Professional Chemical Peel Course
Concierge Aesthetics
About Chemical Peels
Skin ID
Consultation & Skin Evaluation
Client Intake Form
Aesthetic Guidelines
Aesthetician’s Checklist
Chemical Peel Protocol
Witness a transformation of the skin with
Advanced Rejuvenating Concepts unique
product formulations.
Only a company with decades of hands-on training in clinical aesthetics can pos-
sess a deep-rooted understanding of unique skin care concerns. Every treatment
protocol and home regimen has been thoroughly tested and critiqued within our
spa and medical aesthetic facility, the Skin Rejuvenation Clinique.
All of our products are formulated with the highest quality standards and contain
therapeutic concentrations of independently researched ingredients. They have
the ability to deliver immediate results and long-lasting benefits toward graceful
aging and healthy, resilient skin.
We’re dedicated to helping each individual attain the results they desire, which is
why our products are only sold to skin care professionals. Having a background in
medical aesthetic applications, we believe fully in the combined power of profes-
sional evaluations, treatment plans, and a beneficial home regimen.
Every skin care concern is unique. Your personal beauty goals, ethnic background,
and lifestyle choices are all considered when preparing your plan for rejuvenation.
More importantly, our skin changes with the seasons of the year and seasons of
life, which is why Advanced Rejuvenating Concepts’ treatment plans are so effec-
tive–we call this Concierge Aesthetics.
Every unique product and combined regimen has the potential to deliver multifac-
eted results for beautiful, flawless, and healthy skin.
fine lines and wrinkles / laxity and a loss of elasticity
discolorations and age spots / lackluster or dehydrated skin
thinning skin / redness and inflammation / clarity and breakouts
Concierge Aesthetics
Purveyor of everything beauty and skin related.
At Advanced Rejuvenating Concepts, we believe an aestheticians role is not limited
to skin care, but the beauty realm. We call this Concierge Aesthetics. Aesthetician’s
have the ability to educate clientele and help each individual achieve their best look
ever. From makeup application to non-invasive medical procedures for rejuvenation,
we believe aestheticians should have many different resources to extend their
consulting capabilities to their clients.
Cosmeceutical Care
Products that are formulated to offer a benecial change
to the skin and improve skin health and radiance.
In the skin care industry, we have mass-produced products, cosmeceutical products
and prescription products. Skin care products that are distributed by grocery
stores are formulated to be safe, hydrate and offer some sort of benefit, but they
do not change the skin. That is considered a reaction. Rejuvenating the skin
requires a reaction, we want the skin to change–this is the result.
Aesthetic Physicians
Providers who offer medical aesthetic procedures
that rejuvenate the skin.
Medical procedures range from non/minimally invasive procedures to surgery with
the capability to smooth wrinkles, even skin tone and correct laxity. These proce-
dures are necessary to make immediate changes to the look of the face, neck and
décolleté, but are not a substitute for aesthetic treatments.
Aestheticians complement these procedures by helping clients maintain their
results and protect the investment of medical procedures. Without aestheticians,
the long-term benefits are lost because the client did not take proactive means to
maintain their results.
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About Chemical Peels
Effective, economical and the foundation
of Concierge Aesthetics.
Chemical peels have the ability to exfoliate up to 0.06 mm of dead skin cells–a fine strand of hair.
Formulations differ between home use and professional use. Home peel solutions are buffered, have
a slightly acidic pH, and are generally found in concentrations of less than 10%. Professional peel
formulations vary by the percentage of acid in the solution, pH, and buffering of the solution. Which
is why protocols from different manufacturers vary.
A class of chemical compounds derived from food sources: glycolic, lactic, malic, tartaric, mandel-
ic, and citric. They have the ability to penetrate the top layer of skin and have a profound effect on
keratinization by diminishing cellular cohesion between keratinocytes. Glycolic and lactic acids have
been shown to increase glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and collagen synthesis.
· Glycolic Peel 15%, 2.8 pH and Glycolic Peel 30%, 2.5 pH
· Lactic Peel 30%, 1.9 pH
Salicylic acid, derived from willow tree bark, has offered many medicinal benefits for centuries, as a
chemical peel solution, it acts as a bacteriostatic agent (neutralizes bacteria), keratolytic (thins the skin
and causes it to loosen and shed), and comedolytic (prevents the formation of comedones).
