
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 651
members of the Commons argued that any measure imposing
duties, even if imposed purely to regulate commerce, was a
money bill.
Each House, however, contained a spectrum of
opinion on the matter. Illustrative is a 1779 Commons debate
on the Lords’ amendments to a militia bill, a debate that cen-
tered on whether the Commons should reject the amendments
as impermissible alterations in a money bill. Ultimately, the
Commons decided to accept the amendments.
Another difference between the Acherley and Blackstone
definitions is that Acherley, unlike Blackstone, included ap-
propriations within the scope of “money bill.” To modern eyes,
this would seem to be a major difference, but in the eighteenth
century it was not. During the years before the drafting of the
U.S. Constitution, Parliament generally handled revenue and
appropriations together. The Commons would initiate a “sup-
ply bill”
creating or re-authorizing one or more levies and
earmarking the levy or levies for a particular purpose.
For ex-
ample, the bill funding the “civil list” for a new monarch’s
reign—that is, support for the sovereign’s household and for
most of the civil service—earmarked for that purpose heredi-
tary Crown revenue supplemented by new or renewed excise
taxes and customs duties.
Other supply bills imposed named
taxes (such as land taxes), often time-limited, for funding a des-
Fifteenth Parliament, Second Session, at 347 (July 3, 1782) (reproducing remarks by
the Duke of Richmond); but see id. at 348–49 (reporting remarks by Lord Stormont).
87. P
ARLIAMENTARY REGISTER, supra note 1, Fifteenth Parliament, Third Session,
at 1–2 (May 8, 1783) (reporting remarks by the Speaker).
88. See 20 C
OBBETT, supra note 1, at 1008–18 (July 2, 1779) (reproducing the
Commons debate on the Lords’ amendment to the militia bill, illustrating disa-
greement about what was and was not a money bill and complaints about the
Lords having gutted the militia bill, which ultimately passed).
89. H
AYTON, supra note 1 (“Supply bills always began in the Lower House,
while most private estate bills originated in the Upper.”); cf. D
E LOLME, supra note
1, at 58 (“All Bills for granting Money must have their beginning in the House of
Commons . . . .”).
90. E
INZIG, supra note 1, at 137–38. See also 3 HATSELL, supra note 1, at 87 (refer-
ring to “granting and appropriating” as components of supply); id. at 88 (provid-
ing an example of earmarking levied funds for shipbuilding).
91. Id. at 118–19, 132, 142. Until the latter part of the eighteenth century, the king
generally had a free hand in administering civil list funds. Id. at 151. A shift did
not begin until 1777. Id. at 153, 163. As the century progressed, moreover, Parlia-
ment funded increasing shares of the civil service with supply bills other than the
civil list bill. Id. at 153.
652 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
ignated activity, such as fighting a war.
Except for bills for the
support of the army, supply bills seldom appropriated funds in
detail as modern legislatures do. Allocation within the permit-
ted purpose was the task of the executive branch.
Not until
adoption of Edmund Burke’s
1782 reform legislation did Par-
liament begin to appropriate non-military expenses in detail.
Not until 1787 did Parliament create the Consolidated Fund, an
account analogous to a modern state general fund, fed by many
revenue bills and appropriated for many purposes.
In the Parliament known to the Founders, therefore, “sup-
ply”—consisting of both revenue and spending—was an accept-
ed legislative category. To employ the modern legislative term,
supply was a single subject.
This was true even of omnibus fi-
nancial bills containing multiple sources of revenue for multiple
purposes, including but not limited to the civil list bill.
2. Hotch-Potch Bills and Tacking
Although a chamber of Parliament originating a bill was not
bound by a single subject rule, the usual bill was limited to
some accepted legislative category. The relatively rare excep-
tion was the “hotch-potch bill.”
A hotch-potch bill was one,
92. Id. at 164 (noting the prevalence of earmarked taxes in 1785).
93. Id., at 120, 160, 164–65.
94. Burke, of course, was one of the most dazzling characters in an age of daz-
zling characters: a moderate Whig, leading parliamentarian, friend of the Ameri-
can colonies, enemy of the French Revolution, noted philosopher, and widely
accounted as the founder of modern conservatism. See generally R
95. E
INZIG, supra note 1, at 164–65 (describing the Civil Establishment Act of 1782).
96. Id. at 138, 163.
97. See
MASONS MANUAL, supra note 1, at 225.
98 . See 38 H.L.
JOUR., supra note 1, (Aug. 30, 1789), available at http:// [
VJ4C] (placing into a committee a single bill granting and applying money for
various purposes); 3 H
ATSELL, supra note 1, at 96–97 (reporting an incident of a
single bill altering various financial duties). Cf. 28 C
OBBETT, supra note 1, at 270
(July 10, 1789) (reporting the comment by MP Richard Brinsley Sheridan that “all
the ministers [sic] revenue bills were hotch-potch bills,” meaning omnibus reve-
nue bills); 30 H.L.
JOUR., supra note 1, at 381 (Mar. 28, 1763) (reporting the Lords’
rejection of dissenters’ argument that a bill was improper because it contained
several different kinds of revenue-raisers).
99. Both Johnson’s and Sheridan’s dictionaries defined “hotchpotch,” as one
unhyphenated word: “a mingled hash, a mixture.” J
OHNSON, supra note 1; SHERI-
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 653
often introduced late in the session, encompassing matters in
disparate categories.
During the seventeenth century and very early eighteenth
century, the Commons sometimes created a hotch-potch by
combining non-financial matter into a money bill.
This was
done when opposition in the Lords to the non-financial matter
was expected, but the Commons hoped the Peers would be suf-
ficiently desperate for revenue to approve the measure. The
practice of throwing non-financial provisions into hotch-potch
with financial provisions was called tacking.
Unsurprisingly, the Peers objected to tacking. In 1702 they
adopted a House of Lords standing order (rule) by which they
automatically rejected any money bill onto which the Com-
mons had tacked non-financial provisions.
The Peers were
sufficiently firm about this rule
that by the time of the Amer-
ican founding efforts to tack were rare.
3. The Dispute Over Amendments by the Lords
I have found no instances in which even the staunchest
member of the House of Lords disputed the exclusive privilege
of the Commons to originate money bills.
But there was great
controversy over whether the Peers could amend them.
In a
1778 floor speech, Lord Shelburn argued that they could:
I shall never submit to the doctrines I have heard this day
from the woolsack [the Chancellor], that the other House are
DAN, supra note 1 (both unpaginated). The word did not appear in most other
100. See, e.g., P
ARLIAMENTARY REGISTER, supra note 1, Fifteenth Parliament, Sec-
ond Session, at 275–76 (June 27, 1782) (reporting discussion in the Commons on a
hotch-potch bill); id. Sixteenth Parliament, Sixth Session, at 377 (July 10, 1789)
(reporting remarks of William Pitt).
101. 3 H
ATSELL, supra note 1, at 220–24 (describing and criticizing tacking);
INZIG, supra note 1, at 196–98 (relating the history of tacking).
102. The Lords’ standing order is mentioned at 23 C
OBBETT, supra note 1, at 144–45
(speech by Lord Loughborough, July 3, 1782). See also D
E LOLME, supra note 1, at 261.
103. See
PARLIAMENTARY REGISTER, supra note 1, Fifteenth Parliament, Second
Session, at 346 (July 3, 1782) (reporting remarks by the Lord Chancellor); id. at 348
(July 3, 1782) (reporting remarks by Lord Stormont); id. at 351 (reproducing re-
marks by Lord Loughbrough).
104. For the origins and evolution of the Commons privilege, see E
INZIG, supra
note 1, at 111–14.
105. E
INZIG, supra note 1, at 195.
654 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
the only representatives and guardians of the people’s
rights. I boldly maintain the contrary. I say this House are
equally the representatives of the people. They hold the bal-
ance; and if they should perceive two of the branches of the
legislature unite in oppressing and enslaving the people, it is
their duty to interpose to prevent it.
. . . .
The noble and learned lord on the woolsack, in the debate
which opened the business of the day, asserted, that your
lordships were incompetent to make any alteration in a
Money Bill, or a Bill of Supply. I should be glad to see the
matter fairly and fully discussed, and the subject brought
forward and argued upon precedent, as well as all its collat-
eral relations. I should be pleased to see the question fairly
committed, were it for no other reason but to hear the sleek,
smooth contractors from the other House of Parliament,
come to that bar and declare, that they, and they only, could
frame a Money Bill; and they, and they only, could dispose
of the property of the peers of Great Britain . . . . [U]ntil the
claim, after a solemn discussion of this House, is openly and
directly relinquished, I shall continue to be of opinion, that
your lordships have a right to alter, amend, or reject a mon-
ey Bill . . . .
The House of Lords made recurrent efforts to amend money
bills. Most of the time the Commons’ response was hostile.
106. 19 COBBETT, supra note 1, at 1032, 1048–49 (Apr. 8, 1778). As an admonition
to his fellow members of the Commons, Edmund Burke cited this speech in his
own oration of June 14, 1784. 24 C
OBBETT, supra note 1, at 955; see also PARLIAMEN-
REGISTER, supra note 1, Fourteenth Parliament, Fourth Session, at 375 (Apr. 7,
1778) (containing similar assertions by the Duke of Richmond and the Earl of Eff-
ingham on the Lords’ privilege to fully consider and amend); id. at 428–29 (June 2,
1778) (reproducing further statements by the Duke of Richmond); 19 C
supra note 1, at 1239 (June 2, 1778) (paraphrasing the Lord Chancellor in the
House of Lords, who in contrast to his statement on April 7, said, “He said he
never could agree, that the Lords, by either amending or rejecting a money Bill,
thereby invaded the province of the other House”); 23 C
OBBETT, supra note 1, at
1028 (June 18, 1783), paraphrasing Earl Ferrers:
How it ever should have been understood, that their lordships were not
empowered to make alterations in money bills, he could not conceive, or
from what principle the other House had assumed to themselves the right
of framing taxes which they were to give their consent to as a matter of
course, without being at liberty to judge whether they were proper and
equitable, or partial and unjust, or to make an alteration, which might be
of the greatest advantage to the nation at large.
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 655
Thus, in 1772 the Lords offered an amendment to a corn bill—
not to impose, but to remove a charge. Several indignant speak-
ers rose in the Commons to denounce the perceived insult, in-
cluding former Massachusetts colonial governor Thomas
Pownall (the bill’s sponsor) and a particularly outraged Ed-
mund Burke. The Speaker of the Commons added that “he
would do his part in the business, and toss the Bill over the ta-
ble.” He proceeded to do so, and other members of the House
kicked it on their way out.
The incident illustrates that the Commons generally defined
a “money bill” to include not merely rate increases but all
changes in levies, including reductions.
The incident does not
illustrate, however, the consistent response of the Commons to
amendments from the Lords. The second edition of John
Hatsell’s authoritative study of parliamentary practice, pub-
lished in 1785, listed 85 incidents in which the Peers had at-
tempted to send money bills back to the Commons with
Hatsell’s list shows that the Commons acqui-
esced to the Lords’ amendments in 22 of these cases, and
agreed to conferences or otherwise deliberated over the
amendments in three others.
In many, but not all, of the in-
stances in which the Commons approved the amendments,
they added provisos asserting their privilege and/or noting that
the amendments were “small” or remedied prior mistakes.
There seems to have been a gradual reduction over time in
Commons acquiescence to Lords amendments. But Hatsell
listed amendments accepted by the Commons as late as 1750
and taken into honest consideration as late as 1772.
This willingness to bend reflects the reality that Peers’ opin-
ion on financial legislation was often valuable. Even Charles
James Fox, a leader of the liberal forces in the Commons,
107. 17 COBBETT, supra note 1, at 512–15 (June 3, 1772). Einzig relates this inci-
dent and another like it. E
INZIG, supra note 1, at 196.
108. See also supra note 86 and accompanying text (defining money bills to in-
clude denial of revenue).
109. 3 H
ATSELL, supra note 1, at 110–47.
110. Id.
111. Id.
112. On Charles James Fox, see FOX, Hon. Charles James (1749-1806), of Wimble-
don, Surr., T
HE HISTORY OF PARLIAMENT TRUST, available at http://
656 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
he thought the right of the Lords to participate in money bills
“was often too strictly construed.”
To his list of Lords amendments, Hatsell appended two
comments that cannot be reconciled. In the first, he wrote that
“the Commons have vigorously and uniformly opposed the
attempt” of the Lords to interfere in matters of supply.
In the
second, just a few pages later, he backed away from that char-
acterization and attempted to synthesize the cases. He conclud-
ed that (1) the Lords could correct mistakes in revenue bills and
(2) they could offer any kind of amendment in bills imposing
exactions for regulatory purposes if they did not “make any
alteration in the quantum of the toll or rate, in the disposition
or duration of it, or in the persons, commissioners, or collectors
appointed to manage it.”
Whether Hatsell’s synthesis was
entirely accurate is less important than the fact that the state of
the record induced him to believe it was tenable. That record
shows that, whatever the correct theory was, in practice much
depended on tug-of-war between the chambers, inter-house
conference committees,
and the efficacy of conciliation.
There is every reason to believe that leading founders were
aware that the rules were not entirely settled in Britain.
james-1749-1806 [].
113. P
ARLIAMENTARY REGISTER, supra note 1, Fifteenth Parliament, Third Ses-
sion, at 2 (May 8, 1783) (reporting remarks by Charles James Fox).
114. 3 H
ATSELL, supra note 1, at 147.
115. 3 H
ATSELL, supra note 1, at 153–55. Cf. PARLIAMENTARY REGISTER, supra
note 1, Fourteenth Parliament, Fifth Session, at 540 (July 2, 1779) (reporting a simi-
lar attempt to synthesize the cases by Sir Grey Cooper).
116. H
AYTON, supra note 1 (“If the two Houses did not agree, the differences
between them would have to be settled by a conference or conferences.”).
117. See, e.g., 14 C
OBBETT, supra note 1, at 1234–35 (Feb. 25, 1752) (reporting that
the Commons rejected an amendment from the Lords because the amendment
added a tax, and the Lords were denying any inability to amend money bills, so to
assuage the Lords, the Commons advanced other reasons for rejection, and the
Lords receded from their amendments) (Editor’s discussion). See also 27 C
supra note 1, at 652 (“The Bill being returned to the Commons, and some of the
amendments being thought to trench on the privileges of that House, the consid-
eration of the said amendments was postponed for three months. A new bill was
immediately brought in, which passed both Houses.”) (Editor’s summary of de-
bate of June 30, 1788).
118. As James Wilson put it, “The point is still sub judice in England.” 1 F
S RECORDS, supra note 1, at 546 (Madison, July 6, 1787) (reporting remarks
by Wilson).
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 657
4. What Was An “Amendment?”
The Origination Clause states that “the Senate may propose
or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.” In other words,
the Constitution’s definition of an “Amendment” of a revenue
bill is the same as the general definition of a legislative
Thus, in seeking the Founding-Era definition of
“Amendment,” one may consult how that term was used in
both revenue and non-revenue bills.
“Amendment” is, of course, a noun that corresponds to the
verb “amend.” Etymologically, the verb is closely related to
“mend”—that is, to correct or repair. Eighteenth century dic-
tionaries reflect this etymology by defining “amend” in the
sense of to “correct” or “make better.”
For example, Francis
Allen’s dictionary defined “amendment” as “an alteration
which makes it better, a correction.”
In modern speech we
preserve this connection between amending and mending
through the idiom, “to make amends.”
Within Parliament, members frequently used the words
“amend” and “amendment” so as to render explicit the connec-
tion to “mend.”
To repair roads, for example, was to
119. Kysar, Shell Bill, supra note 1, at 685, 690–92, argues that the phrase “as on
other Bills” implies that Congress may change the Constitution’s amendment rule
for revenue bills as it may alter rules on other subjects. Id. at 685, 690–92. One
difficulty with this interpretation is that it would enable Congress to eliminate a
constitutional check inserted for reasons exogenous to its internal operations. See
infra Part IV, V. This would be comparable to enforcing an agreement between
Congress and a weak President to abolish the presidential veto.
120. A
SH, supra note 1 (“To grow better, to alter for the better”); BAILEY, supra note
1 (“to reform”); B
ARLOW, supra note 1 (“to alter for the better.”); DONALDSON, supra
note 1 (“to grow better; to advance in any good”); J
OHNSON, supra note 1 (“To grow
better; to increase in any good; to be changed for the better”); P
ERRY, supra note 1
(“to improve; to grow better”); S
HERIDAN, supra note 1 (“to grow better”).
121. A
LLEN, supra note 1. Cf. JOHNSON, supra note 1 (“1. A change from bad for
the better. 2. Reformation of life. 3. Recovery of health.”); P
ERRY, supra note 1 (“to
correct; grow better”).
122. 17 C
OBBETT, supra note 1, at 389 (Mar. 2, 1772):
The Lord Chancellor said, that he confessed he had had a share in drawing
this Bill, and should be unworthy of the situation he was in if he could
not defend every clause, every sentence, every syllable, every word, and
every letter in it; that he would defend every part of it, and was free to
confess that he would not consent to any amendment whatsoever; that if
the Bill was to be altered, it were better to throw it out ; that it could not
be mended . . . .
