Best People. Best Solutions. Best Results.
Qlarant Tips for Administrative Success (QOs
and all Provider types)
Empower FL Conference
April 3, 2023
Session Purpose
Review the Administrative Review Tools used in the Provider
Discovery Review (PDR) & PDR Support Coordinator (SC) process
Assist providers with understanding what standards apply to them
Review required APD training and how best to ensure you take the
correct training and have the correct supporting documentation
available for
2Empower FL 2023
Provider Discovery Review (PDR)
Provider Discovery Reviews evaluate the person’s satisfaction and
provider performance, based on service delivery measures and
program standards.
Administrative Review is a component of all PDR’s
Certain standards apply to everyone
Some standards apply only if you render certain services
Other standards apply only in certain situations
You are responsible for knowing what standards are
applicable to you
3Empower FL 2023
Best People. Best Solutions. Best Results.
Administrative Review
Qlarant Administrative Review Tools
Tools are posted on the Qlarant public website:
Resource Center > Provider Resources > FSQAP Discovery Review
Tools scroll to bottom half of page
o Qlarant FL DD Administrative (non WSC providers)
o Qlarant FL IDD QO Administrative (Qualified Organizations)
Immediately above the Review Tools section there is also a link
to administrative and service specific checklists these can assist
you with preparing for your Qlarant Review
5Empower FL 2023
6Empower FL 2023
General Administrative (Non WSC Providers)
The provider maintains the employment status of all employees on
the DCF/APD Employee/Contractor Roster within the Clearinghouse
Agency Vehicles (if applicable) are registered & insured
The provider addresses all incident reports
The provider identifies and addresses concerns related to abuse,
neglect, and exploitation
All instances of abuse, neglect, and exploitation are reported
The provider identifies, addresses and reports all medication errors
7Empower FL 2023
General Administrative (Qualified Organizations)
The QO maintains the employment status of all employees on the
DCF/APD Employee/Contractor Roster within the Clearinghouse
The QO addresses all incident reports
The QO identifies and addresses concerns related to abuse,
neglect, and exploitation
All instances of abuse, neglect, and exploitation are reported
8Empower FL 2023
General Administrative (Qualified Organizations)
Standards added July 1, 2021
The Provider maintains Business Liability Insurance
The Provider maintains a Table of Organization
The Mentor has the appropriate qualifications
The Provider employs at least four Support Coordinators
9Empower FL 2023
General Administrative (Qualified Organizations)
The Mentee completed all mentoring program requirements
The Mentee completed all mentoring program requirements for
the CDC+ program
Make sure Progress Notes have details regarding activities,
mentor, and mentee that match the required Mentoring Form.
10Empower FL 2023
Employee Contractor Roster
DCF/APD Background Screening Clearinghouse
All providers, including solos, are required to create and maintain an
Employee/Contractor Roster
Refer to APD Provider Advisory #2022-003 Background Screening
Roster Requirements
Link to APD Advisories:
11Empower FL 2023
Qualifications and Training
Background Screening
Required Training
12Empower FL 2023
Background Screening
A Level II screening consists of:
Local Criminal Records Check
FDLE/FBI Clearance
APD Attestation of Good Moral Character
Note: Rescreening is required every 5 yrs.
13Empower FL 2023
Background Screening
Local Criminal Records Check:
Conduct in county of residence
Must be completed through the local law enforcement agency
Potential disqualifying offenses need a disposition
DCF/APD Background Screening Clearinghouse
Must show as APD Eligible
14Empower FL 2023
Background Screening
APD Attestation of Good Moral Character:
APD Provider Advisory #2019-001 Effective Date: January 15, 2019
Attestations from AHCA, DCF, CDC+ or other entities cannot be
Link to APD Attestation of Good Moral Character:
15Empower FL 2023
Qualifications and Training
If employees transport in their own vehicle and/or agency vehicles
they must maintain:
Valid and current Driver License covering entire review period
Current vehicle insurance plus evidence you were insured for
entire review period
Current vehicle registration plus evidence your registration was
in place for entire review period
Empower FL 2023 16
Training ALL Providers need to take
Zero Tolerance (completed as a pre-service training and every
3 years thereafter)
Direct Care Core Competency/Competencies (once)
Requirements for All Waiver Providers (once)
HIPAA (Annually)
Note: All of these are now in TRAIN Florida
17Empower FL 2023
Requirements For All Waiver Providers
Required for ALL staff
Only available on TRAIN Florida as of 11/1/22
Qlarant will continue to accept training completed using the
APD PowerPoint through 10/30/22
Beginning 11/1/22 the only acceptable way to complete this
training is through TRAIN Florida
18Empower FL 2023
As of 8/1/2022 the only acceptable course is the one
on TRAIN Florida
Course title is “APD - Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Basics”
Training completed through Attain prior to 8/1/22 is
19Empower FL 2023
Training Required of majority of Providers
(not required for Behavior Analysis Providers)
HIV/AIDS/Infection Control
First Aid
20Empower FL 2023
Where do I find training?
