Core Analysis
Bank Name: Page 1 of 12 Automated Clearing House
Examination Start Date: Examination Modules (04/24)
Core Analysis Decision Factors
Click on the hyperlinks found within each of the Core Analysis Decision Factors to reference the applicable Core
Analysis Procedures.
Do Core Analysis and Decision Factors indicate that risks are appropriately identified, measured,
monitored, and controlled?
C.1. Do management and the board effectively supervise Automated Clearing House (ACH) activities?
Refer to Core Analysis Procedures #2-5.
C.2. Are operational, logical, and physical controls commensurate with the level of risk for ACH
transactions? Refer to Core Analysis Procedures #6-12.
C.3. Are the business continuity, disaster recovery, and incident response programs appropriate for
ACH-related activities? Refer to Core Analysis Procedures #13-14.
Core Analysis
Bank Name: Page 2 of 12 Automated Clearing House
Examination Start Date: Examination Modules (04/24)
Core Analysis Procedures
Examiners are to consider these procedures but are not expected to perform every procedure at every
institution. Examiners should complete only the procedures relevant for the institutions activities, business model,
risk profile, and complexity. If needed, based on other identified risks, examiners can complete additional
procedures not included below. References to laws, regulations, supervisory guidance, and other resources are
not all-inclusive.
Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) Information Technology (IT) Examination
Handbook – Retail Payment Systems
National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) Operating Rules
ACH Operations Bulletins
Interagency Guidance on Third-Party Relationships: Risk Management (FDIC: FIL-29-2023; FRB: SR 23-4)
Considerations and Background
An ACH is an electronic network for the exchange of payment instructions among financial institutions (FIs),
typically on behalf of customers. ACH transactions are payment instructions to either debit or credit a deposit
account. ACH transactions are batch-processed, value-dated electronic funds transfers between originating and
receiving FIs. ACH transactions can either be credits, originated by the account holder sending funds (payer), or
debits originated by the account holder receiving funds (payee). NACHA is responsible for the administration,
development, and enforcement of the NACHA Operating Rules and sound risk management practices for the ACH
FIs can support ACH activities in a number of ways. ACH transactions are either originated by an Originating
Depository Financial Institution (ODFI) or received by a Receiving Depository Financial Institution (RDFI). Any
FI that is an ODFI must also be an RDFI. ACH transactions are cleared and settled between the ODFI and RDFI
in batches through one of the two ACH Operators
either the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) or The Clearing
House’s Electronic Payments Network (EPN). ACH transactions are either credit (push) transactions or debit (pull)
transactions that can be cleared and settled same-day or in one or two business days.
FIs may contract with third-party service providers (TPSPs) to facilitate ACH activities. Such third parties may
include commercial businesses of all types, payment processors, non-bank financial technology organizations
(fintechs) and other third-party deposit providers that may generate significant ACH payment activity to move
funds. ODFIs are responsible for all ACH payment activity initiated by their customers (including any nested
relationships), and like any other third party relationship the use of such entities does not diminish or remove
banking organizations’ responsibility to ensure activities are performed in a safe and sound manner and in
compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Agreements that detail and set expectations of each party are
central to managing payments risk.
See for further information on NACHA.