658 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
“amend” them.
MPs sometimes distinguished between an
“amendment,” which made things better, and an “alteration,”
which could make them worse.
On other occasions they
might use “amend” merely as a synonym for “alter.”
ever, they seem not to have varied their usage according to the
nature of the item amended—that is, whether that item was a
bill from the same house, a bill from the other house, a resolu-
tion, a report, or a prior law.
MPs sometimes did draw a line between amending a bill and
changing its essence. In 1742, the Earl of Elay argued that a par-
ticular bill was:
one as cannot be amended, without first erasing it to its very
foundation . . . . If it appears to be such a Bill as cannot be
fully amended in the committee, without altering its nature,
and making it in a great measure a new Bill; we ought not to
send it to a committee, because every Bill, by our forms of
proceeding, ought to be twice read and considered in the
House before its being committed, which, I am sure, can
never be said of a Bill so moulded in the committee as to
make it quite a new Bill.”
See also 19 COBBETT, supra note 1, at 50 (Feb. 17, 1777) (reporting a speech by Solici-
tor General Alexander Wedderburn in Commons using the phrase “mended or
123. 37 H.C.
JOUR. 30 (Dec. 7, 1778) (stating, “nor the Roads effectually widened,
amended, and kept in Repair”).
124. 14 C
OBBETT, supra note 1, at 410 (Mar. 3, 1749) (presenting the editor’s
summary of debate: “[T]hey have made a most dangerous encroachment upon the
civil power in all his majesty’s plantations; therefore this may be called an altera-
tion, but it cannot be called an amendment.”).
125. 13 C
OBBETT, supra note 1, at 793 (Apr. 27, 1744) (reporting Chancellor
Hardwick as contending, “for every alteration, though it be for the same purpose
with those offered by the Commons, must be called an amendment.”). See also
328 (3d ed. 1748) (apparently using the words “Amendment” and “Al-
teration” interchangeably).
126. One reviewer suggested I distinguish between amendments to bills and
amendments to resolutions, or between amendments to bills arising in the same
house and amendments to bills reported from the other house. I could not find
sufficient evidentiary justification for such distinctions.
127. 13 C
OBBETT, supra note 1, at 91–92 (Mar. 11, 1742). See also 13 COBBETT, supra
note 1, at 699 (Apr. 3, 1744) (quoting the Parliamentary Journal of the Hon. Philip
York as stating, “Moves an Amendment or rather total alteration of the ques-
tion . . . .”); 16 C
OBBETT, supra note 1, at 1052 (Nov. 13, 1770) (quoting William
Dowdeswell as stating in Commons, “As no proposal has been made to amend
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 659
The parliamentary journals and debate collections do not re-
produce the text of most amendments, but judging by those
that are reproduced, the overwhelming majority worked only
modest changes in the underlying bills.
However, the cumu-
lative effect of a series of amendments could alter a proposal
In 1789, MP Richard Brinsley Sheridan
that “all the ministers [sic] revenue bills were hotch-potch bills;
for, if they were not so when first brought in, they had so many
the Address, I conclude that it cannot be amended; that it is not faulty in particu-
lar part, but is uniformly and totally wrong: this is my reason for proposing no
amendment”); 16 C
OBBETT, supra note 1, at 266 (Dec. 10, 1766) (reporting editor’s
composite of speeches in Lords: “[N]or do I see that such an alteration would be
an amendment of the constitution; I think it would destroy it, to the very founda-
tion.”); 28 C
OBBETT, supra note 1, at 714 (Apr. 26, 1790) (“Mr Curwen observed, that
being perfectly convinced that the bill was so defective that it could not by any
amendment which it might receive in the committee be rendered unobjectionable,
he should oppose the motion.”).
128. In the interest of space, a sample of several kinds of amendments must
suffice. 25 H.C.
JOUR. 138–39 (Apr. 28, 1746) (reproducing Commons committee
amendments to a Commons bill); 31 H.C.
JOUR. 168 (Feb. 19, 1767) (reproducing
Commons committee’s amendments to Lords bill); 33 H.C.
JOUR. 972 (May 11,
1770) (reproducing Lords amendments to Commons bill); 34 H.C.
JOUR. 349 (May
29, 1773) (reproducing an approved amendment from the floor); 37 H.C.
JOUR. 697
(Mar. 7, 1780) (reporting a successful amendment that expunged five of eight lines
in a motion for an accounting in favor of a longer, more precise description of
how the accounting was to be conducted).
129. 13 C
OBBETT, supra note 1, at 806 (Apr. 27, 1744) (reporting remarks of Lord
It is well known, my lords, that the Bill now before us was sent up from
the Commons in another form, and that it has received so many
alterations in this House, that its original intention is almost forgotten,
and the first plan almost hidden by the additions which one proposition
after another has produced. The Bill thus amended must now pass under
the inspection of the Commons, and our alterations must be confirmed by
their suffrages.
See also 15 C
OBBETT, supra note 1, at 32 (May 14, 1753, editor’s comments) (“[T]he
[Clandestine Marriage] Bill was almost entirely altered by the addition of new
clauses and alteration of every one of the old.”). Yet, the editor also reported that
“The House proceeded to take into consideration the Amendments made by the
Commons to the said Bill: and the said Amendments being read twice by the
clerk, were agreed to.” Id. at 86 (June 6, 1753). See also 26 C
OBBETT, supra note 1, at
80 (June 2, 1786) (reporting Charles James Fox as stating in the Commons, “The
Bill which they have framed, has been renewed and amended, until it scarcely
bears the resemblance of the original form.”).
130. Sheridan was a brilliant literary figure. See generally Sheridan, Richard Brins-
ley, (1751-1816), of Harrow, Mdx., T
richard-brinsley-1751-1816 [].
660 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
things altered, amended, and added, before they went through,
that the original bill was hardly to be traced.”
On relatively rare occasions even a single amendment could
work great alteration.
One MP spoke of “radical amend-
—that is, changes that went to the root (radix) of a pro-
posal. Members in an originating chamber sometimes grumbled
about how the amending chamber had gutted a bill under the
guise of amendment, but the originating chamber might adopt
the changes nevertheless.
Members also advanced amend-
ments designed to discredit the underlying bill.
There was
more license for this sort of foolery when an originating chamber
was amending its own bill than when it was amending a bill
from the other chamber. If one House lacerated the other’s bills,
the other would likely call a joint conference.
To illustrate the great latitude of amendments permitted,
John Hatsell’s treatise cited a handful of incidents.
In one no-
torious episode, a resolution criticizing the ministry for spend-
131. 28 COBBETT, supra note 1, at 270 (July 10, 1789).
132. 19 C
OBBETT, supra note 1, at 640 (Feb. 4, 1778):
Lord Camden spoke in reply to lord Mansfield, and began with observing,
that had the noble earl early in the debate given his sentiments on the
irregularity of quashing the motion, by moving an amendment totally
foreign to the purport of it, he should have been exceedingly happy, as it
might have assisted their lordships materially, by bringing on a debate on
the question really before the House, and which was of too important a
nature to be taken up hastily, or by the bye, as the noble earl had done.
133. 28 C
OBBETT, supra note 1, at 368 (Feb. 9, 1790) (quoting Richard Sheridan as
stating in the Commons,For such an evil, when proved, what remedy could be
resorted to, but a radical amendment of the frame and fabric of the constitution
itself?”). The same day, he repeated the expression, “In hoping, however, that that
government might be radically amended . . . .”Id. at 369.
134. 20 C
OBBETT, supra note 1, at 1008–18 (July 2, 1779) (reporting proceedings in
Commons on a Militia Bill).
135. 25 C
OBBETT, supra note 1, at 89 (Feb. 21, 1785) (quoting Edward Bearcroft in
the Commons, describing Richard Sheridans’s amendment to a Lords bill).
136. H
AYTON, supra note 1 (stating, “In the case of legislation a conference
would usually be called if one House amended to an unacceptable extent a bill
produced by the other.”).
137. 2 H
ATSELL, supra note 1, at 70 (citing examples on Feb. 24, 1728, and on
Mar. 12, 1728, in which the sense and meaning of questions were totally altered by
amendments). See id. at 75–76 (discussing the Duke of Aremberg incident men-
tioned in the text); id. at 73 (“But as it often happens that questions are moved,
upon which the House do not wish to give any opinion, they avoid it . . . by mak-
ing such amendments to the question as change the nature of it, and make it in-
admissible even by those who proposed it.”).
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 661
ing money on a military action by the Duke of Aremberg was
successfully amended to one that praised the ministry for the
same action.
Yet incidents of this kind were rare and some
stretched far back in history. Hatsell dug back over a century
(to 1678) to report a dispute between the Houses over Lords’
amendments to a money bill for disbanding the army.
than agree to the amendments, the Commons inserted the sub-
stance of the original bill into another bill, to which the Lords
felt constrained to assent.
Much more recent, in 1779, was the complaint of Lord Stor-
mont that a particular
[a]mendment was not a correction of a few words of the
Address [of Thanks to the Crown], which he had ever con-
sidered to be the sort of amendment warranted by parlia-
mentary usage; but the substituting of entire new matter, to-
tally foreign to the address, and equally foreign to the whole
business of the day.
As these incidents demonstrate, amendments occasionally
replaced key language in a bill or resolution. On the other
hand, complete substitutes—the gutting of a bill and replace-
ment with new language—may have been unknown. My re-
view of parliamentary records, both journals and debates, did
not uncover a single example of a complete substitute offered
as an amendment, either within or between chambers. Daniel
Smyth, an independent researcher, reviewed all editions of
Cobbett’s Parliamentary History for the period 1688 through
1789 and found none.
Moreover, I found no amendments that altered the subject
matter of an original motion. Even the amendment that reversed
the sentiment expressed on the Duke of Aremberg’s military ac-
138. 13 COBBETT, supra note 1, at 701 (Apr. 3, 1744). The amendment changed
the words describing the action from “a dangerous misapplication of public mon-
ey, and destructive of the rights of parliament” to “necessary for putting the said
troops in motion, and of great consequence to the common cause.”
139. 2
HATSELL, supra note 1, at 84.
140. Id.
141. 20 C
OBBETT, supra note 1, at 1037 (Nov. 25, 1779) (reporting speech in Lords
by Lord Stormont).
142. Daniel Smyth, The Origination Clause III: ObamaCare’s a Good Amendment to Die
obamacares_a_good_amendment_to_die_hard.html [].
662 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
tion did not change the resolution’s subject matter.
the amendment of which Lord Stormont complained did not
change the topic of the underlying motion: It was an address to
the Crown before amendment, and it remained one after.
Most American legislative bodies today require that an
amendment be “germane” to the underlying measure.
Manual, the most popular book of legislative procedure, states,
however, that “[t]o be germane, the amendment is required only
to relate to the same subject. It may entirely change the effect of
or be in conflict with the spirit of the original motion or measure
and still be germane to the subject.”
Eighteenth-century par-
liamentary records do not use the term “germane” to describe
the necessary connection between the subject of a bill and its
amendment, but they support the conclusion that the germane-
ness rule of Mason’s Manual was already in place.
Use of the
term “amend” may have strayed from the word’s connection to
“mend,” but in parliamentary practice it still bore a sense differ-
ent from complete erasure or repeal.
There was merit to the
distinction that Burke drew in 1790 when he spoke of foolish
public policies undertaken in “a spirit well calculated to over-
turn states, but perfectly unfit to amend them.”
At least one commentator, relying principally on a passage in
Jefferson’s Manual of Parliamentary Practice, has maintained that
completely unrelated substitutes-as-amendments were permit-
143. 13 COBBETT, supra note 1, at 701.
144. Id.
145. Cf. Flint v. Stone Tracy Co., 220 U.S. 107, 143 (1911) (upholding a Senate
amendment against an Origination Clause challenge in part because the amend-
ment was germane to the subject of the original bill).
146. M
ASONS MANUAL, supra note 1, at 272.
147. The use of the word “germane” to mean “relevant” or “pertinent” dates to
the early seventeenth century. O
[], but its use to indicate a necessary connection between
an original bill and a proposed amendment seems not to have arisen until the nine-
teenth century. M
ASONS MANUAL, supra note 1, at 272 (discussing the germaneness
requirement, and citing sources dating no earlier than the nineteenth century).
148. 18 C
OBBETT, supra note 1, at 656–57 (reporting Lord Camden as stating that
“no amendment, nor any thing [sic] short of a total repeal of it, would be suffi-
cient.”) (May 17, 1775).
149. 28 C
OBBETT, supra note 1, at 357 (Feb. 9, 1790).
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 663
ted in Parliament.
In the passage relied on, Jefferson cited
Hatsell’s treatise for the proposition that an “amendment”
could include a complete substitute that might “totally alter the
nature of the proposition.”
In fact, however, Hatsell does not
go so far: He reports no incidents in which an amendment
worked a complete replacement and no amendments that al-
tered the subject of the original bill. Hatsell reports only rare
incidents in which the wording of a resolution was altered to
change its political thrust.
Jefferson also cited Antichell Grey’s Debates to conclude that in
Parliament, “[a] new bill may be ingrafted by way of amend-
ment, on the words ‘Be it enacted, &c.’”
Grey is, however, not
much of a source for Founding-Era practice, since he covered
only the period from 1667 through 1694, a seventeen-year stretch
ending nearly a century before the Constitution was ratified.
Further, the cited pages of Grey do not support Jefferson’s con-
clusion. To the extent they are coherent, they appear only to re-
port dissatisfaction in the Commons with amendments to a bill
added by the Lords and vague suggestions that the Commons
respond aggressively. I have reproduced the relevant passages
in the footnote, so one may judge for oneself.
150. Kysar, Shell Bill, supra note 1, at 686.
151. J
EFFERSONS MANUAL, supra note 1, at 61. Jefferson’s Rule 35.3 provides as
Amendments may be made so as totally to alter the nature of the
proposition; and it is a way of getting rid of a proposition, by making it
bear a sense different from what was intended by the movers, so that
they vote against it themselves. 2 Hats. 79, 4, 82, 84. A new bill may be
ingrafted by way of amendment, on the words “Be it enacted, &c.” 1 Grey
190, 192.
152. The only examples he provides appear at 2 H
ATSELL, supra note 1, at 79 &
85, although he does state that evasive amendments are an option for the House
of Commons when it wishes to avoid giving an opinion on a question. Id. at 82.
153. J
EFFERSONS MANUAL, supra note 1, at 61 (citing 1 Grey 190, 192).
154. The text is in two fragments, as follows:
Sir Nicholas Carew. Would have a new Bill sent up to the Lords, but not
retain this Viper to destroy us all.
Sir Robert Howard. One line only to be grafted upon in this Bill, viz. “Be
it enacted by the Lords and Commons.” Suppose their Privilege and ours
taken away by this Bill, yet they retain them by the Proviso.
Id. at 190.
Mr Sollicitor Finch. Not safe, nor useful, to throw out, or keep, this Bill—
Unless to have one neither like this, nor what we sent up—Since they
664 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
C. Summary of British Practice
An American founder reasonably familiar with British par-
liamentary practice would have noted the following: All money
bills were introduced first in the House of Commons and had to
be passed by that chamber before being sent to the Lords.
was the meaning of the term “originate.” The typical money bill
created or extended one or more taxes or other revenue sources
and earmarked them to fund designated spending. The “money
bill” category also included fees-for-service such as tolls and, in
the view of many, exactions for regulatory purposes.
An originating chamber enjoyed the prerogative of initiating
“hotch-potch bills.”
But the Lords resisted “tacking,” the addition
have taken this way not to amend ours, he would have this sent up by
way of amendment, and upon conference we may show them how
shameful it is we should have this sent us; and at a conference may be
informed, whether the Privilege they mention in their Bill be such as is
known by Law, or any new unknown one. By this Bill any man may settle
a trust in a Peer, and the party avoid justice. If a man have a decree, how
can it be executed?
Sir Thomas Meres. Neither fears to be dissolved, nor desires it—Would
have it read a second time, the 10th of February, that the House may be
Sir Thomas Littleton. To send up a second Bill, would be to have a second
foil—Would have us rest upon our votes—Would have it laid aside, with
this consideration entered in the Journal, “That this shall not tend to the
hindrance of any intercourse between the two Houses.”
Mr Swynfin. Proper reason for not reading a Bill a second time, is, when
no part of it can be mended. In the enacting Clause, viz. that no cause of
original complaint shall be tryed, &c. it is a plain owning, assuming, and
now enacting, that nothing shall be taken from the Lords, but what is in
express words taken by this Act; we are content not to be troubled with
civil Causes, tryable in any other Court, but reserve still a power— That
word “lower House” was never used but in Henry VIIIth’s time, when
the House of Commons was much imposed upon—This breaks off our
intercourse only as to this business, but nothing else; you may send up
any vote, or reasons, why you lay it aside.
Id. at 192.
155. A
CHERLEY, supra note 1, at 45–46 (asserting that the power of origination
grants to the Commons, “the First Commencement and Consideration, and the
sole Modeling in their House”); D
E LOLME, supra note 1, at 67 (stating, “All Bills
for granting Money must have their beginning in the House of Commons: the
Lords cannot take this object into their consideration but in consequence of a bill
presented to them by the latter”).