· Salicylic Peel 20%, 2.2 pH
Mild exfoliants derived from specific plant sources, including pineapple (bromelain), papaya (papain), and
pumpkin (protease). Enzymes diminish cellular cohesion of dead skin cells and offer antioxidant support.
· Blue Enzyme Peel 30% Lactic Acid
· Citrus-C Enzyme Peel 30% Glycolic Acid
· Pumpkin Enzyme Peel 30% Glycolic Acid
Not included in this presentation are superficial to mid-depth peel solutions, including Jessner,
modified Jessner, TCA, and retinol peels. Please request more information regarding advanced peel
procedures and Advanced Rejuvenating Concepts clinical peel solutions.
Remarkable results can be achieved when the
right combination of products are used.
· Acne Management and improvement of some types of scars
· Aging concers: lines, wrinkles and texture
· Dry skin and poor desquamation of skin cells
· Dehydration, a cellophane-like appearance to the skin
· Hyperpigmentation, discolorations, age spots, and melasma
· Rough skin texture associated with sun damage
· Healthy skin maintenance and age prevention
· Deep facial wrinkles - although the brightening and exfoliating benefits
may help diminish the appearance of wrinkles by removing shadowing
· Laxity or sagging skin
· Capillary damage, couperose, telangiectasia
· Reducing pore size - it may diminish the appearance of enlarged pores
but will not change a pore size
· Deep skin scars, keloid scars, or ice pick scars
· Isotretinoin (Absorbica or like product) use within the past 6 months
· Prescription retinol use within the past 48 hours
(Retin-A, Renova, Tazorac, or like product)
· Eczema (inflamed or dormant)
· Inflamed skin condition, including acne or rosacea
· Waxing, depilatories, or laser within 2 weeks
· Pregnant or nursing mothers
· Tanning or excessive/occupational sun exposure
· Active herpes/cold sores (must be using prescription to manage breakouts
before, during and after procedures)
· Allergy to select peel ingredients (primarily milk/lactic acid, or
aspirin/salicylic acid)
· Skin types/ethnicities with high melanin content are at a higher risk
for hyperpigmentation
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Skin ID
Our skin changes with the seasons of the year and the seasons
of life. Therefore, Advanced Rejuvenating Concepts products
are formulated to be interchangeable based on 4 common
skin types and 6 common Concerns. Our philosophy, treat
the problem and keep the skin balanced.
Skin Types
The foundation of consultation and the proper home regimen is in determining
your client’s Skin Type. You can do this by identifying the abundance or lack of
oil on the skin’s surface. Maintaining a balance is an important characteristic of
healthy skin.
Normal skin types have a healthy look and are not oily or dry. The goal for this
skin type is to maintain this balance, improve skin radiance and texture, and pre-
vent environmental damage in all seasons.
Oil glands are overproducing, resulting in excess shine, a greasy look to the skin,
and breakouts. Advanced Rejuvenating Concepts products for Oily Skin/Acne help
manage oil production, reduce breakouts and prevent environmental damage.
Characterized by a dull appearance, tight feel and fine lines, dry skin types suffer
from natural moisture loss. Improve the look and feel of dry skin with a combina-
tion of products that help fortify the skin’s barrier against the elements, seal in
hydration, and help improve the skin’s elasticity.
Commonly referred to as t-zone, combination skin types are characterized as
having increased oil and shine from the forehead down the nose and the chin,
with dry regions on the cheeks. Balancing this skin type with Advanced Rejuve-
nating Concepts product range helps prevent environmental damage, breakouts
and blackheads, while refining the pores and improving the look of the skin.
Skin Concerns
As aesthetic professionals, we’ve learned that skin care regimens should evolve with the changes of
the seasons and changes related to aging. Identifying your clients skin types is the foundation of the
regimen. Identifying the skin’s Concern will help target the regimen and get your client on the path to
healthier and more radiant skin.
Learn more about skin types and concerns at and visit the Blog, Education, or
Press pages for webinar recordings and published articles. Advanced Rejuvenating Concepts’ Educators
can also offer specific product and treatment knowledge in phone consultations or online webinar
workshops. Call 800 689-0499 to schedule a consultation time.
