Chapter Concepts
11.1 Structures and Processes
of the Nervous System
Homeostasis is maintained in the
human body by the various parts
of the nervous system.
Neural transmission occurs along axons,
due to an action potential that causes
depolarization of the neuron.
Electrochemical communication occurs
between cells at the synapse.
11.2 The Central Nervous System
The central nervous system is the body’s
control centre. It consists of the brain
and spinal cord.
The brain includes centres that control
involuntary responses and voluntary
The cerebrum is the largest part of the
brain. It contains four pairs of lobes,
each of which is associated with
particular functions.
11.3 The Peripheral Nervous System
The peripheral nervous system is
comprised of the somatic (voluntary)
system and the autonomic (involuntary)
The autonomic system is divided into
the sympathetic and parasympathetic
nervous systems.
or thousands of
ears, humans have aspired to create intelli
achines that can interact with their surroundin
s. More recentl
ineers have created sophisticated robots b
f the human nervous s
stem. Modern robots can collect sensor
nformation, use complex si
networks, and respond to various
ituations. Even the most advanced robot, however, is about as com
s an insect and processes information at a rate of onl
500 million
nstructions per second. Superimposed on the ima
e of the human
brain, shown above, the robotic neural network looks relativel
The human nervous s
stem allows us not onl
to interpret sensor
nformation, but also to learn, reason, ima
ine, and experience
motions. In addition, the nervous s
stem enables the bod
maintain homeostasis
The Nervous System
364 MHR Unit 5 The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
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Launch Lab
You, Robot?
Modern robots are designed to mimic basic human nervous
system processing, which includes sensory input, integration
(sorting and putting together information), and motor output.
However, modern robots cannot match the capabilities of the
human nervous system. This activity is designed to reduce your
neural capabilities to those of a fairly advanced robot. How will
this affect your ability to perform simple motor output tasks?
new ear plugs or cotton batting
2 pairs of pliers
tongue depressor
masking tape
shoes with laces
heavy gloves
1. Make a data table in your notebook to record the trial times.
2. Work with a partner. With untied shoes, Partner A should
sit on a chair in front of Partner B.
3. Time how long Partner B takes to tie Partner As shoelaces.
4. Repeat step 3 with Partner B wearing a blindfold and
5. Now repeat step 3 with Partner B wearing heavy gloves.
6. Now repeat step 3 with tongue depressors taped to Partner
B’s forefi ngers and thumbs.
7. Have Partner B hold a pair of pliers in each hand. Repeat
step 3 with Partner B using the pliers to untie the shoelaces.
Then repeat the task using only one hand.
8. Switch places and repeat steps 3 to 7.
1. Describe how each sense impairment affected the ability to
integrate (sort, interpret, and determine responses to) and
process sensory information.
2. For each trial, how did impairing the senses affect the ability
to perform a simple motor output task?
3. Describe your impressions of the human nervous systems
role, based on the results of this activity.
The Asimo project began in 1986. The first fully independent
walking humanoid prototype was finished in 1997.
Chapter 11 The Nervous System • MHR
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366 MHR Unit 5 The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Figure 11.1 This child is wearing the same kind of clothing that her people, the Inuit, have
traditionally made and worn to protect them against the extremes of their Arctic environment.
How is her nervous system adapted to enable her body to maintain homeostasis while living in
a harsh climate?
The human nervous system is equipped
to sense and respond to continuous
change within the body and in its
external environment. As you may recall
from your previous studies of human
systems, homeostasis is a state of relative
stability within the body. Homeostasis is
critical for survival, because the body can
only survive within a narrow range of
conditions. The nervous system regulates
body structures and processes to
maintain homeostasis despite fl uctuations
in the internal and external environment.
For example, the child in Figure 11.1
lives in what many people consider to
be an inhospitable environment, with
winter temperatures often falling to
50 °C and lower. For the Arctic Inuit,
maintaining a constant internal
temperature, while keeping blood and
heat fl owing to the extremities, is crucial.
Researchers have discovered that the
nervous systems of people living in
warmer climates act to constrict blood
ow to an extremity (and thus conserve
body heat) when the extremity is cooled.
In Inuit people who have lived for
generations in the far North, however,
the nervous system fl uctuates the
constriction and dilation of blood vessels
to cooled extremities. This has the effect
of conserving body heat, but it also
allows for continued blood fl ow to
prevent frostbite. In this way,
homeostasis is maintained.
Figure 11.2 Dissections allow researchers to
learn about the human body. This dissection
of the human nervous system was donated
to the Smithsonian Institution in 1935 from
the Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine.
Structures and Processes
of the Nervous System
Section Outcomes
In this section, you will
describe the role of
the nervous system
in homeostasis
describe and observe
the organization of
neurons into nerves
describe the structure
and function of a refl ex
arc, and design and
perform an investigation
to study refl ex arcs
explain the transmission
of an action potential
along a neuron and
from one neuron to
another, and perform
investigations that
demonstrate the structure
and function of neurons
analyze and explain the
effects of various drugs
on the nervous system
Key Terms
nervous system
central nervous system
peripheral nervous system
glial cells
refl ex arcs
cell body
myelin sheath
Schwann cells
membrane potential
resting membrane potential
sodium-potassium exchange
nodes of Ranvier
action potential
threshold potential
refractory period
neuromuscular junction
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Chapter 11 The Nervous System • MHR 367
To maintain homeostasis, the
human body must react to differences in
temperature as well as respond to various
internal and external stimuli, and it must
regulate these responses. The human
nervous system can regulate tens of
thousands of activities simultaneously.
In ways that scientists do not fully
understand, it is intimately connected
with human consciousness, intelligence,
and creativity. The nervous system
monitors and controls most body
processes, from automatic functions
(such as breathing) to activities that
involve fi ne motor coordination,
learning, and thought (such as playing
a musical instrument). The brain and
spinal cord, and the nerves that emerge
from them and connect them to the rest
of the body, make up the human
nervous system (Figure 11.2).
Defi ne homeostasis.
Explain why the nervous system
is critical for maintaining
• • •
• • •
Organization of
the Nervous System
The human nervous system is perhaps
the most complex system of any organism.
The human brain alone contains over
100 billion nerve cells, and each nerve
cell can have up to 10 000 connections to
other nerve cells. This means that a nerve
impulse—an electrochemical signal—to
or from the brain could travel along 10
possible routes.
The nervous system has two major
divisions: the central nervous system
(CNS) and the peripheral nervous system
(PNS). Early researchers made this
distinction based on where nervous
tissue was located in the body—centrally
or away from the centre (peripherally).
Together, the central nervous system and
the peripheral nervous system control
sensory input, integration, and motor
The central nervous system, which
consists of the brain and spinal cord,
integrates and processes information
sent by nerves.
The peripheral nervous system
includes nerves that carry sensory
messages to the central nervous system
and nerves that send information from
the CNS to the muscles and glands.
The peripheral nervous system is
further divided into the somatic system
and the autonomic system.
The somatic system consists of
sensory receptors in the head and
extremities, nerves that carry sensory
information to the central nervous
system, and nerves that carry instructions
from the central nervous system to the
skeletal muscles.
The autonomic system controls
glandular secretions and the functioning
of the smooth and cardiac muscles.
The sympathetic and parasympathetic
divisions of the autonomic system often
work in opposition to each other to
regulate the involuntary processes of
the body. Involuntary processes, such as
heartbeat and peristalsis, are those that do
not require or involve conscious control.
Create a table to identify the
different systems in the nervous
system and explain the structure
and function of each.
• • •
• • •
Figure 11.3 The organization
of the human nervous system.
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368 MHR Unit 5 The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Cells of the Nervous System
The nervous system is composed of only
two main types of cells: neurons and cells
that support the neurons, which are
called glial cells. Neurons are the basic
structural and functional units of the
nervous system. They are specialized to
respond to physical and chemical stimuli,
to conduct electrochemical signals, and
to release chemicals that regulate various
body processes.
The activity of neurons is supported
by another type of cells called glial cells.
(The word glial comes from a Greek
word that means glue.”) Glial cells
outnumber neurons by about 10 to 1,
and they account for about half of the
volume of the nervous system.
Collectively, glial cells nourish the
neurons, remove their wastes, and defend
against infection. Glial cells also provide
a supporting framework for all the
nervous-system tissue. Figure 11.4
shows a small sample of this tissue.
Individual neurons are organized
into tissues called nerves. Figure 11.5
shows how hundreds of individual
neurons are grouped into nerve bundles
and surrounded by protective connective
tissue. Like optical fi bre cables, which
carry many individual wires from one
part of a network to another, the nerves
extend the neurons throughout the
peripheral nervous system. Some nerves
consist of neurons that carry information
from sensory receptors. Other nerves
consist of neurons that carry
information to the muscles or glands.
Magnification: 295 ×
Figure 11.4 This electron micrograph shows
interconnecting neurons with their cell bodies
(yellow) and a supporting glial cell (purple).
Neurons vary considerably in size
and appearance, depending on their
position and function in the body. Three
main types of neurons, however, form
the basic impulse-transmission pathway
of the entire nervous system (Figure
11.6). This pathway, summarized in
Table 11.1, depends on three overlapping
functions: sensory input, integration,
and motor output.
1. Sensory input: Sensory neurons
gather information from the sensory
receptors (senses) and transmit
these impulses to the central nervous
system (brain and spinal cord).
2. Integration: Interneurons are found
entirely within the central nervous
system. They act as a link between
the sensory and motor neurons.
They process and integrate incoming
sensory information, and relay
outgoing motor information.
Most nerves are buried
deep in the body to protect
them from injury, with only
small extensions that reach
the outer skin. One exception
is the ulnar nerve at the
elbow, which runs close to
the surface of the skin. This
is why a slight knock to your
elbow sends an unpleasant
tingling sensation
throughout your arm!
Figure 11.5 Neurons are
bundled together into
nerves in the peripheral
nervous system and into
tracts in the central
nervous system. Nerves
are macroscopic structures.
Neurons, however, are
microscopic structures.
Even a neuron that is over
1 m long cannot be seen
with the unaided eye.
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Chapter 11 The Nervous System • MHR 369
Table 11.1 Structures of the General Neural
Impulse Transmission Pathway
Structure Function
receive stimuli and form a
nerve impulse
transmit impulses from the
sensory receptors to the
interneurons are found in the brain and
spinal cord; act as an
integration centre
conduct impulses from the
interneurons to the effectors
effectors muscles, glands, and other
organs that respond to
impulses from the motor
3. Motor output: Motor neurons
transmit information from the central
nervous system to the muscles,
glands, and other organs (effectors).
Figure 11.7 on page 370 provides an
example of a basic neural transmission
pathway. Suppose that you are driving
a car, and a cat darts onto the road in
front of you. Your eyes collect sensory
information (the sight of the cat on
the road), and sensory neurons transmit
this information by conducting
electrochemical signals to the brain
and spinal cord. Here the information
is integrated by interneurons. Motor
neurons then carry motor output signals
to the muscles (effectors), causing you
to extend your foot and press the brake.
The Refl ex Arc
Some neurons are organized to enable
your body to react rapidly in times of
danger, even before you are consciously
aware of the threat. These sudden,
unlearned, involuntary responses
to certain stimuli are called refl exes.
Examples of refl exes are jerking your
hand away from a hot or sharp object,
blinking when an object moves toward
your eye, or vomiting in response to food
that irritates your stomach. Re ex arcs
are simple connections of neurons that
explain refl exive behaviours. They can be
used to model the basic organization of
the nervous system.