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 665
of non-financial terms to money bills.
The effect of the Lords’ re-
sistance was to limit money bills to the subject of money.
The Commons took the constitutional position that the Lords
could not proffer amendments to money bills, but could only
accept or reject them entirely. Some Peers disagreed, and
claimed for their chamber full power to propose amendments.
Sometimes the Lords did offer amendments, only to see the
Commons contemptuously discard them as a breach of privi-
lege. On rarer occasions, the Commons acceded to the Lords’
amendments or negotiated over them.
The amendment power was broad and an amendment could
even reverse the political thrust of the underlying bill. But
amendment was limited to the subject-matter of the original. In
other words, it had to address matters within the same accepted
categories. Only an originating chamber could designate the
general subject(s) of a bill or create a hotch-potch. The amending
chamber could not add a new subject, change the subject, or cre-
ate a hotch-potch. Amendment practice in Parliament probably
did not extend to complete substitutes, even if germane.
A. American Constitution-Drafting: Background Information
Political leaders in Britain’s North American colonies gener-
ally were familiar with parliamentary procedures, including
the practices prevailing (and the practices contested) pertaining
to money bills.
In fact, colonial legislatures imitated Parlia-
ment by adopting “supply bills” comprised of taxes earmarked
156. See supra Part II.A; FISHER, supra note 1, at 133. Fishers book is a classic
exposition of the Constitution’s roots in earlier documentary history.
666 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
for designated spending.
Many Americans had long wished
for an origination rule in the colonies:
[T]he colonists always insisted that [the power of origination
of money bills] belonged to them in all their [lower house]
legislative bodies as a matter of course because they were
free-born Englishmen. In Pennsylvania, especially, they con-
tended for it against their proprietors and deputy-governors
with the greatest persistency, and insisted on the right in its
fullest extent,—namely, that money-bills should not only
originate in the lower house of assembly, but should also be
either accepted or rejected by the council or upper house
without any attempt to amend them.
In the years immediately before the Revolution, however, the
origination issue was overshadowed by Parliament’s imposition
of financial exactions on America. Some of these took the form of
restrictive tariffs as part of a scheme for regulating commerce
among units of the British Empire. Other exactions were im-
posed to raise revenue. Most American opinion-molders con-
ceded that Parliament (or, in the argument of James Wilson, the
had authority to impose the former.
They agreed that
the colonists had consented to central regulation for the general
welfare of the Empire.
However, they maintained that they
had never consented to exactions for raising revenue.
157. E.g., An Act for the Supply of the Treasury (Mass., May 13, 1753), available at
Eighteenth Century Collections Online (imposing various kinds of levies and appro-
priating funds). For discussion of a Maryland colonial supply bill, see “A
MARYLAND INSERTED IN THE PUBLIC LEDGER (1764). See especially id. at 61–63
(containing a letter from the upper house to the lower discussing the bill and al-
luding to the colonial-era power of the upper house to amend).
158. F
ISHER, supra note 1, at 133. Zotti and Schmitz cite and quote language re-
quiring popular consent in the colonies for taxation and they see therein prece-
dents for lower house origination, but I do not read any of that language as requir-
ing lower house origination. Zotti & Schmitz, supra note 1, at 70–82
159. F
ISHER, supra note 1, at 133.
160. J
161. E.g., D
ICKINSON, supra note 1, at 7 (stating, “The parliament unquestionably
possesses a legal authority to regulate the trade of Great Britain, and all her colo-
nies. Such an authority is essential to the relation between a mother country and
her colonies; and necessary for the common good of all”) (italics in original).
162. Id.
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 667
In phrasing their objections, the colonists argued that they
had never consented to be taxed by anyone but themselves, and
that it was the right of Englishmen not to be taxed without
their consent. Contemporaneous dictionaries defined “tax” to
include regulatory exactions,
but Americans developed a
more specific usage: A tax was a levy adopted to raise money
rather than to regulate.
This usage was refined by John Dickinson, author of the ex-
plosive series newspaper essays entitled Letters from a Farmer in
Pennsylvania (1767–68).
“To the word tax,’” Dickinson wrote,
“I annex that meaning which the constitution and history of Eng-
land require to be annexed to it; that is—that it is an imposition on
the subject, for the sole purpose of levying money.
He noted that a
resolve of the 1765 Stamp Act Congress had stated, “ALL sup-
plies to the crown, being free gifts of the people, it is unreasonable,
and inconsistent with the principles and spirit of the British constitu-
tion, for the people of Great Britain to grant to his Majesty the
property of the colonies.
He then added, “Here is no distinction
made between internal and external taxes . . . . This language is
clear and important. A ‘TAX’ means an imposition to raise mon-
Dickinson’s identification of taxes with revenue had been
foreshadowed in the work of Richard Bland,
and later colo-
nial pamphleteers adopted it, including John Adams and James
Six years after Dickinson published the Farmer es-
says, the First Continental Congress (1774) adopted the same
163. See, e.g., JOHNSON, supra note 1 (unpagingated) (defining “tax” as “an im-
post; a tribute imposed; an excise; a tallage,” without distinguishing the purpose
as regulatory, revenue-raising, or both).
164. D
ICKINSON, supra note 1.
165. Id. at 21 (italics in original).
166. Id. at 23.
167. Id.
at 23–24.
168. R
(Earl Gregg Swem ed., 1922).
169. J
(1774) reprinted in T
HE WORKS OF JOHN ADAMS, VOL. IV, 11–177 (Charles C. Little &
James Brown eds., 1851); J
WORKS OF JAMES WILSON (Kermit L. Hall & Mark David Hall eds., 2007).
668 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
distinction when it complained of taxes imposed, “for the ex-
press purpose of raising a Revenue.”
The identity between taxes and revenue-raising was funda-
mental to the American cause during the Revolution, exempli-
fied by the famous slogan: “No taxation without representa-
tion.” Note that the slogan said nothing of regulatory exactions
or appropriations. This identity, qualified by a recognition that
a tax could regulate behavior incidentally without losing its
character as a tax, also survived the Revolution to influence the
Constitution and the constitutional debates: It was the assump-
tion behind motions by Pennsylvania’s George Clymer and
Virginia’s George Mason at the Constitutional Convention,
and it surfaced again during the ratification debates.
the text of the Constitution, it is reflected in the framers’ deci-
sion to separately itemize a “Tax” and a “Duty.”
This was
because a duty might be imposed either for revenue or for reg-
ulation: If it was a purely regulatory exaction, it did not qualify
as a tax.
This usage influenced state constitutions as well.
170. 1 JOURNALS OF THE CONTINENTAL CONGRESS, 1774–1789 at 84 (Worthington
C. Ford ed., 1904).
171. 2 F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 363 (reporting that Clymer “moved
as a qualification of the power of taxing Exports that it should be restrained to
regulations of trade, (by inserting after the word “duty” Sect 4 art VII the words)
‘for the purpose of revenue.’”); id. at 344 (reporting Mason’s unsuccessful effort to
enumerate congressional authority to enact sumptuary laws in addition to the
taxation power and Oliver Ellsworth’s rejoinder that the tax power sufficed be-
cause taxes could affect behavior “As far as the regulation . . . can be reasonable”).
See also Robert G. Natelson, What the Constitution Means by “Duties, Imposts, and
Excises”—and “Taxes” (Direct or Otherwise) (forthcoming) (discussing the differ-
ence between “impositions” and “taxes” during the Founding and the recognition
that taxes could affect behavior incidentally).
172. E.g., Americanus II, V
A. INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Dec. 19, 1787, reprinted in
8 D
OCUMENTARY HISTORY, supra note 1, at 244, 248 (stating, “The house of repre-
sentatives, which has the exclusive right of originating bills of taxation, is composed
of members elected directly by the people in the most exact proportion.”) Note how
the word “taxation” is used as a proxy for “Bills for the raising of Revenue”. See
also The State Soldier I, V
HISTORY 303, 305 (same).
Accord Zotti & Schmitz, supra note 1, at 100–01.
173. U.S.
CONST. art. I, § 9, cl. 1 (“a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importa-
tion”) & cl. 5 (“No Tax or Duty shall be laid on Articles exported from any State.”).
See also Natelson, supra note 171.
174. However, the duties, imposes, and excises authorized by U.S.
CONST. art. I,
§ 8, cl. 1 apparently were those designed to raise revenue; see N
CONSTITUTION, supra note 1, at 88–89.
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 669
In sum, three background facts necessary for understanding
early post-independence legislative practice in the early Ameri-
can states are as follows:
Leading founders were generally familiar with parliamen-
tary procedure;
many wished to extend money-bill origination rules to
America; and
among “money bills,” they considered revenue raisers
(taxes) as a distinct, particularly important, subcategory.
B. How the American States Adopted New Rules
Twelve of the fourteen states (including Vermont) adopted
constitutions between independence and the composition of
the federal Constitution. (Connecticut and Rhode Island, whose
royal charters were uncommonly democratic, were satisfied to
modify them.) This Part III.B reviews those state constitutions
ratified between 1776 and 1778. In the aggregate, they reflect
two trends: (1) increasing popular control over money bills and
(2) the division of the “money bill” concept into components.
The only state constitutions adopted between 1776 and 1778
that did not augment lower house control over money bills
were those of New York and North Carolina. In North Carolina
it seems to have been hardly necessary, since the new state
senate was but a smaller image of its house of commons.
the remaining ten constitutions from that era, those of Georgia,
Pennsylvania, and Vermont chose the most radical course:
They abolished their upper houses altogether.
This helps ex-
plain why at the Constitutional Convention, Pennsylvania
president Benjamin Franklin openly suggested unicameralism
as an answer to origination issues.
175. See Part III.B (particularly the material on the Maryland constitution of 1776).
176. Both were elected to annual terms. N.C.
CONST. of 1776, arts. II & III. The
New York senate was a more remote body, elected for staggered four-year terms
in large districts. N.Y.
CONST. of 1777, art. XI.
177. G
A. CONST. of 1777, art. II; PA. CONST.of 1776, § II; VT. CONST. of 1777, ch. II, § ii.
178. 1 F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 546 (quoting Franklin as saying, “As
to the danger or difficulty that might arise from a negative in the 2d. [house]
where the people wd. not be proportionally represented, it might easily be got
over by declaring that there should be no such Negative: or if that will not do, by
declaring that there shall be no such branch at all.”).
670 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
Virginia’s 1776 constitution created a state senate, but pre-
scribed that all bills, financial or not, originate in the house of
delegates. The senate could amend most bills—but not “mon-
New Jersey adopted the putative British rule by
banning upper house amendment of any “money bills.”
Massachusetts legislature’s proposed 1778 constitution, disap-
proved by the voters, would have fit the same pattern.
Four states limited upper house control over financial
measures, but split the “money bill” concept into component
parts. Those states were Delaware, Maryland, South Carolina,
and New Hampshire.
Delaware was the home of John Dickinson when he was not
working in Philadelphia. Its constitution was drafted and
adopted in September 1776 by a convention chaired by Dickin-
son’s friend (and, subsequently, Constitutional Convention col-
league), George Read. The document provided:
All Money-Bills for the Support of Government shall originate in
the House of Assembly, and may be altered, amended or re-
jected by the Legislative Council. All other Bills and Ordi-
nances may take Rise in the House of Assembly or Legislative
Council, and may be altered, amended or rejected by either.
As we have seen, “money-bills for the support of govern-
ment” encompassed both taxes and spending, and that is how
the Delaware legislature construed it.
The term did not en-
179. VA. CONST. of 1776 (unnumbered) (“All laws shall originate in the House of
Delegates, to be approved of or rejected by the Senate, or to be amended, with
consent of the House of Delegates; except money-bills, which in no instance shall
be altered by the Senate, but wholly approved or rejected.”).
180. N.J.
CONST. of 1776, art. VI:
That the Council shall also have power to prepare bills to pass into laws,
and have other like powers as the Assembly, and in all respects be a free
and independent branch of the Legislature of this Colony; save only, that
they shall not prepare or alter any money bill—which shall be the
privilege of the Assembly . . . .
181. F
ISHER, supra note 1, at 134 (“Excepting bills and resolves levying and grant-
ing money or other property of the State, which shall originate in the house of repre-
sentatives only, and be concurred or non-concurred in whole by the senate.”).
182. D
EL. CONST. of 1776, art. 6 (italics added).
183. M
616–17 (1886) (Feb. 12, 1781). The council had sent the assembly an appropriation
bill, whereupon the assembly: “Resolved, That the same, being a money bill for the
support of Government, ought to have originated in the House of Assembly,
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 671
compass regulatory measures. It is unclear whether it encom-
passed fees-for-service such as tolls.
Two months later, Maryland (perhaps coincidentally, Dick-
inson’s birthplace and early family home) adopted a refined
origination clause worth reproducing at length:
Art. X. That the house of delegates may originate all money
bills . . . .
XI. That the senate may be at full and perfect liberty to exer-
cise their judgment in passing laws, and that they may not
be compelled by the house of delegates either to reject a
money bill which the emergency of affairs may require, or to
assent to some other act of legislation, in their conscience
and judgment injurious to the public welfare; the house of
delegates shall not on any occasion, or under any presence,
annex to, or blend with a money bill, any matter, clause, or
thing, not immediately relating to, and necessary for the im-
posing, assessing, levying, or applying the taxes or supplies,
to be raised for the support of government, or the current
expenses of the state; and to prevent altercation about such
bills, it is declared, that no bill imposing duties or customs
for the mere regulation of commerce, or inflicting fines for
the reformation of morals, or to enforce the execution of the
laws, by which an incidental revenue may arise, shall be ac-
counted a money bill; but every bill assessing, levying, or
applying taxes or supplies for the support of government, or
the current expenses of the state, or appropriating money in
the treasury, shall be deemed a money bill.
XXII. That the senate may originate any other, except money
bills, to which their assent or dissent only shall be given, and
may receive any other bills from the house of delegates, and
assent, dissent or propose amendments.
Like the Delaware instrument, therefore, the Maryland con-
stitution included taxes and spending in the origination rule,
but excluded regulatory levies and was unclear on the subject
of local fees-for-service. The Maryland constitution also re-
sponded to a history of fierce parliamentary disputes by out-
lawing the practice of “tacking.”
agreeable to the sixth section of the Constitution of this State, and that House can-
not proceed upon the bill aforesaid.” The council acquiesced in this determination
after the assembly initiated a duplicate bill. Id.
184. M
D. CONST. of 1776, arts. X, XI & XXII.
672 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
South Carolina’s 1776 and 1778 constitutions likewise forbade
upper house amendment of “money bills for the support of gov-
ernment” (taxes and spending) but excluded from the ban regu-
latory impositions and, at least by prevailing interpretation, fees-
for-services such as tolls.
On the other hand, the 1776 New
Hampshire Constitution split the “money bill” concept another
way: It required that “all bills, resolves, or votes for raising, levy-
ing and collecting money originate in the house of Representa-
tives”—language that included taxes, fees-for-services such as
tolls, and perhaps regulatory levies, but excluded spending.
C. How the American Rules Continued to Evolve
As we have seen, reforms in the British Parliament during
the 1780s began to sever the “money bill” concept into appro-
priations (which became much more detailed) and revenue.
Similarly, we have seen that in America, revolutionary rhetoric
and state constitution writers began to divide the “money bill”
concept into its component parts.
State legislative journals reveal the same trend.
Before in-
dependence, American lawmakers, like their British counter-
parts, adopted “supply bills” consisting of mixed taxes and ap-
propriations. After independence, mixed bills were rare: There
were tax bills, appropriation bills (which might be called “sup-
ply bills”),
regulatory measures, and (less frequently) bor-
185. S.C. CONST. of 1776, art. 7 (“All Money Bills for the support of government
shall originate in the General Assembly, and shall not be altered or amended by
the Legislative Council, but may be rejected by them.”);
S.C. CONST. of 1778, art.
XVI (“all money bills for the support of government shall originate in the house of
representatives, and shall not be altered or amended by the senate, but may be
rejected by them.”).
See also S.C.
H.R. JOUR. (1782), supra note 1, at 117, 119, 120 (Feb. 24–25, 1782) (negoti-
ating with Senate over that body’s amendment of amercement bill); S.C.
(1776-80), supra note 1, at 185 (Aug. 31, 1779) (reporting Senate initiation of bill raising
ferry rates); id. at 205 (Sept. 7, 1779) (reporting House passage); id. at 209 (Sept. 8, 1779
(reporting Senate passage). The 1782 measure occurred after the House had successful-
ly asserted the privilege against Senate amendment of other money bills and the 1779
measure at the time it was doing so. See infra notes 193–207 and accompanying text.
186. N.H.
CONST. of 1776.
187. Zotti & Schmitz, supra note 1, at 85–91, summarize state constitutional orig-
ination requirements before 1790, but do not reflect the differences in the content
of those requirements nor their evolution in subsequent legislative practice.