Uneven skin tone, dark spots or discolorations
are a result of chronic sun damage, melasma, or
acne. Advanced Rejuvenating Concepts’ Hy-
perpigmentation product range is formulated
to lighten discolorations and encourage a more
even skin tone by suppressing pigment-inducing
melanocytes. Over time, the skin will appear
more luminous and even-toned.
A combination of chronic environmental damage
and intrinsic aging, this skin Concern is char-
acterized as thin, with fine lines and wrinkling,
poor elasticity and dryness. Advanced Rejuvenat-
ing Concepts’ Cellular Solutions range is specifi-
cally formulated to restore radiance to the skin by
encouraging collagen synthesis and smoothing
the appearance of lines and wrinkles.
Skin that lacks essential water and has a cello-
phane-like appearance to the superficial layers is
characterized as dehydrated. Advanced Rejuve-
nating Concepts Clinical skin care products for
dehydration focus on exfoliating and infusing
hydration back into the skin. Results may include
increased absorption, improved barrier function,
reduced breakouts, and restored radiance to
lackluster skin.
Generally related to hormonal changes in the
body, acne can develop in teens and adults,
and is characterized by the type and severity
of lesions it presents. Advanced Rejuvenating
Concepts’ Oily Skin/Acne product range is for-
mulated to help manage oil production, prevent
cellular buildup, and decrease the occurrence of
breakouts in teens and adults.
Flushed skin, redness, acne-like lesions and vis-
ible blood vessels on the skin surface may be the
result of an underlying Concern called rosacea.
Advanced Rejuvenating Concepts’ Sensitive
Skin/Rosacea product range is formulated to
gently refine the skin, reduce redness, and offer
vascular support with a proprietary combination
of anti-inflammatory agents and antioxidants.
Characterized and skin that reacts with burning,
itching and sometimes inflammation to a variety
of topical or environmental triggers; sensitive skin
is a surprisingly common Concern. Advanced
Rejuvenating Concepts’ solutions for sensitiv-
ity encourage healthy regeneration and provide
the skin with essential nutrients while helping to
prevent environmental triggers of sensitivity.
Call toll free 800 689-0499 /
Consultation &
Skin Evaluation
Skin care is not simple and you should never take
an individuals skin at face value.
One of the most fundamental components to any skin care practice is the intake
form. It lets clients know what they may experience in the treatment room and
provides you with the essential information necessary to give them a safe and
beneficial treatment. A consultation and evaluation should be performed with all
clients, new and seasoned.
Skin care is not simple and you should never take an individual’s skin at face
value. Although there are ten key points in this article to help guide you, this
process is simple and may easily be achieved in ten to fifteen minutes. Read the
intake form and consent form as your client is disrobing and perform the analysis
before, during, and after you cleanse and tone the skin.
Simple changes in topical skin care products, medications, hormones, and diseas-
es can all create a variable in your treatment that was not present in the previous
visit. Take your practice and your client’s well being into consideration with every
treatment you perform to help build a safe practice and a long-lasting relationship.
10 Tips to Successful Treatments
1. Inform Your Client
From chemicals to waxing, every client should
complete an informed consent and release form.
This document is written to notify your client of
the potential outcomes that may happen as a
result of this service. It protects them as consum-
ers and dually protects you in the event that
an adverse outcome takes place, and the client
needs to seek medical attention or looks to legal
advise against you. You should also inform them
of the care that needs to be taken before or after
a facial treatment to help protect their skin and
their results.
2. Use an Intake Form
Aside from an informed consent and release doc-
ument, the intake form contains valuable infor-
mation that you need to know before conducting
a treatment. This includes past treatments the
client has had performed, known allergies, medi-
cations, concerns, and the basics of what they’re
using at home on their skin. Without this docu-
ment you do not have all the information you
need to perform a safe and beneficial treatment.
Verbal questions may not always prevent the
best defense with your insurance company, state
board or lawyer.
3. Identify the Clients Concern
This can be a question in the intake form and is
a valuable tool to help target your treatment to
their immediate concern, get them on the path
to a great result, and increase your chance of
rebooking and referrals from that client.