Core Analysis
Bank Name: Page 3 of 12 Automated Clearing House
Examination Start Date: Examination Modules (04/24)
Preliminary Review
1. Review items relating to the institution’s wire and ACH activities, such as:
Prior examination reports and workpapers
Examination planning memoranda and file correspondence
Description of ACH activities, including ACH operator used (i.e., Electronic Payment Network
(EPN) or Federal Reserve ACH), and process flow maps/data flow diagrams
Organizational structure and institution personnel responsible for ACH activities
Customers, type of transactions (i.e., Standard Entry Class (SEC) codes), volumes and dollar
values of ACH transactions, and reports that monitor baseline and trending ACH activity,
including originations and returns
Customer risk ratings and ACH origination exposure limits
Policies and procedures specific to ACH activities, including fraud monitoring and incident
response, Business Continuity Plan/Disaster Recovery (BCP/DR), Anti-Money
Laundering/Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT), and Office of Foreign Assets
Control (OFAC) policies and procedures
Management and board reports that cover ACH activities
ACH-related reports from ACH operators, correspondents, or TPSPs used for business or risk
management purposes
ACH data shared among national regulators such as Federal Reserve Payments Analysis and
Screening System (PASS) data and EPN ODFI origination and return data
Risk assessments of ACH activities
FedLine Security and Resilience Assurance Program documentation, as applicable
Internal and external audit reports of ACH activities, including associated audit tracking
Copy of contracts with TPSPs, including third-party payment processors (TPPPs) of ACH-related
products and services and accompanying service level agreements (SLAs)
Documentation that addresses recent or planned changes in ACH activities, including new
products and use of new technologies
The TPSP Reports of Examination that cover ACH services products provided to the institution by
the TPSP and, as available, the Shared Application Software Review (SASR) of the TPSP’s ACH
Board and Management Oversight
Risk Framework
2. Consider whether the appropriate oversight structure and processes have been established, including:
Framework for onboarding and periodic review of ACH customers and third parties, including
Monitoring reports for ACH
Training programs for internal employees and customer education on ACH
Information sharing through collaborative industry group participation (e.g., FS-ISAC (the
Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center))
Core Analysis
Bank Name: Page 4 of 12 Automated Clearing House
Examination Start Date: Examination Modules (04/24)
Policies and Procedures
3. Determine whether policies and procedures contain appropriate content based on the volume and
complexity of ACH operations. Consider the following:
o Segregation of duties
o Acceptable methods of ACH originations
o Customer onboarding and ongoing credit and other monitoring
o Customer agreement requirements
o Customer security requirements for transfer of information
o Customer exposure limits
o Use of third parties, including TPPPs
o Direct access by customers to the ACH operator
o Originator return monitoring processes
o ODFI services performed
o Same-day ACH
o For RDFIs, funds availability for customers
o Change management processes
o Customer credit lines
o Business continuity and incident response
o Alignment with NACHA Rules requirements
o International ACH transactions
o Alignment with Operator (Federal Reserve, EPN), correspondent, or TPSP requirements
o Exceptions
Review and approval practices for policies and procedures
ODFI contracts/agreements
4. Review the ACH credit analysis and risk rating summaries of several customers. Confirm the
institution’s analysis aligns with the current ACH policies and procedures.
Risk Assessment
5. Evaluate the effectiveness of the risk assessment process specific to ACH activities. Consider the
Credit risk
TPSP risk
Direct access risk
Operational risk, including cyber risk
How changes in the channels by which ACH instructions are accepted or a substantial increase in
ACH volume are incorporated into the risk assessment
Core Analysis
Bank Name: Page 5 of 12 Automated Clearing House
Examination Start Date: Examination Modules (04/24)
Key Controls
Operational/Logical/Physical Controls
6. Determine whether operational, logical, and physical controls are commensurate with the level of risk
for ACH transactions. Consider the following:
Segregation of duties among those who establish access rights, originate ACH files, and approve
ACH files
Limit structure for ACH operations staff
Configuration options offered by ACH operator, correspondent, or TPSP
Time-of-day restrictions for instruction input
Identity and access management
o Authentication procedures and requirements
o Privileged access management
Adequacy of insurance relative to transaction limits
Fraud detection and anomalous activity monitoring tools
Hardware and software inventory
Reconciliation using independent information sources
NACHA Rules operational requirements
Processes and monitoring, including management reports on ACH origination and returns and
thresholds, including for unauthorized reasons
Process in place to analyze RDFI transactions (e.g., key metrics)
Range of allowable customer ACH transfer initiation channels
Customer agreements stipulating security procedures for ACH customers
Variety of security procedures used
Customer exposure limits (single and multi-day)
Customer education provided on use and importance of security procedures and other controls in
addressing fraud due to endpoint security risks
Customer transaction activity monitoring provided by third parties
7. Assess whether changes to ACH configurations (including third-party origination configurations),
process flows, and security control parameters are regularly reviewed and follow a formal change
management process.
8. Interview or observe ACH operation staff perform log on, authentication, and execution of a
transaction. Determine whether processes conform with policy.
Core Analysis
Bank Name: Page 6 of 12 Automated Clearing House
Examination Start Date: Examination Modules (04/24)
9. Determine whether customer access to internet-based products or services requires authentication
controls (e.g., layered controls, multi-factor) that are commensurate with the risk.
10. Determine whether customer service (e.g., call center) uses formal procedures to authenticate
customers commensurate with the risk of the transaction or request.