188. E.g., N.Y.
ASSEM. JOUR. 60, supra note 1, (Feb. 28, 1786) (so calling an appro-
priation bill).
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 673
rowing and local fee-for-service bills.
Each category was be-
coming the “single subject” it represents in most state legisla-
tures today. But I have found no evidence of further subdivi-
sion: State legislatures continued to pass sweeping tax
and omnibus appropriation bills.
A concomitant development was the refinement of state orig-
ination rules. As we shall see, this development was reflected
in state constitutions adopted after 1778, but it began earlier. It
took two forms: (1) Constricting the scope of the term “money
bill” to fewer than all of its traditional components and (2)
granting the upper chamber power to amend.
Refinement of state origination rules was encouraged by a
series of inter-chamber disputes in states with such rules. In
Britain, the Crown could resolve such disputes by dissolving or
proroguing Parliament, but American chief executives had no
comparable power.
Inter-chamber contention could, there-
fore, continue for some time.
The 1776 and 1778 South Carolina constitutions both con-
fined the house origination requirement to taxes and appropri-
ations, and prescribed that the upper house could not amend
such measures.
The legislative council, as the 1776 constitu-
tion called the upper chamber, proved prickly about its digni-
and notwithstanding the constitutional ban insisted on
189. For examples from one state, see e.g., S.C. H.R. JOUR. (1776-80), supra note 1, at
211 (Sept. 8, 1779) (tax bill); 160 (Oct. 17, 1776) (appropriation for “watch companies”
(teams for night duty)); 198 (Sept. 5, 1779) (borrowing bill); 205 (Sept. 7, 1779) (ferriage
bill). On local fee-for-service as a money bill, see 1 W
at *169 (“[money] for private benefit, and collected in a particular district;
as by turnpikes, parish rates [local taxes], and the like”).
190. E.g., N.Y.
ASSEM. JOUR., supra note 1, at 91–92 (Mar. 25, 1778) (referencing a
bill containing different kinds of taxes); N.Y.
SEN. JOUR., supra note 1, at 99–100
(Mar. 28, 1778) (same). Thus, a broad New York revenue measure considered by
the 1786 legislature was entitled merely “an Act for Raising Monies by Tax.” N.Y.
ASSEM. JOUR., supra note 1, at 31 (Feb. 4, 1786) (reporting house order “That a bill
be prepared and brought in, for the raising the sum of [blank] by tax, within this
State); id. at 80 (Mar. 13, 1786) (referring to the measure as “An act for raising
monies by tax”).
191. E.g., 1780 N.J.
PROCEEDINGS, supra note 1, at 55 (Dec. 12, 1780).
192. See 1 F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 546 & 2 FARRANDS RECORDS,
supra note 1, at 274–75.
193. S.C.
CONST. of 1776, art. VII; S.C. CONST. of 1778, art. XVI.
194. See S.C.
H.R. JOUR. (1776-80), supra note 1, at 21 (Apr. 2, 1776) (sending back
house message for insufficiently dignified address).
674 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
amending money bills.
The general assembly initially acqui-
but it soon began to reject all the legislative council’s
amendments—even those with which it agreed. The general
assembly then restored each amendment it favored by amend-
ing the bills itself.
Under the 1778 constitution, the senate, instead of amending
directly, transmitted “schedules” (lists) of money-bill amend-
ments to the house of representatives, expecting the House to
consider them on third reading.
On September 2, 1779, the
house of representatives issued a letter to the senate labeling
the senate’s procedure “unparliamentary” (improper).
was a further exchange of tart notes over the next few days.
Meanwhile, the house struck all senate amendments to a bor-
rowing ordinance on the ground that the measure was an “Or-
dinance . . . for a supply for the support of Government,”
which the senate had no power to amend.
The struggle continued in this vein for about a week,
the senate continuing to act on tax bills simultaneously with the
House rather than waiting for the house to complete its own
procedures first.
On September 9, the house adopted a formal
resolution that, while acknowledging it had previously acqui-
195. S.C. H.R. JOUR. (1776-80), supra note 1, at 25 (Apr. 3, 1776) (reproducing a leg-
islative council note stating it was not a mistake for it to have amended an appropri-
ation bill).
196. S.C.
H.R. JOUR. (1776-80), supra note 1, at 29–30 (Apr. 3, 1776) (adopting appropria-
tions measure the senate had amended).
197. S.C.
H.R. JOUR. (1776-80), supra note 1, at 160 (Oct. 17, 1776). It is unclear whether
the amendments then immediately added had been those inserted by the legislative
council. The council did, however, accede to the lower house bill. Id. at 162.
198. E.g., S.C.
H.R. JOUR. (1776-80), supra note 1, at 187 (reproducing senate president’s
note of Sept. 1, 1779). For another use ofschedule to describe a list of proposed
amendments, see, for example,
S.C. H.R. JOUR. (1782), supra note 1, at 82 (Feb. 14, 1782).
199. E.g., S.C.
H.R. JOUR. (1776-80), supra note 1, at 189 (Sept. 2, 1779).
200. S.C.
H.R. JOUR. (1776-80), supra note 1, at 191 (Sept. 2, 1779) (reproducing note of
senate president Charles Pinckney); id. at 192 (Sept. 3, 1779) (reproducing note of house
speaker Thomas Farr).
201. S.C.
H.R. JOUR. (1776-80), supra note 1, at 198 (Sept. 5, 1779). This session was held
on a Sunday, a phenomenon I had not seen before within the Founding-Era records. It
may reflect the seriousness of the military situation.
202. S.C.
H.R. JOUR. (1776-80), supra note 1, at 202–03 (Sept. 6, 1779) (reproducing letter
of senate president Charles Pinckney).
203. S.C.
H.R. JOUR. (1776–80), supra note 1, at 211 (Sept. 8, 1779) (reporting Senate ac-
tion on tax bill).
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 675
esced to some senate amendments, stated it would no longer do
That appeared to have sealed a victory for the house.
In February 1780, the house adopted, without senate
amendment, a large tax increase.
The bill was then sent to the
Before the upper chamber could take action, howev-
er, British troops rescued South Carolina’s taxpayers by invad-
ing the state and scattering the legislature.
Although one might censure the conduct of the South Caroli-
na legislative council and senate for trying to amend bills with-
out authority to do so, those chambers were responding to a se-
rious practical inconvenience. An advantage of bicameralism is
that one chamber may identify technical problems in a bill that
the other chamber has not noticed. The South Carolina origina-
tion rule prevented the upper house from offering even amend-
ments of that nature through normal legislative channels.
It is understandable, therefore, why three of the four delegates
representing South Carolina at the Constitutional Convention
vocally opposed any federal origination rule. Charles C. Pinck-
Pierce Butler,
and John Rutledge
all pointed out that
their state’s proscription of senate amendment had provoked
severe legislative disputes.
These were disputes the South
Carolina delegation had witnessed personally: Pinckney and
Butler were each members of the legislature at the time, their
younger colleague Charles Pinckney was serving as senate pres-
ident, and Rutledge had been state president (governor).
204. S.C. H.R. JOUR. (1776–80), supra note 1, at 214 (Sept. 9, 1779) (reporting House reso-
205. S.C.
H.R. JOUR. (1776-80), supra note 1, at 293 (Feb. 11, 1780).
206. S.C.
H.R. JOUR. (1776–80), supra note 1, at 279 (Feb. 5, 1780) (reporting origin of a
“tax for the publick service,” by Rep. David Ramsey). See also id. at 283, 287–90, 292–93
(various dates) (reporting later proceedings in the bill).
207. S.C.
H.R. JOUR. (1776–80), supra note 1, at xvi (editors’ introduction).
208. 1 F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 23 (reporting claim by Charles C.
Pinckney that in South Carolina the rule “has been a source of pernicious dis-
putes” and that as a practical matter, the Senate gives “informal schedules of
amendments” to the House).
209. Id. at 233 (indicating Butler’s contempt for tacking).
210. 2 F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 279–80 (reporting remarks by John
211. Id. at 279–80 (reporting remarks by John Rutledge).
676 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
In Virginia, similar conflict eroded the 1776 constitution’s
ban on senate amendment of money bills.
During 1777 and
1778, a battle raged between the senate and the house of dele-
gates over whether an appropriation was a kind of money
The appropriation in question was small: The house of
delegates had passed a bill authorizing reimbursement for the
expenses of one Thomas Johnson. The senate sought to amend
it. The house claimed it was a money bill. The senate claimed it
was not, arguing that money bills were limited to taxation and
revenue measures.
Thomas Jefferson, then a member of the house, supported
the position of his own chamber in a highly learned paper sur-
veying British parliamentary precedent.
The senate then re-
sponded with a paper of its own.
212. VA. CONST. of 1776 (unnumbered) (“All laws shall originate in the House of
Delegates, to be approved of or rejected by the Senate, or to be amended, with
consent of the House of Delegates; except money-bills, which in no instance shall
be altered by the Senate, but wholly approved or rejected.”).
213. The proceedings are reported in V
A. H.D. JOUR. at 10 (Nov. 3, 1777) (repro-
ducing petition by Johnson to the House), 20 (Nov. 11, 1777) (reproducing the
House committee report recommending payment to Johnson), 32 (Nov. 18, 1777)
(announcing that the Senate has agreed to the Johnson bill with an amendment), 52
(Dec. 1, 1777) (mentioning the Senate amendments to the Johnson bill), 54–55 (Dec.
4, 1777) (reproducing Jefferson’s reasons against Senate amendment power and his
willingness to go to conference), 56 (Dec. 4, 1777) (stating that the Senate agrees to
go to conference with the House on the Johnson amendments), 70–71 (Dec. 9, 1777)
(reproducing the Senate argument that money bills do not include appropriations),
108–11 (Jan. 9, 1778) (reproducing Jefferson’s detailed reasons against a Senate pow-
er to amend), 131 (Jan. 23, 1778) (reproducing Jefferson’s report that the House had
delivered its reasons against Senate amendment to the Senate).
See also V
A. H.D. JOUR., supra note 1, at 15 (May 21, 1778) (reproducing the
House committee report recommending payment to Johnson), 29 (May 30, 1778)
(reporting House tabling of the Senate amendment to Johnson bill), 34–35 (June 1,
1778) (stating that the House rejected the effort by the Senate to amend, and that
the House adjourns after agreeing to a conference).
214. Thomas Jefferson, Report of Committee of House of Delegates on Right of Senate
to Alter Money Bills, T
Oberg & J. Jefferson Looney ed.)
default.xqy?feys=TSJN-index-21-14-672-2-3 []. This
document is instructive reading for anyone who thinks Jefferson was merely a
revolutionary firebrand rather than a careful lawyer.
215. Editorial Note: The Petition of Thomas Jefferson, F
ARCHIVES, [http://].
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 677
Although Jefferson won the intellectual debate, he lost the
political debate. Immediately after a joint conference, the house
of delegates responded with a device used by the South Caro-
lina house of representatives: Rather than adopt Senate
amendments, it drafted its own bill incorporating their sub-
Thereafter, however, the house waived its objections
to senate amendment of appropriations, and the post-July 1778
legislative journals disclose senators frequently amending ap-
propriations with the acquiescence of the delegates.
Only on
revenue bills did the delegates remain firmly opposed to
Just as the troubles in South Carolina induced
its Constitutional Convention delegates to oppose an origina-
tion rule, so did the disputes in Virginia induce James Madison
to do likewise.
The New Jersey Constitution prescribed the black letter ver-
sion of the British rule: “[T]he Council [upper house] . . . shall
not prepare or alter any Money Bill, which shall be the Privilege
of the Assembly.”
Accordingly, tax bills and appropriations
(“bills for the support of government”) were prepared and
216. VA. SEN. JOUR., supra note 1, at 12 (May 30, 1778), 18 (May 30 & June 1,
1778) (apparently signifying that the House and Senate reached a deal on the
Johnson bill whereby the House passed a new bill incorporating the Senate
amendments, and the Senate objected but accepted).
There had been two conferences, and apparently the parties agreed for the fu-
ture to avoid this procedure by allowing the Senate to amend appropriation bills.
217. E.g., V
A. SEN. JOUR. at 30, supra note 1, (Nov. 18, 1778) (reporting House
approval of Senate appropriation amendments).
218. E.g., V
A. H.D. JOUR. at 34, supra note 1, (Nov. 26, 1783):
The House proceeded to consider the amendments of the Senate, to the
bill “declaring tobacco, hemp, flour or deer skins, a payment of certain
taxes;” and the same were read.
The first amendment being read a second time;
A motion was made, and the question being put, that it is the opinion of
this House, that the said bill being a money bill, the Senate hath no power
to amend or alter, but must wholly approve or reject the same,
It was resolved in the affirmative.
On a motion made,
Resolved, That this House doth disagree to the amendments of the Senate
to the said bill.
219. See 2 F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 276–77 (reporting remarks by
James Madison).
220. N.J.
CONST. of 1776, art. VI.
678 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
passed first by the assembly.
When approving such a bill, the
council announced that it was doing so without amendments;
when rejecting a bill, the council rejected it as a whole.
Yet New Jersey also failed to adhere firmly to the British origi-
nation rule. Not long after the state constitution was ratified, the
council amended bills that proposed regulatory levies and single
purpose appropriations.
Furthermore, in 1778 the assembly it-
self conceded an appropriation for supervising prisoners was not
a money bill of the kind that foreclosed council amendment.
When the assembly finally objected to the Council amending ap-
221. 1776 N.J. PROCEEDINGS, supra note 1, at 198 (Oct. 9, 1777) (referencing “an
Act to raise a Fund by general Taxation for defraying the necessary Expences [sic]
of the State”); 1780 N.J.
PROCEEDINGS, supra note 1,. at 55 (Dec. 12, 1780) (appro-
priations bill).
222. 1777 N.J.
PROCEEDINGS, supra note 1, at 32 (Nov. 27, 1777) (reporting “A
Message from the Council” by a Mr. Cooper); id. (stating Council had passed tax
bill “without any Amendment”).
223. 1776 N.J.
PROCEEDINGS, supra note 1, at 39 (Oct. 8, 1776) (reporting Council
rejection of “support of government” bill as a whole); 1782 id. at 70–71 (Dec. 21,
1782) (reporting a sample tax bill for 1783), 85 (Dec. 24, 1782) (reporting Council
rejection of tax bill), 88 (Dec. 26, 1782) (reporting another Council rejection just
before end of session).
224. E.g., 1776 N.J.
PROCEEDINGS, supra note 1, at 44 (Nov. 21, 1776) (reporting
that Assembly passed amendments made by Council to bill setting fees to be col-
lected for commissions), 46 (Nov. 22, 1776) (reporting that Assembly agreed to 8
of 9 Council amendments), 47–48 (Nov. 25, 1776) (reporting that Assembly agreed
to conference report on last amendment), 110 (Mar. 15, 1777) (reporting that
Council amended bill to give salary to secretary in lieu of fees on commissions).
See also 1778 N.J.
PROCEEDINGS, supra note 1, at 58 (Dec. 11, 1778) (setting forth an
example of Council amendment of money bill, although amendments were reject-
ed by Assembly):
The Bill, intitled, An Act for the Relief and Support of maimed and
disabled Officers and Soldiers, and of the Widows and Children of such
as fall in Battle, or otherwise lose their Lives in the military Service, was
read, with the Amendments made thereto by the Council; and the said
Amendments being again read in their Places, on the Question, Whether
the House agrees to the said Amendments? It passed in the Negative.
That Mr. Cripps and Mr. Ford do carry back to the Council the said Bill,
with their Amendments, and acquaint them that this House doth not
agree to the said Amendments, but do adhere to their Bill.
225. 1778 N.J.
PROCEEDINGS, supra note 1, at 52 (Dec. 9, 1778) (reporting that
“The Bill, intitled, An Act for appointing a Commissary of Prisoners for the State
of New-Jersey, and vesting him with certain Powers, was read the second Time;
On the Question, Whether the said Bill is a Money-Bill, and therefore improper to
be originated in Council? It was carried in the Negative . . . .”).
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 679
propriations in 1780, the upper house responded with a long list
of precedents in which its power over such measures had gone
Apparently, its amendment prerogative was not
questioned again.
The Maryland Constitution explicitly excluded regulatory
measures from its definition of “money bills,” and it specifical-
ly banned tacking.
This did not prevent conflict between the
legislative chambers on financial issues. Although both cham-
bers sometimes refrained from provoking each other,
on oth-
er occasions the temptation to fight prevailed. The house of
delegates apparently engaged in tacking despite the state con-
stitutional ban, provoking angry protests from the senate.
The senate further responded by amending money bills to de-
lete tacked language. Sometimes the house of delegates simply
denied that challenged material was a tack,
or reaffirmed its
privilege against senate amendments
and refused to consider
those amendments.
When the house objected to senate altera-
tions, the senate retorted that the house’s decision to tack was a
waiver of its privilege.
The senate also interpreted its own
226. 1780 N.J. PROCEEDINGS, supra note 1, at 57–58 (Dec. 13, 1780) (reproducing
“A Message from the Council”). The houses went to conference on the issue, id. at
58 (Dec. 14, 1780), but it appears that the Council prevailed.