4. Visual Skin Analysis
Once the documents are read and the cli-
ents concern is identified, you may proceed
to a visual skin analysis. Knowing your clients
concern and visualizing the changes in texture,
color, thickness and pore appearance can clue
you in to what that client may experience with
your treatment. A visual skin analysis may also
alert you to prescription use, particular areas
that may require medical attention, or lesions on
the surface that should not be aggravated. With
a trained eye, you will learn many things about
their skin that could be a result of hormone
changes, diseases and medication side effects.
5. Client History
We’re not looking for their life story, just the per-
tinent skin-related information. What made them
choose your facility for a treatment? What treat-
ments they have experienced in the past? Is this
his/her first time experiencing a facial or waxing
service? Have they received an exfoliation treat-
ment within the past four weeks? The answers to
these questions can clue you in to what has/has
not worked for them in the past and give you an
advantage to keeping them coming to you for
skin care services. These questions can also help
protect your business in the event that a client is
opting for a service that was not recommended
by another professional for safety reasons.
6. Use Guides
These universal scales are designed to help you
as a skin care professional determine a skin.
When used together they are a great guideline
for your treatment path and recommendations,
but we must also remember to consider ethnicity.
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10 Tips to Successful Treatments - Continued
The Fitzpatrick Skin Type Classification (FPSTC)
is based on six categories that have been defined
for basic skin color/pigmentation and the skin’s
response to ultraviolet exposure. Utilizing this
scale for skin analysis and consultation purposes
will aid in determining the care and maintenance
that will need to be done at home and in the
treatment room. The Fitzpatrick Scale can be
considered a foundation to the skin analysis pro-
cess, but should not be used alone in determin-
ing a course of action for the skin.
The Glogau Scale aids the skin care professional
in determining what stage of photoaging the cli-
ent may have. Photoaging (unlike chronological
aging) is a direct result of UV and free radical ex-
posure the skin receives. When determining eligi-
bility for chemical peel treatments, the Glogau
Scale can help determine the treatment series.
7. Identify Ethnicity
As mentioned in the introduction, America is a
melting pot that presents many colors of multira-
cial skin. Celebrity Golfer, Tiger Woods refers to
his nationality as “Cablinasian,” a term he made
to describe his “Caucasian, Black, American-
Indian and Asian” ethnicity. This is important to
consider because you may be presented with a
client who has a Fitzpatrick II appearance, but
has Mediterranean, African American or Japa-
nese dispositions that could increase that client’s
sensitivity, hyper- or hypo-pigment their skin, or
scar them.
8. Treatment Path & Home Regimen
Documenting the treatment and your proposed
treatment plan is a great way to keep a self-re-
minder on the client’s treatment and identify the
clients reaction to the treatment. In the event
he/she experienced a reaction immediately or
within 24 hours of the service, you will be able
to reference the products used and adjust the
form properly so any adverse reaction does not
happen in future appointments. Communicating
a treatment plam that will offer them the best
benefit is a great way to maintain communication
and build a relationship with the client. The same
holds for the suggested regimen they should be
using at home.
9. Marketing & Follow-Up
Use the personal information provided by the
client to follow through with the service. After
the initial treatment send a thank you card, email
or phone call to the client. Let them know that
you appreciate their business, invite them to call
with questions about their skin, or to pre-book
an appointment. If you have not seen particu-
lar clients for an extended period, give them a
phone call to let them know that you miss seeing
their face, hope they think about you for future
appointments. Consent and consultation forms
are tools for the treatment room that dually help
build business.
10. Repeat for Every Visit
These documents are living, breathing and evolv-
ing correspondence about each visit your client
has. Whether you perform a waxing service or
laser treatment, documenting the care you give
them is a vital component to your client’s safety
and for the safety of your business.
Fitzpatrick Skin Type Classication
Genetic Disposition
Score 0 1 2 3 4
What is the color of your eyes? Light Blue/
Blue Brown Dk Brown-
What is the natural color of your hair? Sandy-
Blonde Lt Brown/
Dk Blonde
What is the color of your skin? Red Under-
Very Pale Pale/Beige
Do you have any freckles? Many Several Few Incidental None
Total score for genetic disposition [ ]
Reaction to Sun Exposure
Score 0 1 2 3 4
What happens when you stay in the
sun too long?