Payment Network Controls
11. Assess network controls for primary and backup systems used for ACH transactions. Consider the
Security monitoring for anomalous activities
Hardware and software used for sending payments is included in vulnerability assessments and
patch management programs
12. Determine whether customer transactions generating anomalous activity alerts are monitored and
Business Continuity Management (BCM)
13. Evaluate whether ACH activities are appropriately addressed in business continuity, disaster
recovery, and incident response programs and practices. Consider the following:
Inclusion of contingencies for personnel as well as systems
Inclusion of testing backup systems and alternative systems
Alignment of service provider SLAs with BCM policy
14. Confirm testing includes a range of scenarios that are high impact, but plausible.
End of Core Analysis
Core Analysis
Bank Name: Page 7 of 12 Automated Clearing House
Examination Start Date: Examination Modules (04/24)
Considerations and Background
Purpose: This job aid is provided only as a reference tool for examiners to consider in completing the Core
Analysis Decision Factors. Examiners do not need to use this job aid and do not need to provide responses
to the considerations below.
Decision Factor 1 – Board and Management Oversight
Procedure 2 – Risk Framework
Introduction: Consider whether management and the board have established an appropriate oversight structure
and processes for ACH activities.
Relevance: In order to identify, measure, monitor, and control ACH risk, management and the board are
responsible for establishing the FI’s ACH strategy and ensuring that processes are consistent with that strategy.
Review Considerations:
Policies and procedures that address the onboarding and ongoing monitoring of ACH customers and the
origination and receipt of ACH transactions.
Monitoring reports that address ACH activity (e.g., customer origination volume and value reports, return
rate reports, exception reports that show anomalous activity or operational issues, Key Risk Indicator (KRI) /
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) reports).
Examination and other findings that affect ACH operations.
Audit tracking reports with ACH issues identified and remediation status.
ACH security requirements of Operators or third parties (e.g., FedLine Security and Resiliency Assurance
Program documentation)
Items to Consider:
Management, with the board’s oversight, has identified the types of ACH customers and transactions for
which the FI will provide origination services. For example, the FI may originate for Third-Party Payment
Processors (TPPPs), or the FI will originate certain types of ACH transactions (e.g., international ACH
A written framework (e.g., policies, procedures, customer analysis document), under which the FI reviews
new customers for ACH origination including the frequency of review of customer relationships and activity
(e.g., monthly, yearly).
ACH monitoring reports, including those that address the FI’s customers (including any TPPPs). Consider
the following:
o Trending over time for origination volume and value (by month, quarter, and year).
o Return rates by overall returns and by return types (e.g., returns for unauthorized or administrative
reasons), and exception reports.
o Confirm process for appropriate levels of management review and escalation and frequency of reporting.
Potential Questions to Consider:
Does the FI originate for TPPPs? If so, do ACH policies and procedures address TPPPs?
Does the FI have regular training for its employees and customers on ACH responsibilities and operations?
How does the FI communicate new NACHA Rules requirements to employees and customers, particularly
those that affect ACH operations?
Has the FI established control testing for ACH transactions?
Procedure 3-4 – Policies and Procedures
Core Analysis
Bank Name: Page 8 of 12 Automated Clearing House
Examination Start Date: Examination Modules (04/24)
Introduction: Consider whether the FI’s ACH policies and procedures reflect the complexity and volume of the
FI’s ACH operations.
Relevance: Comprehensive policies and procedures support consistent operations and decision-making by
articulating the FI’s risk appetite, control structure, and the alignment with NACHA Rules, Operator, and third-
party service provider (TPSP) requirements.
Review Considerations:
ACH policies and procedures.
ACH data and payment flow and process diagrams. If the FI does not have diagrams, use descriptions.
Sample customer due diligence documents.
Sample customer ACH credit analysis and risk rating summaries.
Sample agreement/contracts between the ODFI and its Originator customers and between the ODFI and a
TPPP (if the FI originates for TPPPs).
Items to Consider:
Data flow diagrams, customer due diligence documents, and credit risk summaries align with existing
policies and procedures.
For ODFIs, exception-processing procedures, include steps to handle transaction activity that is outside of
policy for customer ACH origination (e.g., origination greater than exposure limits). For RDFIs, processes
are in place to return ACH entries within appropriate time frames.
ACH policies and procedures are reviewed periodically (e.g., annually, when new products or technologies
are implemented or other conditions occur that necessitate a review such as a new NACHA Rule) and
include an established approval process.
Agreements address types of ACH activity the FI allows to be originated, information security requirements
for data transmission, customer exposure limits and other controls, roles, responsibilities, processes and
procedures, and performance standards for customers.
ACH agreements are consistent with the FI’s policies and procedures and address current NACHA Rules.
Policies and procedures are in alignment with the requirements of the ACH Operator(s), correspondent, or
TPSP agreements/contracts.