Refl ex arcs use very few neurons to
transmit messages. As a result, refl exes
can be very rapid, occurring in about
50 ms (milliseconds). Withdrawal
refl exes, for example, depend on only
Figure 11.6 This diagram
shows how a sensory
neuron, an interneuron,
and a motor neuron are
arranged in the nervous
system. (The breaks
indicate that the axons
are longer than shown).
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370 MHR Unit 5 The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
three neurons. Figure 11.8 illustrates
a typical neural circuit, as well as a
withdrawal refl ex from a potentially
dangerous situation. Receptors in the
skin sense the pressure of the cactus
needle and initiate an impulse in a
sensory neuron. The impulse carried by
the sensory neuron then activates the
interneuron in the spinal cord. The
interneuron signals the motor neuron
to instruct the muscle to contract and
withdraw the hand.
A refl ex arc moves directly to and
from the brain or spinal cord, before the
brain centres involved with voluntary
control have time to process the sensory
information. This is why, after stepping
on a stone, you would not feel pain or cry
out until after your foot was withdrawn,
once the brain has had time to process the
information. You can test your refl exes in
Investigation 11.A.
Compare the basic function of
neurons and glial cells.
List the three types of neurons, and
identify their primary functions.
Identify the basic neural pathway
that is involved as you dodge a
wayward tennis ball. Compare
this pathway with a withdrawal
refl ex.
• • •
• • •
The Structure of a Neuron
Neurons have many of the same features
as other body cells. In addition, neurons
have specialized cell structures that
enable them to transmit nerve impulses.
Different types of neurons are different
shapes and sizes. In general, however,
they share four common features:
dendrites, a cell body (soma), an axon,
and branching ends (Figure 11.9).
Figure 11.7 An overview
of the neurons in a nerve
impulse pathway
Figure 11.8 A withdrawal reflex. Receptors in the skin perceive
the stimulus. Sensory information is conducted from the senses
into the spinal cord. Motor information is then conducted away
from the spinal cord to the muscles and glands.
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Chapter 11 The Nervous System • MHR 371
Move Fast! Refl ex Responses
Refl exes are rapid, involuntary neural pathways that help
to protect the body. The knee-jerk (patellar) refl ex is an
example of the numerous stretch adjustments your body
makes every second to unconsciously maintain your
balance and coordination. (Your teacher may add others.)
Try to initiate the following three common refl exes. Then
design an experiment to test a fourth refl ex.
How does a refl ex arc help to protect the body from harm?
Safety Precautions
Do not use excessive force when testing the knee-jerk
refl ex.
cotton balls
room light
20 cm by 20 cm clear
plastic sheet
Part 1: Pupillary Refl ex
1. Work with a partner. Dim the lights in the room for a
few minutes. Look at the pupils in your partner’s eyes.
2. Turn on the lights. Check the size of the pupils.
Part 2: Blink Refl ex
1. Have your partner hold a piece of clear plastic in
front of the face.
2. Without warning, quickly throw a cotton ball
at your partner’s eyes. Your partner should blink,
demonstrating the blink refl ex.
Part 3: Knee Jerk (Patellar) Refl ex
1. Have your partner sit in a chair with legs crossed,
so the top leg can swing freely.
2. Hit the top leg softly, just below the knee, with
the side of your hand. The leg should kick out
immediately, demonstrating the patellar refl ex.
1. Copy the diagram below into your notebook.
Use it as a model to represent and summarize each of
the refl ex responses that you tested and observed in
this investigation.
2. Explain why refl exes are important for the body.
3. Describe how the three refl exes tested in this
investigation might protect the body.
4. A student puts her hand on hot glassware, but
withdraws her hand before she feels the pain. Explain
how and why her awareness of the pain is delayed.
5. Design a procedure to test one of the other refl exes of
the body. Hypothesize what the refl ex arc might look
like for the refl ex you are testing, and suggest a way
in which this refl ex would help to protect the body.
Obtain your teacher’s approval before carrying out
your procedure.
Target Skills
Performing an experiment to
investigate the physiology of refl ex arcs
Identifying a refl ex arc not discussed
in the textbook, and designing an
experiment to investigate the
physiology of this refl ex arc
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372 MHR Unit 5 The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Researchers at the Max
Planck institute have
interfaced actual living
neurons with microchip
transistors, as shown in the
photo. They succeeded in
sending a signal from a
microchip, through two
neurons, to another
microchip that turned on
a silicon switch. They plan
to expand their work to
understand more about the
elaborate communication
systems involved in the
nerve pathways of the brain.
Dendrites are short, branching
terminals that receive nerve impulses
from other neurons or sensory receptors,
and relay the impulse to the cell body.
The dendrites are numerous and highly
branched, which increases the surface
area available to receive information. The
cell body contains the nucleus and is the
site of the cell’s metabolic reactions. The
cell body also processes input from the
dendrites. If the input received is large
enough, the cell body relays it to the
axon, where an impulse is initiated.
A neuron typically has one axon,
which conducts impulses away from the
cell body. Axons range in length from
1 mm to 1 m, depending on the neurons
location in the body. For example, the
sciatic nerve in the leg contains neuronal
axons that extend from the spinal cord
all the way to the muscles in the foot, a
distance of over 1 m. The terminal end
of an axon branches into many fi bres.
To communicate with adjacent neurons,
glands, or muscles, the axon terminal
releases chemical signals into the space
between it and the receptors or dendrites
of neighbouring cells.
The axons of some neurons are
enclosed in a fatty, insulating layer called
the myelin sheath, which gives the axons
a glistening white appearance. These
axons are said to be myelinated. Axons
without a myelin sheath are said to be
unmyelinated (Figure 11.9).
The myelin sheath protects
myelinated neurons and speeds the rate
of nerve impulse transmission. Schwann
cells, a type of glial cell, form myelin by
wrapping themselves around the axon. In
the central nervous system, myelinated
neurons form what is known as white
matter, and unmyelinated neurons form
the grey matter. Most neurons in the
peripheral nervous system are myelinated.
Draw a neuron, label its basic
structures, and identify their
Describe the structure of a
myelinated neuron.
• • •
• • •
The Nerve Impulse
A taser is a non-lethal weapon that
some police offi cers use to immobilize
threatening people. A taser sends 25 000
to 150 000 V (volts) of electricity through
the human nervous system. This overloads
the motor neurons of the somatic
system, momentarily incapacitating the
body. The electrical jolt interferes with
the nervous system because neuron
function depends on the cells ability
to conduct electrochemical impulses.
Neurons are able to establish a
voltage difference between the inside
and outside of the cell membrane. They
use this voltage difference to generate a
neural impulse. In the remainder of this
section, you will focus on how these
impulses are generated in neurons
and how these electrical signals are
transmitted along the length of a neuron.
Figure 11.9 (A) Light micrograph of
an unmyelinated neuron and (B) the
structures of a typical myelinated
neuron. You will learn about these
structures in the following pages.
myelin sheath
Magnification: 975 ×
Magnification: 5 520 ×
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Chapter 11 The Nervous System • MHR 373
The Electrical Nature of Nerves
Luigi Galvani (1737–1798), an Italian
physician and anatomist, discovered
the electrical nature of nerve tissue in a
simple experiment. Using two metal rods
and some wire, he was able to activate a
nerve within a frog’s leg and cause the leg
to twitch. No detailed information about
the mechanisms by which nervous tissue
transmitted electrical information was
obtained until 1952. At that time, A.L.
Hodgkin and A.F. Huxley performed
experiments on the giant axon of the
squid of the genus Loligo, shown in
Figure 11.10. This squid has giant
neurons used for rapid tail movements,
with axons that reach from the head of
the squid into its tail. A squid giant axon
is up to 10 cm long and about 1 mm in
diameter, or 100 to 1000 times the
diameter of a human axon. The size of
the axon allows scientists to measure the
potential difference across the cell
membrane quite easily, by inserting
tiny electrodes into the axon and then
reading the potential difference from a
specialized voltmeter. This technique has
provided extensive information about
how a voltage is established across the
axon membrane and how a neural
impulse is generated.
Although neurons can conduct
neural impulses from one area of the
body to another, this process differs
from electrical conduction along a wire.
Nerve conduction is more complex and
considerably slower. Unlike the movement
of electrons along an electrical wire,
nerve conduction depends on the
movement of ions across the cell
membrane of the axon.
Resting Membrane Potential
When microelectrodes are inserted in an
inactive, or resting, neuron, measurements
from a voltmeter indicate an electrical
potential difference (voltage) across the
neural membrane (Figure 11.11). The
electrical potential difference across the
membrane can be likened to the electric
potential of a fl ashlight battery or car
battery. The chemical reactions maintain
a separation of charges between the
positive and negative poles. Similarly, in
a resting neuron, the cytoplasmic side of
the membrane is negative, relative to the
extracellular side. The charge separation
across the membrane is a form of
potential energy, or membrane potential.
The potential difference across the
membrane in a resting neuron is called
the resting membrane potential. The
resting membrane potential of most
unstimulated neurons is
70 mV
(millivolts), and it is negative on the
inside, relative to the outside. The resting
membrane potential provides energy for
the generation of a nerve impulse in
response to an appropriate stimulus.
The process of generating a resting
membrane potential of
70 mV is called
polarization. Neurons become polarized
as a result of several mechanisms at work
at the same time. Large protein molecules
that are negatively charged are present in
the intracellular fl uid but not outside of
the cell. These proteins are so large that
they cannot pass through the cell
Figure 11.11 A diagram of
a specialized voltmeter and
a neuron with a resting
membrane potential of
70 mV.
Figure 11.10 Loligo
opalescens, one of the
species of Loligo studied
by neurobiologists. What
unique feature of this squid
genus has helped scientists
learn about the human
nervous system?
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374 MHR Unit 5 The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
membrane. As well, the membrane is
nearly impermeable to some smaller
negatively charged ions such as chloride
ions. Their presence in the intrarcellular
uid further contributes to the negative
charge inside the cell.
The most important contributor to
the separation of charge and the resulting
electrical potential difference across the
membrane is the sodium-potassium
exchange pump (Figure 11.12). This
system uses the energy of ATP to
transport sodium ions out of the
cell and potassium ions into the cell.
The sodium-potassium exchange
pump exchanges three sodium ions for
two potassium ions. As a result, an excess
of positive charge accumulates outside of
the cell. The cell membrane is not totally
impermeable to sodium and potassium
ions, so they leak slowly by diffusion
across the membrane in the direction of
their concentration gradient. However,
potassium ions are able to diffuse out of
the cell more easily than sodium ions can
diffuse into the cell. The overall result
of the active transport of sodium and
potassium ions across the membrane,
and their subsequent diffusion back
across the membrane, is a constant
transmembrane potential of
70 mV.
You might wonder why the
70 mV
potential difference across the neuronal
membrane is called the resting membrane
potential when the sodium-potassium
pump is constantly using energy to
transport these ions. The term resting
means that no nerve impulses are being
transmitted along the axon. The resting
potential maintains the axon membrane
in a condition of readiness for an impulse
to occur. The energy for any eventual
impulses is stored in the electrochemical
gradient across the membrane.
Explain what the resting
membrane potential is, and why
it is signifi cant to the functioning
of neurons.
Identify and explain the three
factors that contribute to the
resting membrane potential.
• • •
• • •
Action Potential
A nerve impulse consists of a series of
action potentials. To understand an
impulse, you fi rst need to focus on an
individual action potential taking place
on one tiny segment of the axon
membrane. In myelinated neurons,
action potentials occur only at nodes of
Ranvier (see Figure 11.9) because the
myelin sheath insulates the axonal
membrane that it encircles.