Burn Sometimes
Rarely Burn Never Burn
To what degree do you tan? Hardly Light Reasonable Easily Brown
Do you tan quickly/within hours of sun
Never Seldom Sometimes Often Always
How does your face react to sun expo-
Very Sensi-
Sensitive Normal Resistant Very Resis-
Total score for genetic disposition [ ]
Sun Exposure Habits
Score 0 1 2 3 4
Have you tanned recently? 3+ months 2-3 months 1-2 months < 1 month < 2 weeks
Do you expose your treated skin to the
Never Hardly Sometimes Often Always
Total score for genetic disposition [ ]
0-7 = Fitzpatrick I / 8-16 = Fitzpatrick II / 17-25 = Fitzpatrick III / 26-30 = Fitzpatrick IV / 31+ = Fitzpatrick V
Call toll free 800 689-0499 /
Glogau Classication of Photoaging
Group Intervention Typical Age Skin Characteristics
I Mild - Focus on preventa-
tive measures with sun-
screen and antioxidants
Mild pigment changes, no keratosis visible, minimal
wrinkles, minimal makeup
II Moderate - Maintain
preventative measures,
introduce chemical peels
Early discolorations, keratosis palpable but not visible, mild
scarring, smile lines begin to appear, wears foundation
III Advanced - More inten-
sive home care, advanced
peeling, IPL/laser
Discolorations, capillary damage, visible keratosis,
wrinkles are apparent, need to wear more makeup
IV Severe - Intensive home
care, advanced peeling,
IPL/laser, plastic surgery
Sallow/greyish skin color, keratosis with/without malig-
nencies, severe wrinkling throughout, gravitational lines
appear, no sign of normal skin
The Glogau Classification helps measure the signs of photoaging with descriptive features of mild to
severe damaged skin. This helps determine the best treatment plan for the client’s age-range.
Client Intake/Consultation Form
Aestheticians play an important role in creating more youthful looking skin and maintaining results;
sometimes, skin care professionals need to be reminded–and remind our clienteleof how quickly
our skin can age. Take your standard of excellence and service one step higher with routine re-
consulting of your client’s skin.
You, your future customers and your existing clients will all benefit with this consultation page. Use this
form as a guide to help your customers achieve the results their looking for and build your earnings as a
skin care provider.
Remember, each home regimen should change with the seasons and treatments should be planned
to help each man and woman age gracefully–or not at all.
Client Intake Form
Name: Date:
Phone Number:
City: Postal Code:
Email: Date of Birth:
How did you hear about our business?
What is the reason for your visit today?
Do you have a specific concern?
Are you outdoors often or for prolonged periods of time? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Do you wear sunscreen? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Do you use self-tanners? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Do you sun bathe or use a tanning bed? [ ] Yes [ ] No How often?
How frequently do you exercise?
Do you exercise outdoors [ ] Yes [ ] No
Are you pregnant or nursing? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Have you taken, or currently using any oral contraceptives? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Do you smoke? [ ] Yes [ ] No How long:
Do you have any of the following: [ ] Diabetes [ ] Pace Maker [ ] Contact Lenses
What prescription and OTC medications/hormone replacement/vitamins/antihistamines do you pres-
ently take?
Do you have any allergies, or have you ever had a reaction to any food or skin care product? (list)
What skin care products have you used, or are currently using (including prescription)?
How would you describe your commitment level to your skin care regimen?
[ ] Highly Committed: I follow a regimen and wear sunscreen daily
[ ] Committed: I understand the importance of home care and try to be diligent
[ ] Somewhat Committed: I have a few products and use them occasionally
[ ] Not Committed: I dont have a regimen and am lacking in products
Client Intake/Consultation Form
1. What do you want to change about your skin?
[ ] Color (browns/reds) [ ] Firmer, tighter skin
[ ] Smoother texture [ ] Lines and wrinkles
[ ] Scars [ ] Pore refinement
[ ] Active acne [ ] Look younger
[ ] Look Healthier
Other concern(s):
