AJA Adobe Plug-ins
Release Notes - Mac v10.6
Requirements and Recommendations
Compatible with Mac OSX 10.10 (Yosemite) and OS X 10.9.5 (Mavericks). Must be
running in 64-bit kernel mode
QuickTime™ 7.6 or higher must be installed
KONA, Io, T-TAP driver required: v10.6 or later
Premiere Pro CC/CC 2014, After Eects CC/CC 2014, Photoshop CC/CC 2014,
Prelude CC/CC 2014, or Speed Grade CC/CC 2014, are required.
An Adobe-approved Mercury GPU is highly recommended.
Adds support for Premiere Pro CC 2014.1 (8.1)
Fixes several audio issues in output from Premiere Pro
Improved ability of AJA Adobe plug-ins to operate simultaneously with
applications that use AJA Core Audio drivers such as Adobe Audition
Fixed issue with Io 4K in Speed Grade
Improved ability of AJA Transmit plug-in to work in After Eects CC 2014
Important Note
This will be the nal release of AJA Adobe Plug-ins to support the KONA 3 card.
Known Issues and Limitations
Audio output from AJA device can be compromised when sequence framerates
do not match hardware framerates.
This can occur when working in 720p formats other than 720p-50, 59.94, 60.
To work around this limitation, go to Premiere Pro Playback preferences, and
set the AJA video device to ‘Match Control Panel. Then set up a cross-
conversion to output 1080 format. For example, if using a 720p-23.98
project, set the AJA Control Panel to cross-convert to 1080PsF-23.98, which is
a valid SDI output.
Millisecond delay controls will not function for video device in Premiere Pro
Playback Preferences.
Only 8-bit YUV Uncompressed captures will work correctly when capturing 4K
on Mac with Io 4K.
1 | AJA Adobe Plug-Ins | Mac v10.6 www.aja.com
‘System Sleep should not be used with KONA and Io devices. Sleep modes
should be disabled in the operating system settings.
AJA KONA and Io Core Audio drivers are not used in Premiere Pro, except when
using the Voice Over tool. Please refer to Audio setup in the AJA Adobe Plug-ins
Timecode is not stored in crash captured clips when the timecode source is
RS-422. If this is required, use embedded timecode instead of RS-422 timecode.
Variable frame rates (VFR) with pull down added are not adjusted for timecode.
‘Crash Capture and ‘Print to Video will work on Varicam frame rates over HD-SDI,
but ‘Insert Edit, ‘In/Out. Capture, and ‘Batch Capture will not.
When insert editing on Panasonic decks, destructive edits may occur too early
on the tape. In order to avoid this, be sure that menu item 202 “ID SEL is set to
Preroll shorter than 3 seconds is not recommended for use with any deck, for
capture or layback.
Premiere Pro defaults to ‘Display First Field’ in its monitor wing menus. If
interlacing issues appear on the output of AJA hardware, try changing this
setting to ‘Display Both Fields’.
When changing from a DF tape to an NDF tape on the same deck, with the
Premiere Pro capture window open, the NDF/DF status may not be picked up
correctly. If this happens, the timecode values seen in the Premiere Pro capture
window may be incorrect.
This Issue will NOT aect users unless they are changing between DF and
NDF tapes on the same deck, in the same Premiere Pro Capture session.
To Avoid This: Always give the new tape a new name in the Tape Name’
dialog that appears when changing tapes and be sure to let the new tape
spool up all the way before clicking the ‘OK’ button on the dialog.
To Fix This: Close the Premiere Pro capture window and reopen it.
When capturing from or exporting to a Panasonic D5 deck, The timecode source
setting in the AJA Premiere Pro Device Control plug-in must be LTC+VITC.
Relevant Products
The following products are covered by this update:
Io Express
Io 4K
2 | AJA Adobe Plug-Ins | Mac v10.6 www.aja.com
Technical Support
AJA Technical Support is free and available to help you answer questions or resolve
issues with any of your AJA products.
To contact AJA Technical Support:
Email: suppor[email protected]
Phone: +1-530-271-3190
Fax: +1-530-274-9442
Web: www.aja.com/support
Shipping: 180 Litton Dr. Grass Valley, CA 95945 USA
Shipping: 180 Litton Dr. Grass Valley, CA 95945 USA
3 | AJA Adobe Plug-Ins | Mac v10.6 www.aja.com
Version History
10.5.2 - Release Date: August 21, 2014
New Hardware buering setting in the Transmit plug-in. To change the setting
in Premiere Pro, go to Edit>Preferences>Playback>Video Device>AJA
Device>Setup>Buer Mode
Standard – This mode uses an 8 frame buer and is recommended for use
when mastering tapes. This is the default mode.
Minimum – This mode uses a 3 frame buer. Using this mode will increase
the likelihood of dropped frames on the output when system resources are
not keeping up, but can improve the stop/start and JKL performance on the
timeline while editing.