Policies and agreements address how the FI will engage with the TPPP (i.e., if the FI originates for TPPPs).
Policies and procedures address authentication procedures and requirements (i.e., log on requirements), and
return monitoring processes.
Potential Questions to Consider:
What is the process the FI goes through to review policies and procedures when new ACH services are
offered (e.g., same-day ACH)?
What is the FI’s process for evaluating new customers against policies and procedures, including any
origination for TPPPs?
What conditions trigger a review of ACH agreements or of policies and procedures?
Procedure 5 – Risk Assessment
Introduction: Evaluate the effectiveness of the risk assessment process specific to ACH activities.
Relevance: The risk assessment process helps the FI to identify and mitigate the risks associated with ACH
Review Considerations:
Risk assessments associated with ACH activities. These assessments can be stand-alone or ACH elements
considered in a risk assessment with a broader focus.
Core Analysis
Bank Name: Page 9 of 12 Automated Clearing House
Examination Start Date: Examination Modules (04/24)
Items to Consider:
ACH risk assessment reflects the current operating environment and the services offered.
Risk assessment incorporates any changes in channels by which ACH instructions are accepted, and any
significant increases in ACH volume or new ACH products and services.
Management reviews ACH activity holistically across business lines and activities.
Management incorporates any additional risks related to any TPPP or direct access relationships into the FI’s
risk assessment.
Potential Questions to Consider:
How does the FI conduct an ACH risk assessment? Does the FI conduct an internal assessment itself or
contract with an external party to perform the ACH risk assessment?
How does the FI assess the risk of new ACH products, services, or technology?
Does the FI allow any customers to transmit ACH transactions directly to the ACH Operator without going
through the FI’s risk processes (i.e., direct access), and how are risks assessed?
Decision Factor 2 – Key Controls
Procedure 6-10 – Operational/Logical/Physical Controls
Introduction: Consider whether the FI’s operational, logical, and physical controls are commensurate with the
level of risk posed by the FI’s ACH transactions.
Relevance: An adequate layered-control environment will mitigate risks from internal and external threats. Weak
or inadequate controls could result in several types of risk, including the risk of the occurrence of events such as
cyber-attacks, internal fraud, and ultimately customer and FI losses.
Review Considerations:
User and privileged access reports for ACH.
FI reports that show customer names and exposure limits, and ACH activity reports that show exceptions
over exposure limits by customer.
Management reports on ACH activity overall (key metric analysis) and by customers, returns and thresholds
(e.g., total returns, returns for unauthorized reasons, and returns for administrative reasons).
Relevant minutes from groups that discuss ACH issues, including exceptions.
Screen shots or other documentation that show which key configuration options are offered by ACH
Operator(s), correspondents, or TPSPs were chosen.
Observe or interview ACH operations staff conducting activities such as logging in, authenticating,
executing, and reconciling transactions.
Fraud detection and anomalous activity monitoring tools. These tools could be developed by the FI or may
be an add-on module from a service provider or from another vendor.
Insurance coverage requirements for ACH.
ACH receipt reports for RDFIs.
Audit report findings related to operational, logical, and physical controls.
Description or explanation of the allowable customer ACH transfer initiation channels (e.g., digital banking,
text, telephone, and in-person).
Customer transaction activity monitoring reports including those provided by third parties.
Observe or interview ACH operations staff addressing security procedures and controls used to verify
Sample of ACH origination agreements, including any with TPPPs.
Core Analysis
Bank Name: Page 10 of 12 Automated Clearing House
Examination Start Date: Examination Modules (04/24)
Items to Consider:
Policies, procedures, risk assessments, and credit analyses concerning customer exposure limits.
Consult with an IT examiner working on inventories to ensure there are no hardware or software issues
relating to ACH.
Administrators (i.e., individuals who set up and delete users) do not have the ability to transact. Make sure
that management reviews privileged access controls.
Segregation of duties among those who have access rights, those who can originate ACH files, and those that
can approve ACH files. If the FI does not have sufficient staff to accommodate segregation of duties, look
for other compensating controls in place (e.g., dual approvals).
Verification that ACH customers’ exposure limits are set over both a single- and multi-day basis and
reviewed periodically.
Changes to ACH configurations, including third-party origination configurations, process flows, and security
control parameters are regularly reviewed and follow a formal change-management process.
Authentication procedures (e.g., password requirements, password controls, callbacks) used by the FI.
Appropriate reconciliation processes are performed with independent data sources.
Implementation of any NACHA rule changes that affect operations.