2. What past procedures have you received?
[ ] Light skin peels [ ] Microdermabrasion
[ ] Deep peel [ ] IPL Photofacial
[ ] Laser resurfacing [ ] Neurotoxin injections
[ ] Filler Injections [ ] Plastic Surgery
[ ] Hair removal
3. Current skin type (circle all that apply): Dry / Normal / Combination / Oily
4. Current skin condition(s)?
[ ] Acne [ ] Aging
[ ] Dehydration [ ] Hyperpigmentation
[ ] Sensitive / Sensitized [ ] Rosacea
PROFESSIONAL EVALUATION (the remainder of this form is to be completed by the technician)
What are some visible conditions that should be addressed?
[ ] Cold Sores [ ] Blood Thinners [ ] Diabetic (managed with physician) [ ] Aspirin/Motrin Use
Aesthetic Treatment
[ ] Light skin peels, every weeks, duration
[ ] Microdermabrasion, every weeks, duration
[ ] Ultrasonic Therapy, every weeks, duration
[ ] Trio Therapy, every weeks, duration
Other Recommended Treatment
[ ] Neurotoxin Injection [ ] Filler Injection
[ ] Laser/IPL [ ] Facial Plastic Surgery
[ ] Mole Removal/Checkup
Client Intake/Consultation Form
FACIAL CHARTING (discolorations, aging, capillary damage, etc.)
Aesthetic Guidelines
Before administering any treatment on a client, a thorough consultation is necessary to note any
changes they may have in their daily life and routine. This includes stress, increased sun exposure,
new medications or the discontinuation of previous medications, or bodily changes. Both physical
and emotional factors play a key role in the skin appearance and care that is taken at home. Before
conducting any peel treatment always ask your client the following questions.
ARC Peel Solution Rules
Our professional treatments are targeted to meet
the needs of the client. This is determined with a
Consultation and Skin Analysis prior to the treatment.
Here are a few things you should note for every
Advanced Rejuvenating Concepts’ Peel Protocol:
Always perform a Consultation and Skin Analysis
prior to every treatment.
Choose a peel solution that will best suit their
skin’s individual needs and give a beneficial result.
Peel treatments should be administered every 4
to 6 weeks. Some exceptions may apply.
Never perform a peel on skin with open lesions,
inflammation, or unknown disorders.
Never use hot towels or steam.
Never set a timer after applying a peel, always
watch for signs of over-exfoliation.
Always reference your Consultation Form for
contraindications or allergies.
We advocate eyebrow, lip, and chin waxing prior
to a peel to help the client achieve a clean, refreshed
look. Wax these areas after cleansing and apply
a thin layer of Post Peel recovery balm to the
waxed areas of skin to help prevent burning.
Then apply your peel. Full-face waxing should
be performed in-between facial procedures and
never during the peel procedure.
Tools of the Trade
Having over 25 years experience in building
a skin care business and product line, we’ve
discovered that there are a few basic tools that
every treatment room needs.
Here are the essentials you need for Advanced
Rejuvenating Concepts Professional treatments:
Keep it simple. Facial treatment rooms should
consist of an aesthetic bed, maglamp, cabinet
and/or a trolley. No bulky multifunction units
especially steamers or towel warmers.
Ultrasonic Rejuvenation System, Crystal Micro-
dermabrasion and Crystal-Free/Diamond Micro-
dermabrasion machines are easily customized to
each skin concern and can be incorporated with
Advanced Rejuvenating Concepts Professional
peel solutions.
Synthetic fan peel brush, natural mask brush,
synthetic body peel brush, cotton squares (we
like Webril pads), round cellulose sponges, 27.5
gauge lancet for extraction assistance, derma-
planers (disposable, no scalpels), stainless steel
bowls for water and small ones for peel solu-
tions, towels and linens, disposable gloves,
wooden tipped cotton swabs. Not including
basic sanitation solutions (alcohol, bleach, etc).
Aesthetician’s Checklist
1. Vitamin A
Vitamin A products (tretinoin, isotretnoin, retinol)
must be discontinued for at least 48 hours prior to
treatment. Vitamin A dries the skin, allowing acids
to penetrate much faster than normal. The ending
result could lead to burning or blistering skin.