HIV/AIDS/Infection Control
Go to American Health & Safety Institute, American Red Cross,
EMS Safety Services Inc., Emergency Care and Safety Institute,
National Safety Council, or Tallahassee Community College
TRAIN Florida FDOH HIV/AIDS 101 In The News
First Aid & CPR
Go to American Health & Safety Institute, American Heart
Association, American Red Cross, EMS Safety Services Inc.,
Emergency Care & Safety Institute or National Safety Council
21Empower FL 2023
Where do I find training?
For more information about specific course titles, timeframes,
training frequency, etc. from acceptable sources see the
Developmental Disabilities Individual Budgeting Waiver Services
Coverage and Limitations Handbook, Appendix B Table 1.
22Empower FL 2023
Annual In-Service Training
All Providers are required to complete annual in-service training with
exception of Behavior Analysis, Respite, and Special Medical Home Care
Behavior Assistant, Life Skills Development 2 (Supported
Employment), Life Skills Development 3 (Adult Day Training),
Residential Habilitation (All), Supported Living Coaching - 8
Personal Supports, LSD 1 (Companion) 4 hours
Support Coordination - 18 hours
23Empower FL 2023
Annual In-Service Training
Establish and document a date for how you track your 12-month training
period and stick to it
The 12-month period cannot be based on the annual Provider Discovery
Review date each year
In-Service Training should be specific to the service based on what is in the
Support Coordinators - In-Service Verification Form has to be completed -
Attending an APD meeting does not mean entire meeting is in-service hours
List of allowable topics referenced in Handbook
Refer to 65G-10
Re-taking basic APD training courses will not be counted toward this
requirement unless identified as a need in the APD Plan of Remediation
24Empower FL 2023
Service Specific Training
LSD 2 (Supported Employment) Pre-Service
Best Practices in Supported Employment
Introduction to Social Security Work Incentives
Go to Training Resource Network website
Classroom training is available on a limited basis. List of approved trainers on the
APD website
Supported Living Coaching Pre-Service
Supported Living
Classroom training is available. List of approved trainers on the APD website.
Introduction to Social Security Work Incentives (Have 12 months to complete)
Go to Training Resource Network website
Empower FL 2023 25
Service Specific Training
Waiver Support Coordinators
For WSCs enrolled 7/1/2021 or after: The Support
Coordinator successfully completed required Preservice
Level 1 Assessment
TRAIN Florida website
WSCs enrolled 7/1/2021 or after: The Support Coordinator
successfully completed In-Person Level 2 Assessment
APD Regional Office (does not have to be your Region)
See applicable timeframes in Handbook
Empower FL 2023 26
Basic Medication Administration Training and Validation
Required of Providers/employees who administer or supervise self administration of
medication and/or Prescribed Enteral Formula Administration (PEFA)
Important things to remember… (for full description, refer to standards 10 thru 16 in
Administrative Tool)
If your Validation lapses, you must repeat Basic Medication Administration
training and validation
The initial Validation Effective date, including the year, does not change from
year to year once it is established (unless there is a lapse)
The Validation Expiration Date is the same month and day as the Validation
Effective Date with the year increasing with each subsequent annual
revalidation (anniversary date)
27Empower FL 2023
Basic Medication Administration Training and Validation
Important things to remember continued…
Complete initial Validation within 180 days of successfully
completing Basic Medication Administration training
Revalidate within the 60 days preceding the Primary Route
Expiration Date not before
Use an APD approved trainer/validator
MedED America is currently the only APD approved web-based
Basic Medication Administration training
Review your training and/or validation certificates for completion and
accuracy upon receipt.
28Empower FL 2023
Other Qualifications and Training
Provider received training in an Agency approved curriculum for behavioral
emergency procedures consistent with the requirements of the Reactive Strategies
rule (65G-8, FAC)
Providers and facilities using reactive strategies must utilize an emergency
procedure training curriculum approved by the Agency, and require all staff
utilizing reactive strategies to be trained in that curriculum
Providers that must intervene in behavioral emergency situations (e.g. when
recipients exhibit aggression, self-injury, property destruction, etc.), are
required to be trained to competency in an agency approved crisis
management procedure consistent with Chapter 65G-8, F.A.C.
Providers of Residential Habilitation Behavior Focus/Intensive/Enhanced
Intensive are required to meet this standard
Standard also applies to providers of Behavior Analysis, Behavior Assistant
and other services if working with individuals with significant behavioral
29Empower FL 2023
Final Reminders
Study the Handbook and read requirements for the services
you provide
Organize documentation by employee
Make sure records are available and accessible
Have systems to track trainings that expire and/or have to be
retaken periodically
Prepare all year long not just when you first get your letter or
a phone call to schedule
30Empower FL 2023
Final Reminders
For documents with an expiration date, please include the
previous (expired) document along with the current
Incident Reporting initial and follow-up reports
Meet required time frames to complete initial training
Get a valid, complete training certificate from the approved
Obtain training from an approved source
For additional information on Training, go to APD website:
31Empower FL 2023
Florida Statewide Quality Assurance Program
Customer Service Representative:
Phone Number: 1 (866) 254-2075
Secure Fax Number: 1 (888) 877-5526
Where to find the tools:
Sign up for e-notifications
32Empower FL 2023