Figure 11.12 The sodium-
potassium exchange pump
actively transports three
sodium ions (Na
) outside
of the cell for every two
potassium ions (K
) moved
inside the cell. Small
amounts of Na
and K
also diffuse (“leak)
slowly across the cell
membrane, following their
concentration gradient.
The carrier protein has a
shape that allows it to take
up three sodium ions (Na
ATP is split, and a phosphate
group is transferred to the
carrier protein.
A change in shape of the
carrier protein causes the
release of three sodium ions
) outside the cell. The
altered shape permits the
uptake of two potassium
ions (K
The phosphate group is released
from the carrier protein.
A change in shape of the carrier
protein causes the protein to release
the potassium ions (K
) in the cell.
The carrier protein is once again able
to take up three sodium ions (Na
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Chapter 11 The Nervous System • MHR 375
Modelling Resting Membrane Potential
In this investigation, you will build a simple model of
the neural membrane to demonstrate how the resting
membrane potential is established.
How does the resting neural membrane generate an
electric potential?
Safety Precautions
Wash your hands after completing this investigation, or
immediately if your skin is exposed to the solutions used.
Wear goggles to protect your eyes against accidental
splashes. The solutions used are irritating to the eyes.
3 mol/L sodium
3 mol/L potassium
chloride solution chloride solution
22 cm of moistened
2 strips of uninsulated
dialysis tubing copper wire, each 40 cm long
DC millivolt meter
elastic band
400 mL beaker
1. Create a table to record the data collected.
2. With your group, take the two 40-cm strips of copper
wire and tightly wind one end of each around a pen
in order to form a coil of about 8 cm.
3. Attach the uncoiled ends to the millivolt meter, as
shown below. Each wire will serve as an electrode.
4. Pour about 300 mL of the sodium chloride solution
into the 400 mL beaker. Take the copper electrode
attached to the positive terminal of the meter, and
immerse the free end in the solution.
5. Tie off one end of moistened dialysis tubing. Fill two
thirds of the tubing with potassium chloride solution.
Place the free end of the other copper electrode in the
solution in the tubing. Secure the end of the tubing
around the wire with an elastic band.
6. While another group member observes the needle
on the millivolt meter, place the dialysis tubing in the
beaker that contains the solution of sodium chloride.
(If sensor probes are available, these can be used to
measure and monitor the electric potential.)
7. Leave the dialysis tubing in the beaker, and continue to
monitor the electric potential every 5 min, until a trend
is established. Record each value in your data table.
1. Graph the data from your data table.
2. Explain what the dialysis tubing, potassium chloride
solution, and sodium chloride represent in this
model of a resting neuron.
3. Compare the electric potential created in this model
with a resting membrane potential in a neuron.
4. Compare your results with the results of other groups
in your class. Provide a reason for any differences.
5. Hypothesize how you might be able to increase the
electric potential across the dialysis tubing.
6. a) Describe what happened to the magnitude of the
electric potential over time, and explain why this
b) If this occurred in a neuron, what would happen?
7. a) How did your model illustrate the mechanism
of ion channel diffusion?
b) Summarize all the factors that establish resting
membrane potential in a neuron, including the
mechanism of ion channel diffusion illustrated
by your model.
Target Skills
Gathering and analyzing data from a
model of a neuron
Working as a team to carry out
experimental procedures and assess results
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376 MHR Unit 5 The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
A neuronal membrane is said to
be depolarized if the transmembrane
potential is reduced to less than the resting
potential of
70 mV. If, for any reason,
the membrane at a node of Ranvier
becomes depolarized to
55 mV, a
dramatic change occurs in the membrane.
This change is called an action potential.
(As you will see later, this depolarization
is usually caused by an action potential
that has just occurred at an adjacent
node of Ranvier.) An action potential is
called an all-or-none event because a
depolarization to between
70 mV and
55 mV has no effect. Any depolarization
55 mV, or any other amount up to 0,
will produce identical action potentials.
The potential difference of
55 mV is
therefore called the threshold potential.
Threshold potentials can vary slightly,
depending on the type of neuron, but
they are usually close to
55 mV.
When the transmembrane potential
at a node of Ranvier reaches threshold,
special structures in the membrane
called voltage-gated sodium channels
open and make the membrane very
permeable to sodium ions. The sodium
ions on the outside of the axon suddenly
rush into the axon, driven by their
Figure 11.13 Summary
of the events in an action
Figure 11.14 The
repolarization of a neuron.
Why must the neuron be
repolarized before it can
be stimulated again?
2 3296_Chapter_11.indd 112 3296_Chapter_11.indd 11 11/4/06 6:17:55 PM11/4/06 6:17:55 PM
Chapter 11 The Nervous System • MHR 377
concentration gradient and the potential
difference across the membrane as
shown in Figure 11.13. Within a
millisecond or less, enough positively
charged sodium ions have crossed
the membrane to make the potential
difference across the membrane in
that tiny region of the axon +35 mV.
As a result of the change in
membrane potential, the sodium channels
close and voltage-gated potassium
channels open. As shown in Figure 11.14,
the potassium ions now move down
their concentration gradient (toward the
outside of the axon), carrying positive
charge out of the neuron. As a result,
the membrane is repolarized—that is,
returned to its previous polarization. In
fact, the membrane potential overshoots
to nearly
90 mV. At that point, the
potassium channels close. The sodium-
potassium exchange pump and the small
amount of naturally occurring diffusion
quickly bring the membrane back to its
normal resting potential of
70 mV. For
the next few milliseconds after an action
potential, the membrane cannot be
stimulated to undergo another action
potential. This brief period of time is
called the refractory period of the
Figure 11.15 summarizes the
changes in the transmembrane potential
that occur during an action potential.
Notice that all of these events occur
within a period of a few milliseconds.
As well, they occur in one small region
of the axon membrane.
Explain the difference between
depolarization of a neuron and
an action potential.
Describe the “all-or-none”
Describe the process of
repolarization in the neuron, and
explain its importance in the
transmission of a neural impulse.
• • •
• • •
Nerve Impulse
A nerve impulse consists of a series of
action potentials. How does one action
potential stimulate another? Examine
Figure 11.16 on page 378. As you know,
when an action potential occurs at a
node of Ranvier, sodium ions fl ow into
the axon. After the sodium channels
close, there is still a relatively high
concentration of sodium inside the axon
at that node. Since particles such as ions
always diffuse from an area of higher
concentration to an area of lower
concentration, the sodium ions inside
the axon cannot diffuse out. Instead, they
diffuse in both directions along the axon.
When the sodium ions reach
neighboring nodes of Ranvier, the
positive charges reduce the net negative
charge inside the axonal membrane.
The presence of the positively charged
sodium ions causes the membrane at the
nodes of Ranvier to become depolarized
to threshold. Since an action potential
just occurred at the node to the left (in
the fi gure), that membrane is refractory,
which means that it cannot be stimulated
to undergo another action potential yet.
This mechanism prevents impulses from
going backwards. The membrane of
the node of Ranvier to the right is not
refractory so the depolarization initiates
an action potential at this node.
The same process occurs at each
node until it reaches the end of the
neuron. This process of one action
potential stimulating the production
Figure 11.15 The
changes in the
potential of the
axon are a result of
sodium ions flowing
into the axon and
potassium ions
flowing out. An
action potential
lasts only a few
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378 MHR Unit 5 The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
of another one at the next node
constitutes the nerve impulse.
Because action potentials are forced
to “jump from one node of Ranvier to
the next due to the myelin sheath, the
conduction of an impulse along a
myelinated neuron is called saltatory
conduction. (The word saltatory” comes
from a Latin word that means to jump
or leap.) A similar process occurs in
unmyelinated neurons. In these neurons,
however, action potentials can occur
at all locations along a membrane.
Therefore, they occur beside one
another. As a result of so many action
potentials occurring all along the axon,
the transmission of an impulse along an
unmyelinated axon is much slower than
the saltatory conduction along a
myelinated axon (about 0.5 m/s,
compared with as much as 120 m/s
in a myelinated axon).
The nervous system disorder called
multiple sclerosis is caused by the
breakdown of the myelin sheath
surrounding the axons in the central
nervous system (Figure 11.17). The
neurons can no longer effi ciently carry
electrochemical signals between the
brain and the body. Multiple sclerosis is
thought to be an autoimmune disease, in
which the body’s own immune system
breaks down the myelin. The symptoms
of multiple sclerosis can include blurred
vision, loss of balance, muscle weakness,
fatigue, and slurred speech. Most people
with multiple sclerosis experience
periods of remission and periods
of progression of the disease.
In Investigation 11.C, you will
examine myelinated and unmyelinated
neural tissue.
Signal Transmission
across a Synapse
The simplest neural pathways have at
least two neurons and one connection
between the neurons. Other neural
pathways can involve thousands of
neurons and their connections as an
impulse travels from the origin of the
stimulus, through the sensory neurons
to the brain, and back through motor
neurons to the muscles or glands. The
connection between two neurons, or a
neuron and an effector, is called a synapse.
A neuromuscular junction is a synapse
between a motor neuron and a muscle cell.
Figure 11.17 In this person, who has
multiple sclerosis, the myelin sheath in
the white matter of the brain has been
destroyed, leaving lesions. Arrows show
the affected areas of the brain.
Web Link
View an on-line animation of
neural impulse propagation.
In what way is a neural
impulse like a wave?
Figure 11.16 Sodium
ions that accumulate
inside an axon during an
action potential diffuse
in both directions along
the inside of the axon.
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Chapter 11 The Nervous System • MHR 379
Figure 11.18 (A) An
electron micrograph of a
neural synapse. Note in
green the synaptic vesicles
in the axon terminal of
the presynaptic neuron.
(B) Neurotransmitters
bind to receptor proteins.
(C) Synaptic transmission.
The impulse
travels to the
synaptic terminal.
Synaptic vesicles move
toward and fuse with the
presynaptic membrane.
are released into
the synaptic cleft.
Neurotransmitters bind to receptor proteins
and affect the postsynaptic neuron. Afterward,
an enzyme will break up the neurotransmitter,
and its components will be reabsorbed by the
presynaptic neuron. The pink arrows show the
direction of nerve impulse transmission.
Magnification: 15 288 ×
An impulse travels the length of the
axon until it reaches the far end, called the
synaptic terminal. Most neurons are not
directly connected, but have a gap between
them called the synaptic cleft. These
neurons are not close enough for the
impulse to jump from one to the other.
How, then, does the impulse proceed
from the presynaptic neuron, which sends
out information, to the postsynaptic
neuron, which receives the information?
Chemical messengers called
neurotransmitters carry the neural
signal from one neuron to another.
Neurotransmitters can also carry the
neural signal from a neuron to an
effector, such as a gland or muscle fi bre.
Figure 11.18 summarizes the events in
the movement of an impulse across a
synapse. When an action potential arrives
at the end of a presynaptic neuron,
the impulse causes sacs that contain
neurotransmitters to fuse with the
membrane of the axon. These sacs, called
synaptic vesicles, release their contents
into the synaptic cleft by exocytosis. The
neurotransmitters then diffuse across
the synapse, taking about 0.5 to 1 ms to
reach the dendrites of the postsynaptic
neuron, or cell membrane of the effector.
Upon reaching the postsynaptic
membrane, the neurotransmitters bind
to specifi c receptor proteins in this
membrane. As Figure 11.18 illustrates,
the receptor proteins trigger ion-specifi c
channels to open. This depolarizes the
postsynaptic membrane and, if the
threshold potential is reached, initiates an
action potential. The impulse will travel
along the postsynaptic axon to its terminal
and to the next neuron or an effector.
