Transformer Oil Analysis: An Overview
Parveen Goyal, A.K. Chatterjee and Narender Sharma
ABC Paper, Saila Khurd-144 529, Distt. Hoshiarpur, Punjab
The present paper discusses the imp,ortance of transformer oil analysis (TOA) in a cost effective
electrical maintenance programme. Some of the important tests in transformer oil analysis
programme such as gas in oil analysis, screen tests like dielectric breakdown, power factor, interfacial
tension etc, metals in oil, moisture content, PCB (Polychlorinated biphenyl) content besides other
common tests including physical properties and their significance, have also been described. The
description of various steps and elements of a transformer oil analysis programme and the recent
developments have also been touched upon. The application of transformer oil analysis and the
benefits derived in ABC Paper have also been summarized. The complete evaluation
understanding of the relation between the analysis and follow up actions in transformer oil analysis
(TOA) may assure a safe
uninterrupted operation with cost effective management of transforming
Transformer is one of the most important and strategic
tools in the electrical transmission
management system, the operational reliability of which
in turn, depends to a large extent on the condition of
the oils used in it as an insulation
heat transfer
medium. Transformer oil analysis (TOA) has therefore
become one of the most critical and important part of
electrical maintenance programme because monitoring
of transformer oils not only provides information about
the condition of the oil but at the same time indicates
the condition of the transformer and enables the early
detection of other latent faults such as aging of
insulating paper, contact acing etc. Earlier, the
transformer oil analysis was limited to the monitoring
of physical properties of oil but over a period of time
TOA has been evolved to a complete oil analysis
programme covering other tests such as dissolved gas
analysis (DGA) following physical analysis with
critical elements like equipment audit, monitoring and
evaluation. Some petroleum based mineral oils called
as transformers oils are used in the transformers as
insulating, heat transfer and are quenching medium.
Transformers are susceptible to problems such as
overheating, partial discharges, arcing etc which in turn
result in the chemical decomposition of the insulating
oils producing several gases that are totally or partially
dissolved in the oil. Since above defined faults i.e
overheating or low energy faults can not be detected
normally by electrical tests, the analysis of transformer
oil has become a valuable means of detecting such
malfunctions in transformers. The chemistry of
insulating oil and the contaminations in the oil are the
factors directly affecting the operational life of
transformers. Transformer oil analysis indicates some
important parameters such as dielectric breakdowr
volmge, presence of conductive contaminants,
change, presence of acids, sludge indication and many
more which predict the health of a transforming
equipment. Since the transformers are structurally very
complicated system and hence it is difficult to determine
the cause when a problem arises. Therefore, monitoring
of the condition of transformer oil is particularly
important for early detection of problems in order to
plan the corrective action required to be taken and
therefore minimizes the chances of damages
breakdowns. Keeping in the view the importance of
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transformer oil analysis, some theoretical and practical
aspects of transformer oil analysis have been discussed
in the present paper. Some of the critical requirements of
the transformer oils have been summarised in the table 1.
Significance of Transformer Oil Analysis
The sampling is the first and the most critical step in
any oil analysis programme. The sampling requires care
to ensure that the sample representative of the oil being
sampled. The sample location should be a point where
a live oil sample can be collected rather than a point
where the oil is static. Documentation of the sample
Analytical Test
Table 1: Requirement of Transformer oils
Visual apperance
Electrical strength of oil
Water content of oil
IFf (Interfacial Tension)
Flash point
by wt)
Change of oil color
> 0.015
< 0.5
Transformer oil analysis lowers the maintenance
costs by replacing the practice of preventive maintenance
to a more cost effective predictive maintenance.
TOA prevents premature failure of machine
components and therefore extends equipment life
Maintenance costs and down time are reduced by
eliminating unnecessary component change and
premature scheduled maintenance respectively
Better assessment of equipment performance is
possible with TOA
Lubricant costs are reduced by optimizing the
drain intervals from TOA data.
Transformer oil analysis was earlier limited to
measuring few physical and chemical properties of oil
but over a period of time, this has been evolved to a
complete programme consisting of a series of steps
including equipment audit, monitoring, evaluation etc.
besides oil testing.
Important Steps in Transformer Oil Analysis
Vol. 17, No.1
alongwith equipment details, operating conditions,
environmental variables, type of oil, sampling procedure
for meaningful oil analysis. Availability of sampling
kits has now made the sampling procedure simple and
Determination of the analytical tests required for
analysis of a particular oil to get the information about
the oil and the condition of the equipment is the second
important step in the transformer oil analysis. While
making selection of analytical tests, the importance of
the equipment in the plant operation, cost of repair and
downtirrie should be given due consideration since there
are a large number of tests and many of which measure
the same properties. Therefore, sometimes specialized
oil analytical tests may not be cost effective for the less
critical equipments.