Note the use of Absorbica (new oral acne
medication, similar to Accutane). This prescrip-
tion increases the risk of adverse side effects
from peel and waxing procedures. Clients taking
this medication should have discontinued use 6
months prior to any treatment.
2. Other Medications
The key here is to look/listen for drugs that are
known blood thinners, decongestants, and anti-
histamines. Oral antihistamines and/or deconges-
tants dry the sebum of the skin, allowing acids to
penetrate much faster than normal. The ending
result could lead to burning or blistering skin.
3. Chemical Exfoliation
Hydroxy acid and benzoyl peroxide products
must be discontinued for at least 48 hours prior
to treatment. Chemical exfoliation products can
increase skin sensitivity and may cause discom-
fort or burning of the skin.
4. Facial Injections
No facial injections (Botox or filler) 48 hours
prior to a peel treatment. The acid will quickly
penetrate into the injection site, resulting in discom-
fort, burning and possible blistering. However, it
is acceptable for the client to have his/her injec-
tions performed after the peel treatment.
5. Cold Sores / Inammation
Never apply chemical to a skin that may show
signs of dermatitis or eczema as it may burn the
skin. Additionally, never peel, massage, or ma-
nipulate active/open cold sores and fever blisters.
The infection may spread if manipulated. Aes-
thetic procedures (facial and waxing) may induce
a cold sore breakout. Clients undergoing facial
rejuvenation should manage cold sore breakouts
with a prescribed antiviral medication.
6. Discolorations
Any individual seeking to brighten visible signs of
discolorations and age spots should use the Hy-
perpigmentation product range at least 2 weeks
prior to treatment plans. Darker skin types and
ethnic backgrounds with higher melanin content
are more susceptible to hyperpigmentation after
peel and/or microdermabrasion procedures.
7. Broken Capillaries
It is good practice to map any capillary damage
on a facial chart. Clients with this concern can
undergo a peel and/or Ultrasonic Rejuvenation
treatment. Microdermabrasion may increase/
contribute to capillary damage.
8. Pregnancy/Nursing Mothers
Avoid any salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide
product use at home and in the treatment room.
A deep pore cleansing facial, microderm, or
Lactic Peel may be performed.
9. Licensing
Verify that you are can legally perform this treat-
ment with your State licensing board and insurance
company. Always protect yourself and your business
with professional insurance.
Call toll free 800 689-0499 /
Rejuvenation Facial Protocol / The signature protocol for standard peels.
Step 1: Consultation & Prep
Cleanse and tone the skin. Perform an eyebrow clean up with Caronlab cream hard wax, and assess the
lip and chin area for excess hair growth. After waxing, apply a light layer of Post Peel to the waxed
skin and avoid applying the peel solution directly over these areas.
Step 2: Peel
Apply a light layer of peel solution with your fan brush. Avoid direct contact with the eyes. Glycolic
and lactic-based peels may be gently massaged over the skin surface with gloved hands. Always supervise
the peel and watch for visible signs of over-exfoliation. Depending on the skin’s tolerance and sensitivity,
these peel solutions may be left on the skin for up to 2 minutes.
Neutralize the peel with cellulose sponges wet in tepid water. Wet the skin with two passes of the damp
sponges and proceed to a second cleansing. Always cleanse thoroughly in regions of the face where the
peel solution may not be reached (i.e. the nasal area, lip area and any other folds or creases present).
Should the client appear overly red or frosted, apply a layer of Post Peel to the affected areas.
Step 3: Perform extractions as needed.
Extract comedones as needed. Apply your preferred Toner/Conditioner to a clean cotton pad, wrap
the dampened pad around index fingers and gently extract blemishes. For oily skin/acne extractions,
apply Clearifying Toner to the skin after extractions have been completed to help prevent the spread
of bacteria.
Step 4: Facial Massage & Mask
Perform a facial massage with Vitamin E Massage Cream or Natural Massage Cream. Avoid massag-
ing active/cystic acne skin to help prevent stimulation and the spread of infection.
Apply a light layer of Herbal Moisture Mask with your natural mask brush. The mask may be lightly
massaged while damp on the skin. Allow the mask to set for up to 15 minutes, while you perform a
neck, décolleté, arm and hand massage. Remove the mask with damp cellulose sponges.