227. M
D. CONST. of 1776, art. XI.
228. See
1780 MD. H.D. JOUR., supra note 1, at 99 (Jan. 26, 1781) (reporting that
the House resolved not to consider whether a measure is a money bill so as to
avoid disputes among the chambers); 1782 MD.
H.D.J. at 49–50 (Dec. 11, 1782)
(reporting message from the Senate stating that an appropriation bill may be con-
sidered by the House as a money bill that it cannot amend, so it merely refused
assent and sent its reasons in a separate letter); 1782 MD.
H.D.J. at 87–88 (Jan. 12,
1783) (reproducing letter from House to Senate saying that funding the civil list
was a money bill, but that the House agreed to a Senate amendment and would
send a separate bill for that purpose).
229. See, e.g.,1777
MD. H.D. JOUR., supra note 1, at 69 (Apr. 3, 1777) (reporting
Senate refusal to approve a bill because of an alleged tack); 1779 M
D. H.D. JOUR. at
176–79 (May 16, 1780) (reproducing a Senate remonstrance against adding tender
law onto a money bill, and claiming it was an “unconstitutional tack”).
230. E.g., 1779 M
D. H.D. JOUR., supra note 1, at 151 (May 6, 1780).
231. E.g., 1779 M
D. H.D. JOUR., supra note 1, at 154 (May 8, 1780).
232. E.g., 1782 M
D. H.D. JOUR., supra note 1, at 80 (Jan. 9, 1783) (reporting House
refusing to consider Senate amendments on the ground that a defense funding bill
was a money bill).
233. 1782
MD. H.D. JOUR., supra note 1, at 84 (Jan. 10, 1783).
680 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
privileges expansively.
At the Constitutional Convention,
two Maryland delegates cited their state’s experience as part of
their arguments against U.S. House origination.
The history in South Carolina, Virginia, New Jersey, and
Maryland helps explain why several post-1778 state constitu-
tions explicitly permitted the upper house to amend money
bills. The 1780 Massachusetts charter provided that money bills
were to originate in the state house of representatives, but that
“the Senate may propose or concur with amendments, as on
other bills.”
When New Hampshire replaced its earlier con-
stitution in 1784, it adopted the Massachusetts formula.
1790, Pennsylvania scrapped its unicameral system and adopt-
ed language tracking the new federal Constitution.
D. The Scope of “Amendment” in American Practice
In America, as in Britain, the words “amend” and “amend-
ment” ordinarily communicated a sense closely akin to
“mend.” Thus, the 1788 American edition of William Perry’s
Royal Standard English Dictionary defined “amend” as “to cor-
rect, to grow better,” and it defined an amendment as “a
change for the better.”
In America, as in Britain, one could
refer to faulty roads being “amended.”
234. 1785 MD. H.D. JOUR., supra note 1, at 187–88 (Mar. 9, 1786) (reproducing
message from the Senate referring to the inconvenience of the ban on amend-
ments, and that a bill for regulation of poor is not a money bill); see also id. at 188
(adding in the letter that only bills that assess taxes and provide for “the general
support of government” were money bills, excluding regulation of commerce and
morals, and concluding that bills for raising money on the inhabitants of a partic-
ular county for that county or local purpose were not money bills).
235. 2 F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 280 (reporting remarks by Charles
Carroll and James McHenry).
236. M
ASS. CONST. of 1780, ch. I, § 3, art. VII.
237. N.H.
CONST. of 1784, Part II, “The Form of Government” (“ALL money
bills shall originate in the House of Representatives, but the Senate may propose
or concur with amendments as on other bills.”).
238. P
A. CONST. of 1790, art. I, § 20 (“All bills for raising revenue shall originate
in the house of representatives; but the senate may propose amendments, as in
other bills.”).
239. P
ERRY, supra note 1 (unpaginated) (defining “amend” and “amendment”).
240. E.g., 1 C
ONN. RECORDS, supra note 1, at 76 (Nov. 19, 1776); 8 R.I. RECORDS,
supra note 1, at 460 (Oct. 26, 1778); 9 R.I.
RECORDS, supra note 1, at 277 (July 7, 1777).
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 681
To see whether American legislative practice tracked the dic-
tionary definition of “amend,” I examined legislative journals
and similar records from the Continental and Confederation
Congresses and from Vermont and the other thirteen states.
The records show that in American, as in British, practice, the
word was used in a broader sense than that reflected by the dic-
tionaries: “Amend” frequently meant merely to “alter.”
America, as in Britain, how the word was used did not hinge on
the nature of the item being amended. Most amendments were
even if cumulatively the changes they wrought could
become great.
A few individual amendments were very signif-
icant, as when the Virginia senate sought to replace the entire
house preamble to the famous bill “for establishing religious
I found no amendments irrelevant to the subject
241. A caveat: The legislative journals for most of the states are incomplete. The
problem is especially acute in the South, due in part to the ravages of the 1779-81
British invasion. See supra note 1 for sources surveyed for Connecticut, Massachu-
setts, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Rhode
Island, South Carolina, and Virginia. Other resources used were as follows:
Delaware: M
1792 (1886).
Georgia: 1
Pennsylvania: P
A. GEN. ASSEM. MIN., supra note 1; 10–11 PA. ARCHIVES (1854-55)
and 14–15 M
Vermont: 3 S
TATE PAPERS OF VERMONT (1924) (covering the period 1778–81).
242. E.g., 8 R.I.
RECORDS, supra note 1 at 193–94 (General Assembly Proceedings,
April 17, 1777) (“It is voted and resolved, that Jonathan Arnold, Henry Ward and
Daniel Mowry, Esqs., be, and they are hereby, appointed a committee to revise,
alter and amend an act for the relief of tender consciences . . . .”).
243. E.g., 2
(reporting a small insertion by way of amendment); 1 C
ONN. RECORDS, supra note
1, at 532–33 (Feb. 12, 1778) (reproducing general assembly’s recommendation of
amendments to the proposed Articles of Confederation); 21 N.H.
PAPERS, supra
note 1, at 368 (Dec. 30, 1788) (reproducing a senate amendment changing the peri-
od of a tax from four to three years).
244. See, e.g., V
A. H.D. JOUR., supra note 1, at 106 (Jan. 5, 1785) (listing extensive
amendments to a bill “for enabling British merchants to recover their debts from
the citizens of this Commonwealth”); id. at 96–97 (Dec. 17, 1785) (listing extensive
amendment to an election bill).
245. V
A. H.D. JOUR., supra note 1, at 117 (Dec. 29, 1785). VA. SEN. JOUR., supra
note 1, at 61 (Dec. 23, 1785) (reporting an amendment that read, “Strike out the
whole of the first page, and to the end of the 22d line of the second page,” and
then inserting new matter).
682 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
matter of their original bills, assuming that revenue is consid-
ered a single subject.
On the other hand, the American records, unlike those in Brit-
ain, do report complete substitutes being offered as amend-
ments. Outside of Massachusetts, these appear in the records
only rarely, but that might reflect the fact that legislative journals
did not report the content of most amendments.
In a complete substitute, all the language in a bill or resolu-
tion after the enacting clause (or after some other clause very
early in the text) was removed and replaced with new lan-
guage. In the Virginia legislature, an amendment was offered
on June 8, 1780, that would strike everything after the phrase
“resolved that” and insert new material.
The amendment
246. However, an amendment to a revenue measure might have a regulatory
effect. See, e.g., 3 S
TATE PAPERS OF VERMONT 118–19 (1924) (recording a Vermont
measure amending a statute [rather than a pending bill] to exempt those who
supported “some sort of religious worship” from paying taxes for the support of
town-designated denominations).
247. V
A. H.D. JOUR., supra note 1, at 36 (June 6, 1780) (reporting first a small
amendment being made, and then a substitute.):
Mr. Page reported, according to order, the resolutions agreed to
yesterday by the committee of the whole House on the state of the
Commonwealth; and he read the same in his place, and afterwards
delivered them in at the clerk’s table, where the same were again read,
and are as followeth:
Resolved, that it is the opinion of this committee, That ample and certain
funds ought to be established, for sinking the quota of the continental
debt due from this State in ten years.
Resolved, that it is the opinion of this committee, That certain funds ought to
be established for furnishing to the continent the quota of this State, for
the support of the war for the current year.
Resolved, that it is the opinion of this committee, That a specific tax ought to
be laid for the use of the continent, in full proportion to the abilities of the
And the first resolution being read a second time, the amendment
following was proposed to be made thereunto:
To strike out the word “ten,” and insert “fifteen.”
And the question being put, that the House do agree to the said
It was resolved in the affirmative.
The amendment following, was also proposed to be made to the said
To strike out from the word “that,” to the end of the resolution, and to
insert “the act of Congress of the 18th of March last, ought to be adopted,
that this Commonwealth will take upon itself its due proportion of the
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 683
failed, but it was not held to be out of order. On December 19
of the same year, a Virginia house committee offered a resolu-
tion addressing the alleged financial peccadillos of one of Vir-
ginia’s congressional delegates, Meriwether Smith. The resolu-
tion stated: “Resolved, that it is the opinion of this committee, That
the said Meriwether Smith, is guilty of a misapplication of the
public money, and that he ought to be forthwith recalled from
Congress to answer for such misapplication.”
An amend-
ment was offered as follows:
to strike out from the word “resolved,” to the end of the res-
olution; and to insert “that the accounts, of Meriwether
Smith, Esq. appear to be unsatisfactory, inasmuch as the
sum of 8,000l. and upwards remains thereby unaccounted
for. And the Speaker of this House is desired to write to the
said Meriwether Smith, Esq. and to require of him a full and
explicit settlement of his accounts with the Commonwealth,
as a delegate of this State in Congress; and that the same be
laid before the next session of Assembly.”
This amendment was approved.
In New Jersey, a substitute was offered during proceedings
on whether the state would participate in the 1780 Philadelphia
Price Convention, an interstate gathering targeted at the prob-
lem of wartime inflation.
One of the resolutions offered by
the relevant committee was:
That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Act for the
Limitation of Prices, and to prevent the with-holding the
one hundred and eighty millions of dollars, issued by Congress, and
recommended to be speedily called in by taxes or otherwise; and that the
General Assembly will redeem or call in the same, and also establish
certain funds for the redemption of this Commonwealth’s due proportion
of the new money to be issued in lieu thereof, in the manner and time
proposed by Congress, as far as the circumstances of this Commonwealth
will admit.”
And the question being put, that the House do agree to the said
It passed in the negative.
Ayes 25. Noes 59.
248. V
A. H.D. JOUR., supra note 1, at 58 (Dec. 19, 1780).
249. Id.
250. On this and other Founding-Era conventions, see Robert G. Natelson,
Founding-Era Conventions and the Meaning of the Constitution’s “Convention for Pro-
posing Amendments,” 65 F
LA. L. REV. 615 (2013).
684 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
Necessaries of Life from Sale, already agreed to be gone into
at this Sitting, will be sufficient to enable the Purchasers for
the Army to procure all the Flour which this State will be
able to furnish.
The journal tells us that:
[o]n considering the second Paragraph, an Amendment was
moved in these Words, “That it is the Opinion of this Com-
mittee, that the Laws now in Force in this State, and those
now under Consideration of the Legislature, will be suffi-
cient to enable the Purchasers for the Army to procure all
the Flour which this State will be able to furnish . . .
And that “the Question being put, Whether the House agree to
the said Amendment? It passed in the Affirmative.”
In October 1781, the New Jersey assembly heavily amended
a bill to supplement “trading with the enemy” rules by replac-
ing its title and one of its sections.
The North Carolina records also disclose occasional use of
complete substitutes as amendments. In May 1777, the state
house of commons sent to the senate a compensation proposal
for the state treasurers as follows:
This House have resolved that the Treasurers of this State be
allowed after the rate of five hundred pounds each per an-
num during their continuance in office for the ensuing year
in lieu and satisfaction of all services as Treasurers.
The senate responded with complete substitute:
This House have rec’d your message and resolve respecting
the allowance to the Treasurers, and would propose the fol-
lowing resolve instead of that adopted by you.
Resolved that the two Treasurers of this State hereafter cho-
sen be allowed the sum of five hundred pounds each per
annum for the ensuing year, in lieu and satisfaction of all
services as Treasurers.
251. 1779 N.J. PROCEEDINGS, supra note 1, at 48 (Nov. 26, 1779).
252. Id.
253. Id.
254. 1781 N.J.
PROCEEDINGS, supra note 1, at 28–29 (Oct. 5, 1781).
255. 12 N.C
RECORDS, supra note 1, at 62 (May 2, 1777).
256. Id. at 63.
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 685
Later the same year, the house offered amendments to a bill
regulating state tobacco inspection that were so extensive that
the changes bordered on qualifying as a complete substitute.
The North Carolina ratifying convention followed the same
practice of employing substitutes. In that state, ratification of
the Constitution proceeded in two stages. The convention met
initially in July and August of 1788, but adjourned without
approving the instrument.
In November of the following
year it reconvened.
The committee of the whole recom-
mended this resolution:
Whereas the General Convention which met in Philadelphia,
in pursuance of a recommendation of Congress, did recom-
mend to the citizens of the United States a constitution or
form of government, in the following words, viz: [setting
forth the Constitution in its entirety]
Resolved, That this Convention, in behalf of the freemen, citi-
zens and inhabitants of the State of North Carolina, do adopt
and ratify, the said Constitution and form of government.
In response, opponents moved to amend so that the “whole
of the report from the word ‘whereas’ be struck out, and that
the following amendments to the Constitution or plan of gov-
ernment for the United States, previous to the adoption, be in-
serted in place thereof [setting forth certain constitutional
The convention addressed this motion, but
defeated it by a vote of 187–82. The convention then proceeded
to ratify the Constitution, subsequently recommending
amendments as well.
I have been able to find one substitute amendment in Penn-
sylvania. The original was a proposed resolution for the ap-
pointment of a committee “to bring in a bill directing the com-
missioners of the city and several counties in this state” to
make out an assessment roll. The substitute directed the as-
257. Id. at 189–90 (Dec. 9, 1777).
258. John C. Cavanagh, Convention of 1788, Encyclopedia of North Carolina (2006),
available at [].
259. 22 N.C.
STATE RECORDS, supra note 1, at 36–53 (reproducing proceedings of
second session).
260. Id. at 47–48 (reproducing proceedings of second session).
261. Id. at 45–46 (reproducing proceedings of second session).
262. Id. at 46–53 (reproducing proceedings of second session).
686 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
sessment roll to be prepared “by each county within this state”
and included a few other technical changes.
The amendment qualifier in the Origination Clause derived
from the Massachusetts constitution, so practice in that com-
monwealth may be of particular interest. Only one volume of
the Massachusetts legislative journals has been published for
the period between the adoption of the state constitution in
1780 and the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
It does re-
veal scrupulous adherence to the rule that money bills “origi-
nate” in the lower chamber:
Inter-house committees could
cooperate in drafting,
but a money bill was introduced first
in the lower house. Only if approved by that body was the bill
“sent up” to the senate.
The Massachusetts senate might
amend it and “send it down” to the house.
Heavily amended
bills apparently were routinely replaced with substitutes. In the
hHouse journal the phrase repeatedly recurs, “Read and con-
curred, as taken into a new draft.”
263. PA. GEN. ASSEM. MIN., supra note 1, at 74 (Dec. 2, 1785). The practice in
America of amending by complete substitute was reflected in this definition of
“amendment” by Alexander Contee Hanson: “Amendment, in parliamentary
language, means either addition, or diminution, or striking out the whole, and
substituting something in its room.” Aristides, Remarks on the Proposed Plan of a
Federal Government, Jan. 31 – Mar. 27, 1788, reprinted in 11 D
supra note 1, at 224, 232 (defending the Constitutional Convention’s substitution
of a new Constitution for the Articles of Confederation).
264. M
ASS. H.R. JOUR., supra note 1.
265. M
ASS. H.R. JOUR., supra note 1, at 22 (May 31, 1784) (referencing a commit-
tee report making real estate liable for payment of taxes when tenants leave a
town); id. at 23 (same date) (first reading of act for assessing and collecting taxes
in plantations); id. at 75 (June 19, 1784) (reporting a house resolve directing the
Treasurer to pay to Jabez Hatch certain money out of continental tax, to be paid to
creditors was sent by the House to the Senate).
266. Id. at 41 (June 5, 1784) (reporting that committee of both houses had drafted
an impost bill, which was read for the first time, but does not previously appear in
the records).
267. Id. at 59 (June 12, 1784) (reporting passage of impost law and that it was
“Sent up for concurrence”).
268. Id. at 76 (June 19, 1784) (reporting that senate amended and passed a house
lottery bill).
269. E.g., Id. at 73 (June 18, 1784) (reporting that house prepared a schedule “for
the articles to be returned in order to take a new valuation of the several towns in
the Commonwealth,” then sent it to the senate, which “Read and concurred, as
taken into a new draft.”); id. at 87 (June 23, 1784) (reporting that senate approved
land cession bill, “as taken into a new draft”); id. at 93 (June 26, 1784) (reporting,
“Read and concurred as taken into a new draft. Sent down for concurrence”); id.