Once the data is generated from the oil analysis, the
evaluation and the interpretation of the information
gathered about the condition of the oil
the equipment
as well are required. Evaluation of analytical data in
some cases identifies a problem whereas in most of the
cases, the analytical data alone is not sufficient enough
to make accurate judgments about oil or equipment
condition. Therefore, comparison of current sample data
to previous sample and similar operations is desirable
to improve the r~liability of recommendation based on
analytical tests. Comparison can be made on the basis
of engine types, operating environment, frequency of
use, equipment type, severity of service etc.
Various tests in transformer analysis are designed
normally on the basis of two factors i.e
i) Serviceability of the oil and ii) Operating environment
equipment age.
A reasonably accurate diagnosis of a transfer oil with
respect to serviceability is the outcome of collective.
consideration of the following tests.
Acidity Test
2. Dielectric Test
3. Power Factor]
4. Interfacial Tension (1FT)
Acidity test
The Acidity test is a measure of acids formed as a result
of oxidation of transformer oil under the influence of
excessive temperature and oxygen, whereas the reaction
is catalyzed by the: presence of small metal particles ..
The increase in the acid value of oil decreases the
insulating quality of the oil. Properly refined new
transformer oils contain no acids. On the other hand
the oxidation products of oil undergo polymerization
to form sludge that precipitates out. Acidity is measured
as acid number, which is equivalent to the mass of KOH
in milligrams required to neutralize the acids in one gm
of oil. This test is generally performed with Gerin Oil
Acidity Test Kit.
Dielectric Test.
The dielectric test is performed to ascertain the dielectric
strength of the transformer oil. In other words it is the
measurement of the voltage at which the oil breaks
down. This test serves as an indicator of the presence of
contaminants such as water, dirt, moist cellulose fibres
etc. Dielectric tests are conducted in accordance with
AST M D 877 or ASTM D 1816 in the temperature range
between 20-30
The test equipments used for making
dielectric tests are usually Portable Oil Dielectric Testers.
Power Factor Test
Transformer Oil power factor testing is usually carried
out with the Doble type MH or M2H tester. This test is
used to measure the dielectric losses and hence the
dielectric heating i.e energy dissipated as heat. The
comparison of the test results with the standard values
reveal the quality and integrity of the insulating oil.
This test is performed as an acceptance and preventive
maintenance test for insulating oil..
Interfacial Tension (1FT) Test
This test is used for measuring interfacial tension of
transformer oils of petroleum origin against water and
gives an indication of the sludging characteristics of
the transformer insulating oil. The attraction between
the water molecules at the interface is influenced by the
presence of polar molecules in the oil influence the
attraction between water molecules at the interface. The
more the polar molecules, the lower will be the 1FT.Since
the 1FT Test measures the concentration of polar
molecules in suspension and in solution in the oil .a
measurement of dissolved sludge precursors in the oil
can be predicted long before any sludge is precipitated.
The 1FTtest is performed by following the Drop-Weight
Method (ASTM D 2285) in which 1FT is determined by
measuring the volume of a drop of water supported by
Tests for Moisture Content and oxidation inhibitors are
performed due to operating environment and age of the
Moisture Content
Moisture content in transformer oils affects the
insulating properties of oil to a great extent and may
reduce the dielectric strength of oil.. The fluctuating
temperature further magnifies the effect of moisture. The
moisture content also causes breakdown of cellulose
insulation in the windings of some transformers as the
No.1 Jan 2005
moisture is absorbed by the cellulose paper. This test is
performed in accordance with ASTM 0 1533.
Oxidation Inhibitor
The test for oxidation inhibitors is performed according
to ASTM 0 2668 procedure. Generally new refined
transformer oils contains some amount of naturally
occurring chemical compounds that retard oil oxidation.
Once these compounds are exhausted, the deterioration
of the oil is increased and to overcome this condition
synthetic oxidation inhibitors such as 2,6-ditertiary-
butyl para-cresol (DBPC) are added. Therefore this test
is of significance to know the level of oxidation inhibitor
present in the oil. Required DBPC content in the oil is
between 0.15 percent and 0.30 percent for new
Other test used in the oil analysis are the visual
appearance, color and sediment.
PCB Analysis
Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) analysis of transformer
oils is a part of environmental Protection Agency
regulations in some countries. Transformers with oils
containing more than 50 ppm PCB is considered a PCB-
contaminated unit. The PCB in transformer oils are
measured according to ASTM 0-4059 method.