Maximum – This mode uses a 14 frame buer and should be used any time
occasional frame drops are occurring and limited system resources are the
suspected culprit. For example, with an underpowered, older Mac Mini, or a
system without a Mercury Approved GPU, this setting may help mitigate
minor frame drops.
Fixed issue where After Eects plug-in was using incorrect channels for output
Enhanced audio handling performance
Improved JKL performance in Premiere Pro (See also Hardware Buering change
Fixed issue with After Eects plug-in when displaying 16 bpc projects
Fixed issue with Premiere Pro capture plug-in where double-byte characters in
the lename will cause an error.
Fixed issue in Premiere Pro Transmit plug-in that caused illegal black levels when
VANC was turned on in the AJA Control Panel.
Fixed issue where JKL around the last frame of a timeline could intermittently
cause Premiere Pro to crash.
Fixed an issue where A/V sync might be out by 1-2 frames at start of playback in
Premiere Pro
10.5.1 - Release Date: April 19, 2014
Changed the Adobe Plug-In Installer to install plug-ins to new plug-in directories
in Adobe CC June 2014
4 | AJA Adobe Plug-Ins | Mac v10.6 www.aja.com
10.5 - Release Date: January 28, 2014
New Features
Added support for Io 4K
Fixes issue with After Eects Alpha Channel support
10.4.8 - Release Date: October 24, 2013
New Features
Added support for OSX v10.9 (Mavericks)
Fixed issue where horizontal and vertical resolution of AJA device output were
oset incorrectly.
10.4.5 - Release Date: June 17, 2013
New Features
Supports Adobe Premiere Pro CC, After Eects CC, Photoshop CC, and Speed
Grade CC
Adds Apple ProRes capture to Premiere Pro CC (in OS X 10.8 only)
Adds new Photoshop capture plug-in
Adds 4K and QuadHD capture support when using KONA 3G driver version
10.4.5 in 4K mode
Adds 4K and QuadHD support at 29.97 and 30 fps when using KONA 3G driver
version 10.4.5 in 4K mode
Adds VoiceOver support in Premiere Pro. See PDF manual for setup instructions.
Adds 16-channel Audio Capture from Premiere Pro when using AJA hardware
which supports 16-channel audio such as KONA 3, KONA 3G, and Io XT.
Adds 12-channel Audio Export to Tape in Premiere Pro when using AJA
hardware which supports 16-channel audio such as KONA 3, KONA 3G, and Io
XT. (In Premiere Pro CC only)
‘Match Control Panel’ mode to AJA Transmit plug-in.
Adds new ‘Disable checkbox to After Eects plug-in. This allows the user to shut
o the AJA hardware without uninstalling the plug-in.
Fixes issue where capture of 720p in Premiere Pro can drop frames.
Fixes issue where capture using DVCProHD or CineForm capture setting in
Premiere Pro actually creates uncompressed les.
Fixes issue where After Eects may crash when selecting 720p or 2K modes
using AJA Control Panel.
5 | AJA Adobe Plug-Ins | Mac v10.6 www.aja.com
Improves Performance of RAM Preview from After Eects when output from
AJA devices.
Fixes ‘Print to Video in Export to tape Dialog in Premiere Pro.
Fixes 1080p50/59.94/60 capture in Premiere Pro with KONA LHi.
Fixes audio clicking when using DNxHD capture in Premiere Pro.
Fixes audio only insert editing during Export to Tape in Premiere Pro.
Adds the ‘Compressor Info metadata eld to les captured in Premiere Pro.
Fixes the ‘Match Sequence feature of the AJA Transmit Plug-In to more
accurately detect 720p sequences and program the AJA hardware accordingly.
Fixes issue where SDI Embedded Timecode from Premiere Pro was always non-
drop frame.
Fixes issue Export to Tape in Premiere Pro could not be cancelled by the user.
Fixes issue capturing les in Premiere Pro with Unicode characters in the
Fixes uncompressed capture issues using Io Express in Premiere Pro.
Fixes issue where video in Premiere Pro capture window goes blank after rst
video capture.
Fixes intermittent A/V sync issues when repeatedly stopping/starting playback
on the Premiere Pro timeline.
Fixes batch capture problems when using the CineForm codec in Premiere Pro.
Fixes batch capture problem where one clip in the batch will drop frames and
fail to capture.
10.4.1 - Release Date: October 9, 2012
New Features
Adds DNX HD 145 capture to the AJA Capture plug-in in Premiere Pro. Files are
captured in QuickTime .mov wrapper.
Adds T-TAP support to Adobe CS6 applications on Mac.
Adds Auto Detection of attached deck resolution, frame rate, and Drop Frame
(DF) or Non Drop Frame (NDF) status. This auto detection feature is now the
default setting in the AJA Device Control Dialog. Users will no longer need to set
these settings before capturing or Exporting to Tape. If the Auto detection must
be overridden for some reason, the user may still manually set the AJA Device
Control plug-in to a specic frame rate and DF/NDF status.