Step 5: Complete the Treatment
Apply a moisturizer. Finish with a light application of Sun Protectant Lotion.
OPTION: Serum Addition
Before applying the moisturizer, EGF Syntheserum, Wrinkle Release, Advanced Repair, or
Opti-Renew Complex may be applied to the skin.
Rejuvenation Facial Post Peel Care Form
Depending on the treatment administered, it may take up to one week for your skin to recover com-
pletely. During the repair/renewal period, you may, or may not, experience slight tingling, itching,
burning or tightness of the superficial layers of your skin. These sensations will gradually diminish.
Follow these guidelines to help ensure the safest recovery:
Cleanse and Tone daily with your Advanced Rejuvenating Concepts solution:
Fruitzyme, Clearifying, Melanin or Pumpkin.
Keep your skin hydrated and moisturized with the best Advanced Rejuvenating Concepts solution
for your skin type: Advanced Recovery Cream, Beta-Carrot Cream, Clearifying Lotion, Phyto-DMAE
Cream, Regenerating Cream, Ultra Hemp Lotion, Youthful You, and/or Rest-N-Restore.
Wear sunscreen daily (Sun Protectant Lotion or Advanced Shades) and reapply regularly (per the
instructions) when outdoors for extended periods of time.
Avoid sun exposure.
No hot tub, steam room or sauna.
No strenuous activities or exercise.
Do not pick, peel, scrape or scratch your skin.
Do not use any retinol products, lightening products, or exfoliating products.
Do not use any hair removal creams or wax over the treated area.
Avoid hair color, perm or other chemical solutions.
Contact your skin care provider with any questions or concerns you may have.
Advanced aesthetic training and sales support, we are
here to guide skin care professionals through all aspects
of career and business development.
Experience a facial with Tina Zillmann (LE, CLHRP, Founder & Executive Director) and you will witness the
science of skin rejuvenation. Having over 25 years experience in clinical aesthetic applications, she continues
to fuel her knowledge in medical aesthetics and surgical procedures that have profound impacts on the skin.
Distinguishing herself from the European day spas and what she likes to call “buff and uff facials,” Tina created
a liaison with a plastic surgeon and medical laser clinic, and founded the Skin Rejuvenation Clinique in 1991.
Within the clinic, she created Advanced Rejuvenating Concepts skin care products and became renowned in
the South Texas region for her progressive treatments for acne, acne scarring, sun damage, and melasma.
As a purveyor of healthy skin and provider of all things beauty, Tina expanded her interests into educating
women throughout the nation. Together, with her husband, Matthew, the Zillmanns have created a business
focused around beauty, personal development, and customer service.
In maintaining her high standards of excellence, Tina employs experienced and highly trained aestheticians as
educators for Advanced Rejuvenating Concepts. Each Educator is fluent in product knowledge and practices
our treatment protocols within the Skin Rejuvenation Clinique.
From sponsored online classroom demonstrations to private training and consulting workshops, our Educators
are available to help every client succeed in skin typing and analysis, treatment applications, product recom-
mendations, and more.
Our clients have the ability to gain valuable knowledge
from certied and experienced aesthetic educators.
skin typing and biology / consultation and analysis / product knowledge and sales
concierge treatment applications / pre- and post-procedural care
Back your business with a product and service range that delivers results. Advanced Rejuvenating Concepts
is an exclusive line dedicated to professionals who are serious about changing the skin. If you’re ready to
elevate your business and impress your clients, contact us today.
Products are offered at wholesale cost to retailers and skin care professionals with a valid sales permit and li-
cense. Opening orders require a minimum purchase of $500. Reorders require a minimum purchase of $150.
Learn more at or call 800 689-0499.
Advanced Rejuvenating Concepts Product Reference Guide © 2008, All Rights Reserved. All writings and materials in this book are the property of Advanced Rejuvenating Concepts™ and Skin Rejuvenation Clinique,
Inc.®, and cannot be used, copied or duplicated in any other outside materials, books or information without exclusive permission.
ADVANCED REJUVENATING CONCEPTS 133 Pecan Drive, Schertz, Texas 78154 / / Toll Free 800 689-0499