Table 2: Dissolved Gas Analysis of Transformer Oil
Normal Concentration(ppm)
Carbon dioxide
Carbon monoxide
Earlier the transformer oil testing was limited to the
above tests but now some more advanced tests Dissolved
gas analysis (DGA) following the above tests has been
also included.
Table 3: Various faults in Transformer due to high
levels of gases
Severe Oil Overheating/Hot Spots
Severe Oil Overheating/Hot Spots
Severe Oil Overheating/Hot Spots
Partial Discharge, Carona
Acetylene Arcing
Dissolved Gas Analysis in Transformer Oil
Various gases are generated in the transformers during
operation. DGA is performed to determine the
concentrations of certain gases in the transformer oils
the relative ratios of which may be used to diagnose
certain operational problems with the transformers. The
type and concentration of each gas and the rate of
generation can help determine operating quality of
transformer as well as the type of malfunction. The
normal concentration of various gases and the faults
arising as a result of high levels of some major gases
relative to the other gases in the transformers are
summarized in Table
and 3 respectively.
We at M/s ABC Paper have 11 Nos. of transformers
including one power transformers with rating ranging
from 1 MV A to 8 MV A.
Earlier, only dielectric strength and colour testing were
being'performed at regular intervals to assess the
condition of the oil and the transformer as well. Since
no other critical tests such as acidity, DGA etc were being
carried out. As a result of non-implementation of
complete transformer oil analysis programme, the
following problems were observed.
Deposition of excessive carbon resulted in the
flashing of OLTCof power transformer.
Burning of 1.5 MV A Transformer due to excessive
sludge and ageing of cellulose paper.
Keeping in view the recurring nature of above problems
resulting in breakdowns ABC paper decided to start
complete oil analysis. To start with, the transformer oil
ofallthe transformers were dehydrated to remove sludge
moisture. Afterwards oil.of three transformers was
completely replaced and the transformer windings were
also cleaned during annual shutdown with hot
pressurized oil to remove sludge and other foreign
particles. Sincethen the transformer oil analysis is being
regularly carried out and approximately Rs. 50000/-
are being spent annually for implementation of oil
analysis programme. Some of the advantages offered by
transformer oil analysis in ABC paper are as follows:
Smooth running of transformers without
Dielectricstrength has gone above 50 KVat 2.5
mm gap in comparison to earlier 20-25KV
Improvement in IR values
Sincethe lifeof a transformer is dependent on the life of
the insulating medium used, therefore proper analysis
of the oil can help to identify the deterioration problem"
beforeit becomes too criticaland severe. Thebreakdown
voltage is indicative of the amount of contaminant in
the oil. The minimum accepted dielectric strength is 30
kV and 25 kV for transformers with a high-voltage
rating 287.5kV
above and transformers with a ~gh-
voltage rating below 287.5 kV respectively. No single
test determines the actual condition ofthe oilforexample
oil is not necessarily in good condition even when the
dielectricstrength is adequate because this tells nothing
about the presence of acids and sludge: Therefore a
outcomeofallthe test should be considered whilemaking
a recommendation
Acid number value of 0.4is considered to be the normal
service limit and sludging has been found to start when
acid number exceeds 9.4. However different types of
transformers would take different period of time for
appearance of sludge ranging from 10 years for
transformers with free air access to 67 years for
transformers with nitrogen over oil.
The limit for power factor ofnew oilis 0.05%at 25
high power factor in used oil indicates deterioration or
contamination or both. Operational hazard is expected
from transformer oil with a power factor in excessof 2.0
percent and therefore requires reconditioning or
Since,the acidity test alone determines only conditions
under which sludge may form but does not necessarily
indicate that actual sludging conditions exist for which
Iff test is required to be performed. Transformer oils
with Iff values in the range of 0.015to 0.022N/m (15to
22dyn/ cm) are required to be scheduled for reclaiming
irrespective of acidity values. The equipment operating
for 10 years or older should be tested for oxidation
inhibitor concentration when the physical tests are
performed. If the level of DBPC drops below 0.08%,
oxidation inhibitor should be added
The integration of the results of all the tests determines
the actual condition of the transformer oil and gives an
indication of discarding and replacement of oil.
It may be concluded that transformer oil analysis is an
important indicator of the transformer problems much
before they actually arise and cause breakdown.
Therefore, proper understanding, designing, training
and implementation of transformer oil analysis
programme in industrial operations is an essential
requirement for improved plant reliability.
Authors are extremely grateful to the Management of
ABCPaper for granting their permission to present this
paper in the IPPTA Zonal Seminar.
VoL 17, No.1