Neurotransmitters have either
excitatory or inhibitory effects on the
postsynaptic membrane. If the effect is
excitatory, the receptor proteins will
trigger ion channels that open to allow
positive ions, such as sodium, to fl ow
into the postsynaptic neuron. As a result,
the membrane becomes slightly
depolarized. The membrane of the
neuron cannot experience an action
potential but the slight depolarization
spreads throughout the nerve cell,
lowering its threshold level.
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380 MHR Unit 5 The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
If the neurotransmitter is inhibitory,
the receptor will trigger potassium
channels to open, allowing potassium
ions to fl ow out. This results in a more
negative transmembrane potential,
resulting in hyperpolarization. A single
cell body may be receiving signals from
many presynaptic neurons at the same
time. Some can be excitatory and others
can be inhibitory. One of the functions
of the cell body is to integrate all of the
incoming signals. The combined effect of
all of the stimuli spreads across the cell
body. If the excitatory stimuli are strong
enough, the depolarization will reach the
point at which the axon is connected to
the cell body and an impulse will be
generated. The postsynaptic neuron will
then return to resting potential.
After the neurotransmitter has had
its effect, enzymes break it down and
inactivate it so that its components can
be reabsorbed by the presynaptic cell.
Summarize the events that occur
as an impulse is propagated along
the length of the neuron.
Summarize the events involved
in impulse transmission from
the presynaptic neuron to the
postsynaptic neuron.
Identify the function of
neurotransmitters in the
nervous system.
• • •
• • •
Neurotransmitters in Action
Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter
that crosses a neuromuscular junction
(Figure 11.19). Acetylcholine excites
the muscle cell membrane, causing
depolarization and contraction of the
muscle fi bre. Consider what would
happen if acetylcholine remained in
Figure 11.19 (A) An
electron micrograph and
(B) a diagram showing a
neuromuscular junction.
Notice the axon of the
motor neuron connecting
(across a synapse) with
muscle fibres in red.
Magnification: 19 600 ×
Web Link
View an on-line animation
of neurotransmitters in
action. Describe the role
of the cell membrane in
neurotransmitter release.
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Chapter 11 The Nervous System • MHR 381
Examining Neural Tissue
In this investigation, you will examine microscope
slides of neural tissue, along with some corresponding
photographs. As you observe the tissues and make
diagrams, identify the specialized structures that
allow neurons to carry out their functions.
How does the structure of different neurons relate to
their functions?
Safety Precautions
Handle the microscope slides with care, so they do not
break and cut you.
prepared neural slides similar to, but not limited to,
the ones shown below
Observe each slide provided by your teacher, as well as the
micrographs below, and identify any key neural structures.
1. Slide and micrograph 1 show a cross-section of the
brain. Sketch your observations, and label the white
and grey matter. Describe the structural differences
between the two types of neural tissue.
2. Slide and micrograph 2 show a cross-section of a nerve.
Sketch your observations, and label the nerve bundles
and neurons. Explain the basic function of a neuron.
3. Slide and micrograph 3 show a cross-section of the
spinal cord. Sketch your observations, and label a
sensory neuron, a motor neuron, and an interneuron.
(Hint: See Figure 11.6.) Explain the function of each
neuron, and trace the neural pathway.
4. Slide and photograph 4 show several unmyelinated
neurons. Sketch one neuron that you can see, and
label the basic structures. Indicate the direction of
impulse transmission down the neuron.
5. Slide and micrograph 5 show a longitudinal view of a
myelinated axon. Sketch your observations, and label
the axon, the myelin sheath, a Schwann cell, and a node
of Ranvier. Describe the functions of the myelin sheath.
6. Slide and micrograph 6 show a view of the
neuromuscular junction between the dendrites of a
motor neuron and the receptors on a muscle fi bre.
Sketch your observations, and label the motor
neuron, muscle fi bre, and synapse. Hypothesize how
the impulse coming from the motor neuron might
reach the muscle fi bre (effector).
7. Observe and sketch any additional slides provided
by your teacher.
Target Skills
Observing neurons and neuromuscular
junctions with a microscope
Identifying the principal structures in
different types of neurons, and relating
these structures to their functions
White and grey matter
Cross-section of nerve
Cross-section of spinal cord
Unmyelinated neurons
Myelinated axons
Neuromuscular junction
Magnification: 7 × Magnification: 6.125 × Magnification: 0.5 ×
Magnification: 39 × Magnification: 228 × Magnification: 28 ×
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382 MHR Unit 5 The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
the synapse. The muscle fi bre cell could
not repolarize and would remain in a
state of excitation (contraction).
Normally, an enzyme called
cholinesterase is released into a synapse,
where it breaks down acetylcholine.
Cholinesterase is one of the fastest acting
enzymes. It breaks down acetylcholine so
that it can be removed from the protein
receptors, thus allowing the ion channels
to close and the membrane to repolarize
in a fraction of a second. A nerve gas
called sarin destroys this function by
blocking the release of cholinesterase
into the neuromuscular junction. With
the buildup of acetylcholine, critical
muscles, such as the heart and diaphragm,
enter a state of constant contraction or
paralysis. Some insecticides affect insects
in the same way and kill them.
There are more than 50 substances
in the human body that can act as
neurotransmitters. Table 11.2 lists
some common neurotransmitters and
their functions. The functions vary
depending on where in the body
the neurotransmitter acts. Several
neurological disorders have been linked
to neurotransmitter defi ciencies or
excessive production. In addition, certain
drugs can alter the proper action of
neurotransmitters, as described in
Thought Lab 11.1.
Compare the excitatory
and inhibitory effects of
neurotransmitters on the
postsynaptic membrane.
Compare and relate the functions
of acetylcholine and cholinesterase.
• • •
• • •
Section 11.1 Summary
The human nervous system is a
complex system composed of many
subsystems that all work together to
maintain homeostasis in the body.
The nervous system gathers and
processes information from the
external and internal environments
and then relays a response to the
necessary areas of the body.
The neuron is the functional unit
of the nervous system.
There are three kinds of neurons:
sensory neurons, interneurons, and
motor neurons.
Neurons allow the nervous system to
relay sensory information to the brain
and spinal cord for integration, and to
produce a response, as needed, by the
All cells have a membrane potential,
but the neuron is unique in that it can
change the potential of its membrane
to generate an impulse. An impulse is
Table 11.2 Selected Neurotransmitters and Their Functions
Neurotransmitter Function Effects of abnormal production
dopamine affects the brain synapses in the control of body
movements; is linked to sensations of pleasure,
such as eating
excessive production linked to schizophrenia, a
disorder in which the individual’s perception of reality
is greatly distorted; inadequate production linked to
Parkinsons disease, a progressive disorder that destroys
neurons, causing tremors, slurred speech, and other
coordination problems
serotonin regulates temperature and sensory perception;
is involved in mood control
inadequate amounts in the brain synapses linked
to depression
endorphins act as natural painkillers in synapses in the brain;
also affects emotional areas of the brain
defi ciency linked to an increased risk of alcoholism
norepinephrine is used by the brain and some autonomic neurons;
complements the actions of the hormone epinephrine,
which readies the body to respond to danger or other
stressful situations
overproduction linked to high blood pressure, anxiety,
and insomnia; defi ciency linked to hunger cravings
and exhaustion
Acupuncture is a traditional
Chinese medical practice in
which needles are inserted
at specifi c points on the
body. Based on Western
scientifi c thinking, it is
hypothesized that the
resulting stimulation of
these points triggers the
brain to release endorphins,
neurotransmitters that
ease the sensation of pain.
Traditional Eastern scientifi c
thinking explains
acupuncture in terms of
rebalancing the body’s
chi—its life-force energy.
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Chapter 11 The Nervous System • MHR 383
A drug is a non-food substance that changes the way the
body functions. Most drugs, legal or illegal, affect the neurons
and synapses by either promoting or decreasing the action
of a neurotransmitter. Research has shown that many
addictive drugs stimulate the brains natural reward and
pleasure centres, often by artifi cially elevating the levels of
neurotransmitters, such as dopamine or endorphins. The
table briefl y describes the major effects of some commonly
abused addictive drugs.
1. Working with a partner, use the information in the table
to create a drug information pamphlet about one of the
drugs presented. If possible, research the drug further
using Internet or library resources. Your information
pamphlet should include
a detailed explanation of how the drug affects the
nervous system and other body functions
hazards to the nervous system and the entire body
from short-term and long-term use of the drug
Effects of Selected Drugs on Human Systems
Drug Effects on nervous system and body
is derived from the tobacco plant
is one of the main addictive ingredients in cigarettes and chewing tobacco, which cause
cancer, respiratory problems, and other problems after long-term use
rapidly stimulates the reward centre of the brain to release dopamine, which promotes
feelings of euphoria
stimulates certain areas of the body by mimicking the actions of acetylcholine, causing
increased heart rate and blood pressure
is harvested from the fl owers and leaves of certain types of Cannabis plant
when smoked, active ingredient (THC) interferes with synapses in the brain, including
the reward centres
produces feelings of euphoria, and reduces concentration and muscle coordination
ecstasy (MDMA)
affects neurons in the brain, causing overproduction of serotonin
in the short term, produces feelings of pleasure
can cause cardiac arrest, dangerously elevated body temperature, and rapid and permanent
brain damage
is naturally found in leaves of Erythroxylon coca, a species of coca plant
targets neurons in the reward centre of the brain and prevents the re-uptake of dopamine
increases energy levels and produces feelings of euphoria
is highly addictive and can cause strokes and heart attacks
(meth, crystal meth)
enters the neuron by passing directly through neuron membranes
causes excessive release of dopamine and blocks the dopamine transporter from pumping
dopamine back into the transmitting neuron
increases energy levels and produces feelings of euphoria
often leads to extreme aggressiveness, delusions, and psychosis (greatly distorted perception
of reality)
2. Present your pamphlet to another group or to the rest
of the class.
1. Hypothesize what might make the drug you investigated
addictive. Suggest a possible mechanism, based on how
the drug affects the nervous system, that explains why
the body could become addicted to the drug.
2. Debate the effects of drug use on society as a whole.
Thought Lab
Thought Lab
The Effect of Drugs
on Neurons and Synapses
Target Skills
Analyzing and explaining how
different drugs affect neural impulses
Working cooperatively to investigate
the effects of a drug on neurons or
neural synapses
Hypothesizing what might make
some drugs addictive
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384 MHR Unit 5 The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
1. Copy the letters A through H into your notebook.
Identify the division of the nervous system that is
represented by each letter.
2. Analyze the following statement: The neuron conducts
impulses in the same way as electricity moves through a
wire. Is a nerve impulse like electricity? Prepare a table
that compares a nerve impulse to the movement of an
electric current along a wire.
3. Compare the structure and functions of myelinated
neurons and unmyelinated neurons.
4. Using a diagram, explain how a neuron establishes the
resting membrane potential. What is the value of this
in mV?
5. Examine the graph below, and answer the questions
that follow.
a) In your notebook, indicate the specifi c events that
are occurring at 1, 2, 3, and 4.
b) At which area of the graph are sodium ions rapidly
entering the neuron?
c) At which area of the graph are potassium ions
rapidly leaving the neuron?
d) At which area of the graph is the sodium ion
concentration higher outside than inside the neuron?
6. Hypothesize how overproduction of cholinesterase
might affect the body. Explain your answer.
