CMS Quality Measurement
Action Plan
March 2021
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Our Vision
Use impactful quality measures to improve health
outcomes and deliver value by empowering patients
to make informed care decisions while reducing
burden to clinicians.
Goals of the CMS Quality Measurement
Action Plan
Use Meaningful Measures to Streamline and Align Quality Measurement
Leverage Measures to Drive Outcome Improvement
Improve Quality Measures Efficiency by a Transition to Digital Measures
and Use of Advanced Data Analytics
Empower Patients to Make Best Healthcare Choices Through
Person-Centered Quality Measures and Public Transparency
Leverage Measures to Drive Improvement Through Public Reporting
and Payment Programs
Improve Quality Measures Efficiency by a Transition to Digital Measures
and Use of Advanced Data Analytics
Leverage Quality Measures to Promote Equity and Close Gaps in Care
Empower Consumers to Make Best Healthcare Choices through Patient-
Directed Quality Measures and Public Transparency
Meaningful Measures 1.0
Meaningful Measures 1.0
Since its inception in 2017, the Meaningful Measures Framework 1.0 has been utilized to review,
reduce, and align measures.
Meaningful Measures 1.0 highlighted 6 strategic domains and 17 strategic focus areas.
This has resulted in a 15% reduction of the overall number of measures in the CMS Medicare FFS
programs (from 534 to 460 measures).
Overall, the measures portfolio has demonstrated a 25% increase in percentage of outcome
measures; the percentage of process measures has dropped from 52% in 2017 to 37% in 2021.
Streamlining measures has a projected savings of an estimated $128M and a reduction of 3.3M
burden hours through 2020.*
*Seema Verma’s Speech at the 2020 CMS Quality Conference: https://www.cms.gov/newsroom/press-releases/speech-remarks-cms-administrator-seema-verma-2020-cms-quality-conference
Meaningful Measures 2.0
Goals of MM 2.0
Utilize only quality measures of highest value and
impact focused on key quality domains
Align measures across value
based programs and
across partners, including CMS, federal, and
private entities
Prioritize outcome and patient reported measures
Transform measures to fully digital by 2025, and
incorporate all-payer data
Develop and implement measures that reflect
social and economic determinants
Wellness and
Behavioral Health
Seamless Care
Affordability and
Building Value-Based Care
Consumer and Caregiver Voice
Use Meaningful Measures Framework to
Streamline and Align Quality Measurement
Leverage Meaningful Measures 2.0 framework to reduce burden and align measures
across the Agency and federal government
Develop (as needed), prioritize, and utilize measures for high priority targeted areas,
such as socioeconomic status, maternal mortality, and kidney care and Home and
Community Based Services
Align quality measures to quality improvement activities
Increase the proportion of outcome measures across the CMS portfolio by 50% by
Continue the work of the Core Quality Measures Collaborative to align measures
across all payers
Align measures
across CMS, federal
programs, and private
Reduce number and
burden of measures
Leverage Measures to Drive Improvement Through
Public Reporting and Payment Programs
Accelerate ongoing
efforts to streamline
and modernize
programs, reducing
burden and promoting
strategically important
focus areas
Continue to examine value-based programs across CMS for modernization and
alignment, as appropriate
Introduce 5-10 MIPS Value Pathways (MVPs)
Incorporate robust quality measurement into all value-based payment models
Support utilization of Adult and Child Core sets and HCBS recommended
Improve Child Core Set reporting and reduce state burden by leveraging
alternative data sources for calculation of state level rates
Provide more timely results and feedback to help create learning systems that
support ongoing quality improvement
Transition to all payer data
Improve Quality Measures Efficiency by a Transition
to Digital Measures and Use of Advanced Data
Use data and information
as essential aspects of a
healthy, robust healthcare
infrastructure to allow for
payment and
management of
accountable, value-based
care and development of
learning health
Transform to all digital quality measures by 2025
Accelerate development and testing eCQMs using FHIR API technology for
transmitting and receiving quality measurement
Transform data collection to use FHIR API technology and all CMS data (all-
payer data)
Utilize data driven framework to assess measure priorities and performance
Leverage centralized data analytic tools to examine programs and measures
Evaluate new technologies for advanced machine learning and neural networks
Expand the availability of public use files for CMS data by 2021
Empower Consumers to Make Best Healthcare
Choices through Patient-Directed Quality Measures
and Public Transparency
Empower patients
through transparency
of data and public
reporting, so that
patients can make the
decisions about their
Expand and prioritize person and caregiver engagement during the measure
development process
Increase Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) by 50%
Continue to modernize Compare Sites and develop rating systems for Medicaid
and CHIP beneficiaries and their caregivers
Advance use of FHIR API to allow patients to receive their health information
Increase person-centered measures, such as goals of care and shared decision
Leverage Quality Measures to Promote
Equity and Close Gaps in Care
Commit to a patient-
centered approach in
quality measure and
value-based incentives
programs to ensure
that quality and safety
measures address
healthcare equity
Expand confidential feedback reports stratified by dual eligibility in all
CMS value-based incentive programs as appropriate by the end of 2021
Introduce plans to close equity gaps through leveraging the pay-for-
performance incentive programs by 2022
Ensure equity by supporting development of Socioeconomic Status (SES)
measures and stratifying measures and programs by SES or dual
eligibility as appropriate. Partner with OMH regarding HESS measures
(health equity)
Develop multi year plan to promote equity thru quality measures
Next Steps: Stakeholder Engagement &
Continue collaboration and engagement with
specialty societies regarding MVPs
development, with goal of introduction of 8-10
new MVPs in 2021
Develop strategic communications and roll out
Continue to seek input and collaboration to
advance the quality measurement action plan
through the Meaningful Measures email:
Conducted multiple listening
sessions across CMS, federal
partners, and external
Collaborated with 30 specialty
societies on the first iteration of
Developed multiple digital
measures using FHIR-based API
Compare Updates rolled out
September 2020
What we’ve done so far