ACH origination agreements are consistent with the FI’s ACH policies and procedures.
Adherence to allowable security procedures for ACH customers. Examples of these procedures include
callbacks, biometrics, dual controls, IP address registration, and others.
Customer transaction activity monitoring reports are reviewed for potential anomalous or fraudulent activity
(e.g., account takeover, business email compromise and other changes in trends).
ACH origination files are securely transmitted (e.g., encryption methods).
Third-party origination system configurations are established, in place, and regularly reviewed.
Potential Questions to Consider:
Are the FI’s user access rights that affect ACH transactions established under the least privilege principle?
How are customer exposure limits for ACH origination set, monitored, and adjusted over time? Do system
settings reconcile with policies and procedures?
Does the FI utilize minimum balance requirements for any set of customers as an additional control?
What is the process the FI uses to adjust the initially set configuration options offered by the ACH Operator,
correspondent, or TPSPs?
What types of authentication and out-of-band processes are used by the FI? For example, texting of a code
for access or phone calls to validate files sent to the FI.
What reports does management review regarding activity flowing through TPSPs?
Does the FI have insurance as a compensating control for possible losses? If so, how does the FI evaluate
the adequacy of insurance relative to transaction limits?
How does the FI ensure the operational requirements within the NACHA Rules are being followed,
including amendments to those Rules?
Explain or show (by conducting a walkthrough) how the ACH data-flow diagrams align with controls in
place. For example, an end user should have an adequate username and password.
How often are established limits within policies reviewed against controls within ACH systems?
How has the FI changed the standard configurations of third-party origination systems to align with FI
security principles?
Does the FI provide customer education on the use and importance of security procedures and other controls
to address potential fraud?
What kind of encryption is in place for transmission of ACH origination files?
Procedure 11-12 – Payment Network Controls
Introduction: Consider whether ACH transactions are securely transmitted.
Core Analysis
Bank Name: Page 11 of 12 Automated Clearing House
Examination Start Date: Examination Modules (04/24)
Relevance: Secure networks will maintain the confidentiality and integrity of data and reduce the risk of financial
or reputation loss related to ACH transactions.
Review Considerations:
Annual information security or Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) report to the FI’s board
ACH data flow diagrams or discussions about data flows
Note: In this section, examiners are looking at payment network controls that specifically affect the ACH
environment. Consult with an IT examiner responsible for overall review of network controls as appropriate.
Items to Consider:
Annual information security reports address the following content and there are no identified weaknesses or
incidents related to ACH:
Information security risk assessment
Vulnerability program and internal vulnerability assessments
Penetration testing is performed
Patch compliance
Configuration management program
Potential Questions to Consider:
Are the payments platforms (workstations and servers) that impact ACH transactions included in the most
recent penetration tests and vulnerability assessments? Were any exceptions noted?
What types of encryption are used to protect ACH activity?
Does management perform social engineering tests?
Does management provide ACH payments training to payments staff?
Is fraud monitoring included in the payment-transmittal software platform? Has management purchased or
contracted with a third party to provide fraud monitoring? What fraud monitoring software is used, what
have the configurations been set to, and what types of information is flagged to trigger alerts and anomalous
detection? Has the software been configured to monitor all ACH transactions?
How does the FI ensure a comprehensive hardware/software inventory includes ACH-related hardware and
Decision Factor 3 Business Continuity Management
Procedure 13-14 – Business Continuity Management
Introduction: Consider whether the FI’s business continuity and disaster recovery programs adequately address
ACH activities and operations.
Relevance: Failure to establish adequate business continuity plans and processes could result in the inability to
react quickly when an incident or outage occurs that impacts ACH processing and, consequently, expose the FI to
financial and reputational losses.
Review Considerations:
Business continuity, disaster recovery, and incident response plans that relate specifically to ACH
FI testing reports for these plans.
Items to Consider:
Business continuity plans include contingencies for personnel as well as systems.
Core Analysis
Bank Name: Page 12 of 12 Automated Clearing House
Examination Start Date: Examination Modules (04/24)
Incident response plans specifically address ACH operations and are sufficiently detailed to enable timely
Testing includes backup systems and alternative systems.
Service provider service level agreements (SLAs) align with business continuity policy.
Potential Questions to Consider:
Does the FI’s testing include a range of scenarios that are high impact, but plausible?
Has the FI tested ACH transaction operations from alternative site(s)?
Has the FI tested ACH transaction operations from the FI’s alternative provider?
End of Supplemental Job Aid ACH (INTERNAL ONLY)