7. Use word processing or spreadsheet software to
construct a table to compare an excitatory response
with an inhibitory response. Give an example of where
these responses are complementary in the body.
8. Cocaine affects a synapse by blocking the re-uptake
of the neurotransmitter dopamine by the presynaptic
neurons. Therefore, the levels of dopamine continue to
build in the synapse, causing certain effects on the body.
a) Use word processing software to make a fl owchart
summarizing the usual events in the transmission
of an impulse between the presynaptic and
postsynaptic neurons.
b) Explain how cocaine interferes with neural
transmission across the synapse.
c) Describe the natural role of dopamine in the brain.
d) Formulate a hypothesis about how cocaine could be
addictive after only one use.
Section 11.1
transmitted from one neuron to the
next through a synapse.
Many substances, such as drugs,
painkillers, chemicals, and neurotoxins,
can interfere with the functions of
synapses and neurotransmitters.
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Chapter 11 The Nervous System • MHR 385
The Central
Nervous System
The central nervous system (Figure
11.20) is the structural and functional
centre for the entire nervous system. The
site of neural integration and processing,
the central nervous system receives
information from the senses, evaluates
this information, and initiates outgoing
responses to the body. Damage to the
central nervous system can therefore
affect temperament, motor control, and
homeostasis. For example, the beef steer
in Figure 11.21 has bovine spongiform
encephalopathy (BSE), a disease that
produces sponge-like holes in the brain.
Also called “mad cow disease, BSE
initially causes nervousness and over-
sensitivity to touch. Affected animals
then develop an unsteady gait and lose
the ability to walk, and eventually die.
As you learned in Section 11.1, the
central nervous system is composed of
two types of nervous tissue: grey matter
and white matter. Grey matter is grey
because it contains mostly cell bodies,
dendrites, and short, unmyelinated
Figure 11.20 The central nervous system
Figure 11.21 This cow has BSE, a
progressive neurological disorder in cattle.
Like chronic wasting disease in elk and some
forms of sheep scrapie, BSE is caused by an
infectious protein.
axons (nerve fi bres). Grey matter is found
around the outside areas of the brain and
forms the H-shaped core of the spinal
cord. White matter is white because it
contains myelinated axons that run
together in tracts. White matter forms the
inner region of some areas of the brain,
and the outer area of the spinal cord.
The Spinal Cord
The spinal cord is a column of nerve
tissue that extends out of the skull from
the brain, and downward through a canal
within the backbone (see Figures 11.20
and 11.23 on page 386). The spinal cord
is a vital communication link between
the brain and the peripheral nervous
system. Within the spinal cord, sensory
nerves carry messages from the body to
the brain for interpretation, and motor
nerves relay messages from the brain to
the effectors. The spinal cord is also the
primary refl ex centre, coordinating
rapidly incoming and outgoing neural
A cross section of the spinal cord
reveals both white matter and grey matter
(Figure 11.22 on page 386). The outer
Section Outcomes
In this section, you will
identify the principal
structures of the central
nervous system
explain the functions
of the spinal cord and
various regions of the
observe the principal
features of the
mammalian brain
explain how technological
advances in neuroscience
can provide solutions to
practical problems
Key Terms
grey matter
white matter
medulla oblongata
blood-brain barrier
cerebrospinal fl uid
cerebral cortex
corpus callosum
occipital lobes
temporal lobes
parietal lobes
frontal lobes
Brocas area
Wernicke’s area
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386 MHR Unit 5 The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
white matter consists of myelinated
nerve fi bres. The butterfl y-shaped core is
made up of grey matter, which contains
unmyelinated neurons as well as the cell
bodies and dendrites of many spinal
The delicate tissues of the spinal
cord are protected by cerebrospinal fl uid,
soft tissue layers, and the spinal column,
a series of backbones (vertebrae). Injury
to the spinal column can also damage
the spinal cord, resulting in paralysis.
The Brain
The ancient Egyptians were among the
rst neuroscientists, and were the fi rst
known civilization with a written word
for “brain. The Greek philosopher
Aristotle (384–322 B.C.E.) knew that
directly touching the brain did not cause
any sensation to the owner. Like many
other anatomists through the centuries,
Aristotle concluded that the heart must
therefore be in control of human
intelligence, sensations, and body
It has only been in the last two
centuries that researchers have begun
to unravel the intricate workings of the
human brain. Scientists have discovered
the brains central role in maintaining
homeostasis and have identifi ed the
brain as the centre for intelligence,
consciousness, and emotion. Yet, in
many ways, researchers are just
beginning to understand the relationship
between the brains structures and
functions. Despite its relatively small
size, scientists estimate that there are
more neurons in the human brain than
stars in the Milky Way Galaxy.
As shown in Figure 11.24, the brain
can be subdivided into three general
regions: the hindbrain, the midbrain,
and the forebrain.
Despite its central importance, the
brain is fragile and has a gelatin-like
consistency. The skull, however, forms
a protective bony armour around the
brain. In addition, the meninges, three
layers of tough, elastic tissue within the
skull and spinal column, directly enclose
the brain and spinal cord (Figure 11.25
on page 388). One way to visualize the
brain, meninges, and skull is to think of
a peanut, wrapped in its red skin, and
inside its shell.
Figure 11.23 The spinal
cord is protected by the
meninges and the bony
Figure 11.22 (A) Cross
section of human brain
showing right and left side.
(B) Cross section through
human spinal cord. The
central nervous system is
composed of both white
matter (W) and grey matter
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Chapter 11 The Nervous System • MHR 387
Figure 11.24 Structure
of the human brain
The cerebellum is a walnut-shaped structure located
below (inferior to) and largely behind (posterior to) the
cerebrum, described below. The word cerebellum comes
from the Latin word for “little brain.” This part of the brain
is involved in the unconscious coordination of posture,
reflexes, and body movements, as well as fine, voluntary
motor skills, such as those used to hit a tennis ball, ride
a bicycle, or write. The cerebellum receives information
from specialized sensors, called proprioceptors, located
within skeletal muscles and joints.
The medulla oblongata sits at the base of the brainstem,
where it connects the brain with the spinal cord. The
medulla oblongata contains centres that control
automatic, involuntary responses, such as heart rate,
constriction or dilation of blood vessels to control blood
pressure, and the rate and depth of breathing,
swallowing, and coughing.
The pons is found above (superior to) and in front of
(anterior to) the medulla oblongata in the brainstem. The
pons serves as a relay centre between the neurons of the
right and left halves of the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and
the rest of the brain.
The MIDBRAIN is found above the pons in the brainstem.
It relays visual and auditory information between areas of
the hindbrain and forebrain. As well, it plays an important
role in eye movement and control of skeletal muscles.
The thalamus sits at the base of the forebrain. It consists
of neurons that provide connections between various
parts of the brain. These connections are mainly between
the forebrain and hindbrain, and between areas of the
sensory system (except for the sense of smell) and
cerebellum. The thalamus is often referred to as “the
great relay station of the brain.”
The hypothalamus, which lies just below the thalamus,
helps to regulate the body’s internal environment, as
well as certain aspects of behaviour. The hypothalamus
contains neurons that control blood pressure, heart rate,
body temperature, and basic drives (such as thirst and
hunger) and emotions (such as fear, rage, and pleasure).
Brain damage or a tumour that affects the hypothalamus
can cause a person to display unusual, even violent
behaviour. The hypothalamus is also a major link
between the nervous and endocrine (hormone) systems
(which you will study in Chapter 13). The hypothalamus
coordinates the actions of the pituitary gland, by
producing and regulating the release of certain hormones.
The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain and
accounts for more than four fifths of the total weight
of the brain. The cerebrum is divided into right and left
cerebral hemispheres, which contain the centres for
intellect, memory, consciousness, and language; it
interprets and controls the response to sensory information.
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388 MHR Unit 5 The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
The meninges protect the central
nervous system by preventing the direct
circulation of blood through the cells of
the brain and spinal cord. This separation
of the blood and central nervous system
is called the blood-brain barrier (Figure
11.26). Scientists discovered this barrier
when they injected blue dye into the
bloodstream of an animal and all the body
tissues turned blue except for the brain
and spinal cord. The brain, however,
requires a constant supply of nutrients
and oxygen. In fact, the brain, which
comprises only 2 percent of the body’s
total weight, uses at least 20 percent of
the body’s oxygen and energy supplies. If
the oxygen supply to the brain is disrupted
for even a few minutes, massive damage
can occur in the brain. For example, a
stroke occurs when arteries that supply
the brain with blood are blocked.
The blood-brain barrier both
protects the brain and supplies the brain
with nutrients and oxygen. The blood
capillaries that lead to the brain are made
up of tightly fused epithelial cells. Thus,
the capillary walls form a barrier that
blocks many toxins and infectious
agents. Some substances, such as glucose
and oxygen, can still pass through the
barrier by special transport mechanisms.
Other, lipid-soluble substances, are able
to pass directly through the lipid bilayer
of the cell membrane. This is why
caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, heroin, and
other lipid-soluble substances have such
rapid effects on brain function. Why
might researchers have diffi culty treating
neurological disorders with drugs that
are not lipid soluble?
Circulating throughout the spaces,
or ventricles, within the brain and spinal
cord is the cerebrospinal fl uid. The total
volume of cerebrospinal fl uid in an adult
human is about 150 mL at any one time.
The fl uid is replaced about four times
each day, and the total amount of fl uid
Figure 11.25 (A) Three layers of tissue, called the meninges, surround and protect the brain and
spinal cord. (B) The dark brown-yellow patches on the meninges reveal a meningitis infection.
Meningitis, or inflammation of the meninges, is caused by a bacterial or viral infection that can
spread to underlying brain tissue. Meningitis can be life threatening and is diagnosed by
examining a sample of the fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord.
Figure 11.26 The blood-
brain barrier. Only certain
substances can pass
through the tight seal
formed by the blood-brain
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Chapter 11 The Nervous System • MHR 389
produced each day is about 500 mL. The
cerebrospinal fl uid transports hormones,
white blood cells, and nutrients across the
blood-brain barrier for cells of the brain
and spinal cord. It also circulates between
two layers of the meninges, the arachnoid
and pia mater, and therefore acts as a
shock absorber to cushion the brain.
Identify the main structures of
the central nervous system, and
describe its general functions.
Explain how the blood-brain
barrier and the cerebrospinal fl uid
protect the brain and spinal cord.
Identify ve homeostatic
functions of the brain.
Identify the major structures in
the hindbrain, midbrain, and
forebrain, and the functions of
these structures.
• • •
• • •
The Structure and
Function of the Cerebrum
Each half of the cerebrum consists of an
internal mass of white matter and a thin,
outer covering of grey matter, called the
cerebral cortex. Compared to a falcon
with its keen eyesight or a dog with its
sense of smell, humans lack many sensory
capabilities. Due to the evolution of the
cerebral cortex, however, humans are
considered to have the most sophisticated
intellect and behaviour of all animals.
The cerebral cortex is responsible for
language, memory, personality, vision,
conscious thought, and other activities
that are associated with thinking and
feeling. The cerebral cortex is about 5 mm
thick and, as shown in Figure 11.27, is
highly convoluted. This allows it to fi t a
high concentration of grey matter within
the confi nes of the skull. Relative to a
smooth surface, the convolutions and
ssures greatly increase the surface area,
so that the cerebral cortex covers about
0.5 m
, or about the area of an open
Figure 11.27 The human cerebrum. What
are the functions of the right and left sides?
Why are there so many folds along the
surface of the cerebrum?