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 687
I have not been able to identify substitute amendments in the
records of the Continental and Confederation Congresses, but
the power to amend seems to have been very broad. When dis-
cussing proposed instructions to diplomats, for example, one
member (Meriwether Smith, in fact) moved “to strike out all
that follows the words, ‘expectations of Congress,’” thereby
gutting the instructions.
The amendment was defeated, but
apparently deemed in order.
On the other hand, every complete substitute I found ad-
dressed the same topic addressed by the original bill—and, in-
deed, addressed it quite closely. The practice regarding substi-
tutes also reflected the American tendency to treat the
components of the traditional “money bill” concept as separate
subjects. Thus, I found no substitutes that attempted to add
regulatory or appropriations measures onto revenue bills, or
otherwise mixed any of the accepted categories.
As is true of the British records, the early American docu-
ments are incomplete, so it is theoretically possible that hand
searches of hard copy legislative folders in state archives
would uncover evidence that some legislatures more closely
limited the scope of permissible amendments, or applied dif-
ferent definitions of “amendment” to different categories of
measures, or permitted substitutes unrelated to their originals.
The evidence adduced so far, however, certainly places the
burden on those who believe such variations existed to pro-
duce samples of them.
There is further evidence that the word “amendment” was
assumed to encompass only alterations germane to the subject
of the underlying original bill. This evidence consists of rules
adopted by several legislative bodies. For example, in 1781 the
New Hampshire house of representatives adopted a rule that
limited motions to those to amend, to postpone, or to commit
the matter before the house.
A necessary assumption behind
at 197 (Nov. 9, 1784) (reporting, “Read and concurred as taken into a new draft.”)
This was a staple part of Massachusetts legislative practice over the years, see, e.g.,
id. at 134 (Apr. 6, 1770), and it meant that the bill was re-written entirely.
270. Compare 20 J.
CONTL CONG. 606–07 (June 6, 1781) with the proffered
amendment. Id. at 613 (June 8, 1781).
271. 8 N.H.
PAPERS, supra note 1, at 8 (Jan. 9, 1776) (showing that the first set of
rules for house of representatives had no provision regarding amendment); id. at
688 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
the rule was that was that an “amendment” had to be relevant
to its underlying motion; otherwise the provision would have
been nugatory. The New Hampshire rule was reaffirmed in
and in slightly modified form, in 1786, 1787,
and 1788.
In 1789, it was tightened to provide that “when a
motion is regularly before the House, no new one shall be re-
ceived unless to postpone commit or amend it—And no new
motion shall be admitted under colour of amendment as a Sub-
stitute of the motion under debate.”
The use of the phrase “under colour of” is revealing. While
the phrase can be consistent with good faith in modern us-
this was not true during the Founding Era. In the eight-
eenth century, the phrase carried strong associations of pretext,
concealment, and falsehood.
A “new motion . . . under colour
of amendment as a Substitute” necessarily communicated the
740 ( Dec. 20, 1777) (adding four rules, but none on amendments); id. at 919–21
(Dec. 20 1781) (showing the rules revised, included the following: “9. While a
question is before the House no motion shall be received, unless to amend or
commit the same, or to postpone the consideration of the main question, or for
having the yeas and nays entered on the Journal.”).
272. Id. at 70–71 (including among the rules of house adopted June 8, 1784 the
following: “SEVENTH. While a question is before the House, no motion shall be
received, unless to amend or commit the same, or to postpone the consideration of
the main question, or for having the yeas and nays entered on the journal.”).
273. Id. at 339–40 (June 2, 1785) (same).
274. Id. at 620 (June 10, 1786) (stating, “7th. When a motion is before the House,
no other motion shall be received, unless to amend, divide, commit, postpone,
reduce the same to writing, or to have the yeas and nays entered on the journals.”
See also 21 id. at 43 (June 8, 1787) (same rule): id. at 298 (June 8, 1788) (same rule).
275. Id. at 591 (June 5, 1789).
276. E.g. C
OLO. REV. STAT. § 38-41-108 (granting a short adverse possession period
to persons who possess land “under claim and color of title, made in good faith”).
277. B
AILEY, supra note 1 (defining the noun “colour,” in addition to other
meanings, as “pretence or show”); D
YCHE & PARDON, supra note 1 (defining the
verb “colour” as “to set a good face upon a bad matter; to conceal or hide the
truth; to act contrary to justice”); J
OHNSON, supra note 1 (including among the
definitions of the verb, “To palliate; to excuse. To make plausible.”); K
supra note 1 (including among other definitions of the noun, “The representation
of any thing [sic] superficially examined.—Concealment; palliation; excuse; super-
ficial cover.—Appearance; pretence; false shew”); P
ERRY, supra note 1 (including
among other definitions of the noun, “concealment; excuse”); S
HERIDAN, supra
note 1 (including among other definitions of the noun, “the representation of any
thing [sic] superficially examined; palliation; appearance; false shew”); B
supra note 1 (including among other definitions of the noun, “In Law, the proba-
ble pleas of a defendant to an action brought, which in fact, is false).
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 689
view that a substitute-by-way-of-amendment unrelated to the
original bill was not a true amendment: It was a pretext—a lie.
The same year, the New Hampshire house of representatives
adopted its initial limit on the scope of motions, the Confedera-
tion Congress provided, “No new motion or proposition shall be
admitted under colour of amendment as a substitute for the
question or proposition under debate until it is postponed or
disagreed to.”
Similarly, in 1784 the unicameral Pennsylvania
legislature adopted the following rule:
When any motion is regularly before the House, the debate
and decision thereon, shall not be interrupted by the admis-
sion of any other motion, except it be for the previous ques-
tion, or for amending, postponing, or committing the original
motion or subject in debate; nor shall any new proposition or
motion be admitted by way of amendment, or substitute for
such original motion while the same is depending.
The following year, however, the rule was altered to read only:
No business, regularly before the House, shall be interrupt-
ed, but by motion for the previous question, postponement,
commitment, or amendment.
The reason for the change is not clear. Although the records
divulge a substitute amendment that year, it was germane to
the original motion. Perhaps the limitation of interruptions to
“previous question, postponement, commitment, or amend-
ment” was deemed sufficient, since the word “amendment”
implied no alteration in the business before the house.
In 1789, the second session of the North Carolina ratifying
convention adopted a standard similar to the initial New
Hampshire rule,
and the North Carolina senate adhered to it
the following year.
Also, in 1789, when the new federal
278. 20 J. CONTL CONG. 479 (May 4, 1781).
279. P
A. GEN. ASSEM. MIN., supra note 1, at 26 (Nov. 19, 1784).
280. Id. at 62 (Nov. 26, 1785). The next appearance in the official minutes of leg-
islative rules was during the 1787 session, and the change was retained. Id. at 38
(Nov. 10, 1787).
281. 22 N.C.
RECORDS, supra note 1, at 41 (Nov. 17, 1789) (“XX. When any ques-
tion is in debate, it shall be determined before any new motion shall be admitted,
unless to amend it, to adjourn from day to day, or for the previous question.”).
282. 21 N.C.
RECORDS, supra note 1, at 735–36 (Nov. 1, 1790) (“13th. Whenever
any question is in debate before the house, it shall be determined or postponed
690 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
House of Representatives met, it installed the Confederation
Congress rule to govern its own proceedings.
These regulations may have been a reaction to attempted
abuse of the amendment process, although I have not been able
to find such abuse in the records. Perhaps lost or unavailable
records show efforts to introduce new legislation under the
guise of amendment. The rules demonstrate, at least, that
Founding-Era lawmakers did not consider unrelated substitutes
to be genuine amendments. The Americans, like the British,
drew a line between an amendment and an unrelated motion.
E. Summary of American Practice
The drafters of most of the initial state constitutions believed
that “democratic” lower houses should enjoy more power over
financial matters than “aristocratic” upper houses. Those draft-
ers experimented with ways of putting this belief into action.
Three states—Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Vermont—adopted
constitutions that provided for no upper chambers at all. The
Virginia and New Jersey constitutions required that “money
bills” originate in the lower house and be accepted or rejected
by the upper with no power of amendment. South Carolina
applied the same rule to “money bills for the support of gov-
ernment.” New Hampshire, Delaware, and Maryland adopted
less rigorous origination rules.
Experience led to modifications. The Virginia legislature infor-
mally excluded appropriations from the definition of “money
bills,” thereby permitting senate amendment. The 1780 Massa-
chusetts Constitution permitted senate amendment of all money
bills, as did the second New Hampshire and Pennsylvania consti-
tutions ratified in 1784 and 1790, respectively.
before any new motion shall be introduced, unless to amend it, to adjourn, or for
the previous question.”).
283. 1 A
NNALS OF CONG. 100 (Apr. 7, 1789) (“No new motion or proposition
shall be admitted, under color of amendment, as a substitute for the motion or
proposition under debate.”).
284. E.g., N.J.
PROCEEDINGS 8 (Sept. 23, 1782) (offering an amendment “striking
out the Word ‘amend,’ and inserting in its Stead the Word ‘repeal’ . . . to which
the House agreed”); 10 R.I.
RECORDS, supra note 1, at 268 (Feb. 1788) (reproducing
words of a petition seeking “repeal or amendment” of a law).
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 691
In post-independence America, the traditional components
of “money bills”—revenue/taxes, appropriations, regulatory
exactions, and local fee-for-service such as tolls—generally
were treated as different subjects addressed by separate bills.
The category of revenue and taxes was placed under the most
direct popular control. Even states that abandoned house orig-
ination for some money bills retained it for revenue bills. In
most states, therefore, tax measures had to be first introduced
in, and adopted by, the lower house before being transmitted
to the state senate.
An amendment apparently had to be germane to its underlying
bill. Although American lawmakers, unlike their British counter-
parts, occasionally amended by complete substitute, amendments
by substitute also addressed the same subject matter as the under-
lying bill.
Several legislative bodies adopted rules that implicitly
reflected the germaneness principle.
A. The Policies Behind House Origination
Part I explained that debate over the Origination Clause was
largely ancillary to the issue of representation in Congress, and
that during the ratification debates, whether a participant char-
acterized House origination and the amendment qualifier as
important usually was dictated by whether he was a Federalist
or Anti-Federalist, and whether he was addressing a large-state
audience or a small-state audience. This is the sort of disagree-
ment that critics of originalist methods cite when they argue
that it is impractical to recover the Founders’ understanding of
constitutional phrases.
Very often, however, the records of such disagreements ac-
tually clarify a provision’s meaning and purpose. One reason is
285. See supra notes 224–38 and accompanying text. Zotti & Schmitz, supra note
1, at 104–05 are generally in accord, but they assume that substitute bills are al-
ways non-germane.
286. B
ARACK OBAMA, THE AUDACITY OF HOPE 91 (2006) (stating that because of
differences among founders, “it is unrealistic to believe that a judge, two hundred
years later, can somehow discern the original intent of the Founders or ratifiers”).
692 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
that the debate may have been based on shared assumptions.
A good illustration is the debate over the Origination Clause,
for it proceeded from a common understanding of its meaning.
Participants knew what it meant for a bill to “originate” in the
House of Representatives. They knew that “Bills for raising
Revenue” were tax bills. They knew that there had been good
and bad experiences from different origination rules, and that
any particular version would operate differently in America
than in Britain. The fact that opposing sides could creditably
characterize the amendment power as both broad and lim-
suggests that the public understood that there was truth
in both characterizations.
There was also general agreement about the policies underly-
ing House origination. The principal dispute was over the
weight of those policies and the extent to which the Clause fur-
thered them. Because advocates of House origination ultimate-
ly prevailed, however, we can legitimately infer that the ratifi-
ers found the advocates’ case more persuasive than
opponents’. In other words, the ratifiers agreed with the poli-
cies behind the Clause, believed they were important, and be-
lieved the Clause promoted them.
We next turn to the issues of what the policies underlying the
Clause were and how central they were to the constitutional
scheme. We begin again at the Constitutional Convention. The
two delegates most responsible for assuring that the Clause
became part of the Constitution were Edmund Randolph of
Virginia and John Dickinson of Delaware.
Although less known today than they should be, both of
these men were central actors in the constitutional drama.
While still in his early 30s, Randolph had been elected gover-
nor of the nation’s largest state. He was the first substantive
speaker at the convention when, on May 29, 1787, he intro-
287. See, e.g., Natelson, Trust, supra note 1 (discussing the nearly unanimous view of
the founders that government was a fiduciary trust). In many instances, moreover,
disagreement induced the Constitution’s advocates to issue authoritative representa-
tions of meaning that, because the ratifiers relied on them, we many rely on as well.
E.g., Natelson, General Welfare, supra note 1 (concluding that the ratifying public ac-
cepted the Federalists’ explanations of the General Welfare Clause).
288. See supra Parts II & III.
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 693
duced the Virginia Plan.
In July, he was elected to the Com-
mittee of Detail, a stellar group chosen to prepare the first draft
of the Constitution. The committee assigned Randolph the task
of making an initial outline for that draft. The outline provided
that “powers belonging peculiarly to the representatives are
those concerning money-bills,” and assigned other powers to
“the senate peculiarly.”
After the convention had defeated
House origination several times, it was Randolph who raised
the subject yet again,
and it was he who suggested limiting
House origination to revenue bills.
Dickinson was a gifted statesman whom some have compared,
at least politically, to Edmund Burke.
He was about twenty
years older than Randolph, and had served as chief executive of
two states—Pennsylvania and Delaware.
Like Randolph, he be-
lieved in a strong upper house. He argued for tying Senators to
territorial units (the states) because this might offer some of the
advantages provided by the British House of Lords.
His initial
sketch of the upper house contemplated senators at least thirty
years old, apportioned equally by states, elected by state legisla-
tures, and serving staggered seven year terms.
In other words,
Dickinson’s initial vision was strikingly similar to the plan that
the convention eventually adopted. He also believed that this up-
per chamber should be checked by granting the lower house the
exclusive prerogative of originating money bills.
On August 13, Madison took the floor to deliver technical
and closely-reasoned arguments against lower house origina-
289. 1 FARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 20–22 (reproducing Virginia Plan).
290. H
UTSON, SUPPLEMENT, supra note 1, at 189. The powers he assigned to the Sen-
ate were treaties, appointment of the judiciary, and the sending of ambassadors. Id.
291. 2 F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 230 (reporting remarks by Edmund
292. 2 F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 262, 273.
293. E.g., Gregory S. Ahern, The Spirit of American Constitutionalism: John Dickin-
son’s Fabius Letters, 11
HUMANITAS 57 (1998), available at
humsub/11-2.htm [] (“Perhaps closest of all to Dickin-
son’s view of man and society, however, is that of Edmund Burke.”).
294. For a brief time he served simultaneously as president of both states. Natel-
son, Dickinson, supra note 1, at 425.
295. Natelson, Dickinson, supra note 1, at 457–58.
296. H
UTSON, SUPPLEMENT, supra note 1, at 88. An earlier version of the scheme
for an upper house appears id. at 85.
694 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
tion and against the Randolph compromise.
During his dis-
course Madison made the tactical error of belittling in Dickin-
son’s presence the latter’s celebrated pre-Revolutionary distinc-
tion between revenue and tax bills and other financial
This triggered the response that was Dickinson’s
most memorable speech at the Convention. Just as Dickinson
had preceded Burke in defending the American cause, now
Dickinson anticipated Burke by underscoring the wisdom often
embedded in tradition:
Experience must be our only guide. Reason may mislead us. It
was not Reason that discovered the singular & admirable
mechanism of the English Constitution. It was not Reason that
discovered or ever could have discovered the odd & in the eye
of those who are governed by reason, the absurd mode of trial
by Jury. Accidents probably produced these discoveries, and
experience has given a sanction to them. This is then our
guide. And has not experience verified the utility of restrain-
ing money bills to the immediate representatives of the peo-
ple[?] Whence the effect may have proceeded he could not say;
whether from the respect with which this privilege inspired
the other branches of Govt. to the H. of Commons, or from the
turn of thinking it gave to the people at large with regard to
their rights, but the effect was visible & could not be doubt-
ed[.] Shall we oppose to this long experience, the short experi-
ence of 11 years which we had ourselves, on this subject[?]—
As to disputes, they could not be avoided any way . . . . [A]ll
the prejudices of the people would be offended by refusing
this exclusive privilege to the H. of Repress. and these preju-
dices shd. never be disregarded by us when no essential pur-
pose was to be served. When this plan goes forth, it will be at-
tacked by the popular leaders. Aristocracy will be the
watchword; the Shibboleth among its adversaries. Eight States
have inserted in their Constitutions the exclusive right of orig-
inating money bills in favor of the popular branch of the Legis-
lature. Most of them however allowed the other branch to
amend. This he thought would be proper for us to do.
297. 2 FARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 276 (Aug. 13, 1787) (reporting re-
marks by James Madison).
298. 2 F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 276.
299. Id. at 278 (reporting remarks by John Dickinson).
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 695
When Dickinson had finished, Randolph rose again to reinforce
his colleague’s arguments.