Note: When changing from a DF tape to an NDF tape on the same deck, with
the Premiere Pro capture window open, the NDF/DF status may not be picked
up correctly. If this happens, the timecode values seen in the Premiere Pro
capture window may be incorrect.
6 | AJA Adobe Plug-Ins | Mac v10.6 www.aja.com
This Issue will NOT aect users unless they are changing between DF and NDF
tapes on the same deck, in the same Premiere Pro Capture session.
To Avoid This: Always give the new tape a new name in the Tape Name dialog
that appears when changing tapes and be sure to let the new tape spool up all
the way before clicking the ‘OK’ button on the dialog.
To Fix This: Close the Premiere Pro capture window and reopen it.
Photoshop and After Eects plug-ins have now changed. Rather than setting
resolution, framerate, and framebuer colorspace in the plug-in dialog, the plug-
in will now simply use the user specied settings in the AJA Control Panel.
Capture of Audio Only and Video Only les now works in Premiere Pro.
SDI Output of Closed Captioning from Premiere Pro CS 6.0.2 is now supported.
Please see Adobe Premiere Pro documentation for information on using the
Closed Captioning features of Premiere. For best CC performance, use 8-bit YUV
setting in the Transmit settings of the AJA card.
Supports Adobe Premiere Pro 6.0.2
Dramatically increases speed of RAM preview from After Eects CS6 when using
Io Express from around 6fps to RT in 8-bit YUV output mode and very near RT in
10-bit YUV mode when working in a 1080i29.97 comp. 10-bit YUV mode should
be real-time in 1080 comps with lower framerates.
Fixes issue with SD DV 16x9 sequences and clips being output from the AJA
hardware incorrectly letterboxed from Premiere Pro.
Mapping of audio output is now working in the Premiere Pro Audio Mapping
Use of the ‘Match Sequence mode in the AJA Transmit plug-in will now honor
the AJA Control Panel P/PsF format settings. For example, the default ‘Progressive
Format mode of the AJA control panel is use PsF formats’. When a user starts a
progressive sequence in Premiere Pro, the AJA Transmit plug-in will match the
resolution and framerate of the sequence, and will output progressive
segmented frames over the SDI output. If a user instead selects ‘use P formats in
the AJA Control Panel, the Premiere Pro output will be true progressive rather
than progressive segmented frame.
Added user message in the Premiere Pro Export to Tape dialog to indicate when
no deck is online.
Fixes issue with audio being lost.
Fixes issue with Video + Key (V+K) output functionality in After Eects and
Photoshop CS6 when using KONA 3, KONA 3G, and Io XT.
Fixes issue where After Eects CS6 crashes on shut down when using AJA After
Eects plug-in.
7 | AJA Adobe Plug-Ins | Mac v10.6 www.aja.com
Fixes issue where true 24fps (as opposed to 23.98) captures having incorrect
timecode in them.
Fixes issue with inability to capture RGB formats using Io XT in Premiere Pro.
Fixes issue up-converting while capturing from analog inputs on KONA LHi in
Premiere Pro.
Fixes issue where batch captured clips will be intermittently o by 1 frame.
Fixes issue capturing 8-bit RGBA QuickTime les in Premiere Pro.
Fixes issue with last frame of QuickTime les captured during down-conversion
using AJA hardware in Premiere Pro.
Fixes issue where After Eects CS6 has bad output from KONA cards when YUV
preview modes are selected for KONA.
Fixes issue with audio output to AJA hardware being lost when using JKL keys in
Premiere Pro.
Fixes issue with Export to Tape cancellation causing failure in subsequent Export
to Tape attempts in Premiere Pro.
Fixes issue with In-to-Out captures and batch captures in Premiere Pro when
capturing from a Ki Pro.
Fixes issue where capture resolution must match sequence/timeline resolution
in Premiere Pro. The AJA Capture plug-in for Premiere Pro will now lock to any
resolution of video regardless of the resolution of the project sequences.
Fixes issue where changing the timebase in the AJA Device Control dialog
causes capture failure.
Fixes issues where Export to Tape using most Panasonic decks will fail
Fixes issues where Export to Tape using more than two audio tracks only arms
tracks one and two on the deck, causing only two tracks to be laid down on the
Fixes issue where clicking on the timeline while playing footage in the Source
Monitor, in Premiere Pro 6.0.2 or 6.0.3 causes a crash.
Fixes issue where dragging the CTI in the timeline while the timeline is already
playing can cause loss of audio.
Fixes issue with desktop preview failure in Premiere Pro capture window when
capturing with Io XT.
Fixes issue with After Eects and Photoshop output having incorrect colors.
Changed Default Device control Preroll to 3 seconds.
Fixes issue where leaving AJA Photoshop Export dialog open causes 100% usage
of one processor core.
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