The right and left halves of the
cerebrum are called the cerebral
hemispheres. They are linked by a bundle
of white matter called the corpus
callosum. The corpus callosum sends
messages from one cerebral hemisphere
to the other, telling each half of the brain
what the other half is doing. Surgical
isolation of the hemispheres is
sometimes used to treat epilepsy, a
condition that causes uncontrollable
seizures. Scientists think that epilepsy
can be caused by an overload of
neurological electrical activities, so the
corpus callosum is cut to prevent the
spread of the epileptic seizures from
one hemisphere to the other.
Research indicates that, while every
cognitive function contains right-brain
and left-brain components, some
functions seem to have a dominant
hemisphere. In general, the right-brain,
or right cerebral hemisphere, is
associated with holistic and intuitive
thinking, visual-spatial skills, and artistic
abilities. The left-brain, or left cerebral
hemisphere, is linked to segmental,
sequential, and logical ways of thinking,
and to linguistic and mathematical skills.
This is why people who are right-brain
dominant process and learn information
differently from people who are left-
Try This
Take two eggs and two
plastic containers that are
just large enough to contain
the eggs. Fill one of the
containers with water, and
place one egg inside. Put
the other egg in the other
container, without water.
Tightly close the lid of each
container, and shake the
containers. Which egg
broke? How does this model
demonstrate the function of
the cerebrospinal fl uid?
In the 1800s, several
scientists promoted the
common misconception
that humans use only
10 percent of their brains.
Researchers now know
that the destruction of even
small areas of the brain can
have devastating effects on
behaviour and physiology.
On the other hand,
sometimes a different
part of the brain is able to
compensate for, or take over,
the functions of the injured
part. This can occur when
someone has a stroke that
damages the parts of the
brain that are predominantly
involved in speech. Other,
usually less active parts may
take over the speech
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390 MHR Unit 5 The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
brain dominant. One way to illustrate
the difference between right-brain and
left-brain processing is the Stroop effect.
Try to say the actual colours shown in
Figure 11.28, rather than the words
themselves. This is diffi cult because, as
one theory suggests, one side of the brain
may dominate in word recognition,
while the other side may dominate in
colour recognition. In other words, this
leads to a right-left brain confl ict!
The Cerebral Cortex Consists
of Four Pairs of Functional Lobes
Figure 11.29 shows the division of each
hemisphere of the cerebral cortex into
four pairs of lobes. Each pair of lobes is
associated with a different function.
The occipital lobes receive and analyze
visual information. If the occipital lobes
are stimulated by surgery or trauma, the
individual will see light. The occipital
lobes are also needed for recognition
of what is being seen. Damage to the
occipital lobes can result in a person
being able to see objects, but not able
to recognize them.
The temporal lobes share in the
processing of visual information,
although their main function is auditory
reception. These lobes are also linked to
understanding speech and retrieving
visual and verbal memories.
The parietal lobes receive and
process sensory information from the
skin. The primary sensory areas extend
in a band from the right to left side of the
cerebrum. The proportion of a parietal
lobe devoted to a particular part of the
body is related to the importance of
sensory information for this part of the
body. The highest concentrations of
sensory receptors occur in the face, hands,
and genitals, making these areas of the
body highly sensitive. The parietal lobes
also help to process information about
the body’s position and orientation.
Figure 11.28 The Stroop
effect. The right brain
identifies the colour, while
the left brain insists on
reading the word.
Figure 11.29 The cerebral
cortex is divided into four
pairs of lobes: frontal,
temporal, parietal, and
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Chapter 11 The Nervous System • MHR 391
The frontal lobes are named for
their location at the front of the
cerebrum. This is the part of the head
that some people may hit in jest with the
palm of their hand when they fi nally
remember something! The frontal lobes
integrate information from other parts of
the brain and control reasoning, critical
thinking, memory, and personality. The
Brocas area of the frontal lobes is
associated with language use.
The frontal lobes also contain motor
areas that control various aspects of
precise, voluntary motor movement,
such as playing a piano. Figure 11.29
identifi ed the primary motor area in the
frontal lobes of the cerebrum. Similar to
the sensory areas in the parietal lobes, the
proportion of motor area in the frontal
lobes devoted to a particular part of the
body correlates with the degree of
complexity of movement that body
structure can make. The stylized
illustration in Figure 11.30 shows the
disproportionate size of certain areas of
the body in relation to the amount of
motor area devoted to them. The nerves
leading from the right and left frontal
lobes cross over in the brainstem, so that
each side of the brain controls muscles
on the opposite side of the body.
Table 11.3 summarizes the functions
of the principal structures in the brain.
Table 11.3 Major Structures and Functions of the Human Brain
Structure Major functions
cerebellum controls muscle coordination and balance
controls subconscious activities, such as heart rate,
blood pressure, breathing, swallowing, and vomiting
pons relays information between the cerebellum and cerebral cortex
Midbrain receives specifi c sensory input; connects the hindbrain to
the forebrain
thalamus connects various parts of the brain; relays information from
the senses
hypothalamus regulates the pituitary gland, heart rate, blood pressure,
and temperature; controls drives such as hunger, thirst,
and sexual desire
frontal lobes associated with conscious thought, intelligence, memory,
and personality; control voluntary muscle movements
temporal lobes involved in auditory reception
parietal lobes receive sensory information from the skin, and process
information about body position
occipital lobes process visual information
connects the right and left cerebral hemispheres through
nerve tracts
Figure 11.30 Based
on this map of the
motor cortex, which
areas of the body have
the greatest muscle
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392 MHR Unit 5 The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Brocas Area and Wernickes Area
The process of speech involves several
areas of the cerebrum. Two important
areas are on the left side of the cerebral
cortex: Brocas area and Wernickes
area (see Figure 11.29). Brocas area
coordinates the muscles for speaking and
translates thought into speech. Damage
to this area results in an inability to
speak. It does not, however, affect the
understanding of language. Wernicke’s
area stores the information involved in
language comprehension. The ability to
utter words is not affected if this area is
damaged, but the words make little sense.
Identify the four lobes of the
cerebrum, and describe the
function of each.
Describe the primary areas of
the brain that are responsible for
the fi ne motor control of the
muscles, as well as the area that
processes sensory information
from the skin.
Compare the locations and
functions of Brocas area and
Wernickes area in the brain.
• • •
• • •
Mapping Brain Functions
Scientists fi rst learned about brain
functions by studying the brains of
people with brain injuries or diseases.
For example, injured soldiers would
sometimes have damage to certain areas
of the brain, but still survive. Researchers
could then link the injured area of the
brain to loss of functions in other areas of
the body. In 1848, an accidental explosion
at a railway site drove a metal bar through
the frontal lobes of railway worker,
Phineas Gage (Figure 11.31). Although he
survived the accident, he experienced a
type of personality change that scientists
have now come to associate with frontal
lobe injuries. Once considered
reasonable and conscientious, Phineas
Gage was described after the accident as
“thoughtless, irresponsible, and fi tful.
Because the brain itself does not
contain any pain receptors, neurosurgeons
are able to probe areas of the brain while
people are conscious. This provides
useful feedback about the functions of
different areas of the brain. Canadian
Nobel prize recipient Wilder Penfi eld
(1891–1976) contributed greatly to our
knowledge of the sensory and motor
areas of the brain. Penfi eld, who operated
on people with epilepsy, applied electric
currents to the surface of their brains in
order to fi nd the problem areas. Since
the people were awake during the
operations, they could tell Penfi eld
what they were experiencing. Probing
different areas triggered different
sensations and body movements. From
this information, Penfi eld was able to
map the sensory and motor areas of the
cerebral cortex. As well, Penfi eld probed
certain areas of the cerebral cortex that
triggered whole memory sequences. For
one person, Penfi eld triggered a familiar
song that sounded so clear the person
thought it was being played in the
operating room. When Penfi eld stopped
stimulating this area of the brain, the
music ceased immediately.
Imaging Techniques
Used to Study the Brain
Modern imaging techniques provide
non-invasive ways for researchers to
As Phineas P. Gage, a foreman on the railroad in
Cavendish, was yesterday engaged in tamping
for a blast, the powder exploded, carrying an
iron instrument through his head an inch and
a fourth in circumference, and three feet and
eight inches in length, which he was using at
the time. The iron entered on the side of his
face, shattering the upper jaw, and passing back
of the left eye, and out at the top of the head.
The most singular circumstance connected
with this melancholy affair is, that he was
alive at two o’clock this afternoon, and in full
possession of his reason, and free from pain.
Figure 11.31 The news report of Phineas
Gage’s accident first appeared in the Free Soil
Union (Ludlow, Vermont) on September 14,
Web Link
Anatomy students often
use computer simulations
to complete animal
dissections. You can try
out a virtual sheep brain
dissection online. What
are some benefi ts and
drawbacks to using virtual
dissections for learning?
Try This
While sitting at your desk,
lift your right foot off the
oor and make clockwise
circles. While doing this,
draw the number 6 in the
air with your right hand.
Your foot should change
direction! Why does
this happen?
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Chapter 11 The Nervous System • MHR 393
The Brain
The proportions of the areas of the brain differ in
different mammals, but the basic locations of the
functional areas are similar. In this investigation, you
will use models, photographs, and a mammalian brain to
learn about the principal structural areas of the brain and
their functions. As an alternative to doing the dissection,
the photographs in this investigation, or a video or web
dissection, could be used.
What are the principal structures of the brain, and what
are their functions?
Safety Precautions
Use caution when handling sharp instruments.
Wash your hands well when fi nished the dissection.
Disinfect the equipment and area when fi nished.
preserved sheep brain
dissecting tray
paper towel
dissecting kit
10 percent bleach solution
(to clean the dissecting tray)
Part 1: Lateral View—Whole Brain
1. Obtain a sheep brain from your teacher. Follow
your teacher’s instructions for rinsing the brain.
Then place the brain in the dissecting tray.
2. Examine photograph A, showing a lateral view of the
sheep brain. Identify the frontal, parietal, temporal,
and occipital lobes of the cerebrum.
Lateral view—whole brain
3. If possible, examine the outer surface (dura mater)
of the brain. Notice the convolutions and fi ssures on
the outer surface. Also notice that the cerebrum is
divided into a right side and a left side.
4. Sketch and label the outer surface of the brain.
1. Make a table to record the functions of the structures
you labelled in your diagram.
2. In humans, the left and right cerebral hemispheres
of the brain are associated with different dominant
functions. Describe these differences.
Part 2: Lateral View—Cross-Section
1. Examine photograph B, showing a cross-section of
the sheep brain.
2. Make a gentle incision through the corpus callosum
of the sheep brain to separate the right and left
hemispheres. Then separate the rest of the brain by
cutting through the centre of the mid and hind parts.
3. Using photograph B as a guide, identify, sketch, and
label the following structures: spinal cord, cerebellum,
medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain, thalamus,
hypothalamus, pituitary gland, corpus callosum, and
cerebrum. Try to identify the small olfactory bulbs
(connected to smell receptors) on the underside of
the frontal lobes, as well.
Lateral view—cross-section
Target Skills
Observing and identifying the
principal features of a mammalian
brain using dissections or other means
Compiling and displaying data in
appropriate forms
Working cooperatively as a team to
investigate a neurological disorder
continued on next page
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394 MHR Unit 5 The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
see inside an active, human brain.
Fundamental discoveries in physics have
led to the development of positron-
emission tomography (PET) and
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
These two techniques allow researchers
to study the brain and help physicians
diagnose brain diseases.