Dickinson and Randolph lost the immediately ensuing vote,
but they won the war. One key to their success lay in the
amendment qualifier. It mollified fears of legislative disputes
of the kind that had flared in Britain, Virginia, Maryland, and
South Carolina.
Another key to their success was restricting the Clause to
“Bills for raising Revenue.” Despite Madison’s doubts, this
categorization was well defined and easily defended. Recent his-
tory, both in Britain and America, had formed in the public
mind a distinction between revenue, regulation, and appropria-
—a distinction also reflected in other parts of the Constitu-
300. 2 FARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 278–79:
Mr Randolph regarded this point as of such consequence, that as he valued
the peace of this Country, he would press the adoption of it. We had
numerous & monstrous difficulties to combat. Surely we ought not to
increase them. When the people behold in the Senate, the countenance of an
aristocracy; and in the president, the form at least of a little monarch, will
not their alarms be sufficiently raised without taking from their immediate
representatives, a right which has been so long appropriated to them.—The
Executive will have more influence over the Senate, than over the H. of
Reps—Allow the Senate to originate in this case, & that influence will be
sure to mix itself in their deliberations & plans. The Declaration of War he
conceived ought not to be in the Senate composed of 26 men only, but
rather in the other House. In the other House ought to be placed the
origination of the means of war. As to Commercial regulations which may
involve revenue, the difficulty may be avoided by restraining the definition
to bills for the mere or sole, purpose of raising revenue. The Senate will be
more likely to be corrupt than the H. of Reps and should therefore have less
to do with money matters. His principal object however was to prevent
popular objections against the plan, and to secure its adoption.
301. 1 F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 234 (Madison, June 13, 1787) (report-
ing remarks by Charles C. Pinkney); 1 id. at 527 (Madison, July 5, 1787) (reporting
remarks by James Madison).
Opponents of a lower-house origination rule observed that in Britain, the King
could resolve inter-chamber conflict by dissolving or proroguing Parliament, but
that American executives generally had no such prerogative. 1 F
supra note 1, at 545 (Madison, July 6, 1787) (reporting remarks by Gouverneur Mor-
ris); 1 F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 546 (Madison, July 6, 1787) (reporting
remarks by James Wilson); Luther Martin, Genuine Information VI, B
GAZETTE, Jan. 15, 1788, 15 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY, supra note 1, at 374–75.
302. See supra Part III. For further discussion of the amendment qualifier, see Part V.
303. See supra Part III.A.
696 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
Recent history in America, moreover, had created a per-
ceived identity between taxes and revenue and a perception that
this was a more dangerous power than the others and should be
subject to greater check and popular control. The latter percep-
tion was very much in evidence during the ratification debates:
The Constitution’s grant to Congress of authority to tax was far
more controversial than any of its regulatory grants.
Several other factors contributed to Dickinson’s and Ran-
dolph’s success. Randolph pointed out that lower house initia-
tion of revenue bills would check the appetite for war.
304. U.S. CONST. art. I, § 8, cl. 3 (“To regulate Commerce”); art. I, § 8, c. 12 (“To
raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for
a longer Term than two Years.”); art. I, § 9, cl. 6 (“No Preference shall be given by
any Regulation of Commerce or Revenue”); art. I, § 9, cl. 7 (“No Money shall be
drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law.”).
305. Hence the memorable warning by “Brutus,” possibly Robert Yates of New
York, who had been a constitutional convention delegate, and was perhaps the
best of the Anti-Federalist writers:
The general legislature will be empowered to lay any tax they chuse [sic], to
annex any penalties they please to the breach of their revenue laws; and to
appoint as many officers as they may think proper to collect the taxes.
* * * *
This power, exercised without limitation, will introduce itself into every
corner of the city, and country—It will wait upon the ladies at their toilett
[sic], and will not leave them in any of their domestic concerns; it will
accompany them to the ball, the play, and the assembly; it will go with
them when they visit, and will, on all occasions, sit beside them in their
carriages nor will it desert them even at church; it will enter the house of
every gentleman, watch over his cellar, wait upon his cook in the kitchen,
follow the servants into the parlour, preside over the table, and note down
all he eats or drinks; it will attend him to his bedchamber, and watch him
while he sleeps; it will take cognizance of the professional man in his office,
or his study; it will watch the merchant in the counting-house, or in his
store; it will follow the mechanic to his shop, and in his work and will
haunt him in his family, and in his bed; it will be a constant companion of
the industrious farmer in all his labour, it will be with him in the house, and
in the field, observe the toil of his hands, and the sweat of his brow; it will
penetrate into the most obscure cottage; and finally, it will light upon the
head of every person in the United States. To all these different classes of
people, and in all these circumstances, in which it will attend them, the
language in which it will address them, will be GIVE! GIVE!
Brutus VI, N.Y.J., Dec. 27, 1787, reprinted in 15 D
1, at 110, 112–14.
306. 2 F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 278–79 (reporting Edmund Ran-
dolph as stating, “[i]n the other House ought to be placed the origination of the
means of war”); cf. An American Citizen IV, 13 D
1, at 431, 435, Oct. 21, 1787 (citing the military appropriations clause and stating
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 697
inson, as noted earlier, had observed that adding lower-house
origination to the Constitution would render the instrument
more consistent with Anglo-American custom and therefore
more acceptable and saleable to the American people.
of their success also derived from their reminders about British
experience: Lower-house origination had enabled the British
people to check the Crown and the Lords and to fashion the
freest and most successful major nation in the world.
Dickinson and Randolph predicted that claims of “aristocra-
cy” would be launched against the Constitution. Perhaps their
colleagues recognized that they were correct. In any event,
their prophecy was fully borne out. Warnings of aristocracy
turned out to be central to the Anti-Federalist attack.
Origination Clause proved a powerful defensive weapon.
On the merits, these concerns about aristocracy were entirely
legitimate. Anyone reading the Constitution could see that the
Senate would be a very different and far more “aristocratic”
branch than the House.
Senators would be selected from a
group required to meet stiffer age and citizenship qualifications
than Representatives.
At a time of heavy immigration and
shorter life expectancy, the pool of potential Senators was signif-
that “the original grant of the supplies must be made by the House of Representa-
tives, the immediate delegates of the people”); Aratus, To the People of Maryland, 11 id.
at 30, 37–38 (stating that the Origination Clause will enable the people to better
control any standing army).
307. 2 F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 263 (Madison, Aug. 13, 1787) (re-
porting remarks of Edmund Randolph); id. at 278 (Aug. 13, 1787) (reporting re-
marks by John Dickinson).
308. See, e.g., Cincinnatus IV, To James Wilson, Esquire, N.Y.J., Nov. 22, 1787, 19
OCUMENTARY HISTORY, supra note 1, at 281–83 (warning of potential aristocra-
cy); Arthur Lee to Edward Rutledge, Oct. 29, 1787, 8 D
supra note 1, at 131 (stating of the Constitution, “All this is calculated to ensure a
feeble Representative & a powerful Senate—that is to sacrifise [sic] the Democracy
to the Aristocracy.”).
309. See, e.g., Marcus I (James Iredell), N
1788, 16 D
OCUMENTARY HISTORY, supra note 1, at 161, 164–67 (using the Origina-
tion Clause to counter Anti-Federalist charges of “aristocracy”).
310. The distinction between the federal legislative chambers would be far greater
than that prevailing in any state. For example, only three states provided for upper-
house terms longer than a year, and all were shorter than the six-year term for U.S.
Senators: Virginia (three years), New York (four), and Maryland (five).
311. Compare U.S.
CONST. art. I, § 2, cl. 2 (setting forth qualifications of Representa-
tives) with U.S.
CONST. art. I, § 3, cl. 3 (setting forth qualifications of Senators).
698 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
icantly smaller than the pool of potential Representatives. The
allocation of Senators would be less reflective of population than
the House.
Although Representatives would be directly elect-
ed for two-year terms, Senators would be indirectly elected for
terms three times as long.
In all but the smallest states, Senate
districts would be much larger than House districts, thereby
making it difficult for local or minority interests to be heard in
the Senate. The Senate’s intimate size would render it more sus-
ceptible to corruption—both in terms of illegal conduct and plac-
ing special interest over the general interest.
Higher qualifications, indirect election, longer terms, and larger
districts would generate Senators with higher social status, better
education, and greater wealth than Representatives. Senators
would be more tied to the national capital. They might well have
less knowledge of the people’s needs and abilities,
and would
share less “sympathy” with them.
The Senate would thereby
be much less “representative” of the people than would the
House. But had not the Revolution been fought under the slo-
gan, “No taxation without representation”?
There was more. The Constitution granted this unrepre-
sentative and exclusive Senate crucial prerogatives denied to
the House—most importantly a share in the executive power
312. 1 FARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 233 (reporting remarks by Elbridge
Gerry); 1 id. at 544 (reporting remarks by George Mason); 2 id. at 274 (reporting
remarks of George Mason). See also Americanus II, V
Dec. 19, 1787, reprinted in 8 D
OCUMENTARY HISTORY, supra note 1, at 244, 248 (stat-
ing, “That taxation and representation are inseparable, and that each should bear an
exact ratio to the other are self-evident truths . . . . The house of representatives, which
has the exclusive right of originating Bills of taxation, is composed of members
elected directly by the people in the most exact proportion.”) (italics in original).
313. U.S.
CONST. art. I, § 3, cl. 1 (“The Senate of the United States shall be composed
of two Senators, from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof, for six Years”).
314. 2 F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 279 (reporting remarks by Edmund
Randolph). On the founders’ concept of “corruption,” see Natelson, Trust, supra
note 1, at 1116, 1120.
315. Fabius II (John Dickinson), P
A. MERCURY, Apr. 15, 1788, 17 DOCUMENTARY
HISTORY, supra note 1, at 120, 124 (stating that Representatives “by holding their
offices for two years, as thereby they will acquire better information, respecting
national affairs”) (italics in original).
316. As Benjamin Franklin phrased it, “those who feel, can best judge.” 1 F
S RECORDS, supra note 1, at 546 (reporting remarks by Franklin).
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 699
though participation in executive and judicial appointments
and treaties.
Now consider the practical implications of all this: Senators’
long terms and other prerogatives would enable them to ad-
vance their preferred financial policies over and over again, pa-
tiently suffering rejection until, by chance or otherwise, they ob-
tained a compliant House.
Even if sentiment in the House
remained unaltered, Senators’ greater experience, political acu-
men, and personal connections might enable them to overwhelm
the simpler people in the other chamber. As George Mason ob-
served, “An aristocratic body, like the screw in mechanics, work-
ing its way by slow degrees, and holding fast whatever it gains,
should ever be suspected of an encroaching tendency—the
purse strings should never be put into its hands.”
Once the balance was tipped in favor of the Senate, it was
likely to tip further, especially if, as many believed, the Sen-
ate secured the President as an ally. Eventually, the Senate
might assume the leading role in government, with the
House reduced to the insignificance of the Parliament of Par-
is, a mere registry for laws really created elsewhere.
would this be a benign preeminence: Because the Senate
would be malapportioned and relatively remote from the
people, it would have little “sympathy” with them or
knowledge about them. Over time, its measures would be-
come more ill-tuned to the real world and more oppressive,
and its spending more extravagant.
317. U.S. CONST. art. II, § 2, cl. 2 (granting the Senate power to advise and con-
sent to the appointment of federal officers and the making of treaties).
318. 1 F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 233, 545 (July 6, 1787) (reporting
remarks by Elbridge Gerry).
319. 2 F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 224 (reporting remarks by George
320. Thus, at the Constitutional Convention, George Mason argued that a bare
negative was a very different thing from that of originating bills; and that if the Sen-
ate had the power of initiating it could reduce the House to insignificance. He com-
pared the potential situation to the Parliament of Paris and to Poyning’s Law. By the
latter statute, no Irish Parliament could be held until the proposed legislation had
been sent to England and returned under the English great seal. 2 F
, supra note 1, at 274 (reporting remarks by George Mason). See also 2 FAR-
S RECORDS, supra note 1, at 297 (reporting remarks by Nathaniel Gorham).
321. Elbridge Gerry to William Cushing, Jan. 21, 1788, 6 D
, supra note 1, at 1265, 1270.
700 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
For such reasons, men like Mason, Dickinson, and Randolph
believed that the Senate, while a necessary check on the excess-
es of democracy, really did pose a risk of aristocracy or oligar-
chy. House origination was a needed corrective.
House orig-
ination was a structural device designed to protect freedom,
promote democratic values, and ensure more knowledgeable
B. Significance of the Policies Behind House Origination
It is clear, therefore, that the policies behind lower-house
origination were not of marginal concern. They served some of
the core purposes recited in the Preamble. House origination
would “promote the general Welfare” through a more in-
formed and less warlike government.
It would “secure the
Blessings of Liberty” by promoting democracy and checking
It also would increase the chances that the public
would ratify the Constitution and continue to find it congenial
thereafter. For a Constitution must suit the spirit of a people,
and, as Dickinson observed, “all the prejudices”
of Ameri-
cans would be offended by the lack of House origination.
V. W
A. The Policies Served By the Amendment Qualifier
Opponents raised several arguments against the Origination
Clause—and thus for greater power in the Senate—that did not
322. 2 FARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 297 (reporting remarks by George Ma-
son); T
HE FEDERALIST NO. 66, at 403–04 (Alexander Hamilton) (Clinton Rossiter ed.,
1961) (stating, that “to secure the equilibrium of the national House of Representatives,
the plan of the convention has provided in its favor several important counterpoises to
the additional authorities to be conferred upon the Senate. The exclusive privilege of
originating money bills will belong to the House of Representatives.”).
Several founders pointed to Britain for corroboration. 2 F
supra note 1, at 278 (Aug. 13, 1787) (reporting remarks by John Dickinson); T
NO. 58, at 359 (James Madison) (Clinton Rossiter ed., 1961) (comparing the
Constitution’s origination rule to the privilege of the House of Commons, by which
it had greater prerogatives than other branches of government).
323. U.S. C
ONST. pmbl.
324. Id.
325. 2 F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 278.
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 701
prove strong enough to omit or alter the Clause. Among these
arguments were:
The Senate would be less remote than the House of
The greater skills of Senators would be appropriate for the
exacting task of drafting financial bills.
The Senate might be less “extravagant” (wandering, im-
than the House.
Smaller chambers are better for deliberation and larger
ones better for deciding on pre-set proposals.
Experience “proved that [House origination] had no ef-
and therefore the House’s veto power on Senate
legislation would be sufficient to preserve popular liber-
326. 1 FARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 233 (reporting remarks by Pierce
Butler); Luther Martin, Genuine Information VI, B
1788, reprinted in 15 D
327. 1 F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 233 (reporting remarks by James
Madison); Luther Martin, Genuine Information VI, B
15, 1788, reprinted in 15 D
OCUMENTARY HISTORY, supra note 1, at 374–75. Cf. 1
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 544 (reporting observation of Hugh William-
son that if bills originate in Senate, they will be “more narrowly watched”); 1 id. at
234 (reporting remarks by Hugh Williamson).
328. E.g., B
AILEY, supra note 1 (unpaginated) (defining “extravagant” as “Wandering
out of due bounds, roving beyond due limits; irregular; wild; wasteful, prodigal”).
329. 2 F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 276 reporting James Madison as so
330. 1 F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 544 (reporting James Wilson as say-
ing, “the least numerous body was the fittest for deliberation; the most numerous
for decision.”); 2 id. at 224 (reporting remarks by James Wilson); 2 id. at 279 (re-
porting remarks by John Rutledge). See also J
OCEANA AND A SYSTEM OF POLITICS 24 (J.G.A. Pocock ed., 1992) (1656),
a book of political theory popular with the Founders. The idea was that the Senate
would deliberate and pose the final decision, aye or nay, to the executive branch:
Dividing and choosing, in the language of a commonwealth, is debating
and resolving; and whatsoever upon debate of the senate is proposed to the
people, and resolved by them, is enacted . . . by the authority of the fathers
[i.e., the senate] and the power of the people, which concurring make a law.
331. 1 F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 527 (reporting remarks by James
Madison); 1 id. at 545 (reporting remarks by Charles Pinckney).
332. 1 F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 544–45 (reporting remarks by James
Wilson); 2 id. at 279 (reporting remarks by John Rutledge).
702 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
If both chambers could initiate, they would offer compet-
ing plans and the people could choose between them.
Good men would not run for the Senate unless they en-
joyed substantial power.
Possibly the least appealing argument of all—advanced by
Gouverneur Morris: “[T]here never was, nor ever will be a
civilized Society without an Aristocracy. [My] endeavor
was to keep it as much as possible from doing mis-
chief . . . . ”
There were two anti-origination arguments that proved more
compelling because they were backed by recent experience.
The amendment qualifier responded to each of them.
The first was that the origination power would encourage the
House to resort to “tacking” and other forms of extortion to over-
power the Senate.
This contention was supported by pre-1702
history in Britain and by more recent history in Maryland and
other states. Events in Maryland had demonstrated that a mere
constitutional ban on tacking was not sufficient.
The amend-
ment qualifier provided a more dynamic way to prevent tack-
It did so by enabling the Senate to cut non-financial terms
from revenue bills—that is, to limit bills to the single broad subject
333. 1 FARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 543–44 (reporting remarks by Gou-
verneur Morris).