PET is based on the fact that more
active areas of the brain have higher
energy demands. A person receives an
injection of radioactively-labelled
glucose, and a scanner monitors glucose
consumption in the persons brain.
Different colours represent different
activity levels in the brain (Figure 11.32).
A PET scan can be used to diagnose
conditions such as a stroke or Alzheimer’s
disease, in which the deterioration of the
brain leads to memory loss and confusion,
and eventual lack of conscious movement.
MRI can produce very clear and
detailed images of brain structure (Figure
11.33). A giant magnet surrounds the
persons head, and changes in the
direction of the magnetic fi eld induce
hydrogen atoms in the brain to emit
radio signals. These signals can then be
detected, translated, and displayed as a
structural or functional image. MRI can
also be used to identify various brain
disorders, such as brain tumours. Figure
11.33 also shows an MRI image of a
human brain affected by Creutzfeldt-Jakob
disease. This disease, like BSE, destroys
the brain tissue, making it sponge-like.
Describe how early researchers
studied brain structure and
Compare the technologies of
MRI and PET for studying the
• • •
• • •
Section 11.2 Summary
The regulation centre for the nervous
system is the central nervous system,
which consists of the brain and spinal
The brain and spinal cord are protected
by the cerebrospinal fl uid, the
meninges, and the skull and spinal
column (vertebrae).
The brain and spinal cord themselves
are composed of myelinated neurons
(white matter) and unmyelinated
neurons (grey matter).
The hindbrain is composed of the
cerebellum (involved in controlling
body movements), medulla oblongata
(controls many involuntary responses),
and pons (relay station between
different parts of brain).
The midbrain is a part of the brain stem.
4. Follow your teacher’s instructions to dispose of the
sheep brain and wash the dissecting tray.
1. Examine your diagram of the cross-section of the
dissected brain. Make a table to record the functions
of the structures you labelled in your diagram.
2. Compare the sheep brain with the human brain
shown in Figure 11.29. What similarities and
differences can you identify?
3. With a partner, build a model of the human brain
and present it to the class. Include all the key
structures and functions on your model.
Figure 11.32 This PET
scan shows a cross section
of the cerebrum, revealing
the activity levels in
different areas when the
brain is performing certain
tasks. Red, orange, and
yellow indicate areas of
high, medium, and low
activity, respectively. What
lobes of the cerebral cortex
are active in the brain
shown here?
2 3296_Chapter_11.indd 292 3296_Chapter_11.indd 29 11/4/06 6:20:02 PM11/4/06 6:20:02 PM
Chapter 11 The Nervous System • MHR 395
The forebrain includes the thalamus
and hypothalamus, involved in sensing
the external and internal environment,
as well as the cerebrum.
The outer layer of the cerebrum, called
the cerebral cortex, is composed of grey
matter, and is thought to be the source
of human intellect.
The right and left halves of the cerebral
cortex are made of four pairs of lobes,
each of which is associated with
particular functions: frontal lobes
(conscious thought and movements,
speech), parietal lobes (touch, taste),
temporal lobes (hearing and speech),
and occipital lobes (vision).
MRI and PET scans are non-invasive
tools that can be used to map human
brain function and screen for diseases.
Web Link
Research a disorder of the
brain, such as Alzheimers
disease or Parkinsons
disease. Identify the specifi c
area of the brain that is
affected, and describe the
resulting loss of function.
Include current research
ndings and the prognosis
for people who have these
1. Explain why the brain has elevated requirements for
nutrients and oxygen.
2. Describe the three main tissues that support and protect
the central nervous system.
3. Explain why a physician takes a sample of cerebrospinal
uid to determine if a person has meningitis.
4. The letters on the diagram indicate possible areas of
brain damage. In table format, list the possible areas
of brain damage (A to G), and describe the functional
problems that might result from damage in each area.
5. Use graphics software to sketch the cerebral cortex. Use
it to identify the lobe that would be stimulated in each
situation, and explain why.
a) Seeing this question.
b) Thinking about this question.
c) Hearing this question read to you by someone else.
d) Reading this question to someone else.
e) Reading this question using Braille.
6. A stroke has caused damage to certain areas of a
persons brain. Upon examination, a doctor notices that
the person has diffi culty understanding speech and the
left side of the body is paralyzed. Identify the specifi c
areas of the brain that are damaged, and explain how
this damage might cause the symptoms.
7. Explain how MRI and PET scans can be used to
improve our understanding of human brain function.
Section 11.2
Figure 11.33 (A) A detailed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of a healthy brain (B) An MRI
image of the brain of a person with Creutzfeldt-Jakob’s disease. The affected areas are shown at
the centre in red. People with Creutzfeldt-Jakob’s disease experience memory loss, emotional
instability (including inappropriate outbursts), and unsteadiness. These symptoms progress to
marked weakness, dementia, and death, often within a year of the onset of the symptoms.
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396 MHR Unit 5 The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Section Outcomes
In this section, you will
identify the principal
components of the
peripheral nervous system
explain the role of the
peripheral nervous system
in regulating the somatic
(voluntary) and autonomic
(involuntary) systems
compare the functions of
the sympathetic division
and the parasympathetic
division of the autonomic
nervous system
Key Terms
somatic system
autonomic system
sympathetic nervous system
parasympathetic nervous
As the football player in Figure 11.34
lunges for the ball, sensory nerves enable
him to see the ball, feel its texture, hear
the roar of the crowd, and gather
information about the positions of his
muscles and joints. Motor nerves enable
the player to maneuver the ball and break
free from the defender, and they increase
his heart and breathing rates. The
peripheral nervous system consists of
nerves that link the brain and spinal cord
to the rest of the body, including the senses,
muscles, glands, and internal organs.
Sensory neurons carry information
from all parts of the body to the central
nervous system, and motor neurons
carry information from the central
nervous system to the effectors.
The two main divisions of the
peripheral nervous systems are the somatic
system and the autonomic system.
The Somatic System
The somatic system is largely under
voluntary control, and its neurons
service the head, trunk, and limbs. Its
sensory neurons carry information
about the external environment inward,
from the receptors in the skin, tendons,
and skeletal muscles. Its motor neurons
carry information to the skeletal muscles.
Your decision to turn this page in order
to continue reading exemplifi es the
action of the somatic motor nerves.
The somatic system includes 12 pairs
of cranial nerves and 31 pairs of spinal
nerves, all of which are myelinated. The
cranial nerves are largely associated with
functions in the head, neck, and face.
An exception is the vagus nerve, which
connects to many internal organs,
including the heart, lung, bronchi,
digestive tract, liver, and pancreas.
Figure 11.35 shows the basic
divisions of the spinal nerves that emerge
from each side of the spinal cord. Each
spinal nerve contains both sensory and
motor neurons, which service the area
of the body where they are found. For
example, thoracic nerves control the
muscles of the rib cage.
What are the major structures
involved in the somatic system?
What role does the somatic
system play in the functioning
of the body?
• • •
• • •
Figure 11.34 The peripheral nervous system is essential for various activities, such as catching
a football. What types of motor neurons might be activated in the football player shown here?
The Peripheral
Nervous System
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Chapter 11 The Nervous System • MHR 397
The Autonomic System
Imagine yourself in a stressful situation.
Which systems of your body might be
heightened? Which systems might be
suppressed? How would these systems
return to their initial states? Your internal
reactions to the situation would be
controlled by a division of the peripheral
nervous system, called the autonomic
system. In contrast to the somatic system,
the autonomic system is under automatic,
or involuntary control. Its nerves either
stimulate or inhibit the glands or the
cardiac or smooth muscle. The autonomic
system maintains homeostasis by
adjusting the body to variations in the
external and internal environments.
The hypothalamus and medulla
oblongata control the autonomic system,
which has neurons that are bundled
together with somatic system neurons
in the cranial and spinal nerves. The
sympathetic and parasympathetic
divisions of the autonomic system carry
information to the effectors. In general,
these two divisions have opposing
functions (Figure 11.36 on page 398).
The sympathetic nervous system is
typically activated in stressful situations
and is often referred to as the ght-or-
ight response. The sympathetic neurons
release a neurotransmitter called
norepinephrine, which has an excitatory
effect on its target muscles. As well, the
sympathetic nerves trigger the adrenal
glands to release epinephrine and
norepinephrine, both of which also
function as hormones that activate the
stress response. At the same time, the
sympathetic nervous system inhibits
some areas of the body. For example, in
order to run from danger, the skeletal
muscles need a boost of energy. Therefore,
blood pressure increases and the heart
beats faster, while digestion slows down
and the sphincter controlling the bladder
constricts. Some of these physiological
changes in response to stress are
detectable by lie detectors, or polygraphs.
Polygraphs monitor changes in heart
rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, and
the sweatiness of palms, all of which tend
to increase if someone is telling a lie
(Figure 11.37 on page 399).
The parasympathetic nervous
system is activated when the body is
calm and at rest. It acts to restore and
conserve energy. Sometimes referred
to as the rest-and-digest response, the
parasympathetic nervous system slows
the heart rate, reduces the blood
pressure, promotes the digestion of food,
and stimulates the reproductive organs
by dilating blood vessels to the genitals.
The parasympathetic system uses a
neurotransmitter called acetylcholine
to control organ responses.
The two branches of the autonomic
system are much like the gas pedal and
brake pedal of a car. At a given instant,
high levels of sympathetic stimulation
might cause the heart to beat faster, while
parasympathetic signals would counter
this effect and bring the heart rate back
down. Depending on the situation and
organs involved, the sympathetic and
parasympathetic systems work in
opposition to each other in order
to maintain homeostasis.
Certain drugs can act as either
stimulants or depressants by directly
affecting the sympathetic and
parasympathetic nervous systems.
Figure 11.35 The spinal
nerves are named for the
region of the body where
they are located: cervical,
thoracic, lumbar, and sacral.
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398 MHR Unit 5 The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Figure 11.36 The structure and function of the autonomic system: Both the sympathetic
and parasympathetic nervous systems regulate the same organs, but with opposing effects.
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Chapter 11 The Nervous System • MHR 399
Caffeine, for example, is a commonly
used stimulant that causes the
sympathetic nervous system to increase
the heart rate and blood pressure.
What type of motor neurons are
involved in the autonomic
nervous system?
What generally triggers the
sympathetic nervous system, and
what are its effects on the body?
What generally triggers the
parasympathetic nervous system,
and what are its effects on the
• • •
• • •
Section 11.3 Summary
The peripheral nervous system
contains components that gather
sensory information and then relay
this information to the muscles and
glands for a voluntary (somatic) or
involuntary (autonomic) response.
Homeostasis is maintained in the body
by the often-antagonistic actions of the
sympathetic and parasympathetic
nervous systems.
In general, the sympathetic nervous
system prepares the body for fi ght-
or-fl ight, while the parasympathetic
system returns the organs to a resting
1. Compare the general functions of the central nervous
system with the functions of the peripheral nervous
2. Identify which division of the peripheral nervous
system is under voluntary control and which division
is under involuntary control. Compare the functions
of these two divisions.
3. Imagine that you are hiking in the mountains one
afternoon with friends. As you turn a corner, you come
across a mother bear and her cubs standing in the
middle of the trail.
a) Identify the specifi c division of the nervous system
that is responsible for the body’s response to this
b) Describe at least six physiological responses you
might have upon seeing the bears.
c) Indicate the division of the nervous system that
is responsible for returning the body back to
equilibrium after the event is over.