334. 1 F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 233 (reporting remarks by Pierce
Butler and James Madison).
335. 1 F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 545 (reporting remarks by Gouver-
neur Morris).
336. 2 F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 274–75 (reporting remarks of James
Wilson); 1 id. at 545–46; 2 id. at 276 (Aug. 13, 1787) (reporting remarks by Gouver-
neur Morris); 2 id. at 224 (reporting remarks by John Mercer).
337. Apparently, there had been no such problems in states like New York and
Connecticut that allowed Senate origination. 1 F
ARRANDS RECORDS 234 (reporting
remarks by Roger Sherman about the Connecticut experience). I have found none
in those states (Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Delaware) that permitted
upper-house amendment.
338. The delegates at the drafting convention understood that an origination
clause should include a remedy for tacking. See 1 F
1, at 546 (“Mr. Martin said that it was understood in the Committee that the diffi-
culties and disputes which had been apprehended, should be guarded against in
the detailing of the plan”); 2 id. at 263 (reporting remarks by Edmund Randolph).
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 703
of revenue.
Of course, the same result could have been achieved
by granting the Senate plenary power over revenue bills. But lim-
iting the Senate’s power to amending also prevented the Senate
from adding extraneous matters and attempting to force them on
the House. In other words, it prevented “reverse tacking.”
The second compelling argument against origination was that
the traditional origination rules created a practical inconven-
ience. Members of the upper house had to employ extra-
parliamentary channels to suggest even uncontroversial, tech-
nical amendments.
This argument was supported by history in
Britain, Maryland, Virginia, and South Carolina.
The amend-
ment qualifier responded to the inconvenience by allowing the
Senate to offer its proposals through normal legislative channels.
B. How Broad Was the Amendment Qualifier?
As noted in Part I.B, during the ratification debates the Fed-
eralists, especially in large states, emphasized the importance
of House origination and depicted the amendment qualifier as
consistent with it. These representations certainly implied that
“Amendment” was a limited concept; otherwise House origi-
nation would not have been important.
Large state Anti-Federalists argued that the amendment
qualifier was nearly tantamount to permitting the Senate to
originate, but the way they phrased their arguments also im-
plied that “Amendment” was a limited concept. Even their
most extravagant claims about the breadth of possible amend-
ments cited only amendments that dealt with the same subject
as their underlying bills. Illustrative is the assertion by Elbridge
Gerry of Massachusetts that “[I]f the Senate should have the
power of proposing amendments, they may propose that a bill
originated by the House to raise one thousand should be in-
creased to one hundred thousand pounds.”
In Gerry’s exam-
339. On revenue as a single broad subject in America, see supra notes 4 & 5 and ac-
companying text. Cf. supra note 98 and accompanying text (reproducing remarks in
Parliament by Richard Brinsley Sheridan on the latitude of revenue amendments).
340. 1 F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 234 (reporting remarks by Charles
C. Pinkney).
341. See supra Parts II & III.
342. Letter from Elbridge Gerry to William Cushing, Jan. 21, 1788, reprinted in 6
OCUMENTARY HISTORY, supra note 1, at 1265, 1270–71 (subjoined “statement of
704 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
ple, the underlying bill addressed only revenue, and Gerry’s
hypothetical amendment did so as well.
Similarly, at the Virginia ratifying convention, Anti-
Federalist William Grayson, who had served both in his state
legislature and as acting president of Congress,
that “[t]he Senate could strike out every word of the bill, except
the word whereas, or any other introductory word, and might
substitute new words of their own.”
Grayson was no doubt
thinking of amendments-by-way-of-substitution in the Virginia
In both recorded cases, however, the substitute
had addressed the same subject matter as the initial motion.
Treating the amendment power as broad but limited to ac-
cepted subject matter categories may be the only way to recon-
cile, at least partially, three of Madison’s contemporaneous
comments about the amendment qualification. In a letter to
George Washington written about a month after the federal
convention, Madison described the Senate’s amendment power
as “paltry.”
This suggests a narrow scope for amendment.
Yet at the Virginia ratifying convention the following year, he
defended the amendment qualification against Grayson by as-
serting that “[t]he honorable member says that there is no dif-
ference between the right of originating bills and proposing
amendments. There is some difference, though not considera-
This suggests a broad scope for amendment.
facts”). This echoed one of Madison’s Convention arguments against the Origina-
tion Clause. 1 F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 233–34 (reporting himself as
saying “The Gentleman in pursuance of his principle ought to carry the restraint
to the amendment; as well as the originating of money bills. Since, an addition of
a given sum wd. be equivalent to a distinct proposition of it.”).
343 . K. R. Constantine Gutzman, William Grayson, A
ONLINE. Grayson had been given the honor of carrying from the house of dele-
gates to the senate the resolution appointing commissioners to the famous Potomac
River conference with Maryland. 1781-86 M
D. H.D. JOUR. 540 (Dec. 13 & 14, 1784).
344. 3 E
LLIOTS DEBATES, supra note 1, at 377.
345. See supra notes 247–49 and accompanying text.
346. Id.
347. Letter from James Madison to George Washington, Oct. 18, 1787, 8 D
HISTORY, supra note 1, at 76; 13 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY, supra note 1, at 408 (re-
ferring to “the paltry right of the Senate to propose alterations in money bills”).
348. 3 E
LLIOTS DEBATES, supra note 1, at 377. Cf. 1 FARRANDS RECORDS, supra
note 1, at 545 (stating “Mr. Gerry would not say that the concession was a suffi-
cient one on the part of the small States. But he could not but regard it in the light
of a concession. “).
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 705
Yet these two statements may be ascribed merely to Madi-
son’s peering through opposite ends of the same telescope. One
of his comments at the federal convention clarifies his thinking:
The words amend or alter, form an equal source of doubt &
altercation. When an obnoxious paragraph shall be sent
down from the Senate to the House of Reps it will be called
an origination under the name of an amendment.
Senate may actually couch extraneous matter under that
name. In these cases, the question will turn on the degree of con-
nection between the matter & object of the bill and the (alteration
or) amendment offered to it. Can there be a more fruitful source
of dispute, or a kind of dispute more difficult to be settled?
In other words, an amending chamber, like an originating
chamber, could propose very broad alterations in the status quo,
but an amending chamber’s freedom was confined by the “matter
& object” of the underlying bill. A valid (as opposed to pretextual)
amendment could not be “extraneous” because a “degree of con-
nection” was necessary. The Senate’s prerogative to amend in-
cluded broad authority over revenue bills, but that authority was
still narrower in scope than that enjoyed by the House.
Although some framers were skeptical about the Origination
Clause, they eventually decided to include it the Constitution.
They did so because the Clause assisted the case for ratification
and because, as pointed out in Part IV.C, it genuinely served
core constitutional goals. The Clause promoted liberty and
good government by ensuring that taxation was connected to
representation and to popular desires. It promoted democratic
values by checking an unrepresentative, exclusive, and power-
ful Senate. Any provision serving policies as central as these
certainly deserves protection from efforts to weaken or gut it.
That is one reason we must understand exactly what the
Clause does, and does not, mean.
349. See supra notes 276–77 and accompanying text (discussing substitute bills
“under colour of amendment”).
350. 2 F
ARRANDS RECORDS, supra note 1, at 276 (emphasis added).
706 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
A “Bill[] for raising Revenue” as the Constitution employs
the phrase is a tax. A “tax” is an exaction with no constitutional
basis other than raising revenue—that is, with no enumerated
power to support it other than the Taxation Clause.
The rule
that a tax bill must “originate in the House of Representatives”
means that it must be passed by the House before the Senate
may act on it. Levies that can be justified independently under
Congress’s Commerce Power,
for example, are not “taxes” as
the founders understood the term, and therefore not subject to
the Origination Clause. The historical record tells us that the
origination principle applies to all changes in tax laws, whether
revenue positive, revenue negative, or revenue neutral.
Once a revenue measure passes the House, it is transmitted
to the Senate. The Senate may pass it unaltered, defeat it, ig-
nore it, or offer “Amendments.” Such an “Amendment[]” may
take the form of a partial change or of a complete substitute,
but to qualify as an “Amendment” it must address the same
subject as the original bill. For constitutional purposes, all taxes
are within the same subject. Thus, if the House passes a pure
tax bill, the Senate may replace its content entirely with taxes of
its own. Regulations and appropriations are subjects different
from taxes, however. If the Senate alters a pure tax bill by add-
ing regulations or appropriations, that alteration is not ger-
mane to the underlying bill. It thereby exceeds the scope of
“Amendment” as the Origination Clause uses the word.
Founding-Era history shows why these rules make sense.
Experience in both Britain and America had discredited the
practice of “tacking”—that is, the practice by which one legisla-
tive chamber attempted to coerce the other chamber by adding
non-revenue measures to revenue bills. One reason the Consti-
tution granted the Senate the power to alter tax bills was to en-
able it to protect itself against House tacking. Similarly, the
Constitution’s limitation on the Senate’s alteration power to
351. U.S. CONST. art. I, § 8, cl. 1.
352. U.S.
CONST. art. I, § 8, cl. 3 (the Commerce Clause) together with id. at cl. 18
(the Necessary and Proper Clause). See Gonzales v. Raich, 545 U.S. 1, 16 (2005).
353. See supra notes 8 & 73 and accompanying text (defining money bill as, in
part, one denying revenue and reporting Commons rejection as breach of privi-
lege of bill reducing charges).
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 707
germane “Amendments” enabled the House to protect itself
against tacking by the Senate.
Application of these rules to the legislative history of the
PPACA demonstrates their effect. H.R. 3590 initially was intro-
duced in the House of Representatives. It was a six-page meas-
ure designed, according to its title, “To amend the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the first-time homebuyers
credit in the case of members of the Armed Forces and certain
other Federal employees, and for other purposes.”
The “other
purpose[]” was to accelerate temporarily estimated tax pay-
ments by certain corporations, apparently to generate revenue
to offset the money lost due to the expanded credit.
H.R. 3590 was a “Bill for raising Revenue” as the Constitution
uses that term. It reduced taxes for certain taxpayers and effective-
ly raised them for others. Even if it had done only one or the oth-
er, it still would have been a “Bill for raising Revenue.” As such, it
was properly introduced first in the House.
The House passed H.R. 3590 and sent it to the Senate. That
chamber altered the bill completely. The Senate (1) struck all
matter after the enacting clause, (2) inserted the 2076-page
PPACA, and (3) replaced the bill’s title. This substitute included
the penalty (tax) challenged in federal court as exceeding the
Senate’s amendment power.
The substitute also contained var-
ious revenue-generating taxes, explicitly denominated as such.
354. H.R. 3590, 111th Cong. (2009); Sissel v. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human
Servs., 951 F. Supp. 2d 159, 161 (D.D.C. 2013), affirmed, 760 F.3d 1, 10 (D.C. Cir. 2014).
355. The Congressional Budget Office did not score H.R. 3590 in its original form. I
was unable to find the purpose of the corporate tax acceleration on the website of the
House Democratic Caucus, but the website of the House Republican Caucus confirms
that it served as a revenue offset. See
members-home-ownership-tax-act-of-2009/ [].
356. See Plaintiff Matt Sissel’s Opposition to Motion to Dismiss at 4, Sissel v. U.S.
Dept. of Health and Human Servs., 951 F. Supp. 2d 159 (D.D.C. 2013) (No. 10–
1263 (BAH)) (stating, “insofar as Section 5000A(b) imposes a tax on persons who
fail to obtain ‘minimum essential coverage,’ it is invalid because it did not origi-
nate in the House as required by the Origination Clause”).
357. See, e.g., Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Pub. L. No. 111-148,
§ 9001, 124 Stat. 119, 847–53 (2010) (imposing excise tax on high cost employer-
sponsored health coverage); § 9004 (increasing tax on distributions from certain
health savings accounts and medical savings accounts); § 9007(b) (imposing taxes
on hospitals that fail to meet certain requirements); § 9015 (imposing hospital
insurance tax on high-income taxpayers); § 9017 (imposing excise tax on elective
cosmetic medical procedures).
708 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 38
Adding these taxes was within the Senate’s power to amend,
because all taxes comprise a single subject. Founding-Era
courts almost certainly would have upheld an amendment re-
placing some taxes with others.
To be sure, the PPACA’s penalty for failing to purchase qual-
ifying insurance was not really a “tax” as the Constitution uses
that term.
But for our purposes, it is a tax because the Su-
preme Court has so ruled.
Only because the Supreme Court
held the penalty to be a tax was it a valid Senate “Amendment”
to a “Bill for raising Revenue.”
The law also alters the tax code in other ways, e.g., id. § 1401 (granting certain
tax credits); § 9013 (modifying itemized deduction for medical expenses).
358. The penalty’s principal regulatory purpose should have disqualified it as a
tax, but the Supreme Court’s short discussion of the tax issue evinces no awareness
of the founders’ tax-regulatory distinction. Nat’l Fed’n Indep. Bus. v. Sebelius
(NFIB), 132 S. Ct. 2566, 2594–99 (2012) (opinion for the Court); see also id. at 2651–55
(Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas & Alito, JJ., dissenting). The Court relied instead on its
own tax-versus-regulation precedents. Some of that jurisprudence accords with the
founders’ distinction. Bailey v. Drexel Furniture Co., 259 U.S. 20 (1922) (holding that
a “tax” not designed to raise revenue is not a tax for constitutional purposes); Mil-
lard v. Roberts, 202 U.S. 429 (1906) (holding that a regulatory measure that produces
only incidental revenue is not a “tax”); Twin City Nat’l Bank v. Nebecker, 167 U.S.
196 (1897) (holding that incidental generation of revenue did not prevent the meas-
ure from being regulatory when adopted pursuant to a valid regulatory purpose);
Rodgers v. United States, 138 U.S. 992 (6th Cir. 1943) (same).
However, the precedent closest in concept to NFIB fails to apply the founders’ dis-
tinction. United States v. Kahriger, 345 U.S. 22, 28 (1953) (holding a gambling tax valid
because it produced revenue, despite a dominant regulatory purpose, and adding in
dicta that even a measure raising only “negligible” revenue qualified as a tax).
359. NFIB, 132 S. Ct. at 2593.
360. The United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit recently held,
seemingly in defiance of the Supreme Court, that the penalty for purchasing in-
surance was not a revenue bill. Sissel, 760 F.3d at 7. If the court of appeals is cor-
rect, however, then adding the penalty was not a valid amendment.
The court of appeals stated that because the PPACA’s penalty was not a revenue
measure because it was designed as a regulation. Yet the Supreme Court had specifi-
cally ruled the regulatory function to be ultra vires, thereby distinguishing the case
from those in which the Supreme Court upheld measures enacted for valid regulato-
ry purposes. United States v. Munoz-Flores, 495 U.S. 385 (1990) (assessments levied
as part of constitutionally-enacted criminal measure); Millard v. Roberts, 202 U.S.
429 (1906) (upholding levy as incident to creation of national currency); Twin City
Nat’l Bank v. Nebecker, 167 U.S. 196 (1897) (same). The court of appeals did not
explain how a measure can be legitimated by serving an illegitimate purpose.
The result of the appeals court’s reasoning is that (1) Congress is permitted to ad-
vance an impermissible regulatory function via a tax that (2) is exempt from the rules
applying to taxes precisely because it advances an impermissible regulatory function!
Surely that is not what the Constitution means.
No. 2] The Founders' Origination Clause 709
The Senate’s substitute H.R. 3590 also added non-revenue pro-
visions. These included regulations on insurance companies,
employers, and health care providers,
as well as various ap-
These, however, are subjects distinct from reve-
nue. Adding them exceeded the Senate’s power to amend.
The challengers in the PPACA Origination Clause litigation,
therefore, have been attacking the wrong part of the law. Un-
der modern Commerce Power and Spending Clause jurispru-
the regulatory and appropriation portions of the
PPACA would have been within the power of the Senate to
originate. But they were not germane to H.R. 3590 as it emerged
from the House, and thus not within the scope of the Senate’s
power to amend. Whether the PPACA’s valid taxes (including
the penalty for not purchasing insurance) can be severed from
the invalid portions of the PPACA is another issue entirely.
361. E.g., Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Pub. L. No. 111-148,
§§ 1001, 1003, 124 Stat. 119, 130–38, 139–40 (2010); id., §§ 1511–1515 (imposing
additional regulations on employers).
362. E.g., id. at § 3511 (purportedly authorizing certain appropriations).
363. Today, health and insurance regulations are justified under the Commerce
Power, but such regulations are not within the scope of the Commerce Power as
originally understood. Randy E. Barnett, New Evidence of the Original Meaning of
the Commerce Clause, 55 A
RK. L. REV. 847 (2003); Randy E. Barnett, The Original
Meaning of the Commerce Clause, 68 U.
CHI. L. REV. 101 (2001); Robert G. Natelson,
The Legal Meaning of “Commerce” In the Commerce Clause, 80 S
T. JOHNS L. REV. 789
(2006). Indeed, the Supreme Court did not treat most forms of insurance as
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