4. Use word processing software to construct a three-
column table. Use the following headings: Body
structures, Sympathetic stimulation effect, and
Parasympathetic stimulation effect. In the fi rst column,
list these structures: eyes, salivary glands, bronchioles,
heart, liver, adrenal glands, kidneys, stomach, pancreas,
intestines, and bladder. Then complete the rest of the
5. Compare how stimulants and depressants affect the
nervous system. Name a common stimulant.
Section 11.3
Figure 11.37 A polygraph. It can detect some
of the physiological changes caused by the
sympathetic nervous system when placed in a
stressful situation. A racing heart and sweaty
palms can be caused by many different factors,
however, which is why polygraphs are not totally
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Science and Technology
Science and Technology
400 MHR Unit 5 The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Neurological Disorders
Humans are not the only members of the animal kingdom that
can become victims of neurological and neuromuscular disorders.
Symptoms may include seizures, limb weakness or paralysis,
balance disorders, vision problems, head, neck or back pain, and
swallowing diffi culties. Increasing numbers of veterinary practices
are dedicated solely to the diagnosis and treatment of neurological
disorders. Our love and respect for pets and working and farm
animals has spawned a growing industry devoted to
implementing unique solutions for specifi c species and breeds.
Unique Solutions
Custom wheelchairs for pets were fi rst manufactured
about thirty years ago. They were crude and unwieldy,
unlike today’s streamlined designs that use aluminum
tubing, lightweight plastic, neoprene supports, and
light pneumatic wheels. ‘Doggon Wheels’ has made
wheelchairs for pets who are less than a kg to over 100 kg,
including cats, rabbits, goats, gerbils, rats, ferrets, pot-
bellied pigs, lemurs, and opossums. The majority of pets
readily accept the freedom a wheelchair provides. It
usually takes only a few days for them to adjust. In
addition to wheelchairs, many other devices help those
disabled by neurological and neuromuscular disorders.
Harnesses, which t under an animal and have
handles on each end for owners to grasp, provide support
for either its front, back end, or middle. Slings and life
jackets are used as fl otation devices for aqua therapy
rehabilitation and for building leg strength. Ramps
greatly assist disabled animals in going up or down
stairs, getting onto furniture, or into vehicles.
Some potential causes of limb weakness/paralysis
spinal cord diseases (e.g. herniated intervertebral disks,
peripheral nerve diseases (e.g. infl ammation,
degeneration); and
neuromuscular diseases (e.g. muscle infl ammation,
metabolic or endocrine disorders).
Pain in the limbs may also be attributed to nerve root
or peripheral nerve infl ammation or tumours. Back and
neck pain may be caused by:
herniated disks,
vertebral infections or tumours,
fractured vertebra,
arthritis, and/or
neuritis (nerve root infl ammation).
Neuromuscular Diseases in Horses
Whether horses are used for work, racing performance,
riding pleasure, or are simply running wild, effective
movement defi nes their existence. At the Neuromuscular
Disease Laboratory at the University of California-Davis
Center for Equine Health, veterinarians study, defi ne, and
diagnose equine neuromuscular diseases, which have
been poorly understood and in many cases not yet
identifi ed. The two most commonly diagnosed to date
are cervical vertebral malformation and equine protozoal
myeloencephalitis. The new Equine Performance
Laboratory at UC Davis houses two motorized equine
treadmills for evaluating performance problems and
implementing new therapeutic approaches for treating
them. These treadmills are among the most sophisticated
in the world, allowing horses to run uphill, downhill, or
on the level and reach racing speeds of over 60 km/h.
Because therapeutic options cannot be considered until
an accurate defi nition and diagnosis is made, this
research is critical.
• • •
1. Hold a debate on the following topic: It is a waste of
time and money to provide adaptive devices for pets,
and working and farm animals when people around
the world are in need of help.
2. How could research on neuromuscular diseases in
horses provide insight into human health?
3. Neurological disorders can also lead to blindness and
deafness. Research to fi nd out what adaptive devices
and strategies can be used to help blind or deaf pets.
4. Imagine your pet is unable to use its back legs
because of a neurological disorder. Find out the cost
of the various adaptive devices required for it to have
a continued happy life.
400 MHR Unit 5 The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
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Chapter 11 The Nervous System • MHR 401
Chapter 11
The nervous system plays a key role in maintaining
homeostasis in the body. The functional unit of the nervous
system is the neuron. This cell is specialized to transmit
neural information throughout the nervous system. Bundles
of neurons are called nerves.
A neuron can generate a resting membrane potential,
which establishes a positive ion charge outside and a
negative charge inside the resting neuron. The potential
is due to a difference in charge across the membrane. If
a stimulus causes suffi cient depolarization to reach the
threshold potential of the membrane, then an action
potential will be sent along the length of the axon in an
all-or-none response. The neuron must repolarize before
another impulse can be sent.
Myelinated neurons make up the white matter of the
human nervous system. Their axons are covered with a
myelin sheath. The myelination allows for faster impulse
conduction and protects nerve cells. The presynaptic neuron
can communicate with the postsynaptic neuron or effector
by releasing chemicals called neurotransmitters.
There are two main divisions that make up the human
nervous system: the central nervous system (CNS) and the
peripheral nervous system (PNS).
The central nervous system contains the brain and
spinal cord, which function to integrate neural information.
The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain. It includes two
cerebral hemispheres, or four pairs of lobes. The top layer of
the cerebrum is the cerebral cortex. The principal structures
of the brain have been mapped to specifi c functions.
The peripheral nervous system contains sensory
neurons that transmit information into the central nervous
system and motor neurons that relay neural impulses to
the muscles and glands. The peripheral nervous system is
further subdivided into the somatic (largely voluntary) and
the autonomic (largely involuntary) systems. The refl ex arc
is structured to carry out rapid responses that do not involve
conscious control. The sympathetic and parasympathetic
divisions of the autonomic system often act in opposition to
each other. The sympathetic system prepares the body for
stress, while the parasympathetic system returns the body
to a resting state and operates when the body is resting.
Chapter 11 Graphic Organizer
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Chapter 11
402 MHR Unit 5 The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Understanding Concepts
1. Use word processing software to create a fl ow diagram
showing the main divisions of the nervous system.
Describe the key features of each division.
2. If the motor area of the right cerebral cortex was
damaged in an automobile accident, which side
of the body would be affected? Why?
3. If the blood supply to an area of the brain is interrupted,
as in a stroke, this part of the brain can be damaged,
resulting in a loss of function. In the diagram below,
the letters A to D indicate specifi c lobes of the cerebral
cortex that have been damaged due to a stroke. Name
the structures that correspond to each letter and describe
which brain function would be affected in each case.
4. Compare the functions of the sympathetic and
parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic system.
Give specifi c examples of their physiological effects
in the body.
5. A person with epilepsy can have severe epileptic
seizures. Explain why severing the corpus callosum
is used to treat some cases of epilepsy.
6. Explain the functions of acetylcholine and
cholinesterase in the transmission of an impulse
and the functioning of the synapse.
7. A person complains of a noticeable decrease in muscle
coordination after an injury to the brain. Which area
of the brain is most likely affected? Explain.
8. While nailing boards onto a fence, you accidentally
hit your hand with a hammer. Use word processing
or graphics software to trace the path of neural
transmission from the original stimulus to your
response as you drop the hammer. Include the types
of neurons and their functions.
9. In a snowmobile accident, a person receives a severe
spinal cord injury. Explain why the person loses all
sensation below the injured area.
10. Examine the diagram below, and use word processing
software to create a table to record
the structures and types of neurons indicated by the
letters in the diagram
the functions of these structures and neurons
Under your table, indicate the direction of neuron
( )
11. Compare white matter with grey matter. Identify the
location of each, and describe its function.
12. Multiple sclerosis causes the myelin sheath to
degenerate over time. Indicate the specifi c losses of
myelinated nerve function caused by this condition.
13. The diagram below indicates different ion
concentrations from the inside to the outside of a
neuron while the neuron is at rest. Draw this diagram
in your notebook, and indicate the sodium ions,
potassium ions, sodium ion channels, and potassium
ion channels. Also indicate the charge inside and
outside the neuron. Explain how the different ion
concentrations are established.
14. Using a diagram, explain depolarization, action
potential, and repolarization of the neuron. What
factors might stimulate an action potential?
15. Explain why saltatory conduction occurs in myelinated
neurons but not unmyelinated neurons.
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Chapter 11 The Nervous System • MHR 403
16. Explain how one neuron can inhibit the actions of
another neuron.
Applying Concepts
17. In a classic experiment, the strength of a neural stimulus
and the resulting muscle contraction are compared. A
single motor neuron that synapses with a muscle fi bre is
suspended. The other end of the muscle fi bre is attached
to a mass. If an electrical stimulus is suffi cient to cause
an impulse in the neuron, the muscle will contract and
lift the mass. The following data were obtained from the
experiment. Analyze the data, and answer the following
Strength of stimulus
Mass lifted by muscle
contraction (g)
a) Defi ne “threshold potential. What is the minimum
size of the stimulus required to reach the threshold
potential for this motor neuron?
b) Explain the all-or-none response. Then predict the
mass that could be lifted at 3 mV of stimuli and at
4 mV of stimuli.
c) Choose a specifi c example of a sensory neuron, and
explain neural stimulation and impulses in terms of
the threshold potential and the all-or-none response.
18. One of the tragic consequences of Alzheimer’s disease is
progressive memory loss. The memory pathways in the
brain are complex and involve several different areas.
Name the lobe of the cerebral cortex that is most related
to memory, and state three other functions of this lobe.
19. Researchers are experimenting with new technologies
that could help people with missing limbs. In one
experiment, electrodes implanted in the nervous tissue
of a monkey were connected to an artifi cial hand. The
monkey’s nervous system was able to direct the artifi cial
hand to move. This photograph shows the monkey
raising a piece of zucchini to its mouth using the
thought-controlled robotic arm.
a) What area of the brain directs the movement of the
robotic arm? (Assume that the structure of a monkey
brain is similar to the structure of a human brain.)
b) Using a fl owchart, illustrate the basic neural pathway
from the sensory stimulus to the motor output.
c) Compare this artifi cial pathway with the actual
neural pathway to a biologically functional limb.
d) What are some other potential applications for this
e) Do the benefi ts to human life justify this form of
animal research?
20. Describe a safeguard that prevents a neuron from
carrying an impulse in the wrong direction. What
would be the effect of an impulse travelling in both
directions in a neuron?
21. One way to model the action potential is to line up
several dominoes and initiate a cascade event, in which
each successive domino knocks down the next domino.
a) In this model, the hand provides the initial energy.
What provides the initial energy in a neural impulse?
b) The nger has to contact the fi rst domino just hard
enough to get it to fall. Which response does this
represent in a real neuron?
c) Once the dominoes start to fall, they all fall in
succession. What does this action represent in the
real neuron?
d) The dominoes always fall in one direction. Contrast
this with the direction of impulse transmission in a
real neuron.
e) No matter how many times the dominoes fall, they
always move at the same speed and intensity. What
principle does this represent in the real neuron?
Making Connections
22. Meningitis is an infection of the meninges, which cover
the brain and spinal cord. It is diagnosed by a spinal tap,
which involves analyzing a sample of the cerebrospinal
uid. Explain why the same information could not be
determined from a regular blood sample.
23. Based on what you know about threshold potential,
explain why some people seem to be more tolerant of
pain than others.
24. If food is not preserved properly, Clostridium botulinum
bacteria can start to reproduce and release a neurotoxin
called botulinum toxin. Botulinum toxin inhibits the
action of acetylcholine, causing botulism. What
symptoms would you expect to observe in someone
suffering from botulism? Provide an explanation.
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